The Goderich Star, 1907-01-25, Page 1s•
TUE OODE,RICti STAR is t largest
Newspaper in that County ot Huron, and
I 0411"a Quality Quantity Circulation a
it „ ;
20/10.11411.010011114101400 .
1 a ma- OODVRICH STAR iluoi a
, cirouh‘tion than any othep Newapapor
in Ulla section, ot lhO County ot Hum
rZOT.AZI XSTEViret:PAX4141:t Or Wiir333 OOVMSTI.M" Qr XrCI7ZO,L\T
.tiNgt)S ()NAB
vuere i*ta itt all 0014 70he **04tig * SOWER
ceent 'there only one sure way Ot stecuMdatieg
*011th, and that toying it, A. few jaereone Inherit
Wettitk, wbile Othtta gallA 'indePendence bee a etre** of
lOcks•hut We vain Menetty nf teopit Semite a competence
by sr!iding lesfr then tboY Make and Aitvillif the edelne.
We 1W 141:1* Per cent Interest an deP0646 and money
•cttit,he withdreavn at any time.
Goma= -Orrxes:—COR. NORTH STREET
"V• V.OITEDesetatetrin Open with board, near
.thoyele lead IOnstiue Works. Apply to
taloned. eloderieh IceslieeeWatea
s'apilgt.WA.NUrt-0.0--4Peir, at once at our
ILA Pince. eat street-uoiaerteli Knitting
Co., renew. Pet Jorge E. letwlea. Mgr.
The naarkets seemed to suttee towards the
enttof are week, wheat and claw being a cent
Ewes dropped to $0.40. and all other meats
and poultry show little change.
Butter and eggs aro as last week, and vege.
tables sell at the old prices.
Current wholesale prices corrected
La a Fared gotta Goderioh, on TUES. Seeing ;ethane, standard
uOqON SALE. of a Co Load of Good
D tle elerieral Purpose and Driving Fall wheat, $0 67 to 68
up to noon of Thuradathl
ts a goal load of noreet and oceadete of : 3 good
DAY, J 2%4.4 one °Week, Marti( Tete Flour, per own, trit 0 67 to 601.
2 50 to 2 fe
clean. sound draft geldings, t to 0 years old
worker, good logs end foot. mid fat ; 1 big
brown worker. good leo and foot, but thin
weight- from 1360 tO 1600 lbs.; 1 big cheatnui 14813 (0 08 0: Log 81
4.0Q4m,,,... in geed cortdition, wilimake good 0 to 0
teem Marra I gray driving home 7 years old ;
0 75 to 0 76
0 44 to 0 411
1 chestnut delving %sorsa 5 y0041001; chestuut
driving mare 9 ,years old; 1 chestnut driving 0 48 to 0 48
tnar0 7 Iteetts Ida 1 1 neY tithing hone rising 5 0 43 t 0 .13
year* old ; 3 bay driving mares, young, sound
and tight, and llrettlass delvers; I reef* way
yeareold, quiet:and kind to ride or drive, has
been ie MilittitY 001300It Toronto. and 1.4
safe for 40Y 000 tot00 and bat loto 07 etOde and
reed. A180 25 new blanketa and 3 Mite harness.
TIGN0S-16 inonthe teed% will be given on fern.
easing approved Sointpotee. A discount of 6
per Gent. per aunum *mewed for °ob.
TITOHAS Quinine. Auctioneer.
Flour, per owt„.
Bran, per ton
Shorts, per rau
Scioeninge, Per ton
Oats new
Barley new
Peas new
Buckwheat, per bushel
Hay, new . ..... 11 00 to 12
Butter, per lb 0 20 to 0
Eggs, (fresh/ per dozen' 0 23 Di 0
Wood, per oord 5 00 -to 6 00
Cattle, export 4 00 to 4 BO
Cattle, otinary and butchers' 3 OS to 00
Lambe, spring 5 00 to 5 60
Sheep. fat (cwt.) 3 60 to 4 00
Hoge, live weight 6 40 to 0 40
Hogs, deemed 7 75 to 8 00
Hams, per lb . ........ 0 00 to 0 00
Bacon, long clear 0 15 W 0 15
Hides 7 00 to 7 25
Sheep skins 0 GO to 0 60
Tallow, renderea 0 in to 0 04
Chtekebs-barnyard chicks, per lb 8 to 10
" --orate fed 0 11 to 0 12
Beef, fore quarters...
n quarters
°one per lb
Ducks "
Turkeys " .
Tr- tenie AMR. Now is the
Aal time. I, Robinson, Jae, baying spare
thno on my hands intend to give lessons in all
kinds of stepelanclog. iSeare of experience In
treating. children and adults. lf mothers
would:trust Me With their chlldren I am confi-
dent they woeld fool pleased with them at the
ender theleseens. Give me a alai. Lessem.
cheap. JAI% ROBINSON, Cor. Lighthouse and
Essex streets, Goderiree
Sailor's Iloropipe. Highland Fling. Sword
Dance. skipping itopo Dance, ClogDance.
EA.LED vittlmaits for the purchase of the
(§iarteen In the third conceesiou of the Town -
east half of the west half of lot number
ship of Wawanosh, bettor known as the Rote
50 acre farm, will be received by the nnder-
' • signed note the eat day of January. 100I.
The son leb,goodelay loam, well fenced and
watered. the bondage are fair and tore a
good orchard. Liberal berme of payment given.
The highest tender will be accepted,. as farm
" must be said. Pnotteemer. Hem & BLAIR,
I/kited:0th Jany., 1907. Solicitors. eloderich.
a Within the next 4 weeks,
Soft Elin, Basswood and Rock Elm.
Soft Elm $10. per thousand
Rock Elm $14. per thousand
Basswood $12, per thousand
Rock Elm must be 16 ft. long, others
1 2 ft.
To be delivered to Andrew Young's
faidie Colborne, where saw mill is at
meteltil FOR SALE. -Part of lot 15. Lake
al. Range West, Colborne, conelating of
80 acres, more or less, mostly seeded down.
The soU is a good clay loam. There is n. good
[name story -and -a -hale house with kitchen.
also another dwelling near the road. There
a barn 111, x 82. with shed and stabling, 24 x 60,
with commodione hay -loft above; also a shed
on the eouth end, 16 x80 ; four wells. two at tho
barn and ono at each house ; a good bearing
orchard of about two sores. Everything le in
an excellent state of repair. Foy particulars
apply on the farm or to Hoots TlarristoW, part
lots 13and 14, Lake Road West, Colborne, or
to Goners Ttruneow. Khays street, Goderich.
21 HARD WOOD. -On band at MoEwroes
eat 12 and 16 inches long to suit their cus-
tomer. Also lin abundance of hemlock and
cedar nabs. Phones te and 163.
