HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1907-04-19, Page 5HARRISON'S,
Tartu Short Broad
I'rwtry t 'rear" Pairs
KI.+e• Iroam Balla
I Mamma,,,, I.aufy Fingern
M nen roonn Brandy Snapa
urn an gyo,"1 aA Ibo best made in any
env In t'a nada
Ilarrl<on lead, tin trade In Welding
Oakes and Purley Des goinc (livo him
an nyder rued pont ti !Infraction *111 ho
assn ant,
Kingston Street - - Goderick
taordi ar Carpet Neuss
�(�, April wilt' -be ours biggest month of the yak In 'Carpet selling. We
t ave autieipatl : u res your greet reqlents,iiia dor .large ,tttrchasest and
the ratiigOs new open for your ilspectiol.
Toasty", Carpets
r ' One range 'of otfet•,200u.•yardat' cotttaiuirag_ about 7eydiffereut patteraIs.
in all de.irablti colons and effects. Heavy pile sod crisp new goods,
suitable for any coo l -Or b4 Regular yaltle,6 and 704 Por yard.
Apel,'Special t sle .atyaes ...e.....r,e,.A.,., ..... n.a,,.. m,......e,....
Brussels carpets
will tl ohniy.4oatl.tte Ow,
Awe*, Timm),
The * uUnlok for money (luring the
votuluj few week* ie cnutatag ruueh.
anxietyaud uncertainty ori theatpck
exchapiftta and throughout indtwtrtal
cit les, . In one sense. Itmight bps *Old
that iptlneY in itself, baa very little
hearing on tltequestiiui at issue, The
February baak,Ptatewl?ntshows, that
wlulee the dotes 3o circulation. in Can
oda OM°anted to Will.t$04,009, OriFdt9C)e,
0U0 nture'thau is ..ear age. thewer •
to iaatie was Ail, 11M)0 greater than
year ago. 'The haulm. too. bad: the
right to Ague alnlot it *,tWM) ()0() mere
notes ,than they .pact iii, eirettlation, •
•whereas, eecerdlpg• 14 tite'.Dec*tlaber
statement they were within bout
;((*0,000 of their limit. PoIditily At 'the
40 'preeeut time the motes in cireulat'ion
.amount -to even legit Chau lu Fehruyt'y.
.Ilutinany east,, ;tbe .b:inksstill'havu':
Rich `pffecte In ortt, c> tectal. alld cottventlonal natterxr a. Regular • a [mucic wader Margin than they hail
value $f:Is ono, e'.i$a . pril + t r.. .,ri.r........ .......... 90e in Deeetuber.
• ou tains
.1`?ot0000n 4t titq Inco utthins direct irons manufacturers, in all
ever 809 nerds •
3 •yard's I4+lS MOO` PAS; for . .
yards long, regular 1.35�and�it,5o, for, , ..,, . $1.00
3 yards long, regular ,$a,oo and $1.75$2 25,$ 1.75
1;I110JCILIa s•
Tile, block and dOral... effects, light and tmedium shades. 2, 3 35 e4d olio
yards wide. 'Species sale at agnate yard,...,.....
36, 45, 54, 72 belle* w}de,,'extra heavy Raglish quality, in many pat- 5C
terns, very Special, Squltre yard ,.....
Embroideries and Laces
Our import for a rim$. we have justtaken fronr the customs here
thio week,The delay was unavoidable. The showing is magnificent
and coutaine hupdrede•of beautiful new patterns and effects. Values
we claim area 25e per cent. below ordinary retell prices,
--Valenciennes Lacey, Allover;: Laces, i'llauen Laces
• Blousing Laces, German Valenciennes.
1ildies' Coats-- _..
A choice collection of Ladies' and Misses Spring Coats, in black and in
fancy liglttweed effects, in short and le seven•eighth lengths. Very neat
they are, and ranging iii price $5.00 to $12.00
Dress Fabrics
Dress Goode Department Contains an assortment to be described as al -
moat overflowing with desirable materials.
Voiles, Bollenncs; Pellatnaa, Lustros, Cord du Chenes,
• Chiffon Serpa, Royals, Crepes, etc., etc.
flutterick Patterns all new in, and Delineators for all Goderlch subscrib-
ers to be had from our counter. Subscriptions received for Delineator
at $r.00 a,year. , '''
the Goberich Star.
