HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1907-02-08, Page 3�p �7 agpow�ww"- I 16100mioni T-_ Ta ftwja K&UM ftft 0AW" or &MIWED AM., 4 TM 0VON ;;Sow I& T" ow weem Von IM ULM" YOUNO H1 is"# � 1111�"W*40 "" " Q'im , A 40"uk ze" OvAmit a". A ko* TWX 4041" am atom FOLKS "Im of 11*110. Oahu. am" 00 of ohia"swoolia wa a& W M" ow ek" the "w %ki P41,10 1.1 0 11111111111110, tba Tke 440 tit WOW- noton J %M A*#& Verdict of Coroner"s jury for Death 40'em St. if aovernmtnt's Incapacity., To"Alst, Ab� 001ir %Q,4k iltv '0*00 4"1 VVILLY,VY. 01,10ild JA ft 41"t lailahlatt, f- bsittowhiii lost Do $0111411 1% hw W1 Tb* e. V. ft. W boo ir tot "Port; )&*A" A* U.00, 61. tiou #L ANWIch froM LoWon,say; Tbav jji#*V�vy ftU. Ul' cowtW46. UeW KUkX Uy# Preivool#d r4WIt Of tto to itue prugrow bkd, JU Nothliffir but bit, Wig, u, 1011, A deiimtelt frQW S*lflt Sto. Mai#" oat�. fb� rftloW to beli#Vt that Ili# realiftilailliog WWM 40.110, Utvatlito. J4UK#y4 hr Sk'AltXandair 60"r. Lug% baits 00CWrXL "Wboat—No. I Melidi" ba_rd'U laint. b"a UN(k 14 wit %W eij;, tAvuery Abolf, tioa uAt �iylll y Kul t;'afiate 11116 60140it, 0W lhs'wmL. They AA' tolitithmenw, fit itto, PW ll"hy"4 MO' i114,acattfi -froM am tok -two" Imt. cat 11 IQ" d flal pokury with r4 h;s #)., = ft not it** AUK$ Waist IZV444l; t amot 44*tly to WON Aug go* tb* FOM Ilortlitiotill, at VAc. aot flitive, W No. Sh Office la Placa UPM th" 40Y UtCAj,!4 JJW tarito that Wilt C(* to, bavo AQWeem"'ot, wor.4 4vayo Abe, Ask si"ey Mo-, aft Wita ttinftf iw. llio,; lie, AOMM of Ingly, 4"t -AP4 row ilt wor. tw the cW 01 9w, Zuolalli Ahe the I*$. out of 'Urpul bla�U Wr a lh Wk Usk ,,* *UJI4 6 t at fjreckyll 0 W IV, tw4lbi login "04- It , 1 �)ii IQ a dairs to, CQ*l. of louch y4th, AbA tQ1114AP11*94 r - #I; on Inick. Tomnia. olocli: hail �"rkture boeo 1, eun*i IsAv M011itia. 4104 to $01d ho "d rh)t11d the WAIM"Milialp riv 0, suomilloo 1 04 Ir is 4UQ%d at 40, $4, Ak, ChAC1111114414#99M 1, goo qfJ,$01Vd 4 for 4tti AQJ 604 1: ",:, , I . befreIt Is #Xpected ibat tho ca it of wuh 11W AM* 'OA 34 0 . Iwo, lit, lit '\Va� a 'N 'are Aomfoltl at. 11111,151t IQ "V*4* K400 volumc*04,10 I '�t ;,,�t the isl"4 Won, y way pr-* Y4. thiLt,'Of p, aut, dii. iialght jw, W JJ414 Ll*�L b� tlaj *V� , lloW' Qfteo4 at IQ $10.1% owl w itio or UOR hV outside" With 10&0 boll woo mr,� oftleilills, b*r*.,, pa"61arly d, Win- PA** t(W' �p, 400 Og1la I"ody, Bojr4 * ' It NVkL , - of thoset STPUAN 9 NQSTOX� ofto Opluipli throug4oult, lt#t, lhw A 0114 0.01W 1144, 000 Veeeip of Apo or�,JI'V 'TIA Ie V14-1*11, 04111,A)t fina ft 94=1 sga, Th* Jt* from it u4utax: 0010- ro tot ti .114 Cot to tamll$� 10 . 0XV11% of. �atcut blue, tutfoil It til, 0 ammit 1 41, of Jbit' i0. 1, extm offered Ov, gro out,- r0elva .4 , A, �00at' ont alday"ifid 490 bld'ror Nlanl* -4114 W.' .0. L hb ho Wgstori illAr QP fill ItjigiA j. , _4 .01 lialoRtan: , ! 1, 1 ;4ey oil V) at" 14dr, the, wind WAR rk t eapla pte 'commeml 11'agmt, for 041.14 mthat Ati.4, ,.t0Qkr AgO wr1rialir"outa Rio Island. stpunif, 4110 Mot*. W up 41 1110 WIM row I0, �Vtyo fflf�: 4 Y., IRTM. oluufxxas wits 14, 41 V korl , A040�-O... A Q V 9WILY, in 440 Crima 1.110 thm. r 0 X could qro 4(1§1100' OL.UtA­Io'��l a fiftts, isecilou. 414,41ore Accurol 14 Agr", 444 beQ11 �ikrtlta. Inlocal. atathoitA P Plea by timale. 003 J�"Cht oid�kl 14166 4144 Or' fofo#_4 aret . L og, i6oglutloolt W6 M 091�, = I W. �,Xulth, JkQA&JAVr lot) �b tqR A ON" 146 cootiawkwily, 1 404fast', t4o .,O�01*d, land- hk' pleddo A, Q� 410 Owily 1410111 her, but she hold At wo arin ,4 lite wlq _:got. Per .,by tha. Wlaol"g�q 111)194111 Vita 4% !"q I'eat hm� do� - 1131; to bli Ulflatl, �i to', �AZVVS XV MAM ABOUT 10ILIN a" thii 04 o®o� ile IrA04 IQ toval, ItwrAng, w14 als at 4t �,WIt4 atealoo, bl, Ito %&, , 017 GeV ty 4004416. , out. 144 Vft1hIJ$h a IlAw judlotial ti%trlet 'I'm jpmlhofm Otro and the winal wrestled with At ill vabil, So tIU4 AND -to �Woo and tier umbrella v lot bob� ablo ogle In 0, g4 , 0 & % � !L to *dhoical twpw 4t1X mont�,- 'the Alher Ca a to tile bar ckyard, The brickyard Oft was the mo4t lai;cl-1 Occurrences to Iko LaO4 Wkiall mlootal oaof 140 ti s boy, has� b ill 'rt led, 61lar with coilrall a adlari Ores to iselt 1141ing. Place, but it was a. spot forbidden likupromerla the Ca ------ t1a too age A' �p of not Toroll s6 To -day the wind etIneol 11A N _Woh �g�flue warm on, Its, IVOC14 ould, ak �Jtlt,r No VA of vealcouvlir hav WotW, 'Lucy knew. Her pace slatz4on.cal, r' 001114 -10 It,!, It Ili U4 c h0n 0ollverot; fuel at tils during Tile J�Iog will open Parliament with eawrif