The Goderich Star, 1907-03-15, Page 7Lturday :liondat Bargains
*arch, 1,0 and 18
y attractive hit Sve give for "Two, Days* 'Eicaring .
and waeted. sieplve for everytlaY needs.Bead
'OW liet"
404Yerthl ffuletStrife 11.41InninelsitesolS tetia itLeltee;kle. Iteg.
War pie* bc-, 1,118. per yar.w...,„..„ /T,.01",
‘"Wilirg QUILTS o -
6o full •dOuble-bcd. itl40,. 4 ply Alliertean Pocket -gotten-gains,'
, •• 042,5,eisch, tit &A ...I.
paha fella* Tapeatty cintaitte., fersrelleo Or deerwaysilleavily
fatigeltrtiOodpottterkta, iu C0131* $104100 a 'blue .40 ,IAOYM) gr-
. wood ihadco. ktegalar $3,:Sctecd-$4-ott at Per 4,26
• 40V01•4,1146st5KLITS
, 40 040 1atlt40 *tag itliXtKe ,,,CQt40 • OM Witk; ,R0t6t: or
•• him -E-t*Idar,So!,,,Stper pa!r...„ 7$0
thstRPtITS• • ,t' •
• , Cleartne tale tit slant'ciallTatteatryitidtinseele' Carpet 3 te.,;25 • ,' •
gegnisr 60e4O .00104;i. 18 ;8. • 888 88 +8. 4888,86e +Air 4 It 400 6,05c.
9liSRT.44. ' •
• •';',240latir9 uaultstitoeoretj, to'hall a
." ,•`. lp02-91di etSt.Makes. ,Km;-•
tjl%tar MOWfopate'Ad fttaAertper..,, , i.c
ealie 0440Drwr0000her*im meaaffeattag
kikyltanImAlitan4tegiGnketttif WaJaVO:inctlee 1/010Mtletig
, • . *401, 1$100IP V410`101t3A
Vattern* for 40 -00Ntl,P41,:rand, Pelineater thl sole et; tee a copy, or
^ Nye will too your schseriPtant. t:$140ilear• _••
for 3.
yeti how u, oett
sruatumor ta
w.aae,Thitr itze.
0Min.T with •wilet"
hand* and Itar
• Pit •
Witould ger plinlyet *tone •
to *Am hold tki * oteeesitlimAike
IIs. but we twofer tie Ilvtoolor"
euyetes,81loace first.
NKr Catalogs 'awe' flukle amok t
.sivos full inforstudisok,Of thli And
other $pecislofferts.P.Owal a,
dstailsrepardietuaW and leanest
• Write et mie4e,
DAdell nusteit.inntr co,
tonnot. onion •'tt*OP
,fiti CLT
WORM1."'47.- In renewing her
itiMscriiptien to' 'gnu -Swart for 1907,
M. Wm.. Artiett, a former Goderich
lady. now Being at Hedley, O.,
writes thus Ithily :
4The Preraliiins. you aerit me are
•1,4 et`of think cseedun '4for they ° V 4°' taken UP. I eliaLlay lei&vwy"; all
'',--""ire-7"••••".0,',,;--4,",,, other treasures Unta can havae tneitmh
Nitrites InsTorrrp.-.A.bout.tortv tastefully frartired,.anite parloe' to put
otpt tho tiodotch firauch „ theM 'god knowin mining camps
thwwomeoansjitate, the
aro .packed up, remtY
, move. tp ngs are so uncertain.,
home of' Mre HilndeY ,016.ThatedliTo Ittli`alwaY0 en ioneto get the Goderich
realty lovely. avd on are very kind to
March 70, .w .arretrinylidtle after-
• ..noon Wee ;Intent -111e toleinear 'Watt
A...noW4eatarttheW trintrOdueedOe
it meeting :'3Witt prireit are;to .pyy
ROWS( trud my Mind often wanders bae
ta "the ' place of my childhood. but
things are en .ehanged, there would be
no one to gteet,,tnencee>.'?
Titn CAtibity4.--The carnival at the
awarded .for 4arrtiO On a well, Warn ow
eat St. Rink on Thuraday of last
week Weis, as regards girl and ladies
dresses., the hest of the season, hoth
In the number of females atter‘ling,
,and the excellency of the dresses. We
haie seen richer costumes, but never
better conceived. better rrimmed'"or
brighter, ones. In fact when all the
dressed girls were on the rink, it was
quite fancy palace. And the men
were hot so had, though there were
fewer or them. The races were most
exciting, -and when one of the skaters
fainted' and another fell and was run
•over and rather badly hurt the excite-
ment was intense. The :33rd Regiment-
enjoyahle_getheet. at-Bandp.stsas:presegt, and plafed a
Ing. A return. matchwas set pt. yes- choice Programme. and the evening,
•terac,yoen4lio Colborne teens .range. leaving out the falls, was tile rleoe"ant-
ancltithv -.- There 'W. ai
prepared -on, spring ,-)muse cleaving.
whieli will be followed -by & pith:rat
• ..diacpealoo. There are 17.711(6 a, number.
