The Goderich Star, 1907-03-15, Page 5IRS.
Itugt race
of Husband
, 0RWernalS„
Urtro, it.-Ciat boo* ttuata•
an° atiOP. With Deatt ntratteritittlAir,40Vt COafFORMaLE ItE0.
' Weide; ?Se * 0. A*. fl.t No.* tea*
1)01001Mg; TIQ bid ',finitir toot, *MA' No. at raiz* °A eaudori41. ttsur* rot 441iinutia
9oc am • t, SOW, "mom u. WOO,' aeld. $ Welt
4. 4,
A ,dainetell 00* CaYotiet.. Ofitv says;
4 4.0111Millai Was seenred -4Y tha:VirOWn
nettalY 4 , ,
"fitrit. t), erktuiti 4C.014eti: of 'Wing
nett Iter isushand,' Peridne,
With :Str,Vellitinet The-, tkettriair-closed
t, aft% a„ dramatio,,exit I by Ar.
'7300,MttQn; who iexpressed. IA,F very
trireible Wins disgust„'XithIlte,ae-
4- „flea of the Court, ?Claiming "therc".'WeS
,A0A, tgtle estilenee'• pp. th*
satogid. COnfittett,,16., pitil.tit
4Walt ',While' At.;continittra
we* . teteapeotio;. WC:M.0090=
waif; little MON? eett4fiettIliell I197
knee vittt thaAortt ,ot
daYe el$:•the OVittelOO'salr•SehtoU'4110
C,rown, relied to lite tergeat 4401 prOV-
:01. 19. iso ot zer :The,,Wilness- re-
served to 4inch thCediviCtlerh;,witsNr.
Toolio:••Idetkinald '‘elgt'f04314/ :14•14
Signed it ?it:gement ,to ;ilia:0401 otinne
V41, gruir"42.zsr 4.41t =1144 dtitetrot41°anguolidh*Paterg.
Otaita$10 refierd OatiVereattelle ae •
bad had W101'10.41 prisetter ' When SU,
• * beg MeUeliald tedMitted tinkt •
he hed Made the statemerit Vier WA
advised tO cOnstilt, with tetheth
thet he isollwo week* later gene vOlt
untarli)N to.the c.r0Wit AttorslafS Wee
104 laot tti raYtgat BUt It also *Were
that Ote atatetheet 'no contain -Whet,
Is wanted IO'aa. 840 posttively, denied •
gliniber Of the wetter* .1Peott.,
the CrOWI1 lied relied.
The ,cOuri,roOrn wat orawded to eVeta
flOWIOg ThuredaY, atiaux.tha Wed,
• ilat 013detke attiR011ee frIfelY StiAria
alepteeslen la it$ feeling% IIPplekiding
tants and ever;a *ulna' oteeSielle
MM. Perkin:a' wee eernitaittect to tat!
to, Watt her trail at the ,esalees. *ad
there AvIll he no questiors"Of hail- The
nest' Assize- Court Wilt be held on
• ,
as to,n,
.1 New slaw metteis,Arts iti•itiOt4Ottouti
, for thetr,ostrich, ponies Ous'',,,wfte, the
winter hate, and Seine ef• the'MeSk dice -
tire eattniples et heedgear art;chriled
eolit intagacic elitp, blaear;:ertitOW it is
..,•ulted.lOrlerseheir, or laid ,blecilestraw;
, trirtun4:\vitu ostri9,14. tiPIL;::.yllfjP4' a4e
. Many tiMes.. kept an ' bittok; being.,..trim-
' Meek With ;black tatieloe'Or.$04.4,4 and
' With lonCsWeeping deallehla*..phlines.
: , A pretty hat in -ItiatIt'prititilMe. bee
gale hfuei4ffela foldedN'oloely..'ieround
eihe lov61ctiown and a hig,here.i)t black
',Acta Mader the 'brim`at Br brinki'eThis
. big bet1V.4Y the way.'seenting teeftest on
We hatroi ., ittfeature'lef the sPpngt ats
end isAn ,Inoet pophlarletni.4,eache
peignee4 this hat there are ecemq?iaqic
feathektli to one ilides"-tWo short and
two ion 4.the loligmnes dropPing to the
shetild ..,,s,,k ciliate? Oman Pink roses
, is set' ' 'Abe starting point:of the4dUnies.
" • SornWeexcelleiat eye* are; obtained
front eh tied feathers, and there are
.. ,,,,„..
- severer; nettles in WI/10.'4nm .iiiiig arid
, heavy e ,, I& feather Anis straight back
1-•'--- -""- o'Ver-thOittlevorthe-crowir:" uf ,tixtrixat
'add felitOnw On the ',heir netee•back.
Whit,ct altd afirber hair cfra pr.oininent.
Otte Is led out in deal') gold Leghbrn,
veiled lade ef a creamy white shade,
caught ,l'et ' with. „Utile bunehes of' small • No laod is considered woodland If
rages Shli ing freen_yellow,'M pink. The stock Is allowed to graze on it.
one bl p Unto IS w ei-MXt id the stem- The varieties of Iftees whin are re-
cognized by the act are as follows:
Coniferous (br evergreen) trees: while
pine, Norway pine, hemlock. tamarack,
white spruce, Norway spruce, cedar.
Hardwood (or broad-leaved) trees: oak,
ash, elm, hickory, 'basswood, tulip (or
whitewood); black cherry,- walnut, but-
ternut, chestnut, hard and soft maples,
sycaMore, beech, block locust and ca-
talpa. ,
After a by-law has been passed te put
this exemption into effect any woodland
owner who desires to secure such exemp-
tion Is to ma:•e application to the town-
ship cleric by Feb. 1st. Then the pro-
perty is to be examined by the assessor,
and, if the property is fpund to come
within the conditions of the act, the ex-
emptidn mey 'be granted: Such exemp-
,- lion 'Ceases, however, it' grazing is al-
lowed in the woodMnd, or if the land
is cut over and the trees removed. •
berate thatt eversbefere, bet by way Of
ellange We *WO the•Plalta'Ottla tailored
1110rtwatate, Inede pevaeoly with
nothing More than a tiny 1r Itt Of;the
,aartie material appearing on e ther elde
-o! the front plait, The sleeves ere neither
'long nor short. and are finished with
triM littleAtirilheek 0110.
' Gloves' cOnifiltle he be extrentelY 04"
Pensive:" It posiseas much tor glavea
tbeae daYa 'ea' it 4We Mt Millinery. Tens
and browns are •'-eyer tho Most pannier
shadea and they leok eo .beauttful with
!era that theY are alwayS preferred for
winter Wear. Gray gleves'have lost theft
vogue. Just why nobody seerius exactly
Provision Made ter ExeMPting Them
From •TaxatiOn.