lld loorty gr course 1 wouldal'k� soft oblPs 04 '4 Womankind ive, 7 ant fallato T1 arid thoy Jt-co$18 theis"rafts I'd- Only 1004 at thq yvaVes arid the, 411a, Qatir ool't aro'selling at'$61W atill eovil 304sou Q,� -7, L0.11ts was butled several wouldn't rCAro, If I just did that," at" matorial, Q on nc�s BroWn, Mayor of MO; I ' all Pies the rain drops make in tho water. ullaster, has dig at the anO of 55, - Aome tog ,Vay e t,Whena the crown Dr. Vaughan Pryco has re.siped tho plate of the l000 been askoil' 1w Jifiloryho Lucy te heirelf. ":7 7", TI 01,04 1110tiver on Wki0lat he was living blow out a' 0 'Itticy picked P11AQIpQI$IAp of Now Caillogo, is tulikol. It, *� $iilftain l4t Ott, Ivilde I 1�4. '®, L , , , "0' ; her way thr 7� A 0A at Indian 110acb: and 'fatally the edge of tho,pit. I.) t 6dk 00 lie'ma%14 R, u% aA espatch, tmin San, Flmftcsco� An arrangement to liolng made, beT 1110dical offiver of the Nil diesex. Hosial- V, ATZ sticky blue clay Of thao briciour the Mr. Fallort, tot, thirl ears resiftrat InVil, 444 eOry Rhald of v.WW bag So v 0� pop -4 to 00 N, 'r.b,.$O Jai the tween fifessirs. Mackenzie Milan The pit Was fifteen feet across ;kn of It. tt 26. tdi� 270, 11" just elicit. ea prop car Lialto' slid eight feet deep -as large as p One attractIve 841111an beg U.11at. yet room P 0 e"re, visilim by a inatful q hi) livery of the Lord Mayor at Live]% all �Or town of Port Arthur by which t4 deeper than a man is tau, It was 4.ug,to it is fn�k Oil a frame of ah several moaL4 ago,'In 'a �th J11r, 0 Way,lnen w1l)l erect a big hotel there, catch slid hold tile water use pool's coachman Costs 440. Tito hot UP hipa lible: I silver. boastg A ft tt40111" tar. Was OP' 4 and deep gorgqs� areal -a Is somot ob1cetlon to the scheme clay to tile right aloltilless, tar moill'4ing Nla,41 I(eir 1111rafle, M,I �4fi Pocket on 5E lot 27b Od new alif :L l� in Aj� kkti �QKIX a 4 , 1 -9 .1 a of the I w 46 ana QUO or The bav 'Upstrap" t V but Wroi d In ollnitig clone Costs eldilt altift u0mixial, U: to too, The entire appearaho ra I'S, 'Otanged. There wasoo Ib8s al tile. he, The Job rs * d Shippers Associa. d handles, 4dornW w4ttl Lifty silver into bricks. written his 'no P to the brim and or.-OA4 All 14 otf�ft t innipeg have decided to take he win wIII be published by Mr. Goo. Aljlen. '31& buckles. n6wa tirbs brought hare, by Go e or. 0. To -day the pit was ton IAbly 4 4.01!4 Of' Wal"TA it raised quite aiica. A green suinift, blig-is shaped like a 0 as d In the matter of the detftorallza� more exciting than Ludy on at was even Charles Law Walts of Wbudoliurch, IlUU48 cattle,, envolope. A, ftL rpliii B L. - Moolle, who arrived on Thurs d 01604ght it -title Riatish lilt boy," has Just hopt MAI have I'lost 00.0 'ca frota'Samont. H(Ostaled that a ire glance tion of traffic on rallways. They will would be. has a notion that its holding Oowers Dk ad hoal tols are un- csohooltior came Into Apia, With tile 69161'' W41 to r dhaag, .404, �� 40, ta shortly before 'he saflid. I demand that car shortage and lack f In her a six nth Of tliday, and now weighs 37 one AnClas st,�tosult tiab 44 -at $8. t; Is �gerness to watch the waves are limited, but "Agpeamuceii were over oldi; -raf. Ra ar� It to IlYao probable that the curth quake wu the motive power be at onob remedied, Chase each eliller acrdi;s'the plt� Lucy deceiving," B4 "Art in( -,�a mat 1W. 'Is, compoxle&, to, $8,6 bAror. Bit 1 n cle leaned forward &.41ttle too far. She lost PVh11-d1;h11r t qSt. Paul's Church South. I Is year have what Is �7 known among Ceir makers as "bellows :10 ,,Xi; short doe roc.ordt& then on tha, Ismographis Qvid-on-Sea, ahas resigned last a 1�rotest ftm, 15yq, do, lag to the Ifistruallefit at Apla� Soploa, It the umbrella from behind'ilhe a sail, tier woman d It* GREAT BRITAIN. rmVIC06o, 4X644 who owns Ono may fill it as IV oust cl�enL k116W, in. inany cos lasted for several intinutes, and wassald read slid on the slippery wet clay, and of, too strong4l, 170N . ge, which �sti;T, Sir Mlchuel Foster, Unload' x mr, Henry 'Bulwer Lytton' ulegerls, a as it small bOy's Pocket (laid still have Ailw wale k"'but PAT forgpiriea so which ar, Ili.) be the heaviest shock over r000rded, of Parliament for Lonlon University, IS 110 IVater_ .