Huron Signal, 1849-09-06, Page 1a.y..w. ,e,,,,rw!,r•,..•.• ..
rine.+sins'rn..ewan.a.e0.10.4•,ww•er e-"w••"w''""-
IS A D. A w C a.
AT Tall sib ee Tee TRAU.
CAN be consulted at all boars, at tbe
British Hotel, (LAneaatia's• )
Goderich, Sept. 131h, 1848. 33-
Prorincial Lf rid Surveyor,
Nov ft, 9. 43
'LL attend BALES In gni part of the
District, on reansable Terme. Ap-
, ply a .the British Hotel.
Godericb, March 9'b 1849.
3tree. *888. OODFAICH.
Commissioner Queen's Bench,
Stokes, •
.larch 8, 1349. 2»-8n
Wsrely'!9, 1819. vl-wR
Goderirh, April 12, 1849. 2.-n letf
April 13, 11417, ,rt -410
[urs ►Rua .)
July 31, 1849. 2v -e26
•1,600,000 •ACRES OF LAND
dlepoal, about 1,500.000 ACRES OF
LAND disperser. thr•eighnur s.,st of the
Townshtpe In Upper Canada -nearly 500.-
000 Acres are mutated m the Harms Tract,
well known es one of the meet fertile parts
of the Province -It but treb ed its popula-
tion in five years, and now contains •A-
wards of 94,000 :nhabrtanta,
The LANDS ere offered by way of
I. I .11 S E, for Den Years, or for
Sale, CASH DO H' .V -the plea r
o•ejlffh Cash, arid Mr Mlauee ie Instal -
agents being dose sway taut.
The Rent. payable 1 a February each
year, are •bout the interest at Six Per
Ce•t,epon the price of the Land. Upon moat.
ofthe Loa., when LEASED. NO MONEY
18 REQUiRi.D DOWN -whilst noon the
others, aeenrding to locality, one, on, or
three _ Rent, mum be paid in advance,
-bet thee. payments will free the Settler
from further calls until 2nd, 3rd or 4th yea
of his term of L.a...
The right to PURCi1ASE the FREE-
HOLD during the term, is ..enured to the
Lessee -at a filed Mum named in Lease, and
en allowance s made according to antici-
pated payment.
Lists of Lauda, and any further informs
aimless be obtained, (by application, if by
letter post-paid) at the ('orrawv'sOmens,
Toronto and Goderick ; of R. IbawALy
Esq-, .Iarkadef, Colburne Dietriet; Dr.
Aw.uao, G■elph, Mr J. C. W. DALY, Esq.,
Stratford, Huron Menet.
Goderich, March 17, 1848. 7
DH. McCULLOCH continues to man-
• sf•etur. 1READt3TONES, MONO.
Iso., tin Marbhe and•., a. `heap se
ase m. the Provi.e., all wink wa,rintpd to
ender, or net ebsrge will b. node. Pool*
of Marble fladatns.. from le t•SOdollar";
el. Prss.tone from 6 to 80 h.11ses ; Moose.
is ke., from 66 dollars upwar�dd.,.
teen communications addressed tin the
• S®srsineed contrasting the iseeriptlose,
sad tit what pries, 1. Warble nr Freestose,
will be p4.ctest ty attended to.
Galt, M.. gib. 1948. 49013
CAUTION. -1 berehe give entice. that
my Wlfo, ANN BiCE, has left my bed
sal board, ,se Rub Into. IS(l. sod with'•,
say *et come. i the efs►.eeetlneail pr-
hem trsetheg .r R g bee wyi►ug
N .reeesy a 1 will flet be re-srdilg
/ac�� 1YJuly, 12 . 2v -CIL. I.
, lOtb sly, 1leq. !y -1111,.g
• of the bale Thomas Douglas, of the
Farmer's Inn, Stratford. begs to return heir
thanks to tbe Inhabitants of Stratford, and
the public renerilly, for the very liberal
support which they received doting the
short time they have been it Stratford.
81,-. D,ujlas hens ti Intonate That she
intend• carrying .•n thin business a• hereto-
fore at the Old tinted, in her .an r amu, and
hopes hy strict attention to the condos of
her vest., and moderate charges, to n.ent a
share of the politic patronage.
