HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1849-08-30, Page 40ttry. 011.111 CHILDHOOD. R 010991 9. Pa99T1e1.. 'Tis sad -yet sweet -- to limes Te doe wk wind's gentle swell, And (hook w• hear the mous 0wr childhood knew so wolf. Tu gore out oo the even. And bouodlees fields of air, Asd (eel ,gats our childhood's wish To roam, like *.gels there ! Tire are mese dreams of (lsdoest" That sting .rueed the paw - And from tl..• tomb of krhng 01.1 thoughts come throrgiug fast - The feints we loved ee dearly la the happy/lays now gene, The b.s, t,uul sod Lovely, tie fair to look upon. Thom bnghu sed gentle maidens' Who warned eo twined ler bliss, Too glorious and too bearenly Fur such a world as the Whose dark eon eyes permed swimming 1s •►em of ligo•J light, And whose locks otgotd were creaming • O'er brows m teeny bright. \Vhose mike were like the renshlne • lar the epnog tune of the year - Like the changeful gleams of April They followed every tear ! They hive passed -like hope -away - All their loveliness has fled - Oh. many a heart is mourning That they arawi,t the dead. L•ke the brightest buds of summer They have fallen from the nem, Yet oh, it ie a lovely death To fade from earth like them 1 And yet, the thought is saddening T. muse on ouch as they - And feel that all :he beautiful Are passing fest away ! That the (sir ones whom we love, Grow to each loving breast Lake tendrils of the clinging vine; Then perish where they reef. And ems we hut think of thew in the snit and gentle rpriag, NV hen the trees are ..ving o'erUs And the flowers Orr binasoming For we know that winter's corniest ! With his cold and stormy eky- And the glorious beauty round us - Is budding but te die! 2gricn1tnraL el Th. Church. • FARM STOCK. NEAT CA' Tex. -The term cattle, in its most extensive some, is *ed 1. denote all the larger domestic animals which are kept on the farm. - In the more usual memo tstion, it is applied to an- imals only of the ox kind, which Ire .6.9 called black sod honed cattle : but ea all are not black tad many are witbevt horns, the technical term, Neat Cattle," is used as more definite and ap- propri a t e. Daring the early part of summer, in the months of June sad July, is the proper period to pay •t - motion to the improvement of thia•deseriptmon of farm stock.. There ie no very elect time at which it is the custom to have calves dropped.- . 0 depends • goof deal on the purpose for which the cows or calves' are required, and is also ofiw determined by accidental circumstances. When the cows an required to give as mach milk se possible ddrieg winter, or for the tinkle( of hot- ter during that season, it i■ often the custom to have them calve in December or Jataanry. If the ' calves aro intended to be sold as veal, early in the miring, they are dropped in February or early in March ; but if to be kept u stock, and the cows for the making of spring and summer butter' or cheese, the most usual and the beat time is in the month of April or early is May; when the pastures are beginning to afford a supply of food. The period of gestation of the cmw v ties ►orf considerably, having- been •oeertaine1 to hare linea in some instances lees than 240 days, sod in others more Oban 300 days. Bot any period less than 260 days, or more Chau 300, mast be • eenidered as irregular -though is the latter ease the health of the calf ie met affected. lo the ma- jority of cases. the period may la stated as ex. tending from the 270th to the 300.6 day, or w the avenge about 284 or 285 days. (F'armer's Dictionary I • This being about the eme,galee- der soothe and • week, it is easy io ordinary ea. .es to regulate the time ofealviag of the cows, hy•that at which we allow them to be sent to the bull. L obtaining the services of • bull, it air be considered unnecessary to say that tt is im• portant to have an animal of se good • descrip- tion as possible ; but it might in reality be sup- posed,rf om the very inferior epecimeos that are frequently sees made use of is many parts of the country, that the fact was out known -or it known, that many farmers were determined sot •to pay any attention to the matter. We have seen this spring, and could point net in any year during the gaethe of May and June, • hundred calves of • year'. growth on the roadside in ded• (crena parts el the country, toy one of which