HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1907-01-18, Page 80 Siands for Safety and Stability as well,as for Sovereign. ifrifo$AtritadStaby of The Sovereign Bank ate amply proven Vo,* 1orrean—.0ves 25 millions el assets accumulated ia • As enamod ligalitieo to the raw by OW 5 cam, Vie Sovereign 'lank of Canada. pid 4 tee a year op Savings Depopits. $1.00 opera 28, Go‘tericli %Inch, Tord4a %lock. A NDRIM ,PORM, Manager. .SCHOOLS *OPEN Get Your Outfit for 1907 at :PORTER'S 000k STORE where everything that is correct, authorized and according to regulations, is kept in stock. You make no mistake When you buy your School Supplies at Porter's Telephone MO b. The lquare, GodsrIch the &bald) %tar. Tatornmor ooze 11. , . FRIDAY. J AN UARY 18, 1907' _ . Dungannon. Get your Marriage Licenses from T. G. Anon. Be would also like a share of Your convetalleiat. POOLIE011iala ZiOTIC*74itr. 'MOS. G. Juten, Who WI'Ml-tagelar correariondmit to TIM MAW forDenganuen al neighborhood, hi authorised to MOW ete° SWorts and take oreforjeb Minting and adVertiaing.-Pubs. 7. • firArt. 0. E. AVOCeTibig, - Dungannon Cheeping Min Dealer lu Flour and Feed - Tirrni Etat, Five Star, ,and Purity Flour. Danish Stock and PeultrY Fpo&-Ubopphij promptly attendee to. . DIssotAertan OF PARTNRItgliin blackarnith arm of ihadteril 'Eros, bt OM on Nov. st, an nil accounts authe arm lo Mingo of DIgennen,dissolycdpirtiter- aro horebir reenosto to bosettled on or before Hee, 18„ 1200. The business will be continued by thoundereigned.-tixonnalbtaneoun. 0. A. Newton, Dentist, Lucknove. At borne every day except Thurelate. Now ile°Itra11:rc'1):Cther tg4127Adtore,01 JOundpuur pintos inoehrealiablet N.B.-You can always have „your Work much bettor donate um dental ettlee-moro time, better tadillties for doing tho Work -and much more Comfortable for the patient, 11 OUSli IN DUNGANNON.-For Salo or to bet.tposn sestdon giveten, tone after ea. 1WM . . ol..tfartiOulernapply go the own - or, Beet stown Dungannon. PanscolAt.2-.1.. AL Roberts was in Goderich Monday on business matters. -We congratnlate Mr. and Mrs. Oben. Brown an the birth of another girl. on Jan, 4th, thou bringing the number tip to five, three boys and two girls.- Kilpatriek, of Iowa State, who wen on a two weeks' visit to -his father And mother, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Kil- • neut.*, left for home on Illonday. has done wonderfully well in Uncle Sam's land. -Herb. Caesar was was in the village Saturday for the ' first time since getting home at Xmas. Be was laid up' in hospital with typhoid, and has net fully recoVered from the effects of hie hard siege yet. -Wm. Anderson's brother, a hard. ware merchant of Itiknitoloa, is visit- ing him. Warner Sillies engaged to work for him, and tvi leave here . In early serring.-Ad. Dia or and fatn.. 11,y are enjoying an attack of grippe of the severest kind, temperature run- ning up to 103 or 4 for daya at a time. Hope it doea not become epidemic. - Mr. Ohas. Robinson, er., who hi spend- ing the whiter among 'bie friends in Wayne:lothwas in the village Sat. urday, looking as harA as ever. Oun FALL SHOW. -The Ashflold & Wawattosh Branch Age Soolety held ite annual Meeting on Wednesday afternoon, Jan. 9th, In Elliott's Hall. „ The officers of last year were all re- ' eleeted by acclamation and are as fol. •Intopt-Pres., Wm. Bailie: 1st vice, Jas. Mallough; 2n0 vice, Jas. Hayden; teeny., Robt. Mellwain; Treas.. J. M. Roberts; auditor*. Dr. Case and T. bt. Allen; dIreetors-Aahfield, T. E. Dui - Bin and Thos. Stothera; Witwanreat, Stephen Medd, Satoh Reid. Wtn. Watson and Jou, McLean; Colborne, • John DinnOw. hue Hetherington and JAS. Chisholm. The auditor's report *hewed furlong, ether thtngs total tetetilpts teethe year $1440.01 and ex - pen itures $1014. fl.leaving a balance of 14, Wilhturther assests of some *WI, andgeommended that as the priuting testellitte to It Considerable entajetten year that tendert, be asked for IWO inli tbe local Petters. The tosisee pairketuount to the tide sum of and the *mount opent for special attractions $10.1.23. The fair will be , held thie Yeee on the kat Thursday and Friday 111 October, when exhibit- - orn end visiters may expect a further Improvetnerit iI alt lines, with the mistakes ot last year entirely elimin. mod. AteNtiat. itierrneas.