Tscsraoxa ,Gan. 71.
FRIDAY". APRIL 19. 1907.
Interesting Committee Reports Pre-
sented at Last Meeting.
The following are the reports passed
upon by the Town Council et its last
meeting, and which were held over as
stated in the report in last week's
recommended as follows :
' 1. That the corporation take the
gravel in Mr. Switzer's cellar. be giv-
ing the same free of cost.
2.. That the Street Inspector inves-
tigate and report on the dangerods
d b i $a oft headings near the streets,
n °tilt the sleek write .Rev. tL B.
, n, that his building must be
safe at on : from dangers from
✓''�3 That Mrs. O'Nei be allowed 15c.
a load for gravel -(six -loads) removed
for street -use.-
'4. That the men working on Elgin
ayenue and Waterloo street sewers be
per day for men on topand
paid $1.75
$2 for men working in bottom, and
,that regular town employees get same
k n n sewers.
wages as men war i g 4
Z. That. the Street Inspector sell
the old lumber from the sewer, but
mot at less price than $1 per cord.
0. That the G.' and G. Ry. be asked
to complete their road near and about
the overhead bridge at foot of Harbor
Illill, as the corporation ars going to
.put the balance of the hill'tn proper
•shape.. -
Your committee recommend the
payment of the following: Fire Go.,
;Joseph Brophey 0.00; Geo. Porter 8.30;
Cement Brick 0.27.70; O.0. W bite] v
1.813; Ifat. Carbon Go. 4.75.
That 4be necessary steps be at tone
ttaken. to prepare and offer for sale
meet the cost of cement
,drlaeutarea to e m
walks, 1906 (20 years) and the Jackson
))clan. Mo. bonus loan and that the
money be temporarily borrowed in the
,ageranGme and paid to J Mfg.
Ao. W. F. OLA1tg, Chairman.
'tour Committee report • the streets
as described in amended, report in
Med of sewerage
Kowa iWattentoomtolWomlloel0y man hole ...,. 1� ft
awllttara 1.0 Wellesley 826 '•
..W1111amt.4 Mrs. Tuna from hrt,.,81x1 '• •
Dlbbona i%.to Raglan. , , , , 188 "
` do Cameron. 280 "
plash 118a4. Waterloo St. tome
Teta 4aa ealternative route) 1210 •'
to Rasta*
1Raglaotoirktessos 1103 "
aeon Road to Walnut 1642 "
eVIcttrla to Mrs. Motor, Bt. Davide* 335 "
;Nelsen to Church.., 480 "
Recommend upon the report of
tate Medical Health officer as follows:
1 That on March20-27 an inspection
of threeelanghter houses hi the town
and four dairies supplying milk to
the town was made.
2 That that part of the elaughter
houses, where the killing and dressing
is done; was in fair condition the rest
of the premises wag bad. This applies
to all of them.
03 That the follotring suggestions
of the Medical Health officer be adopt-
ed Witis 0e(eeenee to slaughter houses,
4 That alt of the animal except the
meat be removed from the building
immediately after the dressing.
That all the offal be removed beyond'
,the limits of the town within twenty's
four hours thereafter.
That none of the offal, be fed to
hogs in town.
That those rendering tallow in
town be asked to be as careful as
possible to prevent surly rendering
becoming a nuisance to those in the
That the niedleal stealth officer's
report, with reference to inspection of
dairies as follows be reeaeived and:
adopted: 1 The Cows; 2 The Stables)
and Surroundings; 3 The Place and
Method of Cleaning Clans and Bottles.
1 2 3
Porter good.. ,.fair....falr.
Mardian-good.... fair ....needs improvement
Beattie good.... nods ..needs
imp. imp.•
Blseptt....-good,... good ....godd
Samples of milk were taken from the
different dairies last May and tested by
the Inland Revenue Department at
Ottawa with satisfactory results.
That a email suitms! fee as a license
be charged dairies, 41)4r R for horse de-
livery -and 25 cents, for tf3J,ivery,
NRWSPAPA:R Murriatalidr4Aiti SPE'.
a toes eiFEinage o last wee.
