HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1907-02-08, Page 5rH-fek R R I 9-0- ' S-111111
Tarti. Short Bread
Pa.d”r (*ream Pan
K boo.. (roam Rolla
Mara 'Milo,. Lady Flagons
M11411. °on, Brandy Snaps
aro ad gond 111 I no 1 i.i.it 'node In any
city In ( maul.%
Har -in a loads the. trade in Wedding
eakeil and Feeney Designing. Olvo him
an ardor and roar ...it lornotion will be
I aonnrod.
Kingston Street - - Gotiericlj
si •
tock Taking Sal
have tweed up deriagotor lair Mock- lag itt aterly
There have to be gloved b eside *telt,
404 here ltd•i Out arid :clerked, the leOlowieg :
lots fccittetlY '00' to $1,.$0• *e7.$
t4ow 25 to
Minty mieful jetigths. hieel arid eelooll. letitebli tor
witerleittg- tolattiake.
Unon INtrnstekik,
' Ogintildlot cl..Ass TAOS; ttauk by the -.YIltd;,,elep4;itithe iud
•8llhi at 110.410.irtvilsi, Mit
Homirqp, on litlot of ItOrsi40014401#0* ,
Wuun of;411.***-4- ,P0Otttfliff'of 00i4000**k •49014*
• oneellota*MS,'"'. - • '
it it 114140 f110,01.100: CO* - titpt
. .
ideek Vlakei yeti/ Chelee'4:43r. •apykri1 tliOnsii4
, dol-
1..Werth we eut.
144 as wa wiu csrry.°14k9,*0"14tY.,S,Gt4
fispactlf)s, 'Sierran: ‘.
DJY VARR A VS,' 1007
Speclal Meeting Leat Friday Even.
•-11)%441thitteill. Of W. and L.
commissionoste_ meeting._
held laid' Vtidoierening,
bete present Vieepe Iteever-MeLean.
'The first Mediate* tekeit upwas the
final 'eendleg of ,the 'hylarts- for . the
:Hensineteit Vilvalture and Godericti
Carriage el:impart** bah.' behig teed,
"Ana fortuoi,"•juissOd an required by
• statute, -ear 'Wag , alectethe bylawg for:
gratithsg power to the Jackson Cloth-
ing Company.' ' • "
In these, readiege f..4o‘ une-4.401,dthesepe-
wanted , to know,. 'Wier • the Banks, of,
Montreal was alteafil :mentioned as
• the place Of payment., and was inforna-
• ed that it was „the -depoeitory of the
tome's, triode. He was of the opitiloil
that there were, °thee, .good banks
which ought to have* share or the
town's businelis ' • •
Another question raised was as ta
the plemetestaluetion or the buildings
And plants in the- proposed new in-
:dastriele, andSthe o,putilinavas expres-
sed therstiresphenir ShOujdlirstsbe mete
, mitted to the Coenoll' by the respec-
tive compindes, no that the Council
might he able to determffie the a,
' Mount to he.eXpendiid 'and See that the
.• town Wais properly seeured.' Comte
Goldthorpe and MunnIngemoved that
,the Conspenieie he °sheds, to submit
plans of their propeeed buildings to a
committee of theeCotmell before COM
mencing:the work, no that' the Council
migiit be able, toejudge as, to the ex-
penditure. The Wee/tarried, bOtthe
pnintrnont of an inspector Who would
report from,tiene to time was left over
till a future meeting.
In connection with' the Jamieson Co.
bylaw the -Mayor ,explained, that the
eninpan.y hal asked, what the Council
of lett year were anxious to grant,
that the aueotmt voted bo. placed in
their hands and they wouldmake the
arrangements for power thetriselees,
• thus relieving tho town of any tespon-
sibility or possibletrouble in getting
the power satisfactorily. The town
solicitor hadbeen asked as to the
tow's power to do thie and the fol-
lowing was the reply:
• MAR eur.—I have examined the Jackson
bylaw emcee:Mr, / Hank it is ;net 0, bylaw
. Or. mouses Great Tonic
• and OlanaSa Destroyer
• tetititihUlttalle etticaltel .
..tt Used, in Ititi.osamils
of Itionies in Oen:odds
: TtfOSE VitIO'dtitiftiknr4what Ptyalin°
, • is atidt it dinis:Mar,acking shout It,
' THOSE 4)thi
,.lmoW stjuit Paychine
Is and*hi iIt doi* are ntiog it. They
Opel it:aik their beet khysielan and
, Inend,,
TIXDOE WHO nee it are being quickly
till„ d•-petithuititaiy edied.of all loins of
- • eetcliti . cheats Meg end stomach
• -- 't•-- .4totiblek,,,•„..1Cdtr.e.sicientitic PrePare•
' thee dettroyliilenll thee:ate germs it the
' hietd and system It is A wonderful
•• tottlefuldeeetiembnildingreexedy, and
it Ectiithiltt,euttios,
•COI10115i littnitkIali Conen.
Lk '0111111* ' '''Cliiillf OM POO*
tolig,: - ° plillonit litatliing,
Panifitnainibili, OlAtita Weikess.
