The Goderich Star, 1907-03-22, Page 341. 0 INCIAL SUBS' Tott!t,,irte$Rixt ifiept of .1.320 N • o OSP*14 from Otte Opt .Sir Wilfrid Laur.iir gave notice Ale Friel y Welt ed an, address to it* ttlitittat.Ytr 4111 anandtartat kb the 11. Act to *Mend the scale of payments te be mode P4oeda, to tee several provincett 02 he Peatintelt for the support 0 their, • uovoraMeitt Oral Legislatures. The gee poised Amendments aro, as followc*, A. instead 0, the antOpsits Maw Pita. Oa 44111% Wolter .PsYsibte,YeArlr to the several praVincee for the eateperto thalr OaleetelMeete.e114 Legis, *tures, to .he aceerding 4 mulathni, 4014.,a4, totIattrat- , POPUlatioli": ot •tb0, oveIs wader 350000, $100,MO: • • . Where the. population:02. 111.044.0: vince:ts 350,000; pot &tea%i4 040_ec4 103,Q041, ,i115.0.0*•' whorO the: 414400 IS 1,00;000. but .40es- not , exceed 100.900.4130,000. • W4Ore'lbe, •PoPulatien, Of 'the, 'etlee IA ' 400,0t, 41W:floes. 410t Weed : 40,000i $190.00% •PQP:0010),:,'Of the, pre - 'OM; but 400$ ,110 01400. 4.w., W4440,004.: , , ,Where, 'pOPulatleivvr profi: •et -a1441044 1$00,000, $240,00(1.L' 413, (1114[1.:Vegt01* Per lead: 4 popthalion Steyr., elleWed, the • ictilt/gr OtYroant hereafter go 330.0 the $ame ..t ate of: 01011tY •' cents, Per. "11011t4 end. Int en the popUlatien 0' unit province, as. ascertained frorit time to time PY tbO last deettnnial Out% WW1 such, point, baton eacirecil 1,300,00. end at the rent et slaty cads.•_ per Ate+0 lor sttia PoP0144931 as to0 NCO. C. An additional Aliowarice,t0 the- e7o 'teat $100.000 annually tor ten year* •to the PNvinciti BMA ClUtlqa- A14 UNAliTRAN81,R Sgellmsten„, , , Ti, resollitten proeteelalc,-"We p$4tk.Ce9u.y m sloay•graelottsly, a tense a ntetiettre, le. be lald totem the IMperial Parliament et' Ile present: *Salon rePealind 1110 PrOvialolte ef section' 113, 0 U the . Pt A. At aforesaid...and substaullog thereNra ple Kehl Q. Perfleide'One *et torthiVtneb shall he• afinal atdd Unalterable *Otte, • ingot of the *MOunts. tO Depaid yearlY Pi the eeeerel provineu thel3Orninion to tbottslOgg PtivfolSesInid the $0,hPoxt 0 their .00vernuterit. atikt4istatalvoa, ttoh. stars% staaR be paid holf-Yearly in advance to each prOta lit. tt, 0/Vert/Merit ef Callade alittibdtdect front such grants ea again5t-0Y province all sums chargeable as interest on tbe hob, lto' debt` of' -that province In exceSs •of the several amounts stiptilated ,tn the' Said Mt. "AU Of ,wiliCh.,We 1taa3017 PeaY yoUr MhleStY- tatV'e late Ysehe _favorable and• gra° CMDENSED NEWS MG by- *wow** num AU4 011* order to wasteestmit Why Rio PUtet. *Am Wad triating lotait tt * forest slide mot dustups throughout '-*her,11404.farlets *tole Rues OW °Wei S. Oecossary fur Vile Witte tiettemtend how BO Wary. CoVered with forest, 'ar it trect Where all ' CA14144,•• The GlasgeW thileasi'Mninilltect bee, severe winsteterns, 'CM th/e Wuxi men ' to tollgate MOS these istel7OP blast itteighbortog Arse pity felt *Urge puled by their nivel ond tamales. _ ' numbers. tiorze of 040 win ilerroinato. Ilte 1Brillsta Covernmenrs oxteligen illooilh Pertilth* OnlY a small Pert. 'itt PP.stal rinitmet. Witte IliP, Canadian Derb timee that 1011. tor Aslantre At yell 14104n it) prtAlarA, -for 0. PMelle$ et Vett blehtt Afaittettetty oiee., LOS .4010.0011 tet Tistiredeq. Ten pereass.bilessiiiag to twO 4110110 of. Suet • twee drisenstid kW hum* bundle. OW. oasslon 4OusitY Oolsocat * 040 to UP vealogii* effect of the t*trictiona,on, VliPteMilittitirltrticire r.Zatiert 01 trAtettlett el Nice* tivervaati Canada bee.' - display Of Take• -a' case tract where a, hu : of hot whits bolerburned Pretelle.', • glean, -gresses, fruits, wheat arid MOO& oh. * wits' • the trees usve, peon wawa down 14 * 1104pttel. VIA be Wherfricit. Thkt* .great Stetivily Oat WW1* in Cape Mete% Chatham Schools will 'ha andPPed \viol* tire escepes at, once. ullt decided thst alit no Iron* triatriad in ouch ei4500, Irma .1.1rerpOot to tieing Kong in mu!, UNIP.1) STATES 4 . Sevit10.1P trelta x*, mud. X' T tvw After * year or twe dreettITOMY 111041 ot ieln4' NZEt.j, 44 0 Ottawa eft Friti*Y. •, Whelp) drld In the, Woodstock Wands welinIkubteittolninietu„tonisOhgt,wit The' lirautfonl Qtr,CtI111140. hes 3/01- KOOVIS rifO hredt littmor Ott ' the °MO usaesgsuent Comfit*, 440 lorAtto P011osYlvisit hatut *PPP dellgershose from drought *Oh sienet,,, the Awning fatedea„ • frost *rid. too Melt rainfall. Ler 1481113100 1/. bin% ot hoo _Mrs= TintatityAteNcritY and her IMMO lal"1/14? 13414 01 1“"k1 rttn3, been appointo 401904000- ottijodokon long 'were suffocated 'in tire wing' trees will dii1 font such cansee. tomuly Per diallreYed their bone 41 Reige; Over. , BRRADSTOPS. • •Tomato, Itiareh 19. -Call boardquota- s are;.* heit-,Onierio, No, 4. red; 72•Xe Ostt, eap aufsida, 72c bithjklet. A mixed, MO asked' outside, VX,c , bid 78 per cent. Vellhet, No.A geese thic east. uarleY-Ve. 2,. 53'34a bid -east; N. 3 *shot; 50c bid 78 per cent. P0111114 No 8, 500 hid 78 per dent points. Peaso-tale aelted, outside, 79%e bid out - 93c bid • C.P.IT., 00 bid C.P.R. If+ per cent. points. Oit,-No. 2 white, 39* asked , on 11.Yeetent tate* to Teronto, 38* bid; asles 303.40 1,o.b., 73 per cent. Wills, March shipload. Other prioes are:- Nelteeetteenterle-Pontiues„ Arm; No. 2 white winter, 72c1 M 700; No. 2 red, WC to 72qNo. 2 mixed, 710 to 720. Manitoba Wheat -Absence ot &hip - Pants makes quotations somewhat nom. • Mal; No. 1 hard, 87c; No. 1 northern, while....39Mo le 40%6 track el'oronto; No. 2 mixed, 39c to 30%c. • Peus.--8ec to 80%c outside. , • . Corn -NO, 3 yellow American, 53* -7-11e-54c, Tow° ernt westr-Na. 2 -yellow, • • 40c to '402, M,C,11. or G.T.11.