The Goderich Star, 1907-02-01, Page 8e, 13TAlt aCombination In 4 years the. Assets of The Sovereign J3ank o Canida have increased to over 25 millions and exceed the liabijities to the while byrover millioris. Depositi have increased to over ,1,5 millions. Your account-4arge or smallr.is invited, 1.00 opens all aCCOullt in our Savings Dept. Interest paid 4 times a year. be vents 4 Vtoriz;: rpr4oSto4. 10( (4.13011011121C ANIMVPORM ifOrtlwer. OP Get Your Outat fur at PORTER'S 80011 STORE where everythifig that is cornet, authorized and according to regniationS, is kept in steCk. , You maim no mistake when you. buy your School Supplies nt. . Porter' Telephone 1001. The Square, Werke Cbe Goberieb Star. l'inoPalella CALL n• FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1907 . . Dungannon. Get your Marriage Licenses from ---- — 'IS••es. -Allen, fla-asuld-alee dike a shoo:Lot your conveyancing. Pusersnots NoTion.—Mr. Thos„ G. Aueu, who is the mule.* correspondent to • tato !gaff: DrrtglAi-ivike-Vitgi: - entforjeb-priatingoor :gfrIrtZing.....Pubs. Tau Oral). - G. A. Newton, Death, Lneknove. A.A. home every day except Thursday)). Now remedy tor extracting teeth, tOomnoternu, better than gas. Crown and bridge work, eto. 1,,,Thiplure plates inenbrealtahlo). N.D.-You can eiwtWe have year work much potter done lo tab doutal ource-mere time, Dotter Wilkie!) for doing the work -and numb more comfortable for the radiant! p[ouss IN DUNOANNON.-For Maio or . or. u lt towed, Datorahnon, • — -Iiiir DOsseagoo rd -a) Nly throotter an,j., . For etatieuttare mow to toll Own - T. Al Allen has the latest machine tor making' corneae Meeks. either tor a whole powering° ortor veneering one. fie will hire dew a fingseltwe experienced man by the) day. 'run et the eheamst way to Will or to dx pp an old house. Write or call. =OBIT, -- met. James Whyard hist week received eAcleg,,ram bearing the tail news or the death of ber brother Charles, of Colorado. Since 'then by letter she has heard that he underwent an operation runt then contracted pneumonia, and in his weakened con• ditionauccumeed after only a couple ' ese doe illuess. -Ile val.-only .58 yea% otages andleniese-beaklea his widow, sr largo grown up family: Musreatn.—The Misses Harris, of Moo, presented a first class musical entertainment in the Agricultural Hall here on Wednesday evening. Ian. 23, but unfortheately for them and for those who mistier, the Utak the weather was unfavorabte and the advertiaing, to put it mild, was poor, only about five bilks rtoated for it few days in the whole village. This is the real explanation of the elim Ottendanee. We must advertlee in any line of business or face futility'. PlertliONAL.—alps. R. E. Manning is steadily recovering 'froto her eavere illness front pleurisy. Der former 'physician, 11r. Turnbull, called • on Tuesday and expressed mucb pleasure at her state .of recovery. Mrs. Man- ning's mother has returned to her ‘ home in Clinton, and a twalned nurse has taken her 'Owe° here.—Mr, Murcia eson, at one' time it merchant here, and now located in Palniereton, call- ed an severe) acqiiaintencies here on Teeseee...- Mite White, of WINO, bas engaged wit It Mn;. it. B. Alen- ning for a thne.--ffince hod report Dungannon's population le increased by one. The new striviel nitty be seen at the home of Theis EOM& — At Cate of writing Hrs. M. Shackleton, et., of Crewe, is reported very M. — Warner Sproule was ih Goderich on Telesday. It was he and not Warner Beglest, as repotted last week, that assiated Mr. Anderson to take stack. ?Mack Vtuston, —Not for it while yet is Dsingatunni tO enjoy the some., what doebtful benefits of incoshorte tion, The petitiotters made the smite take let more ways thad one, of inelud- Mg too Much aretsin the ptoposed vil- lage, and so the County. Centel! !aid the Petition over at the Tleeenffier 'itineUttes and as there VtliS CIO tieW pe- tition, there was nothing done at the Jamie seesion. The two' Most inn rfta hertart questions now to tw eettled . w t agreement eons we meke With the townithipe of Ashfield and , west Wawanotth ses. ours ;there of the toWneitip rates P and what redly con - statutes the incorporate' village ,of • Datgannon P It agreements OMI he arrived Ahem these two pelette thtsre Should belle Oldiettity in Waft the • necessery chatter Of a police village et sthe lieitt MMUS' 001111011" tePtiSitItl in Jane. Who caret enough to move in . the tuatee nod get these