HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1849-08-30, Page 3pled r tab _,. A bee ata MOW?.rt
Meir papa+ISm.A eaMep, •eawW• pea -
law, say tales evil. so setter how tv,eu from
Ile oabpet of 'snake se answer bee Me beyeed
the emoted ef the Oereeete a. -If it leoily
wicked.•sodb, the press will spelegise he tee
admiral, sed by the most eleteimee sed dishes
el meal of iadereeee, win ergo the crime amiss,
Gsvaram•su t 7'be W Mans hosanna all bet
,....bed fir arises, simply boost'' the crime
was .ommiIW
maitre earl dile blithest eo.eti•
tame estYerities ti re lead ! The fuser.) pro-
pm,ee arid die isrtes(' of little red ribbons, eau
seem s .uslisa the het that the thoughtless sod
deluded hay lost hie life by oases • gross and
helms shack upon the borate of the Numerable
Ile Attareey Gemmel. No sophistry oornffian-
ism ea the part of Editors can ever impress the
mild of virtuous men with the ootien that the
house of a good man, nor even the hoer of a bed
tats do be allowed to be thus w■otsaly emailed
by a mob. Tb. Pros 'bat 141 this manner en-
deavors to Ballow guilt, and apologize (or the
most flagrant violations of Ise and order, may
serve a party, but will ..earedly Merit aad ter•
tater• the ewt.mpt sad ezeemties •(.ewes good
and intelligent ma. The little rod ribbwe, and
the proerasinn stay be the meas., assisted by the
Pres', of atimel.dar a peat any thoughtless
young boys to seek notoriety and • fusers) pro-
ee.aioa. sod the hearten of a martyr jest in the
Yam war as the lad Ilium' obtained them, that
is by associating with, acd forn.iog pan of a
treasonable, feroeioe• snob ! !dtl'b, we are entry
to say. is tbii awful policy of the Tete Pries of
It would tot be credited is say other ci,ilix.•d
eoa•try, by any teas whekoewe.tythieg maths
philosophy or spirit of the age, that the Tory
Press of Neutralist -men wire are Capable of writ
legend publishing so es to influence • certain
class of mtede, have.eu.11y for menthe put
commended rebellion -stimulated the ignorant
and the lawless to acts of nntrage, leniied riot.
a.au!t, well eon, hearse -hornier, sod even incited
to murder ! And amid all the lomat'. out-
rage sed crime which hay bees thus Metered
and perpetrated during the last roar month., we
aro tot •wan that on• English tory paper is
lleatresl has made one scrim,s alla.ioo to the
supremacy of the Mw ! Or rho occasion white
resulted to the death of Mame. the Editors .x•
cited the fury o(the mob by endeavoring to eate-
ries@ them that the attempts of the Attorney
Geeeral to enforce the law,be arresting criminate,
were unjust ad •rbiury. This falsehood led
Masons and ethers who, in all likliheod, were
"merely tannrant of the laws of widely. to form
thorned'', into .n unlawful mob, and attack the
/tideway General's boas.. Masoe, though per -
baps net piltir• than the reet of his aroeciate..
paid for hie crime witb the lass of Iris life, ■04
:be same Trem which bed impelled bin to his
untimely and dishonorable death, arns.ed a large
b0.4 el the clam to arbich he belonged, to honor
him wiib • lateral pear -Defoe sad red ribber,'
He a rspceested s. Here and a Martyr; but
gond mea cannot shit deer eyes to tire fact that
It. is a marry, to the cowardly criminality of the
Tory Preto' The t eee.m. w rad the red
ribbnss eoestitned a gross and ■nj•.tiiable
instill offered to the kw, of society -and eau
oily be regarded as a premien for crane
Iq,erder to snake the meet of the matter as a
•ubieet of excitement, and as the emend work
for farther outrage. nosey two edam.• et the
Tay pipers wen filled with an enatnmie•1 des-
cription .f the gee -shot -a 'lag lied perforated
such an artery !-.melt a "new was awned by
a.etber .lug ! 8e many bock Chet were lodged
tier,, or had passed there .' and a great ■moaat of
each trash, .11 ietended tet r.feriat. the 'suntan,
and redeem, far tette.' them to enppnt4 that the
free de'ibente .ars:• .m hod been u.e,4 to mon-
s .nt the unto tonal, body : Such null may be
palaIble to men wits n• resit Ibe writings of
Faun of the Gamete, but to iatellieent sod trir-
emes mss, it stun •pp.mr utterly d .gaping._
Th• Corooer's Jury summed up the meter in •
very few words, w tbe effect that, the lad Macaw
was shot white enured i• • groovier' "Dopamine -
able vmlatime efth.lawsel his enemy ! Van.
ly, the .nbabiu.0 of Moetreai have gelid nage
to curse the reasfm of the prisesg Praa
f'I* 'VIt cation o . wWsa .t a Wiese UAW* tNNhet .e.s-
._- westeetioa with • reed M .h by M
Te yea rwtya eI Tara .Oder/ e.l*L.
