HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1907-02-15, Page 4• 477411 kaa$ Iftltiltszetr7=-NclatAttrOa *A.B. $iikt$1141. obot en* in 0200.01t 1,1010,,***40r TNod, br*OktbA b,rde$t pock, *WA* dslY Met dsi,illts' **41tioritOotht90 **a Jusr$ WO the 1**Itby tIlituo**Ivo wiy ;Moe* cherrit...f:'to t* 0040 044gOito *ad betil 400 Metabon41, ***********tt 44.130040,ric •Alt, „ ,t4S•t" .41./.641/0111•14a4 _41/••••••••,•••••• ••4 •••• •••••••••1).•••.••• 410•••14•1•6-54,4 --416••• 1175447,111 ST iokiimi.Jeet Viet of ki well tow Oit,. *Arty** I W ctio. INe le* thele oar 1 by Xr.lbehlarit retitle irea 'Pro t or, , *Iv 9otlertch Or/apatite S'ONAIOCL. Mt* W; 4051d40 The imixt lajaageweoatain the let tan t . the outset* 001atributota, WI at wh1c 'wilt be id ;with .0toopre by, mt st,„ tow** ot 14,,ont the .tars (11 I* 4Metnifeeta in An 01b1111t 000,41 1$11100gbtr; 0f1V3 004 will pm,* ;ant rotating toititonalawnagreper. . ma within rho ft lettere he riff Iasi* that ateraeof whalour Ategotil, times- !well' leteraeatratil that: - •the• 41 .4 e, ono brit eight; oet of teltale*!le, an Ot 041044$4/„,ter 4to the voe *too 1 pr1ucptt 'tit14141?'Iste%rtsuliplut ri fter, pretiontl* him with -the feral. „ crd,., , ,:, ,, ' - . ,',',• :-Vriboree. ' :Itilftlit, ' • . ,P, '''' Moniat'ati4 beim& beittel the heading 21004 op thti 44•4„Ii-itis,,,,v,ettliiir 010. 4 r - ,,, , 44$114:044710.11Ailil,.f,:441424, 41,04. .. •• .. ,Itt, 'Waif fttil404 Vallttette.,•:: .:. ,. 40rBIATIfralcrtitg,pitio ° et A deotes„ het. wittife- 4.1.rent,40 rio .. -yr,. motbER ,-otTlatowt,„•-,,yiwi.,,,,z,t 0 ;Vim' the•feltegaina•-ainteout wine. tow innOtatil thie Utile* to Hier latt.voalc,et. ftletnlb:nift tut* aroaitiriine, elacrott 4 :,';'-' Peds,i Tho,.. . taidet '' *fee y1kt Inlahleneet the toritalbing , t wog yttite:aoatipsnottottoot toe o04, ,Oreftx 1' ill'01V0,f, aaiit..,X S. Poltlent hi :of nrY.Iiroy, )raill, 1etv.04,lotie 'go 04410 de IIIIIItte 44'4, china veatjeg t10441,,,, , oVottititiesi f ‘,,gociitivei,,,i J. oretYno hnve' rollovretwic of,ttegreat gclohreetton • me; Feeley tilthd.' , !I **as' .0.avtotki. .' ...;•Prittn M e ,. '.7_,oltnatOtr 'aral 101036 ar-jejaje wea 131414etr4 :raw 'for, Atripjlej.. tint be .eltilab.40,litece• rex., ene. , tu*Itltraibov0•0iellt1inl00' • SentlethOn.- - .. • :8114,410 $ Woo lee ebotte • of 00. i''Yelit !at I *.M11Let0r tIttitOtlet iiiirlid; Muller '"IAP -100e,00 Of '.NVi.tatleant. Ttte-, II ttiecI trItto, toy $10ty.tet-Deloce. , Otta*:.** liatilife,*: „room ' ffitafork'.flon,, bIdfUt. : ,t). ' 1idiiig. w ' lirOiell '4* iny redo/Anent ,I Intvo, No*,000stitUtl titili.$81010t$,:0,114A41"410$40t 1,1****•.401eirencit art,"Aeletres$.',, ''',Alo,fllowatiatt. a ltartitYfiolf if Tiiitil rlOne Off ftoul1 iiotl.iatiOlovtaloitt,f1rat, n4,04 JWItIi *ha *go' $.440,,:okilgo(ea.,0 sti,o,,).1,04, 0 Ise* 0))02yotil :, the -,000,Intorootit orpy• ebb:mall pay .Wea•-emr.erer, 'it, rota; 0414, *.at.10,'0, 404., itbi)ge. 000041 tit) WIN, ' ,- OW ITV* roe ,JeatatcvAlpatl 01/1140,0,,VonailattaillNot re ' - • , . •:* ' - • - - ., .' 110,0;my,' otittiVi., .on : settle:40p , 40Y*, a, IttOaitali,a04,1110404410Y , oatio.110 thil 1'it1flOttt)1044,0f10; 40010 ` ' '''' ' ' .Votroitt.,'Pollot.41414414141'40114,4*vPtlan'ehtil'Ittie' . T*rhOlttlift'it Piro, a *tee: 'be- eittleOlit,' Alltaieet, -honotir,, , , , - , rtinflietelliollOY; -:utt.lallta 'Ober rid- cjioi.irv :004 mj3sTiNrjp- ,. Vabe.fittatiettr.0401 ejte,•:itre.,443/00„;40.