HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1907-05-03, Page 1ref,
- ITV«
' -re ;ere'
'-; ser
ITHE le STAR he* at WSW
eircolation then any other Newspaper
Iin this *Paton 01 -the Ceonly of Illurtr'
: 40,000100411411110004110040410000.0*****.e20.1114140 ,
TWO at all *bolt year 'needing ;Sore')
00314 4101....thfge, .0tilir 004 IttUe way tele eceine
• 'Weld* Ewe that erf OWN( it, A few vereenti
'Wealth, while, Ahern 00;40000x* by a *mkt- of
but the **it maleritY PON* Seettre ettineeteuellt
spending ietia• titaa thex ,1.he Snif-tiaving• the Ourphle.,;
W*1?*,Y "POTIW ver estatt WO* tai 4000ita 'end htbD0/1
ettala ot anY 41044; ,
Gonuncu ooze
L. ITORT01%4 Witt,
OBI"' te
thank the' Conictiew Weee);nen er. the Werld,
an4 'the onion. endeetieniteaste tee eloeetedt
Cistel4 fee AIM eat eneeVeet Me" bee thetwatel
oe Usenet! -One, late
Joha Yuleeettet elneetely truSt eleteffreee
itteeet Vriel.00 „P'741'°' • •
EiECUTOliSt. u
UMW, oAltP .
',liege elerreenthat the Eeeeittets or die leidate
. .
or opiate Mrp, George Swiseam•WIll ofret ler
sleepy Palate Audio:), et tbe reitidence pe the.
late Moe 8Wantiotteeetiebeeetreete en tee Town
of Goderleh, en tiateadaer the Ilte thee'orefase
fet D., tem et two tecloor la titeetifennoon,- thei
TRABEDAWat ge ;coaxed Ireee me recii- 033ewinit ere -1014e erinfert, i - - ee• ..... eieee
deteeetLieton'.ettett‘ a .15fhtte, CORO Dein ,e_ee leak Nueiber'.Tivie Tteteene4 and remit'
Oh brown SW27, 1s, abolit. tWee yeateeent nett • (re) On QUebeo amen in the Towed' Goaerroh,
'.- gessoes 1,0.--•tne. 04010 ,"' steekiee Plows- leave 'whereto mooted saftee let o'fraMte•deVellittg:
inform*UMI tialtlenceee on at 'lectielio'Rteer ',Iteuseeteed snow, giltba fairly toea pendioen,
,ckaalijoestos„,„„ oneeeenieseeeenweeReade 'Oe' Int Niuntier Cienetteeetted Old etteteetyre
„ ; • 602) on Roantststroot. :
TS : ' ,,... ' :.• & La hloother Two ftiaterce one .textv•
, ' ' (26olon- won avenue beeweenene Western, Of
L Late •Nunebere•Seeenty-eine1791, Eighty.
4040telbeee and Wehouettoon • ,
- ON EilitiP7-000 46* fteditighty4ttO (821'M -itch'.
SOD filattney, . - •• ' •
,,i2., of tho feweiVilegoeweielwedewe ,tio, the
1584_0 the tate - fSwanzion, sea to the
.Be • tore am des nen of wheeler ue the
.Bstate,:aeaktolit,bonisee., • ,,
• Tennis MP efereseeTen eer edit. nOwn on the
day of sale, ,aed phe-balence witlita thirty daye
FOR SALE OR. TO LET. _ 'k'titereaster, .,i ' ' - •
Immeiliate peeseselon can be gieee.
e e ' e ..-- , .. ....-e- •,..1. ',.. - ..,,,
, irutitt FOR nat'olt ,tilt",:Dithi.Z.-Iow
• House on Bence • Itiseeet; Alre, „pee: pot
, W. .., Y8,8.,.
JL*0111,11)flit4721, a4.0;gola will be put upsets-
eenvedeecee Apra, #. .w. TI,X.v.o1.1'0 Forlertherparticulare and tertati of sale
JeregeRsnee _ ..,7 7. e. . -e-e-le.e . "s• , ..apele to the wedereigned.
Dane at Goderich, thee 27th de.y of Aerie I).
' int natae:g-Trieow atetk..ex Ihnettitd. DAWN..
•Pr*rk 4' alftit°14.111 - ea ilmigino .
eve enetelie Afghani' or UPPI4e4 Fe:ite. Plume, Solleetors f or the Einteutors.
peke aridretirat AV.SI208, • ARMY tOlt(N/NOITE1231.241, (WEARY; Auctioneer.
teROBERTS0,14, elodernee ' ,
"OM Saidee-The eleubla Dann bowie diet:
,_ x Georgeetereseditt. A Oro ProgerotY In a °E•1111.1•117.1187471171.7.1.18"1"11
inalgttdoreIlitaulsert41tkine4 1'4/n°41"n:144 -1'he Sterling- Bank
frame property oh Fest Lon a r tbe amine,
et'present nescl. ae a _Emory. Apply to mv, ,
11114 ANTED. Obinaltedexnerbtabod
neefitee Wan at Granite reint
" eb CenUtibia. ,WasteettNliver,
(It Itmetleolovisupplyte xeciteleortOpriarrEr,
tiodOrtCh. , • ,
leara the tiginting
,a... -busituser Make hentocated,trustwoethes,
inid Unlit° *OM. 'A. goal NW* fpx4434,
debt ..Aeriir,,.Tral,Malli9edsretai, •
4 THIRTY-FIVE foot Steam Launch for
„LIL. . • sale. Apply to Edw. E. DAVID, Comm-
nes Ont. 4.. ',..," „
.d.,;,.., CASE FOR SALle - Eight foot
nicklenwielse sold cheep. Apply ac the
moralCare,BeelerdielOtk.Goderioh. •
'' . ineeASTURE TO LET. -„For cattle end horsen,
,L on E. CelerTRILL'S Terme, Goderich.
VetOR SALffeelerletkeltere.ettitabbe for baker
andphotegnehen VIII*1119f
sate, also noose forinerir lionenea eff eeelh
Allan, ciliate
VIEW ROUSE to iebt, on Napier 434)04
.1.11 teemed by Q. F. McPhee.
' O. F. CArtlint. Goderieb.
iannsze roft
7 horses and mares geeforeleyhe week,.
425- to ISO,
- -
7 hones and mares golod for farm work, lee
to $75.
-,. 20 horses and mem. $75 to flee
80 hones wed mares, Wei to ein.
24 horses and attune $175to VW.
a drivers, Int5to pp. Apply to
M. A. PIGOTT & ce)., Goderich, Ont.
1L -NOR SALE -A equate Plano le go0 eon -
J2 ditIon. A snap for tiny one coidemPlatiett
a pnecinse. Apple at BUR Ofttoe.
Incorporated by Spooled Act or the
;Dominion Parll eta to mono
• - • -De Its.
Ffighest current rate of interept
paid in our
Savingo.11ank Department
on deposits of $x and upwards,
interest paid and compounded
Draftelftenght and sold.
A General Banking Business
TO taf ,Stifeleriber* •
, I* the Stites
Ibt.tite iterp postal "henget,
meat betwecu the
diou old Q4Yerns.
tIgt le the flnited
%dee mug, ea and OW
/Ulf aItivellkitingl„ he prepaid with.
tag* stamps ot thereto of °We
eent.:ettelt' bete* they will' bet re.