8teatfurd, 21st August, 1849. 2r-nl9tf
28th February, 1849
►I'HE Subacriber hereby intimates tr. hue
(Prods and the Tra.rlhng Pohh- gene-
rally, that be ha removed trout New Aber
deco to the Village ••I 5 rteburgh, and will
now be found In that well-known homier for
wetly recopied by Mr. Joocs,-where he
will be ready and able to conduce to the
romfurt of Mows who may honor him with
Ihur pAtronage. And while be returns
thatlts for pa -t favor.. ho hopes, by strict
attention to the sante and wi-hug of ttn
rostoinere, still to merit a c.-ntimmance of
t1,etr plruogge.
N. B.-Guod STA1':LEB anti aversive
Grooms. - •9-di41f
A N excellent Farts, being Lot No. 12.
3' Mait;.sd . C..te...Sou. Tow.vbip of
Oderich, cinlaltsieg IOe acre* -10 of w bleb
is cloned.. The land se of a 'optima quab.
ty, and well watered. it is eiowlyd Nit -•et•
Iy was tidies frum the town of Godeuch on
the Ilures Riad. and at tl.e j•tneti'.e of st=,
different roads • d salt win tee renterol
a populous tad prnsp•reat.'locality, it ie ea-
eehatly adopted for r Torero tread. or w
Store. Thr farm is well entitled to the
atteOtios of perm's" ..f an eligible
seteeiont fee bursae*-, .sal watt. M .44 ow-
rery rea.onabte terns. Feae partirrlart
apply to Thomas Dark, Tager. -keeper'
Gudsriob, el to the proprietor - -
Whig. .f ilsrpurhey,
Jane 16. 1849. -. v2n191
THE South half .•( Lett 38, ne the 9n.I Con.
cea•lon.f Wwsaesh,will L. ro1J at a
moderate price, wee Leif oft beton ht.e mn.
nay will b.,.sniied in hand, sod the porch..
-er will beallewed hi retain the •''her ball
:or a nnmhNef 4sate e u etwmr..n Inure -t.
'Inc'land 1. of eseelks'.q. ality and writ wa-
tered. An w dI.pi.tei bale wdl be riven.
For fn't:•r► p..rt.cola•+ a,pty las John
Stewart E -q., Barneter G•odeah:h,
fiorl••rci. 25th May.1849. .t -n16
Tthe ter • of Twenty year., the P over.
ty on the North rule of the Market Sg•re,
at present occupied by Theodore Itet , Ran.
M.ehes 1'I mltute'e In 1',n.s who woMl! 1,•
avat: themselves of en E1.It)IB1.1i 81T-
111iTIt/N for lit'SIN its. that he wlil I
Lerma BUILDING SITES for any Term
art .exceeding Twenty Ycare, at a moderate
Rent per sawn.
Goderich, March 48, 1848. 2i -n811
Blank Deeds and Memorials,
A ND all kinds of DIVISION COURT
S1011tY NOTES, for sale at the Signal
OBee. Every diseription of BOOK and
JOB Printing executed with 'mitoses sod
IgE S.rbecriber lowing LEASED, fir
L,"1FTY-SIX Acres of excellent Land, bear
l' the W.,, pan of Lot 16. ith:Cn, c"utnn of
Wawanosh, will he wild for lessthan the Go..
nutmeat price. One half oldie profiteer m•.e••v
will be required down, sod two years will be •1•
lowed for' payment of the remainder. Intending
purcha•.a may apply io Mr. JOHN ALLAN,
Tavern Keeper, Ord.rieh.
Goderieh. 131h Jely, 1849. v9-931
THE Rubscri•,rr inform• his frienda and
the Travelling Pnhlir, that he has Ie1•.rt
thin Isere BRICK TAVERN, at the Esif
end of Stratford, (now the eonnty town 0
Perth.)lately uco'pued by Mr. Lase May.
-where he will be ready al ell times t,
afford the usual comfort and supplies an,'
promote the personal convenience of ha
gtto. t s .
WINES and i.IQT'ORS of the beat d.'-
'Rena, ton. A steady Hostler slwavn tr
atte.•danee. ALBERT G. HATCH.
Slrat(ord.1110b.Jely, 1849.-- .-Ae_wlie.
AYOUNG MAN wanting a bituattun ..
Mttl.r-_also a good Accountant. F.
further portteularr imply by letter pool petit
to F. G., Tucbersmitb, Uurus Dfnritt,
Cosada W.•t.
A•sg..4 lath, 1849. >N -valet
j�j np !!�BUURLIgqNmGTOrnN�IM
11.4103. 39 Lail�tI AI,W.CII IYd
'I'tl! ACADEMIC YEAR for 1849 an,
be. ►ill e •w»0.oee ••• 71erd.jy, f►.
fserf* day Oee.4er. and clew on taw Res. el lady. Oi.ewi.(, R,1w tet
teformsame. may be obsoised at (h' alae et
the Verson SiRtre4, es, h sapltestaae os
D. C. VAN N0ablAN.
AtiMfhew.'fA Asge*t, 1841.!,-.819.71
p o t t rl).