-The Davin -Perk Assoeietion held their annu Meeting on httitiday, the Uth. The tinkers Were retied/ed. the year'e . husitiees fully reviewed and is divi. &rid Of $1, a Metro declared. The re - resat Of W. Wawenosh 'Connell to pay the $20a year rental teethe hall for Diettien Court purpotes **siren° Into and it was denied to ttend delegate -a to Interview the Wawattosh Board with the Vitiator etalvinelost that body that wiled the I/tieing Perk Assoela, tIon tuts nlgambized there WAS an teaderitomtlin between the Assoeiti thin arid thltUonnoil.. taf both Ashileki ,and 'West Wevoutosit thot each Conn. 11 ilthlikl.PAYA00. a yeor tor then* of the luta zolt 1.700r0jOirliotes, thet 'the Council of today hove bedher tiered Or it 1001 right to repodlote that erriingententi And that Mthatigh $110. from Nicht/000dt Merl*t Mk teraid, the MIAMI* of thot dey ce* *Adored 10 *nal be WO tOpay l'hot COknOt MOW tikt thile trito, *hick. they .yrookt otbethiset 'hove to dot.** the doljte liod threott toed to Witlatteitte the perkilda',COSet haat litirtl 10 GOtiedith 'SOUK 'iftilt.1040 atereilleetiredg:The 4404 labitiOtt *Witt titio0 tbev surdertook the yurrieteti at the band and the item* ot thmo WWI** ott the Afoot* of this or*****hketth With the ttea Mien. Oa** Ots tkia *kat haatitlaiStatatea *Now * Nadal *t *10 11* ***4406g. tO kep pad blithe towitsgdy %which A* overt DOOM f* oltstotell, **41 thet heersold. /too Use reght to 001140 000 *het lesertrithils *hog the' lit* rat* Ot t14 anew& ******h tocotiosee to whit the kw itata wity4rewleee booths, If thief* *Oa W tot With Owe le deal* L4 two woe *soot LIN '1.44 opinion that the position take by . Wawanosh is untenable.. The annual meeting, of the %Ye Wawanosh Fire Insurance Co. w 10 1014 here in the Agriculture' Hallo Wednesday 23rd San.. at I o'clock M. The directors, who may hew tight to hold their pultione, 'are In Ballantyne, of Kincardine, Edam Acheson, of Goderich Tp. and Ale Stewart, of \Yea Witivanoales-Th Ashfleld Council held its statuar ineetiog on Monday, the litit, wit the new reeve, Thos. &other% In th °baits A full report of the ineetin will appear next week. We may stay here that the Council granted $2.5 each, to the Agricultural Societies o Dungannon and Liacknow. and $10. t the Public. Library Imre, This has bee ro ouatotnary thine for many years. NOTE:S.-Jim .1tiokley met with rather painful accident on Tuesday His chimney was on fire, and fearin that the roof was catching lire fro the beat of the chimney. he was Itlek- ing his way up the roof on it ladde carrying a pail of watet, when th ladder commenced eliding dovvn, an David Glenn, who was standing another ladder holding the one on th roof that Kickley was on, WAS mashed off his ladder, mad all 'went tumbling down to the ground. Dave was care- ful In landing neatly and getting from under what was following after, and so eecaped injury, but unfortunately Mr. Kickley fell head first, receiving Ing some ugly ems and bruises, and was pretty Molly shaken up; but he escaped very well considering that the ground was frozen hard and the drop considerable. He will he bid up for a few days at lease -The County Connell ineete on Tuesday, the 22nd, and unless some of those who are most interested. get up a new petition Inc a police village with a smaller area than that of the old petition, the council will be compelled to deal with the old petition, and as we have point- ed out before, they will have no op- tion in the matter. hut will have to grant the petition in accordance with the statutes. -Very nice meetings are being held each evening in the Meth- odist church. Mr. Long took charge on Wednesday this week, owing to Rev. Mr. Robinson being abeent doing some uniting. -Two of onr progreasfte young men, Leslie Agar And Warner Sproul, have opened out a harness - cleaning shop on a large scale in the old barber shop- of Mr. • Mole, and are doing a good business. This is a chance for all us lazy fellows who do notnare to tackle this job ourselves. Harness needs cleneing and oiling in rder to give good teettiing results.- We understand Mr. Ed. Robineon has bought out Fred's interest. In tho mteher business and will now be sole ontroler of our meat market. Fred as heed offered a geed position across he lines, but we hope he may see his ay clear to renntin among us. Thie s the coming country, and none of tut houid be going out now. -W. J. Tre- eaven, treasurer of Ashfleid, lost his abatable driver on Monday by its hay - ng Ito leg broken, presumably from a Lek from another horse, Ile would ot have taken $175 for the animal.