HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1907-03-01, Page 5Wtir Lira' IS
Jtlet, unpacked A select A4ValiCe shipment of AI* sptInts' Desi
'NOveltlet, West Khtatoritts- Glorlas1 Hmbrokleted Crepe, Scotch
Weeds anti many floe 'Sitk gud Woollnottorest itt,-411 • the new shades.
14"V 'Ilitterian' 0**;t 04 pretthet'11;itheepriti4 pattertas of Priettr,:•Mttelitte
030 Other Wileia $004,11 are now In. ' • ' - • • • '' '
Nag Ealrulaggrk,otairagsietaaoti•ictgadgettat tdo i'lledas.r. thretigheur the „yru_rf.
Okliffe"14°'' c' otoz, or PI' Pf the .etY 'beat Mehra"' Yi D4.
WA7110/1100 $74 10" K 1/,‘ l' r $L00 $t 11 *14
, CroMptherf, a Grate, etc. , to Al . # ,
ci AMY, illit ode at i,o-**.. -....3is.:".. ' •
LADIES ' *iialS7 le MEN% FURS *ANP'r K COATS ' ‘. 424.-01
* • • 0
t za flue ikatigellan.CP400_ $30 to,', 414412* ""*“"'"4''' •
AO te'',1t,.'114INedEl‘1"Ar4411E-.+SpbaoetieSail1114'4-6009'"4 y'?o,atItartpItl,71P.4;14tiliOcit;44144;Tivi)itips; ,
, '', ing, Regular .6.tle to At•Pr*/ * t
, ' • • ,
Ict i*iSS4L-#ii.ttlittUittOttt.tirFebruary Sale PrIces.
,• , 11
g'r 4i1K.,000P-
0Pit'. '0.130 eerwtit0. naerehlet
71A0 ihe'•60,01i*
lia.a it tai;-,tlie
toWit whouveoll gOode inTorantof
07.71.0••20,,,t4 good and Tel 4111
"o•Atto theth evadar.and beipth
.pketheir taiiairrind, I:who giv thous a
,g06X1 Iowa 2-liv Andibe.
triatrinfig,, "„*Iree, &nem it mite
, geed e.,WI rite. And keep Mr
' and 1)1 ,the nOtaPapir
"niltiOleenti oVir the reerchinti desk
'1014411111„ UP a hOde ilea, Pr. bill, bed, Or
detiroheo, or envelipi and , Woke tat it
•11110,000*.'•1Whererild yo get thie, print-
- ---idiontteVt--AntV4ha-ruerchintr""seer
Log*. got Out aim ,kt Toronto."--
'Stye:130w ;Keopenal f .
deeVatedi of rtiday, laat staid :
motion Lei provide for the dIetribution
4be •Maate,•.of .Capt. Henry Bor-
-iirldge;Of Stighernatovjlo died in Sept.
100L watt tnaida' G. Ilds:00,VullIen, be.
lereJnsti'ett Veetzel; Osgoode ilali
• thie,tmarning. The *ante* was a met-
eratr.of the,Eenintrtaid-anda-brtahelor.-
,Eie died' at the age of 30! ,Kdrvard
'Allatistifidge,‘Of,Corbitb. Oak, a brother,
and. Sarah Goderichs sitar,
eurvive Whin, t„Ve.01.glittea.,,,- _our
Ot17,0; br°41011,11141bleters hayetai soa
shekraltildrett,hara smattered; some of
•ithen$ firing at':P.Sklit.. 144 -.414te 01,1th.:
rtsAfilitelittria Toronto 20 or 30
eare.-0,40.bat, itt bee ,t400,403dielren no
Ariake hasibeen, found,' The 'estate is
•nbtr..1441ertAt•/171000t '41ifitieil4reetizel
ittsderee4Athat3/4h,inatitibg, be referred to
•raTterceniteri.01,St-Thnuatte, #?ritteer-
.tit those entitled' to shore tbe
. estate and to, report.. . •
,... •
SAp.Saf.....The, following
„from tite,tattoloii041,1-tiailte?..tiliplies to
.4100.Y. Other ,rew1,10:::. The ether day a
"peal! nterebant , happened to 'see a.
fadrner xiddelYirtg...sonte-406de `at the
depot mitt noticed that they came
l,frivta n Toronto' Mail Order house. He
...noticed alSo that the 0009 were right
• io • his line art4•• the same as he had
easzied •bie store for years. He
iminediately Approached the fa,rrnet
atul. Said! "/ 'could have sold you
every artielli „,you have there for lean
xpope$., than you paid the Toronto
- image - and-gaved yeti thesfreight be-
sides.", witY or! earth didn't
you sae eo'; A answered the, fanner.
"I have-, taken the , 4.dvocate for
traltrAnhaTe never seen a line about
ott Se ling these goods.- • This Toronto'
house sent adVertising tnatter to rde
asking for,MY trade and they got 'it.
OEyou bedre any batgaitie why didn't
you tavetbetir ptitin tbe Advocate so
WI) farmeramed see,What they are."
