HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1907-03-08, Page 2• ?• .• - toltiCtAto it) nor blotrydn'ta litati.114.104arisio • statenuts..xisisnes iontioafoo 0/Itcti -Asa loot onacti, 04 *or nolo situoutoo tco Sitocioli. oeolisiteritst Nets, , a • litt.aPaccipioqr,E;ColIMIllittraf 0.47StAto titvritio C, roitirEtr, OarctetitIc Witco. ito Proctor se 'Meatiest • oc., on, *ono to toatx solo*, ta ca. Peke. alottuali Mott, ,cior4 • nein pin Sitiutoret AREBON-4olkiaOlt itiroOtABIGSTIMR2 ouocatort zsetarloolit*. J1401111ton tira ileac trim woolliest., crick riot st, V• ($. EtttOttea e. 4.4,1 1CIONtOti! 9c. 0.11010W. .....Borro:stit4 Otottottor, ito. Otto Wolvilloto Roo itioetettil4011otitiniii X. Inconooto tioalsOviofoLIS tEnOri.th Volute sionro, toort4ttillorifen:,, omit isterso Ea. A. O, POLANEIL tiAntristrilL Solicitor, 'Proctor tit the Siontinis ,tonot Gott with oblitp Motto E• &Onto 40•44 lido Court Aciasit 5004 '40datict1 " •••• s' L.' .5 n• < PIOAt. *444.4 'Ph-osicione. Stifocona. ao re'r4t011'oodloS4trair. formerly ems. e bOure,,Ar a.0.44t ao p.m. owee. aonee pr. llitiltatro romance, tie. Bettioo sm. Gone*, Of.p.P. 4 too. ,liptuatitoe 11117` nistrim or BIARIDA0111 c toctoom, ooderica. oot AXIDTIONEER 444440144.410.1444.40•••••••••••••••••144 T MAUS 01711011Y, a. Live Steekiatd oatmeal onatIonotir, /Imam strettoOoderick. Valeaccootareerywhoreandall Worts Ingulo Itiree$cooattieltetion. 041‘1101841,00IIIlltild. VOSSINARY *LW. 42.1.sittc, v. 6., ereatioto ot trotoeto voteelowl Cones*. Toronto. I eikpotiuntfian air :eon of torso ottwesge: livat looViiittopt;of v:ttetriZoWilcuctues alw8711014,bald. Unica and tablos-Nowasto itestineactleb. • TONSORIAL. M. Tonnorlot krt. lit. Jiontreol street, oothirios. ' 'stooling, noir cutting, stlainpooiast, AO. _upool-Oate _Style.° Rotors sharowase, 0.4 tl. UMW& tioct alrvag_tasu —BENI v ET IS— E 01, NT SOCI I , GODEnf on. No. as. ClION, ' rag.% thnomnItt ai,d4irtiareds *debtor to foto tan got full particulars from Duncan Vatneron, Archie Madan, JILL Tett Thos. 111111M W• Ift01110,th. inane( Moth. Ira mew- , tilgeo r IfIROPHEY & SON LEADING:UNDERTAKERS ,0 EMBALMERS oopmaxos .a.DTT wat attest. \ Godard Planing Mills. sisioriaisiors4414 • IINSON Oittratitors and litulltiors.° Elanafachirets Orion) Oiler, • kinds ot Building Ma• *044 such moLuctiber, Doors, Sub Lath, Shlogleo, &to** Plane and .ostiouttet rundshad osi appy cotton. anatowlett uuchanan* at Lawson. MokILLOP Imaranoo Uo Farm and lactated Town Property 4 shred. 4'Priop;"°77rtia Insured up.. to 3411101101-1O01, $3,0411,915.01:1 OPEIDERS tool .atithofrott...-44 nothoh; VIVeltitint.• Iiippcn 0.: tk, trotter.' Yieb-lireeltiata. Ittueenatil P• V* 'XL 'Idattellt Uteiit141144/nrekillt4 41'4 Seniors* Xt.' O.; 1; Voitieli .P. 04 0. talest 1:illn• • ton 0.1 watt. tierlock P. \O.: roans. IleechWatin. O.; J. 0, .••• :Odin% Winthrop /0, O.; J. Behan. lietehwitiod P. O.: W. Chesney. $eaforth• p. toot the Inspector at Met.: steareite ico'tettloh they oecur.. ' 40•FINTS -••• Ye*, llottnimotilltn James Ouniaitifig.,..,t,""gutondvilte; • IlinekleY. 'Settfortlk„ ,t9mith, lOrle4 ' lEtilitly '31olde.4 '', Man pay ass* s..‘ .t often* atid get their ca.rde tetra oitat 'W. 'Coit.xei, 'Clinton, or nt • tette, ,, lithst %value, Clothing Sto V. 90.erlen, Moi•-• :Axe- , not .10ont4 "If arty mon ovill 49. lko wilt 14 51411 taunt of the doctrine.' --)ichn $2,. Practice, always comes before pinto* EnittlY• 4 hey artiVes ot untleustaltd- at the laws at muthatualleo by Wark• lag out niany eiitIMPleS• Tile tolfoo itacher gives tho. rule \Daly as the'sum, Ming up at the experiences lifrAtildY Oa' quired by the pupil, Fallil 001 The acceptance of degatatte 0tateinenta OM. Pinang ItillitiOWn As „With. donee acoulredseneernIng seine 'hinge by reason of aperlertee, theM la olikee things. The great mietialse Of MoSt iftt the preaching of religion ILO that It urges awn tg +accept a philosophy ot InSteod of inviting tbeio410 On experiencat it places the symbol, the rule, or tho ktei* trine before Me fact. BLit Men .40 Mt accept other things in that waYs, We learn by doing ; it is Ow ronctice, net the philosophy, that niake9 PerfeotP The only religiou any man has, twit which he %toes. Faith lo pot to be moo Mired by formulas. Many 4 mail who is capable al plaiting out dm 1140100CM heaven In it manner satisfactory to the 'theorists is utterly unlit to IlVe In oVen illosophy of the city of God to het oily because he hos allowed /wane a substitute for the practice of the duties of tho citizen of God. TOE THEORY Or' ETEONAL LIFO wilt save none from the• graVe ;:.• the acknowledgment of the historicity at the life of tbo savior of the world Will not save your Ilfe from sin and death. The only thing Mat can. give you life and make your Itfo right ls the learning of his way of living ; the experiencing the possibilito, the beauty, 140, glory of such a lite as ilta no One can except' by following him. Once in a while the world is Oboelted by the uncovering of a life of hypocittiO in high plaoes, tho nian who Is a Moder in the churath, gukte, and teatiber of others, and who at the sumo limo is rob- bing the fatherless and the widow, or stealing from the Stale. 'That man is in oeiceoioaueoUlsocalesiiiiiiiistooreitwialloosiorition Telephotos 1 ad ill Vardhoiteas Altd yatdo at ock Up townie** twirler \Volt Sp AM &Piga tiftt film best 9t A 0 Market tor „ tA 114111,0411P. igisny tik" .ct "%tiler see iftat it.. 41 1.71.11;":7.1. i 094 VP /v4' 1140 :4;0, tlet is not41 root",-• Mg, 44. %Ara tho 40'010 a..Zt bre' 'wet olio bet- 670.11 011 iteo hoof - lewd ifo. At root! be4 drpftat,utielt roodesotec* feit, 1111391' l'101.tin!` o Effee-y 19 ri ititd Vtlt • ,-41".1...,-.0,t,t1 n40 tOthry $0 Agit flu, ion Onflotes," 11101foor, atop dasy bis iss0 dorm le issepressillot. 