The Goderich Star, 1907-02-01, Page 7r, -K I - ?.-. " .44 , TI, .L , 7ra Im OF Q9 +++++++++++++++. =NOW "am AS V1300ts THOWORLDF-MLOF-GOLDA LEAGUE of NORFA IW"tod " *%OU 06 ft" . : I skind U* Twirori* **v 1114, + + Grliat -Trek Into canadf4vk WPOWTVNia ftWnW& SY _0 �Ad -4,titowlit", 04*44Y CA + P4114 JA 119-11 11111111,1110M COW, 0PW To va lit# Akvwrt 160 + IN ANWIV. WAN aria tQ. oe AMCU Vidtod OR* ifillar-, it, by, StAw WrAor. �Jvwoay Illy *ON 94, IVORW in 11AUll. tiffill J441. At *W* Iffilift. *6 r"k k,,: Jr- *0 WOW11i 1#44 f4W k JA 14, 1111wCoOlted WW (Illit Mokathw#14 ++,+++++4*+++++++"+ 04; A ilivo 1!01,111110" hosio ivilw. "14,04W mftim it 3 lifilk Wt* Irt ft 1017 1W "IbilikJ .3 It *,"o auiiilf f1011": 140 fat- 146 10 ft ++++++++++++++ thVe'lWY ko4il on t4 440911611� 'Ott, 00 It oniti C40 .9 MO Milli as 6kid(wollir Alitong the A!. 44144, The world's *41a, supply is awlittely Attho All InAllit mahillowled44 17du. wro. 0olitiAlloty 'coUtallitil tXiiiiiiiiiii0i of CIVIIIII 44 for A4 littio polkity Ito 1440Y 4 am, In' kr flettipla Ilie. ltog�w#. �Uftvlty ilk at t*110t repiortelk ta, J�Uerof # X *01I blivirtaos an to wha-rer. tnt, AW Net" 41101, IllwAttlel Uil'oh, tilk ow domolift C0163nat 0futgrii4ce, held ot oftleca K!C' ii 110 11141140 fltlelftit; A. YA, 13 wrIJW Unify �a rtItIolullon wa6 ddopted td lartilk 4% to VVY islowl, 444i; although Ilion svem ; pymli ! i bid fA g,tw A4 k thal Only 4 iiiiiiall$Wit itail TAOA* w0kill' .. �,#Plogt 14ftfivew t -01t; 0$4 L $_i ary, C Pitt, w0l In"Aft fi�bj, hag now VWXON Cerk of Cur m4witw* court '111101044111C . I.., UP 11031 1 1 A,r� 6 &4101111: 11111**tIgilled ft.41(Wit'i I rotilgall. UOTI, or 1111tiggi tji�juclallfju, blylett 1.1ke All flow doya, @009 no heattleft toasts. 'A of 001:1114, Uilgiligino. which Jbc� haviflikir, TA -111114 0*1 404414:1493 440414 b4oAft., ItIberto I'lifeAk Mkillou, ur"Orin, P0 151fid,iii X400 hy popular lit, AA 14nUAr.Y AllMliker -Ill*; it w4s, alwot, 1hat flip mijullint willit U01, tin i a cut it. am"t to,, verr h _R -tile r-willcus - of WhOU'll, 140, f0JWWIQ0- $IQV$ IS JOJ4. - IAJ).� 4MIO ly - InA Moslont, Lvague, fee like 11101hook, (Avaem Of "till"10048I JOr W31C4 It. )��OCUTAO 4111*104%. IQ)40* 4` okir the Vhlopm 111 forluAwl 109,14cul, No ktod wfi, once of the 1911ONVIA6 abjeatp*e- 'The Q'IRC0 att4quixt-ft 40: Corp$ J4, P014114% promoile aillollit flit) 11LIMS'Sul. ir r.4r& hy ft�rsotk 1104&, Inece"I drovid IWO Ills fitiogemorl W1114 #ft VWT 11 AM , hom qut bw ital I t a;$ 9,cou hA r r 'll �Qmniaifdi th4t, ON, ishWll two Mill 11:10sk Which hod IX -t -A Put- Ank J* 1941104-1,71110 arm T . H5 'te not% -Ul liflo, 0*0110 miAns of Indlit, feliflinga of Joytilty to �Nvvot! W", $citing a IrIftW411 110 out the fisurmi, (Allherlike. 'It m4*004 , ng VX%tlX ;U"Illi loytr' Of sitt. 411 �11, goo ot 4at'goold 1 14, brouff ill ill% tile pritish, Uavermin ah4sed at'a S1310 of colitioulned ordnance. W -4w. Adgmupi M414, for Ing. -4 ukotrxotqitiv� - Ili 41141, T;.A otikWouvh. The TwOrUtshaq durillfig his v oll, 14. Eng, ftfi0rulloul t 14er 440S W, Ill. ilbooft UQ)tJAst4,*j _p4t1W., W1 J404, W40 40" woko, 440 liquiantarlm 41. world. orld to ond Itsif or, % 4ozon musliets, and cut 4444-­� Tb.*- (4.4owl0v are. it., &X*.1kivellity 4bQQ*iU4'A 1''' YeAr$1 tho''*w Illia s" Cloy Z11411 May 11111t4o 0 lassea of bit$ little ytiluill. ultio our F'o011ik Poinfera.. with WUSO vilimeill he unit 11AY00,154 VVOXY-! lippolketi. lirvthi�, spa of the 04VIV11411101111, ilk %W4 gftd at the t Almost all vialeanto McIts oi)d� Ili*. too- to the jutpulfuns 'arairy 14"I'audo all 1,111, their, 0 ,lot +A+++ te rem mbered X* And falklig 116 Nvois taltilljor. Nvben Mo 0141101(fill dedv�d from them, sjkkcfi�fis grn- rd to any of Its milik3ureq. _ry of. Ae or 1, -Y thousliltilik III 11101tMof gold Ilice"-wili Agovitiou'r* fill tow W r5win Ith'so. mr, 4114, or NO 14, grothst, sto �1 Aiad� -Avith W bit 44, �Cllklfk 1 1104 *40heii aft 0110 "their hands"3w ilisolito, 4011*10 ro _0 'a 'tha,41114 tit 11, � _S and I Tv inotget (Ind advance Ilia poll- �Vv down fft* eatist. (Uld there i4toll4o0mlit . I IC *Y.ernbrt - Affic,04AAAa hinmi h* 11 4 it kindled, appW1010 -itilgolilleS of gilld. Qn4.4Voltt ,eak rights Mid IntortL tho Cartoon out of tile hold atak 710* of -A�w ids.* "'Ww"alwilyt 141 ifroo,414 be �* 41a of the MWUI_ It an tile[ corri gas. Tho tea, 1 0W 0 Mostla of sWimentary rocks dprted .4 �ktjo 141S. *Ithru�jljroai Months �of fester, -y'lle xw- - "Alit Mr, Woll 41. 1111011111tOd Well r a Ire intri'-ft. JoIit. a � lit , 4 land, t . " , I � 0 - *quilg- but Inw, ls; Ahe ArMV10' vt � flit Ui� $*101 'At 9000 INU bet he advanced, to w 1, Q- '14411004 rOM Aucit. velclinic form�tlagjg e4fin alit lualls *14014, likid �he advan od, to IQ ry In w4tif ilaturined "t ship #raist k, Alto tr* f, the thil-41111- VW40'040 r�At Alip-At 25sWbell, "1 4 , i. 64AC1,4111 1his y0fitt'lPavo ,the villted: al' *0400, In Islulilaw, poll a lilk , 4 0 yout? gold 14 Q011"Wolited form, ano art to- . Ito qovt�pu nlent. ill*-- illOW"' least ot" J'Ao, pointer, jai C rescrit their noeds. and uspirellforia to had been plundered and sank between ""After -II 00 Noril InIc A4 CA, W 45MIAell of the "aussian Wfttea: WT (Nort vggt.� M plorfl;., I tilt, Qn vAry fona of fly 11, Sol"* 100allifils prolliably workvd, ff them mid the tropiki only two weeks be. 1 4 '14 It'la"be.,greates ikol,14 moo $tctlypru'l WQ$ 40� (9).To prevent the rise among3% the fore, sad Iho t tiva or three Suspicious Profit Is ond alwa$a has bee, lillons of India of any fae Ingo (I sons Movement thip, vorJ4 vver, sawt 4 ous4iful, mpro gtroyO 0 Mal 1110=4 .1. like ljjf� TAT40. 0 quojw well. M0.1kirilit were cruising Wong ilia coust. WO All, A JaW4 ler 'OA Waa kjurudo� poulb . �by, th , t 14 , I , P, , ceatAY11'."ou shouW there 11OLS11111). towards other comillunlifeb, felt Tj*Mfs � , wo. 1 11 44P 1. 