HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1907-04-26, Page 2• eereeree • Tiopurlf.T • 0 "e"efilir'ellectegeee4 - tiere Istrideir linlittirtVjeittaggi.14(\ lime. uses e-oe elm seem* No. deer Min Alsattit,saitt. eitelsriele Mr leivelefasee es num; etweet Wei. lee reeenenter. IV,,O,t2LO,lialra. CV. v ,401.1Tv II DARCEY. Durioter. 44 licitor, ske, Procure in Watt eeurti /see ie. Uone2rtoti,14,1,1,124 roWr: Rta;r4Iptera Rig..4,„ -ocuroi. eitAtetteIgallliteer,148RIteeTPt9 ttelicitoveleourristi,ine. go i il 4 00124 coor 1 tea Wien+ e stiete Oat *O. tetlersteNti k ,c, os 44,404.4ntor irb Ilttatir * usilltnni Dare% 'Row, lbslittiqltp if'''. ittltitt l'44 at' t?! leDietteeese. losistss4,4004aWt 4 tap .,...- 'WAS. SADIE. Ieterinet elottrill. 'No ta liel terieeseetsr. Orarte- n ehs mitt ere% Godellele Weer 19 colaNb Weet tetexiiet. WA; A. .1.elettikerellt. feellnISTBR, "'int Vititrrlefr klur Wu ilf."141 osio ias.*$ Oda retook house" Eettere• eitioirlets, Itri 1 At140."1. v otos. orisons. ie. brut *itroa.„,t, 'formerly ogee* 04 b :Meet *else's. euveen tlem• to ell p.m. 0110. ' num isgsetelyee Menienes, J• /408nri ;inIto+11/1,1.4114tririrell•eniv.e* , • w. P. etellotri, •St.0:0,*1*.o. '0140 p/Orkdrtia eientldit erdellItIA011 ,1..41•06,00.4i.iiiise40rtehi Olds 11:0014010ra 103 r:IVIDSIt etilekter4 eteseral Anotiessee azinIta•SioOdtoGagorita, e' elder/where seellim canna nun% • 444040044. C 101100Wsilereolutt04. , "1111441r AAR. v .itractuate or Dos yew• ** eterinere Colitgo, Toronto. I Mlle mai ottention of ttoVto (moon t 'portiere molest at oporatingnts horses **OW ',Attila* sum% ot vete/leery ttinctiolting ilerserseettuout, o cetutestables-Nsweste Otis, Derletieh„ • .TONSOR1AL. alessortid mei Or**. atty. *SW frioledel Wetly lettol Yoil Se fol - cloilethetul. Oft uss, demote iturbott• it( Oat wilseefir* e4***" 1,0*44t yelt4 chn So ofteroltur pow low spr you OB., TM loff, *Ito Wonted Mit festsning btu loWn Olt Woo feet lit• rtittoton'e at esposesel almost at, ono, rt ase hettleY11 Wt. *yen it it .4eio nue; tet aa* tlibilt it. so. fOr I ,Inlets ?OW thati OW boy wee my Oen, also yott PHA Mete deetiSeet "NO els* whi•lineir. 114010041. died it as *AV" g Only, for Virealth Nifages * woo* , *•-taars thin were hard lo control. Is Not Living at Ail. ++++++++4+++++44+ Atiatiatts 3"eseer SIP"ihrst The levee *Oen Wittig dese.01 bile We "Al thest Weser eke eirettelled„ "Diterest* if be Ism oonfeiliert this. witY' E S. S. LE INCIttASIND MIS CON VELA meter hot ,ot, the mos, r1.440„ Puusei I was 11, *feed Wing * there itt sop& tps led: Between int nr. Ire** 6014 II" iritoel4 /hcrett4"*1/4 'Pee "r14 ypeirritmg office. toe poor to hove We Shad redeem hint Yen" Ineeits Just stt nalicli Mere pleat trot* 4Glorlly God in your body." -01. CO. The early question of Me old erefidi,, swim!, fa the chief con of man?* Wits, conceived in a spirit nen° practical twatIOnle. It eves the vote° "et tha le stoat Ingelery to the purpose -Of Ileinge the ,the answer given by itio greed lacks Me omelette° el a moral eettelellep; fails. 'io .find any response itt a$, "To Wordy: Cod and to enjoy him forever" way he the portion of angels, bet IMMO men hewe 4) confess Mat they bee° DO grist desire to be angele, eta. , • . The emphaels of the creen WWI that a* us basis practically was ett dying Pe, ttier than ou• flying ; it tweet Whatever grip it bad on men to tee prettiest,' it told, to those who were in. the nileSt 01 the eardid round of tasks or the fUlt Inevy wind of poverty. of a felleitilde that knew neither hunger, fear, nor pain ; it offered a heave° foreeer te those who could endure a !fell for s sb,ort QUINSON, Tonsorial Art, g o nutting. tiliatopooing, etc. .1 Onttnal Street. Glo wish. ti Iti1,4 on.tc;* sait Style. actors ottarpona ott4 bog* . Botistaction silltays damp. 1008-y 711EINEIVOI.ONT SOCIETIES. 410114er tiOnleition. NO. ea. se.o.ze eviler meetings ths lst, non fltd sritniitiart of every niuuth. Parties Withing to Join ton get lull psrtieuIttri "Irma PlInetLa oemeron, Archie Lowden. WO. la; 1.44. T404: Wartinna, Juno WilsOn. W. "We0r,onth. Visiting Broth- . oto oliwort Witiooni0. MIN. IOROPHEY & SON LEAD MO 'UNDERTAKERS ,ANO `'ENIBALNIERS ar.Rm et Street. s'eee""••"•""'"ereeirese -tempts Goderieh Planing IN ..;11$ ti COntractorp Ancti3n,ildtirs The logicel coneequence wets to make dying the chief end of living, Who can - hot remember heing told to despise the toe&ent, to consider how briel It is, like cloud Mem the Oawn of Me endlesa tiny ? it was compered to the abort ending outside some door bey01N1 was, warmth, cheer, awl tuuntding St, thet the pious sou) 'belittle of We only tti terms of wailing, watching, en- durieg. Piety became positive only in prospect, negative In the present. To any to a man, be patient, with wrong and oppression toetay and yOU will be prospered to -morrow, is to teech him to Giteklen 'MU triev• 2.• • item ItnItekete Merie t1.1411,044',eign1"/' 41igr g913114e* t°4 ellta 0440400 oef rteileolfe Itteleter;seff 001Intryt sad in I loarned, 4144gPltakii. who e eget 'Man ante '11114 Or..S03 Vt. tittO Dixo.'69* tcuittiellherelgtior4eleseix1Yd toot rtleyet1-044"„te0,0* 'flashivrlin 4froWillS which *Woad eide ;Mat WA father load died alerai Mee who *reit 104 Yon Weil. canas Bot;s0 ou, the tot 41 Alla V ,isedlier- rimshels. per acre. wittgot,1.404,1001)„rr • loro rritororini4 WO- iternitY. it 10401 seetehlig bout* ler Irty hop in Hot she sintelr Itar 110144- - .4 Ittit tomato Of lee aid' Wallop we$ hero eprunir Inc* oingle, httAttli garia4n1i no, *on Was preasnt st )40. the way *England Iv deer Yeig` AMIN 4400,, . cast of, pikthgtiolii' Vreite°' e41"' "'" -that It postponed everything; it wits w,erk,o1.1raghth Mi 1,14nitt death Srid vasico.4.1040P it, all Vie Mee* • „logo fo/ Irefeote.elliere es. net enteh ,eIteintneee ,t3 'PhileeepllY Of pmcmstiniotion. When I; Mee. e ..„' ' e ; .Nitit,shice, Sir." Acheson 'took mei It*, d011e ftiUnd ollt frOlt. Berne Pultern AO iS dItticult,io understand tit the , To del thlet neeella•De lile On i.to.Ve_. ,t,l, i POIPOUist, 'the real purse a ilk it Plitt Looked ati,Mpreginselg and in•itInOttit the *summit es htsweereiary, 404 .itti; Old- •Chrts',10,81 teleilielitt heron and :Ihti Atom 0, 4osepll r, eior Iseit niteeeeert hi .itet anted Of. Ante. The gtetritu-14elewm .4)11 411° 4"1411" ut' lx"sk1)1111.1"14.**4'11:411..41.44. "1411$ a "44144"114 Ullt:,4* 1G 114 140 Vage'llt% OWIt 410401', 141$ it/m6elt lvW 4I*4 iwg. 4)t 111 14 ' enter hero .upen w :recent), . ***Vats •ot- he..well,dritnecii IOW *Pk TOM, ithi got ell yeh cent keep elf you iget ; ille eitte ehor1„. - .' ... , , ' : ''' :H.; .