HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1907-04-26, Page 7.4."11PEIlltarrlwetterve•
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11° "14 :031044 *UAW 44 4:001.4. Web,. hee Weeps by this time rah*. far petnpering tied eileptheie lingtele Oka" Atiy" ileit Atte-POP Allred NOVI, flItiden PelVelleill the Str, the Water and
4494144.*.w4s ow411(nut out In(44 wootme. SOU* eratiel4,you •that and 45kf014. 4 407 Coma tkn'' go*" lre.0$0t0 *044 i140 u11411Uei lasttb Will 1)04 11A1, 114°
OM% lal1M living the lift •of ihe SOO .ere' charmed, soy ,seemg ye/vow:sort * 'Amy, WOO/0 e Sondeneee ACeersibele Captain A, Gitle Ttie slatentent was matte not tong
011teasts thd Man ter whatilethe Wined Mot e-ogeece4tto. youtoole expo,. 'et the perhem, mot teleeht„ Dgripg finer, Mt() the 4Perlitioth Poo, awe St. Niehaus, by o tnMinte en.
use. There is• lotar Of blue blood once, ;Wigged:by the ;Wean, blue -0 %a tho *pultut campato, os 1,80 orpnimye Andean cOast 7,1S kited wIllt on)* gincer ot worldwide rViPutation• Me
fa blot, iwowr wits, eaepighe peed; 47i end, bolero boAtinavio.1644 ct eel* fox), by *eipeeesahtioy. mei., In it eve* rad Of Yneeelo item aid rtUtalt Iralde of wee* pawer, wind power and
"441 )4'44 010 tals Y444w% VIP"' dig Is Obskaht. Yott loolc-lawardo it and Pater the far notiblo qeSe ihi5 .41$44000100° Oft ttle4.04,044 41t 40/101/4. Wetatt1 ot the next Icor centuries.
eel* Allgtietkie Ting, who eeeeeet,W,,, 01' teterettelietempereeet rIlift,1114001WP*Inks* 'Um armsr0l 04'410174.$1.40104erteatiker,.'•ganfant• • o maderni, hors. llare to "on elne power es edminercial factors is In -
41.5414C14/4 114"lik g1414ella'I.Y44 "4/e0 th4.34110 falatet Of• the. GaVeffier Othiefted On itte hariho the *IlittinO 701',.4 Ok the trortelleca deed lust begInniog to be realized. •
114 Wiele La 1414 Stc4r44;' 1.°1:'`El/r1' 4 .-40414'11.t44 01118400tUndinift4 Wkfel; 114 PA HMI b1kelk bal(YA i§canely ik hatied4 Will be brought to It is estbuated that .throughout the
•M4401,71to 01:104404°34P,•1(w 44414 :beentY-find elegene,o have:pot begn sae, Away*, months •rold, -mat beOeliaa OM V* nortite.0--. World abotd •2,000,000 electricul horso,
ebliqfnknliP ',A•.tew dayttlititklia !Kneel to certain, nriiiiarr eomidevettoho liet. and Pride td. -the f*giment. Be Ira.. wog Tugy sEEK power m generated to -day Maui water-
pearod 01040,41.11 erSderl OtrPet Pellee sykteh ogeely keegraim eleogoi New wow* ,0100„ ,00, a smolt , • falls and eireemS, fvtore than one-quar-
charged Wit.1)7**te(11114 °Ver.* h ahmetitre thaV woo • fl• o ow tag ;me whet, 4heut.%,,ollee0 este eeeld lent'
caat- Ha Wee reltaged Mel* Own ,re- butneasew rico treastire eaPtured ter of tide greet horse -power Is gener-
Who 0 Gordon% trag rend. AS In Arabia and4 •kid0 411.00
Seem .pirotas and *unit tit tho tited in the United States, with Canada
00R -fiance 44 tha 010000, Itiede it tvell.$ aeohlotik, IMO f.donk the river front berebticli to Viktot, and give 'of song alli dot Rwanda. Seeend and Switzerland third.
clear that seine Other fe OW ROY at010 they present a„ eeo pre amt Natant ,daeco 90 the heyra*.mote, dodo, 0 Priceless chine, bullion, tin, lead and At the lowest estimate it would re -
the gart1104t eark holoteilert opoo ,fulgiit appearahrer.*writee. a 004'esPanagfit 'at 40000190411 1.116,,regment toeeedia, lead ellver, tenth in the Dutch galleon Mid- quire some 25.000,000 tons of coal to gen-
the urea 01 44 Par ';'41Titg4 .4; 00i10,1 tterpag toll Gazette, 0 toe Le Rohe ape* saneetiO*e; elieburg, wbieb wok. ecuttled off Hoetjea crate 2,000.000 home -power continuously
6 fleSe; " " - Tbfe verdant appearance at Om eikt, Ide endlitMelet ini0 the re root, the Bay
I Un. VS years ago, to avoid eaptere, by the *Winery steam engine, and al -
*Dinette daY'stief.349.1'4700s0 which adds so nattell, to ma otrooge turner of which%) Web. Re pow lead- Valtiable eargo beet in the Dnbalt Gov- lowing S5 .a ton -for the cost of caul,
at the addrese tu) bad „giver?, hi; tlte,P0* charm .of es 4044014 le clue to tau fact Ing clarleriet-Player in the ;regimented eminent's armed merchantman emelt- tilts would represeat`a saving of 8125, -
lice rourt. It ween OW IsidOng-knenst1 that the Dervish hordes who did their bend. firet-vhdill PlaYer ite the strMg. stelir In 1098. 000,000.
In le stunt street atal 01,,,„„'001410" a .beet to destroy wind Gordonleit, 14010- hand nnct • •
, . Copper, tin and Sliver of great value, There are theusands of streams cap -
Welched Mat Mt the MI) elefflee' _ c w43 Mg Ws palece never thought of outteng ' s., ' * Which weht down in the Aberdeen White able of producing from 100 to 50,000 or
stiabbllY 01ad 411-ide-bWeillgte-J•5 04 need deIvn the 11.04, many of 'Which Gordan AN ALIeRODNet MODEL SOLDIER. Star boat Thermopylae. more horse -power, a few others, flee
to describe blinin detail; EVerYbody is
!Millet with thatYPD*41-,14,4:144:*e4it* ' Captain Gardhter has served in the Niagara, the Victoria Falls in South
aritleb a,nd Chine.° naviee. and is an Africa and innumerable falls of the ma.
ege which he Peprasento-41,torinan .who Ofticer of the Royal Navy Reserve. His stssippl, the Colorado and the Missouri,
might have been sonietlener'decidedly attention was drawn to the records 4.t with powers in ties direction Mut seem
different. He talked -freely atter tio'had the many wrecks Whieh have occurred tmlimtted
Adjourned to some place rnefe.conducive
to a free exchange el PenevArAAHafie along the African coasts, and he spent
"So you want MY stein' tOr a 11.41WS- Several years in endeavoring to looate
paper,' he said. "You . Bank. f Would them.