1 &IAN*: THE SW Or TOMO& WWI vt-as rtentence4 sew osoodoil Iti stioviVe lay Itieso Itoprisotioolet hut 1 snide Me heat ot ray 104 is Isist No bail ItArlto- wet* evar set own agairuitt Wilat Sant Privileilmi lcultlif 14 010,11144 by lloOtt Constant I ebt.iluedt OW7 Dal hootssi Whielo,a prisoner mow be entrtistod With 111114, Slice OP* tort ARNO r4 140 SOW Olt the zame prinathie 4 mcomfo typrcet MI Wha ,t1J01(. Ma IRO of IL I hiVei *ORM them Ilibteo tglictoo fOt tlemieth inelk,, ald front ott Sriendlitihough I, tiara professions as llessperts• tg titorY, .000, teen, atifird, to find pat sonla ot 111104 re em 1 and -orreln MID b114)'10711104',i 'P110110.4% Ott ar "vials to g swot itt 404, it is ,nasy to lie holy when. orthe, glen IS Ilia thing dol000tteit. molt epin. niara rtistly ere adopted titan +Vitt h to arrive at ON TIIE SAN1TATIOX TM DAIRY RON. I ham tome to believe firmly insil hentetitly that the' laireet uplifting in tile lkalline ha* get to come trim plitermst write* Mr ;min punkt.- 1 b01141,4 that when • th;" patrhil •,:teriderstaiteis that a chaeh thing riOt Wit bait thiait, than he reali$0. ei never hetet* what 1 tiattinit dairying fa, mat that a good- t ern is am tuage. .,Pritlen esperiture ot, the greate4b4hings totatifictiog nth' vidre Me nietine * white dairYillg. The lifeit Or a gorett.bero et.10;51,. lbero.are things pra- to maim the`'Whele,:lidilg vld Itt abenb,-1 bare always beim tho,,tottn,•04.1110 44rr4 gas dayo or IlifelleSted Ire', entice • end' social Vies, allailuct, Ana Inche, the, 40tv a opal Brae 110reoo1/111 MAO Ott tired* Vat, 0111101O ten ingfitit,i,ortlia y.ear lbolettd. ;Opirlione, PrOPodY 4rod ppo .yiatir.00pti$Otcneg,„ai, yox«.43! 1 wa-S 40Wo 10,0eargin flue Winter filui • , ,• Another paint in fa or QC shoo Jo lltat coostuneF bre ' wino toloirst the trialite 441 tattitolia itood deal _ -o lifi014/01,4111111311401101111, .uowing them tile ri.ey,1:43 1.,t; Oavittair Don ts vary 'Oriel to your init. rot io Logo ontir Orillono alfY achk4 ,y-olk-on0. remetrirer One • fa only. ib.•ne oOnalfitit4 SOknOalli/t aOd lamb, however,,,is *gig liomE * 01 „Igo 4truto. owl mv beeicie or MOAN lay As year* expelleace * on4i414/ ston. ' heap raising have !Woe se0a so clear e • • ' , VINO:41011 FARA int indieetion Of, whet Wit eaming as I PICAR7/4411tIVISIR111 do now. Many, 01000 Ihrf se4. Mu* . 1 Y RECIPIs"St Unttaislied, ix-art:villa!, ought in Ite Aflo :thlthltiltileg61;44111b°;:ritr:°,11;11111clahott n°41:agu8Seid4;otliseP4utintleallet1411) c:.,134rvalitik3Qhdlt:E.",,t0PPPr'11:114k14Phites"titiTirlkiurnhvnu-'9" 'vs'i"cL4'411-5-4tvtil 111)1111PInterillilita9911:1;letietilesti:43'1114:11414 in vousefitience. Those who vast la get w thew wto, watted.511:14.1,it%c4tkssarno .Ordy eIgt tho..tobitutiaa. mud AMA laS train litit 442 feollIPIO'Of a* ougitroollt1.4 wetter. and tofdi,i0 ilk toilet way, , (Wane vita Cup, ,wbIPPed twO rgf,ts uttet Whip route, One. otitis flour, two IOW socon,JO •shart, on the talith QUIN THEPROGRESSOFCANA- Ilail poor *MOW. 'It a Pkaa NOTOING ME IT IS TOE 1113TOtt TRE• Proellee% b lod 0°000° OM Ma 1)411,4rivea." <- k seven • • fiction' os right, Avail iglit miet hope • ,, yott meao. r stork Ito natTntan, tnoli..nte lo•ste.11,ts barn and lannense Deicoltrces Deing 'Oevela to,: aeouiref • Muscular vigor -bY riteraor ',,,uetteto• 414 -nly, hipwet, IQ the ooto„. I4, her bt` 4croeys•'1OLter tve*att tql•tiliolate , ....o oi, looittlie ruleo Of caltstitrule , ' ''. la k I I , 1 t tit deirytuall„ ivim.aiNto hint Ono of hie : ,Pitld,' 4.!frt1114;t0 IbioWnif tier41,, man yy9oktn,n.fusfilloleviler 44111101.431tites1,01, ifit,telLitipny'AU:tittrarh..elriatiir*Ilikil tgiel,',11.41114iffaitt ,00,Weltiutilticwoullit. or Ate0/010- „...,,t,rom every 14444;,*4, ;it 74,1e",w: 0,s4,1,x,041 'PIO fifth is that deed is,:e;eattblo doe', boil YOU 1,1011 '0.4 •• % ' PI IQ V., Y. roost .4,,,otooetic,b4 rut ,6001,040., , t. aux gion.,,y muist begin El 11440 It imi myg4,,44141 ax_ Ivo e wz...10.' eltir 1,, a prei ilt4 Oltreews•etiodgegildopeeti driv60 Ilta.,101411,40 th13?,,,AH--rotgl; ttio, aterY beitt 11.094tioes, th-re.eal 1 are filotictuS,,,,in. ImoW Illo itua 01,041-, 104 .tt 'Ai 'i:t. mi k i •tr le; 1" ;:tr,;,,,r4 areutut it.; Two ,fog* were When *0 on ontorid to the lIbeige,' Come% one ,storY` Hero tom lifilinng 0400 it . _. . . ,.., o_.. 00, O It oti '.0111Olt10411111 at ifOlate MO OM a win boa• :MAX ri. wool, opooifoor oxperimentally- : g4e0P4' 11,06941T4 ta Mime, ti.; •ta,,,„g• ogliti, looting their: heatieJliroligh. Nv•hero , the ton foefore, - itilanoVatitY Port Artt,ur 10V O nitd IOS• Oil She 'MOO 'Of 00 .Year$ lifigs,slititti •be aft eating,hayi ',That 1,00 Vex Wi ni " WIMII elO ,Bro dioloo'BoO 'SIM Litt Of THE Letia Clap of a WO MleCes,skt 1110.'''''Pir, 111° $11111:41V.10,01. 4)-11'")04.°4; 11a,1‘,Moldtilf blitz- ,tnat'i „still*,sitate'ori,_'•-PrinPee„k.Alberq*,' .Otimas4" , • patina feelitio-• tigalltOt me ,I lolow: l'. • Wic"AttiVfratitg iti•PrAtv0601,K.4 ara4, :' Wt..' CaigarI., ' /Bch %On VkaloIllVeri toss ono the philosophy al tett/goo. Men sentence ',limn , it 1 plestiett4Mt intilty, ght,r meelowe 875,00 hom.m.,,Navi ork, velop0 bY -' I tr."011Preeeilefil0d" Ptlateri4t ooe, .ludgW 'opt , oy their tdoWs but bY KhOoticig. tbot.1'6110 PiOndett..nolegnitly2 %oleo' It ottellio,ollite eitirenteo• There ,hatieting.imo,qn progreso itiere, • theieteciirde, Do not think that obility' 'Of many, of the ii110%),40011,V,0,10goil Norge 40 0,44 ..froeottoF to o.ottorop, if,„ /t m c2w4., aF IT, 4 r., , 119,one oitsht woe a loy Ozzie to pieces years.cliefere. the erasle,catile ,4.1tati se,:i t 'get petween :these 1 4 ettrethes. ' '14or is'', thiS immense ?regress to .INk ,014 i6.--4,1' vislwt ° "14itt" Tie. 4:*aS, b. lelese: Jo exPOCI. en' er(Rillittl It' 1 o o )1,1 ''Th t be 'ft would'harry de ' i I I ii blitiaetglia 1 that oa': nt' largest then °Weal illorarkes in e wor v 0 , , ,,, _ , . , ,, . ,,, o . o e i Iwo a l '', - ' .'