The Goderich Star, 1907-03-15, Page 1Islas- WON
-.010A A Uhl a
TH13 000HRIC" STAR beill, a hwow
AW, ddFw
N draililiift* tbm ony otblilr New4popw
M-Ij 4 4 0
Vital Is 1 0
"mum WX 300ERIOL IONT-g, FRIDAYg, MARC, :04 "Alk, 0" 1,=010=1101,
11=011111011001P _7 NAW AVV41WXZWM%. WW TOW110L T."44. IVQQIJ�p t"li puawo" MCON11118 tAW, AUFORX.
V4* of Ao"44. Itigo. M4 illow grigoolwo �4 Nissit 84*"l *611"04 at, vottlot's Now, NYVAP104009 Vildor 0* rteteace of try
L"ka t4litil V*400,I* I I fqglo
0 41 Volk_ thla� t.bit di%tbt �Qf
(M 0-1 'Nowif of! Atw'b '3 coutAllsed filid',00 Whether lRoff, Mr. tlyrolittv 144194 ]by Ur. tgioy�w Goirempoilig,
�ftg"Pwaon on I has voilly'rosIg", 14 improving, tb* orUpic of 04
quQr Wglififo Act* glUil'Lllhey deig*"
"110011i at An'llbowt "trl **VM A sa 40 ty 4=, 44hill willg up M0 rime at tile putilic
4440V 0
*Ilt:kw 04
%bar* la ottly, 41134 so," WAY of, somm eI
toot 0 101s)UPIt 0 404
sod, Abet: WbY Mwin it. - 4 flkw PKIN00s expen" in n eliquiry Om towhit
UOrAfirOW MOO J� U4 At rk Ifttly wlso,=Xk Win
Vfositb, whoma. solin f N l, Joikit of the suppOed, 01ir. W4 bAygi. li"O, 440014*1 at
Row fft� botiow ft.. on ftUV44kY01 444 Suffolk, vajilasidi X0, is Ole lqgzj
...... UK, ftg)MIC olty,111`4�' In lowl In
rO$l MadO out by the'Atillk Vronto, ap"Olut ms usisti�fty -lite 9
T%" UO"k por'lo repoft Is vto. Su*Uotil %iod 1ti, ywfig, far;Xoii the
JW' ligglR-Z T
heSent bUt.fap10
rego 0
I' "tit
-#fly ##WI; V Corninitte ot, file' a4llotattiltloo of 00
11 At UWX My% Will 1444rablis 10spro 06 tie 49f polltlieg logo -
1h 0 10"PY11A 'k
_4tiif1�'WIuiM and Electiolls has for two wee s to liot DOD, LOAN.COM 'stsk". of' "too li V i. V. Allme K70, Ike
Af T""listroi; 0 " be
lob Aer otuallel*,le 4
10, r"Ided, Out when .40 0amo to M'.%ttof and the enquiry he,,; beesi
els. New Westif Initime, Ue hall not
$0PIT11 psoles, deV016pbse, *4 at think at
%74 Of 0(w, t Tv W, ww' 004 "a; IW4 0 W
xo'k 1 1 .,.U" eaMt 60 but itappear$ thut only onl.lawy*
W. X 0, 'in
It' Oil
W. X0 so
th the House is satisfied that the re- papoit I# h, Way 01"Ittils.
0 00 'jo"'girt of
at 0
iIrlyllego, to 04411tift, t4:04 U91,
suit of Your months, more or less
signatt.on Isvislid, Thisist'
yev4a V.1% tAkIt pi A06 Aoxt 4144y�
0_ TEN 10 I WA Ift pq, 4 11114vt llud miss Pretty, of,vanposs- Hy" in In...
Ir -4 -0 04 OM14017- is thii visto Ito w1dowl, "god lie, stilt sur.
eager effort on the part of Mr.
nUclpa �Iyd,,Llli 00 to u. do'n latusent of
Ivoll'balliq me. -WAP 1 40 'k,
T"; - ask q waar k% inewbor ot the 144449 to givie tip Ills seat. tftv of doedits Evi.
Pill. t Miriell, 0091: 1 1#6114
sult OX:w 4 01 to fWAtev: �qpsnd, And In Politics A This Is the �Omd Mr. "yman deatty two to 401 rtloau
he*0 X14A 100.9flitillin for
fied so nqc- look
it Or"ll Witsox.-The dre4 filewenger.
of, King ta, W 4TX, who whom Sir Vilirld declar t t4q and all Dr. Pyn
NIXON, KTIR.RT Ono ii tQ AlVek MIgilist4elptal,
M_410' -)in mitomlis -irk
v4dad the hottle of 'Country that he really refused W The Toronto Star ham
Q44 Olson 89
for the business of the 19AAS 40.4(ibas boo
butly tho past vrinter, last essary
sanction to tlxo average p*vti"u
X, ew 000,011. otla b*oieftts Wer -9 Xtr,. m4 Mrs. Albert It. Wilson.- In accept his resignation, but appar- ggoted khAt the ticks.
olloe 0 mq
Ism 04 of 1? 0
004 tlul.* on h It moitfor only
r 14P 0 W Aill 040911tvil L0111.4. QIt the CArtV B
4, and galled %way t1setv
U mil. 6o. itaot ently, with all his ability, the man uslosioeris In Toronto and other 9ttles
_0404 A. sud towas could W trusted to admin.
