The Goderich Star, 1907-03-22, Page 4•.O.Rt MAi kt , 190 be i.Mh 'P'X' !na'1 bltlt A . iuktuc11 w;r lig • IN TUC PAYS QF Tedi CANADA COMPANY. ip000 tt11eft esoh 1 � Does it selld.out goo blood: or bad blood? You know, for itood blood :eft good 'health; bad blood;, bid health. And e is t .what to you know�x ea 1K Y tale for bad blc od- AYCr's. S:arsaparilia.. Doctors have indorsed it for 6o Ours. ttaa, tsaaaeve aba.MIIa•1 iiluw1Mr• tt scsa ate .Mi4u qq illsr 4104. t u+1rN+open Ktayesa ar : The L' 1 l 0 1h X eYo f W lt. AnInteresting 'Days of the Huron Tract. The toliowlpg paper dealing with this section, of Ontario was sued bc- fore a meeting of the St: Thomas 'corms' flIstorical Society, by Allis Dlargaret Christie, now a resident Of Montreal: ReAL ESTATE AOENTS with the comistuy.was dater.,. *Wow W tmnertILIMtl into: by found• Ingo city in his honor, But Utlelpb. fire {infant -ciity, was. Ya t'fftuairlr and: tinderich viae retter'vstI for the plat which 4delin f the Vette S dotne ie iinY - The company* ill order to .provida the 'knowledge of the Kdvantsgee o?. feted hy'their settlement and for con-. ,%eniefice of *mottle ti'ayeltiug in Choir; domains. and to encourage settlement, length of ttrnave 41 i'iwll., spsome tr ]X for 9 -ter q R - and .. 1 4 u •oaf IUD R ar , bonne! S �. q Lively for the tiarciS Rltvt:rn9 kept b Sebastian cry (ogle, :Reimer and Jatcoh feellaetl.' one -of .theconditions on .wbleb tide was given was that traveller* llhouid he entertained there et prfco usual n the older settlements,. .%Ibeit, apart from reattonat,bleneas of pr1Ce, the 'eh' ant1,i . iatt accnlnntndet.lotl Were putts. I,tiyely elulier. If gueate were num.. crows, they were obliged to double up: be ht. it n attar/ger Who w ht hl►ppen to t e onlY y uccu ant. The furnish. in Wore oleo primitive -betties fee holding tallow candies. Routs of �tor MING Sz ROBERTSON REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE;Et1Oowo r belling haying or�•pntin town and farm prep Fre and lac nsuranoe. Ottloa. Northh a de, curt /loud to, are. MEDICAL. T'11ts. EMMNRSON &watraULL. 1J Tft TvaNkVU.. M B. Ottlocs, JiaruUton St. 'Phone 102 Dr. pposite Emerson's icto la 13t. hurch.D1'hoa Strom. 80. L Dr. Turnbbu's Retidenee-- Nelson Street. Next Shaw's k3+tore. Phone 121. DR. A. H. MACKL1N, M. It. Fhysioian and Surgeon. Special attention to e e, ear, nese and throat. Office and residence Old flank of Montreal, appetite Post Office, West street. ttoderleb. Te aehone Na 163 DENTISTRY. E. e.¢LE L, D S., D. D s., Mo Lean' i)ilock. ooderic'hn411'd old � PROFESSIONAL; INJ,O.)RDAN, Toaohn of Piano and Organ, arkoto1oeCstreU1ture. Mra.�Villiams Residence. AUCTIONEERINO 000laatilton Street O o on.► x loam. farm sago mule 10 or saw will renewspacial attention. I will buy and will en. tirostoo of Household Furniture, will lay ap erims._II..aota_ine knnwwhat you have ttoolsell in any line, r eau om enc What t can sell 0U. - a 110110E BEC ETT, Curiosity Unlike the Last India Company. the Canada Land Company was not a trading, het a land company ate means of investing ttl1ney by f contrail- lots a pstat fatsn England land in ox proration of large financial returns. They ccnluSettoed HOTELS HE SURbN HOTEL. Ood'erloh Ont.- T Thoroughly refitted and modernized. A atlwlonfarmer, day hoeltobe udnywr—VM. Caste proprietor. me Do iteow tk e is Ited rr WOOS yeaRenes tfihalaava ere biSS SOW la a time iatkoaitt e a 3e1r armoinerr atAparlotatlrtltgeet wirer Vali do.. ta ] 1 leit Waiterer1rotttbA,11 4t•"rrI eaYenr taea Wei.