9f4he; menahera -eickt their ;'matay'
. friende eWhile ' their, . %seedy "reeoveey,
• l'4,1e*t Meeting Will be heId. at that:tome
"ef.filk-^Jatnes Buchanan, Neleon St.
BIZen MATCH. -The other ditY the
rilleteania cioderich end 9olborne
toten-shipabed ehnoting contest for
• am.ny,eter Avner, the -result being a
the hISYS Irtnn the SithitCh as
• 81311*irtelOw. • The supper,W0L1ierved
"r* `• see* Ring Edvverd_.:Hotel, ant( .Reede
This frillowing were the teams and est -of the winter. The follow ng were
sqcoroy0 : '") the prize winnera; Ladv'e fancy dress,
etryrumnits Ti!. • donwitforf s'"K •• Miss Jennie, Nicholson; Girls comic,
MIN Doty: Gents fancy,Thos. Tufford;
race, 3sunesWiggins; Obstacle race,
Eugene Deane, Boys under 15,, 0.
W. Chisholm- ad • J,Neweembo......, ift
PrankAhhaegle.. Z... al• C.Pfettsa ,• • aa 'Gents Comm., G.. L, Parsons. Free for
W. Vegon... ..... ' t 69
W. 60 'Mids...." Qs la, ltun RUA - 6o
..bianoNeal ,B. Whitelit4e•-•-•
. rdion - 44, Nosito .....
Bissett .. . ... 07 j,lieweembo, sr.. a
,03 ,,,,youndo
J. RhYan ' 36 S. 4.5
; 360 ••< "i82
.TAer ghod idea was
'introduced at a meetitarof the Peter-
borough council a week or so ago,
when a proposition was stihtnitted to
tax all hachelortelli OrliterUAteet de -
beEreF hoed Untweea tetentr03,11 thirty
debts. It reek; •tte
y of age, $ii,a nicriitio-,frOM thirty
to thirty-five. $Itta-moilthAecroaeing
to live again lybisu the Wan .! reached
fortyk, fifty, $20 and 00
reaching his three !more y018 the tax
would ceahe. How would this work
in Goderith? the otovey is not
-.neethel- ftWxittldmier.4.40141..a. Rogo
influente in the way of limping our
many. bachelora to taking the• Otep to-
wards the nuktritnonial alter , and
sharing .their happy ,life wlth,a com-
Ti. brtenOvs ova Baku ECIAps.-
order to start a movenieni to in -
prove the condition Of einkb toeds in
Ontoriei "The Farmer* •Advocate,e
in co-operation with thePtIbIle Works
Department of -the Ontario Govern-
ment, is ciffering $100 in 'prizes for the
best reenits beim a semson'il use of the
Inexpensive implement called the
split -log drag. There are tefo'eete of
prizes,edne for the Eastern and one
for the Western part of tbe Province.
The first prize in each case is X,
second prize $15, and third prize $10.
There is no tee to enter, and the con-
ditions are very simple. Thos jadgitlg
will besdone by Mr, A. eV. anmbe
MORRIEL-Vord was 'received last
week of the death at Griswold, Man.,
of Mrs: IVIorrle, relict of the late Alex,
Morris, at the age of 81 yearn. De-
ceased was for years it well known and
highly respected resilient of Clinton,
hut took -up her resicience with her
daughter, Mrs. Johnston, In the Weet
a.couple of years ago. She leaves four
sons and four datightere„...,
riot of town, is
living here, the reit being in the West.
Hee daughters are Mi.s. Couch and
MN. Smith of town ; Mrs. Yule, Godt-
rich, and Mrs.• Johnston, Griswold. -
,New Bra.
Awe) - on New Era
says: The many friends of a former
resident of Clinton, Mr4. J. D. Mc -
Hardy, 'pottier of Mrs. S. H. Smith,
will be sotry to hear of her dee.tifin
Nelson, 13. CI , of heart failure. The
melancholy news, delayed somewhere.
reached Mrs. Smith just a few min-
utes before the final rehearsal for her
pupils' recital. There were urgent
reasons why the recital could not be
given up, so, although it was aevery
trying ordeal, she bravely went
througb with it, not allowing the news
to become public until afterwards.
Mrs. Ma:lardy was an ideal vrife and
mother, gentle, affectionate, unfail-
ingly.: cheerful, self sacrificing, and
charitably minded. MX. McHardy
died six years ago, and since then she
has just gradnally been fading away.
She was an unostentatious but sincere
. '
' Dr.*, 1.4farrey. the-eya Veda -het,
Vt"Ittjaaittosh4esatta41444tittehtttIVII"toeet:tite:ttgbetigr ,
11UL141$ Teiwalery StoresT..
loom, „41 41: Waye44 Inneued:t/Tohpuetent-
t. Week. Man& 1.0 te
ll'otends1hitutrat.olfrpithttlatanntemrno,„ st.fain,itn.
14' APOOintIlletIt.
nti,,,. abort _vacation in Undort with
Brook uu.tiAtertlAY-I*40 Nellie Mc,
140.1rt ot Metntinli% Wee the itheet °Vet*
• terollarroqivf ehl ilt votateitttoritilio,. t1:tstnEllieitoin erttod.
tWoolViirodo SO:
tier 80.10.06*-4tAltditig the funeral ot
air 140thke , whir flied Ana I:laturday
tOod Wine tArtlett on Mendel'. -..- Mr.
gokwoo,n, viskedni,th over Bun -
,__DI, ' -.4a. ElJeters.' Mar* 0, Mrs.
