The Goderich Star, 1907-03-15, Page 8IC
Cora Miller
alces, a'fortun
Captsb .id NON tEntighlya Nearly
Olte SW/a *Pli
Vaal a. lime eigic MM. Odra B.
inek sesunte emetlar to dust
cf theetaange ober very veer Welltell
of fAm &Viral* *WW1 WWII vfilailie,
tipw 'lla ter egg palatal
brelereetene treltieusee sted ceastdercd
else et 00 etiose eineeastel buelneRs winnen
fn slueneete*Inetes.
• •
''',gifiliffir0917."79 7- 7
fluent ridst*au..Ibeld
down. ova Mao cOld noire.
Weal Mna. 1.* ItartiallVidato
'be'ottett4Patn*Ild koit AsWist.
vi$044 Ao anationit Waal* *a
'borsalleir olistte i& the Salon, to Abr.
' feeSeeIPA Own *4 NW'
AI the Wen aid id itithi, .fitimalo4visfito=
see 'Milt Taloa* hoe. It 210
that Burgoyneowirhettajwc
whisPering tu Ullathsih MOW
she *At UyLifiltr,400 4ad
wintan *PHs. li*Ti 10041
11404 Teleket tlL thd PrOdlidd: �w 401414
tig* firtMlf Oirs .404 NW tine*, what
elait lays her litne lace. 'CroWiat Witik *
flOfiltrsedi 4 pit rittelites
Strit. Miller% Moe Residence, Earned in
LIM Than One Veer.
Several yore ago Lire. ,Miller learned
o p mild and simple preparation that
cured herself and ecveral friends of fa
male weekneee and piles. ShO WOO ba
larded by so Many women needing treat.
meat that dm decided to furnish it to
thew who ingot can for it. She started
With OM a, /ow dollars' capitol, ond the
remedln PneeeSeing true avid wonderful
inerit, producing many cures when doe -
tors geld Other remedies failed. the de-
mand grow so rapidly she vras several
times rampaged to Book larger quarter°.
ShO LIQW sieettples one of the eity's largest
offloo buildings, which she owns. and al.
most oriontmdred clerks and steuograph•
or° aro uired to aesiet in this great
Million Women the it.
Moro than Calillo0 women have used
grit Miller's remedy. and no matter
where you live, she can refer you to ludic°
In *our own locality who ean and will
reraedy ra cures women. Doppia the
tell ati7 qfferer that this marvelous
foot that' rs. Miller's buainess is verY
extensive. oho a always willing to give aid
and advice to every suffering woman and
bas decided to give away to women who
have never ueed her medicine $10,000.00
worth absolutely FREE.
Every womao suffering with pains in
the held. baOk and bowels, bearing -down
hot flOt4h 9. weariness, or piles from any
rrvousness, ereeping sensations
up the s ine, melancholy. desire to cry,
cause. ibtruld sit right down and send her
matte and address to Mrs. Cora B. Miller,
Box 6101, gokoino, lnd.. and receive by
emu Woo of charge In plain wrapper) a
60 -cent box et her marvelous medicine t
also hor valuable book, which every we -
Man &holed wee.
Remember this offer will not Test long.
for thousands and thousands of women
who are suffering will take advantage of
shis glintirkille means Of gel cured. go
if you aro ailing, do not SU er ono*
day, but Bond your name un address to
Mrs. Miller tor the book and medicine ba -
for tho $10.000400 worth is o11 gone.
Some genitze has found 53 passages
In the Bible, which he claims as pro:
pheates of ihe telephone,, fee
soon', the, langugge seems to lit into
tz lephone ' vernacii la r. Here are es ne
"The nue has gone out into all the
earl li," •
"The land.shall be divided by lines."
"We have no right against this !peal
"Charge thp people,"
"I understand the number."
"I said in my lia.ste, I am eut ofLa
_ *
"....0+0+0+0+0+0+0+040+tw+00100040494.0.40,09+0+047... •
"I am going to turn the tables on you," tletrebeetetield Rest greele the nee
hbei wrapping the mountoln Aldo, • OA
5ays Ainello next morning to ber lover, with. its, homely Witter perflinttee abong
after the ustutt endearments, which of this :weeny bit of hedge, treated when)!
late he has beep coneolentiouely anxious of h011eeenehle in flower. ht, sight of toe
not to scant sir slur, have missed between latterenzabeth ,gives little crys
!Ilene very fairly executed by hhat, Mgt "Ottetelutt twaysucklel I must have
adoringly accepted and returned by her; sorrier t get putt Tell him to
"you are always arranging treats tor Mop r'
BIC now I have planned tine for you I" us n :Moment her coniniands ere
Size !OWLS tiO beaming with benevolent obeYefil. Tent . another Moment Byng :hes
joy as she makes this statement, that epriinc,eutsof the second oserlage enel is
Jim Meows and drops an extra irise-not etendinteezende her. The door of Byttg's
lit the bond -upon her lifted face,' yehtenswettft apparently, and eardetttc
deed, dear," he answer§ kindly, "I do 'smilestireaks over the older face as
not quite !mow what I hew. done to de- es nears. the noise of the eetieettlding
"It is very nice --delightful." °nee. Impatient foot, But hie need not
Me** adtninistered to it by the youngezz
serve it, but I hope it is a nice one."
"Delightful. eh?" echoes he, .raising his Wive been in such a hurry -no one inter -
brows, while transient wonaer. ogee era office of rifling the hedge
his mind as to what project she or any outs. ereamy and coral bugles.
else could suggest to Win that at this
juncture 01 his affairs could merit that Burgosine gete out of the carriage; but
epithet ; ewell, am I to gues.s what It is? It is mine to walk to the other one and.
or are you going testa assume ''llyng's vacated seat.
