The Goderich Star, 1907-02-22, Page 5etee
W. AfailiiiSON 41k
Dress Goods
• Just unpacked Select Advance ShiPMent Of thllt spring' Dres
Noveltie, Khantellag, ghlimOhlerett Copes,,,Scotch
Tvve*di via nionlY tin* silk end Wool mixtures, in all ft* .ptiee
v.rf newiniiiwaPioniikat the Whet Oettiree of Peletet.usu
• ited other **Oa geode are tier? in•
We Conti -Ulm ealr fele Of odd! itild ,eedii VIM/1000 .t40.•
. Rene Meting at iteerifiet wee* elehr* •'
' hart on *le zo 11011. Onsets of the very beat makes, ,
crouiptens, T,44•Graee, etc, ,Relptlee ,ereitoi-;$1;2$ 44.1144h5ei
etedifthoneudetat 4. '0?"••
:LADIES' ANIS MEN'S 44Ati '•.•'•.:,;..'„L
A' . Lada' Aattactant tog* to to $60,, now ; PI Soo
7400*WQmilatCgokt‘Ito. ro• $06 foe. . , *;*
TABLE ,LiNols,gpoo I Sidee4iheyercloternreeiifs'h.DLn1u.1L Tab!.
hag. • Regoler to$$.$Operyard.:' at Vffiegular p#co
el 040 Whi',X4V!'*, 0 Mirk 4'1;
lir .44
'Iffetthlif;WIth Iekte oI Te
'Of ntig
now r e
igt need,Of theme • '' .
* *Seelettenoeuggeeted tilt the.:utitlOP
geddogecoold tiot.he4000(734W tullg
atigooqico f.1011,3.;
Wee going TereletteneXt-'We014*,--
littLer*;hwilefelfOtt power to procure te
• :
hete*-Ule Wileithip"s*Ongli
and elleeugerteneheleteitelit aid tired
In t410)01 fist; 4D4'litilehentret
0 Lieratyelloaret Of -which he
eertierobe th tweenetiffiehe'
1*.P0#416410041x4fOf," 41410644 .Ortokp... ,retIto40#„,,froot",..tiuk present
Witiviselit.14t '•reitlaY!OVeninitell. the '11=4.,,tri'et,': irktre,,Fe; hrgrAgt
ttneint* OininitiW` A
VAnn *ptiate ,Movsid Mto their
church Ow arid tile Ole* ilad
'i".°A)10.__..610i40*.garOnE $00.Y ..of ba.t c ftttatt efP,O the cht10
1:70I1i4'tlet.fhhe .eft the'etteeteie -0O4Oldelelient meet ,oed. dieeless the Metter'
' pittietft were made to hint lee- hen t4 141464' Ocic'r4'
her.On tho greet atr*.the rain; A00.4tergetefol-4Pcsed the pit osal;
. 4;4,05-4 pthei",.9Yetkizo0006,4
vtj 6L-the,-
0hier ',Bends ee peWerelteed 111." lookee over thee rtintaSt "Mid he "
bt 4 0043411471117004 t
Not re. fruits init the ,COffkirion ievor)tdity Anita that you
. the friut -
)? LES,' act diteotly on ;the Iticinei4itiereise the flo*
otailne• ORANGES ate ekettlerit the akin,FIGS an.1
FRI•gsTgS htitativeo..- and tonlea.
There are two peat. in curing yoonielf giatiey,
and Illadder ''..Ft'enblea....;$3,1teittnitisra,—ConatiOatioji,,,...Skitr: •
itiitlOsiet(4' by ,:aiiiiplt,eittiNg fiesh •First, the,ininnte
it4rAti4 )tie4icitial. Triad* that you ',WrAildget by,tating
nonnal'inueoupoffrep.h.froli :would be,t'astnlicientle do any real
would upset
the atoina044 acon,p,yet :the indlOatible i?O10,01ge found
when he
'41scol'erq iorincjWWhi41i.btonght forth, c‘Ftuit7a..thres,','
. •, ai‘o,ih4.104..41•9i they occur in fritir,hut with
their ectivit/ greeny lehmeiSed. 'Mee the Seiees, -eta extracted from the
1, a'. dictated ehange' Made. take piece hr eithiCh 'elle atom of the bitter
principle luirfruit is replaced by ea:Corthe'sercet., Then tonics and entleeptie$ are
ended .:id Whele,presSidrilitatablets.e
"e' •. Freit-e-tivet het collie three great elhainatieg Ofgans•-4.fitiveels) Kidneys ind
',TAq's1rousei)ie slueeish liveree-ertable theitver to up More bile, Which
regeletiethelieirele tied eirtett'g,Onstleietieh he.nettetiOn et tile -bowels) Fmk-444es
stierigtben the kidneys tindillitlace'ilgetotni, lietittliyisitkitt action.