EXPLoStOtoit,Itinca;dine„ Review :
'..These often occue,aod without appar-
ent cause. Coal gas,. agetiline gas
arifi some Other ttasei,,, when mixed
-Acentall quanity of ale, will ex-
plode with tremendous force. Dust
of nearly.antkind will etptode where
Vilfaddet 'UMW eiveep-
Alglitrhelein AfAftiCient quantities, coal
7AfitiViliini:driet,,,„ and even (bow troth
osioet404b10„,01111,0130 when a
tittfikingh,frpeatik, Wm.
neer lotilag hie par -
1'401 1104.fet.A11Yal t.gio'bse 020110-
e4loti.•,„, epS,VaSnonody in the room,
IhettIV:rithtlik.,Itartled r, and
(PRONOIlliCED 414%Eli)
taut trItIMPItatit Record
••1 ' of'Vletory (jeer Diet:use.
t ,
'Fitt* 030gClii6 OVIr Medte4, tie itulte
It•ntinther'nt Woralerhil and tiennsi mar
, what* 0044 esEtlechltra' t hue imd bra
; Ottatittit0111PROOOfdlbf vietorieit ovot discos
coot the thratt„ lottg,ssrul otomoab,
Where Pronenneed ratio
ineuritble •frate tbilethnlitlerl ether
1t11.001'lliteatica etepo ih end
' reeedea rituriberltaispeepletiVen from the
• vety vergelal the grave (.10eglie, Mids.
t CattlYlif:Bfoneldbo, NigittaWeate,
. IA Grippe, and Other, ill• &
trotibles, all Of itellieh.ete 10111flintnera of
,Oottitermtlen, yield rotiekly to the cora,
Live ppivete Payebfne. :
. urs; tiltn0b6n, ono of the mailyeured,
oltdres tlf0 hilloirieKetaleMetlt t
lecian0 retrain from telling ell oho softer
al-aw, remarkable rcroval max Pirogues tti
er atitaan aradacilv zed *enaticritifen.
coot riot „„wan tialiject,.14 nrcht,tireats
,yhoareweremeefoo,1, tay dater outsiatad
lair. ttahney„ , Pon raga
JR4/10 Vtatteh; tet4itantlida Dr. Wtirtini".
Stririnetotne, tiVikt ilt Ontario
After oeng rirotano Seri 4,toni tinin Mc Age
eiftiln 00.10.
t,tontbs ithiptied c/# Mat
tEttIttliStered benttlt St, Wag? a taro
ea tares:0 01„4.1„ rwettne „S belt • Red
mina Ass. ago*** taatroe.t,
, ettoatttett,11,W.2
TINE II -We 4/:Appeinta.
bilt riettabsdfute.
' other dedielee "Jiittrt
A lope ito Act co tutte,
1*.09. iti,041ttr$o
of: WO, ro
ete tOr` InitiattStiatt
rah' 1110 SAM At
Ttootbf* 2$4fttr'
Zira w116:OU•on. thel,te;
lottOtout *Mx net. 'rho lido
5.1fe••hrortift00 thustqeo and Obtnent'
the mica VOW* Ont. Teo canoe upon
OXLUI*inijtion 19ttroppinied.Act 'be front
stltaty, OPAL '. It 'being peanut.co,11,l'hil
'Otte .04 larger percentage Of duet*: ha •
eat -packed in the fuutiel, Atuitgood
Ore' tqtorga,ati the th33,e'had Settled
away ,froortliatin the funneho Which
dropped suddenly upon the Iheated
ielooloalothaziail:tendt with the
OPtieft"Ahnti1i'liz' ;•'•-•00.1' tite
purpose of distributing a bniietitt on
the manttfacture of' pure naaple ettgOr!
and sy,rup, the ritipartment of 446.
guitar° at Ottsair," has undertaken to
olleet,* list. of maple, segaerOakere
Vild thaan
on., atut buttruoted the .Secretarr to
tonna their OPillien tO, the nallAaher
for thie rhilorir* • •
* 000* Of 1011147 0nOttate were or*
doled and the Connatii heard
Gee- P110 isgar.
to the regniket Of the Herber Lill
for the tainstweetien of a nert toitaWAY
totbair azei the breakitater en4
Atarth, Tha Preeldelati.'$ecre*
ettr•laYon4.17getallabel• t:OW,41r1r.
eitin endeavoring:to 104447,y4,,r4opg
*mot intelt .11 tOttd ttneOlifitrliCted.
9 PET WAY "VW At7E1 4r0
0114. TWO 11101410,
.441"' 11144N. '
, ,
oi.fo toot te#.$4, wits wAst xorotio.
,./4,a,wooi, 4.40e* .
bua Is the Walt %ikon wlia we
tom tit4I, n#0,0- nylttiosa ,w•no. met,
4atter tame': tonMs0194:1141114011.4
to•onc4ett•A *.ipyik0944*P141144001.0
-411•011$ elialeh'hat014tiat,,,
gott fortii..tom 'evident Igioare 010, 4417o"
14...#01141 onvorti •iyatkotl altito
ty met. Out Ault of to..thet ferry*
C714401171, 411.' tcir,.rt wts:alwaYa a greet
.Pleitintte Aito,!', ne.11.00, at street
polVIOWttalsezugtiti; o'S'Ott
/141,0ww,iot ;P.1.0.t.Pt`f7 ,,,ete.t.e.r wino
When we
I landed: on, the PhUadelpine side we
004' beige' 1041 rielW besiePtirrthe
MAO 00•00.14Ith Selling ash at the Car-
net" Of thw. etreet, the tramway eon-
Utiethr, -thajoafere tlie'paveraent*.a
Word Of rocognitiou foto. Walt or 4$
0! ten .ttton 'tlio ether first; preeently
themat 'theta rpm the top of a dray,
400 before' We bed gone InatlY 7041
,f*trtherrtharhtl*er ivaa dowo and etaral.
