The Goderich Star, 1907-02-01, Page 2• 4+11.44,* liztrzeorresee, ete eeeefilweel 14414 liartiater711*. reatee iiMaitlias Altester to Mao at rees, wee re4"ll'Istrieorte ++++++++444+++++++++++; , 11 "kismet Tile Oil bedln Of 4 lifi Allah being hareitner beetlen silk stick otiutuled out r EXILES OF- WIDOWN CAW *VII/ kanip. 11 wet 'tile 'slog toe Intletee ta• lu/A9K4"' Ininteg• aealernetd, when; attr• 'Matter 91: InteiteM to thol OrnMenity tee arli Vela eare telleet *XX lititItIttgl'Alfh rateelteete olt, 1,1.) 410„ lellaseer Alm ieft, MIN Mt 9‘..740W, IlZaretts." Ass 007..„),:ntirryamteyttereerry ones. Yew* .htetw;* -W le sew. notwe itioniteett reeldeeea at. .:41041.41,„ 4.A hirellele, 0.0. *91101MatiM". , lorEptios,o* WWI= •14allapleHM/It OF ILardtlitetel ee=0.9elleeitet, 0%* • isoot.,..32) !rro 101X141101/intig. , aelearse threere1 Aestreseen , Ittailitealltieet,Ooearkeis •••• gelitemeeteeverywhere sad sal Wale made ,11,2410,_ ..000,00009setlea. aerieerreidettetelialsoiestse. IIITOottitaior , culls; T. s... arsenate or tee Teiteritiery cents* 'Monte, 1 IMO moons* at hares awaits that ot operating** bow etveetemay tastuciest es awastablee-Newsste TONSORIAL.. AL *OTC Naos. Tobsortat Art, • lot. :Won ni Strout. Ooderich. kihr cooing. shampooing. sto., .111104,a40.bi 11111O. sharponO4 meted, Baelaitetton etweys aeons Ode • teres--: , OTIS -- 101/1er COPlertI011. No. 03, 0-0.r. egulor matted. the lst sont erd sPerat„_. pers or, ,elvery month. Parties . rota etc ilitnsegOil. Archie Saddam. /tomtit* Jam OM jet bin parttouiato Jac ars -Mei, a tepee, Jana ilemett'erre "inter wear 044/4". 193a- aftlit'UNDERTAKERS L,Atin-VABALMERS .16.001.14!"4.4".1049Ar4k41.114riiirommopro.molm .1100g10400 ONT s",""‘ to b. Goderish timing Mills. IONA MS 1NSON Contr2ttrotore and-,Bui.idera Manufacturersorend dealers in *it SUMP of Building Ma- teriel; ouch as Lumber,Doors, Sash Lath, Shingles. fecolte. Plimeand estlenates Menhilied on appy eaden. _ 10144 _Astachanautita-Lawactiro.- MoKILLOP Mal Fire bouranoo Ho Farm and Isolated l'own Properly in. -- • Value of Property Insured up to anor, $3,048.97e.00. OPPICEIts and DLItEtrl'ultli-J„.11$ lieteaux President. Ritmo P. • Te prowler; Vite-President, Brucefieid 1'. to.t MAYO, Seeineseys„Treesue- ar, Seaforth P. 04 J. Connolly. Porter's 17111, P. 0.; a. nate. can- ton yk,, 04 J. Watt. Darla* P. 0.; ,e Beachwood. P. 0.; J. G. 01100e Winthrop P. 0.; J. Henna ; web. ileechwood P. 0.; W. Chesney. Heaterth /'. 0.: each the inspector of Mee isearest to which they occur. A,GlieNT$ J.W. Vet% llohneavillea ARUM* Cumming. Elgmondville; ifinehleY. Seaforth: R. Smith. Her- , feele,,, Pettey yoldere eau pay assess- linente en get their yards receipt- eict at W, Coate, Clinton, or at Mee %lett leeett. Palace Clothing Store, Otodettcli. / .• Telephones 1.5 zatireb=: at dock 24 Up town offices corner West SP and Square Whatit $rou want the best to be -had lo CO An kinds of COAL al. ways pa band. Alt IdeSt' weighed on Ere Market Stialte, *herb ;anti get 2000 los, tar (.4 104;; LEEI LEE'S gess* e, prolaptIg WAY. I = berert.l'r lakP Illinge geed lett btfwellr Witted' t`it Oiling nitro's." re. Jalertwel 11re' itinhithifirl thinker. "Theta Iticited the ,ex-pleir porlort. °Italia% Wag lel the letaimws agliag 'tamp aittoyg hal lira other *we, g:r gettneld,,e0." ATIere 4 Wt. leak Mk if YOU IN ere remelt. Mk 1 With gweete r be et atm ell tt kih Ifiep Mra, (:3.; • " *GPM, * all that's WY." *OW V asektileid otheit. "1 It ; WeArs VIM* realietT Sire* 41000 ;41044 tan r4Cireat patell peggett nut their atirtie Went le *Wit With 1111calittrOiled Wier and energy. RAM theiVri trend Wm kg** With retteWed Zeal, end AM* the rie Aniteelain derkerS4 =Pa they kere-44113001%* MrP4411$14°Bno, roUblItilehrt 101/4"biars'• "Pea; S'riddliepAillaaSoiltraY 1"61480terl*Slit• elag romitre Wdoodealtir wregfrell. Ste le Dire *Vent 'itort Rag pees; then * elelik, 71'1:1"11A;t1V:Atxkhplt, 19 ti tog p 14 ee. . driPPOttly 1-104 It rk11. And Onto Inert tves vs* in oemo„ owast viAoati,liewocamoldwerp1140, aorleittvinvia.inhuntnes,: 40trilistroi4,,Htosteoenopszvelmille$ sitturaggloetc woriwried no juiec only sholo tot, Itred ne44111rIrft•-ininers were hUrrYing Wale theta nentereldillutra airaPPeillt*tt4.,‘-11-4c-14.1"1:Pee'eltr:4--trre. e%1:tneet`444 Whhmakil team all pert* of the Held to tho little thele Meek:bite., It ivo (rev, ossaet ”ff., .bere paten ariddst the Ma of whtle litteilik..elerk* from the city stteet s .444",1'4 tant$7 elleWered ter a vIllege their • farms, And old, rugged " 4 ilu"4"wr"'".'"' ealsea etni 0144114S. rentilte.lhaTirier:nri: uritport144t %feed:, ,."40fraossi alY14"1441 enliQited 34 4441 ' Before-Oftking tiptoe* entig tt lb told call to :Mager Might, Man anything Of, 011ie all With hope In thelr eyes, 'W.41-0P,,,,,Alig /4, Celliigerah,g,„44.,4,1,104„,* interest front a murder to the annotutee-, PlOnittlft tittle* courege over The '404 "41/0/' 4 POO 444 4 niuw Merit tif Perrelle dr,Y*UPPcil tleaert to their lend or 0'00 tnttlee el iattlagns Weatted hifere !Wiley Inelits 4 taill Slight man, with ,ft.tlf ttlise,'," Spine nad -nok waited to rto soAlcrtig. Teta. is n Nov Useful Invalid Wavy fair heir end 4 ctIrly mottaittehe,' Ifienittehr. AI the traPPInge Of the, city- fn_fict (When theret14,t0 ••• • Stood on 4 boX M the centre of the groUp collars Aintl tign, poliehed boots, Ilash Pre -AV -aria eernit.9& Oro erld leaked 'Atreletel Ile Was 4 *Ole otruggled Ofteldb a nettlen et lux- Maalled POO with 4 littfe rat *Oa dandytth Man. with am U sera ea toned. kens anti Prepared better,' add 4 OW tehleepeenttila •%0I ittelthatien to Omni, neatlyditlina WitnJfittent tit/ take tne rough edge ellettned MOM, a heate4 OPPer. teethes 'rind scarlet. smbes. Ati he' Oft 1 eir.' temp life. A.I1 were InInsed ond Aalt to !Cites MOW Alt ed 40. etre/gide:led hilneelf Ult• and eleneed Willi' the Vire to get In firSt and peg feted Plate nn eintne dealrede Sprinkle With 4 Ink fut,nt dried 'hreadr'' crenths, and bake 'he hour in a Steady qulekly at the eseited feeita in front ei out the tic fest claim no the golden field. tihn there Wes a trace of nervousness in to a few -abort weeks Joyce and Ills his Manner. Mele „101144 their • arid strip of 'desert "Mates," he MM. in a tligll, efirm