would not weigh on the reales more than many a well-bred ibrifty calf of five weeks' age, that is, say just a year younger -mere dwarfish little needles, io (act, of bones, paunch and skin. - Now, this unthrifty state of 'Mamie to be atm• bated, in the first plare, to the want of a little atteatioo to the ..lection of animals to breed from ; esti, io the next place, to the great neg. Acct in the rearing of the yonng animals during the firvd summer and winter. The fact is, that there is a great want of 'pint and proper exertion among many ferment in this respect -a grudgtog of a litre preeenr expense end trouble, even when they will acknowledge that it would rep.v them tenfold. Number. of spirited breeders in ddicre.t parts of the province have indeed imported very ,upercor animals at great expense and trouble, and many others herr heoefitteJ largely by their enterprise -large numbers of well-bred and rupe- rior grade animate, *d the improved breeds. being now l.o.4 is many Mimes: bat on the part of the (aemlag commutate •1 large, it must be confessed that there has not been that spirit to improving their non rank, by eneorsrapog the enterprise of the importers of well-bred cattle, which might have been expected. in endesvnring to improve on► stock of neat cattle, we must he governed in our choice of ta- dividuals to breed from by rtes motility of those within reach, the best of which, !specially of the .nate animals, shn.ld always be obtained. If the farmer does not go to the expense of purrhesing highly•brer.' heifers or cows, he should at least uklii the pains to select and preserve the heel of the Melee or common ones, *e a f000ds:ioa for as isbproved MIR k. sed obtain for them the ben ball within reach. By pureeing thiseo.ne, and e latghtering or rejecting as breeders all the infe- rior/ notes mime!. prodreed, • greet improve- ment v.'T11 sena he effected. II ie frequently • subject 4 inquiry, whmeh of the different 'mei,. of eaade aro the new pod- -habit This 06011 deemed a good deal .n ah* prricular pnrpnse for whieh they aro regnired, whether lee RIO shambles, the dory, or die yoke, as well as on the climate and tui quality of the laud' where they are to be kept. Different vari- eftterhaw. Mao their advocates, is n trek p4t.pa bent morep.Mol'Wy sa from airy ppeeculiar'etrie- •tc merit. 1n order to afford the the former who is dr...ode OftdPreiag,mpvovemenr, het nay per- haps not haves u rrrnmt .equuatauce with the Igse ides of the rusielte qualities doped FARM FOR SA - whatever tM Weds w• mai alio& to ONLY 1171,M, Niles Aim GODBAUCH. an what *miend Mseden eon the Bao potato If le Drlr N.. Nile B. is rho fah Ceawesber as as , tad is this we prefer [maim um 1 a good La Towee►i of Ceberse, ) ere .. itp_t►e Rev. W. L Rhin ankle ' ate Ile "W.C'ONTA1�11INO 100 ACRD, Ile ")-'' Mere e earl• forme and •pp.tia see, which are ether aseteariedly cosseted Fifteen of which ens shred, tad seder cul - with a perfect cosluewe4.s of the body, and or- oration. The Lead to of ezplieet't1aIffy, pectatly of the minas of reprnuw and of diger sod w111 watered, For further psnls.la,. non, or *hide are momently associated wills the 11,p17 to JAMES CLARK. peculiar qualm*,Monti* breeds, w as to be Claremont', As Bt proofs ail nett purity. (N the list ►lad are • is MI, 18411. !goatee wile cheer, well -farmed barrel, some sad Agricultural n straight piss. hip born es well arpated, tad g Bxhibition. Length of quarter ; all of which ma be proved to THE Asoosl Rebibltbo of the London be emeotial to the perfect Macomb of the body- Road Atrieekerel Society, wdl be Small sod *holt be.m to the Lep give 6rmeesa bid at Mrs. Astkveilra Myers, Is the D. - without summery weight. A Mich shia,well roughing Bottlenose', London Road, on covered with Bair, eusresfproper warmth ; and Thursday, the 27lb da of September next, os mit, loose feel indicates • good mat of cell.. when the following P moms will be awar- filledlar bwihcdr uode ted fat. WAllbthewill ate in kly beded for FARM 8' ('K, GRAIN, 1)1>t. pME8'FIC MANUFACTURES ire provable potpie in an of which is to be pros'.