, in trout of us, his horses Won to
the care ..44 emu° bystander. rIe wee
an Old DROadWaY -"stager,' had not seen
Waltlet thrownr four years, and tears
were In ...his oyes .11% be held his hand.
We were now brought to a standstill,
ned others. gathered. round. George
Veati andIValt must go and Bee him.
There was a message for the children,
and in his pocket the poet discovered
°lie or two packets for absent little
rout each County the Donfinftert. If touts. But -for the, most part nii.; xvords
Were tenr. It was the °there who
-spoke and apparently without reserve!'
—"Whitman as Carpenter Saw Him"
Ifl Craftsraan,
by olsauch, any rlatpett of sugar maker°,
or,any iutereated In the matilife.etUre
have 4:teen otnitte,d from the list,,or
the copy mailed hip3 gone otitray, the
'department will be glad to seed to all
win? apply, or to anyone who may
Wien to Send in a Hat with P. O. ad-
bulletin just issued. This indletin not
only deals, with the mai3ufacture of
pure Maple sugar and syrtip,""but
alscrexpletne-the. Sections of tlie-Alltd.
teration Aet having reference, to maple
syrup and sugar and like i_ttgredients„
and gives a 'Worm of Wart ontY "
winch has to be sigtied by the sugar
maker hitnself and handed on to the
Wholesaler, retailer and consamer, thus
giving the.pittichaser assurance that
„the goods sold as "pure maple swful3"
Or "pure maple sugo.r " are what thoy
are represented to be. •
A well . attended Meeting of the
Ocalucil of the 'Board of Ttade was
held last Monday evening, rth which
the folloxvinginatterst vitae transtict6d:
Seversfi,propositiona for advertising.
the tgawn -Were diet:nosed, and will be
laid before, the Town, Council, the
President, Secretary and Mr. Sato:Idea;
being appointed a committee to dis-
cuss the proposals with the TOwn
Connell: . •
A letter from the Toronto branch of
the Navy League asked ehdorsation of
the -resolution,--intrduced
into the iRouse of Commons by Mr. A.
04.5facclonell, M. P. for South Toronto:
"That In the opinion. of this House a Royal
Conerinssion on Canadian merchatit Marino
&Mild be appointed by the'tiovernor-Generat
th Council for thevurpose of making such in -
outface and investigations, obtaining such
evidence and information. and making such
reports and recommendations as in their
opinion May be desirable ffir the Improvement
and development of the Capadian meraluint
marine and Canadian Commerce on the Great
Lakes and the high seas, andaa the exigencies
of the reference might require, with power
tho Commissioners to sad for persons, pa-
pers and records, mid to examine witnesses on
oath .or affirmation;
The proposal was approved, and the
President and 'Secretary will ' forward
a 'resolution to .that effect:
The extension of the Canad ian
Northern Railway through older On-
tario' was diaeussed, and the following
resolution adopted r •
Wmtagss the Canadian Northern liailwar
Compady has some LOW miles of raliways ex-
tending throughoutthe Provinces -of Alberta.,
Saekatchewan. Manitoba andEastern Ontario;
Iii Rn801.VED that in the °Militia of this
Board it li, very desirable that this *stern
should be extended eastWard sad into Owl im.
portantoines q,nd towns of the Province of
Ontario. /n order that, the manufacturers and
merchants of the Province of Ontario, nay
more tally participate In the benefits of trade
with Western Canada.
BE IT FORTEICII ItaSOLVEM that in tho opin-
ion or thi,,goard the Governments -of the Do-
orinioa of cantata and of the Prerinco elf On -
tad° ehould grant generous assistance to tho
company in .tho constructiottof its lino from
Port Arthur easterly. through those elistriate
which are not thickly am:Mated, and through
,whieh the IMO inuit nepessatily be, no far as
Ito 1001! traffic is concerned, a colonization
road. .
fig IT 'Fintrime Iticsotagn that el ormy. of
this resolutiOn stall besot tho Ptimo min-
ister of caned* and to the Premier' of the PI:e-
vince of Ontario,
It wag meraitined in the discussion
that the 0, P. R,Heropose running a
branch line frona Walkerton to Luck -
now. thence on. to Dungannon and
Goderich, and Statisties will be pre-
pared and . 'forwarded . 'Mowing the
possible - trade by nerving the lake
ahore ,section oi' the northern toWn-
A letter and resolution from the
Hamiltoe Boardof Trade asked Imp -
port of a res011itiOn to the Ultdater of
Customs asking a change in a pro-
posed emu* ot the Custems Act. The
vlahse reads as 'follows."
" That shell rogniaflons may maid° for the.
