HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1849-08-23, Page 3Perelle$411sgerffi flperrNq Oslo* 90 m m 1k tl e g a t i a n s. het Mr. Carug w re err* 0.91e- Hu"' 1 Ir. IMI los Ora or rte rear' spasm.. w Lao*. Angina 13, 1849. ■qK ter nisi -/a yew dais 191k re I roues a tb. egtMtatps • tint wilt• o' or:d latm s7 h ibe gee ei per eenesread ai. a ttkri.4 dr dtF d !fold! RAh w 1f MM Mob thefewer melte u gtaw0t ea+et► M /1011001 It ore Try Press d the Borgia Imo beesiaq cork. rub the''°obtain Chard dCieattda. blaarbad, rs add •a sectio. I sad Mr. With your peemisliews 1 .ill ..d.*... to *i- ntim' sseeeadeT Ti.. .Seemed eves is to try htysmsr. Ths press w whisk these tare& dee en'vi'es d Mr. Cdal-aa sad the cka'eb'e Safi ours w sir. These late est delude la Aa peels ea which • dif i,see e*- c.Ml. .l. ti.,, him t and the prlgreie ml iuo b lweeu thee. bet t am ail whim wen l'•amda� itli/awewq and prosperity are Leigh- bowie she Commiures of the too Churches, ape ter Mislay thee they hate been at asy poor ported by abets rrspeetlr.ly, te eal:ertw " peeled of her history. and the perms of her as nolo was f[tacttetbi.." rbc hist pout t■ which they differ nsp.ete coers,tios with Saone is mese rebottle ilea* it the 14.edship of Christ eve ie '■tonna Re - has brio for the last twenty year. Ala .' how g•rdims this. the Presbyterian Church n�e�aa,ntsiJ,a, striking. Hew amitiating this sorra"' smog 1ha1 °hilt ibs prortees d II" sial IOeel.tule Le to Mr Carts. sad Toryism -they tee! It, fenisass °list a ova ws•, bye r.veluias of (irut'• appoinlmmni u If.*d said Ling of Da- a.d we feel for there from the bottom dew tieee. has imposed dew ditties spon noisome and g oal: They se* the bepekr.soa •( their tier, rales The iapert of 'We is, that torr am tter- mid the folly mad wiehedaee• d their modem : W. 4.11.. t•7ardl.g r.ligie., bta4 1.4{ ■poc lb" ■ rid alekoaab it u hard sed as Iateable fee sees Civ.! iNagi.Irate °Male d not 1tenpy Dellen to tr• him, w •'tried) civil olBcer. to eppwidta te to acko.e'kdge their mem sed their enrage, yet this, the Uaited Pe*•bytrri•. amuck mai.tu.a. they are bogiesjag a. j.a.... • dei, N ere "That fba re.ektie d Cleric's appointor/al • u Rehr. b■s dot ad14d a th,e to the dr emu! 'They Myseliw.vorad *bar book-bar■lig, sort our wAieb the Civil Ma hin°-br■iag. said the .dent tf erg- ser forted any new retatio. btettiwtraeatea ishipm !need. •d oton.. especially why pr.stterdpa the person of his se/gest, sot imposed may sew deli. different e n ilk/solo., stablemen. do aN deems the party from tilos', to which At wit previously bored end 111.1 tit• °bole ie•i,tuno. sod end of his in the rat'nterim .1 Bntisb steteamt■ ! Aad office .re cut out by, sod be witbi• the coapsat ow, ambergrtis11 of the Ga.irt. the Shim- .f, ..ural principle*, there neither can ser Dight TAIL and a few of ib mete k,deey, the Cos- to be sal exercise thereof, bot what could be ter red (or ted def' f t attritive prem thi.k it model be ween saner t deed rom, ria sol pd.er 1 11" Tb f ht ( he h C 'I r e tin e, ' t t r rat innate Ibe Qureos Repremetaite ! many of Msgistrate, 'veru emitted tilled Christina. them think it would be saeghty to i.s.4 hie, bit to do only with r„i(igices That le a tad one or two of abs better sort. hays errs roeword, the duty of ib. Civil Magistrate. •s eat the Immesh sirens( that Hie Exeelleoey,bseld 'be recognised as the Governor °mend " The Corrie. says that nor worthy min. temperate Mr. Themes, McQueen, the FAi• for of the Nee* 4igmal--whnsn spneeint- ment t. the (1erkehip of the Mot riet Chert we had a Apart time .sere the pleasnre in recomd- e" a4vie.d the Radicals of Montreal in burn dove 31r. Moffatt'• honest and Mr. MnLnn'a Brewery." Thi' aa.rtine of the Courier is an inhumes falsehood." Ws eat ileie ster1lsg ri'M p'ngitph few the Pild, shied, fee the purpose d i'sd'rieg our oioKre rioika te the wort', Editor for thus pointedly e..epdtefieg ••eb • aoGri.namet sa- tine. We tee perhaps j.M ma well knows is the world as the "Wow d 111. Moan's! Corrin, orad. whatever nrybe ~errors or foals, *onion wbo.li reselewd with ere wares wit esad-dy 1 * moue as of • di.pe.ition dearest d bosserb.ru- ing. We hew herr .rill*.