TMs sew Muietpsl Cerpeniiwo Act comes
rote terra, se the ant of Jammer. 1850: excep.
retitle proewrne that corns iota r.neied,ai
rpt, 404 a OM review to made wi,h • vi•a
trr gine is a cundenwd furca aa much info/ma-
iler' as poss.ble. 1 ',bet at risco tofu to those
parts that are now is 1,1et:
"111. And benteeuted,Tbatitshall bsIb,
duty of the blowups! Council for each Du
trtct in Upper Caned., at a Special Meeting
to be held for that purpose on the recon.:
day of October east after the pawing oi
this Act, eel to be consumed by a.IJuurn
went from Use to time to such period nal
being beyond the sacued of November wxi
thereafter, as may be necessary for corn
pieties the business hereby imposed nen
them, by a By-law to be passed tor that
pnrrose at such me. ling. to attach every
Township lying within any Cointy in
their District stitch shall have with.n n
las than one hundred resident freeholder'.
and householders en the C.11ectot'e Roll
for the last year, that the same shall have
bees made up prior to the said second day
of October next, to some other adjacent
Township lying within the same County,
and such Township so united or attached to
such 'adjacent Township, shall, uslil the
dissolution 'Manch Union as provided for bl
this Act, be known as the Junior Township
of such Union of Townships, and be repro.
✓ ented in nee M•nuctpaltly in common with
such adjacent Township, which shall in
like manner be known as the Senior Town-
ehip of such Union; and from and after the
first day"( Jaemary nest. after the poising
of this Act. every Towdahip newsy laid out
by the Crow n, or not hevmg within it 05.
baudred resident freeholder• and hour.hol-
ders on tieCullectnr'r Roll, and not thee
'fres+• attached to or united with any
other Township donee d. eh,tl. by a By.
taw of the aJaniripal Connell el the County
in wh'cb asci: Township shell he situate. bet
united for the rt. -peeler of thin Act to each
adjacent Toe rohip, in etch Cnuntyaeouch
Mceiupal Counsel si:stl think fi', and also
to some one particular tt:ra'ard of such
Township, where ,uch ;est mentioned
Township shall have been d:v:de•l into such
Wards, or part of 11 to such Wards and part j
Of it to another of such Wards, with a view I
to the representation of the feeehnlikre and
hou,heldcr, thereof. is the Muncipafity 01
such United Ton n.hip., and all much Tose:
ships shall, while time .hall'et-retinue so
united, be called TAe United. Townships of
mentioning their noses, and
the word Township, shall for the purposes t
of this Act, be held and considered to apply
to and include Townships an united as well •
as single Towssbips,and such Unionamay
be made to Consort of two or more Town-
; ehipr, as Convenience may req.uire."
Icer •hail be eoesiiiMsd a Mw.sbel-
.01af ,
ter within lb* seaming of this Awl, '..see
to .ball be eseessed!het slot seaBMW epee
-uch Collector's Itull as eforewtdt Preandd
.leo, •*Comely, that .o parses shell be gwetl-
tied to bo elected as • Tormhip Cereaeilh►
it any election who shall not ban Heft emir
ered upon the said K I1 as aswwreod.fer
•atesble reel property held to hie owe vigil
or that Whet wife, as proprietor or Iesaats isi
mbe value of one huadrad pomade of T.wiul
money of Canada."
By Ibis it appears that TENANTS am ellgi-
01e •n be .lett-d to serve as.euaedbts, se ibis
will met both emolument aid teepees from tar
Cattails Company and others, a •-mesh the saw
should not brrtobtao«1 theirdrnt•,it is.decided dente in this colony of nearly twenty years.
.mprovemeot oat the old taw. 1 woitd here oh-
nrve that us *1 .1 law was pasted, ukieg it for be well be able toer iia paper worthy
of the patronage of Capacities 'timed's,
and especviklly of th.tee amuogat whom be
has reeled for the last 6.e or six years. -
Tho Herald will advocate Bntlmh connex-
ion, the responsibility of rulers to those by
whom they are employed and paid -the
Mwjeet.t of tL JHZRAL J, . lleekft
JYrwpepsr, de pmbhc..pen of which is
to k cosessoed irasetitefely ks Sas Teens
s/ Brenifard. fates es Colherne S8•,
ever Ms old Peet Oftcs.
