HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1907-01-18, Page 5a. -e. .. ;.4ter4r tepee "r.
1 7
wiltipg to help'" f 9,o every `Nay
ttleZ l h1y cflw.
The follgwigg alipolr tR iinta' were
r • ti l 13R. Ta lora to ltlle'•O&hJate
•R'iarul(t�', Ciearing Sale1xNelyd:aa.. LltteftsDn tit#1Rtt rob.
1io f+lttrary l:trici 11ra. rlor� (rtld
$t1WlLdar, to Lha Board Pf �%lltl;lt �i1d
We lat+<i tit t 15 apedel, attention of heuaei,;oldere to the magnificent
diapflsy of
itfasto' WOO 1 Ctothat. NAltlklrtla Doaitlwta, .to
cleartnitItt One third teen than retratar prices
The following le it Waal list of the many attractive household
linea off at thtgt
71`Oweia, '.t'owe'ling. 8beetinge and White Cottons.
Via lineletteldlankette large size, at 859, $1.00 end $1.25
Scotch and Qanadiata Vine Wool Blankets.
Ladies' and Men's Pur Coats
Mesa's Brown Wombat and Blac OARCOats,. No. 1 skins, and hent
t llnieg end (Milted; al1aizee. Reduced for xanitary isle to each..,$25.00
Ladies' Astrachan Lertlb.Qoats in different lengths, perfect skin%
and of beautiful lustre ;tad workmanship, quality. warranted. Re-
duced to•elear at • ,:...., ,,,. , • ,,.$25,00 to $32.00
Sable, Mink. Marten,, Near Seal Muffs. Boas. kjcatfe, etre.. we are
clearing at from 25 to•85 per cent, discount from regular prices,
Ladies Tweed and Beaver Cloth Peat s - about 23 Coats in good
styles and of• high class material, 'Tailor made. Prices were
from $9.00 to $15.00; at each.... ,.,, :$5,0o
• Bali Wad W. It. 1toberttl9tn, Ira
atutitore for 11JO7`.
The Mayor. eeove de,pput reeve and
Comae- tjlark rtind'11.ecitet wet, tip.
pointed i atrikin :: cgtntttiittoe rtla they
au bmatted th!sfellowibg rtypor'te ' bieh
wan adopted, the vacanclea An luta of
the committees to ►, ft�heti by' titer per-
son who will be lectt:d to the sotlttfur
which Mr. Msmnipge (tlllctaiwetb
Fjnatice,--•Dr. Clark, Dr. Muttkiln,
Mr. Beckett, one to be named.
ir".atb1io Works. --Mr. Iteid, reeve Mc-
Lean, dopy. reeve Elliott, Mr. Gold-
Qerrtotery and Parka -Me. Beckett,
dept'. reeve Elliott, Dm Macklin.
Market. -Reeve McLean, Mr. Cold-
thorpe. ore to be appoiuted;
Special, Relief .and Reception. --Dr
Maokliu, reeve llcL,ean, Mr. Beckett,
Fire. -Mr. Goldthorpe, Dr. Clark,
deputy reeve Elliot.
Court of Revision, -Reeve McLean,
deputy reeve Elliot, the mayor, Dr.
Clark, one to be appointed.
The meeting then adjourned.
W. A-ches�n & Son
Mayor -Elect Joseph Elliott Delivers a Logical and
Forcible Inaugural.
B. C. Monologs, a Choice of the .People, Consents to a Disclaimer, and a
New Election is Ordered. -How the Committees are Formed.
The Town Council for 1907 was
formally constituted on Monday last,
all the members being present except
Mr. Goldthorpe, who was absent at-
tending the Colborne Council of Which
be is treasurer. Mr. Mlfunnings, owing
to there being some question as to
his elegibility, owing to the fact that
he was a retiring school trustee and
had been again nominated but did not
deciihe in time, died a disclaimer to
the seat as a Councillor, which was
accepted and a new election will be
Mayor Elliott read the following in-
augural address:
The Mayor's Address.
