The Goderich Star, 1907-03-08, Page 6• ..,
411i,Er KIEebefiltle
. :Or CO LIVEIt (0,e)
'Llt the grieettlitt feed end 111$414
hc14ke lelleteri.8 hie 1,10 tenet's.* it
emu ler Mt wasting Olterttes, and
threatochett fout Mug trOuttlee. It ti
ar germ destreyer and StfettOth Prndtit?'
eqsttentsbing Mat' netorieg the vital
Orgonl. IN'a Dr.rfael losel and Yilit
nOiltblned. lt it pleatent
to take, At . predigested Mid fially
ter00 y ltiij utnet 40004 etelleeeh,
Doctors Prescribe it
W olf leT the 'Meg Prominent medical
Men PeWrietti,IP, In their regular PrOP,
Ili Prtlefell te all ollierre •
). ,Notromo illib*,ibt, .Ntrotp4 tart: pAi •
Ow* et eine le ireocias dimes* tee
titer oil Steereastis am* tatter trenurs in
11s, eitteuteenairt el int all imemetlite too via
omen toe *memo ye Se moraine ell tiro mediae
eekvelesse SU pine oil.
• - i unloose liSeelerikesParticle* eaii surpass*
eakeSathe reirilt 4" 1401401 nt Om Oct Siser pin
Anse to retain ** tattelsoe emcee ere
Dew, reernis *Riven** 044 14C0414111144:•144
4147401144 the Apt v sirboten a oil on. e. k
en* smote* °munition as tee noes for Ike
r.aa:n OKI 11 11 slate a tho pine oil ie Um vsr
kii.4 _aria* ct" trualtibb. As an eareiatee
mum 1;044 Um on s eosins Oaolatulatua patriot.
T1 e T. Wrens Oroadatoeisal goatee*, *it* of
alien Cs1. J POOR Illeyekiele ANIke 10restedeieeed
lIveript•H•4 ItmovIt4i•
weirsh papers:hat/et been tellifell of lido A
tele* tit ,wendernd tAteri Of t *neer
effeetee', at Cerifigert by . two.' .-hrottlere.
anted Wane by MOO el berbet, Mee*
elenelly ono OP teeT,,e/ titian Merit, WOO
*MOO M the 4.0110011, yenerei but IV.
•' body Peet *ugh Ireed, eenstiteriftle thetts
. Mere laleS or erry tpiaakery,,.. •
toe* seri
alle411104 *OAS Siel
tregooriari 100105, k
iseetattgerof /Oat 00
u,r.. Pot**
. is* tuitions
4-04010-04 0+041k**0+00+0tO40 +044i+G**+""Gt
CHAMO XXII-eeiceildoltea that Mattes one Mr Me Moment feel oure
„nh that one hat deketed deem or ettet-
Amelia hes Passed hv Antler. flow men hid ranges there
&It's "r4"511nee'14° 1/1creued litliC1* ere I ' One can 4.44 six or seven like
nos to tier ehe bee been led to ManY tee tt I hed ld
hoelodushhoilutiriso vcPeryrIO ottiteedtul lin°4settpean141 •-Quetteatitlibuleholnntithei"yettiress IdlaY *10°Ilefielms413re
hmv11./ " trvubleswnekrtirn Min' Yet allMilditUtengellinudrecY 179"nitrIgeastheffraaankat"OYI°Uibig
the suoht eentect of her ngere heePe Aneeygeee ihet ts se lone before he
him r•Minded thot alit la there' Pee" eildft lav-veiced, Meekinequestion to
hops It is as well, alnea to.„_ _,4a1 be Ye tx‘s 04000004407
conscious of ouch a strange aimeleng ?!) maw you oilseed ret very much?"
forget aerYtilltigt Peale Present* 15. `e Tee women addressed seems in no
hurry to answ r She has dra her
Minds been laid upon his heart, fa nurrow brown °bre' ws tiz) ether, usw°0
Mere little freedollis With Min than elleridgesa On P e
c.ome, Hea Ono of the Monies Miran
tbe effort to hit irtlth ger nicest shad?)
it into so frozen a quiet? To -day he
fee* as if it were absOlutelY irnisesoss"" he -e answer. Then she speeks with a
sort, of &aft kinrenionstrance
"Oh, surely I I must have missed you
ou were 50 extraordinarily, 80 un-
etintehly kind to us r
nets is not one Of Us who would not
either be loved for what we are than
for what We do; eo it IS perhaps no won-
der if the young wornares reply strikes
With en unreasonable chill upon the
asker'a heart,
"YOU /nest have balm very little used
I.; kirldneas all your life," he Soya, with
Some brusquert, "te ite* co diSpnopor-
gonatOlY grateMI for olY irUMPerY
She. hesitates a moment, tbeti
eYoll are right," :Me rerieS- .1 have
to la • puttee te sato merino
a4 1044 sa„,,osteme ensue to him to experience either pleasUro Or
elerramai tioreiatioe unelitn icItctpl eel pain, as If to hold Elistrbeth hie Own
grant.07414114witottikeritirsloirit wills* or See her in krnifet Would be to
etteartat au/Amt. banish as won as emotes him equally indifferenL His smithy in
tptnty patirati, thet it *twat asenosaili this latter respectds to be put to the Wilt
,511110P..4,0:V1,111:1' „rdd 1'4= :,!,haetitt sooner than he expects. Not indeed that
Elizabeth is lyieg in Byngs arnts-it
wan. 49r 1014,'
If you need Cod Liv4r 011, or are weak
Irrld ran demi arse Oxomuision. Al all
OrUggilLs at 350 and $1.00 per bottle.
floine-Made Articles Outnumber the
$weden is the Immo of the handl
crafts. In addition to manual training
taught In schools, the most exquisite
handwriting, lace -making, brass work,
even pottery, is dOne by the peasants.
.Veseh district hsts its own patterns,
whiCh the peasants make and wear,
dee:1411g it unpatriotic to have aught
to do with patterns of other locatities.