" Brought Home a Bride," says ;
" M,lne Host Fred Davis, of the Hates
Bedford, la patting himself on the
back these days, over his purchase of
an eight months old Percheron stallion
from Wm. Scrimgeour, of Auburn.
was chain io at boththe
The anima) n
Blyth and Clinton spring stock shows.
He tips the KA?r d - 1t pounds, and
the figure Mr. Davis paid to $130. Mr.
Davis' has a standing bid fteirn Messrs.
Hawthorne & Hamilton, Simeoe, of
$250 for the animal, which shows what
well known horsemen think of Mr.
,Davis' purchase." The Item is about
as correct as the following front an-
other exchange t "It wasn't a Mis-
souri editor, but a printer's devil, who
was going through his first experience
on r making up' forms. The paper
was late and ,the boy got the galleys
mixed. The first part of the obituary
2otice of an impecunious citizen
bad been dumped in the forms, and
the pent handful of type came off of a
galleya recent fire. It read
describio g
like thi.i ' The pall bearers lowered
the body to the grave and as it was
consigned to the News there were
few if any regrets, for the old wreck
had been an eyesore to a town for
years. Of course there was individual
loss, but that was fully covered by ip-
aiaranee." The widow thinks the ed-
itor wrote the obituary that way, he -
cause We lamented partner of her
joys mid aorleliws owed him five years'
Thla Tonle BuH1s 1J0,
Many medicines stimulate, break
down, leave you worse then ever.
Ferrozone is ?different -it's a blood -
former. a nerve -strengthener, a body-
builder. Pale anaemic girls are given
color and vigor. The tired and sleep-
less are strengthened and restored.
" Better than all tonics I found Ferro -
zone," writes Mrs. E. F. Castleton, of
Woodstock. " I was completely run
down, cheeks were blanched, lips white
and bed every sign of anaemia. Ferro -
zone added t0 my weight, gave me
strength, ambifloc and good health."
Nothing bettor. Try ?errozone your-
selr. 500. per holt at ail dealers.
Last week's Clinton New Era ear;
of the roads in that towni Livery
year demonstrates the fact that our
front streets are one long stretched out
mud- hole in spring and fall.
Yet owner la dear and°tdght as nom,
pavedwith December, Not,only,eouid
the hanks issue $15.000,000 more fa';
dotes. and still r titin a liberal balance,
bnt tbey+'would ae very triad to do sat
The effort of every bank Is, to keep itis
note eireulation as large es possible.
Therefore, the trouble is not that
there is not enough money -notes, -•in ..
the country. shut that there' le not
enough security or ,tgredit. The html.
nese of, the; country is not done in
money alone. It is ale that [money
is behind it, but'a large, amount of.
business is. done .on credit. Cheques
have taken the place of bank notes,
just ae bank notes, In this country. are
Lite circulating medium instead of the
coin they represent.
When an individual possesses all the
Money --or• eredit at the bank -which
he can use profitably' he. will not bor.
VW.. But when 11e has drawn to the
litpit of his bank account, and discov-
ers that more Money, or aecommoda-
tion or credit,is needed, he will begin
to borrow. is seeurity being at first
enough and to spare, he will be able to
get credit at the bank withoutdifiieul-
ty. But as the margin of security
narrows be will have trouble in doing
so, To him, at least, money or credit
becomes tight. It makes na difference
how much gold the bank may have. in
its vaultaoe what its power of issuing
notes may be, a high price for accom-
modation then must be paid.
It is only necessary to multiply this
individual instance a great number of
times to see how the problem works
out. When the majoritvnof people in
the camntrg hove, for any -reason,
used up their etpogfte in the bank and
begun to draw on their securities' or
credit, they will all experience difficul-
ty, and pay dearly for it. "Money Is
dear." It will be dear to all. It will
remain dear to all until securities are
sold, or in other ways'margips of cred-
it are re-established.
One of the evidences of dear money,
es seen In the bank statement, would
he either an enormoue note circula-
tion, illustrating that nearly all the
money was out, or large credits, show-
ing that the people has_ been harrow.
hag heavily from the bank*. The bank
statement shows that the note circu-
lation is not the cause of the trouble.