Barleir , lairs* 000- filUndeet preitudiet eget t Patin* tad%
cent, poin I -• BlAtt iheY .41,4Vit tts go4 pool.% It
Putt- etdoele.: -they: wee, mons 00 tieVeleaVe they
Ofilii,-+No..1 white, SIXe. IS per' ficitild b4„fileh greet, deed of insonmit,
cent, volute tor Iti4204.,,,tridiets; 43a Ate} -4e Ille eltree POPle With
ed 5-Dittit retta orento, jaded veryeis,, who reOultvperteeeeSe.
44.ent ati 40A. to*, 1711it 'matte* sleeper thoulik, try:44, thin
TOMIII,Q, 411114 fitatire: bed el leather or tIOW0, **CP well
* W4' MI Shaken« Itg) 4034 e/eel) tri Mil VIM.
C, ter, 0. T.- ;It, This neXt -steft IS to find the correct p0-
'14,Y•e!-NN, 04o:(40ied $1ceitt. rate. ;low. Crain, ,WOOters ani4 ell' Alt )4100...
PreVfitlf iptleta 41iree, peeput ettotdc) vloop loth,Lthei hoad
wheat hterlo--tte,4 Nithita winter., well ralSed, ter 41. it not Wickens to
ligo 'it o; No, tarst,„.10 iciltef No. Sleep With' the bta04 P.Ualittig trio sostkV•
ate it 'ha *dile
n o V eat rings are getter-
‘tio arrive; ,NO: I. hard; 37ct No: 4
Mrtherno $5Xe. .
roQntgotr-NNo.9:'*2mhtWehldt.,5art'a 139elle•'4
Peo-80e 30go_,,, ,
core -in eletnencl;,NO, InellOW`Aliteri-
ea% WO to 530.' Toronto and west;
No. 2 YellOW, 45010 460 C, P. or 0,
T. B.; Ontario, faXe„to 4,70, bests Chia,
them /nigh%
43Ry4ee-kWNhol"bt7;b5e!a. 41-56°.
Holey -Fir* and r111 denJand; No. 14,
51age lo 524; NO, 3.eatra, 50c to 41e; NI.
3, 47%c le Wee, •
Flour -Ontario, 9D per gent. patents,
62.70 asked, $2.67 bid: Manitobe, firet
patents, fitt50; seconds( $3.75; bekera',
tollt-ericea are norninal around $21
Butter,-Mailket. is steady, with a good
demand; prices unchanged.
Creamery, prints .... .• 26o to 27c
do solids .... 23o to 24c
Dairy, prints 22C to 23c
do tubs .... .,.. 20C to 210
Cheese -Large, lact, twin.% 14%e.
Eggs -Market is eaeler at 28e to 27e
Poeltry-No change, in prices.
Chickens, fresh -kilted Ilc to 12c
Inferior,• frozen stock .. 8c to 9c
Fowl ...„ .... 8c to 90
Ducks .... • 90 to tie
Geese .. . . .... . ; . 9c to 110
Turkeys 110 to 18e
Honey-Pails,1,10 'to 12c pea Th.; combs
to 82.50 per do2.
Beans -Steady at $1.55 for, hand-pick-
ed and $L35 to 81.45 for pliMes.
Potatoes-Ontarlo„85e OCio; eastern,
95c to $1, in car lots Etre.
Baled Hay--Ouotiltiops are steady at
811 to 81L50 for timothy; secondary
grades are quiet, and firm at 118.50 to
89.50 lri-carlate-here. "
Baled Straw-Steddy at $6.75 to 87
in oar lots here.
' ink) AS 4 role, the pillow
The 1906 sessien of the'Ontarto Pre-
vincial Legislature saw the first attempt
to nevise the taxation of woodlands W
Ontario. Complete exemption of wood -
lots from taxation is naw possible in
any part of the provinee of Ontario,
under certain conditions.
In the first place a hylaw must be
passed by the township- council to con-
fer the 4xemptton, which may be made
either 4°14,1 or partial. Not more than
twenty-five acres owned by any one
man may •be exempted, ' •
The term "woodland" it_cleflned in the
act. Such land must have growing on
it trees es follows:
1.130-teeelevereiglit Moho% diameter; or -
200 trees'over free inches in diameter, or
ROO trees over two inches le diameter, e^
400 trees of all sizes.
but sn ded through pale yellow •to the
golden color of the etraw al Ihevnds.
- Leghorn% also. aro, seen. kinlined with
ribbon and flowers, and many:01 them
have, `'wi these accessories, , straw
draping9,,, round the.brim. . White chip
Is. anoth revival and dear Utile -old-
tashietma models of white chip trinnted
'with flOwers ere shown. The brims are
inclineeko diCop rather Wan tn. cute up(,
and the Modified mushroom shape' Is
__ much Seen. ' There ate ateo a few chip -
shapes 'in, the old short 'back 'French
sailor. Coe of theseis trUnmeil only In
little InnaMes of tiny rosee around the
Crown. No two hunches were. of the
same ecitir, but they run .aliahrough the
• delicateAulle Haft merging; into- "each
other. •,tinder the law at .the baek is a
large -mattes bitift,,b0204'-:„..r......z. ---..m.le•of
the shade*, and the bandeau :covered
with. mobile of the same shade: .
Accordlea-plaited chiffon makes the
most charming kind of a bodice for be-
tweenseason wear. In black, brown,
blue, tenor any dainty neotral shade, it
makes up beautitelly. Little strap ar-
lids Will Still Be !Maintained in the
British Navy.
A despatch from London says : In
introducing the navy estimates in the
liouse of Commons on Tuesday the Par -
shoUld ye Very soil, Many people are
tiopt awake by herd, Unyielding pil-
lows, although they daft 'always rea-
lize the feet. ft is odd, bY the waY'
how PaOlgo 4ifier In their sleeping re.
aldrellteats. f once lied a patient who
nOVer alePt o0utuflY as on a large
chest with no manress, Win a herse-
hair bolster ter a piltale„"
Dressed Hogs -40.50 for lights and .99
for heavies-, feriffers- IOPS,
Pork -Short Old; $23 to $23.50 per
barrel; mess, 821 to 821.50.
Smoked aad Dry Salted Meats - Long
clear buckle 11c to 11aec for tons and
cases; heats, medium and light, 15%c
to 16c; heaVy, tteee to 15c; backs, 16%c
to 17c; shoulders Ilc to 11%c; rolls,
1134c; .breakfast 'have& 15340 to 16c;
green meats out a pickle, lc less than
Liird-Firin; tierces, 12eec; tubs, 12%0;
pails, 12NO.