Ainelia't face still weaes that smile of "Are you going to change places?"
complacent confide/fee in haying some. Amelia has asked rather chapiallenly as
thing pleasant to communicate which he eastes her; _
I h and he ties given her
has puzzled her compunien. band a hasty pressure, and answered
"We hove never been it Vallombrosa, agentlenatelY—
have wor asks Mie. "It' will not be for long, dear; but you
"Never." know"-wIth an expressive glance, and
"Weil, we are going there to-mprrow.ii what he rather tem sanguinely hopes
"Are we? is that your treat 1" in. looks.111ce a staile In the direction of the
quiries he, wondering what of peeuliarly flowor-gdtherers-"iatr play is a Jewel I"
and distinctively festal for him thts e* . If his de tirture frOrn the one veteoles
dantoreer it Is not, weloomed at the
pedition nifty be supposed to have above -- - - • - -
all their former ones. othen Cecilia asks the same quesuen:
"And we are not going alone." as her plater had put, though the intone -
"There is nothing very exceptional In lien is different.
that ; Cecilia is mostly good enough to "Are you going to change plages ?"-
lend us her company." adding -"do not you think we did very
"I ant not thinking ot Cecilia; I have well at we wires
persuaded --like benevolent smile broad- But probnly he is too much oaciteled,
ening across her cheeks -"I have per-. te wreetling with the stlif door to hear
sunded some friends of yours to join us." berelor he makes no anter beyond get
11 tioas net tee an instant. cross his ling In. The only reward that lie res.
mind either to doubt or to affect tamer- wives !or his piece of self.sacrifice is a
taints, as to who the friends of whom she rapturous look of gratitude from Byng,
speaks may be; but the suggestion is so when he perceives the changed pciaition
profoundly unwelcome to him, that not of his affairs, and that recompense Jim
even the certainly of mortifying the me had for rather have been without.
selfish creature before hlm can hindee They,ate a again. Being now second
him from showing it. Her countenence
falls. ei the little procession, Burgoyne bus but
meagre and difficult views of the first;
"You are not glad?" she asks Crest- but now and again, when the rdad dee-
hillenly, "you are not pleased?" °Mee dn acuter angle than usual, he
It is impoasibls to him to say that he can, by turning his whole body, under
Is. and all that is left for blur is pet.
hie vexation into weeds that may vprieuitepseleCf aaudrnithretheag thoeccuSeme, snata a
little as possibleiradilit with dEseppoIne,
anent to his pear hearer's ear. their heads sociably loge! er; eneldently
In bright light talk. After all, he bad
"I -I -had rather had you to myself." deceived himself. It is ne and ncit Amee
"Would you really l''' she asks, In the
almost awed tones of one who, from be.
lis who had made her shy. Even when,
ing quite diMittute, has had the Koh -1- he cannot see her, there copies to, his"
Noor put into his hand, end whoa/ ears Mlle wafts of laughter, In wbich
er voice Is mixed. He catches Maisel:
gers aro afraid to close over the might
jewel; "would you really ? then 1 atn trying to recall whether sho had laughed
sorry I asked them ; bur -with intense even once euring the period of His being
wistfulness -"If you only knew lime I her companfon. There is not much mirth
tosemen carriage. What a kill-joy be
long to give you a little pleasure, a little
enelyment-you who have girl mo so has grown I Cecilia, though her heart is.
Infinitely much," • as purees the babe unborn of any seri,
If Miss Wileon erist‘ ever :addicted to ous destgrus on, feyng, of which indeed
the figure of speech called irony, he she has. long sten the feultlessness, yet
inight be supposed to be employing° it thinks'a ettlky brother-in-law elect but a
now; but one glance at her simple facia pootir textcanhange for a handsome fOung
c,e, svlsom neither his good
would show 'that it expressed nothing arq
but adoring cratitude. Her one geed mannersnor the amoent of his Intimacy
fortnight has spread its reprint veil allow .to eft' opposite to her in grumpy
backwards over her eight barren years. eftence. lvirs'. Le Merchant is obviously as
He takes her hand, and passes the fin- ill at ease as was her daughter when in
gers, acrossehts, tipsier's-Welting Indie:
isuctly and gulifitY behind them.
"Do .1 really m.akts you happy?"
"Do you ?"-echoes she, while the
sieselleueteseseee&well into her glorified
mire layos4-- e stineti not have thought it
possible that so 'ninth Joy could have
been packed into any fortnight as I have
had crammed into mine I"
They have to 'et Off to Vallombrosa at
seven o'clock In the morning, an hour at
which few of us are at either our clover:
est, himdsoinese or our best tempered;
not ts the party of slx, either In its pro-
portion of women lo mew-fleur •to two -
or in its component parts, a very well
adjusted one. They are too numerous
14, be contained in one carriage, and are
therefore divided into lev.o separate
bands -three and three. Whether by
some manoeuvre of the well-meaning
.ktuelie, or lee some seareely fortunate
aceident, Burgoyne firele himself sealed
opposite to his betrothed .and la Eliza-
beth ; while Byng follows In the second
velliele as viseevis lo Cecilia 1111,d
Marthant. There is a general feeling
fi! wrongness abuut the whole -arrange-
ment-a sense of mental discomfort
equivalent to Hint phySIC410119*Of having
put oh your clothes inside out, or • but-
toned your buttons Into unanSwering
Mrs. Le Niarehant's face, as Burgoyne
catches sight of it now and then, as some
turn in the road reveals the Mutates of
the closely -following second carriage to
his view, wears that uneasy and dire
quieted look which always disfigures it
when there s any question of her being
brought into personal relation with
strangers. And Elizabeth, of whom he
has naturally a much nearer and more
continuous view, Is plainly ill -at -ease.
Nees Wilson has hot thought it necessary
1- mention to her lover how strong had
been the opposition to her plan on the
part of lilts olqccla of it ; tier, that it verts
only beenuse her pruposal was Med°
VIVI1 vow, and titer -Grote uneseapable,
that it had been reluctantly eeeepted At
test. At first Burgoyne had altribpted
seieneezies evteent illsat-easeness teller*
separation trout Dyne; beetle presently
discovers that It Is what She possesttee,
end not whet She lacks, that is the Wei
source of her malaise. During the IOW
part ot bh) fAVri personal Intercelose
with her she had been, when in hiS
eoinpany, sometimes sad. sometimes
wildly merry; but alWitys entieety
natural. Strange as 11 may seem it is
Ofielottely presenee Amella thut
puts constraint upon her.' Before the
spirit of that most unterrifying Odd's
creatures. glkiabeth "stands rebuked."
Once or twice lie sees Itee ifibott play
-that gaiety whose existence Ike has so
often noted as ft struggles up train
under the MySteriaus weight of sorrow
RIM upon te-spurl late life, only to be
hislantlY killeil by the reas.strungllott Of
thet nereous formal manner widen not
al1 Amelia'S gentle efforts can break
'A very grove trio they delve along.
through the &nave day, For It is* alas!
a grave deyseovereszsts ittm! IMAM* to
rata, neW limning tate ttg,aln
Not a grata et Italy's stinuner muse, her,
choking white dust, asSafis thetr Mies
It inuSt have, Nail all 'night*
:Through the subutlek by the Web, ereSS,
cuattk um" OF. PADNEUL
. „mere neszseseesmieloiliketee
iiti" Mere Pattiftli to he sufferer than
boils and. ulcers. At this period of the
)ear numy :adulte suffer .acutely from
these outhreaks. When bolls,
Ulcer*: ole.. Occur 00 children it is piti-
ful to see lite IOW. ones suffer.