questions • • here an WeelneeslayS Zird January, Al. though tire weather was cold end' dorms". And tauldsonly peseehle, there was th% iteuel large attendance of Pelle/Ph loge. evidencing A continued, ititereilt Aldd pride in the emcees* of our awn Insurance company. Tbe 'presis dent, Mu John fiellantylau of Kies 04n11.0** willed the Meeting SO orsiee for the receiving of the directors re. Pore" as also that of the auditors, both of Welch ;aimed evidence of the Sta- bility and general sternly Dream*, of thee conemeny. and. Were untninunlie 11" ndoPted by the meeting. On the president vacating The chair the Meet - lug appotnted Mt. Matthew Lockhart. of auburn chairman. whn vety ably coneineted 'the meeting to the. close. Toll!! the Vacencies on the directorate, the three retiring members were re- nominated, imago were Meseta. Leek - best and Joseph Atallough. Mr. Leak. hert deciding -not to attend for election, it yote by ballot showed that the old .directors were ad elected, viz.. john •UallantYite, of Kincardine; Alexander Stewart, o Wawanash, and Edward Acheson. of Ooderich Tp. So the eetne bird ef directory and some officers w is made 80 good a showing in 1000 w 11 do the business Of 1907. Hears. John WilaOra of Auburn, anti W. A. Willson, of Wes/ "Wewatiosh, were re- appointed' auditors, A few statiaties taken from the reports way be of tereet ; The tots), nen:slier of polleies In fare° on Dec. of Bletd001000, is 8101, cov- ering a risk 44; ,828. The pre- naluns note capital held by the emu. pithy Dec. Illet 19 $104801.49. the am sessable face of which is $180,703.12. The amount, of cash In bank, ineluding U small auna at the head office., is $7,- 200.30. The total assets of the corn- PanYtiee $171,851.01, end the liabilities nil. Die total slash receipts for the year were 011,885,80, and the disburse- ments $8.502.80, IneludIng SU,792.05 of loases. Thenumber of lossessyere 40, the_greater-propotalonebeing--eaused by lightning. it nul be well for policy holdees to c der well th warning of the manager'. Air. Itebett re tho payment of aegessuients peddle lir,oroording to tho notice. car.ft, law allows thirty days for the pay meta of these assessments, but not I that they so forward.° t1I. Therm win * OD Sunday Wesel in the after metal esseviest in thin estrepiug at alittssa, numbeefroot teen in Attheres comma** in TM*. oeruss4lexit Tuesday eyetting wil tit lll menthly Centwetetiog, Ofpriqe, JO *ague, Topias "tlitaritr, , Askffreld. . ' *. ValirseevaressIlielaard 'Bag" of ifireviroVity. Mich., spent tbopesit two weenie visiting his nenteroutt Ash- fteld seletiveses.-„Thir. atia. mts. ;on. Andeeson, who have been Visiting here during the post meat% left on Hanna fAtty forVargill, where they will bathe attests of fAt*. Aaderscsee permit* lifts nod Streseitevense until teeie retinal - to Manitoleessitirs* Jae. Barnwell and tlen Hendera.ef tochalsh, „ Were the gettele of Mr. twee Andrelva A. Ow, days Mat week —liallie:Sraltere. and Vinlay Reid, who Are atteeillues high,• Scheel In foreknow* OPent Hnilld(4Y at ' their homes in AlefelapgesSielin V.• Andrew meg the guest of hie aunt Alill a, Kilpatrick, Bandon r THE .1.41,111eATS'8 LATEST. Alleed Austin. the toet tanta- lite, contribIltee o poem, entitled.' "0•114844q4: :Bono*" toTho Meucheeter Daily Dispatch, from* which •the fol- lowing stanzas ate taken: The envious nations and their rulers keep Armed watch upou each other all the while They prate of friendship, lullitig fikar to aleep • ,With treacherous smile. 0 finer souls, of penetrating ken, Poets and preachers, in our hearta instil Huinility..afresh, and Ming to men Peace and good-wat So thin our citristmas be no, pagan feast, But we tone may grow more like to them, The reverent kings • who journeyed from the East • To Bethlehem. THE BRITISH SQUARE, . Probably Its Greatest Test and .Tri. umph Are Found In Wateriee: So many di our great battlea have been fought and won with the troops formed into aquare- that the British square has become a famous phrase Ir; the history of war. Such a forme, tion is ahnost obsolete nowadays, so much have modern rifles and artillery changed the whole face of /Winery :*aeaThddj3Th-irEen it was used it was employed mainly in pitched ct. battles where Ti was a question of re. a Mating the chfirges of an enemy op. t' an open plain, and presenting a gelid front in whatever di -motion -he-attack- " ed• certain circumstances it could'. a • still be employed against savages. • It was a British square, for exam - o ple, that finally broke the power Of the Zulus under their King Cetewaya. I Our troops learned eente lessons in . savage warfare from that dusky 'non - t arch, especially when the ill-fated 24th - regiment were caught unawares by d oVeredleiMillg horties of mimes at Ili- a andula and practically "Wiped ont,'1.