• • •• 0 Or 4..ail • et • - .0MP ' or ;Us. *Ill luiVele We an ace was -tat "1191*u ;0.,:lher• 1114 it 1 ‘Pieadei4 ; Ot..Camolm, ;hat It ,,wak ,t4u2right, 'there.. •tracilog Otte/100y bat 4 hundred Sionidet' 0001, .or ,thbe wasted In Moll h Opeeulto gli y '$ 0 ; 4, ,-,,o,i , g t. , et Toogoomel oitorfoono 1.10o, L Vet% places lit at, 1. being,; estoblisitea Or, 41e - le vbeavel the mystetle-s it to egttinet MO 1 /IOW nOtahattOoPetaavord1 .VO4 nerfeetlY, OtalitalY4'111 lea Mach ' • 71 ''''4' -' ':',,, , viol litttwY tf,..10, utw Wet demands that ceased r4.,00 a. illrectoottliti:140,40IPO "Oat,' dowg 9- ;it* gprenlOn .10111%4 '.enet wontrared, at ;;Wlien," cer On,' 14ets, 'aro oVery 1110 'Attu give itSelf At its best le opmitafty, ter the:00441101 -PA MO, ' Melte' tliet toothier) 'former !Olio Aterage. totonra.,, in the three:: wattle ?rouges' Uto..'wor 0 lifir dare we hope to present. tun, suppaSed.t•Cualin..meek: fernier, and,theit.that eveeegeterniq.3114 of Mapitotie, :Saskuteltetion-tm, ottAlbertio WaYuP4o,date fltIlie 414$4.1)41:1 $004 t'llorii,' are paghly, $00,000,000'; ecres Our petty •aoludons anaso sittisfy iptinite oottosimei , out io. to Aloe - •0••-• mese moiler's; - Vito' ...tit? irt u%-ity.ine'sliy., 1 want 'a burn sio Olieep fo jar DO yOlt, desire truth? 'Olen. live the, ogemat me. and 1. IlitiO1,4 ,iherdl 111 1.• 40Y tan ,can ilutict it,C,.. ..‘. • • " entirb tinnlidlOri. is lefe Ann, onandi. 1. tor yeti knotv 10-elaY 41la larinit grace Ot• it Ie. BM' .ond "44 'b.-arit • .0 An .:10nr.11 .1141eSed"..Outtaft, Glint •' lese..liattPto "Op ttVatell Itiat'Yelte )11Olf an •gra4ter truth sholl yotirStte• I am Owe. J04,, Pallour. ta s,,'`,;',VV, hat la Otil-of-do00 • ,Pleesent toss thati,145thOW..,110.2:14104.vo troilaYi" metro% Do not Wait tg Itnew all Ilse me the foliate. 0; the e,,eret,,..,0,...Atte:••1,2t„, sunshine', intik ,,tirroV torfiney.ature, ootinotatmo:,o .iii*er WONS .vomprehend all the syhttio demimmoolirequomos, hol,tociOhafteir gretandijapht'Vater in, bectOits'i,,One.eitient Mt000l mititenclieres,;,. _,Coltiel'Orocluett;'• the l'Illitittage of life before yott be, to expecOO ".1nan te".Ittir• WO .411MoSt 1004,1 and „Miro .elf„:".That hitOttiOn64 Met.O'tettiO .490/00,000shaslittle. ot Ittlido Mitt ithat is to tread ettch day_ in Ott toilet). itit lle pathway us fife inlay $60, olio way to the paradise, of (be Mnst yfetepr. gut. whatever • ,,v,hise,,,,otay lie I IleVe.OMPirler'there••• •AY1410".t Orbtare.n. liontes,...ik,diothere 1/0 ;$n the'''West .0-.$00eit it tit living. There fo tralY OtoexPet•nhsatofi:41:601.4.44',Itl,t;1011,111,O. 13,..a0t7111,1„ii"01.:1,,ii,,,0:1,e0 $:14. r tt're ak:11,1 ;1w. e,10: .; 0,no .yo t4, oo: 0:000 vibced. that he'liesSeSse' lot 'et lloro•-.qt TO'03 oOen one of 111696' greatO,Otittio,„ OoMeOlindett• oaltivritten, tiointi doily the deeds that seem to THE S. S. -LESSON INTERNATIONAL LESSON, MAR. 10, _. • Lesson X, Isaac a Lover of P-ettee. Golden Text : Matt. 5. 9. THE !ARRAN WORD sliimEs. Based cm the text of the Revised Vic- slon. Items Chronological. - The Origin of Many Peoples. -Again have skipped a timber of important ;hooters in the' rapid survey of the beginnings of the tiohrew ruce to which the lessons tor the. present quarter and year are devete4, The events connected with .destruc- lieu of Sodom ond Gomorrah recorded in Genesis 19 really belong with tho.precedo leosons. Too closing verses or that chapter (Oen,-19. yi•sEn record.dte•descent of the Monbiles and Ammonites Rom Lot. the nephew of Abraham; For some time after the destruction of the citie.s.of plain, probably tor the greater por- gun of the rest of his life; Abraham con- tinued to do:MI.4n southern Palestine . returning again and again to the iminio Mote oicinity of Reboot.. For a thne tte dwelt itt (leper, the land. of the ?NM - tines, where he made k covenant of friendship with Abitnelecito IWO Itiligoor the Pbilistines. After tho birth of Isaac the Jealousy of Oarato his mother, made owes:sotto _Atte evasion ,Oloiloitno. and het S011 lehmael, w•ho departe4 loom it nt of Abraham, going oiltiouttely into the distant Southland, where Ishmael dwelt In the wilderness of Partm, neer the border Of Egypt. Matto:inter. being. herself an Egyptitut, took for Ishmtel wife out of the land of Egypt. Not tom after the deporture of .Hogar and TAO mad, anti the establishment of tile eova- nant between Abraham and Ablinelech, the faith of the aged patriarch was Mit to Its severest test in .the command to offer up for a burnt offering his only sol tool likes tbe divine, Eluding new truth by ADMIBAag. Qt1A14T18.$• Whiehi Iseep O. dairy eV „tied' itp, thither oxidGehery,ecooresi-of the West HENRY IP, COPE. tootle tkver,7,4 at lit* run ei 4#14 Ana hAVePthAted.,. CIP(1:1401,5'.91P4r: 14545 Pg' 031 Ihe';deleorn9 t 044 'the futt living of tlio beet of old truth,. tie oo0oes, 1,46 tkott:34.1,44410,011441. Nfiglo.y, every ,one • Jo eldily, aka daten, 'whet is,liacir ot ell to grogress, 'the. teaSpetoostita g Bake, 111 three/ foyers. 'For the. filling Ilse one cute:erittin cur tallgat cuP'4uor-,. Put pow,cul frifm."sTtv.;:stzureid-t,';:,':uctu."71,11,%gr •• t1.3"40111IL,C,4seMIO,gortaar,y44idtievoviftie 410,,S,'st 1)11u0g phi; thootoo#, two ,tok, Issnr74oftlableacteiltip,"11411qUit411111,11eg" satilrehts.t.0101IL'••etth4,1101.#'• Ttlia• oodr Oet olumble 4oile pOlati •40‘ ' htaket§ltIr94 tqiiO4.94:4 11S *04' • bp.661-06 gpilty •oL alt.' Any other kita' :4p1; nie€:'1131; "ahdar4 than Om Vandord 0010Pielefl ne,S9,:ta "ite'steridardi at 411. • avoili ought to t30 11114110, at a givens tiate,,the fact that it Al1114111111 dcini al that lintelconats PO IlethIng Imagist lattpte that is mottle& YerY feW erkt' cituppcallne, pour taw, pint, iicit2 waAtt;• Atid,,e/papo,,gatt edcd, ntininta fine,:, two Cepa.: PielasSe4 1W,.) 01404 teaspoll each *110140mil Pr Pre Itisi or' supprr. Peet and, petit ilio frail ',MAI 1111' lite, hollowo, gIdee and ,sogor, told Ybako 'long enougly Tor. the 41)1110 44 foral' ,PlI4 orogO„,,'"„SoMetitoco.,4,- pieco cir„iAtter tholrital,!4.1ali.':°44174,:i1:414,011:ati7liect;74ellieQvYtell°144solEoMill pitteed.:on .,haelVangle. before "itolilito sbofv;s 1110 lt. la, passible to save *nen accepthilter.'Cliengk k•, • • •„' wiiife'eXtbett.,ing health. The, Stowecet,trumbs ' " • cues stiY 'butt sun sided. c10144.,,,are • ,, eenteo (trusts 'itilo.-1.11o. 4tal loore,lietialittli,lhott ironed 01°1104 Mien a•,' riating•ititt.'