1 i I — il, was, t to $11 1 1 brolvo enough us we skilled to the is 1106, )*tfrs 4 All 0 ftSillk, WI10,_JA Over el"Oed I-- warkh, Q ---I OAPJY�. lopkin%ed � Ii�, 4 VIA tuly 114wrollift I * Nv I P gfteus Jim ithout prejudoe to lite other objects gout eta', s the, 14M h with these two old Comfort an Noy'sky. will, of t lit ihlolkpld lot, 11161i 7 a a foot In it." mark Iro -A, fif Muth without, V 144 bb 014s the Means of profit0ly working formi Tile me4i lobilitY VW. JY unjl,sodlnkij�Ury rocks that are ourifer. Manf decli, and 111ko wish was o"ressuil time Ir ba 4' 400-ptk P.Wor. A4li Qrlaoi vdifilln the chw Ot them %-Ill be found. Th and n W a "Alit, it& theso, , 41i, 41400 lil1, Vicakilul-Malk, In his and agalli, that we might fall in with a address, willch was received with oil- pirate, udg,: eN Otteak The fl;mros 40 tort lopo �W qJ4 Wee 444, 4 Westfurnister wo orueuxod to him-, ho rit llgii, 's �ftjctij im declared that the ;solely A 'IWO go Akiropit iotif yof Ws� *purlosr Allio s1perintents have shown that gold Is gilt :*4), 44* er vilet.0 herlike rill kluLLII light and builling winds to as of OL Iga WfILot"r r ii�aivad All 111Foi 16 -year, Iti every P4 AN OLD AND DRAIII FRIEND. porlt, Tif 00 N. U "ItakileS. 1,114oly falling to the earthl 14 us' the h1uhammeditsis lay in loyalty to along , Oarbary coast, but were near- 111teria R rt lit litia ton with oosituto dusk qud'4gy alid the They mu9t be pre- ]fig thp lropla, when, one afternoon an a 0 Vito!;, night setiam ail over the land andeen Aws"; evit 4XV At� runips 41 ru IS. AQ Ust. In a he �templlifgr to )in oux-� I JIlik, tho oto oreltPO 011o illthfi "Ali I" W, d, With a chuMing bOwi Some of this golij. when corkcejllrate� pol,ed to light for the Government it hour before sunsel� a trange Suit wag Ahe tit dulng of H4.evjii clook IQ Over innumarob Illegail though And Mom 1 have often heliked'Of You. Yok4r filkille by wind or %%,&let-, or dissolved by aold ji.m*alod hlpt4th'sioha ry. The political outtoolt in In- seen staludins; out front tho coast to cut ver 14to it :oPpreaelito a,vertfiJA hjlrashl�'to the 'The ge vlwmek 41rill. reitcho everk Wheran." "GQ04 aurtuoe waters and redeposited in u, more ilia was perilous at mout ilia 111111(4, t40yL"PJNftji1k itor'bW W Ment. The met,%, revolutionary landen- first slillit of tier thero-was no Iker0l, ht� bit$ lite pre - us 00. Site wits also a brig, and train llla*444,� and )a grafflous I" oxclifultrod 41ke ladyl, IlAdo, ;pacentrated form, is recoverable. 'a vaV in It, widely cfttoiqi�eo to 4 friend, "Ahi, mim cles should be condemnod anti discour, our r4luds but that she was a Ujiltiks, I am Wwto layod lkfi$ Most 1140L oubt 'Cupy's 41111S.( 'ext, at# it to-, Ma or '16411 itlat, IWO 7404 �10, .,Tile veteran 114.1aster Abboy.", And so lie did. aged by all Mollunilliedalls. They were pirate. We alteeed our course two ENGLISH SC N -'N. room Nr � WIPT matti.y, In the cro; a!!' Atilt SYSTE THE WATERS OF THE SF, 41�SeWlljft, Ing a from W 'arkill-ss In nuitters points to the weak, and then began to clean. li, M, 'Ja ittig4reg OVer thellil!)QvUloly. At last he� It was this &onto nuanarch who, when also are auriferous, and there can be With the and See Lon the JaW i oil h , of,men, find'�oLustrig Made qfkQJCOk of 4 eftly'SUile, and inti- 0 remoil ul 0 but they reprokinted got read wealt sitting at a, table oner. dilly, between 41 little doubt that, It ever lot Ih I Of Public lit e 1, ul for tier. We hod no soner tanTo I ba 's mil purpose - ell hardship. Her lilated that It wou)4 mett" it el e abo loading lite guns Ilion It wom, greot, tile NorthrWesvis oplities'that folk, presetitly will LOIW STRATUCONA. SPFAKS ON THE nobleman, and a lady of hijilh raill', hor- future there Should be an extraordinary It- r"Pld 011PUSILIOn I OIL GuvT91111 It s t ,. ItAtol rei'Lthan Killed them. both by first' big deakfuld for 901d, Mearts could be found liathfif Iowa Is bet realize, irt, The Illusivin cutifte NrlIs tile found klkfat� our cannurk balls were all Iftr so, ght I wild load, bilibroast Toi Yle had v,:rn. too large for tile bore. Not one of them 'tat hands on the nobleman's -cost and Ilion for profitably reducing the gold lit lite 0 us 0 10044, miloctiling, of Mori to '40" tic 'Ong -so, 'will came back home, toven 1 0 1 the British, and lite (M rho could be made to fit. wilde 4o sallied farth withoU it I T [tit_ on ilia lady's skirts, as it taeft, mission seawiller. nent %Nfleve lits ,enes . its disapu I;9peop return. What -utter tollyl me4t bot wait, 4nd ous mer Ja lite was to play the role of anhoukled rhe area of the sm.bed is jultell VI"ro's r,!Iy to the foliammodan do- rhis discovery took lite courage out Thg tfath'is that the population 91 Iowa wits -act it table napkins. If to was unoonven- larger that) that of U16 land. its coill. putalln tit linlit oil October 1, out 4 of its, and it was only fix lite hope that The& gras, lip'wever, was Calmadtank Ifigh Commissioner Com itents WIL"IDIS- PIJIRA.Sn� Is thtirly'thousiltid leis than it was tw 'ab SIR 0 not 4 skin, l,&t AVIII46U$ iv$dorce. will, Upon Some of Its tiondl, at least no fault could be found postlion is shollar in every will, which the present assembly grew, wits we alight kill a few of the falrales before Ttiiw* ningleenth centulpy - belonged 10 Yqurs. ago, Motst of this Iw6 apologies J)e askod folir writMg Materials i 'with Ills piety, for he would suddenly that of the land. It 6, composed of Pni")t1rughl %%e were all sacrifiml that 'we loaded IY'llip Gteat Trok, That Is not because and ossitlLy 5 his home. break off an Interview. or vanish In the inuuntulus. plains and plateaus, of 1& 7`110 of I IP [Ito NaNv. Ivith bolls, United Slaw� We used it Wapiti- L ed toeork at'letter Defects. fl* pieces of ehain, find such n �q es linif Mis- lown, lands fore, Ito -longer good, but be- The upon Ills Palsied IOV high Comer; Middle of a gardest party, with the at', nottus, nietomorphic find sUt'llontary all of Daved, ill Inlixiductort, hijoech. sturl lit tile pluce of fiend shot. rho dis- Vag still cause they gre no longer cheap. hands. r iiAUI; filegible. The The failure of Englisli Public sell2of nouncement, "Now I am going to pray." rocks which conta declarpl that