He was rewarded by the discovery ef
look well in type, as a serf. of human 29 wrecks which could be reached and
document Illustrating lite rulo that fol-
lows the sins - of the Stuart Set which the result of hes distoveries was the
Father Vaughan keepe 'hammering at. fornaation of the South African Salvage
Well I don't mind. I've got rid of most Company, Limited, with a capital of
things ,I started in life with, Including, 8125,000.
A SENSE OF SHAME. The steamer Alfred Nobel, once the
born a suoker." • Oromea. a pleasure yacht. and more
To begin with then, I must have.teen
. recently engaged in carrying dynamite,
"But you weren't' barn lit America?" %Nes chartereie and neither pains nor
of American slang. -- money was spared in equipping tier as
a salvage vessel.
I interposed, startlee by his glint usage
picked up. senie cif their lingo. Bet There will be 20 hands, including two
"No, I wasn't. but I've been thereand
te make. a fresh start," Ile. went on. "I divers, all ex -navy or naval reserve
was born a sucker at Twickerham. HIse men. They will sign on for five years,
toile place, you knoW. My dad -died and will Le given a 5 per cent. share
- when I .was,,thirteen. That was bad fine ea all treasure found.
me, because he Might have straightened The Cape Government claims 15 per
me out before I had gone so far on the cent. of the value of all silver raised.
Wrong road I emildn't turn back. I 25 per cent. of the value of gold and
wits sent to Belmont College, windsor, precious stones. and 10 per cent. of the
and afterwards 'to Sandhurst, where value of other articles, but Captain
they train young .swelis far the army. Gardiner is quite satLstied that there
That was bad for me, too, for there I ooncerned.
will be. enough left to please everybody
got the notam that swells are a priv-
ileged class; that hard work Is derogn —,e__-
- pace should be the chief aim of their BABY ELEPHANT AT PLAY.
tory to their dignity and thrd to. go the
"I put that idea into execution as Fun One Six Months Old Had In a Malay
- soon as I got 'out 'Of- Sandhurat. T Went- Jungle.
to Prighton for a heliday. There tenet Mr. Burgess had most kindly sent
the kind of chaps that r„ have Mitre back Go‘irnment elephants for the lug -
learned are always looking out for Ellek- gage and on their return proposed that
ers. They showed me how to get a
good time and shared 11—at mv ex-
pense. Ilet the expense was greater
than 1 ceuld meet on the allowance inv
mother made me. My new friends.
. tholigh soon showed me a way out of
thee difficulty. Thei „introduced me to
hilnself WM placed there; while ell hi.s Very similar theohletOrY 01 Private
'rase trees were left by the Mandist Van, Yartilf, a, swarthy Greek. When the
Yorkshire RegiMent was quartered at
Cyprees the men Made a berrack-room
pet of the dimItitglve, hiendleSs Greek
boy. lie became so attaoheet to them
that when the regiment Was ordered to
take part in the Egyptlen Campaign he
smuggled himself aboard the transport
and acoompenied theM down the Nile.
Ile clung to Ids protectors with dog -like
fidelity, and when he grew te Manhood
was epecially enlisted, serving his term
With distinct Reedit in Irelaed and Gi-
braltar, He now has employment under
the L.C.C.
The same regiment at an earlier per-
iod adopted a stray baby -boy which ulti-
mately justified in much greater mea-
sure its protectors' 'faith in it. It was
whilst route -marching in a country dis-
trict in Ireland that the mite was dis-
covered by the reghnent, crying pitifully
under a hedge. It had been cruelly de-
serted by its mother, and the regiment
adopted It, and subsequently the waif
was enlisted into the regimental drums
under the name of "Green Howard,"
which is
dale just as he planted thenl, atid
bear witness in the garden of the Gov-
ernor-General to the heroic soldier's care
fee -simple things elnid dui desperate
.defenoe of
From the river front one enters Me
paMee by an.arched gateway in the long
Wall. Once inside, a 'charming picture
captivates our gaze—green lawns shaded
beZtiful mime* of tamp, vletas of
feir gardens ablaze with flowers of many
a hue, both tropical and European, which
lure One in every direetion es one gazes
n the park -like scene where sun and
shadcnv divide their reign aired magrilft-
cent. trees and tiny streantlets (51- spark-
ling water. The grounds ore in all about
eleven acres ln extent, end present, a
triumph of assiduous gardening in such
close proximity to 'the Equator.
The garden front of the palace is des-
tined toeegoure the maximum amount of
ceolness and comfort with its triple tiers
of arched colonnades formed in a hol-
low square. • ArtiStically curving flights
of steps, lead- up from the rosery to the
lower colonnade. This is based upon a
further series or archee, which ale° do
much to secure the coolness of the inter-
ior One of teese flights of steps leads
past the scene of Goruqn's last stend and
death, and this is marked for the benefit
o: future generations with an inscription
upon a granite slab. The state and
private apartments are handsome, well-
proportioned rooms, and there can be
only one_.opinion—that..chatted as. they
may have been at different tirnes over
other achievements, Khartoum and its,
palace will always remain
t) the arceitectitral ingenuity of the
fleyal Engineers. They designed and
decorated the palace, and it Is upon their
plans that so many fine buildings have
been, and are being, erepted in the city
ne the present moment.
Khartoum has been so rapidly modern-
ized that it is impossible to say where it
will stop when the completion of the
great transcontinental line places it on
one of the world's greet, commercial
highways. Already la its present state
bf development a splendid monument of
Britith civilizing energy, it iS the wonder
of beholders from Ettrope apd America,
who walk up and down in the wide
streets laid out at right angles to one
another end traversing this neW African
metropolis in all directiohs from the cen-
tral position of the Geroon Square. .
Beside _the palace of Itie Gaverpor-
General there rises not far distant ano-
ther handsome bleck of buildings. These
are the headquarter oilloes of the Soudan'
Government, ler Khartoum will always
remain the seat of administration. Then,
adding distinction to other parts of the
city, there is the Gbrdon College, the
War °Mee, the Courts of Justice, post
and telegraphs, government stores, po-
lice and military barracks, Muridieh, all
handsome specimens of architecture
evolved by the genius of the Royal En-
gineers. 13esides these, the banks are
housed in extremely fine buildings, while
nu,mcrous and
are rising up on all sides. There Is ex-
c,ellent hotel accommodation lot visitors,
who always troop down by rail during
the Cairo season, and for residents there
is the Soudan. (Aub. The entrance fee
for the latter is not eStravagent, but its
subscription Is up to the size of a guod
Club In London, for those who live in
Khartoum. 1 he dinners are good and its
rooms comfiirtably furnished, while polo
and race meetings make it. a general
As a setting le the many architectural
features of the city, beautiful gardens
hove been laid out in many directions
and planted with trees and flowers. For
two miles along the river side runs a
promenade shaded with palms and nther
-The boy proved a capable musician,
and in due time attained to the high and
responsible position of regimental bend -
master. .