- Ontario, 46e to 47; baste Chatham freights. Buckwheat -57c to 58e, outside. t liye-Contiues heavy; offering at 04%c • outside. Barley -Firm; No. 2, 52e to 53e; No. 8'extra, 51c to 51eec; No. 3, 49c to 50c. Flour -Ontario. 90 per cent. pateets, 62.70 asked, $267 bid; Manitoba, first patents, $4.50; seconds, $3.75; bakers', fe.1.90. Bran -Nominally gel to $22. ft ‘), -a harrefs 810.75.: $31.50:, de"' aen- ed long 'clear bae,011,.'ne 1.23,44 bay - rets plate beet, 831 10 $12.50i vets do., 13825'. to 85,15: barrels heavy Mess heef, 0,50; haltbariele do., 34.- 75; conlpeend leed, to10Net ;pure lard, tlYie to 13e; kettle rendered, 13c 13}e-0 hems, 130 to 1•630, accOrOMS tel size; hreakfaet bacon, .15e to 16o; 'Windsor bacon, 133P to `16)4el fresh killed abattoir dressed hogs, $9.75 to $10; alive, 87-15 to $7.28. years: everyAle: Of theso.little 00414144' beitotively ,colexceabt • 8�: *W titedomOrruertloe,el4entx‘iligeterttr. 03,116ihit g94altiegulliftgjotr; -SetAtult4rtairx,413 l's!!1,46st tinert.e,riva'r3;; ot Aro petawto THE p301ITIKO BKOINS. • rvigdient ireneewluseit.04, ttkrIS'9,11/1/. ,":4111Y1 tatigntlkleVertord:stIviebit:6111Ytsy0"10141M. , Ala 'yeltr3 /441 ,1101reVeri, Ithd, who, Theoune c9mpauy i,t4s , ora were ,demoi.is, het r thee-P00:es'Nvben 004 000 a leer ber exe „ ns were bad) bort tho Vrotens• Of the traeli"Hbeght to loitott teeneeisft Toemitp Soferal " PetT30 u 01; r v (106, finether ithe.terM, •er0We' IOWA •The egy Library oli,'Whnelpeg 424. 41)19114 tbere 1144 ge ea et Ilat al th the.hrellehee And to:theft& of the tree es howl hi,ogyhc,to 4t, *ow 8141.4 ontugh, Itisregt O. htol)ow. .• Pres d 0 0 e•Witelit), tee, soll4e; new taineet aut the POPP • lint* ot Canton, shot and the trete. • - 4"*Y or 14141" .1*,1401.411en lk Is rePorted ari increase In RIO' (23‘i'lls k"eller 4aYe•P a '• seep. POO Ot 340314 *law told Anatto akaas SeMe 0004 411i0Y1011. aS inetele as it likes oneornmnts • Ituttsen :Reltroad has announcN tha 0.014 4PageltattV tiertt, The tenedien Paging etaitseee leke do, then' haVO been Ottly time passenger , • BleFFALO MARKET. Buffalo, Much Ie. -Wheat -Spring eek;No. 1 Nortaern, 890 asked; WJu • ter steady; No. 2 , white, 80c. Corn Steady; No, 2 yellow, 51X,c; No. Velthite Oats -Quiet; No. 2 White, 4930; No. 2 mixed, 46*. Rye -Then; No, 1, 70c, c.i.L, in. store. NEW YORK WHEAT MARKET. Nev York, March 19. -Spot steady; No. 2 red, 84e elevator; No. 2 red, 84* f.o.b. afloat; No. 1 northern Duluth, 92Yec SAO. afloat; No. 2 hard winter, COUNTRY PRODUCE. Butter-Recelpti are fairly good, but Che demand is strong, and there is no surplus stock. Creamery, prints ..........26c to 27c Hogs were unchanged on a fairly good 1.,Datry.... Mints . • .. 22c to 23c run. Selects,fed•and watered: 20c to 21c se -14c for large and' 14eec foe' • ••••,••ron I WANDS SEIZE 1101).*; • - NOM ,f •WOK .1 **Kos pral aks, and Sonsatiat*IllWaxd al Wow. I•trodblitt gotkoll'tilvtrit 11)4411701? hiraterekr; arastol k; %ammo. •Fifty tu.embera 01 a (1?,,spe• rato band 0 Acrerding ta the Win Abet Poliel, • The tc,AtIog a no pug. whkt hi In coptivT, OP* hue so *ensittional record of crime. AA 0 toy 110.8ectired the piece of bailor, Aron; nantiber eendeletee preparoi, for the lieSt cOmmultion. Ind sold it 10 thnsen Of * pork hotelier for 810 end a Ault of clothes. Ile followed this up: by aliPlitittl Weir kern tho PortY or et)111, sintolconts end ratan; the till sit a eentpletely anadenv and,lo hattedt ad bY, tgo toentlig, Nova ust, killed himself, At his country lionie •tiva being sa 440404 and AM° ma a:richer veto,: *ssi€40-totwer fettlefk north. of that etty on 1 uesdar by kite leefooMd.or:14urritia.made tot the Taos 342*oni,47', thertinig, tie WO !Mown throhih fughoUt l'ittg trees t4elaSelt;e• S;at'e et° grett4 COM ealloel:1).0• 0he tete •he Wed% FetrelMan leen P. Maloney wee she( etteeted. EVery tree. Piet like •, „ - d •. $50 00040 Itt and killed 1.Vednettday night while ate :P Po ail other plants, Mast titYri light 111 order New (Wavle ter RA Selvattell ArMY ta make its 1W11' la°41 an" Inalie a bethI ntade„.to the Ontario Gavertnnert- ' out 41 the t hint* And pc haP* hyoon and lts union emPlO.Y8A. ti"Intr irswt140 it tteSk.PetY lirt is Strained relations are said to We bee Med ettegethetrit3 4-0'3.01 443 30•ht the 3110i)g,et VatPAPrg' longer grew.:411P,etdeWitIe, tor IN the th. txt gm, tifortage ef em's; the Atlispace In • thatz... Won. lazoecuplett. 43 ,Ganadlan.pacigo,b410.4ssokg *err to it.Spends.i1111ta 4, Path in.grewing 1101?* agents in putario to request Ade pliers/ ward' The la414S''' a lirligeat gesewe'''' te load cars ter their eaftitatV. ere' the trees that finally: ',wive. The Toronto city Conned has Passed a effect of having the light out off is shown In the lower b ranalies. These become ..,..resuctiolUntison in favor of the oity expro- sickly end flii,ally 010,, AO in Ume are plant. the Electric Light Company's blown off ee the 3yind,Or.kaeoked off through being struels by ,ather branches William Carrell, Albert Omand and or ere braked off btt Seirla Other way. James Bayne were committed for trial at 14 , the Mlegiterie the„: West growing olinaulraileteasa. on a charge of accepting bets trees are getting the mostilight and so they have the best chane,e,for develop- °swell Spence, of Dorchester, N,B., meld. HexIngt,gek.abeeelhe,other tritest was burned to death in the kitchen of. they get the el:hinge tot:Apeette put aide- the Menet while his mother was visiting a sick friend near by.. wars, and tio,•terhInder lir their shade-, perhaps, .finally to kiffeetheir slower. All the drug stores of Vancouver growing conipaitions, Thie process will Closed all day Sunday in protest against ge on year deter' year, and in the efel the Lord's Day Act. Doctors character - but a sinalinert et the tMes which ort- ized this act, as inhuman. &tally slartetVito.the