- t But when et Met a little British attar • It "square" rod the 'whole Of the Suitt forcee, at Ulundi the war :as anidede: In yelling myriads the savages cherg-' - ed and charged again, but the square O stood firm, and, under aceaseleee and O withering. fire, the fee at last melted. e broke and fled u again. In the Seuslaa the Britilh ' square proved mattle., although in s„ some cassia, the frenzied dervishes. abs • Aollately,perelese qt_their Jives, °barged. r Hat als.fdit:;...:..seeiViterrifies„ ata s even once broke through the British t ranks. The few whcedid were speedily despatched, but they hadedone what' no civilized troops 1Thd ever eaeen able e to accoMplish—they had "broken a . "British square." - 'Probably the greatest test to which - the "square" wits ever submitted was, when leapoleare finding artillery and it rifle lire in vain,: gent the flower of s bus troops—the Cuirassiers and the Cavalry of the Guard—and finally, the famous "Old Guard" itself—agatnst . the stubhorn British ranks. In the Victoria and Albert Museum, South Kensington, splendid painting. by Felix Philippotea,ux, showing the Cuireisiers charging our own gallant - Highlanders in this fashion. In those " days the square was composed of three Sees; the outer line of soldiers lay' presto, ' them the AIM knelt onone:kite° and behind these, in tint. titeod men on foot, so'that their volleys were delivered, so to speak, in three tier,—a ftlible line of fiteszthe Unto - e 'nets, in resisting charge Atriking opwerde and forwards- Nowadaya, an Already tnentioned, the "square" is practically enk oltsolete formation, and rutty never be swan again—in civilized warfare. at least, minute longer. When the thirty day are paesed the pointy holder is Merry Ing lois own riskuntil such time gist does pay •Iiis resse.ssment. The Wes Wawanosh was Organized in 1870, an has proved it decided success, beingao cley- one of ,the cheapest and woe stable of the mutual companies of On, and we are all naturally prou to have the head office of so large eonoern in our village, and is a grea help to the business of our ;village bringing, as it does, many people every week from a distance. GitNotte.t. Nusrns.s-Diok Reid shin ped another eter-load of fine °Attie t Toronto this week. Dick seems t know just when to dip in.—Wm. Mol had a very successful wood bee o Alonday, and has now plenty of exer cise In view.— We are infoutned sha soma membere ,of the Public Winer ,reee entatifting 000 of the rules ver -badly.. They keep books out away beyond the time limit, and this i especially so with some of the mos popular ones. This Is a species o selfishness that requires a cheek, and the authorities would do well to 110that the fine for keeping books ovet thnerbe strictly Imposed.—John Gloy e; who for the past nine years hand ed out refreshments to the thirsty guests of the Mallough liouse ha gone to Kincardine to do a shiniest uty In the Royal Hotel. Beyond the faculty of creating it few enemies for himself by his outspoken manner John was considered a successful and faithful manager.—Robert Atallougle nos bought a bakery In Teeswater and will niove there shortly. lie has his farm, Mock and implements pd vertised for sale on Thursday, Febru levy 7th.—When O. Augustine install. ed 11111 chopping mill in the Allege there were plenty Who thOught he was very Mellish. Today nit must affinit that if he was foolish it was only en engaging in an enterpribe that Would eepidan busy almost SI fiburs it day. his week hls father Is out from 'Gode tittle to Radar, him it little. Orilla ods vertises and thinks it pays hinee-Win. Welch, of the Escalator, was here last week, and did some 'business for his Company, as usual—Mr. Handl. ton StnIth is eelling nursery stook and "ports business very fairee-Thm e eta chants and beefiness men of the vie, lege have an agreement in etecelation for signatures aiming et the closing of all platee Of business at 8p. m. shot. The majority have signed, but fate Is yet unknOwn.It requires Ithailitts 02 but not tnerely'a 0,10rity. Whet er this action wotlid Provo bOnfabial IS it debantble subject, 'Tustama be the proper thing, if the Aere could only 8101 11. that ways.. ould ypti be. neve it There i talk ot formieg•it Mang Co. to prospect enet develop Coletteproperties. _Next Will ilkeir be *stock exehanges—Mr, Everett Met. Jonah lentist general Manager of the 4%11000 Howse—The' special Meets ing in the Methodist Munich ate Vet? I attended and proving behead/1, —Mr. Thou'. Seethes", the Iteere, and Ni. Thos. Mel•teitli, the• USeetter ot Aehileld, Weep beet Monday : atraelting thomiesing of 111014.