• ilbstitidat, • .ifinitilibi,/"Stilibia, •
Calsitrki ' 11,14104 Anillottb4
itiriktkVotot. . ltikirogitioNN
. Nitiphistrost - Kriht,Siitt, ,s
thfriro4iititii • torritipoiptiono,
• itatiosof . :Corinth 'oirtko
_. ..
mum:4W • $4-"c14,
Alt tlieee ,diseasee tee Melees in them.
'- eelvot, afie if not peeniede erited in the
' early ttagealitetheeertaitiforettuilletetif
Contattimilett in ifa Meet terrible tatMe.
Psythitte cerement ked carire.tkeitioni
hoe, but it le uitith 'otter Intl fitiOr to
prevent ite derlOpitient by using Diy.
chins. Here is eeemple 01 thetleatide Of
all over CanteueA.:,
Dr. T. A.M tithed: '•
Om renlerkstbIS entS Aiv' Stir ?Oehler"
onauctetrese lea ter A ante' to Adelleyon
awl ortorieleatt lair ." here ea*tkaarterley
• geTWAIggiggeltIVIWOININ:
went, let et woo** ..emett W were. we
be th.
owed e ,.neetireit eat* to isaali
atelier; iliet.iihateleibeernieteraitoyeelente
OVIsrr.eli" lirIgtrjili
i ,,,tatteee te mitering bummer' to
gentler the tiesetit or ()teetotal.**
ale illittese te
-bee* ' ,le.A.
' . notmetit wqoon, is fee
' eta Ortifeet, If , yeer
1 *Ore • ' ir
Sitt. Sdettil
•Men. in'strietnetst antlioriteria payment of
ef_glegtfitec noWer, althea IS nal metioally Met
to,44Y011Hrea, illinag the ttUll ag
et rid,et • halittbillt/ te fa 41 /x Teri. rah
barna th Itto.Day the dm Mont. aria
titivot ha lateem Boo* kik tli OldrtOrs
votpd on; and Opaline he said 'tlutt e Ivittiv
wean) cahaorraziooledAientotli4top',Ifyormov..tailtiolin.olyfatahao
grant testesd of speeding", Sin the pure -base of
power, IP Split not affeet,pit validity of the hY-
law,or Masai° of ttlit4Ohen igen; it would more-
izegatvometoutttroatralruttph krv,innotaPtiterattottnisatitutOropuirtli
the monettl‘andit Ilene likelY,ttint Inlysuen
step Wonid Over betaken, It_aught tat argned
that by giving the money• to per Jackson Bros.
tinan their agreement to tarnish their awn
0-town-itMia1ig. -dOing.,..whattheJtv,
w ot, MA 'think the anewer to Minh;
titlari-0420W11- PadeUr -wIth—control-evdt, the-
awneYt land evstr'the 'operating. Whictit would
seem to beta mature of ,the bylaw,
• -
The matter vies referred to the ?-
W. committee with power to act.
Coen. Beckett was ot opinion that -
the town ought to be in a position to
supply power in the day tine, is were
other town aleng, electric plants.
but the mayoe emoted_ Engineer Kelly's
opinion; that this emeid not be done
exeeipt at a considerable loss, and Mr.
Kelly, being called in, repeeted this as
his ophilon.several • times expressed.
The elieenesion, as before, left 'the
,queation asit wee.'
Mr. j. A. McIntosh, on behalf of the
Herbor Lumber (Jo., tusked that the
town take some action for the rebuild-
ing of is roadway to their property, to
eeplitce the toilet destroyed by the rail.
way conlpanies, hcith of wholes had ex-
pressed their willingness to co-operate
in replacing the road, if another way
could be secured. The P. W. nom-
mitime will consider and report on the
matter. r - " -
The inaristepeke of the inspection
Made by the agent of the Fire Under-
writtirs' Association, and mentioned
the deficiencies found OA reported in
Tirs STAn 'eels week), No doubt the
report Would be received in due time,
but the Council would certainly need
to take action. Come Goldthorpe,
whelp its chairman of theFirecommittee
said he had no report to make, but he
:wanted to know who was respon-
sible for the bad state ef the hydrants,
for inetance ooe on West street had
been out of order ell last summer and
could not be end. Certainly, he Was
itot responsible for thie. In the dis-
euselon everyone admitted that it was
a meat serious condition of affai re, but
no one had any action to propose, so
the Fire committee will consider it.
Mayor Elliott wanted the (Jounce' to
inake some arrangement with the Bell
Telephone Co. by which if that, Com-
pany WAS given an exclusive franchise
In the town they would supply tele.
phoees free for the town's 'Service, in-
cluding one at iingineees residence,
one at the standpip and another in
the toren hall officete Coun. Beckett
thought that was too,cheap a pricesfor
an exclusive franchise, end the discus-
sion ended with the appointment of
the Mayor end Comte, Beckett and
Macklin (15 15 Committee to consider the
matter. „.
• A letter from F. 0. Mulvey stated
that he held a tax saki deed for lot
1219, owned by Wm. Conriell, but sold
for taxes, awl that lie was now threat-
ened with a law suit in the matter,
and he asked that the town take back
the lot and recoup him for any ex-
pense lie bed been put to. Thie pro -
petty lute already emoted discussion
in the Council, and the mayor and
eolicitor were empowered to get the
trouble ernbothed out.
