HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1849-08-23, Page 4Ten Nees srry or sown* unease sada.
-We have fregoesUy erred the sseoseetV
of rewlumixed seed of grain of what-
ever a eabat from the earelea manner
of maoagier grecs in most testances, et w
almost hopeless to expect to have clear and
unmixed geed without pickier it is the
sheaf before it is thrashed, which we would
strongly recommend. If each farmer would
only caw one acre of clean and usmi:ed
seed of each kind of grain, he might eubse•
gently keep his grain elven. Diffsrsat
varieties never ripen together or maks •
good sample. We have beard many com-
plaints lately of • new variety of wheat sold
this spring at Montreal at a high price for
seed, that has proved to haw been very
much mixed with other varieties. This we
coawijsr very inexcusable in those who sold
the wheat, as it must be very •nnoyirif to
those who bought t', In expectation o.' har-
suttee • new and clean vnnety of wheat
to sow most oprfsg, to End it now mixed
with two or three other varieties, as we
have seen it. We have seen some grain
imported from Britain this spring for seed,
and although It cwt a high price when laid
dugs here, yet it was worth all it cont, as
perhaps there was not a single grate of mix-
ture of a1y other variety in either oats, bar
ley, or beaux, but the nnspbich was named
in tis bill of sale. Thea circumstIDces
are sufuisot to show the dffere.t wanner
in which agricultural matters are transacted
to Britain and is Canada. In the former
country, the went careful attention is path
to the seed sown, while, on the contrary.
;o Canada, ws can scarcely ever see a field
of grain that hos tot more or less of mixed
varieties treeing together, and samplesof
wheel have frequently both wbAe and red
miz.d• 1f farmers were to bind ill small
sheaf* as much as wonld produce a few
borehole of teed, it might readily be picked
before thrashing, and then we would in com-
mend that the grain should be secanted
from the straw by striking the sheaf upon a
barrel or round log of wood.-efrg. Jesraaf.
TMraovaD Bass. or CArrt.t.--Imroteesca
ur To Doi.v.-1. ori lest somber, we mes-
tioaed as experiment made by the eleters. Me- laying of the corner stone it • was unme-
t/maid, of Gasemorse, .f feeding cattle of the muuely resolved to call the new school and
C.wdias and improved breeds, die results beteg
is all respects favorable to the latmr. The ..b•
wet 1msapin bees barge' •.4w ow .tteetese,
by the epperteeiiy which we had • few days
alga of g.isg ever the farms awl seeing the
splendid herds of thou two erniwar breeders. so
Well known bet -khan amid is the Stairs, and we
taigbt .1.0 odd ib. sold eeeatry. the Hoa. Adam
F,rrge.es, of Wsedkill, and Juba Wste.hall.
Esq., M. P., .f halon. Their iveck consists
of acme very Sse..wcimees .f tie Durban ; sod
Islet lea soli kith one:masa is done matters.
ibe atria** aalset(w bas bees paid to penny --
in( the parity .1 ibe breed While looking •t
the sleek and heavy trope of thew gealemen. e■
• spot which bet a few yearn ago was es unbee-
bore pe.beeiSg Mere redress( sews is mimes
sestinas .f ibis smeary. Whoa, we eek. week
prim* the Cesetheea fee Amur • pwfaah1e
berme is betas sod Merge is the markets .f
dee m.ther e.eatrr 1 The irm d►tag w ha deer
w to direct the uteed.e Am fames'sares.dy
and practically to the *object
la pansies, tie reetiw.f the dairy bailout,
Mtl a •'ekcttua of ped core (a cross d tie
beet Drones wish the improved breeds will pee-
rshy *Used to .0.051 well), fellow t:eeeieera.
Ir... .F m.Mpeammi, "memo, ie., all which
veggies to be door ea s died unttorul system. -
Without esifeble pastures, covered with • beet•
thy (teeth of the cultivated greases, it th as vis
to r pe for annum' supply of good *sulk. When
the peewits became parched, is the latter end of
Sommer and •slams, cows moth' he *dvuntage-
e..ly fed os the fresh stocks of iodise core,
sows thole, fur that purport/. A sed, capa-
cious, well ventilated eelhr, properly supplied
wi•k pare water, ('i a ronotae sprier can be ob-
tained all tate better,) with the arse scrupulous
srtr11t15e a eh-ashreas is every deparutwet d
1l,4 maaspmest, are among the meet emirate"!
requisites of a good dairy. -Ag. Journal.
At the Loan Megrim' of the London
Building Society held last Morey evening.
6 .hares were disposed of at bonuses of
£31 Ile!, £34 16e., £34 5•., £3t, and 3 at
£34 lbs. Average, £34 10e.
