The Goderich Star, 1907-03-29, Page 1:1••
! <7.
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,; "reeer""-'
TM 00 BRIcti STAR has a Issisr
vircutition thin itni other rowspapoor
unty ot thorto
•• T I:0 lenietient at ell 'Of*
Oeime .thoft 907 odet
. and that by min
'• • weeltle,witile •
leek bat eltet ty
then 7 Itatpli84
Vie attiai IviX1:$1....por. coot. totoroldV,ou *peel* encl• Motet
• Olt bee !'telthell'elett •at eitty
„ ,
Gotouot 'Ormit ':—COR, NORTH STREET
AND SQUA W. L. ITORI...=_0•01/41GR.
woris „
`7-0,.*0,0-0101111 Raga'
interien• -we e
tgeneehhe wet ai.aelser s ,
WANTATtp,Obefied 1
fon pertleelerstapely ureter/4w eeltetieedded
nowt %AMATO
or, a rody'e
sneer. me lime
e ,Itensta,
0 .1041,...).0
ittlatietts.,111101 ,..,,,°iiiiiite: liavly to
lititst,n;11eierritcCollioritaatreet.. ; , ,
.-eleaantri.4010 ,Cie ovivertif,taittentleg
eY Maratieese Cletitts,,eneele'.works 1/06O
', , ,77wattew, Tr111140,045220nn3104111A1V2 Coe,
P. Rite311150141N,Anit,: • • r. • - . ,
0 leta.,,,Veg,' • lei3. ocertionAlleetetel
3,• •eoreportiesor o.•eettet •aawrieesu.., ea
fleei -0' efueer•ce. we:Ole:nee • '
pusgs, tt eift.tyt,....9r ehateeet eve.
.. .
. .406, :ult. ..'It..,No i.Noweato a
.,, haildeltiOniiiisialegaefieyieseet,the age
VAII7Ving:Prige. '.ef hriektf"Lagdclunibst.vise'ioeir
s . ere .rmerteretAtletalettn.SenteeeltMlt.J. LaW.te
•Teentrat,,e.-atiArchiteetersetekteaantt '''; ' ' '
ni '.., Alirtio,-;.'''' i '''`''',.te4 iitiotei.
.:,,moitloroloco .trotwett_ y., ,
6, i Jima, auto fop te'a ...--7,teet-...-7---,7„.f...........k.r...ti.,,,
r h ,,, f. Ai ertet...e42.I.AL":„_.:___ -•:41•:--'!"..•44,1SUEE ,. ,
• ,•-,, - -• IA. ogseefeekeeeeeave die,' lioteneeeivie Joek,Atantandampleamenber.'isetwe you:rm-
., ,,,A1M..1e-,4 'tedeletn,,LeRlan . ,„ .; llitti,0471M1014 Parollased. a Perble
. 1-',.,:',,,:s.7•:,L.'ie..e":::',.4,,,,....,....„..0..e.„a..i..,S,,;.:•<:-.v, 4. ''''7;r7.*,''''1,•lr'''''"fr'D'''''.".;-•,•:, .-.:.',"''''7"-*''''"41'74.-'""tr'"
, . -, •• ....,,. , ,••• , . , ., , ., ,, . .
_ftweetut tanaprepared ta Batinw nem.
"I''''.2 -'-'-''''''''''"'"6'P '14"./--T4-4 ' ' 14.-fiaa ',4W-'-air-irc-ellT11I/01.-Eloklo*L-gaiithistrate
' ' ' otess'alite4 -,ti:eatiojto.:41.0) e cat- . 'c
, cheap.% 'Apelyloaskeers:mAyiSKIN ..
.titokil,trOettq0404911,c9f0t,';i • •
ottiteret . ':Retilletetlieteet we4vidnie
col Moe. aide "hoe men ',Iaterse..derie
Herece,h ve,..eno her/ t e:,- pit
...r;',9,..-03DA odroc5: 004e oiN , : ,
: , ..„, , . ,,, ,i ..,::,,,,,, , ., ,:, ,,. ,, . .,-, .
•Mise. 44101as:hail tojete-eettate.ef late.
aMMXIDatasiadit, toir7T11-ftirili te--04,41A
a MO, eUerealitol , emits 75,nplovina. le
n 17er ein, stets, ale 1./..e.x,ene tresterer
teety Acewconeterelodectieeenki bore, 74x,
130sfee'Clinatnnetnotatee-•0112laret.ellealait *011..
fallfehnfeatleci.;' WAltrentlet, ono Men or it,
' I•efablielolltaelle;'4TielettLTifanMetletteett,..
7.7f419.44,?...FIR8f.i ii, .r.:13 - '
it'd lekren Itlitin,13ea;
,,,iteneeeleinea. rme
teloidere'rmilly 'to ' 13*
. ,
....1s/Ort ntibiebt ese1)3t
re4igh ata, eenta4kor
:#11inialt and b. di anai.stables
AC tifteiple erien 11 W tared be Moo,
'70,streMi*rOICIF'Ond itifg4/19OuranostIV
. OWN .40 ittiver Oen: ' If '
.)4d141.PqeTIP,'Algi.,! ' j'''' -7"7,-7,',.. '',-7:. ;Ct.: .
Arttf ,gout4a.7.4ie la 45. tik.
'Itatice.!-, . ,-4 011iorteh.,-*ine4thei-
- , ,so ii,otoi7 ,7-111oresor - c-eebtle,•.aeedaarledie.
'Tbeeeentlateigookt saLliedtLe asadee•is a
Ole ,ittort.kedele ',.itotises, teriels*ki era.
' it ,eareetaleekel : ' -,end eta ling,' 2E3404
anothee-awovii, 410,..06,,„ti, illtbre lig
' • VflfAIIIIPIIII1104TOtf lb, ..Of CI.41)0VOL, 071110 a abed.
Vittlio'504151Allai.151%-. IfeerlteltsstWo at the.
, erobeedetabeat edit, ee ' .56 thlitirlo th
. batielind'One all Txtehirt'l 01':11,edd bearimt.
, inteteellept Mate. et ,retaseir. ,lro "toweling
' MOW bit tIOV fattit Otte 54 treat •TilpittoWi pare
• tots ta nue MS Lake, Roe- aveta.'iceelberne or
' ' teRetneen,,T.leaffelree•leeeyeetetiet;Oederleh.
'51TrAftd/St,:::ps, , ANC 8 LIT'
;WQ0PC4,01i.bood,eit Met •re
OR 7 li 4114„,41Vioit.tgx,7,tentc'to,nttiot thelt, cuse laTliepase weok wall another qiiiet one. tor
toner, 'Alertainebeginee ,Cti_e4-titentlook 111a. Wittitbe.exceptitin of attse a fifteen cents in
••••,0eatia,slabie4peon . ,ana,asai .•, . ,„ 4 hogs there arena °bailees In the products of
?-, .e• ' , / ,..., ,1..''s6 ,.r.,..''' , ' . ' . thtifarni or dairy:,
Otrtikat___*„.•1414.440- OA kili lbonbator . J. P;Andrewa ehipped 'a car load of hogs to
add Brelica*.1114ierteeta aditne a- Toreentoon Monday. • -
s„senoteetiegaie. es' mg. litiateeg,,,and. •
amerinetther .45Ap elt telt etnase - n Curried sOlgoitiatopriceo corrected .