•Xi'ea04••• ;the :•• ••' • •• when "gOloteit to •••,,inee • „light brOWn Obey:contain, isilre air ahd more eir'4044.,•,- 0:43.,aliing slightly with- hatter and, I, :lialuippy• hod which floes 1/OP,41e ' ••;•• Make It tot,. ' Shake.,' "atinahs :1011' 19901 in 'tie SIM" ""iet''S 1144 '444 :gtr.111;11}er Octik '04',111n-rartlitni Hive fho Aheela are hot,7; lueY Ati• l'eaV.ahsilie :Mattress thoroaginy Avg • 4500.9;-.:-.H•l• • f:,•••••:'; : ; •• • •';'••••,•'•••;.'; Sheet, or with a •chepsecloth '-._,.SROnterVNeor,-Peit ...nett' i'140111iitt'iit, :k10, the•Putiaset and Plilee YOar OPP:11,4.10r' 9;41'3'1 drY fl'inoreughly, Butt t entire tenet; . ;ry* evith - on 0, .0400 cit;initter' till. Sliglit4;• ;Ilt";* Weak *foto open the bed , tit Om • IS„, brOstqed>. "•thtli„ .'fittaiznisint.; 'Meantime, Mid tile,'",tSikeei* • loge sqlitfiatt !Mitt; Pool-x(144:0415'4e and 'With.' tho'InSide inside and not Onialdet ,Prde 'Orated cheese; %alert wilich comes, neYtil YOU - PeNterOlitiCeilli• ositryO. et tight, Wilt .n•ot he eoPoseci to. 40$1O ; 4 -tog 0.tion,`t'ona, pee., ,i,".v..irilineritair,064;ei_onse • tutioints infaslonoll,0040.;,. arii..,:gl,t4suoi•owtay„, 1",,,:f000,-tivettiteareo,o 'trolowaly4,inansdktulriinalgisrcteheeptitoasusitt,enoOdf',411410 OMIT oev,0`.,,tVith ';.kiode- fir -no.aps that. haVe4eigt •ftlrit 'Ot.Ofeek,.•414,0,441Speon et` walud, .11,34.„ 147,1)01y . mutilated isiktes, ba,, Atelte sauce:, by halt, tirneying in; street cars, amieha,vial'iolva: "IP •Isa r of W 'nest r 'lei •••;',placed'on e'er -beds. Ir it has to be'110110 oro tne, p . t s the fmi ism, et itteltrest, :the genie • 0 leittorilarce;' hat '04, 111.40it,;tilYO'ltirAtt PPree i° Put cv r P it • „ „ , . . .4 • u beaslett tv do o ba et' It a re `41) " tabb04. '1u;s144 tIlfr''',:e4k1u04'7s:411,1rittO• ' •j‘kixentig'ki4D , • ,`,'Madis relOStardt. 'IngV`ailt:• ant fa& them in thormigly,o.. canparadely short diStOnce trOO1 the hiltere wtiere,9191, 9.0;1 SUMO. newel 1,. XtOO . .octrt . , ,,o , ore e away. , , , . , ... .-, t, , . • - .. - of, onchovies, , 0401: ..1444) lu ...ot••and•.aft r• „a party is met: pat 3, on .• i eUrface. intillba4atie rob ettoti svotak. .0104,43, rpol000 ,eo ofew000r000000,000mo, 114,, Alin; tor.iintx.,eildevoppiyien't grated * thge ' 'ars iately, Otto the wash; ,„ of Abealitun his fothee - Onto. Cleo, Prom plirinattl ,ntialare tbn ;talk • 1 rtiu 19' wo4'5,1114 '••• 4 tb••• ' '`'. 'Tribarie reeentlyoeidien it Saki : 4Asattrii- liropeolo r.,,.e - • :ii, ' 1,1; • ,, ;,••-i. ,,,,,,y,ctiblid ;Mom, the bed never is madik '.. t nblr f ' 'hy -iota ' e t ' lc e 40: in t8. 'Which they had ()Vol la the days slate. ol',. , '',,,,''. , --.', ..'. '• ,o''' O„' '"'" iiticocliii: tiottliC.11,,,..„.t) tn;.11,9.'141t, iliera i).nre/4. Attila Mat 64,V1AttlihO 114 OtroltINeWfo'o du' s e :of ,o-• onne , , , ., g o, ,; .4. • ,,,, , tic e , of bedroom ohygleno la go, Jtooko...MeanIng contention. !nee spoenallyi abst;nnyeattpoormx,,,mb7,,ti,k,r..,,,,I.t1:6,4tlerr,t4 , to 140 barn: ww, err is,14: )40: iti._ 45 4 , .ea: ,luor Ittftiinoluog,n,,,,0411.:It,,„,: eorestmitric,,,,,vitioau4140' tooc''tent'fiee_ ts:nbi;:litditrintttiil'e,''''V'unileta,10‘ ITT; ,' a'st 1 ' 1:ill 47: e g 8 4:4:K 2While the clothes a e arr n • 21, SitotooMeaul g, enmity. Of 1110 general ern. ,nita&beriri. ill, ell , Is, tooling wo er, 22.. RehobOth- U 111 road Place/ "Tile Enfilitsh'aYafin br l fieNt•tti ' tith a strawol000 over. it:„, ,,. II 1_,,,lamax or__ _,_, _- :::4 „ , -- LI.,4 , 4 -' With ..itell 'Oblige:0440K sputa pia ,,ce to preyeilt mictiritUlations of dosti loirrol and go to tbe Stialli Als illat eon: hart, ;4.441..11 the...a icot eit;oTeltl,d' vtastitj!tettxpaaeiossge_th'ib itlinte" 4,-.01..- -:4--)0-;c16,1,,,.,,, -,44;410°' :,.:411,s'C'stilv•:: it. thet:f,ggsabill; ',11,4va• 1.I'f'. ''hlr:c4:1°I,T1:11:4. irnsild/hamk:vrntheelleePusre1111°4' ' •.... lit Y r _St' ht. 51. ) • "" drifted to pr n„, worm.. That ,te,tOistib- oto wotteontbonto0Y tinito,A40:11bentot Lhe',einiff.eri-htityIt'tiiverve:POyeosal, bbeleereiitteelAdee c140.1111111Ye. Spinaco' Iota „Oofio. for-• Mob tly use, In this 10. Springinit water -44e: living, tbat teat on which, lah,OX ealfitir •,.OootiOed eOpeeitillii. as oefiliiiP0111116 end Itat .part ..otifteat 'boOt hiv •• ontlis •'ilie a be" Miele' attOO ,011e./itoie 1111101tedn' ,solef 'cly ng open tto lhonnligedht , ' •Akmattes iiien 'arc bundiak Oink/I/POW Oaf Slane "Offend; lilistinicati, hut thera,,wes'never,, Deo -of oho- -tiardened-professionat trintirthe .lifoodett- wells Loa n • , IS- qaue " as eoutiteri:.rolOW TrabanT° 6-11109V-% 7alor ea; eat Torearnent 'bier Invest, tire e'llEweet; ti1315. o golf cooing *Oleo tt fine*: 'grate the • ° arehniiii:11 bath made' Attain for us -The sonoble that oittuld he. ftetse 'Fraser, Franklin 'SAO OLothbelt• 4101 Yollt.4 ov.ifilOthes'.;it'11014', -OrMkin, in, the latest to•Itio nerrator tit In so far•tis tt •ee or the casual' delinotteitt took Moored- a stable; for ,a „omv, to ,gen4.,10 the Avg* •Oe an;contains.gage os much • whele hisiory of the Pitt arelis le of in- no distinction bettvecto IWO between the North Saskalcheivan ao ;corr. , , , . , STOR-Y7 Oi-TUR GARTER' TUE 14°St ernoothly desseraspo• lintut of Moor and z.„ • . pepper„ *alt., an grated . 'nutmeg to VAlaXt. ORDER. taste. A.4341 two ,or sp000rtos or milk ot oream. When quite cooked an4 very smoolU, .put the caloots lit and The Admission of a Knight is one 015 simmer gently b. febco.-•ooinuteS before _ -_,,omotoo 45°014U:6(41. °•ovrerdinitrO :,-;,,,)771.0,t'.1.Ijr-wu.:.1:17-isi ti Serving. Place Ort a ',fancy 'dish, aod • ger,Oe --•...,Trita T OF TITLES GIVER: A vah and Ma PlirPna 9 them and their ore all ort 414. seine Molar 4'''Prl$014., tangoed' end grooVroi tide. WItli tar ea new 11104 .,peeele4v d passe,$;,,es 29. Beeraltebe,-A VI ate ott the north punishment -the exacting' ot itle'PoOt -tare a Well inVervious col0 and that •and Otell.ottat(Ved.f Tfle textile belt, which, descendants. • eif treated Alike. "'from hedinning .014 hhher on both sidea. Itiax way We the- advantite , eli1E WelPfirribered bank. ot the wady es -Se a ln soUthern: itoomedoininetrnt fprineinity. Tentitrols 'the heat. lilt& onit otntrAblo0 -traverses Guf.West Loom Luke Sul:otter' Palestine. fhe dwelling place gticeee. (AellUtfle reicirfflo103(014iien0p.'aVO, Ott oto ha,ve, to.do is to go u&I IOW It th the fOdtbi .4:4/ thejogity% Mimittabie, f ' where three lumen; wens oio stm to be oervitude, PIO Bitten 4 , LitintAa 41atit, : a , I want thoestpine Made so Ontall'Othat, of.o'lls soltherit' Ouplleate, the valleys or t a .ree hand ilthe Pluming '"Or. to• penal hi get Ole longest a oat•ot oafish, 04 P. , northern .o.xpansloo'ha ManY adviinlageo marked by the reins of 'felt es-Seba , t seen, two of whipto Moist& water Om. separate depar iheM fOl`"urst Offendero, ,the'etrito etaCrWtii'M dile air In -which she the owe; 000sooet.moo.00ssfooippo This; AratotraVelleig' oven itmlay. One Of otere motor opportunityoOMitildttelly. ..Ofttildt. lt has been lotuld that E4 420W may be ite6gled as soMewhat iolid QS - theft otivo• -wells- ' IS' Mill conatiellGY ea. mem -tooregatol;toOr seloo.000,0tio 'eatr,,everla•OoltilOM Ofil*filitgOtOOOMMie 'shots' Or brahant. Isaac, atid Jaeolo and- terly laCklnati, nos peon deo:musty ed at: '11.1611' Oct*: oot000s lieromerd., raeing the Atha. Wier Od t,tv Mllt(11 on las waY to wrhe baslcOr 'systmashould nteas 3 feet...agnate of glass.. 