Tits MoFVWBWL " Rtl.wssa."-Wry
eon orb W lechers Mme Mie well
ad japer hes bees dlreest l. 11 w s
k mod this whet
primate. sad has dams pad swede rAhe
eagle of civil tuitga .41-
though an organ of Nb.q(M11er 'M
the last 8v years it was weed at the Sok
of tis Pe►Ileber, who woe le rot s ass1*7
of the profits, if say shad semi.. to the
Treasurer of the Canada atria Mkeei000ry
Society. The cause of its dise8od sees
is ■ debt rf nearly £900 el bleb has seams•
laced from the shameful *select -of nebsert-
bere in not paying up. Many A C.sadts.
publisher hes • I•ke complaint to otter. -
Too many subscribers thjek they ere cors -
far log a favor on the FAG, by labia' je-
pen at all, and the subscription ie iso last
of all claims they imend to pay. if is use
Wog to remark on the uoreaaos•bleaees of
such views. We thillk, however. the pro-
prietors of newspapers must adopt 11/$111)
count to p t this evil, and to retire
prompt payment oo the part of subscribers.
Without this Do publisher tan contuse. )lis
effuris, and the Press, to which the country
in very great part, •wes its hbertyl good
laws, and the removal of abuses, must go
down.- l'rosinciiliet.
The corner -atone of an lndustrial School
for the lndians, at Muncey Town, was laid
on Tuesday. the 17th ult. , by the Res. Dr.
Richey, in the presence of a large assembly.
A great number of Indians were erotical.-
reaeo(.The Christian Guardian says: -
We might here remark that the site for
the Industrial School is happily chosen.-
Situatd on a beautiful elevation, with
eloping books down to the limpid waters of
the adjacent Thames, the school will be as
s`reeabls a local too as it will be a healthy
one, ahile,the farm attached :s of the richest
quality of soil and free from any impedi-
ments and dadvantages frequent) found
to militate against the well directed efforts
of the husbandman.
At a recent council held previous to the
premises, The Wesleyan Ojebway Indus-
trial School, Mount Elgin. The name of
His Ecce!lency. Lord Elgin, was selected
to designate the property on account of the
deep interest Has Lordship has invariably
manifested in the affairs of the Indians and
Mi.sions, since his residence -in Canada. -
At all times, we believe, Lord Elgin has
been the friend of our Indians and Missions;
and bas, hem his assumption or the Gov-
ernment of cup. , pursued a course in re-
lation to them as honourable to himself, and
as grattrying to the true friesds of the
Indians as it has been the opposite of that
passed by some former Governors who one
only _were dienosd to withhold from the
Induans their legal rights, but, were pre-
pared to stoop to unworthy detraction and
wholesale defamation !-Cana. Free Press.
RELICS 0r0Rascau.-We are too apt to
be seaere upon the vulgar of certain foreign
nations on account of their veneration for
the relics of saints and martyrs. Instances
of a peculiar kind d( relic -worship are abun-
dant cnuugh in this country. Far example,
we read in the Old Batley news of last week,
that at the conclusion of a case, subsequent-
ly to the conviction of the fool Hamilton,
!' A eortaio person gamed O'Keefe, who, it
appeared, was tbe owner of tbe pistol that
baJ been disobargd by Hamilton at her
Majesty, applied to have the weapon meter-
ed to him, as he said he had been offered
IT4?ORM111W*J T$I td Alas.
U.Mael.sait, aged sheet U. w lett hie
..tire plies Streetles, 1. the Watt Hag► -
` ds of B.Mits.d, .boat Jose 1847 -ad
.ailed frees Glasgow Far Ms.ttneL Was
k.us• in tbe ship to James Camara., Oar-
dmoer, who see pppeedd at Mockvife,-d at.
ata( Duncan McPber•ow, and i. .apposed to
h arm travelled with the latter up the gouger,
to the summer of 1847. pie hither baler -
maims ere be obt.i.ed of bin thea is above
_end hie relatioa hems shies caw to North
bellhop., ear Stratford.
I.f.rrnauoa will be thankfully received by
his brother, Job. MecLees, North Easl-
hepe, Bell's Corner's P. (1., any letter may
be addressed to )Zr. J. J. E. Lrstoo, Strat-
Stratford. July 1849.
The Papers of Lapdog), (C. W.) .f Galt,
Guelph, pundits, Hamden. sod Toronto,
will confer a favor os a sorrowing mother
and fnads, by inserting the above. 1098
T.. Caors.-A gentleman whole's Late-
ly made a tour through the Tomah*, is
the neighbourhood of Bytows, for that pur-
pose of viewing the crops, inform, gig IMt
there is a most promiaisg appanage of a
Plentiful return. He had seen cover! large
fields of Felt. WMaar which would ernes
from 35 to 40 bushels per acre, or the
Spring What if very promising is many
place.-oo the whole Wheat will produce
i r SU M ES required b, the New M-
STtries Curt Act, aed all ab.r BLANK
FORMS seed is the District sod Diyiei..
