HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1849-08-23, Page 1e
a Y..lar1 ,
arises .cess ssee lead.,.
•. tee; .a.rw/rs .tact r> air- al,., a 101‘911,0111044..;y++wi tut bte.J tar: one it ,•tat`,•.
vast innelaear
fa, ...a:♦" „sJ'eiie .d Itit"11=''`/i r! mei "rb', Aar 4. r err:+ 'iP
• ='t tete storied 11 *ti)! r!0-, 4 ,>
sa £,vasc..
•r run vas OP TIM rtes.
CAN be consulted at all hours,
Britis4 Hetes, (Ls acasrn',•)
Goderich, Dept. pith, 1848.
Provincial Land SIirrerfir
Nor. 24. 9. 4i
eat the
'LL attend DALES in any pert
Deaner, en reaaow.bie Terms.
ply a .the Briffai Heid.
Oodench, Mamie 9th 1849. g
of the
Jeer. 1818. OODEatcn.
a•Taa7 ,O■LIC,
Q7INNtiseioner Queen's Bench,
Marek 9, 1849. 2,-511
Much, 29, 1449. v2 -o8
G.deriA, April t% tail. ' Iv-aletf
s u Iii GE ®DY '-
April 33, 1148,
BE SOLD by pelvo, bsrpi.. Lot Ne.
!i, ea tM sib C.....i .. d t7.darial
atomism/1 80 sere*. SO of wbieb is cheered sed
eerier ealtiratioa : tea aeras are wavily coder.
bruited sad ready for chopping. The lead is of
•acellast ge.luy end well wagered. There is s
geed substantial leg Dwells.' Home en it. sad
ties sere of ssperier Quii trees i• besriag co di -
tie.. Aad a, tae proprietor Is eleniroos of eater -
Mg tate other beldame. be will dispose of it es
modem* lerww. Oe* -half of the price will be
REQUIRED DOWN. and the other half is
Mom equal 1 iatalmenta.
IYForfurther particulars, apply•I thisOErce,
sr to the Proprietor on the premiers.
Gederich, 1313 Oct., 1848. 37tf
28th February, 1849.
FIE Subscriber hereby intimates to his
a- Mende and the Travelling Pebl1;- geos-
tally, that he has removed from New Aber.
deers to the Village 01 Sirasborgh, and will
now be found aro that well-known bouse for-
merly occupied by Mr. Jonea,-whcre be
will be ready and able to conduce to the
comfort of those who may honor him with
their patronage. And while be returns
thanks fur past favors, hu hopes, by strict
attention to the wants axle wishes of big!
customers, stilt to merit a continuants 01
their patronage.
N. B. -Good STABLES and stteotire
Grooms. v3-n4t(
TO BE SOLD), _ 1
AN excellent Farm, being Lot No. 12.
Maitland Concession, Township of
Godeneb, containing 100 acres -30 of which
1. cleared. The land is of a superior quali-
ty, and well watered. It is situated exact-
ly sine moles from the town of Goderich on
the Iluron Road, and at the junction of sex
different roads; a. d as it is in the center of
a populous anJ prosperous locality, it is ex-
cellently adapted for a T stand or a
Store. This farm is well entitled to the
attention of person. desirous of Ito eligible
situation for business, aid will be sold on
very reasonable terms. For particulars
apply to Thomas Dark, Tavern -keeper,
Godericb, or to the proprietor
Village of Harpurhey. -
June 15. 1849. vlloI9tf
ett-sin • FOR SALE,
THIS property consists of three acres on
the bank of the river Maitland, and o0
the road side leading to Mr. McDonald's
Griot Mill, near Gode.ich. Upon which
there is a BREWERY eith excellent cel-
lerage. a Malt house and Melt Kiln, all
Complete. Then is also an excellent site
for a Distillery oo the lot, and the owner
has a right to the water on the bank no the
opposite side of the road which is sufficient
at all seasons of the year for three such
Por particulars intending purchasers may
apply (if by letter postage paid). to
DAVID DON, Goderieh.
Geierroh, May 11. 1849. s9 -n 14
HE South belief Lot le, on the 2nd COD-
'Aoeenun of Wawanosb, will be sold at a
moderate pace, one half of the purchase mo-
ney will be required t0 band, and the purcha-
ser will be allowed to retain the other hall
for • number of fears on common Interest.
The land is of excellent quality and well wit
tents. An undisputed title will be given.