- , Pi sloes of bly fatted. end, whatever be dm breed, they will the Dairy, ;•e. 4.e, always suds -.t, superiority. Other pose, wch ileal Brood Man and Foal, £I 0 0 as rolour, form of the horns, shape of the haw,, gad Beat, 0 13 '0 and setting o0 of the tail, with other particulars, 3rd Best, 0 10 0 Q QV/CROSSES required by the New Dia - are only essential in e. a far e,petie.e. has ob- Bot Two years old Filly, 0 12 6 FT trict Court Act, .ed .11 other BLANK served them to the hese breeds, sad es they •re 2nd Beet, 0 N 0 FORMA owed i. the District tad Darien indications of pure blood. The ere is of great teed Beet, 00 6 0 Courts, oo Bale at the 8' Office. Also, all importance : it should be lively .ed mild, isdita• Beet On. you old Fdlvr 10 0 kind. d JOB PRINTING executed w the ting •healthy circulation, with •peels and al- 9nd gCe,'hottest netiee, and on moderate wring, mat iudoleut temper. An •sinal that it art gid Bea, 0 7 6 Goderich, July 19. 1843. easily disturbed will fatten rapidly ; while ons 0 S 0 God. -- --- -- -- that is retraces and im tient will sever acquire est two years old Colt,. 0 12 6 W Best PLANS AND SliClt>IC.1T1oNy. flesh. Among the ancients, •deep dewlap -writ 2nd Beet, 0 8 0 considered ss • great beauty 1• an or la sone 3rd Bei, 0 60 THE Subscriber begs leave to inform the of our best breeds there it scarcely any. The Boat One year old Colt, 0 10 0 1 Inhabitants -of the District of lluros, rump of the Freeburg sow time kt, b towards the rand Best tail ; while a straight back. from the seek to the3rd Beat 0 5 0 and the set hborine District*, that be has tail, is iodiopeneable is • well-bred Witieb rot Best MIICL Cow, 1 0 0 Established himself in Stratford, Among the improved breeds iuu.daeed into 2nd Best • 0 16 0 and is prepard to give Plaits and 8peci6ca- I.pa egreaten fsruritea, and are most even- Canada, the Short Horns, or Durbame, are per- 3rd But 0 10 0 lions of Public or Private Buildisgr, Brul- gat -Two ears old Heifer,e•, Mill Dams, tett. kc. kc., and will take k steely .own. They are dao probably the moat y , 0 12 6 profitable for general p.rpo,es. It solar, they god Best 0 8 0 the superintendence of such Ertctiuns, on are perorally light, sometimes quite white. The 3rd Beat 0 6 0 the most reasonable terms. limos of the pure -breed animal aro gene short: Best One year old lloifer, 0 12 6 Ilia thorough knowledge ofbie profession tome times, in the finest bulls, ■ mere tip ooe.eb Zed Best 0 0 0 and his practice as Builder, qualifies him for .idis of the forehead. fa the Carew, they tom -3rd Beet essential 0 6 0 any undertaking in the line. Address poet bine every point which has been mentionedd a Iles? Bull,1 k.paid, PETER FERGLSON,essentialal toperketioe. They are perfectly her- 2nd Hest Builder, &e. c. Stratford, C. W. dc, bearing all the veriatioose( Otte climate u 0 17 tieque 2v 3rd Best Stratford, March 16th, 1849. -o7tf r aa well the native breeds, toed returning, with gest One c i 0 10 U __ _ _ _ _ Tar old Bull, frit keep, as great • weight for the botcher •t , 0 15 0 `,TALUABLF LOT -LOT OF LAND three toa years old, the common cattle dost six. 4nd Best 0 10 0 • FOR BALE. LOT 8, Lake Shore, A pSejudice ha mmetimes existed ageism the 3rd H st 0 7 6 township of Ashfield, containing ONE Ihtltame, on the supposition that they were ia. Best Yoke Oxen, 0 10 0 HUNDRED AND SEVENTY-TWO A- dilferent milkers : but the contrary is m reality 2nd Beat 0 7 6 ('BES, withinin two miles of the thriving the feet, the purest Dnrham cows having proved Best Yoke Three years old Steers, 0 10 0 Village of Port Albert, in whiclwahere is a to yield • large quantity .f milk, or speaking )rad Best 0 '7 6' 'Grist Mill, a Saw Mill, and an Oat Mllt.- rechateally. to be very d.ep milker.. Best Yoke Two year3 old Steer', 0 '7 6 The Lot is bounded on the we.I by ho Nest to the Short floors may be clamed the Ayrsh res. they um iodeed by tame breeders2nd goal 0 5 0 Lake, and on the ewe by a cut road, -and it preferred to the former, although their right to Best Yoke One year old Steers, 0 7 6 is well watered. Form rticulars apply be considered a • distinct breed has been fie- v 2nd Best 0 6 0 -if by letter Poet toPP J geeotly disputed. They resemble the Durham, Best Fatted Ox or Steer, 0 10 0 IRA LEWIS, Esq. Barrister, Gode►icb. very nturh, except in point of size• and are hence 2nd Best 0 7 6 Godericb, !ad July, 1849. vl-oIltf sometimes supposed to have origia.ted from a Best fatted Cow or Heifer, 0 10 0 crossed that breed with some smaller variety.