race win be alive. A syndicate, headed by Mr. Charles Millar, of Toronte, has secured a lease of , Acrtim, ,ExAmpLEs. the North Temishaming pulp limit, pay - The results elf petuaLwork done in the ing in addition to the dues a bonus of forests shows. tittamiceey• In the Turtle $10,000. . _ _ . Mountain Fewest Reserve, In Manitoba, Mayor Ashdown of Winnipeg and Mt. where the commonest tree is the poplar, • Aird, local manager, are going to To- It.tvee fund. .11.nd,yeile the, average_ ronto with the object of negotiating a number of poplar treeas per acre eitien loarreet$26600,000-vrith-the•-Bank of Loin. the trees were len years old was four merce. . thousand (4,600); when the trees- had The Dominion Textile Company, with reached eighty years et age,' the number mills at Montreal, Kineeston, Magog, was xedueed. Inebeee hendred (300). At Montmorency, Moncton, Windsor and forty years of age. there had been BO Halifax,- have decided to increase wages lett, and at sixty years 4/25 had remained, ell round by 10 per cent. 6 The White Pine in New England was Japanese exports to Canada In 190 studied some time -ago by the united totalled $1,776,000, against $1,620,000 the States Forest Service. In this case it Year before. Canada's exports to Japan was discovered that, while at ten years of 18 1906 were $398,000, and In 1905, 3366,. age there were, twenty-two hundred OM. (2,200) trees per gere, at sixty year of A group of capitalists on the great. age there were only two hundred and lakes proposes to spend one million dol. sixty (260). At thirty years of age thete lars at Fort 'William in. the construction -were 1,090 (just about' half thenumberend plant of a shipbueding etiterprtse, at ten years), at forty years 690 and al and to invest another half:million dol. the end of half a century of .growth, 400. 101's as working capital fee the same. GREAT BRITAIN. FORE.SeRY PLANTING. LIVE STOCK MARKET. Toronto, March 19. -Export trade was •quieL Ourhations were steady and about tbe same as last Week: Choice - $5.05 to 515.35; medium and light ex- porters were quoted from $4.75 to $5. Sales of picked butchers' were made at Se and straight loads sold as high as 34.00, with no lack of sales between e.4.65. and $4.80. Sales of well -finished, cows were made Up to $4. Common cat- tle were off from 10e to 15e. Stockers were quiet. The firm mar. ket for butchers' quickly absorbs any- thing at all good. A few heavy feeders were sold at $4.50 to $4.60. Mitch cows ,show little change from last market, and trade was rather quiet. Calves are steady and unchanged et Sc to 7c per lb. Sheep are fairly steady, but lambs are off. ,.ominon lambs were from 250 to 50c lower; graln-fed, about 25c. p.NDED LIFE WITH RIFLE BALL. ...,s -Prices from 20d 'TO ie.elve•-• — Poultry -Market i'S very slow and Lennox Man Carries Out Threats Pre. Ordinary .... .... .... .... 2tolo 10e • - viously Made. easy. Inferior .... .... • • • • 80 to OM A despatch from Kaladar, Ont., says: Fowl .... .... ... ..,.. ,. , ec to 9c William P. Berry, who lived with his Ducks .... ..•• .. .... ' 90 to tic wife and son about a mile from Kale - Geese ...... .... .. .. 9c to -lit dar station, committed suicide on Sat - Turkeys .... .... .. .... 11c to 120 urday by shooting. For some days Ile Roney -Palls 110 to 12c per the combs had been threatening to take his own $2 to $2.50 per doz. life, but his threats were not taken seri- Beans-Steedy , „et :$1.e5 for' hand- ously. After dinner, during which meal picked and. $1.35 to 81.45 kr' pelenee. " 'Berry ellewett- no signs. of- mental ober- Potatoes-Ontark, 85c to 90c; eastern, ration, the son left to visit his sister, Mc te $1. In ear lots here. who lives near, and on his not return - Baled Hey -Firm at 31.1 to 311.50 for ing, the father sent hts wife to bring 41Mothy. $9.50 .to $10 ,for secondary him home. When Mrs. Berry returned grades in car lots on track here. Berry was meteing, and a search reveal - Straw -6.75 to 87, In car lots here. ed Ills dead body, sealed in a closet, PROVISIONS. with a Winchester rifle between his knees and the muzzle lying against his, — *" , throat. The bullet had passed upward DreSSed Hogs -459.50 for light and $9 through his head and pierced the roof. for heavies, farmers'. lots. Berry, who was 65 years of age, was . Pork --Short, cut, 112.1 to 823 50 o - - - • • er a veteran of the i‘merican Civil \Var. barrel; meats. $21 to 321.50. —4,.... -- Smoked and Dry Salted Meats -Long clear 'bacon, lie to lleee fer tons and cases; hams, medium and light, 1.5eec QUARREL IN RUSSIAN CAFE. to 16c; heavy, 14%c to 15c; backs, 163ec — .14: 1,70; shoulders, 11c to Wear rolls, One Man Has Ear Cut Off -The Other • • aptlxIgto arre.st two men at Williams. pert, Pa- The eaurder occUrred along the tleeding Rallread tracks, in the west end of the City. Maloney started after the two Men, After a struggle a Beet Was eredt.end the two men ran away. Ma. O11 ale Was found GENERAL. The explosten of bombs is becoming ellnost a daily event In Barcelona. •Five pereons were hided at Belgrade on Tuesday in a conflict between tile peltee.and strikers. The. City of Vienna has bought out the two. companies which control the under- taking business there. Official despatches thow that the war Lo Central America was started in the flat instance by a mule. Six persons were killed on Wednesday at Kharkov, Russia, by the explosiun of a ;.s.unb in a student's room. s A general strike is in progress at 'spa - ban, Persia, as a protest against the ex- tortion and reactionary methods of the Governor's son. Tito radical parties In the Russian Par. Bement are hopeiessiy at odds regarding the manner in which the amnesty ques- tion shall be dealt with. Dutch troops in the Wand of