The Goderich Star, 1907-03-15, Page 3S.
, tietete *Nee,
teePte, Mar. Iteseettll .0044 ettelas.
Raft Pace!' Trial* IA 'Conueotiop., With. Death' - **L"'
:7t)iv Tit Per lent. OAS, 'fee' Itelet
est outside; 7iic C. rt R.; Ng.* Ask
Of RtiSbeon(i. ,P0/13.01** - '.:7/144,11:41orilts.41fisrlt4elaVerTI: r41:4‘‘T:714414' Illt')4:11'1144r1"'
wilvisidt.rmazttok.,440, *.ertm!r;),,. v.-** tha 4letew, at 44u. pbyloctut.
nheee Vet fir. eritir40."-Jsie salt. *11. Welt
&VW* troM-0Y11044,-bUt *Vet tiela * in .regari to oOnetreatioria. .71t41-4.rettreirri41,. libc hid,' 74 1041140 pretudiett agelitsi Pettier le1451,
Oerainiitell Wee •40eltrad be'lltesCretell Intel Med Witted* Prisimer. When "writ, POin - • ebeelet.eve ttow g.qukt vows, u
1St* ThleredlY Ittertleett* thill OW- oe ett tias box MeDeillelet admitted that peesv.gNek ain-ashet, omelettes 1142 Tigre.' Moss tged, nowedayS 'they,
AUL Mittie-Ferkinei .1040lAccl: of..Lhikvinft ne„, bed. made the Siateurinti:Mter being Qattio4NO,' I ;white, 304o hitt, A par ‘93441.01,Aa 4 greet.,deel fot insornobt.
pobienfid ',her tioAtandi *Art; kInklits4; 44riaed 09tiettlt with Igi lather. tinio 041. peirdit ter 100/0A-ANibeig it*,, especially to. the eaSe POOPIn With
eth ethychuletts V4,1 heitridt-Cloried that Ile War geng. est Ii*(111t, ride ArTONsite. 24a ;bid, laded iterVes, Who reontriPpertect ease.
Alit, a drametto exit: by unterity; to,,,the "CAW& AltortityA' 00100 on A-eelit rate. :S008,404, 400, trok Tlie restless, sleeper sitehlktrtti; thin
llotinsteni Wee telst**104;1112Yeee *181 laid le reVISed.; gut 114 also .411 -ore: Torento. And sairtaild 10e Mee% Qt teeber or ilAWA1-37.3*Pi it,
a. '10=44 ,ternis*.his sliagust";*with 'the Us thee the eleternelat, ille ellet'eSantlethWitet yo0e4,4$4,,,,„wito,li., fin eigesen up. tont .steep, o got. mem,
Ve 'the- Collett elidietien, litere'..watt hi ;wattled ;to say, WA PeAltlVeli!`„ 0010 ; M. C, 11.. 'or, 0.-T. • . .Tee next et* 44, 40 fled the. 00040 II
nOt rtliftf 'Or al34elleal'en $1.1401tIlle. I littrahee the estetera Letpch : .igyr,rthlitA;30,n.irsited'On rete. kW.. BMA, Workers MA Alt ;hitt/lee *
e her,.: who oeuri-roOrri OreAcrOWded to over. 'Wheat ' ntariO-NO;',11: White _Winter, Weil raised. fee .41, 1* iumetioki to
Prison. Olild 001131104:,10..1alMit CrOwn bad ' Prio,e4 ,t4.1 P;e9PIEI Alould .1.01)* 144tkit" 11°4
itnexpeeliaci the !.Prosticitilen floivin ; Thursday' as.,; n the 'prevh %Ka to 7)1.)40: ple,g!ed;::;71,9 to'7W.No; itleeli with h100d; ea411Y•r:
/1410 nlotA eittislied'Alitatt14 de- ovA, daA; freely.'gaVe ‘,;;;; , the''Preits As A rtile the Pillow
eriee with„ ,thvturtt' Ot lafftdr,t't;ltirittg OxPeesSIOn 10 Se leetinge, deplitedithe Minitel* WhelatraOtkringe Are Peer, should ,ber;" Very SOIL Many ileOpie are
the 4 ye le the eVitientie seet Witieh Abel Attlee 'endeeVell. telesheetteten. elle "M. tieleYel elftet,lettret; 470i, Wee' 'kept Wake, lee hard, .ffilyieltling 'pit-
,14*0-1*Ilectio ale lat*eiita081.11; PrOlf. Perldna* Vvis conunitted to lall.119rtberit.115.30.. ) tethillIgh 'they dOlet elwayst
cttla._*:or *re' rteeto. eweit tier trial sit the,as$14n, . 001s--Nise; Iraek To- Ilse the eget.. 'It is 00,1ov lhe way,
_1101".44 eiinch liseeittivictiorkWasi,Mr. Ahern ;will his, no question. Ot holt. The verde; No, ;A inbied,-.33,10:to ; how peonle dIffer IA their sleeping reA
4740Intia: eit161)Onelde • Wlei e'Mtielitt ,f404, next' Ise COurt 'will he held on April Pelts-Bac* gagei milrentents. 1 ante bad A patient vibe
er• Egged A Stater:tient -'11411)*Civtivif *One 16th, Cornr-In.dekbandi14.440110WArneri- never slept so soundly 'AA ;Ort a large
: • Can, 152X0 to VO,..;: TOON And West; ,cliest *Ph no 'mattresk, And a horses
hoer Witter tor It VilleY4'
A .044.FOBTAbLE mottr$ NAM
▪ tots
r‘„, NE* splutia
, . .. . .
t. „New straw: models, are OS '400$14014011$
for Mete seSitacti Philitoso:a4,-,AJOA., the
winter -hate,' lind Some di tbe inbetcriec.
live examples ot headgeor:arecjearried
.aln Wielliele tiltip . black eiaritheae.if. ii •Is
„laded; 'S.2.horselmir, or fliiiideolioatraw,
,; biotin: -.,With °sty eh' tip,.:vItiey: aPe
- Many e euelcept a 1 illitelt;;*Ilehig,triin-
lutedrivit :blacti, taffetas '4.,0;;Otinp. and
' with longenWeeping'epeeehlaeltepetunes.
.1 ' I. 00* hat lo 'hick' PrIritailne bas
le blneetettela foldefineleeelweetround
e ketemeewri and ti, blgehow Of 'black
' eta peder the "brird ae lite 13.0k; ',This
.. big boWenee the way, exiting toieet on
' the haWele, a,feeturceo the seging ' als
tied iseifinifnost peptilar*feeM oeetache
teethe , eel.* to one tilde, teee 'sheet arid
peigneklil Ihts Me therej•isrelolleVack
two loitereethe loligeo'nes dropping.le the
shinildbeeseA clesterteif smell pleik roses
s is setaiAlle-titarting polfirof theephiMes.