erI1E rapid adya$c. el Brantford sad Oils
i porus.. of the Proeinoe t. populallos
wealth and importance --the preefing de
meimie of the iataltigoot Inhabitants lar fell
and correct reformation -the .oheitatio■ ul
.umer.um frie.de, and the uupreaetuo that
a New.paper conducted on liberal and just
principle,., will maitre the hearty support
of the liberal and the ju.t,-Influence the
undersigned to undertake the establishment
of • rerpeetableJournal to ibis place, feehog
assured that from hie ksuwledge of Cane-
d.ana and Caondran affairs, gatord be a red.
minted that the new .ad equitable Aeemensewt
dill tatro.tnced by the Governme .1. would ales
it... been ponied, bet which from etre.mataet .
disgraey fol to the country we eve in war poet -
poled, tt became necessary to provide tier rhe se.
looked -for contingeu.y And by deem CCVUL
,t is provided, that a.v person now eligible to right of the people to *nonage tkeft own
rote or to be el viedto any Townnhip Office, affairs -the came of liberty civil and rela-
tor the Township and Village Cneseillnn tno
•hall have the right of vo.ier end bees• el he gious, and indeed, everything that may teed
o he
elected under this Act, bere are the words tithe to metier.,• the condition of Canadians.
"CCVIJI. And be it enacted, That no
prnvieion in the foregoing enactments of
ibis Act which requires that any person be
possessed of any property gnalifcation, or
be'asessed for any particular amount is
order to his baying a right to vote or to be
elected at any election lo be held under
the authority of this Act, shall have any
force or effect, unless or until Some Act be
peeped by the Parliament of this Province
In the present or some future seesinn'there-
To detail all that the Herald will support
or opens., would far exceed the limos 01
this advertisement. it may, therefore,
suffice to state, that falsehood and ribaldry
wit( not, in its columns, be permitted to
metre the place of truth and armed argu-
ment, and that the greatest care will be
taken, by the exclusion of Immoral and
ratuelcas. and ebe selection of chaste end
useful reading matter, to render the Herald
a valuable FAMILr Parka, and at the same
time from arrangements which have been
of to provide for regulation egulation of emcee made for securing the moil important and
menta, and the levyingthre and collecting oftear ed intelligence frim every pact of the
I !nr l taxes in Upper Canada, and to repeal+50,1,1, it writ be found to possess herb
Ithe •corral ( I elates, ter support upon all classes In the
community. As neither trouble nor ex•
pense w;Il be spared to make the Herold a
dis.eu.ioator of much informative. and an' it
of Pariah and Township ()Meer', for tar wti de.urahle that such ioformason obe as
!revere! Town -hips in Upper Canada, 'hall Ile Cly dt Albe v • entree, the puce war tin
have the right of'votinp •nd brings el.eteJ Hern(d well be eo luw'a to bring it within
for the Township and Village Councillor.
ito be elected under thus Act, an.1 such per-
sons as hare heretofore had a right to vote
re be elected at the Municipal Eleetinne of
any City, Tuwn or Village heretofore is-
cerporated, or haying • Board of Police
r prnviaona n t ,e 9cfn heretn-
fore in force (sir that purpn,e, but .11
peons, a' have heretofore i.4 the right to
vote or far ehcicI at the annual elpclinn
the reach uf,aa; and whilst every effort will
be used to make it rank as one of the beat,
it will also be Doe of the cbeapeet papers of
the rise is Canada Wes!. The Herald
will be printed on a loge Imperial sheet,
with entirely new material., and wilt be
published every Saturday Morning; for 112
or taw rot one •am
he sight of votung.nd being elected for this
p,,hatt neve yi.r, It paid in advance; $24 a year. if paid
mwithin six month.; and 83 a year, if not so
City, Town or' VJlape, Aldermen and paid: in all cases exclusive of postage.-
.Cot:nrllnrs in be elected under this Act for From the extensive circulation which it will
such City, Town or Village re.pectiv.ly; have. the Herold will he •desirable ttme-
and the potions entitled to vote or be elet. diem Inc Adverttaemente, which will be fe-
ted at the lltinaetpol Casein'', of err
Cry misted at the wool rata• All Communica-
tions to the Editor, through the Post Office,
must be pre -paid.
Editor and Proprietor.
or Vtllare n( the age of twenty-one ycarp Driti'i(ofd, 'Aug. 16, 1849. 0230sir upwar1.i, Acing subjects of Her Majest o. .
by birth or naturalisation, and who /ball
have resided in such Town or Village for
.tx calendar months next previous to the
Wane of the said election, and whn obeli
ave been rated on the Assessment Roll of
he said Town or Village as householders
rfeohnldere for the year previous to .uch
lection. Provided aloe, that where the
rslem of the. reglmtration of enter exists at
he naneinp of this Act in any City or Town,
he same shall continue tinder the Act or
ctrl providing such registration, until al-
cred by any Act as aforera'd; and provided
Iso, that whether any each new Act for
copulating .meets in Upper Canada,
hall or obeli not be palmed prior to thio Ael
owing into force, the persons hereinhefore
•embed as entitled to elect end be elected l
oder this Act (until .uch new as.esmment
w •hall have paned as aforesaid,) shall be
ho.e entitled to elect and be elected re.
actively at the brat elections to be held!
rider that Act."