,..'..,,, ../., . , 1, ."'. . up to Wows of ThitrodaX1
rOMPaellegieeetevniinele Divelitngeon, Angle- gall Wheat, i $0 so to le
feetlipelfalanweldeliseeo Pletee ete Aging, whetA sfandard
andie$ o ere - 'voiles; zee, cadet, our. per o petent 0 68 to OS
2 ¢0ao LSO
. , bitoa tau . ; -a ,..,- - .., - ,,f ' Flour. per awe, neatly... ...... 2 2D to 2 20
TEAD.-4. 'few radii:11 Ifoneei or gran. per ton.....,.. ...... . se so to is os
• tt neat the :10410. 'frenti-t rent for the 811 mem •
Soothinge. per ten... 21 00 to 21: '
ti ,f'.114f.lei,'; L'AMONeFfe ifi. likii3OSI. , tr sae* e 30 to 0 117
18 00 to 18
ley mar •• 0 45 tat 0 40
tioptite pott:,,,flkliltAhe •dettirables Pate now 0 70 to 0 77
' petite ty ow. !..,ti -Aieneet„ Goderto4 Hee 0 48 te .10 te
Choice fret tin,nhottse heated by hot'
yined and men 44417..:by plibitely, Good Fluekwheat, pot bushel.
Glee Mid Of an ;Of land. Avid*. 1 60 to 14 20
0 46 to 0 to
traTit iir
otop hod. br tiallFritas A es (fres 1 per doom .... . .. 10 t: 0 10.
/ ,ot Perm Maine WI pro- pe, per cord... ..... ......,6 se to 0 00
at a erit oe. AM) te r address st. a. Olteort ...... ..........., # 00 to 4 50
Rs 000%;:,. ei . Oectles pretrial and butehera 3 03 to 4 Ea
.. . Lambe, spring 4 ite to 5 to
eateverel bendreel elheep, fat (on ..... ............,3 50 to 4 OD
ol rout Peptirefot eale. Just -the; mats, AVOW° g t 0 75 re a 70
(Ware:: ermine. Apply att orts, dreased 8 50to 876
,perib• 7....: ...000te 000
1i, lorm clear 0 0 15 ter 0
13 eep Mine s
TMIOWs atedered 0 00 I 00 •
7 26 8 ,i
0 01 0 04
Chigkeneehintiyard eldoiree Pee ib 8 to 10 n
.. 0 11 to 0 12 7
Beefs fore quarters. -
Rine hied qUartets...4 0 00' t: 0 00
eleen set le.
Ttitkeyen" '' 1 te -13
I tt% -. 113
Reeks "
Votatees 0 50 to 0 66
alleles 0 60 to 0 05
T tbe reliable ice raise,
notiees mat Ailed with. the
tett aetf"Perest -4100.004
4110 eallet ale et 5.4.4Pdelletiutenber, arm
deverWeetti amdermaper supplyieir ced,
*ust'om" 'and, 04 ntlea' ciew One& ..410443a4r
re e
• We ar*.nteattfedta impplY
.11° 4°441 07, and in. ereLfreet ,ettr' old
• petrel:4 enelle4tekne iitste
ortre'ne tle04 00144. ' • '
i4taart dalt.D.Ory and Care"
•n feratteetien „,„
Cadent left at ofrit-4.t04‘ lvc;est tit;
4144 s,quarek Thene-24.
*0' •
litiortatier We
.,_ov maTADA____ ,
Taearporated by Special Aot of the
Demhden Parliament to reoolve
Denkets. current rate of interest
paid in. our
'fitinp „Bank lleigiment
ten iletenedhs'Of and upivardei
''Iptereat paid'and,coinpounded
prate b011ght allS1 sold.
A Oeneraf Banking 'Business
G. GANIRLE,,,nager.
n whin
OR .
110 .
AHIINCIA 're 0 at
„el ... ,
••.' . Aetna% Meet Alf ,the, abareholdere of
, 7 • "The GoderieliCur itg, Met, Shang Astioone
. „Hee". wochekeeettte Otierteffetele, goiter -
Wean. eedtde Acrii tithe 1007. et'li 0 elook
.L7,701.,toe eleetienef, Direeters and consid.
crettellef 6,thownstivet't •°. t.ar4
, ,34.. AA V Eti_.., Aie_re_..
tinderlehjefen_allAtittlis.,1607. ,e,111: .
, NOTIOMP:it outomits. d . NEW ADVERTISEmENTs.
Notimiehlar gni:WO Atil Pereonebai• , Page.
,,,„legehanniagato ;abet:tete Of Robert It. MO' Varin, for Beile-Vi/tn. McConinll ...... 1
• Connell. iatis elf t • Tatenshinnf Asbilked, In
the, .loitritY Of lltirefrall31501341ADied*dt; Veined It411168 kir 841 6--P' t Deall I
. lathe I ettle,Verieed. tolnenundersIgnikt Cantu° for taale...1„ H. Hawkins ..... ,„, I
'It* . inserateeft'A Os 0010 bitfttIVOte1 1/10Wititet011 Sale -Hey. B. Nat 1
T . 11.7dittethatlitift
ils#V-1071t tWOltiSti-Mra. Plunkett.....e1
Wu la aohato.6( .
tribute itttete AmO s tretiono tin,,•.' V.itatertillineneliodeens Woe 8
1,, ' titi b Ittiel,rm` ' nil thtnatli0100 Hoitee tIleatileg-C. tl. Lee .... . .... 14
lee saw • e Weeleed.
gt,eteeeetast Silk Vitdat Cleermitee-W. A. 15
&Meltable 000d4.-.1. la Colborne 4
100Pee cent. Pneen Patet-Woraells 4
Berm teen told spring coate-w. At:boson
' et Soh 4..... ,.•4 a
tillloAllafo_o_ReittintleWs.C.Peldhate..-. re
Pare Lake Ice-theigto Brea I
t It .titilitlIAVITtt18114 COB.' toe anued-Mrs, /netts ' ' t
TO ciis kkOolitat 'leitilb EAUtiebt Men Watitett*Yetitig *Roberteme ' t
am ttlerkSlateritlitheetreMnsof doderteliate ..
, del Colinte, et Reredi•Oenlari d4m4r6d' . - ' - - - ' ''. + ,
' !NOM", weet,„40•6"4,.,710041,,,nt 100,•mienfl 81.6,;r4.; , ,,, SPE" _011e1 Isl0.TICIat.. , '
't IWO. - • ' .., s • " • "Meese indot tbisteatifist' to tionedvertle-
Aollintiat'4 littiek, Ss ars *Mos thatted Minute iv tuliwIlagline to
*tin " .., ' . ... • ' Imiroageozugtoy4toadutiiyiA,
' (RN WOW' ils Ode ltet‘ Veal ' lZt ., „ • ve eert is lig, a
IIIII IWO nit es Ill Mentes nee t
1, it:it:04004.w eta061$00,, n 'Nati Wee ke a Yearitetintetict undertniel
'be de nett: at etwise ativettise* 8
a , tillatkfi.ghy,V,a ' aterortmen,reis te
7 ' ,' 3tMeateekteetuoit' ikthielt: CO., . ,Avejiiite,.,:g.1;6; .........
›'n'n.• ' , 1, 'IMO standata Polio, .t,
, sisnemitieditiskelailinif 'erftltallttf.
401ettlis • . , ..., : , ,. , ' ,..,
h hifeeite 4it
*lath Info!