« pelilie• nevus -t •ionally deigrtt last twat, years. and in that lime tracheae writtea a great drat. Th. Octeti- plee with .A.idt we commenced. am continue to advocate ta.doy, end is all oarjouruy .a. ton eon•cientinnsly deelare that we steer wrote one lima est *Wired nue rm ieseel eat andel us countenance vielesee, or that weld lertim.tety lead to a Megan of die puble peace. The Mon- treal Courier is the only paper written in the Eosl'rsh leerier in 'Canada. 'bat we ha.. it.., sees. W., eseeetimea.o,-elb.emiol in some of vier rehears. from Ole teener, sad if we nommthher eornetiv,rhe.e extracts were hint- ing or threatening, or afrrninz, that the Britidt troops in hemmedl were fisheye; sod were die- pmed to Fafereiee with the iee..di.y sortie. the law. sari the e..o.tiutea .atbmiiies of defiance. We tlaielt ibis was M trate of the articles Ort attracted. oar arrest -of, and we therefore ,setded the Ceewier se a vet, eio- , e),' -'soot,. and a very knife,* roper• ie pm. r"-; on to ire 1 renlat,en and -,Priem' : and ,..rare then we have not nken .the tion,,'. ..(' reading anything wI, rh may M rimmed from n. An the ('reeler end *fie Slifer( tin int As. elms*, be mo., have harrowed this w',lted per - ...mine of MIT sentiments from some other journal which has ensiled oar non.e1+nd to rive him an opp.rtusity d k.nwies ■n4 seknowtedi•r the wallal and malleins invgtioe of the pev- y.rvieo, we have sent him the flambee of tie Pigtailrentoimeatthe anklea9did to, bele;vine that, •e a a'rotl.men, h. wilt at once •eknow- '.fre bia sweeties to he false. IIT We here ,'wird, from the Chief Raper- inrendent of r'ddi•afino, the 1 r.pnn. far the years 1847-48. They are got ep in a rlesr mod .,at.wat;e .tuna and are eenai.iy ermine able to the Gentleman who eenockd thee. - And it moat be reatifjiig is ever, I...v d Canada, es pererirr by tee excret which we Aiwa given in wether ''loon, that the m.aw rf M- etrcetie..nd the dimmitioa to forint by Meer names ate leer/salve rhr.aghost the Premiere. LL Ws sell e•.ktl•e tie emir d the reed Cirealar of the R.rliag(r. I.e4'ie. Am -hooey, and are glad M learn Chet the Iheinteelee is prn- r.ts:o. Avrstate. sod shat the mode d iatrpe- t tae. sed the darer mod amid.ity .f the is - sinewy grid gw•rdt•.e ate Wag defy app►reia• t.13.d''.meshed portony y set t.tmm9. ranee. Parer vows Ladle. desire.' •f be- emeise.psii.ad with the eater, ad Risks d the Aa4emy asp akei map, ef the Circular ey edema et ie fined Oif.e. re LT We urea caret the weed* d ser Home readers te to Alveriiseme.t d M. (la* sod Mame dab dhratfwd iter P' Ore. W. ere w Ptg.etiMitl, to the costae• steep• rati.@ df the weed, bet we hese, aeverth.bs., greaf pheiwrei i1 serf.* ref .aemermgieg wive ertevpriNsevi hems ee.eementer-sed without soy twenties ea laser the people d Stietfoed. fw F it.v Soy Uwe a very kir spiel's ef hsensilfe re, tae brit., *(me ikon ,edit for • levy :ate Wiwi* 1 gt. A . hw.m. if1olwa Coin yUlaad bind iedeeeieue Time* •'shin, e.• walled saran Attu efMwd f. the Idem ef the iessllin,et W mgreet6.g'Bled- .1ina d the peep d Pm.i, . r .3 the be taws whir *i true ereemdp �- ,ieoeed. Sobriety, 41411, idrwry eelPUeseem tares, are lbs orris .•.