Comte, oe Sale at the 8igsal Office. Also, e11
kisds of 309 PRINTING elevated es the
shortest notice. •ad oa tnadenw terms.
G•+krich, July 19. 1819.
THE 8ab.cribsr begs - leave to inform the
Inhabitants 'of the District of Huron,
and the neighboring Districts, that be bas
Established himself in Stratford,
and is prepaid terries Plass aid Spedi6ca-
moss of Public or Private Buildings, Bridg-
es, Mill Data. hie. ke. ice., .ad will take
the sup.rinteedoocd'of such Ereetioas, on
lbe most reasonable terms.
above an avenge crop, very fine in quality. His thorough knowledge of his professing
Unser" Cute, never, in the memory of our and his practice as Builder, qualities him for
any uodertaklog an the line. Address post
HAT bandwm- twewwry here, (swam
th* Steembeet Teases. b=!
ileo. 44, and pees.dy s y Me. Rea-
gas. It is Istrr wed well raped m she tree M
• nwpeetoble Milt'•-b.a.g • Sip •Sodas d
.rebord reed sacked wiib eM.Msut Mit or id
.•. remMssepiaea lis psemini17 se the hie -
bow «Medea. N►a•ess the raise ado ems -
Um woke din pre hetet i. Lsiseee list it sherd
crease te be geapied, to will be let es rose-
serlba terms, erten the ,sew (.sea yeses, me may
be sped epos. rhe hedger p•raieellre spec,
Oedwlshs fad teksary, 1116. M
isformant, presented a rieher •ppe•r•ece.-
Deere' though rather short in the stalk seems
week eared and to all appearance, will. is
thrashing out, be very productive -ora
Targe field belonging to Juko 'I'haitepgnn,
Esq., will yield, without doubt, frees N to
70 bnsbele per acre. P'tatoes, .peskier
generally, look beautiful, and Mier probe.
d better -there is not the lest sign of
blight. BAIL LI T and Rrs w,l be afair Crap
but Peas wilt be a short return. Har,
upon new meadows bus turned out a fair
crop, but upon old meadows or kith lard
there has been a poot yitLI.-Pucker.
kgs tweet. we wen ,tr.sgly remanded Meta/Ill
localities is the old cavalry endeared to oar re-
membreace, tad could not help thinking, to
what an ucaleelable extern the •griceltenl
wealth of Caned' might be incensed by efficient
cultivation, • *knows system *Notation, and
improved besrda of stock.
In eating the aunties of oar readers to the
m►jeet Wesel*, we an fully twin that it i• sot
peseueable that sot farmer, can generally and st
sae'btala the best and purest breeds. Even U
that object wen nbuioed. the difficulties of re-
taining parity of blood rod first rate rein els are
me great,' requiring the cotenant renew of £40loose
correct observation rod )odgmeor, se well for it, and he should not like to •o much mosey." Mr. Rush's to overs.
ger mash expellee, that the herds of no iacomid- no doubt would -command as good a price
✓ esile number would aeon deteionte. This, in the British market, and inches of the rope
however, is as valid meso against a general ef- by which he, or Mr. Tburtell, or Mr.
fort being made to improve our breeds of cattle • Greenacre, became los: to society, would
Cow Ass.VLT.-We were much
pained to hear, the other day, that Edward
Griffin, Esq., a worthy citizen oftb•s neigh-
bourhood. bad been grossly abused 1.d
maltreated on Wednesday last in Hull,
whither he had gore upon some matter of
business. As we ars infnrtlls/I, some half
dozen ruffians attacked Mr. Griffin, in his
buggy, sod although he succeeded in S .
ing hie escape, owing to the swiftness of
the animal he drove, he received, we regret
to say, some severe bruises. We trust the
matter wilt receive full 'nvesttga'ion, and
that the guilty ;Artie* will receive the p00-
ishment they richly merit. -Packet.
The Ilnn. Robert Baldwin arrived, in this
City on "Thursday last, from the seat of
for every step taken is that direction world in. be quoted at no leas extnr•gawt figure°.
fetch more than St. rCatherinre's own wheel, _ _
or one of the veritable arrows that shot St. THE LEAGUE.
Sebastien. We are no bigots, but we un-
equivocally condenin this idolatry of the The bubble has butst. The mountain
martyr, of crime and aaiota of the A'eteffale has laboured, but has not brought forth
Calertdur; and though averse to peneeu- even • mouse. The poor devil, fought
tion, we should be really glad to see a
statute, somewhat milder than that`de ks-
rntico coueberrado, enacted against a traffic
in the memorials of guilt, which, in effect,
puts a premium on all manner of atrocities.