Upon further investigation it demon-
strates that the people have been mak-
ing huge drafts on their credit. The
current loans in Canada in February
amounted to over $562,000,000, or
$100,0003 QQ more than a year ago.
Compared with Jatqi�la�ry, they show
an increase of $1'2(,000,003, rind with
Deerrinber--the month of the large
note circulation -an increase of $14,-
000,000. It is not improbable, also,
that the March statement will give
them as fully tie large now as they
were in February.
Outside of the many theories for the
creation of the present situation, the-
ories which have been propounded by
some and disputed by others, one
stands out prominently. The great
destruction. of the world's supplies of
;;T v.tyi the loss of the labor of many
tau= ,..l`a eme. during the 'tearresi
the past few ;mare, lit il4ttitiop to the
losses through earthquakes es a' 4 other
calamities, made a sudden demand
upon all resoprses, The goods had to
be replaced, The effort to replace
thein called for all kinds of industrial
expansion. In Canada partlaularly
was found bythose who wanted
It ouah not d
iron and steel and other products, that
the English, European and United
States markets. which were formerly
so keen to offer . supplies, were unable
to accept orders. Canada then cotn-
rnepceyl to manic€acture the material.
Tbts oaCasilrea calls upon the Cana-
dian banks.
But the critical' period appeared
after the tie-up on the railways. Un-
der the most favorable circumstances,
it is likely that money would have
been tight. The railways were not
able to make prompt delivery of'ship-
inents, The traffic congestion was al.
ready considerable when the t'hrrific
snowstorms and cold of the past win-
ter aggravated the difficulty. When
to the foregoing is added increasing
extravagance, by which the bank ac-
counts of the people had already been
impaired, the present condition of
affairs ceases to cause surprise, Na-
turally. the stock market would soon
show the effects. in casting about
,for a means to improve his financial
position, each would sell that which
could most easily, and with the least
loss or most profit, be sola. Stocks
can always be sold. For some time
past they have been costing more to
carry than they returned. So stocks
were sold as many have reason to re-
How long dear money will continue
no one may say. But it is plain that
It will broom? easier as Soon as the
people add to the credit side of their
accounts. This will be done to a very
large extent after the opening of navi-
gation. It Isnot easy to estimate the
value of the products which will he
rushed to market immediately facili-
ties are afforded. But it is certain
that the goods waiting to he shipped
are of sufficient value to go an enor-
mous way towards rehabilitating bank
accounts throughout Canada. The
domestic situation ehoild be consider-
ably relieved by the flret of .lune.
Asan the The Kind Van Have ilea Bassin
We aro Vending 0..
,,� y ,� ..5 X00 eft this month to
expWn ergot the word"Constipation" means.
Constipation means NON -ACTION OF THE BOWELS,
If the iver is healthy, it_pours enough bile into the intestines
Make ake the bowels move, Then, too, the bowels discharge waste
matter from the body by a peculiar snake -like movement. This
requires strong muscles,
When the bowel muscles are weak -when there is not
sufficient bile -the bowels do not move for two, three, sometimes
four and .five days.
This non -action of the bowels is Constipation. Waste matter,
,which. should leave the body, is taken up by the blood, and
carried to the kidneys and skin. These orgaps-in a vain
endeavor to throw off the poisons -are overworked. The
poisoned blood, in turn, irritates the nerves, causing Headaches -
Backaches -Neuralgia.
The weakened kidneys cannot rid the system of urea, which
changes into uric acid, causing Rheumatism, Sciatica and Lumbago,
1 t is useless to try to cure Constipation with calomel, cascara,
senna, strong purgative pills and vile -tasting mineral waters.
They simply force the bowels to act by irritating the delicate
membranes. Their action weakens the muscles and really does
more harm than good.
FRUIT-A-TIVES" ACT ON THE LIVER -stimulate the glands -
and so regulate the action of the liver that it will excrete sufficient bile to move the
bowels in the normal, natural way every day.
Nothing else in the world will so surely and permanently cure Constipation.
„FRUIT-A-TIVES" are made of fruit juices. intensified, with the most
valuable tonics and antiseptics added. Cure yourself of Constipation by taking these
wonderful liver tablets. soc. a box. Sent by mail if your druggist has none.