The citizens of Goderich have re-
posed their confidence in ypu and me
by catling ua to assume the respon-
sibilities of this board, and I trust
that we shall in no instance during
our term of office, betray that con-
fidence by negligence, subserviency
to outside influences of a sinister
character, or in seeking to serve sorne
selfish end of our own, at the expense
of this town. As custodians of the
town's true interests we must not
listen to the request of any person,
or se'bk to promote any end, which in
the smallest degree conflicts with our
duty to the people who have placed
us here. The citizens of Goderich ex-
pect, and they have a right to expect.
that we shall take up the work of this
year with earnestness and sincerity of
purpose, and that, in all matters
coming before us, we shall guard their
interests as jealously as we would our
own private business. We have not
only no right to squander one dollar
of tbe town's money, but we have a
right to see that everydollar expended
I - -shall bring as great a retuenas possible
t'e the people. In dealing with mat-
ters of expenditure we must exercise
the greatest vigitenee and care, if, Re I
fondly hope, the regime riuder my
presidency shall be a most economical
one. I would not have you under-
stand by this, however, that we are
not to he progressive, or animated by
a spirit of enterprise. On the con-
trary I would have each member of
the Council feel that he has Leen
called tolgls place here at a time when
he must be a man of vision and enter-
prise par excellence. We shall most
faithfully represent the people, I be-
lieve, at this transition period In our
history, as well as aubserve the town's
true interests, if, from a deep and
abiding conviction of the growing im-
portance of this place A98 commercial
p m ercial
and industrial centre, we take as our
watchword "progreae". I am pleased.
and in this I am sure you share my
feelinge, that three very important in-
dustries have been encouraged to
begin operations here in the near
future. I refer to "The Wheel Rigs
' Oo.", "The Jackson Brea." enterprise,
and that of "The Rogers Co.". When
these three Shall have begun to manu-
facture here, a considerable addition
will he made to our population, and
e purchasing power of tbe people
11 be very much increased. I am
sorry that the other two companies,
which were seeking encouragement
from our citizens; have not had their
Minister Speaks
to Mothers
Toth Hu Vilfe's Ihroorieacs tar the
Sale of Other Sufferers.
The following tetter has been sent
to Dr. T. A. Slocum, Ltd., for pub-
Dr. T. A. Slocum, Limited :-Dear Sirs: Within
the l t
ay two years my ! e wife who is or a delicate
constitution) has had two severe attacks of la
grippe, both of which have been npecdtly corrected
bythe nee of i'sychlno• tip Dave euoh faith to the
eruclenel of your remodel that pe a family we
neoother. Fortonfng up a debilitated system,
however run down, restoring to hoalthyaction
the heart and lungs, and Rea specific for ail wast-
1ng diseases, yore rsyebfne and Oxomulelon are
[imply peer!, Yours alncerely, Rev. J. J. Rtes,
f4 Walker Avenue, Toronto.
PS YC H I NE, Pronounced Si -keen,
Is a scientific preparation, having
wonderful tonic properties acting
directly upon the Stomp►ch, Blood
and weak organs of the body,
quickly restoring them to strong
and healthy action. It is especially
adapted for people who are run
down from any cause, especially
Coughs, Colds, Catarrh, LaGrippe,
Pneumoniae Consumption and all
stomach cir organic . troubles. It
•h✓ue •no substitute.
(PRosouNcwBi ll)
`is for sale at all deafer -a, at 150c and
$1.00 elk bottle, or write direct to
Dr. T.11. Siortyn, Limited, 179
King•. . W., Toronto.
"I'llig no othtir remedy "Just
;.:tom t . k1" as Psvci-iiNE.
'11f a 404 ;Kidney Pills are a sure and
x.e,o fdrRheumatiem, Bright's
In to the rick end all forms
y. pont,- y'r, per bra, at all
BROMO Qmnine
s refund money If it
Grove's signature
request granted. I believe it would
have been yery much to our advan-
tage had we rallied to their assistance
as we did to the others mentioned.