Tho clerk was irtatedeted to ask for
tender% for coal for the town hall fur -
0500) end the P. %V. cottitnittee were
enipotvered to get linoleum for the
offices of the clerk and nesessor and a
matting for the stairway to the
maybe's; ofdee:
Camel' then adjourned.
'Water and Light OomMle$1011.
The Commission toot on Jan, 81s5s
Mr. Muroey in the chair and Mr,.
Doty and Mayor Elliott present,
Tenders for the yeati were awarded
as toilette t Canadian Oil CO., for Cy-
linder and engine Oil, at $52,80 and
$280 nett, subject to cannellation for
any falling oil lien) quality, ansi for
white *torte, eAteit for metres, to the
Vecktied Elitetric Co., tirel for etithon
to the national Outten Co., At $1620
and $14 per 104 •
Whit eeferenge to -the euPPIY 'of
water to the G. it itz, Co. ie was or-
dered that Milos their tato are paid
by littarchlit, *one Mother coreet oleo,
them WARM, tel &Wean% afid that the
fete for 100011 nittnely $500, less IMO
allowance by the 00itecil of that yeit,,
meet be pnid nt once..
The pollector was fitinteUettid to Wed
Mit netleee thet the time Inc therount
an teeter rate Is eitend4 to Mara
and tile ttetieutte to supply the
tette oitilod foe at 'Rat Meeting, ae tiotot
The atiolieetiOn of the Roger, BItga
Co. Nt bob r for their *Mee Wee great
td, the engineer to attend the earoe;
tO rootlet on theepplleittion of IL Perk
toe -light; and the application of Mt
&lido for fight Novices on Riot Witt
was ffeeritecl,
ttwas ordered that the lute fiti Ohl
he pti.1 hy the ireileeteee and chairman
also dottrin inettt inSpOction Soo,
Plemant SA orup,.. bottling tquo.14.15
ter5 yeotro the rieele le
Othet,t2Irevcie Warn Etteettitteter.
The greatest Worm deetrdyer ot the
iDeswiell .4* ewe wealki
/WA Wee* -eel,*
Leetresil the
'pont it he a 'way
. 00041407 atteleled
send et Isla rowdei the late NM
Ur, lase Wisk..4tiest Male Werttleg
twee this, street to *irate. to ?leg
lete' beaker 0.44 b.wite.—Mtili. lesitOb
spate fietarday id Gook:ado* *Val
leettlilteAeisatea Oratiatabiled (bit 70414
PeOPIO (P.1 "'rider akVaitillg, awl ante,
p�rt t ere."
*oft daughter etteruted the.
'tirns1 ot their eousith 'tite,lete
Nereliersts wee -P.04410 Wife elsteffelon
issultering With_ pleloiey. Hee nany
trittedi 'hope to. *wet. see her arotuid
egaitt.--Ari. and "Mo. Orsikeni Anent e.
taw dito,with their Mrei3.
Tnektrianitbi, •
QtRRAL ZiT00*.e.8, T. Weltered*
4-44194ble1tettte unedeY
JObn. Onto ,4iiiCdiepoeed othli line
440 a 14911.10,- 90*.lckb-4114;', it
'ec gond lifferei , • - • • ,
1010110W ,
, •
010044t, evbef *OVe
teendtig' to •do Iiavi #' asi-
Oftne ASO: idGfAitig
A. cargEnt, he*, 'blank:,
lit',oftering libi houiit atid: Int
Ss• zabatteto1-owlvd11-as te shop. for
pole ;117,AtietiPA*,*^RWIT OOPOol 4ofisOP
wijj,,ba.bn4at< Winthrom."Iiendhur7
,and 'Welton.' die -coming. •SOminer.
Pgr4Vin'' APO ,balldipg.4 aPd'pt
vp,t aaitat,.PatotO,--St•
vile Poo • Oratigemolt .to,go down
there; 40 'pelaPpate'. Nti,ltb 'them the
cO*111.K.12013;,! JP1%.441110 tom .xtiest-
heiCat'Oeiliet WAR A coniplite
!nineteen the: re Osebrocrits,wore otthe
cholegot, hintla,:the speeches given by
the roe.- gentleiten Were amusing as
well as „Interesting and inStructtee,
and the surigliag' was delightful. The
clanir at Bethel did well, .and a ladiese-
qUitttette -trout Brussels. 'and Mee
'Mamie McEwen sang nicely. •
sI1RE 01,30.?•'
Sciatica is ;roily inflammation of
the eointie nerve, the largest nerve,
In_the body,
• This paseive Inflammation is the
peodeot of a rug -down condition, and
itt eveey case you may he sure the
netves ore Worn dewn fine.
Theyain is tite )ir of the nerves for
more redder blood.
ebbing on( greasy liniment can't
help very Much--yent Intuit treat the
blood andrehtilid the nervouesystem.
Thje can be promptly done with
No buikler of riervo foree is more
pawerfuL — -
No tonic Elia quickly fortifies the
muscularsystem imparts such
etrehgtit, finch °fide:ranee and vigor.
Any traces of uric acid and rheuma-
tic poison are quickly driven out by
FereoZone. The lowered condition of
She system is changed into a reserve
or ifietpr that defies further attacks of
eclat Ma.