filially AV they were last, 14 yars, after Only three days 11 Deals, did not know enough to'write out a
Re being 0tvic 04 with splusl to mn-
irk Or
!star the lalw fairly., and the World
'build I.W 14 V nill o - 1, tiston Whi or Is
lot tile ft IC WOE IJTAAt plated In stock simple document of half a dozen
thinko'kilat a na014111#11trulint OX news 1111to the, UVW -
0$5 t ii Klsria y" 0 044 and 100, et 011 0 cote lines and have It withiested by two
at Use
livqut c4utoed dbe might be. appointed for the *bolePro.
b, IIAVQ levor veceived, ab one
a. oil a a sclifol men. Was it because he was so
OR, or t of the principle that the ndoxhile-
W111,06 11041004 viliceiI each suggestion being to sup.
tintlWAPhliel! In the county
d' is 9-
anitins anO warm friondi.
'U mentioned in last
4, Oa' lovin cot
4�OtK . 14 3 deceased had many sicit, or silly, or cunning, that he port
AV4: 0 did of
Ispusq roof Wr .0 IR bo, 0 90
9,aqy�joi theiAlates, lut 'h '6 It as returned before at prQujise,glua acted
00100 0 trakton of the Act should be absolutely
Just as he did I Qr is all
-ApAwon. watrack the ost, loveable die oaltims 4A4 nationer, this, a poitlical subterfuge to foot the
eIt pro
little work w4i.
q Independent, of party politicins and
Last St., Ithin t a past year or so. wpA 0 the Government Itself. The Sthr
it I omaki a oo re uteItion as a voc4liI
riv 01toger f
nek, i4,11. to gMq tl6e fos Cer-
Ur to
'to 00"'. fay. well shvii;
lot, is an t ad mOtliber, Of tlin matters to assume a more '40 eatil
tutrilkylautf df, all flit P., 0 W45 charged before Knox ch rob cholt, where.1fdr solos I ded a
clia, etw9ohlb 046ti
on'AUA n 1 4 jilpli AUotloh onday with
ry 0 stealing were much admired, Tbb funeral orable stAge ere calling on the e ec- to a avtl ular form. The vital
ti the Government shall cu -
But It Is not necessary to be wod-
lyit,�A ithii aticles. tensaiti 00. upsolid.: 40�yuft 'fro the - of theKing Edward took pla6 on Wedrietift i1ftermints tors of Loniton to say what they Point lis
having goodg to dbuitto t4bli 849 tol, and. co Itted for trial to the to Mnitlarill cemetery, -inir notsvith- frely renounce the power and pat,
o�XgvorI,^t b.A& afttto,solkta
IK to luilitia, vliefre callo-dut, oll, a and. not finding lit,obli
9:'WST,, t
tat, venloJib to send, Juno Sessions. standing the very bad condition of the think of the whole situation and the Lonitgo connected With the binstness of
selllnj liquors. If the patronage con.
Sunday t6r6slof t1ge,attack of the rab- them.- Please notif a& Mi0oklia, wbg �Rbv. Mgij Ber;V, of SeatoWth. Will road" the (LUendattee WT Very large. causes which led to It ? As
lim,whioll, o i frontWr to make v an slate merely of the appointment of
possed Alit
Ititeethattheiyat calledfor. glyie k% li3otilre under the anapiceo of The members of Sditfor ' B.S., where
oh�,, 0sssI Corporal , . * J., TURV WA�TTI Itim BAOIC.,-The fol- Ist. 0dorge's Y. P..,.A. In the fso4ociI she had tot, some yoato been a faithful ILIstration of trying, to humbug the cocumbiukiners and Inspectors, the
Oro ,pt 2� liquor of�, the Aay, An be; safd,� re. get
t read, t Li - roq6on Tuesdo�y, Natoli 19, at eight memberi, and of Bible class necessity for reform would not be so
3q, lowlsig the'-Mlohigiak Presby took. -Silver collection at door. of Knox 141tic, sho bill! latter- people surely this outrivals the late urient. This urgency and the thin
0* toll, �At, Tun Offlo.0 to bbQW k9riku. Of Veb. 210 With
and, their Mr. Barnum In his exempl Ification of lie a the enormous vidnis attaching to
Last. Uv6silngthe Canoe Club - gae.
eit��'tllllbtravo� pre
allat Iwo
a 1bom%lwAn their -tilub, visometv
a- license, 4eax Afledowwl- t1le theory that hLIMbUg .44 the cor-
'The looms were hand- u1neness of their oftroW, -Rev, James cases it license In more 'valuable
I, RAIlb,00- -The tug
at 80 com
r�a thartyany position in the gift of the
so biigit3f� d Anderson conducted the iservicesi and rect way to success.
somely, decorated. and the music was,
itoletell ungalmi the pa,11 bearers were an. Thomson, Government, and It Is not in the
being U,tlt by MvLr)&ork is just plankeal,
opeca men ota I pal men) e"Im 0 w
-n Fixade On It
aon$ sts to' call :fortb fut-nished -by the Daty orchestra. to na
I ti b If the E. Jordafi� W. R. Mitchell, William to
'the aIs ttkTePfI1r,ttverA9Q Partisan
0,41 q= lgio�ii The spriffigassize courtopena next A CONSPIRACY OF SILENCE.