- - - -1 L 0; breakfast bacon, at 'nelnoqr (Ito lie t instant she was struggling in room for @oinathing-moty k --w - dead. ruaiiing" Mf- Chulfe D'91'46ns' has -Just Canteen bags of stifillon, leather are now to' 9 as ffil W4W that It a a il. the South Seas, but as no re- V%-hJ,- I B otatilarlV9 *,'9410 - arrived Jq London from Australia, the "WAII t014,4 quarb f 1 filig, tY ely Alit, had clung 19 her lit They have card cases, In- a to 110A, dbilati. Plamar Greenwood, who has reached 41Nd Port came from. any dIvJlizod island it umbrella, and ft buoyed hot, up so thaf land of his birth. @Ide �Puxsea, compartments for mirrol I she," only. Ili London this your Parliamon Lary a vuntry� pt the money has, beer� 15p�liatl IN MONTREAL. Was elieved that it occurred at tion of Governor S�vctlenhaza. powdol lu", and salts battles, and . sift Britain front, Jamalait, defencts, the ac, site did not stair, She slaricked for help, voters number 686,Wt, an incroutt of Valor aA4 001y. oQ1 d Tho, and tile brickmakers, burning brick at boolt ;he short, strong onritcou handle. 'lag Edward and Queen Alexandra the kiln, heard tier terrified ot-les, mut- pro], cle tM as0: now is, WACtO Is tho- hfdatighl� Feb. 5.---qraIn,­Tha toxic of Ik (6,571 ovel' Just year, due almost actilmly d t it 'r Mon ih, Ing pu - muiltell; for spot supplies of oats will visit Paris for a eek before the fled though they we, 116thes , bags are also lihown in is to the "latelikey olo," RlisslaAO a tad got lot 00A A UOIWIBLE D14TH. v under lite um- Pos T, opening of Parliament. Alfred Shaw, the famous Notts crick- Sll,,, gray With )f 04tlirlo go. 2 - white tortilla. a 141 pst, at. 4ty , I bags are charming % h the and ly tit, Is wn- erfou. a Y and No. at The name of Dr. Peterson Of MOGIII The men were sure the ekies came from sideimbly bettor. oud(164 Jft'-W a, Conductor Lay for Ton Hours Pinwd Is mentioned In connection wit), the the direction of the pit. But when they e(er who has boon s ther is onklaosed fit a floval design and i0d -0 1W W) lftuslj�volt 060D silver gray gowns. Ono it, a fancy lea. MAD f)/ge pr�'bushel, glare, Flow- fdio liffe L, Itill 403ppings, ilad dirt from prifig er� whPat grades for Under Boller. Nil'. Joint Barbev, J,P,, who was twice roof or 1 0: c4ilo �s lifted With gray silk. This bat 1116 The Awful Coadit Principalship of Glasgow University. reached It, aft their astonished eyes beOf FAUJ""Irt=�,Jocitl Country and eqpait,gcoolintat firm. Dr. T. J. Macnamara has been up- could sea wos an opem tit Mayor of Nottingham, has died at the The, elstOM Iii 91brod should k despatch- from issoul,. Motan.a., nbrolla flouting most of The now ones, is suppile. wl it be 4rainings, ea Chinese. colstithig �wpad,V patentst stlys:.Twd engines, upon, whicly. N'VOre -etary it) the an the sl.rfaco of the ivitter. -go of P& certain little aids Io beauty. pointed Parliamentary Seer WAslitington, Jab�. 40.T�Futher is rl- seconds, $4;.,*Inter wheat riding a large 4 -umber of men ho had Ltical �Lpverument Board Ili the British As soon as they* amder4tood flini the A consignment of sprats hoA been for. Hand bags In Vienna leather come In Minist'ry. to -_,Ue6p, strain 4; aP rollers, %viarded as a progent trom the Aldeburgh iMs-are P been 'engaged in breaking lite sp9w dales were coming front under the um a brellit they acted' quickly enough. - id, We- a number of add 4hapeia and different to 'tr it fortheorraIng, ado 0 1� 0 'b blockade, near Salt6z, Mont., plunged Colors. One Is.a cibilibinoltion of "a Jai, 55 ,65 a 4 fishermen to tile Ictilli. unless itaftlidl. bever -be. ordting �.55.'J tied -Manitoba over an embankment two miles west I They wnre tiono too soon Six thousand eight hundred and Illpe- and brown morodoo, mbossed in an or, 9W 104 "It 'y ravourrnro, so on epideaftro, Ontario bI at UNITED STATES. ty-fivo new books were published lit 81at J)e iment advIcps, Outbreaks Do Borgia on Thursday, killing Iwo men The waves that had lcokW so enticing antique design and atudded with brus ran $�I; shoro, $22 per Lton; ran, Iii'liags, $21 to $21.50; 11,106, unit of this total Jf,883 were novCisi. Par RIO r at Into Lucy's mouth pnd blinded hot, -,-,-%am the b`tlrn�or the, Authouseav 01� and injuring nearly a score, some of Thc- United StWes Inter -8t" am. g nails. Another Is In soft callskin; still 10 tested by, worker. Great 'shorts, 022 to =:50; milled Imouillie, $21 eyes; her clothes were soaked. and their HaVIntK been in use tot- IBU years, it matter thailg them seriously. The dead are: D. R. merce (.ollimissio 11 another in gray, mounted In flne gilt _W IV moay­�,bx : at p, 0Qacea;rat1oft Camp!j,hn�vai lyeen formed to $25 pay, ton, and stralo'lit grain, $98 to n has brought In a ro­ no old Axinhister carpet is tit present Jai level 0 in and oilitl(d t mess, weight was dragging her under in spite and studdod Ott one side with- finitatiorl Th bra often s McDonald, conductor, and Levi Burris, rort exposing StonJard Oil methods. 