Marvelous in its reconstructive and
rebuilding power,
quick to give relief,
abseluteiy sure to cure --Where can
you find a better treatment than Fer-
roione? Sold by all druggists in 50e.
boxes; tey Ferrozone.
O'tati effete ain the *41,10,
John W. Orr, of Wingham, has sold
the hotel busieese of the King Edward
to Mathew W. Algie, of London, and
formerly of Goderich. Mr. Algie was
forraerly a G. T. R. 'conductor, and is
well known in the county town of
"Skidoo" lor Your Headache.
,kseertein ite eause i4w1tbeCure isn't
bard tes find. Look to the stomach and
bowels, Aren't you constipated, isn't
youe liver sluggish, is'nt the stomach
failing in its missrion What yeti
need is the cleansing tonic influence of
Dr. Hamilton's Pills', Their effect is
Lasting because they aid all the ailing
organs, flush out all unhealthy matter,
and tone up the stomach. With Dr.
Hamilton's Pills your stomach gets a
chance to recuperate, and does so
qaickly. For real buoyant health use
De. Hamilton's Pills regularly. 25e.
per box at all dealers,
Smallpox has appeared in Grey
township. S. Holmes, of Trowbridge,
came home from Manitoba not feeling
very well, and on consulting the doc-
tor it was found that he had small-
pox; he was at once quarantined, and
e,very, precaution is being taken to
prevent its sprawling.
There have been Imitations of Dr.
Thomas' Eclectric Oil which may have
been injurious to its good name, but
if an, the injury has only been tem-
porary. Goodness must always come
to the front and throw into the shad-
e* that which is worthless. So it has
been with Eclectric Ole no imitation
can maintain itself against the genu-
ine article.
It Imparts Strength.
Just think of the enormous strength-
ening power Ferrozone possesses —
coneider what it did for H. V. Potter,
well knOwn in Kingston, "I was lath-
jeset to spell° of &mines°. For eight
months I hadPntense pain In my right
eide between the shoulders. I was al-
most Incurable with weakness and lack
of vigor. Often I scarcely are any
breakfast and felt miserable all day.
Nervous, easily excited, troubled with
heat weakness, I was in bad shape.
Forte:mons restored and noeriehed 010
back to health in short order.". What-
ever vier weakness may be Ferrozone
Will cure. Price Mc. per box at all
Tottenham Sentinel 1 We want to
say a good word, for the man who
meets hie small oblIgatiorie promptly.
They are 'not' ne plentiful as they
shmild be and the man needs encour-
aging, Meet men will pay, hitt firer
will pay prOMA.
ptly. Itnost Any ens
Will testify that counting the me,
P,O,stage, Infoking and the like, it eosts
alt SotrItivitecounte are sterrth US collect
them, tthd still the' man owing it to
thetn Is perfectly tesponsible In a
ancial way. It very often luippens
that the frworstisintier in thieparticular
Is the man best eible to pay, but who
dosta net pay peeroptly foe his Weal
at a, itiateawat ere Ifiereraisei air Ites
Serastial, jefeerstriarta
The Ufedse they are the hetet% kir
WON tett** renstroff tree the Wield
Is Est Oesfor liJekeed11 t)tior
lifet11 WOW. A, leo/ iteler Sedittlee
00*, WIWI tete id* le eightly Oaks
IOW* Itilatiall at th. 000ik It It.
It* are WO, 'they fow
40 a rat* Viet sew t* he 10104 to tees
tittetiete. Thee ere leOt here& insd nee
Mis the Wee** le Ininitookba• 04' they
ere ildt, they ars net 44041404014
Vflett .philtittoPisette/ 'Whet latteeef
II* etristlite,”thet the attitOde of aft
egtleerVerted chBd Ihrettlik bit the Chrlio,
Vett Wen '
• ffturgianit *wit ot ehlidrelt is
p.mos 1iis la tint Onselti; tisk
,0!4rounkt, .nvor sta,,00ssy to Olettee.
agetstelter'40 Meet li*OP941004011",,t041. not
'Yen.' 0411(4' • • '
TheYd ut fikuo-tr better." trhat Ji
000 Q thetr IJJlJCbttU1S5t trillts,
dren WIII.truIlt.TIM and that hi Otte ot
tiko most sirettrAtat
Zilltat-0094411,Y, or -04040 70U hate
tritet tu reashiethgc. whet.. VW p01tt:,
'Afttbinga that tbsy^rga and. prefer to
do, 4o net pay, to* vole. 0$01ePt
4,ONg Or thee*. :
Hivittu, 'etiOrk who are Apall"fliiitto;-,
irato,tho" rabid, Or ti cjiflij aro pretty
Netttgn-, • Zip .he*t. '403 A144if •10
Older who le wiSn'enengliote resnec..k
tlia OMIT* mind aild ',ghee it a' :chance
te,<,d,ovelOp in a Vinpathetle, ottane•
pitero: by ; Its owu natUrat tweeeSses,r-
B. S. Martta 1» EallirovEt mggaztio,
The skuir worri tbs. Wolf Ditto*
,ealtalto; it. Teseple,
At Freiburg, )3eden; lu trout or an
old cempel rieh la Mediaeval, painting
depicting the reereirde or vlrtAift nu
the Wages Of ette ataude 4 great Oreee:
at its. toot A Wren with a nail driven
into tbe temple.