' ' Scang'etecellent citteots are:Obtrened
frern sixoect feathers, and theee are
Several teehernes in Witletvone long and
heavy letettAch leather rens:40410M back
oyer theeeeritre ot the crown' cil the eat
-and fale,O,Ovveonethe heir at -the -back.
Whitee'.iihd weber hate nee peominent.
-Orieleepepriedeout ineleee-gel -Leghorn.
veiled T lace of a creamy Whitoehade,
caughte ie. syith,..littee bunches ,sie small
noeeseip ding !rem yellovelo pink. The
one big Whine ia,svhiteaneet to .the stem
Mit shaded threugh Miler yellow .to the
golden. Wear ot the straw at thewrids.
Leghorns also- are- seen. trimip
.ellibon and flowers, ahd manse()
drapinip round theebrim. „White
heve, esvir these accessories,
is atiOthek tevival and dear little
fashioned Models- of white Mein him
' with flewers ere shown. The Merits
inclineVicAreop rather then be °Uri
and thee Modified mushroom shape
„e much 'Seen. - There ate item a.few c
shapes 'in the old short "back :From
. sailor. One of thesees trimmed oely i
little btenehes of 'Misr roses. around th
.. crown.. plc, two •bunches were of the
same celor, but they rureetti theoUgh the
• delicate Ole entie merging? With- each
other,. ,Uhder the ,eow at •tee briek_es a
large mauve blue 'bow malehing,ene of
the shadee, and the bandeau is cos -Fiend
with moline of the same shade:. -
No. a yells*, 45030 440',14/ C. II. or
berate vita% i‘er4betere, blit by wq; ot T. fl.; Ontelese, 4eXeJt@ 47C, best*
./temerwarete, made eevertly plain with BletkWheate-550 to 56e.
'change. We haVe Um -Plain 41Itle tailored thorn freights.
v. nothing PaOre than a tillY Trek Of ihe Ryes-WO/Ids., s'
.,, same material appearing en either side * Barley -Firm and tin demand; NO. 2,
n the front Platt+ The eleeyes are neither Bleec to 520; No, eXtra, $00 tet etc; Nci,
leng nor Sheet and are, fintshed with 8, 47,i0 10 '433io.
"" littlesierphtielt RIMS- Flour -Weller, 90 per ient. etitenis,
Glovee' COntinUe tel ea extrenaely ele 82.70 asked $2.67 bid: Manitobe, first
4 Pensive? ,Oesta as illegh for gloves patents, 8.4.46e; seconda.. $8.15; betters',
yheseelaywge et. does tor Millinery. Tans $3.90e
and browns. are *e'er the- Most rtophier Bean -PH -ea ate Inilefiteleareund $21
shades and theY kelt .beautiful with ta $22.50.
furs Piet. they are always ,preferreil for
winter Wear. Gray gloveseettve lest their.
ed with
vogue, Just Why. Pebody .eeems exactly
kileW.. • Butter-Markeels steady, with a good
- demand; prices unchanged.
TAgES WOOKAY113. Creamery, prints s. .. 26o to 27c
do solids .... ... tone
ProvistOn Made tr Ent:opting Them Dairy, prints .... 220 to 23o
do tubs .... • • eee to 21e
From axatiou. Cheese -Large, 14c; tWine, 143ec.
The 1906 session of EiteOntarto Pro- Eggs -Market Is easier tit 26e to 27o
vincial Legislature saw the first attempt Poilltry--No change in prices.
to revise the taxetion of woodlapds in Chickens, fresh -killed lto to 12c
Ontario. Complete exemption of wood- Inferior,'Irezen stock to 90
lots from taxation is new possible in Fowl .... 8c to Pc
any part of the province of Ontarlo, Ducks ..,- ' 90 to 11c
under certain conditions. • Geese . . .... . g. 90 to 11c
In the first place a by-law must be Turkeys ...• .• lle to 130
passed by the township -council to con- Honey-F'alls,.110 to 12o pee The combs
ter the exem.ption, which -may be made 12 to $2.50 per don.
either stotal or partial. Net more than , Beans -Steady at $1.55 fore hand -pick -
twenty -flee acres owned by any one ed and 11.35 to .31.45 for mettles.
man may be exempted. ' Potatoes-Ontarto.,85c to 90c; eastern,
The term "woodland" le,defined in the 95c to $1, in car lets liere.
act. Such land must hew growing on Baled Hay--Quotatiems are steady at
it trees as follows: 211 te el1.50 foe timothy; secondary
grades are quiet, and firm at 38.50 to
10U trees over eight inches in, diameter, or $9.50 in car lots here.
200 trees' over fine inches in diameter,or Baled Strieve-Steirdy 'at Mete to $7
ROO trees over two inches in diameter,e- in oar lots here. •
.400 Leta of all sizes. 4- -• -
No lend is considered weociland lf 4'
stock ia allowed to graze on it. Dressed Hogs -149.50 for lights and $9
The varieties of trees which are re- for heavies, ferfaers' lots.
cognized by tee act are. as follows: Pork -Short cut,' $29 to 823.50 per
Coniferous (br evergreen) trees: white barrel; mess, $21 to, $21.50.
pine, Norway pine, hemlock. tamarack, Smoked and Dry Salted Meats - Long
white spruce, Norway spruce, cedar. clear bacon, 11c to lieec for tons and
Hardwood (or broad-leaved) trees: oak, cases; huts, medium and light, 15Sec
ash, elm, hickory, basswobd, tulip (or to 10c; heatty, 14eec to 15c; backs, 16eec
whitewoode black cherry, walnut, but- to 17c; shoulders, 11c to lleSc; rolls,
ternut, eliesetnut, hard and soft maples, lleec; breakfast bawd, 15eee to 16e:
green meats out et pickle, lc less than
smoked. '
Lard-Firmi tierces, 12eec; tubs, 1230;
pails, 12%e.
are sycamore, beech, black lecust and ca-
up,- Wipe.
Ls After a by-law has been passed to put
hip- this exemption into effeot any woodland
h owner who desires to secure such exemp-
n tion is to ma:.e application to the town -
e ship clerk by Feb. 1st. Then the pro-
perty is to -be examined by the assessor,
and, If tee property is found to come
sal -thin the tonditions of the ad, the ex-
emption may 'be granted: Such exemp-
tion ceases, however, if grazingeie al.
owed in the wocidiand, or . if , the land
s cut over and the tees removed.
