HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1907-01-18, Page 6re, .! "7* A FRIEND IN NEED liteteei -110$4,0hs PAK Iteelt t"... 4/41"/* sea" -*MORK* aetilate per twig telt** gas litaratig or COLTSFOOTE EXP401011ANT. the eat. stattfitelliliglinit Maeda foe ell these elle. flatlet* init'Mhart kr In* Weekeet.eteriteele OF Mak *IOU child. Cllittlr* 'tat* Its Millie onieW Ideals Our*. A* Di. SI9Onnelt Weta 1410 04alitkialtd MOW renledy. It has "never eateelieed..10r glatelt, Keith% lend takilfaiderg NO leetteehold thould iete •- • at "X bare e0141114044i. Wed* Nitepoter- ant sea estd se, Croup. etedi oe he. I hove sera le ever illetatrtnet bottle. sae *aye easoeuariajatt.ie. .10 ow la need of IL You Sew Pee say asa *Lime for -If * X Istie Is wifl re -attire al 4, Ate. dons siy obli- des*. Leakage. . • .. aleelfga WUXI. fratepee It. e London, Oat. SteetTlnatiler, every taller W110 Velues the health Illd•Witil-beling of their chit- -4011 tifill "attrare'llideieColtafteeti In the heme .1431 Phrsialan and arietettoeAll utela",dite dealer', for Mc, stgilk yen' Veitt.': • CCILTSFILOTE • 'e CLAIMS TO ,COSE FEVRR. Swiss Profelsor Seel tie Has Discovered - a Rentiely. Prof.: &tete University, in Collaboration with Pia.' Wasserrnin, of Berlin, elite 'discovered* a serum cure tor CerebrOalption Mehingitis (spotted fever), even lo, .,"iictite stages. . Prof. Keller corn- inertleated his ellicoYery recently le a meetingiOtthe Medical Society of Berne. Ile gave examples of complete cures. After injection of the serum, he stated, the patient's fever ceased almost in.stant- ly, and recovery foliftWed within a tort - night. Epidemic cerebro -spinal meningitis, or "spottea Jever," which has quite re- cently ravaged parts of Germany, has for its Ohlef sympto,ms convulslons, con- stant Vomiting• mune severe headache, followed heatedly, U. the patiept re. covens, by paralysis. It is said that strongemen aro especially suscepUble to It, and" thall the most common age of contraction els between 20 and 25. Death hequftptly Mites place only a few hours atter Ito attack. •••••••••••••• Tilt -CARE- OF A Wit. A batty that ekes not eat well and sleep well. that is not cheerful and 'playful needs .attention, or the result may be. serious. Stomach and bowel troubleeerneketealtdren cross and sleep- less, but a dose of.Baby's Own Tablets soon etifies, the' trouble, the child sleeps soundly and naturally and wakes t.p bright and smiling, Mrs, J. E. Harley, Worthington. 081., says: "My little one has lied no medicine but Baby's Own Tablets Meta site was •two menthe old and they hem. kept her the picture of gond health?". You can get Baby's Own Tablets from any druggist or by mall cenis box from The Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine CO., Nfookville, Ont. IN THE SOUP. "Waiter, this soup is mighty hot." "Yes. sah. it burned ntah thtunb dreadrity,.. h 1.0•••••••••• A Terlic Tor the Debilitated. Parme- leei's Vegetable Pills by acting mildly but thoroughly on the secretions of the body are a "Valuable tonic, stimulating Me lagging organs, to healthful action anti restoring them to full vigor. They Cart be taken in , graduated doses and se used that they eon be discontinued az any limn without totem a the ail- ments which they were used. to allay. SHOULD LOOK ON THE HANDLE. Peeks: Witbrella I tun carrying Is a present." Marks : "Who to" 114,1q• otneeters tee eitestaate wok eee amine Pub taibbiiib' aro that mud not be nailed:44d. 411.1114 111%laba /*".44 PS cent& aad elhalhVii,eare wirnont • oda of opium. Taking all the year round, the coldest hour date twenlysteer is live o'clock in the rimming. ' setter eitIllea eittensash then with one teal_ got a Alerted "hurt' to it. eir. Von aton's ettneapple Tablet@ stimu- late tee Oltrestierie organs. Let one earn the poet ditto ef tins and %are no bad l'ffetorrt were yiele You in your vest Poe at, • lt,htlslq R6` centa.-4a "1 Ithe elate little babies before they have leernal to telk-done you, Mr. Smyteiter "Indeed I do. Before they have learned to talk there is no danger of MO parents tellieg you the remark. able Menge they have mid." Olo 'Upon may slid thing." add tb• Wed ogler. 110 the, dee* dipped on the tea !Sep, bat he d !et lose anv time, as be IIIPM4 oft . "AMPS bleatted oblates 1114 all was tight ur again , „ *see. Laird "Well, Sandy, you aro getting very bent. Why don't. you stand straight up like me. man T' Sandy : "Eh man, dr you see that field re corn ower Meyer taint! "I lie.", Sandy "Weet, yell notteeltlitt the' tell betels hang down, an' the ontply titles idend up." To. Need Or Better then to Repent. 'A Mite medicine in the shape of the wonderful pellets which are known .5 l'arineletee VogelabtO '1'111e, odmintstered at lite Droner Mite and with the (Mea- th tics ettlentel to °Oil prevent eertous atereer .of slelmese end save Money rwelett 'worthi, go doctor. lit all irregulorlties rit tat( dittestivc, Grow they ore, an „Intaltieble eorreetIve and plefirietteg 'Mood they clear the &kin ef Itutserfeelinite. " TAKING NettlIANCES. eyes; seeetne" safe Bridget, "I'll be ;lithe se. dont Mel snip of a Mei- Met dna the 'rite litee !" excleirned her intetress, sliteetel call lo you, so what-. ..1 toriw &let, „worn. but 1..„ afraid Route of the netaleiors might think he does." easeye. tette to pass a jewel. !egg .4'in I • Weep ros wahine with '411ertelieef.' - incifeerleeiever pass -ono," To fee'ret Wei sla yeti ritatage .ftee Disks eadileia Mtge it; she date. .See olseeye eneleere foing/ int" t' ileOlositelo+ „ CIIAKES X111."--tOolitInUet. ferrIng to take the Aire in limy dleingliel. but now she Is MI silent itt- "And to think that It Is Only April...