MIOR SALII-A 50 egg Chatham Ineubator
AU and Brooder, in perfect °rendition. Rea-
son, no room; Also a good wood heater, and
tiererfa other attielee. Apply at STAIA ornste.
cow Yon SALM-Jersey, supposed to be
(Nin calf. A bargain. Apply at TRII STAR
erYPEWRITER8 of all makes rented. Rold
or exchanged. Ribbons and eupplion al.
wayson hand. Copying work done. Ofnee on
Kingston street, next Yule's. W. E. Ewen.
FOR SALE. -Two now Dwellings on Angle-
sey egs A comfortable Dwelling on Ploton St.
Winding lots on Elgin Avenue, Esters Se, Cedar
St. and Pine St.
WANTED. -A few Furniahed Rouses or
Rooms, near 07 bake front, to rent for tho
NUMMI' Etella5:4:
inottornirry FOR SALE.- The desirable
kvnecyraorrielrty 140...vt?slviuhitailly.odedileohd
LUSO and two-thirds of an aore of land, with
thole° fmits. The house is beate.d by hot
water and has all modern improvenients. A
bargain for any person wanting first -clams pro-
retyzernatetteteralfogeri,dieek Apply to or addrees
''",7-11, ;44.'
antioAPERS FOR SALE. - Several hundred
A. cotes of old nowepapern for gale. Just tho
thing When You aro housecleaning. Apply at
, ,
The Sterling Bank
Ineerporated by Special Act of the
Dominion Parliantent to receive
Highest current rate of interest
paid in onr
Savings Bank Department
on deposits of ea and upwards,
Interest paid and celnpounded
Drafts beught and' sold.
A General Banking neatness
ooranucrt BRANCH :
A. GAIVIIILE, Manager.
easeettege— eggereseeeet
UNION mouton,
ridgy, Jan, 25th.
sicted trPeakere are iskeetted
4 karst eters Madan larogroure
betingarde eiwas,a enjettable
wit" toe no egoortuni.
Rftl e'cicalc In the etheol
Ott 25erest1.
00 to oo
a in to 0 00
9 to 10
0 to 10
13 10 13
n so to 0 65
0 i5 tO 0 10
Coal 011 Cheap -W. IL Pinder 4
Commercial Course -Elliott & McLachlan 8
dale of Furs -W. Acheson at Son 5
$2 a Month -British Can. Bus. College 5
Caledonia Springv-C. P. Ry 6
butt Week of Sale -D. Millar Co 4
Overeoats-Walter C. Pridhare s
Auction Sale-The:nal; Cawley I
Law Curtains -W. A. McKim. s
Last of January Sale-iledgens Brea.- 8
205,000 Peoplo-Fruitatlyes 4
White Goods Sale -J. D. Colborne 4
Never -break Daley Rubbers 4
Notices under this heading to non-advertio-.
ere will be charged 10 centa a rosining line in
nonpariel typo, 12 linos to the loch; tO yearly
contract ralvertisom whose advertising ap-
eman In the Hanle 1/38110, eenta a line ‘• to
those who make a yearly contract under thie
heading, and do not otherwise, advertIse,
cents a line.
Local Notices.
W. E. McLean, Goderich, is in the
market to buy cattle, Ahem) and hogs at high -
eat market price&
A Musical is announced for Monday,
Jan, 28th. to be given in Knox Church, by the
ladies' eveningoborua under the direction of
J. IC. Jordan. The work to be given iv Adel.
aide A. Feeotrleit "Legend of Bregenny". Thia
work is fun of stirring pansages and every
«abject of this beautiful poem is brought out
NO vividly that it menistM if in real life. Tho
work is new in Canada tide year. and should
not be missed. The programme will also in-
cludeorgan and piano numbers by E Jordan
and a few of hie pupile will take part. The
admission will bo 10e. This lathe third of Mr.
Jordan'e Popular Recitals.
gown xnlyi co.
Oraigie has completed arrangements
for a splendid fancy dress carnival in
the West street rink on Tuesday Feb.
5th. It will be the flat of the season,
and promises to he one of the most
successful held for years. Remember
the date.
fixing up of the building on Kingston
street for the new Jackson Clothing
factory is now completed, and work
will begin next Tuesday. This week
the electric motor was installed by
Mr. Brown, of the Waterworks stuff,
the power to be supplied from the Or-
gan factory, where the dynamo has
been installed.
Tun H. 0. B. -THE STAR acknowl-
edges with thanks the receipt of the
usual kindly invitation by the Huron
Old Boys, of Toronto, to attend their
seventh annual " at home" in the
Temple building, on Friday evening
Feb. 15. These gatherings are amongst
the most popular and successful social
events in the Queen City, and this will
be not the lettet of the series, for the
association • is in a very flonrishin
condition. The boys from Huron°
know how to do theee things.
NceirruATtoe.-At the meeting on
Tuesday evening the following nomi-
nations were made : 13. C. Munnings,
by R.Alle Hays and J. C. Laithwaine
0. H. Humber, by 13. T. Edwards and
H. 8. Sproule. After the nomination
afr. Humber said he was not going to
cause a contest. and on Wednesday
evening Mr. Munnings was declared
elected. The election of Mr! Mutt -
flings was a just aot, as that gentle-
man thought his refusal to run agnin
RS school truatee made him free to run
for the Connell. We welcome Mr.
%innings to the Carmen of 1007.
OutIVENTaiN IN MAnon.-The Iowan -
tit annual meeting of the Oanadian
Association for the prevention of Clon•
'petiole and Other fame of Tuber-
lesis will be held in Ottawa, the llith
d lith of March next. A public
edit* of the meinhers of the melode-
on and °fah° eitizens generally, at
Inch ITN Excellency Will ;Aside, will
held in the reagemble hall of the nor.
al school there ori Wednesday even.
g, Mae& Ite at Which Dr. Sheard,
O Chairman of the Ontario Palette,
al Hoard of Health, will deliver a
(Afire 'open "Home Treatment of
FANCY Dittee BALL,-Thie social
tidied) Oren by the Nightingale
aphst, DatIghterti of the Empire,
WINE tif the Alexandra Hospital,
Thursday (ironing Of Ian Weeks
ea a Wide atiecteatit affair, The
dfelloW's Hall was crOvoded With
e youth and beauty of Gmletlett ;
ney coalmines Were numermen Meety
them being exceedingly attraetitze.
d the 800120 trete start te finish was
e .4 groat enjoyment. The London
fleets furniebed the illtede, and the
per, it Minn one, teas charmingly
rved, Tbe Nightingaies gatt4 their
eats a pleasant beetting and Will
Od to tho liotTitrti rood boa Wog
thitti dollotikt
04r1TAL liOdItids ea The A11
Meeting Of', the Alentantira HOS
Tried Watt held OA hIeRdaY afteen
Eli Minor Jetige Doyle preel
Relied OT treireurer Wee read. Au
feared fen MAR, end it is eape
Will be reedy for publication tre
nent isette, en in ite Present ehaPe
too Mpg for newepaper rimer
The Heieltal le in good shape, I
all Peenneen Were In the betide o
trustees it would be preetically 0
debt, The election of trustees
took Piece, falloWIng ten gen
Men tieing elected; Judge Doyi
A. Nostra 0. Seeger, Robert McL
TrelietnindielDE MVPs gOepel
pita deelepdeatiee heat libentleT Wee
QM Well attended. netWithetanding the in.
deg .eb1;111u7e441'.ove .tb0000: W.;art b. al. oTull t td. e
our preetical and to the point. The.apeaker
it w emphosIted the importntice•ot moist.