'the Ckabirtela
••., .
lield WA
eel% ,,,,,,r_the.
dinseitt ,' ‘ft7la
The Terente ' r4t. kin*
, reticent% Of est altkp 04,,
Meow*. lfe-OmOtoviAilstiltpl,tOt Sttai*
lkit5d thla OttellAtt44.iketila:ft
e,........ases.,a4ese,see......,,,.. 4... sajese::“.:,-
StOW il -boohoo ,.., rtivx.
rixot. Nox ruquAage,
Wt. Mill11061,,, In tho:' Trio..
r all bi the Denghiereer the
re. tor the honotit for.the lioio,
food*. wr.o.on w000tde buttexte
as tting the leindeteme. eon: oe414,414.
The leditet„.deelee to expreett •their
booty thee kesto . the pUblie And to all
theatt *be ,engeherinlelY.n-e0111,1001.0.4
to Vie tiale. ' Tee follewlitee,dettatione•
are theoltinity, .tteknewleditede 'MO**,
Petald1011;$6.te elte feel filed; Mre.c Pr,
• °OM**, A .t,T,..44o:,. 4001:'.*4i110.
4 oo. hee* vOtlflod..: ot hill ItiPIt011tldt0t
' Peltee,46416trate IA TiOdetiah 't0
,tatectend00 tit V. A. Iitiehhor,,'dooe6.6e4,'
`I:dtaedledel4e;. •-•Tlett Mr, -Outlet, Wi
-.0o4,4b0, nese leenneleff#10112evill , lel
peewee ettPehlennd,PainettiklegOble
ed istretc:".grbeVatat A01009.54 ))004xise,,
he: ea:0140;ot" Ittettteeiteperieliceener
,geed:judgeterite .::000 tieeeee Teeee tie
wetiereepate-oed,..ohlet ',30oglatrato 'of
00tierlek , itild. retainti- #(0-..etnifideriee
10440 EcO,01'nl:P00.10.1'•WIT14•Staia hopeo
that bio tefeviceeeelitnet4Oftetilte re.
rliggi4t,*.4 toVlotovh‘that .jkletiet
wilt,,,Tin.Aempeoct '...-06dw ..werory alld'
tbet .-.4etel,d,etlee.4111110,Ye'•413 little
014 te 44,i'..WIt ' ', tub , heyv p;
,C),_?4,0140A, .01,10,011, : ..__..,' •,.,'....-.,., ,
, :tiFornormloPii7Nowtvi. 4.1-at4he folic*.
:44, 'fron*tiltal'.;LbtaletitiPttn Preee of
Nvocib'es.aair',viit'eitirtit #..,.'bioiliev 9vais,
440.;14.rvalotobw„of etederieh,
who,i.tios beolt,41):60iiiout too magip,
r . .te,,,i,br, re, tfig,,iottr.„, kme.,,klerbItellnet
Itakentieline.redelireil;.mitice of hie
polettnent ee '00We "Weld** ,in
iteiI,0 ,1,,tr.344.e •'s#46 teehgnea
reperatoiy" to • 4:13C leeving ', for the
Ortratveete.' Megietrette`• Dereme bee
feted' ther Office meet eocept1Ably,...bie
fliebiltine . being rimer .lay ralenese
anattetagt, tty.. ethic ' le etedencete
neeperealce- 14, Macilientine appeinte
rail, facit.t. at be hag bed liraegeo3ly
Matt OA botitilar rine In thitreopuntin.'
ity,'044111.0 he has beet: a .r,opeeted
oitteee aseoVer,:thirty years,' , .
: .td#,IteetiiloornieteeTite last,1,1te
ovary" of .the terin at the thelegiate
was giveie list .Pridey evening. and
'yeas-faitaa-avelleatterided -cons aer
there Was an eldreisalon fee charged.
The,*progeetnithe vileri very good -de-
hate,:letters from old pupils, the his-
tory' Of. tlie'G. O. L Literary society,„
and' the journal. being all egceeclingly
oteresting. The prograntme was:
Pekoneoler Miaeldargaret. Illetianon-
Reeitathie. alio L. laoCroath.
Denote, "Resolved mat the etch:teem) of,,the•
negroduring slavery wiis Oa higher stiusigrd,
than how." AllIrtiattiVe,_J.E. Jewess; Nom-.
thee, 0, tharereent an4 Wsol. Taylor.
Venal Solo:Mr. Sutherland. •
Letterstrom old. pupils.
reotaete Literary soelety, Ex. Strang.
l.s. The history td.the Goderioh Col.
• lie J.:portals • .
The moo '
The judges' deuision on the debate
was in favor of the negative.
latffirle, LinnAfre% NoTne.-On
-Sattlrday 'everting the hoard met for
regOiar hiplines. The librarian's report
f,or Febitiary showed receipts of $4.48
from cardti and floes, and an issue of
""." rtingazirres.. In ea
sponse -tto-e- circular. of tbe Ontario
tatirary'Aseociation; announcing the'
annual meeting on Easter
Monday and , Tuesday,' • Metiers
Tem and Strang were appointed the
delegates from Goderich, , and the
Secretary instructed to forward the
membership fee of $0.14. A circular
from the Deputy Minister of Edueathon
re elaselfleation of books received con-
sideration, and the Secretary wen in-
structed' to write for Anther informa-
tion.. An aceount from.,the Signal for
12,000 application slips, •amounting to
$7.80, Was referred to Finance com-
11.110UT FLORICULTURE. -On another
page of Tice STAR we reproduce an
article from the Hamilton Spifctator
regarding flower garden culture which
ought to do something to awaken the
people of Gildblich to the poseibilities
of beautifying the homes of the totem
As has already been stated, the Hort-
icultural Society are aiming at a plan
which will encourage this work, and
the ;reticle le therefore all the more
interesting,. here. We would be glad
tO have any of our citizens who ha,v.e
views on this•matter of,civic improve-
menteput them in writing and hand
in for publication in THE STAR, • So
much can be done to suppletnent the
natural beauty and attractiveness of a
town like Goderich, that anything
along that line should be encouraged
in every possible way. This is ti step
n the righ,t direction -help it along.
Hannon, Riven, LAKE. -The an-
ual break up. of tbe Maitland occur -
ed on Sunday morning, thus again
pleasing -those of our citizens who
maintain that the Maitland al-
ways breaks up on a Saturday night
or a Sunday morning. The ice came
doWn easily, as It win fairly thin and
einisiderably honeycombed, and the
Big and Squaw Istitede were not more
than half covered, Whereas it used to
he nothing unUjinal to see them cover-
ed 0.11 over with ice piled from 5 to 8
feet high. Of ;nurse there were a few
who were waiting to see the Maitland
bridge washed itiaaY,or at least injured,
but they knoW,differently now. The
quantity of water flowing to the east
side of the earth track can be judged
by the feet that Squaw Island was
only partly flooded. The mouth of
the river Wits oleo ot ice, and gat% a
dear paesage, while last year the
°nth. tatia.blocked .with alutost_solid
lee, and. it Wes this open mouth that
kept the water low all up the rivee to
eaitherd, and kept the islands from
keing lee cottoned.
thiaftb OP lInaLT11.---The first tneet.
ing of the Board of Health wan held
on Monchee evening last, the follow.
inatileire' belle; ketlent w. Mayor
Elliett. Dr. Holmes. M. H. O., DM.