"F(it fregediee tied Hee acheee-- r igeati;. and Duordered Stomich-
- iltr_rac‘giitivh4iratlieue vv.,c11:1—quftotanalle41444,11114eytwatItdapr114k1,(17, ice, Skin EruPti6--
soc,..e.,hox--7-6 for • Sent On geeeipt of Price if your druggist or (teeter
Acta not hive thee):
• .
Pkt.),IT.A.TIVES LIMITED. Orfit‘VA. Cee.
. . „
That the . etattufite re ` of` 'ready.
'rnacle ,01-0thing le rime Mg large di -
igaivelhe Peesettt bleb cleestons threngliout the Dominion,
*a.s.oviam4 It the "tun antel,,,a emts canto evident 'fled • the following
Wait,,ife'tednth, k'
tbe bylaws were
-titillieleet and wae for thee-tehHee "4*
.:, • .
. .47kereeeeteldtheepe and 'Heeve Mc.
e Leen thenglie the wagone
• 'Cod etteet net ineeefeeed
•Witlielbey...t.WohldlikkLto ewe eve
•''streek*.teeten ffeeteded earinerte
, *Heetteit''Cliliiiht the hoteh
tho -goe'etleaeteadeieogeethe 'firostim
•„: should proVidestiltable places for their
wagons °thee tban On tho atreettr,' Mut
the town ehthtld proedee a stnerket
..; Preeee 'The diseurichttieeetee'`general,
-.:t eieneed - h, .prepiee
' Nelannent.fretin
. the.apectittOef, .benlehee,-Wanted to
• , know 'Irby: three fermate were iltlea
' for fast driving 00 the e.tee,et. and ether
pee* do as they. .Iiked in. ob.
etructing thSatreots1 Nn one seehtld
ter knoW•enYtffing, of ;thise,eritttlie,dts-
•_cuiteled ,etided by. 'referring'. to the
Mitekeb emiteeittee .to consider the
',4questieti of a peeper market,' and else
tb Patter of obstruceionse on tire
'etreeter. ,
had honglit $teworth of deg tags front
. a men who was 111 town the otherday,
and he Wribld like the Cennoll:to
cide for. all deo'
'I tagged. , This man had told him the
followed e ineither places was to
atve,:tpe•-4tiif, pellee cotorniesion
"of III per cont. of 'the take disposed of,
and t110.M.eyeethOughethat'Sitottld be
:done bete: - • '
• Cadre -.dark euegested giving the
-etth and the conerniesion to the row6e
AlagistViae. The” plan lase Teat, was it t
- failtume • . • ' '
.Colleetor -CiatePbell wild about 135 b
dogs bad been /egged last yeter.azie he
Wee willing to. take -the job this vette, e
, was putting dogs on, the ae-
' smolt roil The discultaiOn Which r
lasted half an hour, imeamie eo kingled s
that no aim eeemed to know W ere it
had 'Iandedeand Motione and amend-
Mendmentri .Weraeoted Mt, wititestill
mime eimfttejen. Beckete.and
• RceverMeXicair opposed:paying ell$'000
for looking after the Job‘,44.t. weir the
1 duty of • the..essestior and- politIe to
'attend to thin without gay. As near
as could he Made Obb when the votes
were tilkefli".'‘ the matter was. lerkwith
the chief of ,poffee..aeeisted. by the .as.
emitter, to, fee that all doge:. were tag-
ged,lut.VO receive no extra nay there-
sp 40010, W,.4101,00mari4.0hde .fecan-tlie-Lhe.-Wint4hant-Advauce.-goe
'by 'Oen*, 01004 that-,ne aetien be Isatthow that the county of Huron le
ithicele;e eut 'only °mew lieeekno,..eto. eetred teleep pellet witleoin etitometo
Prepertiee oespectid neniusheee wee'
wingnem foreth%reenufacture of to Suit Pertiean Heelers
neceteittinisetthteo•-•motion'to-refertiftr 44„PP1-7411"1"a4"-fcfre-l'ea rtn41e81
Ti roposal to organ-oo companY flew the Regulations were Worked
ID eilto carry out 'the: underetanding he eapitalletS ileyeenerlect totalie etook. The' chief discussion tble Week in
:Chaa:lewl I 't . '
,•*re IL W,Timinsoreasiced the'Ctititt. 'We ate infortned that tieyeral of get
, t.,..-. e...___oti,vo , it '0: yfat 10 pay
irneadye._em,nade,peleiosteh4liewg. aoitt,1:tee:_otevisyleor.di,,
' Ottawa. Feb. il, BM.
lf triOntilie rent r a building occepted .0w to me 000 i e W Parliament L era : the -Southern
until recently by - the -.Sardines. The ,ithould organigation- ha'', dogleg!" 4Qu'. Alberta land deal. This transam,
neettevoetielette with the Belief' vane." WItighailiesimokidenTrin as a suitable Tlen ' health in :- May, ' 11/05,* , when
Mittee. „ . - • . • .. 'centre 'for Ouch ad industry; there is a grazing leaees were Wen to James D.