Accordiefi-plaited chiffori , makes the This iVill Still Be Maintained in the
mut charming kind of ebodice for be- British Navy.
tween-season wear. In black, brown,
A despatch from London says : In
blue,. Minor any daiety neetral Maisie, it % .ro
! i clueing the navy estimates in the
makes up heautieully. Little strap ar- .70
I use of Commons on Tuesday the Par-
rangetnents or bolero effecte call be used le_
as Mutating, the most . aerviceable 'eee."'
material being taffete silk, 'braided in Teeed
various dainty designs. A bit .of 'white . would
and gold lace in a tiny Wake effect will propose
give a tough of lightnees and dressiness During
to the bodiee. . had add
ssia, France and Germany to- 925; straight grain, 828 to 329 per ton'0. smoke from it which blew over the real
Light blue or pale rose crepe makes while Pu
the. most charming negligee effitirg. The gether had added only 1,108.280 tons. Roled Oats -Per bag, $2. to 82.10 In Souris light, masktng the land and earn -
French .opes are made entirely by hand. The British navy was the cheapest, cost- car lots, $2.20 to ;2.25 in jobbing lots pletely obscuring the Paspebiac itght,
er ton. That of France cost Hay -No. 1, MC50; No. 2, 312.50; No. were the immediate causes of Ihe
with valenciennes insertion end lace put mg 8445 p
la $485 and Germany $485. 3. $11.50; clover, mixed, $11; pure clo- grounding. ' Ca pta in K i n gs ra ill and
on in most intricate designs. Sometimes 8620, Russ
a tiny plaiting of softest silk is esed to Two years hence Great Britain will have ver, 310.50 to $11 per ten In car lots, Lieut. Noake, the navigating officer, were
edge the. white time, giving asEuffiness :completed s'x new battleships, includinn Eggs -For new laids, 30c lo '31c are adjudged guilty of negligence and
and foam' that are alwaye thogt bewil- three of the Dreadnought class and 'three being quoted, while for eold storage severely reprimanded. Lieutenant Clark-
dering arid lovely In a lounging robe. armored cruisers of the Invincible class, and limed 25c to 20c Is being quoted. son was acquitted.
while neither France nor Germany would cheese -13%c ' for white and 14c for
have a single ship of those types com- colsred still being quoted. Canadian — __*_____
pleted. Tho tome fleet was a logical cheese in the Briesh market is still quo -
development o its concentration in home ted at 6Gs for wit& and 68s for colored.
waters and fu ished additional securitY Butter -Fresh -made creamery, 2-5Xc
against the remote risk of 1i -tension. The to 26c; medium grades, 24eSc to
channel fleet was stronger now than it ese; In baeleets or luilebarrels, 22eSc to
was In 1905. 23c; Manitoba, 20c to 21c.
Smoked Meats -Hams, extra large
FOUND FROZEN TO DEATH. sizes, 25 lbs. upward, 13c; large sizes,
— 113 to 25 Tbs., 133ec; medium sizes, so-
Body of Unknown Man Discovered on lected weigh's, 12 10 18 lbs.. 14r; rein
Shore of TemIskaming. small slues. 8 to 12 lbs., 14Sec; hams,
boned, cut, rolled, large, 143ec; do..
A despatch from Cobalt sari: under sman, 15e; English boneless breakfast
The little thy hats of' birds' breasts the lee ef Devil's II ck on Lake Tembe bacon. 15e; Wilshire bacon, 50-th. sides,
teat have been so pepular this litst win- kerning four miles from lialleybury, the
ter have been followed by turbahs made body of Fellx Marks, a miner, was found 15c; Windsor bacen, backs. 15c.
Lard -Compound ter& 8%c to inec;
entirely qf flower& Violete and -roses frozen stiff on Wedn day morning. Ile kettle lard. 13c to 13)ec; pure lard,
are the two most pimular'eibsies used. and his brother were working at a mine
The hats are merely eound, little sauce- near Argentite, and he left Haileybury 111.3_1Cr tn 12%c.
arrelled Pork-genvy ("Anode short
pan thipgs, coverall thickly with etitribric on Tuesday night to go bace to the mthe. cut triC313 pork, in tierces, 332.50; heavy
'blooms and Useally ornamented with a About 7 o'clock on Wedneedny morning Canada short rut mese pork. In barrels.
pair ot Whigs of a contraeting color or a he was found frozen. He Is a native of 822 to 813, half -barrels $11.25; selected.
aIngte plume that droops .prettily at one Renfrew. Dr. Codd. d strict Coroner, In barrels, $22 to 123; selectee! heavy
side. These toques are eo yeuthful that and a Cobalt constable took the remains Canada eleerl cut mess pork, boneless,
they are becoming to nearly every :13 Halleybury. They fOu d'' the body on special quality, /32e; Canada short cut
Woman, old Or yowl& . 1 the iee, and it is evident thet Ihe man Nick pork, $22; hen vy ( e n edit m e s.s
The spring blouses 'ore eVeri more eta- ' nnuft have lain down and been frozen. pork, long cut, $21.50; heavy flank
pork, 820.5e1; short cut clear pork. 821:
heavy flank pork, 320.50; clear fat backe,
923 to $23.50 per brl.
Montreal, March 12. -The local grain
Market is very firm. ,Ontario No, 2
white are now quoted at 44c. No. 3
es quoted tit 42e4c to 43c. No. 4,•413ec
to 42c per _bushel, exotere.
Buckwheat -50d: te 56)ec per bushel.
-Corn-American, No. 2 . yellow, 55c;
No. a. 65c ex -store. •
letits-pe greet, "-Mee 2 White, 523ic;
No. 3 white, 41tec to 420; No. 4, 40%c
t. 41c pei buehel, ex -Store.
Peas -B ling peas, 31 In car loads,
81.10 in 1 bing lots.
Flour -Manitoba spring wheat, $4.25
ta $4,00; etrong bakers'• $3.90 to $4.10;
winter wheat patents, $4.10 to $4.e5;
tary Secretery of the Admiralty, straight rollers, $3.60 to 33.70; do., In
bertson, said the Admiralty be- bags, $1.65 to $45; extras, 91.50 to
that the two -power standard $1.55.
be adequately maintained by the Millfeed-Manitoba bran, in bags,
d programme for construction. 820 to Ils.2; shorts,' 822 to $22.50; On- fore he went to his cabin. Other eve ' .„
ty Undoubtedly, had the boys who
the past ten years Great Britain lark bran, In bags, 820 to $21' shorts dence went to show that a forest fire, !‘iv"{,r;
near by wilder! for help. young
ed 1,132,205 tons to her navy, $22 to 29,50; milled mouille, $21 m s a en or e
AnYtittlig ths.t will see the blood Into
active clrettletiela fe good tor a oOld.
Bath" tee feet in hot weter and drink
hot. ,WatAr or hat leruonade on going
to ocklaite ealt water eponge bath
age reentlin tit a Warm wenn, bathe the
teen he Very hot Wider every eve meat.
utes Mr. an hour me se; sniff 110 Salt
water up the nose every hour Or here
Feet. oweve hourst exercise in tee ()Pee
air is often e effectIve. Four or five
grains of qUinine taken en night will
Usually have a geed eKect. A Vapor
bath, followed by a cool sponge bath, is
good. In bathing. one should be care.
ful not to get chilled.