�b Agfoq� r " 9W 1. good9iffe, ress'liaving'beL
*AV V n o yer� ......
'bibap 6-1 r n, which
611 tho'Ift, before the ]Kollar.
latow 'O's 2 , th cast wind hast meefing of this, Vqrt TUeSd
d, 1 9 2 isylor, Roswell Rutherford and Wil. Wese good things to go to tile One ny
Wd ......... . P into MoBwan. The floral t6kens were illanititon Hertill.)
3 2 stewhen they nilgh6 be made to re
Wogno Presbyterian Church, D the faithful."
broken tho ie& or Arefli'miles from able Justice Magee. At the, pra-
a ral,thisibsAUe t week, biir yr, esdpX wing relatives the sympathy
and to the bereaved parents
4 'sbut time there are no criminal 'cases
_ph Ut February 19 0 What fill blio. dehating talot
n it oil.
* � i , prov
-will be no- grand
r6c-e-1 Ve community goes out Ili an un- the opPosition be, I
covers that -lak# as far. out 4; �tbef ey' a call to become to jury,
bf the Era so there
tfeaw. dmilm� hfi" *"t:l a HE MANITOBA ELECTIONS.
Team 4�, a silo uounisnou usual deF. We mobrn with them would have failed to do has been
ZAP;k- L'Rolfor 6.
can few fish. hav, war ldbor� Thiti contractor Is putting t1lat finish- Last week the people of Manitoba
a eissi. caught iho now church. Mr. Stewar a beautiful life so soon closed to earth. L10110 by the thromt of una nian to
rgo a .v i a am i N.. .,fi It the past weak ; one angler W
q SMIC 'ad With marked: success to this Held ing tbaell on the outside of the 0. PI pronotinced on thelostics, presented to
;rAund over ........ 1, 1 2 coinihill;, -up -from the. take )49t,,,w.bek the( summer, until obliged.Lto return- to R, office, cornet of West St. and Lb disclose tho privato vicos of illettibels
3 2 btiving�g,liervinit.-�:-TbeelbV4t6�i,'tsnovio McCormick Seminary, - Chicago. 'He Squarei, but It will he a week or so be. About Easter .Cards. of t1le government. them by the Roblin Government, and
-taftily be wilt Fraduate from thgt, inatitullot? I,% fore the Irialde of the oflitte to in a
u I all unmistakable, endorsement to
001b4littlidinfilei., 6 4�
va �ring alloish, and will cei The near approach (if the joyous gave
in Apri and it is nilderstood that he I fi ad con on -ei)ort of the insurance the Conmervat4vo administ ration which
The i
hand over (or. buffinese:iviid h1811 ditt
ready to
-It Is said that navi- season brings the thought of for tile consid* has ruled the Province for the past
-A , 00 r upon tho commission is I
.1 Morrow & Johnstoo,'the butchers, friends away from us, whom we would L
ation will not o u. the Work Immediately. Uri Stewartstallts willAlesolve partnership on April let, aration of tho house. It contain,; so. legislative teriti. the Liberals, although
t4 oxi6irmfm ,
AT! i=4 , :, navigation opens. accept this call and elite
over. so 5, 2 1Ilan Very as am
09c k like to greet with loving words and
with a Bala Mr. Morrow continuing the business,
litndg'& ce is and plentifu
4 .$1080 a year with OP Vero tionimatitt3
, L� -
W� %A4 III AOT..-Orown Atty. nionthsholf7dir Re ult011 the cOiltillct of supported by the Donitinion Govern-
duated thre.. go. Johnston intends joing West, sentiments appropriate to the day on
llin aebalor, of Arts, -00m;
is It At 'a, Beaker 'ha's received the following yoar� ago
McGill Vniversity Mitintreal."' success In that far off country.
...... 5- as R. Foster, 1?9)wler 311d OtIlOr ment, having only 12 members out of
4n4 film many friends w 11 wish him universally celebrated throughout tile
q. P'� tivo tonlimbers of parlitionent It totfli Of �jq. One Of the stro
inportim _tijqg, ftom the Attqppy, world. And in no way can We SO Hen
HdUsQ, "07 OF, 0011turrrItril- 6'liquoriloense cas� from - contseelfion'with certain western appliala madeby Ur.RobIln was oil
tot, tu P easily and at) delightfully do this as In
o I a rinit',
r under 15�9 hand (ifitflilinent can- The Hall4e, of, ROW90 committoo met sall,, djeudesed last week by the Police xt" sto
"to, vour a i
4 0 d b LL Gra- I &gistit-ate, arld Is b the in. sending actine of the many beautifid the question of the a n In of the
lab td flat,, 8,
X.Y 0 In Clintor
bands.: Haster cards, which irt Of the uptita oteill olqu4itif -1 northwards to
3gtA!stW201 'No ar ton LOW, ist. eard by 9
1amArrect on'Friday, Alarch' tile a standing as Provincial boundai
doplated DY JaMOR WftAH thp
In I is __5ei6"a1Mdiu1PWW -
W P IUu I - lithograp r0pr fftIdjujJ!A Bay, although At . Brown,
A0P it 1; do* Uay Act passed In I His Ono Judge oyle I court _bar itgve-LPU_bJit3 r
"bull 'Goid B? aticylon 15 of the Act no aq$lon or spent. actual isrAble,, t1kne n 60 In aced within the reach of all.