'web "404 in her 8:lth rite)
'p 11.itt:"liY 4441Cjiliallttrelt.
Pbe' eye. a life's
ZtoOt .Oho does not jOrnp at his eon -
11$100. Set hint tit Humber's Jewel.
447'0U:ire, March IS till lbl. Hours 10
-- , :::61,i;Iil,2,09040.'-,1;it.oto,74,10144,.40hribriry-F.:4:‘tiantpoiptelltlotiotlennwtt...e...t.h_ear
1 mportant to elldvertmers
PunsoNar.„-.41r. and Mrs. Common, 1 • - ,.• "
of Newry, visited at Mr. John Urieve'a AnZabat.titr vertizirgeots for taiettr.
t of Ott - 'in 0.1610141
o the mbitertto Werth* MOngtigoott,
last week.- Mr) Robibtoop. who has ulo
been visiting relatives and Mende in
tide pat, intends retuenIngf to hie
home in Delta°, on Thursday.-eMr.
John Scarlett •te Ila Orangeville -this
week. attending the meeting' of the
Grand Orange Lodge of Ontario Weld.
-Me:latneti Dertnison, •'bi' Stratford,
Is visiting at; his. home lune- J'atnee
was in the 'Grand Trunk train that
was w'recked neal:4 ' Guelph lately, hut
escaped with a alight sprained knee.--,,
Motive. John Balfour anddr-dehn Drift -
coil have rented Mr. AIL HeWitth
farm, east of Leildbury.
Gusoutom.-Me. A. McGregor has
decided to give up blackemithing and
try fanning. He has leased a farm in
the neighborhood of Kippen to which
he moved on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs.
McGregor have the beet wishes of their
many friends in McKtilop.-On Friday
evening of this week a musical and
literary entertaintnent will be given
in the Leadbury schoolhouse. An ex-
cellent programme of comic songs,
instrumentals, dialogues, recitations,
drills, etc., will be furnished. Mr. G.
L.. Mooney? ,:ef Stratford, the well-
known comic singet,'Wilihe present.=
Mr. and Mrs: John Grieve entertained
a number of their friends to a pro-
gressive euchre party, on Friday
evening last. All spent an enjoyable
and social evening.
Good Roach! Commissainer. I u er Christain woman. Besides her dough-
• particulate may be obtained by drop.
pang a card to ` The Farmee's AdVo-
cate," London, Ont. We might add
that. the entries for tide exceediegly
interesting and practical competittop
:will dose on March feith. „
114 'Mooing% Mai Mode
ad Ilsitse Bastneor
teliononnoin moon
Used Ili TitOtiliftivrio
of Homes ims Couticto
. -IHOSE WHO don't know what Psychula
Is inantlietlt dote are asking about it.
'THOSE WHO,d6 India what, Rsychine
In and what it does IRO tteing It. They
reprd It an their best phyelcian in4
• THOSE 'ffII0 use it are being quickly
andtpermanetttly cured of all fortoir 01
, throat, chest, lung ind stenionob
troubles. It'll; it aclentifie, pavane
Eon, destroying alt dimmat gonna 'tithe
blood and System. It la a wolederfal
• bettleited ayatent building remedy) Midi
• is a certaincure for
.X0110113, • drendilal Catilise
LA CRIPPI, Chilli and faint.
Olds, • Mitctilit 'Makin*
Paorangonla. Oeistral %Afton
• lirencidds,
Catateli, !idler ./11110066,
Mak Voice, ninorrkskipi,
' dlitidessness, MOO divots,
Malaria, ,CatAtik•At din
• Stannic -IL
Ag these idisesset are iteriOne in thent-
- sly* gig not prOmptty.cured In the
raFlyatageat are Bra:Certain ferttunners of
OimallOWOO 12) Ite I
Pqr-hillif lieta Plvetunp-
, nov. but n*
titre IA A
prevent IN &V4oprnsn )' 731f
Outten *Of
• vbiun fdr4
ell over nada:
• nr. Telt .
,• aelttleRtfle• MA It last Mutt* wham yast
' (gibe remark filth Minded byyoutretehese
tied feteteultent., width haVe mate armee me
voramatoboasuotr,' Thrportaoni well kowtow
sie,,Albed .00,1e1 Sheen sad John
Sew. attnoothe tiettaty, were
plant** <.tirT 'bed siedloat Mit WM it
Ube litfarible niad beton&
ANL 'Thet.004,,Petaterodust
y itestanatol health,
• 1010lensit
UMW Of ,ethes .111651
a1ss. 11 t
ter here, there are two sons, Hardy of
Toronto, and Charles of Nelson, B. C.;
she also has three brothers-Robt. W.
(McKenzie of Goderich, George of
Winghain, and Mark of Chicago. The
Toronto orthopiedic specialist, Dr, P.