111 1110 carpet factory tit Wilton 4avaing re' breque pearls. Tho.bags all have fine I n 0, Provldiolu�Barrolshor& car ill the"doutil, at (;Wna. where thousands,, $22 to $990- half-barrals, $41.75 to f the umbrella. paired. In 6 a eiii*. 4hicill NO livei" . I fireman. Conductor McDonald's dealt' The unmarried ladies of Wakefield, But tile alrong, arms of tile brick. tinder awful doiditions,' occurred on, Thursday night after he had Mass., have petitioned the.Stnte Assam- Wilter', add In, 11 this -44 the sutfa gilt chain handles. clear at backs, $21 to $24.50; It N"S Stated Lat DudleV' JOhoea (;oUrt have eeh r�ttdoi that,fl, will makers reached o"r the pit and drew washlbgi� ftiay_bo�cart�oal to. the bottom, long cut hQavy mess, $20450 to, $22; half. lain, for ton hours phineg. -beneath' a bly, aiskipir that a tax be levied on all My lady who goes motoring Olusi �of a* delffi, ca 104g w�y,off'ci .0, 146d, the 4 00U)110 . bailer, with his out the lit Re glrl,� chuhing and very mu,h nmently l"t -in the wul�se Of an orgy a motor bag, of course4 land'the new barrels do; $10.15 -to $11.00; dry salt long live clialrunaker consulted thirty gui. s a is. :clear bacon, 2 to - 12go; barrels proto Ili the icy walftra �)( the river. Ifis heoil t rving.' A sioiy Nancy White, a licgress. 100 years frightened, but still clutching de4peratc- lolls of tile. ones are vqry complete. Ono safnan ot 0 a 1 11 =1he.m.oAtir, fauxer- a r ly in both hands the big umbrella that na. - it 4ell-workmen, unable to- hel"at, ald,. tile -- alitst, wqrmu -- it - Wes4ern 2- leather toaUly U provided with tiny sop y,',and di�nk Vii1y "hoilka _b6d(T hbove The- �Faler until -110 fs­4�iid it ffe. 'tuiaf Larrels heavy atif6ag hoof, $8.50 -, rtdj�t * big' hn(t made such a good life. brushes - for -hdip and clatoes; with a - I t -The­--Mother­-kfIr $6.56; preserven- .. 019 gouig-to Amsterdam to ca. home on a search for food, and the Is. Made Ito qntlsogH felobed its much as comb, a mirror, powder puff, a pairso water, either tnaidral or ortifieldl. But I arrLh, do, $4,75; compound lard, died, He steadfastly refused to have his Pa. Three years ag"o, It is said, she A:17 each, tatod a witnas at tile Thilineii this is ;i4ot as ii; seems fi�f tire lard, It.?/, to Alto; kettle. leg ftmputstecl� did work as a washwornan. i rand compartments Jai- handkerchiefs, , �b ther, 49sPairlo of at - 0, tharew boll; b 10,; p children into lboa river,' The,mother ie� and goggles. It has a mean- -10 be. tile mott�r of the artIficlal 'A'44er turned,"Iiad, lear�alng what had lie rendered, 13 hains, 18 to 14yc; The grnnrl jury of Allegheny County MUST LUAD SIMPLE LWE. dogs engaged lit comrint tit Shf- !,.ned%m beak, and svena tiny truvel- t may not fllior4t. bef6rO charging. It with IJ P breakfast bacon, 15 to'foc,­. fresh -killed I!d has reLurned six true bills against tile fleld had ti,lell, eonfliel. stopped bildelonly pen , drowned herself. The gr ling clock, mounted tit the same satiny cafhahle- nold gas, afid thdn of Course dbittoir dressed h6gs, $10; - olive, $7 to * GIVES SKIN TO SAVE BROTHER. Pullman Palace Cur Company, alleging German Army Officers Ordered to Dine by the breaking of an uverhead electric no Utfij -than I . water of the stricllen father followed. The 'toiern- $7.25. Eggs -Selects. 27c; No. 1 candied, green leather Anat Is employed in the 1. Is emerit fs'pelling tits sale of Impure milk and cream to More Simply. trarn wire. It killed both animals i1a. constructle.ra of the bag. Ja*n 4111 and salt, *hdre it 21 to 22c. Cheoso--October-mlide, white, OLOndoii man Has TwentyTrour Square Ila patrons. Over fifty dealers in Pills- staratly, anIft'. Rau 6hOil Fu Ili December 13yc; colored, 0 The l(alser 'has Issued orders to the Other automobile bags are shown In lebar pure, 4nd, yc. Buttlw--Choicest Inches Removed at Hospital. burg were Indicted for selling adulter- Mr. Herbert Gladstone, M,P., the Hoine three or four women were crushed to vi meol a4es aled food. officers of the German (army to aband gray,lo black walrus, in mottled allga- creamery, 253/, to I Soorelary, celebrated )its filrd blarthday they mar�mqt, just as. any, dealla. Jn the mad rus for foodI 25 um gr A despatch from London, Ont., says: (a lead Lt., tot- and In red -brown seal. All of these spritfi; ulay The 23% to 24y their epicurean habits and ,c. Three hundred and fourteeri new cases on Monday. pr ca as doubled, and simple life. bags are filled with the many little biq purd o I af. 