That the ranks are full of hidden ro-
mance-Ovas proved only the other day,
when a bandsnlan of the Sbropshire
Light Infantry asked advice of a London
magistrate as tie how he Gould recover
the fortune dire to him.- It transpired
that he was the son of a French noble-
man who had just diecerleaving an Im-
mense lea -tune. It is only recently, too,
that a ease came to light at Cionmel of
al °Meer having enlisted as a recruit.
It appeared that he had obtained his
commission in the Corinaught Rangers
in South Africa, but, not having suffi-
cient means to support his position, left
the former regiment and enlisted as a
recruit en the Royal Irish Regiment.
Probably the only analogy to this in
military history Is provided by the caie
of Jahn Shipp, who holds the -unique re-
cord of being the only soldier who twice
won a commission from the ranks.
and the son of a private in the Marines,
he enitsted into the Cheshire Regiment,
and so distinguished himself at Burtpore
that Lord Lake prontoted him to an en-
evigncy in the 65th Foot. On return to
England John Shipp -got badly into?" e4
sold his commission, and when tie -oee
pennilese. "look .tho. 4e -etude -a-seetend
tine, again went to India es .
vale. ar showed Alice gallantry in Ihe
field That the Commander-ln-Chief re-
appointed him an ensign.
His career had a sad ending, how-
ever, for In 1822 he seriously forgot his
military manners during cn altercation
with his colonel, and as a consequence
was tried by court-martial and cashiered.
However, the East India Commis, gate
him a pension of £50 per annum, ariu he
afterwards became first police-Mspector
Pt Stepney And then master of the Liver-
pool Workhouse.—London TIt-Bits.
I signed some document by which. I re-
presented myself to be of age, which I
wasn't, and acknowledged the receipt. of
a loan of .E.500. 'But all I- got in cash
was £150. The rest was in shares in
something or other In some oullancheh
place I had never heard of. They turn-
ed out to be worth nothing, of tourse.
With the friends who had introduced
* the money -lender I went' that night
." tee -eel Pelican Club. We played
• • he whole of the 1150.
tjelrds. when. We left the club they "had
"They suggesteremeottiereveett
lock. He advanced me more.money on
the seine terms. It went, the same way
—wine and cards. In the course of a
few weeks I borrowed £7,000 on my ex-
pectations' and lost it all. Thent Slty-
lock said he could let me have po money
cn my own name. My friends suggest.
ed that 1 could use my mother;s name.
I did. The only excuse 1 can make for
myeelf is that my condition was pitch
that I did not realize whatel was doing.
That money went the same way.
"Shylock would let me have no more.
My jolly companions let me have
enough to keep me going until came
of age. Then I had to shell out £11,850
to settle with my creditors. I was n
fine spectrnen of
in those days. You will hardly eredit
but It is a fact. that suspicion never
entered my head' that the jolly chaps
who stuck so close to me apd had such
prodigious luck always in winning my
money were sharpers. A. week or two
after I came of age, I went with them
and some other friends I had picked up
to a pigeon shoot at Bodiam in Sussex.
There I lost L1,000 in ane day, betting.
My friends suggested that I try my luck
a. dice. I have thought since the dice
were loaded. Anyhow, when 1 woke up
next morning, I found that 1 had lost
my last £1,000 and my Blends had- all
"I mamiged to keep ening for a lime
by the aid of the pawnbrokers and tried
• to hunt up my friends, but e.ouldn't fin(1
them. There was a reversion of £9.e00
coming In me on my mother's death.
I sold thee Then my friends turned ite
again. Strange—, wasn't it? But still I
didn't tumble. We went to o ',nee meet-
ing. There I had n Ville leek. But !het
same night I lost rE2 .800 nlayIng
rat. Then my friends remindedsme of
my luck al the -receiraek; told me that
Teeing was ev1"r/Py the Droner mime
for me. I was Induced to buy four c.r
five harsee that were Aeld me as rore
horses. I rever eon arvIhIne with
them, of course. Then 1 entree 10 the
end of mv tether. 1 boa gnrie the Mice
for Pleven months and it had cost me
"My Wands twain ell mrs'ertomee
disappeared. 1 ran /levees one of Peen
n few days later and eseed Inc 1
n Ann
TNT no money tn snare.' he sae!. led
111 elle, you a bit or good advire. Try
to find as big fool ge yourself. and
then do him as You 'have been donee
"I tried to find work, but eny expert -
sive education hed Might nie nothing
of any nee In ea:1111v a living. could
Only pick up an odd job here and there,
Often I walked the stmels nights, Some
of my relatives raised enenigh to take
MG to South Afrlete But Sedth Attlee
had no rse for It man like Me. The hest
' I struck there was that a a billiard
Marker at Johainnesburg, bet it didn't
last long. 1 worked rtly way bark to
England niter a -Miele al years there.
England had no use for Me. either. My
folks shipped me to Nei? Veit. i struck
job there as a waiter in a Bowery res-
taurant. Held It nisi orte week. The
proprietor Safil Wee tem dead slow for
the billet. Thrit was ihe trotible.
cry lob 1 taeliled, WaS easy to find
some fellow ethe cionkl do It better. 1
driftel all aerciee the tethellicht as far
as $11111 Pranciacm even as n tromo 1
Wagn n s tertea, And litre 'I am, bath
old En nd, up against the Setne old
"Me met ermarrIed eidrir fn Vat-
finghantshi 01101 My dieetiee. She
ten& me all MIMS of 'nano Steen -
1114(1011y,• atora—aird (mod
*dam nal •hat'a the well good ad-
. . vire to a fa' ntIM, tne? rt fontfre
end Iry wall' LAW u• WA areal
v pit Ont yr411t try*,
e •
• ,
• •
•'" s
trees. while ehrubberies attract the eye
on all sidee, in which the flora almost
entirely belongs to tee Soudan, Here
Kharoum society ridet and walks, or
perchance it Letakee Itself to the 7/10-
11.giral ygrdens, In which a military band
ale/nys pleye on Sundays.
II ts a pity that more of the actual
building of new leharieum could not,
have been given to Peeves, but the!
Mandist ',error which destroyed the land
end all its ancient linndicrafts is Despoil.
sible for the fart that the work has hae
le be given to Italians, The nativaa
however. art eager to be laugnt every
thing, and ender the benighn ruleo
Britain the country Ls being once niore
repopulated, and ae a shetirli observed
I- me the other day, "Our people have
never known such blessings, such peace
and justice before."
The Tendencs in Regard to Conviviality
and Gambling.
In London elub llfe nn the whole there
is a lendeme !owned a more matierete
eenviviailly. while n chastened effect is
le he observed in regard to gambling.
clubland hoe not lost altogether 114
nld time characteristics, says a writer in
the Fortnightly RevieW.