CAPITAL PC,IiHNi,T.-A late •umber of
Bnrritt's Christian Citizen, Mates that a
sermon wee preached not long ante by the
Dean of Exeter, is favor of Capital Punish- 1 Prayers ! ! ! Our town readers, are of
mens, from the words, " Whose aheddeth I course' anxious to know w bat the young
Man's blood. by man shall his blood be bloods from this Ruarter have done. Why
herd:' A laymen reviewed the sermon ;- they did not even say Amen to the prayer.
mem the farmer's profits, and render less dile- A bit of Courvoisier's drop woold probable
colt tis way to a still higher progress.
Then cash' so doabt that if the armee' pub-
lic were ve8cieally awake to the valid import-
asee of this sehleet, and prepared to speed • few
dollars, which ie • few months would be con-
verted into u many pounds, • asmber of intelli-
gent and 'steeprising breeders world spring ap
in different parte of the country, that would soon
be adeq.te t the watts of the public. But
while men are w, peaarieae and short 'righted u
todeprle, themselves d theade ntages of a good
bell, of .all knows pedigree, for the sake of ■
dollar. we cosine our inability to see bow•the
live seek of the country is to be materially Im-
We are sot willing to take upon ourselves the
respirability of urging the epeeist claims of any
psniealu breed. Situation, 'oil, climate. i.e.,
sat form mestlal eilemeate is all such coeeid-
restless, sad Cite fis►1 decision must be determi-
ned by practical experience. The short boons
pOewee • gnat somber cf erasable gadities.ssd,
taking tees epos the whole. may be mid. per-
haps, to excel say other breed la general purpo-
ses. They are good feeders, come nrly to r-
arity. mad ire for two' anri.alled, 10 ohjee; d
gent....et when bereber•e most jerebes a re-
maseati•g pries. Mach may be said ie favor
of the Ayresbire, Hereford sad Devoe breeds :-
the firm we think particularly adapted to Chia
einem?, especially for elegy psrpoen; for whieb
lhsy,haes ter credit of befog better suited than
the pmt Shen -ban . At •11 ening, let the for.
mw get a erege from his beet motive e•ws eed •
geed boll of any of tee imprsted bend.. 5d ws
weir, to airs the t h e will (ad tha melt prof-
itable: hs.will peewees ase .f settle either he
the butcher he the d.iry, very oemene wen.
thisg he bed before, with the impses•t eaves.
tog. .fwriviy et merit,/ is her the time Is
• soder the atthes9enwtieS. errs sf •egew es-
.sss (bet the Terms week erg bort sed oe.ted
le • peeper asses', parieslmrty deer/ wave,
whet mesh Worry 8eg•esrty arises frees west of
.eA•iesl protection sod .esrlwteg food.
rime •riijeet of the dairy is see that mem ese-
Sirjuhn Harvey Lieutenant Governor of
Nova Scotia, has Waled a proclamation, re•
Bolder. Sec. ke. Stratford, C. W.
Stratford. Meech 16th• 1849. Yr 7t1
POR SALE. LOT 8, Lake Shore,
loai%ehsp of Ashfield. containing . ONE
CRES, widest,' two miles of the tbrtviog
Village of Port Albert, in which there is a
Grist Mill, a Saw Mill, and an Oat Mill. -
The Lot is bounded on the west by the
Lake, and oo the east by a cut road, -and tt
AI well watered. (p'For particulars apply
-if be letter port paid -ter
iRA LEWIS, Esq. Barrister, Godericb.
Goderieb, 2d July, 1849. vtt-n2?tf
G+ABH FOR WHEAT at the Godericb
Mille, W. PIPER.
Goderich, 30th March, 1849. d,-.611
Exhibition of Fartn Stock,
TURES. •e. Cke. rte.
i.e., will he held at GODERICH. es Taeday
the 25th el September seat, wheat the (ollawise
Fee the Best Brood blare and Foal.... Ll 10
fed ............................1 0
34..• . ....................... 0 15
For the best Two year old Filly 1 0
god 0 15
3,d.......... 0 10
Por the beat Two year.44 Colt 1 0
1-OUND,-Os the Beech of Lake Hume,
I' about half -way between Godericb .id Bay-
6ed, on the 2eltb Jane, 1(349, a small Flat Bot-
tomed BOAT. The owner is requested to prove
property, pay charges, and take her twee.
T.wsship Godericb, Jose30, 1849. v2.23
Sea 010
Pee the best Spas a Farm Heron 1 10
tad 1 0
3d 0 15
For the best Milch Cow (which than
hare bad a calf in 1849) 1 0
2nd .................... .... 0 15
3rd .............. .. 0 10
Fn the best Two year old Helfer.... -0 15
tad ... 0 10
3rd........ ..: 0 7
For the best stadia( Heifer 0 10
2nd 0 7
3rd ........ 0 5
For the beet Boll 1 5
2nd 1 0
3rd 0 15
For the best Yoke of 1V ork.•g Oaea • . • I 15
34 0 10
For the best Three year old Seers 0 15
2nd 0 10
34 0 7
Fn the best Twe year old Steers 0 10
2nd 0 7
3,d 0 S
1 For the bent Fatted 01 - - 0 i0
I 2nd
3rd 0 10
For the best Feted Cow w Heifer 1 0
god ....0 15
3rd.........r ............ ....0 10
For the beat Ram 1 0
2.410 15
34 0 10
For tba best E.es(peu of 2) bevieg rat
eel • Lamb each is 1849
Dees, 13.49.