*Tho Wing. ham Adrattee 01last week gives it nit thatch of Major gory megen. et it native of tilhenow, who ehliMe be the'*Wad talleet Inten In the sold He rumours*/ feet 221.inebtok Atli toutrameted. Dungannon Will aim to have the tiege tallest sgstels en Of Wan in the Pemba or Mrs utios Vilma). Whet:we Wiese require* ik u eta ineh tape torettelt, from top, to 1.1003, And bit le breed proportion, Whitten; Electric Liaht. ' Before an nedienee al some of the twat known seientifis men of the day, Mr. Vaidemar Poulson the other night at the 'Queen's Hall, London, demons •dreted ecene of :the wonders of his new system of ethereal electricity, to Sir William Preeee. the ehairman, dee aerated it; • to alt 51 ,to . *Bleat .8*e1Mors ilarotress•The following le g the etanding of the peons of Denims I* nett te* S. fde the Month of Jatinery, fa parimeet. Vs•HOwata toes mettarein order et meat: 130 anianAhmough.motha ,Brekherar • r, v Mtewait Mellealgre Her ,101164.1ithet Deee, Alma flol,ineon, iltoirth ivab :keen, Motes realms t 81., IV•ss, aid TeeletvesSfeerte 01 Vet. 'Vera POrtiti.seleta Spumli Melvillo tliennw:-Itert Wionatiet Alen triere,goy Medd, Pool Ittrilidlysletslierentlands .41o4ye Metortn, lownelettlese:e lioelyn SAW* Bees :CMOs lansMott• 1000.- Otrfe Wink hleNeillt. ..rAirterie0 Smiley, Martha Begley. ;Oaten*Ttmltey. 11. R. Doug. PrIt**k. Junior' meat Jr, 1114.Stephen Madd, J1vitIeu'Allem Lour* w180, 0.14 Howiud St. 11.4tHey, • cllourf.- Dutra Smith,- .1)1 nett titothott •PresperttY. Itowattr..4he folintain the atand,ingot the pupils Of 8.es 2. 'Welt warknoth•for the month or Jonmryi-, Se, W. Unto, WO, tlilhert Of. tittle V1661044 greah. ling, Nett*, Tontmleal 011tre Timm. Mabel 24111*. Itt.„, Violet Dioniteir.: tfeorg ttosrequ, Weelel" Torennley, flatus Gibson r Ith thoritortertimien rhittile ill* markt Virfoiltlfttons 11. wont.? WintWaiStOns Lily 1)1* it Ado. Meild„ 1e4itia ttntelitne. tieaael grAritithltb. MSlaitt futterEdIn ; Mills. , Sahel A Dailie, Volter. Itantenvat.,- Atmtate.) it. ItfOre tittn' 140.10bk MAttittt VittItt!,t3 #4t* kodentent Jr. 11- Howusit Andereetis ' iteri no. Thfls4d Aturersint, Alyettot Pf. lissliesfatoth. • I , Hassel Beer, Vktelt M Ste Mew, WWI Pee MeNstlyseS, 11. 011sortalattel_ Alto* £i4eii.ii Hatald Smell; ' •-litith Af 1. Irrankliat Thewmpwiet, Costs, Heat Peerless wort Augsteaseu Geom. OMAN. tInee, sowed Offot• ofelNovir rho t olgo Aarkeslieseeilw= raft( Matter Whe haw Wen reeavel old teeeptelshiateethow *Re hasiess Mee. Will. dare, from Hatte, Attlatfilt *Petit llohalaY WWI (BtFAIrlt ifOriete t Artedey olealenbegihte regolar q*art.s4yeise vie* WIN be beist in sthe U.tbMj01 ehorek *we. Thr poreate will *weds ' Wit* tao thikeMe ot Sir \Vattern said that the lecturer% disetsvery sounded She death knell of the old l'opuilt"-telegraPli, ansl l'inalemt in his paper explained that his letin of electricity Was etipible .of 110 teWer than a million tibtati01118 per second, thus •giving a Practittally eontinuous eirtNte 'Of anergy. Thh, ,fspore".!' form of electricity might he likened to „a series of ereplosions, end the Pfitasert sysfeln to it cotitintiouely vandal* tunitOefork. • Seine Wonderful dolionatretients lustreting the vapibMties Of the new ,eleetrieitys vote oven. tet ot 'elfe detail° ineentlesoult Iamps )1V0115 utvireteSSie by its ,energy, littOp WO lit through Mo, %ethereal body, topper wire mai rOltVit 3,iIntd*Inrs but the most bettittifd deist el ell** tieawiuiging eolVer Wire 41Xe0 to the top of an 111ffiletien cell. which, in the tia'Aened hnfl,seemedliko it wess• ing Omfatter of violet dont wheit the ethereal ertertY Vire/ ebPlittl to ' In addition to its edventageaitt tateleett. telegraphy •Iwidelt inpludir ab- oIufeby perfect 'going": Inn posai11bity (if „ PP Gatinventor eipreeseti hil0Sdit Vititidtlit Wit It "rola be totted to seive the problem' 4 Vardeeli It:dente:Met • .0,11,e1 Butt Viluabl..