'Because of the handicrafts., Sweden has
not tinny textile factories, says the
Crafter/Dein, although there aro some
svhere oenditions o/ work are, for the
/most part, good. The people, however,
ere encouraged to conUnue hand-weav-
frig and' to hold to their time-bonered
iridhstrial cutoms rather than to take
the risk of a disturbed economic order
due to a market glutted with shoddy
trash. In all Sweden there aro to -day
out about 10,00 factories of all kinds,
ten 'toying In all a little more than 265,-
wribtinfasstiot a- great number -out
Or a, total population of more Mum 5,-
voopoo .
, _ _ .
BY Dr. Williams ' Pink Pills Alter
,DOctors" irment Had Failed.
Skin"lanible''e ndioates that the blood
is in a ,ptilsoned state. it is the poison
an rthe "'blood . that ceuses blotches,
pirepies, eczema, boils, salt -rheum or
bit coMpleition. Dr. Williams' Pink
PIfl matte-rleig red blood that banishes
thee troublesir Min Osborne, wife of
AndreW %borne, clerk of the Township
rf Itennebeo, Frontenao County, .Ont.,
writoo: I cannot epeak too highly et
Dr. Wilifulas' Pink Pills, for they did
for me What dootors failed to do. Some
years ago 1 wee attacked by salt -rheum
In the litteds,-"eaused by a run-down.
cendillim of my hlooel. I endured the
-tortures of this terrible disease tor
seine time, and only thole° who have
s been similarly eillioted can -realize my
suffering,. At limes my hands were so
bad that I could net eolith my hair. 1
was. helples.s. 1 gonaulted 'a doctor but
./liseitentnetin. kited- to -batiellt -rne-my
case satiated incurable. While in this
coriditlith 1 read of Dr. Williams' Pink
Plitt and dectded to give them a trial.
Soon I began to improve, and by the
tIMe 1 had •igken about, a dozen boxes
1 teas .completely cured, and I have not
sinee had tins'elightest return of the
trceible. 1 can heartily reeommend Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills to all similar suf-
You can't cure eczema, salt -rheum
and akin eruptions with salves and out -
watt applications. These troubles are
rooted in the blood and can only te
cured through the rich, red blood Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills actually make. This
stelple medleal fact should be known
to everyone. Dr. William?' Pink Pills
riot only care skim diseases, but all
otlier troubles caused by bad blood, such
as anaemia, with its headaches, side-
ochas and baelnicheee heart palpitation.
&ligation, rheum/41am, neuralgic:, 51.
Vans dance Mid (he special ailments'
that afflict, to many women and gem.
ing •girls. 'Veer MR get these pills from
yet*, medicine .deater or by mail at 50
cents a hex or Six boxes for 812.t0 from
The'DIS Williellig. Medicine Co., Brook-
ville, Ont.
Maiden Lady (Melted from drowning-
tn her reenierl: 'tiny eanseever thank
yeti, noble young than? Are, you mar -
out f"
Young Mao: ; have you got it
pretty daughter"
Mother t "Why, did yoU let him kiss
yen?" Maud ;," f,AVVell, he was so Moe
abobt It. iferiSkernear "The idea!
haven't told Yoll, YOU Mug% learn to say
?" "There 'whet 1 did say. He meted
me ra vest angry if he kissed nie I"
et4lieriettlethe 19. AIL -The soldier, the
1110 fisherman, the miner, the
feratee.,Itto Meelletile. and all who live
vea of foil and epend their mtletence
, ilea ittitille or tedious tusks and
'et* ktro tglinssa to injuries and en-
tre& /het Melee' Who loll not do nol
UMW, Will Slid 10 Dr. Thomare Eckel -
Irk! 011 ell4ellellt friend and hen°.
Id- ter la 01/01 IWO of need.
teat bet:, "le there ony cenneeting
fink 1,elweeri the Anima and the vege-
kireedieniell Bright, :
"Wren IVA)."
thee an Our ties tout soh511
set enesairste. aiely Mutat
tuseratete. relief era MU
Tie Pa roma ei *natio*
Fortiette Telleer "I eee by Your nant
assail tEe, When you're twenty.saven.
MAI*: "MIL <MY dear women, rto
terestiphilt, IrOthinn 'fetter:
4Why„ yood mart, you should have
been ti#ert t‘to yaws. 'totem laiOg
under ret.,*prticutesr
would be a gross misrepresentetion
say so, she being, on the contrary, meet
aeeorously poised on a canmalOole-least
roMantto of human resting-placesesevvhen
they come suddenly upon her and him
In the course of their prowl round the
inhospitable walls. She is sitting on •her
cannestool, and he is „lying on has Nee
In the grass, just not touching her stint
The advencing piney perceives the
couple advanced upon -before the latter
are aware of their nearness; long eneugh
for the former to realize how very much
•de trop they will he, yet not long
enough to enable them to escape un-
noticed. Jim becomes. aware of the very
second at which Amelia recognizes the
uncensolous pair, by rin involuntary
pinch of her fingers upon his aria, which
a moment. later she,haeUly drops. His
own feeling on catching eight of tbem-
no, not his very first-hisvery first is as
if some ono had run darningneedie
into his heart -but almost his first Is to
shout out to them in loud warning :
• "Be on your •guard I We are clue to
you I" -
Ho will never forgive eiteer himself
or them if they ignorantly indugeen any
endearment under his very eyes. • But
ihey do not. Thera are no Interlacing.
arms to disengage; nothing to make
thui stintitreaciet 'WW1 rit,
look up and take In the fact -an un-.
welcome fact it must needs be -of their
On hearing approaching footsteps,
Byng rolls over on his back in the grass;
on perceiving that most of the foot-
steps are those of ladies, he springs to
his feet. Elizabeth remains sitting on her
camp -stool.
"What a coincidence I" cries Cecilia,
breaking int* a laugh.
They are all grateful to her for the re-
mark, though It Is rather a silly one, as
there is no particular coincidence in the
case. Burgoyne is irritably conscious
that Amelia is covertly observing hirn,
and before -be Can check hints -elf' he 'has
thrown over his shoulder at her one of
those snubbing glances from which, for
the last ten days, he ha.s painstakingly
and remorsefully refrained. It Is not a
happy moment to look at poor Amelia,
as she has net Yet cooled down from tho
heat of her climb through the fir woode-
n heat that lransietes itself into patchy
gushes all over her Noe not •sparing
even her forehead.- BilzabZ422.15 'flushed,
too. She has WA. met Mlle Vintson since
she had declined Burgo3nins offer of
bringing. Ma. betrothed to .eee. her,and
hersdeprbeittilitelYeethereste oblitriffid
tremulous recellection of this •fach But
below, the pat and the deprecation and
the tremor, what else is there in Mize.
beth's eyes? What of splendid and
startlingil and that domes but once In it
lifetime? Rather than be obliged to give
a name to that vulgar radiance, Jim
turns his back upon his own too glowing
dear one.