Win. Acheson's brick store on
In of --E"ter-, cArdo, tor In When doesn't wartt to ilaVl a`lY,(Iis4"`i$iOLi the lestdali;iof -th�-- Opposition, endsta
rat His
In Over -6 .............. 3 2 out leave of the Attorney General for and over that portion of tho report wbich vored to assote the electors
Uamilton street will likely be started once all eats Itself, for this firm with reflects UP011 hill'; so ho has tbrottt- That a fait- find generous fifittinedon
aare attifted. that I, a inspector. iname of Raphael Tnek & Sons at
Bfid 5 ......... 151 3 2 atdoln their
2 the expiration keeper and moron a
b Wl rx, 8 2 Of 60 %It
istoodarsto oar. P
Wit 04, is the provilice,I'lifir
rition, Will t
v'o - next week, as the brick% are on the its br&no es In Paris, Berlin, 'London ailed that if anything is said about of Manitobit'l; bounooles like
use clean a com
'r a 12' commission o the alleged, offence. for ble, so' tha the ninety Inmates iyR_ ovi the time oftbe Ill.= t he t
1161f;i I r o keep the touse clean a -endy for and Montreal. have a wide World fill 0 biH peetiliar place before the close of I,
grountij lost of the 1pinber i
T bu0ing, and the to ndation lit
.............. 2 The Act is intended to gecur6..!sii far are being caro for as well as circtim- lie will (lisoloso cortain i i ot PArl=.
r. ' the unick In bill, 1,,, of worki t' session of the Dominion
is: 'ral.1i 11101tElFoRins class permit. The committee found the bakery will rise In t f -tna ion
1pr ice., U, IVILd .. npossible a proper observance'af the still The opening of the (fanadlan branch We will not consent to any settle-
d over .......... I ........ 5 id's Day, and with,a. view to pris, the, center part of the new building Deputy Reeve Elliott has completed In Montreal made tlje*s Ilis possession totiching thil dis- inont uf this question which does not
5 Lipplying of
tL Tat y, and end, ............
Its aV Ova a van proslictitions it Battling it little, sisil,'directed the In- the purchase of Wm. Perdue's port, the Canadian trade a much easier task creditkible doing of prooduent Ulf- afford ample justice to Manitoba, or
yr... r, W.% the necessity lot
Helf9r, undor 2 d be well to latLft be underot6oll spector and keeper 1:6 employ a me- able saw will and timber In Goderich than formerly, and now ln every erals in connection with mo- tiny other (location ontatanding be-
VpTitti) Asfilus that tbe law is one which thust be re- cliquic
. ..... to put In an iron pillar in the township, and will now devo, on, twelIn Lbe Provinceand the Dominion;
to village hamlet as well as In the eity Illen and griLft",
-which they feel siderable attention to the Instill I nut the boundary tioestion bag never
acted'. If you call the attention Of woman's sitting room; centres, the public call avall them.
FA Un ym and,bier ................. 5 & 8 ct 0
�Tltt er.
t�TRUSVOOU. solveH of these beautiful token" for What the govortimotiL was going been a political lithue In this Province.
JSTS 00 alinI E ItAto of COW4s, �14 tt Department'to anyvolation of assured will prevent further settling. of hemlock, elm and tnapl*lu
Oatitht"bt and Over .................. 5 3
5 3 thoe statute which comeig ruder -your The committee found there was difft- Ponationg to the Alexanra Hos- greeting absent friendt;. to do about it liitg been it inntter of 0144 Liberals being the first to. protest
Oalitbltoan� To ceased. sTalo sTialis & Iarfirimps notice afbl� furnl9b part ealitra. the dulty in drying the Inmates' clothing
4 phal ace I Miss Isabel Johnston, $10; againift the Iniquitous arrangements
.Z tbfiViiv of work turnedoutby woro than a or breed ........ to 3 2 matter willreceive immolate atted- after being washed, and the keeper Alre. (Imirroll, $2 worth of groceries, and f 1881, which confined. us within our
a aid 1 .2 tion. Yours truly, J. R. CA-11TWRIGHT. Was authorized to procure catalogues Dr. Holmev a load of wood; Mr. Hick. present narrow limita, and they have
Dal C6w,:Ahy.4 Pl. he said to be unlimited, sinco Fowif,r tittorod' his threat, Axot". 6 ...... I ... and tor artistic beauty, exquisite vanti-
a bo didd ............ 3 2
par alu 4100., 'Ir Yest,tirtlav Mr. limn-aliIiii. br y
P!e LiSM31"riA and under..... 3 2 GOSPEL TEMPRUANOV.-Tirere was and prices for a dryer Installed in the -a steel engraving-, Mrs. Bell, a flake- nient and approtplate design there is ought Always In ally supported even the
80*k, building comVIete, and lay such in- board and rolling pin; Mr. Harold resent Utivernment oil this quetion,
yra 4tid under... - .1 2 a pretty fair audience at. the Temper- formation be ore the committee at Taylor. an operating table. nothing mole to a desired. With the Life 111) fit He !iithough thoy have protested a, nst
The, Ilona at present mar or