�lde•6 x *Nem, e •.ith and r ermehifity. sweemermemormemmgmore Tim Novae ass Ilse* ea {'etowewe. ;'.tet -We .a4...tnnd thea aN 4.ab.. d , b, treks/foe el the, 1113* 5s pper se won e Law* Mads, win .res be moseyed. - was bought afore the )wine, ie Term 1 week, and t the decteioe oe the • es is sot yet It is understood that .ices .f the gee, d•/ Jtntlee Robinette Deeper trod 8.1 vU sa, non of opiston that tee Aet i, mot is fere is U Camels. - The jedpseN, we s *W, Aro•W late � imw•diN•4, bet K". Juries Morpe$ge time ei courier its-. is only to protect every sahjeci to the exercise the right which God bit given to him, to jndg for biutaelf :n matters of rrtigios. and to act i them, according to his own judgment, se ter sot to interfere with the richt of eowsclenre. The seat hoist of d.tferesee respects the ■ tipnal recognition of the authority of Revelatiw std is application to the peeeliar duties of lb Magistrate. On this point the Preebyteria C►arch bold that it is the • duty of the car :Marriott* to nuke a tonna, recognition d th authority of the Bible. and to ■ppeol to Its pri ciple. and precepts u his directory ie every partmeot of his peculiar Jailer. At the um time, the Presbyterian Church is not certain what mode this ought to be done, whether by mations! for t, or by a national sr, incorpo rated into tine constitution of the State. so made the basis, .o far as applicable, of ell aft Iesisluwn sed administration. The United Presbyterian Chureh hold, the immeneeh as the introduction d 111. remedi system has not enlarged the Province of th Civil "Magistrate, so as to include things sacred and iaum.eh ae the recogeitioe of Revelatina i Ms official capacity is not enjoined in the Ne Temenee•t, it forme se port of Jti■ duty. The farther hold, that a sstioual recog*itioe of th Scriptures most be made for Governmental pa poses, tad :his certainly implies the determioiag the trwuisg of what tee Sciptares teach; for to recognise a sanction a hook and not to mew -- sag or a•ctioo its doctrines. is 'absurd. The meemptioa, them, by • .Government d u exigence! character is unavoidable, and if • Go,K•mem enter the areas of contro- versy, with is wbjeeu on religious metier., the resell mat be, .rersecafwa for conscience sake. The meat point of d,aieemeot mere, the ditties of the Civil Magistrate. The Preeby- teri.n Cherch mimesis that it is the duty of the Civil Magistrate to punish Mee ageism the first table of the I.aw. To educate the young re- ligicesly-••d to devote a portion of the public fowls for the endowment of ill, Church. To all the.' the United 'Prrsbyterian Church are op- posed. They maintain that the religions edam" - tiros of the young does net (all within the provisos of teCieil MatMrate-that the pssi.hing d sins agaissl the fins Table of the law, 'omit. blv 'radii. persecution for eon.cienee sake, so that there is as waryst in Scripture, tad no •rgagrct in expediegey, for endowing Churches, bet very attach from both, to the contrary. his • fundamental principles in Free Charebam 'hat tt iv tie du'y n( ',•+Nne to •o! -,.c t'borche•, and Cit umbo. t , .- .,.t ,.(. „- en.i..,.-nvot.- i'hey denounce .oluosryi.m, end dr, lore, ea ase dlhernml.es very clesley eapte ed it, dr the eot.hti.hment principle has struck is root deeper into the Free Church, than it ever did in to the Old E.iehliehnwet." The remaining pointe of differenee respect th epi•ioss 0f the two Chareh.t on certain paw gee is the Cnnfeseion of Faith --and on th ehat•eerdeserting e,tahliehment.. B..esl Mve occupied already eo much o your glom! shall mot (uthsr nevem by statin their uspeetive dews on these matters. ! Iwgairer wishes • more fall exhibition of th potato ie whieh them bodies eller. he will fin it in the published *realist of the Proceedings n • resso erten. me hater. eppoimted by the Sy Red of else Pruklifwti.a Carrch of Canada, mad D e United Pralyerrea C4.rca in Cene.(a. M. T. EXTRACT raja Letter to a Gentleman it Galeria, by a young Alan on his tray to California .a For CHILES, on the Plaine, June 7th, 1849. We have completed over600 miles of our journey since we left imlependence, which n the starting place. We travel with Ox Teams, which are generally used by mostly all the emigrants -we have averaged 20 miles a day since we started. Actor ding to accounts here at the Fort. there have forty thousand persons paired here al ready, sed the number e1aming on the road is very great. From henceforth no person requires a guide, a. the road is as well broke and as good we the road from i.0ndnn to Ilamillon. Tare bit been considerable Meitner atr.ong the emigrant., and realty a your man in the prime sed bloom of life, has fallen • victim -they are priocinally sebu- ried on the road side, d at plume .4 en - r c.pmer'a-their nam.. and places of ree- ideneea, and their age are placed at their sed. The iodise• are commencing to steal the aide, but they generally keep out of the way'io the day time. The country we btreepassed 'breath ie the deligbt aed d- mnsUe d all-ieoteed of being a level plain, its hill, dale, and valley -it "erre.