The Goderich Star, 1907-02-22, Page 771
6W ill" ;:"umilo T�bm VMS
Q" Iso"
of" at A
ftluft" PRDKM TO 11030M 84LAIIIIIII. ON" WX aw *W= I* X
OW NOWTAN2. r Xdwol so" ft"" oliftart we
All "",a
U141W Vow will* ba* bill *oft WA
kw ftral liboandait 04 04 %* USOAU V%* 111olft
all a "I"kiii - by 140 oftoffy" n*uw A
bso!!N� ow I* * odoiwiot.� *04 Wil- 00 *Wwwry 01
111" IV.. U11,111, so xltlogo, �"V" Ube 04, VAWbL
qwwoIllodiscIl; *1 * Jlwl MONAa.vim lar,
11%i rqbwy at om AIAV boo go IV# it waisw VS" poaow#y
gVe %, bw Am ft 2-061h Middle
W"O flout 4A%VL oollgoiloo
4W swurs. &%van luo
tk# VVOA of killer wik of AW k#=AW VA tiolov wwk day JW seek
toliestag Of L Vi4ifilhillaid, &" %oa lod
#tit _ W*ndd, Pat"
aloofty Of xa, it awh* ftv tnft * W4W1100114%, 404 VOW IkW "l A if I* ouwy �,ft WWA
1,11 put It W ftlitArWOOt Ill to no of
itioldw 1K lead 4,ew. Ito IJfa W" *IQ-* wM-mit,ow 111146111114 %111440
at **'*AW*
day ii0i ad
aw"OrA for ft)(14y ard tbA 84AW X Jul" 0"isaillfil, OIA b* I00"Of bA#0
CI 0OUr* I 4a Wili forWindifoky On ilat 4A QlAt,.raw4wit va
4wsitw (4,
MW *0 arday, W tW OQWM tra�". pil* Q
oftsw "Arwo- rom, pot
IbAt *"#Ik W*0 A** XkQW VpOV
Waits efshit"a Inches thickp with 4 aftt Will Iblertiora be mom
With Iwo" fox P640 A so wpif;tad 0)0%4% corla yd* It, to *419t. 11144 04y.
*W well, -mvidod for
aa a rrof"4190 14 lbel. a hito Wpa Ion sw People' ill
Pt UNN 44
tow �Miookoild 44 t4i
141:04Wroagrom"wilu, 49011"1 V W, 600solode
OAa aln$ bags, , TcQ-4(4#4a4 41,Q11, PO4 Pf AOM
MU"i Ailit Iti.o. Iml; tot to
aus*." "VW %W 101 VA'hjV4
k7k, to^ w1at M i
Idd fl"=440. Too, Wbo�ft W�tjtVL is aq
(*ill! in R,41ry, Ali*"? , A=4 jift
Work; .41.
tow Jr0%1UdiAAdVA WI* lifts aiwa, wt4imi* ifivileira 10 0A.Swee teunis., flai now 11rilviii,
'40114104 411 knOWW* Oltanytill � ba ail 4,t CrQy0A% VQ'A# e�
J�tftbmovhvjw b1m. Mrs H CMe
Ityliff 'tile , "factoa" A.%,
clivithri , tm. With 1*rsj4fxqt,: fle
his wifiti it, *4, ifilated fluilt ho'balt tom fox
mi, t4q. \f"
or the 4mt 4
pl"'0111firt summox.ed, lbr. 014, wow "Al*
Tpko; of IIJI slip
MWI L ba it "W1114,
11% Wbi, 40, a f Air Wlq I V be, O;4W, Assitivitoild 14. w9c W otllpidec- ;0$0
Als�oludkb#, fttIV4$Lj*04;0;lrW$04.�l�tt,lir*�40;V),V� W val
0*4 tile W44
flat "toin' lal* to dr4W
tWiher; , 4 , 4A 014or ON
4 to, W12 0441 9111W. vo loppVOL
vut,-khe '7-Iiiitti, to's
briot* L A $4 rate$'.
Ing 01,40" 1%, A*
Nx4arltu ;11V"i4:shdLh;45ai 4,1�4 , � A
IlW �Jl. , L . _ , lat,
lAquAllis px� pfg,tUra I
jtwk� . : q 411 . . ''t 'J 'fik.TL '
11,041,c4.14 -ad Ili toy!
had, lae,114 WItit"IWO _TTl*.,444IW
01MIM 'AlmV too;
W-. limpt
�Ohalrvfi of 04,
Q4 o"A �..c , Olit 01,44 -ii
44 t W4
-'--MA del Oul d,d
LL L q
or' 411�01 %J,,0A
I ' , ""
jo 4" of) 0V %a
hoT 01�
i9ft *:0jat1Va`;t4 �Ifio�
L Palo
VU, Vo 1�1� "Winhik4tool" rail's
_Jpe alp
40r. T4
nfoo_sop-s� - - 7L;'o; -A" 114 . - ",!,6 -
�7M ,V,
011 *Vk or A Ill lot N*ft W4 tAL
SollWolordisoft 10 111110111 41411111111h 10 Must *4 11% 11M, ar*k cat villo"alsit, Jos*. WA'S no" maven? WAW : . I . I J I
did. ur
oasowok* wo NOW144 AX
100olip" Qf Loodiom
OW k&V* A,014, 000,04 ft A*. OW aLV=0"WV*ioa It. of IK40" 4
t TQOQ *4 wila, *0*44 a" *Ay Tlf000wroor daidt, I" ot a" 16W ft�w Jes" a" $,0 .0 Maowlox* ot tb* ThIrtyASX01 *"t"d 0100W
W. uw'afory 4" W"I
ung RX"Odat "A i I& iiit;�iltv WsX TIM 41
Jw swk An owy
4400"r Mid lilt "WON of *ftleg OW70sp%fildent im
UPS 61114 W 10 41111111 wwu val
#OUW Jall*L Of Wo, tho Allitim &A it willk IVI;A 1)y Of* a
11"'i qkNAii. it rX I *tWA Wbkb $4r, 41IM 40$ 40,9004, 1W XV
MtML MWi4q oW Tft 00
Part 4114phen *14 (A thw way to h,;d )"*ZZ wilwil of r, PIP 4W Jur 0004
*04 111,1*10A 0 V& , 11 im UL . NANK w**, Mid, aft, 4 O� 4, ifli# Wompoo
Aollk', Alostrollio, fill rAlImt, Jor a tie, l*00 M)a Awnev. IsAwy *bl,
irp x4 oat. it pooldid splely 1.10mugfil , bletkii, p1luQ0 did �A dt*" at fito" wiiol,* low o4wu" U
IQ Ill,
�Zft. wulww Ilia elowat"Ifor lie we$ afraid
DVOUX Strait oat Itioll, 1*4" 4A New A roult T. U. Uwat, oilix of Vur 1111114 h* W4"t woo _01141�"
Ad, allit Wo,.011# hUtWr 0 JUjIft IQ, otot WtIot injotit F"th"* Ow so exp,04, Am 'eats, W UOU164AW, :wr 1144ty P01110"t, 00. I.Itt. MOWOA"
guJify Qt lififiliUli tIW W* 1)# WV ' -h
� Ili"$, L Jif#ft C*f4oldfat oo�Vld load IF;V; A,
4"y' ShOtt meant giving, the violiont the, Jiulikupox NV to ; L
0 Worth tot W whe%, *a* 4 , 1 11
'Without worning., Ilix Iftt frain JU off 3044 fol;in; QA�t W�JotlW* it "Jj�oa �4roa jajk'� it) I*$, -b*r 4. JJL DI)tQ0, I" "Lo OWW*§ Wo� tlt'"Vy
wilft� F. J�,, fluriol, W1, C�, Wo J�, p4m, 4�. 0.