ftsili ctd� Lt4,l*r Value, 8WZIWaTAUEI3 indav to bear Mrs. next meeting. ty and beautiful designs in their lic)illte(i to tilt' fact ti[ILL 010 tho Injury done to '51anitoba's 1ma
1.01, &nce Hall last ..... Clock Bryan, of Luckhow, wh6"was the in use being defective, tee inspector In an agnaLeur game ot hockey on goods to be found on the i flow lit,foro by tho undipflnoinatic and improper
any -a Is a pleasur.11
00 a yrR and under w th speaker at the Gospel Temperance and at were authorized to procure tfie West street. rink on SUtUrday counwro, that for both
B". 30-,�ny tile boll,tp, all(l III, Llto rnothoda attompting to make
�lafvatot'pind Tt�h 911"o ..... Diploma bf. morning the Stare downed the Moons, sander and receiver of these tokens,
' ' ' ' ' I �11� � ........ v.: ....... ....... meeting. Mrs, Bryan is a good pump, uarainteed to tump an -eni -r to ttlear the roputation of the Iof It"*
cilh4grl ok 06�,. par vslue 41011. speaker, her Voice is strong and clear asufficlentquarittlyulfwitterfor Ouse the craboln;.0-0. RobDean was and if you would add to the joys of In if - hat W Potting It Phlinly, but the
I '60.. rat vVilao f1w. (1001ERICH MARK�Ti. and- at all times c9old be heard dis- and barn. The inspector and niatron. I he referee. he' return match will Hamter you should be sure to avall govel-ilowerit I)s (Iig(,l1sIil11! t1lp
io AbliverC449 astwin be uotfc�d wheat is one, cent higber thlotly in the emotest part of the are empowered to secure, the aer It cards. The ging report kill(I als() tilt, peopleovidently lacked confidence In
;I r vices take plate tomorrow, and a menlv yourg�lf of these Hastc
thlotfuliket,bukall otlier cereals retnaln at to assist this contest is looked forward to by the fancy tot, picture post cards has been In h\ Mr. the declaration, and pt-cferred to trust
A liall.' Site laid stresi on the import. of a suitable woman it e I a with ma tilit,
V& VA tisikintlist onle-ola G.14 Pricts, agice of the early training of children, matron in sawing and mending. Six 11 1 fe low -
so shis tol, fattitivt go well met by Tock & Soviet n
llutfibi§ 00 iii-oW In separate enver '4ir Wilfrid'4 roplv k�a-� a lCoblin and his colleagueA, and the
th, inter., assortments put tip
of'lw 664rioh taitteris as '104 week, but e0go are 4 cents lind said tbat, Public School, boards ininnates have been received Into the R. H. Pringle, who recentIV sold big
Joirart All othor Itiittisovdatf�. aud farin pro- shalul&exercise great care In selecting house,since Dec. lat. 1006. During the confectionery to Harry Edward, has opes which are unique and approprl- all, not that vote iRanotiretti SirWilfridand hda
I artjo�
r6i �vhlcha* field 6agherp. and -that abstinence quarter one Inmate had been dfu� purchased the grocery at ock of W. J. ate, and Rive one n,chance to distri- ad its Iti ititi-a Lion that cannot be Ignored.
61' ti othow Oh l* I sit i6tit, t0 male t Morrow, Hamilton St. and has taken hiltle Hoster reminders fit a trifling cost. ftilythilif! contained if] till, if-pol-tof
Will ` Ili - g r4 co" 'rhoToronto Star, stout Liberal that It
yb)a�r�, 0 i*qf 4holeliale) It is understood that if the conlIfIlKw('11 44) voll
_;�em aoW from Intoxicitting liquor and tobacco charged. �r businesq, Ask your atationer for Tuck & Solis the inKLIram
ThUkdMIJ should be made one of the essential head of any municipality request the possession and opened out to
Fikg ;6theA I ........ 4� I .. .1116 W W Morrow will shortly leave for HuNter elfirlds- (If tiff, lIolIKI. tsto is, ooninients thit-i oil the verdict:
D oat 'Stan" qualifleationso The speaker coinjisend- inspector and keeper to allow an Mr. IN no reason why the bound -
t 3ioritition. rd r inmate from such municipaIll
2058o ad the present government for the] ty to 011uton, where- he has bought out a vall (oi' action h-, -,any period of tim
D Isillowat GA,julowi $01iIii1titim for ZAddf ....... 2 90 to 220 offort.0 enforce the license law, but leave the house fat Is, grocery stock. More Allbilteration. gaid. Aiiii the londor of Lho ary queition should not be promptly
lot fleilled In Rilel a way as to satisfy
pott4a.,'--p ...... 11 ........ 19 00 to 19 00 claimed. fortbe temperance people a the inspector and keeper may do An. The lacrosse-horkey match on Tues- The Inland revenue department hits ition Manitoba andl iemovp a Atumbilog
at tou ..................... 2t 00 t4 2166 -they qre assist- it was decided that the keeper be paid v n not it had gause, but
if, par ton 1. - I. I . share of the glory, as day a a ing was Issued a bulletin showing analytic blovic front the path of t If(. Manitoba
W, Lo 811 iog the government in this direction J5 for takiiii; the Itobinison woman to' the attendance wits the worst of the Vol, olontlig tho govollit
tests made with tomato catsup. Of [Aberalli. The hmindariesof Manitobit.