* anything we hale over seer. In a very few Jaye we will be is the Buffalo region :--(or the w last few days we have erre • good many deer and estelepes, 'at mo pstww hes any rebore of shooting them unless he ie me bei.sbeek. J. N. ,l�11*•rkrte. Augwt 13. Aso -Ar. u active devtts4. Pots, 30. ; Pearls, Ibm. F,.00a•..Beet breeds are offered at las 64, sad oar parcel was placed to -d. at Ile id. Oa,um-Nuthiag doing. PnammowrM... Ptak mower of freely at (110 (or Muetreal arp.giloe ; Primo ad Prior Mese held amity at $l0 to 511. TALLOW -A sale of 18,6011 lbs. best Cet- dle was made to day tett 5$d N aw Yoe*, A.g. It. .fishes steady at 11'i (.,r b, -h kind,. Floor. -Market for Weimer mod Elute (or the law sod rued,um 'rade** ego* Etc better, *educed by the limited never and good demand for Wester.. Then k less doing for the Fiet and city teade. Saline 5.800 barrel. at St a St 62 forgoer ; St 65 a $4 70 fur nee ; $1 75 a 1114 87 for un- inspected ; $5 44 a $5 60 for commas State and tniaed Wsetern • $5 50 a SO 624 for .tralght State and good Michigan : pun Gese•ee and favourite Int:tana .5 75 s S) 81. Guiu..-Wheat Air demand ; sale' 8000 hush. inferior upper lake on terns not made public. and 1400 Ohio in More about Si 13. Corn rather better, sales 13,000 bushels at 60c for heated, 52. a 63, Western Yellow, 63 a 61 Jerry and Northern, A RIiGOL** o' Brett." -C. wee • cute '' Down Fatter" -a real Flew Yankee -el - of ways ready fora joke, dna hard to beat.- He .'u one div to a country bar -room e '• Down South," where revers! persons a• were assembled, when one of them mild " Mr. C., if you g' ort and stick year a. penknife Tote anything, when you come , balk I'II tell you what its stick+n' in." e " Yer can't dew no •iib a thug," rei- e podded C." 1 " Tlt bet yoe 010 of it,* said the other. • "'Nall, I rather guess 1'11 take that 'ere dr- bet ; here captain' (turning to the landlord.) e bnld stake., and Ell e'en feat make`b.lf a in saw, horse in leu than no tome." a The parties depositedai X a piece sod - C. went hat nunion, but 1n a short iia re- d turned, eayiog- er ,t Wall, labor, what to it trickle' to !' " In the handle," replied the Southerner, '' a be reached opt his hand for the stakes. - •I i " Goes. rot ; just watt awhile," rid Use Yankee, as be hell up the handle of the n knife, minas the Uodr. 'I kalkilare the w blade can't be in the handle, when it's dna y clean up in an old stump aside of ver road e out there." r- Jonathan of course won the wager, and the Southerner sloped to parts uoknowa, amidst roan of laughter. T71111 FOLLOWING ARE PREPARED & SOLD BY J. HEW- LETT, 93, YONGE STREET, TORONTO. And by Agents rbosgh the Precincts. Hewlett's Restorative Balsam, Pres 1., 31. per Bem4.. This Medic*. r a safe and efficacious care for Diarrhea, Dyo*.tery. Bloody Flux, Relaxation, and that disordered state of the Bowel.. so prevalent during the hot weatb- J er, known as the Summer Complaint ; also, for the Cholera Morbus. Hetw-lett's Embrocation, Pere l,. 3d. per Bata& For'be C Ire of Rhe•rma'-ore*, Bnfres, Sealdo. Bruiser., Sprains, Swelling,, Cramp, Chilblains, Cuts, Green Wound.. Sialine° i in the Joints and N•ck. Nurnberg,- Piles, • Eruptions in the Skin, E:.o. bac. Hewlett's Stomachic Tincture;OR, STRENGTHF,N ING BITTERS. Price 1s. 1041. per Bottle. For the cure of Week il'ige•tinn, Biliooe f Diseases, Paine in the Stomach. Loss of g ;appetite, General Debility, Palpitation of f the Hiatt. Conanmption, flu. lite, Q7 This Medicine is one of the beet end d cheapest in circulation. tACANADIAN FRIEND; OR- Hewlett's Universal Ointment. Pru. 1,. 