Montreal, March 12. -The local grain
market is very firm. ,Ontarto No. 2
white are now quote,d at 44c.1 Na. 3
Is quoted at 42,Jac to 43c. No. 4,•41eed
to 42c Or bushel, ex -store. .
Buckwheat -56a: to 56aec per bushel.
Corn-Amertcan, No. 2 yellow, 55e;
No. 3, 6.5c ex -store. •
Oatse-e0n. spot, No..-1.4eititer 52%o;
No: 3 white, 41)4c to 42c; No. 4, 40%c
h 410 pei bushel, ex -More.
Peres -8 ling peas, $1 in car loads,
81.10 in j bing lots.
Flour -Manitoba spring wheat, $4.4
to $4.60; sirong bakers'. $3.90 to 34.10;
winter wheat patents, $4.10 to 84.25;
rangements or bolero effecte can be used liamentary Secretary of the Admiralty, straight rollers, $3.80,10 $3.70; do., In
as trimniing, the most serviceable Mr. Robertson, said the Admiralty be- bags, $1.65 to $05; extras, $1.50 to
material being taffeta silk, braided in lieved that the two -power standard 91.55.
various dainty designs. A kit of white would be'adequately maintained by the Millfeed-Manitoba bran, in bags,
and geld lace in a tiny yoke effeet will proposed programme for construction. 820 to S.:2; shorts,,' 822 to 822.50; On -
give a touph of lightness and dressiness
to the battled. During the past ten years Great Britain lark) bran, in bags, 520 to 821; shorts,
had added 1,132,205 tons to lier navy, 522 to 29.50; milled mouille, $21 m
Light blue or pale rose crepe mgices while Russia, France and Germany to- $25; straight grain, $28 to 1529 per ton.
the most charming negligee.affairs. The gelher had added only 1,108,280 tons.' Reled Oats -Per bag, $2 to $2.10 in
French °lies are made entirely by hand, The British navy was the cheapest, cost- car lots, $2.20 to 82.25 in jobbing lots.
with valenciennos leserlion and lace put ing $445 per ton. That of France cost Hay -No. 1, $13:50; No. 2, $12.50; No.
(man niost intricate designs. Sometimes $620, Russia $465 and Germany $485. 3. $11.50; clover, mixed, $11; pure clo-
ts tiny plaiting of softest silk is used to Two years hence Great Britain will have ver, $10.50 to 811 per ton in car lots.
edge the White lace, givihg a. nattiness , completed six new battlesfilps,. Including Eggs -For new 'aids, 30c to 31c are
and foam'that are always mat bewil- three of the Dreadnought class and'theee being quoted, whele foe eold storage
dering and lovely in a lounging robe. armored cruisers of the Invincible class, anid limed 2.5c to 26c Is being quoted.
These crepes clean splendidly and wear while neither France nor Germany would Cheese -13%c for white and 14c for
forever. The beautiful pert of nearly all have a single ship of those types corn- colered still being quoted. Canadian
• the Erman robes is their billows and pleted, The home fleet was a logical cheese In the Briash market Is still quo -
billows of lace, chiffon ari silk, one development of its concentration in home led at 6Gs for white and as for colored.
wave going ever another until tile whole waters and furnished additional security sulter-Freshmede creamery, 25%c
garment Is a flutter of lacy ruffles. against the remote risk of invasion. The to hic; medium grades, 24%c to
25c; in beelects or halfebarrels, 22* to
23c; Manitoba, 20c to 21c.
Smoked Ments-Hams. extra large
sizes. 25 Its. upward, 13c; large sizes,
18 to 25 Its., 13)ec; medium sizes, se-
lected weights, 12 lo 18 lbs.. 14r; (-era
small sizes, 8 to 12 lbs., 14eec; hams,
boned, rut, rolled, large, 143ec; do..
sinall, 15c; English breakfast
bacon. 15c; Wilshire, bacton, 50-1h. sides.
15c; Windsor bnoon, backs, 15c.
Lard -Compound lard, EuXc te e%re
kettle lard. 13c to 1334c; pure lard,
Ileer to 12eer.
Barrelled Pork-Ifeevy remade short
eet mess pork, in tierces, 932.50; heavy
Canada short rut mese tort, In barrels,
822 to 813, halt -barrels 811.25; selected,
in barrels, $22 to $23; selerted heavy
Canada short rut mess pork, boneless,
special quality, 823; Canada short cut
back pork, $22; hen v y Cr; flute mess
pork, long cut. 821.50; henyy flank
pork, 820,50; short cut clear pork, 521:
heavy flank pork, 820.50; clear fat backs,
$23 to $23.50 per bri.
Anything that Will sat the" blood into
active cireUlatitul geed tor a cold.
Bathe, the feet In hot water and drink
hot „Water Or het lernottade on going
to beell'telte•• a salt water avenge bath
and rex** * 4 Worm mem, bathe the
!fleet in Very hot Water every five mlm
utes for an hour or' etat sniff het salt
water Up the nose every hour or two,
Four or five hourel exercise in the open
air is often „ effective. Four or five
grains of quinine taken at. night will
usually have a good effect. A vapor
bath, followed by a cool sponge bath, is
good. In bathing, one should be care
ful not to get chilled.
Wait (4i40€0.
fleieste tketrilatted Erie
' ' at Clteireei
The enernberit Cur Onterie
Paid end E ental Urdiatz fult
$41Ortititt408 fc0400.$10.31 AIX tleVall ItOti
Pleteeed,,_ lo alsite.thef for 1907 theY ars '..,
PrePered to, dirdribtde Iota event towW: soloPaPtItt •Iftiala- .01001. ' 004 "
OUP 'Or Ortlerke'llnaterial fee Vinertf4tOtta Oiliee IreWiletetee el WPM
Wit* MOP erOnat rOatit Patna, itraaseat o •
E,SPstilneittlit iftertreene of the- OfitertO 001110,
014vers and tertilitUre. Ahattt ei000 Varkt,:
lieg or knelt 'ee,t?perhaVO,been. teated In Vie ,
tivilrele' ytelette4t4ini":UtrasPeri!VIIThlea,0""itgtellt4tiatatt WS.1100,4eTeraenCh"get14.44"44:1:1):.a14"414 43.1k -s "
01 Variehea IrOM nearly ell parte Ot tilt cot, it la,, eleeleneen, eg,m,p,, 444 at
woriCsoine. Of Wittch hove One .Xeeede c 44,44.01 4 k-irt4sy,
Ingly welt ln the carefully. ondlletatf
1,-,,eytiree Vedettes ot Cats
No. lilsperlinents. Plots.
taper:el et The Culletic and ir* ww
*gerenve exPerittlents throughout Order -
We ,esperimenta in agrIculture tor no?:
win iiiiitrittlieti free of Ch_arge for con
to, The hallowing is the Itat et emolpera.