A Wigmaker of Freiburg, accordlog
to tradition, died suddenlyin the IWO
old' days before ceronerli. 'ISad Jurtoe .1
'were too luquIsitive and was burial
near Wheresthe cross stands. Scarcely
had the earth upon bls grave been wet
by the veins befoo hie wife took a 'See -
end husband.
Neighbors talked. but Mat waa
One night the priest of the parish
revoke to find Standing at the red t'of
his. bed the ghost of the dead oboe.
maker. The ghastly figure raised a
gory lack from Its forehead and point-
ed to a nall driven in tho temple.
Thebody was exhumed, and there
Was the evidence of the crime Alit'
.the specter' had indicated. The 'wife
confessed tbe murder and was exeent•
-ed--But•the-seull was-placcelat the a
foot ot tho cress as a warning. -
"The effect wits most wholesome,"
relates the truthful, chronicler, "for
fence then not a wife of Frelbdrg hael
murdered ber husband."
A Contror7 Flag.
U ever there was anything in tin
world that, went by contrariess 11
the Chinese flag. It will be 'recalled
that it is one cif the gayest of patios:in/
standards, The body of the banner Is
of a pale Yellow. In the upper left
hand corner Is a small red sun, and
looking at It lase fierce Chinese dragon
About 1,000 years ago, no the story
runs, the Ceinese made war upon the
Japanese. They prepared for a great
invasion. As a propheey 'of victory
they adopted a standard which Is thai
of the present time. They took Mt
sun of Japan and made it very small
This they put in front of the dragon's
Mouth to express the idea' that ths
Chigese dragon weind devour the Jap.
nnese. It bappened, bowever, that thr
Chinese fleet, conveying an army oi
100,000 men, was wrecked on its way
to Japan by it great etorm, tied all but
three of the 100,000 perished. The re
suit of recent events has not been any
more convincing than .the first affah
that the Chinese flag has been cote
rectly conceived.
SLEEPLESSNEB9.—When the *roes
are Weistrung artd the whole Wit
given up to Wretchedness:, when the
Wind le filieti With gloom and ditneet
feeebodings, ithe remit of &binge.
Meet of the digettive organti, sleep-
lessness moles to add to the dlitteesei
If only the subleet could eleePottiere
1VMM bti oblivion, tot a *bile and
ompOntry relief. Parteeleetr Vege-
*tido rills not, 'only indrit6 ifttp,
but *III set, *0 bensibilaily that the
vitibPot will Wake refreshed end re-
stored to hermitieite.
liarves'MeatIee stet wirIviAirot AO-
chlent at the •Clitited Otelett factilty
Thursday Ihoetlieg Itot Weeko-
Wite tvotklost at, the. shallot When, his
tett 'hand *ea ten lit, the :loiters be
. badly etit and tine °ken. lite hod to
liays the setond /loot talcor.c off the
third one Win; broken;
lietorir e.
$1 re
Ilninor In the For East.
Abdur Rahman, the late ameer 01Af-
ghanistan, had a grim (sense of humor
which was sometimes exercised with-
out' terrupleS—Dit oue occasion a dur-
bar he was holding was Interrupted by
a man Who, in a state of the greatest
excitement, rushed in declaring that
the RtIssians were advauelng to invade
Afghanistan. Turning aside for a mo-
ment from the business in progress,
the late ameer in the most unconcerned
tones ordered his shabgasst to conduct
the man to the summit of a certain
watch tower. "Look you out well for
the Russians," commanded Abdur Rah-
man, "for you do not eat until you see
them arrive."—Grand Magazine.
Cooks Bala Their Taste.
"I never season things up to my -Men
taste," said a man who has cooked In
a restaurant for many years. "Very
few cOoks do. They have palates that
crave high seasoning. Tbe longer they
cook the more salt and pepper and
spices they require. If I should send
up my dishes as I like them, they
would be so hot and peppery that half
the patrons In the restaurant would be
unable to eat them."—New York Press.
The Accident.
Hitonner — You are charged with
breaking a chair over your wife's bend.
Prisoner—It waa an accident, your
honor. Illeonner—Whatl Didn't you
Intend to hit her? Prhioner—Yee, but
I didn't intend to break the chair.
The Lase. gorse.
An Irishman once tapped a poky
horse with a whip mad said, "Pick up
your feet, end they'll fall theIrseives."
—Atchleon Globe.
Tile readiest and surest way to get
rid of censure le to correct ourselves.—
Settforth Expositor: Mayor Elliott,
of Goderich, entertained the members
of the County Council, the county
Officials and the members: of the (lode -
rich Town 04311130it atft comPlielesterY
eupper at the. Hotel Bedford, OD Fre
day evening. Tho Mayor maker a
geniet and adMirable host, and all
present event a most enjoyable and
Weld Oohing.
'OUCCONN AttEgia tho "Ending of or Now
Medieinal Compound, by Combining tho lantoal
otAPP1% ftnektisti And PrAtei.
bisips te /POP on. itarillbfe Ike frult $100ifi
Vitets ,eating fruit oalst haipesi 50OOP
One Wills Oita eierePelAnd aattlallY,',QUred
4Iseastt .
