HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1907-04-26, Page 4Ka 26, 190? ervous i 1 1tr The* your blood, must °bo is 11 Tarr bad, "4ondhion, ;'Ton certainly know what to take, then tuke it --Averts S#i- polite; if you doubt, then consult your doctor. know what be will 1st *bout this grand oldr;ifam ly 1�Iwtdiritla 1.I.lbtt rtisat4 nalC 1441 1;e4;0awt t4 t' .>To.. UAiit'''rSIR Anust i A1, ESTATE... AGENTS in 01t aelitSgiggby ON tIlt kt rantlnn*� toN7s.antt farm e lusurtact, Moo. MEbICAL. ',1HillitE1010.1e $' llrt N1iul.L, totrautozelilAicea': T sum, ` 0 ton G 'Y o ss 109 los t*Street. Victoria aphcb, remoras. r. + gal'l's Ieyldeneo--Nelson Street. ,T� Szt w'ss More. .#'bone MI. ,4i114 ItAlfftLIN, M.11, ,.' tt aban al often on to ppD�1u tet��tywnl1t��t rottatdenoo 4,01„40_040t. moe dot obM eWepbtoite ire velli s'titv':,` - Vg . ood+>' ,'CUs A:7!nnbn�tro ell AUCTIONEERRNO R lO LEORPT.Oetierai"Auctioneer WWench, n trent er oh, l' o. Box seta til tier ice will tt�csttion. I w buy��gqmir en- qy of o held 'arna re, a+Twi 1 pay to hell qq any lilt or ��� what qan 11 ou. �- xCl m fl�`ra"ki3z'�, Our snit? o c npotb p ce IMt me kn wvtiat you have all xwodertcb.BO Imre 1IOTf3E.S IiUgoN='vitiPJtls.. G rich tlrt1.i- hotheathlr reload taut md0arntrod. home f the traveller and farmer float =LDO daT .'lobe found anywhere...mu. N. ORam mooriater THE `COLB,ORN E HOTEL THOS. D. JOHNSTON, 1'aoraiaroa. egmldekeoarraff Ow. • Visit favorite puklle. house, under the new mttaagemsnt0 w 41,1 e�conducted on modern principles, add the best possible service it guaranteed the general public. ., Your patronageisseepecttullysolicited. STAND—Corner ilaniilton and New- gate streeto, (�oderich. W.. E. KE L L Y WA'r01maratRa ..restrallort AND oPTIOIAN.. 1uru a OE ie jUu4a t remoiss iteninuon.. r. ONT. importint t0 Aterts[ers A11,0hangae' at adwrertleein nta for the Purr s of emut winter tan not r tht oe ht the an Sionhar NOON thsmavfesk ap000 prduties.twill t1 plays govern CONTRACT s�tADVERTISING. , W¢vgielrs ii[trVas a ire in near URIoses but lav` W1, iRttd that eYerr advertbgr to on Mead Ino. to Ao.^per inct, awarding to time and aysola Avow peewee tor contract adyerne• kW, sIlka• Nano, unden,the heeding of 1,01 Notices tau Obn Alt vertis- , whey wive 'pears in tut same ..faatex04. yr* rettered and iSrVAllaurido ate nods, b heading or bows matter, 100, A • advertise emits Anne. air A_Ale of. this 00 be 25.01 t Titi0 Due 'mos 0040neh, or tint air Itddreal'ipmera. Oil t* wbo tikes anew liether ha hes 611 1011041111614. tirtnitu viyinen 14 twit*, ant or, be pourer nioy war *holt *moan Whether the not. a kir leaving em an *twines et lidenaonel pod. ti (kite ft. gu. Nut *most founded 1841. devoted Piti011eil lint Profit** Agri. Ineentbeattitude of the Attseritain tgrfriliflttnehtiktOw*rarailWAyeer half 4004=1 AO 044 thee ettlE040. toWard theta *now. . the balite Oarriler be. that Ore ellatighith ich into taken tad ,e0siditiereo, *Off fresight trait tier ovary other industry Jo thiis *We aild DO US 40 Mr theInguater than' others. thir.k., f Wide* tueitireede' fairly wall populateilt tit over regions trite Whiith nilly i few pioneer settleru laa1 perictl atrth Thetutuve deVideptornt of the LOun-: t1,1'0.1 woo +teen, ds'pendt'ti lipon the, eapanslatl of rallwtor ficilitier. '{'belie woo little thougght, therefore, at Oa; time of passing'laws itnptssing:restrie- tienp, and burdens upon the Isulldere and Owners of r*liwiiye. A+! President I1rdley, .of Tale, sayd la his .clastic Work twin "Ilailioad Tianeportittivn." "The only far wins that railtnittie ,would riot he bulit its testae they were r To push railway !trice into thiely' Battled, and even practically unsettled, re lane wife. from a fioandal 4titnii- ppofut a xerV p1'ek'arloue undertaking. Ainnicipaliti o.,_ counties, states and tip netleti, -tlieieforrt7. vied in giving Ptah boiiuees aitd land grants to educe cepitaliete to take the siett. The only 'i"equirenteut, either express or implied. thea generally spade upon railways WAS that they ehoitid furnish good service et reasonable