# „,,, 0 eaak c 1, L 4,,, 4.,, : , • , -, ,, OT, ifi 14,....jjahatimpit. 410..yeata-Altit- i'*.A0P , ,010000it:14th at. , (IlytIt, .., $001g Vos ' c9eld ', '041I, 14 4,t.--,„•,,Oteealit: _ . , 144$0-0-;;:',,,1440;thi..,,t4trulihe -10,1i' 404!:0 t 1 cR,f Take 4, 108,A groat Inerty Illtili, teag0,000,. ,the . $ : tlerIg*Itige100161r)ehtetetttigiiowoo min;err of ow Tailltket vOtieti$ , Titey . , A , ,,” ,,,,e , pop nor,-c011:00.t 0IF40t. ,'''.; dlit'kelP no ,,.., • ' ' ,,,, ,: . • ' filo, vote tialovri;t:V7 *.,novp, ,i,01,,,,_vott.,, rar.rrie. • -Herron yllt ,Colobrat*': PI JO r,s.o..:voitu.K.It 1i ll botetyiro :0 CUR:4.-4 (11 -,,it 'kv,„ .o0t,- .V.00003f0toir„,.;'• 10tArt4..ilfr„. 11,,,Ii.t,,tt, ' ;tottot** sl.ett**vott'olea$0, ' .-,, • new r1441,104At'-"Iti.,4°r- tial°.(4 , 14,143)44;1*. ?t so itT • 4 1i*Ill.T010114•164sy,04;•-°- .-1--": g*- -.'• : — ' - ' ' ' 07141. ' 0,1110,110b.tlay goilt.„iveol 4ot,, y 4101ihite.:,,.arilit IgiOi - teld„"..itieviey, ifID Atonoony,r7,,W,tb, ,... 9,,c000lotaogitolog boo int,,poihrig day. • OOPRI,CA POR,I90 . :010th004. '00d. 410110,,,,8",:0,06AtAgr$;; , WA 40 . *$''0„111)00 ,11.)).f .:. ''' .' ' '''''1•7; ' ' ,ttint....tIttlt•• ' aiverity•,'Iciettikhgto .j.L• Ohl*, „10,11,0.:poove;,''„,. -ek poltei,4100tOre. •etaatinv-i ,...._ . li Efflioe!, .:Tbottortisr•4444: Af,-0.P.AvOleiti $04 e.eif Nob (Icy ban. br kaa:kaa,tevOrreir. - Thtearno,oldhararneljeTAbaratittil 'the. L000,NE Brits .1;Lesp.,1, 1,0,,,ittf,,i,v1r.ivrot ‘,0i,441,144' . „ tioutp.,4Appot.j. . 1.Ya*,441pt, yteltlog,!ipti:.,de:ttair,-ati•• ' t-:reli,c,,,,t,,:,,0 'Ci$114STOX.'pliotr.int* , , 04 t4 tcojefoliato.,:,. . .. 0,4,z1411,4,t, znegtoiie4g.so.74, ti!u.xlikit.,0 710.otitttiv€71400:;1!o;A•40:13Hivt-40.,,ittAidw4 00)0004 Vhoieh eve ',.frOb, 440 40. 00titity 01,144,0 ;,,,,-, 04 tt0, .,..,:,Nf44.,," : 0 ,4 ' 11:1,„V 04t At0Arcint14*44 ' tr•X v a my ,parttaicatattl:nnutlitet•sor, locat-tbo.:boght010 11170tet,, 04 •71.74101140r- An5•415,i k goat„ta.104 ...' ilk:01041(tie$e . 4 ',74'.v,nnenbarortaMI aaAllttV4140r, te:. *Ilet***4 ,altrhl. .,,l, , ONO I ,- Ili , 'Th,'et.',0)1,4s*' 00a, 44tetico/A ' ,0, 0 yotot*tis.•,A,' telk011,.ffilkt IA(01 ;',00000 fr*enly'it:,;***.tx0fIlialtfOileikylir4- . . etortele tIollantoSe *A0.14,11 •*: *00r* a o 0 ilemittltelartt feasible , al.D. 1VIATE , V.:14;1111,4414,Viffr..V.,,et., 1 „ 'mit. 'Rio: li4Ipk--..X•tItoomok:004.•',ili .00%,' 11;4 ,tt'i;0•4:,4*.•14°314*-441''°'15$''' :,..1, pexttost 'CAA, ii7tAffaaatic :•atiPtei.-0*-0i4f.,',*04 OA- ,te,- ' 0 ifkit.10*.0,1001*:)40400" Aegthe:Oei1.1 'e%4t.:i'lltt tilelee: hi 1141,11x : AND ' 1,11110.6., •10.0.1.; Th00100,14 Stattkoba;•`1440-0 00400 •Atillitile,'.*latl'', .1.0g04*.1401,10,40,„,atto, ,w4F470,05..i'11T1l - r(*Iiroiltir,4 31.a 47;„ ,O, W -4 3.:..4.ndre‘Z.A.. ge, Isehrtaiiirra bAiiii• onawkoro:#410klog,-,40, i,,,„„i6i,,,a.titio - i MONtA4 T.O. AR. dOrtffi -:',. • ; rt.,01:*rivt'4.14M-14?; W.,,,,.,f,l,u,(11:,,,.4 ;111t4liopi,,,..itottivoiiialltpht, eltp.:,;,t1.',m4Titpqlps,,4p-Ftt 0:•til. to 0 62,:.0,09$0?,P $',.... „ llAtlitAltg . , I '000'. ,. phap,j-W„*„ viaiiiattn.7,011finOr all • leent,Itinnter ,...KPItig , cliste Jo al- : . !, , , „, : , ., . •, , , '•'• ' ` 4.44; ,00nteton. ,Ilirea,0 ': J.i. 