"Did you come here all alone? You
Iwo all Slone? What fun I" asks Ce-
cilia, with an air of delighted curiosity.
Again her campanlons inwardly
thank her. ft is the question that both -
though with different degrees of eager-
ness -have been thirsting lo ask.
"Alone ?-eh, no I" replies Elizabeth,
with that uneasy, frishtened look that
Burgoyne hat always noticed on her lace
when she has been brought into unwill-
ing relation with strangers. "My mother
is here -she came with us ; why, where
Is she ?"-looking around with a startled
air -"she was here a moment ago."
A grim smile curves Jim's mouth. It
19 evident that the unhappy Mrs. Le Mar-
chant, worn out with her role of duenna,
has glipped away without being misted
by either of her companions. Would
they have even discovered her absence
but for Ceellia's query?
"Mrs. Le Merchant was here it moment
ago," echoes 13yng, addressing the corn-
pany generallr, "but"-do&gingl his
friend's eyes -"she said she was a little
stiff from sitting so long; she must be
quite close by."
"I will go and look for her says
Elizabeth, confused, and tieing her
rickety seat as she speaks; but Amelia,
who is nearest to hsr, puts out a friendly
hand in prohibition.
"Oh, do not Stir I" she eriee, snlitin0
kindly and adeeringly, ''S'ou look .54
comfortaBle, IN1 me go and search for
Mrs. Le Marchard ; • 1 -1 -should be
afraid to slt down, I am so hot. 1.
slibuld like to find tier; Cecilia will help
me, and Mr. Byng tent show us the
It is not always that generous actions
meat their meed of gratittute from Mose
far whose sake iheY art4 Perloemedt
and, though Ottriebyite •recOgnizes the
magnanimity of his fiancee's line of
eonduce, thankfulness to her for it Is
not the uppermost 'feeling In his mind
when, e few riminerite later, he finds
himself ,slantling lit uneasy 101e -it -tote
ever the seated Elizabeth. •
aWili not you sit doWil?" she mice,
presently, eddirg, with ik 16W, UMW
laugh, "I do not know why '1 Should in -
*he you, es if "eeglaneitig .eound at the
etifeetteptel panorama-4We Were my,
Ifis tomplies, Wog tare OS eteupy,.
quite different six feet of bolter from
thee Width litt/S 41M.Oitpriatt
%/tire lengthy Witte The grees MOWS
e,not and fresh, hill ballot um and tall
bitia bugle out Of 'Mehl Vie grey Mends-
tery wet Ake, in Ite titter lifeless
ellenee, with ite tetell betted vetinetoWse
Was eVet ttnY 'Wilding, evtlieli le
.htervinflifle.eet militterehly .801 As he,
•-lertrieshN elbow smog the Idlig.011444
Tim soye let tenteelt the% Ille,feerte Ited.
not received allY great 111 dilefes
•life -justice, well, yes clung*
but, no, ne, not very mtetit*merey;'
Here:candid and ccitriposed. admission
of a need, for mercy Whets yet farther
that pained nutosity„ teleeti has alweye
heel! Once of the etrongeet elements in
bit Uneeintortable inter* in her. But,
the Very stinainese Of that interest
makes hiert, shy away awkwardly from
the subject of her pet. •
.1 always think," he says., 'that there
Is something fatuieus in a man's apolo-
gizing to a lady for, not having been to
see her, as if the loss were hers, and not
"la there? All the aame, I am sorry
that you did not come."
This, simple and uneophieticated im-
plication of a liking for him weuld have
warmed again the uneasy heart that
her former speech had chilled had not
NOE wotou utonNo. '
40'''11.0 was OMPIOYC4 ,1 eltr Ann 'of '
deelent In brieseehele 0,04 old inmate*
1.0 rureEdiatriC* Of atv
liquitIM *hit *wady ht 44prati Aft eleti
iestilehed cottage nOtlIng *t tbik Moto:of
a mit.
Surety here, in tide • edeteWeeld
there would he soMethintlitillaMS.,
He knecited sharply ;titethe' dbore:etet
a weary -looking VOITI114 etteeLetehls
"Di YOU ilaVen to bit. int' snhlque
furni ure, earsnIto mnqu1r.l
any old ofnalliente; stlelt.'„2.,est
•Idols, :or euetellica danger •
The women looked lette#4(4e0
moment. •
"I think Eve got enein she, .,:k1t44. *-
length. • •
Agog witheeXeitelittiol,hatelletrelliter
into the heese and to • IVOM,,,,W fte,et PAY
a hulking felloW who wee' titee',44,P on
a couch.
"There it it," 'She rapli4eltsPednung to
the'cOuch. • ",s s;
"He's the only idle Meat
place....hasn't done any Wets." lor-
he may do for you; eef'ettetein
no ornament.":
, .lint there Is eile Irak Itt iltent. 'after
41),. I'llu'f'll' ori)PtWrallsou'Pr44!711trhiell:6111415:!771ttf':'Vree*1 4ra414'114144:111:::
;Ie.What he'retperte e',.., • .. - ' • : ,. ' ..
,Practidertere hiatiehfeat treating411,klade
, el external dIsaesee.'Witkelfilinente 'and
:sataltee Made entirely.; freite Iterlas,:- but
Paity-Artect their 011000 rrementos, est*
.''Oelect'' 111:1;4-11''''e441.'1.4%':°'411‘.111'1**".41:°)411kiltliii*V-:114"1-4\5:11,-1:'"I'll':Ii1J:$114.: 747tICkliNllet5.74Ptitlit'Orraloiy' E 07-'.."..i!ralsaTeetir?I',1,11°:r*eete,
* ''‘...‘-.:141ixilzrtal.w...i.r.:79:1',70410‘14441:1774444::::;' w'Rtia''tillis:7:11:i11:-"7:sallwat414.:::::4147.. *:::::;:'','' 'PetNiiiin":W14°.:14,,U1?'tbP-14htaautlInte.sut!Phi:trj.tti8i'tgleotnI4m.14411't14:141.11toe'g.0:114.1445:il.ilaiitul''intt-:P'ta:W641.1::rtlsiluLtrckevi::::::!::ta"11°1te;
entlit2.40 41r4itliaillwiekt 4:41:4•.,...0.4147.41.1. demoneerate that Die hielitatifea ill the '.