lo Propeller. Thdo *04AW. rilic*1 M441Y went fornit instead, dad it* PtUeAt owlive V51) "Mogeolf. , ,
A theg]114 engb4WrAllopped tlWulfollud dj�oj' It J)4%a 06nld AtipM �rltjt The eln. jb*4 4 L � . Ifirod P� T,.000ilwyo, W. 0� vtawl
isi. WkOA*'*. 144 1144
kwd The ship 'trolit of" fitia, that catelf, M4 itfi(l 4tiAtoo-A W, T' ' �64y, Q"y%_ 1j, Ti. �m "I
only 4� D4110416 was *040 th� So A� liliodwo,,
Wo, 0 'a,
sk-of tj#'Ilfoe� L ' '' " " - 'm, r*; , i %$a
crittio co,�# 11111144 whing for- NO li�_ V* 1. ftIWV.0*!i,.
Jilt Aboouti lh�j �r6irtiljff , "r C"^ Ito..
Pok, 114sly axem!"i,ion shOW4 the All, oponsikle, - How 4 ol�iaa�'C "
ovotif r ,:,
mr,91 Itw i4juryt lind the, ienoiirm� stialt 041, bo'pltoft $mlthJ4 AoL Wo Auaftof R, W.' &404w. I awtilift Voloolot F.
�temojeot 4WAVO 11tv, *Igw, Olooll"Ali 144Y av
th� WorjW ot, Tl*r*L, Id the" wr4i4teo "04A 44 lolimot and iwrlt,164' iltooltut lit# "Oo, 4"Amfuo 440- -WO tv Oft ft. 060N A.
bAPNXX I 'AW ]lft�
'Xiftil'. Vt'ith, Wto V, Q, JJWJO "ift 1. NA*tWit, Ai n�
burion, "to I,
di Moo *UUA,
. ,
A 'W A It.,00,
tor - q,*. wbigh 0 1**
,unt, Alt the'location ot tho- trimk Uliftr tat,
jj,47j�O Ala. 4�4! U
11, Wait poivoo-tby, ?4
)Uld'iftol I)a lkl� -oulitia,b
wit'Nianel, wo ouli filway- W Vivo iiqp* �Jt, �Wafiit ly "if I (WIttliff *X%d jQ, N W� PV40 that, C. A. 44 00 4111'�
)Vill bad lit, *IUP�W -owl guise Vom 40, X
'. who, In _�*
y 'AS 400 all. A* ell 644,
$dU�,7AJV4 *QOA- beC%ni* *w
-0'96A�Afx 0014pt'* 4004 W&% �01110119lw too qViry Q1 4"utiob-Aeol Ito ..,Willi 4,140its T40 Skrotil*.,,:0 'U'ki"tifW
�,Allablo i
54 at$
le 011 , **I w*#, �14
441% 00061t; that be, 411A:" W op. lior �pliimi *)t 00044 '140 Mill. 41. laltf�lli� at 60, k1wr 4,444
, t', , it - I I I I i I I L �L I I .� -1 1 11
R t�i�very�itex`4'101 9 1prk, VU0,
ti � fik,.Q�Curi PA -yvq so
Paid �ku Togard, to, "Illo P. tv Iso I W10, I
iii par IQ,b—#
4 rt Ury the followin 4
m Uyt)YAO Atunda.14
i94 I'Vassilblo, 'To OX 1 9[
4 � sirp ��L,�'�onfflt. J%ten, 41ft vltfi* OfAte
. wilildt P '" Ili
C -The,: iijoli "Yok .Q�tIPU4 '11"0040 0041d Ut 404 to: 4eitiltAt *X 'A A7 0
ire t 010 W0010 s4tbera, t t.14 Cot Ou I#. *14W, ti
ej'v�0$01,�04 ", The CfOr 1 iifxfij� that 140" Up 'Of Evoi;1
n DO
V 10iii"4*4* lid On% 0011160 up,,
gg 4, tlloy� fleorod, 'Iesk Aw,; 900,49ir L Ir'Of �OQ ilt,llo�, "Yffftr 04%t'lim III, Ito-. ard at AV0011f)
Up.$e"" 49 PrI.