* tormoti..gony putting in,. noW and age*. she says with en air or prosaic italols; iTibuti•otticr LAIRSIIOni vidle her eetti- Mune*. "Last Aprg we had four fetehlesd Amen xeeleieseeig neersatogeenarralleg of gig ' on the trent drivl. Wei ,tirofti4oto get walk g ortled relish. when ilia had the mumps.' Num 04? •as hiMeelf "When Cecilia bad the mumps*" talte *vele Mete alw Ment letairiee Mau peals Iturgoyne itt'a rather ffitzed v 1 "1 did kno ever had We mumpe." This is the form tnto Which are friteeta" the lovesworde that the nightingale Mid the perftlitee a the Tusean flower4 litat the Ave Maria hid so nearly broughEM his tongue, lied Amelia known whet' on unwonhsd burst of tenderness her tiro lucky rerninteceece tted atekede would have regretted it probably With a" good deal deeper bliternesa than woad many a woman with a happier gift Of litterance. iltd she is blesseellY alit of what Intitnpli have her, and preseetly agein strikes at the ntlititingillea song with the laeld remark: "I like your friend very much; I tad she Ls a -very nice woman." e This time Bltreerne ha$ ne "WO in responding, iminedlately. Mast',W1 that there is ne tee - IOC . becSIA$41' elerleal .telating to her 410Mething, it 444,- Abet particular, ant.: Which tle 40/4 se MO^ 'Priffiat4014Ut hia Ors tie MU' ',1O0tett eAnteeve which may re. 1' 401110- NW aPprellenlions. • 'io." alralli,,Ihent long. it :7"lehto theirPeekaistsfinitell rahdvoicien. her Allipand upon olik; I &Mare Safe Pe 4 Chetah; it I ha4 01 have tnit s great deal n'-lik111144 it14.Y44.,.41)411:41 iiisnevtoerrylldt. s14'.^n.OP, to bit S. PhYalognomist, goo i sons first speech, had so effeepailty, Mleet,t, a e to wit tend the earliata chased Ws dreams that he can noW Pe. ai,1,,e_tetes4e' ilites. .siseeverstions ot her ply with .cenUttenplace ktnellinees et ,P.' ,.4 4.4cW1U4 Prehiness. He has already "She hae leas been blittonrhofintt, t4teit.htifi mouth to .ratipond when au tO Make the Mune confidence about yoga" Pkeete, jai: interrtiptiOn arrests the Am"Aerital. she b so fond of you," contintog ellealtreekble eloquence. Jim has &Mall nonftifithench, and thrust himself um, Ha !might'. ' ...,..., Arettoldtply between the two interim "She hes Met confided to me thet 40 Vesi'...re . aro you;" then, wIth a hurried changeOf ": , ale. al1a see the wiataria," he says, tasetairr i addressing the girl; "yoU tone, in dread hot the last speech .41001 ,, . call out some expressitin of the .metre ' ti, ile .etaere with to when we were pent passion eiwees ieriegg in ber lo it itc:tit.' it, were you? 'You were patient eye*, he ewe.* ;toile, •if even itri. letittiteltUrig the other day that wistaria What effect the flat fatuity, as it seenc 11•.,..41V611111qill'%nlitin; ClhoamteCtecndilicriperelitest tar Mat be very generally. heloYed I" to Jim Inmate of this last ewer/lama. inlet:bee 'already seen quite as much° of has Upon Amelia, does not appear, smog heAvistarlii as she wishes; that she bad she receivee tt in silence; and again the aeree denied the potency of lis perfunie; Ave 'Maria and the bird divide beimgen, Illetshetelegs are giving away beneath them Cie province of lieund. e, e het.tratealitigue. Jim marches her re - suckle above their beads eeems to give. the heny. Tentiessittway, nor does he again quit her • side 'until he sees her safe!' seated As the great sun droops, out more generatisly its strong Meats In the IlItore which is to carry her home, sweetness. The rest of the party have Itls indeea his portion to have a teteet. drifted away out 'of sight and heaelng; fess te drive buck to Florence with her, but by -and -bye _their ymee,e are egehe Being having absently stepped into the heard and their returning forms seed. Vehicle Which bears .the other -ladies. lie As they drew near, it appears that Men *ales egteng breath as they jog slowly origiejai member al three_ has hem age., *WAY trom the villa. leaving the clergy. ranted by the addition of two euell; lotriR -tuktiiir aft -his tall hat, witle a and a still nearer approach revesti eato b ed ani offended air of farewell. He tho two men are. Mrs. Byng leatitS the Le eeonscio s that Cecilia ls swelling be - way, talking animatedly to Mr. Omen- aldti him with feelings no less wounded, ock, who is evidentl an old ar,qualm eVeh for some moments before she tance. Byng trails a ter them by WM. self. and the rear le brought OP by Cecilia and a portly clerically -dratted figure, whom Jim at once recognizes ai the Devonshire, clergyman, his faller° in obtaining informatien about whoa ..has embittered and fidgeted- his whole day. Here then Is the apporttifiriejellirtlea sought -brought . to- his -very .beelts "And yet his first feeling, es, be sees the am. placent priestly Mee, and the delibettite black legs pacing beside Cecilia, iseone of dismety. There is.nothing unlikely in the supposition that. he fluty have been presented to her at the garden -party at the Beekaguartio villa, and yet be lloW realizes with a shock of surprise ihat they aro acquainted,,,,and, it acquointed, then at liberty to ceneerse upon what- telatedeeekr 'Slat tlitt0'1.$11w her. 1 Atlitt:IiieW Venue frOnt Pevonshireo Ounitlianti ittottio Min ehurchl" :14edletteethat thier&rOkfea )1°144 pate ',MOM; coy than speaks. '"itou lather cut your own throat," she saYe, in en affronted voice, "when you intetrupted me and Mr. Burton so rude- lers . he Was on the point. of telling me_ solgethinn very interesting about your deer friends the Le Merchants; he knows •att abottelhem; he has kaown Elizabeth avert sine* *he W-0.