There are rakes and ple still, even if
arf, become virtuoue; bohemian clubs
still prosper and greatly increase in
favor. Some remain' true to the rendi-
tions under v.'hich they were created
and are still ragged bute jovial, as un-
spoiled net the potatoes In their lattices
that flank the smoking chops and foam-
ing flagons. the buck rabbits, the (tolii
pork, and port wine that are arnang Itie
%write viands.
Others have taken lo droes suits and
the entertainment al persons of the
nicest consideration. We can never For-
get nue old haunt of roystering thane!.
ler nor the story of the demure country
person who, •orriving by a night train,
appeared seekine biteakfaet and Os totd
by a eleepy waiter Mat 00 suppera erekt
Served after 0 a.m.
ts of the same ono that another
afore is told of a Member who &Upped
X5 note on the, fluor in the wriiiti
roam and hurrotig bolt wbon iso
covered his 10551 Otani waiter ha
nicked it itp and rcaloted it, retatiadu
sadentioualy : "Lucky ono of tha Meni
tem did not oeo h."
Some Gold Handled That Sell for ea—
. Handles of Silver and of Ivory.
If a man yvere content to shave him-
self with a razor having a hard rubber
handle, as Indeed most men ore, he
could buy one with a blnde of very ex-
cellent quality for a dollar; I ut there
are rnz as, far mure expensive then this.
Thus there are sold razors with han•
riles of 18 karat gokl, and of plain
smooth finish. thnt bring 850 each —
pair of such rimers in a plain silver hex
can be lought for a hundred dollars. •
But $50 Is not the limit of what one
ntay pay for a gold handled razor. If
the =elle were elaboraerly chased Ils
cost might mount up to twice teat, r
'$2110 for It pair.
There are ale, sold, anumg thoer
neere expensive, silver handled razors,
which rime, lit price kir from 8.3.5n
830 each: ice, 50 Issue the price for ono
with n plain silver ha»dle. ehile those
more costly liner) their handles more c r
less elribordtely chased or enrreel.
A 1111111 W110 (11d 1101 altogether like Fl
hard rubber handled rnzor might find
If every part of the mighty torrent of
Niagara was harnessed it would easily'
generate aullIcient electrical power to do
all the work of this country, But Ni-
agara is no greater than Victoria Falle,
In the heart eif Africa—some say not, 10
great In its
Tile value of a stream for power pur-
poses depends upon the amount ef
wuter flowing and also upon its head,
that Is, the height of its full, whether
irt a sudden cataract or in truslung
down a slope; and so the small 1110011.
111111 stream which tumbles noisily 4100,0
sttep slopes and gullies is often worth
more than the broad, sluggish river that
flows thruitgli low. level stretches iif
country. une cubic foot of water a set,.
end may equal in energy the total en-
ergy of many tons of coal.
What is even mem wonderful, a
stream can be made to operate un elec-
tric punip Which in furn will pump the
stream 'itself 10 leVels where ordinary
irrigation ditches mad not cenduel
In other words. the water could be
used twice, first ter generating eleirtrie
power, and second for irrigating our
farms. Electricity could be mode In
light and heat the homes of the env and
country population and run the timesti-
ing machines and reapers of Itie fat•nier,
as well as turn the wheels of the cars
and factories. -
The use of wind power for mechatteral
purposes -le older than that of anv oilier.
leut a windmill for electrical generation
we should take them on to the next post, Is ene of the most recent of areomploh-
Giiirrie% fwrohmeretheolnhaetrisvesc.ouTidhisprowbealaglyreLl cnvieenrtsi 1.1 st•nrihh,:dflirnst theriisn4drin ai Int yeloeet;,;,ile.
'io do, and on a clear sueny morning, try was built privately by Dr, remises
which contrasted cheerfully with the pre- , F. Bi.ush, the Inventor of the are lamp,
vious downpour, set out. with live ele- l le 1889 nt his honie in Cleveland for
phants and a baby elephant accompany-
ing ils mother, writes J. C. Grew in
Badminton Magazine, describing a Jour -
the purpo,e of lighting his house and
In Europe vet-ow/vela! electri-
ney through the moey jungle, The cal 1111 Ne !WA 101111, 0110 Snell
'jungle wae at its best tied Morning, the Plant, estarblisheil at winked, in sejee,,e.
foliage, from the refreshing rains, was ot plilgahntts 1111; e tiarn,g,1 halisnet,LIe.irsnw.sit'111:01.•
cessfully used in
A windmill electric plant tit Boyle Hale
Ardsley, it> England, lius ft rapacity for
the MOM N'iV14.1 green, and sparkled lu
the sun; on many trees and shrubs rich
orchidlike flowers were in full blossom,
while among _them darted birds of all
descriptions, surpassing in the brilliancy
43, their plumage anti sweetness of note
any that 1 have ever seen in other lands,
Occasionally a troop of elliteleerieg Mon.
eeys swung by us overheat; ;losing IC
regard us with curiosity' and. tu hurl
twigs- ettiresirite erre bare rie teey
•• the whote jungle weed was full
of movement. and lite, every bird and
animal apparently drinking In with pur•e
ettjeyrn'ent the glorious freshness of the
sunshine after rain.
A source of continuou.s amusement to
us were the antics nf the baby elephant.
eou have seen a kitten career madly
around after its tail or a puppy tumble
over itself in paroxysms of playfulneee,
but have you witnessed an eleplirell tit
the lender age of Aix month.. expressing
uncontaInable spirits? I aesure yeti
there Is Milling more eer•ruciatingly
'ro begin with, he suddenly charges
bamboo teicket, bultine dee 0 great
trees as careleesly !hey eeie
come...tulles ; the.se full across the way
tegether with a slitall .1 i
rotten boughs, tearing your life die
linelly in jeopardy and rousing you to!
wender anxieusly whether in tee event
of a dearth of bamboo you y relieve may
W.' be selected as 0 substilut... 114' then
beers up a large sapling by the reel&
breaks it ill pieces, and hurts the, bits in
every direction, while you ‘ainly attempt
to dodge the missiles.
Tired uf this pastime you will eliserve •
hirn surreptitiously filling his trunk Niter I
the sembliquid mud by the roadsodee
Whiell lie appears to titiVe sW/1 ULAN 0,1 I
unlil a sudden «irefully aimed jet erovers
yeu from head to foot. The next !remold
hi. is trotting dieilely by he metier -
gide. his whole being tedialiter mien
anti defying calumny.
Perhaps the rreet et,isod,
our bale's Infinite viirle'y of 11.1
1111'111 44'11C 4,11()C 4%1101 (141.1111g /I 103,411,
lie slipped un the muddy bank nee .
heeled mi Iiis'burk in ruldstreurre Mice. '
h 1-1Y- eat' los legs wnv.11/2
in lite air, as helpless 05 an verturned
bendle of Ivory. arell aln .3iNn•Ors ItiliVf11111e:t1 lell'et:0111'1'14"111U•leuflainld 81e'eing1 hIN
rerun ,
, •
razer need net necessn,•Ily
n razor with a plain ivory hatelle enn feet.
he exPetts)le: support hini until he cuirki regain '
be fought for 82. Of course any eery -
Mg would add to the cost.