- arry Jones' fox hound is no more, It as found dead In the drive house. o inquest -it may have been over xertion or it may have been heart ilure front poleon.-A. Downer, of he De Laval Separator Co,, was here riday making artangemente with e local agent, T. G. Atien, for the aeon's work.-Jno. Clark has engage Allen's evaporator as a store room r beef to be aold 10 quarters. -Chas. Mott commenced a clearing out utile onday, it ahouid bring grist to every at P. it o. rd a m Tim Orbreire Lily. To raise the Chinese sacred lily ha water remove the brown dried side and all the hard mallows at the base of the bulbs. Do not separate the bulbs, but take a sharp knife and score the rutin 'bulb as thateilrfil quarter It, but do not cut more din a quarter of en inch deep. Out the offshoot *Mo. This wastes the bulb, but develops the foliage growth. Arrenge the bulbs 10 a glass bowl, steadying them with pebbles, bits of marble and shells; also put In broken Charcoal to keep the wa- ter sweet The water maybe changed once or twice before they bloom. Place in a dark cupboard or closet for ten days until the roots are well started. A President's Pipe. General Jackson was a poor eater, and well for him that he was, or he would have often gone hungry on the days when large crowds came to the Mite House for a tree !nett. It le related on one occasion tho poor inan was moved to thank the Almighty that after the crowd had gone there Wag a raw piece of steak In the lee chest off which ho could make a Omen There, seems to be absolutely no foundation for the stories of Jacksou being a hard drinker, for ble physical tonditien for, bade all excessesIlo 10ed bus toddy In company With his orneob pipe, but he was no lover or all Wilds of latex. ieatts.-liome Magaziee. • Elevators to Asteroid Ali*. Pets not hardy enough to tisk the rigors of Alpine climbing are now on, *bled to mount to the- stuntnit of the Ilammet-Sehrrand mountain, 0,000 teat above nen leVel, by means of th e tont tot Ilft in the world, nn elevator 000 feet high. libe elevator Is loettted net tat Oxen ramerne, where le potter in wide') tee elevator shaft la hidden. The elevator is operated by eleettielte. The cage la twit* teet *quer& VA tuly Peen passenger* ato eairiciaisacto trip. The ascent Is made lo three ates.0411tchange. - the Seater* attlitta ' Tierra 001 Fuego ts the lettet gold debt A, stets wheel peddle batt Just competed by * nritisb Stet ill to bi omit to Tierra del Fuego for the poi pose of cattyltut the **ad .brolt*ht tap by a oteaor now at Mirk bit (hat '04 #100. Geld, it lo *Md, lise been tetitst lootreat qtbititittee. 11 1* eillitoed that this rivet Wake toul bed* *hooka telet Old and Hutt withIn titelte bititkt Tleris del VOW Will he *W41011001 *I* gbla wino** etant. lotoittokt: 1140411Poliat (*lop Collector* of rilettire beet terdil will he interested la the ilialignratiol 'Ord et the dimple* ohieulde IS demo% eliewle* 'Abet Sled* bee troy tot lOoteterei etti Altriettltere. Ott the *adroit *de isa Mese heidtetth att4atO4laWail tliv* IMO*** 'la *hen. VW* 1*110 kW* Pert et OW Mete Stre the *kik 'Ilittillitleitttekt sl flit IttelS1010 Ot V* mut owes* hid bit 111010k **ii the Iiikok -HOW 41NQOLN WON. The lawyer t Premed .w.....40--sworauborsty M* 1,11 i 10.**kraoritat ettetteartit Watt has the confidence of the ledge awl jury. A. story of Abraham Lincoln la an illustration. Ho vets appolated to defend ono charged with murder. 'The clime wan a brutal one, the evidence entirely circumstantial, the accused a stranger. Feeling was high and against the friendless defeudant. On the trial Lincoln drew from the witneeee3 fuU stateraenta of what they :saw and know. There was ao effort to confuse, Ito attempt to plow before the juzy the facts other than mey were. In the argument, after vaillug,attention to the fact that there was no direct testimo- ny, Lincoln reviewed the circum- stances and, after conceding that Vita and that seemed to point to,.defend- ant's guilt closed by ciaytng that he bad reflected much on the ease, and, • While It seemed probable that defend - fiat was guilty, he was not sure and. looking the jury straight in the face, geld, "Are you?" The defendant was acquitted. and afterward the real elem. Mai was detected and punished. HOW different would have been the conduct of many lawyers! Some would bay° striven to lead tho judge Into techuical errors with a view to an appeal to it higher court. Others would have be- come hoarse In denunciation of wit- nesses. deerying the lace of positive testimony and the marvelous virtue of a reasonable doubt. 