loula rjp� Q'0,t44 _4l)OrtL� 1 01
'40 �10� ,Aflixed 4onmoA;rr et it beeirt 4
ita IfiaL , -, ' pt 110
l# 116,11
111XI the 1presslo WINI
64144-:90welwlkcr li� 04 VIROU he %y
oit.oia .4 ' 1: 103 cent,
do p.r aid r
ell P to too
110Y,14, t"M W c a 10
atch WWI
610001y, 404 ft Viatt 44
diflblkCAIL 14%14a, aljd t $IrOng"Currkift, 't 1: ".at As 104.tho Ovillyn, Woo
Too 14 -ow
QXA the �*Ofk drOw' it'.4144414, JQ��4 vakk* couceroodt1to tale at, the 4011w,
r%ld h0p
nuld tbq� A)VAPCI(j�'$Q that' it. Vl!i 00� %6 t4ojorve Of Ilits"so, Ilie dootor^- Was. tile fir IA
A and there, (Or rep 011
11011IN111kollite4 blishtt oift'did q41 �r'orry �oa of 4944 to Lou OWWAt
"o 00 Rmpross. Wh6 over
;bOW�,cfeAodq0 jifo 1�6 Wgto fho,N%C4 tie, thputlit At, -4,jeanwh 0, boo out
u bit OVer the label Willett reff0ft'10
oa1COA.%1eMeAtfAAdAAI90A ave,11yont 'Ca oloroppendui-
elplos., to, a Itiorlhos rootili, _" i it At, 11410mos at 000dIll of 11i"opt, 11OW ftimbor;, low .-*it% ....f.4340%0911a
*� 'AAa Ort -fro C4 Wil�.Qllr,4tv u 101 -lo 1�fm'
VAPI TrAllisterred from Prolit sAd"Lass A04ausit to�j� --oo
,4,0 wonuld be, It voldph
tillarl 0 er all And 411 the while tie knew Once. She said tbo
or " 4 1.11o) -d CqUire that re $e CIUM0,11110
Alid OQk4liVe Ole qfoprssS. death" $p but -1
to the face t Ilikso Per win" toii. wh 411. tull-g(%Nn
6 An to a or,
a Ich Is �ohaf4etorlsllo
9, � ho ralka At I*t the. o pre%beggia to recover. V�t'de Vems, hqd, indulil Off w wilt
14 of-willen I ktok *talf W 'Ovorooll 'er Aenws, she digailled romp one do With great rtgrat wel, have, to lrecord th4'VUddvn 44jWl
eyad Illb* ioxvica, fit
014, w4 -400,Y 4 (be Way thoO doctor (led WO`1V00'f 4 gas il—V0140 $111119.04 1110'eh' "Of
n6w T000dorp 0. Orough. tho late, a who, 4941
17% i 01114t, Wolluvo, Oft Von
0-� see, 10on ti�itiid. She d1i everything she her (Oil', $he aPPIlel, to (lie CiltruilittoL t4ud
mod "IS egittinuppoilly idno 107 Us Was tO
04 alinost, 'hopelps a, 0.* 61VOW611104111i
'Year$ uring whioli ah ft IIMO� tie mompliAhtd, muph 0
an )a WS and i14 to. 1004a it Vp to film. She pAild o6f the show. T
Mt. C, ,
W 9 inlo�,01hef"hope, hirg, besides Ille rVe at ffly thousand each armed with All to,41nijyjag gi 411114J�, Of Me
a6gerlo, Manager at the Mol
tlllnO ot�4046' rsiiii *00.111kil to Ouill-
And 4W
wilib Ontered the a
t UA thousuroolk more fqt Iravol. spected 1he lip of INC yn'$ tall, link more then tworf,tyfi
on Mon AY Npea$0S,,-,m6de laft 4 baran, settled cullac to, tile conclusion that tile 116W lillid
710 lit ied'u
0004 him,
n4pavup -� a a ��OVSW s Vt ATIVOY vt fWenty4flve hundred dol- been � SInged—olhod I V rlmma ioe boAlis of (he Sankt our
AiladOWn fare Ofijiftll,'Aud Prornised him all sorts. afteXW11rd With s6issor. at - oonI04
ID.Irec rs hkvv Aulded that It Is an ap�oiltuna tift 1 014 Itodmalwas 'One
mtt t UPQn hqw. The ler w V!, lite at 1,00d tbings if he would remain in with this, -Mrs. W1160h tOOk ZVelYla.: 110t
as wan.1
e40 y ')a astilioli dollars of olutharizO'CiP1141 SOON; And,
a' bd it WA41. girl eminent Veterinary surgogn imd�o%
1phon lauohed il� much 4101- find become' bar p'14,slclun. )hm of a by4ow, to be
e , the captain We But 040ar Dillisd4le declined. Taking doctor on hell return to Lo�dan,,�,, Th* WoUts. which may reasonably Ill; expected, have OPI 11111111110 for 6
years. la
Ajlm.� most bay0;
001110s to, I - I%, AVofflvali 241t sublifillted for your consideration at the AAA 040 401
sheets ell a Evelyn's tall was Anti ected to atill MOO
:4011 V A 'WbJC4'thI9a4 Ling, 1NIA
under' a powerful intarMosecopf.,
best at that in Ile wanted to get bacic to a ay�j so, 14r pr46f 00 �0.
71' to of an empress was too anxious #1 dollm. Thu
�a Ven0h In I at been Ili or Increase In the Coolitall Stock to the axleat of 4 and shIrts�',jitas, Ap1he'-prese it ih6 A wMNtrike the total authortzo;d Capital five MI llofaTO 11104.
had;, Prolfght a sail their w plue *90 ��Iha number of 131rodo-
he work at private people. w 0' , here he You will also be asked to consider a by-l%w In,014 11
:114 would oat
.......... . . . . . . . . . . dkIng,
levies 00 1
front. Jug, Usual. tril be I The cat Uoctor reported that Ila fol(Illd
Ildli:IS-t4 a fdanger of sharing, W
Pi ll 0 - 4% h All I L_j m 1pal� - wt do 11-1a 0 7 AVI a 0 t U F -MM44fic-Ut Cal-fis our-OP0111:09,02.