By this Chose the int thing to be obser,ed, i1
that a sacral Meeting of the present Council i•1
to oke place on the Id of October, mind may be
continued to the Vet November but net Inneer,
for the purpose of making the(etslatimm necre-
mry for the working of the Aet em its coming
ism force nn the first January t .q Thew• by tl.e
folluwisg classes : h
"IV. And be it enacted, That it shall be t
lawful for every much Municipal Council of n
they deem it expedient •o to do, 'nand by e
such By law, to divide each of the Town "
, hips (nocl°dtng Union.' of Townships to
w feresaid.) in each County, Into rural I
Ward', for the election of Township Coun A
cillnr, for tenth Township excludtnf Rom '
"uch Ward. and every incorporated Village, a
iTown or Cite, and the Ilberttes thereof ly- '
ing within the, limits of recta Township, •
.which Division into rural %Vards shall be • c
made in such manner that the reverse d
Wards in each of tech Tow nm'tep. ,hall, as o
regards the number of fre. holders and la
householders entitled to tate et 'the. elec.
tton ,,t Towneh,p Councillors for the same, "
runIH.ti.vetC. h. a.- ne•tly equal ae pracrc-t ti
11e, regard amine hna,ev.'r also had to the.
Town and Village net tncorpnrstedas afore-
said before the pursing of this Act. shall be
the re0idenf male inlabitints, being either
hotewhnldere or freeholders of such Tows
.,f tach lree'toLl. ra and huts-. -
In- Ws tire indebted to oar friend Mr. GALT,
convenience o
• howl., and f the re*denog each of ouch for Iii fortdoios Wier notice of so 11elycb of the
' Tara' Wards a compact as circumstances New Mssieipd Aet u amewdiatla000ero.
will permit. I the pretreat Menet Council. We rend a copy
" V. And be it enacted, That every mea I of to-deyts aid to each n( the Councillors of
Mneteup.l Cnurtci', whenever by ouch By.' Iluroa, nmeely ea an intimation that a p'rural of
lib.. whole Act would be weeseaiy.
Mame atm of these ethibitiene of ruitan.
less w►reb the Tory Pre«of Mammal ineesnnt-
ly labors to falsest, the Atter,ey General [Ar-
on -remit predestly endeavored to presern hie I
lite from tbedagger Of the bludgeon of the aortae
mra,,py deimis( the protectt•m ri flees* who were
ewers to protect bins, and pad by the errantry tee ,
'doing so. Tb. Editors •(the GeueU., the Cm,
ries. aad the Tr.smci pe, eshihit this me, of pru-
dence sod wide, se a meet of cowardice and
pasa!laaimity ! What heroes these Tory Edit.
ore -them ker et of tis steel psi meet be in
Meanest ! We Could oily wash to see their
soiept tried la a three -hears battle with a memo
8eeteb mew norm es the tee of Bew•e« at mita
sight ! The oswage and eudmiee of the Itigh-
lasd $ephend weeld essence them that their
eater was•sly is its ta4.ey.
IIT Ws Imes much plsse.e ra riving publici-
ty to the Pm•penw of a New Reform Paper Mgt
about to be published i. Beat(e.d. mid to be
called " The Herald " It sienna ether se
asomelly that tiers ie no peal'« ad.e.te .1
peloied tot► wed lmtiw, is linefeed se Woed-
atoek. Them ee.etft•eseiee are, by very large
. ajerldes, liberal, sad hem t►ie n ibm.tly shears
teat they aao believers to doe eeliehmeed pnliey
of the age, and we think it to miwraM• pointy
to estrum the whale pehliebieg .f the heeler to
those whe are e.doseoring to worries* toee that
aemiety shook! seed 'sit, sM 'et tM eemma
tonere wage. and the ward -tai are preferable
to the nilw.y and re 'meet esteem. We
street the w ti Weetweetb awe Oxford will
ake a teirwet view .f 4'..nepet, sad mite
candidly geese •liberal petro•, sad aa ak-
wanes dlwulstieo as t►s M'esd rd Monad.
ICI Ws are epaa.i to carte that a Pete.
be Mevu.g.1 the owe of eaderieh will h. MN
I. ibe Hume Rotel es friday mve.yg. Met
Minnie at seers teeloe►, (.e the peewee .f
forming • Uwe Cswpnsy.-avid a the ?.wh hi„
beee at the eapesee ef teemed Frdi.e, we use
that proper mom win be mod u reedw osa ss►•
Mem eveiible whoa INasssry-Semel r. ell
should ata.ad.