'rho Simple, straightforward way of Llueoln, back- ed by the confidence of the juty, won, -D. J. Brewer to Atlautic. , A MONKEY'S ROLES. Defined by Customs men 8arilird. Package and a !pow. On the travels of a monkey from Genoa to Heidelberg an amusing farce might be written. A Gertnan gentle- man brought from southwest Afrieti a tiny monkey weighing barely a couple of pounds. Prom Tauga to Gepoa ail went well with the Ifiliptitlan animal. It was a favorite with every one and traveled free until Genoa was reached, when Its troubh% began. Brought under the notioe of the Geno- ese custom house authorities, It wed promptly deprived of Its identity. It was no longer an animal; It became a bird, and as a bird, on which 28 cents was charged, It was conveyed to tbe Swiss frontier, where at a stroke of the custom house 411cer's wand It was transformed into a chit at the Increased assessment of $L56 and borne by tratn to Zurich. On its arrival there itceased as -a cat to exist and became a mere pack- age, an item of luggage that was core veyed to Constance for the nominal sum of 10 cents. Still as luggage, though metamor- pbosed from a package into a hand , bag, it went on les way to Stuttgart, where a great honor mealted it. It was on payment of $2.04 exalted Into a dog, and it wail as a dog that It end- ed Its journey at the university town of Heidelberg. -Stray Stories. • citation. "Sister Flenderson," said Deacon Hy- pers, "you abould avoid even the ap- pearance of evil." "Why, deacon, what do you mean?" asked Sister Henderson. "I observe that on your sideboard, you hare several cut glass detanters and that each of them is half filled with what appears to be ardent spirlts." "Well, now, deacon, it isn't anything of the kin. The bottles took so pretty on the sideboard that I just filled them beltway with some floor stain and fur- niture polleh just for appearances," "That's why I'm cautioning You, Is. ter," replied the deacon. "Feeling a trifle weak and faint, I helped myself to a dose from the big bottle In the mIddle."-LIfe. Wedding mitts et Long Ago. In the Ilst of presents received at tips wedding of tee daughter of Mr. Moor of Loads% in 1567, from M. Belem, Esq., out of Marshland, in Norfolk, ap- pear the following: "Cranes 9, Hem- sbawes 5, Ourlewes 1, Ducks Mallards 44, Teeles 26, Plovers 9 dozee, svrannes 0, larks 88 dozen. Bytters 10. Knotts 4 dozer' and 4, Styutes 7 dozen, Ooduytts 22." It is a foruticlable list, including some 8e0 birds, of which 450 are larks, and must, ono would Imagine, have been something of an embarrassment to Dlr. Moor's thfughter.-Country Life. A Hearty Lanab. Never lose an opportunity for relrx- Mien from the stress and strain of your business or profession. Every draft of laughter, like an air eustdon, !fetes you over the jolts and the bard places on life's highway. Laughter is always healthy. It tends to bring ev- ery abnormal condition back to thel normal. It Is a panacea for heartaches, for life's btntses. It is a life prolong- er. People who litugh heartily keep themselves In phyalcal and mental har- mony and tire likely to live longer than thee° who take lite too seriously. Owing/ • FM "What's the matter across the way?" *eked the tailor of a bystander as the ambulance backed up to the door of his rival. "A customer fell In it fit, and they are taking lam to the hospital," wail the reply. "that's strange," mud the tailor. "I never knew a customer to get a lit In that establishment before." Mae. These are the real fade about the Mantling of the noblest work ot God- man. Ito Is drat k11011/1 dil *be dell of his =Men then tbe husband of his wife and ends by being known as the father of his tenideen.aAtelestat 044 teworoprepee•••••••••..0.••••esepepreser work TUX GO STAR JAN'UARY., 18, 1901r colketwo. ifiriraelelpSito NOTE3e-4141/- (Neer 34 COO.. lest j Valeitetile Mare secentjy, whirls was worth OW 10 had been kicked on cue le* lir !mother horse, and about a week titer it fdt and the kg broke Jost iebere the kick had occurred. Nile PEasoNst . arellits MOO, who have been vieiting Mrs ElfOrd's Mrs -S. Pentland, hove retureed to their home at Essex Ventre.