WIthout the expenditure of one cent
on our part we would have helped to
make our town a greater industrial
centre. But let us not rest with what
has been accomplished. Let us thio
year seek to make the people outside
of Goderich feel that this is a most
advantageous place for Industries to
locate. and chiefly because they shall
find here, not only the two great
Canadian railways, but also the very
cheapest transportation facilities, by
means of our magnificent harbor, and
the beautiful stretch of water connect-
ing us with Port Arthur, for ship-
ments to the great West. I regret
exceedingly that our outside break-
water t r hasnot been
pushed with great.
er energy and wisdom by the Govern-
ment, I believe that it is our duty to
make the authorities feel that they
are our servants, that they must
listen to our appeal, and that they
cannot continue to leave that "death
trap", which is there, in the condition
In,which it has been left for an entire
year, without utterly discrediting
themselves in thio town, and through-
out the whole western district. 1 am
determined to do all I can, not only to
have the piece which is there properly
completed, hut to have an important
addition made at the earliest possible
You are all pleased, I cpm sure, with
the verdict of the people regarding
the Water and Light plant. B
transfering the duties connected with
this very important department, to
that of a Commission, the town shall,
I am confident, reap a double benefit.
In the first place, the two Commis-
sioners who have been appointed,
men thoroughly conversant with the
plant, and the working of such ma-
chinery as is there, will he abje en
manage this asset of the town most
economically and efficiently. We
shall, 1 am sure, in the near future,
experience a great improvement in
our water and light services, and shall
find greater economy manifested in
the entire management of the plant.
The very yfirer day after the Commis-
sioners a -
stoners were appolnted, they found it
necessary to confer with me respect-
ing the purchase of coal, which was
almost completely exhausted at the
works. The very next day tenders
were received, and an order given for
a supply ot cosi, sufficient to do until
navigation opens. Probably never
shall such a
of affairs
ist, and the town be put to the extra
expense of bringing by rail that which
could have been brought so much
more cheaply by water. Another
advantage of this system is, that the
Council will have much more time to
devote to matters which have been
lagging for a long time. 1 refer more
especially to our sewer system, and
the improvement of our streets,
especially in certain residential dis-
tricts. There are many people of this
town, the cellars of whose houses are
in a moat deplorable condition. They
have been hoping against hope
for years, and are now looking to tide
Council, in order to get relief, and
that measure of justice which is their
due, as citizens and taxpayers Let
ua put the sewer building upon a
similar basis to that of the grano-
lithic walks, and in this way treat all
people alike; and let all know the con-
itions upon which they will be able
to get the sewer connection.
Two very important buildings were
completed during the year which is
past, which, because of their import-
ance, deserves special mention. One,
is the magnificent fire -proof elevator
which now raises its mighty head at
the foot of Harbor Hill, and already
embraces within its massive walls
thousands of bushels of Western grain.
What we desire to see, and what the
citizens of this town will see In the
near future, is not one of such struct-
ures, but five or six. We congratulate
the Elevator Co. on the completion of
a buildingwhich has probably not an
equal in anada.
The other is the Alexandra Heap -
which stands aea monument to
the patriotism and philantbropby of
our citizens generally, but which re-
flects special credit upon: the noble
hand of women who worked with
heroic zeal and chriatian spirit for a
home to which suffering humanity
Wight resort and receive every
attention and that measure ot relief
which science and skill and comfort
can effect.
You will, I am sure, cooperate
with ne in our efforts to make
Goderich even more tvidel y known as a
summer resort second to none, and in
our efforts to make the summer hotel
a more important russet of the town. We
believe that this hotel under proper
management ought to pay a handsome
dividend, and we trust that those in
charge of it now shall make a great
success of it.
Gentleman of the Council, it le good
to be at this board ata time when
progress is in the air, when the old
town le feeling the puleatlons of a re-
euseitated life. May we, be instrumental
In causing the puleationa to be more
vigorous and buoyant. May in-
dustries inereeee, our morehante
prosper, our market become enlarged,
our ahipping trade become more
calaahle, merchants and lahnrera in
ever increasing number continue to
ttnd remunerative employment, in a
word may this town make a very im•
portant step inward° that of a eity
under the rule of the Connell of 10071
fleforo I nit down let rno eatpprets
my gratitude for the magniticeet
work dono by the Board of Trade 4er-
ing the veer whleb has closed, and let'
Free also esprer s most confidently my
belief, that they shall flud this Coin•
cit most nympathetic�toward them 1
their good work daring this year d
A Former Oodet•Ich Man Writes
Fntertainingiy of His Trip to
Prince Albert.