Cant4in '
Vire, nlefit, therefole, ask miranb
ietibt:ta io the United Ststes to tee.
etice, the *menet' WIdelt
sdileeverthe pettepOtti"`Ptite date
04141iic4:.*.04.4. ii.O4crktloo
'At Weadellararee no publiebif.
.ron pay thie .Peetageeadd all stubs
SefflPt1601'.1.4 the V.A. lnu$t bet47,
'After be psid for at the rate of One
dolle'r and fifty cents a year.
,4 TODD,
TOE ISTR4 S01100L Totte.-TRE
S'eaRthisnreek peprodecea in fell the
report 'of P., ff. finspeetoo Robb, Of
Best,Hurott. etibtottted to theCounty
()pencil ae its Jantiery' session. It
will he foUnd well worthy careful
Verve:0,3es it deals 'With the educa-
tional tirdbleth so fully, clearly and
newly, that vit should be read by
every publics school ratepayer.
Oasts BARK Aoorr.-Iii the winter
of WOO, P. ,T. Dean, grOcer, bought at
hankrupt stpak In- Mitchell, and early
in Aptel heel got rid of nearly ail the
stotk. A few things left, including 3
packages marked rape seed, were sold
for 12 eents, thue closing the business.
Early in May the purchaser of the three
,packsigee claimed $200, damages, bold-
ing that the seed was ittot rape, but
wild radish Seed, and on September 7th
the- case -wase-tried -in the Divesion
Court in thet t0wn, and Mr. Dean 'Was
taxed some eighty dollars -for damages,
which with costs came tn $93.60. Mr.
Dean paid the money, add finding the
estate was not closed out, sued the as-
signels for the amount he had been
melded In, and this week the assignee
forive,rded him a cheque to make good
his loss, the case not having been tak.
en to court.
Board met on Saturday evening. Ainil
27thpwith ad attendance of six mem-
here. The librarian's reeort for the
ereorith of March showed receipts from
• tines and sale of readers' cards of
$5,92. -The issue• of books was as
folleves Works of Fiction, 790 ; His-
tory, 211 ; General Literature, 132 ;
Magazines, 153; other .classes, 75
Total issue 1307. Mr. Dtrff reported
that he had paid $1.00 for the repair
of the ceiling of the Lecture room,
and, this amount was metered lo he
,refended to him. An account' of Tan
GODEReon STAR- of $4.50 fee. printing
wits Ordered _to. tgegereA„ Mr. e trat) g
submitied a list OritheWeecote mended
for purchase by the Book Committee.
Mr: Kidd also presented a list of
works of popular fiction asked for by
reriders. A. resolution was then pa.seed
that the bpoks he ordered., through
Mr. Porter.
F/RST HALF OF MAY. -Prof. Hicks
reports that the aseronornia outlook
foe° May suggests the probability of
many heavy storms in nearly all
sections. Regular storm period ere-
.yeiletfrore, Jet to 3rd, with rain, wind
and. thunder in some localities; in
northern sections unseasonably cold,
with possible sleet and snow. Decided
stortn conditions will cross the coun-
try about Oth, 7th and 8th. A reg-
ular storm period also preve,ils from
10th to 15th, central. on 12th. The
moon- is in conjunction with Earth
and Sun, nueking this period a time of
earth shakes. within two days of the
I2th. Watch 12th, 13th, 141h, as
cefitral dates of severe storm , prob-
abilities in many localities. Witrm,
humid atmosphere with low barom-
eter and south 'Winds should cause
apprehension in the gathering of
storm clouds. These are the pro-
babilities (much condensed) for the
first half of the month.
A. G. GAMBLE, Manager.
icroUsEa:ROR SALE -Your choice of nye,
,1-1 Afrphr to REV. /3. KNOTT. Newgate Bt. .
of not 6, con. 4, of field, afintelning
half of eeet half Market pricea Allow no change from last
- 50fterese • Ftamelititute, and barn ima stable, week, though, there are signs of a slight rise in
!tures laPPI9 amb1ii1/41.-vrifii,V4terett by -Vine sop; - • •
ile rivo ,at •,c.kised,soiliStittYloatekitnOstlY .
A.,.I. Cooper shipped tho post week a ear of
all needed Own.- ApMy to or aedren. tiZe. F.
wheat and a ear of barley to London. and car
HAER18, DUngantlea,P. O.
-pARM Fon 13mA:fat of tat' cif:Lake 13..t P°a9 th,,,,"triuburk' III Ai'dr6ws will ship
Range woe,. co hero, eeeeeeng ee ewes on eioneey. .
wares, more- or; lest:. Mostly- Heeded down. -Treat imamate ....,,,,.. corrected
Thp soil te a good olayleam. There is ts gooa i , Lai
up to noon Of liAli7sday.i
. Berne 'ilwarem14440.1,t hone, with Meehan.
also another dwellhistesat therate, Thereto Wall wheat,
Po ate9 ro tri:
a toren/82, with shod and etabung. 24 x60, tiering wheat, standard
2 50 to 2 40
with oommodiene ba3f4oft abOVO.1 idea a shed Flour, per cwt.. patent
, on tbe 'eolith etid. ,1.61,80:10sr walls. two at the Flour, per owe. &wily 2 20 to 2 20
, barn and ono at each. botun ; a izeoenhearing Bran, per ton is 00 to 10 00
collard ot abouttetonetee. Eyerythlog is in Shorts, per ton 21 00 te 2100
an excellent dole of roper. For Parbeellarte Screenings, per tea 18 ea to 18 00
apply on the farm or to Hum Tuuntotie, part Oats new 090 to 0 87
lots 13 and 14,,,,Lake Roved West, Colborne. or Barley new 0 46'to 0 40
to Gismos Trwittonr.lieaYSetrock 00•rloh. Peas new 0 76 ta 0 77
Rye 0 48 to 0 48
, VtOR BALI:C.-A 50 egg Chatham Incebator Buckwheat, per buebel• 0•45 to 0 IS
.a3 aad -Breeder. In pe t condition. Bea. Hay, new . 10 50 to 11 00
iton,Ino room. Aka* Mood loateee and t , Pe o 22 to 0 22
several other arllelek Applyekt fitAll °Moe. ffes. !fresh) per dozen .