Macklin, Utkra tee and °allow, and
Jatne4 Wheat. The mayor
was apPOitited chairman, and •• tbe
heard Btittled in by It diccuesion en
he Matter Of cleat:hag up back ytirdai
W..' *bleb We* len in „the hands
f the OCIledret fit thceboard, the acre-
ry to get notices Minted for Waite
is those in default, On motion ef Dr.
faeltiiii and Mr;iclitiltan the secretilrY
Wa# if:strutted tamake a summary of
he bpleet reepeeting elosing outside
Wets end Welke end; publish notice
the Meal •flepere. Dro. Holnles.
tinter 1404. Oldrit teeee aPPehlttil
OMMIttee ttilOOk hito the queetion
ilk inspeetieft end report at Future
eating tit Abe UMW; Oti thee7311g.
mitten of DrItteklin, the efecretiery
as empower to arrange for a sup.
lp of antkokine bo avottable
mos atienfa were uneble tee'
640 fetr It. leer t ion it jotipaitti,
lth the theletetatnling tket tolir of
intetetion of ettd elatighter
ffilafti Went Made:01 Wedefeedey
ftertieette:, tint*. tolloWing
where *beg on had titaliViait wits
do to %Imhof the Piet* In let:n.11014
end the tottoolttee tepottlIteaott
;itsi the Rgelatoran
7preetteditentke mate 10 Anted, to any
het wittekrotato MUM tehell not Mee
'tired:deed, n,;:e • ne
'St ;1/4110124,1,.
execooal .....teteltetes
the etlangt
" tttlehbfrIstil
ILOCei Notices,
.Prosh leisk 'Osinys ori hoina, t
And dellVete4 Wadi Pena ef the WWII. Iseavo e
olden atellioes enthttlignatele,Ceatelg Hem. 0
Ya#. bOttlei ot ourisyllall'ado Bust o
let.c,_Dse'bettle: Sete et It. W. a
Tilemrietrapreg seers. ^
7 If naiiiiiinnitist• atte t t
et the Luditite A ef the linnet e
*ay In el* lilting tritIVI the iv
matelot. ern . Rood
tebenurprepered,fri Which
ill let vattia veer_ solo:
sorted. Adnitiatte
e •
II bee 3'uttiootititestainfitcht
kidiaillikt MAY Sekrickg bit Abell
tint Theentettilement *Mettle, ,„
tifetchilitrekadm eMtli eAdat.
A etkleysibietline intwted. Ate C
10 Cents.
itVoitaitt *Oft MitOrkFte-Alie, et.'
AillowtillePlefticatittliik, lists et Aker
ttiVkleitatie it* relation td thosewh
it. tag nortelino Maki
tits Medi* tits
*Ando* ono p
Wit in tiOddrich.,
tit lanerkftittiti
tt, ,Iket
be k tke
SO* 4i!4•‘ )90
. 44tok Mite Tbee WPM ,
Olott ciWaY the'lend Mit of the,
S Thoo ,00300:joset kik . fleTtliehte. utal we-•-••knoW net ,
*ootlog•the erowo, 00mo, 0111y lave 3414,im,
*Ad. Alto put* „Azd'' Poor ;.tlittoforo wok
Photo solth ttoto- thoto.,:gmhl forth, wee .that Meer- diseIple*.
tke ' • - ssisit owl v4tost tothe ovoIohto. •
"elliert TrIeStS 4 $0 Online beat legialtere
teetefigkentleitteete:AdV: WM. ,andthe other clittelpie oat, :
..theyetiet10:14.-Mylniti."PitigifIr ina Teter. audaUtlici-faitIO the '
1.3itn„cetteittliitte '4'11,etit fveltie lleludeltres, • 1,
-veto thene, Take; Se.a:1111. ' ,,And eteepittre
;/41,,elf)? ionh.flar.;,filuAL 0,4 .tcogi and•loolting lu, Sate linen
4341* " tolothts- Molt yot tvent he net
- * , , •
t3 When -therefore ' .6 Then etnnetit Sittion Peter'
heard thet saYing, 410110001a ' following hitn, nud, welt Imo
testis rite ,sat, 44syn, le the sepulthre,; cued seet13 .
I a ie.
tahh lilt! iAtli ejAllitatet111:1), u .U11. U31 tetewlit4 44h
$ 'Then went le oleo Veit •
other which came first
to tlte.'septdchre, and be saw
and believed.
9 Tot as yet they time mot
scriptem, thlit be 'est rise
again (Mtn tbe (teed,
, Theu the elecirles wept
,tile J..5 g tu5 iteat III il'Alllitlee
that Is ex3 ma' the' revementi,
but le: the pre*, Of:heat:a, •
14 And it swo4 ,,. the Otoeor0-
. tloo.ot tub ,bass4v44404,4abtlut
the eieth hem` ,t feed it earth
11131°' Ote POO 'par
t$' lint they cried Ont. AWaY
with hen, 43V113* r*alk75, ltite,
erucify bum Aide peitl: tint°
thene,Shall crucify yetteleiter?
. Tim ehief ,ptieeteettedeeed. We
have pa kiAgtelt-Ceeser. '
t6. Then :delivered ,lief bia,1
therefore utAtii thetir ee entel-
Bed. And, they Melt tepee, anCi
led hi* away, , 7
17 n Al14 U2Dritly4 ttiD
Itrentibetia Intl) tk. pdtien Celled
the placer of A skell,„ Which is
is called in theleettew
gather ;
t8 ITIThere they erueified
hen, and two *therewith him,
en either side one, cittd. Jesus
then:1(1st. • , •
ic. And Pilate tveote. a title,
• and put itnn -*Wares's: --
the writing. wea ;11tSITE OP '
TER JEWS. • • 14 Atid when she bed thus
' _tinier -she turned herself bark,
at -a - -a' • • • - 9111:1 saw festia standing, and
40. Thee took them the body knew net that it nes Jesus,
of. Teem, ;and wound• it uin Ellen
15 Jesus saith unto her, Wo.'•
clothes with tbespices, as the •
man, why weepest thou? whottt
., manner of the Jews n to le11,3 ,se kest thou? She, supposing
Now inthe- place": avbere itieni to be the gardener. snith
he was cticified there wns n unto him, Sir, if thott have
horimbanelience, telt me where -
thou hast laid hini, and 1 will
hike hint away. -
16 Jef4119 with unto her,
Mary. . She turned herself, and
vetch unto him, RAM -mut; which
19 to say, Master. -
re Jesus pith unto her.,
Touch me not; for I otn not yet
aseended to my rather: hut go
to my brethren, and say titan
theut, I ascend nnto 7117 rather,
and ;your rather; and to my
Clod, and your God.
- 18 Mary Magdalene came
and told the discipleil that she
had sect] theland, and Oaf he
2 Then she runneth, and corn- had spoken these things unto
-erthat.0,-,;:aeinafeter,.and tette -ter;
tep,egig• tt plece.hy •
b ,
away again uuto t leir ow»
51 Bat Mary, stood ,without
at the sepulchre weeping : and
as she wept, she steeped dolma
and looked into' the sepulchre.
72 And seed', twq (meets iu
wbite 'statue-, the one at tlie
head, aud the other at the feet,
where the finely cif jeans. bud
33 Aud they say unto her,
Woman. why weepest thou?
ebe shith uuto• them, Ilecause
they beve takeu awaa my.Lord,
and I kuow not where they
hive laid hint.
_garden ; and in the garden a
--ne-e-ic7seeiiiIehee,-rellerein was:
mever man yet laid,
, 42. There laid they Jesus.
therefore bec.ause of' the Jew's
preparklen day ; for the sepul.
chte was nigh at band.
The Resurrection
Jaw, Chap. •XX
The first day of the week
coineth Mary Magdelene early,
when it was yet dark, unto the
eepulchre, and seeth the stOue
taken away front the sepulchre.
