HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1907-03-08, Page 1J'e.T-, X'7e1`J?41FPI "I 111 7': T, rr—, WIT To 7, 4010 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - TM 0000KA STAR 10 UWWW; 4� Tue. 400HRIC", STAR Im it logo gfkafttllott 0,40- soy otbot Now to *1his w 0004 ths County 191 "u NowspMW ka ON Co"MY of HUMAk Md. 0 qIF 14, Xoll F Y WORK% ONT,, , - _RIDA A&RCH -.8. M7 ;441.;1,; 01 A1104" WOUM 001!, ANW-I 11-14*13,lk, INTIRR-IMPURIAX VNI", - 411 0. TZ theb, abOI wo not it. t We coo, vrittforx of, Grill V tiv,$O" -oww tuab"iw, -Wilw tilln:7ft4of itists, ito-pultu. PC W That hoole, ot To 911 jo-sou Utiom A golbo'l, Vol, Belt 'II hor I Ata; W= bit in. 014 fir Vil Ittostitallt, t.140I *W 04 Mr'a* Ut'jstiti Mrs IVY 0, V, 'W 04yo W *vl Wit "V or for that roottelit."it 1) -$TJ0NA§hF. UNQUF. W10X0 ` ' A* "JUN11111110111t Apittal foir C448 .4w" tb 6U 44vt fit Ai ft lot rot Union of BrItall" and nor 44f� VA 0 0114t90 line 4,40ma OfI *,"ft 4* Y I It Whollbtv, '14 As$ t 111 14 .Ake AlI 0 . I, on4l; 41pff: lift WaI4460.4y *t, repo het -on tion must have bad: Tile= is go, 44VOUI 4 all tovolont Y . I them I* only 040. gum V-sy, 0; Its _tta at 'A. 6(10" J11111I 0.04 4Y kvlw it, few 1102 b#M to Tot tholljOXAM112111, OnIVA0411 , =00, 'Ort now Of R96t0olial- ill, a In ble mind whou OP *Ukoi* 14 tho—we It'm VW*l Wb* 4.0. 4tl*t N. NO.' AUX. WON And, mill as 01) amall rabruary Ildir 9 NO 9� ate he *aI OVI 1W..At ty 9t IN w Vio Would, 41 this, YjQkA, mat tpean Up It III so hailloor and tho 141 - 4 Ity-t '414tkertorm. I red t lop*,, bot', Ow vilut toot OWI"Itoftl.0490n& 9t WIli#tb*0M0I*%1hK 411141stiliti, %tA.?A tbollt S 0 X Col. Bain, Hughes, the member foliVie* Ili 111I t torla, mov(14 1) t,that in the a Itilon of In the, to t fg, wonla., 09 Mo *low pf tb* 04 AW*I folitt' ad to tie orielic theniss p ve;moitoru. ho64.Oti�,40 OPA VICI OOUI(I)mgoreply.,t%VQ, w, im on this House the Interests of Cana 9 'Id t tttliarI "I�_h Chi (u, 4%"Et Woo'stp Atently lir 4 call d, rofluira $0tillAving,weir Oiv, 01.9 of''wour and the British Empire would be beat And wQ all know tbftt Robbie Burns too -be -'WA hilftwo. 4 ri rved by it full partnership union 10 ba* said, with his usual poetic rind IWO 0640A00, KIM An thtl 01A 0.1 odbetore *%oclunnItteft Its - and prophetic foresiglit 4AMA0, NbLW A -MM.0 $1 .010 to now better now, It not YO WO The motion, which was Introduced rI feirso ant Tho b*14L AT94 C Ok ANY: 1, N rottlittIA10I .4 xv, 'You gorlikips tween Great Britain and her avionics." AM, o Ion deplott t �g noopil t*l� W tau to ti*vrpoti ItIf Coto I YOU 1*4 YOU11 SlIVY Wo Will I -in, the tbgI tq tI without any orpolli4l., ostiI much to leitra "titers SoN Intention of dividing the 0TV, t r tit 7riViiin 0, V.4 yAk ttlo Ft just wlwp And ORITH, ST RBM r The$. 16W know that solethinf, like this Jols WbVI you alkaile and House. was seconded by Dr. n_14 ItIOU, MOUJI&T,, Tb4kY will Rn g:'Arqukh A; too A Z t qoA will allow line tile statute priv w= OPICOT rMT9.111 WTI Oil 'Rotm 00110L the ROI04 lifillibl" Ot I decline to submit t7l being obairget) Huron, and it wits only within the advoutort t lot, bylou with willful mo fireproventation past eek that tho Hantiard rep&t of to q or the hospio p tholibisod toomy friends In Amongst, Chisholm, tile nioli�ber top Vast must cortoluly take place the R us and. happy day, arohoills n" for OM011100 til" 0 111 fII outsidd werto am fillsetticoll. I Am not awsve that the debate wits available, We r to -,,,a fron) I'" my 10 dI4. but from the and na'. It x"d W. Ati-000vtOu Celli- ITlis ; Your' Own VISMOKY Or sense Of (Rivull)(419 auce. Dr. Oblabolfula speech lit W.' a told that the us be f, V.0A in, EW Voiwodokovill 04,11W Thos. Molirquiso of Nia, tons g lilit jolool an V tlia be read --Sb%II Or: awards into plan la oar -a r. oud Molt, lobib enou cla III with -keen pleasure Iky our reactors. abare-i and their Spears Into p -it uAl W, W46 ------------ ellioll A' to 'Mrs, �Okcl standing your wild talk and distorted For sturdy 0anadlanisin. loalty of )looks, and that nation shall no I up tIV 1 161 n g It 11 and notwith 4 good 09 1% he, f "I t rl d judgwout'valificit Von for so and %ye are sure that it %Vill beat t Ito, 110 aMtluloI to. Ju. Snyder Mt. a a IJJ 11 Tu" preffiJ It ObArges- I *fitPm that toy I;QPOvt nil tone, eloquence and uound reasoning, sword agalust nation ricith t itvaryl) RX h Y Yrolcorif.0, ot Ora" Quo4toult; OV0111 4WRI 14 rplumt off., uexmuo_aq- co IeI 0ortbe I I wordand In doWl. Boodder., lot MO arecalreardin Prliament for tuan Taic ST through was substantially correct in It Is one of the most notable deliver. war aur more-" Dr.. Harvey, the Ave. Speci0st riiI 511 1 116, 1" olow, 00 1, Alk, I ishes exten c 6 Benin such wonderful possibilities 4eataf hUmpire ctillvp of. op,4tlwll dAN' Ito the remind you that vituperation to moot .1 and the Speaker well doserv% -W , .1, 119 V ols.ovi 'tG'k and th liking that It Is a step In I he for suillill. 401A b " t to 010de 040,90110 will tAX4111; S. -ho occupies the a day a e. the praise bestowed on film right direction, I am prepared to advo. unbecoming in one w till Vrl ay 42D vlUb. ;I 0.111100A It.