'W .,. ,I, ': : • ' t . ::At0, -7.,..TkOrp, **°I.:w:16.111iPY4i'i*•` ,. , P. 0440190$ R. Lila IC it011000% .t' 40041t*J. all*'''V6ilv0;4.°110i:0 ' ' A /39° X' -.04- wjeetrore, , el D.r. FrOal Illd °Id Time IIPIIII° 41 th11 09;,,rt..L4 a •,'1 W. PoieolUitutocj., ,• 4 .. - ' ., , ..".' + ,I ,•,.:',4,.• -°' • . , . • ThOtotta• leOttIO011iv.hiPh t0e$;leate• ,Atodtirlab Oractuna.r 'School, : , 4, 10Iott, pep;, Leat, In - teforapago ' ; A*ttii.,,;.44:14...:1314',i**,im, 3A, '11404 igieribps.,•ro .I.jiii.--.0.00tt.'„iteetkivil*Jr • ,,,,, -.-,,,..,-- ,.,. ,: , ,.... 40.A tu4'010100t1a° 44 tlYI kh ortf.gt; iiim44,1140014i.,,a,04001104,-%440 LF,'.4p,:!'41%,,irtsirAi'ic:isnar'ryiAeg• :on saturoay.atoo.' "Joon tits *4' nor ,Id,I4,4343,',T,g1g,v014.1eitel,itt, of$00),,,,,,*t$50" itt,,Vatht:iotititt4044, E,ti"..-t*.rtVoti thkahataili,fthr, a i ;lido '110,10 404',' 'SurrogatO '''00t'l'k Ili Pli ' North 44°°*Wilt° ..,'Ietllit ' 4 ':', atOtilii!'(!ltitlit,P44frif,A611';W:bil.4'ot. -A0i7ePtil,,gihti'•iiilt(0,1,:ii,'. '' t:t * °Ui Plerl; D. lif011ottaliVitirete in Toronto ' .1,t,11 t LI Yoar. '. . ..• , i , ,,,. -,,,.,., -: .1.460, to liot4,:ti,41. colturittom,,....4.k,e;, ,.p4o, Ito t 40.t;t1).,.01,40,f ., :iit Ititectlewing Mr..: F44,1,1401e*, Via. gratc' ' • 140.104 11!°14' . ''. •', '.- . op,0,;thotipornte0.ot; la:4,-A): wof:ijig, • ..... • ••••:' ' '- , 'Av.; ,'• i', :,. • 'Anil I of, th_,e -00il_erIek, .,L0,,i•Ltiiiio_o wuririle,47.0 4fluati,4,4yjatr,laat le_u_nikeearbeiti of rokr". t.ctr„tep.4,,itlo:e40.414,110dito.*. poo,r1t4,14.0;444;‘-kr#, ‘., , ,4.4v.t.,.t.*Itift30tt.:(5k,Wetto.*WhIg 14cme .praametart par .*19,12 ,,,,„ 1 --7 40..,ot,lkat,VfAte!!!--21.', e/e*: 410tY4ielktt 'Web .4tktkr$004,-tv-it ' ' ,' 'r.rli'lt.18, , be$Ideit. orlititiate AVIA 1St* .11414.ironI roe Owl a* ' 0,ItOistri et pion" tutlet$70 tkoettihetedonout (30..i. gOrsitt ,c030P:.,,rig ,tho not 4,01,A 0.51;i0y,pok.•:,:4,,11-b ,.• , ,,,„,Atmiod4,,t vvi 00 Uovt°6116t itt°141.1cl'it: 4, vcitit*Iilaf .00,140100 ":1d401i0(0 "Mo4tiett” ti°iit44.01*.lh"fig;o04014to 0 4' 0 1 dfeie's pupils. rteve,rothIe*Of -0 (lode,' t. r rietrty mice. ,-, Tm, a ,,ectiiellymn :the.,rjejaaelor fAlytte•„to,:utrikeblie '‘,1**v ,•cirorrigivink ,ttillfr. , pr go 00 4vo 0. richt and 4 letter 4.0 ON**, tvg,e setit os t 0,44:0. 00.071t:n:reot5/4414:1,,retp:ota,3):1;:i.,:::,0'",- ,oti*of tho,,itotet 1)10`404104.j0tI,„'!tt,q4.0„!!''Oelf;'''aVtilorito,, %%lie *6 ei n , li. , , ".. tile that title:Viet! tRet,!401 01 •uxo',40- Olken •nt, DP AtIhitii ot,,Vikt 01 int ,, is 1 i$,I,11 heown tO be lIvIntei . ' ,' ' to each Of 04D,,60,114441,410 oItiettillii, O'e . OW 11$ ft . foib 0, :,trfterillt4:%:'PitfoTl"*:ttiv°ielrd'IoCil:irei,:Pe'tte*t'k'kdil:•:4!,4*1,6Illkln.'•i,tse:;' ..77.6:!".4•4"::;'"I'",'!:::'''''';';''',-;'-''''.;-; ' ' ii ''') n: ' 11 0 t 4' • '" ' L , .140414:00:$10e. Ittll. 004t ho atutiofita •tif a,4y diato '.0141 tItithllitat WO 001, coos., . ne.'041 (1,4 tip., 40 180.r,,i,,,,,.„01r,trod,14,0,1111/.0.; . , J110,0,009 et 1 , rtggi , ° 10 _e OW ,tiorliteret OttolVrOVv01401nt ' ,• D. PC01% . 3nbnalOtte . illytnt, Artatittetiikasviii. -6 rtatido, iti, !t,b,, *etlitieitiattolPtive, 4yriiti( ,,,,,-1ma4t00, ulii e a '03W$0t 14 itta0 t9Orel$00 $0i '$ - ad )1." 