Cestly razors ere Usually sold for
The man ele, did a•weeing g., len -
frogs lins found n new In ig The4
MANY ARRESTS IN NAPLEes Is an inlinniliint of the dense Anises'.
iiin forest region, and is cyell te
Authorities Trying to Suppress Drendell the Indians. whe tiny that they / 11. 1.
Steerel Societies. hear Ile loud vole.) railing for Its rime-
SOttle five hundred cammorist ithe ,iro..n,11t/ht. Itut Weimer!' Mr. E.
leaders have been arrested at NaPle-S71; . eireelor of the Puri, sliefee.
lbe result of the determined crusade irnzil. and others haer spent tram
quite rerein"tly 13.1 .frogr ,
secret criminal societies. The Neapolis
undertak• n by the eovernment against 1.1,we torimmuiloo, to.flunr.
t rer '10111.
Pris'an" N`e fun 10 <weefifisYing, n4 breeding habits are most
ninny as twenty relprits being •et gle 11 SI ger to frog
lire Maimed to E11-114.
beeause the (eerie -risks were found 1.1
"Iged T breeding greund IS eitosen 111 11,,e r1; r 4. 1.- *e‘,7,.„1, 7...
re a 'single cell. this (recount. and high trees wherp deprog,,,,n4 et, hei„ oe'. ,•••• ."'"' ' • ' •
(germ' In the brnnehre These •1•Iiie. ' • 1•"'' " ' ' ' '" "th '‘ "
be holding committees atnong themselves skins are lined with a reerieie •1, th. 1,..
QUEElt 'THEE Flife3 OF lift %%IL
, • .•
W111(.11 11111111 .41.17.C41 Ili,' 1 3,1110 1141111 V4,111'
The windmill electric plant forted ri hiket 1„ ,114,1111 .4111,1„!
ir, Nansens polar tree, ene'Sssie.".; the last &et. Ir•No'1•11•••
eettedet'; elevt('‘te.' Nul" betty nimeitig. end bee elinnsy, C14..
ine5101k(1 t411 eineelF-relli-ealut "4 '11W• Vereerattr Meet entre
northern latiludee elecit•ictly errs tiers eiliaserapia.
usg. wait PAAT, •.
num we HO by So* HeYeellf SaR.
4:3riet Fodor Rev*.
Htideoll Say Ca.
Who that had limn to Winnipeg
bok dean Deer Lodge, the quaint Oka
toad house on the road ,,tra Portage (a
Prattle, near iprd stratitcortaIs piece,
called Silver Helehts, where everybody
Gees ki "dee iho buffalo." Thie 'Old
house Wee burned down a short lima
ago- and while many tefteilleee were
mado to it, perhaps the mask hiker/41%1g
wins ono M The EdMiinten
given beloiv, oat -untied hum the rem'.
leetiefteld an old fur trailer, who how
the Itintse "in ite first glory." The fire
occurred olt the same nt,ght. that ottness-
call( Penneylvanta the burning of John
Wanamakers hal148411n0 VOUntrY seal.
In the latter the dames destroyed over
u million dollars' -worth of property,
rare tapestry and pointines and antique
furniture fifty agoras. On the other
hand Deer Lodge was only wetted at
510,000, but with its passing went one
of the few historical buildings of our
young Welt.
It was built in 1859 by John Rowan,
son of the Chief Factor Rowan, who
built the (lest Big House within the
walls of Fort Edmonton in the early
part of last century, us Chief Factor
Hardisty built the second Rig House
outside the fort. Mr. Harrison Young,
from whom this ler
....ormaatin was
tinned, 51014/3 Met 1111S John 1100,all
was tor many years imPleYed with tile
Hudson Bay Company in Edmonton &s-
treet. lle was for cleverest years In
cluirge of Fort Pitt, Mr. Bowan later
went down to the lied Meer district,
and was noted us being one of the old
brigade of Hudson Hay factors, who wns
largely instrumental lit the carrying
through of the negotiations which fin-
ally resulted ln the amalgamation <lithe
Hudson Hay Company and Northwest
Tr/tiding Company. These great Neale
Lad repeatedly' come to blows In their
Otitis lo secure the fur trade ,of the
West, RIO their revelry had resulted in
a practical cessation of all attempts to
settle the eotintry. Traders attd set•
Ger: were Involved in the dlspute, which
restlIted in Wel war, 11111.sallere and
Deer Lodge was rendered notable as
being the residence of the lute Hoe
James MeEtry, Wns Speaker Of Itle
1111,1er the Gerrard -Davis Ad-
ininistraticar, and after•wurits a mern•
bey of the Davis lervertiment. W110 10 -
sided there from 186U to 1878. Mr.
!welly %Nese tle• Ititstaind of elarguret
Rowan. Mr. Sireny rrinde the place
1 famous tie it stock farm, and ln many
the reeitels of the time, and 14) 141
18.70, his thoroughbreds are mentioned.
The lodge wits coil:eructed of hewn
1 logs, chinked with rnorlar. the outside
yew eeeeeee mile sheeting, 11 was I,
storey and a half in height, surrounded
th dr• I r her a d ui rr
balenny. and decorated itt each peak of
the roof hy sot of deer -horns, Iron)
whet' it toek its name. The grettpils
surrounding were lea% ily weoded, and
laid out handsurne Ikesec beds and
fur ten Iola •
(if r«ent yeats It has been used 04 11
• ,• •
h,isletry, and while addiliene ha"
• 1 1 ' 11 ' 1111`14'11'3' 1
business of the hotel the Mein streeture
reirtulmet Me -hanged.
The proprietor, elr. Chacl‘vicle 1110111'
' 1 • 11 V
Interesting enemies, In the benutiful
weellmids :Mold the lodg,•, itnd anyone
tis, MA the nleitctit'e of 1.,,,irmei
11,,- ,e) 'pop /will me easily for-
get the iii••idelie The iirdent way in
obtained for lielehle • the ship during
the Ling Aretit• melee. In that meth -
ern latitude, yy here eon! anti either f11,/ls
nre more pre/reels num geld. the elec.
tele windmill is a godserpe. and in the
feture notirly puler exploring ships
will be equipped with this new inven-
In the great metre, Sinks where dry
weather in summer often %tethers up
eerie,: within n eingle Wi`Pk 1111'
V1.140'ilY 111 summer Is emisnint 101(1
.1.1;11. Tteq• are led, dry w trok. but
their velocity e4 sufficient 10 keep then-
snnes ef windmills in steady operation
need nett dav
They esti ;mom im the eider fee', the
utelerereurel re-irreeirs. and tifler l•e•
n,ed for clevelopeitt
ervv it is ilis'r bide 1 threugh treciatme
Mich.,. for fettling the errips ith rimeh
needed moisture.