Mrs. E. Holmes. of 30 Guise se,. Ham:
Illon. is gratelul for what Zurn-Buk did
tor her tette boy when in this pitiful
plight. Sizesenyst-"I wish le express
my gratitude for the benefit my ehild
reeeivell froM your famoue •Zam-Ruk
Baku. tie sufierzel teen Spring erim:
lions and then boils broke nut on his
neck. I tried blond purifying remedies.
salves and., ointments of kinds. but
miffing .reetned to do him the desired
good. The boils got worse inue became
so loatheome end unsightly that mild
not send hint -to sehnnl, ns some nf the
b0110 0011 Wipers (timid not eonveniently
GI, covered. Abele this lime n sample
box of zake-fiuk aim given to Min and
wt. tried,g, The small smote did hint
ti 111110 gem& to I bought a 50 cent box.
The result Ni119 malty amazing. In-
side a•week'ei tone the boils had begun
dry up, and In a very short lime
Indeed every one of them was healed,"
Zarn-Buk ie a (sure core also ter ecee-
ma, scalp Mires, ringworm. poisoned
wounde. throttle neves, element hands.
COS. Mid Kites, rents, festering sores,
eruptions and miseries due In blood
poison. etez 11 slope bleeding and curse
elles„fistula, ete. Is entlsepthe an ex-
(*tient "Met aid." Every home and
farinstend should have lie e of Zain-
Bute All .truggiets and steres al f0
eon's f,'"box. or front Zain-Buk Co.,
Toronto.lor prim. 0 boxen fur $2.50.
Send id. stamp fur tient box,
epeienit ems to offer my umbrella, ma.
"Thank von, sir, but I'll be al home
m two quoits."
"Oh, o• ,eatid walk slow, you knows'
If a congli makes kt,uur nights sleep-
lese and weepy, it will worry you n
'gond dent, Mel with genii rouse. To
41ispel the WThi give ynurself rest
feeteee. emits sinsismptive Syrup. 11
exerts 0 stiolltine influence on the alt
enesneezentel allays the irritation that
teedn lo kniemmalken. ft WIll sttbdhe
Th . nineteefidiburn ',sent or Mkt. ftind
eventuates.' l'eadiente from Ike Aystem,
as trig. 01 11 v. -ill prove to you.'S, modern. I've been a so-
licitor forittigh twenty years." Mrs,
Fohnyoild-tt,t, wIteitoe?" Tramp
"les In. • I plicate Akron an' meat."
• Mrmal•
enketaktur. rek
A !Cannel lzhilosoptly ,otice
nMed tile beesild brie of the clam how
01:1115' 1011/q4,41 fame there were, and
erpl /0110tt%
trig irt14%; '1111-eN ma'am. Ntental
' lea 17.rr...e. and pAire tack"
,Porsees, either mentally me
ti try "Forsethe," the arced
AO Mead tank ane they *111
tealtb aue baaltn
,Aaitriorud o op, ors% 1t1. u1a1hV*,
unU Orel. het *114re Mee" ogeilicr..,rwof
tont Salable. • They :a* •their way tho
Parental:0410 sound*
,Ond set .0,11:•:ellaabIngun. Omani A •
Wood in ittreetionindicatfa!'*, st,,*
path Which in. 'fair • Veetithek, TOW_ Po -
Nay% .4(1th. ploy ears, leit.'relesit le
114°i/its and Tn. Infilinees inoAnaltit
mist they aee 'cod .14dr 'Ontata:glitliM.•
yonOW alleatnileas 'Pittard*
4tro. ton Itehttli„ :440,
pluck. Th0101014' Of Dilling 441
them to Where Ole Clear
even Io -day In Mkt, Claa. tvn,
the hill's tittle, /AIWA 1114101100..,':'Ark
delicloweet0 tilt floVillOtatt- AGMs
het sur011een noun, mt4i$40-14040,
coolly streying:',amelkef this -.0r •
dabbling in its bright Vititert
theY can `134.4100, k -lit it Sadiy".14
low bridge, saying sitillill:f.'“44.P'`
- 414,4aimsisseintiMOALMOM:
notr. ttiternallyt of
• Cro,te -oontailled •
siNOtlig KETTLE.
The Japanese, wli01 kiieW
te little tineXpeeted 440,40
every -day lite, Thanufaeltirev,initt.' „_•
variety of farina": leen 'teak;TA,X,,,I&
break int °Ong when thir, a
'The song army not. be a
melody, but it Is perhaps 44 00.4.eante
4S the notes produced by sonul 0! .lie
insects which the Japanese" -
etre for their music. The.titteMettielee
sdund.s of the teakettlee are linOtteed.
by steam Pebbles escaping fectee"betteath
thin sheets of leen laStened,elese
gether nearly it the botton Of the ete
tles. To produce the best admits :ed 0
akin is required in regulating the ,fire.
The charactee of the sounds Yettes wIlh
the: form of lhe kettle. These singing
kettles have been used for many doo-
Pr' it'f: spa
m isthiadlini4firtinkOlsoVitteli
41y. 'wit in ight,frora Tare
14 irk' I3414 Velis .0 skolotortiO ifeeene,
neIed oh* chyilichin. ',W,tft1; her
• 'alry reruns* )
Oahe: gradUldly 001311210,340%,•
proving•dad settle; a little atiki4tb
ttlr now ggil Denude, , to
ElPing every day,'smt dole her tea
begirework eirreking:rr *
Dr. Williams' FinI7Pills Give ' New • --;•-••••
Strength to Overworked ,Wintken work in the gelde 'lett catet get your
Nettireintended tO /reetbe thretigh
Unetelsible, ara aids
11 the lleitelles and if for ellaY ee***1
The.nosts stot Only warfast:Or !eat
''rtell40014,,, #114,0s ierilpers* the itir Ss it As d.rawn %maga .