E. McKenzie, is a cousin.
Mrs. Ww. McGavin, jr, celebrated
the 15th anniversary ot their wedding
day, on Monday evening, the 4th, in a
pleasant manner, nearly- 200 invited
guests filled the house, and all had a
very enjoyable time. Dancing was
the chief anmeement, but many play-
ed cards or otherwise passed the night
in a pleasant way. An excellent -sup-
per was served in the basement at 12
o'clock. The hueband and hosteess were
the mu:intents of many useful presents
In honor of the accession. The party
broke up about 4 a. m., all being de-
ighted with the manner in which
soy bad bee& -entertained by their
ff-ermost and hotness. The "follow-
ing friends and rehttives from it dis-
tance were pm senti--air. and Mrs. Mc-
Cully, Strattord; Mr. and Mrs. and
Miss Graham, Goderich; bliss Robson
-11irktem-Mr7-. Dronfy-,tit. M-amitiot-
and Mrs. McGregor, Ashfield,
Crowded out last week.
OM -On Tuesday evening, 281h
ult., Mr. and Mrs. Win. Jolson re-
ceived the sad news that their daugh-
ter, MN. Walker, was injured in -the
railroad wreck near Guelph, and later,
thather little son was also injured, and
her little daughter killed. They tvere
on their way from their home in P
_ e...OT-
borough to attepd Mr. and Mrs, leleon's
golden wedding on Tuesday evening of
,thie week. On 'Wednesday, Mr, Henry
Ivisom Mta Walker's brother, went to
Guelph. The funeral was Thursday
afterrioett. Mrs. Walker, who had a
splinter rtm through her arm and an
injured shoulder, was, when heard
from last, tieing well as could be
ess wee . Wass ' please vent
themselves acoordIngly.:
Patrons of ran Sun wilit please note that
theadvertieing odes aro as near unItoten as
may be, and that every advertiser is placed on
the same basis,.
yearly wont:Nut display advertisher. 10o, per
inehaunpoeforer. -For lesser periods, from
..pace. 8 al potation tor eozonact adeertle-
tee. to 40o. Finch, (According to time and
ing, extra.
Notices undo...the heading of Linnet NotIent
on page 1, to non•adyertisers, bWehatced
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Issue, 0 dents er lino ; these who make a
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otherwise advertise. scents aline.
AdverUsements without 'spedno InstOctiOnS
will be inserted unUl forbid, and Charged IC"
A.11 advertisior accounts are rendered and
Allannouneements under the heading
'Business Notices.' 0a a line oath insortiOn.
Ouch notices, as reag or news ulatter. 10a. a
line each insertion.
D' A flle of this gluier ian be seen at (ii
30 Fleet street.. Landon, . c.. tree of
'St 3: rdy Co.:will-1m ad to -receive -news.,
char and at the latttaddress Messrs. IC
subscriptions- or -advert mous on but be-
Decisions Reapecting Newspabers.
Any person or persons who takes agr.cerpti
,nlarly from a post Ales, whether 8A
1A4 name or another's, or whether he has sub-
scribed or not, is responsible for payment.
If a person ceders his paper dikontinnod he
must pay all arrears, or the publisher may con-
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orlma.faela evidence of intentAonal fraud.
collected month y. Job work, o. o, d.
Sran Witco, Goderio , or our Eleh office, No
HYMENEAL --The home of Jno. Rhin
was the scene of a pretty wedding
Wednesday lite when his daughter
Miss Jennie, was united in marriage to
Faank Story, of McKillop. Rev. Mr.
Langford officiated end the contract-
ing parties were unattended. The
bride was daintily gowned in nuns -
veiling. Mendelasohn's wedding
march was played by Miss Mamie Mc: -
Ewen as the wedding party took their
places in the parlor. After the cere-
mony and congratulations, immediate
friends and relatiVen to the number, of
about AO repaired to the dining roam,
where. a sumptuons wedding repast
awaited them. In the evening the
bridal couple left for their future home
on the groom's farm, where a .recep-
tion to nearly 200 friends was given.
The evening was very enjoyably
spent, especially in dancing. Mr.
Charles Goldie, of Heaforth, efficiently
acted as floor manager, while Messrs.
Hawthorn, Grieve and Galbraith sup-
plied excellent MUSie. The bride was
the recipient of a large number of
beautiful and serviceable presents,
which testified to the esteem in wheel
the young people are held. The best
wishes foe a long life of happiness and
prosperity are extended by their Many
- - - -
Doubled Lip With Cramps.
Stomach feels like an infernal ma-
chine and you want relief mighty
quick. Nothing does the work half
so soon as Poison's Nerviline. Why,
it kills the pain instantly. If your
bottle is empty get another today.
Nerviline keeps the doctor bill small
because it cures little ills before they
grow big. Nothing for indigestion,
heartburn and cramps like Poison's
Nerviline. Large bottles for 26c.
Smoot. Eupora.- The following is
the February report of 14.14. No. 14.
Stanley. Names are in order of merit.
Vr Eleanor Hood, Edwin Gemmell,
Etta Jarrott. Sen. IV, M, M. Fisher,
Rena Molleath, Jas..Tarrott. Jun. IV,
jai. Gemmel!, Herbert Jones, Oda Mc,
Beath. Sen. III, Hannah Dinedale,
Sarah ' ROthwell. Jun, III, Lola
Itathwell, Arthur Jones. Sen. 11,
F. Oerantell, A. Fisher, H. Kehl, Jun.
II, Antak_M. Hood, Ida Bothwell.