• • . „e - e ee• owe per owd 5 to 6 00
0 ii to 0 44
FOR SAL1C.-ereve new -Intelliags on Angle- Ca,ttle. ex,port 4 to 4 50
ow SL A comfortableBWelling Mt Platen Se Cattle, orttry and buiehers 8 Oa to 4 00
Building lititelon- ElsdnAvonareEnexSe.Cedar 4 60 to 6 00
Sts and Pine U.S. '• - v., Sheep. fat (own
2 60 to 4 00
0 10
WANTICIiresA fa* Ififfilittlied 'Hewes or Hogs, live weight
15010 taW 8 78
Boerne, near the Lake hank tO tent tor the Hoge, dreneed
0 00 tO 000
summer Mason. , Rains, per lb
0 15 to 0 15
,•, YOUNG 4 Ronklanox. Batson, long clear
7 26 to 8 00
plt0Plitult ;Olt BAWL- The desneble Shed, eklee 0 00 to li U
nroPertY etk MID _Altering!, CONIerIA Tallow, rendered
chlokens-bernyard cheeks, per lb 8 tee
0 04 tie
. owned and occupied bg Dr. Whitely. G d• 10
holm and two -Runde -of an awe of linid, with f S 00 to 3 lig
choice frulte. The 'Weise is heated be hot Beee forequarters. -
t0 001.ci 0 00
. ee*I.Water and No elineedenn fiteproYeniante A Beet. hind quarterly
0 to 10
peiiii-Coe. moderate ni, Apply to or aderees
for any perelentliting first -Wass Inn- r"eucksPer lb. 9 to 10
DE. WMTELY 0 Web. Turkeys " 13 ta 13
. Potatoes 0 60 to 0 65
. v
Apples 0 50 to 0 PO
rAPERB FOR SA1X. - Several hundred
anew of old neln_Perefor.sale. Just the
hinorwheti you are waftwannts, Andy at
J .0,141,0,
eirolieee-You am tie doubt esetennoatiag
j„e4 buudingthreteringt in view of the ad.
venting price of brick* gird lumber, wise men
are making' dirty connect*. toosule Lewis
Tama% Co E., Malted, notiden, One
reechoed:, deletes *to attentlen to clients
witt compare reakfettenti With any In Ontario,
ET_OetONTO 0141141W.A.1, 'MUSTS COR-
POrtATIONree ateettLOY fit the Estate of
amee Clark, laite of the eToen of Gedetich
the County of Boma netMeman, deceased.
offers for tole use tont** mocks -and shares
206 abates Western Vattada Stour Vans co..
par value eine
sharea Meth in CM preferred Kock, par.
10e nhateelliodetleleOtgatt Co. Ltd., par value
el thane rerlth Reining Coe per Yelt108100.
8bAre" °eh ZonwOr and Transit ca.
• per video SI .
sabots Cement. Wok to.. vat Wee 1000.
sham standanttoato ea. Par value COI
30 sharetOoderieb iekeitkin Reek co., parrot*
ato each.
fOsharre rerinitenfing * etiestirdlelatereet to
the Godetecli bumberCo.atat oneanith later -
mitt cetudrf Mather 'UMW Of the Ooderieh
Luteber Cd.
eolleteralsapuriti alit* ift&I t te tab
certain of Moo Wane held ptir
cotiedit era treptorat et the et Mere
nay be melte teelthee et the eadettiennen
The Torotd4 Tritetri Pottpetetton,
Executing et =moor CEO, dent/teen.
Dreienteon Geitleittee101ititete tetreleete
Deka thee nth dat ef Vetch A.D.. Itof.
saw •
reiterant we
her* hoe
.141t. I
over, man lict MAL SAO
*end I ear
14) fa
Peters 'herein,
teet ll66.
aell, ehOtait
dud of Thanks-Mrs:John Yule
nein for Side-YetIng & Robertson 1
cash System Prices-C.C. Lee 8
Just Bedew -Be A.Mcgien a
Outtalti Speelata-liodgens Bras 8
Quality, Not QuantItY-B. II. Beckett...-4
Optlean's Visit -EL C. Dunlop
Jatnestovvn Exposition -C. P. Ry
May Daya-W. Pridham 5
Odds and Ende-J. II. Colborne 4
tietvih Goode Vieeek-D. Millar Co 4
Olivet -E. P. Paulin a
Special for Ladleti-Ernesrffarvey 8
Betio for Salo -EL W. Themson
Collie Doss nosit-Mre. McLean
Executors' Auction sale -Proudfoot, Days
a Meer 1
Notices 'tinder this headier to non-advertle.
ers will be charged 10 totitets ruhrileg lino in
trOe. 12 Motto the inch t4o YearlY
aavertisent VIA* adeextulng ap.
peer* in the man* ifstse.6 cents* met to
those ivho make yearty Wintraet tinder thie
heading, mei de not otberWiSe adVertise, 8
MIAS line.
Local Notlecia.,
Look nt Often. O. Linea advt. on
outs a aria see the, neW husinem tooted) hie has
ad0Pted bad the eantstures of the tense.
Two Is tho housatleanitig *ism.
If You tree toy Old tomstsmers retre *004
eta at TOO Etrothnica. &We, feetbifft•
deeds te dell.
saws BOA , Minutfattneing
done ittiligiettlitlit tttitelltlitits.Of TonnttO. will
bit sit Dernefes Drat "Item Docentik..tal
Weft% ZOOM' taid wedmi-tday. may
13tbs and, 15t1i. it there ta *nothing
*bitterer enwst with tot* eresightt tie het
oesseet this natty of hotter Your. Ow
pored, et cd to,
DeleAtrmAt Canted Thitt AAA
lath, Amiss Menoatud. rotteent (loaf*
The rental Welt Owen eatarday,tbfeinte
Meet beteg Meltleed tenet:Wes
Thiteiiill beg:meeting the ',Toni*
Of legr4f# Netitedtteile (trblaY)
MASSY= IN DETROIT. -The follow-
ing from the Detroit Newt; of April
21 will be read with interest here, and
TfliBTAII, joins with the many friends
of our townsman in extending con-
gratulations, and a welcome to the
bride tee a new resident of. Goderich:
" The marriage of Meta Emma G. Mc-
Dermott. of this city, end James A.
McIntosh, of Godermh, Ont., was
quietly celebrated Tuesday evening at
7 O'clock at SS. Peter's and Paul's
Cathedral, Very Her. M. J. P. Demp-
sey officiating. Imtnediately following
the ceremony a wedding supper was
served at the bride's home, 56 Winder
street, to relatiees only. The bride fs
a daughter of the late Col. John Mc-
Dermott. of Bay City, Mich.. and tms
til a year ago had always resided in
that city, where she was a social fav-
orite. The groom Is a prominent busi-
ness tnan of Goderich. Mr. and Mes.
MeIntosh left for a vvedding trip and
ke tip their residence in Oode-
Centex= Smoot, BOOK8.-Another
impOrtant step tvill be taken almost
Initnediately by the Ontario Gostern-
enent, With a view to solving the
problem of securing school books at a
reasonable cost tO the people of the
province. An advertisement will he
published calling for tendere for the
printing of Public School readersof all
grades. This is the second step of the
Adeilnistration in the direction of
blanketing the. free publication of
text -books of a better quality and at
a hewee price than at present, In ac-
cordance with the report of. the 'rest -
Hook Commission. At the latit session
of the Legislature a meiuoire was
pasted, Which, with the inauguration
of free competition by Introducing the
plan of ealling for tenders, will tend
to prevent the formation of ally Welt
school -book ring as was the cause of
complaint in the past, This legit.
ation deelares that the ri htto eds.
ish any copyrighted Re aetiott
Public School. readers is v.ested in the
Department of Education, which -may
,grant to any firm the privilege of lip
eluding them* in its teldebeekte
the pent the deportment wettable to
petit& anyetie tO Merit realieree hut
the partied, .enterlog the butentse
. Would then „ iromperable
Obtattele in tho,,,fact that copyrights
Woe in the hands of other publiebers.