**term ant 51111. , •
.15.? teseeeree eidese.,,eb,*;,„_deteeiet..,01.1,so,,, Ars exuanstons of ihe rOOta of the Pri.
0.... *sat caret *hoer ..ricetore ,•aed blif',-a;at'v.esa secondary: involvements
, eltat01," tretertemaouleletitYe're:'7110. :!tr777047' ':°Iitiori4SreF'i 61"ibYdisiirea4 eg°titaulataY herbel
* et; one eer'ehe corer lereveC Alai' balite . e method. . , o • opp y .. .., ., .
erblett She oweeeeneetteatesomi iltilbe ointetent otie tieepetion :In • tbe cafteer,.
otoe,etitekre: wad .1tertertestrIttre,, ere ere which, according lo 'theists .causes - t,ho
eseueste. easitt lit title rereetSblaineag• , eeota On all Odes to vvitnclraw into the
4 s. sentient Veen/a, .1401 lie , along grieivet eevehetheri falls off.
,,,iiy. thee is MilliOir1.50eien woe iited Atter this the skin legate ewer the wenn&
44re,, ini4tin*.riere They assert th t the never1 '
461*****..,wearkttre.'Iralai.O4*SSYStr.,a4444144diliti! ill' away end havealked only on'oru'rtnwoe ile,
engi"teleltsie,1114,310141r.W.114.41t Ii tU:A"'PlxitniXte,altiTa:v3reettorso;Ine to them from • all
, atiller's leilleellasas. Yet/ , Moira
leadneya *Mine togive el rod. ere over Widee and Sonpand end even a few
,T•f, se ee tent/Wier weleals who aceiters :rein Lorelon,!'. -
*b.te• ise°44e4aLtif eitti"eentr;aire" to4'1‘,:olliramirri: • LIVE IN 'QUIET MANNER.
22414,41„,,t,.. iv; Ivo 7.,:!tratitiritr.1127.. lititi
:ofeee ,w espial ti 'serer; with, t *Me in
eat butt .bpnic see -leinesaltrieitelown
eolateess, riereousneek preen& Ili see;atitele.
el% ikagaotit,!!er4‘elli`eell.lineTre Ird611101St"erre4 ca,114
gibe/14,10011e sin rte. tsdenn, and goes
her ennui azi, address to Mr. Omit p: .„„,, a .,, ,,,,,,, , „..
Xbro0,41::;:tetir°0,:a0$14, attlIbegr,r901116:in:::4:10111' anliekvayin.'lryympeell. tie- 4ate'er:et ''ocr du%2erreuwttt, wle(rvs,..,est7,4"sttod .hleirti:,
n'stostst Itsit of her toatskilons inediobtar' also their cellection • et esPeOlniens in
At present there are 'About fortpdvs
ril:cicrst luilleCeri, elcallitleslinto‘i:46easn9d4 luthrePt
71ErrliveraYcjiitenet btlit%raset'e'eOrtnis'. :'..',M be the
• ottlensrne"..11°11Entriefre-41-oln Iteibing traPtlive:121Yertisint
quacks, With a deeiret feeetitorlety, they
.are deerdy terligt_otisAnanitonelit iie Very
difiloUlt to get -11rstsbandintewledge Of
ti▪ the lights being mysteriously extin.--their methods. They s tits very little
English and understand.less
_ :!.,,,,-.
ore, Mane' Sfiledbers throughout
Cane:due' who do not hesitate to say that
*Ors anti iiro00001
ZS.�. i.t
s Tint 11111011111,1* OICIOSATOS COMPANY' kintItook
ver:11,'*erie.-4:!1":** 40, .etri 4•' osAls e1oog1
STANIAR. $10111INCIL 1.1010$4
, Moms 1P*04! out
Zarreauk, the favorite household beim
and salve, is now adoptsn as 'Ilse Dec'
ter" by leading parties engaged in Or-
veying variety's resets of Detitnion
M. Henry Hall, writing trent Fort
William, says: "Having proved' bow
beneftelal Zant-BUic is in Casco of etlia.2
akin iniurtes and diseases I,deternlinee
he under the epperileins_theisgesgemesse ha keep 4 simply handys eing engaged
re cit fade, seen, still ahining to go on ii-survey;"-FilideglitstreVertilit
with eteady lustre, that radience which
has ae little been called forth by, as it
berdirinned- by-Olm or anything re-
lating to hitn. And so he Oases by in
silence the expression at that sorroW
which he bitterly knows to be so sup-
The, still spirit of the dor seems lo
have touched the.very 'birds. They sing
a few lav notes in veiled, chastened
voices •from,the flrevocid, and again are
silent. The clock Nlis (he hours In quar-
ters to the doomed lives inside the
monastery, self-doonied to auffering and
penance and thearceration, even with the
winning blue of the Tuscan sky above
their tonsured heads, with the forgenma-
nets pressing their feet, and the night:.
&gales singing endlees love -songs • to
them froni the little dark forest, near at
hand. '
"I suppose," says .Elizabeth presently,
In a reflective tone, 'that the fact is,
when people are in your position -1
mean on the brink of a great deep haps
piness-ther terget all lesser •things?"
• hte snatches a hasty glance of siispi:
Mon lit her. Is this' her revenge tor his
neglect of her? But nothing can look
cte_ innocent eeeeteete,itunkei. then :her
ethel[proille, bent linear& 'the gigantio
forget-me-nots and the pulmonaria,
azure as gentians.
"The big fish" -her little face brealcing
into one of her lovely smiles, which, by
a turn of her head from side le she
offers in its eompleteness to his gate -
"swallows up ell the little gudgeons 1
Poor little gudgeon:if"
"Poor little gudgeons I" he ediees
stupidly, arid then begins to laugh at hie
own wool-gatherisig.