A , - 'a - 11 11 Ikust
eclttow Interests Alit, ad A
orr itili course, bI a-. back 9 tail tillih4d
ow�.thlrb;r by t6a co found kind file i4ll boon 99t, blit, that
Vthe 0 can cotton
Una-, Catherl During the twelve monW just closed Br4aches, of 111mank woitra I
Ile, 4 tinual n0thiivly Pin, always remembered him saine (it tire KnIrs were "crimped ano
utleeDdrillig;!; , I :, at that',teltowIng paints,and, when expe"ut, d6slifftle A lost v6vr*,PU b
. ..... . Ilit qMP 0 94�14. NOW PO
Via, `V'1141 f;4,j,� of Mor� t, 0 'Of As, n 0onsultation, It appeared im- kindly,. an when, a f w years later, Ile bulildus," as they would have been, -Al int life'! $ ifidn -go r -InAth* Nplace at ()IltariD, lit Oithil D n, P I
ifgmoslal 'sajdt�l%� Oeop ton, gavo'Ws- Wit- booiough, Tilbury, Windsor, and 14 Toror-14, at the 0601100-0t Av011)(110 IA094 2,114
a, c6nifiIiii he' h - $ i Od-t-W Only td pick the possible to r:4 os to sent ilm a
Of $ cue the Port Stephen, and married
suitable offices erecteM
I set dfbeaullful burned.' According
td f, other china. gbn a eertific
bats was forth that the tip
d, ok 4., Member of-4ho le -0- little likelihood'. a It -t Road and Queen street and Blifiadview olvalluill; In
Agulke, 4t _Pratikirk, Pell at; there Davenli* ft Province of
Nk XA al,_ the, same
ts. fdwa�dg' 116ek 1�_Jm Own StWk atid
44VII)a of -'s Phan
asr' M.P. with.- dirv. It 4 -its crew, the Ravenscourt of EvellYn's tall, AIWAC at Calgary and Edmonton, alrod at Regina, SO%
the $6�114n lof 6 reaching
QLaw took,them aboard and the Port Ste HONEST HAD BEEN SINGED AND Nal' CUT. lit addition we have to Inform you that in Docemb0,10st 00 Priftle boil',
�vss Aiesa*d, to drift wherever Wind red a-
did'unt ag",,. fin4. pe cent,. Ing business of Messrs. John Curry 4 COMpoiny, at W)lWor, wow AMUI u
initindion'to �jasfralii the Mr. W; *rft advantageous to the SheiraligIlditro. which triAtitaitan inooluiled 0 Wo put,
Menuwhilo, Mr. Mason had pub der te
Solna at ite curious ways of 11140. Red
49 40V,411611, IS 9. petral ell. and OLU'rent. ]night send tL
an account of the show In W4 journal,
chase of a commodlauji-builAting, well attualod in thill,,,W grJoAt �adntre.
der, fed�,xallonja ROM, A flar" to 000, OT mofio-lo iqtreet-oleanw Man of,fho, North-West.
'Ir. Which h
gulit, till purpopes VMS, put rfi the STEWARD% D,�V.
MuCh ti
a dttted that -the
lev"Ofing 1W cat haid-been,
it was found necessary to provide
mar. Many curlous instances of tire manner disqualified "for allegA tritilull of tile larSter preiptsels for 4 r NOtth W 0
ket tv 1CW4 botcic. It has four Winnineg. arid lor this purpose, a valuable propOrty hild, been socupoil.
that, haT616 authorizing such 1094r, t P -Trier If$.
In which the honesty of tire Indiana man- tall," anti that it% Colorful te
b illegot. and llgilost*_ till Aeparate,44its' d., 111stru" Duties of Hell) Are Many and Varl- fiesta itself aiv cited In the north coun. lening to Mrs, Wilson's explanation, de�
't-WAd WrW %* aissDirector*, following their usual custom, lexamitwil, the Securities "d
goes along bt Wuh Reserves of thq Bank as on December Slst.'190. Atid taund 1111610 156 be
or� b04 Alit w4i
.0y, 1 1. . . - I i-WeSL,0n0 of. aided to uphold Mr. Mason's disquitilil-T Ih* Head Ofitee Balance
g oll', the- balii. at Seven. or 01� and Willi. ncorrect-, they alRo verified
ry:of the Cane, 4A,
00tor . r, facoll4lilt all modulo
tap treecIdAilthat'1116 levy Out any youth w4o imagine
tV110, desiriAg food cation." This, It was cointended, was an' kept with Foreign Agents�
l#�Zlaes,,Ahe',work a he �,raouid the tales is oft. ative
aand tobacco and blank -its, brake into tile unfair report, con ies Ili -
he like to bee
'erloctly and dism, ed, t uattillion men, ome a 'steviard in A cargo Every Office of tho-,pank has been ci
ey tjiau1S0JVa4 , , 0% iretully Inspotted during ihoo pad
store of a remoter trading post which sinuation' against Evelyn and her MIA. twelve' months, and each Branch has Wn Visited Mgl�aItM
Dappeilt RY. fitellmer *--]& d' wall to notd wha had been' looked and 'abeindAnied lot, 'a tress.' 'Me matter luxought liefollel
bis duties would, be. AlincilL his appointment In May last.
equently, and
,LOADL it it vessel'carrying a chief Steward low weeks while. the white man in charge the National Cut Club subs E. a. OSLER,
lemt-have Tlie Report was adopted.
111UNGER STW9 THWIATES, al�cady and jWAl ass tents tie would have to transacted business elsewhere. The In- that aligust body exonerated Mrs. Wilson president.
T. is blea.
dian'supplied his needs find Ito left, pelts from the charge of being a cat trinnuer, By4sws were passed InfiressIng thetiumber at DIrealors from own to
paullery 'necessity. The begin as ell# and and Evelyn -of Arunddleo from the eparga, h -w-ii
lncers'�stew.ard. The fledg
di 9 Ili payinent'for what he tooki and providing for an increase of 1111,0(1111,
IIJAICA Has w" ,Zliffibry Int a ling stward must be up at 4.30 000 lit $he Cootilad Stock, whic
h a�m. and
�Cxjfjft) 'Vjtb ll;�Jou�,nata
ooquarter time ik 00"P , tile galley, where
VO,04� - , months filter Ito come back to wrtain ef having a. trimmed Wil. makorthe Wilt uthorizoad Capital ok the Bank IISOW 060
jso h 5 It hin, had lei
a an- t enough. Evelyn n ler lit a' Cat
"#9 4 lite litfinati makes cqflae and t4oas� toi- tb
tand VVIM01 ;Ydilf The thanks I the Shareholders were tend redw to'l
iat;hly-�ifijj inii 'UtL"..4, --piT un found- a post closed when show in l4ancheste �vtueri - debt --arid DirMom -for their serviceis during Ithe Y*&P, .*Ad tO the Gmerat Man-
UkO :6�1111it �4�V(k in hinselt, which, One Indi, Silo - was-
olfwff 0 a a it.- ralf
At. dJs 115'.. he went to It to dispose of h4s skins. judged by a woman and awarded two Mar roe.