O'er reason's dim bertouded heaven
•rhe potent Gent.. mored enbhme,
Where canal nicht herr •r had drown
Along the renr.ri.d r.'nr.e of time:
Fare here and There a Moly ray,
That iwmkkd forth the bewitch* meet
The rental shirr in darkness lay,
At.d shpt (soeah, the cherub Hope.
Midway the spirit stayed hi, flight,
Where.ere••fold gloom involved the sphere,
Reeerred the wheel. of modem night,
And chained the D -moil charioteer.
Rlr eslle4j-Iro•u out the aulkt. vast,
The I.iellecu.l h,thtntnga came. -
Swill to their might 'master pawed.
And Itu.d revealed is tongues of flame.
They 'bra their honuge,-•• Here we are'."
A• earn .arch he lair„d.-
These 1.. insatiate the isles as.,
At.l Move In light the Lre,rier ;and.
Thea broke the day, so long confined
Beeral:r the night of moral gloom,
And wwrnwd in lire sad bl•.nnrnl the mind,
As spring awakes fmn Wi,ter's stub.
Vieerer'n.,( (lmniseiener,-him
All art. .I' .kilt obey:
Winged the Isar -faced Chrabim,
Tr gin r!e the care til Moral O.y :
Roll o.. roll oa the hu.oing'wh.el•,
Y. spirit tongue. your 61•p• impress,
Ti'l Earth, with •11 1 • hmevInld i •.l.
The h.11nwieg of Tei Pitt..
A Y.N. 1' OF srACE-BT ELi•c Buagtrr.
The d-nmeterefthe ear!h'. n•' 1. i•, a. it were,
the p.r strutsof the a.•rononer..ith wbte! he
Itrs•asrudi.e.nres whirh the mind can nn trot.
WM. than mlinity. Tho s'r m acute is one
honored and 'duet, mt iinn4 of in le -'n :e 111h.
Thi• the as. ownetIarsdtwo o the fl,nof
heaven, mid lowing a ane from its etir..niii.e
to the mares! fixed aur -or a enthrone -lie finis
the angle toes eut.t.oded by rhtP hair liar to be
not quite one second ! By the •. npl. Rule o'
Three be then arrive• et the fart„u.,t th. nr•r-
.-I fixed aur i. 91.1111,910,000. 00.11., lieant.
From another un.ple e.iralaum., it billows, that
is the spat. amend Mor eol•r .r.t.m devoid n(
sears. l help ,s r'•.'m in our dimension., or in
rme straight hoe, for 12.1100 orb* •
two dtm.n.iw-.a. w ie ooe pls.., there is room
ler 1111,1Mt1.000 of solar vistem.: and in actual
• i.ier..l . ,.C. of three dime•.sions, there is room
for 1,50,'.11On 000.000.o ...ler .vaem, the size of
nor owa. Nor. god tannic. do wt look to an.
b-ll.snilr. 8.m need nor gra•l.ut• from th.
diacid reined ,.. prnr• att i8i.. 0,e end • half
, illi.., milling got solos .,rent. sit Tarte a• nuns,
miaht he art to the .p,re wiai.•h donde. h.,w..o
tt sad in eear.•t yeicb''• r. Aud if we Mehl an -
genie the eggr•.we 0'l" a, inn of our Nader eye•
1.ut 1.. he 2'1.1.0 041.1N41, then there would he
rMnm ...v b f •r i..rry ttgas.a•l trr(l.ose M lin.
mon h.,.gs, In hoe, 1••.e, .'.4 1'8.,, In the war; -i•
t8.• might be 1440 .Id in the •am..aeen. tori.
Nay, tp!uwl mgr of •h. tow (mei. lint -1 oo s 10
n.ent I...g. r. Oeir San ie,hnt a doll. hely •t.4.
ct light 1e 'Ii riot oriiae w •r : ••,d Ile 1!-r•-
cnel pass 1e dove.*. e 1 ffi ity tbttu•,ead j .•t ain't
sort. a that highway or aorids. in ..pare apps.