1441 iin. fld,V * irt.. into ilia air -lute*, Ian it.nlan poor
4 11:16r4:0114.4rill:t: ki*:$414,,,,,,w4000-41114;70::: 'I:1 -g; t44):4"4,11;01:11,1111atit4;11;:d4r7r7:41:01;14:a$:gtkit :
' Wpfllt &Mt* ,i0J.,* the meistora. of 14 Mrs • ' ' '':
L1IUl, • parestrar • . g .9 , ,4 • 4 r us . . , h .
,troltiao,r;t::::: '11.t.w' In PnattWelttherSt 1114 tar itTP.igd 01*
104$10004, 43311)1Olt . only .nnieb,' of llo iaillel matter° in. the '
0, ,,,,gi,,a.r. An 0 a 41. . laxly*
sok bsttor w...
30440 lintorn Ma Ant ho Iv*
041 ong *NIP 4- stm loam oh
Mist and hacinrie. /Ws oadition.11
eaises WM, treltall0114 W1n011. rennt4
gnint TM* eengeett% °P17"./..t.4!' 44,*.e!Prititit" P4•41°In'ts,t°1'neeekie '
.41117 wlinit long nontlintert pitla_ef Min ehionte, but 400 tn4 r40 41-w"
RS 110(1
Arbi $00.44 PhYSIO/hfl An'Xit/011 ti
rfirsts ths. Itest
aho nove
the Deminien;*Olterdent ,enr 'the Tiot,„
or _4* wawAtti.14tprit ,
0,11404okat er-Pranclki Ioettieleete,
tato ete tele utimost empertence.:..41/41',*'
, - cOngeStiou of the MUCOUS =ware "9°441'4 ittaat: dbV est SA.t..!IttlOts
m to nounta4.
prigtvirEArt„ „r ktiolll 0P : 314
— doilattunallein gradually Scocods.- tura -or, rettable and WO chat ale
leszee Sl et•iteesefetWeq11111MeNAMItt Often PeeeeS lelaillie;******* tn$ tdn' 414 4 4W.:1*
Anent the, threati Into I Et -eters, "vivre 'It ilkoZit I tan. . lISI
' obt Tla dtattimien
Prodime.a ,tbi0Veiling 0 the delicate' boo riket rno rno •
_ ,• etractures,:thero,' arid' tinnily .rleaness, ,i,,,,u*c4140,00, copal* end op tiaifstio,,,- . -
41t-Tossbgta an ,41} their l'anilteatigils, olanitoto. otos* of the •Ineet ft:''
/?Oeo.frle thlettelted* „Secrete *,,chlegn1,, and' enarstOter- Ill a reeent Ittlnattille*'
Jose in, :iiret ilart, thet:.• power of re,' veryLatrisnia.-throat and lent tr.otihto
sista= • 1.0‘ .210 germs et Pnentiloala 01610/0110101t :bed been tinning rIn'et11111k,
, . ' IP" Vetted ikettee snWrieesetst ,
.41Phtheda all '''15t1/1"*""" ''! .Tleyer4,13nOulteelt...". _111 441tion Ve'e'lefee
Theepettees of 'Month, brothinit en top t,:gorititou ilnY,e/cians* •M?0.11.
narrows the . %Met oinpassages-the soap ‘..ef.. teisrehltze was ti '
tr.`",,,e"01,,tt 144'4,44* itit tott
4,61-15.,P1Pitg1414..4i0004 0
)114,ilqiir roar for
'Mt Q,
Taws 4.mA*, Ileva City
The life of a domestic is .a hard one. mall Mita' tbe hey Is in.
, 1
She tons: from early morning till tele The beet:Coulee over Once a day Iron)
Guetnsey. and tf as tide is ln ;enters
'RI eight; her work Is neverdone. Often
elIO is toe busy to get out of 'doers for
tretfinnel ..In the cliffs. ."-Once on tem,
the sznallest)zarbor isz.rowboats throursh
• breath of fresh air. Ulnas her...bleed
nrionepera_t nectasZid-oa'purtortylitathateees-e_ mbar.;
-atbWereliewi-serboottraset .exisuclutrrounnlidang-'a8litwitlel",dn-atutd.-
strength will fail; Mac may tOse hor itp. .11rtra• --..:
they cured, I deolded to do so. 1 ettlY e
took eight boxes before I' was cured, s
his tellowahli, though in this case a. and to -day I am stronger jhan I ever
cattnteelote-nolleingein her discern! t el
mind, but teat she is watching the other
half of the party with an anxiety as
Izeen, It almost as covert, as his own.
She Is •too well-bred indeed 'not to en-
deavor to keep up a'decent show of con-
versation, bet as neither of her compan-
ions inekes rine' effort to second her, an
ever -deepening silence falls upon them
al they advance, nor, 0.5 the clue grows
alder,: is the weather calculated to ex-
hilarate their spirits. ,
The'Sky's frown becomes more and
More:tio110411.04 the litg!leentee Menne.
Throtzgh a village minty seated on its
hIli*top, but, itito Most Italian tevralete,
squelltr enough on a nearer view -up
and up: -,,-up and up -1111 they reaeh what
were ,tenee groves nl stalely ehlsttletre
but Where the hungry Tuscan axe ,hee
IML nothing but twigs and saplings, 'with
never a spreading tree; then on into the
-*Ode, which are woods indeed,
hough even here the hetchet'S cruel
tooth:hoes begun to bite. No sooner is
their derk utnbrage leeched than the
mist, that has been hanging with threat-
ening. lowness above the travellers'
heads, domes down close, blinding, cling',
Ing like wet flannel, and as thick.
"Pethaps it will lift." Jim says, with a
siudoedismal unlikely hopefulness as he
stralne.'his eyes, trying to look down the
straight solemn fir aisles, with thetr
HIM upon tliesNof tall stems, that seem
to be „eeen only as If through' a thick
gauze: N e it h er of hts compankin.s:has
the • spirit becessery to echo threettlMosi-
tloh. The road winds endlesSly, steeper
and steeper up through the mist. The
tired bursas step wearily, afra' the un•
fortulnitt pleasureseekers are beginning
think. that the muffled Monotony 01
ilre, rif Winding road, of painfully labor.
Mg holes, will never end, when hie
vetWeirld.lurns round with a smile tiff
hLc tettWot face. and says, "Nraittn0
Moser. ,
Under other circumstances. the re
nouneelnent might have been enter ,
mightliava excited a poetic cm'i Jr;
out, ati it is, too mod et the velitelei-
Poe poked forward that no Wig is !elle' parliament, autherilted Make ,.bW
tittle observe ton shows him tha he was. My digestion Is goo and I can
now go ebout my work ,With011t• a-
tigue. t owe a' debt Of giedllittletbeDr.