ill,. proposed leagu,, had would be effective ut close quar- imea QeSL being large. - Tit fit grout areas of gold Jeweller was hil,despair. The old man boyis In Cutinda,Which was discussed by Another Interesting sovereign who bearing and inlakepiki've been rurc(41 upoll t'feeling Mot Ilia world wAs yfourig. NOT A MATTER OF SENTIMENT. Ing. deritur belongs to Can- sighed. and Ouljrrk�a(k uiZ 8 a?., tilt([ ill provent mischief froln boin twentieth _n the sad tile Heattfinusters* Conference at Malverm, wag uniong our many royal guests at bitty In Q raw instances, how v I There W tittle sentImprit 0 indt. conaliquentoes of The 'Jewel- England, has frequently been a source tile time of lite Diamond Jubilee, was tile sw-herp tile submarlile Ids are done hy the Congross tAtrellikIA, ITO stronger walkell 111) on its at 04a ' yet b . etween t eSQ tWO,L tansda In the; 11 rilp'ld rate, kind when darkness, cattle on 'IWO' kha'(Jolted � late$,. I Saw no ,line of for$. gold no till I reitie-niter a magazine - article ler was touched., Hb find all'inspiration. of wonder fit tile Dominion itself. Lord sable Queen ot the Sandwich Islands. close to the land will It be possible to to' front being sutf­ lit wait not noure than four nilles away. which described the thrilis,experienoed "Will your eg6ollenify permit me to Strattlicona, in conversation with a re. Never did a queen exact more rigid re- work them as I I Our captain went lilt-, tho rigg in-kallork. None of tile 'trekker he suba, arme real fields merged by oil enorytious and nolfty ilia* Ing with that line. b� a Russian ant when he write the Instruction.to yourolotation?" Presentative of ilia London Tribune, filled for her ftulty. While other Ilion -e now wor , tits gill," for a long w4intit, and when They only feel, as , Jew himill, - at ked But those coeatile gold 3crit lot the other race. Ito added Mal man -jilkay tea] who -Aw ridden where Saw U1640P.Of the Statue of Liberty In he general was dolightetf, and most said he did not thin.1i things were quite archs were only too glad to escape cere- fields (in wtIJ6,h lite veins outcrop at tile the fulle%t safeguards wuutd be pl-ovi Ike canto down he called us aft unit said ded New Yrk Bay, Lo knowing that,he was gratefully accepted the offer. a() bad as people seenieki to suppose, alid Monte), as fat, as possible, tier dwsky surface are subject to constant attrition liguln%t Me poNsIbilily of an� liters wits fill lunger tiny room to doubt. the wi4ds blow arid read where the* types at sat roaching Aultricu, like land On the, businenaper of Ilia firm the that he believed, lite average Publip Majesty declined to leavo tier uparl, by The waves. This causes flip shedding Youth causing mischlef by indisc tingle, that of late lite trueernpirp of tile 1) 1 11 1 - School boy going to Canada at pifterift. Monts without a sovereign's (-%oort of of gold, which Is coneentrated by the speech or action, ,,t I'liti trunklei was it pirate, and there A%glo-Suxon was we.51, of the Missouri, f tile fro"! The article struck me as jeweller wrote tb I a stumbling words was Ito hupo of escaping 111111. Aud that now it is -north-west of tile excellent tommyrot. The immigrant of the veteran: More often than not is successful. Life Guards; while site declined to trend s, -a and washed ashore. A strong conimittelff wits offorwartir "At that very inutuent (hie whild, which Mlisourl. From the surl to lite -ice, from may thrill a few lltrJlls because lie be- Deal, Anna: I have need of money; "Of course," 'contilluted Lord Stralth. A Measure unless site tied ILL least one of Gold deposits thus formed exist lit formd Ili frame tile constitution f till, wits till Ilia land, began to full, and tell *6 suit t4b* the snow—these are- terms ,Of lloves he I-, going to melce more money please take live thousand roubles. from conip, "there are some exceptions. it is out- Queen's sons for partner, man), countries, and they are remark. Itague preparalory to calling oflit'r inluttles later we hadn't enough to blow tiara Ilion where lie cattle front. but his my sale and return by bearer. -Loving- very natural that"there should be. It 1.9 Once site started to pay a visit to Lord able in that LheY - "i'o renewed oi- en- pirNeritallvoi moolings for Its udoplion. erritor so big that to call It British or it feather. We could no lonlier -see lite 'Canadian or American Is tolly. Call it exultation ends thereabout., It Is firarikw ly yours. -Ivan. not everyone who is suited to tire Ichid Tennyson at his home In tile Isle of riched by almost every torm that ptsses IT111111el' will Meanwhile lit' Aranger owing to the dju-knesm. 1k!Iia a Ituld.of fair plefy, at new.opportun- TY tile saute WaY,wilh Americans who The general's own footman was de- of life we lead In the Northwest. T%% panied by a retinue of at- tivel' Itleni. These deposits 'are known in evpry part of the rounlry, and it gen. knew that Ito must have lost flip wind londatils. Hour after hour-pussed arid by various names, but tit cral inl0ing for thp arsi. and that %It wits 111, of full,. mlief, q lauded to the North-West, They are spatched with the note. The old mail fears aga, when the land had a ,,,'e atioliflun lit lilt, and admit thaCtho world is trekking are 1 killual a term aurifer- 11510,er; for that comes near to the full going4o a country where, they think sat fingering the, jewels,'until in due rather than a real value, tile educated still Lurd Tennyson caught Ito glimpse o6s beach solid -stlillefelitlY tiONe"Ib011, colustItAllion will probably Ito held III away' 1( ilia culth hold throughout lite spellirli of it. they can belief- therriselves. Tile Angle- course the servant returned with the five young Englitihman living yAq WUllid. have to at I ark. in trouts, _r�, pp_ 1p;$1. _qf-Jils. F9yui_g4f*!­ toll, w4i)M � lie. 11JA.