—The residence of position of rh gentleman and tile civic frown all partA of the House. Th cale tire f I partriership union of at' a gard t4o entpo tA Vvtowrivillb litilf, of =4 has attrang or living in 11 a CIRRI _pd for the pop oth V III en's Or the , have Intrereat' '-AboTAWYeW In '04 -PoWdev, Anglesest street. w4ts chair. Your whole "Ore UP Is MOVY County of Hnron as a whole, and his Great Brita ILI and her 601conles. But, M: or, tov tuo-vilA, much of a tein eat In I% test pot—your own constituents and townspeople in It must be d union of equals, or rattler '600 Y g664 boarltal.ftuil llVtI OW4,00044A It to scene oflh pretty vveddligg on complaints moo childish and oeurtle. pattloulal., have good reason to be I should have said a union I'VID ot'� i 4ud g1is visit iutq to a0011604 W, ad cormot one Quesiday aftqrmlIon. wher? her Allox, t m9A Will it d0fecti, a *oil as a edfunds, for the 06,04 llat4od OW1444 .Firsti you are worked up over the proud at a member who can so well busea'upon the principle of equality. Nrrle Morrilib, of AdIn Well, advocate this most. important clue he W!1 14 spectacles and-gencral op. tical wtoirk., or treated its op Interior or subordin- ;u6st qx;e. oat flapiII06's or 0, ill 0 A colony must In no sense be regarded 11 1 . h to my Council report. W . ow, It an M Tabb, of Qolboroe# Too are pot writing beadilliga for True tion. The following is the Hoollsard Iat Rev. Ur *.or* Jolowin wisolock's, bonds. The STAR. I'll attend �o that its occasion report ate state. I ablUl also be coutpolled to , 61; t1tor ot' valuable Veat sea oil to lye an will III tar XI otters pertaitilp9to,thi�L d the terapdranCe WhIp's After, M*, Ads, wits brldeb* needs without your miterteronce. MR. THOMAS CHISHOLM (rest point out that tin affairs now stand III pf limlitil, 1AA6. Tabb. brother of the Then you are worried (it the way I Huron). I haVO lutioll PIV­Ure In Canadioula are livin treated prifafr1r. ate in I It ro r Correction exc9le Qx 51 0 Wt map, mad Hevi W. H. geported the confused and bewitilering Seconding tile motion which has just and that Ithey are ein grossly MIS ­ 6 Julj- Ile fatgotten by,, t1r(K# rho *eVa'fOI 5V; ge of -Mr ou ft 0 r. ttit ate euoufh to III him Viscussion about the dog tagir The been presented by the bon, member represented in ro: lions onto, *IVI lip raised It 0 this OR% A. plouppit _Jq arined ereami'kown, first. sentence in th9itt park%raph to in for Vlotovid, and Hallburtein kMr. Sam to the empire, To do this IS an an. pitteal ktiovliiedg� to a I b A It a tem 'rqforra a very pretty 1 44- perAng, -ought pleasant, 1pt I hope not a fruitless task., and, wheat gra notes almost the exaot wordsvol sedyour- Hughes). He hascertallily bt -WAN ED. �-Tb,Joi 5r 0 has met In A on the PlgktfbVgO dlhg�droids. Mr. and Illust114l, dilutAtillworou re try foil I 01 u i�e public mdro satitae- self and when you told the Council before title House a very important 0 can ndVer bit righted on - nearly alk the notealtile 0 hamplong Of Many friendit: in town and towmI -1daty evenir on 'WoM i'A. It t i. last Ft iq that I Charged you question. And one which Involves an less tbo are known and understood. N 03t tory 01 ptevieusly obtained by the liquor trofflo Who bAyeso ------ I oil By his recent ('to* during the put,two or tluI to them you simply extended application of the princir I Therefore, before entering Upon the F V44M. Who exted with "dictating" iDongratulations (in t a. Tlecstilq- happy event. IQ 0 ov in A r astigniatism many He in a most, 4000401"K, opea4vt 4UO49 -well, the P ;raph Is thel Ileat an- of confederation. Especially Is t )IS discussion of the main question I shall 11Z ho era- have een re, gwer to your erveraloo of plain Ung- question important In view of the endeavor to clear Elio �lr by painting who were while drlyInf;- hot the hiked fI land re nor a I t, Poll his visit ought lish. As to r. Macklin motion, I meeting oterilonial Vrenoilerm which Is out some of the wrongs and'misappre- ate III OBITUARY. So" *a -.100 to eat t to t to by thii liquop traffic there Is rsqN.-Misso Margaret Robert- The henalons which are believed to exist, details of WO WrilIq and roln oi:64alotr, a . qu'r'ng as"s iRositiII, neither heard it ecaid, If It was read, to take place in a short tims. be, nor saw it, and even the clever man foderatlod of Great Britain and �.Vrstdted at lot 40' tonCe. e r, C;uu Ill which her but which ridevearrent Of wit and humor son, of Colborne, died in the Alexandra that Tot, jona I fear Ore not folly under - t I I HumberIg jewelry and Optical parlors, prevents ittlything like dollness,citm. tot on 8 Urday from an attack' of ov--vourself to be, got so colonies means the contIrtued predom- stood either here or fit the old Illind. W a hours, to to 2, a to 5, & by appointuient cap tangled up In% way on put the tile- inarl of Great Britain at gem. and tile do this In no spirit of fault fluft inr. A. _Ing Aril tL nail been -Ail -the tt6WthRX-wIWrr tw-a be Coutricillbrit 'formation ot a British confvoleracy but-Wfth 0 act pilot nearly two weeks when she pars. 14 that will contain within IN boundary edieg can be found. remarks hig: eclared,'the, a IQ n 1 1 Iollathbi temperance reform move e t asked Ill to,bow the matter stood, e er remains were taken to the nearly one-fourth of the lend surface ao it tot 0. p you d d not venture An explanation. I he fir, -Inanouoe, 11, by, cilo, too gtmr- to be legal prohibition of the It It residence of her brother, W. C. Robert- As It to. the difference between the me- of the globe, 1,., lace we sometimes bear 418pip.m , 4. tICal WAIT traffic ; and thot opives or those 9 son, 8th cob. of Colborne, from whence tion and my 'statement of what I tin- Now this subject Is viewed In differ- In a LP 4 a , Anteeldr,-A, SOO-11 ATIAM, 4er, anu the e.g.... 'only a colonial, uttered rim , no; r - to or Ustiller slfid �4)ecorow Q !3`61'ship. No .910 in,' 114M HELD OvuR.