Vsnoporatfaxemption trout nuclei duty 'gaol
01(1(1(1 0) Oats of eatidice. witob IS estipltsbbd
tOthe'stitlemetion or the ratailler of Giettoms
thatedelt 'articles aro tot Made or mkt if: OM -
Ada substantial., quantities and oftered for
ante to allot:relates* an equal name:
The effeet of thin amine, it is con-
tended, will lee to compel nsanufactur-
004 tO sell direct .te. the consumer,
thugthiing away with both. the Whole -
rale mid retail merehargh and 4$ this.
Will 11317°10$ A complete revolutien of'
the zbusinese pribeipleS-• Upon which'
tradereate.rand would be A, manifest
lajtittides the .1/amilfoli Beard of
Trade oskedthe paatling of a-resehltien •
'attending the elosuae to reedit' its lat.
Or part " that suet.). ertielea• aro hot
made or sold, bt offered foe gale, in
Mead& stibstantfal quatititiot to all;
puteliturere On eqttal terunt • melee like.
cdoditlotIth" The reseletion Was a;
dohtedy:tiAtequellted by the Hamilton
A. eirottlat froth the Canadian MD.
ufaetuterie Alsioelatied 'railed atten-
tion to the objeetiens to the bill now
Were the Cothrettitt, intredticed hy
Mr. Veettilir, the labor %%Present/dire
asking that all co:target! With the
Goverinnent requiring laborbtearried
Out inkier an aty, Ora
th I 11
1, it wenid everY employer and
Anal erepleyess who waked Male th•fl
hOtlr* Der &Ur frote sharing lo tiorerament
a. table/ion la tho boarrof later Would
ittioct the *Onager et helm aireadir +titer!,
4 eft Weald treteetaleasir ait'14014'
LOnely,, Death awl Desecrated
. Grave of LuuTellee Rome-
_Laureneerne„.._ thegrear _writer.
Wits leftlione tn his rooms on Bond
street, LOndon, th0§0 last bitter
days, with 4 servant of the lodging
house for his Only attendant. As Ice
lay dying a, knoek. was heard at the
door' land a footnian entered, come
frotain honsie near by to inquire as to
Ms health. •
."I'he footman waited till_the end. saw
, the thin arm raiped as it to ward off
a blow and, heard the altaost inarticu-
late murmur from white lips, "Now It
Is comer
Theos he went back to the. house,
where a Inrge party was gathered, and
Mkt the novis to the feasters, Most ot
whom Were Pterne's friends. Far tho
space of half an hour they lamented
him, and then the talk turned"on other
things—so soon are 'we forgotten in
. this workaday world.
-"Altsa; Doer Yorickg'-.
•and single friend followed • him to
the tomb, while ghouls watelled out-
side and marked the spot where he
was laid. Two nights afterward the
body wast-steleiti'shipped to CanibrIclge
and Placed, strangely enough, upon the
diSseeting table at his own university.
A. friend recognized his features and
fainted away when it was too late to
stop the desecration.—Myrtle Reed In
Book News Monthly.
The T;rpevoretter.
Although he was not the first to de-
vise a machine' for typewriting, John
Pratt won the 'distinction of inventing
the first working typewriter that se-
cured a shle., lie was born in Union-
ville, S. C., on April 14183/4 and in
1804, with his wife, he went to. Eng-
land, Pratt devoting ids time to the in-
vention of a mechanism which he des-
ignated the "pterotype,'' the first prac-
tical typextatter. Provisional protection
to the invention was granted by the
British government In February, 1804,
and on Dec. 1, 1866, letters patent No.
3163 were granted to Pratt. On re-
turning to the United States, in 1808,
he secured letters patent in this coon -
1:17. Mr. Pratt was the first Inventor
of a machine In which a type wheel
was moved by key levers, and he was
the first man to make and sell type-
writers, having sold several in Londen
In 1807.
Maximo:1 Mursiclans.
We were listening to the playing of a
military band the other night when my
friend saki: "Do you know new, al-
though I have heard just about all of
the best orchestras and bands In thlw
country at different times, I have not
disetwered alagle one that con hold
a candle to Mexican mu/Melons? These
fellows are something wonderful, tot
full of inuale, and, although half of
them cannot read the, language of their
count7, they read the music and get
notes, from their instruments that
would really astonish yOu."—Columbus
A Little fiareastle.
An Old woman went into a grocer's
and ordered a pertnywerth of carrots.
After beteg nerved aim inqeired., "D'ye
not throw something in wi' them?*
"Oh, yia," replied the greengrocer; "if
ye watt a 'route 11 thrstiv In seek ,
to' tattle* rife a barrel 0' kepi& n
hundredweight o' fire ta box o'
orangesi , An'," be shouted as tho old
Woman ilomided but of the sitoMtellett
, m busy I'11 thraW in the florae an'
::eairti 4Or pet satledeff awn, coine
! back for the thopi"—Loodoa
• A 'lair Lesdnic Maurer
countryman bargained With a Gall-
, f ornio photographer for a half length
'picture Of hitrigelf itt half tout
when the artist delivered vie*
dt tho subject train tik? whitthiMil
;dorm the ft/dim/led sitter irldnlite4-14
reesarks moo forelhio voitt*A.
Philadelphia foqbirer. •
?.? Alt tetrostav •
Nett CtrrateYour hoshanCis * eon
Armed invalid, is he dot/ Mrii.
1q10—VoillItfaed, slr? No, sir; hi, gut
Churelt .E0glartd.
mom, fs he permanent befall 7 Um.