IA letter from P. M, Hinnber asked suitable building available, and there moutegoe for. 47,450 acre§ , and .A.
the Calmed to Make provision foe- me tamed . be no difficultveeenring the
Ilitebcock for 48,870 acres.. But we
fite ee'111'eetded, for hethe statutes, capital,"
an the Special coMmittee will con- - - .4 , may go back of that aetage and follow
alder -it. •. ' • .- .,- ' • ' :Another Greet Discovery. - the land Polley ea outlined in the able
, .
The" auditors' was read and . , , , address of Mr. McCarthy`, Member for
sent ta'Pelefice - •%,:_-1)- Weil krlOwn 01444:lac tn BiaeK Calgary,who Moved the resolution
1 Itay, Ont„ Mr John' Cowan, hie dis.
Mr: MtIfinnen again asked for a -.40eqeqo an 44%601,40 8000/10 for theu,, condemning the transaction.
-settlierneet of hit( questioree-why eer. watiem, and Writely 41 was. affected ' The Land for the Settler.
tain 'Parties 1•40A been lined *for' fc,Bt with sciatica, and chroillerbeutuatieen The declared politdr* elf the Liberal
drivitig,and other people allowed- to Whiell I eoritietcted'YelareAgo...,..Tise .party before -it tool* office was "lo
go figiR He • enuttlerezed-.3t.ei.-:— -...1.- ai,,,i-il., ha a greet hokt in op, 'blood, grant or sell lands to actual setflers
leged dbetruetions around town anti awe tt wee werct tO Peke 'afly-. interest only." The Oarty platform; condemned
seamed to know on what pleat the slew cm 4t, Readin Pereezene.1, "pasture land. leases to• Cattle kings."
pollee enforce(' the LW- The. Mayor was- online:era its. oele, aed lt dee- Before that time grazing leases had
asked, Chief Sands"' to explatn, and 4
then the diecueeion took the same di- inlr-lh, tbe 1-) CA ." 4 free eVet Wed. been subject to cancellation whenever
hy...it4nSt eleeere,exettY.,,the•ilhelenta. the land--was-Yequired -forsettlern
otion as befere, and . on' motion of
if ef.,eamaild'GoldthOrpe the diatter of„ ,tiste.,dTiVeli iltiffettecild: Aliffe'rere, Will For 'several years the present Govern.
the lumber' on the streets Was left with 1911Va tbri,tetr",,,,c,fotxrrolgkoxfoOg,:titactoe:;.11treason ment followed the old policy which
the ' P. W. . eornixiittee Chairman hided and thereby Ales reye thecatilbsee the pasty had condemned. .
'Reid t objecting that tilie wag jest a og teq, oteqttete;, evade; oee 06,--4 lei, at The Land for thei Speculator.
plan. to shelve the matter, and Mr. Then it made some changes. One
meRinnou saying the matter isjust as 4 !,1,1141Pcs' ; ' '''.
t wee befeite. , . made it no longer necessary for thae
, , . • ,,, '•,, •- whole Goverinuent to ituthorize
, A number of it:counts were sent to . it' Is all tight for 0.,,p.4.•,, Grahetn great lease. Mr. •Sifton took power to
he elhaece committee. trietchurcate,femeteriteerieem note that do it all by himself. The second. was
commirrEn REPORTS. the Whitrieg.Goveminentleveebeeken that leases were no loeger subject to
,"TheIildhettl Hoek Hem," and ere cancellation when the land was neeeed
Public Works : Recotemending (1) going tdredneeithe ,nuMberand.price for settletnent. The holder could be
hat, the Council grant *one reason- ef text -books. He WO a,loyal sup. allowed, an irrevocable ge yeerelease,
we aseistopoo to the Goeorloh.Lum. pOrttlr or a titerrilier of *trite late Gov. and could shut out all settlement dur.
or Co. to diake a rood to the t3RW cerement when the " ring"was in full ing that period. Thirdly, the lessee
Mill, if the Game ie practricable, the possession of power given them by the was allowed an absolute freehold grant
erporatiori to assume zio responsiblit. tetiverinneut to "sweat r every child of one-tenth of his holding at a price
ty for melting ey la,3 eame. a pow e who had to buy a school book. As of $1 an acre, and was allowed to roarn
oad, hot all parties' desiring to use the Toronto Telegrani Irina in a car- through his kingdom selecting the
rune are to 'be allowed to dr) so, the :teen> his eProgratotrie is fine," but the best lands in small sections. Lastl .
clerk to assist the Saw Mill-Cornpanr Province will appreciate far more the notwithatanding ,these special priv 1 -
iii' their correspondence with the rat . " performanc.e" le..f the Whitney Gov- ages, there was no competition, but
way etimpanies. if desired; (2) that the eminent. , , the leasee and stiles werean e by pri-
Overt agreemene with the Jacksrin ' vete deals.
Mfg. Vo. be appreyed, and that the The Style ,f Hair Worn A Great Day for the Orafter.
money be at once borrowed arid hand. .