rates. ' Nobody queetioned that, baying done this, they would be entitled to earn as large Profits as other enterprises in wheel private capital was embarked. • The day of the cash bonus and the land grant has long since passed but the pollay of imposing few legal re- strictlons upon the carriers hue been pretty steadily pursued up to recent Years, except at the time of the (!ran- ger propaganda 30 years ago, which resulted so disastrously for both rale wept and public. What have been the results of this liberal ppolicy? The mileage of Amer- ican railwaye, 57 years ago as already stated, was 9.021 miles. In the year ended June 80, 1905, as shown by the report of the Interstate Commerce Commission for that year, the last complete statistical report, published it was 210,078 miles. The mileage of the whole of Europe in 1004 was less than 100,000 miles. The railway mheege per square mile of the United States is 47 per Pent. greater than that of Europe and in proportion to population it; flys times as great. The average feeight rate per ton per mile In the United States declined from about, 2,62 cents per mile in 1870 to .700 of a cent in 1005,. or 70 per cent. Making full allowance for differences In conditions, freight rates in this ecountry are by far the lowest in the world. While the overage rate per tan ,per utile in the United States Is .700 df a cent, in Hungary it Is 1.10 cents, in Austria 1.40 cents, lin Ger- many 1.42 cents. in Prance 1.55 cents, and in the United Kingdom two cents. Passenger fares.are higher here than in Europe t but the difference is more than offset by the . greater density of population, and the consequent great- er denlsty of passenger traffic in Eu- rope. The foregoing facts indicate the ability and enterprise—an ability and enterprise never surpassed—which the owners and teenagers of Atnerlcan railways have shown in keeping their contract to give -the publlo good trans pertatlon service at reasonable rates. What success. have railroad owners had in reaping the substantial profits which they understood when they made • their investments that they wore to be permitted to receive ? • The prevalent belief is that invest - Meats in railways have been highly profitable. The facts demonstrate that this is apopular delusion, The history of the American railway system is largely one of heavy losses, bankrupt. cies and receiverships, To take a single period ao illustrative of whet has taken place, during the 1$ months ending July 1, 1804, 43.000 miles of railway—L4 per cent. of the then total mileage of the country—passed into the hands of receivers, and between Nov., 1893, and Nov., 1800, the number ,of miles of railways in the hands of receivers was at no time less than 20,- 001 the maximumnumber at any one time being 80,O1P• The experience of t1 e-iiriiways wee simtleiri'ri The bust, nese deppreestons of 1878 to 1880 and 1886 to 1887. . _ . • Leaving out all duplications of cap. ital, the net 'capitalization of. the rail- ways of the United States for the year ended June 80, 1003, as shown by .the report of the Interstate Commerce Commission, was 811,167,105002. an average of fele000 per toile. this was the most pprosperous year in the hie - tory of the railways of the United States up to that time, yet the total amount paid In that year as interest on bonds and -dividends on stook was but 8493,431,435. or an average of only 44 per cent. on the actual net capital- ization. It may ito said that the average per cent. Of return wee so small because the roads are overcapitalized. But the belief that the railroads as a whole were overcapitalized is ap- other popular delusion. Said .47bair- man Knapp, of the -Interstate -Com- merce merce Commission, in a recent inter- view : " I regard the common talk about the overcapitalization of rail• made as wholly Ignorant and mistaats en." Prof. Henry 0. Adams,. atttle, Celan of the Interstate •Ootnrneree Commission. estimated in 11100 that coat toe wconst construct- ate the Ira lbwnya h sof had thhe country, including equtpinent, was $11,050,848,049, or an average