$14(400ked.iti 11411 Wliblitititthig.e5tte; . .141 lou ,. .. , tOgether• fittettel• we ambiguity etristsc, . This ts, tile reference 'Now a wept, inst. here l itove rsant whole Purltose of We is to Make 14 good' ' There wiS s bank, 'Ws -000;4 Iltancli' Miti ,Sliondereit'at• lint' IPSO, Ottnressitni milk liktila de -prnyet that tie 4.10r, ,tr, thfie•Icapttga„ 0 i4p,, gnerdrie %vixens yors,baveloullinitinit„geetunt ill .uttrn t ''" Old Abongnt. The tietti et the present' egiditilin.44:404$4. l'iteletit 404) I 416/1'• te0vbeitlt•rit 4000 faint ilt* inetlientary end her; illtlInrerabled.: . • '' • '. .ht goo,: Irk...00%, p7.16-; slid Saabs in, etiange. , Tliser0. is nossilsfaettoitill PIA*" ':, 11061101ed Mu development of cheractor. Abip ,ip, odeeashutd, with very little Pt fop 444 „oeouoto .404 *4, wed, he, wenki. peket01‘. tut Ns ntethert tor to, tem, Too 414, ,1004. exhattailve geo4 ofeon* opoete& Deft'l troyd Ile ,, Then, says me practical, men, thts romAnee About tome:10 to Which he done all lbsd. Money nes nUtde he hen' WOO POrlrt 0ontrilentarlea , DeneSitr; iellsontlfolltner In be tiutfill'itittiviaPte.• nletirls' 'Odd Nvo eon Wittme, the futun nhli ' ileighbering rittlett0r0 -catne ' fpor tepeetele to, teomegoe,liefeeies sort,' but ,Ionely bey -and keot; Itt,tusett Itte' Our presette lesion there ti'PrecifeldlY ytur tietshberhot wtrn !:wo 11044 Mane the most 'et Bte ,Present.; 41010nWit. sOppites when, AbilW, ht• vtliwt knoV.410, illtr that reariOn: • oute on6 palm poocernot whtett. A little ',grot014..1* VitOOlei'tillct wet.' COMPOUND A FELONY, to wink sit the despoiling of lite earth by -the iniquitous for the consideration of a tine to the riches of heaven. It le to lose sight of the Mel that unless the life finds itself now it never will find itself, that to dwarf a emit to -day is to dwarf it forever. Tho cited end of life wilt he found in life Itself, 114W, present, In thls world. Tho only way te make the most of the future is to make the most of ourselves in the present. If heaven lie the land et unlimited happiness only hearts that have been enlarged, that have learned to know things that aro itigh, to sympa- thize with things and thoughts having ••••••••••••••••1110, wino. 19, enjoy yourself: This. is the eattibushmeht.,ot o -iksureshing,ditelatlern ',flat had ' eirdOeent' eeerteettPeet 144 .titge, th ' °..' " ' '144ielli' 11W/4 4Qi144"41X; :40alat *44' °'61'3' liY the . /474aq'll"1. ." 1)14 l'''"der411:11411'14$1"W"°r*I''' ..' day is material advantage. The elite to -say nothhtg,:tet he Saittang unterit 'smuttier; ' 0 held tier,L.t4 his, breaet,141s-s-, '' 41110., is Iden i nohett. ' TTS tire4•':Or,:leveS, 291 -.It' the befererste O 41V 0141,0%2 VI 4.4 italfSrOpJOreernt 'find Ploa, IA th.„11 r: .end Of Men la to make money: If once geo. otro *pre 0 he ohnfintiti at'"•lik* jet -tee*, fleyeepisweeti /gee; god .e• little ....4.11: only' fl.'-tese' ilitiy$*". gribvIng 10, the 'officer 0:Pharaoh, he. te•ptain ‘.- Of the ' linbillItS.* 'When: tiltl-Orteit- flitahht....,'4;,*.?' . hit was iii° 4hve °I An uhrtist. aPil", lie cessive .011er$0S; 04 attOOtrtgr, it WIS. 'litter' he Made, his ulitif• kern. the large' lest over ibitc•teropicite, tied. doe to' .00,40•' tot, to, .40,.. 0.; 404, 4. thelteepor Lbriptlortit*hut 0.100 tttr:Poniotw0x,,' how is the slave of an nuwOrtrlY oPPe' It plitch Of, ratigh life, ' and, aolivtlits. hose f ft - settptist • Hmiatit whoa:lir' Yolt- fillit tottgrit'Y•Our4tegiVe'lliti h9i1"' Ad IhiliPrietni into Wittelt,ToSeph was•casi Toe -rookhy, 'Iat•Liliers , ettelt,•'. !telt 1414 in lAttino only far wealth or for wages. •itItitellthe4o4k1h4rt).4(41401.11110..atintrifledipti°hloi.5wiel.1-le-t'e,a..' 44:110:1•Itteeek'; e'lliff,hle*keelli4efilltillett!it•lieti,‘°.11. °..i.11' !*,''fit"'''''t4v.regot4011111''cliceinller*;;,,4rt,gt4' 41. 'Y's's''' 1. r '''ilGcitli'itg.41*.'0,6then1.01414' irliAii ; 9' ' ,OI ,i' .1:1°.ttiOttRg44rr4‘ ' 't'S°.etlill t.'444t.4414;e1h11141;14410(1•"cr'‘vh...!!' is':11.!'-1-4.4,z,,t'l_1".'-. ' tite." is not hying at all. Who knows less of hggo., 4og,,hunt, n opto_.4 moo ,..,etoekt ,, .A0,4 10,4 .w,-4/ 4.ed ibrouirtIlie„iiteeettl, ,,.,L off. htd, ;*,.:te-o• *•.,her. hoods 'pg. ..(1.: „.1.4 rot oft ;moor beer teeh mo relvtri.4 .; _.: 0,.; jsvot,14lat ImpartanCe ',Ut glereeele; trevei ; life then the Slate of modern owner- torp*Ing 'tils op M. e medfittilye. Melts .,e,ahk7te, „tee etetee,whteeeee.eefeeeute(10 ,Pornent." ' ' '' '' ' ' • ' r ' ''' '',,t4 cold& Inlve;h0id the' same oft Stronar ittkotri•Itte,•4064.413,404.1*-AtieNcw4110v . . tar? it la belie' ta l/a tha Itettut ar a fertee 'hut hit; leittUrcs Were, aliniliit til . ,t Af,a, t ttt I . ii4 exuitile4 th 3,00ked• vi)'' Vizinft at liebeet'evith ettet' 'allfuthe 'chief ot tee slaughteretV'lllOt - grtideti •ne"itlet,nlle rtiA'hieY' h° It* . . do Olen that . deo' lApeatit o lietreY 'beard.. ••lie Polt. .: A ;./Avi pio•tigno look. f, NiAtoh,,coo, utt WS; nirt, he dtd his eget i et .lost te, - 4AbOttl*K", Vig, .eoart,.. bottom:of . ..term,,,ahd .14,,thesant,, length and tit, h GIVES S'ONIE HAPPINESS ; sassed ipainienlorly, pleasInd byliii 'Igrib ,X4.,titsoi, aohgrt; 8,."Ixo :004.14..Alutio. At tit gie:%eittlitell'lithr.f; )10efctui.k sog....i., ,VigYPO, ePPereur ' rItliitirtiOti'ati:troAti, .'ne.it,'', , , Li e' ' e e ', tip thtie wiciccfs, . simp a life of the poor then to be the A -volee iiitiging:xtut' Itis name. rens ;f6twitiril. let betimete'sneell in frieritil.Y - *74,13,,:,,theo.' ni.http,/ mi la •best, all teartslin i,tlits•COntleettun teourt edictal, .ntetit.04. a little.inere,,etipenstvet ilits.Orii? • tauei blit:::11 ta jou, ti: zt7entlac;liesfqdern took , tree& et,,reyeele-t ande,1011Vil".:•lere' ee4e,e1:4,0e, +,,eUt. eteeeef-weeittese.Itti: •qter,r 0 , wort; hsth,441,1„„44,1,101.,,t41,,r,sio -1-4 ;.019; moo 04044,0,..9.1.§.0:., ot ehef Ar00.#0v4ntagtho..corA VIttO,F.F.Ilf,eix4t ' throngn the henvI tohketto atr` • 443 teree• With reeervei en. ring What`the meek floe tte, has: :fiend teacits and it ierni .T04000004 of, A cionble: ;tart "pressithe sell 'ilrill/Irt over; ate *cw- the highest that comes to hint in the But ere was': not Crean:tile ted'es•se''' le t - rntetigniloalleil/eriltlepreeEturifief4litt:Atehteul4y4:: your leite, ,,'' Roberti 1 iniv1/, 175,11F. , PriVeeet . Pi%tt bebleette, : OH teal bIrootlit,..yn : ayllitteett; A,x,stril,sitielhlta.ellghte,1:4441't.:14';‘iw' .0' too' hes high, es his Weal of God glorious, to realize oareoeu . , neores• the resources nne the toots loe?the ahadoves Wereresting Under lAndett•itit,,,.