I1E undersigned, Agent appointed by
commending that the 29th instant be set 1 His Excellency the Governor-General
apart as a day for pubhtc fasting and humtli- for the Settlement d the Crown Lands in
ati00. to supplicate Thane Providene• to the Townships of Glenelg. Bentinck, Brant,
protect that Province from a visitation cf
The Montreal Correspondent of the Pat-
riot save ghat Nr. Sydney Bellingham's new
Greenock, Kincardine and Kudos*, in the
Counties of Waterloo and Huron, hereby
gives Notice to all person willing and
having means of Locatieg therein, Stat his
Office is at the Village of Durham ie the
paper, on the annexation ticket, will, probe- ' Toun,kip of Bentinck, on the 4.,rrnfrur.A
bly merge in orae of the Con-ervatirc lolly's Road, where be will receive the application
of this city. of the Seellers, every day of the week, be -
The Niagara Chronicle announces that tweed the hours of Nies and Five o'clock.
MrFifty Acres of Land will be given to any
and Atex. Cam employed
of that town Settlers eighteen year/Peed, end • subject
waslatterly a lly drownedod on the Port Dd Canal of Her Majesty, who will present hunulf
wary neTuestayy a. Port lhlkuu provided with • Certificate of probity rod
tie on Tuesday lase -Globe. sobriety, signed by known and respectable
persons, and hawing the meant of providing
for himself until the produce of his Land is
sufficient to maintain hire. The bearer of
(bat Certificate shall mention to. the Agent
(who will keep • Registry thereof) ban
name, are, condition, trade or profession
whether he is married, and if so the name
and age of his wife, how many children he
hoe, the name and age of each of them,
where he is from, whether he has some-
where any property and in what Township
be wishes to settle.
The conditions of the Location Ticket
are -to take possession within one month
after the date of the Ticket, and to put in
a state of cultivation at least Twelve Acres
of the land in the coarse oT four years -to
build a house and to reside on- the lot until
the conditions of settlement ars duly fulfill-
ed, after which accomplishment only shall
the Settler have the right of obtaining a ti-
tle of property. Families comprising seve-
ral Settlers entitled to lands, preferring to
reside on a single lot will be exempted from
the obligation of building and of residence,
(except upon the lot on which they reside)
provided the sired clearing of the land is
made on each lot. Tbe non -accomplish -
Ment of thea condttioos will Mille the im-
mediate lose of the assigned lot of land,
which will be sold orgiveo•to another.
The land intended to be settled is of the
wary best description, and well timbered
end watered.
The Roads will be opened oo a breadth
*188 feet, and the land on each side will! be
divided into loth of 80 acres each, to be gra-
tuitous' v
ra•tuitous'v gives.
Besides the principal Road then will be
two others (ono on alb ode of tbs princi-
pal Read) marked out a the whole aatsat
of the temitory, and on which free Loca-
tives of 30 serer will be made;
But as the Government( only istend to
Inset the erpe.iee of Survey es those ed•
Agape' Reads, the Grantees will have to
ores the coed is front of their loeatiose.
The most dirset roots to reach the Agou-
ti .. the Oarefrsxa Rood le by way of
(lielpb and Elora in theWellimgtoa Martel
Agent for Settlement if As Darkens Red.
among themselves until all were black to
the face. Gowan dogged the compact -
Wilson backed the last admint.trattun-
Bockus defended the Gov. Geo. -Mack
lauded the ruffians of Montreal-E•matin
ger stood up for agricultural intareste-M4-
Lean defended the Family Compact-- an
Koughnott attacked the Rebellion Losses
Bill, a first rale subject -Moffitt said mum
to the whnle, end the -Rev. Mr. Green said
the following are some of his :smuts :-
I say these are not the words of God. it
may seem strange for a layouts to contra•
diet a clergymen. and a dean to befit. on
such a point ; bot this a not the first time
that eceleeisstieal di(eitaria have bas set
right in their theology ; nor will it be the
last. I meet, therefore, be pardoned teensy
presttmptios. The words of God are these:
r. Whneoever aheddeth man's blood, its after some days in an affection of the pylo•
biond shall be shed," end if Mr. Lowe ask* rue, the valve by which the stomach cum -
ms bow I prow this, 1 refer him to Ike ori- .uoicates with the intestates, 'calming pu-
rism! Hebrew, b the 8elttongiwt, to the 5,1- tial paralysis.-Gloie.
gale. feud the rer*ren, (among others) of .