' Mane a sallow and blotchy complex-
ion could bee soon helped by a plain
diet. Women of to -day, especially
young women, resort to all kinds et
injurious cosmetics whioh give no per-
manent cure, while tbe real tnouble tn
many oases is an unwholesome diet.
Too much grease and sweets cause
many kinds of facial blemishes which
can only be removed by a simple diet.
A good remedy for clearing the sys-
tem is the copious drinking of pure
water, which we are all too apt to neg-
Aim tie* WOO Plittirthitted ikee
et Cleargic
Tilt ;WHO** 01 Ott Ontitriei Agile*
tunal'' and ExperimenUti Untou *vo
Attotk,114% Pr OW tli..41?
-41stribitte into Avery tow*:
ehiP (4 Ontario:0)MM esPerialentie
Wit*. fet$440 roete. grairitt.
4WD'S enet: fertilisers. Atoll, 2, eltelit.' WOW*
Its et fuel vs141 DIA Meet Wed la ititt -
W10140144 011Pertinetik et the Ontitato .
Hu. A1-14
"1"0=tIrroltor Sensat!onal Accident on Ole Mitt
ligrkultitrat C011ege, latelOtt. tor at 1.044! ' Senator Char* E. Cissigt*In 44 *t
ay* $eikr* in '.sw.tostett.- use cool, whAiovn, .Rldey.
ot Varieties; freiksmerlY all_e_ella °teem** Cole P. IL MeCeettitell. ex -MR-.. dtig lidi
. .
%Nom, ;sone at widen have uone exelF,v.. CQI,nviejt oh rxidou . -
bight: Vatil tri; Ate earehtily. condUcted ,„ ,, - *4 t .. a
eXpertMenta at gig College and ;are rieW ;*-.%.* 4,413 in Barrie mist be to *hi> Ie.
.helet eletelletatit free Or Chem Pa co.. Perk at the hotel, preMlses,
o'S'erittive exPerlittents throughout Outer, Maw* City Council h,as.deeldetl'44110
.ii4 The telloWirCs the list of co,o.Pcra- force the early closing liPlAW- ' ,,,,..'
;11V0..experiments,din Agriculture for 1207: London,* mord at., xduccouoti presto
. 34 -!-.Three varieties ; al six,rowed COMO; there is Is detiolt et $21,163, . ,.
; ; Derlee ` '
N.A. • Feileeettnefite. . Plots. estimates totalling 1115,C(V).
1.,..Three varieties ot Oats 3 AOcOrdlog th the P: p, 1. publlei O-
.. ,
. ,;,
*.2b,;41,vo -Varieties of two.rewed Ear a
3 0. C. fish conners object to Ustut the
. ley ; GovernMent label "hied.° in Owed*.
.a.-4\vo.,variettei of Hiltless Earleya Winnipeg* 11111yor is to reeetve $4,00
eertegeeteimeoles pi spring wheat2 a year end the controllers 13,500 each,.
A -Two verieties et Buckwheat ..., 2 Untie Birk, the Hamilton nalleele
.;e,--,`rw:4 'Varieties cit Field Nee 2 Wee lined Ash tor rolling papers etle Sell-
7-4Erniner nitrUSpelt 2 day.
10-011ireo varieties et Mangels
11 -Two verletles ot Sugar -Beets tor
ttesTWO verietitle of Soy, Soja, Or
2,41itert varieties ot Husking Corna
; ' feeding Ptallogo
- ;$epantse ;Beans , a
iee'-.Three variette.s al Swodish Tees 2
-nips ..., .. 3
13-4(obl Riiii end two varieties ot
. Fall Tternies 3
14e-Pareeiee and two varieties of
Cetrote 13
15 -Three varieties of Fodder or Ste
' use Corn 3
len/Three 'varieties of Millet - 8
..13-4h.reo veriettes of Sorghum 3
18 -Grass Peas and two varieties of
- of leap.0
10 -Field Cebbage and two varieties 3
20-eTtiree Varieties of Clover 9
32,-Flve yareplin of Gresees
MeeSciinfoin, Lucerne and Burnet 8
25 -Three Varieties of Field Beans - 9
e4 -Three vartedos of Sweet Corn 9
25 -Fertilizers with Potatoes 9
27---eowing Mangeis on the level,
, and ln 4rilis
2$4. --Two varieties of Early Potatoes 2
28ti-Two varieties of Medium Ripen -
big ' Potatoes 2
28c-Ttvo varieties of Late Potatoes. 2
29 -Three grain mixtures for Grain
Production a
30 -Three mixtures of Grasses and
' Glover, for hay s
'pie size of each plat in each of this
first twenty-seven experiments and in
one rod wide; and in No. 28, ono rod
Nos. 29 and 30 ia to be two rods long by
Each person in Ontario who wishes to
join In the work may choose any ONE of
the experiments for 11:107. and apply for
the aame. The material will be fur-
isished. In the. order in which. tha apple
cations are received until the supply is
exhausted, It might be well for each
Applicant_ to make a second choice, for
feat- the first oould'not be granted. Alt
material will be furnished entirely free
of charge to each applicant, and the
produce will, of course, become the
property or the person who conducts the
Ontario Agricultural College, .Guelph,
March 4tle 1907
C. A. ZAVerZ, Director.
. —
Nine-year-old Mervin Dunn Saves Com-
panion From Drownhig. .
A despatch from Thorold, Ont., says;
A strilcing example of youthful bravery
and presence of mlnd occurFed in Wel-
land a day or two ago, when a child of
seven years was rescued f rom drown-
ing by A lad of nine. After school a
. — nuraber of small boys were skating on
Captain of Dominion Adjudged Guilty al Westerly's Pond, -wheit they were
hailed by a lad named Fred George,
who had been skating with them, but
A despatch from London says : At the who ha& ventured on the canal. • He
Dominion court-martial- Catitain -1Cin figs' declared - the canal safe, • but hardly -had
mill declared that. although it ewe cer- the two who responded to his eon, ar-
tainsthat If the course had been shaped .rived when he sank threugh the ice out
half a mile farther from the Souris lightlhi the middle of the canal. One of the
the ship would not have grounded, yet!
under the conditions prevailing at the I swine,
boys, Mervin Dunn, aged nineesskated
to the hole, and as tee other
time the course set appeared to be the !boy., body rose he seized it. Then,
safe one. An allowance of two miles wasi',exerting his strength to the utmost, he
rnade for the indraught into Cascapedia-, dragged the helpless child from the
Bay. lie personally satisfied himself . water. The boy soon recovered and
that every precaution for the safe nave - went home, where, after a little care,
gation of the ship was eeing taken be- , hIs icy immersion left no serious in.