"And now I suppose you will be going
directly -going homer pursues she,
looking at him tuni his laughter with
a soft surprise.
"I hope sce and -and -you too?"
She gives 'a start, and the sky.colored
nosegey in her hand drops into her lap.
"We-weS? Why should we go home?
We have nothing pleas:int to go. to, and"
-looking round with a passionate relish
at minintain, and sulinsed far plain. and
sappy spring grass -"we are so well -
so infinitely well herel" Then, pulling
.herself together, and speaking in a more
composed key, "but, yes, elf antr$e, we
too ishall go by-and-by: thN cannot lest
forever-ntithing lasts forever. That is
the mie thought that has kept me alive
all these years; but aow—"
She breaks off.
"Mit now.?"
Even as he watches her, Putting...MIS.
echoed interrogation, he sees the Odle
once breaking through the elout°his
questlen had' gathered, as a very strong
sun intake through it very translucent
exhaidition. •
"nut noW ?" she eepeals vaguely, arid
emiling to herself, forgetful of his vett
presence besIde her -"But now? Did 1,
say 'But now?' Ah, here they are beck
agate( I"
(To be iserainued).
A FALSE Aanst or mg.
Minister of the Gospel Attempted to
Lower One of the goata,
II Was on board the Northern Limit.
says P.aptain Osbon In "A Satter tif Far•
tune," diet a Ialso alarm at fire wal
teunded Mad disaster prevented. only by
promet action. A posseriger looking
down through the boiler hatch Saw (he
be a Meet useful thing to take. along.
I obtained it supply in 'Foil, William
and very wen it was I did 40,---1 nisy
say that pretty nearly evq.y.eley,itsweis
called into requisition by ,one et other
of the party for cuts, bruises, burns, or
some injury or other. It- is Wonderful
how quickly Zam-Buk takes the sore-
ness out ef cuts, burns, besdles and ire
juries; and on our survey -et earned
golden opinions from all Swho had tie,
ca.910n. to try it. I have found it very
fine for skin disease, and 4, earl steente-
iy recommend it as a hourieheild .paltn,"
Mr. Laseelles Scott, one: el,..the lead-
ing Government analyste, says: haVe,
nu hesitation in certifying the eMlre
purity of Zam-Buk. which itiertii a:Mit-
ten is excellently adapted; fori Sit, in' ire
juries and • diseases." Zeiri-Bilk Mires
cuts, scalds, burns, bruises; Menne
scalp sores, ringworee, ulcers, absceee•
es, chapped place, Spring pimples, blood
poison, chronic...abscesses, eke As • en
enbrocetion It relieves ,rhaumatism,
neeraigia atilt 'Waned: druggiets
and stores sell at eacs a or from
Zam-Buic Co., Toronto, for , rime 6
loxes.sents for $2,50. Send _ iitamp
nd WirEndill yeirteeee rnpeeteire.
• ,y
Strange Fulfillment in Caste: the Mon-
tague ramity-leitrittre
From India..
Ghosts have been made a tub" jetit,Of
areful scientific battery . setindee
ANNEAL' !wont' OF InE NOM.
,Itet iffeeerved. tar ,Capture of
TOO ;Bobbing Caw la pettish
The 'brothers h've veiih'eptelentioeslY 'kN",eire:etshhee/ePyrn"es°$4Yelii:4,eptill7Q;1°Pt:::F3tt,e,1:41:11t,at'nett'1114,01mIllti:InatTlePt'IdeneerP11:atreitliete4inliar
on their farm about tWer ritilee Iron/ Cars 4 susengto of the 101'0 Oa Dec. tat last
Oigan gverY InOrnint•theY, Walk -bile selse 448 meif' ,5/6.1tories tied 53 do s
town with their pockets lilted with leaves cenutossisn'er 'perry stiYa hist/
arid preparations of 'their tweet reaiedy. -timard ,a4d, (be 4ntitchntent under hie
They have • small ottrgery,.where there toirsusio &Attains, er.sos, men, have
u eheule.base,
4nuatuaber this amerwill not 1*ss tons,
ir thousande and thoutands of -women,
retreat* turerind trill, take adeonsego os
t ittoPons Means Of aptlitie maids no
ott rart alItng de net inoter, Cutler
but ..tresa sour Rama and- address to
rt.Amor for tig-'..14..sutd...-erati, rain
tore due 410,990.09 wenn KOWA' '
„The tirst Protestant Montague, how -
ate, reverted on his deathbed to the
a clentsfaith ; and perhaPs this VMS the
rd n that in spite otatie curse he died
plei *fully in his bed. His son -did not
liedleenjey tee estate. He was drown
la; the Rhine trying to shoot the falls of , liaby's Own Tablets have saved the
Sehaffhatiten, and the ,storys goes that !lives of their ',tittle onesse One of these
Otto messenger, comini Pest Mate to lb., Mrs, John Shorn% Georgetown, 'Ont.,
England with bits evil. idings, wag met., who says; "I havo no 'hentation in say-
seSCalalis by another messenger with the ing that I believe thatlieby'e Own„Tab-
neees that Cowdray House had been lets saved my little girl'Elite. From the Government e und.-the Canadian Pacific
binned to tile 'wound. ' time inte.little girl .wee :three months Railway Cornpany, and $1,500 by the
, The tragic fulfilment of. the double old she cried all the line with &dips- Drilish Cc/tumble, sGovernmeet, in sae
dirge of "fird mid- water" was 2 wh a ' lien. She was frail and puny; her food 11E500, for tee- eapeuro- of the robbers.
sere Wok', _that no effort appears to I did her no goad, and li. wee literally On behalf of -the-members of the force
rinoed rnensien frem further damage or I worn out taking care of .her. The doc- 'who effe,cted the cepture the counts:
Ittigh been :made te preserve the half i
[tor treated her for some time and ilit, Stoner aPPlied for the reWards but le
til.,1*.storell in any way, The family re- Miv told us h could do nO 'itioFe tor lied not received any portion; 'net` had
deiced to a lodge in the park, which has ' ---- - -- e --
i her and We did not exnecteshe 'Would. he - been informed, whether they would
st en been -much enla ed andsoliemanie
e e present Cowdret uSe.