For further particulars apply to John
Stewart Esq.. Barrister Goderich.
1 Goderich 25th May, 1849. r1 -n16
HE Subscriber haying LEASED. for
the tern, of Twenty years, the Peoper-
ly o0 the North siJe of the Market Squ.re,
at present occupied by Theodore Ren!, Esq.
wishes to intimate to theme who waft to
avail themselves of an EL10IBLE SIT-
UATION for BUSINESS, that he will
Lease BUILDING SiTES for say Term
not exceeding Twenty Years, at • moderate
Rent per &Daum.
Goderich, March 92, 1848. 9r-e8lf
Blank Ikeda and Memorials,
SORY NOTES, for sale at the Segoal
Olsen. Every description N BOER and
JOB Printing executed with wetne.s end
MM C�ppl1- tsars rams IL
11011.011. 114 [ECU,
July 31, 1843.
1,500,000 ACRES OF LAND
disposal, about 1,500,000 ACRES OF
LAND dispersed tbrnugbout moat of' the
To sashimi in Upper Canards -nearly 500,-
000 Acne are situated is t►. Huron Tract,
well knows as one of the most fertile parts
•f the Praises -it has trebled its popula-
tion in fire years, and now Coltman up-
wards of 20,000 inhabitants.
The LANDS ere offered by way of
LEAS E, for Tea Years, or for
Sas, CASH DOWN -tie plait el'
Ms one-Ajtk Cook, saint t balance is Irista)-
meats being dime .say with.
The Rents payable 1st February each
year, are about the Interest at Ste Per
Ceot.upon the price of the Laadt Upon moat
ofthe Lots, when LEASED, NO MONEY
IS REQUIRED DOWN-whihst upon the
others, seesrdisg to locality, one, two, or
three years Rent, tenet be paid Is advance,
-bot theme payments will free the Settler
from further calls until 2.d, 3rd or 4th yea
of his term of Less,.
The right to PURCHASE the FREE-
HOLD daring the term, is secured to the
Lessee at a fired eels named in Lease, and
an allowaeee it made Warding to entiei-
irat.d p.yseet.
Gomel (rads, and slay further isforma-
tios ears he sheathed, (byapplication, if by
letter poet-pa*J) at the atrra/nesOrrice*.
Tarsale and Oei.rirl ; of R. Snore Lin
Esq., .4.7404.1, Colbr.e District ; Dr.
ALLIN., Os.tp4, or J. C. W. Data', Ery
Slratfr4, Here! District. r
(�•i h, Muth 17, ISM. 7
DDe Meeweb.tlLL0- °minDr to man -
• SBS M.sO•�NU-
:1alkl►'�7 ;a is "* ea
u i. tthriPreof/p, •R w•rt eased ter
se Ihe Aria will be issie. Paw.
rimmed u
orderif Marble e liendsllsor teem 1 toe fee,
N Freeetotqm II to 30 onset ; Ilea
attests Jka. hew Ili dollars .pwaN*._
Wettest petifilleinshlfillas •ldrss••d to the
italtrlia ria iNeNptioet,
will he pssite o to Fteesto.r,
Galt, Nem $l , tad. heath
INNha laoft s that
my WIfo, IleCIC NN
brk4R■ bid
any jest wens. i N Neg Ined t
peas ,two tenons,
(tyseselaet. as I
K�1Rl , i tRk 1.
FIITY-SIX Aero d ete.deut�La�d� M,
the Wes pert of Lot i8, 7th ,' -
Wreisesb+ will be meld fee Iasi this the Ger
error pass. Or hen el the pawb.se
ha be w*ersedltswe, and tore ream wifl
be al-
legro! he mimeos of t3. reeial.dre. 1hire.dug
Meia...n=may y t• Ms_ JOHN ALLAN,,
Geserdsh, Ilea Jeep. ISnk vh-Heil
1 R Dches Ener orb.)
Maeda and
tit*tM TrashilyPobIM, that Is W loser
end ofStratford. Imre BRICK TAVERN, at the East
P 1 tat*(gsiesiw the runty taws •f
-whiten he win s` toady 1 famet'� os Hay,
WRM the used monism and sspplion mid
proses tie personal ceno..tssse of big
WWIiti a.d LIQUOR of the btgl d. -
A arid f Hostler 'Iwo_ is
His will has fixed nerved 1•w.,
Which an created sou obey :
Thule nut, frail eau. the Greet hemi Cense
Lett tare alae to lied the way.