0.0 lb, bake, Peace oodottacitenzie valleys' and .1°414 4de af-tio-anedeid 'itillaffa-Ja be. diSerimituttion--1.1--1 tvereotillowed oVintleas tt$ PO4Sikirt $4 49 0 flOta tO the4tarneer arid oaloalltall ;is lb2r4a.heiroiror emi-tyrh4a0,11141,,vmOOkIr 44110iirtata lobos feriae:et. Polnictloolt, by the Arabs as the \vial; ot ttbeinsolvot of .1ot tiod,•Inoiblitill'IldO.telopeOtt liff„ 'that 'Some sort of MCI* Isla feet too foet "toe, and"!itleet lastitUtei ' Sysletitowhich WOOld reenglIte trteitttes$ he reformation :' by if the wails, are triode se'llte air enblerrhaft'4.06641). riot ifei throne'', She laptiC•twas clearly Doi So•greal or peorol- neird•a per,Senage oS beetohis father, A.prabani beforti him. Meted ids tent-lbete•-llitnie it for the nine belitg bis .plOce of habitation.. Tijg GONITIGI7S,STRUGGLE nsido that space wit the priyileges .tilbge Whirshowed;".tbeto.• thew! oer ti degrees, 1010.1v, dItioits I Wilma treat second-.01tenderg: - •-° 7vidt, enou tor ,Ver,3 ; it - s°11e de4erv'14•;61 Itle)* '411 °111111ar la a s ttheit before meriting, and lines' but •11,-CIISt.':14.4.481liUullire' °uit" room w41, innst Mitre venttlattelbi, A is Smooth and .4hout the'leensistOncy 'of Spain. being among other nieMnera • n rated: by holfeput- (P4ei'OectlotoldreosiespolititiMfo,,,,,,r9igirotrimoto rttiiirobsee (off, ovieof, e gartet, • 4,1,7777[4*i . aserbItel.°11;O?/,' 1 "'Mr. P.° he, conferrea, -the :Kind • **•"•SoilE'Oli 714'410) s. oil. cl,Asit''of mOstart „stilt and red „ „ SOOLOVI the PallY,§013 and Roofs cif Roquefort cheest---the • pOlted eneOSO. 4'1'0400' thae ere reigning kin° Ix. 411i.' • • pepper to taste, Intel dreesinO, rglo . )143 o • t one-third of the knights at opo . , this daveleputeot tiriMi Which Me in- reedy to uee O. it coO164414 eilletlittod POEN .the Wilt Cf •Persta, the Sanher'. •. treaslog reOestate vain% ore based maY he givenv ' , • • ., -,,, ,, .. he grated or crushol--until, tilie. whole Or 44 Repair the Kaiser and Ail Iling '' • The 'recent: crusus gives,the popuiatien of Manitobe ne saw, SaskatehtsVa 440,0110,%ana Albm10,195140. The. falai "dr haseitOweeproyinges WW1. ohs fitaifdt2 ,.....k144441•U1114,M*18.);(100...A0 IlicaleS In Ove years tillI15.,455.. •'.. ' . thick ottearri. Serve VA* erlop lettuce :rit• the •`troost oble order. . 'PerlittioS tiro' :41.*a vt70:60ex* sta9lIktgg •fee w 4:1. , - 40 and hard croakers. `. • , • , . it was banded 1 at back lir • • ' '' • two • roWe of dowe „ we 4 ot ..Fish•-!ArrctilAei. three apotio0,1„ tf,„to 41gft, jilt!, date hetirl user eit: hi • thotkatiangtt det vtifteognitiok Plate illteetIon incorrigible mea..• roe. weuitetio Pao.:•O• „000lag 'feet, km eutt e0w, %:0;0 Ammo t #11q4"411" 11-144"s'ittir to 11:1177-pri' eT:he lefgeno-owl nfidtei ,„'teini„oftloal-urenotera net9 41' iftg-•10-46 th'es-r • Eitt,ailid white pepper, • '• to,•hice,thp honeS,Iinaotto contrttilietslortMe to • , o _ ,_ .,,,,, . , ahould . bo• 40und-,the rrt- so' 09,,, Pi" preVide for ventliationto . • 'or • - - . • - - .- - - - -- • -,- • -I.:4 •Int-geotholig ergo. tatLeMko, .„4„-..wera,„.theAte,atuatrms, atje40,1,0,,,,,,tent Of fish -ion the.:botionl, ef,,Thalcing pan, if luto PorPose: OA certelik Coilidese" el • .• ANOTIllEtt START., , wmad 'be prevanted: fr9111414fter,prelr. rit.r4 se; ilwy• %VII 110* ,414.1t, fin the tg• their highly • '8- . side Oltd <Me ir slut , . this bean oCeomPlishe . witht :opt What -One Might eel, .. nesa` iitedYr7490116WIth-Ve" twit ,• -ctc• coCtelY. 411:4 ihttit NV, 1114 liao: They sduare MEE EALF.Othlt WANTS To MAKE . tintoreit hie It 0, Itt 014 Way 1 404,CA-flied ,gb0Sre Idge 'ffif WIS04•40•4•10.103144.040A, sont- SalLsbury haviiig. lost her. garter, at, a " -11-"XtrIVIditsft -SillsfartrItz-pickeet the advititc4 o lands, antlicit tate -there heel' no a er ' reel fe• Ultit slices Ot salt porltlt. -• ce h on on, Cain been and a stalk Or trailge tbo.fllo oi.Ottrid restereg it. when the eeergises ' ' 1 tor each ten 'Owe.. ,some ipectaatton, the .actual settler lia.s Oels oti thOSe. SO11, Pitt taita to hitt ,thetr smiles tho King f Witter and a tlihr allet pr onion on' proved. • them :with the- f"Roni "4- $5 Still the Regarded ns a Great Ocoundrel by lt10,st k ,.., . ,., ,, . • LiNtigSlAttidtsE tkaptitOyi,.. , ,,„, 0)E HIS COnnleYnlen In , "S 't 011ifi&id ;On' 1 'that 'Itto. ..----- oldOidin throughltta.Va '• , ), t ‘, on 0 . •,, • -, -,,, , , , , .. , , t Mow t , moo with all elbear ataxia:wet% beaten OMMOS ,tipotO and each. _over n , , . t, I my theillletge'llthf"*.litte same. lardto'I:lf •the•order. That •Is tbe„,441.0994 ,_ ::.tivoilif 1".'"''' - - 'S °I° ''' d ' li TI e Mein 1 heYona 016 646011,06,„4.,,it tlie Taal Agin, rig 0- , ,, , 4,1, b ( ot f Th WO tis areItl.sh'ascribett in the mow: , ., ,,,,. I ' t; hi t" offenders Under A ! h fs paratta,tg the well, 'IlleSe, la •,, # . \ 1? • ." bird_ i 1,31T -1. 0.7:r 111'0 '10?, ,-7',.. . . • ,, , • „,. . . - --'- -"h. •-•arSIOY '44 o . o s er ra - 1.,.. e"Vhl'h 'SditiSrd III selected 'tor hie 2 tY . , , the .gartor., ale •laliez Balfour win see you to-morrOw Intillit' Re4ektrtuod Ito tt eve l',. holl.1 A eat air.. The nit comes 4 4 It at ten too:foto,. ...‘ • start a laaaraasa' 41. 