These latter. would refuse:to atithiwites
their use, and the tentild.he tehool
book publither Was prevented *Mb
beti.orning totopettor in the bible**
19 81tinatitill hent heed telleteeff and
the Otenettuntnt felting eneithee
Mahe &tenni ofhteteohtgetitkon.
RICK, ONT., Fillt)AYA MAY 3. '190
TOOtreeill Ware AnouT Oa
stlIA.-,"Worth Ito weight In Irtikeo
Sold et Cobalt envoi° le the, olstilit
made tar * booklet with the abOwt
title, jest off the pries. In the briefest
form moos.of the moot interesting
dot* twoording, stoorything Oanadiele
0.4 been 0011teted Ana arranged by
Me, Prank ot Toronte,Who
belly ensained for the toak
k Wk. dtd
tlittesdhul, Under! 'Alphabetical heads,
e,„„„ _Orb Se Arens Agelcultnre, Forestry.,
roartubteturto, *mt. 40Wo Jo_ the Wm*
aaft Vplkort;, *ha Material rnaa,
gotten at, the eentioell tio A Tette 0,
fienekIR ** 040019 %lien 140 * 'Welt
"MK* O*011414411 440 tei 010 Vellenircee
titnd peeduets• or the Poittinlon, The
booklet ialkold, for firith, ond is ptiblieh.
1,PY the vernadiatt Vaitte
Co., 007 SpaditecoVelUiet,VirObN
'VOW Lox forsocxxanxon.,-The
Mainhicr otageS 10 ' the econplicated
liouldation ;of the 'roll toan boo.,
will be. cOrrled onk. undo?" au*
" inulnoop Act, amended at the
receest seselep Of PO110,40114 The ef%
fect Will he to expedite the Winding
ttp, and ta sloe for tbe creditors MO 01`
legal intiVelthere eXpenses between
$150.000 and $200.4300. The:Winding.
up Ant ferunerly provIded•for the pert
Row notification and repreaentatilen
of ell shareholdere, eta., a *Mem
wheelie in a caw) felieh as that -of the
.York 1.4040, would have meant almost
intermina,ble delay, Under the neat
prodelon of the act. groups of shore.
holders natty be renreachteel bYe0,...001/4
ea the court directs. In tne xot
LOAM case 114,000 claims were e
but these olefins,- fall, into $0 ,
and will be ao dealt with. The change,
in the stet was propoSed by (halide'
Macclonell, P.t Of Seutle•41neentO,
and was atterwarde carried lute effecit
in Goternuient mtreduced by
the, Minister of Justice.' 'The prebable
course how will be for the liqUidator
of ehe York Loan to g0 before Referee
MeLean and ask foethe appointment
of counsel for the class of claims to be
neap dealt with. The righto of every
abareholder meet be passed upon. but
tbe changed law will aid materially In
advancing the liquidation, and will
probaliv prevent a legal battle.
A. TREAT IN STORN.--The D. 0. E.
purpose giving enlivening entertain-
mene nt an early dato, on behalf of
the Alexandra Hospital. Lieut. eitee.
Region of Ingersoll, hes moat kindly
'consented to give hie services and pre-
sent a monologue entitled "Illy friend
Pat." The sketeh-is full ot humorous
witticisms and some pathos and , has
been received most enthusiastically
wherever beard. The programme
will be completed with numbers le -
eluding, Irish sengs and melodies. A
decided treat is promised • and it is to
be hoped tbat Col. Hegler will be re-
ceived by a full house. The following
aro from among many prees notices -
which might be quoted :
Around a young Irishmen) he weaves a series
of stories and anecdotes, desoriptive of Irish
character and of the brightest Irish wit, and to
say that tbny were well told would scarcely de
Justice to the inimitable manner in which he
gets theme off. Hoare of laughter followed
roars of laughter, end the entire audience was
fairly convulsed with mirth the whole even,
ing. For an hour -and -a -half ho held his turd -
fence, without a dull moment, the unqualified
success of the entertainment having been
rarelr, If ever, equalled in tho totvo of Inger.
soll,-The Ingersoll Chronicle.
The audience was convulsed with laughter,
thati throated. the ine*, dead, not so tnueb at
tho stories, though they were amusing enough,
as at the inimitable marnmr ot the raconteur.
Probably the lecturer achieved his greatest
when his portrayal nt Pittff'169,0 homa and
hls parting from his family waif heard in a deep
stillness and hush, broken only by an occasion-
al sob, In such startling contrast to the hilar-
ity a few moments prevlous.-Brantford Ex.
Around the Harbor.
The boats engaged in the perch fish-
ing industry have had some fairly
good hauls so far this season,
The schooner Azov Bailed for the
Georgia,n Bay on Monday. She car-
ried A Pert cargo of flour shipped from
the Big Mill.
Large preparations were made this
week for trout fishing up the creeks of
Colborne and Goderich Townships. hut
no very large catches were reported
today, Thursday.
Marlton may launch both the scow
that has been partly rebuilt and the
new tug, during next. week, and the
tug will have boiler and machinery
put in her right away.
W. 13erriningbam, of Ottawa, has
heen awarded the contract for the
Goderich barber extension at about
soo,000mo. which means, we suppose,
the extension of the outside break-
The owners of the fishing tug Twe
Macs lost some 37 nets in the storm
two weeks ago but have recovered
22 of them since. The last picked up
were sone° 8 miles from where they
wore set, and as may be eipected were
considerably damaged.
On Monday afternoon the steamers
Turret Chief, Capt. McPhee, and
Turret Cape, Capt. Simpson steamed
out ot port to go to Port thliam to
load wheat for Kingston, discharging
part of their cargoes o,t Point Edward
on the way down. We hope the
Turrets may have safe and profitable
trips this season, as their comniand-
era have a large number of friends in
Goderich who will be pleased to bear
of their succese. ,
Oa 'TODD. Fake_
efateee AdVaeglieeeilideew
ono Taws stooks.
Arr. OWAttielli hs* lee.negerdenj3so
on hi* ,property on meittintile xtoe4:
Wit fkr. Net oinotightn stlek.
4 siteesoful poultry breeder, 'hiving
fiilthe.004 ellitatlering.4pril;
b„,t,*'AUTOAlln hie tuiwig emnie*4 Veal,
1111.4•4133d 04011)4 ohiee '
ths Ito* College
;9t DenteA Burgeon, e. Toronto, ta,fteetet.
tog Pe. Mabee Orin- thitSuininSe.
1400k up -Ohm. *wt. cm Pette
ated Wee the new business syStein Jae
tuts intopuel. *ntl the Rd vantages or
;same. , ,
Mro.S..Edwmdabt having the team*
.dation40t in for it hank 'residenee,
corner of South otreet *9 Britannia
Mrs: W. D. Shannon hay moved
front Kingbolt 8000 to the rooms oh
West street recently vacated by the
Osnoe Club,
quite a number of fences have been
moved this eating. particularly im.
proving prepertieil On Nelson,. East
and ether etreeter
The foutulatton is being put in for a
brick cottage ter Mrs. P. Halls, on
her lot next her dwelling, corner of
North and Nelson ;Area*,
The bell ith 8h. George% elle_reh Wa8
put In order Wednelay. whe job
canoed considerable ritig ng, which ical
to the belief that several weddings
were being celebrated.