Fruit -a -clues Limited, Ottawa. t0T
Pert Mimi.
NOTES. -Mr. John Wiles, of Park-
hill, son of Jacob McGee, was home
for a few days, Re has disposed of
his business there, and left Moudayfor
Paisley, where he has bought out an-
other huffiness! Itis friends here were
much pleased to`meet the young man,
and all wish him success.
A RUNAWAY.-Jbhn G. Grieve had
an.exclting experience here on Friday,
April 511). He had taken his team to
the blacksmith shop to get them shod.
In unhitching he got all the tugs off
but one, on the outside, and as Mr,
Grieve was standing between the
horses, fixing up the tug he had un-
loosened, the horses stepped forward
and the tonggp of the {MOP fell.
This frightened theta and they sprang
around, the one ting still stitched to
the whiffletree, and in whirling the
wagon around upset it on Mr. Grieve.
Fortunately the tug broke, and the
horses became freed from the vebiole,
and Mr, Graefe was relieved front his
perilous position with nothing more
serious'than a bruise on the face. The
horses ran for home, l ut were stopped
near John Ateheson's, without beim
any ways 3njured.
For Infante and Children,
The Klnd You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
The Kincardine Review says : Con-
siderable complaint has been raised
about a charge its the law tpatle last
soeslop w rlol is said to have token
awny the rigat of the County Council
to dismiss a School inspector. The
fact is that dismissal is made easier.
The law used to require a two -third
vote of the Council to dismiss without
cause. That part Is now repealed. An
inspector may now be dismissed, with
or without cause, on a majority vote,
hut the government took to itself last
session the veto power. This, of
COMM!, is a power tvhich the govern-
ment would be very slow to exercise ;
which, indeed, it could not afford to
exercise without the amplest justifi-
cation. In view of the fact that the
government pays about half the Ins-
pector's salary, it is not unreasonable
that the dismissal should he with the
sanction of the Lieuleuant Governor
in Council.
TICR.-To purge is the only effect of
tunny pills nhw on the market. Par -
melee's Vegetable Pills are n,ore than
it purgative. They strengthen the
stomach where other pills weaken it.
They cleanse the blood by regulating
the liver and kidneys, and they stim-
ulate where other pill oomponnds de-
press. Notching of an inJnrinns nature,
used for metrely purgative powers, en-
ters into their composition.
The Mitchell Advocate has passed
another milestone, and is but a few
months the junior of Trig STAR, The
Advocate has been conlin iously un•
der the ownership of its original
founder, Mr, W. I3, ftavis and is even
more vigorous than ever.
i make little account of genealogical
trees. Mere family never made a man
great. Thought and deed, not pedi
gee, are the passports to endu;'igg
A man's worst enemy is his selllsh-
peas, It narrows and poisons his
existence, and transforms him into a
slave of himself, Selfishness Is a nar-
row unhealthy cage where all our
being languishes, _
" A grand medicine," is the , enco.
nium often passed on Blckle's Anti -
Consumptive Syrup; and when the re-
sults from its use are considered, as
borne out by many persons who have
employed it in stopping coughs and
eradicating colds, it is more than
grand. Kept in the house It is always
at hand and it has no equal as a ready
remedy. If you have not tried it, do
so at once.
The Cause of tore Opel.
'xaminp aceto carefully and you'll
.pre ay find owns. Whether hard,
soft or bleeding, apply Putnatn's Qorn
litttrtwtnr. it's painleas, it's sure, and
above all yulok to act. insist on only
" Pu t nam's."
The Spring Stock Fair, held in
Clinton, was web attended, There
was a good show of stock, both in
horses and bulls, and the competition
.-- ' ' "wliene ' "t scary,, p1a s. The
.inntoo'people nicee `ruin brit evil to
their spring show,
A Wing SeftE4ls OF USEInInNgs8.-
The consumption of Dr, Thomas'
Eclectrie 011 has grown to great pro-
portions, Notwithstanding the fact
that It has now been on the market
' for over 31 years, its prosperity is ae
great as ever, and the demand for it
in that period has very greatly in-
creased. It. is beneficial in all coun-
tries, and wherever introduced fresh
supplies are constantly asked coy,'
The hest thing for any one to say,
who has nothing to say, Is to say
nothing, au(1 stick LC) )t+
When all other oorn preparations
fail, try Holloway's Corn Core. No
pain whatever, and no Inconvenience
In using R.