# :lithitut ' ibe meat, idipartAnt'a 'which vas, .. . , . . , . ',. .131.4011)?.:, _... ,. .._ . ,, . (Well:lent of life. This world is a one, *meg of eere, rorhims terttor,4011*yo' ,nttntee 'the lettlytelii„' antiti,he new pro- '• APP 4 0-ot Pau .0i INIPOtaNcei ink no 414 gattext pot for aMell,rrri.,- e •,. 25‘Ving. th° PertdUhttn 4WaY 1°M the St artsbnee Ingo' nwlizattt"tt- "the 'Pitting War Under' rile tere Vitt 'hat 314enet 101004 her 'head Once' Pere*: nierchantinen, ,On. their litrivtd &IA PI t etlell; it^ neettrt't‘ 11140inethffir Plitthan6 ithimenPwaeh°rollilt,sollistheeYestielterr 'fl'ettP.o. goodeOloleitig 111110:eir;Oherli tu4e:ebeegortter4eaalittata tr44teractaatitr°41., 4,4 11.1i;And114:113411iefibrit; .rte4e1"41tiehe,"74,01:1-rthe, goewomilil!mt etrnnsIttet%trs `..agrterdeillielllittefeHl*or 1,,,,#.1e4etr rtltp"ou°11:Itt, . • look o tputb. ihtlut itt/$9/11.t4 414' tile_ Ot hint* ;Hilt hhert IfinStint ti,y;; xItovfittl. ktkawforli,RYt1,;rwe )intflei?°,4er.V.tti:g;Fe‘ev4v.'.;:t1Tel; .'s!itt)4,"lttYwiiasrtret:*ig,'Ttt'e:,Ptno'A(tli_,ese that riles tome forlitede, and to live the eerily. • • • was Otte, it Vs 006'4 lei seuuttrett 'towed, 49/14,-, ,Mstt. '.ge And', *Ai wnh, twh-berSe tern pltinter tete Itself is the object of living ; tho p,exts, triet• that, .01 ,ctir114' 011.stletont a 'objeet, -of bis: Wil4119t; Lthetk.,./ have lost, the oy -4at Was rittivl,stretvertlitte tine :ttntkt •Of 'dav'ta ttle 13t0a*'eath4 ehlef end of man itio beeome glorious 1,e gat'e a 011ie Of wemothe as ih,:0414r tet,• *log ;Ate ,400t, appear,en thee inteevi,„,..ehe -,heut .04t,ho h41,41,..,,,ethe,,,.0 she auttiorshtpl, •oamoNstifm. highly serving tneitiotelure lit the Awl: for, the „;,t4r,t4;tsgg'0144r) ''tAULT igZitploig,itit,trx,,t4Toitt 41,44t, . There is n''ettlit.•,. 0!:ktet rtst of the serPe..14apPlt valor' no* trieditet SVhioli Rrhett$ :"1111:f PcnoNern‘ Uhleealtr, 4"1T4get36e4110.111elittl,hlg: (Alsd4als:alront cItsli4ylloilt:i1140..fitot,14 ..... • Weeks p ; it has felled Utterly if it pro- ea .plaittly round th'e.`boyi$4,,n191ghef,_..,)'' 'pied; to:OreSotrri'MISPOS.Sifill eltonlogt: • duces nothing but an army of machines nweare• ytobeett,creWeAh Implide cc' that Robert ' ts h and a heap of shavings ; it must turn t the lieestiOn sharply The'et -.-nce ' to join t 0 • dues tt tifiect In tlie, least ills Moral, 004 iirst.,-phsvoidg. consists, la ,fit ctwing the. EADNOUGETS PRoVle where in all literature Is the over-ishint two ',small 4igoeis ;lout, UP the die; ' ratigeme teaoning *the mireattes- farltieree(Way' bootee* corn? while, lellitOinelletheStrefor fleet, litfle , varo.-.the itiaOry up to out the finished product of men. • anise a at& that. was almost ",ri bitS4 • • • HER Amok. mem.. Aro you living !hue for Ilk or dre Yon sum out of Thie inferno, end telt :Vt. ;bateliii 'Nett, you etnt..be *Minis; living to do no more teat make a liv- ou " he responded, and elle* etIeng! terres:O.eWertt,e0renlente "Y9:0 piPt .1044w. Ing? We need to eduettte our children 'peeteetlyi•weil thet'iliere terrt en AlUllce to eet. honor, truth, justice, high life, Mona all things, to prize noble ettaln- manta so that they shall not be eontent with the lesser prizes of prosperity in things, so that whether we win or loso in the markets ot the world wo shall stand rich end glorious id manhoed. findIng the ends of llte In the achieve- ment of high character, and finding in commeme but. the eervant character. HENRY F. COPE. y s side with ail , 0 tP steps, until Robert pulled IIIMAIVOYtth' f „ a quesiton. 1., 7 '„ "WheeseIhe ttouble?" he querledi' en he pieced its hand on Christs,tir " He and the boy had been fele some time, 'Bitingly durliag seine, n past it MO happened tnat' they Int SOO little of One another. "Come, out with it," said' 'Pe cruise, and ias- the reeult, of her behaei- "EVerything'S Wrongt" i „ grimly. "Whatehieve you beerevoieln 0... 'both offIcens ' and elaiP's ;00eriPanY "I've robbed the Mold" . 1. , unite, in giving a fiat connadletien. te Robert. gave a low whiatle'eue -melee Well •as the irebtic?' the statement recently -Mittle' that tile .1,.. ,„ 004,44,041. or wino. Dressed the Allentle to Trinidad at *********** blanufaeterers °rand dealers In all kinds of Betiding Ma- terial, ituch as Lintleer.Doore. Bomb -Ude Shingles, &Atka. *row Plans add estimates funesheel en-appY cation. Obitabnahell tau Buchanan* Si Lawson. NicKILLOP Mutual Fin Insurance On HOME. sin be/ore pouring out of the Oitn. Th13 will Make one quart of delicious salad dressing, which will be hard to detect from an oil dressing. THE LAUNDRY. Nfilk******** , FRUIT DESSERTS, Chartreuse d'Orange.-make a clear orange jelly with one and onesealf pints of water, six oranges, Auger to taste, ono' and one-half ounces et gelatin; di- vide four orenges into quarters, have two plain molds, one aboue one sod one. quarter•...tneheo...mora en,dteinelseeettelen„ the •other; pour 4 little jelly in the bet: Om of the large mold; place in this a layer of orange quarters, cover web more jetty, but juet enough' to get a emooth surface; set on lento set; when quite firm put the small mold inside of the large tine, right In the • centre, so that Me vacant place between the molds lie the samee in tins -vacant place put more orange quarters; filling up with • 1.111-theewitte retetelsitillod.,Jetage on the ice; whip oneepint ge erectly; With one•half beeee of ittssolired softie sweetened Orange juice, adding, a little at a time; else the ;cream Will not rise in it teethe whee ethe cream Ls+ ready and the jelly set,' remove the 1714 nor mold by pouring warm:water 'Into is, and 1111 tho space„, of the ohartertme with the whipped cfeame Set on lee for ell hour, turn out. Sad serVe. Plueepple Marmalade. --- Orel° two large, fully ripe pineapple.s and to each pound of Hue fruit thus prepared edd threequarters pound of loaf Auger, the ijulee of two lemons, and the g.rated yellow rind at half a lemon, Bring tei the boiling point quickly and cook until clear, wit4,11 will tette about otie hour, Skim often and, when done, seal in shell, jars. Peach Cream. -Wash two eures of canned peaches. rub Mrough a sieve, nnd cook for three minutes in a syrtM made of boiling a cup of Meier with ono If the following 11st be pasted upon the door of the htundry closet, and the chemicals used with judgment and pa- tience, sucoess can be warranted