,Iiiihroa,--Vermarmirt7 $.04 ndetbr
lays he Can't hitt a teatIth.
Tht OrIghuit Cern Care,
tit boStitiiir ,evet'btett ileetelf
'dila 3001 47** *Wk.' palattectreoll*
Of Patna** Garrt E*teasetar. Par flfW
tettra ltri tot*** hair bee* toteittiodb*
Igi;" tF4
1010441w, tittrt*6t
kl ,,tritg dar .liatiid noiloteit''
I Ile/loth Whiles' lit *Ott/ ,
Water attesam,in the ewe' '
oblige, the ratifier argal tat. saw. ,
PK rwriotatatitty a 'vestal lategeati if( •
Itylten , -• \
, innitt if let* Ill'
... ,
S, A
rea .
$t soMeat Shit* Williogito It Ms
The Lenten reetetal Laartlehip
41710P W11114113* ef HIM* Wets reed Lu
the ,Araglieam Onflondayoletle
4t, ',, I**. Ia Pr** briar khan
Tsainalt alinipierw pop*, Irsogi
the 0/014/040411' 1Alit01114•11017,011417440
be void wItIo prolit 111000 Of 1171
aottodtiottutUt, Th* Palitoralt," Which
le"suitireelett tto*tlitgt lour of
the dioeteVii air f011eleir. ••'
10/t hi: net 1/01.1104.11' 0014. 011
ta.glive ,roasopts WAy' We *heal
141110.0 TAPh•-11130 'Vallee of
*goon Of Special tievOt100,11: urtl*
•Vereally reeegri0117. Winsrethe
Mull diecarded" end the tittle nr
7100.07'41.011011Jethanged 001;104,
6464014 .tliVrOg 10/ind 01ei117• end nit*
cettearyta. ePt:A lemma for
0140001,effertel,undor plo,4, .4000elt
the, Spiritual '11f0;. ' And that
WM* 1
"Lent f
to etrdiPeratO'With Gtidirit 0WOrk of
tialy04400* 70,11;,th1L tinle Wh„ en We
etriVe la' de our Ortrt. parh the part'
• whieb' God. eXpeeta us: •tr1. 40..0440
HIM in the great work of attehn
personal .IA(1111104. ' Therefore...Tie
.W111 always. have two. side*. one posI.
tiVe and one d'egatieee
1'011. the cue aide it•• is negative.
There ib the Punore: ANvAx ot
halite and tempers and work*, vylden
arid nconsiatent with followingElluditt*
Thie le the faating Which the tdaltrat
mike of all her Ohiltirekt. Ata thla
PETTING AWAY1.0 not. to he
thought of, or Wed, Merely an teM.
porary experiment,. to be folloWe'd 711
a relapse after SantOR itAtO *tune
0117 h.abits; inktIlt to be with a VieW
to trio permanent " improvement of
character. Let each one decide for
himself -46r he alone can do so—.what
he needs most to Put away, what.la
the chief obataele in hie ease to 00M-
plete following of Christ; mad then
Getre help resolve this Lent to
put it away once and for all time. • ,
..013 the other hand, the' Work of
Lent LS not only negative. but alsonoa-
itive. It is not only the PUTTING
AWAY of What hi evil, but also and
essentially the PUTTING ON of What
is good. to adopt And cultivate hibita
and tempera and works favorable to
fallowing Christ. To put e.way old or
worldly habits Without putting on
!table failure. It is to repeat the ex-
perience of the tnan in the parable,
whose soul wag empty, swept and
garnished, and into whick:beeangelt
was not filled with good and holy alma
and-vrorke, the old and evil epwit re-
entered with seven others more wicked
than himself, and the last state became
worse than the first.
" Therefore, this Lent, put away
whatever worldliness has marred your
life : but be sure to fill the vacant
hpace with some definite work for God
in the phure-h fa your daffy life.
Pill your life. your minds, your hearts,
your time—with what is good and
Obristly, and the evil will he inevit-
ably crowded out. Let there be more
devotion, more prayer in secret, more
diligent following of Christ, more dili-
gent attendance on the means of grace
In the chureh and in the home.
104 fa
trit,714114.14,10=11.1AWI' t
dtb4I4huOI. *eh ea
ft/Mullett a 10400 P00-11, Of 'Wiwi
.Uu itt lrequeetiON. the '1:Jove/Mewl:di' tO
raw* 000414"0111$10011114* feettlnee*
The titirtlft etrietit ItOarparthsen
eup 1t..&y earofer. At was 441011104
040010 107.101100' 70 '0110 1/104 the
GOVertlialet ert 1000 le arreleOtattge
•01111 he Wade Wet.* nut obleetton
TIM itlinthere u the..411111110104:
01140000 by the ratelraTere• Of 11011
In the
110414140177erginett. I 000000
oll, '
10 : , ilattillatter"; the 1:40fai ill.
If your bowels; kidaot oil
axenotrhIctingtheslIteat '
' Winn( with Intputitie% WWII-
104/4e4h0 Pt fvet. It I* these
initattil •tkervea that mato the
head aohe.