•F fait!e all•theie_th ate .tra+.•aatdi 1 wah prova , trndsof all . per Canada. tta!s p ov t1!av1r3. tort1s1&d years, ;meant to ttots�yq�{ a prise oilsty totatbaes Incubator. Id ON TIMg..k *ent•to . nd: ytuft . Y' ,C ham. book. Tkia : ebsto4' nook Is lsr'ev- 1'lt. d it ta•yyau f6lr a. ; ard. 11 t*lIe a. lot ern s:vat to know abouta. --afro btlinesa-�-it tell* rat 'a how to maks wow gout of cbislteaaa.rit tens yap flew my castors Incubator will nuoVe yon ,dart mooeF tbaat lam mak. with bens --far mopes: and with leealrmitble.; `T1tlsbook tellersalbow .sty Iiicttbatora are madeeorty they.ars 5theYsar fele Oukaatattt.e.rat �rt, rd Ind rlby I ;Self #here .011 7111a on a - My Compenyttels'bwin i t bneln.0 h '00;44 for. ever `,0 yeairs. WO . lent:4t the 1*rg sit !wood 'orlon fea'In; the country. We r omega s.targe factorya I1 J)eltrolt, 3tleln. We havapte tip r. tt seta ` p , actaln ,e. t Qoda li orifi delta t # . 4itt3a and �t ;�h�a tltattat ;TilFgta+tWr� 11tt1d•$roodd�'wlll. pkektk YO4 treeneY.'fflt" a . Cbat titese,LScttbatpr wxiil-tuatch a live••ltealtby' 4'idv ,out of!. �1X4ryy' tattle a let 1hito It in 21t da l_lyea %r• rty bop7C f .•Soder Dodi treat *Idley w It> n C e r►f it, Jat►tpay 00 & Pi+tar* • �ein�vit.e;yourl..Book; • t a aalt., Addrpa$ mr~t?- ln l � c 1,. 'Cha:thttatha • ah"iParypeoTamptiacr loatrtss tx ktliRaagbkSS tlMsaa "Alan a1•H'arl p a1f VtqiehO . ►,,• • with a capital of one million pounds ,Ijgteh Immigrant, ►veto Among tete Sterling. The originator of the colo- 'greets. 'tea. fried pork, bread and pany wart John 1sait. the 0elebretetg butter were luxe i e, A , 1 author. fie came to Canada in' 1$ n thrhugh the woods of ten xn.ileaa in p1?- commissioner of the Canada Land Cn., vlgtlr.tting air onitivate(1 nppetltes THE COLBORNE HOTEL THOS. 13. JOHNSTON, Paoraltsroo. This favorite public house, under the new management, will be conducted on modern pnnciples, and the best possible service is guaranteed the general 'public. Your patronage is respectfully solicited. STAND -Corner Hamilton and New- gate streets., Goderieh. an esseelation in which the took g at which, • looked. wanton •at nothing: delvers to advance. It may lee ;heavy Indiatin meet bread, wild ohoco lutorest and which he used his en at (Inlet oof1a'e, witileUt milk or atugair, amid that 'to his indefatigable wifely late, beef tallow. made their appear in Our Store tor this week outlined in this Ad.. we want to direct special attention to the fallowing lines of new Spring offerings. HIS ,STOE BIAS Aft , lQ At.., our constant effort to attain it,, always `ntobetter our best. Want to be helpful to you in your parol a.SUUg,, seeking f? centredollar f . 1, dol. a x want:y�llt.tta feel that your i>es1t�1>�terests, �i�zel, that for eY d over Our counters` `'jou will reeeisre,'1ast egt valent. , . - __: _. �Q11 sxi � _... nfia2. iSt ,that invitee you, Our purcitsieei:are right and we feel co . a p t ` i1Ifl>ff+t p r ,Ourlona . tieettce in bu.i �tit�y.