in a tinge per cent. of experiments: For iron rust use hytirochlorle acid. For black ink stains use oxalic acid. To neutralize acids use ammonia. For grass Oates, colore inks, dies. use alcohol, For paint use ttitpentlne. For 'bleaching or "Atm coffee, .coemis flue mildew stains use ejavelle water. For grease or wax use benzine. Foe veseline kerosene. lean Iluet-ls the mein common stain an white febrics. Spread the spot over cos earthen' dish of hot water, With a Median. dropper drop on the staln one drop of hedreohlerto neid, AS soon es the stain twns light yellow sink it into the water. Repeat el necessary. As seen as all coTeTtiegeoefie r a figt.;.z.Isar • weletso To be sure- that iv acid is left to eat the nbre place the Meth tn a dish of ammonia water for a few minutes • before drying., ,Thls acid sheted not be usee on silk; can be teed on some colors, but it should be trled on a separate Mere et geode cr go a Mlle out of sight, Buy the add al the druggist's; have a rubber tie Mass Stepper or emear the cork with vaseline, Keen It away from Metals, as well tis teem the ehildeen. Vaseline makes tt stain resemblIng grease. but Which le set by soup. Stme sueh Maine in kerosene. turpentine, or alcohol. before, putting Into water. On stains ehould be covered With sone end strutted in Ned water. ' noiling water should be poured Ihrtedth Met. ten, and coffee stains. If they hove been waseed with auto. see old or otedinste, bet at the dreg store. or better, make. at home. Mine .javelle ire, tinaw, that' enollgtr; ,ti$ 'elseireiteris? I went lu3u to: g4 The Dreadnought,' has returned to Menge . Speed of Seveeteen Bete ; long as •tve.Call znebeed Vein- umth Hoar. , . _ In't the 'Path+) .that 'it Is 1 ere,. 614.40ieS)li.'s 'lama 41r 144' The PhillIG Perternoulle, liMipand. Foe Ihree months hote+eaith In lilme-te hen sewer pet hite oho, has heou ottty. tram hone wathi, Ittiniet nherPreipecitts e ratted Coln* on en ittaugetal mid experintental 'peley'' He leas. reeutetione' yOU itink Nkithlti YOUr pecker to tit w &let in Atititieeies etieseel'Oyees; itepOssihnt ne eleoeive • him. as his compel:don. , possible ior..,106.11,,,c ito • hitt- 10.'lles- "Pin pat going to preitch,". set 1- tee, :Wheel -eve infittellee With ienei-yeee axPeatattann' es a arSt:/3 OA lighting litaehitt , ^ ert, eloWlY, wrathillire no gootAiV1400. ': Seryon0 WIN xriel-rind r Aave WO . she left Portsmout,11 ,...st.,the beginning a thing's den°. The que.stion te,See.WhO'. erinle) infitgriee,-tilid he., hes *one , . a of January, god proceected-first to Arese do_ you_precose donee is i inuep y ' . ,,AtIti4 utio/': t ' .rto although me aa' Say, in • Seabee, carrying, out. turnin 0 taken?" "e'er, lellettithenc„ ee Mr-eresshort-one.-----1•10- trials. On Me way inr steekt tali was "A couple of hundred Peundet linde,,"19:" Wenn; eelteees what you told MM." - ....,. at the Reck, Where elm replentened her morrow discovery is inevitable., , xtie 1 a ye& imagine that I ,phstl. us! burdiars, end then she went, on to Sar - manager front Brtsbane 1$ Wining 'Jo title ePPosea influence in the way 00 diet° end Aranoi Bay, There, it is in- collecte-you know efacdonaldk a ,ehtilietts enggeat? elew,dare yell Melte this On+ feresting to ,peite, she* perfornied hard its a flint, but a lust illete'lle litte estegte to end"- he said his -Voice .eibrat- placed absolute confidence in, die; del te with patestoe 'ene wpat leg 1 HER etReT At,r ot me.tcy, , the last few months. Then,-tthen fere Seltente? Let -Me -tell yttat Alla, andlee lend, anti had been practically food- made an overseer,. over his ethoef eattinefidpernisceoenbd ettheoemm ,ohfo tilt: onto, iota* ads,. go .yeeie too tic this cushohorshios firescaoublaeofrancfrunlyernortufefolitiye „,itioadiffieloiluoffal wohoo kwelell Y 1 ifell W ri- spite my youth -a trust. that hes net shelled you num, Allot f am ,,ready been entirely undeserved tatfon came and found leie-erei t t thee ',seine°, that, I 'Will lei e nothing less for three days. •At a•,rftiota a week Seders end entres%d whh their°Mme! first„ buteetteewarde an easy efe Av g 1 to de With it." was spent in leelletee the Bre dinsught's • 40. I. The butler -The pain° Hebrew there any neeirfer 'Want- .rtor von Farm aud Isolated Tones, Pritierey in. te Rove $0010-11 one-hait peek. Water. Wrote° oneetuarter pound • sured. ago of gelatin. Add this to tee syrup elderlde of lime in two quarts boiling Viiitee of Property instired up to 1.1,„0„tht and eoopees, gue e few motto& to water. Piece .pan r lige impurities web it, whieh are less Vlbe_li hearty dlesolved-it often 'Innen*, IGOI, $31048•97s.ott. mm -w or iot, •-w,tor, beat men nearly sottible-add one pound mama& Straie °M°1itts mitst-rmeies-el.ett eold, Add whites of stx eggs Winton ntift • McLean. Preoident, leippen 1'. 04 noel all the mixture until 11 begins to . Vica.irtrsidont; 1111;4001d 1'. harden. 1404r into ihe mold. set on lee 04 Z. Beeretereweressur- in void 'place. Serve web cream . Bettforfolt r- 04 J. Connote% Ranana Conmote.-Illette sytup t 1. Porter% 1/111, P. O.; 0. 'nide, Olin - ton i• tY.; .1, Watt, Matlock P. 04 *1. Evans, liceclivood, P. 0.e• J. G. Otieye, Winthrop I'. O.; d• Benne- wets, Beectiwood P. 0.; W. Chestme. Seatorth 1'. O.: each the inspeator of .,_,,eteehere_st to, neencit thee oeonei Mere of lemon at a thee to (veer lee •Ittn'et"re's- Yee'• tiontiesIdiree boom of the Belmopan. When. Me fruit elemesi Cumming, Egreondeeliss: te• becomes transperent and eon fake it ID 1141"104 Searartb' 61a1111, nee' em-efully. put info • a pretty dish and • Diet pow over Ihe mem. Cool and :terve tour telecepoonttils of water end four Neesepooteule of suitor ode eto rifle with ateinonia water as wtien using stleic einmenen; look ten enenutee, teen ed by, javelle water. ' deem into the syeup eix hattentte out Into .through flannel. When settled drain .11 eserir ixirtieli for use on fabiles. Place the Stain to be freeted over a pad ot White Meth. Apply the layette water. using brusb to carry it °armed( 'he Muses Me in clear Wattle and finish °neaten lemon, two cloves, one Ince of weds,' Colored febeles would be bleach. toilette:, It le best lo eoolt. Ittst enough Polity Isloldisre can pay 4.04eSS,, n1111 whipped errant /slightly sweetened and flavored with lemon. mentte And get their cards receipt- ' eltne W. Coate, (Hinton or at Mc - 14,14# Pros. Palate Cloteting Store, Osetletiele„ r • lontnnoinnionicnis. OALL UP Warehouses, Telefitenos 15 "0 Ystsli at dote° " 24 cuoPr.t.,01.4.02r. SALADS. . ealed M Pistachio ehltser-Aitel: teletie mg a bunter of white and o latrine grapes, retneee the eeeds With, u sheep ladle. Make nests ot walerere',Ss on tenure tomes omi 1111 WW1 111.0 gripes one nuts. Servo- with a Peettett Ofess. .