Loin teellintpaelt I'lele*ewilearttet aftuodthPereel"rlettel
that efie Icing the banner of prohibition
uftthorfi would float over every municipality in
e, 0. Mt tO 070r edtheekte the value of the
tle et; the rreVinee` 10' 4* a Tonnt whn ne*
tees eupled the chain saidit would be alfli-
worle Wing accoMplished by the. tem-
peranee brganizatimm of the present
oda, day; ape eentereled that theg are do.
taed ing nide for theepiiftlugul humanity
day than are the elettrehee. An interesting
feature of. the meeting was the render.
W.- "Agitate"' by the its.aett Alli
ing of the catchy tutrtette, entitlete
n. anel
urts Meesrs. Park and • ightman. The
use meeting next Sunday at 4,15 In the
ewe Temperance Hall, will be addeessed by
Mrs. R. FL Hall, of Clinton. The
mte musical exercises will be In charge of
Its' a ladies choir, under the direction. of
en's Mrs, Paulin, and eeveral special selec-
t:1st tions will be rendered. EYeeyboey
her welcome.
The SOME WEATHER. -We usually have
/1111 a varied assortment of weather in
lye these latitudes, but the variety of the
ish- past week has been woi•thy of special
nt. note. Laat Saturday we bad a tropical
ion deluge of rain, which curtailed
ger nese operations to those of
en necessity during most of theiday, tento:2
by by evening the wind had inc ea d
roe a gale, which reachel 70 oleos anSliour,
en. and this lasted all Saturday -night and
re., most of Sunday, churning the lake
ice into the wildest kind of a sone and
her Play
ee. wind carried down the 20 foot
nd boards and fences. Abeue 9.30 he
ing havoo with limbs and nlhoti:e.
ney on the south-east corner of North
nn St. Methodist Church, and the ton or
a so of brick went through the metal roof
into the ceiling above the organ, and
a large part of it went clear down
m. into the organ, doing several bond -
c. red dollars damage to tbeepipes, wind
is. chest and other parte. Fortunately
there was no one in tbe building at
r°- the. time or life might have been sacri-
A. flced, as the masa mune crashing
a through. The full extent of the
or damage to church and organ will
ee, reach probably nearly WOOD. Ser-
ie- vices for the day bad to be transferred
ble td the lecture room. Elsewhere
re. through Ontario the storm did great
tre damage, and at Buffalo, which seems
ag to have got the full sweep from Lake
es Erie, the loss is estimated at one and
ut a half million dollars, several large
of lake carriers being thrown well up on
at the beach from their moorings in the
le heated. A cold snap set in on Wed-
)" -nesday night, and the thermometer
al fell to 10 below zero, a rare experience
et in Goderich, while outeide points re-
sit port "below" all the way down to 25
nr.f;- a nAd 3j0A.
,nesday the residence of J. E. Brydges,
e East street, was the scene of a pretty
t- wedding, the contracting parties being
d hisdaughter,Mies M.E. Laura Brydges
• and Samuel E. Armstrong, of Nanton,
, Alberta. The marriage service was
tt, performed by Rey. S. D. R. Pentian'd,
of Teeswater, an uncle of the bride,
d assisted by Rev. 0. N. Hazen, M, A.,
and the bride was given away by her
8 father. Miss Frances E., sister of the
b bride, was bridesnaaid„and tbe best
_ man was Alex, Sterling, A cousin of
the groom. Roy Adams, organist of
North street Methodist church, played
e a wedding march and other pieces. At
r the conclusion of the ceremony, the
guests ant down to a sumptuous wed-
- ding breakfast, at which the couple
, were heartily congratulated and toast-
. ed. Mr. anti Mrs. Armstrong left
° the afternoon train for Toronto.
VV. A. Veallal. Judge Holt, D.
Donald, James McIntosh, H. E. In.
eope Mayor Elliott. The trustee bo
WM meet toad orgadize next Mon
The sebjeet of Children's Co
was brought up in the Britielo Ho
of Commons recently and the 11
Secretary, In reply to a question f
Mr. Wedgwood, sakb-"The resu
of the werking of the Child'.
Court in BIrmingbam have been m
satisfactory lo reducing the num
of ehildren committed to prison.
nuether of children under sixt
received in prison from Blrmingh
was eighty-four during the t we
months before the Court was establ
ed, and only twenty-one in the
twelve months after its establishme
1 bane already, in reply to a quest
hy my hon. friend the member
Berwickshire on May Seth last. gle
full particulars of the aition taken
the county and borough Benches
the separate treatment of childr
I have been doing my utmost, hy
guiations in the •Metropolitan Poi
Courts and by eirmilars ot
Courts, to procnote the special a
separate treatment of ebildren's
And I hope soon to introduee a hill
facilitate the release of offenders
probation, and t h e payment
probation officers."
Proudfoot, K. 0 and Manager M
Gaw, of the Western IFlour Mil
accompanied by the following me
hers of Parliament; E. N. Lewis,
H. Clark, Jno. Tohnie and P. M. M
Kenzie, waited on the acting Minist
of Public Works, Hon. Sidney Fish
and introduced the question of our ot
side breakwater. Afteh considerit
conversation, the acting minister p
mised that the 500 feet already co
menced will be finished as quickly
possible. He intimated that tende
had been called for that work, b
could not he actect on, on account
the very high prices asked, but th
measures would be taken to see 01
structure completed forthwi th. Wit
regard to the erection of an addition
500 feet to the north of the prese
breakwater, Mr. Fisher promised th
it would be taken into the serious co
sideration of the Government. M
Proudfoot presented the petitio
signed by 400 names asking the com
pletion of and an addition to th
breakwater, and before leaving 0
taw& the Goderich delegation visite
the Ootario Ministers of the Cabine
and got them intehested in the que
tion. It may he mentioned that A
Men. Allan, who was in Ottaw
forened one of the delegation.