It. Ili. Weill° IllecBeth, Allie Mc-
Mtlitrie. • pt. I, G. H. McKay, .J. N.
Iliando Attila L. Fisher. The following
areal* best spellers in the monthly
s Ilingroatchert ; V, Edwin Gemmel!,
_en, 1.-V,,, Murray Fisher. Jun. IV,
.1100,'Keltl.': Sen. M. Hannah Hins-
dale. Ittn. tit and Sen. IF, Herbert
Kehl. Jai: II, Ida Itathweli. Pr. II,
%OHO 1111telleth.
PurciOrrat.-filr,^and Mrs. J. J. 0'
Drier and Mrs. Minna. of Svlarnith
were clotting their friends Mr. and
Mrs. Johnston, last week.---Weddinga
have been tIll the rage this winter. -
Robert Hinsdale end bliss Alice White-
tnan wit "the ha rolling about three
weeks ego, and 11 3,7(5 been kept on the
ineee ever taince.---Ilhe next week Mr.
Dignamof Moose law, Sask., Mid Miss
Mlle Mollie Were ntarled. .They cele-
brated by having two !ergo gatherings,
one Of the old people and Another of
the young people on\ succeeding nights.
,.--Thett teat Week, Mr Voting, of Man/
mid Nee Elide Kettleton had the knot
BOJO& rtit atetittly as the atAI tWo
comes, 4‘, loge wedding party as.
tretiMitel to &The voting people honor
,atid a sitied tin* WM spent by all**.
wit. Tkoligh the three brit]eWere
reared iinthis IMIntallato cleft*t4 yet,
in the !Atom tbavvint be witlelv oopttr,
atod„liothir In threstrovinees. On ari „
Siustatehiatten iitad MenlItihn. Al 1
in *wishing the young prople,
*NI and tiroapetonernarriedli
Thousands have said thin when they
caught cold. Thomsen& have neglected
Lo mire the cold. Thousands hays filled a
nsumptives grave through negleot.
over negleet a ocmgli or cold. It can hive
but one result. It eaves the throat or
'Nile, or bo(h, affected.
Dr. Wood's
Pine Syrup
well attended' Boa al, rty,Wars held at
t e 000 et- Ott mcGavin on
ond.yevening last, at which an en-
VYAblelime wheel:sent. -Mr; and Mrs.
, HOMO% of V.Valton, were visiting
Mr. Saab's family one day recently. -
Misr. I.oulsn Klebert Is engaged to help
Ma,,McIntoah this coming stunmer.-
jeslute .Dennison and Mra. Dennison
and ohildftn, who have been In Ontario
On a *lilt, will 'return to their 'hotne
near Meese Jaw next week.-Iletb.
Deltas boughtan acre of timber from
Pat Itowland and is having it brought
hotline for tirewood.-A large social
party was held at the residence of J.
Grieve one evening reeently. Mr.
and Mrs. Grieve aro good entertainers,
-and all .thorie in attendance report &
joyous thne,-Thomas Young is mak-
ing preparatIona tower& building a
commodious brick bowie in the near
fitture.--.1. J. Irvine has got in a good
quantity of saw logs at the vuill of
Munn Bros. lie intently haring them
sawn into lumber for. kitchen and
stable, which he Intends building this
'Coming summer.
(Crowded' 610 last week.)
If you feel a tension of the eyes
°erne to Dr. Harvey, who can get a
glass ground to suit your eyes and not
torture your eyes to suit the glasses,
March 18 till 22 at Humber's Jewelery
PERBENTATION. -On Friday last an
oyster supper was held at the holne of
Mr. Jack Ford and sister, in connec-
tion with the Women's Institute and
the Debating Club. Notwithstanding
the rain a good crowd turned out to
do justice to the supper
the lading, Whe k*iWe1t11owto
do it. After supper there Was a pro -
grain of music and song, and a pleas-
ing feature of the evening was the
presentation of silyer knives and forks
to Mrs. Ross and a handsome clock
to Mr. Rom and a toilet set to Herbert
Ross, as it token of respect to them.
They will he much missed from around
here, and it is the wish of their many
friends that they have prosperous
futures before them in the Weet,where
they will take up their abode in a
short time.
Pride is a, good thiug in its place, but
very disastrous if a person allows it to
ruin their sight when it eoulol be reme-
died by proper attentioo. Dr. H,arvey,
the -eye (specialist, can be consulted at
umber's Jewelery 'Store, donday,
March 18, till Friday, March 72. Houle
10 to 12, 2 to 5.
GENERAL NOTEB. -The Provincial
Grand Orange Lodge of Out. W. met
thie week in Orangfeville,' mid-Contity
Master Henry Horney is away repre-
senting North Huron at the meeting.