What greater blesuegs cao'sl am .srk.
Time p. ace of beam and strength d lush?
T. sine .b., Meer. He M..o. meal,
Tbe• go au wiry and trust ie him !
'Ti. pride sod s.1Sdaesa that crash
Thr parer dictates of thy b..rt-
That aatare's bee ted 3i,Asrr. h.s*,
And bid tape from Eby God depart 1
And untie 0 mac is s11 thy stere
Of griffins' pomp sad glare,
Like eaters thnlls thy being's mere,
And makes • joyous echo there•
Beheld the world in all itseginh
• OI beset, and dfraitedness :
Feels sot that the lamest heart, that earth
W.. framed thy every step to blew 1
The coal that fills the 1.1..,..
Appetite to thee -appeals in vale :
'Eider stare's smile., alone perverse.
Thom feelest sorrow, care, and pais !
Is .11 creatina's wide embrace,
Oee bend. toot aim, ear leve appear,,
Whose Mppier away o'er men gives pleas
To di.eord, bitterness, and tears !
Corruption, malice. hatred, strife.
Beneath • fur false solar, dwelt,
To come • home with blearing* rife,
And make a paradise • hell.
An nater., so her God ordains,
Works os is peace and harmony ;
O'er all unbroken order r,ige..
Save, blind, vat., foolish -nan,.with me ;
0 make that voice. that in thy heart
Responds with deeper, richer them,
To know a fellow being blest,
Aod feel tbou'st helped to make him so
Man's heart, which, like. chases late,
Should tulle all nature's her*ao.i's,
Amide( a world of love is mute.
And owes novae* whirl' self -denies.
Its ,miler chords tit make to thrill,'
With besvea's own toy the hem.. breast,
A world's rode striv1.g bids be .till,
And sets their music .11 at test !
Breathers ofaatsre's-breath. mknkisd, e
Entered mother ..tare's land,
Brinier by her for blip designed,
Be hippy, thea is visited. !
T. fr.e year paras realer thorns arid brim,
To bring ma's mer in anima.
Be love year helmet, ekerfic wires,
That all may feel 'Wheat moue.
foil ,o the evening through the seat
store, bat arms, immediately, men
fall to some of his acquaintance, and
acted business during the ovenl.g.
day be was footed to bed in nearly a
leas state, alit soon became inc.'
speaking, beerier, smog, or .wall
and appeared to b. dying. There
evidence of a.y fracture of the .ko
but eery slight appearance of any e
injury whatever. A *mall seethe
the right ear, and tbe conviction t
could live but a few minutes in tbe e
which he tben was, determined bis
adrieers to perforate the skull.
I removed a small portion of the
nestle the slight swelling over tb• e
the trephine, sad found more *ban a
clotted blood, which had probably
gradually from a wounded blood-,
On removing this blood, the man imine
ly spoke, soon recovered bat mind ea
and is now, six weeks after the accide
good healtb, both as to mind and hod
R,cherand °mottoes the case ofa w
whose brain was exposed, in co.segee
of the removal ofa conaidersble ports
tis bony eovering by deices.. He se
repeatedly *nate pressure on the brat
sash time 'impended all feeling and
telleet, which were instantly restored
the pressure was withdrawn. The
writer also relates another ease, that of a
man who had been trepanned, and who per-
ceived his intellectual faculties failing, and
1 his ex stents apparently drawing to a close,
.,veru titre the effused blood collected upon
1 the brain so as to produce premien. Pro-
t feasor Chapman, of Philadelphia, mention,
in his Lectures, that he raw an individual
l vile) his skull perforated and the brio expo-
sed. who war accustomed tosub:nit himself
to the sense experiment of premiere as 13.'
above, wbo was exhibited by the late Prof.
Westar to hes claim. His intellect and mo-
ral faculties disappeared, on the application
of pres.ure to the brain : they were held un-
der the thumb, as it were, end restored at
pleasure to their eel activity by discontiau-
log the pressure. -
But the most extraordinary case of this
kind within my knowlerlte, and one peculi-
arly interesting to the physiologist and met-
•phytcan, is related by Sir Astley Cooper-,
is his Surgical Lectures.