CteNToN vs. Gooratrom-The soon
of the scheduled hockey games thi
/season between Clinton anti Goderic
was played on the Clinton rine Fri
day night, and the result, as antici
rested, was a walk over for th
Hurons, the score being 4 to 0 in favo
of the visitors. ft is not often a seven
is blanked, but in this case it was ex
pected, as our teatn wan a strong one
and the seven went to Clinton to win
Everybody expected the win, but n
one expected our boys to come 00
ahead in the game played earlier in
the week, as the seven on that micas-
iOn was made up of more than half
new men. The game on Friday show-
ed that the side-tracking of one of out
best players could not change the re-
sult, as our best team is the bot in
this part of the district. The game,
well refereed, was a fairly clean game
throughout, the penalties being equal-
ly divided. Carr -Harris, the old
standby of the Goderich Intermediate%
played for the first time this season,
anti showed by his checking that he
can hold the fort as well as ever. All
hands, however, played in good form.
the new men doing exceedingly cred
'table work. Brown Jackson, of Sea-
ford), was referee. The line up was as
Meteor goal W. Johnston
Campbell point Cann
Carr -Harris cover point Doherty
Belcher rover B. Johnston
J. McLean center Bhappard
MoKinnon right wing McKenzie
Macdonald left wing Moore
t wedding trip will include other parts
of Ontario, and Winnipeg and Bran-
don in the North-west, and thence to
their home in Nanton, Alberta. The
bride looked charming in a gown
' ef embroidered net over wheel
silk, carrying white carnations,
and her sister, in white silk also,
made a pretty bridesmaid. The bride's
going away dress Vrall of red broadcloth
with a sweet hat to match. It had
been intended to have a church wed-
ding, hut the unfortunate accident to
the North street church last Saturday
prevented it. The choir of that church,
of which the bride had been long a
member, presented Miss Laura with a
lovely silver set of four pieces, and ber
present from the groom was a valuable
gold watch and chain; the maid'e from
the groom was a wish bone set in
pearls. The other presents were many
and valuable, and came feom Ontario
and the Western Provinces Among
those present at. the ceremony were
Mr. and Mrs. William Henry, end eon
Everett, of Behind ; Mr. and Mrs. (ne-
wel', Bervie ; Mrs. and the Misses Ster-
ling, of Bayfleld ; Mrs. Pehtland, Mrs,
Geo. Erwin and Mr. and Mrs. Samuel
Pentland, Dungannon.
rangements are non- complete for the
visit here of Mrs. Leonidas Hubbard,
the now famoue woman traveller and
esrplorer, who will tell the story of
"A Woman'a Way Through Unknown
Labrador," in Knox church, Oodorich,
on Monday evening, Feb. 4th. No
25th, is the anniversary of Burns'
birthday. a day honored by Scotch -
men all the world over. En the issue
of the Standard, of Montreal, for Dec.
I, a couple of pagea were devoted to a
well written and flnely illustrated
review of the illustrious poet and his
crta-eer, in which it was argued that
Burns was somewhat familiar with
our own (lanada, and the writer says :
" These higtorical references, so in-
tensely iriteresting to us fn this coun•
try, are teuelied oft' in a few graphic
and vigorous line° by the poet in his
ballad on the American War. Here
our great St. Lawrence is given a
new name, the humorous designation
given it by the poet being 'Lowrie's
Burn,' down which Montgomery tenk
a turn, (Gen. Guy Carleton retiring
before him ), but only to meet an oin-
timely end, falling liko the Montgom-
°dee of old in Scotland, in the thiek
of the fight." And it is shown that
one of " Tbe Jolly Beggars " Wfle
veteran of the Plains of Abraham.
But the following paragraphe from
the article give a more local interest
to the history of the great Scotchman,
in which Goderich is specially inter-
ested : " In 1875 there lived Guelph,
Ont., hire. Jean Burns Brown, a grand-
daughter of Robert Burns, along with
her little daughter, dean Armour
Brown. Mee. flroWn was interviewed
in January. 1870, hy Mr. Wm. Camp-
bell, ot Toronto, and his Inters/IOW ate
petired in the Now York Scotatnan.
Vern which paper It was copied into
the Toronto Globe at Horns' annivers-
ary time the tame year. Mrs. Brown
had a number of relies of the poet in
her possession, and among them a
drinking glass, ono of the
ed 'dram' glasses so familiar to our
forefathers. The poet had often
quaffed the ' barley_ brae' Wm Mitt
klerttleal glass. Mrs. Droirkt gave
Mr. Campb-ell II photograph of herself
and her danghter. The little had
the fine dark, glowing efe, of her
Illustrious nticestor. Mrs. LiroWn and
her daughter removed from Guelph tO
Philadelphia and anineepteritly wont
baek Scotland. They BOW reside in
the house In Dumfries where the poet
died. In ISA it on reeler& that
there resided at 0oderich, Ontk.,,,. Mr.
Wm. Deng, eldest son of Arm. Hogg
ind vrife,„ Who was Isabella rittrnk
the yottokest ,And wow, *Isi*, Of
Whet Hurtle,
more thrilling experience has been un-
dergone by any woman explorer than
that of Mrs. Hubbard in taking up the
work in that great lone land which
cost her husband his life, In In
this daring trip, undertaken through
devotion and loyalty to her husband,
Mra. Hubbard was aCeOrnparlied be
three Indian guides and a young Es-
kimo half-breed. The party had two
canoes. The route she followed was
never before explored. In the rapids
of the great rivers thrilling adventures
were frequent. She witnelosed the
annual caribou migration and vialted
the encampmentio of two bands of
Indians, onenof Montagnals And the
other the Naseaupees of the Barren
Groundn. 13v invitation of the pree-
ident she spoke before last year's an-
nual meeting of the Association of
American Geographera. She lectured,
also, before the Explorer's Club of
Now York City. The May minther of
"Harpers Magazine" had for itn lead-
ing feature an article by Mrs. Hubbard
on some phase° of her retent explora-
tions. For popullir lectureo she le in
great demand, or appearance on
the platform le most attractive, and
•lie tells her thrilling story In an ex.
ceedingly vivid end dramatic manner,
Mulotrating it with trimly etereopticon
Vieers of the grand and beautiful wen-
ery throu,gh which the missed, and of
some of the most striking incidenta of
her heroic journey. Her youth, her
elender and graceful flgure, and the
delicate, of her features, are in strik-
ing contrad to the arduous and dar-
ing nature of the great undertaking
so glorioutly aceortipilshed. The cotn-
plete suceess of her expedition makes;
her pante One of the most brilliant In
the inmate Of expleration. Don't fail
restilre this night for what will be
rare treat ftir Gederich audiences.