3100re , aglgrexe• - , ' ' .' • ,' ' • ' '-to boa Vyaniti";"it imat rot` • 'L' vittlutolltftir.,:tiotirtgunb:teliti..00('' '': _ :to •-k„ 11,:ar.at IV' ItItikr. ; .4$.1'-apIeaLtiet,f, ' TOP. 0' gr•ltiO, 0:-.'1'6',*'''iniek,' iiI4illir,i'''.I.P6 infixt:'1#0$A-4° 'Ail,44 4,c10'0. itibill'illl,i10014. iFtifill14410r011 Apatite stoottaltilatatta: heal% irotatalltiil AbStlitttOtI000.`Utictigt01 ,,,N14.3t0rOakt $1,11A :mut 40,4440,11ra ib*,,filio -,F# ailitmattktt,t1d8,,,e(tblotr,•044,10.14c,!.to oil* t roe' oat* taimeel on, ttita.„,ap_awill,,-- to AmIjA*-:Ited,,,tiLY tyr$:' '.witk*:: PrOk00,. ilaof . ,ilarrael totimilioo, 'have* 4'00 '*IIII4'9"tilP4d;"*1:444°41°' 1°156Attl°f' oitiztontatalto la tao,t+ o dron,..„, Wo win ,,, , . ., . kJ* :1014`42.:441"44N16.141111- 4'1° ' "4" "OttlItiOrtet bicee-ill.. tiet,0008tlittltat -8,i,i,iti,e4„ ttoe...1-Ataitok*:;, :toptialits,, 1*Iiit,;" pOo ''litotleptok. Piltptto-• ivox,01 ,most ma, sts.t,00konserjus,tisty..edt in, ttion toofn, . et -Drie,•„top itet. ,Nonse, will ,,,,, ',a Nriasua, •wl,.,onlIktli,, t10.0.,"-; ,,g4, 0Z,', 4777,04440 -11 anattlet Nottlrootxattottho caul aratlr.ti 'Am 001 Wit the ooklotY TDItOile $I:gx .0603,40,ted. Aniavis, epoor tA,,,tuttilu,. ' ttea , lo xitt 1..woor ai,. ,80 0 A fio 0 1 •OR .,,ii ,itti,, levriti the ederrtat% '4'elt0Agrty.4111130.0-k 0.6 ekey,tp.000.* bp . 'notr'clenoti,o, 4 1$ A110t$,. '',' ' x. 11014111' th.. Wt0f$11ti : 44 - 00', rie V• ' 1 4. ' ' I i ' ' tetk IVA"- , xoo Ity it 0 ,; ride,4541i, ;tate rry.14ttot ultvi, , el , 11,,,•, g• thrteemE,44rt,potrini,14044niwilLoztop,000!dtpt,I.0010,attre,,:kt,' t. ,,,,Its„, 46.,iT.il,:170,0, r•L.i.14 widie4.trt41, 40utd r 0 tlxiiptit,4411-- I'L. I. v 4040 a. .‘,.. 4t -',, ., ..ie -t.% '8°1h° Pv.°A*Wn id4,.1:.1): 141444t4. '4°''' :;Ark:,blibirjall,lhO t‘eitill#killiVtt,* 'their enyirtaittattert, : :,, - ., ,tirigoaf°44114:141tehtetipuk6 tfr,,,,,,,atliktra Tatra, altdr. ..r..--0 t.110 Elinor ar!rna $*1,0$ t .. , 0 :thiktvilie ar4,t, 101**,0 00$000,Aliat ; 430t,-451,:tter 004,t1Inh tootuatilp *Iv, ?moor ip tO,`: . • • , • • • itapottoont aboult1 00rupe : yonr paper nittatiottettoY, On Ititteltitet'Weolts ns • . . • • , • . , • . - . Joke lik hided. . .,-. . • ,,, ,,,,,:ijitterlAti.44.1tv'tex,.tileinttt;i:•,betiovi3O:116irrlii:intot•i.:vitt,,I,,061:$6,'7'.ilootto.r:it,...:. a. ,ba a itillititlii,triat AAA' fla. ,*Ipte,r0V4Ittl.*_,,,lAi. .Y.ct.O.V441:1)1* * 1 0.0 rota** oditmigatie, Voir . • ati 41..ie nkr,:oterti[$.0 . take, et a st, unary - e .. ... , itIttti afkitwoys out , , ..., ,..1610-..,tisnt, . or *h ii, • *Chant a , 6 tivArItI 0 ha tow'W.iitalvArg4= llitaitililliliWilliCilijid:lilWii2-:'''''' i "ll'rktittlite.,,*fl 4. n ett ter c auger ....,__-c14' 0.043 kJ/ilk $ ottiqvgoos isd Our your 11 tni mond v$1,11 • tt Artt • ulsion of Cod Liver00 WITH trYPOPtiOSPIHITIP,35, The besttonic at Mist -season of the yea. Cure* long bndrng 40/4A and tope* up the trYstent. thereb mewling further Attetck. IKARCIe 1101fT9tri. kiets: �1E1glIATAlttell4.0.34t ufe. 45c per hotqa. I . - •"'" oOrpatrowket * 43,11).--terner tramittint Now. veto Woos. Gotletlah. Et LY own ,- 04000°. itgtk to ' d'Oet4lert 305 • 411 , :411. '4:4414 000 ft exue w It ot *I .0pgIO UI ogironderAtie11 ila,togo4g. WIlI 411' 41 In oo 44‘,4‘,/ $pIrnil yor Oit01110$(.100404,1*,440. ,1100t urith000 a o id 'ond iiiiituntuling, do eat oetteigetto$• i�nUl tat;lit,14"1clu " ttOt ,iosi Ob'NIOrki414$4$ ittit."161dOr: ,eko =44,4000°1 • - :tor or 1. 