of $63,000 pet mile. While it is true that some roliwoye `ore oeandolously oves•capitallzed, the try's railway system as a whole is en- deavoring to earn interest and divid- ends to actually leas than the amount, which has beenexpended to create that It thus appeors that while the build- ers and Mallasere Of American roll,. wovs have Incremed the facilities of rate *Well to Without' a preeedent Or parallel, ond while they hove reduced rates se low ttl'ot they MO the wonder, 'of the world,. retiree thuo far been realised trim their enterprise only the meet modetit /*vertigo returns. This rapid expanolon of the facilities, trod reduction Of the COBt of trateposu, op other etaltlett,t0 the promotion br the *missing 'Industrial ana testimony, chit riteeleptetnt Of the United Stotelo tient tend* to prOmete the prooperity of othere, it to tint **Cello that the railways As *Whole btive reached*. petition tO iatir anything ilk. fair avtitog0 themselves, the teee ttirel ettlitetritiuti Of one who tool for the fit* One hos* Informed Of the fOrettoi foete *Mild be to tind the petiple Of this United Matto . toilet* admirer. of their transportetion ',fleet* And 'he etent neer 1 ''What he would rtirktivliova.' ever. is a. twat, mut plank) ottani,. toward the tailways le One Of the greatest hostility and who are sir or legitdation bound* the ,tor Attica .of aleidItite and freight tato ofoll. * which *mid ItteetlYteinee. L. or tvetifirelt stip. in% their pople. It *toe* igtheatti4i0 of *moot tronsportation. ousel Ina* enitgltiona. If wi two* lo ft moot do nowt to ry yrs* viallrositeet • iimmutolt Mr rotate VI Mei 114,1er 110.019 WO "The Star '! I front tkg 4,tntidpoint or the chipping tt 49 cOntini ing publi'. Copitailsito'; 'Will MOP vontiau1 forayer to Rut their money into rstilwoye i;1 the mere hope of elect** future prate. awa ret•ent violent declitmain the, •prieeit of ti ll- WM'securities, indicate, The anti -.railway •carnpai'sn. if touch longer,kept UP. will:rerlder it lines*• hie far tit, rILdways eitbek fo earn ur to ariaixfille motley nt'ceaeary^ to irereaue the/leta0liticefor handling talo coon. OVA tiafic. But unless the raliWoyya are enabled rapidly to increase.. thole facilities the cltngestien of traftle will celnitine and ,WOW worse, until the heavy {;Olidgf-ipdustt�ial }tarulryrgsisatrill fall' upon the bus oess•ofagriculture. of mn' tifuetute,iscountry au.nt every Other bnuinate b railway oflietals, ungiicstlntiably, have committed • ninny, otfenccs, and even ictally Mimes. Publlo sentititent Iproperly has, been aroused Against. helt' • ntiscondpct, But dote it not seem that. It would be wiser end bet. ter to punish the coinpar tively few in- dividual offenders and cv mina!& andto enact laves for the prevention of repe- titions of the specific offeneee and crhges which they have coniniitted, than blindly and in.diect•lmlaately to assail tL great, industry, when It should be Aplam to all that this certain effect of seriously crippling�,hat industry must be to bung as great, or even greater ealateity upon every other industry In the land? Vonotthit`ia Wa.uns.--Stratford Her- ald: Manager•D. French, of the Huron ()aunty House of Refugr. hue tendered his resignation. but after consultation with the County Council's committee has agreed to allot action stand over tilt 'lune, when he will ask for ite im- mediate acceptance. One, if not the main ground of Mr. French'etaction, is said to. be the inadequate eatery he re- ceives for his duties as manages' of the the House—$850 a year,including the care of from 80 to 100 old people, being less' than Iaborer's wages in these days. SrARTINO S'gotus IN 000 aRIOn.