TRIMS ate MAY g,fit. Mr*. Hubbard
Will be go ot Mes, OW.) James
thmitton, 'whet* pupil vibe weo when
1414, IL WNW it 'Olio 00001,,
oilrV tar %tire*"
: . Ifrief TOWIITOP14, HARPOR IMPROVRMENT. TIM ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH' the Melling, inerrnehlbg tide Of theendhe,
IN PRANCH. and opinion that swept' the ship tet Ole'
In tOWO•0111 Ttlesdelvo Wedneaday. of poday last Najd ;
.a. Asquith, license leteepeetor, Was The Glebe's, Ottawa correspondence
're tbo MUtor at Wbe Suw. *Atoka and Wineakiag it op. .g, oat
eat for years in dttiltlarYi alld InanY
The t 41,0 of SettirditY Weil the heat* 0. . , 0 ate, Mannger of the Sir, -I realize that a teligiOUG Maros UnIrthe gueking ee" eed eeeieqUeet
Weetern ettliadte MeV Mille UOMPallY. versY cauMt lcmIg be Ceetiee" lee see- tetl"steel.:4alliglearalstio4gthe8WinYiVr esgs iltriterneenbrrril
Which has works_ In Gedetich, Winnit ular paper, because the aottee le needed
official newenapee Of th0 ()minty of the company, intervlowed,Ron. Ir.
ttnat:end. TIXR OODEnetell STan the With Mr. vv. Froildfoot, ctentsel for
"Tte" lenott=w°1:1Morilln° again peft,and 'Brandon. la in the oily. and.
Mgr. McLean hag announced an Werke. foe tiro purpose of Inductratt
Fisher, noting Minieter Of Feb le
t tioonic.1, I ask the favor of space to answer
tenlpt to stigmatize me persoltellye dud crabsplawirund
charged MO with ignorauce and false- ,,,,,, g,
saw fit iu itis letter of lot week to at -
for other purposes, hut as "A Catholic" a:Li:eel: tt°11treteceriabes°014,Caar anusseeded. tothbestreltiggc:1;:zeaeset:eQ.coittense:
reap a eagaged 112 the
reaulte. While he scestinty the gore the
ed end the elate en.
opetelea for Tuesdfty, lOeb. Oth, named the emieretneent to iMprove the
whieh led to the War. IL Under finch dr-
-Mott week.
"The Beggar -Student." Particulars breakwater at Gedeelen, 'they peen. I ant pleased that Catholic' deensed tuy eumstances I did net rettell conclusious
ed Out to him the detriment tO the former letter of sufficient importance to and propose interpretations different
'111r. Richard Phelan and deughter, abipping intereats caused by the in- merit his reply, but I deem it no helm teem thole of Cathelie. seMetbuig would
Miss Dora, attended the banquet given adeqUate . barber. The floor mills, to debate with one who is either too mod -
what he writes, and especially when he ferent conclusions tinder differing dr-
atht alit. on Wednesday ey which inanuluetere 0,500 barrels a est, or too fearful, to append his nettle to
day, require the additional protection
hides behind a pseustomyesous, uonde. cumstances, that does not lustily eitber
be wrong. But, beceuse we do reach Mi.
It. li. Salloand son have returued to ehipping Ite do the people generally.
of 11-Icalliug the ether a liarend attempt.
ellior bathing sold out hie photo bust -
to town from Woodstock, our ex-coun-
man, a child, a Canadian, a Greelg, a bar- Catholic tilts amuck at tne because 1
The Minister agreed to consider tile eeript anonym which may be with equal lug to atignietise Iiiin before the world.
propriety, appropriated In a Intim a wo-
ness in that city.
sideration " of this very serious matter held because of modesty, for one who seaution of the Chord* by ate State, as he
There surely has been enough "oon-
barian. The name, however, is not with- deny that the struggle in France is a per-
--what 16 wanted N immediate and can stigmatise another because of hie af. affirms It la' MY enntentinn in EnY ter -
vigorous notion. The way tbe struct flietion, and flippantly call his statemeets. mer letter was tnat it is au understood,
ture was knooked to pieces lest- fall
own conception of thine, is not incom publ c and the Vatican authorities, and
falsehoods because they differ from his 'wilted tear between the French Re -
was sufficient evidence of the neces- venienced by modesty. not a persecution, and that is my conten.
sity for substantial protection to (Ids tem still; and Cutholle, instead of assail.
Catholic is evideutiv an adept et as- ing that contention, attenspts to excite
harbor, and the need for a change in sumptious. Wenn lacks in knowledge
the plans and style of work which
au ex -Methodist minister, an ex -Rev. and
his imagination suPPlles- He calla me berg, spoliation, violeuce, &c., aud de-
eympathy by presenting pictures of sob -
allowed an expenditure of some $70,000 signates that a persecution which le ver.
an apologist for atheists. Only a man
to be converted into a menace to nava who resembles the cabman's poetical are Protestants who do no.t agree with nee.
ily a war. Catholic tens Ine that there - - .
gation and the creation of a death horse, that travelled 40 much faster iu
trap to vessels seeking to enter this huagination than it did in fact, could en- in my interpretation of the French dreg,.
gle; that may be, and it would be reinarko
so-called harbor of refuge. All this le able if such were not the ease, but tbe
tertian such notions of me. I am neither
an exsedethotlint minister nor an ex -Rev
no doubt known to the departmental '. reason why we differ is probably because
nor, as Catholic insinuates I am, ont of
officials, and this or any other depute, the Methodist ministry and the title by
tion would doubtless he told that the just as I have done. Be that as it may, I
they have net thought of the tuoverueut
which ministers are generally designat-
ed, but am in the enjoyment of all the sun far from deeding alone in tny inter.
situation was well understood by thoee
rights and privileges to which a Methodist pretation of that movement when I pro.
On Thursday, evening of last week
RI ulster is legitimately entitled, but have A few weeks ago Mr. N. E. Curth ,Wash.
in charge of such matters. Why then 1 ILIOnUen it a war and not a persecution.
nice programme at the West street
the Slird Regiment Band played a longer delay or more promised cow been relieved front ministerial and pas -
/Monition ? The present eituation is ington speeinl conaspondent of the Chi -
rink. '1.'he rink was crowded and
one of criminal liability, through neg- affliction, anti for rest nod recuperation, ligenee, culture, erudition and prudence
toral duties and responsibilities because of cage Record -Herald, a man whose Intel -
lessee Oraigie had a busy time taking
ligence and inattention, and the attempt to stigmatise me because have placed him in the front rank of
such nights during the winter.
in the dimes- There should be many
jouinalistic writers, penned an article
of my affliction reveals a spirit of perse-
cution, aud is es ungenerous as it is ea
The Goderieli and Seaford) sevens
War on the Vatican," and that article
under the caption, "Why France opened
will meet on the West street rink this roneous,
Catholic assutnen and assent, that I ani was printed in the CbicagoRecord.11emld
Friday evening, tp play their sehedul- too ignorant and not sufficiently well read aro Chicago Northwestern. When the
ed game. There Mould be a large at -
to be able either to understand or describe editor of the Northwestern printed said .