Is an hoporta t' factor to produce a The happy period when these leases
ed beer to Jackson Bros, less the ex -
()Unger and relined fame and, te well were given did not last long. Most of
perldittires to date, upon the execution La ted head to any lady or gentleman. the concessions were given between
Prof.i1)orentverld, who -will be at Bed,
of the apmement and tunitgage there- February and August, 1005. Seven
in menthened. (3) Thet the clerk ask ford, House, on Friday; March 8th, favorites came in during that period
for tenders for a cold air pipe to the and obtained nearly 4000)0 acres.
Cali dem nstrate this to Anyone
Mayor's room up -stairs. el) That the •„, —Q
an,qg qn low at lei, show These were all allotted to particular
clerk end the P. W. chaieman sebnitt, *c H a• , d , friends of the minister, some of them
rooms. e has la lee an gentle
as soon es possible, a statement, with wigs, toupeee, bangs, wavy and plain members of the,
and sorne re -
as full particulare OS pOtiflible, of. the front, switches in evety length and leaves of members. After tbey had
street, In the town requieing eeviers. iiede, that he . will gladly adjust on what they wanted the law was chang-
ACI°Pted. . 'any lacty'st head free of charge te prove
The Fire comnitttee reeonciniendeo this. Don't fait to see him. It is his ed, Future lenses were merle revoc
able. The price of land for the ranch
it$ follow!): (I) That the goods mete 'only visit to Goderich thie season. headquarters was trebled. • As a result
tiotied in the Flee Wardenh report be the value of the conceesions previously
pourthased at once; (2) that 25 batteries made was Increased and the favorites
. -
.f r• fire alarm be purchased; (h). that __la...rte.. 11..arry_TOVtlit..If _Eteltforetvhe,nhfriagd
x ming time cii) eatureawy greatly euriolied.
the report ,et Vire Wardell be ;lent on ee F‘est w el.. she A Fortunate Coterie.
to Council forfurther consideration; (4) °I I WAS sitting at A „.
et D. rimier* be riPtiointhd caretaker small table° on which Was tv coal •oil Two of the happy group of lessees
Of I nm By tome means the lanip was were the above mentioned Hitchcock
thellete hail, to dey the heel), etc.,
au upset o 0 e on °A e gr. e
a - ' if the Lehi t I fie II . Th and McGregor. Hitchcock was an In_
d keep everething in geed condition.
it lary r 8 n e ye,meg
owe 011In thalami) citught flee and set are Goleta friend of the Minister of the
half451 th t the rebylaw be
6 ”° " 23 • i3- if1- --- tO the carpet. curtains and some of
-- yearly; ,-..---a- --e -- ' - the furniture le the rotnu. Atm. Town Interior and a political associate of
revised and ler Med elev I00 00121ON several Weetern politician.. McGregor
' 1 ' ' . '''' -- - ' - -e- was alone in the houae at the time,
and a cod of rules for the guidance o , /4, „,_, , , ., had been a livery stable keeper i
pailsf Brandon and useful in Mr. Ehnen'
the fireenatt forrottlated. orturtazery triete were two 0 P
water in the liouee. and with ,gimat campaigns. 'that minister appointed
rooVed that, the steam fire englee be
Conigs, Goldthorpe And Meeklin' -preserice,of mina She Secured the we. him license commissioner, Mar ector of
ter and With it 'extinguished the fire mines and tiolleetor of royal v In the
taken to the Doty Engine Worke for
fixaMirlatiOn and test, a repert tO oe ,, eibmj ahavne
, before it Wide Poch headway. It was Yukon. He returned In a few yeare
in a position to make large invest.
'prom:net" to Council; Carrie& mente. It did not, lowever, require
mugh money to take . the leasett at
Medicine Hat. McGregor and Hitch-
cock both marl their arta rental in
scrip, which probably cost them 25
cents on the donate A. few months
after they had obtained their leaser.
thet merged the' two, making a hold-
ing of 00,182 *ova, The newt bualness
Was to iodate one-tenth of that area,
or MOO acreeaind buy It outright for $1
ati acre. Having done this they looked
About for a }eurehener, and to begin
with they had all expert valuator,
Hobert Volt of Brandon, appraise
theft, 0000 Ores. Here is whet he odd
or tne land a few months- after the
Governineiat bed sold lb for $1 an acre.
Unrested Twelve Fold.
" The real Odra° of the company
Omelets of 10,000 acres of selected
0n 7 for ntatiy bunion Ilia. Vat aft a 'etincertied. e It ,„•Vitericit lie expeeted land in the Province of Alberta. These
'Mirk and Cattle Median() Of .elurprie. that Grahatit ttrat his trirb &uteri/wits, lends have been ,elected° out of an
Jot lefeele,, . Alhoree sue nettle melee; .liteKey Nod :Caraeron, *Ill march Oil. area of 100.000 *dee held tinder fewer
%Aft find ,Iumtoroy greatly, Amplin4II, ,_tier the banner • ef %the teeeetttf perty. by the Grand VOtirs Cattle gompany,
IMO WIlith .1(4' ligtitl, IKIV'ettlaR0h egiiy Limited, and ttee in MY Opitil0t1 easily
tviiig tide ell.