$ Child." Been ectoss Jim's alarm and anxiety there comes a flash of indignation and distaste .0% the familiar employment of the name that even to himself he only pronounces on his heart's knees. ,,"Wlio, is Elizabeth? Do you mean leftes' Le .Merehant ?" , "Mr. Burton talked of her as 'Eliza- . -bent,'" teptles Cecilia, with a still More Offended accent et the rebuke implied in ever subject may bcf.t recommend llself 'hie wordeL one naturally would of a n whom one had known in short la them. lie Is absoltitely poWeriess to put any check upon leafy talk, and yet rocks.", at this very moment he may bo narrate "And be -he told you something very Ing to her that story which his 'Men interesting about her?" loyalty hed forbiddep him to overheat. ."140, fie, did not," returns Cecilia snap - The tirst couple has passed, so absoebed reie ha dwnhoetn thy 00 uc hrsuns icleed; hi lel sivi ka In eager questIon..agd answer thet'llley ju,st aegtnning da not even see Burgoyne and Mg e.. htilleire a c Ina shop, and now" -in a teethed. Airs. Byng •lett London Otill''•keY of exaeresive vexation -"I shall pro - three days ago, an& Mr. Greepoeu• bably •neveis have another chance of might return thither ilk 011Y mOntentathet. hearing, es he leaves Florence to -mor - he chooses, and ,yet theY Iwo talking et raw." ' it with a •wletful Wallas that tette, fisn's Mart glves a bound. "Leaves have beseetned Dante questioning Sod is tIfereaa :to -morrow, does he? he re - chance wayfarer to Ravenna as Ice, the-Peetst,eage prosperity of his Florence. The seeend pair's voices are Iowa' pitched, and Weir topics therefore less easy to wedeln, yet by Cectlia's gratified and even heimi- tut air they are evklently agreeable Muss. But though agreeable, there is dance of their beteg, by mar riveting flir and eee, of the natere ha dreads, . They also are so obsoleted in oath Other as to have no celerities to spare foe the quiet silent persons sittleg on the sterto bench.. Amelia looks after them with a bene- volent smile. Her settee of htInteir ts neither keen nor quick, but there le a touch of very mild sarcasm In her VOico, as she says, watching hee sistera treating figure : , "Ceicilla has found a new friend, a clergyman again; do you know what Itle name 1st" "I believe it is Burton or Breed, er something of the sort," replies JIM tee- itietantly, feeling as if even in adtelttleg enowledge of the stranger's surnaide he was letting out a dangerous seeretl "I should have thought flint she had" hid enough of the Church," Ito adds with a very much more pronouncal Remit itit satire than MLes Wilson's. "She lete hot, taken my advice of sticking to the leIW. Shall we -shall we follow them ?" ' This last suggestion is the result eta. vague, uneasy feeling tied, by Iteepleha within earshot, he may exereise eMete cheek mean tlie ecinversallen. "Why should wet," replies Attletite, for once In her life running eountOeUt_ a proposition of her leYeres end ttleninti, her meek eyes affectionately upene.hlitif. "we 81,0 ee too, are eat weo Ape •-laughing-"we should spori,' , As Jim can allege no adequate reeetfil for pureeing Galan end her Wiest spent lie bas unwillingly to a ulescei aid M. content iihnself with °Rowing Thetis with his eyes, to gain Vela reaSsitailleO he can from Me expression of 'their backs. Rut lite peacellil if InelonolndlI restfulness that htul Marked the 'era' part of his abode on the stone Sea. Is gone, pest retell. Ile moo lite' 'het tidgettly -on, lite MOO; ho gets UN and throws pebbleS ;Into, the , lotintatrit, snuas an offictede tta hat ho 'Mee Pings Arnella ie small banditti o iledvs plite'reit'ilin'Of,theioeinerald.graSs..... Amelia does not share her lover's ure: eaSina9, Os indeed 'Why' thouhi She? Site puts Mt expected hp inlo the yoUng Tuscan's dirty brown baud, and Nate, her head enjoyingly oft UM back of to' slohd seat. think IRO tii•eollie'tts these stiet fit PleCee ,WIth yeel OW better than tet ple,; CalICTICSs' $110 'S0yr'S 40 Intona- tion of extreme content; , "Do you. dear?" replies he alcientlY, with ids spot at wittelt Canis and ter atilt,. had' tilsappeated. "01 ourso yeti are (pieta right st 'Rod made the cantstry, and 'Watt Matte Mt The substilidion ot this eitteutaltaretor the litilai tettlett %MOW einteinde$ • leliVerb 14 due hi the lit3 efdlte KIPPIP cr Interested in, bating Come, noes sIgli4 retracing their slap. sirid again approottlIng. 11 Cent^ es they Cottle liwir that Me desire to eeplete. the Vide grounds has given tvity. 11ilt. (ow., hi Me Shier -linen Conctraation., Willt et lobs losing of dread, 04(4 ,fiettititts liteleee They 'sire 'Within earshot, ISM theY %too changed fhb Light ark! .chltit 11:hielt at Mit trillikyrif,thellt 'tee talk of 's rtiorointirsole enil :Wing theraeler. (delft 'ItattSITS' gait WI Ailidtstrest 04004 ilk ffe' "i do lid know why you should seem eta.delighted to hear it," rejoins looking ut, him from under her smart illit,'eentbi mixture ett surprise and re- eentirielitVes,"1 do not see unything pars •ticelarly aibilaratIng in losIng an agree- able acalantance almost us soon as one has madalt I" "Perhejle-perhaps it was a faLso elarme" 'Attie Jim, set, to some extent, an his ,goerd by her evident astonish- ment tdethe „keenness of his interest in the added; "perhaps" -beginning to latigh-alte only saki it to frighten you; why dee,. you think that he Ls leaving Florenefileimorrow r "llecattie be told rne so," answers she iniptillealte; "he Ls at the Grand Bre- tagne,' tied he was eomplaining of not being condertable there. and I was ad- eispg 'him to Move to another hotel, ell he 'Olt, no, it was not worth Wanes eatishe was leaving Florence to- morrotv.P!' Jim draws a long breath. and leans beck liglete corner of the fiacre. tie has greeted information he sought. It has Milne Metes hand at the very lime he Wes elitillest most at las inability to go Ur, queit.tti it. "So interruption was the more prtevoklear continues Cecilia, her indig- rattinitejetifileg Old and ruffling ItS fea. ettlOre`lt,te-nto recollection of her wrongs, sarillysx our last chance of meetings hoWetteleyou cut your own throat, as he evklentlylinew soMething very interest. .tog, ebeetIeyour dear friends, something "which- fie. does not generally telt people, ,'end teldell he would net have told me 'Oily Melba saw at °nee! wag no blob." shiVers. Ito had only just been 10 Urge theittesonly just In time to stop the tilotith,„%aif: lltis blatant backbiter, he 010re...raiment. ilis companion looks al ttiM^4tiriousiy. *MA .X111 cold," eh° asks, "or did it 400-te ,Waik over your grave? Why did 'yen