-Illial Cora Tendon. Carlow, spent Sunday with Nilo friende.-Illisees Ruby Pent- land end Nellie Ryan go to Eine; Cell. Ire this week to epeud o few weeks with friends there. °Beam Nirres.-League triple matt Tuesdity evening will he "Miselone among tho ndime," topic to he po- pe! by M las Mabel Bathe. Collection ln aid of the Forward Movement at clue of servIce.-Rev. J. O. Reid hee begun it aeries of revival gerViaaa at the Shertpardton appointment this week. On account of tbese serVicee, the evening service at Nile next Se,h. bath will be at 0.30 instead of 7 o'clock aa usual. Auburn. AtonvEnsanv.--Knox church will have their anniversary on Sunday, Jan, 201h. Services at 10.80 a. tn. and 7 n. rn,, conducted by the Rev. E. Ir. Ma.. Smith, of Hensel!, and the following evening there will he it tea, meeting. Supper will be served from 0 to 8 In the basement, after which there will he an exeellent program given in the chute:Ia.-Tuesday evening there will be it social for the children. Gsegrist. NOTES, - Whet migbt have been a eerioie accident happened to Messrs. John Symington and John Howson. While cleliveting two young cattle te a buyer the other day, they thought that the best way was to load them op it wagon, so they started with thee); hitt the roads being icy going up Auburn big hill their horses could not hold their feet, and the wagon taking a slide on the ice upset. pinning Mr. Symington and the twee:WI° between the wagon and the vests, hut after calling. for help, some villagers came to their rescue, soti they then took the cattle on foot. -Mr. William Hab- kirk, of Blyth, was itt the village tato ing orders for enlarging photos, and reports business good. -The chopptng mill is kept busy these days as the farmers around here get all their grain ground that they feed now. - The Farmers' Institute held their an- nual meeting Jan. 9110 in the Orange Hall. Meetings were conducted in the afternoon and evening, the atten- dance being vet, good. The program was both interesting and instructive. -Miss Gibson, of Prosperity, le visit- ing her brother Walter of this village, You need a local paper. and The Star 811s that need. ronsOntate-Mti. Thome* Bhdto, of eederkei, is visitiog frhitale ie tble Viehdty.-p-kAlise Olive Ortsy is visiting her meter* Sire. Xotthesolithaeltleten, Of Crewe. -..A COW peeple gathered at Kr. ThOntas (Tonere% st last Wedneop day evening and spent an y040)1416 time. GEINERAt. NOTleeeeeAbratit Culbert purehatied it colt /rote Itotiert alenary lust week, and as AbetiM fit a lover of fine hersee, we expect Who *dandy.- Thema* Ricbardlion has been buoy of tete shiPpieft Ceeloettl of elate and another of bay to histather. who-rene saw mill business in. Muskoka, v C oe Wb tleY and. dames Oultlert are hustlers at the hntetterlog. TOY say they killed a nig and, dre,ssed it le toity ro note% Pretty good for be- gioneiro.,,lacebldeGee la on the road again With the betchor wagen, Jacob ought. to do a, good business, for he handles nothing but the best beef. Hohneaville. • A (loon Suowtho.-On Friday, Jan. 4th, the annual meeting ef the Hoirneaville MOO itud Batter 00, wan held in the Village h„ all. Jett- 4009ankoOpellYnteaPrieheetdoeillot.taingsPUbleutistphiltginut. the working of the factory for 110 sop. me- son. verything ln his report was favors. le, and we I recelveit by the patrons and stockholders jpresent. I ConnollY alimetated that Mr Ross. up his fruition, tie he intended going the buttemaker, r lett decided to give I out West in the tipping. This mation witt reettived. with regret, by the people present. as Mr. Ross was not only a good butter maker 10111 firet class citizen. The Secretary end Tressueer gave itie report in a very, clear manner, ehewing the amount of I money in the bank sufficient to pat" off ail debt an factory- and macbipery. The auditor, Mr, Nelson Treveartha, gave his report and stated that he found the Secretary tetoke in geed shape and only a few mate tu;atake In the whole season, After the husinees wan all completed, Mr. Ottetiolly vacated the chair arld Mr, Samuel Sturdy was elected to that position for the election of officers, when the follovving gentletten were elected as directors for the year 1907: Jas. Connolly, John Jenkins, Gee, Holland, Oh. W. Williams, J. W. Yeo. Then by a vote of stockholders, Mr. Connolle was elected president and salesman; and R.. Jenkins and N. Trewartha auditors. Mr. Ross the addressed the meeting, expressing regret for barring to leave Holmesville, as the people had been so kind to him and family. The president then eold tbe butter ntilk by auction, the pigtrest hidder beteg Mrs. Margele, Harry Sweet Wok the contract of filling the Ice house, gd. Williatas la alleged as butter maker foe nextuasen. He Is at prompt- attending -dairy school, • which, along with his experience having worked in some of the hest factories in the proy10/0 Ito eloauld liern • ntako first Oass ivst.:4104. 