L. J. Carleton, CI Clinton, has open-
ed an agency in Leo tis Prelate's olliegf
to take ordera fOr a ...perfect pul-
py," whieh is one of the most con-
venient bousehOld articles that can be
inntirot, Pararone house on West St.
recto has conitnenced mov-
It Will he put • back in line with the
Hawkins dwellinge, and when the
row is linfiehed it will be a big Improve -
latent to Weet St.
Giovani La Sala, of Toronto. has be-
gun an action against el. A. Piggott
& Co„ of Goderich, claiming $1,000
for damages suffered through Alleged
negligence. The plaintife ie now in
the Alexandra Hospital.
Another WW1 purse with some odd
,change In it, has been picked up on
the street aud handed in to THU STAR
office, We are -always willing to help
restore lest articles to the owners, and
make these announcements according-
ly. •
Jobn A. Dunn, a Goderich boy now
in Duluth, Minn., is the first subscrib-
er to THE STAR lu the U. S. to recog-
nize the new postal regulations and in
remitting for another year includes
the postage, saying " I like to get the
old town news." e
The two new summer residences be-
ing built by E. N. Lewis, M. P. just
west of the Summer Hotel, will Is'e fin-
ished in time for early summer use,
and apparently they will be just the
kind of residences wanted during the
wanner on Huron's banks.
Goderieh Township Rifle Association
will meet next Wednesday evening, to
complete arrangements for netendlne
the senui.annual shoot of the tequnty
League at Auburn on May 24tb. Keen
competition Is expected at this shooL
tee several teams are preparing for it.
- Our well known citizen, John H.
Johnston. was one of the carpenters
that worked on the old Kirkpatrick
dwelling., recently turned round on
the lot on West street. The frame is
nearly as good as ever, and has at least
twice as much tineber in it as any
modern bulk hoose.
The handsomest and most up-to.date
thing. in the way of a delivery wagon
has just been completed by J. A.
Walker for Sruith, th,e East St. baker.
In design. beauty ofelnish and quality.
of wortnsanship it would do honor to
the biggeat city establishment. It is a
credit to the builder.
Local option went into effect at
Ripley on Wednesday morning. The
hotelkeepers have put up gates and
fences, and there is some uncertninty
as to whether or not they will remain.
-The Royal was' drank dry before seven
o'clock on Tuesday night. Quiet times
are expected for a Mille.
Measles have been exceedingly pre-
valent for the past two weeks, nearly
every second house having a patient
suffering from the disease. One may
judge its ravages when in one school
room on Monday there were only
three pupils in attendance. while in
another there wet.° but eight.
Assessor Campbell givee the popula-
tion of the town at the present Lime
as 4.506, an increase of 90, the popula-
tion last year being 4,416. Mr. Camp-
bell thinks there niar be 40 new houses
added to the town's buildings, but
says the hoarding houses have not as
many boardere as they had laht year.
Mr. and Mrs. Amey left Wedneeday
for Toronto and other points, and af-
ter doing some bridge work that will
require a few days, Mr. Amey will
leave for Parry Sound, where he will
be followed by the staff that was en-
gaged putting up the Maitland River
and other bridges. Most of the etate
that worked around, here were Gode-
rich men.
THorteow - George K. A. Thurlow
died on Friday, April 26th, after along
illness, aged 55 years and 0 months.
The deceased gentleman lived for
many years near Port Albert, but fail-
ing health caused him to vacate his
farm and move to Ooderieh a few
veers since. He took up residence on
Kenya street, where he lived till death
called. He was a well.known resident
of Ashfleld, and had hosts of friends in
that municipality. The funeral took
place Monday from his late residence,
Keays street, te Maitland cemetery,
the A. 0. U. W., of which the late Mr.
Thurlow had long been a tnember.
having, charge of the Obsequies. Rev.
MarkTurnbull, rector of St. George's,
conducted the burial service at the
house and at the grave, and brothers
John Tigert, Geo. W. Thomson, James
Hayden, Henry Morris, Wm. Gray end
T Hawkins Were pall hearers. The
members of the A. 0.. U. W. conducted
their burial service at the grave, and
there was a large gathering at the
cemetery, Ashfleld having turned oot
in goodly numhere to show respect for
their one time heneted resident. The
late Mr. ThurloW wao Canadlab, hay -
Ing been born In Lanark county. near
Perth. and afterwardS moved to Ash.
field. , He Wes married in that town-
ship in 18S9i, to Miles Margaret Doherty.
a member of that well known family
of Sitepparton. Ills widow and three
theughters, Mrs. Oakley, of Colborne,
Miss Hattie, at home, end Mies Mabel,
of Toronto, ourvIve. to Whotn the sym-
pttby of theft inersy friend. In /ten -
field, Colborne eta ooderieh goes out,
Tun STAB leade all Ones.
874 of heed/whoa ere the result of
eyoetraie, Printer (Mein veal glee
eanneentillen It yeu mei blMe that
erase cadent Wenn se Men. et ei Wog
Weft ise legate UAW% hefty
mor teth, lithrena at&
The tolleetion in Knox down on
Windt or the famishing ones, in China
Amounted 'to *MA The 0.010lItte
woo forwarded at. owe,
Bert jOhn Tenn, 14. ANA OT .U4Inati
ton, will livexch in Knox ebutelt next
Sunday, tnorning And eveningt and
WOO DV. the ,eengrogetion ott•
ownient seltenie of Rueetee College.
Tinge will be revivol tiervicee Wed In
the bacravits for two weeks, be.
Rinning May The Jones-tilt:temp
tripe Binearcline, will itesist in these
An ineltation bee been extended by
the :I/eptist conoregation Of Wing.
:Witt tO Hetv, H. Alien.- of Toroute,
to beeome their pastor Mr, Allen
'bite aceepted the invitation. awl enter.
upOn Die work this) week. His in-
duct/On\ takes place In a fete weeks.
The following refers to Rests J. IL
Osterhout, B. A„ It D., who has boon
InvIted to Victoria street Methodist
clone* ter the entitling terM
',WilmetAS Bev. Ostorhout, our pastor, is
R&M:17 geteliat_itteecuullitirtitietlinItko'g4i:14„d
(Amu b haft 'wee tiler ou edvencemerts,
reaching be highest position that it has at.
edema for a number of year&
bets of the Quarterly Medal boned co the
Therefore, be it resolved, that we, the vtileta.
eVroxdor Olroult, place ou recent our big au.
predation et oue_paitter end Me dovetail and
tainifill wire. we winli_theta abunderit and
continued success In the mesterei vie:wane
The resolution was °aerie& unreel -
mealy by a standing vote. During
Ina three years pastorate at Wroxeter
Mr. Osterliout has received into the
church nearly 70 members. and not-
withstanding heavy removals, the
membership hes increased from 152 to
188 during 111s term. The salary has
increased $200 ednee he came to the
circuit, and the missionary and other
connectionol funds have increased ac-
cordingly. Over $800 has been spent
in Improvements to •ohinich property
during the term, all of which hag been
paid and the circuit Is free from debt.