211-saltree varietleal et 61x -rowed
13h-4,1\ievya varieties of twmrowed Bar
$:-+TWO•Verittlear et Hulless Berley- 2
4 -Two varieties of Spring Wheat., 3
5 -Two vedettes rif Duel:wheat , 2
_0, -Two Intrieties of Field Peas 2
T6=TtEnlvo4levrayi411e4.114sSPoelft Soy, Soar, or it
_LfaPeriese Beans .., e
9-Viree vedettes of Hushing Corn. 3
11-,TwO Variette.3 of Sugar Beets tor 3
10-Tnree varieties Of Mangels
'feeding purposes 2
12 -Three varietlea of Swedish Tur.
-trar .....,•••• i 3
.. cF:IrlroTutarnIps
14-Parenips and two varieties of 5
15 -Three varieties of Fodder or Sil.
' age Corn 3
10, -.Three varieties of Millet 3
17 -Three varieties of Sorghum ..,. 3
le--Gi'vartchPeesas and two varieties of
10-FineltdRCeapbobage and two varieties
20-.e.Three varieties ef Clover 3
tieeSainfoin, Lucerne and Burnet 3
'23. -Five varieUe.e of Grasses 5
23 -Three varieties of Field Beans 3
2,4 -Three varieties of Sweet Corn 3
25-Fertinzers with Potatoes 3
27 -Sowing Mangels on the level,
, and in drills 2
28a -,--Two varieties of Early Potatoes 2
28b -Two varieties of Medium Ripen-
ing' Potatoes 2
28c -Two varieties of Late Potatoes2
29 -Three grain mixtures for Grain
Production 9
30 -Three mixtures of Grasses and
Glover, for hay 9
Mane a sallow and blotchy complex-
ion could bee soon helped by a plain
diet. Women of to -day, especially
young women, resort to all kinds of
Injurious cosmietles which give no per;
manent cune, while the real trouble In
many oases is an unwholesome diet.
Too much grease and sweets cause
many kinds of. facial blemishes Which
can bnly be removed by n simple diet.
A good remedy for eleating the sys-
tem is the copious drinking of pure
water, which we are all too apt to neg-
The most popular Jewelry is antique,
the real articles, 1f you can find them and
can afford to buy them when you find
them. Some of these bracelets are al-
most barberous looking, being made of
heavy gold or silver and ornamented
with the hugest stonesermethyets, tura
quoise, emeralds or sappelres. Neck-
laces are et:tinily heavy.
The little, tiny hats of birds' breasts
that have been so popular this ittst win-
ter have been followed by turbans made
entirely cif flowers, Violets and roses
are the two roost popular Osies used.
The hats are merely round, little sauce-
pan things, covegM thickly with ttimbrIc
blooms end ustially ornamented with a
pair of Wines of a contrasting color or a
shigle plume that droops prettily at one
side. These toques are so youthful that
they are becoming to nearly every
woman, old or young, - ,
The spring blouses are even more eta -
channel fleet was stronger now than it
was in 1905.
Body of Unknown Man Discovered on
Shore of Temiskaming.
A despatch from Cobalt says : Under
the lee of Devil's Rock on Lake Temis-
kerning four miles from Haileybury, the
body of Felix Marks, a miner, was found
frozen stiff on Wednesday morning. Ile
and his brother were working at a mine
near Argentite, and he left Halleybury
on Tuesday night to go back to the mine.
About 7 o'clock on Wednesdny morning
he was found frozen. He Is a native of
Renfrew. Dr. Codd, district Coroner,
and a Cobalt constable took 'Me remains
Halleybury. They found, the body on
the tde, and it ta evident that the man
mud have lain down and been frozen.
- Blinded, Arra Broken, and Otherwise In-
jured by Inhuman Father.
A despatah from Montreal saye; ict nes 1
',...,------._ Allan, an Engiishman, thirty years : I 1
Age, who pleaded guilty te aggravated
-, pssauit on the pernoe ot his 4w,o-and-a.
half -year-old daughter, wasa en Thgre-
day condemned by Pidge Cadquette to
three yeara in the penitentiary. ellen
had notaing to say tor himself, except
that he -Wad sorry for What, he had done,
and that he had alWays 'Waled hle wife
and family 'WWI.
Judge Clegg:ode, in paesifig tentence,
said.-"Thia Is etre of the wont eases
of eruelty I have eVet'' heard of. You
treated yetUr two in Such an lithuirtan
. manner Met the is .new Ifilelly blIrd.
You Stale that you tvere,klled tO emir
Wife and tfarnity, but, you dui not Oren
fake ye r• thitd to a doelor. Yett ought
tt he I aratful that, aeCeeding to the
taw, t c rata give You Ow than throe
Odra' lt4' yetle. dreadful Offence. For
tobtalle ti a you there is no mercy, You
ere a +Ifs eee ter the commundy, and
I 'Will the vat the elexlinUm *Rittelirs-
ilitioe yo,r a the penitentiary,"
VIS ea '' peatted that the Owe
iks had dreadtutly III -us . The
loss of k ight4 et ilt011iti V a
docter, was doubtless; duo to a severe
h:ow given her by her tether over the
head while the 'upper portion et the
head was still Wt. [fee arm was bettly`
fractured and had never been set.
During the cold months of November
and Derember one Milieu everted that
Allan hed held the ehitd while baked
under the tap, and allowed the cord
Water to run an her until she was prac-
tically unconscious. On one occasion
he had placed her out en the gallery at
night, and Rapt here there for a eon-
stderrible time, although she was only
clad in a night drase.
He used to Make (he Child run up
arid down In the PoSadge Until she
fainted from the exertian, end used to
remark to hes WIllb that It Wee !splendid,
exerelge. Ile heat and pounded the ill-
Ite one with,hls fists upon the head 'and
Mee and attest, and was wont to throw
her vlelently Into heel. Ail this he dld
hteauge he itaid the Child wag ditty,
nod ifelleted him by obstInery, although
the Water atated that there wee ea
need to Walsh the ehtld at all, mid that
what her laishartd Mistook for 4bstln-
gee arae affapty blind rear of her falber.
' ,
An en:Mont specialist' claims that
there is no Such thing as "growing
paIns.'' We have been taught that when
a child has stinging pains in the limbs,
shoulders, or other parts of the body
it is an indication that the body is
growing, and therefore most parents
welcome the news of such suffering in
childien. The physician referresi to
above claims that growing pains are
muscular rheumatism, and should have
inunediate atention. Something is
wrong, and steps should be taken at
once to learn why the child's blocel
not• in perfect condition.