d14,&0k iqlx� they lust,.IW
ch,ew iforill'OtratVIR hapt- Is grateful and comforting n aid Being tknNyl Ing to wait he'forcibly en. first arid1wo second prizes. Mr, NI ager and other Officer& at the l5ank for thill efficient per , formation, at
how, IZ�UA Tjwy -poing, founder mablaine is tt it
%Ai following gentlemen were elect 'bTiiainira "rip 71be ensuing y4iri"
in deck to T
th6n' there is the
000 Ulay 144 bito? ;V Messrs. A. W. Austin, W. Ft. Brock, Jollies CarroaWirs, It. J. Clooristie, T. Helen,
ocea a C� it to, indicate his Identity, Then lie re. paid some i $lonllon to Evelyn all tile
ke4 bruf bbi,ltkod -5400�1 At, OCAIRCOM a Win- 'srxub, the cabin of the englineer on
to' tired, fastening the door as best he could, same, "Can'i you see her tail has been
Ite Ala- this as aprotesta =t belno Utd' J. 1, Foy, K.C_ M.L.A., Wilmot D. Matifiews, A. M. Nantaft and 1- 5. OsterjIll.P.
g an hour, duty to clean, his bed to-malce, arid
Banco bo, kept So 'long In prisail bgf0te 'the
and riot until a year later did he return. cut?" he sold to Evelyn's judge. Ile was 11. Oster, M.P., was o1oloctot
y Alf At a subsequent meeting of the Diretterf, Mr. E
A44A.MA-Ail-4 al A��'obne lifillnute. OIX his larnp to trim. This dune, Ill#
Wed. When he walked Into tile post and told %howU the ceplIfIcate of the extrineut, cat President, and Mr. Wilmot D. Matthews. Vlordo-Prestdoat, floor *&BWUS talat
wa* Axel WqhbtiA� by hand breaRia4l table must be Wid for The
Zes�. .,A 'a 40 his ory the price of the skins was doctor,, I.iit put It aidg with off Ada, do -
4' There Will S00n: 0, 44l,0Ii*VW0 'as, U10 du tbro-6r.ulpreeliginters, t ad
09.1bip go, I a pri- ip6n whom
t -a arof the m6w steward. waits'while they are
handed to him without question. The rot claring that lie cared nothing for it, IN
a aMrs. Wilson either. Then Mr. Wil,
Counts of the white man had been cure- for
'bit 'Of: (U6. ingelf -had.
suwgedie4 in NotAQ Id t meals. fully kept, and he Was r certain that no sun decided thal tile only Wuy to put an GENERAL STATEMENT.
cega03 After Their breakfast is ver, Ihe.don-
rly,�q J,tha� Pro
have breakfast lo- claim but a just one would be made. end to Mr. Milson's slanderous u8peft
Oil for. �$(04140 1bgr �'Ofids hurried on bi ill% of roilded V,. 44W 164t, 11110, $11110. kill,'O key -man and stgval LIABILITIES.
d I*'' ialfg4f� qakin'V, . I" rd
-toole. 'tobq�o. Ulliad- N6W- "it gotber., and after that there Is a wash- posed In the hall -breeds, whAo are lleu- AilAndaWs tall solemnly adjudged upon folroteo, in Circulation .... .... ............ .... .... .... ....
ygroor, geAei An unusual degree of confidence Is re. alqns on her cat was to have Evelyn of
jgIr s,,, The 4ete 'at' S_ AM ne we 'b knife-eteaning that �vould
c line, ing-up find
Who uT4 tenqn(s of tire white traders. In Edmon- by q court of law.
In 01 and 1PRO 11.611 S90ifis-Ac, "ess all t a d age Scullery
extier- break th-e heart of an aver for, I saw a trader give one of his half- IT WAS A GREAT TRIAL. Depoits bearing interest (including intatest aceruoad to
Deposits not bearing interest .... ......... .... .. ... 63
ithe Arur;s Ge Of- it) afid "a bulrdtig4. times, he quickness. maid; for three ship's engineers use rec(
W a 'human more plates, etc.,
b I employfs 81,W to be taken Iq a 51g.137L 04
land .4 date) ...... ...... .. . ......... .... .. ..
larn4sl*ulkes ;W%OW pergebt at every meal than a
distant post and there distributed as Evelyn herself was there Willi her 36,670,150 67
ratty yalmi. W16 wit� I;oo Sco effeelive, bay6these hunger strik -eftq, 1: dozen ordinary mail.
a a QA!hour day, cPnsunl
maligned tall avid tot, purposes of coin- 04
f� 'efgat two eng n-
(Jf d0ft P.MV0111rod, theY. ho-Va beelpme,quIl4i Ing 600 POUli411 "lkht of tOb4cco in its Break fast 'covei� the 014, wages to others, writes it correspon Deposits by other Banks In C &ndida .......... ...... .... .... ..
Ti ce� Al (lent. The two shank hands and parted, pariscon the tall of a defunct cat was I Balance due to London Agents .... ....... ........ ... I .... ....
ulgo in the , large political prIsions, task.
ecral oubirls must be cleaned.t riot to meet for a )'eat-, and lite while troduced among the exhibits. La
IMAch, better fdr 110 t0w vho Sometimes thoy-06 �roll�art4L to merely The brush. is Ifeapining obsolplon for. There is dinner, to serve at I p,m.. dy
ould be te4tgd, q. tjlre� piano PI, man said he wirs ,.lure riot to. cent of the, Decies'was among tile wltnwses who up. otal LiabidtW, to tho Public .... ........ .... .... .... .... ..
ayfn& to secure Ain bnqslous Jallei's, rema, tO a s I tunic afternoon tea at 4, high tea nt. 6 and T
val, painting. ed tee money would fail to reach Its rightful peured -on behalf of Mr. Mason. She Cuplial Stock paid UP .... ...... ...... .... ...... . 31000,000 Go
Vol upon the sur- supper at 8 And after each meal there destiolatlen. owili more prize cuts than any o(ber loco W
a SU1911, 16tVa I I
4i tAper Reserve Fund ...... .... ...... .. ...... .... .... .. $3,900
Sim has foundi,A$ be fill" hs of (aiitp tilt bb colofthtll;.., Tila is ow .-Di c 'array of irly crochery and In'the town of Edmonton 11self"Irriii- wonian.In England, awling thein bein 28,7911 33
Balance of Profits carried forward .... .... ...
putting a Atop to thtm, He 41a(Vieveral V. S I I* are lififfited now -a -days, an knives ---often all tile more difficult. to esly seems to vie with hospiiallty for the a chinchilla, foi- which she tins refuse Dividend No. 97, payable 2nd January, 1907 90100 40
t. qI of !r ssed-air -de- eleaff because of the rolling of the still)
h0gerstrikes unalng,b prisoners, and oompre- 9
credit of being the most prominent trait $3,500.