•,wiliimce4 wit'kt,ygt slop Qva1 iC '� .neat don'.t:gofor atai'hh,g. We leve lesined ;that COI* and one pose is tbe:: eoz rest praueipltr.10 do b812i leas 1 energy and abflic ma y 1t f 1.1. ammo* the menu cards of 1828p at these be it! at sk cribs the present high posit on t e primitive inns. ern an enjoys. In the making of • Guelph be took a great pl .flute, and we have a souvenir of him there in the shape of "The Priory," the log struc- ture put up especially for hitt, and queeginatl years eyes f on ddian". It is now preserved, as far as the times will allow. by the O. P. 11.. and is used at present' as their depot. Fre was at all Hummesp 'Cr of roud thats firstdoverland conlh e- munication between the great lakes, Huron and Ontario. Ile entertained a warm liking for many Americans, and, during a visit in Buffalo, was accorded on honor in entering the theatre, the orchestra; striking up a Scottish air to welcome him. But his loyal spirit ware more truly pleased, when out of compliment to the naval friends who wore with him the -orchestra played "Rule Brit- annia " and " God Save the I{ing." The Canada Company purchased from the Government all the tondo forming the Huron Tract, comprising what now constitutes the counties of Huron and Perth. They paid 21 gents an acre for the land, and were subject to condibttona of actual settlement. TI3A ADULTERATION. Ilmullton Hicrtator. There le ono article of food that' is rettronehly free from adulteration in Canada. and that is tea. Last aunt - ;Per representations were made to thea Inland Revenue Departntent°thatlarge Jnantities of artificially colored green. apan and Ceylon teas were befog ito. ported into this country. These coxn- phtiate were sent front 'reroute. The Dontiai`on chief analyst took the Slat' ter upend made ecollection of eainpies, which Were examined in the Dominion laboratory at Ottawa, the analyst be- teg guided by this, the 19th section of the Adulteration Acta "Tea shall be eonsidered its adulterat- ed which contains leavesi other than thoseof the tea plant ; or previously infueed leaves or leaves of inferior quality to such an extent as to teduee the amount of extract or substances soluble in hot water to less than 30 per cent.,or cause the propertion of ash soluble in hot water to be less than two and three.quartere per cents or any admixture of ohm - teals or other deleterious Substaneee, or ouch an amount of mineral matter ae will cause the amount of ash to ex- king___and„,,expending money on roads. building bridges, defeating de- ""ed --8 -Pee- -eent-reekolled- nn „the yample dried at 100 degs. 0." ress,O.00d* Iv paint Of gtiallt3' add;Qum! sot our seleettninr'foitheDoming seas*n have .4eeedei1 all previous efforts. 'Ask, t'ov-our' specials., at 50 and 60 cents: Ir,7tttrtfln4 aur rs cent,Ctailiea, tri le° vri.7i aa; fast Colors+;and very' Choice patterns, Lac alali and Embroldorle! Ili 1.4000 and 1mbraidetiee mar stock .Vont :neper so' •large 'an& vaned.:, Whet weave altowiug for • corset weiate are tlie hest We ever offered, 25 to f?O tonta, allhuciies ' wide. We wails ;y.OU to see them. DinsIrswisearulDharohnlys Never offered fro iaige variety. in'tbese lines Yaw eta `here now ht.,' al1, t1ae leading :,coloriiiga, att. ,.prlcee are from 1;C to 15 cants:.. $ fair.. • , 101110 Vyalatai " s Se ; iron i'n, attar have 84 look our lot. It wIf1 be worth Vent while' to:lilarit. what tits: new astioils ala. Linens aural tea a 1..i,e Wbito .bis g . tylttalinll, We neiter before bad on otte',.;. shelves so toga" styles . trod paat terra to offer:in .these goods as nasty., Ask to see our Dress Musilos, . .