Celebes have won a signet victory over the Molls; 'cupturing their strongleilit, end. killing nearly three 'hundred. Maurice Morris of St. Catharines hus been indicted at Buffalo on a charge of making false oustuitis entries and at tempting io smuggle. General Nepleuff, commander of the feels at Sebastopol, hus been removed because the itunierous attempts un his lee were shattering the eitizeits' nerves. Tbe Provincial Superior Court at Bres- lau, Prussia, nn Monday annulled tee marriage of Count Pius chamere to Wanda Blaustein, at one tune chorus giri.on the Vienna stage, end also an- nulled the laet..evill of etre Count, by which he left this %minim hie Whole for- tune, amounting tu several million ,nark. '1 he court decided Mut the Count was denielited., • Lord Curzon was elected Chancellor of In forest Live planting a hint is. taken from these facts, and the trees are planted very close together -four or flve feet apart each way, fee instance. In a few years -six or eight, probably -the crowns of the trees meet and the ground iss,slasded.„-Dm tar the most of the trees tile, of edurse; iiefeeler expects this tri threiree 'place. But they have dehe their work in keeping the moisture in the ground and giving -oft fallerr-leaves and twigs to fornt humus. Besides. trees so planted grow taller and straighter, and so make better timber. lleec; breakfast bacon, 15eec to 16c; Receives Two Bullet Wounds. .4i despatch from SI. Petersburg says: sgreen meats out of plate, lc less than moked. - Lard -Firm; tierces, 12e4e; tubs, 12%c; •A shooting affray took place on Sunday peels, 12eic. N night in I he dining hall of the Grand — Hotel de Europe between Prince Nikari- MONTREAL MARKETS. dze. a Marshal of the nobility from Ku - tuts, and Captain Kosloff, cif the East Moritreet, March 19. -Locally the hay Siberia sharpshooters. In the midst el market is unchanged. No. 1 timothy. a epirited argument concerning the mi- en to $13; No. 2, $11.50 to $12.50, and tonality of the Caucasus, Prince Nikari- lor cloVer, meted, $10.50 to $11.50. dze made a disparaging remark about Oats -No. 2, 43c to 44e; No. 3, 42c to Russian military prestige. Thereupon 43c, and No. 4, 410 to 42c. Capteln leostoff drew hit sabre and Nit Corn-Priees, remain at 56a to 60c, ex- off the Prince's ear. Reviling into his More. peeket the Prince pulled a revolver end Barley -Nominal at 52c to 510 ex -store taking aim fired twice, the bullet pene- Montreal. trating the rare: and the brenet of the Floureettlemitoba grades, $4 to $4.10 captain. A surgeon was called in and per brl., in bags. for strong bakers' and •sewed on the severed eine Captain .$4.50 to $4.60 for patents: Quotations Kestoff's wounds are dangerous. on Ontarios are $3.25 to $3.85 per ,ling, _.....,„:„._ and 31.50 to 31.60 tor mitraa. SEVEN DEC.APITATED. Milifeed-Bran is quoted at $21, mid Forts at 8e2, although .some sales for — ' Work 01 Russian Robbers -Witnesses of Spot bran have been reported as high aSlaughter Lost Their Reason. s 823. Butter -The condition of the butter A. despatch from Yolleavefgrad. Bus - market is,very firm. ela, says : An estate in this vicinity was Eggs-itiew.iaids are quoted from 23c attacked by robbers on Thureday, who tt, 24c. bc•und and decapitated the proprietor, .42 Cheese-13Wi %e for lla and 14c for five laborers, and a woman. Two wit= 'Colored still being quoted. neeses of the slaughter, a soldier, who Provisione-Barrels, sheet -cut lives, hill in it haystack. end a child, lost their ,g22 lo $23.50; halfhdrrels, 811.75 tc. renson. The soldier subsequently died 012.30; elear fat hack, 324 to 324,50; le a hospital of delirium. The booty leen; cut henvy mese, $20.50 to $2e; hate amounted to $1,000. THE STRUGGLE FINISHED. Trees thatigroW the highest are called "-dominant" frees. The majority of the surviving trees lying between these classes, (good, thrifty trees, though not Mandible out above their neighbors), are known as "sub -dominant." • But at mg growth hi hetght stops, chiefly because the trees are no longer able to pump up a proper supply of water into Melts tops. But the tree still keeps on growing in diameter at a pretty eve rate for several years. Finally, even the. growth in diameter falls off largely, though it continues -at it less rate, of course -to a very old age. Trees Often live to a very great age. But such very old trees, when cut down, are very often found to ,be more or less rotten at the butt. So it is good forestry 1) cut the tree down before it gets so very old, as in that way the wood can be much better utilized. F. W. H. JACOMBE, PITTSBURG LOSS $9,000,000 •••••11.••• Disastrous Effect of the Worst 1 Flood in Its History. PO. A deepeleh front Pilleburg. Pa., neyel With the rapid receding of the waters of the Monngalieht, Allegheny and Ohio Rivers which Wes taking Wee here Friday nigh conditions aro fast wenn- ing normal trepattiene, and tho 00004 end matt d 1V1101100 flood in the history et the My Ot 011 end. Ten Ara 131110 were Intmdated. The tiltqg ettlat donors will prob- ably never km:0, bid aft estimate thlle tee legteriy County May Pe earindiarized 110, 404404 tables: - tradesWonten. WIM preae04 at trio ceremony, Pop Ma be WO oat, txt reformatory for three 1114111115, tor011.5. Ilioniegrel6Ortrees oh; elruhnieloth.0 ketilleadatetritleoll the serViee Of a horeedealer named Deeter0Y. raid become familiar with sonic of ino hest known houses in tho north ed prance. Thirteen years Jater these houses received the attentions of Pallet • and his bend. 13ECAME A SMUGGLER. lle was imprisoned again when 15 yeers of age for a jewel robbery, and on s'obtieleling his release induced a brother pin him as a smuggler. While smelt. Ming colfee aver the Belgian frontier he wits aggin captured