117 la sm wgtenw ef the Mettles 'tithe rte
Company is the Heron Hotel ea 6lerday sea.
sur hat, the Wt\ two. Mwtio1 title Bedtime
11)eeiery was penpr4el, and will take plans et
e ters **sleek se 'the emolet of Ss id. nes
IMM. 1m ti is Ib vii
MI of ab
Rem. As~ a era nos tttseat m( fe se
bead, bear.*•o may ededaes eh Wag imsm-
law thee shall divide any such township into
rural Wards as aforesaid, shall to the same
By law appoint a convenient mace in each o
much Wards for holding the eleettni of
Township C.encillora for ouch Ward, and
shall also appoint a fit and proper P1'11'00 10
hold the first election of a Township Coon
Milne in each of such Ward' respectively.
"V1. And be it enacted That copies of
every meh Malays shall be pebhthed by
every such Municipal Council, twice at
least in the 011cual Gazette of this Pro-
vince, and at lent (iter times in some public
newspaper, :( any there be published is each
Counlq and copse■ thereof shall be more•
oder ported up in the four most public places
in each Township in such County.
ti Vli. And be it enacted, That ever
✓ ich Mhniripal Council, whenever be ouch
By-law they shall divide any loch Town
ohtp into rural Ward, no aforesaid, and shall
fix the places for holding the firer *lecterns
in such Wards and appoint Retu.eng
Officere for holding the stmt, 01.11 cause a
copy of aneh By-law under their omal to be
delivered to the person appmnted to hold
the election for etch of such Wards, or to
be left for him at hie genal place of reei-
denee, one calendar month at team prior to
the time for bolding the election, and every
such person that' and he is hereby required
to bold the fret eleetioe of Township
Councillor for the Ward to which he *hall
be se appo.attd, and in default thereof shall
be liable to • penalty of not more thee Ten
pnusds for his default in the premieres."
As a soee by clause XV., it i. provided that in
the event of Telenet r tieing derided into rent
Wants they moat be five in number, ■cd by
close XVII. it is provided, that no part of any
Incorporated city me itslibetti•a, se Oa., Inr.t-
poret.d Tew. or Village stall keen any, pert of
meth Township. Our hoose•, Geden,i, he4.g
now as incorporated Town, therefore seer the
lest January, it150, will form no part of the
Tsweekip). Chew XiX. provides, that m►o,fd
Tommero. 24th August.
pberr-bales daring the week in .mall lot. -
lea • *Motor supertoe in store ; Millers' auper-
6us in bags 20. 61 •21■ 31.; Farmers' in bass
and Hartel. Ia. 9d a 20.. •
11-Aser-The receipts of Wheat during the
week overage 3000 a 4000 bushels per day, and
taken freely ate, 14 and 4e 3ed per bushel.
New Yoter, 24th August.
A,Aes-Goad demand for Pots ; Pales at ere, le
a 6.25. Pearls are firm : sales at $6,1*.
i%e%r.-Matkn kr Western bed State benvast
AM Maes attire : sales $4 • 4.50 for error 45,44
• 5.30 fee common Blair avid furled Michigan.-
, $6.50 • 3,56 fee attstgbt Suite sad td_ geed rave/ire
the perne.t Dilate, Ceased new think fit re
divide ..y Tewastip tem reel Wards, des the
eleeteme .hell tetto plea as heretofore, sed eb11
le bald at the pe« of the het Tameable Met-
ier. And by chine XX. it is provided, that in I Two PROMISSORY NOTI'S
TiIE above institution will be reopened, .fur
the midemmeer vocation, 00 1st September
To facilitate the labor of the Pupils in their
edmcatio., Mr. Hoiden has wpged .n assistant,
whn will, every Cooing, ceref.11y go over with
them, ander hie own wperealet, the prescribed
lessons of each followag day.
By regoeit be will at the mime time arrange
for the tuition of yoe.ger children no gs.bfied
to eater the day Bcbo t, and others Wi which
females will be s. misrd.
Ileum of attendance, 5 in 11, P. M.
Tants-5s. per quarter lemurs) to Papile at-
t•ndin` the day School.
11b. (English bep.hes) to Pupils not
,treading the day School.
French Class-Mnaday, WeJetod.y and Fri-
day, fret 7 to 8, P. M., 10s. per quarter, other
Branches extra.
Private touter -by appliestioo to Mr. 11.
Heat Teacher, ll. D. G. S.
Goderich, 28th Ass., 1849. y2o30-2t
BELONGING to the .ubeenber, between
his Store and tee Division Court Of -
fire, on Friday last, Iltb instant,
mesh samm rho Tewmhie ChM, foie smith Tows- Vea.: One JOINT NOTE against Joey
ship matt b. Ile Reformist; OR..g ter seer Ems. sad Ci..atoe Dominate, Cr, VI 18.