— The Stratford Herald of April 19 sari Mi. J. Stead, for a number of years a well known employe with Mr. J. A. Duggan, and later with Mr. A. Me- Doeald up to tile. time Mr. McDonald sold out to Meeks. Swinton & Zick, haaleesed handsome premise.; in Glud- eriob iii a first class location and leavetw Stratford today to open up•a fine new stock of fancy dry goods and wonten'A wear in that town. Mr. Stead's many Stratford friends who know of his abilities and qualifications have every confidence -that be will succeed in hie new venture. . AMONG THE CHURCHES. The Presbytery of Huron met in St. Andrew's Church, Blyth on Thursday afternoon and inducted Rev. J. S. Small, B. A.. into the pastoral. charge of that congregation. A. very large congregation was present to witness the -Interesting ceremony: Rev. Neil M. Leckie, B. A., Londesboro, Moder- ator of the congregation during the vacancy, presided and led in the opening devotional exercises. Rev. A. Urquhart, of Klppen, preached an original discourse on the words frond 1's. Ji1,7f.,'•The statutes of the Lord aro right," They were right in form, history, teachings and results. After the formal induction questions and after dedicatory prayer, Rev. Jas. A. Anderson, B. A., Gloderioh, most suit- ably addressed the newly inducted pas- tor and Rev. E. Mot;. Stnith, of Hen- sel), the congregation. A reception was tendered by the congregation to its new pastor at 5 o'clock in the church. ()limon, acaortlIng to Assessor Cot- tle, has las dogs., Haste not ao relate news if you ,lejneet pot the -true:. ;34erm3f, Clinton Catuncil will consider the licensing of the sale of cigarettes. Spring seeding cotnntenced last Week in the neighborhood of Exeter. • Holloway's Corn Cure is the medi- cine to remove all kinds of corns and wens, and only costa the small stun of 25 acute. • parf,the 5 year old son of P, Tinsle,y, supetintendent of telephone coastruc- tion, of Winghture was drowned in a Cistern on Wednesday of last Week. God sometimes washes the eyes of hie ehildren with tears that they may read aright Kis providence end His ter ewe not require the help of any purgative Medicine to complete the out*. Oleo it 4 trial rind bp convinced. The aniy way 10 "lipid ci Op" tn nixes the necessity of Wens thie, not merely if It would grow tot ir 11 The -one to he trusted as your in- timate friend ite not tho ono yoo bear Me pretreat mid unkindly or then% when they 4153 pa pro:tient: Stephen Township is afflicted with ,emallpos, find the provInciel health col. tool intervened. Doubtlees the 4 sesta* will be stamped out in a yery short thrio. c▪ ounty, Mich., aged 01 yritre# iettlita live ions and one thitliihror, Vele being deceoeed. Rev. w, Kerr, of Olinton, took *deeds* te relict° the pain while hav- ing a tooth ektracted. Unclog a weak hart, ids life hung in the balance fop a thno, b# he hos since rt0i7ered, Notilftedt No slin of the Tbeg. P. It. will have to burrT111 the 12t14 ',intr. Uyi for the -building of this rattle riffle lybeVe *Work etiMhleted tido Week. With STIR of WOrkniers 'and Wilt like, :after *eh theampping or es,ttle *tot *to. retentlyrelehrated her' IdOth •birthdoy. She is .* Andhra Of ideetland.' and fide ilSed the (hark, 11114,0torste Queen:Victoria and Xing .:Rdwattlia eonsidered that Queen VittOria aidail resod, tor witty yore. thltifOriL Wife of Rho bed. trOhbla With hat Kieft* but WO 1 health $114 et theft hail Ile ingot 014110r4hir IS Whiten have - 'are was ful. x s woart ' of Royal: mak more ,food do is worth of an thdr. however low the. piece. Royal ' snakes perfect £+ alwray 11 0:04 sweet and wholesome. Other powders owed and will not always l .ale, sometimes acting sioiling the cake and wasting expensiveflour, eggs and butter. SATURDAY 0110. MONDAY it►tltM�li„ 27th And 21011th be two rak' Bargain Days es store. • e intend to make these two ; GREAT ? Y Nearlyhiinthe *ore. d these prices will ovox�+t.:. ��. htc �..!