An eminent specialist' claims that
there Is no -such thing as "growing
pains.' We have been taught that when
a child has stinging pains in the limbs,
houlders, or ether parts ot the body
P. is an indication that the body is
growing, and therefore most parents
welcome the news of such suffering in
childien. The physician referred to
above claims that growing pains are
muscular rheumatism, and should have
immediate atention. Something ls
wrong, and steps should be taken at
once to learn why the child's blood is
not in perfect condition.
Disease germs often come from de-
cayed fruit and vegetables in the cellar.
Watch out for them, as the winter
wanes, and the spring approaches. As
fast as they decay, see that they are
These crepes clean splendidly and wear
forever. The beautiful phrt of nearly all
the Prete% robes is their Meows and
hillowe of lace, ehiffon art silk, one
wave going over another until fke whole
garment is a flutter 'of lacy ruffles.
The mostepopular jewelry is antique,
the real articles, If you can find them and
can diced to buy them when you find
than. Some of these bracelets are al-
most barberous looking, being Marie of
heavy gold or styper and ornamented
with the eimest stones-e•amethysts, tun
quoise, eirieralds or sapphires. Neck-
laces are eitually heavy.
Blinded, Arm :Broken, aud Otherwise
jived, by Inhuman Father.
A despateh (rein Mentrell sayel fa nes doctor, wog doubtless due to a severe
Allan, an Eng thirty years ef blow given her by her father over the
Ige, who plea ly to aggravated head while the upper pertion of the
sesaull on the' St his iseetelnd-a- head was still sett. Her arse was b illy'
,L Wags Mt' Teures fractured and had never been set.
'half -year-old
day condemn „,,-..ipaige Chotpietto to During the cold months 0,f Noyem or
three yeara I the eenitentlery. Allan and December one vrithess averred that
had noteing to say tor larnself, except Allan hod held the child While naked
that he elate sorry for *bat he had done, tinder the tap, and allowed the coal
and that he had alerayg treated lea Wife Water le rtm on her until she was pine -
and family holly uneonecioue. Ort one occagion
Judge Cluteitiettre pateelg,serechee, he hod placee. her out nti the gallery at
salt-eThIS etie of the WOrat',4fees eight, and apt here, there for a con -
of cruelty 1 haVe eve Need ot. You siderable time. eitheugh she was only
treated OW eleld 111 tech ail Intifinittri clad in a night dress..
- mince bet sho ta now .,tolitily He Used to Make the deli! rtin up
You atilt that you reera.idnd your''and &PAM in the PasSage until she
Wife end tifentily, buil you iltd tot been tainted from the exertfori, and used io
lake yb add to a (leder. inieht remark to his wife that It wag gplendid
tt he 1 atiktul that. tieeerding. io the exerelee. He beat and poundeti the
t 11111:31. glve eOU more thon three tte one with.his ilsta upon the head NM
years' r $00r. dreadful Offence, For
6 trute alaU there is no mercy. You
be to tite community. and
u the nierirminstigillerica-
tho pordtenhary:
proved that th6 lade
dreadfully- 1114ised: The
11143 AXPIalited 13, a
!Will «I
Offen y
The tt‘
Igirl hid
lane and ehese and war went to throw
her vtotentiy into bed. All thee he dM
beelluae he said the, Odd woe ditty,
ond irritated Mal by obtatinaey. althentell
the Mother staled KWH there Wag lie
need to punish the child ot nu. attd that
whet her husband Mistook for h
acy was sittplY blind fear of her t Web,
New Yoelt, March 12. -Wheat Spot
firm; No. 2 red. 132Xo In elevator and
83jett f.o.b. afloat; No, 1 northern Du-
luth, 91)0 f.o.b. afloat; No. 2 hard win-
ter, asx0 f,o,b. afloat.
Toronto, March lie -Prices were firm
to higher In cattle at the Western Mar-
ket to -day. The offerttlas were moder-
ately large, nnd the quality of acme of
the anlenala was pretty fair.
Export cattle were in aetive demand.
Choice anfmtiba sold ectidily at 15 to 85.25
per cwt. white medium exporters'
breught $1.00 to 34.95 per cwt.
Choice butchers' cattleereached the $5
level In a few aingle inettinces yesterday,
but the bulk of good and picked animels
were towel, than thio. Cowa were In fair
demand. The eeelatfratie were es fol.
lows butehers' Cattle, 84415 te
$5: heavy butehere'. st.t.5 to 0.50;
mixed lots and Mee. 82.75 to 81.25 ; fat
tows. 8.1.5te to 84,25; commop ewes,
8150 to 83.25; and carmen, $1 th.le per
Heavy feeders were firm and gold
readily at 84.25 to ei.40, and light clerk
ere were steady al. itt75 to $1.211, accord-
eig to quolfty.
E port Mee Were steady at et.75 to
; expert buck% et 83.50 to 84.501
grabs -tett Iambs. KO to 157.23; and
common Minks, 44,30 to 43.10 per ewt.
were unchanged,- Wert; were
gold at 86.83, and lights mut fats at 1116.60
per uteh
Charge Agatnst Anderson, Arrested in
A despatch from Winnipeg says : A
defaulting clerk of the Bank of England
named Anderson, who secured•
from the branch of Me bank at Man, nese
be. by .substouting copper coins for gold
in the vaults end who has been a lege
Bee from justice for seven months puse
was arrested by the Provincial police in
Dominion City, Manitoba. on Friday and
now in jail here awaiting the arrival
et an ()nicer from England to take him
back to stand trial. He admite his iden-
tity, though denying the charge of theft,
Its has been followed three times across
the Atlantic and out to the Punts coaA
and back here again. Anderson is about A despatch from Vaneouver. 13. C ,
saes. A placer gold discovery hns CRI1S-
40 years of age.
id a stampede to Lost Creek, al the foot
the Sumas Mountain, 28 miles from
here, Pockets have been found carry-
ing from n dollar to fifteen dollars In
Municipal Building, Fireball and IA-
A despatch from Sault Ste. Marie, jrn‘i:uhvyrr'prTuAhpoe
rary Destroyed. gold, and hundreds are rushing in from
Nonksack, Sumas. Bellingham, and
rv. t7reqk
V. rdnesday,
already Nem
On t ., says: The Carnegie 1.1hrari,, re„. siseed tor nulee The disenvery was
wiped Buildings, and Fire Hai were
onmpletely destroyed by fire on Weelnes- and the rush started on Thurgday.
day night. The fire originated in an
nttic over the library and was cau.sed
by defective wiring. lt wend with
wonderful rapidity, the buildings being
finished with Georgia pine. The buIld•
tngs were erected about three years ago
at F1 rOql 836.e00, and are Insured
for $20,00n divided among eevern1 corn
panties The local fire brigade seem anis.
their Inability In fight the fire. and Me
Miehigan 'Soo" brigade angwered
promptly to an urgent call. All muni-
cipal books, papers and recerds were
George would have been:drowned.