tur)lect into little tewoship. Tents shot voice. "I've been robbed. ninehreems In (hi night, and the There was a green freen the ereWtt, net 0000 -with the clanging Of picks for In that MIAOW%) getup lent robbetY mai *bevels. A publitan doled out was execrated aintest More than murder, oinks at ,husloc pskes from a canvas. "YOU knew, Matelef,he wait on. mho* coveced Mirk and a entati store was last week 1 bottomed cfit a MIMI Oi ntlee Alerted 411 a tent. The evenings were ets. I didn't ellow for there beill aPent In talkftg and sluolihnt and leugle: erned skunk in the crimp, so I hitt ern ter, 'os the miners Silt at ease under the In my tent, This morning I found WV MO% end „Mid yarns er swapped auto. wore gone." _ Inegraltities. The hammer of disgust that wee heart' lk. was eivelhation in It* raWast and showed that, the meaner crimes v:ere; grades' stage, bUt contething pheses more teethed there than In more civil- seitally delightfte. The cantel-treine ized community. The millers could net Wandered in: casually once a tortnight, believe that one of their number was, bringing the mails and suppilere'from the guilty of such knasery. "What man d'yer suspect?" topy shouted. Sydney Jock looked round the crowe keenly. "I d6tet say 1 can cotton en to the right man," he sold, "but 1 saw someone near the tent late Met night." "Ills name?" they shCuted together. Sydney Jack paused for a montent. "Roland Joyce," he said at length. There was a hush, tor the emoted was the inost respected man in the camp --at young. energetic Sydney -aider, who with undaunted enthusiasm bad led the rush from the coast over miles of arid plain to this golden camp in the desert. "Ws a lie I" he said, stepping ouL front the crowd. Ills virile, oleanohaven face Was turned haughtily to his accuser, and his eyes were blazing. There was a murmur of excitement from everyone, As was Ihe custom, a committee ot three miners Was chosen to searoh the tents, the accused man's being-inspected-ftrat,--The-erowd.sicta .weiting Impatiently, Sydney Jack, standing on his box •In the centre, Wee, the most restlees ot the group. fidgeting uneasily with his feet. and seeming in., tent,..011 getting beck his geld, Ho wets not long kept in suspense. Joyce's WI of blankets Were dragged out of his tent, and therm hidden away, were the missing nuggets, The leader of the search party, an old sunburnt miner who had followed ,a dozen rushes to Eldorados, stepped out. "Now, then, Joyce," lie said, "you know ottr custom.. We've got no Ian of usw-for_lent rebb.ers here, . Igive yeu an hour's time to pack 'your swag, all your water -bottle, and then quit," Joyce seemed dazed for a moment. There tvas an expression of bewilder- ment on his face, and the crowd looked at him, some in disgust and some in puzzled wonder. "All right. mates," he said. "1 don't blame you for sending me on the track, but there's an alneglity bad man in this camp, and mune day you'll tine out who he •Is." It was all over. The croWd of i'ed- shirted miners hurried back lo their work, end. two went silently to peek tiler swags -the accused num and lila mate." The mato went es • a matter of course, for in the West men go only' by twas, and a mate aticketh closer than a brother. Clothes were hurriedly bundled together and strapped in the blanket% both men thinking hard and uttering not n word, Then' Joyce spoke for the ftrst m • "FIll the/ water.boitle, Jack, and Pii meet you at the web." He hurtled up between the rows of tents to where a wooden shanty 'wes built on a hill. A dark-halred girl was leaning ever the verandah rails with tears in her eye% She was ilw only girl in the place. and was therefore the idol rif the miners, who almost worshipped her with a quaint reverential deference. Rut Joyce loved her with the consuming passion of his life. "Say you don't believe it, Kit," he said ImPtasively. • She tried to affect a cold aloofness, "What um 1 to believe ?"' she asked. "Anything but that 1 ceuld do a low- &nen trick like Watt' he said earnestly., "I wouldn't. mind taking the Week and swagging to the other end of the world if knew you believed in me.' lie fell her love was to hliti' a laid thing. but he passionately wanted ilea faith. "They say gambling drove you to it," shc sald. went/ rho drivers spread tire news of the golden Ond further out to Smdawn Camp, and. disappointed miners Melted tram there to the new field. They were not malielous men, and intended to -let UM story of Joyce and thq nuggets die awe), in -the past, but bit by bit it all inked oll trom a cooked beetle. A tent robber is regarded with loathe :eveey mining equip In the Weld: Joyce fet Me ntiners look at him with suspicion as. he passed, and his eensi. tire eau! vies shrivelled by their glances ns by the breath of a item furnace. "pit nave to fire the game up, Jack," hr said to his mate% "I'm playing a lone band egaInst Fate." "Battle through with it, Joyce," the other said, "it only wants ewe, and you'll come out waltzing in the end," SO he tolled on, putting all his energy into his • Work and striving to live the tales doWn. At night he kept to him- self, playing euchre with his mate or ge- ing for long walks in the moonlit desert. 'fate two men were nich now beyond etrawildesr-drearrarlartherretattill turned out to be whet digger's call 4 "Jeweller's shop,' Joyce had wealth in ttitividafica to live in luxury on the coast, et t he continued to tat his heart out In loneliness._ A tale had come to him_ thet *etc ar-Sundown Camp Kit was to .be sem everywhere riding about with Syd, ney Joh, • The story tended to raise a devil in hire, that he could only conquer by long, silent welits. Fate had taken away froln hlin love and honor, and then in a burst of satir,e had heaped upon him its paltry wealth. Kit, the little dark-halred tart, was the only prize in -hie that he felt was - mirth winning. and yet he was forced to stand yith his hands lied while ano- thermeri,gained her favor. He felt that she had **rod for hlm a little the old Mors, and he felt that he could win her love completely if the cloud was cleared. One nieht as he walked along the hard sandy cemel-pad he saw a white object lying ba the road -side. As he drew titterer, he found that it was e