�xe. wail � at 8;��`�'a�la l�l<`�tRes� ao b ?e low, As We want to tura all .goods possible into cash on these two days. No goods • charged at Bargain Prices you want goods 1a6; sure and get here on one of these can get Big: Bargains, . REMEMBER THE DAYS, ancl Monday 29th days, for you TELEPHONE 80 RNCASH OR PRODUCE! AippiALT RUBBER ,RoOFING A movement is on foot, seye the St. Maryit Argus, to aecure a bleed. bound for the St. Marys police. Stich an animal, Itt le olaiMed, Watild be of all kinds. The ponce in many other town* have auch assistants, and use them vvith good effect, The St, Marys police do noe feel that tbey alone should incur the coat of procuring a bloodhound and respectfully solicit small donatiOns toward that end, A young bound wouid oost about $10 and could be procured from tlie Southern States, where many .are bred. The hound which it Is proposed to get, is of the breed known as ."man trailers" and the breeders guarantee them etuty to train for police work. • Nerves Are Racked. Vitality is Lowered. Brain is Congested. Health Undermined.'' Leads the Market ha their ABSOLUTELY FIRE-1)ROOP. atO TAR. NO PApER. PRICES RIGH4 on your roof or in the roll. All kinds otaeaud at Pihe SyroP Sampson's Red' MOW Pills 4 Mood tuilaer, Purifier and Nerve Tonic, 'Sassafras BMW antlitonlach Bitters • A General TO*. Tones up t'he Entire Meek DUNLOP Coderich Cures Coughs,..Otiltia; Hoersontest, Croup. Asthma. Pain or Tightness ia tba It steps that tickling -hi thb tlinnif,111 resent to take and seeing and heat. the well-known Galt gardener, vintese-, I had a very severe ettack of sore throat and tightnesa Amalie chest., times when I wantee to tough and could not I would almost obelus to death wife got me a bottitelef DR. WOOD'S NORWAY pna soap, awl to my sur- prise found spesey relief. I wool not be svithout if ff -cost $1,00 a tete g to the lungs. Mr: :Bishop Brandi MILLAR CO. Opiates, Sedatives, Narcotic". Worse ge and 1 can reconiniend it to everyone Price el4 Cate. Than Useless. Produce No Per - Worry, overwork, over -study and indigestion cause insomnia. Healthy, haturitt sleep can't be pro- daced by drugs. • First, the blood circulation must be improved. Congestion of blood in the head must be removed. Irritation in the brain must be re - les because Ferrozone equalizets cite Inflation, because it soothes the inite- tion, because it removes .congestion that it does eke insomnia. for Instilling force and life into over- worked orgaus, for establishing strength' and- vitality, 'whets can yen find anything so stilt as Ferrozotta? Remember, sleep is just as import- ant as food. You must sleep or break down, , You can if you'll uee Ferrozone and thereby remove the conditions whieh now keep yen from sleep. Ferrozone is not a narcotic, not a dopes it is a health giving tonic that any child or delicate woman can use. Absolutely safe is Ferrozone. Take it for a month, take it for a year—no harm, but it:measurable good will result. To sleep well, look well, Teel well. to be free from depression, neve ousnesa tonic, ts healer to the weak and wretched, a boon to the sleepless—sold everywhere In 50o. boxes, Reeve Pottier. of Exeter, received a, communication from the mayor of Exeter En land, offering to exchange to the echo° principal, Mr. Fleming, Page Weith t e public: school of Exeter, Gptarlie. T o fetter was handed over and it is likely that a subscriptioe will be taken up among the scholars, for the purchtme of si flag tote sent to England. The Exeter, Australia,. school received a similar request. , yr tarp* to Twain Amori.-,-Parrnelee's Vegetable Pflle are tory mild in their action. They do not cause griping in t sere ea so many Mils do. Therefore, t e most delicate can take them with. out fear of unpleasant results. They ram too, be adramietered to children without imposing the penalties which follow the use of pille not so carefully Kilioardlne neporters On Monday nirt, the fish tug, Charge D. MOITI., NO brOkri her *haft Omit eight miles ohn Adams !Wolter Burnelde Were going home sleet 10 o'clock mid copld see her flights fruit* the lop of the hill. Thev felt there Was some. thing carting and got John Mn0a# up, with the *vault that he sent the OM ward Mit, Rho Ptoked the MOrriSon sip ond tolvkl het into port about 11. invaluable for Nursing Mothers. With nursing cornea an unceasing strain on the mether's vitality. The blood is w,eakened. Nerves are irrit- able through loss of sleep. Anxiety and tare break down even the strong - eat. Experience teaches that nothing Is more helpful than Perrozone. What an appetite it brings! . No blood form- er or nerve tont° more potent, no