• • torii.some Provillenee Met goVerns Me and. It avenging Nemesis waits on t site more graphically illustrated than in tilts classic. narrative. Oar , lesson text', hti. gins with JeeePh prisnn. file auntie, ter has already been once severelY Wen in the haute of his rne.ster Pollphar, and now during lhe long menthe end Aare cf hnprisonreent Atis 'faith and trust IR Jehovah are ;agent severely tested. Verse 20: Joseph's Master-Potipber, an official et the coUrt of Pharaoh. The prison, the place where the UM& prisoners were boune-Ebers 14erailles this prieoniwIth the fortress at Memphis menet:Med on Many Egyptian inserire tenni. Therewereboth mai and temple mesons in Egypt, the !diner usually bee log Maititained in connectien, with. the fertresses and barraeka of flee troops. In addition to these places at detention otiviete-eveter-tx.Mpelled to labor en gold atee. ether' mines of Ethiopia, in which the lItilloet cruelty' and 'barbarity was , praellsed • Upon the unfortunete eleeer, 'In the prison Jehovah is with Joseph and the Hebrew captive soon Warn). One acre thus planted will give ample seed to select from another The ytele-can be materialle lne,reased by selection of wal-matured,fiolid, heavy ' ears, with': a good-sized grain. Etich locality lies itsleivoree variety. It is for you to determine wMeli variety to plant .Plante. Thit'itett plOW •JuSt the re - thee 'nem! :verk ell weeds, end leave,s thyilster rOWs exeelient shape for ihe • !common cnitivator, ts used otter - wards. LOMA droll te.,Nyord ter motion. Never pkw..:Orif when the groUnd is wet or duns up.talicit. • NOW, let.ms,,,rettim ta the Seed txtb- tem Many intelligent/ fiu•mers believe it. le net the eieseplan to get seed for. gene- reil•-egantIng from some other State en a different' Iseltiede, believe climatic Charkges will- effeet the yield the Ora; yeat When • the seed 1S WM some . die - 'ant latitlitle,- If this is 'true, it woUld be advisable 'to procure eeeed fee general Ifitilating• in -your own latitude as fiear as.poseible„. Ter,halls the best way, woule be to set ,anarr OA of ground on weech tit raise ur 4 eats for another"eear. This plot ernede-dertlee---withellerne- - -- yard Mame% and put in the best possible conditlen for planting. Now procure seed cern in the ear twee some reliable thee and Plant it when the ground is • OlKilq174-W4gr relitningilnalifietimittnll-value t. word. ndered "cup- iscreasheyothe ling curse held me -cards end ilt4rt 5! ,,so 'Mud, hart ..-,,,,i, to his Ws.. 4.cince her Wien rudders vase/fond levhen gt . explain everything. in two w. ,. _ , , . owls " :, e 'b''"- ---- - - s",'.- - _t_ - ill I tax f I Manceums And high „speed she answer- iting" CO English weed "butler" cornea . bearer," "New I was OM- elltVr to the It 'you with to get interested in corn, a good trend to end it; yes -it wlitild de field I would suggest ten rows of each plant four.'or !We varieties In the sante paused it enement, then went.eint -lee the best %Me • . Ion, ,, . shall' :acquaint quilt-, netv friends' With en her heint very speedily, and ie was oertnin facts relating, to your hurried Wily ilt Very low speed 'Met slieshOWed departure ,fistany.Queensland. I shall tell 'Oahe siuggishnessiAl. slight tault Which themi veithenly ,of erect that I ami b tonneau to most. ibig• battle,ships. espeeltinte fifeie,- that It was to escape After again' holding' at' eibraltaVihe Irotirl.,juatIce. that "on fled so hyrriedly ',Dreadnought next .we,nt, right ' oss 'file that,' the weals uSed, irt 0111108011. -The. :titter' -robbing' Om local bank..." ?or Atlantic on an, endlneittee 'Vial' , 'Trine', Once" was. pee of the hieheet at the gltilteevadestereteeese•-4rerreerige-Chris itiesteleerough-eeeathet4hetnieteneepelezie anglege E Dan cotlet. - .. ,, .., , . . -...•... , , CesP.Pion,•when- 44aWionalti:ftame from did Progrees, and 'an nieregei aneoh-or . The .king o •• yp - e lelleet 'le -Kahane ..th 414,:n.. aft or_iyOn, ,,riin Atifey; 0 ego:teen Multi: Was 'obtained, tor the which loiseph likok cannot, ..,orminod trtkwe, 16'6 ea .ut tem dn bewildered MOO MVO; Iiiii-opetit tor ihm-lost -two deft/tatty eaineeeasilnetee tOok. ee-Exei- enetternent-• atid indignation. . dus the mime 'of the reigning king; Or I . } is more ter nie when I resale nilleee• : ii•Yeti. are lentg," he ',returned. stonily . and rm starting fez -the old ecotintrY ee et? itle kine • evas undecided: • ' De from the French boutillter, theeorigirial meaning of Wes* Indicates the special. Office of orie who serve,s ane Orinkalit,the.meals of the rich and due,' ing entertterunente. It. is itu this senie' "Look here; MY heY; talk sineee Whet kind,' and keep a memorandum of date of planting, where' seed was procured, you'll do is this. Ween Bruce ItIeedonsi Method of cultivation, the condition of old comes heretountirrow you aitst-go seaSeit., and which variety was the most Straight to hire end Make a clean brease drouth-resieling: Gather each Variety glirc.0.-,........... l'.....1-0.-2.r..yaig„. seParate min weigh It. Note which var. eirldo ,Totiets it, A. Atilnereie veld atty ety.:.hps.the most eood solid ears and.' pounds. 'I've got it. on me at' this PO- est. nub-Whs. lee.- 'Vetlety will "du emit moment. It represents .the seeetigs le eits to kir another Aar it teise,mo of -well neeee mind how lon . Thette dinfie ' '' i • ee" , USF,FUl. HINTS, Hinter will lake the soreneee froin a testise. and wilt often prevent dlecol• oration, When currant bread has been baked, it 11, he oraliped ti damp cloth ter a feite days it will net crumble when cot - ling, "anti it Will not be dry. nit damp apbaard, which is liable eiDise Mildew, place ti Saucerful cf Indeitlitele into which WIll mot ortly eitgireli dtimpness, bui sweeten artd honeeeet pee elm, being nineteen ots. TItie fs acelient result after 'neeerar "Plferaoli, is not given. Scholars genete Itgla.ls,inceWhetnieiht4e11-01cdiedtl'onan it.riloYiabhl°ewethveratt /1°:mnsesideeer mol0rethe tltlinat were model, Was twenty-one and. a half Dynasty, (about B. C, 1275-120e), VMS. the keens. ' Phareesh of the OPPression Mentibned in A prominent. officer -deelared that the Excidel. 