One windmill oieelriral
Jr/haute Ien urrps n11 through the sum -
1110r, nnti n re.ere ef thee.. eeuld rsaivert
le, desert inn, hundreds ••f ,,f
er111., genlens. On the f:iilifornin «est
minite: hay, rnie0.1 the %obi,.
4.1 land freili rew d.ollars 7,..,.• .4,
slon nod f.13110 arre. There !.! '411
for ememil! Mani -
in the West riri•J 'leer ir»larlal 4,11
a new ve.mit. valued nl
\111.1 111\s'. Or IN1I.1 \lie.
jemer fr•,./o soul „d,t
mere %se:141,1.1M halo liaireemiei
,eseem et. eine. eolim engines r ..!,
eruling !minim has,. berm in me 11, .1 f•
fereir 1,1 1110 teill'Ill fee/ ett, eel 11
yr.0r. nee. rind ther yam. .eirei
f`i1111114.‘ %%here the number ..1
Clow' .41111.41,11,. eiv,•riges big), 10.1.-1
steadily 10,14.ase.
e.,! • • f
solnr 1n/whines Med /a.m. I , 11,
geles V. irrigate fra.1 land, Lii i it,.
0.010. ,Ort) gr..11
' 4
1008 ebotte lame gains over twa New business .4
amounts to 05.508,547 in 8.020 polioies, of this $40.000
was written in Newfoundland and the balance entirely
within the Dominion. The following are some intewiest-
faots from the Company's 87th Annual Statement
Preirdatal. Us. rumour.
OWN.. . • .. IdINA•167.4
istersirciaed note . . 42401411411
Pima! ea rale et Vasa
Mae •• •• 10,164.41
IS 1.11181.2.....01,
Death Caber 1111.11111.611
natured Idadaersattats ted,48s.o0
Purchased Pontos 118.107.41
Suralas ...... 113,e17,33
Asasielttee „1%0145AS
Exp.:atom, Testis, etaShipArIT.40
Reamer, 1,014^13.6.1
itertsarma.. . 8.4118ANITAS
Debeateree imam S.421024149
Lease ma Foliate', . 1.131017.20
Premiere OblIgatleita 110,1114.118
Real Estate . . . 00114.114
Read ORlee . . . 1.10,87111.70
Chub la Ranks . aln.683.05
at Mad Oates VANUA*
Law mad Shamed
Presellueur (net) .. 3811.1161411
ireiterest wad remits dam
O 14 assilleit ss •14.11.6 1114711.ii
Two Theories of the Acquirement l'il•
selfisitiless and Conyeritirtitality.
Ntost methers hold, ceriseteirsly er ure
(R111`,C14..111.41Y. 1.,11,' 1.1,1 the.reet ulnae
tee acquirement of trimmers ly Mem
One mother spy,, " are ..01V
11., 00111 111'11 migli of Itio Iltio-r
if my diiiighler has Isitel heort and a
yvell-trained mind she will e
gentle, chorming Inshien. 1 %,111
11.w Irr.rirpn...ir,ri, ,r miser
telt zeal ter helping eith the 41erl or,
V‘411'1<. 1 11.1' 11111/111cl 4A111 1111,te ,.(
,.4,1 • " \\
110,'W .rri 1111'1111 tee111.11'1,41,11 11:41/1
114'1'4. -1 11..) h111111 Is- taitelit Nem I iihy
lees1 te ellen/di. the ...peel! ;eel bearing
lir hide, ...1.•.11 1.• .1,1171.1.••1
11... trioirer lvlert ier for . t.rt
The% W1,0, niel elate. e• ;el.el 44
1111(1 •1/,'N14 441111 grimefirl f.
\wittier neatest, sios
prolie vs sit,,g, 111,4. ,r)
1.11-.111,1ae••,, 11,1"1 II,e 1,1171,1,1,m
1 1;1 11,, ..(1/.,31.11 11,
11;1 '. 114.1111,11 i1 13,11'i.
1 .14," 1, 111.011 141 1. .11,11..
. 1 0, e.3.1,1•11111,1 110.41,e:311,1 • I
mes .in..1 some .41111,1 1 teelt!el e, „1
1, r ft .111 1,,„ •,i!„ 1.• .1 ,1
sle. 11,1 11,1 e lo- ' %law
oft, • •1 r...• 11.
imt 14,4 ‘, 11, /1,.• f r
r• .I.• 11-1.
•4I01 r, t re.% I
1 eel .k I.! WI • e k - I. 111 fro(
-11 III, • f 1.1.- 1h.. I 1
I 1, h •.1/,11111! p'11
1'11111,, 1' I 0' •• . •. 1,1
1,1-...,1.1,e1 tulle ,,1 ,t1 11,0 1,1 •
1,114,Wq 1111. 01111rak. k.t ',1,. ;PI H. 44,11,111 t • ••,,, • .• a•1 1.
ItirlY 1114, 1144,1 1•• , , 1' '1 1 I. 1..• 11.4. 111,....11 1, ,
111” S1111'.4 r111, III, 1101 1. 11.• 1.'1 'Wel 1 .r.1:',e.1111iel r: ' t '.1 .1,.1 1
On eent..al leant wt,. Ihe tr, rt • ' 'I, • 0 ir it, ele •!,• e f • I. f• 1,:en-,ir,
a 40001 engine is 1.. efel.
Wither tin hem. neer 1,,Iii11.1•••• • • 1,'
o• Itto ,aitt raise, '11-. n•itirseil we • f '',••
r 1r, tho 1,,i111111 1..1111 1'.,1•
C1'1111'03. RtIVUTI. rine the poeie
• timert- la•cr rei .1- lay.- ‘‘. '1,
11 up imh1 orrirl•mn
TI•0 pw.wer 4•1 if, • aim
enly leen faintly, neerisiat.•1 I es.,
t'elele!.1 ell 1,1 idle.. . e..,
l'e,' ef reee ri,' 10.1.14 .•
r \\ 1 •.. 't,,,
11,•31, (31 1,1 11..4... v i• I,
.0,4 .,1 11„
11.1 .111 1,11111 'At. 1..1%, 01111..
end regular communteation wItlecoms
ratios iiitielde by means of their oun
slang Nate. tire authorities have now
beglIn tentiliferring them lo different
Preveli lid houses of detention till the
trial Is fixed. whiereeifrobably will not
begun for ,tmother twelve monihe
The atrthertlies have been ebligeri to
tranefer to Capri Signor Cripeguti, the
gsfltint Marshal of carabiniert sii-
jerinteridell the military poticeeledds.
lest his repeatedly ehrentened aseasstre
alien shnuel he realizee, and thereby
inerenne eye diffleulties of an alreody
grave C111111flOn,
Respite elaborate precautions Inken
te pew his eaplure. lierrieene, the ne.
tereite supreme chief the "Ogles Ca-
Treerre has suereeded in getting clear
awny le the United Steam wham*, tw
deepnlehrel ritessaect to his puranere
eayIng Ito had moray taken a gen voy-
age al thr &lines ordere and het ab.
nee from his poet was enly terntiore
nry. Errteone manageft to board an
ernigraat finer in the dtagutae of coal
heaver, and crossed the Atlantic co a
. • a .
as it drops from the brek et 0.1 imit I' ' 'a 0' L'11-1 " ' "'e '
trees. nre made nein reete met r''' It.' r".. • rt°
seen ere fissf.,1 55 11)1 Hip r„e,, 1, 'le tx. te•'elt•te,e1 le • el I 11. '11 .1 •
fr. 1, .1 111.•!.