Prince Albert-Sask., Dec, 29, 1900,
To tho Editor of THE STAR.
I left Winnipeg via the C. N. R. for
Prince Albert on Nov. 28th. The main
(line of the C. N. R. crosses the Regina -
Prince Albert Road 46 miles south of
the latter city, They are building,
however, it loop from Dauphin to
Prince Albert, and thence to reunite
with the main line at North Battle -
ford. This Iine is completed and run-
ning as far as Prince Albert. and pre-
piaratione aye being made to build a
great bridge 'across the Saskatchewan
here next summer, This route is
shorter than the old one by 100 miles,
but we found travel anything but
speedy. As far as Gladstone, I had
the company of Mr. Elliott, farmer of
that place, who is well known to your
readers. From Winnipeg to Dauphin
the line passes through an excellent
prairie country, fairly well settled,
but with some ati'etehes of good tim-
ber -elm, pine, spruce, poplar, etc.
Dauphin is a prosperous Looking town
and situated as it is in an excellen,
district, Its chances look Netter to nit
than that of manmuch b
y comae
laces. Dauphin is alright, and witd
Cts tine elevators, mills, business place,
and well built homes, presents the ap-
pearance of a model prairie town,
looking citywarda. I met here a
former Goderich man in Mr. Hutch-
ison, who formerly owned anti ran the
Bedford Block narbw shop, for several
years, He has a large and prosperous
barber business in Dauphin, and with
a small party of friends was going
about 40 miles up the line after moese.
I have not heard what luck they had
but shortly after niy arrival here,
I was show,, a grand 'noose head
which was ,taken within 20 miles of
this place. Wolves also are numerous
this winter, and wolf poison is fre-
quently asked for. One young farmer,
who lives about 20 miles nut, told me
he had shot two large wolves near his
stable door, and that he had to he
very citi•eful of his live Stock to save
them,from these animals,
From Dauphin to Prince Albert the
new line runs through a comparatively
sparsely settled country, some of it
scrubby prairie, but long stretches
well timbered and the scene of lum-
bering activities. Indeed many of the
little villages consist of the station,
a few frame cottages, es a
couple of large
log hoarding houses and a store or
two, scattered around a clearing in
positions which seem to utterly disre-
gard the
necessity of Streets. The
sawmill ii h
n y a neighboring stream is
the sole support of these places as yet.
The names of these new to%$na strike
one with the charm of freshness and
novelty, and some of course are named
after famous people, etc., for example
three adjoining stations are named
Mafeking, Baden and Powell, but
ha e a strange sound to our
ears, as Star City, Minitonas, Mak-
inak, Novra, Mistatim, Etiomarni, etc.
The last named town is destined to
become known to fame, and is worthy
of further mention, for it is from here
that the Hudson Bay road has been
started, and it is certain to become a
great junction point in the coining
years. Already RO miles of the new
road. a C. N. R. line, which is to be
pushed to Fort Churchill as rapidly as
possible, have been built and rails laid
on the first 25 miles. When this road
is completed, which will not take over
five yeare,'alt other railway systems
will require lines to this point, nut!
Etiomami (pronounced Et-e-maw-mee)
will take her place among the cities.
At present the place consists of a
clearing south of the track, with the
street still full of stumps. A fairly
large hotel is in use, but still uncom-
pleted; a general store building is in
the same shape ; a number of cottages
are in course of erection, and these
with a log hoarding house about com-
plete " the city." We stopped here
about an hour for dinner, but to our
disappointment we found the hotel
could not accommodate us, and there
was no dining car on. The only thing
we saw eatable was a pig, and it was
alive and roaming around the avenue.