sleVeret." Otte himself together. "I was Stilveriate'e•he Mee. cetopelling himself esenineetbe rallying tone in which he tee'elet Wildetrees the girl Waldo hint. vat ilittitant ht of the petit I had saved Steaettiottes. ly poor Cls, have not you and 'I antlered enough alteady at the hifide bill* Chinch ?" • She, teildene. "Though do MU pre. ifild111 Aft,',, great sensitiveness on ins SUbjert.:1 Meek Yeti hare Wert1 that old kfttig'6 its ilulAntifit; he WM of the delve she Utters MO Anther lanient over her Met . • . fro bo continealls ' ' , • • , ii0.1t1i1 ON THE KIM RAVI ft itiita'ir YAM* Seed's first german t4. le" he **veil Ida Itectsiei and ;Warta - :became itervittor-lon Vonahrtf Itttl yoke,. end Spoke very loony Weed, 'Nearly -Mt biS friends went to hear Mu' Wachs but also who. Was unable ia attend tholiired al the fita oppOrtutr. Ai 10. MeV he get ells fellete UMW Witti the eantEd %It's many A day Melte the rats Hintlten Kirk got litteh a frightli" ' . . 1011.1110111011110 ' -1.00W TO AVOID, MU 1141.404 NIPS* T. the 2 Aa the liewaPhP01.01 totte_e_sioli taint/ 10404'0 avttleideeektret leiderenieseal. kettetaieies hes heeheile seetidtalitts rit*, PlirO*Clit Wit ; • SWIRP*9111/4 , May ;, wow. Onetti Wheits-11114.1-'1"ott ate 'Pftitiet191t.°44boithalt544to shilltrvert4. cheat*" itlIste°. 14* Olettiliti _being het, pidati'lltiof • tolOt Or Int He !WItintr:.littt There heat* 'Pk* cough 'that •ituriA lit. the IreglettS. •thii" breeot-bente, Setitetinas WI* in 400. -Go to beat ,tablutlI,^, 'Set* for,alte <Meter. A little atiffietithe e els Ore mina 'aconite 4of. ohntIOnite. • inonfaled quinine“insk Thit. diet shottki tin light aud , • e. SOMK 1MPQRTANT "WW1'S,. e" l'eoniptitess 'enerythiltit 'When 'Ira ettenza haw tO tack*. ' 'Wherefore, op ati.'164'P4tattmeCsti.Withoj aaeliiliftlItt,trUfle91.4!°144 ceippptitoorrileikeeloiLp.touriadorniitr • ; atIreettIlI, id.. Welk the Ana& DOVE. liftgat-ttelend ;tier the doetase, Dogq lake' t cold or tato 'tt hot. baths ''P9tV111*Son:tt-,Ilasee",soctlinhYrt::welftYithi4halletilieLP.ifulinittilrYttn, "Oellerairee ',Walther' 'Sad: t neater • to a, repreSeutatIVes to reniaM at least one week Immo**, The temperature ought to fell on Mb fourth day and sifter that. the attack *lolly takes three -or;toer data' IQ 6'4 'Pa.tient should' then ge.P'wq Le. • six or seven days to a Carefeliteeteetea l'e4Ort. Above Mt things, ' Ming dfl the. nature of lading • up Should bh Ityolded. -lit nearly all ciao inguehitt. MI; lotVed hy severe physielearid. Mattel de; POOSioll, 'a condition Ms( tit ids'earetul teptiol egiciee. so that 'bright purreme treatment. Every melanehOlict. is le Piga in the convalescent sitige ,•ttre Peaant, "Wherefore to sealesefelie atteek tit; Neon bear in Mind two adds : • •• 1. Go to bed at °nee. • 2. Always call in the doctor. e. "Do Iles, and influenza is Ohara 01 nearly all its terrors. The elector le In: dispensahle, because many Phases af the diee,ese aro difficult IC dislinguleh faun other Weeases. The greatest .dan. ger to be guarded agalnet Is erten- Made. I've seen scores ot cases of la. flueriza .complicated with pneumonia; I've only aeen one reeovee: HOW TO ESCAPE IT, ' . .• "So much for the actual Oak. Te those who Wish le tio all theta/4 possible ,eseapie I -would saY : 'Den't treated Oleg*, 'Conceree, 'churches, or- isate- ringe.s with closed windeesse nelueinbrr the bectilits Is in the air,: Observe Allele precautions., maintain ti high standard of health. and you may_esqapee" One word mote. It often haPliene that nervous patients bring, upon Ind* selves and their friends Meeks uorrecee- eery anxiete by failing to elisthigueshelae tween an attack of intlitenza and eh ordinary cold. The distInetithe -ahead „ be quite easy to make, A Cold. -A cold is catarrh of the upper Hie Met sedelen, Med theta is no high temperature. The- sane's" quent .depoession is nil. Influenza, --There is nearly always high temperature with influenza. Tree depression is considerable. THE LATE LAPPONI. • Death Has Removed a Distingulihe,d Phyilelao and a Man of Hare • Courage. In the death of Dr. Lapponi, pilots clan to the Pope a personage has. beep removed front scene who wes scarcely less knewn throughout the world than the pontiffs whet% he mho Istered unto. He was a wondfifui man as well as a distinguished phesician.-- Ottawa Free Press. It may be added that Dee Lappoal was a man el rare courage.,;lie no fear of ihut bugbear known. as pro- fessional etiquette. Whale:11e found something good in a medial* he dfd not hesitate to say so to MM., told. Ho proved this when he wrote.ther Dr. Wil. hams' Medicirie Co. strongly ...endorsing their celebrated Piok latis for .Pede People as a cure for invade ibloedlerl- ness) and certain nerVous disorders. th the Interests of the thousands ',who ettt- fee tram anemia, nervous ebisoraeys and kindred troubles; it 6 weeelt wtdie repitbIlshing Dr. Lepponrs lOtter, es follows: *a. "I certify that 1 have tried. Dr. Wie hums' Pink Pills in four casts of tile simple , umemia of developme After a few sveeks of treatment, The result came fully up to my, expectations. Fier that reason 1 shall not•Ittle in -the lettere to extent!, the use of this, latidrible, ate - partition, not only in thee tregitmerft other morbid forms of the category ht antemiu or chlorosis, bet .aise in cases Ol neurasthenia and tlie . ‘Signed)\''itt deDir.Graajecu'seht)Pe,33ee'LesePPRo°.milete'' The "simple antemia ot ,deeelombent" referred to oy lAppoill is, of course thie Mae, languid eondition yotdig giels whoee developinena • toieettdMare hood tardy, and.. tvitose !Ranh. sti :period .01 that deeffieenhente. le Sit Often fitt•lopfition. etis 'Value lit - wifilattes' Plnk^,,Pills that. time le of the IdgbesrsclerstAkd,,44, • thority, and it contictheettle lbenes,Palla apes in Ofid .0ther discalies ot the bloesOis,ffirell as nektons diseaSes httve been oired.ty these Min, Which,. It need hardly ha • Mentioned, owee their allele, •AnSir newer of making. new blood, iend thus acting di- rectly on the. digesilve . and nervole system. In till eases of anssinia, dearer, Indigestion, and troublealtdito to bad bleed, end ail 'affectiorts. St. Vitus' deneeielterillyele aliti 10- aentritor ataxia, they class comittetded ts Me public with alOtie:-.011tier",coil- fidence because they eloilettie thettig eh. dorsement at tie great 'Phystaliter .who has so recently ini,IXed. awaY. SEAWEED IN JAPAN. 