•DON'T elms Pe. -The Alliston Her-
ald says ip reference to Miss Doty's
work : "The church was crowded to
the doors long before the hour for
commencing the programme. The
lest numbee. 'Garland the Cross,' was
a splendid spectacular number, and
copoluded a programme at once beau-
tiful. unique, entertaining and in-
structive." Entertainment in North
eSvte. ndlinegth.odist Church, blaster Monday
BANK OBANGIfg. -The following
changes In the bank staffs of Goderieh
have recently occurred: Mr. J. Suther-
land, teller of the Bank of Commerce,
ha's gone into the Sterling Bank, and
is eucceeded hy Mr. A. M. Hush, of
Walkerton; Mr. Wm Elliot, of the
Sovereign, has gone t,o the branch at
Stoufrville, on promotion; Mr. J. T
Thomas, of Guelph. has succeeded Mr.
Pennefather, as teller at the Bank of
Montreal. the latter joining the staff
of the' United Empire Bank at Hatnil-
Brief Town Topics.
Hours at the Post Office toalny
(Good Friday) will be from 10 to 11
a. tn. and, 8 to 4 p. in. and on Monday
from 10a, m. to 1 p. in. only.
The owner of a lady's . muff, which
was left in -North street Methodist
church, can have same Hy applying to
Mrs. Wm. Faegan, Wolfe °Erma.
Every business place on the Square
should tm connected with the main
sewer. The outside closets should
long since have been a thing of the
past, and this, Is'the proper season to
rectify the evil.
It is expected the bricklayers will
start to daypn Thomas Warrener'e bak-
ery on Flamilton street. This boaters,
will be °beef the best In Ontario, am all
the latest hnprovementa in ovens mei
inachinery will im utilized in it.
Mr. E. P. Paulin hag Just received a
freeli stock of Campbell's Varnish
Stains. These stains are easy to
apply and are very naefui for staining
and varnishipg furoiture, floore and
Thieriot woOdirork. Mitter ;Lek for
color card.
Albert Welters, a former Colborne
boy, who bets been reading Toe NT In
in Cartwright, Man., but, is now to
cated In Winnipeg, wettest "I would
not like to miss getting Tort seam as
it co full of newt; aud le most interen-
ting tleroughout." .Thatitte;
The extraordinary fine went her the
past two weeks has etarted outside
tvork generally, farther and mechanic,
alike bevingstatted spring operat tone.
Again the busy bonito:vire lo (looting
out the cornerS and taking op the
carpet, itnd Beneellet.19 getting a few
extra cold mettle. , -
On Tuesday His 1-tetiorJudge Dovie,
beard thenppeal la the Homan liquor
cane. find t•eeerved Palgflient. It will
be remembered that the charge was
6110 Of onoolyieg lequet, to a percent
under the influtece liquor, and that
after beating the Oeidence the late?
M., Chas. 'A. rieushete tilomiseed the
charge. Obooty , Attorney so:Igor
appetund fee the CreiVrt, and Win
Proutlfoets.E. 03. ettpeared In comport
of the P. M's. inthonent.
TneittlayJMM and Pattlek Ron.
nedy, brotherie *ere eluteged before
.3otaetb. 'Is.#11MS. nialiciOna don -
de te erepertZe Tha property Ito
We& a 11410'.ffilirt arid inan y of
thee (rent Wintleill 0 the King Ed -
Wind Hoteh all .1141 hg magma to
videog. tb6toutiodim Of the hear-
ing Mr. JortlatittIMMIlted the defend-
ants tor trial titt, the ittott 'Court, ot com-
tootiolimilcilon, the two brothers
tbe next Methiltig of the bola t 16101t affillIttad 'to ban in entetihe of
Maw% &stets -sr Soltnitoss, ili1500 earth, the hell bring ft joint one
le end eitilkstr« for 'IMO,
Conclusion of the Heavy Docket
Which Lasted till Saturday
'rho civil ease Williams vs. Pigott et
al Wits given to the Jury shortly after
p. 111. 'NUM.:111W, after a 1M1g
(-harem by His Lordship, Mr. Justice
end after nit al1130130fI Of three
hours they answered a Het of questions
and returned to court, • with a verdict
ef #5,500 for plaintiff, and Elle Judge
awarding $1,000 emus, 1110,110 the ver-
dict $0,N10. Cameron 1(11111P/M tor
plain:it?, and Prot el foot • K. (.1„ a nd
Blair for defenuante. This is the ens..
arising mit of the aculdent on the C.
P. It. constrnetion work last August.
when by the upsetting of a gravel ray
and ilinkey engine, William.; wee so
seriously burned ala I o since lost
part of one arm and be erippled for
"Quaid et al vs. Hamilton, an avlinn
for the ,sale of n horse, wee supposed to
have been settled wit of rourt and no
Judgment was rendered,
Minh h vs. Pollnek, nn eel ion for the
abduetion of plaintiff's two children.
and fur nn order to produce t lie chile
dren or (Inclose their leesidenee, r
Hutted in a vertliet for defendant, with
costs The defend was el:elated
ith having aided his si,ter, the wif..
of the plaintiff, lo leave the euuntry
with her two ehildt•ett, molted, the
order of the court. The plaintiff',.
wife left him Rome years ago, and
minin that, there has been quite nn
amount of litigntion over the two
children. Thp defendant's tottily 1:1•141
eittlote; religinue beliefa, one of the
siStere being n, spirituelle:tie medium.
On Imre:int of hie wife's redigiolue be.
110(9, eneth got an melee emu mitt
mane time ago thin the ehildren ahould
he giRen :tot() m nut ees hie wife:alto:1141
give a bond that the children would
not he taken outeiele the kith:Minion
nf the enure Immediately t hp Wifp
diesippeared with the children, and fee
driving her to Seaford, the defendant
• :91ilintAR,V‘"
titeceeOlt 14414 InOrnillt Pt Wit
0.4 looll.rolVIlostrow ,de,Atherip.
Jow efte* A leng, 11
OeStieage4.3$ itere 00. three -Menthe,
ThottelotilleatakbotTk4TeladOkAtigtiltu. 014,1,7,
Ettelield Reatie-lete Sehtlear
teraeole: Meltittne• tenteteley.ttl
p esencepr malty MOM*. The eillelet,
leg orinietee wealiev.'W. 4.1. Heahant.
eel- the 1101hearera warn. Meeere,
Otenntnett..X Neavele. tectfe,atoopf
non, 9. Atone Ana AA:Vet:1N : •
' Wed tin -bleithee lUst
ate. the, reildellee ot 4r. rtiibiTt
aged 65 yawn. The•deceesiel lady, who
MOB. Ave,. AlarY Ilohnott
(ahem a WIdaw for meny yetene was
sister of Oolonel Varetiet hatl
gen 10 tor About four,Aveelte .ct,t the
hue of her death. The flittetel, took.
Irme cm Monday afternoon born ldr,
onefeereeidence to the family plot
101°11:erne Cemetery, W, It.
fitadieq, B. A., eanduated service at
'thole:Moaned at the geeve, Villd the
pall4fewre were hiessre, leehan-
Me 1. Edward, W, MOVittita Hot.
ney, A. Davieon anti Relit. Elliott.
. Itueetatee,--A won known. citizen,
in the person of John Itenclintrom died
at the Alexandra II0spital early
MendeY morning ata the advanced
age of 85 years. Deceased was an old
retildent, and Ionia a litelniler of the
well known liuncilliati fondly. all of
whom wore eleilled machiniets. While
the salt interest wee at' its best, the
late Joo. Rutteltnan invented several
improvements for the industre. but
before they were peopeely the rear.
ket the !minium; had ,fallele aWay so
intieb that no 8410 -wale be Made.