A man, by the name of Jones, received an
injury of his head, while on board a vessel
ibwem�istMM Else Boob after Uda be-
, which rendered him
ent, made Gibraltar, where Jones was
cod in the Hospital, and remained several
nth. in the nme insensible state. He
• then carried on board the Dolphin
Rate to Deptford, and from 13.,,,e wa
t to St. Thomas's hospital, T.eado
lay constantly on his'back, and breal
h difficulty. His pulse was regular,
b tient it beat, he moved b:* Bi
tie of a
owed the
Wane -
pable of
was aro
11, and
g over
hat he
tate is
hose be-
ar, by
gill oI
•sael. -•
III, 1n
00 of
ye he
n, and
all in •
• - mo
BT-Eatrxxaa &LL1OT. Wa
Whetswilt Mee sure the 80.91., fru
O God 3finerev 7 when 1 sen
Not kine. end lords, hut nation.- He
Not throne, and -crowns, but men Wit
Flowers of thy heart, 0 God ! are they 1 sac
Let them set pap like weed. away,
Their heirit.,. a sonless day ,
God, eve thy people !
Shell crines bring crime leveret.
Strength aiding will the nrosg 1
Is it thv will, 0 Father !
This. this coatroom long,
No, my thy mosaraia.:.e, thy Bain :
Man's ele.ded ma shall brightly rue,
And sangt be heard intend of sighs:
G.4, save thy people !
When will. thou save thy people,
OOodnfmere, ! when?
Tae Pevpl', Lord. lite prople !
Not thrones and prewar, but roes.
God rate the people ! Thine they are -
Thy children, se thy angels fair :
Save them from bondage and despair;
0ed. save the people ! enc
gom',�,��' t6
tr £Mali*f BRIGHAM, M. D.
One of these writers for the first taut
offered some lean ago by the celebrated and
Esquirol, for tb• first Th tion or in-
sanity, obeery's, that he examined the beads
of more than one bund -•-d individuals who
died from insenity, and comes to the follow.
Eng conclusions :-
let. That is the brains of those who die
from inesnity, changes of structure will al
ways lee found.
20d. That these changes are the conse-
quences ofin8areatuof, either acute or chro-
9rd. That then exists a -correspondence
between the symptoms and the organic
chaste' ; alvd that rho names t.esotsms►ia,
maims, Ike., might nilly to be •mptold .s
seprees.trag degrees rod stage" of inflame -
tine .1 the brain.
Thar reterssesa to the intimate eonn,x-
Injury big understanding was permaasotl7
degraded, though he retained the recollec-
tion of bis approaching marriage, talked re
nothing else during his whole life, sad ex-
pressed impauesce for the arrival of tbe
happy day.
Dui we oma asalogouaaffectines revolting
from fivers, atad ether dis.as.a which af-
fect the brain. Dr. Rush says that many
of the old Germans and Sanas is Penasyl-
vagra, who had not spoken timer native lan-
guage for fifty of sixty years, and who bad
probably forgotten it, dould ones use it in
sickness ; and he explains It by supposing
that the stimulus of tb• fever in their brains
re•iseJ their recollection .
He refers also to the case of an Italian,
who was master of the Italian, French and
Engl'.h laogt.gete but wbo, in a fever
which terminated bis life in t3• city of New
York, spoke EegU•h to the commencement
o' his disease, French only in tbe middle,
and on the day of big death Italian.
To be c.selv4.4 in our sett.
Tec Csorcz.-A Quaker, reviling at Parte,
was waited oar by four workmen, i• order to make
their compliments, and ask for their •seal new
year's gift.
Well my (reeled'," acid the Quaker, " hour
aro year gifts: ,hoose fifteen francs or the bible.'
" 1 don't knew hew to teed," said the first,
"so 1 take the 6fteen francs."
" I can read," said the ascend. " but I have
premise waste." Ile took the [ripen francs. -
The third also made the acme chafes. He new
came I the fourth, a lad of about foerteoo. T►•
Quaker look., at him with a air of goodie's. -
a'i!t you too take these three piece., wbieh
you may attain at ay tine by your laboar sad
iedestry T"
As you soy the beak is good, I will take it
aed reedit to my ember," replied the toy. Ho
took the bible, missed tt,Ytted fees&betwesen tie
leer is a gold pietas of forty Essen.
The others hung dews their head., .ad the
Quaker told them he was merry that they had
not made a better etude*.