34 per Battle. For eerie, Corruptions of every descrip- tion. Ulcerated Sore Lege, Botha, Scalds. Chilblaids, kg. ' Ilewlett's Apperient Family Pills FOR BOTH SEXF,S, A remedy for Cost itrend*, Pars rid Gid- diness is the Heed, Disorders of the Liver, Stomach, and Bowels ; also, Ibdigeetioo,- Pries 9d. per Box.t� t.�.r�� [7L' i�LE1 1'.S' Apperient Family Powders. Goseamce. Iliad August, 1349 - as eta anima se lea *pane menu. Rtr,-The Editor of the freeei.riolisd, In Ai. leer of Morley last. Ira wieutrde,eteod the rare ie the New Muriel pal Agit to tele' b. velem. Eleebem N AIMr..or end Cereeifon ie eitlga S abet triodes to pay a reef of L60, bet le be fa pr,r•esbo sf Arelow17 01900'11 proprietors er tenants, wbieb shall appear epee th•CeUseM►'a Roil to bare ►era u. .errd at the alae e( L5•. Thr you win Osseo prreeme to he the .ere by redetrrieg to dee* 03, of the A.1. • 4, nun' OF AillIf1[ATION. �trt 1, 0. 04 town. Marna., Csrwrt d Mr, C. ef a daeghttt•. FOR BOTH (SEXES. A remedy for Costiettwety, Paine one Gid - dines. in the Head, Disorders' of the [Ayer, Stnmaeh, and Bowel.; also iadleeetion. (1.?' To the many pentane who ohject to the taking of Pine, the.' Powdery, are me- onrnended, and for Children are preferable. -Price ls. 3d. per Bonk. Hewlett's Antibilious Pills. Price le. 34. per Bottle. An exeelleat remedy for *holm Complaints mid Ceetivenees. They remove, all adstroe- tinnsonthe Stenweh, at ibe same time Strengthen the Digestive Orem', Extricate those Pains attendant neon Disorders of the Stomach, act se a Tonic Upon Retard Cosrtit*tiem., and prate. Vigor k Health. Hewlett's Pectoral or Cough Pills Prise le 34. per Bae. For the cure of Coughs, and Asthma.- l'heae admirable P111. are moat beneficial to the speedy removal of Coughs, relieve diR- cnity in ►►eathiag,.o trying to Asthmatic subjeetw,'ad procure the refreshing com- forts of rest and sleep. Hewlett's Dinner Pills. PRICE 1s. 3d. par Bir. For eemo,isg Obstructions on the Chest. feet after eating, particularly after Dinner. evened by great Weskoeu and Debility in the Dig•atf,* Oyg'ee, He4ktt's Infant's Soothing CO1taf4L. i M POR ANT TO MOTHERS & JVia roes. Per 'swag Pelee 'tithe Bowel. and ilin- eraeh, so kernel with Iifeets,sepoing the Wise, lend pmseiim f t.Neghte* seep. PW,, le. O(. pee Merle. saw by R p Atabmis. Grkrieh : Me•see. P. Ilk noirAa 4?w Peet 8sre a. Mr. Wm. hese lyffieta.sa, Owen Paiyd 30ti Au 1041. tv...29 3 FAIlIER'S INN Stit4aryao. MAIL DOROTHY DOUGLAS, , e of the late Thom.* DIM4Il*., ul Mee Fugue's 100, Stratford, begs w retsro her thanks to the labs*utanta of Settlerd, and the public goer*Uy, for the very liberal support which they recatred durtos tb. 'butt time they have been is Stratford. Mn. Dorglu begs t,t estimate that she intends Barr ly ng oo the burro''' ae hereto- fore at the Old Stand, in her owe name, sad bop*. by stylet atteettoe to the 'comfort of bar g*set., sod moderate charges, to merit a *hare .1 the public patrueags. Stratford, 21st Aegust, 1849. 2v -n1911 TO MILL PROPRIETORS. AYOUNG MAN wanting a bifte nice as M,IIe;-.I.o • good Accountant. For further particulare apply by letter poet peid, •o F. G., Toekennti,b, Huron District, Canada West. August 20th, 1849. 2e-ut9tf FOUND! -o• the Market Square on Sunday lot, A LADY'S, GILDED BROOCH. The owoer may bare it by calling et the Signal Office. Goderich, August 23. , FARM FOR SALE: ONLY PINE Mites front GODERICH. LOT Intt,iNINE, in the 9th Cooceesioo, Township '(,Colborne, CONTAINING 100 ACHES, Fifteen of which aro cleared, and under cul- ta,ation. Tie -Land is of excelled quality, bind well weltered. For turn*, outriders apply to JAMBS CLARK. Claremont, August 22, 1849. 