and handcuffed, but managed to break away, and crossed the Ineatier, where the pollee were unable to fellow him. He jeered at them from a distance, and releasing himself from the handcuffs, threw them back to the pollee. fee afterwards served his time as a Soldier In a •most exemplary manner, itad on his return lo civil life married a girl of tilleen. lie celebrated his wedding day by robbing a house at Pradelles, Again Joining forces with hts beother, he aecomplished 200 robberies within too months. So successfUl werelus raids that other bandits agreed to serve under his leadership, and the band inereased In nuinbers until it had hundred mem- bers. It was not long before murder was added to the list of the hand's crimes. Three people were found murderixl and inutilated in January of lest year. Mys- tery surrounded the murders for a thne, hut they were eventually traced to the liond, and Pollet and a man named Vro- inent were arrosied. Since then other arre.sts have been made, and the police believe they will be uhle to capture the rest of the band. Over Hundred. Pence • Twoutraix Months, deSpatelt freM Ottawa flays: In a Wuxi*. le SUOMory given respecting accidents on Allteell 'were 1131170,3,5 during the hum covered by am rrnerf of Rio Redraw C,omintaston from fthruary 1, 1901, to March 31, 1000, it shown that 403 persons were killed and 3,44 iniiircd, On the 0. T. 11. 167 were killed and 40 Injured; on the C. P. R. 185 were killed and lin injured, and tat tho C. N. It 117 were killed and J14 itlitired. tho total killed 109 were tiospassing on tho track, 42 were ttilkd at levet crossings, 38 employees were killed while shunting, and 15 passen- gers were killed while attempting to get 011 train. while in motion. Fifteen releengera and nine empkiyees were kfltett trent beatton collisions, and twen. rierleal celltektee PS anti 11101411 employeee It the total fatentios ay. elitydlimo wore onera. I plo,yes Mid 01 OSSed 23 "other pita SIMS: The contiotationto atato thin on so. 110014 ot tho InOteasittS *04* el tho tont It wilt to *rot tO hue 41- eta* ale Seeeter3 atattal10111-' &Of** Polot$ bn Coed% and the fliaard has In 'lantern- Plolloo Ole 090410,111aent Or iseVeral spectors who, In addltkin, tO Isweeklgeb Mg the eireurnateRkls altendilla 100 dads, will- alSe 081001110 rolling steak and e,qUIPMellf rePott tlue"nY re' specking the minnisr 041 two vat- ous provtaighs of raihrey acts and re- hulatlons of the Wept eft being Obsiev- 1)-ilvo passengers and three employees ed. CHILDREN WERE GAGGED -ethods -.Employed by Teachers Trajnin at Lynn, Massachus.etts. A despatch from Lynn. Mass.. says: The School Committee met on Tuesday evening and listened to serious charges against stmervisory teachers in the elust- ern Avenue Training Schoel. It was openly viewed -thaleNorinal...echoul ora- duates under supervisiun 0‘..1.4, guilty of seding the children's lips with slicking plaster, placing stockings over their mouths and applying green soap 11.: remedy for talking. Atieni three hun- dred indignant fathers and Tholliers were present to press the charges of abuse of Irving Wellman, fifteen. declared a sticking plaster was placed lightly over hie lips by a teacher, who wet it with her own lips, and when taking it off cut Forestry Branch, Ottawa. GOVERNMENT 'PHONES. Alberta Will Spend Large Amount In Providing a Service. A despateb from Edmonton, Alta., says: Estimates were brought down in the House on Tuesday and passed with- out opposition. The estimates indicate that Alberiu will spend $2,703,94.18 dur- ing 1907. The estimated revenue during 1907, the Premier stated, would be np- proximately $200,000 greater than rn- ceipts. but the Government prepoeed le expend out of current account eeteen00 ori the constructien of telephones In Alberta, consequently accounts win prac- tically balance at the cloise of the year. The total output of butter dering the year was 8170,977, of which 8292.977 was (rem Government creameriee and the balance from private companies. The •travelling_dairies werieet very important factor in the higher education of the farmers. The outlook te for a greet ex. pension in dairying during the present and coming years. Long in nolpui of sleet Mille ..03,000,000 Losie tn output of other indite - 2.000.000 lose in weiges of employee .. 1,837,000 Estimated denialge to industrial plant 2.!I0e.600 Thtto ...... ,N11,33/,000, Excitement witg eaneed no Friday m y stseitenif firee.. Ono Wrath swept the Mount t,VaahltieWn district had to -bit dynamited on eeeoullt ed 11 nhoriage ii wafer in the maine, Tho lass fr tn Inelb fires Will not exCeed .$225,000. • AND FASTEST. .0:0•04-0+00:0):0):4+0440441+ • THE SALVING OF %SAN MARSTIN 0+04-0+0+0+0+0+04.40+0+ Captain Mutton, of Old liner Gaelic, wits a man of many experiences; but a fresh one came to hen when Silas Z. Crackston, it widower, propused for' his daughter Susan. It was not only that Mr. Craeliston was it millionaire, but the captain had never previously had such a suggestion made to hen, und the stature manner was uneutiventemul tcom a Britisher's puint iif view. "Say. skipper," the Amerlean saki one evening, as the two paced the bridge deck together, "there u dairsy girl of yours you have aboard this nip. Now, don't you think me end you Might have a bit of a deal about her? "I guess," continued the apenker, when the Captain made no reply, "yoti'd be geed, now I.) see Miss Susan well married and settled down?" "That's so," roiled the skipper; "It'a ie the iiatural order of thing.