01 zilt, 14 t I 1, ootdw2hLI *per otheted PU004 1, tit t 4, 1 *mita tondirei tholbii of itelitoilliera,Ine. 1/15 .f of h 4 , °I ;4 • • h ' de'* , . .. area le - ettgat' taro or sioriftxxucifollionfo)..igiii.alberetrera,a, i r nano ta apt etameatananiew 1,, , ,, , aCtibia.an 0000turoo.,.a to tit litotiptv loan th'.ti No4to.itib...04,001itti„,i4g. ftwiuttittio,..'v.iii to,40,* (t, I. ,00,th. „.., chati.„40.,4.„0 ratt1131:3=5,44k* 44,, , ° k1447 ",#*'-'"',00i4oitelt tOultsAttitiaim0e "roPp.0 pfht. • rjareayte..„.0ttloyilts„tianatzoaitiii:„.s,v,..7,,.: • ,.ottliktii.:..,.:0-4.4.to:w•Ittitlo trattb,,M14. ao !uncle Iltenotaire4 ritteile004,10 Itio ata.1? lp , your,elithleen' to. kttnexatroile , ,t.t iiiaittatorititt, to.,,,,,,titoi0ittup4,-, , ., P Iv oCI.i..:14,4•$• 0 -.03 t? 0 .4.tm. ' ' •-' - ... "f"L'''''''-''''''•"'"‘•• ' thatitle - b I - ' li 'tett b 1 I ' nn. wettest, -by ' ' contacting r.-,tenv.-. itikonehetworwliton‘timt,twearops :•,,tinit .the. taro • travellers, along with 1/110k , 'that ,-'aittes'ati' IlIthetilth$ , - Ono rt heth.r the 100.400.,,, ..ittoalhois :0$0,004,000. . 4,44,0y. ,ditorki 4110, lust 041440, the Otto-- 10'.04t ,r4ut x.t.. 434,"",.111 '6,1YILdrgn',11' 0 ' ,, ayire, mak toratitene*:(0 rj-to,o) tea ' ' .11itotiir liptilliiitni$4:041% aael by so do. wittrin!? ,Itenomi , theen•wito 4.11;,. 140- .":4"iplei:4-iir-tzttlivm I iiright*totitilisiz4i,!Ami 1.0.H:!ta,v..,1.-'.1)--QY..ML'1,,,:-.....,1111,111.ri''''':,"7'''.2 tri, A ' AU 0)01t;b6101e*,0004atO P Yi. . 0r,.tho tiptvott to itplIkr It :At, ift0140.4. aWnPoh;-.0•Pii.fot .-dr 0 10 ars, I/4000 I- :„ • - y.0.1,,0'',00,0,0r. . • ., - 0080 call' rote,•llre•tin. %tries hi, ,,. ' "•,:4140,4064,l. pfli. ", ' :' : .., • ', 1 0**WhOltROIVE‘ :the -Oaese$ 'elnitit„ heatrsiftirri Aso - '' . - , — Olio) oratutp,011,,VIt14„ ' thp$ 0001ft. wing .tooelooid",toi. ,., , .,„ , 11244 00r,.0001,10 a 0. o bote:004,0k. wheto,' .00;71''.0 ..40;11;0t. :0•,t'i.o'''s -11". 0410-0'°:,!wwilitb*OlL18'14'1;0':.ttrde./011444.1141p:;:113,41*.th.I'dn:?•°,;4", it 00t0.00sok okotp . „. . „ , , . • .4,,, Ilk plaaolait "HQ to '. :The :IRA- ,littlet .:thiltIO becoMos- a • I' . • •• ' .,,. a - ', S'ii • it :0 : W0i111(0' . congui, the igt.„0*4 $01/4" 1.0.00g* tan cannot be -happy, .eylifla ,.,.ieri t t itt eirtitp.i.l.x. itoteobl,%1,1"tr.vtlAtob i '466,4.610.0 pekitionot. t4iitil./ti,:,:g6tirtfj goiteutrtei fi,. g iitt oh, tAtIvoo,i/dlit, kottlitottersitorfa, ,60.06.ifolix,, littirli °I.4.34t1d•tIltlI4 -fltv11.14 Ibt)' .1401:1°' WON *oche., • Thai) ' do -.opt. ot40$,...t0 1,04. 1 v,a .jlOflt.1,11: holm Aix noel .b$1141t liamtnitoni: 0004110003 000000". taltbeint,•poln. Viellitte,tolth Iblanjp.: fi.4.titt4. * tt stogit, f ulz lel trein. le quickly. .. A Mitreiel Worker. jots^ - . • - : i Ion . is '... , ' Ig ', Otttett ttit*Itit ' ,*hlelt hreVetitg $O!„: : . , ,, ,,,, , 10 VA* lilt ,OtitIthilik, telt h DbOuggIttle?ohtuittittli eitatintrirrontrotr.. , . t otkon.le.,$,04.103.1get nod ,,Db$rp,0 iiiiiiiptigii.-,,:, irdobootot,,,404 40 ostore 16 la atobett'llt“ Y. BitglIall ',COO' • :aatte;.*Plilhtiferivia.!tir ororause, two. to Ls), ortotibnit; •04-: orp,"00gtote$ Of. oat o to Oh to"ontof ... gir ..t,41°6104,1041411/41h,t, ii44414°.**4446191 441Vd11614-11011!lgt, 19'Stk*bit "LtIt*I ' 41:;.: 11:"eli:ttr61141,1e°1,1"404tntiJI .1014.41411*.:11, '.r,,;1A61httlittilltii,*,41144*. ' 'Whiit# : * $46-tilit"' — ,, ; ',$$$-,„,-..