New Yotk, March 12. -Wheat SpOt
firm; No. 2 red, REX() In elevator nnd
83ala f.o,b. afloat; No. 1 northern Du-
luth, 91)(01 Lo.b. afloat; No. 2 hard win-
ter, 85* ,o,tr. afloat,
Disease germs often come from de-
cayed fruit and vegetables in the cellar.
Watch out for them, as the winter
wanes, and the speing approaches. As
fast as they decay, see that they are
, -
Captain of Domtnion Adjudged Guilty of
Toronto, March 12,-Priees were firm
to higher tn cattle at the Western Mar-
ket lo-daye The offerings wer,d moder-
ately large', end the quality ef some of
the animate Was pretty fair,
live demand.
y 85 In 85.25
lum exporters'
brought $4.6e to 84.9 per cwt.
Choice butchers' tiattle,reached the 85
level in a kw SI7gle instances yesterday,
but the bulk of good and picked animals
were Jewett then this, Cows were in fair
demand. -This quotidian.; were as feels
!owe e--Pielted hulebere' eagle, 8445 to
8a; heavy butchers', 84.25 to 84.50;
mixed tole and cotes, $2.75 fo 83.25: fat
cows, 83.50 to' 84.25: maintop cows,
81.50 to 83.25 ; and ciinnera, 81 ths$2 per
Heavy feeders were 'firm and sold
readily at 84.25 to 84,40. and light Mock
erg were Meetly at 81.75 to 193.25, accord?
trig to quality.
Export ettea Were steady at 8.4.75 to
83.25 ; expert Mick% 831,to $4.501
gain -fed tenths. 84.67 tO .25 ; and
eartinten lafhba. suo let $3,50 per cwt.
flogs were enetitieiged,- Selects were
',sold at S0.83, end lights mid fats at efl.CO
per cwt.
Export cattle were in
Choice animals gold tea
per cwt. while rn
13 -Koh Raht and two varieties ot
MI bar* Barrie must be In tho front
pert of the hotel premises. wes over two cars were teetering en
Ottawa Cattycouricil has decided 0.044 t tic edge Of the terldge, as It a good
nsat,!onal Accident on the Niagara
despatch trout Nlagara Felts gays;
ta, freight train went to wreck on the
itiarer steel It,J'ett bridge across the Nt-
'pre gorge on Saturday, arid when. all
tenet the etir closing by.taw. wotgli send Mein down Into the
„,,,,„11. aka Vito hundred end Ility feet he-
Landon's Board ot-Eaucralaa PNI"`"r letel. Part of the train was in COM%
asthma** totalling $113,000, end the rest was In the Untied Stele.-
dtecarding to the P. C. I. politic tie -
counts there is 0 dellott of $24,1 e
0. C. halt eanners object to ualng the
Government label "Made in Canada:*
Winnipeg's mayor ts to reeetV4 ;MOO
a year and the centrottera $4.500 aagh,
Loins Birk, the Hamilton newfibtia,
Was fined $30 tor selling papers orieSula,
day. The tratn went ahead at a mild rate,
It was ruutored that the oontreet tor a end the derailed car Jutnped over ties,
Million dollar drydock at Port Arthur witches and temp, dame& everything
had been shined.
The city assessor ot Winnipeg has
cially stated the population et the olty
a'he size of each plat in each of the
first twenty-seven experiments and in
Nos. 29 and 30 is to be two rods long by
one rod wide ; and In No. 28, one rod
Each person In Ontario who wishes to
Join in the work may choose any ONE of
the experiments for 1907. and apply for
the aame. The material will be fur-
eeshedetri the bider in which the appli-
cations are reoeived until the supply is
exhausted, It mieht be well for each
applicant to make a second choice, for
fear the first oould not be granted. All
material will be furnished entirely tree
of charge to, each applicant, and the
produce will. of course, become the
property of the person who conducts the
Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph,
March 4th, 1907
C. A. ZAVITZ, Director.,
Nine-year-old Mervin Dunn Saves Com-
panion From Drowning.
' A despatch from Thorold, Ont., says;
A striking example of eouthful bravery
and presence of mind occurred in Wel-
land a day or two ago, when a child of
seven years was rescued from drown-
ing by a lad of nine. After school a
number of small boys were skating on
McCarthy's. , ferried., -!,'ee, Were
hailed by a lad named Fred George,
who had, been skating with them; but
A despatch from London'sa,,,e M the who had ventured on the canal. lie
Dominion court-martial Captain Kings- declined the canal. safe, bet bardiye had
dealared that. ifItholuth it was cer- the taea wiso responded to his call, ar-
laite.that if the course had been shaped rived when he sank through the Ice out
half a mile farther from the Souris light ;le the middle of the canal. One of the
the ship would not have grounded, yet :boys, Mervin Dunn, aged nine, skated
under the conditions prevailing at the' swiftly to the hole, and as the other
time the course set appeared to be thelboye body rose he seized 11. Then,
safe one. An allowance of two miles w" ',exerting his strength to the utmost, he
made for the indraught into Cascapedia dragged the helpless child from the
Bay. He peesonally satisfied himself . water. The box soon recovered and
that every precaultion for the safe nave . went home, where, after a little care,
gation of the ship was eeing taken be- his icy Immersion left no serious in.
fore ne went to his Cabin' Other evl" jury. Undoubtedly. had the buys who
dence went to show that a forest flre, •
A Now yorh Central engine pulled a
*vain of forty-six cars taut of tho Lehigh
Valley yard and started across the bridge
tor tho3 Gruel Trunk yards. As the
Hein lett the Lehigh Valley yard the
fertY4ourth car Jumped the track. The
Whole course of the train was on a
curve, and the men on the engine would
nai see at for back es the derailed car.
to be 101,000.
Louis Cyr, the strongest man in the
world, Is dying tat dropsy la St. Jean de
MOW Que.
TheeProvinelal Government has de -
aided Mat the embargo on tan bark shall
remain for another year.
Mr. \V, MoNaught, M.P.P., suc-
ceeds Mr. C. B. Smith on the Hydro -
Electric Power Commiesion.
Prince Leopold sof Saxe -Coburg and
Gotha, who is in the Orient, will coma
to Canada about April 1st.
The building contractors of Kingston
refuse the union demands of more
wages and shorter hours.
A draft bill to authorise old age pen -
stens has been introduced in the Senate
by Sirellichard Cartwright,
The G. T. P. her 50 miles of track
laid west of Partage la Prairie. The
company needs 10.000 men.
The body of a man which had likely
been under the snow for three months
was found at Springbank, Alta.
It is claimed that the Northern Pacific
are surveying a route for a railroad ice -
!Wee, n Winnipeg and Dawson.
Mr. Elliott G. Stevenson of Deteolt has
been appointed Supreme Chief Ranger of
the Independent Order of Foresters.