,roll, • yard in breadth and us i•..gel, -
Thtnk of that • moment, and thee that rel two
n(. him .11 err pr.d'•hly n.arrrpsehofhe, 18*.
meaty hilli.•s 41144:•,/ and ,n.e that the stet -
1.•s spec. heiween their .alar system. is a Ilan•
dad million., sad von wll ha.. nnmh.r.d the
world. that • p•.w.rrol glass will ape„ In rat
vi.w from one point genitive r A'ain. multiply
these system. 1,. twenty thousand millions, and.
yo.c will 8*.. three 1.illioa trillions of hamar, he.
'acs who might d••.11 in peon. and 1 city en that
pe•tnt til rp.e%'wt, ch H.ruehel's g'..• wnnl•I dis-
c/ow to your mean. And yew .•k r:e•p.iri•,lr.
What is mint 1Ve wall tell rots what he is in
o ne respect ; the Creator Mall thew worlds is his
it was • smart child rho .eked his father, a
while eines, what kind of wood the 'Board of
Tradewas made of.
A Rom roes:, wo'.-Said 1it11 to Rich-
ard the other dao.' ' Did you ever bear bow
ton.h..hidr'd I anti.'
'1 never diel,' repliwl Dck•-.•tougher
than commob b!Ike 3
' i reckon 'tib a few-i'II Ml yon s drink,
Dick, that you rimy take a cowhide and la,
it upon my sass -.&it as bard awl mind a.
Inn, a van 3184. end 1 west even Cock.'
D••ne-111 teke that bet. If I des't make
You equ.rm like a half_•klwsea col the Aret
cut 1 t redly mistaken.'
'You lake Ike bet, then r
- .114„'
' Well, wait. till i go tip stairs, and get
nay "$RAa-wins.'
'O, bo, your sats -.lute T No, no, I mean
'i don't care what eon meant -tee .fair
het foirly won. MY BATE -earn Is my BEAR
MIN and nothing else
' 1'11 give in.' maid Richard. Inoki•g fool- t
all and (1the, gaated-' let's adjourn its the
Pewter Mog, and gay no more about
Wva AaR inn L WPM CLAaaIR ?-Th•
tmhng million., the L.M.r'ng non and van
men, the florae., the mechanic, the artisan,
Hirt inventor, the proetur.r 1 Fa from tt
Thee* are aetwrne nobility -Go' We fa,nritee
mobs .alraf rhe7arrft- 'ra trerterwlteeti.
•r they are high Or Iow in station, rich or
oo•'r in pelt, committing, or humble is pea.n
tints-ih.y are Purely the "unp.r rtrele•"
.a the order of nature, whatever the ficti,t.
ow• diminctiwne of satiety. faoblsaabh or
us fashionable decree.
it is net low -it is the duly, ptivtiegrs,
• d pfesoure for the great man and *bale
gaoled weenie, to rotrn what they peastra.
to work their *twit way throttle', M., to le
Ins are tees of their own fortune.. Some
rimy re r the Mamma we I• alIede.f Iso we
only rel L'rely leer, and Ia (w the middlwg
elitesse. We iesi•i they are aberdwely a&
reyy highest. Wisher* ts a shoe .f home,
befag.'•.5 earth, who tray he properly de
WNW 11•110111 low, It is those wet 'peed with
"et ea►•,ng, who ermsow.1 wtthewl pods,.
moo, who enemas ne the .•vsrege rd Net.
%thee• or relatives 'reheat !seri seyaiiag
le aid of themselves.
.A MURK* Cot UNDiuM.-'Craw 1 want
1n ax you a vonunderdum.' • Well, Julius,
.elcrp•A, 1'.e open for the queehum.' •Cea
rets tell me why de art of self Jef nee am
Ike a ribber at low ode 1' No, 31/1ian, 1
Inset' 1 see similarity in do two stthje'rla, so
derfor I otos up ! 'Well den, I'll tell
von. It to mimply Wiese it dkvelopes de
muscle ! You to the mnet ign••m^ne nig
ver I nehber seed !' 'Yah -Yah ! 1 know'd
aU de time wl'at 1141 win, only I didn't
want In say nufbn :pas ax m. moon an' see
If 1 can't told you. -Nos York Paper.
TRnaR a eowa I'LRasuR In ■RINo Id PAR-
u%re.T.-Sl,thorp .ata. " A !Wernher of
Parit.uuent has three plea-nrra in making a
. peer:. F. .t of all, the plea•urue of mak-
ing it : secondly, the rlesenre of readin_ it :
and thirdly, the pleasure of being •hti•ed
for It afterwards " V. should any that
too last to a p!'utre that our friend' the
colonel to rarely disappointed in. -Punct.