- tasks OA tore valuable stg,it Wok
.0011elikn 0,001 Ahli. datiat tentla Ind
ontistit* ansi then, by tOrttPtnIktbult
the *Atli* totopound to apeadort Aids :
it Into tittlete. • „ •
004 tn ailed, Is the tnathed Or Mk*
Jot :orreitiaidirettH*-Alisati wondictul
tablets .,rm, thif Vest MIPS for
Trail:We* .Itidtisy ani Bladder Phlefinit
end Sktn 0.Ittatleint. %Olt IMOs from
tirult•: 44rAtIt*e-ttlesi " may he teltett
hit *onto* Roil oinInten **bout hoof
lit.trbfet. •
*640 ,titke 5 aubstinito, It .yont
driteeist riots not handle them, 'tend
Me tot a box to reeet.e.tIveo
Vralt. 1n Itislt. wftl not Vara Alssint..
Thtit, rAttlehtti ntinkbAStrit that lout
Or,tttitt whtlt boara ,tarativii ottsot
is la alit% taritittestiast Queiattlie*
that -it bevaiibli,to oversothe,ii dbosass
*4. poudiitua ot ths ,iiipatartcAtviti
isivisadtidatisa .
ittot *ste, is *beitt actenewiiteppsd' in;
44..9ttiiwk pliinaehin/414 Whitt tilkatit
0.0014 not teiled.,thatettelnit
*Vita ,`"triltra etreliket 4104leinalle- then
otherite,esil ther appli*'.oritneeei•
enl.--Millite• '0001044 '411- 019 410.0*
01•000tetlet 04 Other trait*, There' are
twu,•Pttit4Ace to trait JuIdee450itet
4kiWoweith. (Atter airtight* Os lit**
o thit tnef theta Mentioned, this, pliy,
sisiaa surrestitO in r41.141111. at*litc"
ot tJ• settitc•atinviato 1,7 onivot.tA0
bitter. 'ell* roadie:110 an 'settle*
astir iietaidaiiitep bon* toraiel. • This
new compound *SS many ttrOs* more
• .14,1011 Notes.
lu ths Pivisiopti\Oqiirt at Toronto:
of Mulack,. dated Nov, 1900,
appc,at'..OV dorm uuts
The Viiiintiffe are San ineteihante of
Stet:tetra Towtiehio, end defeedents
are coneractote, With head office rit
Hamilton. The pia -loth* alleged that
while engaged in the conetruetioe of a
oction of the Guelph and Oodeeich
HailWay in May, 1900, tho defendants
.wrongfully toolt poseesion of a certain
steam shrivel, the property of the plain -
Mae. The defendant% alleged that by
agouti:met the etiovel wee leased to
theta, and by them put In repair. Af-
terwards the shovel was seized by a
rePlevin order, The plaintiffs claimed
$ma.aarnages. The action was tried at
Weiland, and judgment given, decks-
ing defendahte entitled to a lien Inc
f201.91,, leiss it reasonable suns for the
use of ehovel, fixed at $180, and
that upon 'payment of the difference
between the sums, namely. $24, the
plaintiffs should be entiteed to retain
possession of the shovel. Appeal dis-
missed with costa.
• Mailand Empire, Legal Column.
W. A., Clinton. — Qu.— A rents a
teem to B for a term of five years. At
the end of two years II wants to be re-
lievece-contrerysto-the-wish-ofeAe Cats
beennipelled to pay the rentwhetiter
he crops the farm or not ? What steps
must B take to be relteved ?
Ans,—B cannot cancel the lease with-
out A's consent. Acan hold hire liable
for the rent to the end of the term.
W. M., Clinton.—Qu.--A company
was incorporated about tax years ago
and Lhe last annual meeting was held
in 1904. No meeting of the sharehold-
ers has been held since. The officials
.refuse to give any information respect-
ing the finances and business of the
conspany. It is not even known who
the present directors are. I bought
someetock in November, 1904. A divi-
dend of 8 per cent. for that year was
paid upon all stook, except what I
bought. What proceedings can I take
to investigate the affairs of the coin-
pany and compel payment of the divi-
dend I am entitled to?
(2) Can the directors be compelled to
hold'a meeting of the ehareholders?
Ans,—The officers of the company
tnuat nutke an annual sworn statement
or return to the Provincial Secretary.
Section 78 of the Ontario. Companies
Am -says: "At eaeir annual -meeting,
or at least once in every year, end at
intervals of not more than fifteen
months, the directors shall tit a general
meeting duly called, lay before the
company a statement of the income
and expenditures of the company for
the past year, made up to the date or
within three months before such an-
nual or general meeting, and shall aleo
lay before the company such further
information respecting the company's
financial position, and profits end
losses, as the by-laws or charter of the
company may require." Then aect ion
79 says: "Tho company shall on or
before the first -der of Fehrnary,
eyery year, make out a 4tatoun,ry in
duplicate, giving all the particulars
mentioned in that section. This state-
ment mast be verified by tbe affidavit
of the president and secretary, and one
copy itiust be posted up In a conspicu-
ous place in the head office of tbe com-
pany, and the other west he sent to
the Provincial Secretary. If the com-
pany makes default In this particular
It will incur a penalt y of 820 for each
day during which the default erintin-
ties, and each director and officer of
the company incurs a like penalty for
such default." Section 75 says : "Any
director or officer who refuses to per-
mit any person.to in meet the books
who has an interest in the company,
shall forfeit and pay to the party ag-
grieved the BUM of 3100, nnd if the
amount la not paid the offender can he
sent to prison for three tnonths."