- 4tid Best 0 7 6 FOUND, -Oe the Beach cif Lake HIM*, Although net m handsome an animal as the Dur- Best Ram, 0 15 0 rc about half -way between Otadirich and Bay - ham, they have very good qualities, being very 2nd Best under 4 ears old 0 19 6 ford, on the 28th JOBS, 1849,m small Flat. Hot. hardy, and excellent for the dairy or shambles. 3rd Beet y touted BOAT. Tbe owner is requested to prove "The only other improved breed well koowo i. Beet fine Year old Ram property, pay charges, tad take her away. Canada is the Devon. In color They are invari- 0 10 0 W. BURK. a1lt a deep red, with a bright eye, fine head, 2nd Best 0 7 8 Township Goderich, June 30, 1449. v2n23 email bon*, glossy hide, and fixe long horns._ 3rd Best 0 5 0 They are a very handsome breed, and, thnugh Beet Ram Lamb, 0 '7 6 'miller, are by some preferred to the Mort horns 2nd Best 0 6 0 The oxen are excellent for - the purposes of 3rd Best 0 5 0 draught, being very active, and walking almost Beet 2 Ewes that raised Lambe as last es horses. The cows .re of good quality theear, Ter the dairy, the milk being of superipr richness. . 2nd Best 0 15 The Devon. fatten easily, and their flesh is of 0 14 superior quality. 3rd Best 0 7 6 Theme are the most important British breeds Best Two Ewes, one year-old, 0 10 0 well knows is Caned. ; the other principal van- 2nd Beet 0 7 6 raise, as the Hereford. Susset, Leiee.terrhire, 3rd Beat 0 5 0 Ter.w.ur, and others, not being much knowo. Best Two Ewe Lambe, 0 7 6 It is to be hoped tkipt ere long the importance of 2nd Best ' 0 6 0 paying ettennos td the -breeding of improved 3rd Beet 0 5 0 cattle will be more fully appreciated. There is Best Two Fatted Wether 0 7 6 now, perhaps, sraicely any section of the coon. Ind Beat r 0 5 0 try in which • more or lees well•brid ball of one Beet TWO Fatted Ewe; 0 7 0 or stir of the impro.ed breed.., may sot be found 2n4 Feat •t no great dlshine'; so that there -is at least the 0 5 0 opportunity of makingp Best Boar im revenlent, id it is but 0 12 6 trade ase of, Many of the common cattle of the 2nd Beet to be kept 1 year 0 7 country are of very gond quality as milkers. ftp 9rd best 0 5 selecting the beat of thew, and obtaioieg the Best Brood, Sow, kept to be 0 1,1 services of • well-bred boll for them, and paying 2nd Best0 3 •teen:ion in regard to proper etre and 3rd lest one year. 0 5 feeding, the weight and quality may be very Best 25 lbs. Salt Butter, 0 10 much improved, without detriment to the milk- - 2nd Best 0 7 iell -prop.ri ee. Me do do not wish in he soder. 3r1 Beet been eo •rlvetreethem in,. c in e so tante rr"a�etct t ?here The ad,! Beat,.i ing, Cheese, 0 10 end Bost - - 0 7 O 5 INFORM ATIOII WAH'� ! e1 Aims. Ma.Laiin, aged shoed fib, who telt hie mann plate, eltrutian, to the West High- basda of 8cotlead, sheet hoe 1847 -sod sailed from Glasgow for Moatr.al. Was knows in the ship to Jams Cameron; Gar- dener, who stepped at Broebville,-and to arae Duecas Mbhersos, and Is *apposed to hare travelled with the latter up the country re the summer of 1847. No farther 1DIur- m9tw cat be obtamed of him than is above -and hes,chafes. ham elute Coma to North Estbope, sear Stratford. Information will be thankfully received by his ►.other, John MacLean, North East- hape, Bell's Corner's P. O., Inv letter may M addressed to Mr. J. J. E. Linton, Strat- ford Stretford, July 1849, The Papers of London, (C. W,) of Galt, Guelph, Dundee, fanultos sad Toronto, will confer a favor on a s.rrowiag mother and triads, by issertia" the above. 2095 0 FOR TAGENCY HE SETTLEMENT OF THE CROWN LANDS, 1119 WELLINGTeJ &HURON DISTRICTS. Jews, 1849. HE undersigned, Agent appoisled by Cis Excellency the Governor-General for the Settlement of the Crows Leeds in the Townships of Glenelfr, Bannock, Brut, Greenock, Kincardine and Kinks*, in the Counties of Waterloo and Huron, hereby 6 gives Notice to all persons willing and 0 having means of Locating therein, that his Office is at the Pillage of U.rhanu in the 6 Township of Bentinck, on the Garafrara 0 Road, where he will receive the application of the Settlers, every day of the week, be- ntween the hours of NMI and Five o'clock. Fifty Acres of Land will be given tn.eny 0 Settlers eighteen years old, and a subject 8' of Her Majesty, who will present himself O provided with a Certifieate of probity and vases has peen very great -thanks to. the enter- prise of spirited tedivid•als-but much yet re- motes t* be d.... FARMER'S INN STRATFORn. M18. DOROTHY DOUGLAS, widow of the late Thomas Douglas, of the Farmer's inn, Stratford, begs to return her thanks to the Inliabitint. of Stratford, and the public generally, for the very liberal support which they received during the abort time they have been in Stratford. Mrs. Douglas begs to intimate that she intends tarrying on the business as hereto- fore at the Old Stand, in her own name, and hopes by strict attention to the comfort of her guests, and moderate chargee, to merit a share of the public patronage.' Stratford, 21st August, 1849. 