% You want to mare.' her?" "That is my Tiotion, Captain. I'd set- tle what you please an tier; and if you'd a faney 10 drop the sea•and start ship- uwning ashore, 1 guess there Will vo impediment to the money she'd have beln' put into shipping. Is 11 a deal?" The sailor wits much perturbed. A better matchfinancially he could not hope for, and he knew the Ainerican Inc a Mall WhO W11111t1 111116.e 101 1101,11- .k -ea _husband _tor his daughter. But there were difficulties, end the- Captain heellated. "I never took stuck in family myself," said the American, teeing Ins (belle; "lout it that's in your mind, I ralcultrie it's obtainable, Thee) was a man of my name in the lay newer, and II 71111 Nay the word I II send an coder kit the 1111-111 ellest kind of uheestry to the right 'twirler. Ino can count. en Silas Z. every eine, Captum." Toilet eine' Mersion said mit length; 'end if elle (hese I.' nth'? yeti, I uouldn't stand in the It ay. But " 'I jump!' Aniericaii inierpulated elliektY; "there's another mal0' "I w,,uldn't just hi* outright. but, bit it' my suspicions." Crurkstun was all uterine -is, "'then lum'. gut to be worked. . Wile is he?" 11%11. a 11',Wer Captain eta rsl en Wooed 111 te the fl% Mg bridge elov them. KILLED IN COLLISION. C.P.R. Express Beni Into u Wrecking Train. A despatch from Port Miller says: A collision occurred on the C.P.R.•on mi curve just east of here on Thursday night, when the wrecking train return- ing from Plat wes struck by an expeees. The crew of the wrecking train saw the express appronching, and all eseaped except a man •nained Palmer of floss - port, who was struck by the locomotive and instantly killed, Ice on the lake is thick, and the opening of navigation will assuredly b. late. —se it with a pair of scissore and picked the smaller pieces off with her (Inger nem, Clarence el. Strickland, fourteen, eus punished by use of a Gluck stocking sa.11111eii;latul,n•k11(141.1)V,..nU0S101,11.11:'dellierlveelal.ctirf ditlpilliot answer a question lo btie sidisfaction of hie leacher and ens taken intu the le nel eensetered necesenie, us the pie los. nee satisfied thiii it is bill tt t;use 4.1 being luet foul frezen to death. • 111E ENTERPRISING. EMIGRATE, — , Britain Being Robbed of the Flower of ller Agricultural Population. despeteh from louden :says The Illustrated London Nees suys (hat can. aila's excellent land end enterprising advertisements will doubtless tend Ail further to diminieti Great Britain's agri- cultural population, and after a tinie leave nothing at home but the very yelnig, eery uld, 1.11' very :stupid 111141 1411-• enterprising sectiuns el the nivel dwell- ers. HAD BEEN FitoZEN To DEkTIL Body of Man %Vito Died on Prairie Found by Police. A desputch front Snekaleon, Sask., says: 'rhe body kyle' iloursen. o eeee death was revetited a fee du7. ago, was brought tom !own on statur• 0.10 eVe111I11.1 10 Cullstahle8 Lurie and Grey*. It we-, iseested 114 a. shad: 111 11'11111,A &sir ret. !war eleie 144.11 therel on the iii•airie. 1111.111t.,..1 your eivenee. and O. rather' boo 30 3 tthabatiewfao:, ybouut and you'll find Silas Z.11 ni1140 things Oricomfer- "Get °et," ejsoulated the mate; "trt oul ot this and do yotir worst. 1 m not afraid." The mililionaire Milled benignly and departed, leaving tee sailor in 111) 011' VItthle frarne of ntirtd. Jfaaltit's un- easiness proved only too we» founded A week after. the Gaelic's arrival m port,' he received a curt notice of dis- missal from the owners. The first thing was to secure another ship. When that was done, he could approach Captain Maratun, if not with ounlidenve, at least, with a definite pro- posal for Snsan's hand. But a own- mand was hard to procure, and the (tacit.' had sailed again ere he got % berth. Moreover,he learned that both 1' i. (sweetheart and the, Millionaire hal gone west with her. Melttt had been .appointed captain If the Diver, a walt4ded, trump boat of some 600 Ione register, and, as his new charge wallowed her wey out tnto the Allantle liklen with coal, he seemed happier than tie bad done Since levering the Gaelic. On the third day out, hie first °Meer roused him to report a Mt. AA' ahead, flying Menials far assistant:ie. Hazen on reaching Mu Madge, reeog- lezed this lame duck as the Gaelic. A hoot from her put off us the Diver approuched, and Maine. shook Inutile with the ettleer in 'charge of it us tie stepped aver the rail. After the ivenit questions as to earou, the ()dicer in charge of the boat return- tiktallialluthnGaelic with a note for captain \Viten Captain element pesteied tt. 1.0 ettid things unfit for publioellon, and eteilre centeteranneter to-Traire•Mee •44111444- • • • ttlott to step up to the chart -denote "Leek here," he eXCIaltIled. 11)1011 the milltenuire urrived; "it is mrt usual to eensutt passengere itt ti ease tete Bile, but, you got me int.) thie mess, und yuild better get nice eut, Cuptain Ilez me see, 11011 low 014 fu for selvage fu 111' ettled 111 Cuurl provided I marry him to Susie% before the roes are pieseed. The weather is dirty, and I Janine run the risk ef wuitine for an - ether ship, ee are sei far uut uf the -course of linere," "A\ eat. stepper,' said the Itinkee, fal\l\rehiely" ‘.1111;:dillioPni":"""trybediUttivd;),11•Ietatit::yrollin4u :wail -ter Miss. Susan te settle the stakes.' %%thing to be salved?" "I really don't understand." laughed Suen. "It depends oit who -does the %%here his chief mate we, Iseelatlfg W11101 ihereei a yuung man, named 14114 Wt1Cd. 1 1 111Z101, 111 Itlea 81011111er 01.11 thele, pro- "! Atter naleer Hazlet, is a?' comment•I putnag to leke on the contract." ed the Kleppe. '''tiutt. ca ie I 'I he rosily. is_it•14ty1..iviertufrautrie?i• INietkr'e "leek:Litt' yuu and u iigiet) atterwurds. M hen Sites loin together before•lie tukes the Gaelic's V is eel ‘,11 u thing, he goes through the rope.' \sin, le' elle replied, &upping Creek. Sio,ten. could not %sell ub• stun a denture eurtesy, "will you please je.1, awl lie WO an Well 11 `NOWA be Mr. Hailllt, know 1 ant Nettling to be eat\ Kit A" 11"c!::,eriiii1.1' d t 1 titthen linzlitt eanie lee "Now. (ellen," bummed up the Amer.. few, he found the teem) )•eeilimet bY Call, 5011 141111t up Lite marriage service i:reiesten end ey the uder et the re- for thee.in pere cal the sea white hint kably tine cigar that gentleman e as fotell., up that parson -passenger from tiil It'X!lOkIitii t,til 1 bi \slug- A sieWalli 111.41 8111usIn. I'll ahow the young man seitine iiion the table a heel'. .1 1..