man ly. Mg sprawled oui Ma the ground groan- ing and raving. Even at a distance Joao, coled recognize the lithe. neat Deur° of Sydney Jack. He hurried on and knelt down by his side. • "What's the"matter 7" he asked. "That wretched camel," the man mut- tered ; "it's pommelled me ahnost to death." "Why, in the name of an that's holy, Mil you barn your back on ft ?" "I got Oft at the sink to have a drink, and the brute tome behind me and templed me down." .loyee knew enough about sulky cam - MS to' understand its way of paying off a grtidge.. "And how long have you been here r 'IlShice three o'clock this afternoon. I entet, move, and I believe my back's Inaoke." "ale fell. agalh to groaning, and Joyce *stained, Ws Injuries In lee moonlight. ito Mend that his body was eovered with bruises where -We angry beast hall sin-le- tt:ft trampled, but 'het no bones were 'Woken. Iloweeer, the Injured man Was (Mite unable to walk. There wah only one thing ,to be done, and that was to chin him Into Camp. aqco plcts4d hlm up in his aems as he .WOuld a Child and started on the Jour. ftey. It waS a painful walk, for he was tired and his shouldere were 'eels. 111g:with the day's work. Tire shimmer - Inn plain seemed to etretch out for end - 16„. miles, but still he trudged oh with his .humen beaten. pnly once, when he Mal to lay the mamdown tor a rest, dld Ire epeek M. him. lie broke from her intpatiently, "WIlet dld you come here tar, Sydney "1 want your whole -hearted belief.° snld, "not your chateluble excuse. 14'llkit;r1i1140 tost;edbriy something." know that you think rue guilty In your' • .09. must !lave been almighty impel, - heart. Some (ley perhape Crove to lant 10 bring you'as far as this." you that I'M not a sneaking our," Ara sia *kick Bad 410 Perhafa th* most Plc* Immune tunetionery 01Parilluntell. 1116 Irre Cale of 11 the Usherie And C of the Deeter Of GRASS PflODUCTION. reare*Int"ParetZt tlitit*I1 W°1414111. t"Pli"Ile gear:, Writes, Atr* W, D. Bunt The eleutithase elnd neallbere Of the yreeda tind the 1W - r0011 'Artreeter :el the x eats *Mind a the WA (4134 tidied Parlialne116- AR 4:7111iiik413: 414*BY 14W P"tatirnt 19 Ibis: PIQW tholially In the tall at leaSt 7 Ittenee deen, threngll erten:ME WI% abaleechinbeihe40011111i,uwat belCot tfpflotemrnakhctonnirlob40 eidh U IiiieellSWatnY'Plretilea'rrUSITI tritnKedpei, bEthUi el0a-"*B1'4:44"41441%111$4111,*C410:eitffitrintles 1111"14K711.1enlir Pelifiest III: 111*.°1714-1114431941.1.otie419i4vIllb"s"f"114gaWl°74:741::4rPP:)rnavbre,Q.1z-$ed:r1141irrlY°44:411 i v tommtiviAntiOtele ot Lunissth. ittvor_h_pro,T41140,4fil: ore yeti IteVe herrevted *MOON Min crikkair754-u"'sTiiin""iro-anix i'a :cap; I l'OW OW Ulare,lind YOU Will ha'Well ,re.' ro.):'fi4141::1$41!!r°Y.1.11M4,21""en..theirlBla ,cm162,9Bur ,-„,118:41i4Te1;014113110;14f:Oh"r 11:19-r2V44.40r %%TOIL. Illt-hti:qa,Yr:17:t 1147'.-Irouht;r1174,74,7-ftreitArnfr;frft 4,ro 1101i` theger end 'Wet What ' We Ile! CAM Cif "Ohl* Boa t way ror alogk ;410. in Man): :'ettseills,porte in qtrillity Red V An4 the inspectOr at pollee la l' the'140 ttl4t Ole And 44014 ill lirtkes• cutheetlipel:9Q":14Y7m-it1141,6.11tgireiloimt4Igteb"Peov44:41:4he: i h. 1 Fnifin 1 90g 01 Ill /*1 1 c t W41 iht In: tar f rWl Sr, 1111'6U I "st I 1-4 "i 110h:: tr 'n. 09e I I ltiilt* i lhat he. le teliardiale therei With liestitity„ heett PtilaW4 'PO Ilkateden tor 1* or, 45 Egg, Toast Caretelly 401Mrafe the Seagesni,40.444110, springs, from • 104- okkaip„ )g.tner. „ttititt tY Ilea 'been 441/14: 204TAI . The' nanneitt le le heard Atellaing, the X"r4'-' • 114ro 'no VIA ittf"thi$ anY Yolks limn the, Whitel ala bard+011ed W .14. 'Pleas to thie Main. 00410 U.:446 lalla1141141aae4flial//t kt Oct Prottig Fern!' ant Hiatt° C110144PdPedli tegatir114111:14t 6;4°41 salltar: °°,t th4e:d.r 244;411;Pal'in.r4.41 5';ek\litalri , t71081 pepper. Thieken Nicest aecand eyear earn fore silage; and stir in the Whites ofi;:ogs.. -.1•14ye ade slices of Mittered tetilit• third •Year, Pala .•;:tr 'mune • other grain - It d pride oagit the, Preeently three faint ilenocks are 9 EY 6 ever, out h Year, e yo s on ern an , Breakfast Rells-Teke orie' pontitt :ot thO tabby through a roeil 1)eeptloa okovex:., With;Ontland net yer Suiteble ouneea Of better or lork,onq eg4; 041 490F.,.. and see* Bieck 4144, • • greln 110.0044,'Whellevet-tte *due- efge, Cho, them finely,•;0041. 11)13 vtlikillher. rttahing, /0 •thie OPtil <Oa arf4WY:00t 44e: lfeal.:10dhlintidiY. deer, ,Pete OnlY 0)4494 11 Ott An. lithea- Ofttlido .Cleng: in, the very • .itetit !to!. ;Reek fad, bUt(Prneee • • • .• SPtfitt.01t TR.ittlyt: „ooe. r,ccee het, • • - Ireerdd• 'Therstiergeentatt-ernetipeere'hlte rtoluOthlles tireeli °Our, half o tee-seek:4g ; eialte.'lara. 'With he .stantleeken for ellitiaated ceepo..weserteetwer..10 sew half an atinee of yeast,. Ittiit theatt MOttding. Vrograittltte',,. te,xL IttOtt. (Aral, Ohltte& helOW,' eer gredients into a light dolma wilktailk; ayerd•le.,a tea e, Per 'those ;.1)01da' ';Ore. not la, be 61 It eland: in WarM nthee to eise.toir, ;subdued uneking ar-,:the portal.. ,That through..one Mere eultivated• two hours, ow. woo mom: lutd:,:loitko, soft and tremble' renneet, ireealatibia, eraps,",:t weuld :,:reeartiftuntd ,Plawing ta round cakes; brush 'over •0•114 4/ :4 6944ronelliej.b-peniterAhe deer- SOPA bet crate heddreen, removed 411134 ofdin aergoarideateultaa. and working atioitt once w With White.of egg ond bake ear yiventr Inta- A Madeira Cake -Work agether 0".1 Tire peat .4 ftedellCuniat he ex. seAsen. ends eSneetollY effeatire another besin put sitt tined 1'41 soutivdateir°1a. imteUreitigeYty°.fielneejors'y'maisaktir ;14104.4. taroopfuls of gour, a telOplionfot? Work all together, aml tr e over hal nee, ono he has a demi y. lineWn as' botriettelor,i,xettuere.; thisornouoighmiyorisatnenboyu,gdlets, as:I:lorry, ism:050:.rtod, is not a volt forrol, sift in the flour:- adding al But Whether. he be a soldier or a e°1101:iillysite°dAraMiii nuttiata9IgnfnalP10pelso-ubh:tdil-e111$0114m-sttert:re,r°'UStolerbi,;; oftanb:„:::OPet rss:tne, assu4heRsistftsee4rcloper6ta- Ms visits to the House of Common's, to Make a stiff paste. ftell,put ond ing or proroguing of P,aritament.. he the tins. Cut three-quarte.M.'01 POUad dons his full'Inilitary or naval. gge, ot teeder mutton into that' et_rips ia,P•d" '‘'"*.hen he comes to summon the Cern- put Into tile Pies In Vera, tha" 04'. mons, lir the course of the session, lel er at htird-bolled egg and ahopped Pars wears his Offlcial dress a black cutaway slay, and pepheie cordite till ltuf pies aorvom.all filled. CeVer with 'more ast Tosnd bake for one hoer lit a made nles 111 a eAtek oven. . and IR, andliarthelf,Ing'S Ine4enger,. a dish boom ret..mo ectnntodei of tb0t ounces of easier auger, thre0 ennees44' 44.441? .neeeellal Sift -at the 'wailer witch grass,' le.,,present. entltently, eidiafeciary sore: Ishends. tlittpthy, txtands red .eletter, tor ..imUntie peands • ittelfy:binegre'ss . ratan: ;With us the aleike clover outilyes. 