-thouL. TIw ut­ �JgIjlr­. it lit oil. and we blood sollie show of T46 roublelf rho tiari-tirwWais-bbudglif "did "fibi seei- the prosperity Prepared front Alashu, to Terra del Fuego, 0114 A req*hith 4howing tile beatillfir 111111 tiff, tile Coonpillitia North him where he can get good land for one. and paid for. The jeweller assisted his ithead, and to hear the news and see Ili$ A UMFYWOUS TIIRONE. -West, the more throughout ilia coasts of Australia and. a lilt, partition of Best. -be or IP11.11 .041-A costs, at home...fuld-lika.mIll. III Islin gatshed client. -to, the arriage and frIends lie often -drifted Into thle nearest New Zealand, whero wey have lunil Ioul Iloi %%oitild be tits plun, aim town, arid became a frequent pa ron At lost, when hope, hod fled and the beelit worked with prof 9 1 opted. we made Ili*, best po.Asible. pie apitcointinual record. of miscon Irck. flog or no flag. The complaint of stood bowing as he drove away. liable results. Ile IOW0. writlit, that these oulgoers. will That evelaing,-whien the jeweller re. or tile hotel bur. Now, on the otber hands of the clock pointed to the, witch- The gold uutput frolik tile old -bearing feeptionis removed. There rentains mis- 11 %kuq 0 Aluvbglil nlghl. 1 -tit %Nilh u bit meet disaster is based upon no historical turned to his home his wife asked will hand, he is k4opt busy on his ranch of- Ing how, of u(.a fog I'lling foall 11:'. oil our Conceptions yet to be rernovod. The ex- flight, [tie Queen arrived, beaches ut Nome, Alaska. flils year Is -opoulloe, Like climilte and review, which would simply show that tie had withdrawli Jo large q sum from farm, and knows that from Ili.,; labor lie weary and bedraggled, without a, single expected to reach $4,W),00t). Tile coast 'the i Alberta is to Iowa what Wifely lown, was the family safe� will receive a monetary return." kilientlant. and withutit a serrip of lug- A BAskrr or illn HADIXS. inove(I about %%till characteristics of the whole vast'regit.111 between Cape Nellie and flulal. Rodney I() New England. Tile only disaster to "What sum? sked the shopkeeper NEW ASSOCIATION, gage. She had lust them all on, tile rut' it distanco of more Ilion twenty hod probuill, tillv-11 mt lovul'LlIkki are matters In part of future joducation. like The trail of the Hudson'$ Bay former who leaves tits une-hundred- In surprise. Company Illiles Js being worked for gold by I lie) Make Plain it Haffilljo Pahmaile lit by compa hill lit, but. Is still over that country, and that of tile dollur land lit search of ten -dollar land J'Why tile five thousand roubles you 1,,Ird Sti-aftona mentioned that there Aft'. Yrith, Ilia veteran tells an like Bible. with that lug Owning if lilliv lie,. Atilocceding range barons Has over it as will come through partiul payments for sent fo�`tlds aftirnoon." bod recently been formed in Montreal till ninusing ory of tile Kitisor's first visit IJUNDRLDS OF NIEN. cutild not see Its 101) feet ;t"a). Thfa�6owetan. of our lrans.ML&. land which lie fails to buy outri Quit; dn'tt Ili a moitnil fit Palestine idenlilied aA "Midnight crime arid %%u had heard flu - %Veil. ght, in "Five ill and . TqXbles association of Public School n1n who to E.tigland, The oung Prussian The beach IN Ili places liuriferous rut- u the Site lit tile tit cient (Ity, (it itkwr w!k" thing. The tog ww% num ItOck aild souri never wanted the, farmer- but the other wdrds, speculation Instead * . understand." are endeavoring to get in touch Nvith Prince, then a mischievous buy of four, width of 2,060 feet inland rpum lite 11do -farmer came and ousted him.' +he Hod- valinient-the danger of any boom, any. "Heavens, hcr6% your etter 1!' their old schools, and. arranging hat uuL,4 vastly interested in the picture of level and ill it dpth Or 50 :iijoiber tit overy mail was liblelling intvilily to soWs Buy '(�oijjipany did not want the cuuntry, or any. coin rilercial' system. The wife produced the letter In the boys leaving for Canada shall bring let- Ilk tlit- Prince qf Wules's. wed- feel. I'tJoligh to mul�v if ba4helful were evi. vatch tile first suspicious sound, when Frurn tile western base of Cape l' free-trader or 'tile rancher,,yet In turn jeweller's owji. bandwritiag upon the ters of intruductfun front the school to ding. which \It-. FiVu was then painting Numv there I-. a ur gravelly Neu (,ttd fly 1,;act, till tit a sudden vvits It terrille cruNh these come.. ;rher farmer was kept out by nuirk-.1 own business notepaper, and UX aSsocifiltion, when they will be looked at Windsor. ail I not i jig would Please Ileachas extending inlund smwul ITIllo.S, 110 I'lunk, of ft.,' ")filter', folloVied Lly itiliouls arid shrieks, Theill deliberate propaganda, but lie came. he,. for �Ae first'time realized that the Out for and given imfut advice and him bill that lie too should have it hand cvjj(uijI gold and art. Ili Plaves 1129plid. A hfkII%Qt Ili Jur-fialldleb another ittore shouts, arid a To gratify the child the artist gave being worked [If -day, olut-ille de - common nalue'ot"Atma" and the com- help. This, lie says, should do Inuell to lit it. 11119111 bV 0XPf`f`IpfJ Ill hUVp WITIC spinIth Ili 4he water as if oil fi�eberg had THE C.P.R. ADMIRERS. DEAF TO HIS CHILDS PLEA a of "Ivan" were inake the Public School boy ail ellicient Iiiiii a brush and some I-.,' rut, lite plillultigW, Mr. 