, , e,e.: lie 1111prote0,34100.' '
, Of the value of $12 per acre under
. . .
, . • rreleset eonditione W; heft referenCe
Seitforth Comicil htta a proposition. , , — . . ,
, Ill any retiree or speculative possibili-
tept it. The offee collies fret* 4 Tor* : Volt . Win w that t.ttiobles ...i( 1,l,1.
Wnen Long Or**tho nott
• , tlea.'
for a knitting factory, and niay se.
YON *illl a logthilitI 'of fait?. .COOShas fa ro +/Wows til Jag a the Me" 61' nift4lroqt . Ito McGregor,
0 Connell *TORO OE int0 detkiltr. ept.t .ano Me *Rh frervillne *fah 2:ritinffinit‘j.„„„'. ":16:arnna V6rke °ettle
.......................... moks Into the themelgeolseee the pein ,o(treePantt =wet; ,i themselves Into an.
Iitheltrelfetiee liViteittfil ,filet:eeT40 tiroltittl' 414! grittr:41,r), 14111 atate=1.4:01Zilertittin,e17olt.,
The Irrigation
',It1. t
The Mayor stated fleet Met year's
Conned heti Instructed him 'to pur-
chime bat,otie.and fire, arms tor tho.
pollee, hilt he hod' net 'aerie anythiog
in the matter. Weald the, Council
roster Spe s
to Mothers
Tella 111.1 tlififa#0 ltryerfilitil for OW
Oki of Other Stewart.
The following letter has heen sent
'tit Dr. T. A.Slocutn, Ltd.; for phi,-
* t.'Xietoeuntt.tattai tegiteiti
` the Ammo lone my wee (who is Of a delicate
constittakan had. ovo k
elippe.tent et Ingeli have Apeatiliperectlal
hytitause et Potitina avestieh ithlln tht9
• taleleney yew remedies that es a *my We
' 01000(50tiAtS,,,ger V01211**1 tip debt Mated system, IV
nOtrerat ran 00Yat, testerittg tit healthy pica* te
OAS heitttand 100Xs. and,tet a 'mecum for tit Mutt"• no
out ;Poeta, emir Psych -me gold exemnitieriesre
VIVAWII.ZirrIVVIdtter°11' ueY' 4( luee' uo;
P4VCIIINE,Ptottoutioe4s1,4ieen, or
is al stictitific preparation, having 34.3
ittrOilile6l,t Odle ,p rope ttlea Aotino
&real" 'h S a 13160 an
and weakorottx of the • 'body.,
quieltly reatOrtag thOnt t strong
and kenitity nettna. IA especially
Svoifelloenetittuathsteoticoatiettoscellotts adte.olvvhearti.biof , The Deaf Made to Hear.
Ater and light depaetinents, new Dearnmisk heefolee 'usually due to
at they are in the hands Of the Clout. catarrh, quite curable. In a thou-
steltineeseettel there was *difference *and estiee IOW iti proved absolutely
opinion ns to *bother any report/ true. • titteceist Invariably attende
uld boyiolted trdiii the COrtttnititflitf. use et flatiferhotono which has cured
a pone. anitl.rdi,..ttottoopa, tatershal deafnessetXdenty.tive years
potion thet the Commissioners be stantlitit, retretratipg throngh the
ked to
4114"" 1)1300 a 'Month to tile PaSeagee Of, tile eart the fleothing vire
Ouch, at this Was not aitreed Saier,of iOatarthoxone „relieves the in-
cl the naittfee Wad laid over. , - desttriya the otter's ot
The eoution iheoatutjarbb4, faith and thereby.allows nature to
re -asset herself.r: Trv Catarrlootone
oursof. 25c. and ,$1,00 sizes etild by
A tittifitill01401t HAisleitEn•— idr derttete,
the cattle ranges of the ,Airest. •
Q1'31 men and, stock are for from •'
cteriatitl,apotIteratteo,rit Thomas' The Mitchell Adipatate Says: 0 The
Ittitrie till Is ;Met etir hand by the temperante gnestiOn Is dead im far as
eill tint as u, ready *made triedichte, the OPPositiott in the fiegialatete bi
adapted for people who ore run On
down from any ellOgPo egProtallY :(41
eougligvCold"s, Catatrii, tisOterel
Pocturtedilat Consutription• stri. ell int
stortiaalt 'Ott33110 trotiblet. fl
haS 00. substitute.,
They Wanted More.