Williarns' Pink Pills tor whet they/have
elone for Me and strongly'adVise other
weak sickly girls to give them a trial."
Miss Plenty's case is one of many.
that Dr. Vy'illiams' Pink Pitts have
(mei after doctors' help had failed.
The succees of these pills lies In the
fact that troy strike right', at the reel
of the trouble -the. blood. •:Other medr-
eines simply act on the sythptortis of a
trouble -and may relieve, but they do'
ana1 cure. Dr. Williagge ° Pink PlIte
make new, rich bloodthat/s Why tbie
cure dyspepsia, rheumatls;n,
heart palpitation, headache; backache
and the ills of women; all tbese ,ans
caused by bad blood -Dr. NVIllItens'
Pink Pills cure them all becaese MeV
make new blood. For sale ,at dtuggtels.
el by mail et 50 cents -as bee or Six
boxes for $2.50, from The Dr. Weller/is'
Medicine Co„ Brockville, 001.
Every Man Has to Take IVA TWA milk
Political Wheels
'We live in - constant teener," mid the
Guerneeymietz, "of being eeded by Eng,
land to France; but by of ,hoiding
us, the EMIT of Engiand Is Duke
untruly, and be would seareety. „yeti*
quish 110 leer realm to that. title."
11* caveats of little Gueriksty sgeak
Rio old Norman French, rays 4 welter
,in the Travel. Magazine. The :e-
land kr-es Frentilt currency as We tette
English; French names are ritirriere,
and the prinApal termites are or ienran
descent; yet the GuernsaYmen „Voiced
popular sentiment.
The Island is intense/Y. PeOlfdlY.Eng-
1101, when the qUeetion of ,;belonging• to
tiny Government arises; Olt ':it 51t111
more proud of belonging on the Whole
-this. little _garden 'in the sett.ttn_ttd
own tidy salt 1. •
ecestafjelly raised some miles back -is so It coins Its cWRn1onto ey; (11,Vh
fact she is in danger of a general -break. " .`,..
dewn. Such was the oonclitton,of :Mtss • ' ;', ITIVALING'THE NILE. DA.M.
Marie Anne Fleury, of Ste. Anne .de ,la ,
Tne: geverrtment .of New South .Wales
• Perade, Hue. before she steed Dr, W11-
„ „ is,dliout to begirt the construetten of a
Items' Pink 'Pills. She sa I "Pct - darreat Barren Tack, on the leiliFrumbid-
number of years I have -bee • a servants
U_p to a'year ago I always enjossed the _.terieftiver, which WIll form a 'reservoir
ditils in length, rind containing more
best of health, but suddenly I Was Seia.” tha voo,000,001) .cubic feet of water,
ed with pains in my side, my A:wide ot.lo per cent. mere than Sydney •har-
left me, I bedame. dyspeptic midlost all- bor-Oontaine. This' immeese artificial
strength. I 'consulted a dockliewho tele. tette, which will be but little inferior :re
rne i was suffering' from ,getterel ,dehtl:r ,,am,icity to• that created by the • great
itY• I was fereed t° st°P '1°4' and3nr, eievidam on the river Nile, is to be used
three months I followed The dectore forcirrigation. The' clam will be Matted
treatment, but without benefit. I Was In et gorge cut by the river theough e,
,adVised to try Dr. Williams! Pink Tills;
,..„ graette ridge, and its height will be 200
and as I .nad often read Of the ertaes *et: 1
liettliny babies --are, .ginal
is only the sick child that cries all the
lel Mothers, if you. see your°
littl ones smiling and happy stye them
%bees Own Tablets -there is a smile
ineeeyery dose. The Tablets cure 'all the
Mite calumets of childhood aristng ,out
of disordered condition of the stomach
or 'bowels. They are good foe all ba.
bies„, and are sold under the guerantee
of ,government analyst to contain no
'elites or harmful drugs. Mrs. F. D.
KIT Dumfries, el. S., shys:"I' always
tise 13aby's. Own- Tobleta. for • the -MI-
Ments Of my little ortes and find them
a splendid medicine. A few dases al -
Ways restores them to perfect hostel.
I would not be without the Tablets In
,the house." ThrTablets are sold by
dteittgists or by mail at 25 cents a box
fro The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.,
ilivekville, Ont.
Before deciding 'Where, to iocate
in the West, let us tell you
about these lands. ',The hest
wheat fields, the,fidhest grazing
land, are in this -province.
Writ ei us for iull information
about Crops, climate and special
railroad- rates. -
Local 'representative; Wanted in
each county.
Telfer & Osgood
Eastern Selling Agents,
lentertalnkig Efforts 61 Ciznow Youth al
Friends, Schools in:e England.
It the February number of Past and
Present, a journal for ,old and young
scholars of Friends' Schools, of Eng-
lund, there Is a long and "absolutely
genuine'' deflection of "howlers." We
quote a few specimens:-
, A long time ago England was. once
n. foreign roentry. ee:
- Becket put 'an arnentit , and
his life at once became dangerous.
Saladin was a lizard in Egypt.
The Britons pointed itbemselves with
wood, and sometimes came out green.
Clive had to blow hirriself out In In-
dia, but fortunately for England, it
didn't explode.
In trial 1:0? ordeal a man had to carry
a red-hot Mem of iron ter five years.
The MuceiwfranOrthratighOut the •,npperiirii er And preocillok•
atert Cada tkeur of rain -the rain hat bk, PE'enl° and anal daPra% and Watt 'Inala•
C,11411 tidtritg
end- a •waiter ho ding up o wan 'MP- ergs. Twei en* tb0.0 !agei '°°`
brella, protect their debeent. Neither
bolter the landlord, hen' yet the elkunhere
maid, show any signs of mirth or 'WO,
der at 'their arrival Moog the telellUe'OP
such ikthijr. They aro 'used to filed O.
gleSts , And nutonget the Mad lngiaso
liteffia4Ves tem certainly-no-templos
lion lb mad merriment. On such an
occaskin therm Is nothing to do hat eat*
no lunoh dismally. In a long, hare
dlning*ronm, with carpel/ea,
U11)10'110(1 for a grossly Improbable OM.