• • Gi-eitaQ. tbe ttiet of 'cord -do_ )1,10 telgium., "A eystent tor commuting i dust Into brionettei, Mut oral forma is eneseetetfully dealitie With the' loge ressetwis of testi 4110 Of Beltatmes, lane* and ettedis The triquattenntias, try Of Liege bite Urgent irwritutt, Bits expatiation, teething Alinuet all the (001 remaining reentriett 01 **Woad, sitamenting fee itaS dna Avert lateithe of the pest year le SOO tor*, The Ehighilti eft% tteilereet 01641* Wetter ed about 480.000 4004 In Ole Year: The eitsetread. :meet blispletiett Menses I ittetTjeoely. Moly *hone um theta for ROA** Moyer as Will tit ter two c., *MC •• 4 10 tii# 1)44644. Now to the fileile lehre nevelt had pan 114kretiri hit rOhloohi's 3rue,' Ilenee ft OAK**. 014 etc** mitt new OUICkit by PtItatteille" PM wows *hie Ptotte *f ths stash Obetwod Coal? Peort" freltiolly Orytitallaistg. . :The *sang Nowa *elesterat ii ToPOUY itengeneehing ate preeteset m1stuiteue4 lar$ Vitroolstle. Ie.* Jew w •Ogsset to beer Be merits lad demerits echoed hamth. treetootteseling board of 'the HPUOS of Vommems. was rosterder denoolie4 in .Porli smut to hicorposte the "Maus nel Tunnel Cos" Poore are seasht to itlreeete Ottelt works up to the throes mite limit. And it •Irc proposed tbtw. neW !OulPitrgl" 41141 hereafter Its reels. teresi for the; sturpeeesof eorreincoot the .entire "Moen The hill steoPosters the t,vuthstQrfl end titaketa td aired tleeinselves of the authority 'given by Berliterielit it ,I87e, for the spplicattou of helasoeinis id towels:the coot et the works. and Also to take engine in :140.estpitel, 01 'are eeiripany treated.' • , It•311 esti/moo that theaeltertle introlva a Whet MAU)" Of_glet.,040t.,090, • Hajf of that emOunt *la Pes rtualla tIlIll country. 11101 11111"temelodersia. preenieed in :Terenee , ea goon eir-'zthei $01000:44,4 InPro retdrediearlittiperes forY•Seneuen 111 Stglend. , • •. limited imbility, oomPionr,. to jle keitisterta, lo"Lotid'on, with 'a • erinftel of P8,000,00,.. eoteterite and eons • t etatittery, teMPanY 'end "SSMIlde rtrntlYhold the seceritisteot es.': i b410004, of l'uto 1 o• pooitoliarY' to eeTta"The -UMW. trete theihrecerelle ihat to Mitiehanners Where it will OM • tleet With ale :Bretlehlasalen oF the uudertaning, Two pOttinet #10I4Stia*i11 be eoldrtteted. the tetiti "length of -the same under'llas:!stese,', being: end, :with tilts .• lager :,914n,teatehee"on - eithex dde,Aft lllileH. 014outations,(it.: is claimed by, the Troneters) show., that in the first year alter the of the tailWersthe 't(loidever:Tobri.!. as it hasaireedy• been narned-1.300.- 000 passengers will be •0011VOYeds through the ttemelo, eturtilte grow res eeipts from all sources of trandn iI same period ere put at $1.540.0004 • , The tamale. eadi 18 feet bet:sternal diameter, Will be driven from .Sartelgate throughout the whole dia- tance in the .gray Rouen; oltalik.,which, 57 feet 'thick .= the English ilide and 80 feet on the. French side, te ;tetras .tum svery homogeneous, „ptectically -free from and rereserktettly Impervious to water. s . • Powers for the electric motem which ani to beempleYed in the tunnel traf do will be obtainedfrom large gen- °rattly *diens. which are likewise to supply the current required for light.. as weli see,the, ..eekePreelied uir neolessery for the, nerpoamt of ven- tilation. The trabie will be Made up 01 the rolling, knock of all Britieli and continental railway systems. excepts int -thole Of Span and Itusailkisyluch at-piesent -posses& gangree- -ffifir4rng 'material y /rani those of Great Brit. nim. When the trunk line, now in course of conetructien through,Greace b,as been 'completed the opening of the (*angel 'tunnel will ehottim •the mail retire Its Incite by etrhoure. Balfour Browne; ICC., hare tenni re - as leading counsel tor the bill and Meseta. Sherwood in Co. are the pailiarnetztary agents Mr the promo- ters. Kept Pledge to Highwayman. s' The fourth Earl Stanheips,.when on !Me homeward Way late one de* night, was held up by the Mast gentlemanly '0EllighreStrasis. who Pecterra Itis Ye' !I est -dor moues or the nobleman's it in quite the nieeet stay. :rft hap - nested that Lind Stanhope had not any money 'With him andewas chain- clined to yield theeatternative. "Your watch, thee," suggested the gentleman at the opPoeite end or the moot That watela, the earl' explain- ed; was dear to him. He ;Veined it at 0, hundred guineas. and -Would- not eurrender it. "What I will de,"' lre" AMC !Its to bring and •depesa..inAltle tree the worth of the Watch:in MOO, -and yop can call and got il therierroet • "Done, m' lord," said the_ highway- man. . • .