2e -o290 CHOLERA ! CHOLERA ! PREVENTIONLS BETTER THAN CURE. HEWLETT'S RESTORATIVE BALSAM, run 1411 Mit! or Dirarrbma, Dysentery, Bloody Pi.., Refaration, SUMMER COMPLAINT AND CHOLERA • MORBUS. • Price Is. 3d. per Bottle. lei" it has been attested by experience, and toun..'ed op the Act, that an attack of the Cholera to generally preceded by Pre- monitory Symptoms, principally Disorders of the Bowels. Thu premonitory Relaxa- tion and Dtarht.a, hiring without Pain, and not interfering mach with health, is gener- ally not minced, until it is followed with decided Cholera ! The 11100 to prevent the Diesease, is to have recourse, on its Ont appearance, to Hewlett's Restorative Bat - sae, which will prove efficacious in staying ata program, and preventing the C1o4er..- ie cases of decided Cholera, the mbdye Me- dicine will be of immense service. No Family ehoukl b0 without a Bottle of Ms Balsam on hand. Prepared onlyby J. Hewlett, 95, York Street, Toronto. Sold by B. PARSONS Godericb : Herr.. P. B. Clerk k Co. Port Sarnia. Mr. Wm. Donee Sydenham, Owen Sound Goderich, 20th August 1649. v2 -o29. reweo: '.• 1• .1-.1 t 111 ▪ o 0 - a. I: ::g. °c I so -▪ •. °v �c.._h o 2 $ --x 2nd beet o 5 el g e i =- ee Best 4 lbs. Swedish Turni Seed o 5 o r ▪ !• i' ,, e p S y and best p o t 6 i 0.1 \ s P Itl Best bushel of Timothy Seed, o 6 n e 2nd beat 0 2 6 1 .. _ ♦ m 5 Best bushel of Clover Seed,. 0 15 0 0 • m'¢ a m T Ind best o 10 0 • v z x' , e: c - a r t7 _ L C c _- - - 0 0 '- c o o xl,R r .r e- Mel' cw a y rc . C*Igin •'11 1 1 i t. ,yap, M ti 1/ 6 f - ; n 3 tW - cl • - R. !r it 'r R gf r a �� Agricultural Slow. AT a Ileetieg el tke Croton'' of ter. BLAN$HAHD AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY, hold to St. May's on Wedees- day, the 13th Jure, the fullowicg Premiums were allowed for tv mews( CATTLE SHOW, to be held es Thesis y, the 11 to sf September, 1849. CL1•e 1-HORS55., Best Mere and Fet, .£1 0 0 !ad beet 0 la 0 • 0 r0 0 Sed beat • ...08 i10 00 do. 0 15 0 0 10 0 O 0 0 0 10 0 O 7 0 3rd best Best 3 yeah olJ 9nd best 3rd best Best 1 ygar old Colt sad Fillies end best 3rd best u 5 0 Beast Matched Span of Horses, 1 u 0 CLAM 4 -CATTLE. Beet Ball, aged, t I 0 !•d beat 0 15 Sri beet 0 10 Best Yearling Do. 0 10 Sud brat 0 7 3rd bait 0 5 Best Yoke of Week'sg Oxen, five 'years and epwards, 1 0 god but 0 13 3rd beet Beet 4 years old Steen, , 2nd beat 3rd beet Best 3ears old Steer, end beat 3rd best Best 2 years old Do. -god beet ' 3rd best 0' 10 O 10 O 7 0 O 7 O a O 3 O 5 O 3 0 Fat Oxen 4 years and upward", 0 10 '2nd beet 0 a Best Fat Cow or Heifer, 0 '7 Ind hest 0 5 Best Mich Cow (laving a calf by • her side, 0 15 end best 0 10 3rd best 0 1 Cert Mitch Cow having bad a calf 0. in 1849, 0 15 led best 0 10 3rd best 0 If - Beet 2 year old ileifer, 0 7 2nd best 0 5 3rd 0 3 Best onebeet year old Do. 0 5 2nd best • 0 3 9 3rd best 0 9 6 CLAM 3 -SHEEP. Best Ram 2 years and upwards, 0 10 0 2nd hest 0 7 6 3rJ best 0 5 0 Best one yeu old Ram -0 5 0 2nd beet 0 3 9 Best Ram Lamb, 0 '3 9 god best 0 2 6 Best pair of Ewes having suckled Lambs until the 24th July. 0 10 0 !od best 0 7 6 Best pair of Eye Lambs 0 •. 3 and beet 0 2 Beet Pen of 3 Fat Wethers or ]':wee, 0 7 2nd beat 0 5 0 CLAae 4 -PIGS. Beet Boar, 0 10 0 Ind best 0 7 6 Best Breeding Sow, • 0 10 o Ind best to 7 CLASS 5 -GRAIN. Best 2 bushels of Fall Wheat, 0 10 Ind best o 7 Best 2 bushels Spring Wheat, 0 10 2nd best • 7 Beat 2 bushels Barley, 0 7 2nd beet 0 5 Best 2 bushel. of ()ate o 5 2nd beet o -, Best 2 Btohelr ['case, - o7 0 0 U U e 0 0 0 0 0 G • 8 0 0 0 9 6 0 0 6 • 0 0' 0 4) 0 0 e 0 9 0 6 8 IlY AUTIIORI.TY. Sheriffs Sale of Lands. HURON DISTRICT, t 11141,_, Meals, ty To WIT : slust October seat. will b. Bey at the Comer Roost at the Gaol of the throe Patriot, at 'be Town of Goderieh, et tho been of twelve o'clock nods, the under eeedireed LANDS teals the Tenements and a4tpsrteraacas tjenwon to belonging, by virtue offeror Write Venditioni Erpssas, rimed oat orate Court til Qeese'a Bencb, and to me directed, et 'he respective mate of Row Robsrtar lie Robert Modcrwell, Jobe 8tracbae, Carr., req kc and Jalisco Cleating, Plalntife,.