The old gentleman.. however, Worked
on until the Leona.) of Ida decease, and
his last months of lifo (at the neeet:
factory) were pleamint ones among
the machinery he loved, and the Mild-
ness of the manager Iliad MAR of the
establiiihnlent. The deeeaeed, in the
fauntia"stittlrldmi°114aVihYoutttfetten4i One witneeilthanocif
Dungannon, and had many profitable
contracts, and toward the end of the
leat_mentioned-ecfeada- he -managed
the` well known nonchalant 'Foundry
on East street. The funeral took
place on Tuesday afternoon to Mait-
land cemetery. in presence of a num-
ber of old friends. The ehuroh Act,.
vice being condnoted hy Rev. Jas.
Hamilton. The employeeS of the
Goderich Organ Co. placed a pretty
wreath on deceased's, casket in- me-
moriam, and the pall bearers, ttil from
the t establishment, were Measta..J.
Robertson, P. Stokes, A. Meltay,
W. Pellow, A. Alexander end U.
Too:Amos. -The. Mitchell Advocate
of hot week bad this reference to the
late Mrs. Thomson, mother of Me. H.
VV. Thomson, of town• It is with the
(teepee'. sorrow that the Advocate
chronielea the death of Mrs. 'Walter
Thomson, who paased quietly away et
"Inglewood," the (Amity residenee, on
Wednesday evening last. The dee
()eased, W110,•ce lint iStint „„,,tilatikt Was
Owl:dine TT. !Glee, wao horn atTilint„;
ingdon, Quebee, and Nom. with her
parente4 to Stratford in the year MO,
Later she cline' to Nliteliell ea a teach-
er if, out. public) 8011001 and pursued
Dile work with marked R11000103 for
three years. Hiner* her marriage she
has always resided here nmi has miete
pied so large it phase the life of 011r
community that it is dinicult tri
describe or 'estimitte the varied
and helpful forma 1101' aetivitv
simnel. Under her direction "Ingle -
wend" has attempt been a eon tre of
light said sweetness, and a synonym
for hospitality 119 ftritel01114 11.8 it WI1P
11110111111(1. ThOtIgh devoted to honie
and family the deeeitfied ever
nmintaineel an intelligent eael helpful
interest in civic, national and religious
affairs. Poineesed of truly re ..... rkable
powet el of in.ight and diacrimination,
and constantly eriltivating them by
wide muting and by etelmelation with
the leaders in I irvreo t 1111en of
thought, Mho Wits able in discums and
estitnnte eel -rent questions in a wny
that parried conviction and het. npin
inns were stlweys worthy of reappet
anti ennoideratinn, Our Kyrnprithy
gime out to the family who Helfer in
her retnoval a Necond here/cement with-
in a few weekn. We rimy assure them
that the eommunity le also bereaved
A 111.. riehly gifted mei en devoted
to the general good amonget out.
most precious poem:Woes and i t e hel I
le dlatInetly poorer by the removal of
one WhooP example /171111 itifluenee
will al wnve remember with gratitude
and love,"
The Clinton Collegiate football club,
hot/tete of the !lough eup, have reor
geteized with t he toile:wing ollicers :
Prealdent, A. P. thindry: vieepresi-
dent, .1. W. Treleaven; secrete) 1..1.) ens -
II rm.. J R. litonleill: captain, l'I• 311/ 0-
kenyle; executive commit tee, VV. Tay•
tor, I,. M ;inning, C. Copp; repreeen te-
nets to W. 14'. A., Whielk IIII*AiN in St rat -
ford on Good Prldity, W. Taylor. The
chit) has revolved a elialletige hoot
London Collegiate, Illit the date of the
match is not net yet.
1111,rt. Will4 IL III rgol 7 Alt 0041011 mete -
ing of howler% on Tined:: y, nt. 1 he• an•
.mial of t hp (lielerich Bowling Assocfn-
t ion. Ain.: the :mind fortnal ripening
pre:reedit:its. a, reeointion - tie.) the
was brought to court, MIN. Bruit h has EserittiVe MIti1111111 op rind ....ere tat v
never been seen since. Pollock. sweat prepare IL OW1,441144 ‘.14L41.1144.44 of t he
TIP dnefl Lot know where she is, nl- ,bil,',4 Mending for prow:elation ett the
((Heigh he asserts that he /taw hec next rimming," we., car -fled. The elec.
I 'trough his sister as a medium. llow• t ion ef 01Thee s for the eurren I year 141-
pver, hives preiven that Pollock did Aolled as rnnow... viz : Pion. preside:1o,
not know blii iii,iter'e intentions when Pl. L. Diektnann: president, .Intnee 1 1
he di ove her to Searnri h. 811 the ease Tlgert: viee-prenident,'W. A. Mc K Itte
wila. daininerill°117111y. Co. vet, On 0. 'I'. It., cutler rommit tee E. fi Blair, A Pnr-
meret a ry• tce anti re r, WIII• 1,11110 V‘e•
an stetIon f7 lir demagog for the fleet , sees ter aryl lie. Wooer, with t he • elected -
tion of some trektle work on olio rail- (Aileen:, A naltors W. II. Robertoon
wav trark, and an order to provent. end T. T. Leelle. The ammo! fee was
further damage to the beink below plared at 31, the 011,111P as lest year.
ffarhor Park, was by enn74ettl, of roun• Renee!! Pox wail by imanimons vete
cud adjourned. eleeted an honorary member or the
Illy. Pal wardo ve. Gotiet•ieb Planing manelatinn. A motion was carried di -
Mills Co. flie Lordohip gave a iist id' reefing the aerretary•trereaner te write
quentinnn to he aneweeed by the jury. and forward to Men. Chan. A. Ilemiber
and on reeeiving the riflemen itieg,ave a letter of condolence on the death of
04ga-tient for thf. defendant re rtitiiTi, V, her bnaband. Among the other reef>
with roan; against, the plaintiff. Tile iniime, tarried were fled a toorns
plaintiff sued for dant:wee for the 14),II men t he hold each year; that funds; bp
of a emovie of fir:gore im hie left. hand, etiacel by rashneript ion, It011 thnt the
returned by thp machine nt whteli hp elide elenfl have rot an ennuel dinner,
WSW working in the defendant's mill.
The plaintiff argued that there Wan
44111 ranch rubbitilli on tho floor. nn
with+ he slipped, and that there wag
not nufileient guarel over the knieca oti
file 1111),P111110. 1113WetIpt. It was proved
In tlwe contrary in bah ranee. it oVtlA
brOUght 14)1110 the lefendanta had
hills, ftiVe li I'm half pall while dieabled,
offered in pay the p aintlfra (totally
and take him heck wheAA reenveriel at
4110 canto tenger; de in, re, Thin he
had refined. I/lettingen ',Garrote for
the plait:MT, anti Wendt, it,,,it,„ &
illair for the defer:Jame.
IO gertlicit ve, Merlin
attion ariaing mit of LI
etalliou and Ito allcaod
!Aft residlfq at likiland.
niMit Was .glvtifs for p
datltagtloeltit Oft to h
Sleeting Calendar.