� �. ,. Standard Patterns. fop April 'ztl and ?i 'Hants,. , Apr D stgiier to cent54 r LEPIIDNl s 1 COL • ikASO OR.PRODUCE', ori; and erecting grist w en t improvements were required. In 1828 -an OrderatoCounell was passed under which the Canada Cm. palsy Was allowed to survey its own townships in Huron Tract, end in 1 7 a return of the number of acres surveyed in each township was made to the Governmeelt. People who nowadnys describe Mr. Galt tis extravagant and short-sighted In his management would no doubt in his own time have been members of the coterie of secret enemies; who over- looked no occasion on which ta work to- his disadvantage. While %chilling to procure his discharge in a nianner disgraceful to him, they did not suffi- ciently understand the nobility of a spirit which made him feel as a ffis. grace the lack of appreeietion hie company hold for hlm. 4)ne of the gmatest mistakes of the company was the setting out with em- ployes who were entire strangers to all the ,tuite- -nitecinditions of early WATCHMAKER, JEWELLER AND OPTICIAN. Important to Advertsiers AiLehangos or ttavOttlSONIMIts toe the our - oath a . Advertiners will please govern themselves accordingly. . CONTRACT ADVERTISING. Patrons of Tun STAR will please nate that theadvertising rates aro as neAr uniform as may be. end that every adVertiser la Placed on the 06,1110 ball& t Yearly contract display advertising, ma per bleb, run et paper. Per letter periods, ,from I.2e. tot:Oiegoar inch, according to time and ing. ex Notices under,tbe beadme of Local Notices on page 1, to nOnadvertisera. Will he charged 10 oonts a running lint in nonpareil typo, 12 eta whose advertising appeno in the AIIITter WM% 0 cents a lino ; to tint* alto mike 0 vesrlsecontoiet under this heading, end elo not Adeutbisments without epeeitle instructions soul* emoted until forbid, raid charged ao• eine essertion. Sir of tale easier Mate seen +Write Riese , rt Medea. or our English °Moe, No Air tureen or venues who takes a paper italsedwaordere hi! never didontintied he twat atty. all antairs. or the publisher May con - untie es oat it cant ewment nowise, and ea. oats* Ans ramie linnllilt whether the OisiateL-takta at lat. -. nuotausemente udder the hauling Woes. 150,1% 0/41 nseaton. In his repott the chief nualystsitys that many of the mail ;mid in our markets are attlficially colored or hiced* because the materiale used for the purpose tend to increase the mum. tity of ash. Neither was any evidence of facing obtained In treating the Samples with waren water, Seven of the samples ;Nos. 31506, 31608, 29366, 80182, 30161, 28177 and 28180) ;show smaller percentagee of a soluble ash in the dried sample than 2.76, but aince the amount of bot water extract.is not belew thnspiinimum they cannot he challenged as containing exhausted ten leaves, although they may be classed as doubtful." There were 89 samples examined, and of these 82 were found to be genuine, and seven were put in the "doubtful" class. If there are Can- adian department officials who do their work without fear, favor or af- footles), accustoms officers are atnong them, and the eider- analyst thinly. -- esioliva tp perform shat Yeti Qrtght rtorm without fail. Lns' no time: always employed is something use.. choose well the path in which Yon run, Succeed by vormidather, Then never fret lert But ever ;mattes trial; la mind - vie better late Oulu never Diet Not the Whole Thing, Your table is, loaded With tnna-41- gestiblo and wholesome, Yet Yen neVee gain ettength. What's