,,'... '
. A desPilteli front ' Niagara. Fails ssys; and at the traltx„Out on the bridge. TA
A, freight ' train went to wreck en the bridge tintherat made lheir way rou
loWor' Wei soli bridge across the NI- then over.'AIS1.4 It 1114Y thululered 4 90K .e'
illt et ti if t, 7111 4:40 w1/1:91, oedt 1% hPesutnehnn9ectSdaredatrte12:1740waimalfr:d. aoll‘Invatce:iliewirtnatewetion to:(1,:nlitli asszulubbloes9plo:keinbl,11;ast:niffinitL,P:Atullelow:90941:::1:14ther tiketIviriveoledtairizooltdx!..k:t
lit( 111PearrtsQl1 WI: literattnhewattledn CaSIneatiet .41904111111driteettak"tair *ed. "lePtn IIIViedd tibtleilkicil Iv":
tioNneowt ile'orrtyhsizCenetarrsal oeuntgeintothopuLlleaedigua lopluntavbe rmailti:gin, ritigtorsildvybacilits trtorucutwas
NW* yand and started acreas the bridge; Cinching fileirlicit. Neer Mo centre of
or tho3 (hand Trunk yards. As the 'the briege Um ' other car also brake
Lettrit4leutituithceartsejuhmigohedViahleleytrayeakrd. Ttutibte tairrotteuotrotolenreitete4itsreolnibar its toerrwashaeard
Whole course of the train was on . a end hung ,over, .. churn. It, too,
curve, and the men on the engine wed wag eaveir.bOts Weise catching into
Mit ace ag far back as the derailed car., the bridge t,riulte, Jen& Whig* The
The train went ahead at a mkt rate, are were "saheb decositt4, the bridge
it was rumored teat the Mitred tor a and tho derailed car jumped over lies. rellings and Wilk/ was ehattered, and
!Mathes and froga, damaging everything Wile Merry stkete hi the tracks. ft
mtllion dollar dryclook at Port Arthur
0 Struck., The next ear behind it wall leek the 110211100 etWeral hours to clear
had been signore
The elty assessor of Winnipeg hoe oat- pulled aft the track also, and the two the track. Theeether line mei not ote
chilly stated the population ot the City muse went buropIng and lenient at the etructed. e e
to be 101,000. ' ,
Louis Cyr, the strongest man in the .,
TheeProvincial Government has de-. YOUNG ethrroe drata:tert.hse mprrisr,t
agentent aitd .fothers, which, while not
Mwoiirthlt Iles at dr°PSY in SL Jean de 4141000000000000000000011
remain for another year. FOLKS v contributory carnet, serimisly affected
41eawtheingdosTolcini Itihneto,basiheempeonsst aospeen; ,thttimuit
aided that the efnbargo on tan bark shall
Mr. W. IC: MeNaught, hl,P.P., sue- was ombasionete pectin the fire drill.
Electric. Power Commtesion. end this the emard ought to have has
coeds Mr. C. /3. emelt on the Hydro -
Prince Leopold of Saxe -Coburg and GOLDEN RULE ARITHMETIC. practised more,often. Miss htaxwell do
lowed longer teen she should in warrens
Gotha, who Is in the Orient, will coma the children ‘eipiitatrs, and there were
The building contractors ot Kingston
at:OP:11:0'h° o lw.
Brooks, I've got a secret to tell you no fire escepes, The jury added to es
refuse the union demands of more
"Nice?" a.skod Phil.
ohispered little Kenneth
verdtct a seggesUen that In each achbol
to Canada about April 1st. .
wages and shorter hours. there ought to be one man at least u
A draft bill to euthorize old ago pen- 4`Yes," was the answer; "nice for nue' a custodian. It did not conitder that
stens has been introduced in the Senate the Protestant 'Board of School Com -
laid west of Partage la Prairie. The
The G. T. P. beep 50 miles of track st:'e01 tvit,," said Phil, and his eyebrows fell. Miesioners emild be held responsible ta
schoolhoupe alter school to hear the
He followed Kenneth around behind the
by Sir Richard Cartwright. the affair. -
company needs 10.000 men. "My Unolo George," said Kenneth, elms
The body of a man which had likely given nut a ticket to go and see the
been under the snow for three months mon that makes canary birds do comical
was found at Springbank, Alta. tricks. Ever see them?"
It is claimed that the Northern Pacific "No," said Phil laopetesslY•
are surveying a noute for a railroad We "Well, it's fireerete, and my ticket
twoen Winnipeg and Dawson. will lake tno in twice," teed Kenneth,
Mr. Elliott G. Stevenson of Detroit has cutting a little caper ot delight.
been appointed Supreme Chief Ranger of "Sante thing both times?" asked Phil.
the Independent Order of Foresters. euNcl, str-ee, new tricks every time. I
At Fort Rae, on the border of the Arc- say, Phil," Kenneth continued, struck
tic circle, the mounted police aro nosy in- with the other's mournful look, "won't
vestigatIng the murder of an Indian. your Uncle George give .you one?"
The famous "auger man," a Chinaman\
"I ain't got apy Uncle George."
who had perpetrated over forty bur -
"That's a fact. How about your mo -
glades in Vancouver, Ls now under ar- there,
re'srthere is a shortage of about $80,741 in
hie ems on the, gmend.
"Can't afford it," apswered Phil, with
tbe funds of the Presbyterian Church- al
Kenneth took his ticket out of his
Canada tor the various schemes ot the
pocket and looked at it. It certainly
Church. promieed to admit the bearer into Mo -
The premises of the Toronto Plate
zart Hall two afternoons. Then he look -
Glass Importing Company were de;
ell- at Ph11,-and a secret wiah stole intto
strayed by fire on -Saturday, with a loss
his heart that he hadn't said anything
of el85,000. about Als ticket; but atter a few mo -
Mr. Gordon Smith of Parts has been
ment's struggle, "Phil," he cried, "I
appointed Superintendent of the Six Na -
wonder if the tnan won't change thla
lion Indians, with hetelquerters at
and give me two tickets that would lake
tate to his son, Dr. Aciand Oronhya-
smile crept over his broad, little face.
you and nie in ono time?"
Dr. Oronhyeteltha left his es -
Phil's eyes grow bright. and a happy
tekha, and hie daughter, Mrs. Percy J.
"Do you think he would?" he asked
'a.letcher reported to the Agricul-
ea`g•Leertlye. try," said Kenneth, and the two
tural Committee at Ottawa that the San
1.ttle boys elected off for the office win -
Jose scale Iai been exterminated in
Niagara and 13rIllsh Columbia.