At last getting tired Of1ear lActies, so�,nt vi one doilhe work at a or the citizens. Scores of thousands of "Had that cat ever Neen beaten?" she Forrher DividendA unclaimed .. .... .... .... .... .. 107 25
tf -that the budding steward generally
COUP ith
bompulaJes at' soldiers as. tjp�s of the 4wa on the second day 0 dellars' worth of fuis are stored there In was asked.
Of'� I a a baff- bib voyage. Reserved far Exchange, ate . .... ........ .... .... ... 61.1" 74
Lord �dere& a11:tho*Atr1hem to'b�, . v Reserved for rebats an Bills Diw4unted .. .... .... ... 15
a sotilcous aftidetit'do warehouses, which ar seldom or never "Yes, oneb; and that was ailter it tied 1=,033 47
brought Into the �Obm Where trials Wepe� Alter mutt h4s patefited a brick- locked or guarded. Only the most valu- been calling on somo gravel and had
hold. $pWo,.wl
f h laying machine widalljoilly Weighs 60
Voluntary filst that the40014d not tvalk p 4 And do wbik - of sovcon EFFECT OF TEETOTALISM. able pelts are ut under lock and key, got same yellow oft Its coal."
and then tile perpose Is more to protect "Arid who was We owner of the sue -
and had'.10 be da �Od. They 1�erer then 'at inuch �,than half the 4ost.
quire Barroloam3 them from accidental damage than from ces$ful cat T
pecitilk the hi Was it not Mrs. Wilson?"
wall alid, Oro possible theft. "Really, I have quite forgotten," N.
videll with a bow, 9! 4qvp sea thein 11110, �pia6a, Ode rolldrs specle ..... ...... ...... .... .... ...... .. .. .. ..
Propped Up against Ibe P The brl�� by- hiand a lover English PCOPIO %N11O "I
bdtiv xopa
Imbibe Afothylated Spirits.
tip to C e. pres
W C Uto L
lat "Your have ten Alin _S in Which to heap a fee Dominion Government Demand Notes ... .. .. .. .. 09
a on tM. work, and other rol- plied her ladyship.
'jigioutod in our SOI)P", English people are resorting to the lx- ES. Ide Depa�lt with Dominion Government for Security of
tprqc 41rolsto he said, I'd ab,,Jh nd lets, �pre�s the WIWI down an the mar- AnMY MUTINI Which left It to the jury to doe
d' C' stifilo tromely dangerous h(lbil, of drinlOng whether of, not her evidence war billsed. Note Circulation ...... .... .... .... .. .. .. .. 150,00000
it 'Klt' Of that 1,111le y`411 have ll,$fi, d6rae �o Coll, (art whiob u ylaled, or evert more novious .r' rOWAI, Over Tile - . p-br. OnQ let place of legitimate alcoholic t.,ver- oNtas of and Cheques on other Banks 30
Will W firdd upon-theo,soardlej,4 -are, wait Seve-ml Occasions When Drillibli Troops Now that tire jury has recOrded Its
-grealo. but 'Ile Ing outside," So verdict, folk will have to. bo eareful Balances due from other Bonita in Canada 11,652,74,114111
�mt' %Venl[Noli Strike.
$Oirpr as wbat they say of Evelyn of Arundiflors
obhl6d p their hard as they Ole Balances due from other Banks elsewhere Wolin in Can-
jV0 got, rp.juted. g Me IbOR I a hint and a day wft nd grtlie maelli a_4andocr _Mel
Celutiola jAsi 6114 AN AU'rO.U.'kild CASHIP.H. In 4alhellester, inalatv owing to Tito British army and navy being (he tail.
aWa, But' otbap4i waila� OlbMbritlte arid Aide add the United Kingdom ........ .. .. .. .. 1,121,3900
fro -t
w6tild you count titratl,6 vigor of the crimpilig agallys best Allsolplined and most content Ili the
i�'�nd or,tbd OW rd alcohol, this Is especially tile -ld. ronutlidds among our furces have ------
r14W to louch it. Afthe rLIQ0.
jXWONW. wot $9,013,327 47
11114110r; lh(46 whid"Ilaa catistImled all holir?" it p6ii.*or q s1madily at The
At Xfo�s 'VI�4 t -s- be jeellf going into public houses
Artisa`44 aki& Other workers are alraid happily been very rare.
provincial Gover-riment Securities .. ..... .. .. .. .. k39= 65
14�ndennlrlgA their licirl on; were 1* celIg rate of I�eoa a sdA�ohd, ohlIt'�+200. An STANDING GUARD IN APLUCA.
FhA61'ed to their maeldno nf so I.Irk,vious to the recent coulbrealt at Canadian Municipal Securities and Britiat or Foreign
j. If they �Afruk they & In Ta,-4himaefficed Manner fid p,rislmouth, the last British inutiny of
wat-6 :69alft, I* WOUld be shot at, Scoldl6s OlUmInum an�i it4l; taw do the wolrk A Few Entries Fr;fn The Records of a at Colonial Public Securities other 1pan Canadian. GOG,130 79
�sovm:iiim a atl 9. �lrcmfst for a "Wil." note occurred on July 71h, 1899, when the Rallway and other Donda, Debentures and Stocks 11.149.265 01
Cain "Wjl' 'Were called In and cordere# for flro ill the Of tjir�,e fireft b.y �outitbag I21,G00 coins 8,703.134 50
wook 1 8' "A �1143 deiixand for 1!pennyworths" Of 2,d Orenadler Guards, then at Welling. Post Commander.
Itiora -ina Mary, i1DISR14W 'at the bH- At. ftQUr, and Int44he bargain" folace mothyloiled spirit is $teadlly on the In- toil Barracks, refuqed to turn out on Loans on Call socured by Stocks arid Debenlures tm , pw', �Ull difty. of 01d,pMotedta he aimed as However gull campaigning In Africa SU,915.207 0
fifgh its (hey dilreJ. the�n by And it never po rode, only about six men of the whole may be, no one could reasonably will. Bills Disocalunted and Advances Current..
%4 rl rVkeg a ' What U more, ill's Allholigh rnglIgh people have nor yet battalion answering the bugle call. plain of guard duty by night oil thooll Ovft-duo Debts festimated 1093 provided loft) 211.516 40 loiturdo elt X ert loele, sevi
t(0j,fWag, jil;A.Ilver. Ofnif PrlsOnerg, Were More our less serious. TARCIA01 0 0111y
� I , it., turd 95Q,000 OD
%hwfipJ16U, � k wailt, 4 beginning. 11 is pro. gone to the length of drinking furniturf- Eventually they %%,ate induced to assem.