'NJ aVul- J."lletl over. Mori nant respectively rsand al. pusits yielded gold to life value lit I. even the Canadian Pacific Rolf- those of himself and his wife, as well as citizen fit a shorter period Ilion here(Q. lowed film to doub away at wt I I at I lie sk2,j?00,0w In l4oa, kilt.185,utio ill 1904 and Islet-, life ituthtit, fit "A flevord of midnight unUl daun Ilion but it and shrewdedt, monopoly of the palsied officer and his visionary fore- bottom of tile canvas. $2,85U,OOU fit 19U5. Vallull still Uisco%vrI fit at Ills Not. likhell da)light cullid r b"a ce the Rud Air. J. F. Clarkson. -a successful runch- After the Juvenile artisit had been at The earth I'Lis also 'ininionse depo could hard[), Is, to Ift, III III— we maw tho pirate brit; about two tifiles son.; Bay Company, knew LEOPOLD STILL BARS VISIT TO 111M spouse- Ws at it was getting twenty years qgo. The jeweller had paid for the officer's man from Alberta, at present In Eng- -work a fev., minutes r. Frithisruvered or auriferous Sends ail These torlvul Valilt. Net this oulleuh�jn A till. Between the two vi-N%els w" u lot 1. L 0 J eta) it looked ony a the map, anct the map JOTIZER'S GRAVE. tiara I land. does not take quite the same view to his harror that much of the point are cllfefl� ill flit, arid regions. lit mally enabled A, fllldel� 14, und of urevk stuff, which lite i-lipttiln's glass THF, MIAITEW8 TIARA. as Lord Stratheona. lie himself was it which should have been nil lite. canva ruukjtj-ies'tI� mako plain u buillinki passage lit like made vut IQ be the battlered reninuills placed the apex of file Great American a ey are pruiltably worked by esert bout where Baitleford Is to -day. Public School boy, arid speaking on the had found its way to lite voting Prince's dry blowing proeesses. Biblo, unit to establisli a connected Story (A several ikillil boats, 0111) four Inelk raise as good wh�at as et�er ew Isilrulla hulte of e,safne gonre, though differing In s4bjeeL he said that fit hi� pp!t.1 exhlbiLed most Lit the colors But expetrinkeuts Ir. At� other, Ivou,ld bit obsiwved aboard ilia brit. uti 0,;U M-,nr- tw�undred_M50_S_n_0_Al1­ il� -1<4,6 to riIIYfW6Av, 'Seizing a rag and dip- town [flat jiluch of file gold tjj4 lie VX. lit M -s us the captain was wtitt-hing them, they of* ft. Was another swindle perpetrated principal reason for the fuliure .4 1 M I . Belgium Will a - In St. PetePsburg. Tile Public School boys Is that they are not ping It in turpentine, Mr. Frith begau to tructed ]it those u a np -111 ixteel0h to got Into it fight. oft as far south as the high plains of Con ent to flee upon a jewellet . by a qpe(,i I d ' Ides. fool e was killed. one -ull away of the bedaubed face. while lotion or gold dredging kIjuwjj as (11 1111rd A list (it -tu tIL-ar- ran below. add the two men left oil the as, The Canadian Pacific RallwaY Iteturn to Kingdom. /4 mystery burrounding Ilia compositiort of only not tught the dignify or labor set a t front an ignoritnt find sceptical the secret service force is tile most effee- while at school, but a,; a matter of [net it, owner. re,,enting the process. set to paddooking proeetilit. depo.14its are "I'llged Its not it) appeur it true perieft. -luth froin Life cobin nment twenty-fiv6'willions lit cash, - ' I -n to sneer at it. ork on tits cleaner with feet and forn ed 1) ', liffil lot got r1ek Prit7cels o,:!-. of Belgium, who hall tive-tooll In the hands of tile Intelligent rather leat it the Pruslon (if auriferous 1,0cl, 1119� -Olt wideiv accellfted fix it arid it oloft Ili of ft flog. twenty-five nifillork, acres of land, certain been ]]%'Ing lit France, since her dra. Russia" criminal. Oil tile Grande MokT_ SPEND "001-"' FIRST. howling the while at -flit- top or tits Norio uhut arid the concentration of tile filYthivul tiecuunt of the r "Ill almut hall an hom, I&,, got the completed railway lines In the Eist. and Tnatic flight from the sanitarilull In kaiii is one of the most magnificent voice. At this critical stage tile dour gold by tile acliolI oil %jilid und and lilt- wind and ron dowii to LL others upon the Pacific slope, 1"No*,N,," "I do not mean," he said, "that they was opened arid In walked the 0 -own which she was Imprisoned, has forsome jewellery stores 1p Europe -the house of Inhubitual.4 Ili Netuim and bout, arid wt-Iit ubtlard. I Went In tile said the Imperial and Colonial Goveelft- -tittle past been making pathetic appeals Fauberge. To It, some months ago, are taught that It is derogatory to labor, Prince ail(] Princess, at eight of whom there they dwell wilh flit., king fLJI' tits bout und lolluwod uto nifile on dock, illent to thla Pompany of Aventuren of it, tier father, King Leopold, to be allow. drove up a splendidly appointell equi. lilit ilia fact is, they are all sons of tile the boy darted under a toble, front work," IN Ihe end of tile passage, where we were welcomeil b) two Ilion. the Canadian Pacific Railway, "let us W to visit her native country. page lit 'which Were peated,two ladies. richer portion of the cummunily, arid which refuge nellher threats nor entrea- HE WILL ADOPT A SLUM CHILD. Each of lilt, itie�hundle,, dug from Iliv who puke Fogliblo. It \� us u, queer Cuse, She has just returned to parts from The adles descended at Fouberge's and look upon those who Ivork as in sorne ties could draw him. ee you kl(� It I" . The Company of Ad I ruins, tit Gvzor livarN lhe as You will It grelo. venturers did It, but they did it In ignor, the, south of France, and In an inter were received as customers of way their Interiors. I have watched lots Vork pl,. "One or fill, men was ail Englishmen, distinc- of fellows In Calgat t I PETER TIIF GREAT OF RUSSIA. Mechanic',; Novel Method of "For flip King,' unit like namots of ance. They built their first line through 'view Nhe said, with evident tion. The older lady introduced herself -Y, my ileares 14 %% it, bowing Gratitude. makers ar., flip liallo-4 tif those if, illp tile oie of till Knitilsh vessel emotion, some, of the poorest farming country, 1hat she dosired nothing on earth so s lite wife of a well-known statesman when they have first arrived from Eng- But certainly the most remarkable of '-ettle, nit Amerlean inechanle, 111111p v0lApI, vh( % -re a ellp 110 \% recked oil tile Barbar) coast If%'*- years asked for the pot, land. They generally lime a and, rebeping at this, much ps to see )ice father once more. recently returned front abroad. She ex. 111110 all our royni vkilurs \%,uA Peter 'Ile itindo g;,oftl tits clairn to hu -4 inude fill whio, Tilt- other wtt-, tiff American wife vilege of selecting lands outside of the plalined that she had been authotized by money, arid the nialorily of them refuse Great if Russia. who spent some months. urrold, Ihad doweled his fitit the (upe \erde ANY APPEAL$ TO KING. lit Migland which bt-ilig, Ili a rental or ( ty miles fromthe her husband to choose a collar of dla- 1) lake the first job that tit Iingland about two eplitift-les ago. Iw PaRsug'. he"011ies a culflillete, gerica. 