At Fort Rae, on the border of the Arc-
tic circle, the mounted police aro now in-
vestigating the murder of an Indian.
The famous "auger man," a Chinainan,,
who had perpetrated over forty bur-
glaries in Vancouver, Is now under ar-
There is a ehortage of about $80,741 In
theefunds theresresbyterian teliurch of,
Canada for the various schemes of the
The premises of the Toronto Plate
Glass Importing Company were de-
stroyed by lire on" Saturday, with a lost)
of $185,000.
Mr. Gordon Smith ot Parts has been
appointed Superintendent of the Six Na-
tion Indians, with headquarters at
The late Dr. Oronhyateklia left his es-
tate to his son, Dr. Acland Oronhya-
tekha, and hls daughter, Mrs. Percy J.
Dr. Fletcher reported le the Agricul-
tural Committee at Ottawa that the San
Jose scale has been exterminated in
Magma and British Columbia.
Wm, J. McCiae, the defaulting Secre-
tary of the People's Mutual Building
Society at Montreal, has been sentenced
to eight years' imprisomnent.
fitruck. The next car be nd it was
pulled off the track also, and the two
can went bumping and leaping at the
were near by waited for help, young
mistaken for the aouris light, and the George would have been drowned.
smoke from lt which blew over the real
Souris light, masking the land and rom-
pletely obscuring lir Paspebtac light,
were the immecilate causes of the
grounding. Captain KIngsmill and
Lieut. Noalce, the navigating racer, wore
adjudged guilty of negligence and
severely reprimanded. Lieutenant Clark-
son was acquitted.
Disclisirged Prikoner a Passenger on
Steamer for Canada.
A despatch from London says: f1r.
centiy the Magistrates of Carlisle and
Cumberland discharged a peleoner, sug-
gesting that les friends send him to
ROBBED BANK OP ENGLAND. Canada. Mr. f3ruce Walker wrote lo
the Megistrales. proteeting against
Charge Against Anderson, Arrested in making Canada dumping ground for
Manitoba. such people. The Magistrates replied,
expressing regret that the suggestion
A despatch from Winnipeg says : A
had been made. and promised that the
defaulting clerk of the Ban -k of England
man would net be sent to Canada. On
named Anderson, who secured- £1 net
Friday. however, Mr. Walker discovered
from the branch of ihe hank at Mani lit S. -
the same man under a different name
tcr by substituting copper coins for goel ' w8 8 passenger On the Empress of
in the vaults and who has been rilgi- ""
eNtind, and lied him stopped. The
eve from justice for seven nionlits pest,
salvation Army have taken charge of
was arrested by the Provincial poiice
Is now in }ail here awaiting the arrival the man.
Dominion City. Manitoba. on Friday and
of an ()Meer from England to lake him
hack to stand trine Ile admits; his iden
My. tbough denying the charge of theft.
has been followed three times aeresa
the Atlantic and out to the Pacific cook'
and back here again. Anderson is about
40 years of age.
New Gold !Recovery, 28 elites From
Vancouver, Causes a Stampede.
A despnich from Vaneouver. B. C ,
en,s. A placer gold discovery has rails -
Id strimpedt to lost Creek. nt the fere
ef the Sumas Mountain, 28 miles from
FIRE VISITS THE "S00." here. Perkets have been found carry.
Ing from R to fifteen dollars In
Municipal Building. Fireball and 1,11) pie, and hundreds are ruelling In from
retry Deetroyed. Nonksack, Sumas, Pet I nghani, a nd
A deepatch from Sault Te. Marie, Nrineouver The cree.k hog already been
Ont., says: The CernegIe Library, mu el eked for 11111PR .1 YIP ,INKIVery was
prospectors 011 \‘,0(Ine,,day,
mcipal Buildinge, and Fire were made bY
rvimpleteely destroyed by flre on Wednes- and the rush started on Thursday.
day night. thi, fire originated in en
nine over Me library and wee catiatd
by defective wiring. It marred wit h
wonderful rapidity, the buildings being
flresitel with Georgia pine. The build
Ings were erected nbout three veers ogn
at n cost of 836.000, mad are insured
tar wane divided among sievern1 rem
panics The local fire brigade soon sow
their Mobility in fight ihe fire, and the
Michigan 'Soo' brigade answered
promptly to an urgent call. All muni-
cipal books, papers snd records were
Eight Participants In Baltic Mutiny Put
to Death.
A despnteh from St. Petereburg FiCIV1a :
Eight senora. found guilty of parlit ire
eon in the Baltic mutiny, were executed
nn Thursday. Twelve Other* who acre
tried by wart.martifil for mutiny at the
Sventierg outbreak have been sentenced,
flve of them to impriaonment edit herd
labor in the mino fnr life, and the re.
Arrangement Betneen BrItalm Meseta.
France and Stepan Aseured.
A fel. Petersburg despatch stays that
net agreetnent between Borate, hem( e.
Great Retain and lapen regarding thr
Far East le defififiely insured. Thanes
ehielly to King EdWard's Initiative an
Anglo -Resider( entente nei.v definite.
The bill for woman suffrage was
talked out M the British House of Com-
mons.op Friday,
Great Britain and Russia have come to
an agreement regarding interference in
the affairs ot. Persia,
••Thee Devitt -gee Emprese sit RUSSla are
rived in London on Thursday on a vLsit
lo her sister, Queen Alexandra.
Lord Tweedmouth, First Lord of the
A dGm. irBa.itEyssillaesmaonn7Lnicbeedrallh, awl. atsheereieewtelidl
be no reduction in the British navy,
Would you like to come with me to
floor suAcbcereeddeeMn t. TI ahme esmaBiorryietey awsasme3m67beinr
day? Away we go on our ponies. There
visit a sugar plantation in Hawaii to-
o three -cornered light.
Archie Roosevelt, the President's
This is a great sugar plantation, It
youngest son, is critically ill with dash is five miles squsi.e. yes, 11 looks just
Imes of San like a field of tall corn, but break off a
near the ground as they can, for the
ham Ruef, the Jewiell
was placed under arrest on
11 is sugar, The men are cutting It as
stock und taste of 11. Now you know
Revolutionists to the United States, bas
Alexis Aladin, delegate of the Russian
part nearest the root contains the best
declared that if the present Duma Is Ms- su8„.
- -
Railway Commiesion Takes Up Question
of Risk to Occupanta.