ne ....... .. to a gitoater extent than ever before. Orillia. Tfi'�, Inspectifir reported that season, the fog hild the thaw keepil"Ir 41) sampleR tested, otily eight were halt been gloating ovot Of V
............... itt be Incleared go an to ltvie the
Own ............ 07 0 7�71 The astbetion by the ladies' choir It. Hewat *bdA paid $10 for ten weeks people with;n',,diffors. Brooms and lit- found W be unadulterated, the other of the 11 rubbi lift 11 ich ilPiovined, am nParly an poitsib a on at
Llrdw Churb ....... 0 1111 igIttlic As shalt yet be free". was well maintenance in the house. Accounts artimse sticks were pretty good things containing "premervatIves" or coloring we.f� gtlillg to e(Ionliiv with Saf�katchowan, Albertil,
lit doublit
I, vis 1141:1bulme 0 45
ow ".A .. ........... . 120 reudireilananitich appreciated, The froth Dec. let, 1006. to Feb. 28, 1007, to trundle the puck with, If one knows
60 to I matter, or both or being of the nature
...... ........ 3 olo, InIleting next Stifida at 4.15 In -the &mounting to $1,2(S.97, were duly how to use them. anti firitifth C0111robill.aniltbe claink
ff6ftoor dozio OrM 01 of I'm liftilrea" without being no labelled. 9't if Nf anitoba to be the gatp%vay of the
thinut#1011 V 0014, ma ...... to 00 Temperance Hall Vitf be addressed by audited. During the Illness of Mr. E. Wood- It is not difficult to make tornato eat- fill foi- ili4eusnjon in tho Thev
itord 0.111, OKI Mid Cash 4 1510 Rev. 0. X. lKaoon. Singing by the Wvst III Mullion Ila of) tilt to he
y cock (who. however, is making pro- sup of a sufficiently high color Without worn going lo ho shown til', diell. -d �11 croubt It In
a male choir. Everybody welcome. ttid that all Adc AMON0THE CHURCHES. ass towards recovery) Mr. W.A. H. addingdrugs. Neither in it diffieti wings NNotild be all their largely n. roat ter of orntiment, for thet
VOIT; IL-14, fit 171 1 to too 91 It
*i ...... . a 000 0111t6itEN's AID 04spa.-The Exe- iff baa been appointed to attend to to make catsup legitimately, which f til,,, (.riti(.i4yng t1loy eaports, In whateviar Province they
no to the 014 P, ., ...
A �rojkn lulisbaCid bun" ttot
ad *h6 ;W�l 0nitt 11 - so The annual seevict' for sailors and his business eta Iggent ot the Royal In- will keep for clany yearn withoot a
live of .......
66 to * b,.:::
6A fit, t1w -Xii, toll"atwat.- d, ............... 60 cutive of the Childisn's Aid So6lety fishermen will-liff held in Knox church mnv bo Rituated, will he free to the
NVIIi 6 M of this count* are finding an amount ce Co. The Co.'s Inspector was particle of presekvative. and thero In Ivoldd ho I)efof* tile colint—
MAX 00 to 0 suran whole Domininn. But it In just be-
......... 0 is 0 nextStinday evening. here this week and spoke In the high- therefore no good excuse for m(hiltora- Ittit ;t 14 it iatter of sentimprit, and
do, that would surprise the 1qox;th St.
......... 8 2 of wokk to Methodist church calls- eat terms of Mr. Woodcock as their tion by drugs.
:;:: & 'OD A oil, F00%t Illyno and 11111"Af-Ilt hevainio anitoba (Pals titrnng)y about
Monday last bratlis the f4t anniversary of the
pot to 004 average cilttzen. On agant, and by mutual consent. Mr.Cufr In his report, Mr. AlacFarlatip, f-Illpf It that ita-loral pride ought to bo re-
-at' T t tho art
repte three y6ung ebildreA, Who Were dediction of the now church next will represent them for the present I it, given this proceqq for he opprt;�Il find Ito logitimrtte ambition
nit me
......... Olt 0 heading hoiqlb training and maternal Sunday, March 11th. Rev. W. G. He can be found &tTnIC TAILOffice, afl% thoro i,4 ['oil Ing -tit Ie WfI think wp oxpreas the
t�d at tile
0 Vt "I'
'c6lba . �! 11 8 making of tomato catsup: ril gi
Will, 3,0611 4 Ob 0 every stilai ylll r ro ........ -:::::,40" 00 000 care, Wdre"I'Atento the jaog�dors Nuel- Howson of Wlbgb&tn, an able and The regular monthly meeting Boll one bushel of rip winatoes. in tho repoit which rellm-64 tillon aviN ownion of thp people of Ontario when
'fall % of ....... 9 10 tr, Wherethey will be looked after eloquenZ reachor.will'take bothaer- of the Collegiate Institute Boat Akins and all, and wheopnoft ntraln "'Onihor of parlitiniont %o sormaimIN wo may that I be molit generous trea
?fa 0"r
a] whict PO4L ...... d
sittee UtI a ............ to 10
04 n through a collander W removo file 11,4 to Call 1`01' 11,010tt fl�' the o0eWrAt6Jr6AI or4ttk 01 111, 13 th is will justify their return and ensure follows:
until much time as home coinditions vices. T91"e will be special music as was held Thursday of last week, wile thp Prairlo PrE
"&j the ................ ..