4..lta,labettat,zioj.ku. Aeldield. '54 „ • PE1180Stats-atr. David 3roillAtOn, al 111. gritM°14171taleertQWtPabbiPkri.Staatittiguktre ttitroud.-Eardtst Johnotaa. ot Gene- t ogrerxik 1:i It,wi Nixon.$940.4t. upx r egx' eIrt-4 :rlist4gpe"ticiree#14aufeglhlilwn'eelot9414flunege Of Posse', Aran., Is visiting bis pronto acquaintances with Ida teeny frieas and othert relativee and renewing le thee neighborhood at present. -10. • 11. Altert. who fax thepaet four yettro has t gelded tear Stratlicona, is spend- "ing it month or two visiting hie friends and old neighbors, who are pleased to welcome him hounragain.-.The 1. O. Court Lanes, aro bolding their monthly meeting oext Friday even- ing, it week earlier than usual, in order that Me Alton. a farmer member, may he present.-Allas Ellie Reid, of Ebenezer. Is visiting ber brothers and fietere at Zion thie week. -Mies Huth litlireln. of Nile, is the guest of Mrs. T. aS.14A.lialldePerstollnklonwdett ey;k.ndof LMern61.- ore. Man.. epent G few days with Mitfeking fttends last week. --Mr. and Mug. Will Treleaven,who have epent theee Weeks with Mr. Treleaveu's parents, in Itlafeking, left on Wednes- day last on their retool to their lintue in 'Hanley, Sask. Miss Louella Tre- leaven accompanied her brother and tpbuerpwesebeets.pending a couple of yeara hi It: Quiets the 'the . Cough This is one reason 'why Ayer' Cherry' Pectoral is so valua- ble in consumption. It stops the wear and tear of useless coughing. But it does more —it controls the inflammation, quiets the fever, soothes, heals. Ask your doctor about this. The best kendeg a testimonial - "Sold foe over sixty years." sUlarciplatata X•ii. 1 £180 SA2SAPAR11,11A. yers Pa". liAlli MOIL havano'irsetetai We modish, the forakkkie.er alt atm imedlebatt. Hal en re eatery by keeping et cr barAMIS regular wItis ayer's Pills. 11111'COAR.ht H4 OCR 401T110 tek 14 delicious /limo.. This Is delight fOl'p It*Ivtoya toetes like mom *h. rota Om be taken with i'monsIty#,.11. ettnee It !spot owl erholeootoep Ottreettekgoonit. whhotiit thIchited muddy, zls ibI .11.nd 'the -ortovotke* tut Wm valipk6 t4uk1sfek 1r ta aerv atta mat 'excellent coffee ore 'bort too. The potty es* be, itell Itorke • 'With Notet thing* *1 kanderitte Ittitek, co. The Otakeiti., • •41.. JANUARY SALE THIRD WEEK. On Saturday, Jan. 19th we enter the third week of our January Sale. It is a profitable Sale for people who come to this big store to do their Dry Goods buying. In a couple of weeks we close our books and wind up our business for, the year. We want just as little stock as possible when entering day comes. That is why we are making January Sale prices so inviting. Here are specials for this week which are exception_ ally good value. 25o Kimono Flannel 12 140 Dozens of Patterns Saturday morning We put on sale over 600 yards of extra fine quality Hinton°. Flannel. This is a nice soft heavy eotton flannel, suitable for walets, wrappers, dressing sacques and kinionas. The petterns are particularly good and there are over a dozen to select from, 'The quality is just as good as is sold all over at 20 and .25ets. per yard. If you come here Saturday or perhaps early next week, you can take yoechoice r of ov'er 000 yards at the very low price of .... . ...... 12cts. per yard 350 Hose fop 250 Hundreds of pairs of them, heavy ribbed cash- mere, in ohildren'it and ladies' sizes. A big clear- ing lot we got from the maker's agent at a sub- stantial reduction, because he wanted to sell thetn before he took Stock. They are worth at least 35ots. per pair. Lots of stores wotild sell them at 40cts. We are out for a big business in January and to help the January Sale along put the whole lot on sale commencing Saturday, at your choice per pair Twenty Five Cents. You ought to lay in n supply before they are gone, for this is it bargain we will not soon he able to duplicate. Don't Forget The Furs There .is a straight "one