A man has started a paper In Maine, to
be issued occasionally, which is • great
deal oftener, the Editor says, than he will
be able to get his ray fir it.
The specification of the rarefies b
11 ,_ means of which a letter written io Lond
heel may be copied verbatim et literalism i. 1.t
and crpool, bag been deposrt•d is the Enrolmee
Office, and discloses the ttaesr by whit
this electric correeposssee is to be accom-
plished. Wooderful as it seems to haws
the power to produce a fee -simile of "f itieg
instantaneously at any distance, the mode
of operation im extremely ample, and its
general principle tray be easily explained.
The writing -materials consists of tis' foil,
varnish, and a quill pen. The letter thus
written is applied to a cylinder ; • metal
style or point presses on the writing as the
cylinder revolves : and the point being at-
tached to a screw, it moves gradually along
from one end of the cylinder to the other.
The thread of the screw is sufficieotly fine
for the point to traverse, six or seven times
over each line of writing before it passes by
the revolution of -the cylinder to the self.
1 The point is connected with one pole of a
voltaic battery and the cylinder le conned
ed with the other pole, so that the electric
torrent may pass from the former to the
latter : but as varnish is a non-conductor o
electricity, the circuit is interrupted when-
ever the point presses on the varnish wri-
ting. The distant telegraphic instrument
is an exact counterpart of the one that the
transmits ; but, in place of tie tis foil, pa- (a1te
per moistened with • solution readily de- tbat
composed b electricity is applied to the but
eylin ere us the electric current Iran.- The
milted through the ordinary telegraphic
wins is made to pars from the metal points
to the cylinders of the two instrumento,
through the interposed monitened paper
on one, end through the tip foil on the
other. Wheat the metal 90101- of the
transmitting Instrument is pressing oo the
ban tin foil, the electric circuit is comple-
ted through the paper on the distant cylin-
der, and by the decomposition of the solu-
tion a mark is made : when the point is
preasmg on the varnish, the circuit is Inter-
rupted and the marking . fn thug
manner, the point of the tra.smitti.g Mitre -
meet, by passing several times ever each
line in different parte from. tbo top to Om
bottom, produces an enact copy of the
fortes of letters ; the writing appearing
psleeoloured on a dark blue grouud,coasts-
ling of numerous lieu made *pira!l, rotted
the cytrader.
Iteriumettel to the correct working of
the-IlnatrumevW theft.. t8eraiwdd rotate
exactly together ; arid trim the inventor,
Nr. Bakewell, rag seetmpliebed by then detail
gulatisg power of electro mat•n,t, brought
into scums at regular tot•rvels by mesas of
pesduln.e. It "'meld be foreign to .
porno*, to este, Otte the deals of this re-
gulating arguane.1 farther thto ,tate.
that by meso. of what se called 1 •a
line," the operator at the reopyisg-stsWs
eau tell with accuracy whether bis teem
meat ie movie, faster or glower then the
other ; arid he ens thee vegetate the
redo -
loom t o,dMgly• This guider hes, rte pro
esteemed, far ea ftp no ladiesties of the
recipe's' rests eetee that . ,s, $ , is
the t d the pristine, of loss than the
thersoda, pert of • y'38. rapidity with wire may hoarsened
may he is
.r Md by the sepsis, tele
Bladen six refits of its p ,»liar gmt,eoo. Ly. Cts
In diameter .a;,.'t is Iii nits
elated, he regulated to revolve thirty times
Is a minute and prattles distinct copies of
amen,. The length ofa Ilse round such a
cylinder world 3. abest eighteen Inches.
within which epee ose huadred lettere of
the alphabet may be written in round band.
Assuming, tbenfore„tbat thirty revolutions
would be .of5cieet to copy four hew, the
rate of copying wesold"bs four hundred let-
tere per minute with • single wire ; sad
with two wires and two points that number
would be doubled-
Tbe inventor states in hie specification,
that the copying.telegraph affords pcculear
facilities for establishing a system of tele-
graphic transmission and deliveries in all
towns every half -hoer throughout the day.
If this plan could be arranged ata moderate
cost, tin foil and varoivh could have their
compartments is all wr'tIog desk's;: and we
should become so habituated to rapid com-
munications, that a letter b poet would
appear as tardy as we now ceasider a parcel
scot by stage -waggon. -London Spectator.
eeste•em-IMea:4JAL TA*Y•11mIT.