8; atni arguing backward frOM Dreadnought &mid have maIrdatned an tweed e speed of eighteen knots, hut -111 this very night, Great news Oftrile fttr me a few daye back; a fortune la Watling for me in Loedon. Yee„ awe**, an old chap whe„. need to give itte Mee when I wag belted, Myet, Wee keet-Senie soft corrier in his Ismast heerti: far a. wdethltese leepleiteeloretne-liag dted--leate „ ing me Ms money.) -"I'm ant glad• to hear it, old chafe", said Chrle, Inguhriously, mita Ivith ths OWit woei. •". "You'll have Witte be gl`fid,r, winded the other, • "Yelt*ve get 4th; leke pollee at Present, acting oll MY- advice, ties hundred end fifty peeteds, el sit* fames that Might perstiade hint and when ' *Urns 0,404:4:- he deep ototether If he returns, lo row give him 114 money, make:Seeleete ,Queensland, .which he is !vend, 'to ee breast of the WhOle *noire ADO 066'1- In a weeles tirees,wilbout.exuang. erase. get to Englaret the, nattaiaa at,ttit,40nby *AL': II is 0 lett bargain-. Silence on shall be sent Willesiet Monieertetteleye ray Part...and your pledged Word,, to tie; Call debt or iffile whititever Mire Mre'Acheserele. nettle for my' pro., Pay me beak, Me doe% I sleet* ectre. selectee, or, ee ate,allernative, I leatte •But look Wet. mit boy"-hta none. that yeti now, „this eery moment, end go to „hed been purpoSeiy, hruskre, .-adtteiket. ,Ntrs;,,Erringteu-sh, t hytew abein that afraieseettid /Weld 10 her the Otteehs- eiteaded thee thee •might be truth lit It -Anitievesig the .beee's pitiable weiamess ettaratiter be dreaded it; gee:0111g in- t/tilkt had beppened-that Chris beet elansbled away the inoney he had lelt.rn, end 1710e/alle back upon, this tete e .drouw lie • .;!. -himself.- - Acing. _rather • "pri., on -00. aenleg Yoe or, anyone 'sheet. whereas" with tee teeenteenAhOl eitte le telt 10Y; *OM alone," Flineten I min they had. eiregelenti In !mild tise take rejoined. Meeelentild 'le here in Lon- thee • • ' • don at the pleeetet Wile Seeking Mr you. ANOTHER 1,00o retnses to glee the ease OVer 10 til0 41, TrInitlarl eunnery trials leak place, and ken' guns,Vere fired einieltaneous- ly, without even a single wiodow In the tietraty• being /stacked, . and . the veseel suetained no structural datuagesiea re- nitatable 'testimony 10 PortStlitiUth Dock- yard...1)&101;i, Her gun plaiforni ,was exteemely etetedye -Sbee eeentonticitt web. fuel at, hilt and' eittisiog efieedel see IS a splendid sea•hottt. aRd her only drawback' is. that, her engInd-rooms, acpount of the turilinos, are"'Very hot. The rUn Wee theae hi. nine days at speed 61 164 tato% three daes Tess tteiti is eel -Madly" "leketi be. a battle.' ship. See 'peeing el Portsrheutie utei tit Vey in, mid May 2 the Colonial .Preiniers ...Wive:et het and lieleb. on hoard. . ' LIVE STOCK NOTES: - o h in• Egypt, is pieced duriligfthe later hs, in retlim. for good trenhnent- well, need te be kept Warm ,for quite - Eerly lambs; and their mothers, as Ifp.s starting point the elevation AV Jo- 'anything, awhile. They will soon get, a good hold .,period.of thejvign, At ituLtlyltsos kinge, _close up • the houee titelly; place an 2.; Chief . Of the bakers -Another of the h e and sprinkle he it sulphur, then a Who ruled. Egypt from 2098 to rat II, c..., ' citeilife sb that they will endure, almost But they will do Mitch bete ksthinentb nie ne eran 1 : 'atoll 'and suPPlYing the wants ed- his fain. Foe Manatee, cottonseed Meld con- e Different leeds vary wklely in the Ipah: Egyptian eoint,aend one whose position Apply a mateteand get out of the house ilroica eesainenehl•oon, barnied very numemile officials at the anciedr was or no lithe leneornencee quickly. Keep the hens out and the -door MiniStered 'Otto theine-The Work of 39- .oilt toth the vermin and disease. 4+ °herded JosePh -with them, and he ciosed for Iwo houre. This' will clean eel% In prison „scant fo have been that • ot ate attendant who assisted in Widting ••quantity ild Me food nutrients they eon- pretatioh ..t•t‘ his eream-Amongst all008t prOditetion, Mit 'falls far Wait cern In - tains about five times es Mech as corn Reeve priecinete. . De ,Eitch „man aCeOrding to the Inter, of thee ingredient so important in milk liettortenee was . hed 114 Interpretatkin. the•tiesouni et some Of title °thee ingre- air ancient, •peoples dreams were core Were(' Megreatialgnificance, and MUch deettle which they contain- So with chief . tif the -hake:O. 7. Itniteon's offieerieea'he butler end proPertiens. ' It is possible .for a Pied or titt..,!c---- to -ell' ProPer inane fonds,..as ,with these two, Much te ,. te, be gained by mixing theM el definite 8, Do rieVinterpretatIonseleiong 'Ity Mitrierits inailett amounts above what • ; ration to eientaln one or more Of the God ?-ne ritlidel did later at 1h0,43ebyll the *final ter:perm or eau use of them Ionian. roUrt so Joseph nere and'agalli. met fitbata at' serious results 'met occur later la the,. Presence Of -Pheratili (Gene' iii IP gorig-Aolrients were lacking, In the "I'm not a preaeller, on e -If leu get , out or tills ccretPe: odd I think Yee Wine- lenti-tsotthette shalt we ea11 it? come, what( Is your, atawer? :Crewe lilted *his head and pointed, le ihe *fort don't tio again, Haven't Aar get a• motheer "Ile boy's fat* ihisbeds, bet he held detentes headesperlialas Robeet might not son. the'ruSti of tearslhat How:, IS,41(1, There wee nothing htit, wearfuess anti ConteMtd in bls nice; e•et ht. =nothing else he read in ids 41 1.& 28 801 retuses. to take cr•edit to redo, s loth of the animal May or oti.3-sittot yutt"litt allsWoretiple-' _ • _ hheisetf ter OM internratatum rieestiSe maY 3iot be-Wore:1 th tql n Ot check. troin itobert ;1./e' Nctttit tiiik:00tAktY 1"TY, moizttrgwe'm nta. trutrb'ani;tre c,0 e es, can, lo gra ed, te 'e g ' flatitly; buf Italiert • heard the Itatering.: , keitut "s- rtifistem. tho•grit. teeeeeeto vMce. • e ntle • "You Insev teed •Iite," ite wad itlirk. bet Ids eyes Otiittr grave as the • "But that's mieugh of sOn meld. ere Oar clesed °cud, he, wel$ left alone to , • ' •. to mon tits titia• standing of thett leddele wasteful.' ' elleading. • la. Took the itrafleir and Pressed thern ' Edith/ NOTES, art 'the note% place' Illent *dilly grail le Wilk 4.sitheitioll that thund hint ;. hen anti Oft* irinible sbe, lit t tele' Intprepareil,., onotigit lir it- t,14,*.111NED-PSYSIlustvOle eeoPreseeo' info phoroohts cup.