bet, ot guests, end ik feeling of eettrehhat
cold. -Having spun out their scanty meat
to the tillitost limns Of peisSibtaly, and
waging It down with the trettistito red
'Winn Iffilt1 zein Wed in a Wiekele It Ce
they 1105.1. Into a fune'real Sale% to Which
too waiter hivite9 Ahern. Seide 040
Intdata, the cheering onitoutleentent that
they, linke,as yet heed hero Only holt en
hoot\ latot Roo the hori7ta MUSt wive two
, roll hook to bait before thol cab tuaS/
ing and re-crassIng that 1141Y Iran In/Or* felealiell 0 11 1111 Ilg leittes
toper the runway ; by the river flowing nay. ' Met then they doable ,abinit the
at the foot Of the fate green Mile, ropowloaking al, the tireadbil
green on th10, day 0114* orrompliglied aphg,,, of TatO plain ION 04
spring.• The whelestouldry eite Want. Kett, int the Wells; at the, yertertible,
green galcald, tot young Wheat belav oornto% nod gaudy moist Atarrbaak,..
end endless vinkneekinees olxfv0-0,erte• Wilt IA hot WA forgatien 40* gs
laces of new Inty. Ittstebept* yet viG014. nttner,,,414.1110 table* TOW' Starks etro
ous eIttedetrer.3. The very. 11114' Xi.,.,tfit tint hognieno tiy a Imago& setoio.,69,
000 with Tailklii% nig onaitts, milk la It emit, niam5 ito.wroti "rho
Watt* on 115 VOW. The•rdad 19, 10°r eiptipInctit ot lids, pleasant fillitfiment lie.
triniPletOti hY balfAlcad neititss, ij
what must ado: Mice WM ebaritting
maintain tlottsafttli. Tha: sling 41eritte
the,nt,, They toot go obt,. Veirsititeost
througli this, novo clot they tatty
dimly heft_ the WYNN& TIOVV4
lite, Mountain tmetts
Jahn Silltolt tat theni thalc4.
.. title ; leinfititt A1`.0164,,
tVer-arelfd. trahowee.'!
Thr! Ill 00%14 thts SntireStii111, When'
/II tkel e by DS VI1G Dna Deesenlft sally forth
14 See PA town or vsillk)111m.KS Sots
ItilL wostg NI iliogirsti ih•
or far as rtuttassieve, the lOwn thrtugh
whith they 1611* add thtit it bights JO
litallikt -A.111010115 bete:Cell Orde114410
iliPs, dtelle4 itt clue It'att3 c.ral iaIi
14.1.tvero. Ord the doll fifer Of riel eater:
lelltie the Dirtatit litlitsle Hi firming cora.
11;341amthip at the Naito tiolloYnk
MI Mtn ot.ttg)lly awoy foal 41411P
elelt tarieen 'afoot, ti,
golCA 4ind elitith voti •otto 6$1.1ip of
It, 1011110g end Winding' rc.nlifitially
Utah Ift*VertateSi or itic St*,
(AI- *acme*, ate(3) atilt> whe.
s.ttld sigh to OM et mato Tots ftsft
wt **WIN gotat Oka $ RSV
penter refused to lake tentfila Ofita when
it fell la his lot: Be was t ongiallett to
tedve atternsey. „ •
• The Liberal party or the ,ConserVigittet
may he 4notating to nafitille
tut GUerelekly Is Inep Interestald
sled •ettliet.ezelle:,4:4616.-eit kindattlekeht.
'which a good ellited,'W&S eheated. Itt,
her coal hires() lest SUMIller Pallet;
Maid %nett calli•arguett thoittifidlotak
Norman: Prtocb. bOlATert' lt%ti attiYAr
„ .
tawyertfr. Izit";itilgo, omitting ottlatinc
ry. Ur/ sod *bolo on Ile
They may to argott.kgii,Yec • '
31 1* in«ti has et grieVallakarld esti got
no redresS* ho tar* loatosoftltritol
Own in ,pittillo I •
titosone0 ,Ar 'Oen ferituesOne -erl, Mit itt
Freneht 4re lity.,444,111y prineet*'1111
ease, is then' Ittletti'it0 Ito colirt*: tl"1*13
ilionly or oftetuto ettlitrenti g
justioo 15 OM
Not OtlerviseY IS Sarti•-•11th
tneariniTrabi Istral not illtlek tart,
er, than ti plOO1 three •InikS
alcand rall'ofts Inge riert,41011111.lis.
own- parliament •and 114 ot, the
'ZiAlittON kettly fettdei little addle
reA.Vollsible 10 nabOdyblIti Stiot Edritittd,
,kitat flitter tooks- down 'spot •tlitit
labotiyAtt voty-olntr tvlg.6400110-
!Ivo or, ottio, ,golitry't to tkirkst,16 113
.Vieest, end tit proavot Ito IS in steal
tt iota rilth, goett , • ,
Pottiotoot is tattiposon - holy'
neVentil Of lite fifty ;parts •• Iran with%
I'VE island 15 •• Only ?leaven
I;ttows Wrdtt Ilter '111RteedIti are ossit
.440:0•tottl, ibtA, Ince ri toroth's
'post ot too ivoild, taiwts.
, intotti la a la% 'hat ti.•=body IS ryter
1114 -Mee, ormate,t tittle:110 Toe
Igenling btattlfixt4hkif end arlitt het uft
thsty lethAe, aedholplish the tmori•soi
N:1 044 ovi. 'moo *ow fo
his *pito intetses. It Ss si st
ohnnie, you shouldn't have eaten
the reserved fruits. They were Mae,
ed rt he table merely to fin up. "Well,
i* Mats just, I used, Mem fort"
IrolootastImos mistaken for measles. The trouble
red spots on the bodies of children
ressola, leesl disease et the skin:
eresseth cured with Wearer's Corot*.
A weitknown Colonial judge. who
Lt in irlebman, recently told a witness,
iv/0 was somewhat verbose in hie an-
exelits,, to "Itold Ms tongue and give his
evglence deeply."