A despatch from Ottawa car, The
Railway ,,nunisist,,n will hi% n r,port
from one nf Its inspectors 1,11,0110111g 1110
reeent, railway aocoltril al Meentein.
where les unertunnte exhro.s nionsen
gers were 1,111'lled to slealll 1 t.e,nrd
ks likely to take up the ipiestion 1,0
log of three expre...s for h .rdi
miry (doves URNI. /I re..1,! I ro,t
only Is the messenger esno,eil h. the
PXrept101•1[11 f'141«sf hcing in the f,mt
car, Mit should he eseepe frrai injury
the smash, Is WIMP 1,, I )1) ni..„J
death by the L1110Ve Upsetting.
Contract for Needed engines Let 5)
Temlskaming Commlealon.
A despalrh from Terinlo says
tenet» for the allpply ,,f six av,•,
for the Govornment Rade ny h•1N.. •
let by the TemIslomIng and ^..•,rth..t
Ontnrio fin ilway Commission it
ginea„ which will be Ihe
paseeetiger type, will he einie eels I 1,
Itie Montreal locomotive V...1.R
enst et al:20.000. The Coy n y ,
Ryer them in ()dotter.
Eighty-five persone haski bee.
bi an elforTHOUS laiidelitial in Aigerm
end of the Irian Out on the bridge. The
bridge Umbers made -their way rougher
then ever, szsd &a ilsey, thundered alang
the whole stdicturse qUivered with the
shoot, ;ink people Qyt the lOWer deck
tied In WOO from the eounding
ellreatting )41Oherie over their tread*.
Setae distance (yak, on the bridge the
chained care htolte ;Pert end the hes.
one turned -wade and lammed I e
to the railing% beIng: hold back treat a
rualto tati) Me glOrge by us trucks
etching _thertrack. Neer the centre of
the bridal the otter, cir, also broke
awey ethe Min and crashed
through the rallinit so thst Os forward
end hung ,aVer OW churn. lt, too,
was saved" Wits' troths Clitchinti tato
the bridge Araelts, and Where. The
cars were ratieh damaged, the bridge
retfings and Wks were shattered, and
eonle injury dene kt the tracks. It
tOok the aUxilittair hours to clear
the track. ThAvether line was not ob-
alter"Phislo,'h. 00:v„hispered little Kenneth
Brooks, I've got a 'urea to toll you
"Nice?" asked Phil.
"Yes," was the answer; "nice for mos'
0011," said Phil, and his eyebrows MI.
seReerfeelt.lowed Kenneth around behind the
schoolhoupe after school to hear the
inan that makes canary birds do comical
glven me a ticket to go and see the
cutting a little caper of delight.
tricks. Ever see them?"
will take me in tweets" said Kenneth,
say, Phil," Kenneth continued, struck
with the other's mournful look, "won't
.his eyes on the ground.
your Uncle George give .you one?"
pocket am looked at 11. It certainly
ed at Phil, and a secret wish Mole Into
promised to admit the bearer Into Mo -
tart Hall two afternoons. Then he Mott-
les heart that he hadn't ;mid anything
smtie crept over les broad, lent face.
ega',,MgLeyte,titiy,s.notrley,G., eorge," said Kenneth, "has
-1Cetitfiefirtaak' tile' - ticket out of Ida
about ni.s ticket; but after a few mo -
wonder if the men won't change this
and give me two tickets that would take
ynu and hie in one time?"
ment's struggle, "Phil," he cried, "I
"NO, air-ee, new tricks every time. I
"No," said Phil hopelessly.
"Same thing both times?" asked Phil.
"Well, It's fiat -rate, and ny ticket
"I ain't got telly Uncle George."
"That's a Mot. How about your mo -
"Can't afford IL" answered Phil, with
Phil's eyes grew bright, and a happy
"Do you think he would?" he asked
said Kenneth, and the two
Lille boys (darted off for the office win-
"But, Kenneth," said Phil, stopping,
"1' isn't Mir for :no to take your ticket."
"It Is, though," answered les friend
steutly, "'cause Ill get more fiin from
going once with you than twice with
This settled the matter, and Phil gave
in. . '
"So yuu want two tickets for one
time?" said the agent.
"Yes, eir," stud Kenneth, taking oil
his sailor hat; "one for Phil, yuu knew."
aVuu do aritlimeLic by the...Golden
tiiicukt.evimo:•nn. heie, dorat yeti?" asked the
errors on the part of the school man-
agement and ',others, which, white not
contributory crimes, serieludy affected
the &sestet s Ala Hud, the caretaker,
lett the doOra In the basement open, thus
Snowing soma, into, the passage; there
was emirstoaqo pubarre the Ore drill.
and this the .boarti ought to have hae
practised niore.often. Miss Maxwell de
layed longer than she should In walnuts
tire children :epatairs, and there were
no Are °scripts. The Jury added to Its
verdict a suggastton that in each school
there ought to be one man at least u
a custodian. It did not consider that
the Protestant Board of School Com-
mil:stoners could be held
the affair.
are no side-saddles here, but the ladies
wear a long. flowing drapery which
falls over the feet and floats out like
Wings, when they ride.
solved the people will fight.
best modern steam ploughs, stem hat,
n these sugar plantations the very
Even steam engines, which draw wide -
rows and steam cultivdtors are used.
Brazil has given an order to a British
spreading cars In which the cane can be
111;pine. for a battleship of the Droednatight
gines and ears are run over railways
' taken to the mill, are used, These en -
gramme of naval construction tor <the ane
Ilussia is preparing a formidable pro -
part of the field to another. They
whleh can be taken up and moved from
present year,
A tishing vessel with her crew of seven
can Ilft, and are laid on the top ef the
are made In small parts which four men
men went down on Friday in a storm .off 1
These portable railways help the men
MNees‘xvirc7) nbdylatnhde. accidental exnlosion ot a
Thirty.ftve persons have lieen killed In 1, ly
The (eine will spoil If It is not
to send the cane to the mill very quick -
large quantity of dynamite.
ground very soon alter it In cut. There
trig the cane fields or
Negro blackmailers in (.uha not burn -
planters who Will , se much to be gathered the trains
nol submit to their extortion.
limes the tracks get moved a little, then
I are run very fast nver the rails, Some -
Armed men at Moscow yesterday
the next train of cars that imme-s speed•
tented a police sergeant find robbed the
i tng over them goes flying over the fields
university officials of 520,00u.
Itnd the cane is tossed in all directions.
Russia has decided to send two rrui-t.
1 The men only laugh al such an ncei.
ere of her Black Sea fleet to the teen to 1
. dent. pick up the scattered cane. pink
protect her fishermen.
',It up again and gn nn os fast as ever
A bomb was thrown into tho Govern- i
1 When the rano mulles the mill it is
nesday, wrecking the building,
ment High School at Vs rirsaw on \Ned-
greund and then belled away until it
Fee thoesand people 111 Italy ill,
.12 reticle into sugar.
homelese us the result of the moving ,,1 1
a mountain In the ProNince nf l'utenza. I
The Po e hes ardoned the Bishop .4 (
Verona, who reeently issued a piste:alit !
leller advocating the principle nf the
separatien of Churrh and State.