Wicklij, Calmat, Sri°, and O.fersald.-
Tho words "by man" are an ill lerpplatios.
and were pieced in the pas.'ge by the
" Btrhop., Prieter and Descent.," who pro.
decd one common version, and dedicated it
to that Salome. of British So.ereigae,-
"th• most high and mighty Prince, James,"
who thorned them bed• of old women for
wiicberaft, epos 1461. aotbonty.
Dx•rn or Jones BEoaao.-1t. is with
much regret that we announce the death of
his honour Judge Bedard, which took place
n Montreal at 7 o'clock on on Saturday
.ening, and the news reached this city by
elegraph ■1 eight o'clock. The learned
Judge was seized with an attack of choler*,
on Saturday the 4th inst., which resulted
mil Punier Versus. -The planet Venus
e bore to he viable is the morning to
the soled • e. Lalssds Bret remarked
this euelo5s peon is 1750. it bas
boom s.leelsted that Veen. may he premed
by t •0 days before sed after her
res s, that is her Flatware from the
werdia• to the seetb provided her *long•-
tuge to peter as isrmesi14 interest to tis Ca- (inn be 39 degrees et least. As ft to now
w adies forswr. Meeh of ren roil. wall mild nearly 45 degree., the sur will routine*
4ee dairy p.rpwea, s.d osis b.dwaa sigh' w viable op to July 19, when the 69th day
after bee. somjunetlon terminate.-Gang-
The helve of the hatchet disputed evilest
the Muds whieb was the worthier. " Nay.;
mid the" wag raves, which listeeed t• the
aerator, " the reel will hew a., aired
%iioodls for itself, bet the beetirt h.•dise
arid sever shape themselves ewe Maden.
5 4•
Major-Gewer*l the Hes. Charles Gma
wirier at Kiogetos to wean* tis .flier,
reamed of wester* Cotnda.
dere M made profitable in many leeahries, if
esd.cted with nes seed pdgme.l, epee proper
priories it le of empert•en w beer m sled
deet the petit• of the article whitish we predose,
esperely the • daemon meeket. area be a gid
e.meNM.4.5 The Amnlew hew mode et
FNs years Sept impevemee1 is the Meow day
e +wt m Essteed. •hick of over Maim e
Molar paise t ami M wield reser that they sus
hog isete eg (hie, en sl,' imams' broth
of luresse, they the feet that they ay. remedy
111. AND MRS. MOODIE, Rewrote
THt: Editors of the Vic -run Maeam*a will
devote all their takeout se praiser • serfs!
eetert•ising, "ed rine Periodical, fee the Can-
diaa people; which easy aSudd •11,semeat to
both old sad young. 8tnebe tad Take,
is verse tad prow, Morel Eery, Sutietis of the
Colwy, Scraps of Usefel lsftwrsstiw, Reeiewa
d .,w Works, and well selected articles ham
the mew poplar eet►se..f the dry, winters' the
prg e of the Magazine.
Editor/slant comeliest that tee s.depe*dew
sad riling country to whoop gsrvic. they on
rood to dedicate their taking, .,1t cheerf lly
Pied ill "ippon( to .neuter their .Mew• tad
hoseerable .adendisg. The low pore at
which the Periodical le ;diked, is ire wen that
osery pram wire's the Ce1wy she vee reed,
aid ifess.oa (ow .reel sari mortal tmpeareie•t
e sti become • a.b.enber rad paten et the wart.
be Yarns** M<..nin will germ tweety-
fwr pagre it each .ember printed ea new type,
e nd epee pd peen; aid will form at the sed
Wen years Sett Vdemee, of 100 pages, w-
ether with Title Pew sed ietk;
It will be ewer M.etbty e.mmsaewg w the
First .f Sep.....r, from the .See .f JOSEPH
WILSON. lereetwereet, 8.4rvilk-t►. Pab-
,j peed sola Proprietor. w wham .11 orderer
the Magmas. .ad rem w the Edil.e.• Caw
be addressed. (peau.) The terra of w►-
inserts/he es be p>•d in sit....
(.demob, March 3, lege 3
For the best Ram Lamb
For the best Ewe Lamb
2nd ...........................07
34 0 5
For the bat Fat Wethen.... ....... 0 10
god - 0 7
3rd .
Best Boor.... 1 0
god 0 15
3rd 0 10
For the beet Sew (shall have had pip i■
1949)........ 1 0
2nd 0 15
3rd 0 10
For the Best 10 bushels Fall Wheat 3 0 •
2od 4 5
3rd • 1 10
For the best -1 bu•bele Spring 11 -hest 1 10
2nd '1 0
. 1 0
1 0
0 15
0 10
1 0
1 0
O 15
0 10
O 10
0 7
0 15
0 10
0 10
0 7
• 0 5
0 10
f tllrt P11 1111111b.
For the best 2 busbeb Ry
god .
3rd .