61ands three years arid while 1 *64,01) a )t,ar, The bulk if it railway track. They got choice land all 1 have writteh again and again to mon.4s. The jeweller spredd before her probably wuuld not pay rriore Ilion -111-1 Npvvr Surely. was there u iiiunal-ch I.r �ogy I,[ file IalIjiIv (if Ito. jillti itinkIng a %u�ajjjfe lit a --oaster hall been over the North-West, for nothling. They my father," she said, "but no lite jems of his collection. :t month find their keep. They rptuse, �Llfte * Several holIMP.4 ill of otheir- %tIondpi.- have sold letter as this "Czor of captured find opured il� [lie vewl tie Ov of whoril Evelyn tells us. -ts or lite 1: lfig.;. oil handl.. alo I., n (I!$ now oThe dead filan auld tile one it in rivers and sons at two, can [ell how keenly I feel my separa. After much hesitation, the lady picked first on job and their another. arid In the outAii it ree live, six, seven dolla_;,s an acre, Lion from my family. I am condenined one of lite most expensive, but t6 her wonder"'Ithal, they get Ito offers at 811 if Atilt to hi gralihi It- oxpiltifl, Ile below %%ery native Algerianq, as were I l Suyes Courl. where a residence wits it or leave It, and would rather you -to live dismay, the price exceeded that sug. when their inoney has run out. for his good luek lie -has decided f,) I)( ilia ling's civw. �dflkrout seeing a single one of [(limit f4ir film npor the duck-yords, lip ir I'llill-Ij011' Ito aillf. l9f t ft, for next year It will go up again my rdlatives. gested by tier husband. The salesman noupt a slifill ChIIJ-4in v\unifilp koolvil previous flight, \%non Ilto Canadian Priellic SCHOOLS CRITICIZED. 14,41 tile 11109t IllIrf)Yl1f Of ILVPS. "Ile ion I., Ilw furl 111.11 flit- puller, In pri�e. To -day the I could only see in!/ fa�iher tape dreaded to lose so profitable a customer. dines; tit Ili (Yelock find 6 at night., nilly In- contruprided tit trialiv 1,01141, Ill tile of Eg�pt. %%ind %%ent df)wn, Itiv) got ,ut tit their Railway is building nineteen new to fare, and speak In him alone. Gould not madarn obtain the,consent of "I have also been Impressed.- tit, con- rernrols, "it, vpry miflorn at hunio, ltderi%c big 1jjcA,jjIc)j oont arid towed [Ito brig about it "file I all tile tinued. "with lite uselessness of n It fivro , branches, spending six Million dollars errible misunderstandings that have her exceilency*s husband to the lit,- 1116 it \Nhole do), %ery often fit Ilia King -i Is, like 1,�Iy f lhf.� Ilk" entIlle Vrf.w. %%Ivl tile vxveollon r for rails, seven and chase ? T prolyn-ty one-half millions been created between us by interested lie lady mediiated, ang at training given b,, The ordinary ngricul- ard, or by ititor, dro.s.-Ad In Aieveral llength begged permission to'drive to the a gland for lit,- in Arl- d resses. trinal uncle. who died Intemlitio olop and flip boal.� set out it, atlack ip,. \\')tat for rolling stock. once more life coun, 'parties might be removed. tural schools in �n ndtints .f life four nrien, then ainiect fill. try, has outgrown all prophecy. The "I have asked to be allowd Lt, re do. It is, I suppose, a case of 'a title tittle ago. As. so far a% %kits known, I -P 9 fullomptl ould lit- pr--fh office of her husband's mint4try-the-dis. A favorile pxercpse was to (rundle it It of ttance was not retit-to show him the -4 C"s threaten to swamp ag transporti- turn In Belgium and g knowledge Is a dangeix)uit thing. for the \%lIpp1buj.IOw ill the groul,41 or lit, rho 0 to my mother*s boys so trained will to think thill they (k)tjrl; heri the whoile of), grave, arid although the King has not collar and gain fig permission to buy if. he SPOIlt LIIIJCII if his little -L ;if motion it Ovpr lit ft" i� Ie -,AT. 'Yet DOM 94 to.grant my request, I sill] tier companion would remain Lin.the are far superior to the a\erugp III,- J them lip -illike it;). lle filu'l, hill,ti BEATS THE WORLD FOR WHII Ing in the dock-)ard or oil it %. - t RA1,11. lWollgill llo,io I,, Ihe it liry hope khVt he will do o before long. shop during eher absence as hostage. dian. They want to manage rfuichp,I anti I hatfies In a dock-yord Ilual. atilt u ISO, tin,, fill, King or Jollull, uJI(I tilru%il this i),,ul Illun% (...t fit hie a,r. he farmt; the day they arrive, alit] try if, Ihe day's tturk %%us doijo If-- fmil III, V, ,III %%.1% .4, 1 lip mighl, then ha%v full. -ii ,if Lh e v I I I The next railroad Lhat came along did "In any case, I do not forget that The jeweller was delighted with thesug- '111. 11(ard of Ilk in riot receive quitilt so good 1reattrient fit Is P. King and my father, and I will do gestlon. leach people about tile land they hnvo (tunies used to re,;ort Ili a publin holuso I ollfloo "Ild, ullrr It ballf-red lilt -Ill %%flit a 1-01) -it It's the hands of the Government. Kings, bothing to embarrass hirn. Tile lady departed in tier carrib, lived In anti surcessfully eun f flip lIli" 1111%� 'It' I will 7e. ivated. in Great Tower ,;treat to smoke llivir fouilth k%Jth lite In%% U1141 Ili'. lhjke�,. bill thut, lie , I,J theill Lill: do rations also, are d Iscoun Ling, Time passed. Quarter of an hour-hulf This Is naturally rind tier- I ffi arjy!hlng in be reconciled to film Short pipps find drink their beer and heandy. �er4, In provilig 111.1, right I., f F.f.."I it inan hall it seems. Tile Canadian Northern Bell- lit gh,hj4 lip the dev ail houi-three-quartem of on hour-Ille, slaylng n month (or two sit ell- fritil. (11, one hLA Majesty tor-uok the III, Irof ili,� ill. ofed friends kv,Ijo jobs they also find It dillicull 14, N,.t gut some lands and lied fla,bonds -, ppIson.,, lady In thil jeweiler's shop grew- Juipa- I'M hot- parlor and. dressed tk.