To the Editor of uta Ilan'(ton Spectator,
S.r,-Not dreg since there was published
in your toper a letter from me to Mr. Keat-
ing, whirh contained a statement (made
e nnrele from mernnry,) relating to peti-
tion Lor a road from London to some part of
the Ritter St. Clair. and which was "timed,
at the retrial of Mr. Cameron, hy thirty-
eight of the inhabitants of bloom, at the
Torn needs', in 1859. of whirh i was
Chairman. Irnmeth -telt, . n th • .ppeara ca
or the l.'ter, 'areal of my frientla asi»r.d
in, that that part ofnr statement in eh'. h
i say. "that the names were with Irawn,
beesnne it was discovered that they were
attached to a petition differing from the
copy produced 1, Mr. Cameron." was io-
correct. A- the beet way of getting at the
tr.ith, 1 have either called On or written to
twity till the •inner, now re•rdent in Ihi.
part of the County, and their nni'ed evi-
dence proves that (,hey w thdrew (herr
n atnee.*,.t bears. any alteration had been
m rile iir'the'petition they had signed, b i
because, on the none mature consideration,
they re arded it as unfavorable to their !o-
ral interests ; and a• their statement is
fu'Iv born. nut b, the 'foremen's connected
with tho transaction, i am 6•rerd (n theenn-
n!nson that my memory he• d.roi.ed me.
1 •han'd nut i:AYp anlora (Hever' thin ac-
knowled_ement of my error ; but 1 was an'-
tou. te. nhfrom En
rrlsnd Capt. Wright',
RM•nl^t oftain the art's, as he wan the pees"n
who,,(frislly, as Chairman of the •.enn•I
taertr.=,de,osnde,l of Mr. Cameron the re-
ttrn tit' the aicearnr's. As, however, the
natter i• rnntin.allr re•iv.d to the newt..
aspire, to the prnj• il:ce of Mr. Cameron. 1
c+nnot allow my .Lsternent to remain any
I •ng.r uncorrected, nor delay+ expressing my
regret 1141 my mistake- shoos! have been
n: .de the crougd of an attack neon the no.
r.,i rFir t -ler of A c.hird In.n 1. I oh,l'
f ••1 crash nblted by your. grans 11 :-
letter an insertion In roof noxi nnn,b.r, an.I
I hope that atter hare copied
the error etll invert thea e=planetinn also.
Yung nhe4tent .ernp17,
River 8'. Clair. Aug. 53, 1849.
The Qn.lrrc Chronicle my., the 11'.. J. B.
Tache, tl.mlrer of .he Legislative C•.uncil, died
gt Kuawraska, on Mooday lint of Clatters.
at AMARIAe anttcusv, W. D.
.Since at first, no organ in fully developed, and
prepared for the pea -.,fol .1rcutica of its appno-
priate function, let us :oqutre at what time of
lite. nature has prepared the limn for the par•
rotenone, of the u"portant office of mautfeaiuy
the mind.
Let us begin with the infant, and a,,eraio
whet s the condition of its ham in early Id .
The brain of • aew-horn infest weighs shoot
tto ounces; that of as adult, generally, three
pounds and a hal(, apnthecarin' wei*itt, (roman: -
1y • lode leen. But If the 'Mud of an adult hu
bees tong devoted to thought, if he has been eu-
gaged in envtant study, his brain in orally fo-
rmat this weight. The brain of Hy•
roc, Inc Instance. is mid to have wegh.d four
pounds and a half; and that of the illustrious
('user. loaf pothole thirteen nonces and a half.•
The alis of thio organ increases tram the time of
birth till manhood, remota stationary from this
period ■'til old a,., and dtr• dom....Ashes in
bulk ad weight. Tn. ralamye sine of os d.ffer-
rut portions cons*•tly vara during several td
the brat years of life, sad i1 .s not until •bout
the seventh veer that all in parts are forme... -
Daring ehildhn,d it is '• very soft, and even
almntn lignd ander the finger, end itot different
parts ssawot he clearly da,inguuhed " salt at
this rim" i, te aouplied with mare blood, to pro.
port's% ts its size, thin a, see Nhaeq•tent rre-
riod. It then grow• float rapidly. end min.
spotty than any other organ: its weight is neat•
ly dnsbled a the end of the tint six months;
sod hese, the aer.00 system. being connected
with the bode, is early develee►d, sad becomes
Th• Maiinseemei•gefaresi, ;or yeetti. At ibis
poled e1 1,k. however, which 1. devoted to the
memories' the bed!, it ie necessary tbat the ser-
' (Ova's. d'6' faretots( t a with rye•
tar'd t. Ib pend a soh ek •8. „ atatw ,lin
fall nv. Ateord(aw to t)r. 0.:1, •al.t8.,p8...