*1' he estate passed to ihe sister of the
'drowned heir, and not many years later
outte.ot watensens,; again, .fulfilled 2
tWo sons were drowned by the up -
ng 0( 11 boat before the very eyes of '
ir parents.. The title went te the next been terribly •constipated, moved regu. duct, drunkenness being the cause, fry
ale Moritagile in the succession, Who hely. Frani .that tine she began to nearly every case. Sixty -tour. melt PM'
d without , h-eir,. and . -'H'end Ls now as heal- chased .th.eir discharge for the purpose
lt is certainly a story full of •strange .
edinoldences. A somewhat eirellcir eierY Ms' will promptly • euro • all' the minor foiritosw,saantny;d1se stoHorewcrEuirit. DErEcr.
of- a curse coming true' was related to ailments of 'babies and Young 'children,
tita writer by a gentleman who Wes per- , and the mother has a, guarantee of a ,
daintily acquainted with all the peePle ' Government analyst that this Medicine ' The commissioner says the Ross' ride
Was 'put to a severe test at the annual
-edneertied. , contain!) no opiate og,harinful drug.
1.01free young 'officers belonging to a Sold by all inalleine'detitten or by mail target practice, and . serious defects
rngicnent at that hille stationed/ to the at 211 cents. a bos. ,00/0,, The Or. Wil- 6000eureevreeiodpisegovgre-e4p.roAtsice
was a as ut.!ipeeYn dheat,
10eniab deelded to build themselves „ a Dams' Medicine Co., Broceville, Ont.
. es it was thought lonte serious acef-
use 00 a Inn overlooking the Sutlej • -----inseesesse
dent xrdight 'happen. The Colt' reVolirer,
ter, and hi doing this they trespassed' ,
:. which was issued to the men at the saine
It,,' sacred grourid sutrouncling the "What did you wish?" 'Re ; "I wished
She (after breaking the wish -bone)
It ' Ill h d roved 'to
per trued excellent , service in thP
Argo ' regions.; Viva westing shies,
teredat iiOroo11IsloncriastWirte:Tle'Preeenceof inliPeetorlieward and
elesirable, both for We unfortunate
.0 -ewe. Seed for the preservation,of law
-eard-sireler.--Xlieserehre ef tfu-
ers were evidently a bad lot, and some
thrilling stories are evidenuy beyond
the mutter Of fain detaila .containedsin
Inspector Howard's practical report,.„,
The captain of the American, snip Olga
*Mot end killed hie engineer. An in-
vestigation Was held by Inspector [Jaward, but it le a. question Whether the
murder- was committed in Canadian
111 1 0104111,1111;
41,00011$11410,111110All On** iv
4,00-* Millie wrest wen 05e4c11.15501*
'10.0041rooptif, Ottawa.,
,e 4
0hupled:11E4ixt thT;k1.0TenIRTHas:Oti),,NTZ,
hiluarph Was a mighty hunter, IPUt
WesfildSlieVe been a. mightier One,:
,PailociuSt)1111011rtedsatraore.glorTyilobseut Tieuntoiattgwarniwatt
listle the tirSt canoe of birch here ion;
stet Vfet our greatest benefactors. TN” •,
lob _Oren of these ndians knowIbi
they km* how to, use.
'onct-tf", yoti go to Ternagiimf this ausit .
entarri°,;taliliervf.ritilwaPy4."TieheluirviC1144oe brthir,leltekLini
•ciguplpaiirnyotbue,..;,ealiverArrnhtredillongStiundoeft_rttol. ww„,
,„ 9111:R40 aritresabtleottousdhiontgwoanydeartieutisianoilo,
/Easy 9f access by the Grand Tines
Railtvay System. For information, an.
beatitiful descriptive publication 'nate/ '
free apply to J. D. MeDanald,t1.1.
Grand Tannic By. System, Toronto..
ree, 'what 'above par ' ?" "I think
'Now, then," said the teacher of grit
Know," ventured a small boy. "Well
asked the teacher. "It's ma."
The ,superiority of Mother Graves
Worm Exterminator is shown by le
good effects • on the children. 1i.urchaa
a bottle end give it a trial.
The largest winged insect in the wori
is the Atlas moth .of Central Breen. It
wings extend fourteen inches from 11
to tip.,
Pat 40.10 $r varii nos. The faraolts "The
pie" „menthol Pbratatt which cure-Itunkagit
backache, aciatica, neer a. etc., are also pul
piwortwiard-cwilPte yalctiapcitadlaaallyamb_.
pieta* 11111n01100 Cbt.
"HO a good friend of yours, isn't hell
only Medium." "What do yo
mean by -medium 2" "011, he itsten
While 1011 him all of my troublue nu
heralsetwants me to listen while he telik
• q,„
our Doctor
Can cute your ; Cough or CAA
iv10, °anab.ottthtei thttaentbsst-
OB •
Attention is called Commissioner
Perry's renort to the capture of train,
robbers in British Columbia. ilevecirds
cif $5,000 were 'offered by the Dominion
get .better. It was theri I learned. el be paid. • .
Baby's Own, Tableta and decided to try the eonvictiont ha the two sproeinces
them, Before I had given her a box of Alberta and Saskatchewan bed
of. the Tablets there was a great' Me grown from 1,250 in 1901 to 4,256 in,
Prevenient ' Het-digestiOn -•was- mutts Inall....During: the 'year 134,,rnemben's ..0/
ed and her bowels which had 1he force were. dismiseed - for bad con-
ttUV A
thy a child as si'ou , wish to ee . of 'bettering Mg, conditions. There was
We are now never Without a box of the ft marked telling eff in the number of
Tabletsin the house Baby's Own Tab- a plicants far enrecigement. Na special,
not enierge Its sphere and Investigate MoLammedtio who had eiterlee br the
fliat the Psychical Research Seciely dote „teirib of some heleforgOtten setnt,
tins failure or fulfilment , oditig that you would lanais kiss you. What
111 05 1111' and cursee, hereditary 01,f, Ilietelleieleeino°111vbe tehnedesaitve"eoldthelr how, MO
petstmde. them to. did you wish?" She! Wiehed that Ise an etuniraele weapelit, aryl there was
what you wished would &rim true." n ixtarked lemrovement in revolver
shooting. sixty-one -remounts were pUe-
legeods to tell of this chateeter, and iri tt fluency, deelming that not one elf the wily's Corn Cure remove,s the trouble. PriO0 of gill . •
uorne cause inIolerable pain. Holle. chased during the year at an average
ManY families must luivevel-y eudette eM obdUrate, cursed them with:tartest-
not a few cases, aa the Mime or in* ree should AIN in his lied and that the
Try* U. ,and see what aMount of pain
Etreoy no crassed or beet( suppass to Ilse --
- never etand, .