medi- cine known that So steadily brings. book the health, vigor and spirit that mothers require. It's beckuse Ferree, autteriale foe rebuilding that it doea snob perinanrnt good; 50c. per bpi( et A peculiar thing happened at,Etteter when De. Malloy took a piece of needle over two inches in length from the back of the knee of a young son of Pred Sortie five weeks ago the lad fell on the floor, and cotnplained of something running into hid body above the hip. A short piece of needle was then found and taken out. The bal- ance had given little trouble until it had vvorked through the body to the knee, when pain was felt and the bal. Ando of the needle located and extract- ed. GRAND TRUNK Rs %TEAM' ALSO TinsmithIng Etc. Protnptly attended to. Cor. Bank of Commerce - 'Plume 165 THE BON -TON LIVERY EAST ST., GODItRICH. Tliormighty modernized, good rim good horses, reliable harness. Rates reasonable. e Tour patronage solicited. • Phone 61 Walker de Augustine. 'PFSAI —dm R Fir,st Choice of the_mon Who Knows CMANANTENO Ladies' Mantles and Jackets We -have- now received full delivery ,of our Mantles andjackets for Spring . and ,Summer wear. We have them in all styles to suit even the most exacting customers. ment of Tweeds, in all etyles, from Ladiese leugth Coats, in a beautiful assort- $6 -TO tii5 Ladies' Short Coats, loose and tight fitting, in Tweeds and •etyles, from Fawn and Black Covert Cloth, some exceedingly smart kP Ladies' Silk -Embroidered Couts . We are showing sotne very smart garments in Ladies' Silk Coats, As we only have one to a size, therefore the first comer will have the best selection. We have them in extra -cut sizes, made expressly to our order. • Wash Suits 'and Skirts Ladies' Readvelo-wear Wash Suits, in white, white and black, and black and white, sada yariety of -useful , colors. We also have the Skirts separate, ranging from St each. The above goods are confined toffee D. Millar Co. for Huron. • WHITE DRESS MATERIALS LONG GLOVES in Lisle, Silk or Kid ; full assortment in stock. MILBURN'S .'Phone miLLARS' SCOTCH STORE 'Phone HORSE SHOW TORONTO MAY st te 4th Tickets on sale at SINGLE FARE For Round Trip, eta 50c for admission coupon, good go ng May rot, and at Fare and Ona.ithird For ffeund Trip, plus elac .for (Omission ath. All tickets valid refernitig until coupoutikood sitting Mae end, erd and LoW rates to Norfolk, Va., daily until Nov. aoth, on account of the Jamestown thrposition. Choice of routea. Pow ratetoitml particulars. call on F. F. LAINRENoto uwa'Ageta. DUNLOP'S AtonRE for Wheeled vehicieel 1$ SYANDARO A CARLOAD OP FROST Pencing • No. 9 Coiled, Soft, Black, Weaving 1 • Are* fie' for orders a rilleVOtIllt Poe: Pi tat otti , tie,w, Paint and etti. !pity are women titian own 003:41, etvetthem !stir Id 10, avateWat, benerleinl so ltdelbtt WIRE GATES e name the lowest prices in town to c ear thena out fast. CALIFORNIA EXCURSIONS • COL YOttlitto 0046001i, to olio of the new dIrettors of the Note* Van- ning 40031, At the annOol Westing last *telt the fituniolel idatertient tif. *imam and, the expendlturii $7814.44. teottin, want* oub Of bo $21,104,whichtittliteted tom tho 112f.,000 of stook sold WoOld ietive ha* Viet of OM 'Whitt wore ritt yon erg ? ventisti et 1,00 Anetior., RETURN 1AM FROM GODEOICH TO ERIN* mid LOS AHEM aleDetroltinatiltret To SAN 'FRANCISCO 004 re%tyttitosby vice vete* Worsen's Hardware saisamos ew shitit of for Spring and Stinnnet of $90 is'novOready for inSpettion. The Colors and shapes are Ver.k attratfive) and you will find then) well worth Inspection, witetner ypu intend .pur. , • chasing or nbt. dog with. 111015 tusa,nuttiy tostiritOrt,, *MOT *Mkt I toe 'protinte good result.. or glvollt too* per Wrenn the dimwits* onto*, t op ftertilitosi Street. What is pined trogi phil000Oktf otio without being ronneandril hero the feet of the mom MOM 1.0 grnelait %kW to One talid • k os le Voids t the They te thikei tat' tow* ithiby talk to ow mous throfth ROY It HA.R:RISON infro4 me* kumsvacx Mit ST AR foto 150 eente(leash he end of 1901 # unappooachables turns g oats tong t