em nto rrtan, *be *Old emploY ttleritYineed quick attentioti, *tattier: r
(P50$00i'llAir 5 .., tt ro,
14 for is In at all denierso, at 600 and Th
tl.00 pt' ilettla, ,or wrdo direct to e
..1)r. T. : fllocurrr, Linlited, ITO it
b item ben e- eieVet, taSitteernothe tied 21 per tellt.,11itelteotk '77 per
Xing St. Toretito. faith becialse his,aiitlient. tenders, hire "v• "4."" to While MI6 St herd eine
Thcte ttUr Mantis The ', ton -plaint tyt,14,1,,„! C't tent Ony'resey Bodo, voting
:43$• *
Oned " at' ISYCII1Nri fe.notreo den OP at it le di Krri,"''' '""•‘`'`,(T, .rlintellitbeihvilthent Muth Lb do, lent
, * .** Oleo, ,Vet tintl ftetti ' — hiltOil tht ergettliatiell.. This
he I.
One trial el ,AfetheltOrtstee' Worm
leer iltatertnitiater wilt totrthiN§ you that
OA .it Willa kiriAl el A ,Wareit .
Illfray * Untie and soe it ,ft Soo sat
Saws ins.
levliThAfftta411te tt, Witd An Isy Parmelee/0 114)htft$ Odittpitly ki June, 1900o eh.
. ,
erithearesiiren, Bright's table )ills, r regulating the hinnkts *del the GrettivIlltent a mire
lit Hack and all fornla and ebvia ft* the effete fit hite i Ti It LI% Emit ef MOM
I twist wit ill OW Meet hitt $31
it,*11 111.0110A1 IWO* to thre ThO wait adjefgt avaisd rigs *Am,
f fief& edit*.
An acre was to be allowed as a eredit
for expenditure of the company in
• Irrigatifig the lend, so that the net
cost would be el an acre. The. ono-
-peer apeeecl-toerrigate one -quartet -ne-
ttle grant and to spend within ten
years-. for this purpose $700,000. No
payment was rquired --tor ireveral
Having obtained this new kin om
from the Government. Messrs. !tab-
oo& and McGregoi transferred it to 0.
brokerage firm for sale in 'England,
and in ..ix menthe from the Jittle the
dela ivas Ottawa an Ettglieb
firm _Fetid- Hitchcock and MoGrteger
2100•009 eterling trausfee -the
bargain to tliein. This last purchas-
ing oompativ le .ealled the Southern
Alberta Land litrinpany, whiell. took
all the rights and duties belonging to
the 880,000 tepees gradte, giving Bitch.
cook and McGregor $480,000 for their
$350,00.0 on Deal Number Two -
The next business was for Hite
cock and McGregor, as the Gran
Forks Cattle Company, to sell ou
their 21 year. lees° and 10,000 ace
grant to the Southern Alberta, peopl
together with -what cattle they ha
gathered about thean. This sale wa
made for 4188,000 sterling, or $854,850
allegen oir doifbtful atiTboiiff
that the owners of the Grand Fork
Company had expended nearly 5300
000 on their propertv, which leaves ove
$350,000 -es their neeproflts old of th
two grazing leases. VVe have, ther
fore, over 5835,000 which these tw
favorites made in a few months out o
government grants given to them o
special tesms, privately and withou
competitien. • How much of- this ha
been divided among the mulles whos
influenee was used In their behalf
who and how many officiele and polit
Ical partners there may be;in the deal
ie not yet known.
Another Series of Profits.
h -
• • CamitiONONS,COLDS,
s LUNG TROUBLES. Miss Florenee E.
,- Mailman, New Germany, NS., writes:
✓ 1 lied a cold which left tele with a very
O bad cough. I was afraid was going
0. Into consumption. I was advised to try
f I had little faith in it, but before I had
ri taken one bottle I began to feel better
t and after the second I felt as well ae
s ever. 'My cough has completely disap-
e premed.
eh they wee%
holt* theta oven*
lit hh.diuti&i.
testelledeelettlid thee
. terseetrei of hie wittokiter the
holaboelat mad lictiregore atusde mgt.
lone est latereassilatee. The other
the deal woos: **Lean of
.1Latestabvirit• whokat VW) defended.
; th* Satikettilinieffehe table elie tietrefill
or' hien* Brututeelek. Wine lost ettelehe
tIOSehl.t sedlerehtte Of theerovertO
, !oat ite. the . Atet10,,Sesuidel MC!
\ leteee, llgulelf OW0 lenity' by
•Pleitding• thee irrevereible tWeetrOtte
IWO //owe were ROA" Detrouirr
'AO seem* tb. telffereith. inhie nevetite
ethl- thet tha akesolute Went of.