Vowflita papal* won't ente
it. they merely drug The aette*
iattk litlePtiOlUtiStieS.1Sind
°44 telteve tor 1170ft
t VolikleSsmorldreastA
Aratiggia apti Nett4PAtzi,t. 4
beeline* thy Pntlfrthe •hinficL
44'4: They *et tlittetly on On *Mt'
great eliminating organ*
33owelk gltiney4 out 610.7133
god rolove them to Iota
c6:10,11 yt 00'00.0104 SO
)14 tra*** Tiliitheri 0:41
in the ‘Oltair* *MI
oratobigr), TowliShil4 .orstay
The 0110.41ene to the AC. Inte the
1100004 with. Xoven w.:Atiko
lo thus git14* th
11.4t 1.1-1 411g
t. • SYStelO altp01$0010.„
Afortat,olvto" trio fruit jnicea—
chemically eunged„ hy the vromo
of 01'41014 Ulm, intia & tor
0,, mom efftvtiVe inaldU*1-40Mpound
"Do not say, This le merely humanti
this is to substitutemaree efforts 'for 1,
God's Spirit. Ba not deceived. God
will do nothing In us or for u$ unless
we do it ourselves. G.:x.1'8,54;21AL, al-
ways strive.' With us and in us ; but
that is a reason, not for indolence and
quietism fatal to moral strength, but
for strenuous personal efforts. God
always gives the enabling power; but
we have to Ilse the ;sower, or else it
remains Ineffective. It will not benefit
us or mould us unless we appropriate
it and translote it into thoughts and
deeds and habits of our own. In our
earthly lives it avails us nothing that
food and water Ile around us in abund-
ance. We must by our own efforts
take and eat and drink, Or else our
hunger will not be satisfied nor our
thirst maenched. These things are a
parable. The heavenly food and the
waters of life, so abundantly given to
us, will avail us nothing. unless by our
own personal efforts we take them
into ourselves, use them and live by
GlINZRAI.' NOTES. --The continued
snowfalls have at last made good
sleighing here, and the farmers are
Making gbod use of it in order to get
their teaming done. Emerson Vi-
pond, of Cobalt, spent a few days with
his friends, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. John-
OBITUARY. — The death of Miss
Jane Campbell has brought sadness
into our midst. Deceased was born in
Catupbellville, Halton noun ty, but bad
resided the greater portion of ter life
with her hiother.in-law, Mr. James
Mailarnald, Stanley Township. She
was a inernber of the Presbyterian
°bomb. The funefal took place Wed-
nesday, Feb. 20th, to Seaforth, where
the body was entrained to Campbell -
vitro for interment. The pail hearers
were Masers. Hugh McDiarmid, Rob-
ert Mtirrison, Alex. and Walter Mao -
Beth, Jameh McDonald and Isaac
Jarrett. Tho sincere sympathy of the
community is extended to the friends
In their sad bereavenvent.
MI °pc. 111.. IC -EL .
Bears the ' Its Khd Votive ANA WO
dittliOno 1/0010,TP,v.40000a
'moot. tkr Tool:trey Tp,, that we to
atirf*Itt•bAlittierblatitlreet444 itm)bigvttlreolnalp'
tozt whiliogoi. wary.' ShtS PO% •
tottelltr*. cortetl.
Moved, by Rebt. Muir, Tu tr
w:tift t to 4:tik 'clite:aaded by lreeeti)rrhi: "tott:gticiTUt!Ftit,44140to,:*64:obtiwo:
*Vett by P 5. Marta% T11411r1101"71*
seconded by .T. T. Mt,t110, Turnborry,
thit we sok tor ihe•repeal of that Pr-
Vott,Ot UM AO that epeeitleo,that rural
eikertle ellen. Provide 01400`1141110.0'
take Mensuration, Set geometric*"
library,,COncrete Walk,, teach'
erat' private rooms, and malargemente
of school grounda bY half an acre.
Caetied. •
'Moved by R. Muir, TurnberrT, se-
conded .by 11. Gliklaon„ Turnberry,
that we ask tor the repeal of that por-
tion of the Apt that compels ,County
Ponneitir to levy 4 tato for rural school
purposes. Carried* • .
Moved by rt, El, MeEwen, Tornherry,
eetonded by Robb. Sharpin, TurnberrYI
theme ,4vek for the amendments of the
Portion of the Act that regulates the
'training and.ounlificatione of teachera,
because the poorer classes can have
little hope ot becoming teacher% al-
though many of our brightest
leets come from this chola, thus a die-
ontoluation 1 created In favor of the
rich against the poor. Carried.
Moved by W. Henderson, Morris
Tp., seconded by, P. S. McEwen, Turn -
berry, that we aak for the repeal of
that portion of the Act that raives
the gaieties of lospeotore, and re-
moves the of their dismissal from the
County Council. Carried.
Moved by J. Porter, Turnberry, sec-
onded -1)y Turobeny, that
we ask for the ansendment of the Aot
hy giving the trustees of the Province
a fair representation on the Advisory
Councit-of-Edtreation. 'Carried.
Moved by P. S. Mcwan, Turnherry,
and aeconded by R. (inkblot', Turn-
herry, that the Secretary publish the
minutes of this meeting and ask cor•
respondence with a view to co -opera -
Oen ,from Township School Trustees
or individual ratepayers willing aid
us in securing our civil rights, Car-
Jas. Powell, J. I% Hooper,
Chairman., Secretary,
Wingham P.O. Wroxeter P.O.