1ny owa:agu111-,or of the teem where ft warms, pint in Oak :Vanstiotetl. ,,' The taVelina.;:lxilleeted at three ounces of igliter..,,440 tablespoon- „,,,,,Bat it ts ottid ,nut Nett the note inithried The that ,sethe run a publitation Ist smile sOrt-iltid it way it equittizes,the terra/endure,/ it thert1-1,Virirdpeg last yetty- front° /Instead' Aral -101s el fiend', one ,gactliSized-earratt oht? Still -earlier, though liot under royal de - Fresh air. t$ admitted et thee:enters. W." "established. himself oalturard), 'and by o - .1 tnerittiNiVen Serve' 'Olt qui Mal yopeitse, Velitch England. In. avei°0%,\Y e! rrisen trealuadd xi/Lintel! as iby,c t•entrane0 air es, there Innipeg is Ittift ',that •onY n ru • Is 6 .tali; s000tto or0toot ottoroo. „ • • o . • s o . In a t 6 10 'Canada ant Ort Ottec'butolo hasirless Ckeuh Oxrrall one alc a - • ^ and heir. Isaac. Having endured t mentor ot too mei meth), .• Mt. lort tletds that 1., ty 40 oasseo oot through !hese ventimtotp "at Inland revenue,' And th_en'i.retilros! MOM :renten„ wine Pieces*, c'elellt',.-,etne am/CY.. eilree.„.,'• •Iticherd t. havIng;, ;;Select 'wan g°111•4 'either' Oiste. Or the alitaro4'''Ne test.. Abraham reCeives /Tam the divine • t *ow.. 0 me an audience I shentld litive ‘,11 ill rig.' tined by• • •'• • ' the' bottote. the !Icsioffice sitounted.,•:illtagetliet (tor one quart orsvate4:"Sedi ',mut Toil'', liana , bitigiitaS at. Acre whio tiottre a acatiPaneo hug his seed s inherit th receiVed the Intelagence with less int - •$- •••• 9 P99 9- , • • •": ,1:614,0*.431b. Thg•-b,‘,,,arilt,%0MailAgs ngatv art' per; t dr four olostpoi • 4ut Abe toil. it quiet+ be,od.apclund the lett lee and that he whiselt shag hccOme to all respondent. For Jab° 9- - - piss Uttepa ati object eatart ' cid' 'nen N`411', 531'144. 4/14 1°111' 11' SHESP •P011 EVERY PA5thf.: "' fotroasn' .ovtie 4P, Par Over IV. We. Wed „Ininta, SinVhOthlig .water 'on •7 • ,0•Alio tend in Mad" he ho -s been ti solOurneo, west, verges o Loodoo to to oco Tinctsr.essatefil over Sit •000 05% Vitt US GetttTER b •Tbe- __reerd„...e _I tams 0.; this „ • • .? • A.„ the plecese let theta vialt1or a few Mtn- , - • , ..141.4 tfle *awing hermits 3-ssuc9 'Nvcrc.; ow,- ales, and thew drtlin it. 'clean A0,611 n:bnild of blue VelvetA;101, Inch z Millour has often tt hl 1 Id ill t n notions th type a! super itree ess ng described es a I 44 L. to, viol, y er, (comp. chaps. 21 and 0, be collelud- nor corm si u t 2001 WhOgheg Is Die contra 01 '11'35" Melt Milt the bulletin', a pan end try broad;•heitylly ineritsteel with.:gold arid of olly,Mdlora " Scarce! ln e the 4----eog--, --, o , ineile-a infallible itadtistOY Is lit,l'Y sinallo,otrato Mole and of the eistillniting trade Nina Olt Whinh, sliato raising earmat lit - Pr ore -n Prince ,..„.4. o u'r WV AI I 1 I I OUld 11 Iltit why restrict the, ex.conviCts to intlee, ssys MA bolut C. elko Parla* m tOe West, EfeetrI641 Vawer Add he eui stialloAdd the oxtfer'aid seasoning,' liOnetroin leters[di solid wild. Merles the pieces of ita17411,11 GM vegetables 'bearin§ the motto "Hold soit qui.nial i tag verses of chapter 2.1. again imint ou . s o , , ex „,,, ,. lite descent of various tribes from Nrillor,, ,,, , „„, o. !Altai ng =of the South Ben Bobbleoltave ue the brother of Abraham. ' Reference la ou'io Dern 11'111141 iol Schemes '66 widely Ing has changed:Weill/learnt Y guring Pe, lie -alien* Miring the, Coining sionnieri saniner ft oiowly ro taarkhajas,,MOtn. 1,:wore 11 gar:Or Willi a blazing. array ' I p 1 'reoltious to confiding investora as his ths antolf 4-1101° 1,)(14,,111911$7 id rind ,, test 15, YearS. We %ea 4010. our raw twill& *Air rtial4e *algae AniinUFactUIPS t010' it War uttly, TAO magber ' pall, 412 41481thigiiif boa these te cildinetillirink @dine, anti the account of the Intrellasejc,t."'"I' ,T.ge '°'cr9 Illr°cgit their totioretQw.4..o" 3,,,mte or going i the -rifgoet; products daect. Nos.vail haye beoIntle getnse; - # ,, # ".:t , • , put, $1“u ibe root or twouttevtor to me /reel *odes oil tbe otot04,4,4, ._ . tooth Iv, toile" Oe ill 101. were. literally to to _ „.„ o , r inittinfavalreas as We 4. lurtar tauod thr presence o Abraham for a binTing piece is found in i mininerrd by Ita•niande. Tinot were neSb t tItiour horio solo dr to visiti aa putting 0- Ii1001 11114SIIW ttAtt,WAY EDNATAIICTP:gt ' IMMO etO., end,, tollett 111.1t1O well browitO AI Vindlior reaada arlettt T,A0 tietst of the cave of 'ttectipolah tram eimPter 23. Her° °Is° re8".`°1114 ag ( the iBt4111M, Abide' tta • Penn. thtoslattilierit that' we liatild elituble the deiatt and burial of Sarah, • The ?„1 ose*W ‘4V413 utut urPtans-9,9„, --•••••••••04t, ,•••••-• ,.•10",in••0 priori, 164, iha tprgely the very n. ople . he 0014g letist , ,• . , 400 ritatkot Teo, litioAtact„Taveurictuted Bit Winnipeg *mid nOt :grow! smutty ,eti,„•mitr the stook ReeltioaSistratnid.- MIS itititi elected by 661*Ptet '1U'L* ',d4% ei.tore *i.tiauas „bs, and thts proved:, Oat -001Y 44f,.„ the tail in ibb tamer!, ttInbaittlIV111/0r W61,atfre. utioss WbOltt, COnnIry ooyOgroV/1110 Semen a e , , , , . t•sl 'Orin" tvith plece.0 br.the. ordeez, cex,ernony Vidal:Ls pos.' Vivra. On shah 'a •sithIeet. he tatitild somfigliicorafri in'tbe ror *lege& Mier/nous number ot-Joitztoonts tionD. • • fat story ot the betrothal of Isiti4 OlUttae PoOP 6 of smolt means. „ tOottio" the „. iserorathe $ ash camo the name 01 'mention In chapter St ot 'fife itiaMelit Of . jahes Ilatfour was an honored elle, lie ,...•troxott..bahr0 •-iito '10, • ' iednutwisorte to ilass; ear ,atniscruollokot railwaY0 •bi" 483sygteat ON OEM? ut)psTst king arihs, WHO earries7 the flialtdr• iftebelialt, in chopter 24, precedeo wed tVartIr•lil °IOW; tdt. belitts*sit".4 Ilither• Nth in the re* Mate; What Ving into tbe OollutrYt..butAY the Phut • -6 . tor.,M treoeded ilio; gorier from hint, min of 114 dealt' tot AbrafteM *Wets ot ll'ad.tatti, one of the stanneh• 4°1 nPeaker" ' gidirad And c14 #141* lovard 8,1-11f 41;t11:!"°111161E 8nd °*4:14:‘;'',uilIC 'malt Ite`itittlitmitsol!.:` ttni, the 1"Ilentuittes Mid tither 'Irliges InoriSt oral of tth. illOS1 enthusiastio. fol.. \vba itoei fleg. ettaltIonteondtiets 'thownewlY 't•• the eS' :14.414 '4. *nth" °I the IlaeSe °I Cent. tigit$-,! Of'Citrinhang natt he' to a force, lr 'Me otottb‘tto .