........ to 6 the following accounts were ordere vincet. 14 that whk It would give th.,
om TrIffritild tbtt 'heighborhood mollms". lobe aid: Jno, Yule,wiring build- nee ',if greatest Rat i,4f art !,,it 0 prpp�'pr attention, On the same day skins only, Ml* one cup of salt, two Fowlerg threat, lilts nlineoll pach
ld rhat ,loan% t hiLL the people of Mani-
.. . ........ Authout in pounds of brown sular, half an oil t'o ifllfflof� fill, govel.flolollt a[
at Torotito. o U 46oft 4,� tolibse committal to the 10 twill 1 'in ........... I'lain ofinit $1.10; Jam. Wilson, chemicals.
RUIO water supply, $70.00; of cayenne popper, bree o
Sant y
Ity Saft o0los TautilaY itlyonInsr. the Cents ty J sidge was ground allspice, tunce and coler AM its iluagilm toba have not sp,ken without eiyeet.
hand Romin o
no hoot-lasrut JAR, btion rutinble v0lr� Great and -V .70. The second n two ouncesotground cinnamon an the rago of theHeshack d
'lao,oflanr 4*Oobtf jobb hir I% Mila. Add two (Itul t't A
Of o course of treatment at solo. - My Itaileew
w" taken to Mat .............. Aritbotin
writer. offered by 0. M. I stir Into the to
16"nd yAyAIard` Buck type
ra"Itif fat"til, ivaill*'fat� obtm� who v4se"aflit polit iciarim. Thoir proi, i4 )list bo(oi
stwillAtir. All vdt orm at t%m4twitd, the BroV 'Ohilltron's Hospital. At. M, 6 Brown. for $40.00, was purchased. of best cider vin find when Crewe.
fill - d� ZMat Gaid *dd lot WIA9.1 Corne Tilot no Join ..................... Anthain misleading Perorte thoroughly mi ad P ar
x 1t1r.11n Ithrough it thern- slid thov eanilift. fatnelf. Will
years old, the little one Latelv many (InmcnAt. Norw4. Nir. Thog. Cul -
=2 � There wfir be special free win offer- have been In circulation, some of hem sieve. Pour all that runs thro Ill ifIg I') Nvoll]141, theN tiot ;ariko be,t Is bnav getLing home barn that
for Is unable, 4buid Its Iffolil-q. and the
Ings to Apply to cost of roplafra made t I
'hot thot, this Is the result of tieing of deaths that never occurred. into a large kettl nd boil slowly It %ftei proparing tiorN, irahon,,i in fit, he bough roof Hairy litymn, below
list by the recent storm, fLpd 04 1 a all
.600 necessary . Some of togse rumors have caused reduced one-half. Plit h, o of Dungannon: tip ii tearing it down and
tuv,, PO heating plant and the , t gtief for a time, and been bottles and kee tilificlatioll (If tho of thome
(" tbii unnatural 0onditlonis In whid
has Itin'll for bodn raised. An less ulty also t* 'no' grog p in a cool, dai k place,"
necessary "penses. Everybody cord* -A.
moving It home this week it) the Shot,
village of ROU444 8 as Wbod farm. an(] Intends enlarging hin
Irout� the a itery Inconvenient to all concerned. Catsup made by that process, praperIV Tory fnenihoi Ku
ofis� ot4d , s can be taken to proivide idlly weleons
Would It not he well for people to be bottled, ought to keep Indefinitely. thotyloolven fillizzled. harno noxt "ornmer. Crops tire in-
opbOr Tolot for a youallighi mire they are right before reportin a
Meet creaoingthelfti�parwi fly the wily the
who U, Its 6inger of 4tiftlin; to a 1141ing armind here
hit Calendar. person no dead. or In fact cironlat ng Maticking. to lowol the Do farmerfi are h
dtha6lote JII AAd In 611669 tOlKII a Ituron Chapter No. 30, 111 Atil PungorimMleq Barkley returned (if nor hoyn attended
statement without knowing It to uwe Id pit whalpe two A an2it Toe syevoultig. be true? fTlinl0tI IMI'llRoMot thall has anythini, Jan. Raundorq'wood bee and (lance on
aCol. "it
W blideft, *I(b it. hopelessly sick fistbot, ritafttl6it of still T6106 Council this Tile SkIdoon and Tecumseh hockey home after,it short vlAtt with friendn that haq lonen Thuruday last wpok.-Aam Sherwood
WalidwAW44 A"Tallontor Jim -1 bly a =a here. -Wes. and Alfred Sherwood tion. It ig tho fir,;t tinne that, a go% sold a load
.7-P 1 11 _0* in' need, o � hot and pftil (Fil ay) oVtolifiri 4tims crossed sticks the past week In of alleep lant viweek and
6f WrAt. 'rho wriat) t4t,6 %�Isdlan Order of
;c, ri to a goold nine, with the scare 2 to I In bought two more the came (lay. Busy
t6 4t of Mott were down here last Friday night, on