-Acouple of columns of are striving tow :rd t1thrand are the funeral took place on Monday to deratood to." - loll mjillew; Inferiority. 00' Ito. w It I ,po Ie g. marne 4Y as'we weed ve aft If" Portan't as the It= -ways by two diffin en classes. One 11)c Inhabitants Of Ur6ut Btitalln are -are onwrold- withstanding- constant' misr4presell- Hialre cemetery, with a large attendance, difference at can- 11tweedledum" and an 1300 very. tow objections in It and acarvelv to be. blamed for this, foi- hav- he]WQX8AXX­A'aiI tvI 8 or I taticini high and noble, The spOWLex Rev. Mr. McGee, of Qinton, with local 1-tweedledoo." ral �I Stoc� Exhibition ably held over till net wee)t. It Lite other can Ing been nurtured nd trained 16 fudal. Ball. 3b, C. HUrOn Co. gavb' cowntArilsOn Of tbO %00"S clergymen conduCted the funeral kitervice nothing but Advantages A ci� WIZOVOTI. - . etooll AI I I IiiIiam The %,eat of your complaints are see no advaotages and nothing but Ison they tire prone to Imagine that op interestloo eI brothers, M Dun I ' , All all keep and still be which promp the actions of t 6 two and the 4e4eits gah. oh,'Ont;' at Clint though we reIrt being Unable to get contendingforbeewhidli,101911tbe III Thomas, John and James.,and twp neph' about as important as these quoted, as objections. Tile China say we every Britiall possession onwide of the va In 140 acrts IQ. 16W;V.AhIp o to r :Ursda ,1907. It all in typo is week. eat Ing. The temporonce Advocate ews Ern. and John' Robertson, *ere the P Instance yo r n greiv : d tone that are all right ns we are. They WhIll to narrow boundaries of the British isles Pd nurob bits 'No. -Is I . "" I (I -e, -e or less a vassal Ing of human't pallbearers. R111064tongoij, UR( Gorti)nreff OoLLnetATE.-The report strives for the upliftl I "lionized Mr. 121nnon'for his part ad t; the policy of Iniasez fith Now themselves IS In met wriI the Jobvit of fbile the tendeney tV1iqtfdV= In tbounseetolywraitg10 vvhlchyou I rXiiernber toore than 40 years ago Still these and similar expres- is on f W GADUN.-Christins McDonald, wife of permittet) to develop t4ro It his Jn- what) confederation wait being discus- T 1, PUtZ13 T41ST of l ctor -Wetherell -Q especially diba e0able to three istodebauchanddestro bumanityfor 'be 1 1pot on the condition of the Goderich Col- personal galu, He charged the tv Mr. Charka Oaden, of Tonawanda, N.Y,, lerforence. Very, silly, sulAy. Can aed In Canada. that there were two t hose ILI r fIr Il that Ir and'daughter of Mr. WillismMeDoti4.ld, "lionized" the wrong pet,- '011ps Of People who Look OPPOsit It hey tire the deacehrian ts of brave and [at Itid 3rd le ate Institute. -,a noted during his with beltur Immoral, tile plopostgatpir it be that 1 o? the dens of infamy. and no a t St. Patrick street, pwn, died on Feb. 27, son views In regard to it. rhe one street' k enterprising British subjects, who, in 'dbil)11011, 3 yrii wind 001! . ...... 410 $3 DOW visit, has been received, and -,on age The re" N_ out boldly in favor of confederaltion, (I to cross the ocean 2 wi It be laid board. He- re- Pf law c0nld-make I t-otherwise:II _d 34 years and ;a months. bygone days, dare ow I have taken too much space t orte I lo; e .. k III; all' tbe-d0partments Tore it ought,to-ba outlawed. The:Divinji Instills Were brought to OoderiVih and the for this wretched squabble. Let tile nil time hits proved that thef, werd And how out for thAmselves homes in war k place on Frioa erne iQ , y, front -the The other saw many'dill culden the unbroken and traotless wild as, A, 1444;'.U. Yri it p remind it 9 1 t; - - funeral too: -teously 1 3 pill age of constituted human society II that a word cout 'ght a sit a ac cry, te disciplineffis ex FV01 .08% URLDpor Q;Vkdo elrr- 1110 1 2. ih mutual usefulness And he) fulness family residence, to M4itland cemetery, y 0, "' - 1st0Iw1II0Q.ZYrS Coullot spoken rom your chair to Any press 1. ti�e way. They were,afraid, tit Ther know m1mo that the preftntin- -ne, in -� .......... cellent, and the staff as competent. 71 to 9, it. -Iim hill) uto of Britain tire the descend - 80 rowiv_% P Ros' and he would therefore.,urge tie Rev. Jas. A.49dersold, of Knox church, feared lost they might lose their ld win - Tile Bolt Is avirditim, Y 10"k%,, s4004 Oftr� Stfrim he sar : 11 Am pleased re 'elentative who may be present ato th -oth officiating, itnd the poll bearers were vaya receive respoot(ul consider- tity and their influence, and even auts of those who were satilifled to re- f9stao Orr auoL�O' 40440 WiptiI totIllon .. .... .. 10 5 L of the ExlPrin- era to help their, weaker In are at institutions, In tile larger "O"P. Man)' inatin In the home land and live a less e wor , I r power,too acciomplISK pbell, Win. Babb, Mur- tln. %and a correct Ion where an error alsinot IIII DnAtionTs eipal in the class ro displays all tho Clam& it[[ Ila Lost Messrs. Ww.4Caml 6 4 2 of at traffic -I dwh McL of these worli o be louncrin the Pro- dangerous and arduous life. a liarn'3AX441, z1valkegialiq arsoung cod, Will McLead, 6M X's enthuolasm of yout combined With the, destruction that W101 =04 IN! II A"gus Mur- has been made. If you live long *.4 6 �1 2 charged. with too Much -evil. -The mI Dan. Grilth;I Tli.deceresed had gh to do one-tenth as much worto vince of Quebec, then called Lower The, firitish Idem that the colonies dult .4 2 ther effectiveness which oblv yIiro'cif bftu. ill only a short tilthe,nd her death. enc Canada. Home of them entered -on- tire later-lorr subordinate. or it kind b"k $1614 one Ar, a 5 3 2 experience can give." In finishing his weethig nex Sudat itt, C15,Jq the for this town as the local papers have vie IE or so". M a Tomperancehall, wit be addressed by which was train petitanitis, Was a sad foJeralion with feat- and trembling. Ile re I b e esses his pleasure in done, on will be careful how you of it tributit. rot 5 hA Milmed tr0I fir. -Floir partic a igo 0 4 tioll Tnxm harge anyone tv rm ason, lat. U. 