anyhow. the game will be worth the
tendanee to encourage our boys, and.
the condition of things in France. I,et article, he placed a prefatory note to it,
entrance fee.
seven weekly ones, besides periodical lit- extracts : "We print in this issue of the
me tell hint that two daily papers and froth whirl, 1 maim the to/lowing
Thos. Sturdy, while on the road
to affirm that I read them as carefully the coolliti between the French Republic
erature, come to my house, and I venture Northwestern the clearest statement of
home to dinner yesterday, slipped on
and intelligently as he reads the papers and tbe Vatican we have semi," and
Montreal street, the result being an
the sidewalk in front of H. Rumen's,
that come into his possession. Whilst "from it our readers will get au accurate
injured cord of his left hip. Mr. Catholic leaves the arguments of my for- statement of the situation." "What the
Sturiy will be laid up a few days by
statements unchallenged, he calls souse no!, as is charged against it by R. C's, to
mer letter unanswered, and some of mY French Government is alining to do is
the accident.
of my etatements falaehoods and flings at confiscate church properiv, but to place
Dickenson and Garrow hove moved
me a Jewish rabbi, n Protestant pastor the property iu the possession of the
atreet, and are now located at the suite
from the office corner of Hatnliton
and Bishop Demount:1 as proof of his al- cong.regotion of the parish instead of the
so long occupied by the Huron and
of offices on the corner of North steed,
bishops and archbishops, and Protestant
Bruce Loan Co. The limes new office aSatholic aeserts that the Roman Cathie. churches are placed upon the same Weis '
adjoins that of the Standard Loan Co. lic Church lost church buildings during us It . C, churches." 'I have read and re -
the Reign of Terror to the atriouut of read Mr. Curtis' quoted article aud find
The reildents a the Hertford and the geoo,000,000. That looks like a very ex. in it nothing that CO:Millet; with My limn -
British are taking private lessons in travagant statement of the lose eustalited. er letter, but it substantially agrees with
skating nightly. They may be seen The editor of the Daily News affirms that it in every particular, Mr. Curtis out°.
eo XIII and his
with hockey sticks in various localities, uot more than one- quarter q, that amount gizes Pope L secretury.
and no doubt tliese exercises are an passed into private bends, die balance nampol a, as wise statesmen and able
intimation that the experts of „, these laving been returned to the Church by diplomats, who fostered intimate relations
establishments will soon meet on the the Concordat. That, too, seems to be with the French Republic and made and
West street rink. an overestimate of the loss. The Revo- maintained frieedship with the Repub.
A letter from Alberta, dated the Idiot' affected only the large cities, and lican leadera, to the advantage of the
15th inst., says the thermometer regia. when the Concordat Watt signed there Church iv France, but -to the annoyance
tered forty degrees below zero that were, it is said, 4o,000 parishes in France of the monarehiol party in the Church.
day. The cold is unusual in "sunny where neither the ministera nor the He then adds -"But as aeon as the pres-
Alberta," and as a consquence thou- church property had been molested. eut Secretary of State asstunecl control of
sande of cattle are dying. An instance Then, if the aateneota, annually paid to affairs at the Vatican, tbe old policy was
is given of a, large herd being driven the Church out of the State treasury be reversed and the trouble commenced, first
before the storm till stopped hy a capitalized, it will represent $18o,000,000 because the Pope, under the advice of his
barb wire fence, at which point they which, added to the es 14,000,000 worth necretary of state, would not appoint
were all frozen to death. 01 property acquired by the religious or- bishops from among the men nominated
ders, who returned to France without by the French Government, and, second,
permasion, it will be (men that theChurch over a visit of l'resident Loubet to the
has small ground to complain of her fin- King of Italy. A very bitter controversy
Racial losses in France, especially when ensued between the French Gov't and
hunereds of noble families were ruined the Vatican, which terminated in the
by the Revolution. withdrawal of the French Ambassador to
Catholic denies that I'ius VI agreed to the Vatican, and of the Papal Ambassa.
appoint as bishops mu nornivated by dor lo Paris. These acts are symbols and
the Preach Government, and says that nttentlents of n declaration of war, and
the Government and the Pope agreed this is how France and the Vatican
upon the trio to be appointed before ibe view the situ/dem to•day." After the
nominations were made, Pius VI did law of separation was palmed, and before
not make the said agreement, for he died it came into operation, the R. C. church
in 1799, and the Concordat (lid not come and her leaders in Preece decided, by a
into operation till 1802, but Pine VII did, large majority vote, to form cultural an -
Authorities which I wonld much rather suciatioun as the new law required, and
follow than the dictum of Catholic do would have adjuated themselves to the
not agree wit)) him in this matter, Arti- nit uation with as little friction as the
dee in the Record-Hendd arid North• Protestant churches have, but the
western of Chicago Raid only a few weeks Vatic:en forbade their doing it, and en -
ago, "The Government of Prance agreed joined them not to obey the law. And
to pay the salaries of all the parish priests, the Archbishop of Paris commanded the
bishops, archbiehoes and French oardin- priests to remain in the churches after
ale, provided it WWI allowed to nominate rissociatione were formed rand to say mos
the bishops." johneon's Cyclopedia, a therein until they were " driven out by
standard American work edited by 36 violence " In n communication to tbe
United States scholars aed sent out with Pope by the Freud) episcopate, made
their approval, says, "The Pope, in mat • public. inn'y 18, we read ! ' Religious
ters of discipline, had large po were, and peace Can only be restored by respect for
was mill to confer canonical inntitiition," the hierarchy." In the Free l'ress of
but " the appoiatment of all the bithops lan'y 18, under the caption, "The French
MIS reloisrd by 011 • Government." The lipiecopate'n detertnivation iu the War
Conversations 1,exicon, a Valuable 14- of Church and State," we read, "The
volume English work, slam "The Gov- Prench episcopate has decided not to
ernment obtained by the Concordat the frirm cultural eseociatious under the law
sloe/ to appotnt the bishope." And ac- of rear, aro! ask prole° inetructions
cording to Johunou's Cyclopedia the Pope from Rome." In the /tune paper, Cardi-
had no discretion in thin matter, for Bon- nal Couille, Archbahop of Lyons, or,
aparteforreal him to concede that right sertn, "The l'ope doe not winh a solu-
Catholic lava he (lumen from a reputed tion , but desires to tompel the French
speech of NI, Briatid, the Prencli Mininter Gov't to make a new convention," and
of Public Worehip, to allow the spirit in there will be no nolution until the Gov't
which the persecution of the Church iv turns to ROnte.