quarter off" the price of every Fur in stock for January. Not one reserved. This lib- eral reduction from the price of each and every one. Some real good ones left from the best atock of Furs we ever had in our store. Sable, Mink, Isa- bella Fox, and Brown Marten in all the popular shades. Fars that will give you good satisfaction, and can be depended on in every way. See the saving one quarter off means for you. You can buy $28.00 Furs for $2t.00 820.00 Furs for S45.on $/5.on Furs for $r x.25 $z zoo Furs for -$9.no $10.0c) Furs for /37 -SO Orr.. One Fifth off Fur Coats One fifth off the prices of the FUT Coats. None but good garments in stock, we don't keep any other kind'. Now our selling season Is about over, but there are months of Fur weather ahead yet. ' We have 12 Coats in stock, and 12 people can get a Fur Jacket at a decided saving if they come here during January. You can buy $6o.00 Fur Lined Coat for $48.00 a $50.00 Fur Jacket for 840,00 a $40.00 Fur jacket for $32.oco a $35.06 rut jacket for $28.on a $3o.00 Fur Jacket for $24.00 All first-class garments whieh we are ready to back with our .guarantee when they leave the store. •BIG SPECIALS IN MANTLES Every Jatket is to: be sold before January is over. We positively will not carry one over After thebea, WiltieS.Cason we have any record ot, we are de- termined to clear every garment before entering stock. Prices art low enough for you to buy a Jacket even if you boa made up your mind to make your old one do this winter. You cannot make any mistake investing in one when you can get it at prices like these. MANTLES AT $4,00 Likaki. tweta and twit brover aye& o1atent,31022? this season, teeny diffefebt Attleeell neat end 0114644e. Thee are the Mat i46 Wife left Of one Pistitles Mot *old at $1.00. VA ond $10,00. lid One We had ilk 440*Itt. these pikes tvAerve(1 Tour eiegeo tir theta 0ali•111. •••'4•111, •••000 *••••• 01.11••• •I•• • 01{ • ....... 'CAPES AT izso" .Lidtse Cloth Cape* ahtI Meek dim ast t t et 'letting igh weather. -Rosalie Wes were 3.00 to $8,00 or Anne • a rite tnit.pReNts .ReetigRs slot* 'Ofitt• 014***** ea1trs pia& wivry Atka hoey itimodt, itatoOt oskil *Ifts, hvgulew .111.80, *Wog Inc Jesittlert %ON Meoch4•444.4.44446,11•444 4.•0.•44r.44, ..• .•• • • ...• V. • POWER OF A sONQ. Wee liettrte et tee ItIeurret Weller lerbreatota Aelatateri gliestee. In it newspaper uote Mrs, . Florence idaYbrIelo, the falnotte Altleticett WM- au who spent many year* in an Eldalib • prison, is reported te have Mewed her maiden eame of Chapdier Pay and to be living geletly In New Yorlc In straitened eircumataucee. To thou- sands of your teadem the fact that Mrs. Marbriek Was the Aster4n-1w of Steppea Adates, the composer of "The Holy City," flue that hers was *10 11151 female voice that sang the hymn will come as a revelation. Stephan Adamlf true name was Nliehsei StleYbrIdge youngest brother of her husband. and the song was sung for the first time OA board bis yacht. A moot touching ill" cident bit counection with the hymn oc- curred in Elan Francisco several years ago. It was Monday, in police court.- * busy day. A long line of %ranks,* u many no could be accommodated, stood ranged before the bar. A former member of a noted opera company. orb° bod fallen on evil days!, was eno those taken Ill the dragnet, though not In line After the noise and buittle at, tendaut on getting the first batch of primers into order a strong clear, powerful voice rolled up from the cells, singing: "test night I lay a -steeping There came a dream so fair." The words, sung in such an unusual place, produced it visible shock among the sodderi wretches.. Men dropped On their knees and wept In silent prayer. The mingled music and sobbing inter- rupted the court's proceedings. The judge, making no meter to atop the song, It moved to a climax: "Jerusalem! serusalemt Sing for the night is o'er! Hosanna in the highest! Hosanna tot evermore!" Seeing the visible effects of contri- tion on the faces of the men, the judge, impelled by his feelings, remarked to the offleer that there must be eome good left In them; they must have an- other chance. And so it came to Dams that the singing of "The Holy City" geve thirty of the singer's fellow orb - otters another chance.-CincInnati Coin- merelat Tribune. Worm s cause feverishness, moaning and restleesness during sleep. Mother Graves' Worm EXterlTliDatOr is pleas- ant, sure and effectual. Tk14,-iVIRETING * Tug tagoN quultai. oopOzgg TowNelm, ow • FrIday, Jan. 25th. 