Wm. J. McCke, the defaulting Secre-
"11 isn't falr for me to take your ticket."
"But, Kenneth," 'sald Phil, stopping,
tory of the People's Mutual Buildineg
"It is, though," answered his friend
Society at Montreal, has been sentenc
stoutly, "'cause 111 get more fun from
to eight years' imprisonment,
going once with you than twice with
This settled the matter, and Phil gave
"So you want two tickets fon one-
time?" said the agent
"Yes, sir," said Kenneth, taking oft
his sailor hat; "one for Phil, you !ulcer,'
tie"kYeotumadno, arithmetic by the Golden
Pule down here, cion't you?" asked the
Discharged Prisoner a Passenger on
Steamer for Canada.
A despatch from London says: fies
cently the Magistrates of rarltsle and
Curtiberland discharged a pieeoner, sute
gesting that Ms friends send him to
Canada. Mr. Bruce Walker wrote to
the Magistrates, protesting against
making Canada a dumping ground for
such people. The Magistrates replied,
expressing reepet that the suggeslien
had been made, and promised Mat the
man would not be sent to Canada. On
Friday. however, Mr. Walker discovered
, the same man under different name
WR9 a passenger on the Empress of
Iteerind, and had him stopped. The
Salvation Army have taken charge of
the man.
Nee Gold Discovery, 28 Miles From
Vancouver, Causes a Stampede.
54,111.01IS EXFAW'Te:D,
F:Ight Porticipainta In Baltic %hinny Put
to Death.
A despatch (nom St. Pelereburg
Eight sailors found guilty of partirein-
Hon In the Bailie mutiny, were executed
on Thursday. Twelve othens who %ere
tried by rseiremartlet for mutiny at lhe
4VellIberg outbreak haw been sentenced.
flee of them to Impriaonment with hard
labor in the mines for lifeeand the re-
motnder lo varying periods.
Arrungement Between Within. Russia,
France and sopan Agoored.
A RI, Petersburg degpotch says that
en agreement between !loggia, Prete e.
cdvat Britain and lopan regarding 11,0
Far East is definitely tissured. Thant.;
Chiefly to King Edennerg Initiative on
Atten-Rosstail entente le now definite.
Railway Commlaaion Takes Up Question
of Risk to Occupants. ,
w(aST srs'inoin into en hret
from one of es levees -tem 1•,,reOrrilint
recent railway aecident at Meiintnee
tgvehregrewetir‘f,.. 1,efraelx,i,,resist,,i,nr;:saeuril.
ls likely III take up the question of irsin'
INF et ihiee express rat., for wh .h eel
nnry StOVPS are used. AR s Nese
only Is the meseenger 11,e
exceptIonol risk ‘,1 heing in Ile. front
Car, NIL shtli11,1 he earner frem
the smaele is liabie 3., he teemed
death by the stove tinselling.
Contrnet for Needed - Enginea Lei to
Temlskamino Commisaion.
A despnleti from Trireme says
trace; for the aupply ..1 sis orn, f
for the Government Noe ny hay.. 3,.
let by the TemislomIng and \
Ontario Railway Cenuni.ston I! r .ti
glreee which wIll be ef Inn 1. o •
paseenger type. wei be einsies
the Monterini !simulative tt n
Neel of 8120.000. The eoteriany ,11.
fiver thern in October,
Eighty -ft% e persons hosL
an enormous landslide, in Alger
The bill for woman suffrage was
talked out In the Brash House et Com-
mons on Friday.
Great Britain and Russia have come to
an agreement regarding interference in
the atieire ot Persia.
The 'Dowager Empress of Russin ar.
rived in London on Thursday on a visit
U. her sister, Queen Alexandra.
Lord Tweedmouth, First Lord of the
Admiralty has announced that there will
be no reduction in the British navy,
G. B. Esslemont, Liberal, was elected Would you like to come with me to
to succeed Mr. James Bryce as member visit a sugar plantation In Hawaii to.
for Aberdeen. The majority was 367 in
are no side-saddles here, but the ladies
day? Away we go on our ponies. There
a three-cernered tight.
wear a long, flowing drapery which
Wings, when they ride.
falls over the feet and floats out like
yoAurnegeslilet 80Rno,useis Vcerluti1, eallilyle 03 Pwrietehiddienpti'ls 1
Tills is a great sugar plantation. It
' is flve miles square. Yes, it looks just
like a field of hill corn, but break off a
Abraham Ruef, the Jewish boss of San
stock and taste of II. Now you know
Frencisco, was placed under arrest - on
It Is sugar. The men ere cutting it iss
Revolutionists to the United States, has
Alexis Aladin, delegate of the Russian
part nearest the rout contains the best
near the ground as they can, for the
declared that if the present Duma is die-
atiegallr'Ibese sugar plantatiens the vrry
solved the people will fight.
rows and steam cultivelors are used.
best modern steam ploughs, steam hat -
spreading cars In %tech the cane can be
Brazil has given an order to a British
' taken to the mill, are used. These en.
Even steam engLnes, whkh draw wid
tfl)r.prrei . for a batUeship of the Dreadnaught
gines and cars ors run over railways
Silesia Is preparing a formidable pro-
. one part of the field to another. They
gramme of naval construction tor the
present year.
are made In small parts which four men
which can be taken up and moved from
A fishing vessel with her crew of seven
can Ilft, and are laid on the top of the
men went down on Friday in a storm off 1
eane te 1110 nell very qutek•
Thirty-five persons have lieen killed In
1' tlyj senTdhteherane will spoil If It IS nOt
These portable rallw f I ft
Mexico by the accidental explosion of a
large quantity of dynamite.
ground very soon after a is rut. 'rhere anon?' 'leo,' he replied, "genius te
Negro blarkmailers m Cuba are burn-
l- so much 10 be gathered the tralna perspiration."
Hy sparing ourselves Ihe daily task
Mg the cane nettle uf planters whe will
, are run very fast over the rails. Some.
not submit to their extorhen.
limea the tracks get neived a 11ttle. then Cke dig the grave of our higher posit -
Armed men at Moscow yesterday
!the next train of cars that cnmes speed- bilities.
killed a police sergeant and rubbed the
ling over them goes flying over the fleldi "The world raises Its loftiest shalt to
university officials oi $20,e0u.
tied the cAne la tossed in all directions.
Russia has decided to send leo, rru.A
1 The meti only laugh at such an am the man who 'delivers the goods.'"
True inertt la like a river The deep-
er. of her Black sea fleet to the east to ,
dont. ;Ark up the scattered cane, pat k Pr it 14 t(1P less noise it makes.
protect her flehermen.
lip agoIn and go on as fast aa ever We pe,stpone and postpone until '
ment High School at, NA nritim on N,Aed• , ... . I You will not find poetry anywhere
A bomb was thrown into llei Govern. l 11
l w hen trot cane reartes the mill it is sniffing possibilities are dead
nesday, wrecking the building.