112,00,10. Warty Derived from it -Plans to inereaseihe CtiO, . ilnitin, which wastes nothing. In iis iletilestie etonolny, •`•telttlees 12,000,000 'Ithelitilly Inert Ita telt,Weett qtrOductii. Aetteding to the reptietotc,..i.DaVidaell, on attaehe of the ROOM Emliaoktt..,:tit, l%Ado* more Mare Ally 'N'itrielle* otithe uau:cod round. osong,the 4apinesse,Aisat 'tteo UttliZed either firr 'Mod tor, its-,illettil.. Itiefireed prodders. ° , ,. , The troveller sees (mottles Of dried sea^ Vet. White with' thit rryttellized Sill'or the ei'a Water, •10.1fig. trent tide halite Of, tekeita• Mod Atoll': Vitt:entire/eV Varieties ate'sleved And :seevell *with tisk SM ol the deflate strigs CI see grate a tiniks17^ With"' tiWattll'ir$ Infil' MOW a ,vivid green, floating -against Itie /of' thionter of the sMispl bolvls4 , ' , , ' , Otter elleelee of gee Weed bre lleed At the litantifiteture of glue. Of plotter and, al starch. Whotei villages 11,r0 giVeil OVir la seaweed %Mug amp the drying Arai peeking ot tho produat tor sttipitynt.,tet the manufacturing plants rys the larger eilics. Id llie otIttlty elorig. the tees Sherd the. ternserts`,,ute lite restrad Ind, ropy, kelp for tettilidtur their vegetable liektio During iho past few silt...411gs aspabile Got -frown% his ;atilt op the slitspet ,ot the seaweed intlastry tor the putpOse or tiavms It rfiOittalletrient. Liptrinients ve Lent WHO :till in thirty plat% "EdWitni," Sold bUsy soother, lust, tiry lids lovel at this tire.4 110 MOM yeillsolti sun held lho toWel In bant of the Are tor Sate etelher. '1 floret *heft brinYnr Re At length Ira WAlt ail the Instocenet of youth, J k) "ell'eWrielle'rerf eirrelleae .."` Nurse Mothers' Treasure sr 1407. rm.'s* olksot -4000 crolimit Cures Diarrhoea atiM11M0 Ottliat With. at view to ine Mg the yield Of Ma Steen Water algae, CloVernMent Offeree reetatid tor Abe heat Metht* et PrOduring Pats plants, awrEBENT getam mees:t, "Str," Paid the arigrY Otietellfer to the 1urnitare Mover, "those men you sent weeth the to fake Ma Seeds he TOY neW Neese were Most peetuar.,,ara Mau sure they're all Mine Saner °Are theYr replied the oilier. "Why 1 am surprised to hear such an accusa- tion as that. What .makete you thInk they are Water "Because they acted SO oddly. They didn't even break a nernor or a 'stela - tette, they did not Seratch the piano, end they utterly tailed to pack the lece milirtains with the ;damn utmelle." THE RAVAGES OF RHEUMATISM ARE CHECKED $11 SILVANS. Mre. Selina Dellis, ie resident ot Motion, has proved how" wenderfilllY effective Bileane are in casee oi rheu- matism and debtaty. She says: "1 hed pains fn the limbs and geross the hack; Weighing down - symptoms an4 .great Weariness. In October', came te.c.risle. 1 was rendered completely helpless by acute rheumatism. By the doetor's adVice 1 wentlieto hospital, where I re. maned under Itatetstlent for Mat Weeks - On returning I was confined to my bed again for seven weeks. I read a de- scriptIon of the goal work Bileana were claim. This induced me to- Obtain a supply. By following the direettene given for their use I Improved in health" from day to day. After a Mile while 1 regained the use itit my limbs, and after that my proeress was cepa. For some lane now 1.: have beat able to ee. sumo my ordinary life and Work, and am atogether , a different person from what I was Mueng the last few years." Rheurnallem Is due to the presence ot certain poisonous -acids in the blood. The "filter beds" for the blood are the liver and the kidneys. Through these organe the blood eases, and when the organs are M. healthy op.eration they filter out the harmftil substances. When they are not in health.), Operation they fall, and rheumatism Ls nne of the man/ serious resUlts. !Weans do not. acts 41- reetly on elle blood, but ehey act upon and correct the liver and kidneys. They thus eorrect the real cause of theuena- lism by an Indirect action. Bileans are. also a sure cure ffor indigeston, liver troubles., headache, gas, belching, pains in the chest, cOnstipation, .plies, female altments, and all blood impure ties. Airdeuggists and stores sell them at 50c. a box, or post free from the Wham, Co., Toronto, for price. 6 boxes fdr $2.50. .....m.d1•04•••••••• A LABRADOR MAIL -CARRIER. ltoute of One Hundred Miles tor Ten Dollars a Trip. The mall -carrier of the Labrador coast is a man of endurance who does not fear the worst of weather. Thera!, 'is no road at all. 'There are no bridges and. no ferries. In some parts of the country the houses are as much as twenty miles apart. There are mountains to climb and rivers to cross. hogs to ease, im- penetrable barren uplands and large lakes. In "Off the Rocks" Doctor. Gren- fell tells of one mail -carrier whose route 1. about one hundred miles long, and who receives as compensation ten dol- lars a hip. We were pitying ourselves one night as we turned into our comfortable sleoping-bugs on the floor of our hat's hut -pitying ourselves because it had been a heavy day on our dogs, and it was nearly ten o'clock before we reached shelter. When I awoke in the morning, as the gray dawn was stealing In through the little window, I thought t heard a movement by the stove. Ttiere seemed something almost uncanny about it until I made out what it Was, and could distinguish a tiny, erect figure sitting bolt upright where none had been oyernight. It proved to be Peter Wright. He bad arrived about Iwo In the morning, noiselessly stationed himself by the Move, and gone straight off to sleep, !sitting on the settle. Without a word to ally one. as satisfied as if he were M a feather bed. Now this place was where three car- riers 'Meet. 