'And Is considered one of the Dow fill has b6en occupied by niany w a Mo] r o. or AaRldtfi.TLYRL It no _P IVI such it healthy many friends.' -lal of contedvi it Pop g t e Y to the family in the old homt C, Y But what do we thad today F We find hie I I t -it In he .beat Mrs, Bryan, of Lucknow. Mrs. Bryan rth'the offen6s you rooks, . tie. charged against -me. The ndi and . ,oil serving the pur- is president of the Bruce County W. position you that after to years of tt Iurehop- ltlurp Y, it to GXn"x Tiff B , �0 arlOo, U1090 HIIIIII10 Frotich Canadians Team ]it, poses of education MCCOLL-011, Monday last Christina to shed (bell- blood freely In Iwb%l( o "w Ke VIIbr do t 5 3 F�.t speaker& on the platform to -day. '8(ewid. daullitier of M , and Mrs. Stew- men In my time, most of. whom were are now niastent of tile situation, Lhey Great, Britain If slip fit engaged in a SAI-DiGOODRYE-011 811tuordav las r Effie will also address a public meerting art A McCol - dieti. at the family real- nearly as clever and quite as patillotic fire pructicalty mble to dicLati- the Jost war, or If Lho Iditt-grity of the em - d& Mo xiare.,zvra sad over ........ 5 3 2 �q A d 11111tophea prog alley of all Uninada. We Had that to suit, their One- ftled Mdro,,2yft under 3 ......... 3 2 1 the employees ofthe Goderich Knitting in,th4 Temperance Hall on Monday deno�-­, corner �outh street and Britannia as you. They, In their time, were P Ire !Is threatened, but they wimh todo COMM of howidecl; And one of thell, lions has now been 11 years cVI 1PLANEIVI PUI(POSA factory soldil good bye to th6ir popular evening.-SHay. Road. The deceased had been ill for criticised. find they were sensible en- rt theeimelvos III y tin oil their own Team In bsiii�s Prime Minister Of IL confederated Initiative. They will not stand even I0,14OPI'lisanduader. 6 4 manager, Mr. J. I Lewitt, who for some,months and the end was not unex. Cough to receive ilI good- n atureoll V aptl Tricubittior, ROADSTRRO ada. and rules over unore people than ten years to a day had been In charge pected, indeed she awaited lt�e ca - shallow (if I appearance of com- po�von Won. Rea. lderSM &overlO wn Topics. U witil to profit by It, They did not consider till and Htbiiift� 14 dt"lon, lliholisktiy, 5 2 Brief To did King Henry Vill. 901sion or coercion In title matter. no room P" , wilood beater there. A kindly worded addrese-was 0, joyous anticipation born of an ronfalter- themselves infallible, though each ok Of "" '" " ) 00 stailion, 16hots 3 yora and over. 10 r, 2 y till, Canadians who visit the old land oriless. 1� hands read and a handsome gold locket and The D., 0. H. will give particulara of Ing Christian f1dith. She will be regret. them made it fair success of tits and a few odd years a horq&JIVilit: 0 equiprattiont; coo dared 0 4 week. chosen callinp aScarf gin were presented as lasting the Rummage $ale next fully missed by many outside the family hould those people, an .. � It it are frequently Diet with the taunt that, n�posad So has pointed nut, fear to enter, tile 8 adle iforac... 3 3 tokens of the estimation in which Mr. Remember the Iturnmage Sale for circle, for she was of a lovetible and Cheer- I might Justly say more, but let this edit, to I'PgtLkd to her utelchant _V1,Ila 1F1Tt%A= APOY ap earn litbaroq0s. Y,�. dA an over., 10 6 larger group of confederated (-,)I Best old OP& 4P n harnege. equip- Lewitt W portance to In. DIRVII10, IN tile ReVentll tuaritillne power held. The relations exist- the benefit of the Hospital. Partic- ful, disposition which won her marri dear Vieffice. Matters of real Ito fitigAli I ILI tries? Theiv talent.it, III Voting derea-4 .............. 5 3 mongst 4he staff have always tolars next week. friends. The funeral took place on Wed- the community are calling for atten- y of tile Wow Ili yet without the coat 10 5 Ing a most kindly. A sI afternoon to Maitland cemetery, I In)- -ven - liative nf it cent to I I er she hits the greateaL Jdowp�ofhg tI litildloi ................ been rind it was with 119unday next yvill be the fourth'Sun- tion and space. Life to short, ant their Industry art(] ( thei t I o take it inn ow-pictoon at. _fdadaper under Iff bands. -equirr nve. will enable thein vent Con sincere regret on both sides that the day in Lent, and three weeks frown Re W. Wright, -star of file Baptist Itation of the "hen" you so warritly elo(In "mV in div world to protect bet - 11 led. pdzb of a Blanket don ale& Y R. III 'to P onilnew poliltion fit nor sLiw Rest Rotiliter Team, under ISJ hands. severance occurredr. Lewitt and cridducting t a services, and the commended to the press might make Ifiggres-don. We In aster Sunday. Wdy in the WOVId. NOW, I Ato L IrIle I that Britain would ,r forvigr 'St. AD thence will be E church: ,.(, !anadft knOW morning for On Saturday last Gen. Sturdy of j;.110beare; were Messrs. Chas. Videan one fussy and querulous. whip, dquat6d. br JarmeA Welga. son left on Moo my re Canadian like themselves, thin Ili my colilpe r navy up T 8 the CATTLE Arnprior-,4where he assuines; theman- to y, Bert and Hen Cornell Q 9. tie a Od Ile lied to keep lit sudmiar Goderich Township was the owner of . JAMER MIT(�HICI L. native land ; to me the Interests of Its presPot high statt, of efflelprieV even SHORT HORN ageowentofafactorv. HissonCharles 14 spring lambs, some of them Sidney and Harry Belcher. There were 0aroada are soperlor to those of tiny Quitra"t A0139UTSON. M sad aveir ........... ...... 