' gerund and then boiled away until IL unlese you bring tlArne with vuu.-Sue
Five thoissand people in Italy nr' ie made into sugar. cess !Angeline.
homelesa as the result nf the ill,), lug ef 1
1 mnuntain In the Pros ince nf !edema. I 4.
The Pope has pardoned the System efl
Veronn, who recently issued a pastoral
letter advocating the principle ef the ',iffy
In Ilochelaga grime Fire Cates- Lev' e u 1 I. ,or mile" uho‘e the • ar"•
separntien of thurch and Stale.
Flobbera in 'Otitis, Transcaucasus. on ! trophe Brine In Verdict.
Charged With Feleltying Beek" ot Dank
ol, Ceelineree.
A despatche'frorn Brantford says:
Chief McFaxiene of Paris on Saturday
night arrested John A. Duncan, late
manager of the Canadian Bank of Com-
merce et Ayr, on charge of falsifying
tho books and documents of the bank. It
le alleged that anfebruary gnu lust he
raised a voucher or seventeen dollars
and ninety cents to thirteen thousand
and seventeen dollars and ninety cents,
and wrongfully made an entry in the
books of the bink to cover the amount.
Durglare 'Made a Good Eau, at New
• Edinburg.
A despair -Li from New Haneeirg says;
Saturday morning about 6 o'clock It
was discovered that the postoffice safe
had been blown to pieces and robbed
ef about 3220 worth of /stamps and about
$90 in cash and all the private papers
belonging to the postmaster, The neigh-
boring towns bave been notified to be
on the lookout for the safe-breakers. The
explosion mede a wreck of the office.
Baroness Burdett-Coutte Leaves Estate
Valued at $325,01.
A despatch from Londou says: The
will of the Baroness BurdeteCoutts,
who died December 30 last, was prorate
4a on Wednesday, the gross value t f
the estate being $395,000. The small,
amount la due to the fact that the Bar-
oness endowed energies end churcties
large sumg during tier lifetime
n„..; transferred much ot tier capital to
her husband.
George Thompson Killed by an Weirdo.
sion at Cobalt.
A despatch from Cobalt says : Friday
morning at 2 o'clock' a miner named
George Thompson was killed by a dyne -
nate explosion at No. 7 ANAL Trethe-
eey mine, Shots had been fired and
Thompson, who was the shift boss, went
forward to examine their effect. An ex-
plosion look place near where he stood,
and Thompson's head was altnost blown
t pleces. He wee picked up deed. He
was a married man with a wtte and tour
children living in Cobalt.
A laugh Is worth a hundred groom'
ir any market.
Pray for a short memory as to all
Anxiety never yet successfully bridged
over any chasm.
Genius has twin brother whose
name is patience.
"If you have but a word of cheer
speak it while I ain shoe to hear.'
Someone asked Thomas A. Edison,
"Don't you believe that genius Ls Inside -
A 11 ‘011:41.. lies ei In a
itn•di (Intuit, '01U:01111ln 5,01.) 11 1,141
Saturday threw bombs into the revenue A deopolch from Mnntreal seeps Thr 1 ris -If woad m the •fuipe f !suet,"
oollector A carriage and waraped with corn,r,, piry iti (he iirwhelaira ,,,,,h0.,,
e1.500, after killing a number of per- fire ratastrophe brnught tn a veretirt on
eons. Friday aftermxin finding the children The rest day law to I- isrl,i! threaten'
—.1.__________ were esphyxlated, and peening nut four to cause a Ministerial i•rusis
• _
Result of Practical lake at a McGill
Union Concert.
A despatch from Mmitreal says A
prartieal joke Wan play -NI Wi the sciense
frestunert In Merilil 111111oll Oil saturday
night which mov requit seriously 4
conr-ert was held at Aleilill 'he
freshmen in science. All went along y until about 10 "i's when
the electric light uero tut, and
n' the same lima a Jorge b.1110 of on)
roonia ains thrown into the hall frurr
ieenieng nook ,,n the second floor
e 1,rtikp anti filled Ihe 1,00n,
. 1,1 'he (It PmhelrnIng fumes peculiar
/., 0111111/111in This grit int. the eyes' of
tr. rfal the follows. and fsur et Mem
ir, talicri In Iho hospital and
healed tor %Pr', painful Injories. 'mere
,s,eger f the ryita of some being per.
..M1P1ItIV .,Apired
Artillerymen al Toulon Attach Non
Commisaioned Officers
4. -,esh 1, fr 1.'1,ft rr n nu.
.k• 11 I III 3,`I 00.10.5
r n 041110..1n I he
01, I ,.(
31 WO h ?* ,101,4 nod sw,rits.
4,1 WPIP w,iiroled on Is'Iti irders 111-
rnulineers ero enpreconed.
Montreal 'Unable at Present to Cope With
a Conflagration.
A. &Sr -0,h Isom ‘4,101111',111 AW, Moot lute largo amounts 1.- is r 1v,, treasury
real at present 1 see,. ef nhanhile 1h the shape of water rates. art. being
lor a leg fire in vile pill lo heavy expente In order lo
,‘,., ohing that i"itild pos,ibly taut the waler neeetssary to carry on
rione 5111010ra," the conilltains their islubllahrnents 1.81.r IAA city
orrong the water empty. Thrr. will 1.0 bear semething of !hie in the shape
N change tete •Iii• broken (01111p ts -"ct 1`; ell. no, for L101131109
30 wort, rig,i.o mai that ,annot p,,,,nb11, 1 he dungy, from ri ,nnifor) p„int
take pirwe for s,to. firm) ()A, ,e‘x. eannet 3,0 ever estimated The
pump toi 'been •et ,tperation them danger ;II .'one ts adnetted by
• eesitirote n• ...Mu, siva-rage Patrols of policemen
ct water st,.', eoid land 1,,ernen Fire ,A11 nigh,. and everv
hrealoi and thern n .1)A0 Onee the steamer n ihe rittejfill kept ready for
Roard of Trade
uipe,ro g!nritki gr. r aa,t,ion
foohnsi 4,1' the notk pump la ,ry 1,1unell has eastiod pubic notice re-
quealing Is-itioarils .1 down -town
tt-'," rt,PRItt,tr1P the ‘..;;Ime ,,1 ',rem 1.1 OrPtla)WIPC 1,, korep ,,,tnt,•binan on tee
.ng ,p, ont1 the lintels and premises for a tc,t date, in order that
factories and other buildings', which ism, the alarm may Ise rung in immediately
large quantities of seater and curare in case of fire.