2v-nt9tf TEAS!! TEAS ! ft THE Subscriher in returning his most sincere 1 thutke to Li, friend', and the public, for their most liberal patronage, beg' leave to in- form them that he bas jun IMPORTED a choice Lot of TEAS. &e., which he offers for Sale for CASH, BUTTER, W 00 L, TIMOTHY SI;F.D. WHEAT, or any other kind of Produce, lower Mu e'er offered bete before. OHIO WHISKEY! ! Aed FINE SALT for Sale, cheap ►or Cosh. CHRISTOPHER CRABS. Goderieh, May 10th 1849. liwnle PROSPECTUS OL' THE VICTORIA MAGAZINE. • MR. AND MRS. MOODIE, EDITOR. 13111; Editors of the VICTORIA 1111•0.4111i will devote all their talents to produce a useful rtertsining, and cheap Periodical, for the Cana - e. People ; which may afford amusement to both o1•1 and young. Sketcher and Tales, is verse and prom, Moral Essay, Sutisuesof the Colony, Scrape of 'ireful information, Reviews of new Work., and well selected articles from the moat popular authors of the day, will form the pages of the Mannino, The Moore feel confident that the iadependrst mod riase iag country to whoservice they are proud to dedicate their talents, will cheerfully lend ++M support to enronrage their arduous and ho.e0nble undertaking. The low pace at which the Periodical is placed, is ie order that ferry person within the Colony who esti read, and Irani.out for morel and mental tmpn,erneet may become • eabseetber and patron to the week. roma The Vuroa Mao.rm aa will manna twenty- four pages in each •umber prtuted 0 sem type, and upon good paper ; and will form at .he end of the year a neat Volume,. of 288 page., to- gether with Title Page and Index. It will be Issued Monthly, commencing oe+ the Firs of Aeptemfter, from the office of JOSEPH WILSON, Freet-.trees, Stneville-the rob- lisberaed sole Proprietor, to whole all weenie the Mrgantew, hledenm, sae *tiers se the Belet be ed*eaerd. (pese•p.id.) The tense 4 auh- oe?4rbpti.n-0E f)O1.f.AR PER ANNUM - .r s.eiisi(. to M road n odamwre. Godench, March 3,1918. 3rd Best Best Two Bushel's Fall Wheats, 0 10 2nd Best 0 '7 3rd Best : 0 6 Best Two Bushels Spring Wheat 0 10 - 2nd Best 0 7 3rd Leat 0 6 Best Two Ruche's Barley 2nd Best Srd Best Beat Two Bushels Oats, Sod Best 3rd Best Beat Two Bushels of Peas, 2nd Best O 7 Odd 0- O 5 0. O 3 0 O 0'6 O 6 0 0 3 Il sobriety, signed by known and respectable 6 persons, and having the means of providing for himself until the produce of his Land 1s sufficient to maintain his,. The bearer of a," that Certificate shall mention to the Agent 6 (who will keep a Registry thereof) his O Dame, age, condition, trade or profession whether he ie marred, rod if so the name and age of his wife, how many children he has, the name and age of each of them, where he is from, whether he has mote - where any property and in what Township he wishes to settle. The conditions of the Location Ticket 3rd Beat 0 9are-to take possession within one month Best Bushel of Timothy Seed, 0 7 g after the date of the Ticket, and to put fn Ind Best 0 5 0 a state of cultivation at least Twelve Acres Best 2 Bushels of Corn in sob, 0 5 p I of the land in the course of foto years -to 2nd Best 0 2 6 build a house and to reside on the lot until Rat 20 lbs. of Maple Sugar, 0 7 6 2nd Best 0 5 0 Best 10 yards Domestic manufac- tured Cloth, 0 7 6 9nd Best 0 5 0 Best Pair Blankets, 0 5 0 ted Best 0 3 9 (except upon the lot on which they reside) Best 10 yard' Flannel, 0 53 0 provided the required clearing of the land is Sod Best 0 9 made on each lot. The non -accomplish - The above Materials to be from the Farm meet of these conditions will mole the im- of the Competitor' I mediate loss of the assigned let of land, Rules of the Exhibition ' which will be mold or given to another. 