• Nimes tieourd that when Silas l'faatilet., 101, aed the 111111pe entUatlh /. ILA\ 11 lie does et handsome, lee. gee V.1041 10 think ,•41111.8 Z. 81)4.101(ta't 1".1'.'41.11.111 111 1, hi 4,1 der," eiplilined the . eine oat. On top after all!' -Petip.011'd "1 .1,1pitt•I 1,th•Vo, • \\ ,••••hly, I tvitit im ‘‘,,rd tf.1111 )(01, Illid that 11 I 1110 CUrk and dis• I C. E. MASSON COMMITTED. ," he said. turning to the i051e,i0tiaen Hockey Player Charged VVIth "y W11., I itili Manslaughter. 01111a,zhlypr... 1.‘"ehup le'evleil A deepairh from Cornwatl, Ont., says, telleerdetti though 1 'Mile let 1• The peen:emery examination of Charles e '' 01 Ottawa, who is ehurged we eel teat yfill Came we with reusing the death el "Bud" Me. ieNnh ei.leieti'irke i.tn)d. Fhrite dlam1 y '.2:f1teNriraloorerhi , neer live INtItt's spent in hearing A' ,,,ee 411447"Iver w"" ""rfifv nliedoece and the argument t eounseli \ ‘)» t. :11:1 .hr011:1NUS e0111/1111ed ur tree n l71111' 1 1 .1'I1lf;f manslaughterThe rs '11(18.du,- ItUllfas I 1.:111,i,1.,1e)- ,- feel hie positien keenty. th.. mole. telong teflon' „2 1,1.,, nnd al»r nurt degreit he revek itt in.' an1,1 (1 yd,". nt4e'lilli 1:,',1.14...tsicLsbriet 11 1....nf MiclimkillIreiLrrikw1711 ‘pki..tiC4vetrIr•)tItt . o.,1 ‘1,11 ‘%'11'1,1/1 .1,110•1.sildhetrhPatlo "I 11 tlltltl'it.‘\fi»osuuit 11(0 :',.'.111111.••1 • 111,1111,,t. ff 1,,., an Le %rime 'end 1 tient , Att. 1 ie...., '1"1» 'n """n \Int41-11. 1. Ili the appticetion fur baii as I. if • .1 e 11''1" .1 "11 "I" '1' 1. 11 1..'s rums 1/.) lot', lied your 1......1 icierrel i re 1, y 1 1 gee- t. '1 'bel e••• I ItelleCI IVES, %CQUITTED. le- seen, inf.. 11 • \•.. .1 , , 1. hot ,• 1 ff, 1 « eix Insoised In Neat shooting In .1. roil.,10.1 11 it.. 1 Iturktnishion Riot (10 Free. "\\ 1,-11 11.1-111,. two var. I., her so\ "-one um.tt t ...,1 „ ono ,t ,I1, 11., 11, lqi• lit 1•11,1.4 DP' ti 1s1 hoo,I 1 to. •tlf.1, of .it (1.-1 ,...• ,, 1 11,, to 1 1 1 ,•••• », ttt 1 1" ha "V t, 41 I 1, 10. •.• 1'g:14°11.0,1.. -111 pp th • .1 !, I, 71.. •1••••11.,.11I•'‘...1.2; 1 tr. . flee e .1) e • e .1. • dressing -nom, seized and shaken, after What he was three 11 1,11 0 sofa and Nal upon. The leacher then forced half a cake of green soap into hie mouth. Ilelen Thompeun, thirteen, had her arms tied behind lier. her feet tied to thr desk and her head fustened ihe desk by rugs. WEALTH IN B. C. MINES. Chicago Capitalists Buy Claims In the Laird District. A despatch from Victoria. British Co- lumbia, says: Sixteen realms of copper, gold, silver and zinc. on Haskins' Moun- tain, at \Hearne (:reek. In the Least mining were purehased rerc ly by fiosentled, Kurz. and Ifirsetee . I Chicage. Development is le be carried out on a vast scale, end an expendituri• re 81.560.000 Is planned. A rnilway to be built from the heed of rinvigalr • ell. the Shekille !liver to the Mints, 1.:i Miles. %%int a tunnel through mountains three toile, long. The claims are strya.m. (,11817' rich, end It is cuteuiatee r..rtm that they will be good 0 r 3211. ono,000 in six months' work. (oncen. linters end other innchinery of the need tviodern kind are to be installed. TWO NEW C.P.R. LINERS, Company Hee Practically Decided to Build Them for Mintier. A despatch from Montreal says The Canadian Pneille hos now practically de- cided to Meld two new stermiship: fer the Atlantic service. which will trilse tho Mare of ihe Empress of Ireland And Empress of Britain. Three int tP1' steamer% It is understood, will he Iran, ferreil to the Orient serviee, and will provide a faster and better service on the Pacific than any now in eXt04-•rtre. Thht reletitte 1 WO of the preo Itt empresses from the China and Owen line, end thew, it is proposed ti, pto on the Australia and New Zealand male. New Vessel Which Will Eclipse Any Liner Afloat, A despatch from London says Messrs. Berland & Wolff of Bella31 have receiv• ed an order for the eonstruction ef the largest twin -Screw steamer In the world. Tbe new vessel 10 intended fur the Ilem- burg-Amertean Line, and in respect »f aceriminodation And speed 11 wm. !s claimed, Kelps° all troneatiantle iiners aflone (Inc of the prineipal features will he n etvimming bath, whleh is to he Iniredifeed for the fleet time on tin Atlantic steamer, while file proseelon et a restaurant. AvItieh hoe proved se sue- ceseful An the company's Steamer •%wri- te!. will be repealed in Me new ship. The new veelee1 Will be hauled George Washington, Ele a Convenient to the Amerleans, and Atte le to, be ready next AprIng. If she provea 11 suecees Mea - see Harland & Wolff will proceed with the building of eeveral oilier vessele nf a similar design. Chief litetice eVeatherbee of Nova Reotia hes Yeeigned. The Grnnei Trunk (loftily lure pest re - owed fourteen new stvItening engines tram i.ehentetady, tvy. The Ontario Deportment of Aeileulture la investigating ilio reasons tor the fail - THE IRISH CRIMES CT. !Motion to Repeal It Passed In British House of Commons. A despatch from Londe)) savs 'rile Dottie of C.oininone on Thursday night descussed the motion made by Michuel II. Hogan, member ter Tipperary, in laver of repealing the losi, 1.1'011eS act, elueli was cnrried 22 vole, to 83, TIP) Mutton 0) us elr.,11g1 y epposed 117 I. monist Speakers. 