'46d, and.tfio governor dblilres P11010-1 In i4ttilre, even bunkIng otollsh-a. beverage ver popular among 1,10 but many, instead f appearing in score. In his boolt, "(Ainpaignmil On the Bonk Premises ...... ...... .... ......
it Upper Mid," Lieutenant Nandefeur quoWs llolhar Assets not included under foregoing heads 7,433 Ito
ull marching order, paraded In tunleg
'jil" j411fin �tnvizli oimdroadVj$�# oifllor$ to adopt tho whorever you 1*1 You 'find machlo, a few entries from (lie records of a post
th4l; lio_has, sfamp�d,dut tb&'0lodov4-,4 ill be clittled 011,14tgelly b machinery. NpjAVeglhlf�r and in. f
Creased delbAnd far 10111Y14ted A
0,3s," Ail arV ading 00 worl,' -01 litinflWAII of men ttrr drinking, pur Pirit arid fatigue dre-49. For this Insubordi- curnmander. Tire entries, It is true, pro-
-poses Is sufficiently nation the whole battalinn was exiled to refit great uniformity, but they are of $49.694.379 2.8
ZdWaM dial.. at, much xAller e4t; anti Willi a ollart- alarming to 0tve all (tifialcing people food Bermuda for one ear,, themselves suffleiently exciting.
Ii ftg.1 JIM
pattd'fl , � I par Install", tO far iptich niffol0asent reflection. Leaving the Mercantile Marine out of
baron 240611 'h c April 191b. Lion visited camp during OGrAT,
file question, the last British naval MO. night and carried off woman. Toaroonta. lidef, Dolcomber, ING. General Manager.
'GOT 11111 opt, C. A. R
in pbek talteA 18YIlooldrs of band vvrlc; MIA% FINE ROAPS. tiny of note- previus, of course, to tile nd took
nw. A V011119 b0ft0h 1W 11004 top 113tool- a smallplicuma0d drill does it in eight April 201h. Lion Come again a
00JE hul"s I)OAD OR r(loent troubre-oaccurred go far back as
Ili having a -elilt fie- It,19 I)rbbdbly not generally 11hown another women,
December, 1801. This was the falarous WOft'D9 FROM ANIMALS. gainblers and carol-shurpers nf Europe.
A (flik den on 10A, ild 'T�b# lilt) furi;Uat fabri, far making Will fudlif. Is remaltUablo for Its poss,��s- April 21st. Lion carried off Bunywo
'A inilliny of tire Bantry Day squadron, lite
the i'AltkilIA14, -00, IhO par 10* olov agortv 4 uds� tile, wa�, $I)o (I of tlaola,�used 'to be 13410, By slen of many niost excellent mad.4, .9ornk, mail. SeAn by patrools and fibed at, Ilo Thisl Index, In the form of At sinall,
'Ill, COALgraltiltif '11�. , , ho I it
& - _%, I ton AlliellifteY the Price of tire c Illem of. great length, Illis that which prfougroe3s of which may be Judged from
fit'Q` l;forlfS 11"Id: liab` Ca(ad Witil Va visited cattle-houge. and was wounded by English Language Has Many Expressive lithographAxt boulf, has iww been sent to
frf� 140 1�10- Of flay 'I b M
'bay, fro t so sold tho lawAr, V.4019 -fill )W 11�,fted to, SM, onne the mpg ftfill HQUilb,hy to Delhi. a distance tire fact that 17 of the mutineers were guard the authurille-4 of all large cities and
JV01W. ll him cia, but It Tern".
Of (lie �Vcalhop uo i4i At tillftw Lam mad6 111:4n&jenth of the time itt M110;. It h descrillopol as "a per. condemned to death, find till lhe ret April T20d, Seellon went Out to Ignic boalth rowrts In Europe.
It iY-3titt. I
" - Andtherr ftw� road I . sentenced to receive 200 lashes each for Ilan anti found him near river. Our regembinnee to the lower animals It contains Man- than a Ificusand
feet highWaly.'
0 rd In lho&e days very stern mcsasure" wpclo floolly wounded, bill very flerce. %X'nq MUA b0 vQr) cIONA, trum the fact tb2t names. among which are a number at
rmw eth trifl Milm; lit length, olctmids, from Ca
'Alit SAW. DOZ8 Ttjt� WQf%'1DV V,,TY WONIVt I eamp. %%rA commonly ube several GcOres Of high-sounding Iffles, such as princo2s.
eitlli. far Pe;llriiwurj frollIlg* . ,I Ins4horolinalloon ion ilie and brought If in
had, it iffif" da ki �d the WI(tIe,;ge$ Porty fire Inialry of to,- ifghani6lan, These vroaila are kept Ill navy. April 241h. Another lian (probably worda di -awn frooin lite lower animals to Ininrquiq anti c
10WL 'eXemifil aunt. Most of the3a 111100
royaelf, I ho pie& bo. (IM envo ODos' t4K,'4#11 liburs of a man's repair, and wem built origionnily lioness) visited vamp lost night, anti exprean most forcibly our Opinion of a
of course, self assumed, but some
ooddl 10il 'The jury weto Vot two time. 1110 time 19 rodu�o for, mlll:Ory purposes laclibr the advent carried off Nubl-in child. Woa seen I,y man. for Instance, we havo
4 01.0 CUSTOMS IN ENGLISH ARMY. art, gonlifne.