the trouble? Imok within. and what do you find 2 A WO liver, stomach overloaded with Ole nod liver are not sefficiently ac. dee., Relief is quieltly aopplied by Dr. lienallton's. • Pills. Their make TOWNSHIP COVNCILS. weak folks strong, by re_mov og the cause Of _the *calmer*. Pigestion'IM. system is enlivened by Dr. Hamilton's or well; 26c. ot all dealers. settlement in a forest country. There Ind we think so too -that, it is due to Eastland and Ireland at large salaries, custorns authoritiea, there it; little ad - as forest' rangers, overseers, etc., not ulteration. In the tea we get. In the one of whom knew how to out down a, emterne het of Y. prabibitea (40,140, tree, or make a wood them oame with his liveried aervant in fire' °ne c't this chum appears ' "US adtpreteft with spurious; leaf or with ex tooted his caravan, and was seen drivins; leaves, in. containing so Rivet an ad - through the streets of Muddy Little mixture of chemicals or other &slater - York. To " Little York " Galt was Iona substances as to make it unfit for not, very eomplimentary when he de- me.a " provocative of blue devils." telta Omani bolo allied Nut terming to for white suloulettoti re ins ue ts „woeful* evidence Of Intleil olial tree . that great care One of the devils attending the set. that it le neeessarY ;should be exercised in the inspection il.progreasive_oemcess of the Rear" asAhey-arrive-tit- the -porta ot_ company svas the ignorant interferenee entry, for the reason that a largo of a floard In England, not in touch quantity of tea is constantly being re - with the eircumstences of the emintry. toted and refused admission to Great water WA`atr*NOsrr. council met March 8tb;Meeetiiier;wl.e d i due foray; mimosas of last meeting read, and emigrated as unotton of Medd• and .undersea. Coun• Anderson reported, ho could not bur pimento lumber- for prima ni L1uosa t last,- meeting, Comn,ynieation alt ash Patrick Welsh re aoeount wildest }sari its for Mal - int ..tone, Crab filed on taction at ,Andersen. and Thompson. 'Treasurer'setatainantshOWed a, balaaoe oh hand of 11270.1o; received manic* on motto of Thomppton And Medd," The ac. count ot'Georg¢e A n etnon 12.4:') for grovel, Iwad11: pat% flf•la�wNo.4.105. woo. ropealed,on Mo., teen of An ersen and TTltompaon and bylaw' No. 2,1807. WWaa horses fiXing set le tf :atatate labor as 1chows: Under 51.000 asaeaie,M,.e .2 ayaaifmm 10QA10 4.e� 3..days iwyw o 00o,44e a• 000 to�6day.•bi.i'u8015.__. snore: fossas. $7.000'1o dare.tre sash•. uo0 o rt eras eyed ono OXtra,, The c r w ittru ted I t4 glue declaration of oSlcc to teneeviewers' ndpoundkeopere, or, metr0n 0f At and demon. ' F4flcatiewere:onaundkeeperanrtd pathrua8ters wore appointed for 1007 as follows, and bylaw pass tri confirming same : yeneeviowerc••••JohnMlfls .John Stafford. Alex. Dania, John Pardon, are. *neer. Jr., W. E. Gordon. • Pooundkoepers.;..Joe. ream, O. 0. Brown. John Taylor, Joseph Kennahan, Wm. Humph- rey, Wm. McQuillan. Pathmastere,--C.Olrvti S. Kerr, R. J. Rud Whin. James Windmill. tome lMWrron -M. Sproule. dna. Nevins . A. • Ire- Robert Rola 88 Johnston, jr. J. Mutter. d. Washington, S. ship had a, beef ring last year, and it gave such good satisfaction that a evening °Mast week. Last year No. -1 killed 10, and thie year will kill St No. 2 beef ring, which wes formed at Porter's Hill, elected Y. Cox Pre, Urer, and the inspectors are T. AV. Bell, -Thos. Wallace and Thos. Mc- Donald., of the 7th, as well as a forth petty. Dtessed 45i) lbs. is the stand- ard beef., and No. 2 will !Start tO slaughter the firat Thursday in hum, and continue for six consecutive - er01, 111. 