'the ted .clover, herice the retion tar leeluding it in. tire. mixtere. , 10 favorabia7Seasons the first Cron feein tilbr will be Almost clear -clover'. 1 t the lend is kept In grass another year there Will usually be lese clover and, then the litnethy wilt come In. • When. We and eitr fields shbwing [MY or, the. Indication da acIdita tit the sod WO apply lime. 'Namely we ,patehtesed the castes, steked ite.by means of water, or by covering With' moist- earth read turde, knee breeehes, Ale stockings and ,, silver 'hueltled shoe% wen aPPlYed 2000' poturds to the acre broadcast Mat before seeding time There not, the faintest su styat4of ud_tooreughb,4turrougii • 4 butter and the yolke 'of lc eggs. 'Itt liWerit14/4' heet0Wed PM •hev IniXtUre 00 We are • and etnehiments. .1110- Bentieman. baking -powder, and a Or - *Vert usher af we .isliaak /loci 43,n00 4 the elnd of a lemon. ett the eggs" Yeamen Usher of tne Bieck Red, whose THE SANITARY KITCHEN. US1NESS ti, =woe am (*pot 0 tb.e Great End. aggeeseivenene n le erPee 46 e' ne ter labor hail booms suo ,,an lien his side, and .the short ebony rod of ounfs. in we ponna seas, gropnd tine Orit us we Meter been Min ohne that while -landing the sword hat nangles by and ready (or nee, As this is:partially' what more. -Cir -thZ -agrtenttoralT, . hydrated, it is necessary, to esti amp - we use 5040poultds more to the acre .ap- not top plied in the same,way, We th,l dross our grasa lands with stable ma, nure. All of this most. velnable Ma- terial. that, we have Is elthee ,plawed o -harrowed into the soil before "Oa5 0,1,the cultivated crope, usually the corn in the rotation before% spoken of, .. . office, surmounted by a golden lion ram - Inasmuch as all the -food entering the'.pant, welch be earriel lit his hand. His Leman eystem„--tho fuel, fflyell,Plelel rneseage, toot 14 which feeds the vital ftresrta prepare" in one Mom, tho kitchen, and inas- much as this same roona ds used con- stantly by all members ot' the tarntly, it behooves the home builder to plan this room for the easleat, thethoda of doing the work, and, at the saute titre to keep It in absolute sanitary 'Condi- lion, with the least effort% Peered -ventilation. is -the. tirst-requiret ment of a kitchen; light. comes' neXt, and in turn the possibilities orpertept cleanness, Thl•walls silo Id be .point* ed, so that they may be :w off with and. senetity of tfer' dumber. lie rut% excrement is Mixed. We want this iii a damp cloth, melting cleanliness •pos. flier manitnsts- his awe by making, dais the son to furnish Mutes, -helping': to Om without great demand on efeeng14, ing lite petagrisss.up the floor, three,low improve : the phySical, chelnield, and ana 'without the disarrengeniellts'etrese obeisances-testhe Chair. On reaching the water holding copecity. If it is spread bY whitewashing and calchnining. The table, he denply says : on top of sod land, the winds and min walls and shelves of all kitchen closets "The Lords CoMmtssioners desire the Mai it, mit and In niost eases it is blown should be painted. Painted ehelves inimedilde: attendance et this honorable about anti lost. We do not top dress can be wiped off with a moth very Mouse:in the House of Peers." ' opr Vass lands %Nth stable manur,e be- , day, if needs be. Paper in *Idicliett Wnen,,,the King is personally present: cause we,, feel that by sia. doing MUCA closets is elways. a bid for duet and Ill the House of Lords the raeasaliat plant, load 'ter lost. This ie espedially Hard wood makes ..thi,njsr„.,, -." fp mon; is more, Peremptorily worded. U ..; "The King commands this hom nbuyy.farkithpetrsstatiorisal, vermin. whiph Black Rod delivers to the Com- fit the floor, with edges cemented,• fetrgtAIPmeerts1430fnlithseellegennleit:ir ailinnOther the nitriogen of the maeure goes into the ammonia , . .. floors. Linolaurif or'dle tient, It 'ea lo 'rum". et- orable House -to attend las Majeaty im- perfectly sanitary. A hood suspeadeet IhedletelY th the Haase of l'eers te hear stage, the gas escapes from the manure over the kitchen range arid connected.VeH.P11,,,,,,*2.3',„fteeeh read," ,. t„,_„,, into tne air and the land fails to re-' with the flue of tee chimney, win ga. ""Aaalt "Lasa sold What he avas a'," ceive whaV it Might. it, however, this thee all the steam and odors, arid cnrry 0 say, Black, Rod retiree tespectfully mantire is harrowed Or plowed into the them away, ABSOLUTELY BLAMELE,SS. When etre door of the Home, of Com- mons is opened to hint,‘ the loud vole,ed esber preceding him atarids at the ner and cries "Eileelt Rod!" 0 there hobos - business In nand it is atsonee interruP- led, The Speaker respeetfully Kees to receive stito „message of the sovereign. MembeelLretnin thetr seolarbut uncov ' There.. ere two reasolla whi we de Black Hod advailees slowly la the ta I net lop 'dress with manure. Nat the with solemn -Wein, as if to Show that. be Jost ot value- is stable nufnitre in tbe 6 heoeMinglY tur ressed pp -the dignity straiery inatetial with winch. the animal Kitohen and pantry stele, and range esoncts hen: followed by the Ministere, soil, the arnmqpia te.taked up by the . backward, bowing as he goes, to the _ - her, where die awaits tire Speaker. and soil watery -it passes through the vari- ous stages -of .nitrifteation and in most should be traded frequettlY to a waell to the liouse of Lords. Sometimes, so c ks taken bp by -the roots, and Into el hot water and ammonia, Or soda, te' awestruck is Black Rod in the preseqce ,. the pients. While ,we do the tissues 01 keep them clear from dela:wits of grease. of leo /nighty temmons that be forgets not top dtess with atable Manure we Refrigerator drains shortie. never onnect directly with the 4rainege* systenr. even the words of his short and simple (0 top dress INith ehemicals and ,are and . having the best seccess. Ai early In tuns g0n THE fiOXIE. ' INNOCENT MESSAGE. the spring es posSible we distrfitite Kermene will soften beets- and shoes ° There was the case of Gen. Sir Michael broadcast on the grass land it,olathae that have been hardened by water, n Biddulpte R.A. Ile was a brilliant sol- a, potash, and ecid PhosPhate- of nitrate of soda muriate or ephillate will render them as pliable as ne:,,,.