For the beat 2 bushels Barley
2nd •
3rd •
For the best 2 bushels Oats •
For the best 2 bushels Peas
2nd .
3rd •
For the best bushel Tiroothe
For the best 2 ba.hele of Correia cob,)
For the best 50 lbs. Balt Batter
2nd .
3rd .
For the best 40 lbs. Cheese
2nd .
For the best 25 lbs of Maple Sager
2d -
For best acre of Tunips
god .
For the best ten of Potatoes
2.d .
3rd -
For the beet I aero of Carrots
For 'be beet e sere of Beets 0 10
god 0 7
For the beet 10 yard. Domestic made
Cloth 0 15
tad 0 10
3rd 0 7
For the beet Pau of do Blankets 0 15
god 0 10
3rd 0 7
For the best 10 yards Domestic made
nasal 015 0
Ind 0 15 0
3rd 0 7 7
The above Masefeetune u be from the Fars
of the Compwutee, awl d the gr.wtb .f lis (w-
ool year.
Rules of the Exhibition.
New C11Nrch in Stratford.
SEsubscriber TENDERS
be received
the os behalf tPresb-
feria• Chinch Building Committee, Strat-
h.'', till woos of the 31st December seat,
for providing materials, els., Bricks, Lime,
Steele, Sand. Restoed Lumber, end Wort.
for the Iirseuon of • BRICK CHURCH
'wormed to be bent at Stratford. Teodoro
say for the whole or fee
.47 particular r semi eitherof the materiel*. sod
speerdi•g to Specifications w presser h
)yr, Peeler Peepers, Architect, trstl rd
Btratf.rl, 30th NJ'ullyyP1849. erg h • s6t1
owlit is bare ..led M ale ►wibb . ger is sY
moat .w• thew be •w. ha• i..•8N r
Iwl a.Mw-
w ebs orb* At .'88lkrs4
the eneseres.
mom iELxar o ttllt•> •'
ans51.5A. 40058.r auroame ser geyser
101.200111 triviatigrtt aall sAtstt
r fro r,r. W wee. sera Orn Aiwow mw,ie, saw wet
r Irma lar adds Prwsa► Arrow and 4gas, .ie hes.
5m saws atatlm s .11 w duress he Maar taw.
aeLNNIp C1 85. end 044055 liemmrr AMA%
coarirt#ase. COLDS • o0trol.ta, comm.
coMnuarTIOS. O.4 with hew smms• r err arra
cua*Nrr ■VMU*L Dsurstss.
No rcass r fo ter osao.awasrhe e.
see etsae w Are msiiw• motes.
lesEY1701 1 of vas mos. ESIIMPELY, l4Tw
Fleet ewe AYD1. 1w 111. seine Jew gem
Am warn ens tiidiw A r bawl a we s.••4. r
with& ,•w.b. Carr rad res• row W moor .r4M.t a s
Mum J the Arne .• am be thaw ember.. r wo mma. -
TRr TleaA. as aanan40 A11D ai CYaiD.
•>•1g1•ItLL • VILITT
SOOT. ow0wuus. aur NEADACMIE.e'er
ewe. INWARD PAVEL mri.e tillrtme WSUMl•
lr1111CVRIAL D1SE15S5.-
Mow WA te weiwr .•rig age re shay J Mimi ML
NON m sato tr her parent raver na J Ilarwa,d .
sneer SWEATS. atjarOaln o&auJrT. NES room
COMPLAINTS of en MSr. O&UANIC urscrwax
r4LrrraTIo t ./sae NWT. 7,mrs*S cSotty.
MLOs. Tr.xv.rrowirJtersardr.
wry. oude • tis 1.r rdaaat. dr am 1 Mom La
swore eine
7/1X11 r dr hal, ger. took. hale., lir eget ger
IR■g1VYATIsN. Thor 4111001 era this
every. r•.a (sit r em 1 MAC be the W aearllar.s
ItVEM we 118.000 ea Or 11AD..evsrr,
acaoruLA. r *i •'• >1VIL, r
twat .arm. NA C E E L V mom ere -boss a
w cls 3111•I• • 1.g Wan. 55 •Owta gen .amid be
Aar _seam. Puma we5' ..aa.atri r .5 Me..
.A tw..wtar r...r0. 1.er .0110•5410.
'And they remove e1l dioeue from the system.
A .r trial .tee rim she LIFE PI l l g aed
III)< tTTERSb. thew.sll... p.•
um. e lis •rimatra 1 eery prim.
T5. parr• 1 th•am moral.., re r. ,d w r Mur
w rapper d Isbsi. logelb.r yob • poo.Ol 1. riled
▪ M•Ete s sod a....w...•' a erre aka &Coeurs•. At.
w oriel M • Mawr./ 1 Ile dw.y fry. Wall drat a „r
ria.., ley era •r••eaw ,*.stag the <ley w eery .*.1
Mad r. The wooers ass s..a.r.5s art •►yna
aa•raM thew v►• lean thaw .rh .brie weavers vs.