The Sunday School Convention and
Ruri-Deoanal meeting of the Deanery
of Huron will be held on Tuesday and
Wednesday of next week at St. Jqhn's
church, Brussels, when the following
programme will be followed : Tuesday
-12.00 a. m., Holy Communion ; 12.30
p. luucheon ; 445 p. Devotion-
al exercises, address of welcome, Con-
ference ; 2 p. tn., "The relation of
parents to the Sunday School," R, L.
Taylor, London ; 2.45 p. m„ "The
Prayer Book and its use," E. Nash,
Winghain ; 3.30 p. m., "The home
department." Mist: H. Walrond.
Exeter ; 4.15, "The Advent Collects,"
Rey. T. G. Wright, Welkerton ; 5.00,
business electing; 0.00, tea; 7,30, Even-
song in St. John's church. Sermon by
Rev. Canon Tucker, D. (J. L , of To-
ronto, General Secretary M. S. U. 0.
Wednesday -8.30 a. m., Holy Com-
munion, Conference; 10 a. in., "Pole er
Book Revision," Rev. M. Turnbull
11 a. m., the Catholic Faith." A review
of Dr. lariffith-Thomas' book, Rev. W.
H. Hartley ; [It has been auggeated
time , the Clergy. procure and read
tens book before the Conference] ; 12
a. ne, business ; 12.30 p. in., luncheitin
Discussion will follow every paper. f t
is hoped t has every one will come pre-
pared Lb CIOUtiihUto in this way to the
peogram. Speakers will be allowed
eeettes each. The H. H. Oen-
vetition is held Tuesday tend the Deate
ery Chapter on Wednesdev.
The Goderich Base Bali Club will
play on Victoria Day in Menu)
against the team of that town. In
the meantime our boys will go Into
real practice, so as to be able to put up
a good game on the 24th, The club
has placed an order with Martin, the
tailor, for new snits, and intend put.
ting on a concert in a week or so, at
which some cif the best local talent in
town wilt take part.
The new electric lights were lighted
for the first time on Monday evening,
all round the town, and the change
from darkness to light was a pleasant
one. The lamps certainly give better
light than the old ones. and the shades
above the carbons given a more ex-
tended circle of light. Of course the
new machine was running, eke all the
street and other lights could not have
been burning at the same time.
The entertainment by Prof . Hem-
stree et hypnotist, in the Opera House
on Wednesday evening was well at-
tended, and amply met the highest ex-
pedtations. The Professor takee his
subjects at random from the audience,
and lie succeeded in some clever work
that wws mirth provoking. Ile in
about the best in Able line Goderich
people Neve seen for many years. A
aecond performance Was given last
Auction Side Register.
Wfflii4ESDAY, Mem ts. - Executore
Sale of Household Furniture Furnish-
ings, etc., belonging to the Es.tate of the
fete Elizabeth C. MOW, at Ridgewood
Park. Everething must be disposed of.
Teruo Po and under cash, over thnt
&Mould 6 months credit will be given on
furnishing approved security. Tilos
Gtelenne, Auctioneer;
of it eer load Of Iletyv Draft
l'otpose end Driving Harrell.
Buggies, 4 SeCeed Hand Du
Intent/lade Tired do, Severe
Singlet and Double light flata
Gtibtlfr Broe. Stablest,' Gridfiii
oYelotki Oeftratle. Atictk)
on gale
3 new
glee . 2
Senn of
0. At
et Otie
C. P. R. Construction Notes.
Quite &number of men are now en-
gaged along that part of the track that
will run beside t he elevator, putting in
the cement foundation.
All along the line from Myth to the
Maitland river bridge the track Is be-
ing flxed up, and it looks as If trains
will he running from Guelph over the
Maitland ri seer bridge before Dominion
The steam shovel has commenced to
work again along Attrill's hank, and a
day or two will see the dumping cars
employed raising the track overSquaw
Island till it le eir on with the bridges
at each end of the island.
Some time ago the Bruce Hernld
announced the Canadian Northern
intended constructing a line front
Washago through Walkerton to Kin-
cardine. Thie town will noon have the
third railway. Six engineers were
there inst:week tak lee levels, ete, for
the C. N., which will come In through
Durham and Hanover and will pro).
ably go to Kincardine through Dee-
keld and Cargill.
Winghain Times: Survevors fer the
Can. Pacific R'y were in town for a few
days loot week looking over the grim nd
at the south end of Josephine st reeeetted
this revived the rumor that the 0.P.It.
station Wee likely to be moved to that
part of the town. It is the opinion of
many of our towntipeople t hat con nee -
tion is to he made from Wingliton to
Blyth. The moving of the station to
the Routh end of the town would great •
ly help that section of the town, and
the railway to build the road front
Wingham t,o [Myth would give net
good connecting, with fiteelph and
Goderich. We would like very merit
to see this work earried t,) eompl et ion,
hut nothing definite can yet he re•
t,T1CW P. 11, ri:Ntovir4.
The C. P. IL bac flprilled to install
another new clans of en ginen on the
Lemtion and Windnor division, and it,
le said that they will he 1110 flint
of their hind to be brought into Ain -
erica. These loconiotiven are known
aa the 693 claim of nuperheated type
262 A. They are equipped with
superheaters, which consist or a roil
of pipe about 301) feet in length.
Thin coil of pipe reheats t he steam
after it leaven the holler for the
cylinder, and it enters the 'Wren at
much greater and dryer pleasure
than if it left the boiler without en-
tering the coil. The onginen have a
great drawing advantage over en
ginee not no eqiiipped, and it in
claimed hy the officials that t hey
will supersede 'all other typos, and
that the fuel expenne is trench Iowa
They have a capacity to poll P20
ears, and are known as Ur, per
eent. engines.
Onelph Herald: A party of (' P. It
official's. including General ntiperin-
tendent Oberon. Superintendent
Sullivan, Divioional Himerintend•
ent Murphy, 1/tyke:nal Engineer
Fairhairn, Chief [engineer Peteroon
and Col. Macdonald, last lei iday made
a tour of inspection of the Guelph itz.
Goderich road. The npcein I train
went through to Illy th • ehfeh in only
about 15 melee out. from floderiele The
rano are all in (-Killion up to thie
point, and the anent ing ban been
partially mitneleted. Thie week an
additional gaits nf lahorero will com
menee on the wade wheel) IC la pro.
r with all 1.0011 -
ma nil along the
and Mr. ()borne
'pod to he able to
e road Blyth by the Met of
r during that, month. Ile alien
'the statement that the (1. and
Buren Lodge, NO. 0o, 1. 4.
Marko the tifitb Anniversary of
the Order. -
MUM= PAI141115.
Huron Lodge, No. 42, I. 0 0. F..
coiehroted the 88th anniversary of 'Ito
Order on this Continent by attending
define eertrice at St. tleorge's church
fitinday mortiNg., As the day was
generally observed by a church parade.
otitaide lodges were unithfe te join
with Huron, but the latter Made a
grand turn out, 87 members beteg in
the line. The brethren marched round
the Square to the church, and a liner
body of men never nmeched from lodge
room to church as thatikegiving for
health wed the prosperity of the 20-
eloty that hoe done au witch to uplift,
the human race by combining for the
common good.