• The law knew nothing about this arrangement, and the earl did as he had promised. kie placed the litIndred guineas where the highwayman Might at hie leisure tolled itAnd there; so far as he knew, the Matter ended, Years liftenvarehe attended it great banquet in the city, and found him - elf pleasantly entertained by, an ex- tremely well known mane' whore.- eig, nature. was good for a stun in seethed. figures. Heat day came to Lord Stan- hope a letterenclosing the tune of Ine guineas. Accompanying It was a. not begging his acceptance of a loan greets' ed ;tome yeas previously to the man Who now forwarded it, • I That loan, said the latter, had an - bled the sender to gain a new refart in life, to make a fortune and to la.% new tannutintance at dinner on the plindous night' With- hlieltridship. city magnate anti the highwayniall •of earlier days were one and the shine. -- louden Evening Standard. Poinider of Modern' Surgery. , Unquestionably first among Meg fedwartre medical attendants stande the *puma* and distinguished tore of "Lord Lieter. the founder of mos dern surgeess. He holds the smaintlys alined race of Ihgleant-Surgoldiv in Ordinary to his Majesty, and Wee, arm pointed by tho Xing to bp one orthe original members of the Order of ,Mortt. Lod Lister, says M. A. Psis lisle elwaYs modestly eserlised the glory hie 'discovery of aatideptic surgery to Pastime', whose rehoweltee an terms*, talon suggested to ',lad the Idea of sterilizing wounds, Lieteett.elevation to the Peerage. bY Voter; Vietorla some ten yeare ago Wee celebrated by ; * :unique banquet tiVrin to bins by; over A hundred , of life old 'houtteitar, gems; awl velerles." RS •tildlo ed. Onof his: oat pegs:theft deeetib4 'Ad Lister's drat alltideptitt dreseingss a pants "eternized witlieerbolit :eald;•-• in the GlitegeW Hospital in leek and **Met 'thAt reley hies ward* become ihe healatieSt in. the *Old, while 'Mbar**. separated from his liy only ,tbo hresAth. of a, Paolo, tonsinettM 111- *armory as ever:" Itet the new.sua coverY had to mounter Muth bigoted; o mitten fro eint50 Alive atembratiL se e l‘tere it reasste ttuly . saki Of Litter that threaten hiM More lives are saitel *eery year woo Doted toek In all hitt 'Wink • ' HU*, , • , Paor.ti.,.-.2J1n VilMot :1)rit1th* Vett, him returned' After itpielimine. Sit With ttieftitt. in (Le1an, 'OWN "A; At. :Who hoett. ,fit the shining deportment 'hf ,•Orlitg Stationery 00 Otero. la orr Mit et 1de 110631441 Zarieb, 111, Wt tape for his litunildhtte ealSOvessey.' nitooett.,..rssus .iietusatop Milig.TOPhein(i for 144)044 t week,, VfilKillitriatteettell , • nalloaaWo regret to intistlaneS th atiddett tOoth of: 'Mk* Meta TA dettothter of Wrs. Taylor, Zion. °merest sots 'reseed** ..ttoored fitratlead,:ef tYphold teems wag in Stretford Ilespitel to atakij aganurge.; She wag *Wing, age Zil reek% And We* :stapeetast t eeyonelvho •Chatteeek to meet bee, The ttitlI hos ther Sympathy et the ettlirei retionaltity. A firm flea* *es flitsriosnr. — *Roos Vein% tn whkk wows two mote tve theft trom„ . oak" la entitle matteets BOA 'utterly preetrat04. The 1 hove food, mut there k a Mot onto, it. free Pm A 0411$RAL NOM. The cold amp made Out villegeni Maio that wiater k not over, it was hprd week rxecoak and wood. -.,The C. P. IL liddlte Pot *de i1S- PlipeAre IRO OR Monday to on:merge their work of putting the bridge across the k!isittoud, SO it WiNit be long' before we will be Able to ride to the county town on it, Some .of the Men gat their faces badly -frozen o !Menden SO bita that they NO In stop Work. When the weather moderates clown the work will go *hang mkt% faster. ppootuit,4..... mks (Jodie?. 4,•a-, and MiSSIrrna sypdagt0A Are visiting -Miss Sclater, of Se4- forth, this Wedit.44rthult Ferguson has soured a PeSitielt Iwo* 01 the factorlesin Winton), We 'Mgr hint $ogceSs.,,Jas. Stuart'has se. cool a position with. Mr. Young, of Wingitarn. in the hardware • ,busi- nessoo-Several.people of our village are laid up, with •the meseelS,and MOMPS:ossgeerge l.amprnan baS,re!' tome() In, W. T. Riddle's ;Ow. month's visit with his parents , Khigsvitle.,-- Mr, John Mcismignt. gnd,daughterStoidaye4 at the Nile., And llefSsR* Sprungl'ef the hoe line, Sundgyed over the liver. Echlin - spent': ilittfiday visiting- Mr. Echlin's. rso- theri.Of the Nile.. --William McMullen and daughter„ Mrs.W. LvkHuri,. Of LW/1404 spent* few days visiting in the '1411age."'