'rive chief Seerptito ot \le Ilirri•li, dee:nisei the net 11.., it ..f tyrimment Mild that soQS the preseio e reerti• mete 10118euncerned the aet t', t', dead and 1,111.1ed 011.1 ton11141 he 1..111101ye r- pented III Ille 1.111.11e0 opt...Outlay. hoped iii.e).•14. iiitroduce a uhiell ,),,ald tiring taloa Ihe 1‘,..turUtpult of 'reed tented, to their homes. PREPARING FOR WAR. Japan VVorking Feveristity to Complete Iler Equipment. A deepatch from Berlin eays ( aplam Ignaz Rode. of the Generat staff (1 the \antrum -Hungarian army. in n pLio phlet entlitetl "The Prospects 411 (1» 1 hire nt Aere an-Japonese %Var. dee I ri tssn Ito1 this unproterted Pattie ('01151 of ihe United stnte% 4,fferS excelleet et owes tor the sueeesis (If the Japeneee. 11 aeserts stint Japan 10 working fes Iv le retopeee her military and nit% equipments, adding that during the lye feu month» 50.000 men hays hoer, ucirls tiny and night in the 1,r',',»',turninu 0011q and small arms. Ille cartridge moonfaelories2 tit r, and Nagoya.. where 20.000 men nee ..1, htli•P Willed nut dale. 5011 ufl OM the projectile WOrkS at Tr lite rank, COS shells per day for the fled are' • SHOT 1115 BROTHER. Sad Accident inn :Manitoba Family - Three -year-old Boy Kilted. A despaleli from Came .011. Sinn., says. The seven•year-ohl son of re Mob Oh Tuesday afternoon. in the tern- phrary alt.:own hrs 1,urent.s, pleked up a lutolett rifle eine!. lind hotth len Standing Inlitad the 41.,4,r and neeident• fh illy shot his e is Ihreeeneold brother. kir ling low instantly, The bullet penetra- ted the 1.1110 fellow's eye, SCOT1.AND 11.1RD FOR sPAIN. Alfonso Offers Position el Chief to I.on. don Innpertor. deepab.ti from on lden 0.1. King Attune)) hits derided to He .ditteolo• swinish petal' method. and to 1..1(11,1'0r O (Tana's I my nslrgn 1 ion dept. intent, modelled en the English Soe'llnnel lard. 1-1 • hag (More,' the rhief of reorgenieel feel. le ler row, of the london fOrev, 'A Ili 11 .0,- 111) of fgeonti 11 is Staled Mal Ian Map, ‘s much eppreescd ihe tI thellinds hen he ens here Ile hnen aseoleit by ()linen rn relining los 4 loans. .- AFTER COMMIA CARRIERS. -- • Quebec's 8111 10 Further Tex Railroad; and Express Compenirs. cieepalth from Quebec .01. rItin peewit:tat Trensurer 1111S in11.41aci.(1 to corporaltc,ii lax bill. 'eleelene .,..111181110.0 111'' it pat,' oneriord ef 1 lee eon?, of rstpit(1( 111‘t.c1r,1 111 I 111'. • Ulf. province,: end 411,4)ter enr.11 Monti -eat end Quebec reign ox •••A'IL 1411111,:1111f, are Inked half ef I r ernt 4,0 thelr gree,q earilingt.4 in '1,.. • 1.• •.% met.. the 100 to he not it'. s llinn 141,111) orinlly Lech main liar of 1411.5;1A P 11114.•144% 111 Weed 330 per 111,1e al f1 91 trAf' each r1(11111),Thri1 111,.ng ?he n eve, I Taw (1211 pet fort, 014 Pia pet mite for adclitheral 1'»,' , 1,1„, ro, (,,, 14, r timmi,11 l• eh . 4 4 III 1 VIII% 4 plant 911.1 the l fiurch ..f ( 1m I Ad% . I eke el ' hot at \\s(ker )111, - .1.• ' .1 'rnt eft I•A fire ?al Satanic') 'Ile, 1,,.,'1, 1 11,n fent' aril Is Nesse 1 3711 Mit ,littt % %ensile atethe l ... hurch e %allied zit ---+---- TII‘VEI.ERS' TAX REPE41.1:1). liquor and ceior firm,. It ,1, s2nna .ry,•firly In 1114, pf..‘ 1 egi.Intilre ha. , I .•). persenultv lax thre, 11111- , re. r. r I ("II. or 91 1001 llifs wit 4,1 31;7Aillo Pil rda,At. :11.4, tiltuto 14. VA. it1 4 lit '‘ elid 1,, 1,111.er British Colunibla Will Collect ftrily 1.iquor and Clear Firms. despatch from leimia. 11 . 11101411 1.01111111111i 1 P41,..p4•Itip11.. 111"1""'"I" 11.1"."1"1 '11 Int‘erec•, 1. amines ... •...• uto ot the tibtoto crop in the Province. tory. 821,000. rom 1 • 11 1.... 1 11, •11,1 nErx If. THE rn Ee-Commlesloner of londs and Teeise Other.) Killed. A despatch fr. rr, Johnnor,lort):. 1 11111 A•110• NtInel imiresott 11 11 , 1.44111111.4•11,P4 i ..f I fuel. un, 1WrIA,• ether per.). nenI ale •.' et.1 40 V 1 "41f1.• des' in the WT1441, of t ip» o Alkiihrtir 111.. le.Ingea 10,e 411W if h11.4114,It Elesen pers .11,A %Po ..ft• ill m issION Alt IES 11.1.E1) 111 ported Destruction of et ;Mimeo. China. despeeti floe. ',barge... .44111. 11 re,1 from rtees 11,111 11...le) a ri 1111881 ill 1108 l,ecri o• song(c.titttt thei the mile:Ilene. Mr 1 11 11..%,,,414 11 ,A114.. • A i4P III +Art 111 114 111.1 ph - O klf1,1,1 fifff (.1‘,,r111t1, 11! 'the ',white)/ of '1 1,-. d 410,11 '1V4A41 1» 114.4. 5 1, ;,1 1110 N'herla 1 eVetintint" •-•rt. I .1 lt it, 11 I 111 1,1.1 11111041v; 11144 $14, .pl, 4.1 1p.4.• .411. I • , 1,IP111/ 1,4,1 ti 1, t 14414. 4.I. 444. p. 1P 1 •11 ,...1 • III 4 1,4,11111111 1 ',,.• ••1 .1 • 11. 0...! 81:0,404o .1 it11,r 11 • ,1- oil 51 t hoe 'it 0. .148,'• ft ,1111 PI lilt. OVER 100 MINERS KILLED Sixty Bodies Recovered and Others Are Likely to Die, 1 ,Ic-r,n1. ki, • • I. 1 1..1 • I, Ilk, 1 t• 1 , . 11,, 0,4• ,„ ...,.e‘,11e, the be 4., p • 41.41, •4 I 1. 141,1..1 141 11 14. • he, • ." it t. 1 . itt 1' .41 r 1 I, • 1 III I nre ustoeng uS Itea ¼ ti• •'• 41 • PI 04 • ,1 • 1,“. tinitti, explost.111 in 1/141 .P.1, ''1 • ,1 ' 11, , i ...NJ 4,1,1 ',poi Boild ,f, 17.4. %11 1. . ' ...1 11 , • 1' 1 Jerre( (Ivo miles east \ •• .11 VA Itte (e)mtv. At 11 rl'el0ek 't. 1 r h .,t t' t ,1 iO4. »..•..0, 1,, . .1 .1. 1. I 4 •11:- .flet derby are „ 1,,111 1,• • •• • • -, • 11, g,.I/arl.P 1.• appear 1. ,1 It • .1., 0 • 1 11K, 1. 1- ••• 1 1'h 1 -rt.,. 1,111ed .•1 15 •, ..1.• 1 • 1.• .1..• Itt. I,mito .1,,nettee,j .1Ir • l• .re,1 LI 1 \ I \ K11 1 11, 1\ \ IMAM \ • ti '1'11' 1"'"41,1• wont& „ 11.011's' -r' riled r bad• 1 • e1 • •• q • 11, . 51•• •4••• I I he ie ree s had just entered ,, .1, ee. . • .. re.- .111‘, a wort; hen the fitt 1•111.`• •,,.., 1' • A , • ft .10 • urred A seeh oast the ma - the ,.•• fl 4,, 1.1k1 .1, .1 • ‘..,1 1; 1 .) 'hem 1110r Lives 0