Tho fiervice was a special one, the
first lesson being the 20tho °banter 1st
Samuel, and the emitted the Itith of
Luke. verses 311 to 37, both being es-
pecially applicable to thou° who lutve
joined the great throng that seek to
alleviate distress. The psalms were
the and 05th. and the hymns 278
and 292. The text used by the prenclo
or watt part of the second 'lesson,
"Then said Jeans unto him, go and do
thou likewiee." eft. Turnbull preached
an tultuirahle enciety iternion, and
though nee ten Odtifellow, his deliver-
ance was one especially pleasing to
the fraternity, as it was full of refer-
ences to those gospel fetituree
which the Brotherhood pins its faith.
The musical service was appropriate,
the numbers well sung and the organ-
isee offertory excellent, On the re-
turn to the lodge room t N. G., Beo.
Martin, add reseed the lodge, baying Lie
wan sure the menthe:et must have heen
pleased with the excellent sermon and
appropriate unwire Before eeparat leg,
Pitst Grand 0. II. tneved,
seconded by Pant Grand 0. A, Nairn,
that a hearty vote of thatike be ac-
corded Rev. Mr. `Purnhill for his ex
cellent sermon, the chorr awl organist
for the special musical. program, and
tile otill re h wee -demi for t he use of t
church, and the motion yarded iinani•
poned to nigh throu
Ode apeed. The otot
line are completed
ototen t
0. vehen completed will he one of the
finest pteees of road, if not the fineet,
in the Dominion.
'11-1 11A NQV
The 88th anniversary beimplet of the
institution of Othifellowshlp on thin
Continent was held on ffriday evening,
April 20th, nt Rotel Bedford. The
dining hall was specially arranged for
the occasion, with oue table and 71)
seats, 07 of which wen) neoupited. Flags
were placed around Lhe hall, the tables
nicely net, WO at eneh plate was
placed a caegation for the guests.
diners entered the room just before
10, and from thet hone until 11, the
(line was profitably and enjoyably
spent disoussing toothsome hill of
fare. During the, dinner tho orchestra,
Messrs, AtIttros, Doty, Pentiiinflon and
Mack played a e twice program.
The chairman, Bro. Wite, Proud
foot, K. C., opened the toast' lielt with
.0 Out, Klek,...fei followed wit in,
tr(iductory 11(10 rems. biro.•SherTar liey•
nolds wive A tifAttli /4011,. Ana then lp a
nt:ely worded speech, interlarded.,with
1110111011011 of the old time days and
clever hits, presented Bro. F. 1,', 1,11.w-
rence, the 0,1,11'011°w of :17 yearn stitml•
lag and the only chartet member of
No. 02 present., with It g,dil veteran's
inetkl. Bro. Lawrereee Ipso tai an lira
mense salvo of cheers, and briefly
though heart ily thanked linron Lodge
for the handsolnI, 111141AI, the kindly
words of the She: in making the
presentation, and the Of Nit.
112 for the kerierous revel,' ion 1 hey had
given hint. At this stage of the pro-
ceedings lito, I tietrieli re.id letters of
regre, from the (1 rand :Nlaiitet. and
()rand Sverr I ary and ,it hers vtlio were
tenable to attend. A rondo song by
11, Smith \va. NIL Petty,
Ileneall, responded 1,, the f ortml
"The Greed eitilge el' ()merle,' speak.
Ing in leis ttsital happy style of the
Wand 1.(sIge MU! itti doings. If e Npulte
highly of the lodges in this entint y,
and complimented II mon 1011140
likrge /111f1 Inettliw, OOP,
its sound tloantaal position. A song
lry Bro. A. Sounder., and then " I no,
iet 17),“ was roplied hy 11,,,.
Taylor, of Clinton, who showed t he ail
vanoe made mentheiship, the gen.
oral prl.greris all round of No. 15, iind
the led vo 11r erdei general] v. A
most neceptable rot rtpl Nor() was given
hy Mr. Pennington, and " Huron
Lodge, post Iltel present," %VAR replied
to by lima,. II. %V. Ball 'trio C. A
Nairn ror the part, the present helm;
taken by 1310. 11, 1 1. Item!. The trio of
Past Gran& made it (dear that No, 112
had wore a good reoord, and that its
ixoellent ball ;end it. 21c4 ineti,hers
W011. *Allitt a 11.1 f:ict. tiro
liarry 1.41,11,1), gaVe 0 1,0111, rang.
whieh wAry fmeot ed, and Bros. Blair
and Solid, lirnoolleld, replied to
the toast " Visiting loon.- Sr.
It (1, Ileynolik gave 'Loot her voeal
nolo, and the ,o,hestrr1 11101V1,1 Irlitte
11111111ter Wilit'll Ilent.tity
Bro. Dr. Nlork ha gave a song. and
Main, then. Pot ter and A H0111)11Prf.1
made neat opilf`,4 t1) 1110 101191 " H14111t
Sorielies," and Fred wag+ ea
roved for Ids comic 5,0114,
'rhe banquet was ail eicrlasirrdy
Oddrellows one, lisnee 101 round the
t111,1e Wellt ,,f that ft ate( nal
‘liwietirt. The (.m111'11014,, lir., 1 1 1)
Reed, I/ea N1ar V r, %V. A Iller 10),
.1. Stratton 'toll .1. 1r Plat t. the N (1 ,
St" I,' 1- Martin. and the `• (1.,
Firm (1. 1' 1 Isitelv, deser Ve the 01311104
of the inethreti f,it the net fe,t o tray
Inn too tho WI) AllItiVer*At V pea,
.. Legal Notes.
Manna Veutlra tieraiklaatlesColaten. - ,
A. T. as Clinton. -41,-41.1011 thn
Town Council power to rent part* ot .
the Town pu tar business purpose*?
Does tho nnielpal Act confer snch
neuters ott the Council?
.A.n.s....Municipal Councils have cont.
pletettrIsdietion and control over the
montespal huildingE3 and °thee prcr.
porty betongling to the corporation.
The Council. can Wale Or sell tbo seen°
without -asking the authorit y or antic -
tion of the electors.
ti. H. L., Wroxeter. -Qu. -A buss
hand and wife hetvo nee lived together
for et number of years. Van the hus-
band oell the property Without the
wife herring her dower P if she signs
thell,ced boning her (rower. what part
Of the purcitase money ought she to
receive P
Arise -Where a wife is living apart
from het husband under such circum-
stances as disentitle her tet Relfaleniti
the court has power to make an eder
allowitig her husband to self the.„ inee-
erty free from her dower. , even
where the wife le not disentitIed W
alimony the judge has power to niake
an order fixing the value of the Wifeet
dower, end directing that the same
shall remain a leen or charge upon tho
property, or that part ot the purchase
money shall be secured or paid into
court to be applied for the benefit, of
the wife, in event of her surviving her
husband, in lieu of her dower itt the
land. .
M. P., Gorrie.--Qu.-Are Public
school teachers' salaries assessable: '' If
SO, what part It:exempt from taxation?
(2) Is the tax levied on the preetent
year's salary or on the poet year's sal -
:try P (3) Can a female teacher, if as.
sewed 'for all of salary. or part. be
charged with two days "statute la-
bor,' 8elarY being $500 Per year, and
being asseseed for $450 as income.