(2) You can make a demand upon
the directors to hold a meeting of the
shareholders. If they neglect or refuse
you can tak_es_tic.hLro_c_e_edings meeting
them as are authorized hy the Act.
How TO HBLP.—An exchange very
truthfully retnarks:—It is little tine for
the local editor to waste his lungs and
sprain his spine In trying to boon) a
town when the citizens all stand
round with their hands in their poc-
kets and indifferently wait for some-
thing to turn up. If h
a/WAS-Ala or
business men do not put their °boulder
to tho 'wheel and do a little boosting it
I e useless for tHe editor to try and
boom thInge. He can write "bootn"
articles till he gets bald-headed, but if
the citizens themselves do not tnke
hold and push, the town_will forever
stick in the mud. Of Wliket use le ft
for the local paper to suggest Improve-
ments and new enterprises if the sug-
gestions are never acted upon? One
man cannot boom a town. It requires
the concerted actionn of tbe citizens.
When one roan shoulders a town and
atteinpts to Parry it, there are always
lot of cranky kickers teady to jump
on top of the load. Unity of action
Is what counts.
COULDN'T En thulium—The Bow-
mativille Statesman says: Not a
month ago a man dared to send it
B.adleau t. —Judgment on
•• • •
A Few Conundrums.
How do bees dispose of their honey
They e.ell it.
Whet game do the waves play at ?
Illtob and tosit.
What sortof men are always above
Weedy Chestemen.
Whitt is this eldest lunatic on record?
Tittle out Of mind.
When is a clock on the stair donger-
oue ? When *tuns down and strikes
Wile is It Pig in the Ititehim like a
htiuse on Pre? The sooner It's out the
bettor. .
• 'Why are ttoublearitne visitors like
iteccle Yoltiter? Became it is a long
Miro Wore they leave.
Tirtto sOnly One Wee to raced,
Mid that* brAbblionent tany.
Anprostionfrottela lire *Meade, but
tiriMln4rit k Mete ednYlliclhff.
No learalit 80c:tit/sp.—The tallow
Ing from the Clinton Nov; (0 011
the common sense line : 4,-t about
9,80 'Wednesday morning, Mt. Champ,
representing the ilederwriterse Assn -
elation, waited on Mayor Wiltse-and
asked that an alarm of fire be given
ea that he tnight see how quickly the
Vire Co. would respond. and how
well the fire engine would behave,
The Mayor pointed out that the school
children were ail en the streets, that
business men were just gettieg down
to bueinees, and that, au alern at that
'hour would be most unwise. He offer-
ed, however, to give him any tot that
he desired at a more reasonable hour,
without notice to the Fire Co., and
also drew his attention to the fact that
the engirie had been given a equple of
severe tests withiu the past few dart.
Mr Champ did not like -being refused,
but we believe the tovvrets people will
endorse the action of the Mayor. We
have said before and will repeat it,
that the action of the Underwriters In
going from town to town and (taking
for a false alarm of Ilre is tittle short
of criminal.
Atchingebiltel, bleeding, protruding
pilee. Druggists are authorized to re-
fund money 11 PAZO 0INTME1T fall
to cure in 0 to 14 days, 60e.,
Enthusiaetu is one of the world's
greatest fore&
Tablets. Druggists refund money if it
fails to cure. G. Grove's signature
is on each box 25c.
Fear of failure is one of the most po-
tent causes of failure.
Beare the
The Kind Yeu Have Alwayt BaUghl
To know men study them. The
study of mankind is man.
They Ali e Failed .
Many have tried to devise a corn
cure equal to Putnam's, but after fifty
rime nothing, has como-upon the mar-
ket that so painlesely cures corns Lod
warts. Don't experiment, use the
beet, and that's "Pittnanee."
Goverment official to a newspaper
office to request the nuppresalon of a
police court report. Not satisfied with
that Method he wrote il. personal let-
ter offering to take the paper a year
after making 5 request that the infer -
'nation about his violation of the taw
of the land be suppressed. The editor
of that paper was rightly indignant,
flew, because a Government officer
who was under obligation to ser the
law enforced, and publication of violas
Hone and punishmento meted out to
the offenders is a strong deterent s-
pinet crime, and second, because the
-culprit imagined that he could bribe
tho editor with A dollar to suppress the
report that the ream° 01 )11.1 journal
had a riolit to receive. They pee him a
doller is year tor hit paper to be sup-
plied with the happenings of the
district,,and to &pit tbem out of most
important Items* Information was de.
thitilly wrong. It loiafo to wort that
beau* of the letter tient tO that law-
breaker by tilt *OW be will never
attempt to brIffo' Id span 'cab a
kuboorintionlo bit pi r.
It isn't true economy to
weaken the force of your mes-
sage by the use of cheep ad-
vertising medium. THU GODS -
RICH STAB Is the least expensive
advertising niediuni, but von'
wouldn't call it cheap. View-
ed from a. itustmosts standpoint,
advertising rewire in an un-
questionably good invest-
ment if properly placed. 'fun
SrAit offern and affords the
best investment.