-A little stranger came to the home
of Mr. and Mrs. John Walineley on
Sunday morning, con. 3, Ashfield. Its
it girl; congratulations, Jack. -Will
Finnigan has completed taking out
timber and logs for the construction
of it large new barn, and is to move
Button's saw mill to his yard in Sara -4
toga this week. Our hustling thresher
Charlie Agar is to filinish the power to
drive it ---W, H. Stuart has the con-
tract of the frame work of Finnigan's
barm and of warm it will be done
right.- - Henry Tierney has purchased
the pure bred short horn Durham bull
from J. A. Mellough, and will keep
him for service the coming season. -
Mr. Jones' team, of our burg, gave
their owner quite it scare one day last
week. He was skidding logs into
Button's mill, when by sonie meaty(
they got away from him and started
for home with the whilffletrees behind
them, on the double quick, but were
captured by John Walmsley, after
running a mile, divesting thetneelves
of all hut the harness, doing no harm.
Hold them tighter, Eddie. -The W.
M. S. of our church held a very euc-
cesful monthly nieeting at the home
of Mrs. James (Arvin on Wednesday,
(1 th. An interesting programme, was
one of the features of the gathering.
•Ueo. Curry's family are suffering
with the meateele.-James Bailie leaves
shortly for Alberta.-OUr enterprising
merchant, R. McIlwain, has been suf-
fering from Job's comforters, but ex-
pect he will pull through. -The signs
of spring are with us, the familiar
caw of the crow being heard daily. -
Mr. Cook and wife, of Essex county,
have moved to the Snyder farm here,
and are settled. We welcome them to
our midst. -Isaac Hetherington is
making preparations for the erection
of an up-twdate barn. He had the
wall of cement built last fail, by
Brown Bros., of PortAlbert,
is the medielne you need. It strikes at
this very foundation of all throat or lung
complaint*, telleving or curing Coughe,
Oolda, Bronchitis, Asthma, Croup, Hors
\Throat, and preventing Pneumonia and
It has stood the test for many years, and
is now more generally used than ever. Its
containi all the lung healing virtues of the
pine tree combined with WiM Cherry Bark
and other peetoral remedies. It stinzulates
the weakened bronchial argent!, alleys
irritation and subdues inflammatioe,
!teethes and beide the irritated ettrtti,.
tooccus the phlegm
naturo 10 e*iiit dia edge the atorklil
onnutaticee. Dote be, 13umbuggi'si "to
accepting sa ifilklatiOn Of . ar-
my Plea Syrup: t it put up in A $
wrapper, there plea trees the (rede omit,
and pries 26 icta
Mr. Julien .1# ImBlettc,Tielle dote, /CIL.
wacti t /*hi 9Nittbitki *OS' bad tat
and esvere (tough, Which a,eumedaec)ran
attitude 5 to keep me entfteed to say
hoots. I tried wend toriediee savertiked
bet they vaartf ttd 6004 As a lan twat
Bled Dr. cad's, 'Norway Pies 'silo
and oars roma 25514 rora oasirplaiale
Mothers tithit*tbe Villtd41
Wbat_theY give children to
109Vci, hovels,
cascara, sego, Salta& ealllartie
pills, CaSter Mild purging
inineralWit1tra irritate the
bowels—upset the ritoreacli
Ana eventually lead up to
chronic non.ection of the
more. tIVER
ere the fittest medicine in the
world for ehildren„
It iajnat like giving the little
ones apples, orangea, figs awl
pmnes— because " Prtrit,a-
fives" AXE the J uiees the'se
fruits—but so combined that
°the medicinal action is in-
creased Many times.
Itrnit-a-tives are perfectly safe
for the children. Keep a box
always in the house. •no
sec. a-Ixtx-6 for $2,50. Sent
on receipt of price, if your
druggist does not handle them.
Fruit -a -Hoes Limited, Ottawa.
The trouble with too many of our
prayers is that we urge that our own
will be done instead of asking that
God's will may be done.
4s. fir bit ca mi. 3c Ash..
Nam the the Kind Yon Han Ay Bap
atC44 •
Call at Humber and Son's Jeweiery
establishment and make an appoint-
ment to see Dr. Harvey about your
PERSONAL. -Mrs. Halls and daugh-
ter, of Chicago, arrived at Mrs. Mull-
holland's, her sister, to be with hus-
band and father, who is very low at
present -A. Elcoat was a caller at
Wm. Stanley's Monday. -Quite a
number from around here attended
the funeral of Mr. Dasid Burns, on
Tueede.y, to Clinton cemetery. -W.
M. S. held a meeting atthe parsonage
on Tuesday, and Mrs. Hainilton, of
Goderich, gave an address which wae
much appreciated. Tea wee served
by the ladies at the close.
Justice Mabee has granted the appli-
cation of Daniel Cleary, of the Town-
ship of Nepean, for an order quashing
the local option by-law mussed about a
month ago. His Lordship ruled against
the claim that the 20 votes that were
uncounted owing to irregularities
should be counted in the total, but
allowed the claim that the votes of the
five married women who voted with.
out qualiflcations should he struck
out. The vote was a very close one,
being 589 for and 392 a.gainst, the total
981 requiring exactly 589 to carry the
ha -law. Tht reduction of the five votes
gives a total of 8'76, requiring 586 votee,
while only 584 were polled in favor of
the by-law.
Are you sure that little girl or boy
of yours who complains of headache
end biliousness and wants to stay
home from school is not eufferiug
from eye strain. Make sure by con•
suiting Dr. Harvey at Humbert(' Jewel-
ery Store, Monday, Tuesday, Wednes-
day, Thursday, Friday, next week.