„,,unferiveted edit Wive Suffleterit. Of the ;heedful :to self- $ sltak"hit Hit DISI jitiee,:Sveg iitosepter iffsnly trized itt The farritA'• would do well to. tomtit - I'm once there all 11140 th: acme class: .egO• vitVt_it ditlen.itlattutt undent untwas It s to-daY as A refresh. bcrItiat. Wilde the weather linq he often (Ing.,trid exceptionally palatable &Ink. treXtditinsif uneertaitc, it' siotiirog like Words of ,,gratItudo teem:Med O the Willett Ileeelld arteeeektehteer elieed Reveals AO ''Teriiperanient *lid Char- littevnwntlthlt 11.thhieithOt.:,,,tveYenerte.dh9wittuire witeihnfOret 'tiko9wIttilete!t4111' ttg.'%Ine SKI* '444r/tilt In' Me," Motrient tied reeetil Veen 1111'00110 ' ' take t1111 bath te, tritatit‘ itn& *Aett a discovery Noiderritit miao. r had tenvitt lark thut ttity 05y. ' ecief4elen't, Pre414, $1spRethlgt '4181 • This -is tt,goo4 tiros to eketnitte .the e • • yoUng man's' litoo tlato• %rag the hdy *th rs h IOW (310.s. ,•,131d man, I' repel sem, is so ' ttt ltly• helit:-.=Cont t Pants tite4 104 pa to get arty oat ph that I* king If oit wait yOU "yrs, the &hi liked het redefinledt' ' hts,altither...11441:iikg*tiiAtils deed • In r; 2541 '"gY114aarOdaar4 t BOA° , otitY , • dtinfeet lee ;mem "And floWw goettV )10 ee'•\ensi 40' Itet,,,M%1°°111gitClte,°11; VasAirde. a',11lost serious pXictio, 'the, Yertr, be began. tO Mot. did tvant 'the yoti utay haVe tO itt Xt till nt paint hoe to be left open. 60. hoe rut otog too .t,t,wity, the , :Ho resliged Jitet tlistelhirtild keep logist. Of Paris,. Probes,' publialtes Ole lift up the itead got' lehOtechin king; Of Stverri, trilin to the crio..,,P •or i.tte II thotatigillY, so na to dissolve ail flitat *lege of mr: iouttey back te Utto, his , wertl:^eltd See thierlei WV; hrs tneeenr4 elleeiew see Phikleeellity", are eintelf pelsonei • -• stor&nefOrbloutan• iftl to 0161*. Ltuitgeo tug. eke then tal lib with 'we el% ‘‘rhes lend -bock 10 'borne."' tilerA4:',WfiliCItturellit•• reV° tirr tiereitek 'olshorlite.study •lif .liblrentallejr, the art ilrIng;ine• Mit lif" this hintse.,-Iiring exit& rrillS,vhittle ill° neetten trie.tlYt Waidorf staattAart uppity hod. ,ii b000-mes necessary la ase the Patat• Por Illeittent. tie.. two tit, hot kt,' sTiOhia lit!. 414411' iOr. Prnett‘‘,,,e1.10retelitug;, the 'fit"turo of. rue 'Clutoir, 'end' Slavery and Ill'eette eineertiegeasses and Vilrled. 'ego' ere chopped fine and ederved litititte .POut ,Off illo under nt,,„Itt You Warned it imira hand eItke, OW, then „Nitta. he:',1„0, Itte4itt 1W,t",4*Wt.t's9vW,11,4' o ,horsoo ihspeettlig• tith lutee, and it§tere te• mer iny treedete. mitt&IS !Atilt% We In Altlerieir grew the with autteontielae tire4stngt 41!4 rl°'4111 '11.731 '633"Cd. it/Hall:ea a latt°14 419"O'llaatai: t4a41'‘ 0'ititer4444 11114:4,;',c0flifi* OVe6s'ettilifil4rdinjol0,:iincittaot$ ,,of the .110114,1 • ol70$ Stoton. 'therefore liOt eheepestelirel‘leeds lit thews:Jed ina tefeumper Haled, es CUL eltefilltheee Set; nod water Ili the best lueethilll rtue ho was riding, u\Stity. • • o • esIlt,tellt Vrito• 1n1 tul otdeah gamed 'by Ithi Solo( 0 dy lawfdliy prigene sieste, t: With diets ;Alt ridellee*Pr011etlY grown lengibwise, littitsw Out and fill With. etettelitg•nuittilig, allowing a 1aleespoon- met, mood there,:itis eyes siptiiirritt ';her.:'lleutt' tel hl*Wit dets.ntest othi,shoos;:, „ tlor,theleolotou res. aims chapter soft,,,,•.ttotest,edi.,...$ ban.foott I erne squat, ilnely eho peel heel% ellteekis Forntriesk' tirl'elgeatt ta a Pit° al et" a'atee• an& inG figure. Whiell• be karate- eLlineeheree Ineselerteajeletati teel°2,er Aratehildu saylibelmtuf•ittone,ito lutVe thetSiory Oseph's Inierpreti. elkk withrhatt SOY Ver,J eXPentllitt Aboroughiy ahak Je-1 sten 10 ate Tatanthffit. ' tr,"7„' wrist, stut itotly :.heltwitid•teh, reveals Dow of the' &vent, 44. the thief ot tile tittr*,„-41,cotilnierit,„ ,.10edst dt e -r sOinething rquall,y luny. Matting freest 4Where's yellt meta ,oft •10',Itt.litiCh gulus A I"' the ;Sett Of' the Veriest thlety beltera, Width, itrifOrtitnalelY was notwO Ault eutteai)0$ eurtfitt'he ie.' flfigult ''AVIIOrt you want the best onAre ‘4,14setsolitibste acio-ut, jritikuoto, Itivoithilheritimitot ddust,t then ha, Iva-er* Imre' bogie'?" asked 4S Siteffrlint voles -At• ble• Prit'wfi2 'her Ottint ot hundred. • ' •• favorable; hittl bteti,31141 bt the. chief Atilt tippnetites. and witealt Iowa to be bad CO n pint ar ilattg, ballot And lilt lit fine fag the 1,091,1* tis if ited ribbed ....la- tele unreel Ves 144 t nip -#0 to e s oont Isetv th cow Atitheiohily cot oitotv yet wo$ eater ittlergfeeN h kiltt tykiwallotte re 001A 11 0 thi the "ratite- ‘4. *PAO' ttVa $ °Iv °s0 +41, futett ltdiof tavor titOlttattdr6. g then tot *Obit trielditY hl 'tint)" the (liet. wt1/6 tht Illuithig bent 'and was making Off WIlit Me. on;iettwylla , Zoe Alt exie Men Walk Seri I 1 Mt ; teleir ttltdr Iftttgli ttflotifit, spotidet tthi „with the se „toiler shd It0t4 lath 0 • tlre tie% ' Atelly4 tithi wetor '11" hottr litat'ktugitvi liptshed - 0- htsh teeth, ,tte titte•perltaice erg * t n tee „.• . .tv110$1.1604' tilmate ite'rithht'd 'NAM tPaite auggestiert 4dr' Me& "01144: 14-46'11)40 , teitelatunent**1-1k, 4go,111--;: Itot ar.Phiotia dreitilft• alitr hatt-itta• Owtherithltistettlfuettl, term* w• cleAuls. et jut" trottend I bed; now Inert ens* itom tehifetVoen , A on**, n",per ote,q„lige tWittt A O. band; „king ilirettla idiri 'With ettlkorlty ifor t.r 111°1(v -wit° 11(5 t'4ttAlkl° bt"le 6:"(It '64 gtweent rillPueirt01 11. heel ere ve tind t'Ullthert ttVegi rite* . • ehhoroomys, friacitote...ermo \lima 'Biel*, tee( may: melte proper, posej., with; tt Spreatle;as oncli, as. in.cemei: alt 4411,61:1 .04:4%4410,11d tonovita. eloon 111„1, i01,411.4 wth, fi f440ta stladOel* alitit sti..,vp toe witseh, thmg phlti ,mort Agoost, this tothiott g‘eats,01 /mow ,possmy mum% ti• f COAL a ..2,41114-4fict„-5-406 wttl. 14 a auto qua, nen, Adequate ventiltdion 'iott the motes iota& .10, 4,,tmeedotg men.- thatfllete teAsetailletAWIttlitetilttitter 4feers,Aft tarty ittnt! stxty, ittre1tra6 4*644i tfolt triglati„0, Ittrolgrirtem thrvigeM A 10 0 emu • • " i dutbteilly ileeesallYt Indio i .tho mietAtiott .• Nliier4 lid cent it ; la e .00,41,titolottte, ,,,hrost, thee Ahlk, " 1401.6 es eclat Pertselt tires:411g artil ,A (ta t 4.ter, eee t ttervolotiote4 rtvointrit but Intitte, /het, are All sos40,40 have lo t I Ittee Yea d 1)440ns lige A: StiPtillOPt he In 71der se1116 theatf Urnet totio on hand. . 