carried on, I will make a quotation also An to the cause of the Franco-Vaticae
to nhow the spirit evinced I,y the French war, Catholic and I do not agree. My
Government in the Dr09eCUttOn of their statement, that it wan caused by con -
work. The Chicago Recordalerald and ditione in the Church, combined with
Northvrestern both nay, " The ptirpoee of her dinloyalt y nnel intriguing, he pro -
the French Govern Mehl in to il aye re li. flounce() a falsehood. Evidently he has
gioun wornhip continued throughout the not read either the ['nide written by Mr.
country an helliir an 'Ramble an it has Curtis, or a leading article in the Daily
been conducted in the pant." "The pen- News of Jan''y ie. Space preciuden my
ple will riot be interfered with by any of - doing more than selecting notne extrricte
fide' authority No long an they obey the frem the Daily News. In it the editor
law," "They will nontrol their own pro- enyn • "The Concordat has not been ate
party an long an they deeire to IIRC it " rOgaINI, /Mt, if it had, the French Gov -
it' The Goverutrient will not interfere In etntiteilt entlIFI plead as a rennon for that
any way with the spiritual effairn of the abrogation the neglect or the refold of
people." And "the Govern Men t desires the clerg y to obnerve the epirit of the
to prenerve the aallle Nepal -Fitton of Church treaty. The (me insistent note heard in
rind State na now exile() in the United every clause"( tly P iscorelat is, that the
Staten." And both of the said pnpern re- ( lergy 111110 lie f (oh' o. and loyal to the
ported, Dec 2o, that M, Brinnd, altitudes government. So 1••rig an the government
of Pillow Wornhip in Prance, hail "nent was in the hands o: weaklings like L,ouis
circularn to all the municipal Ittltheritiel XV 111 end l'har'es X, the clergy were
in Prance explaining the meaning and 'aye!, and Inbored nuccennfully to in -
intent of the new law." That -lie can- crease their power and influence. But
tinned them to take no tneaAtire 00 pre- the Pranco-Gerinan u tr. and the capture
vent piddle worehip in the ununi placen, of Napoleon III, brought it crinia. After
and to (saltine theniselves to earliest ef- the COntnlittle in 1'47,, a republic was de -
fort (4 to encourage the organization of el ;red, and to this retie til b• the church
communicanta into nsvociationa cultural. hen been nteadily and bitterly hostile. A
/le enjoined them me to alert hare!) writer in llie Catholic tVorld sayn that
meatures," hut to "eXertiSe patience and the Blonarchiets (hest inert the Third
pernuneion," That it the Ilatne M Brian(' Republis as a government of the
who in (mid to have made the speech from •ca nai Ile e and that on the aide
which Catholir nava he rooted. side of thene royalists were Arra% cal near-
Tha t Catholic and I should clash in our I v all the ecelemantics of the country, and
estImete, diagneeis rind interpretation (if there the great majority stand today "
the movement in Franca is not wonder- "In the electionn of 1871 and 1877, the
rue neeing that onr training, trnditione, clerical rtesocietion, called 'Notre Dame
environment and mewing of t hotigh t differ eit Sel) te took an active . pate flooding
tto mech. We evidently ntudy the nitun• the country with mortarclitat pamphlets,
Don from widely different view points, and offering public paver() in the
and the r weep nf his viaion is mrich more churches, not "Domine Solvent Inc fle-
limited than mine lie contemplaten publican," hut Domino Salvem Inc Re -
:mom of the forum aml matinee: of the gem " Titre wanted n king when the
movement, I recognise in it the birth people wanted a republic. They insulted
Ottawa of a new ern for a reformed end and flouted the constitution to which the
regenerated France, and nturly Ita pillion- church by the Concordat had proinid
(why and dev'elopment, an well as itn Porn) faithful obedience. In view of these
rind isnuea. Ile neen only the plecen of facts, which are admitted by Catholic
thought le limited to video of robbery, no reasonable bases, eof complaint if the
opolintion, violence, evictionn nnd depor- State took the view tbat 1
ibte life that amoehed the alien Rio plain that the Prench clergy' would have
the broken nliell ; I erinternpInte thesis, hintoriens, and deprecated by the great
with the swelling, throbbing, insunprens- ntajority of the Catholic msple, it le
t m Cencordat
tationa, and erten " pereecution"; white had already heen abrogated by the stab
mine not only sem the oad renultn of the done and (Disloyal conduct adore -action.
movement and deplores them, but elm- art, and ultrantontarteprieste."
braces. aim, the people and eiteutnattnicen i thank you, Mr. Minors fOrgbing My
- connectcel with its ori in and progress letters a place in pant paper,. and leatfie •
Ile looks only at the op intarn and wreck- thee will Ise interesting and height te,
again at 11 cm. on Monday.
The hockey assault ease eetarttellees 1 age from the ship thee ie dm/lift to year matt% ratitutiltyletttic, .
..,I Ocoee on the rocks; 1 see these, and also . Illt011itteNft,
,, ' /
The charge of libel partly heard lase
Week and adjourned till Monday. was
again adjourned, thia tirae till next
Monday at 2 pan. The cause of the
edjournment, it is understood, waa the
absence of Wm. Proudfoot, K. Cie in
Mr, John T, Ellis, a former proprie.
of the Huron hotel, was In town this
week, and met many old time friends.
He was representing the old reliable
firm of the W. 13, Reid Co., Limited,
Toronto, who manufacture the vety
best cigars on the market.
Specialservices 'are now being held
in N'orth St. Methodist church each
evening except Saturday, and are
growing in ihterest and power. A
song service eomniences at 7,30 each
evening, and the public aro invited
to attend.
Both Bylaws Declared Carried.
In the matter of the votes on the
Carriage and Furniture Factory by.
laws, which came before His Honor
Judge Coyle on Tueeclay, His Honor,
after hearing the evidence, gave the
follotting judgments :
1. That the number of persons duly
qualified by law to yote on the eald
byla,w were 850 and not 899, as fixed
by the clerk of the said municipality.
2. That 528 ratepayer° voted for
the said bylaw and 159 against it.
8. That the number voting against
such bylaw appears to be less than
one.fifth of the ratepayers so entitled
to vote, and the majority in favor of
the bylaw appears to be three-fifths of
such ratepayers.
4. That the above vote being en
recorded, as aforesaid, gave a majority
of the votes for the said bylaw, and
that the same should he deelnred duly
carried in accordance with the pro-
vimione of the Municipal Act, which
said result I hereby certify to the
Municipal Council of the saki Town of
The judgment is tho same in the
case of the Furniture factory, the fig-
ures in paragraph 2 being 513 and 108
The Star has received a copy of the
Oak Lake News, publiehed at Oak
Lake, Man., by Alden C. Young, a
former Goderich boy. and graduate of
tide office. The beading bears this
creditable motto, "Publiseed in the in-
terests of the people of the district,
not for a political party or a corpora-
tion". Success to you, Alden. thepaper
does you credit and your old Goderich
friends will hope you may get rich in
worldly goods and be a power In the
good cause you represent. •
Pigott vs. The Imperial Cement Clo.,
an action that has been several times
before the Cou.t, hut never tried, has
been referred to the Local Master, and
on Tuesday afternoou of lest week, his
Honor Judge Doyle commenced its
hearing, AL G. Cameron appearing for
the pleintlif, and F. G. Blair for the
defendent couspany. The hearing was
continued for a couple of days, hut
judgment has not yet been given. The
action was to recover for empty ce-
ment hags, elnimed to have been re-
turned by plaintiff to defendant Com-
Stratford Daily Beacon : Mr, Ed.