' raoi. Cisme i- pymvedto, Met the .Ism- R!" draws payable to James Phelan a
beetle, and eedoreed by Jaynes Pbdes, $at
Stack f3 against011.0, me 9. 8i1 e v f. s
ble to Cbrteuas Saeger, or bearer, verities
in German, also past doe. Thw is to eau-
UoO any perms front perebmtag the same,
OT lb. above parttes paying the Notes to
any pereoo ail ttte, mnbaenbar weed soy
person **drag the above Nam will moot
oblige the subscriber by retrrai.g them to
bits. THOS. M. DALY.
Stratford, July 16th, 1441. fe-eSOtf
lee CI XX
tis (.r Cage/Alan .MIi take pleas ea the Mei
Moeda, le Jweery se btetcbmu. Chem XXI1
pNeides, that at watt eleeuw the Tewmhip
Meow it div dem bei.. obeli Meeeee a ropy
of the Celhetars Rall, node M fes the ewe roar.
awl certif,d es es* trema meld« et the Peale
to be 001111111, mod wale dew parties whet.
sews mem« Apes the mane either as REltt-
HOLDERS, shall be allowed to Two ea mob
•lee los. The same Mew also preemie:
• Prowled always nenttbelea., featly,
Sas tit• Is** ec eompi.r of any separate
Huhn District 'Building Society.
OF the Some,. will take place at the
British Hotel, on Saturday the 1st
Sept. at 7 o'clock, P. M.
By Order,"
Godericb, August, 16 1849; Iv -e2111
FOA res ttia. Or
Direrrhea, Dys rakry. Bloody Flus. Rsluatww,
Price Is. 3d. per Bottle.
iO It hu been attested by experience,
and toun.'ed on the fact, that as attack of
the Cholera to generally preceded by Pre-
monitory Symptoms, fnncipally Dt-order•
of the Bowels. This premonitory R.'Iaxa•
two and D,arhtra, beteg without Pain, and
not interle:ing much with bealth, ie gener-
ally not noticed, until it is followed with
decided Cholera ! The time to prevent the
Dieeease, is to have recourse, on it. Grog
appearance, to Heihll's Resleralire Bal-
sam, which will prove efficacious in staying
its progress, and preveaiisg the Cholera .-
In cases of decided Cholera, the above Me-
dicine will be of immense service.
No Family should be without a Battle of
this Balsam iso heed.
Prepared only by J. Hewlett, 95, York
Street, Toronto.
Sold by B. PARSONS Goderich
Meyer.. P. B. Clerk L Co. Port Sarnia.
Mr. Wm Junes Sydenham, Owen Sound
Goderich, 20th August 1849. v2 -o29.
Agricultural Show.
AT a hireling of the Committee of the
SOCIE'T'Y, held in St. Mary'soon Wednes-
day, the 13th June, the foflowmg Premiums
were allowed fur the ensiling CATTLE
SHOW, to be held on Tuesday, Ohs 1115 of
Septemter, 1849.
- CL,.. 1 -HORSES,
Beet Mare and Fuel, £1' 0
2nd best0 13
3rd best 0 10
Beat 3 year, old Geldings or Fillies 0 10
2nd best 0 fk0
3rd best 0 3
Best 2 pears old do. 0 13
2nd best 0 10
3rd best 0 6
Best 1 year old Colt and Fillies 0 10
Ind beat 0 7
3rd best 0 6
Best Matched Span of Horses, 1 0
Best Boll, aged, £1 0
trtd best 0 16
aid be•t. 0 10
Best Yearling Do. 0 10
2nd best , 0 '7
3rd bast 0 S
But Yoke of Working Oxen, five
years and upwards, 1 0
2nd best 0 15
3rd best 0 10
Best 4 years old Steers, 0 10
2nd best 0 7
3rd beet 0 6
Best 3 years old Steers, 0 '7
2nd beat 0 5
' 3rd best 0 3
Beat 9 years old Do. 0 5
god best 0 3
3rd best w 0 2
at Oxen 4 years and upwards, 0 10
2nd beat 0 5
Best Fat Cow or heifer, 0 7
2nd hest 0 5
Best Milch Cow having seal! by
ref Bide, 0 15
Ind beet . O 10
mrd best 0 5
Cent Mitch Cow haying had a calf
In 1849, 0 15
2nd best . - 0 10
3rd best '0 5
O ,,
3rd best • p 3
Beet one year old Do. 0 5
and best 0
3rd best 0
tars diem Eesl of 11. Cesoda Cm's. O cs,
August 27th, 1849. 21-a30
C] l:Psi•
_= s y Best 2 year old Heifer,
" • ' 2nd best
Irk a=_ I =
= y.Z '•
'8Y8t `many in
" 3 n r
ce e e 1
Pt2, r FF o
3 ` ` •
E Y ; E 3 11 a
S n e,5 i
r• w . RR
rI IIE Subvcnbers is returning thank* to
their Customers for the liberal bop
port they have received .inee enmmeneing
busunea, beg to intimate, that they have
for sale ad low rates,
Cooking, Box & Parlour Stoves,
ale° Plooghe of eight descriptions, and cen-
si,ting of the most improved Moulds. Self-
acting Mill Dort, and various other eas-
ting•. Having engaged an. experienced
Machinist, the subscribers can confidently
reenmmend their THRASIIiNG MA-
CIIiNES of the newest design, both mta-
tinury and moveahle. and would solicit a
call from intending Pnrehamers before buy-
ing elsewhere. All orders pun :Wally at-
tended to and executed with neatness and
Stratford, 13th AuORR g. 184k WILSON.