Hours 10 to 12. 2 to 5, or by appoint-
CONCRItT.---The concert given tieder
the averrices of the Luaknow W. C. T.
U. in Zion church last Thursday eve-
ning was all that it was ad ver t teed to
be. Every item on the programme
was good and thoroughly enjoyed by
an appreciative audience. As the con-
cert Woe given In return for past favor;
to the W. 0. T. U. from Zion appoint-
ment the proceeds went to the funds
of Zion church.
PuneoNAL. -- Mr. S. J. Kilpatrick of
Brockville le at present visiting hie
many friends and relations in Anh-
fleld.-Mr. and Mrs. 5 J. Kilpittrick of
Mafeking spent last'Saturday in Rip-
ley. -Mrs. Bert Finlay of Lucknow in
spending this week with Mafelong
friends. -Mrs. J. Hanley of Hamilton
Is the guest of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Win. Kickley, at preeent,- Mr.
nnd Mrs. Richard Johnston opent a
couple of days in Godnrieli last week.
-Miss May Helm spent ,a feto (lave
last week with Matekitig 'Mends.
Pi' OVIS. lit or Tim LAW OF
Oial0,41 Iti tO attend a
disturbance It Searle* Mit the hiding
place paitio Mid Like 4 itnitwilen of
the pette.e, lava babas upon it rind says,
" I arrest you."' Itesisietice Is useless,
air the law of beillth ittlibeee s Pent-
on,* of perpotnat halibihrfient of palm
Mid Dr. Thotnele Itelactrie OA was ori-
ginated to enfOreet that *Melia,.
All the good things of the world are
no further good' to us than as they are
of use: and whatever we may heap up
we enjoy only as much as we can use,
and no more,
some pills which have no other pur-
pose evidently than to beget painful
Internal disturbances in the patient,
adding te his troubles and perplexities
rather than diminishing then!. One
might as well swallow some corrosive
material. Parmelee's Vegetable Pills
hates not this disagreeable and injuri-
ous property. They are easy to take,
!we not unpleasant to the taste, and
their action le mild and soothing. A
trial ot them will prove this. They
offer peace to the dyspeptic.
asked the Now Year for a motto sweet.,
Route rule of lite by which to guide any Cert.
I asked and paused ; It answered softly low.
-God's will to know, Clod will to do,
pod's will to lova."
- • - --
Ambition makes the same mistake
concerning power that avarice makes
concerning wealth. She begins by ac-
cumulating power as a means to happl•
nese, and she finishes by continuing to
accumulate it as an end.
He who is false to present duty
Weeks a, thread in the loom, and will
see the defect when the Weaving of a
lifetime is unrolled. ,
FM; TO.11,91IE gen STIP ji
'Looks; Business..
Attention to dress is important: 'While it does not make
the =nit often helps to make a successful one and the
study a it will surely prevent the wearbig of red neckties
at funerals.
The diffeuee between the cost of dressing well and
dressing bail is a small matter compared with the beneflt,
and satisfaction that comes from being well dressed and
correctly dressed at all times.
We are sole agents for the best clothes lor men in this
country, soth Century Brand Clothing is the acme rof style,
the perfection of tailoring.
I have l3c1dOUlkfl0Wl 0t any-Oile
who has deserted the truth in trifles
hat could be trusted in matters of int-
. Our Boy's Clothing h.: spring is new ill and we *sure our
patrons that this season's range is by far the best We have eyer shown.
See the'spiendid, fancy Grey Worsteds we are showing. • Prices $4.00
io $8.00.
KING (English) AND BOR$ALIINO (within) FIATS
Very fete people are good economists
of their fortune, and still fewer of their
Fon TH It Ovitawonagn.- What are
the causes of despondency and melan-
choly ? lyclisordered liver in one cause
and a prime one. A disordered liver
means a disordered stomach, and a
disordered stomach means disturbance
of the nervous system. This brings
the whole body into subjection and
the victim feels sick all over. Parme-
lee's Vegetable Pine are a recognized
remedy in this state, and relief will
follow their use.
To pay as you go ta tho very best way.
Avoiding annoyance and sorrow.
You'll fled It is bettor to Pay to -day
Than be forced 10 1167 up tottnerrow.
It is thy duty oftentimes to do what
thou wouldst not; thy dray, too, to
leave undone what. thou wouldst do.
I have never repented that I held my
tongue but often that 1 spoke. -Simon-
A srnall insignificant purpose may
so et tgage the attention its to defeat
the kreatest and worthy' aims of life.
"The S " is a
It storms-
dont confine
ndo ors
by wea ring ,
/ '
iba BOO
°"1.:XYRIAtIci:41 "8"
The Right Place to buy Men's Clothing and Furnishings.
WEAKHow many women
there are that get no re -
TIREDfreshment from sleep.
They wake in the morn
WOMENwhen they weut to heti.
ing and feel tireder then
Take LAXATIVE BROM° quinine
Tablets. Druggists refund money 11 11
fails to cure. 10. G. Grove's signature
Is on each box 25c.