Rehberg he Kutais, Transeaticasus, on
the revenue
Saturday threw hombs Into
collector's carriage and escaped with
*1.500, after kilang a number of per
C.harged With Falsifying 'leaks ol Bank
of, Cabmen..
A despatcb,'Irent Brantford says:
Chief tileFtueune of Parte on Saturday
night arrested behll A. Duncan, late
manager of the Canadian Bank of Com-
merce at Ayr, on a charge of falsifying
the books end docuttents of the bank. It
is alleged that ens ebruary pet lest he
raised a voucher r seventeen dollars
and ninety cents to thirteen thousand
and seventeen defiers and ninety cents,
and wrongfully made an entry in the
books of the bank to cover the amount.
Burglars Made Good Haul at New
• Hamburg.
A despatch from New Hamburg says:
Saturday morning about 6 0'dt-oak It
was discovered that the postoMee safe
had been blown to pleees and robbed
el about $220 worth of stamps and about
$90 M cash and till the private papers
belonging to the postniaater, The neigh.
boring towns lava been notified to be
on the lookout tor the safebreakers. The
explosion made a wreck of the office. -
Baroness Durdett-Coults Leaves Estate
Valued at $395,1011.
A despatch from Landoll says: The
will of the Baroness Burdett -Coutts,
who died December 30 lust, was probat-
so sa'edneaday, the grass value (1
the estate being 8395,000. The small
amount la due to the feet.that the Bar-
oness endowed cbaritess Mid chureliee
eith''large sums' during her lifetime
and transferred tnuch of her capitol to
hat hesband,
iJury in llocheiaga Sehool Flre Cams-
! trophe Merin In Verdict.
A despatch from Montreal snys Thr
Cramer's jury „fri the linchelaga nrhool
flre cat/Hare-The hrnught In verdict en
sons. Friday afternoon ending the .11nel-en
Realm of Practical Joke at a McGill
',Intern Concert.
deqpntch from Montreal anyq A
prnrIteal joly. WIN plu),N1 1110 Selerico
freshmen in Mr0111 Union saturdav
night which may result seriously A
concert was held at 51,4;111 liy the
Ire.hmen in scit.nee. All went. along
s-ry Illf'r y mitt; la o, kick, when
the t.11.,.tri,' light \%fri ssere and
n' ,rimo 11111., a Intur 1,,,Inn fun
tn,n,n aa thrown ird, tho hall frcon
the ermnri flow'
1,0 le laolte rind filled the Poorn
VI the n%nrwhpinling fume. peculiar
nininonoi This gra into the Ores of
-0‘ elm the fellows, rind hair nf 1110,11
Ali 14, 1.., taken tn the hospital and
hented for vet iinirstiii Injuries 'Flier,.
• danger ,.1 the veg 110111s, being per-
!..onoritly Inpited
IN Fat"( E
A miner) mon nt Tonkin kuneft Non•
cominiseioned Officers.
\ ess• 1, fr T, Fr ancie
.v.-• 1 ii• .t I , • III Ow (1(1.11e'ry
l•ti ts", 1.• • 1.1 1.4111c•NIA, ho
.a, I non ,,1
1, N kess,ss riod 8,5 4 !e,00'
1,0r 1.1".,,111.1Pli 10,11, ssies
mutineers were imprisoned.
were asphyxiated, ano pointing nut four
George. Thompson Killed by an Explo.
sion at- C.obalt.
A despatch from Cobalt says; Friday
morning at 2 o'clock' a miner named
George Thompson was killed by a dyna-
mite explosion ut No. 7 shaft, Trethe-
Py mine, Shots had been fired and
Thompson, Who was Ilie shift boss, went
forward to examine their effect. An ex-
plosion look piece near where he stood,
and Thompson's head was almost blown
t pieces. He was picked up dead. He
was a tnarried men with a wife and tour
children living in Cobalt.
A laugh Is worth a hundred groana
le any market.
Pray for a short memory as to all
Anxiety never yet succeissfully bridged
over ray chasm.
Genius has a twin brother whose
name is patience.
"If you have but a word of cheer
Speak it while I 0111 alive to hear.''
Someone asked Thomas A. Edison,
"Don't you believe that genius Ls inspir-
ation/a "No," he replied, "geniu.s is
11) sparing ourseivel the daily task
ue dig the grave of our higher posse -
"The world raises Its loftiest shaft to
the man who 'delivers the goode.'"
True merit is like a river The deep-
er it the teSS noise it makes.
Ake pastpone and postpene until
smiling possibilities are deed
You will not Ilnd poetry anywhere
unless you bring some vdtla you.-Sua
cess Magazine,
A II in, ehetie hos town heard in •
bah ein faun mile. the .artt.
ioAal lit titian -ousranei II oil)
n. I wood a) the -hose mut tie -
The rest duy law threatens
to cause a Ministerial orisis
Montreal Unable at Present to Cope With
a Conflagration.
A ,loshat,11 from Montreal SA( Moro
real at present ,.. ,
ter hg tire in spit..
on,ng 11,10 ptIel,it14
done I. anivliornte the comiltkms
orniug tho water vappiv. Thur..
(1, Change 01011 'Ir.• broken pOirlp N .11
10 v.n,ria rignoi and Halt .nnnot
take place for .1-r1to, tuna o the
pump ha,. .4`1"11 `PI ,0 operation them
cantirior th ta ,ortoin. sh sl1fige
t‘ster .t. 14, eottl oath,
brenlva ontl there n May, Onoe the
,‘,Ithet 4.141,P. t1 aboot
t. week 4., put Mittel, ,,11 santtafne,no,
fontmg aot neo. pump la In
rnennt,rne the imp
phew. 1,‘ ing op. unq the Imteis and
taetorlea and nitior huildirgs. which tise
large quantities of eater and cuntri•
lute trirgo amounts 1. th • riv,, treasury
i•tio shape of water rates. atv being
effl. 1,, heavy expense in meter te ob.
lain the wale! necreasar!. to carry („in
Mete esttibliehments. eater the city
wi'l hear s,,niathtng of tine 111 the shape
1.: cis me for damages
1 ho .1unger front a sensate point
a oannot he over estimated The
<1Rnger, III -*OM, of lire admitted by
een, eed ratrras nt policemen
und neemen are nut rill night. and every
steamer n the cite is kept ready for
instis•hats service.
The seorefary of the Hoard of Trade
has issued nolire
questing otitipant. downelown
warehowlea to keep a walohmun on the
premise.= for a fee, tifiy• in order that
the alarm may be rung in immediately
iu case of fire.