- also by virtue of two Witte of I(oeditiesi frpooas issued ort of Her Majesty's Mttee. District Court, teed to me duecied, .p the mepertive suite of Robert Park and Jodr.a ('allowa), Plaintiffs, es. Julia Aon Yippet mod Aurelius W. Rippe., De(ead..,mi to wit., a part and portion of Block (11. 1. the Township of Colborne, Western Aurae, llurou District, containing Two Hswdser Acres of Land more or leu. 7NO. McPORALD; Sl eri5 Huros DWI.1•ii. Rneeiri s OFFICE, ' Godertch, 15111 July, 1849. fir-efe• Coroner's Sale of Lands and. Teug menta. HURON DISTRICT,BY r(►t.s of a 7' Wil r Writ a( tori Facia., issued out et Her Majesty'. Dieu!'+ Court of the District of Heroin, 'h'e'ed to the Corowen of the Heron District, and to me delivered, against the Leads rad Terre. merits of Frederick Clarke, at the sett of Jobs McDonald, i have seised sed taken l.. erratic, Tuw. Lel number LI.,.., mirth. ride of Light Hoose *frost, or Lot weeder 'mother Sixty in the Town of Goderieh, containing one quarter of tee ooze of Land. be the same mon oe leu, together with the - Fres Dwelling Nouse sed other .pp.rt•- Dance. to the said promisee b.tnuii.g. which I •hall eller for Rale d the COURT ROOM, is the Huron Ihetri,:t Gent, it the Town of Godench, on Thursday, tb..ighW day of November next, atein. GEORGE FRANCS, Ono of the Coroners, •- Baron District. Coaomxa's Orr CIL Goderich, Sib August, 1849. Re -447 Mr. NAIRN'S-SCHOOL, T. PATRICK BT.,•' UODE1ICfR. THE System of 1rt.trpstion perused will be tested by half -yearly p.hlis Email* tion., -the first of which will taut Plow tie- December i•December next. Goderich, August 1849. blit-atT THE GJ.OBE" NEW SPAPEIR.�•-A Weekly Edition ef'the GLOW *bow publiebed on • large sheet, without soy 64-- verhsements, for" two dollars per ann... The Tri - Weekly GLOBE is pvbUrbeef Tuesdays, Thursdays sad Saturdays at fl Q dollars per annum. Toronto, lit August, 1849 taarr LINT OF LETTERS • 4e11 flEMAINI1SO in the Poet Office et Rtntfeif ,. q r let A.gsm 1849. 6 Albert William • Ballentine Daetd Barker George Broomhead .1 W 3,Job. Cras'erCurJas. 6 a f, (; 0 . , Huron District Building Society. THE FOURTEENTH LOAN MEETING Oo F the Society wall take place at the British Hotel, om Saturday the 25th rot. at 7 o'clock, P. M. By Order, - THOMAS KYbDi Secy, Goderich, August, 16 1849. �FOUN IRONDRY. t Ct.A..6--DA7RY. - Beat Firkin (SG) lbs. Battery --e-113-- 0 Ind best e 7 6 3rd best o 5 o Best Roll Butler 5 lbs. o 7 6 2nd best' - 0 1 0 3rd best o 3 9 Best New Milk Cheese from 12 to • 20 lbs. 0 7 6 2nd beat 0 5 o 3rd best o s 9 Best 20 lbs. Maple Sugar in Cake, o 7 6 tad best o 5 0 3rd best 0 3 9 CLAPS 7 -DOMESTIC Mamuractuatts. Best 10 yards Fulled Cloth, manu- factured from Wool grown on the exhibitor's premises and spots in his family, in 1849, 0 7 6 2nd best 0 6 o Best 10 yards Flannel all Wool, 0 5 n 2nd best o 3 9 Best 10 yards Flannel, Wool and Cotton, o 6 o 2nd beat o 3 9 WILLIAM BARRON, Secretary. GODERICH, C. W. let August, 1849. RECEIVED per ships Agra Marine, and Montezuma, from lot',pool, via. Mon - reel, and for Hale by the Subscribers, B DOME MANUFACTURE THE Sobeenben is returning thanks to their Customers for the liberal sup- port they have received wince entenerecisg I q ALES BLEACHED COTTON YARN, -Nos. 7. 8, and 9. CHESTS TEA, of various gosling.. Hbdr. aid Qr. Ceske, "Mane!''" First uatbty, COLORED and PALE BRANDY. JRO BOXES LIVERPOOL SOAP. Y. B. SEYMOUR k Co. FOR MALE. A GOOD SAW MILL M the Town.hip of Ashfield, 41b Co.. East belt Lot No. 7, which thevibe, wishes to SELL or RENT duringobig Life Time. Also -One Hundred Acres f Good Arable Land is the 4th Con. Adhj.ld, being East half of Lot No. I, with Eight Acre. of Clearing, which .1011 be Sold on moderate Terme. Por fitr- t'er particulars apply to the i'roprietor. MiCMAC!. McCARRON, er to JOHN STRACiIAN, E.q. Barrister, (Ioderteh, Auger11549. t. -n21 -3u, CANADA Ltrt ASSURANCE COMPANY. basest', beg to intimate, tb•t they have for rale at low rates, Cooking, Box & Parlour Stoles, .l.. Ploughs of eight descriptiese, rind eim- sidYgof the near improved Mould'. 