(11. dier. Ile served through the Crimean 'When roasting a loln-eof- ve41 eover, aulnPaiga with great distinction. For By this bop • dressfirg we ear% keep up with caul and roast it thorotighly. his itiPant* aervia at the ocoupahen Of the produelion eof newly seeded land Serve with seasoning balls, rashers, oft Candahar in the Afghan war he received arid ere able to double the bay crop the gravy thickened with biller arid' -' the thanks of bOth houses of Paritement. On lands that . Wive • been seeded •ter some .1110e. in fact Ole improvement Yet I have seen Oda geed, soldier, who A Good Way to Serve Bananas, - looked death in the facts a hundred times is so great in 01d seeding,e that ..ohe of flour. Peel and cut into thin slices, using a .,... without a ttemorsshaking with nervous- our neighbor§ who •seeured it, 'had of silver knife; squeeze met the fume t -Irma when,- as. Clack 'Rod, he stood at this top-dreasing to trit. deelered we ---- -- ehe table to :IWO the presence et the had mixed grase seed Welt the fertilizer, eommens in the floUse of Peers. grass grew apparenity.where there,was an orange and cover ligittly With easter- e. sugar. Serve with blanerntinge, or in the place of preserve, With bread end Whet then le the Weaning ot thls hos- none. tile banging of the (loot of the House of Miller for tea. To test the heat of the Oen. 4 „IlaVe Commons In -Black nod's Inoffensive a. piece ef white paper, and place t aumbly•knoek threestilteei for admission face? Why must the King's messenger the oven. it is tee hot the .papea aed waft, subnilsalvely.on the mat out- nill speedily blacken Or bdrn. that if ft side tient the representatives ar the is a delicate browb, the been la .10, tor people dechler tes, 'open. !belt doors unto pastry; should lite papep•thrn eet,.; into ? tew, cakes may be and ft only . We find In this 'Mat Interesting spee- light yellow, sponge. cakes: juid laseutle. lade a demonstration, ot the right of the ma be set In the oVell. representatives ot the people to conduCt theie delibeeatitine in secret, should they deem it neeesSerY, le. shut Ille doors, capecially agoinst the messenger% Of seitereigns or PON end rds0„ a deelare. tiOd that no stranger, lottx or high, dare enter their chatriber WItheut permission*, hturibly asked rinel etSPeessly grented. gt.117 bin .01;' SNAKE .111TE. weir sillmudteti?eff. %lir° nothinirlten tnappinierdttint," ho said stately ; areVer throw awes': Idoem et lemon, leeimicornt,Iligefieelhaetr.6 trior .04s6hytletentnedio vitialthivattine; wa.ching Mtn. her heed bowed dew,11- „ , „ with trouble. She could have haunt it III -wee le JI4A3. muieglY and walked on, itet glee was see fine els illty for reproving slainaJeOfti the hand* her heart to forgive him manv LIMO' 1 „t 11. was.eura to nalicvelont tateuth 418,81trit tightly. Fate had pipped and elsewheee. :Dipped.- late salt they tmeent. Her tallier, the leader Of OW rommittee, had inveighed against him bitterly. Such lie KO. the ole days would have been tertetted With- out palaver; but Sydney bet hatt, taken .„,hy„,„,„, 3t.)Te't4 part in a weak, one-sided kind ot 414SAI,OCKVWN vigor, Ire tromped en over , thus be. verily rettioved. . , , be' hard eat d te the cam IleachIng t• 01109111 shettld never be. sertibbedis, if wny by saying that Ile probably needed mo tontalo,stirode ntla tufd" the iutured b 6511 the k the money to 'my oh n gainblitf debt, ." The two men pushed hark edease the Ookyll 111111rX , -4 . desert along the arid, sum -bake* plate • f;41. !nee, e.,„14 the ittler Was rttving in they had Weddell with belt :Pronilsing .4'ociteittin, IMO, arid' the long Weil dreams .14 few short menthe before.' .Uthh'irillie eity Meriting- thet Wile They met the long, windltrit eturreldealn 1,,ett hidttlattRato had acted tat Ida brain. taking supplies out to the camp, and the 'albite. IterSed hint With o Mistninties Ahntan driver% jeered CA them toe on Itelltid.taret „his little:WItleas, a Utile, Setli.sokos.,Init lido „should 114. each.. 0 woe a dreary, beert-bteaktnii nlatt'effPriena. Oradeally Wee. nue- dor rattle. 0:101 ,111Y Ite6ount rtnu$t journry, nue night. after tone dap beet,' le WOO/. Ills oemet tizae aa a ho 0501, NVItett tt Is ow, wipe,4voif herd wnueng, they oompoo at the .idat. effittritb line& anti subdued, heving usarn It 'elinh o :5111)40..44)ga tel skim. trite in it position such es was not good will seller eeenee kettle..11leellf. and, to think About. and he preferred not to remove Mains font bressweek, ',Lemon think et 1111. but lb march blIndiy on. Ilk* this wgi inhe Sinin,4i[dItt 0001. Tho lightn at the golden township strurk from pans and 'kettles aaarlothin else 14th • altddeni , and, bracing; himself up will. The ioders tisk o'ittoils tad • quiekiy fie worn oft'. 1Caltott d first be carefttliy swept with a nil te" remove att the dust and Met, ond then %legit with it large Solt elitfil Wrung qui in 101141 Inett •hotl tikter, is Very dirty tt May: he ilacessitry in use of a well. utterly warn nut retell lire *Why .04" load of IMMO', and he Was trittio %Nell VitikTit' and- PttSeetki heaviness of their swags and Itte 109 ta deflect. . • • ••• the eiders end siess of plain. tarn fee* stied den 'PO engina 411114' OtT Avith •-•4 "It's no tate, tacit," saki Joyee; SENTENCE SE1INfONS. /tiding sin doeS Mat heal IL Things are without what ..they are withih. 00Iy, veneer vIrtuee fete bed'eiveather.- There Is 111116 leVe long,.. distance oharaty. a''.