• ,bellevo there' le eatiiixottea., 414 'Conattibte,Pantnet, Abraham's stoma marriage hod 4 and tits bartal hi his tWo`tons. hale end es ettrimplus of home ado and one cf % Intl if increasing tile wealth:producing ita.acitwuctly:Iti;c12/11. bl, BillifiolVtivt'aratitintt d I al I k.,,, 1 40 1 olluitnna:ria.toTitlitIleltiten4etp14%10111TOPIr°141C111111;11, IT;1114SS'IcrePittri7IPtr'12\0;:y°Orrildlildrit?t8118°00°n1 I : ^ watt $d,latili lapco 04, Due of itxt Witt' p9O rtgtgreck idr railway cOnsirucuan 0 c NSit11011. . N t . „it dug ,i), itvg, ,sigg, rani he Illttulltd it,t.e. 0,_11:40,.. et' is,:tu,. a ett, niut at t.1.104,;;;0 r.11,0y0,1atIlittl:deOtetv:Oftd4ettiai,,Mteilletl,rorvistleilfaat:slhoee.,$.41;6tsti: ,irt68.11,1:6W;;Ilar°1114trit.bett7vir' 1:17arabhvg!rlikilicknoesielihrveha°11'Thrieurrit14:,,n,;11:1 nss'istA 'D ' 114146 *I oulls 1"44 Ihtsbeei4 • sit, os a It Is tow that to 06o oleo . v r'Y n't a 11 Y $ • *III 'alba itt ' thus giving the aliaestty lit still alfter t itipt: 0,ki 41to emomoo people. Tried Vnicaniethenomermn Ott turtmeAralean end ,tho Selltott of VIES bitibi 'ante sheets and diverting 0 Ids own tt is alladndd:d'in• 1110 -endrin On. %ail"' rtoOngss uvizi-'11rollatg. ront°V;rti'lleitovototIviroglipeeee goi&est. Vilehatlxil "i'll)t41°091?ditte4g l'ttPtillho64ait6oltnitr: tiP1443'. :o:ebPt 1 tttingdIttr.stil)iruille cider sOn la lila osettniter 00 Motley entrusted to him for invest- find goeofttliallratt Illiveoreeelved ImOto ototther,„ chapter t3. eta*. Chapter St *MIL For, 0401" he received the inaxi• groOteat dittleUllieseen the (term doting the •Ifial YetirS; hitt DOA, littestiOn 60010. There is,04- class Of niettl•Pra• titiom stop ,that•oet" _prepared, SO closaty rotated .1101000•1. lietera aftgy Of Ms peers he was food '4 Cotst. 'A, • ftIttitir P0014,4 SVI bt/40 • WOW west et tot oamle ,144A-• oiloo ritig retilera • tY the ev:y Is a hado With the account et tha b of Iiirolt trep tonints-lesulinit false bat- o r000,ottpotioto , toe omit of t Ito ;oleo; , ha, ervixede„ sis, tow, n•d 00404.4„wo.tfy A:glance ot Iheite*spaliers'•41, WeSterat idespetteneell 116' cherishes ),0,6,„. , . , arab ,r • 0,0t0 ,whteh pret eat lesSon talteltt Muni 'Sentence-40On years' penal set. Patiana•dultvViewlteneratiFtlic tuttge !hat., he 4aft '114 thy oF10.4D-: bootoot.„, 1,44 "4,,,o4it eci Opine the only referenee to Isaac, tit': *Wide. filsopmrcil Irani public 111(14o4ark ,Ot'laYfriff 140 4oaddn'InUi 'time --kint1 tokto' toutxxv4 r rittrie4 I, and 13,14, Motion. tiatd pd erabot, lgoo, troth cost of:hrodueing Mutton the' officer .in hharge of II/6 Margie C Pargd With, be!eI vey of Mille, that craith()11. IdV.OP 111,AttOtt. am ,haeltiott,thot oho has appeared in thejlorlbern hpnroaell Oat!, 'Prficlilre! 100 P011iOdk P tomb ot• tt. Ctiednbac SttOk 011 thailltranwtrakern, cosLmt 411, htst, *Is. fa Put' "' • 101/. 0011110 at *eight on. fe,•• Meer when tteigi4 ista44.. wag " .1 g . its . • tx t gest seen, on December 1$„,flit5 Ritmt.tbite4 bt over go, 40 nit P 00* evith he geftettil ProPO tY,, 119$ lItvol totedezt r0,et above high ,m1r:lintshott Icim4 „JA imiruarr 0)4 'Ahem; reneWed," octIVity. ;,fleginti ,In10 and tto'ditirnotOr at About yortlai • ,l4tbeelt,1144,0tot 1001 ro eetits' fl per go* -11 le41,.s ring heuntts, , „It ihvekst• e4fty 040 0.egA thia '',grotit„ctotokY: _P0214016 soriea of 'titter Irs•V,A94,1,9, ctrittvirld„te .11,1n1A' leaded, tit be 'it the bolgiCiA 00 it rwengened oart. trim ids.:'itmw. Mot atorm at execratiret. A and litalleett nt* how43; '04 41' that hats Litot frea'ify,to"0-•4'.04*-"t Ilitsestar, • Tel/Igen 10 either.Abrultnnt ills;Intlirre• or. fnW ituititha Oft41 he regained' lits,,frem, tag sms, lamb told ESOU. The general tIont' ofter•SPending tro ,yeattO and ave iN-Itiotorth.eirootorttioltholioltrwtoutoollytit t,o,ntatt.6411;b1L•qrtri$01/401044414e;,tw,o,tn'witit.,:lotthiat, i400lt"t„otteitit,,t,tvitiLiu7:itsittniosbbttypeitt-.t:ethode jtjutit ttr oso ot barthitro Oats Innra.:0 ittiserwlbrek years anti seven h t 16 ,1$ hieggootho-,061,:t6 ,01/106i, , , h h • t eve 110 00100 9 4119 nor.soottots the roatittron or - rho titstarfrt-slorruitoy mood.or, , ettples Ottd trIbot 01 llilotlito atom or fess clooty mated, 10 tW 11013twsc obi), to show Alai ovOtru1Ing ibirposty ot cab tho twos ot Abtalitiza 'and tramoillate deseendentai tentenee-whitit be liad gained by good tollItiel-4,alt that he cnitid, gold. Par wfaateVer else may he said al Johoz eyet, ludo , 4 ill8T,411 rsuosee. ttioto, r000tot ptetoro ot the ort, of Arse name Watt "aboald find taw. la, toy minks moils boa;offete, 't301111141 oyo'llo,asbaioed tito ,allopo of a brotteit it 19 Eig imving beg,* oak by dtvlin flata,41.o, ta.,phottt, bent, ortionatil tienow Ativabion brat toogtto litto4.4 VIA 'weat6tiod, tOrly face atm at the .11ttaigitt. 4'014.04W barium altifiy: tanning eyes, I imagme4 ;ha who itiS advarteor ago,' 1113'ooaf,tr.tolltat:tvotitd betray %Ito caht- in That land -4,41t0 illattet Ptalif for liyaiztile., • -tt t aita'. lb Itto Motility ot tiorors. 11 41$", iltialp-AtIola fano foamier-. tattblet4kUnt144101 L U4a. x01, bli. hhe iN;hat 1 thaucht toterOMM.14040P...4110114 1fItt Vt4.31, I OM Ire O • stittli• Wile VMS iv7litimitrei,1,40a:zitorvatti,:0,10,0111t,:tiro,01011nos3niti,,,.."ttrir tottltiott: :,,111.4.0144111,:tttb.:vit is. ',droop troro ova triattit 14bwori :1:1-siu4nv,..dottitiliw.3,roao.ttni)oft;i:ten ,14.101,, 'ffirtst,-h. whtetowag bhollarty theavalin4 ,nettiritit'.A1 i'iTAiii,;.6%istint of the sorviatc.,ond-attettibtot% 10, Wei 'ot Alio useitte. housotiold'1144 • ittkcit.u_Ap ,ab,61., IL *441.10 tie hiortertnes dctiv.tisfu•gthIrsthatensmokng itottr:_,74A-47. ,'".•°, ,ovehot ;it .itheiita IFOOtIO:,1m) Alt.• athottfeta NAV tits Wanner intita utiftet &onto ,N4tibtitY" ttio, tat 1134'1""PK iattA 41i *Or 1'10 bid tc:11 tWi.atif tor: o fait* Woo' *,114 141"1101"!, aloe bet, •ttleo•I -ea to Min.' °Mr ,111a0o ft OOtettelititt popeto trtots. ITS mummy strAyo• al:et° :11oh:iroe°P.ort11411:143;t:ttbt 11:3,01:::a ' ‘v•11`114t7°,1:11d411111:11tYleritt,:olle111-111344411:1;01'4'Co(iltetkev. 