5 pany floral tributes, and much sympathy if oaroadit, 8110old sink lntn the mea,. .4 2 will remain here for a season and then month old. a AMONG-T"E CHURCHES. other l'oontry, British op non -I PHOp1MTy,,V01i; desirable Bull', 2 yrs and proder.f. ............. 5 3L 2 with Mrs. Lewitt and daugh * his ter, 1*1 8 19 extended to Mr. and Mrs. McColl in We know that it conts Great Britain ch Bid, I yr and under ...... . . . ...... 5 3 2 Thirza, will reunite the family circle Wrjg�t , Martin has gatlw�ed 77 herefore, in dimcunsing this (I do viI little t-xtt-n to guard our Can - Y Or. W�16!k 3,10 (3 3 7r; atut oiler .......... 5 3 2 in the grwipatW, on MVIrL.AVOnuit, G040 0 V. .1 their bereavement, Rev. Mr. Gunne, of Olintillon, con 1 do so from N. Canadian 119 well -rehant niat Ine. Still, Can - owns and 0001v big hens during Fe ruary, dricted the Wednewidmy evening service f hoursA , g of a a, *1th He for. '2 �1 2 new home. eggs train edition Ili, iin4i�w.b , a acre t 1161fer, 1. 2 111 whicb.he considers a good record for in St. George's, Mr. rurnbull having me rom it 11ritinto point. of View. midiang tire forther told that it sense of 6 66 fe 1 SAILORS VS. PILOT& -On Tues my so cord a season. Public School Board. wrongm to dvo-ency anti doty, If not of generosity b, water Ali tals 1411,nio4o exchanged with that olergymolu. t-13 tween the IV. I wlhh to point otit moune his Infor ............... 6 3 the gamt- at -hockey be At Lite or be righted and diffivilltlem to be. ovt and honor, shouid lead then% to share Ihill, 2 y" "II M Lrtin O'Connell, who was so serl The regular morthly meeting of the aratory Service In Knox &Ito tit'' ply.. or Bull. Lyrati4lhrulorl .......... ...... -1 3, Pilots rind Sailors, for the benefit of ously injured and for several weeks a Public School board was beld 'On Mo church last 7P.-Iday evening, the inem oliono, and dringerm to lit, avoided no tile conmetitiont financial billden undev uday V211v TIC 16W. 3 YT er .... I ........... 6 Heuer, on ar.2 ...... ...... - r, a Iding. well am advantages to be gained. I fill) Whlrb I Britain mtruggles and tile Alexandra Hospital fundsfdrew a patient al, the Marine Hospital. IN con- evening, chairman A. McLean pres bet -ship was Increased by the addItlot 11unifiI 1 fall XH;H VO4, pA PCILEID ANOVS good, crowd. The game was refereed valeacent, :find speaks In very high The sedretary's monthly atatemets! show- of eight new names:-neven on pro- this dimetotsion ratitiot to do 4tNKJ;etLs like a weary Titan. Thus It e'Bill]. 2 YT8,"4,O0er.,. 3 by Comm - terms oll, salaries 1462 Nod, because the federation or vonlI is 8UggPNtVd that Canadians, any (if h Me h VMd ation of Oreat Britain And her Vielf- W110111 IiVP 1,11011k foods of oillom frown the ILI 0 L V K. ...... 5 odore F. F. Platt, vgho evi Little mortby institution. ed Fayments of $90-77, .46, fesslon of their faith and one by cer- 3 dently understands the t'T= yri stod, over ....... : ........ 6 3 tit(- III of a. ore, OFFARI Bull, I iri and Untloil ............... 5 game, as The Wqnor case tried before P, M. wl, ch will' $492. 16 previously paid, madd tincate. cot 'r pilot could get number two weeks alned, and dis- H61, as neither sailor no the expenditures to date $1045, 29. Rov. E. R. Fitch. B. A., pantov of governing colonipm on in, mhouillj,)I a kind of ship monvy r, udder. 2`.YIsars ................ 5 .4 away with an off si, a -ch. ten full -ohip onlou, (it oil norne to t it I n, Dli)VI COWS. FA�jkl3tiocs: STrnna & nori rEve de. The gains we missed, Is to be appealed, the county The, Prititipars report for February the Wlnghttm Baptist ('halt - partnei , we have Always tin not the fastest of the season, but It attorney, having been instructed b showed 486 pupils on the roll -2 5 boys, dered his resignation to tile congre- other reanonable itnd suitable basim. Is dprNtootl that it Win IL fundamental Dail; ge, or bread ........ 6 y 1, cowzr __1ioI 1 2 abounded with hearty fun. find the the attorney gener 251 girls, With an average attenlance of gation on Sunday. Aft. Fitch has been One of thellving isnpottant questions With prirwl�lo that those who pay F Ifrt 0 &1 to adopt that Ild *::::.:.::: 33 2 kindly feeling that caused the pides to respectively. He asked for troubled for the past few weeks with of this firwit part of the 20th ventury. the taxes #till thone who provide the 2;, k steers, 3 Vfg ad III ....... 3 2 supplementary reading and armlysla of tile vocal choedg, and has M procedure. VAR4 AT00k #V' 5d, It Is a question Wblvh vannot 1A. ig. money should have it voice their)- wi �L d lidliti I* appear on the ice was bestlof till. The first anniversary of the o norvd, it must he rd'Ced and I or Ilitough their reprosenta- fairilf byfrdUlc auction 2 stock 1101161 3iyra Add under.. 3 2 penin 100.0h Orion, 0" Ila hung in the shed which could ,4U There were many funny situations and of North Street Methodist Church Wif, Eeen consulting speciallsti, In Toronto, R -oas or, It IN -to ithAorbing, tivem, in penditore of that burn,on. MAIO, Allyal Clock some off sides, and of course the Com- be hold. on Sunday, March l7th. The be used In coue of fire. He was author- who give him no bopt- of being lite to It, is so el)gt lei th7n penalized, but the play was Rev W. 0. Howson, of Wing I I ed at nearly lit Lill pfi'n'viple I't in seggested that re ham ized to purchase the reading, and Messrs. continneintherninista. Heoccopted anollsofso inny loollil Y t I t violation of that "I Muck 0 0 will Pr tie too r wtil JO able, and those who were present 141U coalutend A of.any - r .2 yow and und Ciders and Cott were instructed to e his own pulpit on Sun my A I h being n no Freac ef"I 11 VY Voting tit n buff ........ ....... DIplinna fle Q in Meet, Ill Itaiti and her Canadi,trim mhoold vontribl, t d will: preach. There will Ito special every I it to Great ha dgood time as well as doing a good quire regarding a fire escape system and Pit two excellent sprinona, but h voice COI 13g," 4,jehre 6 d1jr music. colonion. It in also ext-itIng tile totten- Britnin'" navv, which tit have no lteavy:� �`Idlnk It, filly 061 a. b1d; I turn. The ame ended in favor of the It it small.gold fir report at next meeting. failed him when the time came for tin. OIL- gbW # GODIRRICH MARKETS. Sailors. an theproceeds oftbematch The St. Marys P. S. boatd asked that nouncing the lisat hymn. The mail - 6 years 01 Ouretiviit A lady 1w ooch, with llob of foreign nations, and arg;l1killy ineatim of contiolling, that v should drVA bi tit % Year 20 4 t cowi I ostiI th ouirket'prices the preaptit will be a nice addition to ther funds of an agate In the Centre somewhere be- this board join with them in sending a agers of the ch torch w I I I meet on PH it my the f0al-0 and JPA10119109 Of fir Rio 1; HAN1911 III Britain's warn which they '4 yearn 6 d, due tc duo to ZI IT, i The onlv chwou 6. tv � ?till 416 yearn -week tit a dlTIP 0 , goo depUtatiGd to ask from the Government evening and deal with the resignation. calve ittit R. If to to the Hospital. Well done, mariners. tween But street, North street. West enornle" and rivals in every p)ttt (if have no n1leno-1 of preventing, and that to street and square. Itionot of great tile world, Carvidiato; have it vital Ili tliev shim (I it, P it I I t him without having old, due tol caliM I Ions �r � anobolo, cow, One T.Ilicl F. An real; Ipped a cargo of been P. It. 0ONSTRUCTION NOTES.- a share of the grant to be distribu ted At the regular semi-monthly meet- 41letel,'doolowlI eaft Van on Monday, value, buttbe lady values it as it gift. amongst the schoolit. The secretary will Ing of St. George's A. Y. P. A. on terest lit It, and inhould not A nk Any vowf� whatever Ili theexpenditurit, I lieffdr, t sing ouvrent sit)WOalet corricted Some time since Tup, SlArt said that leaving reply that this board Is In sympathy will' Tuesday evening, Rev. Mr. Ounne, of 'to 014; 1 heifer, ruidg-Mewit 11 Pinder will confer ti, favor by front it l9cuatil rig ill Ito (I tie"t I on fear lenmi y of t he 11lonefizhich they themselveg lifulf"A YtiLtdId.,f3)!g8; to ""00111 Of ursday.1 t tes hit people (in tset opy,"ItIlleig sk I ...... . fig to 68 the 0. P. R. will be running frown it at TII STAR office. the object, though not sending a depute- Clinton, addressed the yotin and thoroughly, An I said, wit nhould woold -it r tie for then- purposes, t J'AwAnd, cotter too -handed- wit is 63 to 2 Guelph to the foot Of Wellington The present Winter has been the tion. "Left-handedness an F, poInt,ti.nit, wrongs toberitibled anddif- III) the inliabitantm of (firat Britain bnly� ilbottloot it sAviol witgon; rhay filick i it rig it an well ILA 'kil- itringine that Cnrimollanw; will onbutilt to -bagger ,,t set pet 0 n ............ 2 50 to 2 'y Mity, for Fileigbing The following accounts were ordered 14 to be ever' foon;Jag "till andI %"r c ............ 2 20 to 220 street. this town. I and today best for many years Dean," and made tile atifilect one of the 4.0oa Ili$ d)rgo tdO&WL "eteone R. P. Paulin, $2.10; 1. J. McHwan, Pd. We III ILI)- they woeld nottol. . % Iftift Oil .............. 19 00 to 19 CID it ationis a Certainty that the trains putponies. In some parts of the coun id: meet Intorestin that t6o Society ban vantage" to 110 911111 ent valoorr t 91-Y'Rbitis -VI 00 to 21 � will be running to the foot of Welling- ty therd has not been a day without listened to., Tl o rev. gpntlpnian re. PrOit" It i hit; nubji-et, In a broad-minded orair thent4elve? If Canadian- (Ild tO 18 ten street. Godericb, by Victoria Day. good slipping since Christmas, and pp,i,.,Lee,' -roun spirit, keeping vonntiant- so then tho terro ly o ni C f MA"04u*ifis rncl�*tr, NO 7 ; 01I F3 C tion 60 t" new .... ...... . It for a c-ived a hearty vots of thanks for tits, anti II ir Io lit' I k,-146koo liptd,4611; I Deering 419(� tit' or G ................ 1860 NlPortrip.l Tiger fibvol,.Irot ittin 6$ 1 goorig plougli., but new 4. ... 3 41 to 4A East of tie things are pr ressing, with the oijeeption of a few bare spots raise of salary to St,000 per annum was interesting and Instructive addre-� ; It IY lit view the good of our votortion would vertninly be Appropriate John I toulte 1,:5blI ....... P10*4 No,ot, b.Xo1I ve hacr reof winter' It has been good all over and winter unanimously granted. was nicely presented by the president, rountry, Ninking all minor nhip money wann I bell r 1. ...... .............. 0 0 to 077 altho we ha t mind tot er: t titer, big Sugar kettlit' i I' Brill's bridge has been work on the farm has been we a - Moved by Messrs. Hodgens and Platt, Dr. Hayden. During the evening alliong ourne ve", VIA On( o I I v ng o i -aome( a evil tit n. P tax on l C. ;M. #Aeld, � net* i....... 045 0 IV, We IiAyrwike,�, I WOW" port 1 11 stono*l 11,9 X gravel make politletil vapittil or fullty gain. ten %vstq it 4olall nfTair. It woold only . ............... 