• • , Orthodexy is_opt M. contOrretty lo betels. osing the temper, lakes fith AO oft the ability. A man never betters in honesty. unip he lots seine of it. , 4 -Iklo -favoring wind.ffismes to him Who Will not pull tar hIS`bete. . The More ni 4 dear a Men knolvs the larger liberty h6 finds in It. • • Tha easiest. wny tell olittf of" the .• .:: Christian path to'slt dnwet .1,11 It. " ftettrd of 4,Stirgle Year in India-NV.11d ,:Itellglort May -haVe many fOrmre- but ealtaAnt t.eal, ttoy 411 hate, one foto of love: • . The Man who brags ,ot being. speedy -Thei.nelarber Of Persens hilted ill ladle dee.sret nom en vier olds ec is on, 414/5 beffai Wag al The MO, 'WhOnl PegeetY can *plait 2,14 In the. peeviaus Year", Oral realah La he wholittlta the riches of cher-. the flambee, of "tleldhe rellerted " froth aeter. " • nottlte blte ttL5i? Utqa 6414111 TO make A ,dita ,PrOtat `Mani ,re. then atietbr'1904.. • , won: trtylit tintio othno) to hypo. • teature •or, :the -boa returna M lito , , incrOtt% titer 'amber of (twilit -NI hem *Ito flag tiitiny' thoughta trotlite teollerls. isurigeANL SI It Wrffet' ettlete. 14 The aetfenth montno--The Hebrew Ref; titer lire/ 11101.0 reeditY Una& th0 thitig Is the'Site Of Ililtotint Ostend otItta teMber-Gelober. moileatt Sydney tuet: hesitated 'end triode( • used to del the•neighbethOtal• Of, %It" height. • • ; AritlatA lofty peak On the Mater ivia heat. well hoe to 510 ot„ it.tio *voila uko to sperth. ton ho 1,110 uot: mut more 100000 AA. When yoUr Chltreetee fa gold you,"vrill lainints platettit et Arenefile, MOOD, tee n doe or two 7 WrAll114tWks how.. leeUett 11114 htS = "MN" ""11.-1Hiti 4/t.14 11"14.4 eSSM4 Utt4rItii1V0t0 hold In 1003. than nokotea any oornago stomp id Make a 411 'Wight, ro 4,009 fed from forintn 'tom leo yrontio4 ,merA the' d$VertettY0111*- • 1/444,4,g1E11114 not tett In tAettite-1-1813Ing Is. impbslible 10 940'Ver rehkt b Orris with greefet bledSipt than kirld, arVe;keti &St; resto4 don Atatitt, louttan. Win% and eittil6h-eur bhted never lets any Met men aro glad 'fa 110110 'Afilter.ine hat (dem beasts mow, moh 101'010110X lintitni;Orlant llientlt-Tishri corttespomling lo our, Sep. iff rh:AVIitYrt. nt ev, , The: religien• On% edit nut stand the *trek MOderit' `•bealneas May have beelCgeed Pee Serne Other. age; VA Naltieleis 11). this ef•Yettr Piely -peaeet. IMP :POWS ed the' fortichionnres ht-e.,11W le e$ s' 441,slihtterttar441•871,64-°,Att"rillettlYttla!: • iteligkutt* OP' 411' Only' ereg,:that Is- weath ,nremenes., ..1107Xot,:blitor 114/4;tkiitgliti, plifteeephy Of and ether 'WOrlilae Collate% ' griottide4 Weiss: :Mkt ato;' Res *WO derninate ecerdtlei. it la. lifete,Otuienriled4Ith tee 'pint Oa World' 1;/39.11int'atairne rnlettlinft4Iii4YertreV;444:0!7•Iftt:11Wrrlednnit Religlell• Mere •thith-. An litalitetIont it is 441100 VI lite. It bee id do wittt frpvetv..e4elinitt:fi,arnoloyo•ing.401 .t„t !sr iretiforptilec ed oath Whilt !Mall PaYe' erimaya$. ,tilau *tut what' he' puts into ilto plate thaettileelien. That an Who eon put all his piety ,into tix prayer ineetleg 'end the spritices of the chtirch never has ellougn-aerlonakv le entharress, Mtn • tiNb4G ANY ,pirtcuotsTANGGG. ' 'It Yenr religion you have ark/pled 'principles% Of high living; if you have aei the worth= of the son' (Mean. all other, things; If you pave -determined -to haute your life mottling te the golden rule of the geeat teacber, cold, with him ae hero and, ideal, are -seeking to do [Mod to *there and Make this World a better place for us all with less of ein end ettr- row and 'More of joy and love, you"Will make your huelliess as Wen QS your praying the servant qf these encle* But If lisu have said that yow WIM lo do these things, that yell wish •te the Mire and beneficent We while in! 1.11. itainA Of bUsjileas And a "pretense ,?1: •IntsiiieSs dud , PasSeaSea Yea- l't4at treth is that fertnnetely :tura PAWN* Will be a tunlitet between 4 letkaaion ter 4went tho. religion ,Yln) profeas add•,the Our 4e*trt •190 alge 410.007,14-t0 oriciletewpao.ta Sail IS,Mai ta °et", P":er. lti.ew there, ts .49104 La i3e tolims4.14* ittf livIng,.04 the /Maga a Wan r*any . 'UYerlelhfO4 'Oellere4.• 0n,111# kinp04441' - Eouldepp,w1111.tn. hireSeif seta dist WW1 We,' he wilt' felleve these. things no mats letqwher other : prefessions he 'ratty : '.444t11,4mr14441siteeiliaLitratillEnTod040deo' t4v0e6:11111111„..4:1•11"bdttladollet:4:1(4;07 .VDIVir bl-ittlanoll4edintlettittillae*$t ylof u1)4Itter iPakrjel% ‘ 'V', ,IIT:,7:114:::_!4':::11:04, ,9'Xit404Q:AV:11140:11:111.118::::: . ' ,it1.q,1*, la relatiVely ealty Settlernent : of ea your eider- bettinesa in efe t'. the ,elevelOrtMettYel character and 'the e:41711J111:1;44;::94hEdu:e;Otinra:e1;e1411141hesed*:evribtfhaRtr91110;e44;: = 7t0Seie HA 400,V 1.411, the opportunittes,and• , • ',Ilettellin titeh, become the motive At, *widens and, husine,ss \ihe mantreatattelt - Or neligkat. = A map aeries the MOSti ' MO Mine. (Mae with the saute deem'. gbh, ofid, elovalien- al spirit es n Weal at the altar.' Oa 'is doing e"geeat. we*, o6Pee*Ins"citertel"ePlitreitejasnPrAtrd itue letriet, etytbing .;cept the great endt he ' will not sacrifice the leaser to 1116 greater,: • When oue work an is done, end ',OW busittese„ weighed, ln the balariees ' orfe wort Ls, ta he Judged end our sotisfaat bon insured not by Intvlog been skarp p:titt,FteSs.,Ixvihrqr'7,s44ittnritilerahrdesiNte7hlyu„st tubly;:ift:eigj:114:00nd"r(:11 happier, and Whether we Mee foUndl tor oueseivee' those riches of whieh death and the grave Oh never despair. . • . HENRY F. G pg, THESt. S.- LESSON sowzyt Linragneens.c4:10Ptamsfd lion. illative° slitiejnenn used, Every 'ship ,goIng to see had . doves on board •which Were let loose whenever 0 wife' deeleed lo ascertain INTERIVATIONAL LESSON. the direction of the nearest land. 9. But the Dove being a far weaker bill than the raved found no rest ter the sole of her foot and soon becomihg weary of flIght was. compelled to return again to the ark or perish in the waters. eci..-e3Malted. • FEB. 3. Ve.oreodia,sa" m6thdd. of Lesson V.: Noah Saved la the Ark. THE LESSON WORD• STUDIES. &Wed on' the text of the'Revlsed Golden Text, Psa. 37. 39. .