'aaloeidal write... Mi. da.e act towns rill be -
mom. Ike twwtwtk ad thirtieth year. wb.k Su
Wiliam Ha.,il•em end ohs Weot.l. allege lbw
k sere* at ear see of aww. The tatter 'Nine
• OWN saewallbt. sewn o.. 1. te, ewe, do net w. The troth .o•. rd. soma mash.
had mowed. was 00•01140. '8., .4 • child d
ms's. M • (..pie .f maws. 6•er..., far too
gnat w r aesameW tar M .b. swri•• Hire*.
nue the .►W ad i.ugrp ,us. Tr pine
eat 'e7 easily h. art .. rest M meowed e
meet aemhA .f bosom, et nee aid M ehsWae of
more teen tebee leinneKoi..sely, •d act es 1
seem leM *Iwo tear w(.b mho .base writers
M --.wvase Iwo Moose •f elide,.• edam incl
M) warn r safer" .Mad Welt hese -R.
Bess mittens should predominate : for this tos-
tem is OM aortae of all vital morr.neot, std
prende• neer, and gives energy to thaw actions
which tend u, the growth of the ori aaisotioa.-
Rada, Infancy," was 11 04.1, •• is the see ,
activation. As every thing is sew to the'Mas1
every duug somata its eye., ears, on.trils, due.
That which to u• is a object r.f indifference, i•
to it a source of pleasure. It was then veva-
wiry that the nervous cerebral system •houtd be
adapted by its early drvelopmrut to the degree of
action which it ie then to have."
' Hot thu creat and early development, though
aecessery for the above purposes, are touch ia-
crane. the liab•bry to dierw: it gives a tender•
cy to convulsions, and to tr.flo.m.tstion and
dropsy of the brain, and to other dteea.ei 1,1 the
amain ',poem, which are most common and
fatal in childhood.
It u, thsrrb,rr, deeply important, that the na-
tural action of the nerrnu, system should not he
much increased, either by ton mach exercise it
the mind, or by to, stroog excitement of the
feelings, lest at the pante time the liability of
children to ulcerous diseases be increased, and
such a predominance given to this system an to
make it 'aiways easily excited, and deposed to
e ympslb'z• wash Jisurder in any part of aha body:
t4, . generating a predisposition to hypochon-
dria,!, and numeral, afflicting nervous affections.
Menial excitement, a has bees shown, is -
creases the flow of blood to the head, and asg-
rnetos the size and power of the bntp, just as ex-
ercise of the limbs enlarges and strengthens the
muscles of thin limbs excrei•ed. The wonderful
powers of mind which au infant or child some-
times mandate, sod by which he sometime or-
dinary eh:Idren, do not arise from better '1 ClIy
in the mind hullo!' the .hold. but, io fact, from
• greater enlargement Liao usual of soma porion
.or the whole.! the brain, by which the mind is
soma enabled to mani(e.t its powers This en-
titlement takes place wither the mental pre -
e city antes frim too ea ly endfregoent exercise
niche mind, or Iron dis,a.e, and it must arise in
o ...Janet tae w.v-• But to my • p nioa,meal.l
precocity is generally a •)mp;otu o. disease; ar.d
hence those who exhibit a very frequ•n�ly, die
young.• This faet ought to be specie. 17 amem-
bned by parents, some of whom regsril precdet-
ty nnlea aceampanied by risible disease..s •
most iudtcstion; and, on account of it.
ask the memory ad intellect of the child .-
.$nnletamea. however• it in accompanied by visi-
Lk deformity of the head. and 'sten the lean of
mania are *reatlyawaliened. Take for inmeeee
the .disease known by the name of rickets. -
Every person uuderetands that this is • distant of
childhood, sod, according to the medical authori-
ties. it arises Iinm the irritation or inflammation
.1,mne organ, sad frequently of the brain Its
most charaeteristie symptmm when it alfeeu the,
bruin, are an enlargement of the head. and pre-
mature devehereeet of the intellectual (*cotton,.
On .z.mining the heeds of tithe- who have died
of this disease, the Lain is foisted very v0lumi•
n ow, hot ,.rdin,rily healthy. Meckel Mourne'
that is sow i■ increased is rickets; On effect
gradnatly produced, without dis..r,anozrtion of
the twain by increased action in it. hired:vasrls,
.nd'het cyons:•g• lrsnaniuine 1n it of nacre
blo,d than uwnl, Bring duo• •.gme'tad is
size. increased mental power is the consequence
of this at.gmn is t:nn. ••One tit the mon re.
m.rk,hle plienarnyoa in the second singe of
. r.^t-,,•
tit vs 11 it .r,(,.enn. •• . the precocious
rt. -v. -Lyme n, and the e...rgy of the intelle,tna!