1050 1160 wit and now the ralla vanced. that Messrs. McLeari and Saunders re, Miss Wells gave rL oweet solo rind lea V.6t ................ 0 20, t 1 0,22 are over Ftclaintid) making foe Sharp'a .$With the Bowlers In Oanada" Is present this Bolkrd at the annual mee In Heeney presided at the organ. At the name I rare Khoo d he taken hav,- ainnonted to aboot CON)Onterl- neeitoxes, thalbs, ti ffimb) 061, Own ........... 0 20 to 0 ch IIng tbut )Iritain ,pent �Cl: rotits, Who Odom - ' Creek, where the Imet of the bridKea no of the latest and most popular of Of the Ploftillicial Association of S 001 The Presbytery of Heron held Its not to offond any of thol Itirt, ssChish6tt" Ill per 011 ................ 6 OD to 6 will he laced next week. Then the books In the old Laird. it Is written Trustees of Obtarlo, to be h ld in Toronto regular March meeting on Tuesday 1)artlepi. A policy of cmirillation nhoold toonforreiton A 00 to 4 Tr 4�jW666rs' Ill Adopted. Herb rotimit tie the polivy [tit and tile re- killetI Noting of,ini, and under. Cash, to A steel wifl be laid from that bridge to by Ballie Wilcov, of Glas ow, rind is on April 2rid. Carried. The board then morning ill Willis Church, Clinton. given 4 to published at 75o cloth an $1.00 mor- dinne If lhov are lio initke the ilt wit- the if half it eontinent. over Ott aludlintV wridn(W credit *ill be ....... ::::.a 2 64 Goderlob and locomotives should be adjourned. Rev. W. Martin. H. D,, in the cliFtir. Of 0"I A discount ....... - 3 111 to 4 running from Guelph to Ther was a good attendance f Piderg most or the wondpr(ol oppottonitlem The clot-ki ion i� roil I notch one of ur rowtillbux twooroytilgint It 16D 6 ;ier,tent. iK;t*w rot citit on ....... I... race&. It gives the whole tour of the The Oarlada BrIC16 and I PRn of A, gtent art(] monry it� 4 li, ineiple, the it MO 8 in four weeks. British terinow, with gcoorea of every Legal Notes. i1niniters, The Antinal Reporto they pona be jiei� under cover In casee it 0 00 to 0 00 Coos staff will be in town In less thrift match, and at all entertainments at powerfol nottloo, o(irr,tt mitnin if(, not were presented : that on abbath ............ 015 CoiI v. Guelph and Goderich reltort 1,. foreo oth they did 3 23 to 8 00 three weeks, and it will not be long which the bowlers were present.. Schools Davidson ; on Young In thin age of keen ronippi ItIon till. no w W. A, iWINUOLM, GvNnk Rallwa, Company. -Judgment H. any line of IF' the rago 4 the lo9t rneri- *klm..� ...... 00 1011) ter the men reach Goderich before Poople'o ten toy Mr, 1'r ill rt oI to oo-venn In idelt'. 10, f lowAndull, I The wild weather of it week ago on motion by defendants toconsoll ate on Church Life and Work 'I am,: litsinenq aro onlon, vombinatloo, con� 4"In colonio-N, Ito I they nalriject 0 P.Q. oetitarda , Zo whole at the bridges required for d fisiderable flooding. its mativ thipi and three other ctions brought P" W k, 8 to cause Col Oil 0 tile 0. and 0. Railway ate In running Hawers: and on Finanep and Ktatiptirp, nolid;At [on. NVO Are this prinvirile ex CAVIN1111411" If' 11 IMF (if to Pat") It hich ........ ­ 12 rdor. of the sewer catch basins were Cover- It the Flame defendants for false by Mr. Shmw, he reporta on the emplified Ili the Dinitiplicalioo (if de �%A it, high spirited .......... 0 OD 0 00 a ed or frozen up. On Trafalgar Street, whole were encouraging. The Confer- partmental stoten, In tile allowitrokina ......... 0 ODE. 0 M =and mallaious prosecution. Mo- yal Hriti-h wil,je, namely. 10 CUBLING.-On Wednesday Cliaton where there is it 4ower, but no catch ition dismissed, with costo to plaintiffs since Committee reported that at next tion of ritilwity anti other interemLA, oinperit!g r f e4 I Canadian memn- ........... and Senforth each sent a rink here to basins, writer on the walk was ankle in any event, *Ithout pre Idles to any S............ . I td! meeting of the Presby tery, NJ r, Lark In and it, tile r1equent roVillation of ed fit Patirdeburg .......... !� till Anil many plaeom th,tt, there in 'ill Goderich tearng, and being atteationof the council. The defect method of trial. Shirley Denison for ment"; hie. MeL. Smith would folio it ill i n who I it) (if) bi pleen"g nothing toenn 401out them, and 0 W 14 -065 play wi deep, a fact which should engage the application to the trial J uNge an to the cold read a paper on " The A tne- mergers, trunt- ati(I rombiropn. . ...... 0 Soto 0 so t.. tl%e first gains in several yesorts with lihould be remedled with early spring. defendants. W. Proudifoot K C and In some phase of Lite sanne Pubjpr' .9 by 'himself I. liable to be cronhed I Are tvilling to (it) Ho again. They TORNIO outside clubs, much Interest Was mull The atiolltoes report f6r the town W. 11. Blake. K.C., for ti,r, , s'lions add others would Ile preTred Ito dla- and driven to I he wall. 1111600ti in are brave, generoon anti loyal, and in - tested ill the p ng. I� had been ex- of Winglifun hits been printed. The plaintiffs. 8 w Pao. pecteo that cuss the subject. Mr. wait ap- the people'n ronihine. It In not only di(I ly mo-ol In lint) deeply resent the Ixteen players would total prothoticifthe electric lightning In the Divisional Court at Toronto. pointed PreshytetT'n V-Pprenpintaltive it defenre alTaltint foreign riagrepolon, Atdfle N6*9�t. it, COIbOthe ................. 4 Come, but only of ht tin Ived', so the departibent to date (three cars), fire ­Godericho Engine a6d Bleyclo Co. v on the flame Mission committee z Mr. but it in tht, only protertion which the Aneera ,f thone who onfairly and on- jtlntl� mr(11190 thern of roeanneng anti of gritifol Act ot this $tylcukd� , 4 Pfidbarn ................ 