• Inspirattpn,- The .11ible account of the Plead, viewed hi lite light, of :the increased knowledge .which devout biblical scholarship has fernisned for its .study, has an. import- ant lesson for us touching the method which the Divine Spirit enfploys In in- spiration. And thts lesson, while not as important as some- other things -width- the narrathre-ls intended OS teach, le Still worthy our earneet and most Careful attention. During the long cen- tortes which Mast have elapsed belvteen the time of the Flood nnd the time -when the 130ok 01 -Genesis was written the _memory of this epoch -making -00d was kePt alive for many generatfians by , meant of oral traditions, the patri7 arched head of each Musehold repeat- ing the stoey again and again in abe presende hie sene, and these, in turn, :passing thrstory on to their children and !trough there to succeeding gerien• Mons:- After a time some, poesilely ,roarty,: written accounts began to ap. pear, among which Certain ones came ultimately to be regarded as standard oe classic.- in their gradual develop. ntentibese written accounts were guard- ed by the Winn Spirit against corrure itnd filled More!, and mOre 'with God',s reeelettort of his purpose 'and will toward Men. ' At last, under the -,guldance of the Divine Spirit, the hceount 'of the -Floo.d, taken from these older written - tart 'fivea weveri Info the larger Bo k of OtegIne whion has come down to us in the torn Oft our -present Genesis. The partiatilar wOrk of' the Holy Spfr- 0 wos to teach the hrspired writers to See in the past history 'of the rade, as well es in its Origin, the over -ruling, benefleent hand of . God, and to make ais character and will known to men, roth In his menifestations of love and merey-,Land in his severer •ludgmeres. The degree to which ah Old Te.stamete narrater* accomplishes. thLs fundamental purpose of revealing God in his men,' fiat character to men, 'meet be taken as, the measure of Its 1113Mralion-Other eersidis. of 'the sane Flood tradition lik th Bab 1 1 there were, e e y on an, which were 'corrupted by their, king eingtret with polatbeisM, and stripped of their message from, •Goti to man. But in the providence of Go& these corrupted ver - diets -weft not perinttled to became pie of tlie sacred record of the Jews. -Verse 1. And God remembered -- fleb,, Ellehim. Throughout the Flood -narrative, Chapters 60 inelitsive, We ob- seree ethe Me el &A the Mune "Efo- hint", (God) and the name "Jahveh" (Jehovah), referring to God. •The use ot either tante In a given verse or sec. Ron of the itidreetIve 14.0ne of the prin. 'Opal means upon which- scholera rely 'deterntining to which of two origin. •al qtareatives theught, to- be interWoven. MIMS UAW neeount of the flood the per yeese. Or section belethge. Ono of the Ina) Seereee uses "ElOhirri" Cent sistently„ throughout' al the • other us'es "Ialtveh," The word "relneibbered" here Means kept In ,raind with •lientim Intel* having ,regard for his 'needs and wide*. The Potudititts AlsO ot the Deep - Fountains" bursting forth on the ear -that anytime •feent the• Went sobterrartetut deo awn* width the earth was stipposed 14 -rest; ,„ • • °of iteaveti4PiningeInAhe drinernerit through widen at tidies the rain dekencied (oomp. Word Stlidieeor lettuary 0 oWell. tot tie Ors' reilinl 111 the 5a4//t =t"118 en 148 °reel "/ , t4 ItnioW negtiOdIttill141,(4' tr2 Ille ,OreldOnti' Y931' Mat h9 'etierent,; Mit; OVered with popetuat :mow. Ind end do 641710 prespeeilfig," 14Pingtilli'genen tho tract! ,Ita Ir0; iltl-'11t4nuntettement et dinar:el rvo.httlt. trait:nat.:WO thlt.11 Itelver strikekrfibl, mom teadily , $4' Sof unlit noventkihree .daya afte lime passed neer 11111 gtViutul.' " , ' TheY ddglit re Ode between Alio *tinier ot Drees, bt, no. thut, me tooth biota, on the,firm, ilea argued nothing. "they boa , &mild owes *lever neeotip 4oso rtnito reliance,,npor. tor word. bonds end tile rtInlher deettit, Law ot peOple nettor.Ioch doei, oil day oellte month, iVelsi tbe OM; ei the' eym tight glued Ott snincliting ctitther Awer titYs alki% 110.00 sO NVe aced ISCateely stp, ihootok., fro* mict „ to,plauon ,the„ Eide.),,'..fet, out," • tqatit 'nni /ha veToodoo Sun,* ominthity neersgaty we -should oromiso Doting .1.005 Anita dangerous stdo Tile how •9 Q,'„"r,U!11.?I'Y 911, 4UWCE 121"1/111,7,1115 SLetri. vet the nett. nIcklittig theY tt'ac 'Out 4440,LIA114‘ 1411118$ nothing tillOr.gOod ovirk*Wo' 'otos illtan, 39414 Vitt wilts ak aye& 1.1 re., to tint 4261111Ra Said Shi'dinutiett tile -/•slid. flown' thent,hatitilem Intt ant sltre sho wuril •eleltea tttorl aettitoalmitnent in argue .4Kkotion, Ow pettier litellateet to reit .; Milt tin ici; bed; 'and' we toe.; oa net own *Olt hut *Mt halt ane To., Ito aleotas, ot the. earopaggit an It is 0 4004 Inuit to 0toc 16,4,0001 sou' Amur they ,aah aa liberty arid froilt lltele • ,13116 the voyAt awl 'like the Yet other seven days -The wordinget this" phrase would seem Io indleatethat a period at seven days had intervened also between the time of sending forth the 'raven and the time of sendingforth the first dove. Perhaps- the expression aafter seven . clays," or the expre.stion. "and he stayed seven days" has la sonte way dropped out of the first part of verse 8 above. 11,, An Olive Leaf Plucked • Oft- •The • elive ,does not grow on the higher 'mountains, and- the iresh olive leaf therefore indicated that the waters had fatten considerably; so Noah knew that the,waters were Abated from off rho earth. In the six. hundred and first year of •Noah's life, in the first moth, the 'flr$ day of the month, or just one year and eleven days after the Flood began Ccoirip. Gen. 7. 11) the waters were ailed up from off the earth. 14,. But not until a month end twerr ty-seven days, about eleiht weeks, later was the earth dry. 10; Thy Sons-.Sh.em, Ham. and Jap. heti% This. disembarkment Is here dee scribed in as great detail as had been the embarkment In Gen. 7. 