Ontetenth :Or the. grm lease vfai
ids redder' ret
'Ullgelo!".9"1411 $4'41
t fOrtiO the both the free
'hOld Brent *ad the Itrevotathleleitst/
W,Sre„ tenger *team:and Were nevor
+glow, 44 to any bit the half dozen fio
voeiAve *hot* leases Wet a taken during
the :short period that this.gato Watt
open. All the genuine ranchos of theweall'
wbkh ITIOVirleggeV: 14Y"oWnt4lt
filets* to: iletiiiiestetlith
Xt; USiVe
Itisl 11 14
• The *WOO 14), Y01.4!'l ClOtb(lig gya
'hfett's Furnishings here, is because we Iwo exolusive
• * f 'best YoodS'prodneed in our line. A person
deal need to' go the' eity,, you etin get s PIK I ere
" t I t h
, Tits 20i:i1 euz•tfroittlinmkn ne.linoWled4ed tO,' be the
,speeial if you ,wislit by paying a liftle
.yery best .prOduetion the tailor' eraft , Canada. We
•liave • them roaily-forsweart, . YOu .4av thou 'mad*
We aro agents for'the •noletioted Xing (npos
tbo (Italian)l-tatS,
TheSo are' the two most popular pits i he; today
Call and See our New Spring.,$t
• • ., •
Hav you an 0111)100831011
tetit*Ital tite, Month DO* :Yont.h#144:
*Oho 31101 have you
yOnelt4itimelt Isnot:of eras:rout You,
Peed thet Pretere
nesit ettiTer; but MA* -
dee' thircircumstancee tbe: wise men
waele,''Preeere lvx er Parmelee's• * T Right Place to buy lvfon,is Clothing 4n(I.
vogatabit). Pins,aua speedily get WM, .
Self in health, and try and het* so.
Winilfaisit'a now hospital, recently
0P0Oe rhos Seven patients,
Tlierels no medicine on the market
OMMInptiVe Syrupinettpellifig torn
ttat can eonipta0 IVIth Biehle's Anti.
e system the irtitOlug germs that
cdids engender in the.atr pabtapee.ft
Is suicide to tieglerkysTr cold. l'rty
the °beep expo:100
3o 0 rIcEtt 370111‘
self of it by using, li °Idea Vrop,
which is a simple reinedy, eaSklY taltott.
and once used It will always be pelted
aft a sovereign meclieine.
It isn't true economy to
weaken the foie) of your wee -
sage by the wet of cheap, ad;
vertIsing mediums, Tots Game -
men STAR is the -least expensive
advertising medium., but YOU
wouldn't call it cheap. View-
ed from a uneremes StandpOlatt
advertising speesetsener,
gneitienahlie good inveet,
ment if properly placed. Tun
Sean offers -end affords- -the
sheet investment.
The Southern Alberta Company,
which has thus obtained the irrigation
grant and the grazing leases added
5315,00010 the cost of the property by
allowing that sum for additional pro-
moters profits and additional expenses.
So the Southern Alberta shareholders
pay $1,455,000 for what should only
cost the price of the Ilve stock and Im.
provements provided by the blrand
Forks Co., and 59,000 for the land
paid for. It bas still to pay the Gov-
ernment the $1 per here for the 380,004.
acres, and the cost of irrigation works,
estimated at it million dollars. When
the land is paid tor and tbe irrigation
wOrk is completed, rather moregthan
half the outlay will be for the profits
of the middlemen who have made no
investment and have done no work.
The Farmer Must Pay it All.
Of comae the cOmpanv expecte to
get it all back. It will have paid 55.50
an acre for the whole grant when tbe
irrigation work is done, of which sum
only $2.75 will be represented by the
cost of land and works. The company
prospectus Omen that the directors
hope to sell their lands, when one
quarter of them are irrigated, at an
average price sufficient to allow thetn
a margin of 0,000,000, or an average
price of nearly 01100 an acre. This Is
four times the real emit of tbe works
and the land. These hopes may not he
realized. That is the argument of the
minister and his supporters, who say
that the price must depend en the law
of supply and demand. If the land is
finally sold at prices below the estim-
ate the English investor will he disap-
pointed. If ft eel's At the price ex-
pected, the farmer pill pay more than
double what the land should have cost
him, even allowing generous profits to
the investor whose money ie In the
business. In any Ottse between two
and throe dollen an acre has gone into
the *halide of political promoters, who
have done nothing but trade en their
pull with the government at Ottawa.
This rake-off must in the end come out
of the settler.
The, Debate.
Such is the argument made by Mr.
McCarthy, Mr. Amen, Mr. Lake. Mr.
Herron, Mr. Nortbrnp and the °penal -
tion leader. Mr. Herron added the
information that ecorees of bona, lade
renames had sought for leases such as
Hitchcock and McGregor were allowed
to obtain and peddle around the mar-
ket, They could not get the land mean
In ;Mien holdings to pasture cattle al-
ready on the spot. while there was
land foe ex.officittla and bankers tvith
their political partners when thy
wanted it to sell in England. Mr.
Borden strongly preiteed the argument
that it Weald he much better for the
government to umlertake the irri,ga-
gethan works itself, OS wsui done in the
Unite4HOttps, selling to the fawner ((1-
a Moderate profit, then to bend out
Irrigation contestant* to be exploited
by speculators, loaded down with pro.
fits and (target, netil the land would
emit two Or three Meta to the nean
who had to mato* Eying on it.