'vegetables I scurlot lever were rapdrtSd at Chi. Lord Llongatiock ties sent a oneque I things that add so much to a woralan's Those Wbd '110 Jh citfo$ Where the' Samuel AlIdefton on Thursday under - more Than ever be. UNITED STATES NiAhKETS. went an operation at Victoria Hospital, Tito alatingement, of (tic- -regimental Water is _Olterfid�, may, 'safety di-inIc It coal and coke cost cago on Tuesday , a total of 4,000. Dinh. Provide spectacles for 137 childeen in they chn be sure lh-ftler suppLi tneria ca -e are increasing. A prods. 'ill elementary schools. fore. when four strips of skin, one inch by messes have been offidally 4asirtatced %Valwof peace of mind when site take.,, a trip. 'St. Louis, Feb. 5.-Whent-Cash, 766; six \inches, were removed said gratiod [flat, even wheat the Kalser honars the Velvet and silk bags partially covered always ttuat W146h iiiiiiie through (he malion by tile Health Commissioner Cremations in Great Britain duting With bead work are also very good. One May, 7fyc; July, 16yie. on the side of his brother, officers with libi presence tit lable, 1110 0103 numbered 742, un increalst, at 138 on rich dark green velvet bag N orniameiited Otter -be A,, 4 chfir& of,piablic LEFT S5,00010156 TO POOR. Minneapolis, Feb. 5�' Whept-May, dcrson, who James An� calls on 4cople generally to cancel their was icrribly burned Ili menu shelf consist only of soup, titsh, hvla' been hnOWn lo, Boys o 80%C; July, $IY- 'to 81YAc; Sep' September last while uadernealli a social -engagements for the time being. vegetables, joint. btiller, and cheesn. lilt! ltal for the previous year, In an oriental broadcloth costume of the mix unfiltered Water %Jt1i the fil!Ortd, Rjurdered London Merchant Had an tember, 787. to 79c; No. I hard, 85ot No. G. T, R. engine In the Guelph round- In a shooting affray in a saloon tieur No liqueurs (it, kind of.after-difflier ir W Abraham. I.P. tMation), (he same rich shado. A white satin bag L 'DT to substi Without wara. 'ImOslina ftneral. 1 northern, 83yle; No. 2 northern, 81 to house The whole contents of tile fire. I Port Washington, Md., Private Gosney, beverages iire to be servOrl, but the talent great WeLsli manerb"Iender, is v-xy all Lit ornamented In silver bead fletir-de-lis is user#��Vouth's Companion. 17th (;onipany, CAoRt Artillery, was hiat residence In Lluntwit Major. killed on Nionday night, which occurred NOW mr. 11. r1errywan, %% It,; rang the boi:3 of A despatch from London�safs: Un' FIour-First patents, $4.30 to- 84.40;- from stfolilder to lilp. Both patients lar.- one kind either Beaded pompadour and striped sill; _�eare emptied on him, burning hini : glycf No. 3 northAtri, '40 'to 79yac- box inny be enlivened, flip KnIsier nuy charming with a white gown. Usual %bltd c, of' Vv Indsor, on flity anniN ersaratis txf Queen help the Itragle death f white or red win [ J after it dispute with S. Wirebor- punch, und a affigle glas8 of Get are qualrit end attractive. One in ktkrest In second paten% SC15 to $4.20; first djing favorably, and a complete curi) is per, another art [if ryman, over a wo birthday, has just Llied. of Wil Igni Whiteley, who Was allot and vliiar, 88.25 to $3.35, second clear-,,, expected. rich heavy silk is ombruldered with a An Incident of Cold *paps is frost -bile. killed to his great departhient, store, Jan. $2,�o to $2.60. Bran�$16 it, $16.75. man. Wireborger Triadc his �iscape. ' c hampagne. As a result or avchaeoliigircd exctk%a- Napoleonic wreath In heavy green silk, InIS600aftaire, as the P4, by tli6ra& George Raynor, was" 'Nfil"Vaukee, It seems that tits Majety recently Lions tit Manchester, the weWern rain - Feb, S. -Wheat -No. - I Edwarl Bal.ey, city marshe[, of Fort onlan of and has a beautiful bead design In lilles. 8 1 $30 0 0 Lher�n 78 DEADLY COAL GAS. Cobb, Okla., (me -of lAs deputies end regiments at Potdilm, where the officers tesh otea Isi -in era lunched with one of the smarl, La 4' ' 0 11100 of - showne bylhosconeg,ld The ftarieral of the or It , 2 o ; N 1 2 n r pal -IN tit lite tinclent, it n jored,,oflen fid ponellitly Ao. , Cure 1.4 aftenchartt ion Long to 81c; May, 78y, to 78%0 bid. Rye -'No. two brothers by the namn of Holland thought that they would please him \Jariciantirli nus b(ion loraited. NEW CUT OF COAT. always at Izaad,as ak as nips On. Jbgr belre thei hour for the ceremony that 1, 49 to 68yc. Barle�-No. 2; 58e; sarn- Iflianiel Curnallngs Was Asphyxi Wilt) The tewporalry bridge over trio River ated at etigaged in a desperate battle at radiance an fispecially sumptuous array of dell' Thame tit %auxtaull, which cast aNiat A new coat Ittilable for evernfig or rfd ?bit Will ley,' riwklent:2� face sea Only sun st af.peroyra- gdUrto-., about ho pleII47 to 57c. Cord -No. 9 cash, 42%c; at, Monday night, in which all four men caries (and wines, Including it bewilder, Xjnflfit) nzi-K been sold to Mosek, Wall uting, arocrillng 6) (It., material, is 'cut Ilite Vare, be te Eind '44SO mosses May, 46% to 46%6 asked. were seriously Injured, The floilands Ing variety of Fronch champagnes. The as' 6 1 - on. llhtd t is � th tha, Car f6 Ile eirculit I In 40� 0 h " h Co. tot, X50. In just two 'I u get the effect ul urc Duluth, Feb, 5.