$ Lr4 , . rt 1 0 Ott* hit ow... Ah It, ,P,,, t4I40 Awe .t: thO.: orolvetrit Okla.', -0! ;'‘r lo st tatniollt,' h0r0e0 111'," F40.114*„. Aug thecli/Ott ond n. 10 J*dge. Uo(10rIdI, 11111. i0 0 0 0 . . , f0 It 0 ,*.liat' to4Pr,wflir.-00vo,,.ftrt 'tattoo. , O torla , ,ospoo, )..e 4iftPrptl". iota t001101001.0•010. 0Wepi3Otot op . , .., -.„, . . • ittirtyooptstf*O0nVlak6-Ultt,.100typt1.• rota .‘00 Ion ton ,04Porthe . In lets I Itet yaylot-tbfriintptly.,i- . TO litv0 hint , , ilbetal A, ..ra. ova -ttra,..1,0at .0801.4.****1. boo ovork. tr001,0t /IOW* 6443 ti'f.', *Mob, ' on' tan 00 bele., Ti nave •The aott twaOtic-hok,' ”: We, t.14 -"- ;tam 4.001 tottattty,,,iprIte:r00:v.-0004 O Opt* oit, 00e ,s1pookt.,:titasninyv Sett. Oot tootieueloilitionty,oh, .001,064 oto ,tweolte,&Mr. thililtalitiodoc..04: ,?..!, 11."1. *beet Abet acte4-,tain Aa eter•IY ,, all AkInAt 0' tNt10191$14 '' ' !1•1" '001. ', '4'44 *0104 • To,,,savo,' litet, frente ftlhetakea. I lit 2 : 1 *tree it,0144100,,,?-44,,,.*,„,„,,, bury VA.:: .DtiattipettPle Are thil,0111f:. *UO n1wkh,Alta.'. Of *We .10,11.7,t,r7' .-Ortile *40 *Vet eineketplitaketw.7 ., ,.,,,,, • , , , , • 144ptt : yea*, Alta Al ot .x"mji.,,ifitiTAtly,,, ' • ',Jan.:4044001: f''..,teriterii,ott*! lit 141 ' ThaVititieW:I'meeted With Litentiefe O. o. A' t° tHk*' ,4464 ‘04710 illk iMittaili 40, ..*Ight$,gtuto*1 NI I , A*1- b -1.'0'44441g 'N'"'ict,"*vrti°0144, °. lit104141:tirt,101041rittolPittf Attorixt,%00Ifuttig .444k Itat,ti. p*.,,tx*to, „Atkin,. 00411%031-..r.tr, t .xttlatortitt #ttt,ial***-.' :**4 tortaia, 71 it,tatt., ia, ,. . 10 go.A.,„.,,,' 0 rot, riot tot t• to ),Nat a os 4staret. ' te ""'*-1. Illn.o tit aeltramat ,piettio Of .hu1s. -,, thy It tae jentleteo,, INA It In: khodIntivx` ' „,preetea It IA bairtAleliti .0itattitylni, ,; . Y0‘111-1066VIjidillOvolfdatitita NOVVI11*****k them elk. , 14 v If ett Ih14tge Wi,"hOttilt*.X: -,..f..0,,,er,,,ii-‘=., " r• , hti iniis The 111144 si,64 ,doittleg Opritoit Ova ntat' Me. tel Unklater. harri Oki tee. ot Not •Wet. tely ditattofett by abate; of fit * lotyr Ittelethole% r Al tbir , brut patateil filt V ky rl , Ora whole finteleafaa tioltior ,,-.:,.,.. ortly . after •fo eau' oklOoki. ' 1)00t 1* 11,1 ' 00001d1,7$$ WO ,Ok* WY eaoterad to ' Whet* 'Okay*" hathe et the rate . . tet rho 'btilteling. A fir et,.Aetittlea ht law* tit tratie tett* **Of ;Writ be,ArlollowOrbie ,tells * that in Am** :Alt '' t wit tat ley alaiiplierp. `--, , , . awl, Atari, a :Oil 1. portiere Itf ,tb tit*rd. *a that tliA bet law* tit th ehirritOwee la A -Water* haiwill,Ilttiorta ,1 ant **az a Mt Piiblk la 4-1,Ii** ill*k*tt., Iiika Oki 11111el &Were ite4wAtool $ rikvam$44, onto x Pet A *WO." !not* IAA , 1110tie *AWN** Pla it Petah. *UAW ilk vote$61116$ eflaolowy wad proseptaatte. Use rie et •Oterk „lath, • t.CNNECTION i tot.,ottatt LbeetTotia oC Jr Ji Oollorlob will ljtVaet . si Oen* 41tettell04: ;000.0,000P,:**4 *041.* -so, it will ,;•„:4.41`.0e*ittc*,,,_tbOOle • tO" • pebrito, • Tho 'ftittntatort tettpr 11h1110 1191-11: 91000000,,004.,0 1.. 1)2„ „ 0)406 -!;i:,1.•000o0n44. „0400 *et hobietio9Ot‘Ihijetisittinit;' ite$06141,11,4t'211-0.1 piece 4 001004,44 211414'0,A,1. ooti 41400.004,04.0,04„ In the rentre • baaatati ,hatiekiattertea toritiO' Undo, at Ibe tett,: 9111:4; . on fltthlltitle %Wit troop.. 