4 extra pl&V,-ts of tile Godetlell. club as fallotival. Par ION, $1.00'. pointed poor RI has Against. thp inercilpaq it lar of a proper rMnAp of ditty. WflfamAVwt; t* Newmaolil .1), Millar .......... 4 1,1374.57 ) on appeal by Alartin and Mr. Mettay were mV. #'Wel wife -V611,0116 1 4 1- for tot- 19W, 01I Mosss. N 11. X6117, F. DAVIS Gain' Menzie. Judgment (orat) &1endant, from judRoonent of Britton. on thetAytiod'a Committee of 31119 and greed of nionopolien and emporationit lint, tlwpe are minor niattem. Can- ,%Jitlielhi Vilbirlo-A4 5 hie Wallace, 0. thomptorm, 0, 0. The line alteoslon ior the year 1911,11 J_ go. W.R. 1, In favor ofplaintlito Overtitriert. Megarn. Shaw, Fletcher, controlled by wealthy and powerfol adlanot Atil'Ifer a far greater Injuntice wilftely, H. 1�.' Watitionfiritl Andrew amountell t4r) #0.26, and permanent iii the recovering of 85,178-W and and Anderson, and elders from Bruee- Individulain. 1'rider pr4atint vonditiona, find one whiell I wish particularly to indig, ' f; ImproverflontittO414OX00, Which "* eftU, in an motion for the price of an field, Blyth and McKillop, were ap- naflono, like fnen, Doont depend for Y;fnto it. When a voter from Great Porter, layed a felt gome, The Itighfti, current Ali a tetelit, Afictioti$01it-TIVI GUII 0hows tile result Of the countIstar the net profits being Itm a folldwing 'Ill 6#11t clesaillif, lilda V -K IteliI Co er slid for work and pointed Ortmoonlawilonerip to the General eurity and nurresm on othern healdf-A tit n eonien tit realde in Canada Ile match pogints and boll than tho tWO (brIn6f YfAt$. I*bbt done and mater In AI Jals furniallpt] Assembly, to tie held in Atntitreal lit thern%olven. No nation has within It finds lit nriev that ho in deprived of Ili peg Own oty .......... a. fil Prallatt6td; Builos ant June, Mr. Ardlemon trato appoint- nelf till the reoureen which It retinirpn. great part of the rights and privilegep J. *k 1000:-41ft ' Ahilronvir's Church wall h up 0 U W, 6 . The court togrees with oil Pretallyte 9 representative on the Canada. an the bon. reemlier for %*14,- which he forinerly onjoyed as a Britloh h 0 : " Y. II Itor, November 4 hit it I f defoindant's ate it V ....... 4l- ...... 11111, Thgaipwri asholIll ... ..... oho *Irowdtd''txit evooblu to hear John H. thit J., except no Aoinen Committee of Bills and wrin. and finliburtob halt Amid enidd ritiiien. Whileheromainediritbeold on at AtZ 0. A, IUI Ad voullid :r an. "tit of'Thitol 0 bly's Noble_ � ......... J. IfIlk* !Ilillp 0 allis 4 Vokip a III i l6pt of Britton the Overt' Mr. J. L. Small roportoil SeVII MR11)(11 alone, nnd Orpot.t Drit- land he had by him vote mud through 1, Clarke vel blit c6le rated eture oil 6 bill p"ttion of the oiler in area. �V 'A ID )RO)VIL TJUA #AA4. W#* If HWI i,.% AdaflW ti'" to which further evidence Is that at Blyth tile cotiffro ation had fall without union %with her volonlen hill rept-mentAeive a voice In the moat it%, butfifirong 81tuatiodd P 0I M be fAken before Mabee, J., at the voted by it very largp mar1rit W In would Poon oink Into the ptuddon of it vital and important affalro of that till. ternatt'd With f(mbs Wfitlh I -elaw ot ate. Hot, with tier eolon- t Atil 04 *4 11194141 Vo4a, of th.unlowlathe iI his own Druidic In the call, but that third 1, Britinh empire. In the wilame, wav he l'14"ildi Iti 'tile aftertfoon 'thisClifiton teard tbet o"thed to WtIol; aig'Lljs t4 willpt, a report of an he preferred flist another model ator ion. Abe I litill remain, not only the hall it volce in t4e making f war and oloqu ItT 14010. N6.41, left for It .person an at now ffaa bill lip# *3 thi; litrillilitAt #*##gt tould he appointed to take char e. strongeatandoloq1t In vinei tile. but ritthe the declaration of pence. It when Of iti OP, V eAiyti5 Witt till- The request wow Pan ed and A r. pamp time the trI peappable lowntion. Ito eomen to rosidat in Canada he ha(4 -ortAltityliti t tile nty, J*ftL'_IliI tit pear biliI * BrAtittottil atudiftirI otthfififit fooll by Britton, J., rind costs McLean. transferred froorn the Preallwy- denled that ondor pre;:Pnt rontUtiono declaration of peace. Ite haq no as*ttIr t6 ebb= bee judgment for the Leckie was appatin . Mr. W. J. I think. morpoiI that It will not Ito on voice In the making of Wav or the Of0it for WM6 timil" This itlidloace 0,0 t6 oftnifat, *as $900 whicli In to torV of Torouta, received from the every alliance betw"n high minded voice through I hin topw�entative a d g 1* frt#L f abide the result Preal M I "I P simply 441940441141100 till aldel tho )vtory of Huron licenso to pro011 and honorable nationit tondo to pro- In tile inatin errient of tiaperial tit al lit-witsw �l* this is C 10*0 0 nolia that he pos- A. P~, *,it P 7 0 11"' the position of the Gospel, Mr. Martin, thadarator, mato the anti of humanity anti t litioto, 116, Z t rROM t6t' her lotue,# 0 1 the a &I and of conducting the service of licobeare. potlic and armony, of the world. At a mangled and emmeu. ffil vi *00 tialar !n r Trrep-tiona ". The next meeting of the Prox tory vre not, thorefore, infer that anything lotted Brit ch elti7ousbip that his Vol - K lurk liki0q) ro-oril would' 11 r Ko #Atly dolfo'll It ul )r defendatI Is to he held 66 tfiew sillInd Tue Ly of which stron gthono the ties bi itteal infloontd Is bottlad'A tw t C-016fiffil, tittlif 1*01* 1111t X60* 010*0h OOWO� XWM41X# 1 N lit W, for platritiff0i mity, at witilil churdit, Clinton. )3fltstln sind hot colonies will l