-Whent,-No. I hard, A despatch from Winnipeg says: caused the disturbance and Balloy #and r"ult was (tit Order, sent through the this design u or mixed material, There 6 no 10 d049 frozd*l,,but, Most of the 4hopig lit the WftiTtilafrine 83c; No. I northern, S�Yc; No. 2 north- Dakliel Cummings, aged 22, whose par- the deputy wore called out to quell it. military 1111thOritie, to the effect that the -b— '111 . jeffifte tbawad, :0 thig, Grove district Rept Itielrobtitloirs UpAnd era, 80yc; May, 81Xc; July, 81Yc; Sep- ents reside in Maxville, on I was as. 'good deal t. as tweed, ghould be uml. For Insitance, -n a stopped. phyxiated by coal gas on Fr)day trot Is decomfAwboa In a WAVIA-Placel To 6ver a hundred cortiaga rolloWed tbaO tember, 793/ wished fill such luxuries to be WILL nLTAIN WHIPPING POST. striped velvet or velveteen iri an evenina ovold-lod tapK,tM1JirA 4ribe, circulation, hearse to ifie, Cer401ttl of These faulty furnace at the home of L. Cdlder, OrNERAL. coat, tweeds and Scolch mixtures for a ita tipolfcati6n 4t 406*'4 a, good, thing, �vera laden with floral Accord. LIVE STQCK MARKET. traveller for the C. Wilson Company, Since the Issue of the ordor the '<tits' Delo%%uro Ujislaturr Refuses to kbolish child's garment, oi- In making one, for a Molting �Snb:W,0 a powviiful fritizer"as Ing Mr- 'Whitelcy b0' Toronto, Ireb. 5. -Despite the ralher tit tunate yomig if -(.God Effect on Crooks. grown perAtin's rutillb arid ready ato to newspapers, Toronto, where the u Of The Belglairl Metinner St. Andrew, on lunched with the Alexander Grenudlor -eviry iftaid �Pt too A Guard,; lit Berlin, anti drank wlill guNto The two pieces ary exciligive fit thj IttlowA, ail(j queath 85.04000 14 Provide oilms. licovy supply, Prices hold their own man had been roaming. Several other her way front Antwerp to Now York, ros 1 0 aged an fie, fad I L of occupants of the house had u ruarrow inick and kil!-ed a huge hatninerf VrOnch Chaml)(191113 POUred Out uf IA,lLIPs A despatch from Driver, Del., say : sleeves, the materitil eing set on Ind that Is fl$ -Ai Ifterlt. 1�' e - of' f I h uses arid homes for the d ry v ''bltk, It'lleepig, the, hiat froltaturntAg serving potie Export cattle were in good demand escape from tho some fate, whale, lead with German labels. The I)elaware Leifli;lalure on Tumday straight for ill#, fiont. Where it Is car - also taken heroic tic- voted to continue the whipping poal. and The Kaier has too ftigt, Itollift lloW6vell. be Carried t generally firm Prices; the exporters Mining operations In I h.- neighbor. Lion to call attention to tile hnblt, still p ried firotintl to join lit anti setim up (lie Offered were not of top quality. Nod of arlsbad, Austria lifir flat.Tirings rot- prisoners, convicted much too fdr. wo', wivo 1k116" caseii Oro back the lines are oil (tie cruss, and coat- Wherb fr67kh lfr4W Vki� firlhOr ledzen JNVADV0 By CONSUPTIVES. SPANISH DPXAD TROUBLY,. cning the des1ructlon of ' i in c0fl,lderablo ogun in Oertotuly, f o itieft, felonious assault, house-brea sequently the stripings of the tweed Butchers' cattle Wero -steady to firm a rain Into Aftb�v 'in (Ili lurking file mervietto under JhQ cilin tit Ing and maylipm. Tho Senalp committ linathe art admirable diagonally lined anti for good sfiock, but common stuff'*as spring; ther.?. formal dirmors. It Is ft rommon sight Ili reporting on tho bill abollsling file gored effect. This mahts a splont.114.1 Iiia -0 Ift''am utdooti, 'it is Ocklastry, %Vbnts a SAIII(arlutia for Easteriff of(. Choice ch(fle were )lard U0 got and Proposed to Establish Batteries as a A Cabinet crisis Is Imminent in Franc German restaurants. '['Ile other night a whipping post baid PoW e We do ;,tflnguliir� , 9� I . invalids. ell III, up furly, Popular Trust. owing to a disagreement between NI. newly-ninde "Rxecliency" wrig a at that (fie loiblir whipping post Is not