1. All Stock Exhibited shall have been The land intended to he settled is of the the bona fide property of the Exhibitor • very best description, and well timbered month before the Show, •nd ell other arti- and watered. ries chews mast have been produced on the The Roads will be opened on • breadth Farm of the Exhibitor. of 66 feet, and the land on each side willl be 1. All Subscnpbona to be paid to the divided into lots of 50 acres each, to be gra- Treasurer on or before the 15th day of An- tuitously given. • gust. Besides the principal Road there will be 3. That no Competitor be entitled to two others (one on each ride of the prioci- more than one Prize for Butter sod Chews, pal Road) marked out on the whole extent or for Grain of the mime kind, of the territory, and on which free Loca- 4. That Bulls have a ring or screw in tions of 50 acres will be *lade. their sone, with • rope or chain attached, el But ss the Government only intend to secured in some safe manner so as to pre. meet the expenses of Survey on them ad- vent danger. ditional Roads, the Grantees will have to 5. No Animal or article can be shown for open the road in front of their locations. two prises the same year. The most direct route to reach the Agee - 8, All Subscribers having paid the sub- c on the Garafraxa Road is by way of empties, and only ouch, to be entitled to Guelph and Elora in t6eWellingtoe Distract compete. GEORGE JACKSON, 7. All Competitors for Prizes living with- Agent for &tetanal of the Dar#sm Read. in 3 miles of the Secretary's house, beet -- - - give the Secretary notice of the description New Church in Stratford. of stock and produce they intend to exhibit, SEALED TENDERS will be reeeived by the day before the Show, and all others to the .obsenber on behalf of th. Presby - be Fern Mm on or before 11 o'clock, A. JN: tertian Chorch Building Committee, Strat- i the day of Exbibitton. ford, till noise of the 31st Decembs, next, 8. Competitors taking mon than six for remitter material., .M., Bricks, i,im., tickets, Must pay 7eet, for weh ticket over Slue, Eked, Seasoned Loeib.r, and Work, that somber. for the Emetics of • BRICK CHURCH, 9. A11 Stock and Produce to be on the proposed to be tesla at Stratford. Tend.,. Show ground by Elm*. o'clock, A. M. of may be work either for the whole or for **day of Show. sty minister part of t6• mat.vial., sled WILLIAM SANDERS, sosonling to Specificities. ss proposed by Ser. Lwoa hood 8,,,.rh Mr. Feller Ferguson. Architect, Stratford. 9gdrirrlt.,.,Iy. J. J. E. LINTON. Art'tsg, dreg. London Road, JUDO lath, 1849- Stratford, 30th July 1849. 3v -n261( the conditions of settlement are duly fulfill- ed, after which accomplishment only shall the Settler have the right of obtaining a ti- tle of property. Families comprising seve- ral Settlers entitled to lands, preferring to reside on a single lot will be exempted Trom the obligation of building and of residence, TO LET, 'THAT heedwaw tweOw! Besse, *Weir. 1 the essineM T0..., w Jobs Wasesp tea !t r leaps aid dp iee b Mr, See- sm. Is the see of a rsepeetehle fiedly--havieg a bps i' d'a sed orchard sod i.eked wish *seedbed lista trace s/ ruiew dametp.is.a lee p.eiiaeisy se Wm be- hest dG.d rash esb*sew the mine *fake eprtsem ties end ea de pe•ee i1 doeeme adult Mosta ownsee to be mospied, de wain he let a suer usable weeny either it see er awe yeme, wear be speed span. Fe Thither peetiesdanres eege�p11�� JACOB WIIeBOX. Osd►rish, !ad F.hssus. 10(8. 53 CA8H FOR WHEAT at the Goderich Milts. W. P1PRR. Godeneb, 30th March, 1849. fv-a8i1 Exhibition of Farm Stock, P R O D U C E, DOMESTIC MANVFAC• TURES. &c. &c. &c. Bs rale H.row IONwi AgriewlMeal Y AIrl EXHIBITION el CATTLE, REE DOMESTIC MANUFACTURES, te. Ate.,tyill be Mid at GlibENien... Tomei, the 2filhot September .eat. vibes the illawi.g PRA'MILIIR WILL Net AWARDED. IfuR8E8. For the Best Brood Mare gad Foal.... £1 10 2nd 1 0 3rd 0 15 For the best Two year old Filly ..... I 0 Ind 0 15 3rd 0 10 For the best Two year old Celt 1 0 24i........ .......,0 15 3rd 0 J0 Fur the bot Spas of Farm Horses 1 0 Ind .., 1 0 3rd CATTLF.. 0 15 For the best Mtkh Cow (which shall have had • calf iia 1949) .........1 0 ltd..... ............... .... ..0 15 3rd ............(j.... 0 10 For the ret Two year old Heiler 0 13 0 dad 0 10 0 3rd ........ 0 7 6 Fetch. best yearling Heifer ..:0 10 0 2nd........ 0 7 6 3rd 0 3 0 For the best Bull.... 1 5 0 god 1 ..6 0 l0 3rd 0 .... ... ...... For the best Yoke of Working Oaea..