Thin pension hill may he knit a
scheme of Mir Richard Cartcvrig fit's to
induce women to tell the truth about ,
their ages.
rhey have a dizzy sensation in the head,
the heart palpitates; they art irritabh
I end nervous, weak and worn out, and
the lightest househohl duties during the
day seem te be a drag and a burden.
arr the very remedy that week , nervouo.
tired out, sickly women need to restore
them the blessings of good tiralt h..
They give sound, restful sleeptone tip
the nerves, strengthen the hear!, fuel
• make rich Woad. Mrs, 1. Mel /oruild.
VcAafo. in Prairie, Mao , writoe 1 l'inn
troubled with shartnem of breath palm
ietion of Ow heart and weak spells I
got four boxes! of Milburn's Heart and
Nerve Pills, and after taking them I was
completely cured.
Price 50 rents per box or three boxes
for $l2-', all dealers or the The T. kid -
burn Co.. Limited, Toronto, Oat,
Only those who have had experience
can tell the torture corns cause. Pain
with your booth on, pain with them
off -pain night (Ind day; but relief is
sure those who nee Holloway'n Corn
The- Renate committee on rallwayo
has thrown out the bill to incorporate
the Fit. Joseph Trapeportation 90.
.Toilkiri on Lake littron to Fort fit an ley
Whicht is to build r. cabal trout St.
on IA e
48 the flint contains the spark, un-
known to twit which the 'steel alone
cen awaken tn Ilfe, so adversity often
reveals le lie hidden gems, which pros-
perity or negligence would forever
Mee hidden.
Itehinf. blind. blerdinprotruding
heits delicious; flavor. This is delight-
ful. 11 always taste' like more, end
more men be taken with impunity, be.
mice it is pure and wholeanine.
Is here. With it comes the desire to cast off
those garments which have do,ne good service
, battling the winter storms. When you see
our showing of dainty spring,footwear, you
will want a pair of shoes to brighten you, aud
make you feel more in. harmony with the
fresh spring days.
Models in Footwear.
Are Dainty, Neat, and by far surpass
anything in the past. We have a well
selected.stock ffbm the best matinfactur-
• ers, and are in a position to show you
the Newest and best in footwear,
THE OODERICH STAR has a Larger Circulation than
any other Newspaper in thls Section 61 the County
ot tluron. Shrewd Advertisers value Ciiculation
where we have in stock a lary.,,e rismortinent of Roll Seat Cobbler
Rockers in quarter cut oak.
5111c 1 loholstereil Parlor Rockers and Chairs in different. esigns and
Morris Chairs and Morris Rockers in Velours. at all iirieeS.
Leather Seated Chairs and Saddle Sento in oak, at priees to suit the
Children's Toy Sets in red blue. Rockers tu different designs
for the children, and nothing so pleasing for the little ones.
Secretary rind itritasie Cabinets, Parlor Cabinets and everything suit-
able for the enjoyment 11214 comhm
fort of the oe. t2,41 eilidy, trouble
No trouble to show (locals.
The Leading Undertakers and Embalmers West Street, Ooderich
sfir Night mul Sunday calls receive personal Anil 7)20211 p1 attention.
'Phone 120. Residence- Avenue,
Our I Inffee is strong, without being
MIA and muddy. Try IL
that's the Reason They 'talk to the Masses Through
THE OODERICH STAR, Huron's tireatest Newspaper
And the
that will make eatables; 01 to Folvve
with this exeellent Coffee are here,
too. The pantry can he well oteeked
' with good thinge at moderate price%
piles. I ruggiste are nutt rived to re-
fund money If PAZO 01 TMENT fail 1 STURDY & CO.,
to cure In 6 to 14 days. 1 The &Tram, (Indeed.
menihev.h)p in the finest nod
hest Business Training 8)11401 111 Cern
from Jan 2n0, tlf.1CM I4g1tllur with
detailed inforiont ion gi eat ad
vantages to la. ell it 4y..,1, will he sent
free. by 1.0 1 1ln 11 88/1 tequest
friend or letter. Write 7,4(715 tl
W. R. SliAW, Principal,
Young 15 Oereard Streets, Toronto.
Call or Telephone
LAsT sT, WERIC1 1.
8188,81, wool I Ka, 7)40) 4,0.1'..
8. 1880.1, 18 88 In .888 Halt. 1'l(4! 1)1'
5•8881 pat 188litiffe Ited.
Phone 51 Walker & Augustine.
Short litend
.4 ry4 0)4i'1111%,
I renw 148811.
240iz0eg 1.1)1 41 FInenru
Macaroon, Brandy Snap.,
Arg. 54 goo.1 t. 1 ho !MOO ill any
in I 88188881
1,..„). r., tad,. In Wedding
• Onhoo and Fancy nettigning. tv.. hint
• 8.8-81,88. t 1011 tAtill 00 I
ingston Street Goderich
(like Dunlop's Tiles
for wheeled s rho les)
mean Correct Prieliiefte4
Good 12Mlity
' First Chino Workmenehip
Reasanable Prices
All work gUlaranteed and
promptly attended to In all What mere can you ask
parts of the town.
Cy. Inak et Commerce • 'Phone 166 21tEll'ara
kfirdiarit Talicr.