On the 19'b, Mr. Henry Drummond
moved a resolution, that whereas a greater
amount of taxation is levied than is sece•-
eaty (or the efficient government of the
realm, whereas large sans are
for uo0eceaary objects. and wber,an s the
promo( taxation depresses all classes, es-
pecially the labouring classes, by dimisieb-
iog the loud for the emp:oym•st of produc-
tive labour, adequate means sboeld be forth_
witb adopted to reduce the ezpe.ditere._
It was opposed by the Government. A long
debate followed, in the course of which Mr.
Roebuck made • powerful speech. O. a
division, the motion was earned by a major-
ity of 3, the votes being 71 to 68. This in
cooaedered as e " victory for fisancial re-
The ministry arts terribly cbagiritaed at
the success of Mr. Drummond's reselutios
respecting the exateragaat expenditure of
the country, the .tibrtblese officials which
are pad, and the dna of correptio1 *bleb it
foster,. Tb. fact is, that from .11 I love
bra able to glean among the leading /re-
questers of the Reform and 8t. Jame'.
Clubs, Lord J..hn Russell regards it os e
vote of censure ; and although not earned
by a Targe majority, feels that his position
is far from Ming satidsctory.
Raporta this morDlsg are current
Bright and Cobden ars as dissatisfied with
the success, or ratbet character, of the sew
agitat*oo for parliatnistary and flaancial re-
form ; under the auspices of Sir Joshua
Walmsley, that they moan to get up a
scheme of their owo-something like Corn
on Law League.
When hungry or thirsty, be moved hi•rljp.
and tongue. Mr. Cline, the surgeon, fogad
a portion of the skull depressed, trepanned
him and removed the depressed portion. -
of his finger. ceased, anafter this d at 4o o'clocn. thek iintthe
afterroon (the operation haying beep per-
formed et one.) he sat up in bed ; sensation
and volition returned, and in four days he
got out of bed and cooverseJ. The last
,hint be remembered was the circumatancz
of taking a prize in the Mediterranean._
" From the moment oj,ths. accieent, thir-
teen months and a fete days, oblivion had
come over him, and all recollection had
ceased. ile bad, for more than one year,
drank of the cup d( Lethe, and 1Eyed
00.,.100. of ez tatence ; vet, on removing
mall portion of bone which pressed upon
e brain, he was restored to the full pose -
on of the powers of his mind and body."
It is curious to notice; that often an in -
of the brain impairs only that part of
the mental faculties. Stich instaoees give
¢teat support to the Phrenological views
and 8porheim, who contend for a p1
y of organs in the brain, and a *spare
peculiar function to each
eon between insanity sod disease of the
brain have hurt made, beeanse i propose to
show h.esafter, that whatever strong) ex-
cite" the mired mete cameo, whether rt be
etmdy ssint•ss. feeling, tends to produce
will iddill io ity, 1 *8MM ?rerL art
is M. material arguehoeght,r) that t� beefs
Tete appears then farther, from the fact,
that premiere or the brain sorrels all the
aW.f1oss of oiled. if a man receives a
Meer ilea a os the skull
which depresses • pot-
t. ssef the 11 apes the brain, big htaflret
oars w remtNse ed Datil mei pus.
aro sot r Cases like *be fellow's,
10 001 ti hes a... A aro at the battle of
Wboss best is bis of his depth 01
half as ireh. a lir 4. 1-
Inns* tt eased rehire aiN life-
less stew Mr. sal M orb ratty is a lih-
W the
portiere of bar est di .p the d
dor host Ike "vela. red
ton .hsrr4W, snores. dressed
hl'mlf, bruits peelertlp rawer.
ested r.7iily. red
1 Rh Tilt', f84!1. 2v-httbtf
organ for comparison, soother fora language,
amber for tune, kc.
Dr. Beattie meotious the case of • learn-
ed man who, after a blow on bio head, (or -
got all bee Greek, a language he was well
versed in before the injury. 111. mind and
memory were not affected in any other res-
pect. AOotber person, mentioned by Dr.
Abercrombie, lost all recoilecuua df Ibis
having a wife and children for eeverel daya
after a similar 'flinty, while his memory
of the accident and of recent circumstance"
ora perfect.