It Reaqbes the Spot. -There are few
renterites `beitire ihe 'public to -day as el-
tedeione In remottng pain and in allay.
tog, amicreVeritIng pulmonery disorders
,ae7b, Thetas' Ecieetrie 011. It has
tternenstreled its piltvere in thousands
oI Instances end large nutnber of tea-
natentals as la its great ae ine-
theine tOtild be got were there accagian
:wit,- for tan eVeeyeettelle
mild intik a PrettY good clerk,"
'tat 1110 employer, sarcastically, "if yell
(30131 136(1 * More ecifrimon Sense."
ullifteedr' replied the clerk. "Bin, did it
ever ocette to you that if I had a tithe
'Mere amnion SCIISes wouldn't be a
nuroorouts; Itoitittnig that obstrno er, earn preivit t.t.ho do tent WA*
110S0 and vault pf. The nhory01‘-torc*44unitritedi' .ehe rftettlt Aut
ta0 suftgree to:•-breallut through tbe other religo,.,bVt
opea mouth. Aiidetorni,a,104,0t the n0,5,,e# remit that ,
IIe prgeeneSet -,4,010.1toe.,or Alan 4"rettOltefed 4,71*,
made whenever child' is seen to breathe Poliiar-:otk'e*temeds, that will -
temnbs!ailel Y.‘1,jcli:is,elootarr,.10:1171:spenE,Nares, erendieteant ref end talking, 41:04:les
Matt level: co iens should ..tekernen ';the wonderful •en AV*
ftS S0011 Rio, Is discovereda'nft- figt Wrtiliellenit:a1;ssEt
censequalmese:mat follow mouth-breatiC, pau*,and e best and moat eserneat
should be rethey. SO many serious se.4 •,q,;01 routr, eksychtne no no
Mg that it shallid never be allowed to go pny,Rrepans Seconnto this nset, a*e
on a momentAfter its cause is aseers tbe ee,ge. my lungs werellit
temikie .thei
.etate, I had la grippe ', • , • "
'One gamer time is not often suspectedYeat'..4•1Actx tret4 letettlytled '1"utUrfri
esteeamylase. *eale
.is 4 deformity .of eA
elle nose resulting to i (tom ,,a Iow 1 was 16a bsd.
from tho use of improper nuetting-b0/* epy, eirlyeelte, / had 4 conotntatin
Iles by babies, but the most contmon or ;•*t000rs, • no they said they *
JO.' MIS 'pr0se00e Oft adenoids. ohothlor more for Inc. Thent kexacre
witithlus nw'useulitebrteow,' tsitordadchoirldriefrniohnse titraebri te:„Wier Proithine, I took the medicine
;foe Mere!thau a year. It cerlantly did
bliablearedusedby bgyrotteh;41ehaPtasseaalgiestobrelL1.13. viMuter'll f° me. I am '"w
as 11'C
:novel.He natal, breathe to live, mut
if the legitimate, chennelS for air are
closed by disease, nature does her next
best. -Youth's C.einpanion.,
Ninatt, d was a mighty hunter, but had
he hunted in tite "Temagami" region he
would have been ,a mightier one. Niue
nod hunted for glory, but Ternagatnlan$
hunt for .game, Those Inalans who
made the first canoe of bitch bark long
ago, were our geepteal benefaotoes. The
childretz -Of these fndians eereew nee
eanzeze-and they Icnciesehow-la e
and 11 you go to Tensagamt thl sane
They -iv-11T inednleeenuet KIX&
own superb way:, They win be the beet
guides you ever eutd. students nzho
camp In the =rinser along the Temagee
mi hikes are hble:to :do two years' week
In nne. Finest of. fishing and hurtling.
Easy of access ,by the Grand Trunk
Beltway System. For information end ee
-beautiful descriptive pubIleatIoat sent,
free apply to J. D. McDonald, P. A.,
Grand Trunk fly. System, Toronto. ,
, „f, :.,,,,.., "ans, . 11. HAP%
owl NTIgss afore me...mortsicswereesleth,
irtrit'ne .0101:::: pr4 o. :tin,cded SI -keen.
tem,trilereas "Innlea.g thbeultadoinnirettutri.. th4Watis
00 1 Iseinto autA seta-
threethr,• , upon' the -elsreat- and Inn.,
releetatif fon(k ,:end vtger -to the ntle.
oirstirm.:, 'Att ,ill druggists, eoe arid
er_Drit,VA.'Dlocum, Limited, 170
*t.A.:13;7.4-4:1,4:4;e7:41,0r',..,!:_oi:rpb:iiireitto,,E7Nrop,-nitstna:trt.A0a8pLe.-teraeEpectEt.i.notylit, -
e - „
t *pow!, *tir;113D--3 years' 'ear. )
kik se, etsixitreme 491793,„Bot
en :miles--fronr---1/
'Team k the Ix fel toad, one list
res. ,..
• 696
tiP :Arm .!AtInrienlet", LPonimdnoen'
11- Clettnitlit$
fth.'.,, .eist s eta you wsoliatat ,
oitior esailikr.atnyt
itiernon M. the ealy test.
antimetkersfawilifiMfro of Stamm vial., lit
istriejtooilhootOsitAgmr*ff,0%apitedinsere.ipyatiohpik. it:t01604117,
Mplefii 4,001plincies seat oe rectum
, CAN.
Earthquakes are rather mere corns:
Mon 'at' hill moon than"at apy Other
time. .
Pltimduff-"Has that chartilind Widow,
any property?" Ketehnm--0YeS, cep-
siderable." Plumduff-aReal estate or
personal?" Ketehurn"Personal. .'Sb*
has six children." - •
. — .
'Parents boy Grazet NAVY/
Exteeithilikler beeause the now It fs
safe medicine' for their children and a11.
effectual expeller Of worms.
"They say that Shifter la ten years
ahead c: nis time." "well, Ws not trite.,
im his landlord, and I know he's just
six months behind." ,
“The & L" ttenthol Pastore MI marvel.
The Anglo-Saxons had4no drains, and pm in Unit quick action mime applied to Mins
so used to disperse theft, broken vitals "Om " atiff 4100204c musolol or3013115. TOW
ive mmediate ,
Into the middle of the tontd. g _
Thi-SParlans Tied to get their living Smitbson--4-We had a ,sensatior;71-
af the age of five by sheeting et it rm
ease of kidnapping in our house late=
a piece of SteingiWiLson-"Reallyt How did Where"
The Spartans had two tking,s to check pen?" Smithson -"The baby slept the
cnTeheanortehliegrio. n of
China. occupies half
whole night." ,-
IhSoetothuasme.pten is noted, •for exporting A 'Recognized flegulator.-111S bring
people to South Africa. the digestive organs Into symmetrical
England has much coal beds. When vorking. / P Y „,, ,
. d f his r tlahltieieltbyinru see that plain-lookbag
the coal is finished we Abell have lo llkeyo flind a ipaititeint suffering from s 0- - 110,1 n (to stranger at recec-
ri Vier. theta? She has lust got, mar-
ried."bn sure I wonder 'Whit her hue-
, T. refractory organs into subjection anti . ditubt,91,e,,,thtemosetrriaendgehrer f“oortuheIrvmoliniedny ,,",
bafed'onarrted her for." . "I have - no
restoring them to normal action, in' thlikkrbso badly of him ta that,". said
TAKING PRECAUTIONS. which condition only can they perform' Miss flicbinsOii, "But I aught to know,"
, rerzyd•the streng_ert "you ace, I am tirt
• their duties properly.
head rose above the Witter, And she "ttodtor," said the shrewd -took -fug, p.
grasped a plank floating by. man, "hovrinarry feet of gas does it takte, ;n3 !1:to, rrat. rried her."