:a saved.
aye passe from one porton t , is . curse wee disregarded. The'
investigation. • s „ r tVag killed Out tiger aneoting, while ,
ono of 'the most singolalr'reoardart tri. other met les, death, plaildg polo. The • dooN) ) "John, why do the Chinese bind
,soortansece,esaoyk tit utiedodatieehrsics nrutomnienorer iss, otos told 11 atm fehsoo svdoaonidgebroreuttsklythilei ittrotoilt,eesyeetmi ,., tthheeyfeneott otfrotweheir,rowunomdeknililealoantinct; bo"tSoh.
, '----i- • s
of the Montague tangly, thes,meginale 0 ibg in his bed, " HO was etra homei, tree creek." . ' ,
eetleors at the Covedeey astata,,eit d welter, recottered, and returning , to r -
4gment. The cewdray ,propeety. I he. it dp, the Gov* jr,Ce, tom, an unparalleled , remedy for, eolds,
la two years later, was drowned go. -*sickness Anti-Ocemeniptive Syrep fs
hetet, now in llie heeds: Of the get
enlged ha (he days Of fletitY vpir, tel the ,1001. the eeMe, 'doe, se it IS told, dui I notiaks, framing end diseases Of the
Ronvat ototolicy reuren, litel.g A•dtpen, !e'er Sutlel oetelloitted Its banks and dihiernet veriest biunpgson. Thoyeiin$14moet olucth6ese smittei
denee Of teasehourne Prlor4eqrne port; hed away We, house:
the dissolution Of the Intaleeterctslite.Wee
ttoother, there is plenty Materiel for ifOrtise teas built. Shortly ante one off' Mrs. Fashion'a0 her new Chinese
Ilene ef Which' are still to teetrAt
confiseated tied presented' Vint!
Viseoutit Montague., whof thhhItil) 31W"
self ,Roinan Whop, littdzneeru le ha
acdepting .
The prldeess nitent dignified pretest
ageing: the eeoliatket of the
finding protest vain she triiiiiedittofitorve
tag* ftimily welt the "citriat or fir* road:
.wetere .404
tkillSTOLD ITS SlITIfiqtekl,
iid6343 AtiloYet"onutlat, 1I'aeo eat* fmtlite°Vhitt5rlattestaLl.
• f
A MARINO IT ivonss:
Sortie disinelinatiiiii to state ,her
fa; really IireeseerYr the tiek&f,
4StiintelY UcceaSarY, itiaddra,"
-1 rr1°,!13:ttsiag‘tted414 thir frid ttinderen, elf 1 nittet,'
iotlff, however, es Moiltaieterr I must. .1 don't get hoW it
possibly effect the ease; Ir. yen
tine' theereed tie • Magletride,
krisi'eNallite the VOW Ot. Me Court.: Many
ty, ulnae' ask yait Stet le fdr-
el tOtir,,,age, *Rime thrthen delna•
'ralr.‘4111141bintlteir,p4r*oettr: 414) st141.11,''
lift4, ttinat beg you to IntreY
raegistrate. "Every *minute
Oat% yott know
thii ttpoae tentiritied. Crithotie SePelered
inoperailVe4. hilt in dre 'eighteenth erne'
tuey the' 'then Lord Mailtattue rharrioct
redipeleted bolter trellis, and seeing ftrogdinitnesr t).4ireithh.t1 148:11°41Ciettln. ctutii5teeilt ntielq;
flemeetke eolo'r amid e'eletitt ateaM, .thaungehtes collnekitiet, gtitt Imo per
Shottled "Fltel" Immediately the, whole Ituttienet, bedfast, 44, ptopAtta ',puts
vest was In an uproar and a danger: era UM of tonventieles ttettl in?' lite'
GUi 041110 1v49 iffittrinettt, t was 0114 ( t .tamou* choina :aveni.10,tit wattle/
the undervottleers. W04 ,1Old vitals to lankrititatte, mtit
The climax came when the 'quarter.. itt6 ht,th* cluipo .0%,,atyvragot,;(voitat
master Yitl‘ A, trilobite of the geepel ori -
the reit leying to Meter the boW. Of ont.
file ship's'be, *IS, I ran to hirta en41.
ordett44 hidt 'to 'mote lwfl 01'deck.
Tee neillsiet' peld no *Renner). and
401441 his coat tail to dreg Mtn deWei
'be Mete. • .
Peeliape11 tverreireild-IdO,.
Matti Parted. Mala eetetal letter 1 hasi
the tidaisleetel Oat tell MD MY borate.
Ile ;me tleivn (beti ile was angry,
'arld Wag likowite • spectacle to look
eheeth theft' Plitt web Med wieebeeethet" t t
the consciousness of the enSterei denied • $41.5 ed et ea eh'
Mee going On en chi* behind thein, In 'weenie* tett etteet of the lorterseti
thitventir5triksstito. mutt. horn. elven:had *Meted from leight thil
geg, see 11 tether. op th* buS, *rid. WOO letlittett 10 le.nrern
polgtuntrY or their .otvrt enjoyment of the at 146 tovtreol fionttenttoVA
st*te; summer ,klaf eattilde, Ito 'went liiilitg.te 'The reiPtetrir 'Who'
*Yon hive not,Istet in eons torit fon* amurnonel n15" t") el)Por. 1 e416.4 *tin
ettevleg tho eeet tea itt My hand :
*Mos Osbaitiol It Mstet,'"iliet
tieye Elizabeth It-tee/440y fa a
smolt and diffident soke, Viet liming
Wilted ikon) the PrObidellty Of Ids ePeelli•
ill, OM tied Wen* intro voisint10y,
and tott that ment ont.