The Kingston Whig lesottinns that a to
moue is surreal in Met eity, to the effect
that the hos. J. A. Idea:meld ie abort to
metes hie mat in the Some of Asmtsbly
os'attlelre8 std the..v.re (fine's of • near
potato% ohish will ..spree him to winter
is a peetbers climate. The Irifg' r pro .
110111 Mr. McD.,eIg. reNgwati.e may throw
( y ist..Ms betide .f M. Liberal/1.-
Cr.Ass 3-SiIEEP.
Best Ram 2 year. and upward'',
2nd hest
3rd best
Best one year old Ram
2nd beet
Bost Ilam Lamb,
2nd beet
I Beat pair of Ewes having suckled
Lirnb.vnit the 24th July.
21,1 best
Best parr of Ewe Lambs
2nd best •
Best Pen of 3 Fat Nether or
2nd best
Clara 4 -PIGS.
Beat Boar,
2nd best
Deet Breeding Bow,
god best
CL.ss 5 -(:RAIN.
Best 2 burinele of Fall Wrest,
tad beet
Beet ei bushels Spring Wheat,
ltd best
Beat 2 buehels Barley,
2nd best
Best 2 bushels of Oats
2nd best
Beet it Burhele Pease,
2nd beat n
Best 4 lbs. Swedish Turnip Seed o
end best o
Best bushel of Timothy Beed, o
2nd beat
Beat bushel of Clover Seed,_ 0 15
tad best o 10
CLAS 6--D.11RY.
Beat Firk;n.(56) 1ttr. Butter, o 10
end brat ' 0 7
3-d best o 5
Beat Roll ,But ter 5 lbs. e 7
2nd beat o 6
3rd best n 3
Best New Milk Cheerio from 12 to
20 Ib,.
Ind beet o
3rd beet 0
Beet 20 lbs. Maple Sugar to Cake, o
2nd best u
Sheriffs Sale of Lands.
HURON DISTRICT, 2 ON Mooches the
'Pu ti'
IT : S F asst Day of
October neat, will be Sold at the COURT
Rime at the Gaol of the Huron District, is
the Tetra of Goderieb, at the hour of twmly.
o'clock Boon, the uadermenttoned LANDS
with the 7'enemrots and appurtenances
t hereunto belonging, by virtue of four Weis
1"rr.ditioni Expoass, issued out of the Court
ui Queen's Beech, awl to me directed, at
the reeuecte• suite of Roes Robertson,
Robert hl,.derwell, Jolts Strshan, Gent.,
OD!. Lc., aid James Clouting, Plaintiffs, -
.1, l,y vertu• of two Write of Yemdihuai
Er7'uaua mono) ant of Her Majesty's Huron
District Curt, sad le me directed, at the
respective suits of Robert Paik and Joshes
Calloway, Plaintiff., toy. Julia Ann Hippel
and Ameltue W. Kippers, De/endears, 1e
wit., a part and portion of Block G. la lb*
Township of Colborne, Western Dividun,
Iluroe Dtstriet, mistiming Two Hundred
Acres of Land more or leer.
Sheriff, Huron District.
Set.avW, Devitt,
Gnderneh. 45th July, 16111.__ 1c -n25
Coroner's Sale of Lauds and
rltetle .nen t8.
IIUR01( DISTRICT, BY virtue of a
7t. H'id: Writ of Perri
Pacfns, issued out of Her Majesty's District
Comm of the Distract of Huron, directed to
the Coroners of the Huron District, and to
.rte delivered, against the Land, and Tene-
ments of Frederick Clarke, at the amt of
John McDonald, i have seized and taken In
execution, Tuwn Lot number Eleven, north
-'de of Lela House Street, or Lot running
cumber Sixty a the Town of Goderich,
containing one quarter of an acre of Land,
be the ,ams more or leo, together with the
Frams.Lwellfng House and other appurte-
nances to the said premises belonging,
which I shall offer for Sale at the COURT
ROOM, in the Iluron Distrwa Gaol, in the
Town of Goderich, on Thereday, theeighth
day of November next. at noon, -
One of the C'"rooern,
Iluron District.