10'� Of C!� �� 'watt unepoptiosplitros.,_ The best tonic at this season of the year. Cures long standing colds and tones up the system, therebyiprevehting further attgck,,• LARGE BOTTLES, 5(l cents, Black CherrrCough Balsamu'-The guaranteed Cough' Cure, ` 25c per bottle. • Bar H. Cii.,RystiLOP "rich Mo nald, Robed Voods. D. lloaqyan, VV. weeks. There are aixteen full a are- Naylor ow. 4. moron, holders atia a number of half, third min, Houk 'waster, 0 a tv. d. and querter. The beef will be tut Mid .1.1..Pingetivits,14., ATuonametewoonix,,i1j. rusitetiegattonyie. ,, eaeli natron receiving in tura die .,,,,,„,,a_ktuanme4o_nmer,,,, -choice portion -if ofThe malt: -11-66firrE court of Rerlzdon an4for Iran useless. Davidson and Goldie Newton are the vv. S. illoCnewrig, Clerk. auditors for No. 2. Last year. ar the seesools woek, the members of o. tring teem tea pleesed with the Season's work that they had &twister supper and general congratulations. iNE 151111111P --/- HOARSENESS and an THROAT AND LUNG MMES. Mies Florence E, brat cough. I was afraid '1 was going DR, WOOD'S NORWAX PINE'SER taken one bottle I began to feel better, and. after the second I felt as well as I 'had little faith in it, but before X, had ever. 'My cough has ,completely dleap- 1.14A eady For Sprin W n.rf prepared with all the latest creations for spring and on Saturday we will show a maghlficent range of all the latest novelties for sluing wear. A eolleotion is henli lay far the largest wo have ever had the pleasure of showing. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY IX SYSTEM faster 1101day Rates Punsoom..-Mr. and Mra. Wright. rein Kingsville. who have been visiting their daughter, Mrs. COO, returned home last week. -Miss Linaiiliffurdy has -rhIriFfied to her tome in Ooderich Township. atter spending last week with Nile friends. - Mrs. Hugh Girvia has sold her fatM to Mr. McLennan, of Lochalsh. -Mrs. It, Mcliwain. who has been vety ill, le impnwing idowly.-Mra, A. Dunkeld is very with measles and congestion of the lungs. OtIonon Notros.-The Nile Branch of the Vir. P. M, Sotiety 'visited the Dmistannott Auxiliary last Thutrit0 evening, and had a most enjpyible time. Next Sunday eVening Rev. J. O. Held will have for his subjeet. 'ludas Iscariot", to be given in the form of a temperance sermon. "Pounding ° and DeveloPMent of Methodist alissione". will be the t?Pie given in League nen'Toesday evert og., by A. P. Sheppard, A coilectien Will be taken in aid of "The ForWeird mr• (bit telt himself s°1*13r bandit"' LOAM. and entrance for thie stuff to ped In the Administration of affairs of e-,___,,,. _ay be attempted at any milLon pounds, White the Board de- """ even one clerk to essist him in petty • An accountant WhO WAS sent ont without Mr. Gales previous knowledge 'Your Food Disagrees. • to oversee not oi.ly the accounts but the superintendent himself and his doings, made the latterla path a rough Yourie Tired ---Lifeless and thorny one. Matters having pr.ewu more than he cOuld Stand, 51r. Olt Setarosined to go to England to Skin Is 'Yellow. nY Persannf request before the direc- torate for Invent igetkop. The account- ant took advantage of idip Ipeaving