. "Save mei save mei" she cried, as her I ......-... . . .
"I beg your pardon," fie replied from te kill a manr' "Thom rather a Oar , snUer no Mare. -There are thousands
the bank; "but really 1 ',Iva t it Under- itUestien," Deplled the (leder. ;Why Ito' wheeitiver mtiel!able lives becatme dye -
stood that I'm a married in with sev- you w sh to knew?" 'One of the gild& ptpatirriaillia ilia faculties and shadows
en children." . tit my hal ustd enough of it to kid upAynce,urttlf the cloud of depression.
""Yes, yes; save mei" eke shrteked. .himself. and I want ,10 send in a..propee gotAr to *dispel the vapors, pat be-
ams and -calling me' preserver, will, ' We Ihe'lletirns of this disorder, is to
"Then there'll be n.s falling into my bill lo lire exteutieree"
''. • orditt-tlionita' course of Parmeleen Ve*
the for my moue eonduct?" , Nu rse s ' -1 a n d vpgefidihv, Pats hocoVo, being eay ' lir
Mother§) Treastire etien,J.,....,,,,A2 trial of them will prove this"
"Oh, no, :nor
"And you won't insist on marrying , , a . teiressen, Atte. most omottotots m thelr
attintled, Its.jue threw aelde bfikrimat. polieend-yornitinjarivesteal fix et* 11,,felied,bittler hi * very good sutuartute
"All right. Ill tackle the job," he re- . .-eafest regulator 100 tor biby,
**Vou see,' he' cockaded, plat before 7,ra Malt*, ititpont tlit undid for tonve. Oil -In salad dresSing. • Many '
dodges Once before, n 1thaes why I'm or etheillitnriottidelge. ' Ale . '
i.,,,,ittat„,, ,,,,..,•
, '..' LILY von
'11; ..,..-4s—
r,-.4.1.:., AS. -Tit
1..-,•A ' .)' ' "..,
zi.,7:244,, . .. Send 11.0 ants
, ' 63 . ti:, s'
$ .
fkreatkiseiofitssof meet
417 • tte it 411 'al litt. .
sPr" ,.lut''il.:=e,cio.1"..
use our brains for fuelleand it will be purpose they cen ptie,scribe nothing tel.'
ere. ler than Parmelees Vegetable
The potato, is not only ° used for feed- which will be found e pleasant mettle
Mc peasants, but goes to more import- eine of surprising vfetue in bringing the
* • ketanialTills Which are anteing tie• hest
'No, no; only save mar'
diving In, "I was cati/lby °Ile of these eta a In ichtes4tateining Oita fretitar this butter to the oil.
married; It makes, Me re bit particular A n y
14401 WS SI
rOW." h
...........01..A...t... Ott
A wolnan, may Meal of lb cook,
Clift8 't;:tc°'•4e:4rnt4trai•;;I: • do& eat deal Will&
9 liwt NIL °WOW
rilart110e711114,°-.07kr' , O,t1.1* of get Like *IOW*
1 .
. , • . 1.0440i, otth.A good opinion Of 13101'
, i• lip41-11,, Iny Maxi, t rather 'Ohl& ', ' y ,.
TflAti, Oireg'Aidly fill this holt" •ilitliket r
!il dnill knPliist' Maid the Old matt , ( 41401,104-41t stillies inc. air* !Pi mtch
***herolobo got -las 'literary tin? • ' araltItalY "tn eraPtY, ;a,"
ontit litetery*,11114.1Fr thlitIO'fillin•thAt•c,',.;•-•• -'',•*- - 7'7.T"
'yeti tiltel.*. • ' • . .' . Where caw I. get •$01114 Of liallOW: ' "*"
.."I'Ve.bttli thinkill' abilit lilat, if/Yalt," Cikers,ettre? .1' Wu entirely tura •of •
mad 'lb* old itto, ..litr' si* 'bent tread it Writs! It CMS, remedy and I Wlaft Obi*hook to yoW. , , ...., ,
,,., •,-.' Mere O .. It ..ror ins? tiesiino, so.sto
t#ro nor ,, . ' Mr. '3. *Mott, Chicago. „g.',..
"VS, Doh% you reckollect'selleit yati„' , ,' , " •. . • ,
ofe tilt aotioa hint' the, Qv itk' hit 'Ol"',,' '^' '‘'''' '
tottiop,coontl" ' .' ,-, . -firril,,•'. iA.-.."Tho doctors hOi o 101
' . .;',;.: •••*, co -etedIti"fairenedittlity fain ii.1'
"Didln't to hooch.
Jyef4,4, ,4 1,.4, W, ,a- Yi.:, r O.fmgOt 81441' iteY• laY -11 ,ti:eft t:IC
tili ioiiistol'atitetiaalf4 .•Ot'114401faide,kra#V0Ali 134;
unilio"16 for ,bisayt,#ONEltiral$ notb r•
1,9lill' illattli,,' lib Ittitsti,.,-1,0 -with :141.
clerk at MU a Malk 1,5011-411/05$ she's his Irk
Girlhood kral Xeftie,t gmatripet,pire
IS'oot I Etptita
red blood; As
Pl'ogivse tor• ,tlio-,:,..*Abok (11
Tablas?* • • ,
"Ale/ Iliot ho
• **Well, Undo' sit Slott itte *instant.;
015 al Mehl at MP/Wig %At rah
tas wen* powee
0110,11.4iiWititg knowell.
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A teMettable hied Inilltd In ItateoIt
Iltt Iltotivatito *Wit las' ti RA it
tiOnlog u Atio trittitta ott Mfg too et
'111, ftead min 'Ma atet.',AertibItheft of it .
ItttitittOtt tiosvitri tad *whet it heti obrito•
oloag to ails 66110 ,frinn Oln InPDOSid
I/Orete• it la, iflanped tip by Ilte bird.
'kite t
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