Are a True Heart Tonic,
Berri Pood and Blood Elnrlohlw, They bond
snd re:a1WI"H:gehe lIMe af*4 =Peta ; t
and rigor to the entire system,
Nsrvotteness. :Sleeplessness, Nervous Pro,-
atelsetlartil Fay. ulcAk.,14„r!"474k114
t.grli.:13;TL2-4.° Itieltinn7yY;
oath, eta., easel be cwt.'s. Ey using
Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pine.
Prtco ¢on. a hex or 3 for (1 25. All dealers or
la/N T. Alm/runs Oa.. Worse. Toronto. Oat,
le its delicle n flavor. Tblo is delight-
ful. It alarm s Mama Oho more, and
mere can be aken tvIth Impunity, be-
cause It is pi and wholomme.
Olt Coffee n atrong, without being
thick and nen idy. Try Its
And the
that will m
with this e
too. The p:
with good t
Ms &gust
A person often tilAilp;e$ looney by hArct worg—ive offer You *
make looney without.tiqr4- wotk,sgtving is_making—lott
cert4oly nye moiler by huying Clothing from 0* this month.
,We Are very anxious to,reduce our stoQic to the lowest notch before
OW, Sptiug stock arrives, therefore you con. Count on getting t big
411t ot& alt our Clothing.
WO.cnt givo many prices-vlutt wBl IllVe tO conic( alla see
'for' yoursetve4 OW Money uving opportunitios,
Worded Suits _
,PC1 10%140 G tilee tomtor tog* Wigs!
It se, buy it now Ma OVIt,
moUky, We van 401 $0140, hushing
' or bleekiitrcrstcd Suit, ulade„ 42.,OrdE
- 01911010 Ihnlitte$1,SIYI;;;erttImm
.00 .rinl Or,dgc itt Catile,
Men's and Boy's Suits
Out stole Is NA heavy end Wok
,jacco, every Stilt will bA__50111, 0,;011
igenttille bere,eln, It will pa
well to ilAY YOlir Siilt frOtn tit tink?..
e eatables) fit to servo
giant (toffee are here,
ry eau he well mocked
ma at moderato prices.
cRtrit & CO..
dear tin pi men!, iiiiglisciusiOtettost*
18i90 742041144e:utrty4tACCItesilt$PAlli
i3,40144ek, INX0108 ovtloolla,"..4-34547.
409 Mack elinVICA Qviiste,,,,$7,5ti
tt umber to clear at half-prlee.
Mens Heavy Pants
Juit the kind for this cold ,westher,
gu1sri.75 Gliti $3. ea .,31.45
the Riglit Place to buy Atieu'oiQtiin au4VurniAliags.
Some people have trouble with
their feet. Such people have trou-
ble with their Shoes. When IN-
VICTUS SHOES go on, Shoe trou-
bles go off, that's the universal
'story of all who wear them.
comfort, With quality, ease and
elegance., as do no other Shoes.
The purchose ot one pair will
prove these claims -and make you -"It -MEN
apermanent lnvictus customer. $4.00, $4.50, $5.00
WM, SHARMAN, Godorich.
THE OODERICH STAR has a Larger Circulation then
any other Newspaper in thia section" of the County
of Huron. Shrewd Advertisers value Circulation
eliable Furniture -
where we have in stock a large assortment of Roll Seat and Cobbler
Rockers in quarter cut oak. .
Silk Upholstered Parlor Rockets and Chairs in different designs and
Morris Chairs anti Morris Rockers in Velours, at all prices.
Leather Seated Chairs and Saddle Seats iu oak, at prices to suit the
Children's Toy Sets in red and bine. Rockers in different designs
for the children, and nothing so pleasing for the little ones.
Secretary and Music Cabinets, Parlor Cabinets and everything suit-
able for the enjoyment and cutnfort of the home. Call early, no trouble
No trouble to show Goods.
The Leading Undertakers and Embalmers West Street, Goderich
tikr Night and Sunday calla receive personal aed prompt attention.
'Phone im, Residence—Elgin Avenue,
THE STAR is about twice
the size of any other coun-
try Newspaper, 'but costs
no more.
for klembershlp In the finent and
best Dusineen Training School in Can-
from Jan. 2n1, next. together with
detailed Information of the meat ad-
vnntages to bo rgi joy ed, will b.. sent
frill by re urn mail on request by
triad or letter. Write to -day to
W. H. SHAW, Principal,
Young a Gerrard Streets, Toronto.
Comfortably furnished tourint earn.
equipped with everv convenience for n
long journey- and 1 mart porter in
charge - leave Toronto for the
At I1.O p.m., Sundays, Mondavi and
At T45 p. tn., Teentla 'en , Wednesday a,
Br ItlA yn and WI tu rtIn y a.
flerthe reserved througt =idiom change -
Retest, renerentionn and
Grill Information troth gtiftS,M. Ateratta, Tailor*
"The Star s aitiUGUI DUNLOP
Ttl°",:tt.virmit'sirstrnsrl'il‘aZal rirgeLffenla teho""'
Viair ramonage goiicited.
Phono 51 wtottor & Augustine.
aike L)tuflOp'0 Ti roe
for wheeled vehicles)
mean Correct Pashions
Oecil Quality
Pint Class Workmanship
Reasenable Prices
more can you ?