'the one from the westward was late, and Pete did not get his malls handed over until nine In the eveeing. He had thirty miles to his next station. and the temperature was twenW hee low zero: At ten he rose to go. "Whet, Pete, never going to lecive at,this' time of night, are you?" "Why sure," he replied. "With tiloon like this 'Its beiter in the woods than when skeeters are about. So long, doctor!" and with thet he went out tele solutely alone. Pete is always ready to oblige, and never happier than wheo (heap* en Ms back, ordinarily mortepolized by his bundle, permits him to catty a len- pound tub of buttertne Or a couple ef jars of molasses, just to oblige. It isn't tor the money atone that Pete Wake, It is lucky he does not have to pay hotel bills es he jothineys item place it pia*. There would be little left .1 the salary beytend enough tor "Skin heels. If he weee eharged ter meal*. Hut there are no hotel bilk on the coast, and we are Ineapable of an idea so oil. getal as to ask Pete tn pay foremything. -+ Mabel-1314mM aro you going to ac. MIS 1,1.1,4{A, 1 rod. Ina trot OW*. taltritaind, prlems, tor Walnells. Eta a nd "Illealth and Vigor *Pend upon the littifillt and nuantity tit tios btood."- Itimanitinian. Dr, Carson's Tonic Sumach sued Censtipstion men A Purely Vegetable Tonic and Blood' Plainer. Price coats per Bettie. Ityon are act able to obtain it la Your nehthbothood, we. will send to. say ed. drub Ova tilk receipt of ON16 DOLLAM (600. Per bad') 04^4994 Fr•Pafti. 1104 st eaPileatisa. The Carson MOOlolno Compans1 v Wellington St. 'Weida - rotwutal TIME ALTERS ALL THINGS. Dr. Russel H. Cornwell, the famous pastor of the Baptist Temple in Phila. delphie, in a lecture delivered in New Haven riot long ago predicted wonder- ful progress in rapid trunsit facilities in the stair future, and at the same time deprecated the slowness of pre- sent reamed travel. To Illustrate this petal 'Cornwell told an amusing story of a woman who was travelling with her child., The traM was delayed trj many tiresome and seemingly un- necessary stops, and when the conduc- tor was collecting fares the woman re- fused to pay for her little girl. "That, child Is old enoggh to have her tare paid," said the bonductor very sternly. "Well, perhaps she is old enough now," replied the woman, "but she wasn't when the train started." OBEYING DOCTOR'S ORDERS. In a large boardieg-house there lived two Englishmen and cm Irishman, who were very friendly.. One night, after the Irishman had gone to bed, his friends were very sur- prised •to -hear-a- noise, which sounded at, if Pat was taking a run round his bedroom for exere6e. They took no notice, and the follow- ing night the same noise took place. The third night, however, Pat seemed( tr be skipping round and rbund the room. ‘, His friends, being curious to know what Pat was doing, went up te his bedroom. The poor Irishman, seeing them tteitchifig hien; 'eat down apparently breathless, apd blurted out in skirt gasping sentences: "Sure, Oi've got to take me medicine. The doctor told me to take it two nights running and skip the third night, and ain't I just following his directions?" SCALDED BY BOILING FAT COULDN'T USE HAND FOR A MONTII. Zam-Buk Gave Instant Relief. An accident in: a Toronto .home the other day might have had very serious consequences had it not been for Zane Buk. Miss Martha Green, of 9 Clare- mont St., in taking a pan of boiling fat from the oven• spilt it. over her right hand. "The boiling -fat ran into the palm of my hand," she soys, "and over ell my Mines. You may well Imagine the agony I suffered in consequence. The hand became swollen, and large blisters - formed all over the palm and along the fingers. For over a month I WaS un- able to use the hand at ell. I tried several kinds of salves and liniments, but the wound &vented apparently no better. About this time I was advised la stop tising all ether preparations and apply Zam-Buk instead. The very first application soothed my hand and mutton ; and as 1 kept on using Zatn- mation; and as I kept on usnig Zam- Buk the blisters gradually dried up and disappeared. In a very short time the scald was healed completely." Zam-Bulc is equally effective for burns, cuts, bruises, abrasions, sprains and sUffness. It also mires eczema, ulcers, sores, blood poison, ringworm, scalp sores, chronic wminds, acne, black- heads, pimples, cold sores, chapped hands, and all skin diseases and in- juries. Rubbed well op ..1,3 chest, in cases of cold, it relieves the aching and lightness, and applied as an embrace- Uon it cures rheuntatiene sciatica. neur- algia, etc. All druggists and stores sell 7.am-Buk at 50c. a box. or it mny be ob- tained from the Zam-Bul: Co., Toronto.. upon receipt of price. 6 boxes for 92.50. Little Teddy (to mamma, who is cutting papa's hair) -"Mamma, may I take one of papa's curls?" Mamma -"Yes, dar- ling." (To papa) -"See what an affec- tionate angel that little aellow is. Even at his tender age he knows enough to prize the Mere curl on his dear papa's tiead." Little Teddy (as he sees Mamma Hying to pick him a good specimen) -- "Hurry up, mamma, I want it. for a new tail for my horse." Mr. Wickler-"Dat you ever see how alt the neeessaries of life have gone up." Whelaer-,"No, the haven't all cept Mr. Oldboye Illanche-"Yet; I gone up. Mee. Wic ler-"Well, I think so." itlabei-"But he's three limes should like yeti to Mention one thing as old tis you are." Illtinche-e"Bid he That halal, gone tee." Wieklea-"Cer- does harMenfze SO belettibilla with Ina IelfilY• My salary.”" *Wipe furniture." ' ;0. 1.