� It but. t-1,11ile. if being rupillf-id arid Io tilt way helped tile to esearop fro,. loyment. just about Ill firil., rlinteed; yet lite Canadian Northern lient, apprehensive, almost hysterical. p tile tittle 111-9111 attended it masked bell in the 11 wu3 %%hile Ink,rig fplank, at% %%o hot) routsurl I., #-\pevL. wo A PROPOSITION MADE. ushed into Ilia shop to realize how much they have LL Ivurri. !, ill., lit). b 11 ilIighl"Ill' )foot liji-ned about utid uplurol thu V-1111way -weeps through, a continual Suddenly (here 1 1.4 use -i lhitt ciiiiii, nrivss tit" fill 'I Anin/ii,h. J,'111ulo firm] I thtp succession of fading n two police agents who, announcing their REIEDY, if(, NAunt., I,, t;11" A if illItAIC111 Ildft "Ith.,ut lki-mg it shut. aisconceptions. It "Has any Such priposition ben ------- & I Ilk.) was a luto craft, I I lilt ivil You. till% is taking thousand and thoOsands (if made 10 YuuT' at te wits asked. authorily. showed their oftlelal badges. 1ly or remed) I (;fill, nisEs rinom DF VIH. liLL)o In r I III flip ([it%, ',r Jig uver T20,111k N%urth Athsettlers into regions not long ago They assured the astonished Fauberge four. Berati,v of r\fi,,,rrke T,(,\. IIr "Yes;." file PrIwess rpplled. 'Baron a schoul where bo),q run lie rill tit % irl,fir, 11 11,14 Goillnet, one of my fathelos, chfilliber. h('r \%bn Iti'll efught Icebound throughout the year. that lie had beea swindled. The jeweller afmard. il.-iog a If) years of age, for it i1iroo, \ews' iraiji. \%.Is liesulIrltaled In llospilal 411pr Ali. othor clilldren to suprimt, lifirl,lifl 11.1 r ifThe truth is astounding. From the foot ilahls. and trembled, but produced his hastelge, than our .wn W.- traniol if, ,wn III ght hundred Maitre Weiner. Ills Jegal ad, Tile detectives seized upon tier. Pro- Itig--not an agilrultijrni vhu'ul Lis siorra Lent^ of tile Winnipeg Lake, lei Viscr, told tile that I should be provid- but one to prepare for tiff- in ( rinioa. parent Dissolution. lf and twenty-five miles north-wes to testing. she was bustled into a hock, and warl livas ]oath Io pArt 1kitil Hot Ill 1iPit for fit Belgium or Germany I I left driven uwuy to the police run by men will) have 1,14,41p pjIt(Il(.:jI I 1w rt,troo'kabip rfi�-o (if to (hild. Ruth iti'l l.in tier wid P\Pry on.. .f us gol a across as rune MO flip itiolher wid IJJfI,,,l tIor, !ujIlI, y greatest 11 rance and my friends, But. 11 %voillol It was I tiers and J,vt wht,, \\;,, viduall) frorn thal sho ffditiontoil, ties absolutely tile continuous wileat belt of lite enilre not hear of It. he last the jeweller saw of Ilia 11 0� Null, world. 181borlo. do0s not 11qual it, nor It would be gross ;it- woman. tile police agents, or the din. them lie laught rarlifnitpring. hor,o I,., tit -ail at tit,- Farnhum Trigi,mil) III) griffilude on my part., tit somo, day and WV4I U (111.140. 1t'-' 111111 New Zealand, not, Austraila, nor our moadq. Tire detectives were the coach- Going, blackistinithing, ploughoig. Itu'llital. hd,, Infell'o in. 111fill willing Io Illn'llill, - it flilit) It -ell Ito I West. "I do not believe Own thilI lined -ryfe hot my father sug- man (Ind th'o footman of Ing, butter rind rheese making, mid hriNN .,rill ind. I jj,t- ii� 1­fvre under It raises gested anything or Ili# kind. W would equipage. lite brilliard, ' 0 on u plough. n atilt tlrhild, uhri r-ight "I r. So ltie inniter I. Ilk,'IN IIIWheat, thi.-."No. I Riled- of the miller's Ir who had changed their clothes 44 f 1. 1, III Settle', -dream. The amounts Y About twice as nC more wish I a,,Ileei "jY friends than and returned to"reitcup their acromptlee. Pille. Let them hnoN% it Iliken b) h,r mothei I., lilt ft Ifila gflll' I ould his. 4q Io lie vi -Ill w)Qn relorto to N il wi my flnonclul pos. conking and also w,molthing (.f fit.. 91, 1.-f 1../ill �puah as Not-th Dakota Ili tier best per TEMORISTS IN UNIFORM. living nd flit- the rp-1 ..r lo4 I,) Ore. 11011, 1 brive mAde no eomplaint, and if Then, when lite time for liwot lo All [Ili- n Ih, find n, 141 illuvit never risked my father for monoY 91) to) Canada, let llieni ffil,v ill., fir -I f,.r' tak, tiff- pivi , v. hm.mg otWhat shall wo do with facts like, Ic pay my dellis, In the present year. oil at least three ft", -ill, fill.,; ade thing that offorsg rimbiti"ll it tits ntmv I, ,Ili: :,,these? What is sueh land wot &isluns, ilia rovdititiunuries have m 1 .1 "I nnAt money notable use of nariltorni to effect their rnljful�b I :miwitror,f, I!- it Hot tit r .',jey land rgbought, and salvaged out bf Iflit. known that the Ind's emptoic, hii.l ,I.' III gifind inlenot, to roryinin s;nvi, , hfminii Ilrone PrInce4s eoncluded, talnpd a jewel. and he vet\ ,,, if killen Drniltmoi Iward- 2 o ono knows. It Is 41A Much end. While fit Wilr9aw, I wag driven gru%e V.In L&trh flurl dollars as ton. Perhaps 1110 to a foloomy prison on the confines Of be getting what he %itas morth.' ifcuse,' r , 11,11 1[,,- a I ridd anything I !hp f;nJ,,vl).ellI.s Ito PzIrl t giller is the avoruge. price to -day. ilia Jewish quarWir. ome six months Iho'111101 IIo0rut-1. tioni i fri,ii .1 fitIfir 1L.", 11 I' r tA It will be fifteen flat next your. Three TrA:.PARTY IN JAPAN. ago. late at night, the piverner received w1i.lf'r DID TIIF'col.0\1�i. fhold I'll" I'- ra age. two years ago. eighteen from the chief of police at the town hull NAtis bl"Ilgill ill \411:i 'Ind 11 fill of - At n Japoneso ten-pnriv Ifilp A detachment of Nottlis-I-s .% n. toll! IL''I !" hrince rr lAnorillia, ago, it was three,dollnA, IWO, . gut.0s a telegraphed order to prepare ten i,�if f.ftl much flail it (in rushlons pinced u' In clearing a cerlith, ll,lrl,l to If,,' %%It, all lJor li,.t e d nere. I low poll flit, flour, notorious political prisoners for IMme_ Orange RlvPr Colony fAmd enhanced In value and tile foe fierviep eonr-�q of a lon- diallp remoial to tile citadel. Ile was in- 4ho rronw-d 1,, lite is during the operallunq A years? Tenfold? Once rof. a (loolinApit(t.teacups, and a qInvA jard would be rant to %Afiew Iwo formed that a Tile apanese, In. a ve their so Iransport through lite along's staff -officer con.e kip 14, r '!tw,) elks and hvc bleek %%alit Into five Building Durinn 4priklep -4,1(pf K eav, 514111d Of, pouring boiling water <)vp fit Parker situng at t114' Ilot.f if 111. ffm, Me ft y, , flip ftiFor litulk eastward, bill with trafts- left as we d), pour the writer Into a In due rourse, at detd of nigiff, a with ft large tlArk r Ili lb` r anti Attack Pamor. Ltied 1,� ritrin, r, it j4 ontimental rimbitions. romes the Inter- and Ilien bn to tit(- Ion, which !A pleket of soldiers arrived at tile gates of buckgroutrid. 