Cotaonea's Orrice,
Goderich, 5th August, 1849. t 2v-.27
And by Agents Keough the Presences.
Hewlett's Restorative Balsam,
Prke L. 3d. per''BoIU..
This •Medieioe Is a safe and ellicaeiase
cure for Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Bloody Faun.
Relaxation, and tbat disordered state of lb.
Bowels, an prevalent during the hot weath-
er, known aa the Surnmet Complaint ; 'leo.
for the Cholera 1llorbu.t.
Hewlett's Embrocation,
Price is. 3d- per Bottle.
For the Cure of Rheumatism, BURNS,
Scalds, Bruises, Sprites, Swelling., Crimp,
Chilblains, Cute, Green Wounds, Hairnets
in the Joints and N ck, Numbness, Plies,
Eruptions in the Skin, Le. Lc. -
Hewlett's Stomachic Tincture ;
Price la. 1044. per Deana.
For the cure of Weak Digestion, Bilious
0 Diseases, Pains in the Stomach, Low of
0 Appetite, General Debility, Palpitation of
0 the (heart. Consumption, kc. -&e.
(TJ'This Medicine is one of the beat and
cheapest in circulation.
r 1.\'A (114 V FRIEND ; OR
f 'fesslt•It.s. Universal Oil.tment.
0• Pros le. 31 per Bolds.
9 For Coring Corruption. of every dscrip.
O tion, Ulcerated Sure Leg., Boils, Scalds.
Chilblain., Tice.
3 9
2 6
t0 107
O 3
O 2
O 7
O 6
10 0
7 6
10 0
7 6
O 10
o 7
n 10
O 7
O 7
O 5
o 6
0 2
o 7
Srd heat o 9
:'LArs7-DOMESTIC Maerracrtmeit
Best 10 yards Failed Climb, manu-
factured from Wool grown
on the eahibltnr'e promo.•
tied spun is his family, io
1849, o
fed beet
Beet 10 yards Flamm! all Wool, o
god ►nit o
Ball 10 yard. Flaseel, Wool and
Ise, 0 3
Thad beet e 8
fit.derich, 11th Jose, 1065. vlel5tt
Hewlett's Apperient Family Pills
A remedy forCoetivene.p, Paine mad Gid-
diness in the head, Disorder% of the Liver,
Sternlieb. and Bowels ; also, Indigestion... -
Price 9d. per Box.
Apperient .Family Powders.
A remedy for Costiveoese, Pains and Gid-
diness in the !lead, Disordrta of the Liver,
Stomach, and Bowels ; also fodigeation.
cc7- To the many persons who object to
the taking of Polls, these Powders, are rec-
ommended, and fa Children are preferable.
-Price Is. 3d. per Bailie.
Hewlett's Antibilious Pills.
Pries Is. 3d. per Moult.
An excellent remedy for Biliou. Complaint*
and Coesvenee.. They remove all odetnrc-
tinns on the Stomach, at the same time
Strengthen the Digestive Organs, Extricate
those Paine attendant upon Disorders of the
Stomach, act as a Tonic Upon Relaxed
Conte delimit', and produce Vigor L Health•
Hewlett'• Pectoral or Cotlgh Pills
Price l.
3d. psi Hes.
For the cure of Coughs, and Asthma. -
These admirable Pills are moat beneficial to
the speedy removal of Crumbs, relieve diffi-
culty in breathing, so Irving to Asthmatie
,object,, and procure the refreshing com-
forts of rest and sleep.
Hewlett's Dinner Pills.
PRICE 1s. 34. per Boz.
For removing Oeetrnctinns nn the Metre
felt after eating, particularly after Meese
canoed by great Weakness and Debility is
the Digestive Organs.
Hewlett's Infant's Soothing
For easing Pains in the Bowels and Sto-
mach, 50 general with Infant.., expellieg alt*
Wind, and procuring rufrn,•hi.g sleep.
Prete Is. 31. per Bottle.
4.1.1 by 11. PARSONS, 5 o,lerte!, :
Messrs. P. B. Clark k Co. Port Sarum.
Mr. Wm. Japes Nydmshant, Owen Renee
°oder/eh, 900 Aralen -t, 1140. 5r -n39 3
CO.N P.if .VY.
TfIB Hwb.rth.w hsvirtg boss appointed
Agent *1 the
is prepared to merle* proposals for Asmu-
rasee, and wilt be happy to .Rbrd to say
person the necessary isformatios, se et 15.
prtaeiples of the laestelins.