Ile replielIsIdIr,"Nos"
Hid leek iS fiXed un 4 knoll,. *hence the
ritOnkt Must net iietimki Ihtif HO*
parte bane. 'rutty retinal bath kisittritiki
snitch. Se bourdeollely do NI liy Yelove
flowers still WOO km the Pi -Ethnic. Neeret
etaltidga talorty of pop* tteriliSed* and
from thefts lbe eye travels wee to the
oiled fir wood to the rCn� of way
bow tid tht Aligme Sem, faradowl 11eW reel eitd *tortya * le
add 400 Jo* Vitae lilt lit 1i5eh100,, Penn**
crafts In (is* of it Me eletill of flr
"My ortItts; 1 Steil, "ere to Atop It
tetoe teethe tietleeteey. & lute 'MICA
* Men thrOttle Net, or 51411 bint
lielde eftett."
'11* CePtIda Jetta' i4 itto, mi
',Twos Mc Mt. Csibs okls
stloti feriatietbillet ;tilts o
$ etakt &et IntlICOPlit OR*.
itetta the Woe Merin
eldiehottri imSeen* eels to
nee in eradicating these affeetions, and
in protecting Mankind freM the" _Mitt
ravages of tonstetillfeell, end as it nett-
freted Cold leads le,O3/Nuniption, one
cannot be tens enteral to light it in its
,carly stag*"114104101:SyruP Is the wea-
pon, use' Ite
"Stop plalYingthet trembone, sir. 'The
tilan next doer suys tte can't read."
Never hetird tit such Igndrance.
111111 1 oeldel reird.When I WO five years
,elde" ,
VekettYms Illavo'it' COL th• att wits inn
loaiicl *Rh rattetelia "btp4legir. •AtIont's Ude
natialt& v.ld *ant iher Wry alp
poorigss taut 5.51. 85. impiew *Marc
PrOt lhs Pcittit .vietV Ot the engin-
ter, the of the Meat ,hatereMitut If alt
undertaking, lit:the Way lefttinnettleitili
Ing IS the new ritilitay tOnnel, 'psi corn,
*led under tlid fludsOn;IIIVer beftvech.
Weehawken,' shd.':fiew York. JIsi piettn
liar 1100it aaise fool."-;t'te,Atet, Mat
the (pinto -tot ('lily 'pass iniough
soitnatvitit met tetatierle Sill, but !het
there Wks. no sirat, tinfixtiVable, ?hand*
HOrt fa, WOrk non, Overhead was The, SUDO' Mandreke' end
greater rivet, with tides oint ball0116r1 111a661 10 4°1 '1141%'''
nummitie • shippihee, 004' undeenenett. erftil influence on the litte end kidneee,
"Don't you believe in evolution?" risk-
ed' the *dentine Inert
"Certabily," enswered Miss Cayenne.
"No change that centuries bring alma
In natural bittory can be more remark-
able then that which a womari Under-
goes in a eingle day as she progressee
'from earl papers to evening gowns."
They Wdke the Torpid grurgitt.-
Meteitnery not properly superVised and,
left to run it,e11, very Soon shoves fault
woektrig. It is the same WItistbe
digeiferel organs. tineeineated from
time tet time they are likely Id Weenie
lotpld and threw the whole eysterb out
0! gear. Pafrodeeei ve'getable Pills
were Made to meet such e 'ties; They
restore to the fell the, flagging facet!
end, bring into ,order all parte of
faconvestience ef kinking hjes pp.
- Nathan of having ItiOprescriptiin
Oa& when you esn.,Itep inte raw
•.1/4 drugstore in Canada tutd ate*
* bottle. of SHILOH'S CURE
for a quarter.
• . Why pay two to five dollars
when a twenty-five cent
bottle of SHILOH will euro you
air quickly ? ,
Why not do as *deeds of
• tbourfands of atneds hive'
done far therat Mrty-four
. yews Jet SRILOH beyour
tor whenever a Cough atCoII
I. El will cure you. tuod all
drtiggaite back up thia statement
with a positive guarantee.
The next thee you have et
Coligh or COW cure it with •
Ida fir3torge is to poetical, •II* 881,5
my ettrS,,eire. lila ;Oaths:, ;leerier' '010
lie sty whether lie meant 'eeetil'inat'''05
oyster shelleD
theeetree HuWs TreitbI. lac eiSitag net letit '
seek it woe tarst, 15. iysti1 nut absa** 9t114
hi..1i by Ivo la '"tilerinterse that, belt t
p.rlerciei. 5.8 IStea4aethsyse. aid*,
MO, 'HOMO& Itehit iritig10. oh tidying
er, husberidel'eleteMI.,...,"I went .Softi0.
thognice in. treaters.' ' ASsishint (MIR rt,
twinkle) sY340.' TWO'S.
*Alrwhtre. hear YOUr ideal,„edurnt"
net noild etre 'les tit be gehetreleti* hut 'restoring Ottra to 0' titittinfuf atitort, in -
Meat the engiriteee th telY the In net Ina tOlite 'organs, eOltiFtele
IS Ile belletilt let it Itee been teillelete Power to lieffora their fletietieiett l'hoSe
etl aloyht c'ockttaek thytof, low thift valuable Ingredients Oilcloth Om tom.
threekat% Oa tkattytea be own.. .ritimuto Vegelishie Pills,
elite tee Ole Iterteiret kinet et rellWity tttk4 Oetv-4 1)dtles-th" 4116 lgtet41)16
tragic.* Y riedirmo they are. Irntro'
,* ars tow .nitts ttftdtive et they III knelt
sleitt TIMM entiOn•
vast depoalt .+Of tett thud, too de% lo diming 4 regular floW terretione
holly:",1111 iloototi ',Verged', INN*. ,Oltitlyri1 4 reftitird Vred two Week;
rlciah eeya I'Mangering fwohi ago, and he hes heft drinking heavily
Atli' ' •Attlee Pitel "islet it elteet CMG he
Ind tw
dtttk rchott op, old that Therthe
ih ory brit% 0"
lark: "Feel *Orr ut tfoutly in *out npA t1 I"
writ not irk kwtiOtt **In tiktxt
That Waite toots.* reeeetee
It it In Ittiertbt*
Atreirritht • tela Ste
• .tlAdoits u.
50114, WO*, WOO-
St• v