-• 41,404411441+01.0404 Girlhood and Scotea Ernalaton aro linkod togsthir. Ito gh4 who tilos Sootts. Etna/. .ttein los platy of rich. rod Mona; she is oiff 0.1140e,.. titt* *beta oStoote4. Zincets Ofk povadul noirtitment 416112; It Ili II (Oa thit bulls kaopt up a eigsams TOO MARY itiiiERATESIENI. Of en DES 1 1111.1111 141111 ed*ExT MANN ARE CROINCI 00104 rind, xt ^ ION lfiNITE0 MATES. Ex At Reillehr* Who flondier 'Aiwa', Esirc?ettn Mall1^" grants la laetessoing Rapidly. Tim mart recently :issued by one rt the seeretartee a the Britieh Embassy, Washington, on 9nmeigration into the United State fords interesting read- ing, It shows the enerMoup inerege thal has Wen glace AMU year to year end the repunkeble change In the character of inunigration during the last two de- cadee. Last year 1,00,499 were admit- ted, and of theee by, far the maJorhY conststect of the lower EttroPean reeee, mostly illiterates. The largest niunbers were Jews, Poles and Italians. The bet, ter class pi immigrant has dwindled from an minuet averege of 389,572 in 1885 to 15809 between 1900-5, Erit6h-Canadian imreigratioe, It says, seetns now a thing a the past. The tide has turned, and a. good class is be- ing attracted to the ntertlewest of Can- ada from the Northern American States. The influx of Hebrews and Poles is having a tremendous influence on Am. erichn puha feeling. These underbid the current price of labor, their etandard of Ls dew, Med they perpetuate the elm. "They do net make citizen -9," says the report. • TO KEEP OUT UNDESIRABLES. Several recommendations have, been made M. prevent this rapid Increase of undesirable immigrants. It has been proposed to raise the present. tax ct to $5, 010 850 or even 8100. An- other proposition Is to exclude all aliens unable to read and write, as it is from this class the criminal records are swellrd. They have, as a nee, criminel inanations and small resources. in ad- dition to whica the inability to read takes.owey the Mae poWerful.factor n assimilaton. In the Slates there are those who hold that too many people are eorning in, and that Ilea:. numbers mug be Mule ea somehow. And other judges consider that it is InlpoSsible to receive too many if they are of the riga class. This is just ihe point. At The present time the "undesirables" are. predomin- ating, and the proelem Ls how to keep up a sufficient supply of immigrants and at the same time maintain the high standard of former years. This is also a question which may af- fect Canada in the near future. It is cf the very highest importance to develop Bt•itish emigration to Canada. CABBY IN PETTICOATS. 'Yaryan Smollanoff, who 'drives a cab in Moscow, is the wily: women licensed driver in Russia. Herfather, a cabman, lost his life in trying to save that of the police-gergeant, and Um authorities thereupon transferred ols- license to his daughter, in whose dab many ladies Ilke to ride. ' ' Use the safe, pleasant and effectual worm killer, Mother Gretves' Worm Ex- terminator; nothing allots it. Procure a bottle and take fl home. In the British Museum Is an adver, tisement of a reward for a runaway slave. The "ad" is written on papyrus, and Is some 3.000 years old. It was ex- humed form the ruins of Thebes. The President a stave to oaterrh.-D. T. Sample, president of Sample's Instalment Company, Washington, Pa., writes: "For years I was &filleted with Chronic, Cht. tarrh. Repledies and treatment by sPe- cialists cad, gati.ette temporary relief until I was induced to tuie Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder. It gave almost in- stant relief. 60 cente.--49 The bone§ and muscles of the human gpody are capable of over 1,200 different movements. 11 You am Nervous and Irritable, tate " Yerrovim," the great nerve and blood tonic ; you w II be a Pew person by the thus you have used a uattle. 11.00 bottles, ,All dealer.. Father : "Ale Tommy, you don't know when you are well off. 1 wish I were a boy again r Tommy (who had recent- !? been chastised): "So do I. Littler than me, too 1" There is Only One Eciectric 011 -When an article, be it medicine or anything else, becot»es popular, imitations invert. ably spring up to derive advantages from the original, which they them- selves could never win on their own merits. Imitations of Dr. Thomas' Ec- leetrie 011 have been numerous, but never successful. Those.who know the genuine are not put off with a substi- tute, but demand the real thing. Patience : "When I was young I hod nt least fifty offers for my hand." Patrfee r -Two vore what you might call your palmy days, 1 supose." "Regular Practitioner - Ns Risme"- tire, Annie 0. Chestnut, of • Whitby. was for months a rheematio victim. but South American aheuntatio Cure changed the song from ' despair" ha "Joy." She earn "I suffered untold Weary from rhentaati@m-doctemes medicine did me no steed -two bottles of South American Rheumatic °tire cured me-reliet two hours after the first dose." -50 010000.... "Now," said Popley, PI don't propose to have thet burglar.alarm in our room. We'll rig it up down in the hall." "But." prole.sted Ids wife, "we wouldn't hear it and wake up when It goes off." "Nei- ther will the baby." Dear Mother Year little end ate a mastant ears la Felt rad Wiese eveeteer. They will each cold: Doyou latisW about Shileha Coolleasben Cere. the Ltaig Tonle. and what is lastaaeloz so enemy) It is Hid le be the oily onnedy for all diodes it ties eir puma in ashen.. kis aboakedy hiene sed please! to biegestemeeduseerearest motley it minted. The Owls 25c. per beide. sod **disks its wadi:ism WO, 3r4 HIL011 XlissieselysIsouldlwia owl household. WHEN THE DISEASE LET GO. An old man was just recovering from in operated, and lie he lay regaining consclousness he heard the doetor say to a nurse,- regarding Onto potvders to be given him, "If one eleery hour Is too teeth. gem him a halsime every half hour.' The old gentleman rased hlm- tel/.119 on his elbow and said. "Say, dee, that reran& me of a man Mitt had a Netetounillatid dose His Wife Rol SO lift4 of having hint (the dog, not man) Hack up Mc floors and porch- es that finally she Made her husband take the dog to town .ttnil tell hint, That arternoon returned radiant. Vel,t .he-sitid, 'I've. sold •Iturt for vat "Goedr tried his wife. II can get that bit tee:: &talented the man, 1 brught two puppies with the money." The doctor looked at the nurse and mita:" “I Mink retover." K-stio did. • ettrate-ht hear you btOlee Et chair over your 'husband's back dining a quarrel you had tett elights" Parlittierieree"yee. 511,11 °Aren't you very sorry tor Malt YOUNferdtIttur "tips tho Chair was its genii As new.' iStiftE NO. 442 ,e A -Leiter .froM. The EioGovernor el Dawn, HEATE OF OREGON, I FAucurivg- D4PARTMENT.,1 Tne Peruitt‘ Medicine Co., " Columbus, Ohio. • Rear Sirs. -.1 hare had occaelon to Use year Peruna medicine In my family fur .Coldseeind it proved to be an excel- lent remedY. 