'Several 4040 makers ors exase104 End, it Firsterlsos Musieral Prmrsta. Vaasa otherInq Alweyeenteraleo itee Meiotic w 110 exception. 44 , serSfrom Eito ()deckle the wheel 114010, .44za08Ion2eceet4. $540 per year lifies,Snell, formerly ofIlluee„ale, is receiving $45.00 per month treel D* e Calgary Milling Co, Calgery. Thte estimable young lad)/ biel only etonisuott school educatiOn, , and in A few months with us pee, pared for th e Above situation, With a few years' experieuee Mies ' Seen vdil receive at least Pearo per month. Sikenogra.phy I* battik. than school tom:thing. 'What we, have done for others we can do for you, Etter any, time. Individual instruction, Write for catalogue. Clinton Business College (affiliated with Wingham Business I Dollop.) GEO. .SPOTTON. Principal. AUCTION SALE -or-- FARM STOCK AND IMPLMENTS. , -...-.:- The undersigned will sell by Public Auction at 1,ot 32, Con. 2, East Wavea. noel], on , Monday, Jan. 2ist, 19o1, THE FOLLOWING : ' Draught marsh.7 years old, supPosed to be in toot to Lorre Down; Draught mare. g years did. These are an exceptionally good black Main.) General purpose mare, in fealto ilitO2011{ P1111c111 Driving mare rising 4. years; 51113'rising stem; 2 filly oohs ; Thom -bred bull, 3 rears old., 4 cows, supposed to be in ealf ; Cow with caleby her side; 8 betters, suppo3ed to be in wet ; vow. 0(4100 10 in October ; 2 farrow COIV11; Steer 2 years old ; ID calves; to Leicester .owes ,. liet °ester ram; 13 Oxford ewes; 10 store hogs t Brood sow with litter. Cutting box, booty now, with 20 ft. earilem ; Power wind mill; Wagon; mower, with gem harvesterettaohed ; Cream separator; Sera r: Twin 11109"; 2 general purpose plow.; t4og rash ; Hay rack; Fanning mill ; 2000 lb. seal ,, 'Root pulper ; Grindstone; set double barna 9; got $ingle barne9k44 Quantity of hay, and.other ar_tiohni WO unwrap oa ruentiOn. NO reserve as the prOPrietor has rented his farm and is leaving for the west- f Sale to eonnuenee at one O'eleeir, sharp. t Tif.RMS-All sums of 45 and tinder, eadib ; Over that amount 00 montes coedit on rura11r ing approved joint notes. or a diseennt o1'4 r cent. for 039,1. . WM. ANDERSON, THOS. GUNDRY, Proprietfir. Auctioneer. . "Seeesteaelaree.ant.T.-01 16 is Le Tool St Fre irk uriFig SALE [4. OF STOVES C:1-11 L. C ON TIN U of the town. Our .r.to,c1: 4:7 most completee-otir prices most reasienUble. We carry -the great Keen Kutter line— the tools that made a sensa- tion at the St. Louis Expo- sition. The MON OMR .mark covers a complete line of tools, so that the man who has been made sew -happy by a Keen !Cutter Saw can hellfire of getting just as good a bit or plane. Tool Booklet free. Sold only by CHAS. C LEE 1)0 not miss golden opportun- ity to get a good BARGAIN. IN Shelf and Heavy Hardware , Our Stock is Complete Plumbing, Heating and Tin- smithing promptly attended to and all work fully guaranteed. CHAS. C. LEE STORE 22 PHONES HOUSE 112 W.A. McKIM Stock -Taking Sale Prices that Sell Goods $3-00 Bova' Reefers for $1 48 $3.50 to $5 nolo' Reefers 2 75 .$3.5,0 toys' Overdoats .... I 98 $4.00 4 4 " • 2 75 Men's Beaver Overeedtst were $te.bo, for a 00 hiett'a 111'k Boater Overcoats, 5 50 Men's Tweed Overcoats, Wet-01012.SO for 50 lifen't; weed Overcoats, were too, for Meted Tweed Overcoats, 7$ were $8, for 6 00 nettle Wool per oz.,.,.,,.. Sc Lediee Felt Ifitts ..... 2Se Gide Pelt Hate . ...... 2Se gc. Ilittelitere.hiers for.... 25e Mett's Sox idatttle Patent, hest wool pllettl, dark tette, good vilike tit o6 to sSe, to clear at 20c IlISek cotittoefo, so*, good value at op, to eget at 20c Kim's e only Child's jackets for .- 68C 10 only Girl's Jackets.... $1 48 6 only Wornen's short Jackets, old stock, pric- ed up to $to, for I 48 20 Women's and Girls' Coats at just Halt Price. Furs long dark Scarf, regular ptiee $18, for $i2 oo long /salmi's Vox Scarf, • ' regtilar $.14, for 0 00 1 reend,Seble Pox, a homity at et:4, for ... . .. 9 00 Stotts Martin nue. rego- Isr $9, for 6 SO A fee cheaper ones at same Cut Prices. wettlea's Cashmere itose Mt& Oita tam pee rim rate eftettg4 big wane' at so to 44m, allat A•44•0 AtMthet lotV.*Oteenlii tai. *6451. eagin*rit 110* katid'OStr vette, all M.,. 100 Wool 1let4 rib, *11 alb!** ta eau. flit, 4011.00 • • P. yit ay., heavy rib weal Mee, ell siteket tOttear.......... 2 • •St •010. F •10 140