'hi+ about bolt t•htitti• heal Act * IOWA at ta IMO a Whitt, tend the IWO Melt, Wint1 th the heitt teteoll. i. • lien Of Illetelthio the,Prepolltioilis very goina 4,,tet% eleb,,a0,17 rdtilartelleoluellt* gin es tn Seat '011 taoti\ to iholtotot, lee. • MANY'tnrktri48. emit& kw tot a ony too totiomptc, 41L ""e -- I it.tae Out mat tav oval. *totter Leon • v, ^ •tot 1.,) o to* tame% lien r vitotwe orator ito taw holotbil,, Ill`flatt.,....TWo la eleineent wrathy!, being attti-tvotitti tualotattivit. .,yat toot1:6:4ty IVOIS tht P0110t k t4 4 AU teal trchghe o• the ItailogC "Mr.' Itkv4 ItrAVtlIVIg v111143ril•leig LI 14 vwk 1" 144ttt 11°1'41101Y th hild • 1; 1 k ' itit4' to)** 'htit what Strange Ominous. hi- P., n found ic• y ge• lite *WW1 mete ,WAS Ort*ted ta hall th6 era), ond Clear trot way., Lottang Over the 14111 Of the monstrous teastl the teaSW04404.4 lakt, a t, t t a." t t it -tiOth-tt Mot •• 4 Mat 'flies hert.1 elm it th petttto end thilr Sa10611011 Ig iitgaly tealta4 laharo entt get 2000 lee. ter - tree ow all lt Ile Mehl, fe t ros . ebeoe bei, ,61,41 mei Atte had h -h /the *00 keeeat , tett net Wag a rig s %me 't4 ' . tattli" ,411Ptilistatr• *too ralYi Ito '''VIttnitr,t tittlthiloitt,hi,IttehotlittillittilliaeActilirtfitxteurii*oatiti.L. 4,00, „tort. 0. ,,a,vor,,,,,,e. reiteet41. hee'',itt• h.ths• ttli.e.titinesS . •10Yeetent tt• ' ' it,' A 4•C ast:4171110011411itart 'ttiflagratta0: "WS nk6 '41("•'S'' feil°11 11.144,1". 46 *-118 1444'tit's 41..1.1;1°' tei ' . ' . CO Ott kkiele. Slirrinf *II Dm bar. 1111 fir • g or Ill.lit,„ t e tiout6, th,1 time slowly. uttleired ih. pained 4,tetertie,' ''''''''t 41?)t 1411 at 01,A.44$4'welleft64--. metottilig the •rolliakpaSskiiit' Ord ecfite, 1 WM. LEL • • oath IliteNt tot ' with tivit04 .11 4 t4Vtli ti144 %kr:16mo,, ttrit, Maori Crow0 /60lied. eWeet ive Wen; e hid in data* f.ir -dun* 00 44 tit6 nyelonoe, • eft, Ai 0. 4.1.„1..tva at fituato, ownottg • NI) 11.Aill 1411% '111rxl. 4:,,,Kti,1$ foul-2st VA! 144 Iron natged ng.)imt 'What; A. rivet N14007%4 \VOA eweettout ot fse !at..? fee guide al!,51.04 1110#0 '1,1"41411 tr "tese; essett knee llsere ue, nee settee berele tie ihkeil, tee;11 tte I of Salad IlitessintteAtilV 14Att:1414A31111: t 114104 telt tte, tee, &II. Plat tiod ejt ,tilrestireithito tied Vlitt "hdt Nim Alltre'nf* trri.Otig• Op, fitteett pe. radii, IlySterfei; tett tr41:40t144044111,11,7101,46,14a41,4„.300,0 itifarot(Itivr5, ilnIkttilitur.traitign:zttr:Ishuitoti,41,,stt4 tovbemdeyilln.Atto 4111„havotittagt1111.,11003, ,ughif,,,/jort teavo,Itsktnitatinrktkoree.,,,... 6.0,,anot oteelohlittItioshosmixteatittait blnikeztelltultettAlsattinonf ludistiottilyeare, lie toltlegplion. tot' ninglard. Ar.41104tttr taR. t I • , • 4.tothatt',ohly ttkv Okra. ;punkt* then' sAillr' innuc‘vt-le" * IT' it in Melt bandit. • . • zilyort *4 toirmetri, trAvder. t. . rdinsa4-11iiii uttitills *lobe he had 11.';aetliti ksiWrltfOltel °Atte., f VOA Irl srli (.4 ; , Of tho tletin that eltiNtlininetri;eift 'V the lePtlf. iltail, ,tottrottolvt with ..ttinvittt eatt ' itV4ig 111211.1bs alai b.teliolitiMeal it t iftluti, nit IV "t'r - i ' .....,,,,,,,,' bred:let IteptiettinitS • Its ‘'nbe „ruined, . utiter far litake 4 ilitok. Mtge. Next stir tald WWI he ,!mis, 'then. 'aleyhtit. .ent 4 MO: *Mt th(11:! lee- MOM n'T,'''qui %totted ttivegagritor 'itild•S 1litre 11 . in Ante irdir. knelt Mitt it tit* ,Ot botlhnt Ittelli 'he lored.,..,WIllt * - dellttlot" Itsic , Le ' sivittiot ' Aim looloket44. tt If there -hi ul. tie' 8e•Yttt: It is Width water TA,Vht-th itlivhalf leasiiisiti :.,ee I ItaciS that tilled everv.rnoritekt ist Ms tileyeith.1 lituitol, if yen We .1116 yell Wilt tiell-tt, tete the mutt wits, that ot itfatAiivywitt tio tt.oto 1051..6;1410 44, tivf,s tMtottekl.,. 1**,144, , , „ .,. , ' why vit til."' ' 9 .ht veri1104,<Illoricallei" In praporflett le 11a1t othl .40 COP 1.1 NititIlar; slits; ihor. the tetheletiti4 ot thr. date. saiheuite0a citghty. thrill stotiAt illoroett * fun.4.3% Mr fltok Tahoe itipotrthig. tiGth. ha f..tit.), 14 ttlit :Ito 1:loilt cistotal V/ a utchtt etaitter. 'theft 41441%wif etort GI zi,r...,' 1%110 110, s tkothie boiler ••4 Ol‘,,t; v1111 .111:14 hod .t rasky,74s, Theok re* *VA, 'talk Al tIlkatt." , ±1.-.•1 *tie pia a 1%0 . 1;' ut "ie:' ' 910 earilt reola „voile hUdiNININ NR /. Stilt ear** *MOM *Ilk 1 littk cry,. Ihef .tollo•itt* attcertisthrat tirP:'*Ity livo Mt* becti, in tOireg gm* rtitht ' 'VW t opite yag,, she, suW, Iturri. appesiiett; "being seam that It E its. tisimv trlini, senor ' ' „ts14,1"and. elloutol have itetwviti ytat hs41 &Wale 10 taltrItisok /or a tutobitt41. 3 sa, ,, e1i,,,h,-al bream!. he ViOriall ill take eh NOO, ‘Vflei4 nrOrlatreed yaw, wit, two. leam &hitt on; hut if any iterilk. Me A% I stlOpeste.-- miner ttsi metre sor Tow r mow. saw. I /mem* 1 NI 61104 i.Ht treis fIceP. „ • loft Illiotilt1 bo tot lift,Nt to silotilst. tor so t Still Itttalay **ft klio permit* lod livo vtannk to4kr'40he 'MIS 11" ' "'tow ,,-, -, '0!1,, *awl 111* g$6.10. '‘Ity"4 moo revm, Aliso troll a(14 one I vas t vlid 0flokt`t the /At: tlentent 'I'm tWatitht lite 114 wettm 1. row Itio, matt, OS iAllftsret Pflostio• who Mkt 414 ItIT '3' 41.1k* 'wee, De intiot14. tl .,.',i cm and tallict Ike *or fit w Itritillitt vk owl/ ivzsy, ., I ebt younit am 41<filtel* N tl mat to PIK In ended Inert 1 itiWk ,, a make Wino If* trectile thug •12,,fteco.1 out. "Ihs *i'l t ibm etyma' foc Los, i'c,:p ttl h irsic!.. . en arta Nye eever urt tsreted. *lid oaffsahrist ta4111,10,„ Ap. 0+2;:4J 1.1.,4 iiiiiV 110a WA UP WM* UYI :141011‘at aid so *It Illieoliftiki ma. ' ,,,. ,' 444 4t ealt *Soo Ne vans., *hasp fay: en, Olt trod systv, ledesed i• tos • ratan Awed Ikron hilesilunkti wIla ' t , , ,, • e\14\4**1, Ittsitetort ot death ramie thlr tharittrA *IVA tktm* Vatlikt **We have fin *OW& *Mt. "„tatti, 4:4Vklitsti(0)4 kg f4RDiVt, ROVR, ihAt /MOW of ntoyffc ft' tietifh *Mt isetrooked toetto0 pitridelit itls Inn* 4osa Onti**,* .A,,TANDLIn1110. teA6 tellomt tchto hatV,hetiet bun Ia.. tgigtrotliV.;httle.t :111!gitr:4,:.trid Ai!. pet. ;&:ibizsiy,ippet.,bt*mertii**11; .0•%iv** *to yrinr• tiled ihe harOhuni. 1116' ittIptett, - Wood Matt of thlaarttiff," '1`011611 AO* 3ou Offtatia able $eatnatt," he musk. orestentsey... , . Os ''the sign ists; ise vend lett Vat %1011. hlehe(IP ansivOtil the Mail. L,tho helalterkte able seams* ci• Iola of !Vol, $ caffilain ot !tame!, Do. lex seo goilitt.)tlidc,ottt tUtt$ reffOrL,IMP 'tat attemp1,40 nedere 10eft-supetior thing se Silt4 ,Preseivi se, taw tbh edsea.S', . 1418 ,OU'a V.41#.1 nhe*il. ohtAwt nut', . Andlt protetided 404, desr. "litidge shdy." Aing iha,shiWN, "There's' ,,ornething4r amid, ttli- 1:04't iikr iekt41 Akippa, , wisall:Ylalit,the at rot, *i1,1eot, like "i Artra00.° clletniira gm% to 111 got * rod act . *psi* kw awl; tirtst. ,‘„ - - NM'. • "1 ram \ nExtea sitt. twoldieda, ftd4, Pheltel, fc4 trio TrOt• • e