N. B. --I earnestly request that every
turaIsehool in the County of Huron
will take up this measure with the ob-
ject in view of amending the new
School Act by electing delegates in
each and every school in the County
vith the object of interviewing the
(lovertnnent. Yours respectfully, J.
r, thtu, Ow gavot julteo, soe,a-bo4
..6 for $11,5.0. At ell dealers' or
from Srult+Stool,ltutted, Mum*.
• a
low ("OM !watt ruotgra,) t*
Legal Notes. .
Mail and Empire's Legal Notes.
T. B. T., Forest.—Qu.—The auditors
of this town have to audit the town
accounts, the Public -school anemone
and the Public Library aceounts. Can
a person who is a trustee of a Public
School board and &secretary -treasurer
of the Public Library board, act as
one of the a.uditors, and will the audit
be legal P (2) Can this person take the
oath required to be taken by the au-
Ans.—A peraon who is a trustee of
Pablio School hoard cannot legally
be appointed or act as an auditor of
the accounts of that board, and a per-
son who Is secretary -treasurer of a
Public Library board or' a Public
School board, cannot legally audit the
accounts of either board. (2) He can-
not take the oth required to be taken.
The sections of the Public School Act
pointing to the appointment of audit-
ors and their duties, AS o.ntended in
1000, provide that the trustees or their
secretary -treasurer shall lay all their
accounts before the school auditors of
the section, together with agreements,
vouchers, contracts and books, and
the trustees or their aceretary-u-eas-
urer shall afford to the "auditor" all
the information In their power as to
the receipts and expenditures of the
school moneys. See also se,tions 28
and 24 of the Public School Act of
1901. The duties of an auditor are
totally inconsistent with his being a
member of the school board or the
secretary -treasurer thereof.
In the Divisional court at Toronto;
Ross v. Township of Bueke—J. Breek-
nell, K. 0., and W. 4.3. Bell (Bailey -
bury), for defendants, appealed from
judgment of Teetzel, J.. dated 20th
Nov„ 1206. The plaintiff, a laborer,
residing in New Liskeard, on the 13rd
January, 1000, was driving along a
roadlin the township of Backe with a
boiler loaded on hls sleigh. Owing, it
is alleged, to the defective roadway,
the sleigh overturned and the plaintiff
was seriously and permanently injur-
ed. Plaintiff brought action against
the municipality and one Samuel Reid,
who had a contract for keeping the
road in repair, to reeover $10,000 dam-
ages. The defendants denied ad non -
repair and alleged eaetributory n0g.
ligence on the part of the plaintiff.
At the trial plaintiff recovered a ledg-
ment for 12,500 and costs. R. MoKay,
for plaintiff, opposed appeal. Appeal
dismissed with costs.
When you talk about people behind
their hacks, do you give them a sqdare
It isn't true economy to
weakenthe force of your mes-
sage by the uee of cheap ad-
vortisingniedlutos. TUE Goon-
tuott STAB le the least expensive
advertising medinal, hut You
wouldn't call itf bleep. View-
e etandaaa
questionably good invetst-
tuebt If Ifroperly placed, Tint"
Srat offers and affords the
beet loyeatment.
are mita, sure and safe, and are a ported
regulator of the system.
They gently unlock the secretions, clear
away aU effete and waste matter from the
aystem, and give tone and vitality to the
whole intestinal tract, curing Constipa
Mon, Sick Head,aoho, Biliousness, Dy i'pep
via, Coated Tongue, Foul flreatb,
dice, Hoarthuro,t tad Water BMA( (.111'5
R.' *Or .01;40 WQ9dkit0e4C, , Nit.writes:.
"My husband and myself Imes iid Mil
burn's Lau...Liver for it number o!
years. We think wu cannot, (10 witImiit
them. They are the only pills wo evot
Prioe 25 rents or five bottles for $1.(10,
at all dealers or direct on ron•nn 0iu
Tho T. Milburn Cu., Limited, '.11oronlo,
Ont. •
Thousands of WOMOTI stiffer untold minor
ies every day with oohing backs that mall)
have no business to ache. A woman'a bark
wasn't made io ache. Under ordinary
conditions 1. oo,ght to be atrong anil ready
to holp her bear the burdens of lifu.
It is hard to do ,honsoworIc with an Loh
ing baalc. Hours of misery nt leinuro
at work. If women only know the isms.
Backache cornea from sick kidneys, and
what it lot of trouble alek kidneys cause in
(no world.
But they can't help lt. If moro work
put on them than they can stand It s not
to bo wondered that they got out of order
Backache is simply their ory for help.
will help you. They're helping sick, ovor
worked kidneys—all over tho wwld
making them strong, healthy arid vigorous
Mra. Ryan, Douglao, Ont., write' t " Poi
over five mouths I was troubled with lame
beak and was unable to more withont
help. 1 trued all kinds of plasters and
liniment° but they wore no nisi At iso I
hoard tell of Doan's K PdIs and
dter I had nslid throo-q 'artery nf the, Fp,x
my back was as ntrong and well an ovor, "
DPrieci L. por boa or thr..n hotel; f.