lk Wo 9 Home 0 tl�os %III b_" old next xUlav eventift. buniness. don't tell on them, boys. ernovent wid its f4tippotter% III-,
w edwaf be 0 le of the c6ffd�y to favor o (lie 23 chaps, who nav they vn day. Ram. wan it not? but there is good
44= of tbJg-vorke,AVd the Match ateL now entitled to the city league GENnit" Nom. -4. B. Brown to eowod and tidenced by a threat that nonoy In qhcep now. -Jan. Culbert is
hoo. neolular 0166tiflir'61' rArk ft 1, IL T. of I
119 art ;W -o% to do th ir - vully taking out Plus this weak for
AeeNAUY for 09411 Zt T., on Monday alieftfAir, &tell 2 -
too italuillonship. At half time the more engaged withStkphen Stothera hauling if thev list e dotV tho pri I
effort# to It Is no ficolt court Godeffell. NO, 10, 0, IV.. will meet -*#@ I to.0 to their favor, and they stone for a new house this Primmer. vale of some of them will he building purponea; be must Intend do-
'JWA, Of theit re citiltill, ftiftle bY f0figalls, flMTkinwifftyie"Alat. claim that but for the extra time &I- Steve must have caught thilt (ever that Ing Goine re ablelp this
kiitt *4 4 A*�ft Ilk 'J* It, m the fit time that. pairing to his at
in raging this winter around hero. It numnier. _ .4 Rivett went to Goderich
t , they e 6 )lot rdslltO thik slb*�m lo*e4 the Ifidlatis It would have been
bulyth6lie Who infom iti the work week for m Inad of good flour.
6 WhitewSills for them. The Sk Idons is time all r lit, and vourturnwill both (if the parties :if Life house last
viloo *404 -XAltIiUd41fJ6 at the W-tJs6sfse04,Xfidth6 x6cUH064iftbe 1*r they *6tild like another game It come to all. on't he weary fortned a. conitipil-aeN of nilonce in ni- lght� ain't It-, Shack P
sitto 16 of well r
an rAUrdAll- WtAther Will allow. aud If not they dolifil, Iftgnilern thadmeolid
t& Countf, AMWIxtitin arm Whfillftt that der to fithiold it off one PURSON A L. - -J. R, Brown. Of M3fO-
6mr, all. to Aff, bql. %V. J. A. c(JtfP w
gig 6,010 leArit therwilithey got, a son. ftfit the tophy handed over to their day or It a wooll ee las and king, was the giteat of Ike Gauloy lant
*f be t*
30JOW409tf,, 110611fdW "In f#$r6b4 to I it re 011irili till the4ext season. John Wig- thin party at night, Sam Aherwood'i; 4i'llf, rtnf] ilphaucheelf oil the othei Sunday. -5,11 v. anti Airs. Sam Sherwood
11 flot tefer6tit tite game still the fol- saw did good vork, but he had Robert Thorn iq need of womething more viliftod frionda at Belfast last, Sunday.
most vws� A i*U-W lalo!16 ikfli� Ae"Ittilk 0, lit ovie * Mug to adopt ^ 00twent
wrlis *W r*tty ow, aftit **,ati *60a 00
Attill 'JAIT�Q $&IOUb, Od"M Monary on the Oth end, that helped
Ilo"gilt tooet, 661 ' lifightlit at 6*109 wasi tht line up s than ventilation and diflinfoetantq at I Orton and Orville Durnin were home
phtmital nowill it a lot. - Nat Rau Its Was away to huhwtv There in nped of a thorough from the G. 0. 1. ovpr SundfLy.-Tsalic
f elifidt#11 pit"
-ft - Z Old Webb grent &,coastal,:; Proapailty an it trade this week a we Chaj. 14110DOIlaah lant,
the'AvivAo 1*106 tori,kom flitkk ibitt tboy 14W not ro-010* tm�Fhsihed t in, P"Int 1) ke wish him ifireom In his deal. collmo of houge 04-kninn.
111141fe V1410 All Int X f,
to boittl lo 016irs by, Dlvlfi6 o I?
tX16 tim 10$6 44** tnigli tight* t re
'It is Youth 10 eminently tile fittast ne"O" VanIt7, flattery and develt am the No� untill you make to -on self-tall4lit,
;of* to 140% Imp b - isd4t*W* AM bolieri elipest thel* I"" Carrili
0r rtt 0% F640 Ift"w its throo diwgracea.--Horace Greeley.
'AtAftil t I I , t6 giid, it 0; 1102 for entablishing hisbito of Industry. Intelligentv find fond of stVul(iglb-fon�
a -it opft aw doot ip A (loth
Jawfiew Alitelsoll vtoodent -
violti, 00� thi,0041 dtol, wt We should Impart to others our I have lived to know that the coeret dor of atflugglo than ot holp-xiot till
tla� r
it it is the great courage, and not out deliVal of happinesa Is never to allow your tboth havo you "Ilwd t*v#rty--
OAU _P u-Adani Clarke. Phillips BrOOKWA
tt �Imt' 6f, omor %d, fit actuid vmmisisa; To k"a
"COO too**.- health and ease. itud not dur, dimeam (literalism to stagnate.