•.1 0 0 2.d ........ ....... 0 15 0 3rd............ ... 0 10 0 For the beet Three year old Sleeve.- 0 15 0 2nd .........:.....0 19 0 3rd .... • 0 7 1 For the hen Two year old Steen. ..0 10 0 2nd 1 7 6 3H 0 5 0 For the bent Fatted 0a 1 6 0 20d ............0 IS 0 3rd .0 10 0 For the ben Fatted Cow .. -Heifer ...1 0 0 goo 0 15 0 3rd ... 0 10 0 811E, P AND HOGS. For the best Ram ... 1 0 0 2nd 0 15 0 3141 0 10 0 For the beet Ewe.(p. 41, bowies m- ood a Lamb each r ld4t 1 0 0 2.1 ....0 15 0 0 9 0 7 6 0 5 0' For the best Ewe Lamb 0 10 0 2nd...,..................... 0 7 6 3rd ........e 0 3 0 For the best Fat Wetbeeo.... 0 10 0 2nd 0 7 - 1 3rd . 0 5 0 Beat Boar .:l 0 0 214.- ......................0 15 0 0 ?Velli !ll 1;IVt11. MOitrave tl VESETA/LE/ LIFE PILL= • PHONIX BITTERS Tim ht tt W .50.d d"fti a7 .lied .ttew Ilsldalr. ►s.. aq.ind rte Y loan.►h .M. w tirwr onion a.., roan u sora, W .s4wreUMW J14101610 of t►. rg d �ryow Yµw by thois *9'a tesla�ge..4 juste WM* fad taee% .4 try Ude r y rM furl of �e=Mr .49b. IC, 4E7 AIL. >11131111111 Ir ABT/MA. ACUTE mut 99.091* BM/IMATYBL 41YICTW0 gf rM BLADDER ARO iIDENITs- YY tpLLIOITE 04 w..• *whew ur.,a Oo0 LAAINIAmu ofsoul. 11.-► le hood aiwuwhia PhW.., yw.r.. sod Woo. trio M .. Ram Ills mme• oar woo 9w ...,4. i. wmtm.w lbws 111LWV9 CMULSG sod 11404/9 lossmr., /1LK ptrir&NE**. COLD/ • COVOi/a CMW..c. comel'9tnos. Vend won pool ammo Is ow Amu cute UPr 111190911. D*0991gn, DTBPIBTBIA. s* powea .ah akr ai...rrg rr .as. sett die mad tier mesheisr SUPTSUaw e/ W Isla. E9YSIP/LAS, ?LAM uvcr. - ?RV111a .tJ *01111. re, twosomes e/i9.We. tow moors er.e ..thew.. loll is fool a ash. opaa4. ass .sear w.sde. Ott_ mono.. nava no moos Wow w s Uwe d U. deer -r ewe b, doss mohair . presort TRY mu.. SI .AiWIL•n. art et CURED. 1OULNEII v C0NrL XION. ODD/DUAL DNIIILITDf O,9?. OJDDINEYI. *9A►LL. M*ADAVJ...darwy Nad. INWARD FEVER. 1NrLAMMATut7 *9EU.r1 - T13M, IMPUIE BLOOD. JAt7ND1C1. 1000 s/ APPS• TITL LIV>aR OOIOPL•INTB, LENNART. LOOSENESS, M.0 liCIli1AL DI/CA016S� I4vw ail. r w9'emas .teNr VI mfr .mer. d N nor Yue. asM, atw.w t►.. tb. .,.r p•..ad mr....r.ti..d.m.•alenn, . 84/1/141* SWEATS. RESNAIS DEE/Llr r. NERrUUs COMPLAINTS of all Inir., (JOANlC AFFECTIONS, PALPITATION aro HEART. PAINTER'S MIOLIw, P I L B1 B . The w.sst w.wLlts d Ohm med.nn wee semi of rasa .f. ram Aarhus by Uk. .r of Woo. LJu sa.rmr.....I.w. PAIN* ren the hrr1, mid., Mea. bolo. loran .end mum. im!UItAT1n16. Th'm same' web n. 0 mitt dome. eel be sere ef whet by tee Lai 9.•: .o..-. U KWH of BLOOD t. Use MCAD, el. CR r V. O IALTRNL UM. SWELLINGS. Icaor(LA,+ =INO'B EVIL, a.m. w.t6... ULC EE S. V spiry troalsi.a WORMS. of mJl a ri. mm re.ywllr esyNled b, those .F%e.ar. P...i wdi .1. w0* 4.1.00., them when - w et saw....... w...tw.sd. Rrlrf .dl M °nen Fdr the best Ram Lamb 0 10 Snel 3n1 For 'he beet h Sow (*al pap so had pasol 0 0 2nd 0 15 0 3rd 0 10 0 GRAINS, SFEtes AND DAIRY. For the Beat 10 bu.he.s Fall Wheat '3 0 0 god . . . 3 5 0 3rd -1 )0 0 For the best 4 bushels Spnsg Oiliest 1 10 0 2nd . . 1 S 0 3rd, . 1 0 0 For the best 2 bashers Rye 1 0 0 2•d . . . 0 15 0 3rd 0 10 6 For the 2 bonne. Barley 1 0 0 f► 15 0 3rd 0 10 0 For the best 2 baht!' Oats 0 15 0 2nd . 0 10 0 3rd 0 7 6 For the beet 2 bwbele Peri 0 15 0 2nd . _ 0 10 0 3rd 0 7 6 For the beat bushel Timetbr . 0 10 0 2nd . . 0 7 0 3rd 0 S 0 For the best 2 bushels of Cars(ia e.b,) 0 10 0 2nd 0 7 6 3rd 0 5 0 For the beet 50 lbs. Salt Batter 0 15 0 2nd • 0 10 0 3rd • 0 7 6 For the best 40 lbs. Cheese 0 10 0 2nd 0 7 6 3rd 0 5 0 For the best 25 Ib, of Maple Sugar 0 10 0 2nd . 0 7 6 ROOTS. For best acre o(Tarnips 0 15 0 2nd • 0 10 0 3rd 0 7 6 For Me best acre of Potatoes 1 0 0 2nd . 0 15 0 3rd . 0 10 0 Fort beet 1 sere ofCarrots 0 10 0 2nd e 0 7 6 For the beet I sere of Beets 0 10 0 tad 0 7 6 MANUFACTURES. For the best 10 yard. Domeet.c made Cloth 15 0 god . 10 0 3rd 7 6 For the best Pair of do Blankets iS 0 2nd 10 0 3rd 7 6 For the hest 10 lards Demesne muds Flan.et . . god . 15 0 15 0 The above Msssfacteres to be from the Farm of the Competitor, .ad of the growth of the pre- test year. Rules of the Exhibition. 