'ciaati7i.f°L.SavaskliatellIal'tilv°4141t:t1:140"s7ailleflodn,'ai3n:, ,141::4461:01.01°''.01:t41171:171.17:v11:c:ranlboe$Pittld8i: 17:::::matrhun- 107:::ogrlirpli,aiollevillg.lvilt"Pb:Uesenn, 1)11tclut", ' coast of Pratt rittralet extending •ftladit ,$(.40;41d 9at { for 1101 471,IolY blisillM• There 00,4am/trend islen s Ott the lkickInglIo a fg P4 10 I It , i i , on II, taid.;11 la tO, he, eitaMitiett by Oita Port ettit16.411 41414 11/* y,• VOtiSOk Ut I/etilg 11° nnelY lande 9° ccIn ittut where lie is :afra d to 1000 a tit 1,5 thi, kigitht,, b gie Ki t uto oast zideivt *Utility at Beigoi 4ta An Ohio tanner told itio that ho blid Illzwtse'tti.45:jw;ehrif4aligrgill'e,4::t6ItiboebattlCtullole'dt t'Vb)et lb -tho uottlawit a; 0.0011,0A isuind totit Oat) Yotet to 'tan genii, feedifili "141344h111.41er wt12,,gsfea,'Iciort l'ita'Auluiptod' "Isoptann titibtallegoUtTlYt,.latt‘kre, 'IrfillIttratiltillo itttmg1541P,tite:41114, pacing' tar ille tentillierolO1 suhrmllues.• of ocotocso. oats ocrocottortIogo mantic. los nine; feet lit length ,(the ' . gold, in, „tonal rititIO Qneett Vicki cat , oeptielit oologenno • ' 0,1 Iola duilbtookt-kect iiilniti 1114t- Sear Alberta. LellaitidEe. Illacleadi Strallt- Li"‘ a r, "'"" 'I''''''' totighto JraVe ntentle_s sitohtt y sbifictet • tilt, lilltsct`ctar.,10,11°4414473 dtro' pt,"16arlirittelet:'" (lott yltga9raf4t,I41111111111a110611113Arilt fintlilii")11111112 reoUttio* 01‘fleadllidiellrfpilkrta4,11 ,41104ntortioitzlonbdoadtt ttibtitrinillnurtitgriti;altre lATIAS(401141koa•illeir!ok Elltug ttilliti:%itsto()v:Iggn-jo; III iya g3„1.. ieh fat viwoute staatts.,, 411 isbiatt 3409, tc48 tletrial a ,thotigago ot S,r-ou Mit IT IN Atirtsu torlimuix. . '4;6w $urrreat they Itit tit lad wredg' eat a White silk', &belting' 014 Is hati,t • .14rittec Albettf 10 the-florifir ere rapitily takiog on, city alts anti habits. 'NeVo run woys,and lInnten*surretilating„,areas Of rettild lertitotora tn. ,cau$o,„ troose alowt grefil 4411*(0', centre, mainhtim; IN Position AS -the place In the tovInve Caletr$ end Edinentori• ire rat lest isatilethingr*thie, this priseegt, A Certain Otto,. ettchnittlence in• *Ws /thinly. iti•:,,aret • rildraen010$4 her eawriteAs.th.L 06: fit01311*1. /40 10. tiler 'm sa•at tdd flifetioof, blit1140:0 And' 1It '4/11$4.• Olte Seer the, ordee,on ,Ittn'Ittt zboultior.- rot ty Ativtiartib ialbilatanto be moo it- out vroat. 10,ti oloseChy 90Vden. of portila'attkrIfidA, tom ttoot Loco) ,oto wide; tigub tdocelibletios *boort viltntroll,,oNiln141.614,Tan* • 0 r, . 0 • N I tbi; t•,• ri•tk.att:1, 170471 9ttridtrn, lenthex 4.4,Ck4 "Itlit".teg S 1)14V bath* o Vet' Ahl Of lose spa att tu gi,J04.01 Le ••, n 4 i Oa' .f tonight's %the. „ o thought hi' tint votao' la that tsaao also ;My .:c*r Dr011tIttl Oxr011411St 11$ J3C 144 'atIlAnat ettligion ROM iirtlatand . tilt ...1Crillf.6 OXiterrente Ihrtitte,t . vthicili• he: hap 'possa),twnaliting' tliai 'butte:WO filo, Utti4auplitoin %Mato b IR 0;0'2'4 .IY, ettIP;00.-•eA to, hz. 'Savo tor. his *Whitti tiotr. t,t!sitt, at Mo. t Ond thin', ttOgly testa, 11,1-.404'1'1i 14 Ma tvilara ,,111q! .1,1cat-er ,WntrA flatboat , h ,I! 'e.). -P11 tire' laighilt, Ttar 4411 Vtatt7. Thom ittratsm up to thil. lilt, 1116 yaliterrottotat, bao • atitifini , teine,tely, .,uttgitsltiva • et :sbniO Italy Mtles ta4.10 'sttes. ,, At 1.14S, 1 Itdnib°1-t4letetat 111M4tt‘/ 41(t&°11t1'.: ' ' t 'Oatt In -th talk.' 0.11. mato Ittio'iativi: ftduct.ft :to i,stiloitiawit.itteT, In little rh, Ito rseitit-hts,lint mg,ffedie Allots It'41 ,h13 vtitatcia intrittiar.4 rhlt; ',111-jiii• Huh sr -N7 51011'114' - ' - - - ilft Mol ttet4h. ,itt 1104 slt •tivtot,,,tta, a 01 trou'Oktrif "IMIt !if"' IS to The .411,p Nfshit ers$6444 Ain)* .k. 41110t.1 Oittrot mooing tentota 41b1,-.1.1 tho ittirty tfilf•iff 410' Metr,bialy. 'offer Dal taftia itt:11;6't-yag tt gib lbw iiittittfo txplitkillit OinieftrdfutiA y.J.:e even emitlesilt Irk,WKI. 1mA, t!ott Pole% ilt Your' ratatfiYaltrit ' CIO. wiitirtt v.,,It es- ztte. or thit,''acit:i $1.411Gifteli Ittliiillge.1.}. eta woo. ,ottra a llia$ VegoolittO 47"0,0 navy otoonfo ta 11116I. ty el litihme,IY-74 11.,,.rnt? Min, %bat 161, tii114 c,Al, 'elfeht.B. -NI -Old( loin Otillstilft.INOOttios is '',•0011911O Sea COO MOW Othiftio 'Cot 'Ito sti-rIliel Tho wkw..t Ilk •Ito v‘elik'pmM. hi k. rittc t'l /16 ripaa Al.-iQxtd7A_'.,. i cat;101k comalc14. tut. Oirtftliosufa 14 .ct itill4 alkil#:1p1m1 grc,.•_ar eteipyg, ca ,Ls , ahal thot neitivt 11 ItaletilW.lialk fait vt*:*ajois, AA", N4,41sit.ta 11*.*Aalti. t 'AMY. lit otite.fltiltAvit' ff%mtlefla "Aft eV' tom 4f onte ri,...oitati0;libe f‘4..vtti 0* bo Utesd 4.100,44 If**, sa0111 NI Reciallik t 1 4 Milliiiiii.," ,," , • " 8i , tt tiro, 1014 latala 1iidd It tondo Of; IHO Interior valloyo fire,the 6011- lit 00i111.41140 41. giell • thliejat afth):#, The itOeit And ket 40' one tut or Ijultott§* ' et gnint attention. VanclitiVaikls,01- tints •doe.1: : blue lieteard4: prometing 'toot oro er tittitsittt .stevot, nua. with, deattrVadlliaa,ottl.1,,,zo,,,,w„,,osLio011. pOntlitigt till &al rani tife .fauttiat 44d 'AP111).htV.',. • • whlicilattelfi,' • • 41i1Ktiraca in utis woutiro, o arido way iffireby the: WI1040., fir Vont Dotot too'. if rt serOotio foto The,,a4rotood 4st iho 440, MO. ital.. tOcketillY bad Wm '14 muvor Is!autt 'wilt IA Plietittl: tIP'-tivv441* goodly for, rot*, ler het" get odotbl : ',ter Ig =am ot the' those hot - ota Tria tholitttort tot «t:stott, thh-44 irt% way,. coo moo troutory 04 lieVer Iota "xgseis,„- • • , •1110140$ ny-t retro, 4e43.. • Ion;11011410,1111110041‘‘11.41. Itheertrirosintit ott4n1(t11,Nnoottopahrealit. danevaeloopaind 01,14rtinTrtilatto tpeurlit 40anzslizttlidnots; 'hit tor .tho s **) theta wog 11111011 wadi loaf tat i3„ itho oopittilt Vkitotis:• The +fiat lilattyott. win gm ,tiofts,1117 ta,g,i3itatt ttlo prticitlet, raigtr TIte Prh* 41. as& adtarierd•sil the, „ tomtit, ,Over'lloi \Vest !hem Is. obooto ootoomio seroaote4 A t• o • t b Stetek In PO Oats fa '11144 Iasi tletiVilyO , and &reedy etIvonzO4 oot,4ti too ono "ea ing c '11‘6• ir our tvoritilhi' 3;ster net it eictatied, ,INs) - , _ dgel g , _ r talitte V9they711 011E170 onttityeo • Otlit.tir4A frobt 11*: 1 * • • • la . "%the* WI lei 44, be pinto o• 1011011... liSteire .$10 aloe foist • 01.*1 ...4 0 'OP "Scoot rtA101 ihm wok *Niel be tele if int* ••it •