•, 'A
- / /••• • .1 1r• •• 1,, • i:' ' " ' .• • '••- 1.
RAMO (14114Nr norce.c.4s the hrnle ra, r 1'..1 .1 '"' '1 " ' ' '
of the 'armee known trio treas.
1..egeeet eg,17(301. limed ei me tle,1 •
11,ing oeVer f.
e • • •
!re levy 'Yeis statlerl I. • t'' ' I .,"".1. -•
N'11`x 1.111 .51491 1/tWIP 411.111 e.,1! • ,,e 1. ,e .1. e,,e, .1. e /tele et '
0'11 1.1..e 11 wee. ivaitethet n I, .1 , , , 0..., .• ,,'•I /•
1 1 1161•••••1 1(1(1.1-1 11/10 14; 1• 11 11 .115
he 104 •••• melt tv t, 'n 1,,. r ••,,
111. 111.011' ex leeet,e 11 .•ei -• .1.. 11., ,.,„ r
nesounl I., .10,50 ‘,1 N111 0111,,or .1 .• „,. r. , , ,
water the frog lava lis Pegs. nod
thr yming. when halebe ren0/10 der
inu their entire Infirelliemed This eee
eog veal {frePli wiql oriels ,
brown on the truly and 1.911,14 ..f
Itriaerve, 11% sad*
per cast.. „.. 11,05111A111.111
Rimerve ea 'speed pot -
tele. liable to iv.
vivo or euireeelei kese.se
Rosati Mabee eared -
lasted : 48.1111Lee
Matured leadevaaseate
uftealoatral 11.0011.14/
Pretreat Value ot
Death Cleburne pay-
able la bustabareirto 46,31116.011
Presidium. paid ta ad -
vases . ..... • • • • • • 13,781.11,11
Areeernt dee ter roall..
eal tees ...... MUM)
Accrued rests .. 11110.110
Crealt bateemeo se,aerasa
S uartary ~rout wt.
meads *Medd
S arptua ese 06•111,1111,"
Valerattea 1.11111•41112.16
'UM= 7k
The Company has a surplus on Governmene. standard
of valuation of $1,552,364.26. The following are some
striking gains made in 1906. In Income, $1145,904.22 ;
In Assets, $1,089,447.69 ; In Surplus (Company's Stand-
ard) $251,377.46 ; In Insurance in Force, $2,712,453.00.
Send to Head Office, Waterloo, Canada, forboakletgiv-
tog Annual Report and proceedings of .Annual Meetlng.
Geo. Wegenast, Manager Hon. Justice Britton •
Robert Melvin, President A. Hoskin, ICC
W. H. Riddell, Secretary
comes this dreadful twiny of
the weaned, the hale, tlai Itie
cm, it be mut art,
many "freaks"? Fer that ilhe eilly
NV0151 111111 81.0116 this 1111114,11table re -
Neither 14 11 ertsy to 11'41'11 1110 truth
llongs 1.onstaritinople• Yid 1.1 trre.•
ei. r in Turkey 11 IltIle• 111111,‘ disc ei-
ere,1 clilinee a fact 1ttut tlItttit,
1p.. Mood run rold, Mite 1,1is tho
‘.p.s, of ithilmithrolosIs 1., II18i 4-•\1.414•11,4•
10,1110's 111111, s.14•01141 a1 blUS11
peel credeuee.
II eus Hos oulsel,• Constantinople,
ii‘‘ a in ,...•• i•r tie.,,• beautiful.
je ries. that fee lit ile.here
teers .ripplerifileture• Wee"
where fermse elialisireiebired
‘‘i,1 lai,s 4011'1'0 el'11/1111.-i lire el'',
,1 I!...v 01:0 1.. 4,011 14 ./ Ile 00..
11), , ,,04110,1,r1,1,/,• 10 beg, 1/.
10/11111•0 114.11.• f/.I• ,,Itrithieleere of
• 44.7.1- 41414o,t.erevertf -time Ityreheorti-81-440Peeeetto..
1111g..14 10.11111.1.;.: from roe
•.1,1.7• .1 tile 1••;.ii.01' 4,11 11 e`
'lg.. .4•101,••••,, ,N.••• ,,t tee
eie, 0,,. melt e.1.171.:. up in
le oil .e• tem !eine wt., \%:., me
parene Lined tt dreedlel
ee arc r rittler r Imor re,r.
011. 1101. in, or '
t111 I 4\ 111. it' W111,0111.: 1 , Iii.mbst,
-1 • Home nereif...-fie, s
S.igg•sl ewe. 11,•. ,„
fp .14 111,1
"In P! 0.1' ' 4".••• 1 ' 1.1 '11. ,.
Hit, ;,1.1.• ,1 -.11 .1, 1, 111, I, 1 '4
110L 411'4'141111 'MP,
el'111•111--1-,• 'Ilik\
'thew are h.. •toef I- .11 H. 1111.411.1 1.1
, •.. , eel, :1! .‘e.411,eeet
Nee 1..l,te , e ;_'1 !tit 1 opt II.
1411eol,X, 1101 11.11,1i • :1'1 i1 • 11
1 1,, •3 It, ..5.• I, 11,, \I.,•,111
(1:1‘,.. 111, '11,1j, • 1,101 1, 1.- :114.
1".1,11L IL tio• fie $,It 11
1.,••••eiraid, lit,14 1, 1,•'1
1.,.• do, iff . 1.1 1,1i.1•14.! .1 1! V
Tree .11.111). e.•e".,i,
reel •-•.• .1, 0 11.11: it
11,, 11..11 :I. 1 1... .. '-le 111 0,ei
.11,4• 11.11,2ive elle1 ,.
.1, Ne .A `1/ !i3
f .1,1,1 Me . • ,1 I
.4 , f
-i mkt ti •• 11.1' \ It
lee 1..14 tI, II.e• 1.0n. 11 1,,I r. • .ri
Even Japanese fiats Wane) Eatf tt—A
Lobster Is a NIce Birthday Get.