Sir Astley Cooper mentions, from p.reo-
sal knowledge, the case ofa German sugar -
baker, with disease of the brain, who. in
the early stage of his complai
this , bow, r his disease advanced,spoke Ea
for of
�r�l�uage, sod retratierad way the
7'h• pine au thee relates the ore
els miss at St. Thomas's hoopital, who, a-
tm a blew apes his bead, was Cooed talking
to a lygsage unknown tort, sett) a Wol•ia
erases► who mored the hospital, renown -
sed it r wow :lire blow *Pao Gin hood
had cavi aim to forget the English I. -
Ile. Cowyly' relates • still more remarka-
ble case of a rare eie►gym's, whose head
was severely injured a few days before that
ea whisk he was be bar bees married. ile
recovered r to his health, awl lived until
tb. age M eighty ; but (seem the time of the
• I, Dories r atria .f 4,,, aeesmp•.i.d with
res "na'iral aeries i forget rho urea of t►imp
offbeat% the stied woke weer b
1, 0a0Rns4 1 stow 111111011114111110 ww8. la cis -
bnta pt�ie_ die osiossise ovvemsrkieg of hie
-""`�yoapseftiee ofa Hasa sed
1�saeat thin
Fr�•ssiYnudile time. Rio ieesomeryrs of
esueeive, „OINVIIIM mot bks • bp
13. lWlewis, ease eoe.ryd is en hira'-s.< •ed did set wen d1 she bruin
Hertford, bad is
i*tn a lbw netlike -H O., a yrs( maw. R M )
ease! neer/ revered by gefesee
Mr, Maetw.dy made hie first appearaec•
in England since his rosters from America.
at our Theatre oe.Toeeday night, and the
weleome be then received was such as
might compensate for mach of the annpy-
ance and insult to which b. wee "objected
by tie cable of New York. A large esti
re.peeteble .odieace assembled to greet hie
return to the stage upon which be Asset
measured himself with historic giants of
tbose days, and at the rise of the curtain
the excitement seemed greeter than the
stent might appear to justify. The ap-„
pearance of Macready in rho third scene cf.
'• Macbeth" ass the vig0al for the simul-
taneous rising of all parts mf the house. --
several minutes peel after peal of sp-
- plume tong throughnnt the theatre, aceom-
prseed by every pantomimic expression of
welcome sod admiration tbat handkerchief,
f' hal, or hand. could show. MaCI'eady sesm-
ed much affected by the warmth of his re-
ception, for strong -served, and, as the emits
of the Zest few months ha
ugh he be, this kindness made (3. env
r for a moment, and the eye to express
" one totich of nature" which should.
does not," mate the whole world kis,"
re are ignorant prejudice er
ntry which no teeters can overcome,
which, as beriog no affinity to nature,
are not affected by her inluencee. While
he stood on the stage, bowing hie thanks
for the kindly greeting, it was impossible
to rest the canniest whish the scene offered
to that wherein he had lately bees so promv.
inent an actor. And yet he was groat in
both. In Qat, meeting Insult, and obloquy
and personal outrage, with the codrage,
and the calmness, and the sell -possession of
a brave man, and • gentleman ; like bat
own JMacbeA, daring to do " all (hat be-
came a etas, and never o'erstapping, eith-
er for the sake of display, or for the purpose
of securing sympathy, the street limits
which the best reading of the phrase marks
out. in this, receiving, with the eoeeeieos-
neee that he deserves it, and yet with
modest •tullemee and humilis p
• he hearth humility," li
boo from the
*bleb we serer with-
eoe0try. aaid.t� wmeen►le of
• have so iste.tlw of rima, tato a
ed eritiei.ta o/ Maenady'
sees of Ahs perforal-
03ede, wbicb has me repeatedly
bees evade the subplot of elaborate cemmest
here and ebewbn. But we wry remark
that, with votes sod moos urmparred, the
Ire •f hm eye ted dignity of ors r viviit
sad r lofty r ova the his les eon -
'option of the bald s5t aygirtiv.,
.N inertial*, Th.'s, was b.e.gkt eat
with sesrvsltew troth .sd .. oars payer
err sod grand, His milky sifts Aar -
moor of .1Jacisr4 he. s,ws
ys r istenware se M ie dsemanse. he fppeared it
disarms says, hatww Ill this Arnow .
the vivid imaglss retie s M the sass. tri.
is sot sosrely a Mew Odor soldlor, west;.,
hie crease w his steers. sod
pa eR1Mth+ L eles►tlew• I.•
t Oa poet.
me dreams, as 1101111 t trireme and