M ..and dam they .steers M .wbi4 •M d• age
bay rhe war ...,p..: but it re A., M ambled
sb.e ray cram direst tom awes Mr teach thaw.
gT Pt ,ue,id •d oar by _ ,
a=. WILLi*= M. 11111011PAT..
a. M..4.y, .inner 1 A.abey &mt.
Now1r sew by
P N OE 0 rad
vol. Agent.
Godericb, Jas. 28, 1848. 1
OOE within 24 miles, and the other wltb-
is about 3 miles of God•rich Town
Plot. The first is LCT 10 in 1st Calca-
sieu, Township of Godericb,
is bounced at the one tad by Lake Hunts,
and at the other bya Pukka Roads --rod
the wooed is LO8 in 8th Co.ea•ais.,
Colborne, W . Division,
and is situated at the Junetioa of two Pub-
lic Roads.
For Particulars apply to
Godericb, 12th June, 1849. nI9-i(
1 Aay Forges wiab is pthe. Dori 1. tW 1
Member addle Slsel'y.
One Peed. Mai be estIlei r roma ler say
Be►wsi6te is smear at the Serty,
WIMP may wish to .zbi►it saddles at the Stew,
eve to pay the Trewseret the res .f Tee MAI-
•• or baSwe the 1St► of Asir : ell ethers
to be admitted at ptyisg dm reel gem el ISM
3. All S.b.eribeve having paid tie Bibserip.
dew, sad rely seek. te le "whisd r eremite.
4. All Steck Eabibited shall Mw berg the
fesswaren, of the £ablmead" be-
a m-
fotis 85... avid all ether amiable wows mel
have bete we lased w the Farm of the Lxbibiter
5. All Ssbseriptio.e w be paid es se bore
the 10th day of Aetna art.
L All Cempstiwu fee prism mese give the
S reetary Ariel .f the drvis►ipiss .4 S..6 sad
Priem they hard te 'bow. en er hefted
.'el..lt, p. Me flab of S_,, err.
7. All Rosh god Pfad.p M be es the Ikon
Owed by 9 •Hisa dome, el the her..
Erna sesiste. G MATCH
le4U eek. plow se steel lies deer"
Gederi.h, fish We 1810.
THE Subscriber having RENTED the
ing 10 the M . Davenport, of this place,
has established himself as a
roaWaD&* AND cOMNrsstort MEaCHA T.
Aoy orders or commission from the Mer-
chants of Godericb, will receive prompt
attention. JOHN McEWAN.
Wiodsor, March, 1849. 11-700.
returning thanks to his friends and n -
I N u
merou. Customers for the Liberal Pat-
roeag• which be bas received during the
past year, begs to intimate that he has j..t
revolved en extreme Assortment
OW 411Ga 7Aszotomo irosaa s,
and is ready to Execute all Orders gives to
him with care and punctuality as formerly
Godericb, April, 12th, 1849. 2v-n10t1
Upper Canada Rebellion Losses.
Reeeiver Generate Oftc.,
Montreal, 12th Moroi, 1849.
PUBLIC NOTICE is berry gives, that
Claimants for Reb..lios Lasses u.
Canada West, who have not appli 4.to, sad
received mutest of their Claims frees the
respective Agra of the Bank of Mo.tr.l,
in the wand disttiictsaeheretofore ..tified
will from and after the first day of Jess
next, be neceuiated to bpply for psynest
of the same, either personally or by duly
appointed Attoraies, to the Pant Bask in
this city.
(Signed,) 8. M. VIGER,
H. M. R. G.
hc 1)uron Signal,
n MATTA ANP rests see arse ritsaesAT
(mase. AND 7•lraysrea
.'sacs MAMA= -AQuaaa, •*PEayea-
• . Beek aed Job Pri•iiag, ssee•ted with
aetwe t aid drawee.
Teem ow rat Home Setae.. -Tilt 9NIL-
LiNOe per egret if paid strictly is aliases,
se Tway" Atm Ba Prat with de expileti.s
of the yeas.
Ne papa dises•titeed mail IMAM aro
paid ep, alses the publisher Aisle it hie rem -
tap to de so.
Amy i•diwidwl ha the •••stir hereisg m-
e rmaids the ea .Jath ro, roll reaaive •
may.etb espy patio
V AL Iettew•Ynser Le the Ediase emesis he
pest pad, et they will sot leg teles est of the
pest Wise
root OF ADatlnTMo•.
Sillier god seder. het igesrllem.,...IC• >t S
Earseb.sg.e.t IM.rtiem, • 9 74
Tee licw and seder, hot im.hetMar.•...8 8 48
leek ebersest 15.1ti+ •
Over teeeellire,bet 1 w • 11`
ITA Meta assert slide M Ass Or
Weenies by tis yew.