an inotor cont. done Ili thi- bolt, Indefinably Willit 4, holf; extra was boug Ohl. , Kralser's lable, and hid hi exi)anql%e extrenie punishment, particuialy In ft I Clemenroau and 10. Briand on the edu- IhL iriped blanketing or it it more dressy Stockers, and feeders �Vca`6 caanPara' A despatch tram Madrid, Rpoln:I says: cation question. one iq wanted corduroy gives a capital A desptiteb from Ctilgar� Says tiely quieti-but, ClUotatloals are Orni; the propostil is unoincially ma g(LrY hag 'been burdened In most de and -thirt-tront borlonth lite mholloring fol4s winter little, but we do say Lima, he 0 16 Out of a 1111 One bunoll ot cholp 'fooderg sold a, IrIflut o a ugesery P !, vfrybody trcml)le<l whipping rxist is it fearful thing to I Ww to face in ng, alinet In tho IL few _!otlally spporic In the press and Vill, 0. P �4 filc but thl� was proctictilly all tile elsewhere� to eltnifnate the everlasting I o'cot es�,%v thtr_ The, f4ce dtlitind drs, offal phrilo iduring the last a,-; 14) what would happen when the Kul- pontleman croolts, robbers, and safe., 0 - flat, numbef. of 1,014ess there, Wag doing In this grade, CAI'=, DYING FAST. ser, who happenod 10 ho roadint� it cl&4- blowers, for they pass Delaware by so Aid for a millk-)n dellar to hq dr Mont I With troubie by 44tablishing the balcer. tlreezing, bre,` congurniati Coming here- frain eastern 91114h Cows are firmer tot- clafte Stock, patch, dlAco,.vred lite ollonve. long an she lays the cat upon. the cul- Pvocirfl lit lilt- Ckbalt district is w4fod uIpTe )f1sanof. les -i a popular trust, with individun; Packs of Hungry Waive,; Follow tile Siiddernly looking up, hL,; Majety prit&' buckii." ClIftaft. Tilt, cO i -Wrli uhlly with a wh1oll tb 'Scardls;� common milkog-ghow participation at as low a farice as 6 pe--;Ptn front the G"verninoill. Woot .01 t, In 4 andietl wilt tub W, no chailge. ft Platt � it)'r fiJ6,AJt(JW da binall aftiotan Of money nn(I are unable thorathly, the baretad being sold at cost Herds of Wartioul Animals, turned to tho Innoeent, guost., sftyiiig would pro- Inlighingly, "roll me, rtly (leaf. to wry 8104Y and pride. It laclaimed that this hild'if solt vlea* to4not, his had to, work. Tito f4sitalt Is that thoy are soon Calves -The market (lidtations amebringet). A de.;paLch from Medicine list, Alin.. t.y. d-) ynti ant. to W shaved Jits, now?'; *�t, V11, taVd. �� Tfies)kJo 4 Wboh frozo�, 00 the hand$ of the city. They 111so fintl l9ot the consunier from constant squorz. nyA: ho cattle situation Is desperate. cat-difilculty in getting lideorampog. MO Ing by the iftlo man, and stop ill(,, per, Many haw died in the streets the buti-mot. and his Vxcelloncy Sheep are Way steady, w alvoes of laughler FpOed lhl� Nfility, heoritonding eageS ere re but-laftfbS dr4s easy lieltial qutirroig 04ftgeq In ptices, Netween the employers Ifter. city after drifting in along 1he"Q18 bared his rhIrl-rronL. Port ry 43r. .'At at lineeling of the a4d employed. PRISON GOVERNOR KILILLED Cdig y� ar of Trade on Tuesday Hogs -Prices; are unchani;0411 but the from lilt, prairie. 1111bbing, at coul%di Ift; MOrtiot hag a: firrildr tone. de3pateb from MncLeod says: The �-Add, pfohlotos Ole 1319fil, 4 ta5011](1104 Wag passed zalling outlook an the ranges is becoming daily SHOCKS IN ILLINOIS. "1 11 b lni6n Government to 'Ps� tblig PIOCO In (ho, ' CUSTO,%IF3 jftEVENM, OTtAWA Nunsr, tomm. rr.nre desperate and tile cattle arp. dying ar $an ft sail M OM0 ANAV0011o)4 glos,,c WOVANT. .. thick and fast. Tho animal are skin Severe Earth Tremors Felt Lasting Five rft4ouftt4itW WberO 0, 4uft cad be eftmeo %Vill. Van r buff, lit fh'o it 6 �Of "p, m tho Miss Slaroaret Ca roan p -or, and it tit(, cold woullier continue Hated by the R.'e-volutionists--for 111r3 jlyliig 4014, i Ai� 't Tpettace for'SeV - Seconds. 6 cold. A) ght,cov, to Months OV& C4,W'. tile majority Of file", will he food for colig a8u6llv pr6i I Mtgl jV1101hor 4ft-4Afturkey4 nalft dOW At Witter,Street. Hospital. the PPckq of %volves end enyofeg now A ile4paleh (porn qt. Loulq sap , Spe. S00T T11U4 *V#FE 'WA0, A despalof a 1h from --Ott otva, . $rlyg -1 111 - Ile . ragerly haunting thir irails of the fain- r1nJ9 from Hifthlrind and Orprivillp, Ill.. ii otim,kI.Iough. V CliVan, cord 24� a raffirse In he Waler iFhod 4nd tired mit heri;lp. The areal reported severe earthquake shochs at r 4� treating Prisoners. ;44�&( nktAi Act hil lit -Shaollil January t nth$ $000t Hospital. f0l ittam a window (if droveof altie, whirli Inva&d the town 11.20 o'clock on Wedilmday night. i'lie 'PArly elt a t',amobtiled to that hogillial, tit 4,30 on Tfaur�daiy even. thN Week rame from Little Bow. and vibratforu-4 qeemed to 1w fmirn Pliqt I) Itlorotut� or jr-or 11INT',NT Of' TE111101111SX1. Mreot of #lie Is4ind .