for home without warning nu, thus necessity tor rentaining on the -ground to take up the ends of the accountant's work as well as to continue ith) own. Beside* embarrassing orders from the authoritative managers of the commit' in England, the agents in' Upper made. were beset by grittribl... era andlault finders -in the -itettletnent itself. The chief agents were styled "pomtniasioners.” Those who set them - agues to oppose thetn were known as th0 40 Oolherue clique." One of the celiheAt_e11 so,A vist Pr' minent men of the Wort? Alpe. was one 0 the heroes of Oa tells us that he himself was not mod never had been nista- Melon, but Tiger Dunlop was **Tory of Torts% kle had noW become au en his energy, *1w/dor), Itravet1 anti e.ompaeslortam brneeotenpa *ere to be taxed to tentniat id1U.100ave anart hadattswhitt -ailment renders him sonnorationd gloomy. The complaint le nOteco dangerous as it is disagree. 101e. Yet no Oaf need .Intifer from It who ran procure Path:teen's Vogt,- •Gible Pals. ttindating the liver And Obidathig Hie effeicosfit Wein the Ifulseas andfull Vigor action. o Appetite You'll Peel Wotse Every DaY441/11- less you Brace Up Quick -The Qest Treatment is Ferrozotte. Por Infante and Milken. lb Mod You Pm Always Bought Bears the illignature of ovireitterikil'way Fare for' Round Ti,ip IletWeen all stations in Canada ; also Detreit, Port Malian. Soso. Bridge. Buffalo and Wagers], Good Going March 213th, 130tils, Slot and April 1 -at. Until Tueaday$ Apell 2nd. of remain rig life. Every day comes the good newa of In Peterhoro it worked maritels tor Louis Meehan. I had the grippe, which left me In a very run•dowif condition that finally deveioped into dyspepsia. I Irak tumble to - eat hue a - few things andbad a craving for acid,. / gave tin trending „with the doctors because they. did not help me and on It not only cured tpe of dyspepsia and biliousness, but has built up Any ett*ngth to.what it was before I had. 'gm grippe I ean recommend Petro. pone ai en ideal restorative ' Verrotene giVes you force, energy, ft Strepelthens the stotpach, dotes Indigestion. prevents headaches -004 Ithpreve-getbetWr health -look het - ter -feel, better try it yourself4.-aold Vats Ayltbant until 14 On )011(4 telt*, worn it dOes not jinitioi -twin aped dreams, etcept they be put Guelph, (like Home, was to We heen built upon Its Many- hilts, but the name not pleasin the direetetri4 they peremptorily corked thit It should be changed tto Goderich, Lord W. Doherty, of Clinton, has sold his pacing colt, the Liar, by Ananias 2.06, for the sum of 51200. When Illness Comes Have you near at hand a remedy that will alleviate pain and help till the doctor comes ? A wise thing isto haare right in your home a bottle of Nisrvillne. which gives instant relief and, prevents disease from iipreading. Nothing known for the etonotch and bowels (bat compares with Nerviline. For cramp% indigestion. heartbtirn and headatthe it's indispeneible. For 60 years Polson's Nervillne. in 2543. ,bottles has been a family stand-by. Oet it today. For rates and, particulars call on F. F.. LAWRENCE, Town Agent. CANADIAN • Ladies' Mantles, Ladles' Silk Capes and Jackets, Ladies' Shrift and / Length Mantles. Ladies' Pony Jackets, Ladles' Wash Sults and Skirts. Lacitei°,1"weed Collarless Coat 28 inches long made wit4; Ply Front. The Collar and Cults are handsomely trimmed with velvet and braid. Special 9S.75. • Ladles' TWeed Coat 46 inches long, collarless, effect pleated back. • The collar and cuffs ate trimnied with velvet and braid. .A very stylish gar., Ladies' Pony Jackets from $5.504 Ladies' Wash from $2.7ti. Tweeds are here in all the newest effects, beautiful Tweeds that make exceedingly smart Spring Suits, at 50c. a yard, others at The betteepumbers heiug in suit length -a' °OW. 