Lewis, M. P., for West Huron, and
Mr. 8. A. McGaw, the bead of the
Western Canada Flour Mills Co., of
Goderich, spent a few hours In Strat-
ford on Saturday, on their way borne
from a business trip to Montreal and
Quebec. Mr. Lewitt is one of the most
popular of the voenger members of
the Flouse of 0ornmone, he being
liked by both fiidPs of the House. Mr.
McGee, is at the head of one of the
largest, if not the largest, milling
cornpaniee In Canada, the capacity of
the mills:at Goderieb, Winnipeg and
Brandon being 0,000 barrels of flour
per day. His long connection with
the Ogilvie and Lake of the %Voods
Companies haft given him an experi-
ence which is yery valuable to the
newer company, which haa already
established a world-wide connection
and reputation for providing the
highest grade of flour,
- -
Taxation of Vacant Lots.
The following, which appeared In
the Toronto News, applies so well to
Godet telt that a citizen asked to have
it reprinted in the Sean.
Bloor Street Went writen: Wading
through enow knee-deep on nidewalko
In front of vaeant lots brings to my
mind the vacant land (mention. tepee-
ulators In vacant land are, indeed, a
favored ciao. 1. They are taxed for
only one-half the value of the land,
while mall lots with Footmen on them
are taxed 00 per cent, and 05 per cant.
of their value. Why is thin 2.
These vacant Ion, are a pest to the
city. It le here weeds are allowed to
grow, rubblith accumulate and the
thistle and dandelion flourinh. The
lawns and bonlevards of the city are
thoroughly needed each year by these
nottione weedn. 3, The anew bylaw
In not enforced in the elm oi these
vacant lot ownera, and the police
neldom hale them into court: it is
metier to make a show of neing busy
hy " going for " the houraholder who
hy his induntry helps to develop
the city. 4, The boulevards opposite
the vacant lots are unkept and un -
nightly, and the city authorities not
only do not interfere, but the owner la
HARTY.-There are many in (lode -
rich who have kindly recollections of
()apt. Harty, of the Marine and Fish-
eries Department, during his visits
here with the lighthouse supply boats,
and they will regret to learn, that his
wife died in Oetawa last week. At
the funeral, which took place from St.
Joseph's church, there were many
tokens ot kindly sympathy. A COM.
munication was received from tbe
minister of marine and flaheries and
from the deputy minister and officere
of the sante department, expressing
their sincere sympathy to Mr. Mr.
Harty for the irreparable loss he has
sustained and further mentioned the
high esteent in which the deceased
was held by all who knew her. Tele-
grams of regret and sympathy were
also received from Buffalo, Kingston,
Montreal, Three Rivers and other
K N IISHA %V. - William Horace
Kneeehaw's remains were laid at rest
on Saturday afternoon, in presence of
a large number oi' friends and ae-
queintances, the clergymen ronduct-
ing the services being Rev. Mark
Turnbull, rector of St. George's, and
Rey. Dr, Davidson, rector of St,
George's, Guelph. The pall hearses,
Relented int deco:teed a few hours be-
fore death, were Messrs. C. Dunlop, J.
Nieholeon, M. Oolloorne, K. McLeod,
J. Wiggins and 0. Smith. Rev. Dr.
Davideon came from Guelph to tentify
how highly be esteetned deceased, who
during a ehort reeidenee in that city,
had been a metnber of his church and
a leading chorater. The rev. gentle-
man's presence and hie previous jour-
neys to Goderich nee Mr, Kneeshaw
were a testimony of the 1ov/stile char-
acter and kindly nature of the one
who han only gone before The de-
ceased wan a member of the Ancient
Order of Forentern, and the members
of that Order were prenent at the In-
terment. The exemplary life of the
lamented young man, and tbts Riming
Christian faith which ntietained him
In lila Ituat daya are nn example worth,
of imitation by the young men of
PHAIL Ie.- Ann Pharin, widow of
the late John Pharin, (lied on Friday,
at the reeldence nt Amos Stewart.
Warren ntreet. The deranged lady
had reached the ago of ti7 yearn and r,
months, and though death was the re-
sult of old age ft was hadened con-
siderably by a recent accident. The
late Mai. Pharia wan twice married,
her flat huatiand, Joseph IVilliameon,
being a renklent In the sixties and
seventies. Her serond husband wan ft
well known reeldent, who for (mite a
time wan <moron of Maitland ("erne.
terve Ile died in ISM from the re-
melt of an accident, death oreurring
within three days, Deepened vsnn a
nister of the late Jamee Gorden, ont
one Gone dreet inspeetor, naaetta0r And
eolleetor. a gentleman known to all
who lived in Goderich 20 yearn Wince.
She wise a member of the North fen
Methodint church. and at her funeral.
which took place on Monday after-
noon, Rev. G. N. Hazen, M. A., the
pastor, officiated at Oho house and at
the grave, and the following monthern
of that chord] vvere tho pail bearern
Wm. Moen, Jacob Ehoken. W. It. Role
Jamie/tote Reid, J. W. Van
actually rewarded for his (*Irishmen Pri"°°°'
Atter and Joseph Whitely.
be a reduction in hia assessment. ft In
a gross injustice to tho city tvhen
owners of these unsightly lote do not Detroit Excursion, 007.
bear their fair proportion of the taxes,
Which date do you say Is hest, leave
IndPed. "b°uld agem"ed ah've °Merle') Tueeday and return There -
their value for the damage they do to
the lawns and boulevards of the city. tiny, or leave Goelerieh Saturday and
and for tho inecrnventence they Cat1360 return Monday P Or down one day
pedestrians luta for their general un. and return the next day Write Mr.
Aver, Steamer Greyhound, Detroit,
sightlinela' "ten it eb° b° °b°" Mlehiriati, what you think abo„t It.
that the owners refuted to sell at ft f;p,rig, traim, from wiegnang ejno.
eminent' price they should Ito compelled ton, neelio, ot„
either to accept that price or pay the
full rate of taistion4 They' aheitlld flot
he PIERIIIIddr Illtleh lees encouraged, to
40taiti Mt /row* Ot lio tar.
14 Ih.