Those who believe all they hear,
generally tell all they know,
LUNG TROUBLES. Miss Florence E.
Mailman, New Germany, N.H., writes: -
1 had a Bold which left me with a very
bad cough. I was afraid I was going
Into consumption. i was advised to try
I had little faith in it, but before 1 had
taken one bottle i began to feel better
and after the second I felt as well as
oeyep "1dy cough has rmmptetely dieap.
Those Who Ilse it get well.
A certain cure for all run down conditions and wasting diseases.
Highly recommended for Insomnia.
1114111 PROOF.
For Coughs and Colds take PSYCHINE.
For Throat and Lung trouble take PSYCHINE.
For Catarrh and Consumption take PSYCHINE.
For after-effects of La Grippe, Pneumonia and
Pleurisy take PSYCHINE.
"Years ago 1 watt almost a physical wreck,
and was suffering with lungtroub's friends
and neighbors thought I would never get
better. l began to despair myself. Losing
faith in my physician, I procured another one
who recommended the use of PSN'( NINE.
It was surpI Icing beyond description the
effect at had. 1 seemed to gain with every
dose. lnside of two weeks I was able. 1
attend to my housework again, 'ti,.ro are
(to symptoms et consumption about ono now.
"3111.3. HENDERSON, St. John,N,B."
For Loss of Appetite take PSYCHINE.
For Indigestion and Dyspepsia take PSYCHINE.
For Chills or Fevers take PSYCHINE.
For Run -Down System take PSYCHINE.
To Feel Young arid Keep Young take PSYCHINE.
Wife Was
lAsely id of tun;
le Ai Milt'
be With* to
*Web thin/
p ytid fl tbki
tl►t the nett
}fit t +f d ld fit
Iter wrbiild b
11'li'ii''C1111 0 and
Hair Niall itkM t rt
right,' -r Lung nod Stomach Troubles.
taiuseci by .eX u 10 Co1d or wtt
Pot saki mat
And 011t.
We mistake the gratuitous blessings
of heaven for the fruits of our own
Seaforth Expositor: Three years
ago on the 'L9rd of April there was
still good sleighing.
"The Star " is a
Leader ---sure,
Clinton Business College
ant TIM.
ItN� i.
0 .01114tod with Wintrham it. 1`.1
Individual Instruction.
wrtto for handsome Catalog.
ads, seorrom, Principal,
Was estahllshed twenty years ago,
and by its thorough work and
honorahlo dealings with its pat.
Ma, has becdme one of the lar-
gest sud most widely known Com-
mercial Colleges la the Province.
The demand upon In for commer-
cial teachers and office assistants
greatly exceeds the sui,p1y. We
assist graduates to positions.
Students rp;neach week.
5 -
Hu NDPD of samples are here to choose from, and
nice ones they are, in Scotch Tweeds,
fancy Worsteds, and blue and black"
Worsteds. They may cost you a little more than the ordin-
ary clothing, but then it's worth a good deal to have the
style and 'make that is put into loth Century brand Clothing.
A trial order will convince you of the superiority of this
maker's clothing.
A new line of strictly high-class Shirts. Exclusive patterns
and a splendid fit goes with each shirt. Prices $1.25 and
Is here. With it comes the desire to cast off
those garments which have done good service
battling the winter storms. When you see
our showing of dainty spring footwear, you
will want a pair of shoes to brighten you, and
make you feel more in harmony with the
fresh spring days.
Models in Footwear.
Are Dainty, Neat, and by far surpass
anything iu the past. We have a well
selected stock from the best mauufactur-
ers, and are in a position to show you
the Newest and best in footwear.
Reliable Furniture
AT T Atli bIUHE, VER. , ibb'tRitat
where we have in stork a large assortment of Roll Sent and Cobbler
Rockers in quarter cut oak.
Silk 1'phot.tered Uarlor Rockers and Chairs in different designs and
Morris Chairs and Morris Rockers in Velours, ut n11 prices.