�.Fi Wednesday and (" 109 the sldA%Vaih other point. west and eandinued about live seconds. Idtal'"CcIP dtttd,' It WtOA Prefth w1fillow through died nlm(kqt lultllcdafl� I\. A de8p6di ji�ahl Lady fI of a cdn at Baku, TAkit Aug 6P YnIk t Prince Nakadildze. N, 8110 had been I!) silly Z.5. 11,44. 'he casqassin. who a joulb of 18, A amol dressed its a Nvorkman, onerged train a lamog. 110V614- Cuthbert, of Deautort ftpo Or IWO, but doe- A SM0011-8 MATCH, FIVE MEN KILLED, at Kishinelf. it* - 'd Afiss cavur, tea houe 0,4 M. Gulden'.1 %�[W passing on uettlly,thot, while, sliatvkif iltutti vlav 'W" a � native Of Thurso, Quo. Caused Hie Great INploolon lu Saar. Ilowder Exploded Ton Illinois Cost Ciin. NunharharRtti, at War. 1114 v6ny home. and shot lim twice in tho -t�vo yat�b otA F314016 Jai bruelten Mind. s3aNN, ug. 27, 105. lontav;l. 'rhe aLg(l shot and WrO bY 004 tht, 00i a' fhwugh: Tll"IrAgy" $h6�,Wfas mortally wwanded it prison warden \%lio rot. anfd:`Wteh,� from; 116 huslimita gall wint, X liecial. - htt. Jill T0 CUPIN Ms IN SNOW. A depatch from Saftf-brucken, Rhein. A dc.qpatch I M I Ill at Warsaw, and wha pur- t4octed, treeit 00'w lit thd Ilso , OfAk!� U4 nsb9t PU4 A desoalch" trom Nveq Ish says: The search of (lie gal. [V On eqploslonroTpuFd1'1,1I:n tt;;i r2a i 12. IW�. tied lilt, Illb h0lid, killinj hol� instantly. Iady. Virgmill, 6zi 91,' Tho�if, wer� 91 intft 41% (Iolo(cll Iflw, ,Ois tit ppofl, at I %176 LAO Wymoy thp 8tuart ratiaps, hi �1,16yello Co 1(rable Stafferinga In Ausula Tilroutill lerlei of the Atrien mine at St. Jobaraft. Final City and fliff Mali dy.1coal tiline at, and t1w police have Wen untkbkf to 11114 40 k Jolm&an (;fly on Tuesday a a men were Nov. 22. 1%.). lead, aink fl, 4 Oil ity'ag, %tv11 Twkwd 'to 01 w1w an 01ill6ssoft Uck qf ruel. -on-1,4aar, where an exp1mloft occurred G'n. 11611townittoff, at Poltma, any Irari- of him, a trio population of an 11160.49 1fghtcMilit'm ft lIft. TUC14. January 28, afill con'Innea. Moro bodleg itilicd and elevn hurt. lb-. i4land iffrioraily sympathize with 6y ft A d6- la tile men Ittill bd� JdR�ci, 61)t itild the a4lighto of the anpamb from Vieftha naya -. Them were brought up oil Wedn(IsdaY, and St. to � �oiid or 601111)" U011 fmt"A��6 f0119 snow Idontifivil wf,; being ornolig file lot of 11plor"burg, May 1906. Tito Governor of lite political prl3on fOrW OlIbe MlMfdfi� bNAA p fe-rt-14 WX 11W401101l'i AbArIZ NI&AV porzoos art- tho��e airctilly given up for dead. Th" Ruglor 0ofily. (11 fill R. NI, was Gell. X021off, at JAI. Peters. 4110% beon a illarlfif Inall for gome 11"IN 'TI16, bv� !§hould nev", to top thd cui btlen low. 40:11 , filJnhalc jr, n Jim hag been ekilrigulshed, land flip en. t;valtvileed at I(ing.z4on to tine year in burg, July 14, Mill. wall OCCIS06 Of at t 1411toi iland, whoii i-duell 6 *101ift'l PIAMl Owing to lite giner a nMjqrk Mat (here I tic danger of Ili(' Central Priqon far Awaltna tkf. Onint Alexis Ignatloff, at 4t. So, IfttLCd. Tfle inctlinif or any furthor explosfon. I Tborefare tbo Ifff, at lho College for tho eadels. 6livelail JiMf at Lemix-rg had to bi, vvilf at clearing the (taller. lie CHIFIF OF t Ppter�burg, Dec. 22. $NO. SO" 10 ho -W816 gerved in (lie) N nyal (:ano- St. 4-tif Iltadfteh U len Lq prociredins. l3rinpe J"rcderlck d,an Regiment. (ten. Von ilk, Lnunitz. at stifirt tpull)wbiid fimno to (fjo lar.k ral fuel in I Pdo"burg, Jai). 3. IM7. despatch trarn. At- heit file Wr lillifillitg. 11) goe districts Loopold of on tV,�dnp;day Irant, W... I'may fkTiWil 41)1 C091113 Ana ft# 1) Of& �Jri 6�1101(1� jlotf��o 0 t I'lavlft. at I. PC. Poland, ays : A Mind of C5 ftr_#� Ih* 14CAVC111 unlor to palrt In lite (tine tomburg. Jan. 0, 190. %Nediloday cvPnjn1t allot and' 411W W015 is. buttkildo WN411 rp6ko tug tirii Pays ca Irt, Lilt 11113 (A it ly�, v1plor onfol, tht euiof 01 tho bal U. fimt lit bodleildndl 2r, Injutz-11 nf�n IIaV0 119on Pe. makeq Foil look ca un. if ­ ltv htsit 111tivi. Wam the Mille. (31herA = happv, *11afaln-lygo pol!co 0 0 City. no Ito .1 the 1914 of ub. tc 'WLV6 16(41, haVo, 1041 Vtobably 1`0 Tamil (if poll( cfq pjtt.o an 4 410 O, W41 )�APJ to trating, Tho 1ho OUNO FOLKS T ww tW lit Iwo W11410 oaXith 1141444�*tll 4*4 litually, t PUKTA10. 00041 10 th5 tolldd froM 8, nnkn�'I'nl doing conitilblog I Ott Vatilt (Ltron 414071 r." rot, thelyll 41n mily S 4�4 warit afn tha tjj4 t