. -Mt.McMullen.' is lwnie fro)tt.V,eAtinefARrijOba, where: :be:went.some three years ago.. 7 He :feeWthapkint that he .1S fa a land 'et plenty this winter."'.0Mrs, John 'Willard is. very icl We Wider.. 'Steady but we ;hope that, she will 1 SoOn be out again. • . ,Ctitingf.t . 'Oaf 'meeting of 'KriOx-: tfalgtvg090;. kygls.,:hold on. Monday • afternoon. The reports .were, -:very, gratifyin4. 'ond..the-•:ttieteherSiliPOS now r4i. The .debt Was come speedily down liero::$§',66010-$.7e0 inthreeyeete 'ondwitoit. .,..TotapotoentS'4Oripg, .tgoi5t.:AtnOontg00;ovor,: 4444, f..,110, •-•••,o• ' the • iniSsion ,sCherne$, and over 150 .other. benevolent" objects'. The pastor . was votedl fear Weelesholidays.and - Was -.tresetsted••with 25. The 1?0,4.ot .togn4kekOnV•migt•O .atithOrt, ttqalto:',rnPoit .1.4:Ntecis and it is likaly that this. Will involve ;OR: eie4 penditirre Of 1$ 00.0,-s:slim Managers, auditors. ushers - other ofrieera r‘Yere,S.lfeartitt thankOd: for. liter. ifaithful rvices and were all,re- elected. Miss 1dna..MorektoOd. • sang - '0,010 Otton • on „8unday;,: and on Monday evening in corinec- tion With the einniversegy services and tea ineetipg of the Presbyter- ian church there. Her sister, Zell* of Winifham, was, *Iso, there and played the accaropeniments._.Solus Were *mg in 'Knox thumb lost Sueday,1 in the morning ty Miss Certie Asquith., aid in the evening • by Miss Lizzie Carter, The pastor, .presclied both Morning and evening., The evening service., is very appreciated by the , *pie of the' villageand Immediate noighburhotid, • „.„ fill IE ljo not miss a golden opportun- •ity to 6t it good 11.,AkGAIN. fassistrie We" Mf4.11C41, skyou ftMRUAR Do poi tides" in iettina relief fths littler folio. Neater OreVee Kxterreineter ia4 pleasant And VMS Cure. If you, 'eve your child whY de you let it suffer when a remedy is an neer at hand I" 00 a MONT Complete Shorthand or •Book- keeping Course by mall, ludo& lug vorreetion Of exereigee And lull iOtaktintion, • Petered lessons 51.50. Stud ordtoday before our supply of 4essone rune oat. fl ,0 x tito T1 III to tut; or, 0. rY. TD, o molf • .•••••• -*Shelf and .Heavy : 14001!cv.iiie 'quo Stook lel:Complete pairs itt. the lot, zegular 5izes 18 to 26, all made -to sell at P.oci, short, and medium length, 'most have hose supports, colors.4., white and drab: ‘,01.00d' value at $Loo, to clear at 75c. se pairs Miele Corilets regularly sold n1.'75c sizes 18 to 24, white flOa drab, Molar at, . . • . . 500 1Lite Curtain Bargains . atsic .45o Curtains, for . 51.50 tato Loam% for * 75C .$3.de CUrtains, for • 52.00 ' r.ze terming, for • . 90c $5,00 Curtains, for 55.$0 ‘.5P Curtains, for . 10.00 fa.so Curtains, for . 5125 2.25 Curtaitts; for ": 5I.50 ' Plumbing, -1-Ieaang and Tin- smithine promptly attended to and all work ffiy guaranteed. • CHAS.C. LEE was • Howl STORE" .22 • 141 Handkerchiefs so doz, white and'emored border Handkerchiefs, regular s each, ‘' to clear at 13 for • • • • • • 280 Biack Oyershirts Ble_cle Overakirte, M-justhalf prke. We Want to clear them. at•Saam, toclearot- 4 Cushion Tops o etlehlosi Tops, some are samples, some stamped to work, ()there lithographed, Some are souvenirs of wienipeg, _Hamilten, Tomei% Weodstack,_ and other towtes_ groa • • wage at 20, 25 attd 35e, for . Uwe. 1 1 ,(• You are always suit% of a Bargaio. — AT' — ••• 's Busy Store. . Shetsnardtote • Psissotlt ANDBBNBitAL;-;-Sorrist thisiseople-from. hems hose -tale in Beetle:11 on Tuesdays Several peOple here are suffering With severe colds at present.—Wils liarn Doherty had a severe atm& olf .grippe the pest weeks He was ats" 'tended by Dr. Whitely, of Gederiols and at isstest repdra•.was improving. Owing to his advanced age, (being it *his Sgoci year) it naturaly goes pretty hard with him,—Several peo- ple from _here attended the,hsti• aoct oystbr supper given in therVoresteent bull on Tuesday etsening.—Missttq MeWhihney has gone, to Goderieh for a eouple of monthe.