Leather Seated Claire and Saddle Seats in oak, at prices to suit the
Children's Toy Sets in red and blue. Rockers in different designs
for the children, and nothing so pleasing for the little onea.
Secretary and Music Cabinets, Parlor Cabinets and everything suit-
able for the enjoyment and comfort of the hou,e. Call early, no trouble
No trouble to show (roods.
The Leading Undertakers and Embalmers West Street, Ooderlch
par Night urns Sunday calla receive personal and prompt attention.
'Phone tea Residence -Elgin Avenue.
®� N . in iI i' Ij��tlln'glfff o
' J1�,3�i � Q r,�
is jjts delirious flavor, ''},iia is delight•
fill. it always (*atesl like more, and
1190*1, ran be taken with impunity, be-
cause It Ml pure and wholesome.
(fur Coffee le strong, without being
thick and muddy. Try it.
And the
that will make eatables flu to serve
with this excellent Coffee are here,
Inc. The pantry ran he well stocked
with good things at moderate prices.
The Square. Ooderlch
Thorp aro three 1a•rioela,.1 a et'"714(1 q bfn
when she ix m need .,f the h.-,irt 411en,;l h•
ening, nerve lining, blood mu 1, brig
action o1
Tho Drat of there to when the young girl
IS entering the portals iii wom'nhiaal. AL
than timn alba is very often pale, weak and
nervous, gond unless her health is bull up
and hor system atrengthenal nh. may 1.11
a pray to consumption or be a weak woman
for life.
The second psnod la mot herboo 1. The
drain nn the system is great and iiin , x
haunted nerve forts, and depleted bleed,
require replenishing. Milburn a Heart and
Nerve Pills supply the elements' medial to
do thin.
Tho third period to "ciwn8o of lite" owl
this is the period who„ qho as moat liable
to heart and nerve troubles.
A trepangrlous Meuse ie tahin4 pier" In
the syategi, tuul it Ia at this time many
chronic, $m,,,,,43 manifest ibnmcelvee.
Fortify tho heart and nerve system by tilt,
ane of Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills and
thee tido over thia dangerous pedes. !Are.
Lames King, Cornwall, (int., writes - " I
have been troubled very mueh with heart
trouble -the canoe [ming to a great extent
due tn"change of life" 1 have Num tak,n',,i
, Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pilla For a'mo
time, and mean to enntinnn (lung ao, for I
can truthfully say they am clic hest remrely
I have ever used for Molding nr the .Yates
Yon aro at liberty to use this statement
for the benefit of ether aufi'ereta,"
[♦SPels 50 ontpaata, Tt.hrIlca thuhaTrza ea,fav
ly T
Spring Term Begins April 1st
Irnri.,g January and February, Clinton Business College had twenty-
fi ve time• as nla),v calls f"r Stenographers, Telegraphers, Bookkepera, and
Celtege Teachers, ns we had gr1011ntce to semi.
Atlends e- is always r.mnllest during April, May and June, consequent -
Iv each student gets 11 . e nl lividtial attention. Tins is the best term of
the }ear for the student.
Learn of the stice'eaq 01 our graduates by writing for a handsome
catalogue of the
Boat Actual Bualnooa School In Ontario.
'fie "hack ward" or ' rust) " feel at hou,e Jvith us, as each student is
Matte( ural at his own desk ben painstaking, sympathetic teacher. Gradu•
rates guaraunteed snttatinoq. It.nter apv time.
, A11,I rated with ttingham Business College)
RAST S'1' , li(al,TRll11.
Tina• uggh In mod. ,, •<�1 V. ^,.1 , Iu'••„I h,t neg.
h:un .< our.. „,-,.n „hlr.
p,nrt I.,Ir,.nngr'
Phone 81 Walker & Aualu.tino.
Call or Tolephono
All work dun ran tend and
promptly nttondcod to In all
parts of the town.
Car. Rfinkof Commerce • 'Phone 166
(like Dunlop's Tires
for wheeled vebiclesl
mean Correct Fashion
Geed Quality
Pirat Claes Wdtlimanahip
Reasonable Prices
What more can you ask ?
c ice r oo hoot. Mess uts 1,0Ci'e
• 'i