'Phone 56 MILLARS' SCOTCH STORE 'Phone 56 • PEERLESS FENCING. Winphant. bought a bakery bilahleta that will be tigAtit Op Mts. Gun. conducted by her two sons, who have finiahed learning the trade In Tomm Vett Vegetable!' 11Y act- ing mildly' but thoroughly on the se- toolci olio %dog the lag in or As Advance sera As the tivane*gotat to pont title afterneott. t 6 1'014100 of hitt. Oeo. !TM One rf our respected -being-hornet AO the 'beffieter Eititeiteed had not tojOyed the beet of heetth foe the pest few Mouth* and * hie room, W Ilkeddr of hilW Id healthful? adieu*, and tee t t eat feW Weeke oto Wart Iltein confined to Weeiti Watid ided that'un Operation 10 full vigor. They tab be to en in Wait tleOesulkt and ht /1"8 l'Olth"rta 'gradiutteitdOliestand so •used that they thOugh it satelD awl hopes ;Wel were used•Ao soinds.ig when there mote ot things RATES RETURN TICKETS Make of No. 9 Hard Steel Wire, the host -farm fence made'. We have' a large' stock of all lengths. Between- all statione In Canada. east of ,Port Arthur. and tti Detroit tufd entertained of la reeevery. nal • ii4tont 1M, SA &NMI dead ft* . Ohm* bolos escaping etuil gai front the firrnaet. Last winter there was, Ade. feet in the ftirooe, *od the iehote tor the *tome, Ana t • SINGLE FARS mita April t stet raritou time or ort onia.v:ruArtt:.ndszt.o. We are stile agents for the Frost Wire, Staples, Oarden and Perm • Tools, Ete„ at the LOweld Prices. yodel , tle rereirod Ids Mirk?' *00 nad in monis Awn, an those the meromitile life ettabeit***Volerir,,let IS ototo built .up ettooeistol hula. srittOM doing chino bstsinps others did so, brat possessing, an dependenre Of thought And se By Ms kindness of heart a sineettly regret his decease. , leaves. * sorroWInit Widow, bee twO' sons And ones daughter, all A 1110 mother and tWo harktIterit.' John W. god Peter, stilt resit/4s st Fitness/a t two other Orli. There Mt VIVO siott Powell; of" TriehbettS. rotiootty litO Met 4 shoe wits% lion, *bedsit bind:teed abaft r. said ivervkit 1). 1901 vms ktrebt of coot *rid .tortit root end Simmons' Ciarden, and Flower Seeds, Paek- ages' for Cents. • TUDSIDA.Sto, APRIL 2041, atTaikTroso. I,. 'This settoal, which is the 'largest 4041 Meat progreSsite•Colittnercial end Shorthind'School hi Western doing the best 'Work itt ilusinesa 'Itatication Oanade. Our greet, Uldettate in deflate es Oononer- *OW "Write tor:Our tree ,oide,, 11.40401"T SAS liktiLAOHLAN • Worsen's Hardware Ooderieh stores Bayfield 1.411111.11111.1 00001111000110411, AN 14t-inktoia tit btiga'ti, oft notohtoo St. to Ate: A, y, Piltridge, take, Pclakijica *Wit APtit Will in the nitentifte Held Genuine Citering•Sele in :order to reduce the liege stock et Ifar4 Intentlirig travail -thus* others who Want a Trent, Vali* er Suit Cast Will miss waiving Oppentritityir'titey do ItotttiV noiti a! the ' oda still 04.6tt sia sharp, and Mie Of tht tennine kind, ta the' ASS P lalisluCK tom ,$1111 SAO* to* tlalitAttt Ittude; rift t JOHN DONALDSON, u ittoottio, /1/4,161400* Oki St