10 r$1. t$ */ itt 3 /401•10 00004i t1.0 hateently 01 ' a. neetattaab her, thou AAA aireataretleietit him 444 ii .o*II wlt.1.atertattal been AS*14111.4,,, h b 44r4:* 42410 a rnlg�4tkm Isil 41#11 Wul robot iteabltlort W411 tiveritt IAN0. ts 1 001 nett Iple, t * t 0410 04 *ft1iI*oo tab In bis bit *Indent at 1 tweet Ite ts St p*ent* take la that , , • owtaib Ultry 11.1 ret1Peneato An bt 421re* Walla he le atilt voltlt IrttWkt voettrd which kih Showatst us,” ger* la% , DORMOUSE OtLIOAOt • •' ,Ortitta,atint. ottettiallyia'sjoortee,010.0; *tit ..*** 'cod* totttottn004.,01*e* *W. . loot •..:10110i.: :*pre:^100000*,, datittlk* *Ittt" dtprora: ^opop, tea., 140* .1.1tae..0t; ta0,,coottri,•?Oria,*.$1014:10 .000**,-ibta, tato .ti04410sti..*, • . ,old ait1i relgn ef Tlberlu., bUt tbheta, ,'Illat40. '4' OA. , )00%. Waft lIttla...-***,04-, fib tattaftlhit to tbs cornpound, *St itm**14it lltaetittoianflit'Aontlatinot Weltei,rajoid04. In tha nattikaiilittobOtatelvorithlit..,It *tit fat *h011tVeritett,all ',atlas" Otatulk, : u*ea-tb*t Is,,bleat *004 iota. ot014. I1-tlphi*0-100-dri 't0 ittr 'W.:speak • Of!******m.-" '• leathiMenattab:wrOte A *haratis,, .totookt4tat,o4tooltix ot ottatetolot- 11* Ailtitft, foe 0.$ toe 0404-7 Attot* %to, we borraonas. ilk*); '11460401,1 4010000 ibe*W0t, Orin** aec7" t101. 4400*A tsc bar ilalleatilditi polo Maio was thattaater tOritithie *Utile*the . • Ariftettaeltaly-tblA ae Sprint SHIPMENTS-.2 wo have two large shipments, of Spring IroportalionsiWW Offetirtg *t -Rock 14rite., We p1ace4.0er Orders Yew early and an eti$Ily undersell any one who did not do the same, Jot, ante few of the lines, we ate ,otrtiCIIIAtly Strong In. pfee4 nce Oteo* 14, tom 1961,12lic A* Sc.. in all the lor cointibattontvaatte feat cOlota, WHITe P#TTONS..,4tr.. eci, 10c, , ajie, 134 , a Ont "Etsgli*Ii 111414te ,0,100 $1,04 WO 110401p4O0O$1# WA*. ' , . 114/100RV 6C41TTON. it utlit- atilt tett ro ' 14 24 /Bra Oda; tel'";,t7 'toe vs wide *It , DUO , 7$4 1114 ictlio lag et themal Vol,$10 Ito 4 0 S, 104ut 4,,lisq6oeeVe* 11 t,f2.,Oisitiors ono, ATS.0-401aCeit stew Wray aftemlrao, 1123,4o a /anti rad AveLty one of them feat i*totti4 both liebt ace Alm% Taw*. Bastian *ad other 104.010 ' , ,patoutigs, - Over .3.o piece* Delalcoo. Vottly mum, roma* with. spot tette rota ;mix pattern 4110* 1/4P" tr04/ tiressitre atta., ahannitely: ft, falt, print •faltlia, from lea up. 'They are *be very. AT**. ° tat,t100st, for iiqa#1 mot tribita, , "poke ell Int.%*tozds.twa plata Clothe, frets, $00 00* eouli aud see 00101)41 40 gmit$ '` 4 or $ ehldtl 01 0or Pargotc, pre0o, ti tit 1/lal t q 0 al la u ooie T far,got that thee ate the haat t:`, REiVf01, E,ER we 11'4 • • - , oto tiow atoie, oce $ P 001,104 ext fteeo„ days ..w e to hold , n4 uii Shots. This sale svi" ,04610,L4'§ii1:7 et! pit§itt :0114-1 , . „ e-0!f!Ps tr4.thtit:iliel, Bargains quOtetl. ;belpier [dvst--1'450-7444i v"0 -134.$M -e-, 0 $ • oavluee 11, 11 F.hacllco.. 1,, regolar p1400. 111141. '5445:1)11:i',1:4:4mt164::::::ji 4:?'' 46:: I S.'021 '."CIll'cntl:1):42;41.2‘'104181:4:::::"tt." , xto* e6.1t 'D°14r (1,04ttAAC • 10 aus Men's Heavy 47041,113OPP$1•Pril • Men' rao,,BA•iitt price $L50 at1,4 tat, ..-404*****, 44,4tAls4003/09.1, Shoe*, stilb T-",.7604 one' arta .1h* g Mani below rha regulal- ice 27 /)airg ine,Pcitipla ;I:61 IWg. 440 11,1nOlinVd; 4II,O)Vt3 igitulgr pito $31,00 ' 44d .t.40, Ott 'tiik 44'4 • • ',$730 p,v!:iit:rt.rs":::,1:,it:ionit.o.,,,g;44:::::,,13,1,,p..::::ii,f,6:4;irid:b."