13-10. TRIER ATE THE PYTHON • TRAGEDY ON BOARD THE STEAM- SHIP INDRASAMIL11. Vidor in Fight Made a Meal of EDI . WIIIM-Storm Caused the • Trouble. The biggest Python ever brought to the -UnitathStates was on board the steer:04p Inerasarnha, which arrived receetikt at New "'York from Yekohema, AAtfieliere and `Other ports east of Suez. Caplan' °Wilkes, ma.ster, says the snake is 27 teat long and 3 feet in eir- cultierence. No one took The trouble to meesurktim, but he, looked every inch of' thresie.e the captain gave. There were four • other big pythons hen the indrasamha sailed from Sing- apore, besides royal Bengal tiger that Was the champion man-eater In those peels, before he was daptured and sold. Hil,feolciestill es if his appetite mIght be gape if he only had a chance to *react .11.it hadn't been for the tiger the five PYRI011awouid hat% arrived at New ?lark - intact. Tee. three killed one Of them Mr. terrdle battle. .,• .STCrilM BROKE _BOX. . Each Of the pythone *a* In a Seperat4 bak On -,thtv main deek amidshipas end the tiger Was in bis cage not far away. Tha.,Indralattrha..rah Into a •huaricalle. It 'Wearer,- an eVerydai affair by. tiny means, but one of those' that. slitters fell hbout far years afterwards, the kind Where seas tower Metintaln lligh= ert the Weal er bow end turn the,deeks Into a repine Niagara when they break and spare their tons of green wafer oil Anivering fabric as She: labors , beret", 'able' to4keep her head to the sea; the kirld-that sweep Mt; Carrying everything tratVahle'before them, and end up,liY ing,Overboard •astern to war:vitt that '1`0, seMbles, lite week's.: wash in a 'boiling, taiddran, Of Soapstids, „- - Ave*, it was 'blowing Oahe, and the ;maw ilettaine• eGoard. 'en* prieticulerly tan grepheatled telksw .1htit•gOt.over 'the aide and kicked -4.01d 141414 -This See hit. the hot ot ono ot the ' Inibous' and the hex tiireed,•over. Tor tt. die mUton :test. 'end lidera inyalle knee,' witatt had' happened • there' wits Some twenty feet sat „gooko. • 1N111,110gIPS Matt. The When •diddtt seek,to knew • who da under,110 otrournste1teow. era . were lother wavet Ohnialg Sled& ' - Oat ,m9rg' 9.0.1040 he did not lino to have „ Akdronnobtar, he wan vette to Ong.: The nearest pinea or /IOW lee& • te be•this dawn tage..atid•ilid pydietts., , Medd- letelhar '10;Zr/ides* I witii Web. 5. in'A'o's,' 4ifling- RiCH-so-ila 111111ilat ' oll*ir itit,-"., It latii NI' IMilt'eJ1.4i7 14 heat' 4. lifils.:"v411(1d6 l'°'Iti9 6)114146- ' l'164'' ' ' '11 r" *Pa' 11 4'13 "5* .161* !loll: dn'et9Ip414411. olht7tirt"I' 11.111: 4)11'11:417 71L11 ',:dea"I'tas:e-tal'Ist'i--1:4116'1701.11', '44i'll'Ilnll'itotVt'pn-4 'nTrilln'wis' 11;1:7: .1.gicittlnenly'sb"*Iltilliti'n''ettl.gt:14'e:teW:t%::"143rall:14(1'et:01.10?441461ililtaV'64tWSi41.6141 ' disappelfitteent, . btlij they bottltd ran Atillnk, .-Mil lhara What 1 •Inyita to. ,tto. . roduo, .eonselowmtsig . of ilio intelitti. WO *Mond' •dit .ittatierit IfeefiletTegerif things hist at 420a, time.. :hors .00,41. With a feverish etiogY. llreSneetiott herb L A ' - ' %11. The :d4ty tauten- thou ,nothtng bn writo toltlI tlOwn . ao,Itli, inw.drioin . g • and "herb, on(twanderint awe lotto iArttlist.bee4provta'614410041. viH'Itte,detill."theeellS•14)irrat 141e15;;,r'°are;11.' 'hilo)1N441:11:Inuint114:1041.1":31.:ohnrIx14/10.:nitIll:r;litotagel,lhil4.1:11.tailitt."1"Y,.:660f ti-lnyiltgor*°).wAt4ere'llInlaththot hvailartii (tlisti4tyllitot linttec6.:1*1:4•14°HitVgifi°or:aseltaaelcealljeriag*, .:1411711in' t tra:111011111": ' :ittetti, A rigulitcrrUs t t e riphiStrvitires nt: a • 1; . ky• . ; .• . • ' ecl:Obt‘tiallY: ter itt strength .ot win . :11rat-to -.do fritort. ifiertilis twenty feat ‘ *Imo tor prondw Id eetre The ug et 1 moat lintreetainnt and' moat trotialtsomo. ,thorits,ultuoot tho tiotee, ot kindws. ettseria, watt there Which from time to .tilettlitall111 high: . • Ant." AttnilF. ato. quirk 1.) efairieveled . Ideated oily be ettHeoi.4 Mg dreas,t,..,dekk,., 'etteN, but tometnhrr that What you 'sty IP, 101 _determined the direttoll Inwilich. .inte14011e4 end its Ilia pythetee 164 ' the Ileteestiltt• Of MartidiaStreeter 1.0, gay* ere**, ht the neenbet 0.1YerlAni IMIn'" 14 Very, InielY tO stiek In Yon:for 410ot:tale' ifill4 47.reentetki is 4614 to hove :Nate through Ina bare TIO owolk‘i 1,1. , "ent- tQ •thesititati41 , t a)aonlet' itht, 18, avolve*--to 1$04, 1444, at 111C•54, Ole' thuo; - . , , , . . i tecn di.eimoreti lit 1010 wal,..,11„, it alto ..The moon entlie 16 in a tro6uto _or, so. byte• alk X hid tho littggele lirbb 0 • trent flay olio. In llo oxellettnAlTbIthe 'hoe tO:get rid el AIM. lltit )1110W, nearelt JOye,%; torget ter tt.titne thoonst you've'vared tot blat tight along, Mid. soure. right Itos$ h White Mans ir tvq, thito,miwkaotio. t !OW Writing to itint aim theoittee'haes lama nom *bunt it. and taking el% •Oatt on my vaunt ta.lud4o." _ - Ina weto with ,tearst The Min she Med bad l*ort flcared; ,and *ht hwt billtelf Weeleatla nt ,hitth; $11ently she took up toe .pen, 'ha ihe love hilAer.4oul Moue lit %Wilt hviirinaltot 401)*Mighta 111$41401401(1100114 =peed.", eaill; matt., 2436; WoItzt1. OM; and, hyena*. 534« *07,41.1:01twit Man.eib - hilted ter *IV I (lit,' et shame whlett had Along'. to him atrien leaving SundoWn • Gawp. Ito bad re! galnol Id.; old. ntrZpeetors enthustoon, owl thought ot little else sato tbatutut earSverpteril fee gliits One day Oa int Waraed. ia 'woo" 8901itied atiretter klistiOt arrest:the Wit. lhe dIroltoot Ito cote,. and Una, malt lionalag aldently rent lextitedly over to lin diRt. .r1.00k bRee:•-' tiO•Salst, ellikilltPle WA* tit that!" 0 Arturo dhantittl„ „_tht-t tim_bittL 11 Charily arty In'earte throwing emir .tetiorted That AlOrindel* the Alreat eta; „ttnd Istailed tor tire lige. Vie Wet' hoot it Werth *WO that kb* mug./ verlIP dough ott the waiter" eta keeping a 'filoyefi Steens fa gualc1int in Alta aarne .1119- Pri and atintomod forward - reword nt Ion tor * tiottegalinglIger eofftA „ Emu 114 wittlis. wtro. ,rotk.d thortwasoont.. Then, the tiget,°pitilatt itr4 tiltictitt, to 'wooing, lh sattatlittorti tit 140 idl3119gentettl 4, • . , A Maki ,rniroded, ta rine thorn w6 tan tont-blot that erny rit rtg SOL mat In -Stroh* hut Metall **oat 'weather. qh be an *OM tood Is wormet• btol. ond it wain long t *hog ,Ittibete *motet petilleta Yookt,,-11 The mita alfil hitl 'boort tok hin Own: 1,...411101,entry: to permit tts alightatg. :Into the alga aunt, inado his 4ehilss..4•1! Heithiflat newt $161611unt ellt*V. In! POCktt *WI* hefty 10 feell fh-Smt Forth a Iklaye,,lho %Won- titt ing4t NOM* 4/,' It/3 ' Ofillefeer neeildid ler I Wet is RC *HOWL tons. Mint I taiatt Villt4 the Arra sa * .4/ifkalt. • • 4 • "