'atone.. ita•k-ty children have 'nada active
mad penetrating: their wit le rtonishinet they
are sa.eeptihle u( lively passions; and hoot per-
spicacity which d..,. nut belong to their age.-
i'heir brawn enlarge in the fame manner a the
eraninm dew." lie adds. " this wonderful im-
eginannn, this j dement. this premature mental
power which ria 'Lets occasion. has bat a short
duration. The tnlell.e:aal faculties are sono .x•
haa.ted by taw precocity and e•ergy 4 this de-
do not say or believe. that eating' tasking of
the minds of y,.eaa ehldrea will feegeeglly mor
this disc•••, but I believe there is great danger
that it will produce .4. same asnswral growth
of the Main. n td this will give rise to an
,11111 of •nperiot mental pnwrr. end be G.Ilowej,
a• in the cane tit rickets. by permanent weakness,
or Inso of mental energy. -That sea inmate of
nen'I pow.r re.nlu from other dire•,es h•sides
ricket, which stimulate the brain. is evident In
maty in:ounces: as in fevers 'het affect the heal,
in iuflamrn.tion n( Ili' bruin, and insanity. 7'h.
following cases are in point. •' i have often,"
says Pinel, •• sopped at the thamler door ni a
literary gentlemen. who, daring his paroxysms,
appetite in soar above the rnerho.erit, of intellect
that winfa•nlar to him, solely :n almire In.
werrle aryeire4 pnwen al ringilenr. H• d,..
claimed neon the suhj-et of the revelation with
all the farce. the 4 t' 'y and parity ear laniamre
that 14,1. very inion.. tit nils ci enu:d •d,nit a( -
AI other rimeli4re was • man of very ordinary
The memory sometimes receives a .aderfol
editions .4 power tree.6 a increased Sew of had
to h,e bead, emoted by wee alight 'ruinous, a
•tio,ulsuua of rM bate. Dr. Abercroaabis w -
1.:e. the rase of a 8,.y, who was Ir.pao•ed for •
,( (ravine n(ih. ek.11, at the ageo(foor. He wa.
st the time• in eomptelr •tspw, and •Car bis re -
cry uned nn alItia sh thpniIn.
At ovethe aretge of (1I .en,reedoneene the d.lernoe
•n1 .4
fever, he gave a correct deaeripiiort r.1 the opere-
tan, and the persons that were present at it,
wilt their drafts sod ether mioate particulars. )m
ir added, that be had oever been heard to ailed,
to it before, and no masa ye 8n•••• Ly whieb
he could bare acquired a kabala -die of the eir-
coonstances he mentioned. I have myself seen
repeated insa•ees of the increase of the power of
seiner? doting delirium, paroxysms of fin. r,
and other affections which determined mer• •
blood than ••w1 to the head.
I.•iuitation sometime' increases the emeriti
..f the intellectual faculties, and revives Ms
mommy. Mr Combs motions the case of •
porter, who, to • sate of iitoxicatioa, left a par-
cel at a wrong house, and, when sober, enald not
recollect what be had done with it. But the
next titre he became ettmoleted with lignor, be
recollected where he had left it. Sbakapeore,
n o had authority, gays that •• wine n aka the
brain apprehensive, quick, and iseeatiye; sod
another authority M celebrity Italy obse►ies.
'• that wine, up to a eerlain point, rather Leads
to steady the intellect, sod that a kw gleams
advantage...4y affected his owe." This efeet.
almost all vistas here experienced. They have
perceived that their mesial and moral faculties
were greatly and rapidly changed by alcohol, or
wine, or rapier's, or some ocher suhtaee which'
affects the ei,eulatios. Wi. has not felt that
imminent joy, happiness. or courage, 1s a market-
a'tle commodity. " that 'dowries eon be corked
o p in bottles, or peace of mind mit 1n 'alias*
by the mail coach." such fiats we learn, that the varying
stars of the organization have a pewerfs! in-
fluence upon the intellectual and moral seethe•;
aid that to affeet the mind beneficially, and to
increase end per;etna•e its energy. It is aeces-
•.ry to give rnntant attention to the agents that
5.r1 upon the hede, and swatch that they do vet
i jure the mind by too -Moth exe'•i 'mens of the
Marcel system, aur prevent the prosper develop-
ment of its powers, by too little;; Inc wine, .d
all outlier aonsunl stimuli, though they may for
• short time quicken and give esergy to the io-
tellect, ultimately depress and enfeeble it; .d
on the other hand, Inns -continued low dirt, g.od
• want of .offrcient nutriment for the body de-
tonates the mind. �
wed in our writ. '
WoOD.TOC. AND 1-10,0!w Roas.-Tfife
Work id progressing rapidly end when fin-
ished, will be one of the most picturesque
gad beantiful roads in Western Canada -
But what is better *till, it will be .e im-
mense benefit t.. the roonter and when core -
p'eted to Strat'ord it will afford an snsnat
remuneration to the Stockholder', egos!.