—Mrs. John roster and lipast daughter ores visit- ing her griandroother, Mr,, Smith of Dungannon, this wiletits-sA num het of 'p 4re Rola horses *re for good"prist'sea'ek. The prices paid were $200 to $228,... -,-Mr. Thos:gc. Briffo, of Mheethitio-Irt'seole.k; vtsjtecl bus iobt. yos Wm,johnsten41 children went to Port Albertson Wednesday, 3`arlv 80arsto celebrate the ,20th birthday.. Of their gran0:-/ather„ Mr. Theft, 8i the gatbei'ing to tllenItisate' lehlrell,°1sastle. Yams, ; • ) VICToRIA: OPERA HOUSE ttiesday, Feb* re The Prainels ,:firth in the chasirsieg Operetie 01 THE; BECOAR, STUDENT So 4 APreartrot ,t bs*stb and "aperittor 'Mintiest Literary +Mink 13itOtOottAiosicoll CIOve:r, 14-4100.4 :OP* .3$0"40d Bee tette Site it ffilOO'lli 1. 1 VIth 3lnevak, Mllthag Co., C Wbat*ti141%* tar YOIt• itilOttatttkitt. se , DIRAC IMPC)IL7ER3 • s• Gozegratcfr; ist o AND. WHAT WE AR(i.:Y#4100. TO TAKE FON THEM. ..;.-- On.ThuradaYvf Januarg`azat, we took Stock. :tiereis a list of the- PUrs we , found up hand. ,• Now, we wohidrather tak a good deal ,••• eks , than regular, rin4ce, than -put them away Or- another season:. "Heiv we 'print -the origitidti price, and what we are willing to take for teah.;Itis a good 'chance for you to get a good Fur for little monei,' 114: L!)4(344P:ilr'grtrtnilltrktliitrtl Vitfi tlulqk arid, rith..evritaega:; stisw,noownlycouricathns n,ay.sniyow.04ay of Fur weather ahead of us. No, 2, One ante, gray, 4yme Ruff, good length, • double (erred, Wynn:led with eight tale a. very serviceableand dressy Fur. Regular gig, mow you cMt hug ft for—, 10,00 • Neel!. One only, Lobelia Fos Scarf, very wid$' and choice Par, Anitlied with two heads and two thick bur* tails. The pricesvas eta, now you tan buy Nes. 4. 060 only, Gernme dposmn Ana', long front, rs- • trimmed' with tee tans, cord, sand chain fastener, •' Regular gif, now 'owed; bey it for.......$7.00 to. Out only, Sable opossum Rafe wide back„, long imett, trittitited witit head& end teile. Reg- , der :$18's now'yotreats buy it for..„.....**2.00 ° 21,9°76;' 43110 Olt", Brier* Miek Stole good sbape, nicely:Masked, cornea down we'll over shoul- ders. Reviler $22, now you catt buy it for, 7. ,,,Dee Mile, 'genuine Alaska, Sable Rik v'erY thickt he fur, trisemed•seith Six tails and 'cent ettittliente; wide okt hank. It Wee /40'• ttit/ yOU •Call• boy it :No. Ss Otte telly, Anterietid OPestoor ilieeht s • ittetked and thick &SW fan It Wate 0.50, vitt* 'red Sete buy it 6 .only,..„Isabeilt troa' Ituff,lorad_. *46' 'tinglerintitti two, large fella at semi end. was $tfi,tOtt you ritu oifif Otily, bread:7340i* 'OPesaath vide:104- knit, thickly tutted. evenly Marked:- " • ,It ivesSie, now yoe'rritt buy , ' Nee -Ir. One only, Ohio Sable Stole, extra choke' fur, very dressy, Regular 513, now you cap t buy if fer . 58.80 No. 12..• One only, genuine Alaska Sable Stole, wide front, thick close busby fur, finished with six. Reigitlar ko, itow you can buy ,it fer rip; ;3. One only, Grey Squirrel Fancy Rulf..very styli* end dresey, ana. 1 quality. Regoltif Mo now you can bier it for No, 14. Oue oely. &opine Masks, sable Rufedattlits faired, trimmed with tee tails. Regular $12.56, ram you eatl hay it for. s $(!'184°' No. is. One only, Brown Isebella Opossum' Reit It/Wee 55, uow yet can buy it for -_..—$3.75 No. rd. Ohe n1y, darle gray Lynx Set, 'fiat SOie. with large Inipire Muff. Regular $ane raw yen ean bilis 1114,0,17: One Only, natural Muskrat Set; large flai Muff and long Stole' Regular Me, now ydtt s Bo, Igsr• Otte may, White: .Thlbet Stole. tX : filer- : price was $5, hotesses ertO buy it foss.: No. to, One ends", ckoieeAittskres Sable 314 ' large Oat eltipe, thick:4de fun' Regattas gt, tow, yon eale hay it 6410. one only; natural Altana Sabre Muff, rotted shape, choice thick eleseltia, wits$4,, hOte. • yon :edit buy" lt , s lsto, ere One Say, , brown Isabelle Opoettittr Mot' - routagiso*,,,everffy. Marked: To Wee $7, tetW. Toe etra,buy We ve nia4e the tido outs big in order to oleo out iflossible every piece of Pur before the mouth of rebnitity is over. Money is of more use to us through , sttthtner than Pots. There is not ono hi theta that is rot good and thoroughly reUalle in 'every way. ttyles are tight it( every case. The suing ought to be worth tousiderium couilf you had *tot thotmlit of buying Ottra,until next winter. `Cm IN The At* Lairnat Ituslios and Pr titS are here. Not so malty of course 1 IAA a little litter on, but still an assilrtinent bread and gentreils, coon early 1.‘tayara wide variety to thnose from, iliders for these were plaeeil itck last spring,. said i pite of the,gerzeral advaneevia prite 4lite iy viaturot as goo1 gain the turn sexton. It we Jual uot :ordered SO tally V aply matt not do it, ' way _.21! -• . , • • jageoetanss,.."1:nlirl., - • • 0 P• • eP