Tee regster Meeting Of the fiederlalt benneti
of rho oinon'o stitote will he tient at the
home of Virs. Hoch:wan. MIT NIAS7011
1,terthr171 She, on Thursday.. aprIl ffli, At 51
oirlovIc oeidecf for dieeiewion, '14priett
ammo] meeting of 141. deercre s vestry la,
M0.7•71774 ovonligs. April los, 31107,
11,,g17171r mootiner of the eublie 4.4+001
mr.1 oral 11.1ovidny nv °flint:
Auction Sale Reitister
le) veal en le, tit ral naiSpsor;•wrinnieisp.,arell,r1,airineecit otttitoTtaiitn.,a,-AdutcsititeoBt:
1°IPY` oilverwere, clothing, ctco ntivaarr's
trio Ammer Rooms, irauditon Otrcet, at 7.3o
n. in. iicerptislog rattA
thoto:emnot::e ott JotiOPit 110111440
tho liVreolgor ot tho York. IA**
To the tourloo ot ereu Crown Att
torney Drayton, J000ph, Phi:144 fore
mop hood ot the York 0ouoty Leon
awl Savlogo Compaq; Pleaded tollitY
to the Sessiene at Toroeb? Oa BatttiOT
lust to) chaege of melting talae re:
term The move wee a etubleu one.
Afton:revering in (mutt in the morn,
ing Asa ),Ikkving casendieurned till
2 o'clock. Phillipe was brought back
before Judge Wincheeter at noon. lie
wee. indiehel Joe publishing. a faise
etatnient, veel the annttal statement or
the year ending Deo. 31, WW1 in whicli
conmany`e mortgages on land -Went
()Mutated by e0,465,20, and the
ties to shareholders were understated
to the extent of at least 817,0001000.
" pleue guilty," said he.
. Thee his counsel, Mr, J. E. Jones,
entered en a long coven:one Mr.
Jones' addresti was followed by a
Wong addeess hy Judge Wineheatm
against the prisoner. Then the blow
fell. Five years in the penitentiary
was the sentence. •
The charge publishing a false return
is laid under the Criminal Codes which
reindeer/ not onit that the Welty of
the return must e proved, but that
the defendant made the return wilful,
br with Intent to deceive, lited the
charge been laid tinder the Ontario Aet.
the Crown tvoula not have NIA to
'prove anything but the falsity, hence
the Dominion Aot Is easter for the de-
fendant to face than the other.
It May be noted also that the reason
'the Ontario ct is that the Police
whe the cliturfe was not laid under
Court proceed ngs continued just ate
days longer than the ported' under
which this could be done.
There are two other indictments
against Phillipa, 0110 charging him
with conspiracy and the other with
Rev. Dr. Ramsay, of Ottawa, who
occupied the pulpit of Knox Church
last Sunday, gave two very excellent
iscoursesw h telt Were much apprecia-
ted ley the lerge congregations. In
'hive morning diner:nese oti prayer, using
the position of an. ambits:treetop or a nat-
ional represetitutiye Ina foreign court,
Ranisity gave titteranceei regarding
the difference between a Canietian
and n British representative In deal.
ing With Derninion affairs which
.certainly,were in favor of the fortner.
Next eundey the Sabbath Sehoot
anniversin•y services will be held in
North St. Methodlet Church. Rae. H.
A. Ge•altion, 13, A., of St. Mary's will
speak -- mniating, afternoon, and even-
ing. In the morning he will give an
address lo the S. S. 1740110I11,111, in the
end dreamt! of Ilie eburch, and special
musle will he given by tho
1. iterate -Awake '
.7 237, litmo of Mister
earsil.,4,vccIty emot
11% - the afternoon a platform
meeting will be betel, which will be
chi ;seised by the Rev. Mr. Graham.
'Mete will 0.11341 110 it flee proy,01.111 Of
music, 10 Lin evening Mr. Graham
will preach and the ehoir under the
leaden:111p of Mr. Adams will render
the followIng special Kanter in•ogram
of mink,:
Aultorm l'p t11.7sc,
y77717107, The 111:401itletic.
Anthmts The Pstaltust
St, Peter's Separate School,
Class atanding fot• Fehrtinty 111111
March. Bimini' IV. Over per cent
of total number of nun ks Russell
Pox, Mary Lacey, Willie Doyle, Willie
Phelan. Over /4.1 per cent MitrJot•y
Kielty. Over 73 pet vent Ernest
Page. ,
Junior IV. Over tio per een 1--
ey liertey, Vent flood. OVP1-
1-45 171.11t Laiirty Martin. Over
70 per emit Robert Dean, . Ethel
Foley, Napoleon Oravelle, Mary 31r.
Antr,tviiipe.r, fbetaid lodd, Evelyn Doyle.
Over 00 per vent En Is I bulge, Hugh
'Phiril Clans, Over XII per vent -
Agnes Doyle, Charlie K Idil, Nellie
Phelan. Terry Kidd. Over 71/ per
rent Jrateph Mini, Earl Is idly, Ida
Dean, Bertha Ilargita, Nora Hurley.
fiver CO per omit, 'rom !lurk. eel.-
gi Jardine. Over 10 pet vent Irene
Martin, John Slattery.
. See:net Class, in order of merit.
Mary Jardine, Basil Kelly, Cecilia
Webb, Cyril theitore, JAMPN 110101,
Irene loner, Josephine Healy, itoht.
Voltsy, Bernard I .o t no , M argaret
Parr, Helen Kelly, Prank Finn, Ed
vv(11'3,141rt"HeiPeYetnel, in eviler nf tnerit -
.100 -ph Kelly, Hazel Phelati„loseph
Illurle), French; Bergh N'ora Paige,
Margaret Doyle, May Foley, (tel.:till
"Wf•r11, absent doting
ex:mill:alit:10C 1•110t0f7AP their !mull,.
1101 111)1.
C. P. R Construction Notes.
one of the stringiest that will form
half the span over the ft T. tt. traek
is now en the content wall«, ...od the
oi her will la. 111 position in a day or
two. and A tee, days aft rrwardq the,
in Isis' iv, 13)17711. t Wili rOttip:ei the
merles of arches over ettiVer•t, railroad
find (1 VpI.7 bet Weell (11,0131h anti (hal.
prick will be in running order. 'rho,
-art I. II Ark. over 1417311S71w 141n.1)7711 Tula
stood the wi n et well, end a few weeks
rontininais dumping of ballast trains
will level II With 11P bridgPq h
Handiton Spertnt or 7 The Canadian
Paelfle Railway company, announ •
vet, 1111 i i ft it !frog ra III tor the Ilaff
Fwason Oyu it7 744 art ling in its centime-
hensiveneus. In the; part of the
votintry 1 he Toron to-tand Miry line, 173
Miles, will he rompleted M Overton
will te. rennet -tett with Goderieh : the
nelph-Ooderie h line will be emit-
pleted: Walkerton and Proton will
he Joined, and a hralleh Will Join Lia-
t0Wel With the Guelph•Genierielt
No mention in innate of the Hamilton
Guelph Junetion lino ; but that. We
understand, Is not to he built directly
tir the eorrepany, hut by a private eyn•
dieate to be lemed to and operated tiv
the C. P. R. In the west a hoot of lines
are to be built --of whit+ the moot Im-
portant and mon( far-reaching In ita
effect will he 'he doubling of tho main
lino track horn Port Militant to Win-
nipeg. Inenninch ret paneenger traina
are few on this seetilon, and there are
practically none Inn through tattoo on
the section, the doubling of the Wolk
Will Increase the earrying eapaelte of
the diviaion to an anemone extent. It
will eimply mean a proceeelon of train°
each way. Ono double treek toed 14 !Ideate' la rep°
worth mow than wow olottlo track".1 stem ta het t
thirtwir 11440104.0, •
Tbo tollowlet the popeletion ftee:
ne elannteV for 40OttendltiVill be seen'
htitiele 14 *head: of ISA yeses. roll*
thetOtele for llse pest threes helps 56631s
1400. ism '
s Is. • . .. • * 41 in* .....