8elf- attlsg .4443! Dogs, and venous other as• tinge. Harting engaged se eapeneneed Machinist, the .obeenbers tan confidently recommend theft THRASHING ITA- rHINl;S of the newest deli both sta- tionary and moveable, and ur IJ solicit • call from intending Purchasers Were boy,r ing elsewhere. All orders punlisally at- tended to and execoted with wether red despatch. ORR k WILSON. Stratard, I[ SON- Strstf•N, 111th Alf. 1949. v2-wtdtf. -tBURLINGTON ILMI ZE? ACL11E THE ACADEMIC YEAR for 1849 te• d iu , will soaaasae. on TAarwdeyh 4Ae At, +j 0•104er mrd deer oa the het heredae of Jely. Creels,. r'i. fall inhreende,,, may he.t*i bar!at the 'Meed the Mires lig„°R n,hy spplleeeson N 0. C. TAN NORMAN, rin[leatiitoe, 713 Aoguef, 1549,' �7t w THZ aebe►ibee og beim appointed Aroyl Of the "CANALIFE. ASSURANCE. CO.," �ar�e r*.SIue proposals for Amu - Meer Aad w44 be happy to ear to sty pries the nere..nry information, se to the 'decay!:• .1 the Ieont,wioe. JAMk:9 K.11'AON. Gd,rieh, 13410re IS4Q. ,9al9U a Ch•amoek Charles Curtis Gad Cowan Richard Crerar All ('ullerton David Campbell Thomas Chester Rich Cooper Jake Crowley Mich Dunbar Joseph Feuer A Flynn Cormiek Frasier *4331... Gess Mier denier Anthony Gsietooe Hear Hamilton Ft*eu Hnffe.eyer John Hocks Mathew Hennessy John Hewit Arthur Jones Mr. Kemper Peter Kennard William -Kemper Mich Reify Park Lssdeeolsyer John Moore Elizabeth A. F. Stratf..rd, July Mervifield, lore. • Mouga.ea Theories 0 McDerenid Peer McT)ermid Duman .; McEtee H.gtr 1 'i'- Metiers M. :•1ei111 Pbire Lamer •vas Pinder Thoma. Pringle George Pawl', George Parker William, Roberso. lllargatet Redford Andrew Rotlidge Peter - Sobering Jots Scarib Henry mai Sul Mich Schindler Sebum*. tt,. Men** Badly . " • Stewart Jere 't rar�rae,*�� Swifter Jacob - tha. S.bach Philpeef, 8 t rathdea Jobo Seett Asia • ,tf Seen Alt ser Stock John Thompson Win Temblii Heery '' "'"" -r Thoevan Gavin a tend Waddle Jobe -,i. tech Weber Jamb o +i! Wells Eder P Willson William ' M1C1►LE, Poetmeete' +i.r. 2nd, )848. lob GODERiCH, C. W. ar.d 1st August, 1849, FOR SALE. 1 L,A RG E Assson meat of CUT NAILS, Lof all sixes, BOXE:B WINDOW GLASS, 7649, 04144 tied 13016. Awn het BARBELS FINE SALT. ,ee" M. B. SEYMOUR le Con ".ten IMPORTANT to the PUBLIC;, L"7.RA HOPKINS. of West Flayegeltrr (Hamilton P. O.) having for afnwte month. past been acting es Traveling Apg.esr for the WASHINGTON 191UTtTJj.a I N RUR A NCI!. Co., takes the present oppor- (unity of thanking the inhabitants of the - Wellington Wellington and Heron Towner fur the wry"' liberal patronage and eaco.ragement w hedinel he hat received at their hand. 1 air 1..... . the pleasure of toforming them that be ie duly authorised to set also foe the OEJiiR SSP pl MUTUAL, the former fnetitotiUy being exelusieety deviated to the lnen,aece of Fare, Stock end 11r4dinge, the letter to -1!' king rinks in Tows, -.rand bent ee very moderate time. The Washington Company 'Ars. member edesetegee es the►feetti- - ral barest. 'thaegmarry rieb.. owe pee cent., doing an Iwaaeesea000nt d been es having a very large cash •apital ,09 Med, and promptly settling .11 claims a .IMt the .. In•titntios,•-Capital, L3$1,000 ; elermere,, 37,906, --both being daily locrenei0g• The Genesee Company is intended to insure airiest Fire at Towne. . sad 'Village., and the rates are eorswqu.stlp higher a proportten to I00 SAO bear g 1.atar ; bet in 'emcee* the of tb. 1arg 'majors dose, little rase tae hitherto'N."e required thee the fret peyepeet, for deriver' the peat thirteen year the Awreseened . have only averaged two per egret, allffiegalle, diving tint period .Dane of the mei, dime , trios 6rrw ,ver known have nceurrej C.piref, gpimot,123 Now it is ',tier 10011. - nM. RPA* A HOP/ft Nie, Ag' wifeeei./delh.gmn.4. Heron Dieriere. . July tit., 1849, 111-s90.dies