1 Any Panner waits rho Dawiob see a Member .f toe Seem", by paying • donation .f Ooe Pealed, shall be wattled se meet* for any Premium . orl mAg witsobs w be. exhabskt Maboualthreho8ee88w.., an a pay the Treessrer the sem of Two Moe - nog., ea .r before too Irak of Aar rat ; 011 ether, to be tdtwrlod w peeing Oho weal Mm of Fns 8bilinga 3. All Sabeenb.v. beamg pied dor Ambwrip- ta n, sad roily tach. to r entitled to ewespete. 4. All Sleek Exhibited shall Mw bees the tom JIM property of the Lahibitor a .'.nth be- fore the Show, and d ether eet.el.s shelve nest her b.m profaned de the Fu,m d abs Einar's.. 6. the 1 ANs7.Biot be paid en w ►rime & AN CA,mpere. i (ter prise seem Ole the manias of the daw,ipsise .( Simi and Poises they Sewed w show, es foo ba4sn 4 ✓eleeh, p. m., the Mee /rp embv 7. ANAwehendPMA*.whees M O,wod te 0 reels* M Os dos will p �MATICd Goderich, 144Mame. 100 , flee•► ?U Lin PILLS ARD 1DOR11 B1'ITBU PURIFY THE BLOOD, And thus remgve all diseeee from the system. • .i.gi. trial wul /lasts W. LIFE PILLS and PN0NI4 BITTERS bevies/ the reser,ofamp, tkios u the .wi.arloa of mese patient. The pease. dikes* .dirt... .te sow pel .p 1. while ttwn'rPP��re .4 9►el., topWer with • pamphlet. rolled " at,dat'a God Samaritan,". coned rs; its .tussal.., ac, M NASA M s Ammong .t Iw.dsay from wall wrest w our (r/,., by whish strangers .cities the city sae very eerily a4 w. The wrappers n1 Smearitao.are eopyngkted, Shoreham Wo.e ob. p.osure t6.• site whoa vrappen .au b seared teal th.y are geeur.re n. careful, sad do not bray .bAs wet pea.,, wr.pen; test 11 y.. do, M .atrNJ 4M. they some direct from es, or dont touch Ws. QT rrep.ced sad ',IJ by D R. WILLIAlr< H. >ROTIPAT, at. B..ed.y, corner .f Aa t6y .row, (4.s York. T., Est. by BENJ. PARSONS, Sole Agent. Goderich, Jan. 28, 1848. 1 TWO GOOD FARMS POR SALE. 6E within 24 miles, and the other with- in about 3 miles of Goderich Town Plot. The first is L':T 10 in 1st Conces- sion, Township of Godench, CONTAIXJN(; 164 ACRES, is bounced at the one end by Lake Huron, lied at the uther by a Public Road, -and the second is LOT 8 in 8th Concession, Colborne, W .Ihvtaton, CONTAINING 100 ACRES, saki is situated at the Junction of two Pub- lic Road.. For ParticiJPiar.dep.pd to Goderich, 12tbJosae, 1849, , D19-tf DONALD, Esq. NOTICE. THE Snbaeriber baring RENTED the WAREHOUSE and WHARF belong- , Ing to the Messrs. Davenport, of this place, hes establubed himself as a PuKWAtDEI *70 COMMIS:40i 1,1Fnni1NT. Any orders or eammirsion from the Mer- chants' of Uaderich, will receive prompt attention. JOWAN. P 1Y1ndM►, latish, 1848.HN SleE2v-7elf. TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT. A. NASMYTH N returning thanks to his friends and ■u- merous Customers for the Liberal Pat- ronage which he has received during the past year, begs to intimate that he bas jut received an extensive Assortment CT aL:lllffi: ons IfC1a25415A and is ready to Execute all Orders given to him with care' and punctuality as formerly Goderich, April, l2th, 1849. 20-0100 Upper Canada Rebellion Losses. Receiver Genrrara Office, Montreal, 12th March, 1849. j)L•BLiC NOTICE is hereby given, that Claiments for Rebellion Lessee let Canada West, who have not applied to, aoil received payment of their Claims from rho respective Agents of the Bank of Montreal, in the several districts asheretofore notified will from and after the first day of Juno next, be necsset•ted to apply for payment of the same, either personally or by duly appointed Attormes, to the Parent Bank to this city. (Signed,) IR 8. M. VIGER, II. M. R. G. S-12 he Lrjuron Signal, u P910110 ARD PVUL.Rlt 0Tt*T Tmotetoay BY THOMAS MACQUEEN, unit Ant P9OPRIZTna. . OPf10E NAIRRT-IQIIARR, BMARtrCii. •.• Book sod Jeb Pristine, executed with sectorn ad dispatch. TIROS or Twa Hcaow 3rowat.-TEN BHTL- LI`tOB per nacos if paid strictly in ad er Twgr.va Oran 8tx Pesci with the expimtios of the year. ▪ No paper discontinued until antes aro paid up, *oleos the publisher thinks it Ms advan- tage to do en. Amy individual is the country beeemiag re- .pemiible for six MbaAben, shall receive a sevestheopy semis. CT All IettenedJr99.9d to the Editor mut be peat paid, sr they will sot be takes ost of the peptone' 12R11e OR AnrttTrwa.. gra linea dud ander, list insertiee, •• • •12 0 7 suboptimal suboeeal insertion Ta Bars asd ender, first imenios 0 $ 4A Eee1 subsequent iauertios,....1, 0 0 10 Over tee Ittss, hat tannin. per lase, 0 0 4 Fist sebesq.at ieserties, 0 0 1 31' A liberal dieeoeat wads to thew who advertise by the year