Mretitly te • 11,,,In • • ..... t4.0:19 (1/
I'Vviar•-•, • 3 2
Innate: ..
.77. Oki .. ....
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pgarr - i.,
Ostiaewanose,.. . .,„,. .... .. ; .. : . ...Hid
OtKil't:), • •$**,,,•*,•.s..1,11.• ..... .• "4 : I
TN YAWAIK1014.:‘,14.0.:fik IN 01 "...Jilin
_ %vows est: vtrautees.
noticed . . .... - .:...', ......... . MD et
ulletois sim) NB
.. ONO ............ •Aol ay.,.
11714111i, f . .
ME 8:3
2211 Dad
Wingbeen s.,., 240 get
Wm/Otter tit 131
anti) . 003 013
A Kindly 'Pedimental.
,Ftneardina ftilview.
On Pride." 03rening last the home of
Matthew' Meelreight. lot 31, eon. etb,
Iluroe, was tite scene of CI pleaseem
and happy gathering, when a host of
neighbore sWooped down and took
possession of the place. The intentions
were good as wee afterwards shown
when -Mr.,and Aire, Mg:Omit/03r were
made the recipients of two handsome
presents, being a line bookcase and
writing desk. and e reeking chair.
The following addrese was read by
Nathaniel Bele and the presentation
made lee Matthew Moore, John Suth-
erland and John Bell t
To Mr. end Mre. Matthevr MeCreleht.
Demi Fittainea-We telt° much pleasure in
Lop.resenting you MoCrigint) with this own.
MoCrolahtl with ibis rookisg_eholr, tuf
hied Woke:0o and writing deltic, and you
marks et our maul win and outman, tier auteY
years you have resided in our midst. sod {14 the
more o _your sternal: Worth und kindly Moped.
l'oara r104 be We Won) learned Dune and
Won. he many note of kindoess of yourself
and wife deserve a wore valuable recognition
at our hands, but waned awned that yOu win
appreehtte the gate. not merely for then Poole
filmy video, but ou necoont of the feelings
whiet.have-prottintert them:mom- fa yourde,
simmer years we hope you both will have
RAM, hAPPIII0S11 and orosperityoute live mans'
years yet to help and cheer your friends and
neighbors, as In the soot, Thtit God's richest
blOseintre new be bestowed on you 0 the earn.
oat wish ot us ell.
Dated at tho Township of Huron, this Dlot
day Of March, A. I), Ittin.
Signed on behalf of your old Mends and
neighbors by
JOHN too.a.,;_ •
M Arum w MOORE, 7
JOHN 8171115RLAND.
Mr. eloOreigin and his good wife
were completely taken by surprise and
it was with difficulty that he was able
to reply. He thanked the gatherieg
for the mark of esteem and great kind-
ness and egmpathy 1311311 times.
This opening having been concluded
-Crystal Gossett was moved to the
viutir and the following programme
rendered : Reading, filre, N. Belli song.
John Hell; duet, Mr. and Mrs. Dell; in-
strumented eolo, Miss Cornish; violin
solo, by T. Cornish and C. Gossett;
tfuet, violin and organ, Illias•Cornieh
and Hewett Fraser; sung, .1. Hell, and
a duet on violins' by Messrs. M. Moore
:And N, Bell mut given. Speeches were
mede by Moment. Senniel MoMurehie.
T. (Jennie:1i and Thomas "Wildcat, Otti
Huron, in which they spoke of the
genial social goalities of the host and
hostess and their ever ready friendahip
and symtuithy on ali occasions 'rhos.
Hooey also added his teetimony and
etelorsed the sentiments. After the
programme the young people retired
to anothee part of the house where
they indulged in daneing, but the
er people enjoyed the more quiet way
of pulsing the evening In cameo. John
I tell and 0, Goodell, however, had to
show the tieing hopefuls how etep
dancing was done In days gone by,
much to their enjoyment.
It will he. an evening long remem-
bered by the host and hosteen.
eleitoor.. The follovving le the re -
Nutt of the annual pi onention exam-
inations: eh.. V to Sr. V., Pass 500-
I nona rel M ell n MS. Jr. IV to Sr.
IV., Pass WM -Ferneet Mcliwain 304,
Rey Ken' 40:1, Mabel W Henn 48S, Alert -
reale Kirkpatrick 131. III to Jr, 1Nr.
Pans 3115 Reginald Olen 501. Jr. III to
Sr. I I 1, Pans Le15 Worthy Hymn 372,
Olive NieNee 322, Victor Young and
Harold 012. -FANNte
(In.% , Teacher.
la McNiff; it Apearances at time
of writing Indicate an early spring.
'rho spring birds are nearly all- here,
lett the frogs have yet to he heard
from. Rev. Mr. Anderson, of Blyth,
;freewheel missionary eermene at. the
dIffeient. appoIntrnenta In Walton de-
ceit Imo Sabbath. Route of the na-
tives; who have maple trees tapped
them:snit are enjoying sweets.- -Mrs.
Coats line liold her farm 1.0 Hol•
*1109, anti we hear ehe intends going
to reside in Drum:eels. - The now rall.vay
With waiting II1P finishing touches In
t lie vicinity of Walton last week. --The
film:red of the late Mre. Plimps00 wan
well attended coreadering the very bad
state 4,f the ronde. The Flinging At
tet hel Met hodint Church last Sabbath
wag n. high order; the members of
the rhoir present. were Mise 'Mary E.
Reek well. Mils Mende MeEcyan,
llocen,.. Stitt and Mr, (leorge Dundas
with Alice I /nodal; as organiat.- -
The Weet raking in a number
of mir pP4+7,4r Wlirs ren not hts yoyy vven
spared !Ovid Mid '7iteheon and 5011
tett for seiik Mellon :in mi Tuesday of
laal week: 1 hey went Oa to eomplete
the ..ett lenient dotter; en hie; borne -
stead out there,
i'vrtoon st., M784 4 Osten Linffeld, of
Carlow, tV/1,4 r01),Wing acquaintances
here the post week 31lese Olive Fee-
ler, who IA teaching school At Dante.
near Rot haven. le home for the teeter
holt/bus. Mike 1,11110 MeLean will
epend the Easter holidaym at her home
atTKiliiint'1\i'litartuta. We are. getting
beautiful spring weather. Nlost of the
birds aro here from the :tenth, and the
croak Ind of from; ean be heard every
evening, and with the prevent weather
the roads will he dry in a few days. --
A large thiek of wild emeriti were seen
hovering over the fields hero this week.
Gettents NoTeit. -Several of the
people from here attended the stock
;reit, 'n'thnlininofiadrinneniegabrbUrre' wWe,aillasbilwete7:11k:
Good prIeen were realized. three of hie
heavy hornet; bringing a trifle over
fall° In eaoh.- Several people front
Port Albert, along with a number or
the Sheppardton people. forkted
little surprice party at the home ot
Mr. and Mm. Will. Vrooman. and a
little Impromptu dance was indalged
in, everybody geentingly 011J4M1rig •
themaelves to the tittnost.--'14wOrewere
electric storm., accomptmled tain,
pasted over hero duriug the pfeet Week,
the lightning being v.e„...telib:iiettlynitlen, dtotheei
thundot. heavy. hue 110 dethege irk:Hatt
ire et iettleleet.
se 1