Ans.-The annual income (leaved
from personal earnings Is assessable.
but there Is an exemption to the ex-
tent of eithlit Ynn ought Pot to be as -
missed foe more tban $100 (2) The
tamer are levied On last yea.es assess-
ment. Oe The Statute Labor Aot says
every person whose " property " is as-
sessed upon the assessment roll of a
townehip for more thati 11300, Shall
he littblejor two days etatetfei 'mbar. 11
atisessed for more than 'MU; but not
more than $5110, then the parson shall
he liable to three days statute labor,
lit your came you are not assessed for
tiny " property," therefore, it would
seem that you are not liable to a sta-
tute labor tax. You ehould appeal to
the alert of Revisloil. Your income
oesestnnent ought to be reduced to
$100 and your statute itibor assess-
ment. ought to he cancelled altogether.
Went Moron licentien
Clinton, May I %Vest 11,tron 1,1
renal. eottimir,totiers met Nosteidav
and finished their leisiness 11( gi nut mg
hotel lieenses for Pa
I, Hannon, of NVinghata, war grant
yettt't. 110erete Atel piointosl the
hoard he would int., a new lot el oreet
ed next ear, "Oita wire t ...101111N
1411•1111.1C wet going to ask for sow,.
changes to 1 he in t erie,t of Itin
her 11,.. 010.1 %Vi ng ne eget 1,
renewed M A 'gip, t leo IC 1.1,1
ward: A. Orr, Of all. lit 1111,00,14 1,011
pard, of the 15(11 ish h'orehiLtitru: send the
I kineen•s
In Coderich 1,", ,ng. K int.{ Edward
I W. Craig. 'lariat llonse Hwaris,
British Exchange: F. Davis. llotel
, Iledfordi 11, .1. Slott..., ',taut! noose,
and Capt. W. 1130,, of 1),ean
wore all given tit rise month
licenses, atm, %V. NV 1.4 xalt + s."fl. 11
een.,e Tilos 1). Johnston, .2 ( 01
hot ne lIon4o, and ratr Woo , ,,f 11u.
I ninth hree months on npeoial term.,
The Clinton hot elk eepera were gi von
not iee that in f,itioe tho law mimt he
alwerved or take 1 he onge(inenera.
When T & at tend tn your
Loos CAUOIIT. - On Tuenday butt
Mei:011'S. Herbert Meads end Alex. Sillh
caught a loon in a small stream going
through the farm of Mr. Ellis. The e
catch la a peculiar one for this gentle°.
thin beIng tbe fleet specimen ever
caught here. Tlae bird will be mounted.
ohneavIl le.
814A11Y FOIt B1181NEHH.-The bueter
faelory is all ready for another season.
The butter maker, Mr. E. Williams,
ham eeturned from the dairy school,
Aft or passing a very creditable clean -
i nation . The prettitlent. JUIllen
Connolly, reports all cieam routes let
and good prospects for se
The patrons will he pleased rei "'hear
that two of the old reliable drawers
at 4, to he 1in this season again, namely,
Robert. Men nell and Herbert Os.
haldiston, the latter putting on two
f3toro. nn l'uon4tay, and WorrnosrlOY
May 141h, and 15th.
1.1•1104.1 int1,11,r Tito followinl Lho April
....tidy repast Of 8. 4. NO- 11. 'no names 011f
imkr 01 morn. Etta Jarrett, Ir.d25111
110111111011, Norman J011.34. Fourth A. M.
11.1s -r, J. T. Jarrist, Air=io Hointnell. Fourth
gest, 11 Jones, J. itemmelL Fourth
Itartinti Ithisitale. Sarah Hathwell. Junior
Third Lulu Haiti Will I. A. Jones. ,4%. II. Fisher.
Sys:Owl A 1.11. Rai h woll, .411110 Hood_ Second
IL NV. Mc lir•att., A. MeM artrle, McKay.
11/.4t Pr11•1.. Annal1.1.110r. Willie Cowper Tho
.1sdhss 111 1110 monthly spelling match°,
,ere Pin Elle .1arrott; 1oorth A.., Murray
1,14tor, rourth It. lunt John Kohl, Junior
hird. 11,1,,,-1 K.4,1; A., Anna Hood:
14 , ail M client h.
J 11..lorissroN, 'reacher
Port Albert
Nitrite. el ie. le Cunningham is int -
',toying slowly. Nein. Pearson Is con-
fined to hi -4 Neon). Cr. Simpson is at-
tending Ilk wants. Rev. Mr. Hicks
Way he village on Wednesday.
Jeek Diet -het -ion Is in Goderieh this
week with .4' veral men moving a house
for 1,. ['arsons, %Vest street. ---The
heavy rain pot a Atop to seeding for
reW dap; Quito a number of the oiti-
xens of the; neighborhood at tended the
funeral t he late lieorge Tburlow, at
(1 oil erioh, one!' resided in thin sec-
tion Will Itrown is building a cement
milk litetee for Jervin Wiles at present.
1'1004404 BOh. Ale Kay was in
NV nehitui on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs.
A. M. Delete and Miss Jean, of Tees -
%vat er, spen1 Sunday at Mrs. Babb'n
home, Mr. 11 AlcQii,LiTie's. --Mr. A.
11. .1 'Leidy: has returned from Cal-
ifornia. where he hAtt been visiting the
past few months Mr. Porter, of
Walton, Visited Miss Porter and the
et, awi-H Moser on Sunda y.--- Miss H
Mi-Caliehey was in Clinton on Friday.
-elle .1 Einigh. of Walton, WItA in
',No o.1 Sunday. Mr. 1'. flatlisle„ of
1,,,rsle,a,,,t 0, was in town on eaturday.
r %)," cif afore h, wan
ill tow!) Vtiday Mr 1.) Allison,
11010-,,e,•, it, :own on Saturday.
T NV' s • ,1 t, manager of Bank
"2 11 or? duty on a six
months leave of aiewnee owing to
hoolt h and is at present visiting In
London. Mt Reid, lif Wingliam, hart
hiker' e hat ge daring Mr. Scott es
It It tellIV liy labor that thought ean
he made healthy, and I mly by thought
that lotto, ram be made happy; and the
10.. cannot he separated with int pun-
t y
einton New Era : The wife a B.
w si me of lioderich, is in the hospit-
al here, whore site underwent an op-
ei et Jen for the removal of re, tumor;
ohe is doing an well RA can be expected.
of our esehangea refer to a
nevy si,eiet y baring been organiztud.
we're is aald to he a great deal more
.1f -eget and binding than the late P. P.
A There. who had experience with
the old will likely steer clear of the
"17. W/04 a norprine to Mro. Jamas)
, of Myth. to notice in a British
newspaper that her uncle, Rev. F.
k, of A hogheentili'itiluanittyve
htlia"itilrdalthwoill 118 years oolindd.Anilnt-
wag he who marrie wm Moody and
mareAret McGee the pr-esent Men.
perter, of Myth, in the year ISA
lie wan ordained a minister of the
!Heat Prenhvterian ehnech two years
prior to the neeension of Qation
Lorin., and ie if; nurpriaing to hear that
his health in exeellent read his (tenses,
with the exeeption of sight. Innen-
paired. Ho attends regulafly the.
church of hie aceiefaitit and summer.
Rev. Jamca Pyper.
oee- • .0
:?, .
: 2