Jupaatee wbu es not of the high col-
lar er tetra European cult would nu
triOro think uf eating a ripe Camembert
clieeee than we would think of glittig
a levelled kill41.4.•1• 10 a friend for u birth.
dlly or New Year's gift. Yet the people
who call cheesu "rotten. find de-
cl1111.11Vt: 0101 symbolic attributes 111 the
humble crustacean that hes become a
1,1/Ner,1 rel/r0a011 111 the Weaken wield.
itoeitese there tiro no ()owe Jepun
except these kept near the !reenter set.
n0104'015 1.. supply Europeans and ,krii•
ef loans, then., wits en, cheese in Japan
unlit thit delicat•y came in meth. tire
whoe reoilent. Tho erpaliese, being 1.11-
11, 1.0 (emcee) for the Ilret 11121/.
15 5I the 4{41Y 14 the. Preneli reirrau•
0444.44-1---44,44.44444m. 41-1441 140 444110110-4.-etyle
Muer 1101,1 in Tilcie, appralseel • It
(levelness.. It, smelled
led mei ens melt tenet.
"\\• eot dude it, whielt smelts eetne•
were ;serenely.' it Japanese elude/11 itf
th. Imperial ( niversity "but
sin, II' n dinar, it to part , the
.1,01,, it, 1t.t11. fierier' ere..., elicits • f
ii; e. is ter diet.... tionl 11, lia.s de-
•• 14..1. I .1...1 11 en•Sseer 14, eat
.1. 1•1 I 11
, ere•re: the ittittati•-,to entipa•
!, , , „.,,• lb, its in ehr,--aii •
i.• 1 .e.t v 1.•,i, it. i'meign
le. '.• In him a +IV 111:11 tir',1
'1:1... • 1.• r• .1 el ef I). F11'1,111. OW!
. 11.4..1 t.• r. •r! fleet
I .1. X% • ! 1,111 1 1.'1'1 11', call ene
1 LI, ....• hi! of re, next eri Ike tele
1 I.,' • •..1,1'4 • • re r
• ee ie t • •-,
'I 1, ••• • 11 'bee t•l1, 1' 1. el, 1 .• R
ee 1 I eel " !, ree I
e.ope• .• /. . • 7, I 1, ,
1 ./"..I•A , ee - rr el tett
/1. .1.e. r. ere 1. • • .
e • .1. / . 1,.., ,i , r
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, ,, ';.• 1- • 1. 1.•'. •• -r • I
! 1.. , • , II
s 1 t• 1... • s
.1 •
"1 o • Ono. 41, 0,,•-• N• 0, I....
1. ' .1 i,hi• fei,1 (... one e.••
11 1' .
In some of the rued 4
Fr111111(3 PVP1V LEY' girl 1/1134331 s, 1,..
1114,4 rimming a heedful of vegelnl••••••
nti(1 them In a large pan of e •
They ere then by nne ••f tric
"'her PuPlig• eh() take term: nt per f•.«,,
ina this eltity. I.nler Ihe vegetable., are
placed In kettle Atilt water end a lois
0 Pork. and aro eixolgett u tato the
eerie are fining AIL At 11.20 emit eeilelt.,,
has bout of hot reiiip. rot er tie•
oast af fuel anti meat the Helier puf;ds
pay a email SUM each month,
(too ...Menet. of n poltre
eff,....115 4, I ifiln 11 4),"7011
banded ottt by a political onIto
' ['el r
1114 tee etre • • • •
bee el' .1 tot nets )4,,,,„„s4,.cr gotta:3(1r,
When the 1ireel We'd ....I I., ‘,. 44 ere par', .1.47 4,15 73,04
• lopewel fe.r rite-, 1.-nd. le. 311.1 v.-,, Aka Yok 11 "1, Qult
Ottonnial nr vtair 1,1
La, Pnlo le. lenoted 0. a4, , 1 4.,1- I 1,101, fr. r,4 r.1 '1,
nret dsvidend 15, • Nt.patte, 1 . • ky, 4) ,Ir. -.•
dividend 140, •,t eueet r lit .,.r/r, , I 1..1,1 v .1e
ore ree eivinu the, t,,rd a 4...1. t,a • t .1. 0.1- ,1,. tit.? a 1. ,..1 n•.‘,
ti.s• •1 h,o) fr•-•1,11. er .11 th. -3 .1 • el•
/Itch 0, 1,0,t1 0 1 ,.1 vh, vp , 1•. ,.1 1,,, I. td
t..,nee the ot.01,plerel eft er 401 e •eio, t .•, f e• .,,te•to
•rhe 0. rs7, • . :vro
tom, srooiroi. Asa ri t tte it• 3... 3'19 1 ' n 11V.k. .,..1
the em,eent Engleell. 4. eoAres Ft 11,1r,I, , 'we 4. • F
i A reported re 1,, eh.. /r3,nro. .• • 334,, 'ha' •
'05 *V•1^1.11 11 h 3. 1714 /114•11 V Ilk • 1.• •,t,, • .ror 1, ..• 1,••...s,••
ritypn opere wilt -on, oetlit
' v.••••• 110. enred ths fie nd Pe& • I, I •• el e eir
and topr A.tourr et., rep,,ree .1 tine! /, r•rl. , I .1,, . ,11,1 1. P,0
1,41d (h., 1911 art, e,1121 ..1 1 r •••• 3 1
Our' seem Part/el-1..1,g nr•• 114 o1,,t. • 1 .11 "err 1 of hit.
the reollta ..1 nor there, ve,,e• ,••••••1•1T. f • ,,11 • I
1115 7111111r.n11.1.1 ha, 'rery 111 I, Iv v1114 11,nur I -4* r ilo•t
rni ra boon lg.. .f ',lir 1 ttill ea,. et •
Tbr• oppIlertoone, r the •,1en f e,.
• 01 tlim .nare prr, r1 '1nr P. ry .v,ru• .11.• 1, .rl• ha, I fir; • .r1
,r11,0"41 11. 14, r•wtgralr•n1 reet. tt •en el rhe
••,r1r1)C.N1 hr,•11,1 n,••emplval • I hv ,•1,r",011.1:0 •.• • -I, ' -tnpan
f,1441' f,reftt', net tor ee 0,1, IAA
,„ v.. ,h,. v ..errolle•te-erst weeel e1.1141.75.,4
hr IP Yoe -,,,i •t Pre ....I,. -41 the irt,i 3,3 1 .• 3 1349 ••1
A me' rte.". no nha,,I,onlv ee. ' n Poe weeder moot- ho
allowed ten.,,P eh. III gt.1 1,, !In.°, I no,1,4,,If
1411,0 311,1, •en.I r r•./ v • 1,1 n• 11.04,71,
104 INI16
Thc fircat-WN Assurancc Company
uran 071 ICI• 54.•0400/cr,
•1ver 1•10.1r4 ntree4
Of eIrehn se 11
e 4