25, all dealers or Tim Doan Kidney Pill
, Toronto. Ont
IS wins
If you will write
for our bandiminely
for Iwt,
vat 100 show
you how you eon get
a ellialflati flrt Of
Oapli 1111111113119
"r with cellu-
loid handles and Ster-
ling alive Monett
W e rowel jet plenty 01, 819011.
to Dike hold et * preposition like
this, but me (raft to sots arid
buyers • (blots colt.
jour, catalogue and cola now*
*Writ ma inteersatron 01 this and
QU18p sereisrothe8,09tvettielull
dgto rettrollnit Infiw card Stentiarell
va.lolexCletecti.metactic matts.
moo et cm&
OWN IffiatEll SEED E
le its delleione flavor. This la delight-
ful. It always hasten like more, and
more can be taken with impunity, he-
eause it le pure end wholesome.
Our Coffee la atrong, without being
thiek and muddy. skry
And the
that Win mtko eatables OE to carve
with thie excellent Orate MC hero,
too. The pantry can be well Eatookrd
with good things at moderato prices.
rk• moriro, qt4teict.
T411.0 OaritaM
remott why you ;,44,101(1 „hay . your Clothing Ind
Wn's Vurnislings here;i,,• bee404o. we ltte ctclutise
agelleica, for the hest go()tl. ttriAtteeti 111 ottr 'A peiton
(ton't aeqd to go to the 4tyi. you. Edli get the best xight bete
, - , ,
goVt Clckvrlutr 13m17) h aelgeoledol -to be the
very best Egocinakni o tbe. gr.* in Canada, We
have them feaflpier.vear, or yo,tt cot .4,4ves the*, made
special if you malt, by ixtyiug a little extra.
We, are agents for the telebrateil, tin nata
and the Rorsalino (Italian) Uats.
These are the two most poptilai' Ilats ifl t1it tracle today*.,
Call and see our New Spring Stock.
The Right Elam to but Men's Clothing and Varnishings.
S 110 ES.
If you wish to partake of the BiNIZGAIN feast
we have spread for you, you 'should make haste. When
igtit More. Days have passed our Sale will be over.
Sale prices will vanish and Shoes will return to the
regular prices,
Do not fail t(i give us a call. Jtrid bc convinced OM
We do wIr4t we. say
Men's long Boots at ., . $1 SO
'' Box Calf finis at... . I 65
" Box Calf Bluchers at •90
" Melva (modyeer w, It, $3 and 53 50 Shoes .., 3 50
Women's $2,7g and $3.00 Shoes at .. 2 80
" Guttoned limits it l 00
" Oxford Tics and Slippers at . ...i 00
aliases' 'Buttoned Shoes at . . ... ma
Child's Shoes at sot and 6sc
*5kev-ovA var.v.vExt v-eklevx*rtxeot
THE OODERICH STAR has a Larger Circulation than
any other Naiwapitper in this Section of the 'Counter'
of Huron. Shrewd Advertisers value Circulation
Reliable Furniture
where we have in stock a bit -go assortment of Roll tient and Cobbler
Rockers in quarter cut oak.
Silk Vpholstered Parlor Rockers and Chairs in different designs and
Morris Chairs 1711111 Migrig Rockers in Velours, at all prices.
Leather Seated Chairs and Saddle Seats in oak, at prIoni to suit the
Children's Toy Sets in rel and Noe. Rockers ill Ilifferent designs
for the children, and nothing so pleasing for the little ones.
Secretary and Music Cabinets, Parlor Cabinets and CA erything suit-
able for the enjoyment and comfort of the Inane. Call early, nu trouble
Nu trouble to show Goods.
The Leading Undertakers and Embalmers West Street, Goderich
WY" Night and Sunday. calla receive personal and proMpt attention.
'Phone 120. Regidellee— HIgin Avenue.
that's the Reason They l'allt to the Masses Through
THE oonenicti STAR, Huron's Oreatest Newspaper
for Memheiship in the finest nod
hest Dimintion Training Sebool Cg11
from next..i .bi r V, I, I
detailed .r. 1 thin of Ili. gii .11
vantages tii hr f(li .P(1 All, ,(1(.(1 0.
ee liy mud ii . (of
frlend iir letter. Wit. e 11,1%
W. H. SHAW, Pi itielpal,
Young 6. Gerrard Streets, Toronto.
oro telephone
All work gituorantocci and
promptly attended to In rill
parts of tho town.
copitoketcrume, inawise
(114e(1, good rig.', good horleP,
d Itin reaxonable.
pettrollag. %ant -feed.
Phone 51 Walker & Augustine.
1-1 bs I -0 N '
1•,., • ,
1, .• •
Nt neat
l.t I (
IJ In Wedding
Cages and Flat 1:ct.,•011100 Mtr. hi.,
r • • .0 ,(1.1.1 sto
ROY :\ 11ARR1S()N
Kingston Street - Gtrierie h
Sti,t !trend
r tri
ent1/ 110111.
Lod y Fingerg
lirisody Strap.
made 10 o.ny
(like Dunlop's Tirea
for wheeled vehicles)
DUNLOP-IUDS t,.0Ttl104.
tneau Con'ect Vaaldens
mod nueity
• tiret Itkirkniobabit
ReLsolohlos Mee -
1iU(11-1 DUNLOP
ogee: *N. crc,Nt.t, Test.