1 have not had occasion to use titer Other itillnents. Vales very lady, W. M. Lord. It will. he nalcal that the Governor says he lies •nOt had occasion to use Peruna for:mther editnents. Tile reason for this Is that most other ailment's lggin with nu cold. Using *rune. promptly to relieve colds, heeprotects his family again,st other allegeres, This ,Is ctithat eVery other family in the United States should do. Keep Peruna in the hotien. Vied peeraout In the Family Elea ' Years. mr§. JaKtAtitle Wien, 315 Morris St., Portland, Oree.member Patrons of Hus- bandry, writes : "Peruna 'has proven itself of such un- told valuelo us that we are lad to give it due prose. We have ha it in the home foeitiore than eight years. "It restores health in a few short weeks, takes astray headaches and back- aches, increases the appetite and re- stores lost 'nerve force. It 19 a specific for colds end catarrh." Mr. Hirten A. Stiles, Middleton, Mass., who has reached the age of 82 years, writes : ' "I have taken several bottles of Per- una with good results. I cheet•fully re- commend it to all who are ()filleted. "As a cure for catarrh and a tonic for general debility it is seldom equalled." Ask Your Druggist for Free Pertimne., Almanac tor 1907. OLE AN I NG 'V" LADIES' • . owns. alma 0.14 be Sum mama/ br war true* Proems. Tim 1111 1100TIMI AMMUSAN SYMMS OS. . MOSTSSAL, TOKOXTO, OTTAWA A ammo we...,..gereemesemeew POVERTY. - •• The little princess, Victoria Louise el Prussia, wtts playing with per friends one day, and longed for some new, ori- ginal play. All the old gemes were worn out and exhausted. If only they could think of something quite different! lier serene highness ceneldered the matter seripus- ly until a ne.el idea occurred tO her, and she cried with enthusiasm: "We will play poor people!. Let us play that we are poor,•frightfully poor, ,SG poor that we have only two lackeys!" INIMMEM••••••••••••• -x. .BEYOND THAT. Mistress : "Norah, you don't seem to try to learn anything. Haven't you any ambition In life?" Kitchen Maid : "No, mem. But I've saved something, an' l'in going to have a gr -rand funeral whin I die, mem." • !Tote Mange, Prairie Scratches and every form of contagious Itch on human or animals pured in .30 minutes by Wol, ford's Banditry Lotion. It never fails. Ants have brains larger in proportion to the .size of their bodies than any other living creature. -- Have you tried Holloway's Corn Cure? it has no equal for removing these troublesome excresences as many have testified who have tried it. "Where does Lucia get her beautiful golden hale from?" "Prom her father." "Is he blonde?" "No, he is a chemist I" Yes, Indeed, "bloo-d will tell," when blotobee and incrustations mark the skin. weareem Ceram and Weaver's Syrup ante short work of all blood and skin troubles. "Szo 1 Miss Mary, dey tell me dal. you shall tell my gharacter by my hen& 1" "Well, to begin with, you're a Ger- man-" "Ach I it is vonderful 1" "my Heart was Thumping my Lite mit," is the war Mrs. R. R. Wee ut, of Brook - vine, Ont.,- describes her sufferings from smothering. fluttering end palpitation. Atter trying many remedies without ben- efit, six bottles of Dr. Aenew's Cure for the Heart restored her to perreot health. The first dose gave almost instant relief. and in a day differing ceased altogether. -61 "You knew Jones, who was reputed so rich? Well, he died the other day, and the only thing he left was an old Dutch clock." "Well, there's one good thing about it; 'It won't be much trouble te wind up hie estate." •••••••••••.. Time tries all things, and as Sickle% Anti-Constimptive Syrup has stood the test of yeare it now ranks as a HOMO specific inahe treatment of all alitnehts or the threat and 'lungs. 11 will soften and Subdue the most stubborn oough by relieving the irritation, and restore toe .affected organs to healthy condiuons. Use will Show its value. Try it and be convinced of its efficiency. 11011.010fteliVi• THE DIFFEFtENCE. Mike : "Kiti yez tell me Owes th' difference betwane humor an' wit, Pat?" Pat : ies Mike th' difference be- twane whin yure wolte tickles ye un - Mier th' chin wid a shtraw from tae' broom an' whin the hits ye over thf handle a ut." • •••••..0.• ANn IT WONT TELI,. Some well-meaning people go on the stage to elevate it and make ft good. Others, with the best of intentions, fail to "make good".on Me stage. While still others, after a little ex- perience, leave the stage for good. Which ono Is right "goodness only knows!" MARTYRDOM DESCRIBED Kingston !don Tells urfloorwyeloIros San:nearer! and flow fle was 'Release& - tyr," is how Chas. 11. Powell, ot 105 titiglan Street, Xing. SS tt rtly, heAginsinarlityrre to chronie rotistips III:etre' Mob% let nal itt ough the fi. tone% Or: I eenhardra All, t1111'1ill.w. to induced to try Anti.Pill by reading the testimony ot some Wm who bad been rented of constipation by 11. I had Suffered fervinlikeni ye rs and bad takers tons of stuff reCons undo) sta turn hut utters made too • drenahther than Wier. Dotiara 104 Shoe Was tb Cora foe the4 Dr. Le Mantra Anti. rilluttinfiletr; Tto ri_410 co, UMW% Nieffeat