The ge.torottient defeat-wnt put np
liv,tho Minister' Of the Wrier who
frttiillAWAwm ir *4,61104
it Xr. Peer Ole.
:IWO *Zahn* iell Pinkie
There aro three periods or a woman's life
when sho is in need of the heart strength-
ening, norvo toning, blood enriching
action of
Tho drat of those ia when the young gill
is entering tho portals of womanhood. At
thin time olio is very often palo, tvoak and
oervoue, and unless hor health is built up
and Inv system atrangthoned nho may tall
prey to conaumption or be a weak manful
for lifo.
Tho second period is motherhood. The
draM on the system ia great and the tx
hausted nervo foree and depleted blood
require replenishing. Milburn's Heart and
Norvo Pills oupply the elements needed to
do this.
The third period is "change of life" and
this ia the period when she is moat liable
to heart and nerve troubles.
A, troll:tendons °lunge ie taking place in
the system, and it Is at this time many
ohronio diseases manifest themselves.
Vanity the heart and nerve system by tlio
WM of idilburres Heart and Nerve Pilla and
thus tido over this dangerous period. Mrs.
James King, Cornwall, Ont., writAn I "1
have been troubled very much with heart
trouble—the muse being to a groat extent
dee to "change of life." I have been taking
Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills for mono
time, and mean to continue doing so, for 1
can truthfully say they aro thn best remedy
I halm ever used for building up tits nystem.
You are at liberty to Use this °Moment
for the benefit of other sufforere."
'Pelee GO eenta per box, three boxes for
PM, all dealers, or Tho T. Milburn Cue
Limited, Toronto, Ont.
la its delielotts flavor, Thio Is delight-
ful. It always tastes like more, and
more cat he taken with impunity, bee
caeca it is pure and wholesome.
Our Coffee la strong, without heinei R. PINDER
thick and 'muddy. Try it.
And the
All work guaranteed and
promptly attended to In all
parts ot .the town,
This Paint will outwear any
other Floor Paint made.
Get a
WE Guarantee the MARTIN.
SENOUR too per cent. PURE
PAINT (except a tew dark shades that
--ciumet be -prepared from -lead anti zinc), to '
be made from pure carbonate Of lend,
pure oxide of zinc, with entering matter
proportionatp quantities necessary to
make their respective shades and tints,
with pure linseed oil and turpentine dryer,
and to be entirely FREE 1 rom water, ben-
zine, whiting and adulterations, and SOLD
Color Card at
Hardware Stor
THE! OODBRICH STAR has a Larger Circulation than ,
any other Newspaper in this Section of the County
oi Huron. Shrewd Advertisers value Circulation
Reliable Furniture
where we have bit stock a large assorttnent of Roll Seat awl Cobblor
Rockers in quarter cut oak.
S4k Upholstered Parlor Rocker; and Chairs iu different designs and
Morris Chairs and l'itrwris Rockers in Velours, at all prices.
Leather Seated Chairs and Saddle Sento in oak, at prices to snit the
pu relmeer.
Children'n Toy Seta in red and blue. Rockers in different designs
for the children, awl nothing so pleasing for the little ones.
Secretary and Music Cabinets, Parlor Cabinets end everything suit.
able for the enjoyment end comfort of the home. Call early, nu trouble
Nu trouble to show Goods.
The Leading Undertakers and Embalmers West Street, Goderich
$et,- Night and Sunday collo receive personal and prompt attention.
'Phone 120. Residence—Elgin Avenue,
for Memberohlp in the finest and
beat littainesn Training School In Can -
from Jan. 2nd, next, together with
detailed Information of the grPrtt ad.
vantages to he enjoyed, will he nent
free by return mail on request by
friend or letter. Write to -(lav to
W. H. SHAW, Principal,
Young 4 Gerrard Street.), Toronto.
Gall Or Telephone
tbat will make eatable!) fit to serve
with tide excellent Coffee art) hoe.
too. The pantry can be well stocked
with gond things at moderato priers.
gTtilifine * CO
rot itkitairg. tle'dwitklift
br.11trike WWI% i
Tb°T1.1,."IL":"`“.1r`„reti.:`4*EV. 1%1E21'. hc.°"".
Your patronage whetted.
Phone 11 Walker & Augustine.
Tart,' Short flread,
Poetry cream NITS
It he.. Cream Rolls
Marnnernen Lruly negate
Maunreons lir/Indy Snap
rteri so Mold a. the tont rondo in any
city in ( auntie
flarriron Irnulc 'rude In WeddItIlr
Oakea and Fancy beetuning. Oleo hitn
kr) order 9141 your wt19fne4.Ion will he
Kingston Street - • Coderich
(like Dunlop'Tireo
for wheeled vehicles)
mean Coereet Fashions
Geed Qua*
Pion Class Wotitralttlalip
Reasonable hitt*
what more coo you ask
msty, za