if not etp'ri.rr to that derived from en
work of the kind in the province. We
know of ne better investment for money,
and we world eerinanly recommend all who
have a little capital to spare to take as
ninth stock as pea+sible. Those farmers
who lin along the tine or in its vicinity,
and who will bo more immediately benefit-
ed be neelttrIEood road to market and mill,
•honld urs 01 their exertions to ha,. the
improvement earned through as rpeedily •e
p .s•tble. every one of these Demons Alma.
take stock, and if they do not find It costes
nient In pay the instalments in cask, them
is a provieinn in the Byelaw• of the Compa-
ny, by which thew can pay fur stock in la-
bour at a remunerating price, taw securing
a donhle advantage.
We visited the work, in compawy of Mr.
A. Campbell, the Contractor, on Weds...
d.y tart and found •hoot 70 men employed `
in grading and exuavati.g. The formidable
short I. Ilea have all disappeared: the Water.
Kerry hull his arson ed • new phagis, and
the old r. r,Inroy crossways Ike„ ke., have
given place to as fine a grade ee wet have
ever se n. A gond portiere of the welt
will he finished th•e fall, and the timher for .
the planking of the rsraioder will be Rat
out during the next winter.-R,itiat A.asri-
• [George Appall end the infant Lyra are
tis.. to point. Both exhibited al a very early
period a wonderful genius for male -the first
p-rformini upon Ilii• piano sonde • mere boy, in a
•tyle worthy of the hest performer,, and the latter
s an .q ash, early age displaying power. hardly
interior upon the harp. The heads of Meth were
unu-maliy lore for their age -she rntelketeal
e.M•Htar"renrl of the barn apteedd, and the orga.
of tune very finely denelope I. As in the caw of
MI prodigies. their brains were oreter..rked. had
h•elth mooed and death was the cOswgnere.,
at period when they had not yet emerged from
May boyhood and girlhood. 1 s'n very 5.11
to -painted with another tooth/el musical Emnta
goate s, wnnd•rfnl •s either of them -flintier
It..nad the eeleerat,d Quintal. The tars n
of this hoe is very large, end its CnnStirstine til
the noblest desertpth.. whether enn.tderd in •
allrral or intellectual prim, of view; bet it hos
bereft, aroeh wrnvghr, areAlf be aervnne• boy-
hood, as from the strength of his et -mementos he
hal every ehaace of deaf, 1 am appreheuiye
that Ms mental powers will ba 'land to have
. offered by rbie esrty over -.tertian, and that ass
wen he may be on wits remnrk•Me for game.
cull, it is pnaailde the, he may prove an excep-
tion to the genets, role •a w.• the ease with
Mann, wheeshibited greet musical talent and•l power of noted or tie early age, arab ream-
ed th.,te antmpaired till the baa ri o.'., el 14
.pl•adtd &Steer. TN reader will find ,ii the 7
oder.. of Ills Phrennbeieal Journal, p. 14
spry interesting Cass of • preemie.* child, soh
41.4. es maul. at at early an, together with
Sana prettiest ownerk•epee it by rhe.thine'.i
pnrintieel. IM. Coli. Re.s of the mews
a is stork mean te m6. eighth Chap*.
• adieu's de wort monied ".Is• IAiseipka•.f
{04.0, &Rs:iei t• r8i pr...,ai...f Ispa dv,
"4.. ah. i,.,., .' rley.ied sad M.or.I
Ed.sasiee." Tble is ens d the Lvar weeks ea
meldeet of health ear p.blish.d, ad nacho to
M t■ rhe hands of•s,ry n-. _ R M)
A Pilau or rutty wostna.-Loan EL-
GIN AND TSR l'l"VI'ei*l AeascvLTe•AL
AxnopSTla,.-T,te Pread•nt of the Agri -
cuisine! A•.-niaoon til C.nade Wiwi, has