...$6.;rt.ioihe:i*,:on!,:6.:isii:;so.17..,,,*1,::::.:::_s.•.a_s,I4:2:..7:,.:,,,44:144:::107,41.:0:00.. .' ',.-•'' , • ".• e, ' ' " : ''.! A. . " , •,..,,,, ''' tOettlitr portelb,.25.47,,,504*4 V.00i, nit 'am* •, ,, ,,'' 1 : •'•• , ..,'•." . : ' - - --',• ',' '. . os-paIrs, woriaffir ;Strap......StiPpors; tall alael0•4124 goo.ttii4151,tyloale,.,I4ogrfiloz,..r,t0,..,,,t,";,2s,.„.$,::$.6...,,,t4:0$0i.75,110,..-., $‘4...0t4;NY,: 44_ quav's 19,4.0. .:,..00,-,tga*oc04:$1431......,initd,' .tnt. ztKi.!; p proia . 0 53.00, 041 $$$$4,80 ,: ji. ' co,,- •,_ _ °, ,- •%. ' ', , 5op `.. a pla pi: ;! '$ (I. 04 P,,, 115114:-xidetii ,jit,iiitalittrrpoik(464ir'49204:$0i,,:;;-,i;g4140,44.'M,' tot' 4; ,y.liitt:47;e:41 7: .1.0-7 , a,,,,-;q.,,,ci(:,::„..4010;12..,,*,e,i...0.,,,,,,,,,z:..?t.o. .a.iii;. ,:otefe,... ^ ragtelaritria, $2.50,:01l lial ;$4,/: ...4'• ,....1•.SI:SO u e OY ewooftom0vetiPa k for 6,6 trademar People At Berlin Ontario \ X• tp• • • •••*444::•1.04.•;: • ••,,I•at• 4•11 •;••••••,11, 1.11.L.••••••••,61. • ****** 444)1 ,..gruP.1.1,•••4 oli•11•441, 1 0 • .sio,p490•0 ti• Taw Matadi" *Otertlta Osumi a mil so et ',Wm* *I girt of) at swamawax le at mg work 414 ea Mae arta*. a. A6 helaselft as th., Mee* wok at miesoweema. was *eV catIgt At* what ket ristria. Atm MI hew h bet Mu =ire ateld Ili km& Etaa• tit ato tottYtAtoo. y, .i4ti-ot ant*, IRED abb limn • Islaap., thopore-, whsni40.',YttOt itabx tgaNia.thltoto -.,0rott* 40 *Ma dist gloritie ar.itt*,'hurdob, I It S IlEART NE gibitiZta' ri itai - 'boy glateibuntl.' tbri tterarti Niko rich bln 'la lp * 0003 up net 4Mfl TRUNKM-Na - • :4, 0 You Wigh, • • .- • "Sunny sourtlie „ •• • Ave' yotii 'hoidens tee ;earajler.rjer mkt *eather anst o tiorktitett 01t00,d. the ittntw:1t1,ttw , , "Wend of 'F•110*'*,*tiolitiwestorti wiato toirs. /101640d: 0if,044,' &db.), 0,0 11,y00,-th0btontoin.00r,„ Ing's‘trIeipt th:itt yitiP.trolops,,Atk I " ' VOr;fI11lifltOr'11t1UO I20 3.1141142, 204,1419 *2141 t914 IOIVICC, *Ail , LA*140,NOty AieOtt• Ohl* finioc41';',*.1•4 9,00 p.m. atorjowar'4 „ ...4‘6.**1.60„ .04,1*:."1541. reSs, tizi"btd' ' Our axtatIgeineiits or the e'tittaug sle*ibld dijoit" coin plgtelti eir,etr $eticitt. Ottr"t0elt. Nio be!,14ttelalarger thau , , ^ ' ' • jusi pas8eti. itit0 W:eek; a ;very large range : rOult V the' tie ,TrAttik.; • ' A Plfit LIN cAsg: PIPES iorrit AriffiiO4 At tli,e 135Tgi, UNSWIOK OIOAR` 'STORE o 640111 'Sit Owls atkilt 1011.01t0II PS whickly6 purciiasd befori Oti Iniril,kets''ct4v#15eti. PRINTS , -- GINGHAM LIN*, 0f die*: 0.14: 4b4R4104tkg StieCIA,01II.e'20t ' W$S:'trarl • • zG$ryd J 121[ •PH' IV Are hero in AIttleit alt #toPlai*Oiades, This is 411 4$trAl fine cloth and stitiout prove a ;'1a,fg:Aoiter#-'at 12 c , Oxford Skirtings in 2rt4rty 4610.0*oci guaranteed ab- •01titeItiaSt'i:At.j6ier vd,: ;so 4rAct tse„...„ ' ' SpeOat outatiorg. irt k-WkjitenOttotwAi,.$4: rtit. 12t010-0 UGC Pet' to;*Wt,V* '1644 tittgli;L,tstaiasooksi'., Verotail.,:tlatyrtg;, Organdies, Alt atIttge$ that ,W4itild."130 ii0r4 *jag. „. , LACOS, Alltiverg ratid, ettlbtOidetiOstbur mtigo of, Lues Anoora, ,atrut..,sofokletift .witt tklattief4Xtbtit teh,be. desired 06 tO- gards variety; quality antl price. W hgve a $igtf,t0a that would be POrd #i,-"PiAtrOth ift • " " 21 0 STORE bite 6 oQmI costs row heet aleartaa athertlesill A few "ow sylai, es* 010411* stleillbstionbm 4$ 2, 4• • .) Oh. te *