160) did oot beal. I'll,. eiltl&t. rol,,r lho Ill llil%%.jri iotoq.-ri. lhe 00toftial Runway, no6 over -subsidized, allowed 140 sloep for a few minuteq. tile prison. Thd offiner in eommand In- "I have oMerg oifhpr Ill ill.% )I o- -Iri.% %%III W11)(1 -n torinv. I.% Ili a Iflille f w not:it but gp all forage nitil i 4fir-na conig nd iting good (I.overnment jobs aild P-olling Is Ilion added. and ill(- timaled that lie find owne fly order of The t()no, for flit, It-ri I I -fit kii% I Prd% nf ihni fill. it Ili,, Norroulld- brpoill f..r .1% gladdish Sort of han S cups MINI. Olven let ta ased, but no deplity-govlOmor to femov lkaid thr, office,,. d, Now come. III certain PT4_ "I give ).-If "it 14 ill? Bill 11W fill! %4mclk atilt It.114. 6f iI.11 IoIfJ ;sJSOL tiffe.Grand Trupk Pacific. hurq1trie sugar or creom is addoij, scoriers to the dungeons of lite citadel. notice that I am la hA fir,, 1, inined 1.4 woll Ht, flt%%,Ih t -N) mnn� 1estwooll- all the conflnent.' tWIng Everything waq 'lh Peadlifiew. The'Ort. that plip (it olti-ow." jku lbat IIIfthat what hag happened In lite toan!j- son -van was brolight round to the ecillfrt- "Mid 1 fell twgnI, the thilf, lit fill. nolil"'Alit foull,I4. f r missiblur. vVill I)appen again in the trofts- NO fAnPIAGE r4rRVIrZ$ THERr.. ard, and Ilia sl0epy fiffeali Were led Poer. as he removed I.W lill tile (Arlwr It ba,,, of it putq Out contracts for ri in their Asstrilboffle. ce3s to Us grimy inieVior. mouth. of diplithlof In. '1110 Hold %Xrk, fit.. fill 1111" It.. t,olell 1" In lite island or flanglopy, writer, ro I' itflos an hundred miles -dt -new line. and The emlomary dilver took (tie rehis, and mA% otQ will kn(,%%* mrhillis, Fitorentlf, dend I'll,, f,it,h ex. ntid Wilie ire l -ng 11111.1 q17.' ;,I,. ot I,%.) tit If,. m,.rii nr In thA Chilin flip natives perform rt soldier frofti the ermt mounted Willdo oft." Ifitorrityllpil flit, 11"PtItY A, 11 U11,1 f1p.y 411,%%n n Iilind (I, on all Meant. kfarlit atiqeOnMill- have cloarpd away. The Govern. a Very eiirtoliq marriage cope y. The ilm. The ga 1W I ill won tea virem, opened. mW ook, nflitanet; anti nbJeMifm or,, fifth,- J.', I'll artill'.ifil rL­J,Jf.:JII '1, 1,� owlinnIpm Io Is, mo one 1�,:n fined 'ho liter, it fell im fiI his foe�colne nu)re Ught.'ri.ged Tiow, bride add bridegroom ard led qnJ0t4 into the daflintillits--nutibled ilia wagon- you wraqp 1,rand) and buf %%,IQ a) lh-'V II' 11 4 ,und its Rem, It r Ihe lie gelia its bonds dway Into lite foregf. rind filare, in I F- will, Ng guard or tiotaipm about It. IVIOM trittron the formot. sth,wt limp in III,, chuw1i nfl..r Ihr ffui 1,, pr,o.1 #4,, t. fig kkn(I v at I fir TW Grand 'rtunk Pact D 'glad of 1110t; presenco of tile two families, are made Nevt morning the van -driver �iras "I Pon 11-41on to nil igrvIiinhon litiff let', Ntili-n he ot A%,iij errinfeed, and should fat it It niuslit Allibbitt to ratc- rontrikoll by (lie alip. Trip proceiq Ili Almiallell - v itoll. A 'fund on the t6ild$1de in (Ile dUJ$kJrJS nefthor limp nor 11111001011-1 %,,1- H- k akin flof lho Iroono hotit0f r-rilretwed %%Ill ekeyi tot, io hpW,o willi the I, Fti-1,4 ard pol, t! !!,a iint in MfI;3dk that iffillans (lit 1.4 madip In lht% fIOqhY Prt of The of lite city. He lied been chloraforkovd. Ifilpattlent rfj�-Indor of ill., I11ghled all %%oil a. gi,mn -lintst Atillf brnri,h:nu moh:iw tiv-pimroll - n4 for it,.- qiIi,ni; A"t AU; fr�kkfakl and lint it thedrOlItal 1`014MVP would-be huhiffrid'4 fog with the holp r f Tile wagon Wos diwov0dif fit 6, 1101d, hurtled away. flow Iong Ill.. (11111(l holl If,- 111triloted 1'. Jill, - fit, -11 flit v Shift I ff lhp uris n nfNd pill theto ri It IhnI Ili,- ril Ibo Joty. or v great ranadin it. a wooden knife, and If dl�kfp of his bland Tile ten prison&O, the offiem and tho "Veil, My dfir." A9,41 Ili(- liner I Iti, f 1,4. of eour-e difficult 1,, ter 1 1114--1 rlth tilillit IIP)-- wrtirr,n-­ ,limttq rifen firtollill Ow mibl&. 4101 Ire." JamN 1. Who 1!2 frongforred In a Afrifilloi, frief-Aert 'n p-,ftrt of soldloill had disappeared, Tho %fiffe, *4 164r, Atark tit eqx% 1,wo hPr heart ber,mieK 9ff4vIp,llh,r,-i nit it of ,if Ilw chumh sf, If. t,poj torliji)Q �J' rairvady Wn Jifl!kL V-111041, tintory in loantlikkotation the. woman'si leg. thon Ili,? rilo 1q. Comi- were bill revdiullituario Ili -tile ofiftyin, Pinfle tind tho offloor I ebonev f,�, rn,,,- I his %fill, und Irletl 4ho- hof LI'l. ffm,n. rind ifivioll ft �rnfkli It ttodn'aht 09tith, ot 11 ��nfidljlft bolrder. It 14 a qflipi, untKieninifelim per. of tile C.261'. f-ejoil'inill, "dose Khr-ki., orp 4fritno.. Ile I vOrV. Tile follo ba,i lown retrimi..) limeni, bat ibev V Fa0malfro." [nil it Aerr ' purpose TWO RE(IENT OUTItALOVA pler. I vented to dell toln, rii f1j. %u, tf-im her'llitroul atilt site ,fill Alorfik ofoile '­ltoia It, i:, -,An 11-61 1 o fed it a imanner I I Irmho titriprof in lit, 1 -1 ad- nitrably. Aflop Ihe .. o.go flit%, couple 11 10, raw I haff nold In tip now.' anti brid-Ing film I In fttivi,i lorar. Reep thent of motirrjll� nd 1 � [lit, Two months, it the 0610b 61111tuge 11001f alour agm' 6!466. 1W. to g all Illtbugh file proe"'I'l to (Ile hol"' Wht ff. lip walk fit-r-ptl I� rettvai Inin I#,,- lion until alu-ut laying tinte. then n Ail W I ave doubl&L in Many honeymoon Is spent, and Wberep as a which n gue, govettlip 0 Tbw.l saying. he medilativel% in 64111illi Its%*, n Ilk ng rf,urf,li anti %%ill nI:I itoote of ilia vLl. f-tPUP ill" first 4 little lavolbrill: gralm hc,!.:ro duty inL.inq that duty a.,'it vttlue, In soft$ Of (be rule, they Molo their axtv ab SM his 14 Will Ifillidd #044�bL4, I Odtish solkifftip in his pcket. common with loverndX-g' lagars canto tou his rescuO. and they will lop, Uot. MP ton Po4od h so as ilk 0