*11411 eeril]W ty nlneliiladvy lid .91�tttoyi Twurs. patn)lq ond fired al. To earl, name a porsonn) de.,cription
con IdS14., .1, of rallroaft;.. Mony of (lip native prin- Agli, iflordicy, puppy, Call, bear, kittn.
lihn, C life rilhing of* now �bdhg mad% by ce.t; ilvo� parl[Jettlar Coo, to their roadg. Thpre was considerable liparlburning April 25th. Lioners crime ngfun, find mulp, fox, parrot, Jay, pig . 900"1'- and some blagraphleal details are fit,
11i(tlt eon
Or' 16tir t4pid WaVL- Of eDum� thitor flattlife if the coul3tPY In file n4)ynl WoAch rusillora on, (tie re. went to cattle -house, whero guard fired duch, snake, ancalf, cat, peneock. toad. faebed and a reference to the parlidula7 #,Only ofteir 11114# filly lorQ JePlIed the t1le"(4 j5t .6h(l U. -wholo roNv tot Plilys Lt art, Ili;, ifto exlstkmd� of tile and trieka employed. such as
'elpt at tile order that the final of black at till& woundp(l 114pr. ()nP'O1 tile 9hat9 Arid every word ounv; up a man'& char -
A,, Tlilvilng IWO the Pfiganbe,4 eourkel J�tltcjjw aro cm �tt,� - A fAaw yearg At& a roadl, ans iia* UlPy lorve us a sitrim- ribboin known aq the -flash," worn at tile truck hougge at considerrible distance. acter, Carol, bitliards, playing
)UldL�,trAV.3 f1ft Ilbift. fill
io, TaintS htoi)peil, ot thd nlahled (0 the U.0 Of flUtOU101111P, Which 01-0 brick of the collar, was to be Wmaved, and entered IbIgh of. Nubian worrion, Then there are lion-henrted, rhieliPln- darIc faba calift casdaharping with ac -
Two& oft Uni or ippoint* by Ih6
filftebZAN 'very pdpulqr tit U4134 k Ili e
�ibtk. TbC but this Airdcr only rtterrml to lite service where It still rennains." Wnian appar. hourted. horsey, low -e)ed,
lit d0on I& V 011* v4gnp1k*. etc.
oilgqiff to r
-wfillmim, 01=150nor 40 bSr panu; brensted. dollged, lynx -eyed monkey, tit fire, Index 1-4 to enatils,
Mail Ifeilogif, driv it PoWiip, (Im. and with (till dreG the fkwh lid; ently'little tho worsc%. Yho object
W Ir
ting g6r' auddelily wallst, 681(tabju 6,94 41gaut-d 4430 w4rUVA r4ilgilly, bixty, 11 In bO worn iln hitherto. This hag no; Forafer laid me that lie polund that tho faced, etc, Itit alittorititn at twallh regofts to rw
ml, IT VOU M kfm POLIC13MAN.
roi4 tho osI6hN1ie4-'driver know what ;tle3h. be -en offlefall mado known, and ling frarlaq of the liens passed one night Io Of verb.9 signifying that we Ilet UtO engnize undegitable chandeVA and (It-
ijg 4 jhdl�, 'Pel'blipq aq Iferr �foforjl V9 animals. Were aiv dOzens. To gnarl, to ,(q IWmo all,S00# 4�; they aftIvLi. 11to fear
jrjot 0,4, t ottil 6.'tt Wousq&11 arhoobilliqlPr, caused great 90tisfacitob to thm Alt0lon. "yards frotn the door, of Iny house.
ted,- trimugl) 0 Owl P
Ile, �Tnx 414 riving J§ IlItA, �fi the ca, vu][111fa Iloilo %Vent lip I') a finished regiment-, Tire flash woo nrigi. flit* door wan made only of Lgra" 11rowl, to grunt. to claw, to lume, to A( makittl nl2keq bliviork fil"Ieft Pro-
Attij t'aft.iSiki, *W110A L a 14 binding. nflool lliett! lra&-Sr. Ilian X-11maidtf, and laueblo; Ili?; hat. br-aged nally Introduml lit the pertood when all could easily travo boon pusAnlad down, I doll,
ton Illsol, to critertvflul, In cOctol", 10 vvintei 1 e lrl%n tut Ing SULU 10[f.oll
1101h* 1011WO 1111M*lt 111W 1116 1;AVY4 4104 *104 do F011 think. thet 960Y yo 1$0 it, t6tk two 16lia to tle dircriod 10 mlaft-t WOM their hair In powder and wneralulated Myself on not having b"n woddle. to swoop. 10 COO. to purr. measurer. to pt,�t6et %1,9liors,
h000diAing, 0114 111'6' %-ola, qi10 'OU&Ide (Ilan A %1&k,1'0 11tru otit a mf)016. or f 1115 'Tile rallfofflon atured plattlAq. find' its Puroowri wtt,4 to heep let home. TheBe are among the most exprmive
f.� %ore, 1 oit film, and told, Oil Illat it he dp-,;Ircqf fil'o U111fortil at tho back five front Dow- Lions, had never I)Ppn heard of �ere words of out languatle.
to' WrIfitoll to 1111111h oh: ta 13"a a -ply lie 111flSt Inar'l TOMMY RNEW TH8 DRAND,
flo owny fiO dor and fimaw. All mf4ments prf7e e4. bufoP, and it Wa oil xtroordi nary dr.
ngUI.Siling Merl, in CUM
1,4 iW-t �glto? Wait ift fact intfo ptillly ony dMi slCureo that they �hnlrfd fiaVo 'DES. "Oil I I'm ca glad yi�a etwel. sit. ettim.
Q4 tl]f3gM Into 1111� til fItIf's) IN
bno muell lot, thelp ouftrm. In ?armor days reg-lulonts here through 9w dewc;e grars; and utdvi% etwe", 6611 hil[w Kitewirl" 0016 'lot
nirlia *4cor:4 (lip find amliodiem ond figlit eavillatiler-cl On grawth. Prerl"wly tile [401110 thing Imp- vitn' 'C' na Police Reel) Clow Tab on Notorl-
flung ff's tg� ",41. isirl 3 Lorlpat proceedinaq thelts anti tit"o ornmpanle;j lxcre poned ot Kifnnwa lit July, wilc-iii a rian bahed a caL r
ird Ilk r6a osh, %Volft you flhva a atta Gamblers.
0 41 (I& for file Viqff(,(l file Plarep ft)r(,e nlatll% rllnnhl!�. vpit lid ig flo 6Z_h(jot 1i L Wlliro M06 w4s I -,al 01), ound Q I)IIJBIO 'far trie light lolifna a Child lilt, first niUht. a %va;nola Tho Viprono police, %fth thon amistanco
ib mWAS ft%k. Jeszy 14tAW* tf,#�Ajl h kmly 60 or zqow its
it,4010,3)y GI) 1010 Wllark� rond it would file oric-Itf, and a child oil the third ifigIrl. fher capauts, lativa gtt$lva ti',6 birtlur,
aco"Id 13,hen I 1�') be CQ11161fig littfrft
Gaaaabl— ain't ho Albeff. happtm
wom Olivalent my fectif 11); the Us' of (11, Grctt 1,