We made it run some, but, alas 1 it
had been trainer) to run faster
anIndian dian before they let it nut, and
there was no hope for us. We spent
the rest of the time looking at the rail-
way work, until the crew got tired of
loafing and started na off at the mad
pace of 15 miles per hour, with eccaw-
ional stops to rest. At one of these
stops, with nothing but prairie in
sight, we got out and went forward
to enquire the cause. We found that
a pig had been ren down and carried
three mike; on the cow catcher with-
out fatal results. When 1 asked why
we were not proceeding I was inform-
ed that the conductor had gone hock
to interview the owner and make him
pay for transportation of the hog at
so much per. We picked tlp a number
of Indians here, gaily decked out In
red or gray blankets, and proneeded
on our way, leisurely eta before, finally
arriving in Prince Albert 12 hours
late, which for a run of 4R0 miles la not
very had - tip here. i was much in-
tere;ted nn thin trip to note the un-
even distribution of the snow. At
Winnipeg we load sight or nineinohea;
at Gladstone they had bad the heavleat
storm in yeara, nearly twn feet deep:
at Etiomami there was adareely
enough to Cover the ground, and
Prince Albert had practically none; the
eteighing bean a day or two later
however, and at time of writing there
la A foot of it.
Leat some of your readers ebould rep
is speculator in rushing to Etiomarni, I
might add, that the town site le owned
by the U. P. R., they refuse to Gell Iota
to anyone who will not reakle there,
and reatdents will be limited to 10,
Arriving here at O p. m. In a thick
anew worn) It was dlotinctly dire
eonraging to the weary traveller to be
greeted ny the 'bus men with the
query, " Have you wired for rooms,
gentlemen ? We have ne room if you
ptieetyt,t' .Qppare»tly there was not
is vacant place in soy hotel in the
town, and but for an old fell0w.eltlzen
I might have had to pot tip aritbl a
chair for the nigbti indeed. maltybq'
there compelled to sleep Its arty loft.,
iibers.In as plat 1toums, ltaUIh alttit,g�
up in co4,1to. etc,. Woo hotel* berre
ere uuwaroua and of fair igst,' they
Gotoattoil tietattit
thewaallitt almta� ttioi l iy,
Blit d to /overflowing ' ?at thiel' tiat0e!
biltltt 800 io
� a
tglber ek •
&Oat 'tp, the reguf+�ents. " 1 was
uttiels, aurprise'd to Oasis that OU
" lumber lscks' hast alteadr.left for
the camper, and that 5.i)W)01St altwouki
be sent out if tliey count be. procured..
I ttw
informed 'that Iyhep these'lada gyt.
hack to tdwu in the spring; after fur
months isolation in the' book with
821)0 or $300 apiece in their pockets, the
city wakes up and save farewell to
sleep for a sertaon*-restaurants, atomand hotels, etc, beingtoo busy raking
in the shekels to thik of sleep, even
if the racket did let ulster a whYli�le. • In,
cenneotion with the lumber interesty,
it.is recently annuunekd that Sand,
SOD, whose wife was tt Uayildld gid
bas sold out his loctel:mill and lltnit for
$250,000, ilo is, h wever, still f ter'eated.
in other properties. He la staid to he;
a notable example (if the deft -made
man, having come here, worth very
little and worked np'frous egu&ll begins
Our weather here js_glorious,, Though
it strgck 45 bs'low at 7a. to. ybaerclet,
the glorious sunshine and perfectly
calm, clear, pure air made it a pleasure
to be alive and nut doors.
Dr. Turnbull aid "Kenny'" Ihortpn
aro both wen and prosperous 'lie
former Is on a brief trip east. prosperous,
Alice and Clara Sharman have left
Prince Albert and gone to Theodore.
Miss Mary continues teaching here. I
have beard much regret expressed at
the departure of these twoladies, I have
metluany Huron and Bruce people.
A Mr, Baer, wbo was here putting in
the fittings of the Northern Batik for
a ' Winnipeg firm, is from Colborne
township, A Mr. Gody and wife have
spept thelr.first Xmas in Canada for 18
years; be has lived in Goderich. Mr.
Foster, of Clinton, has the best looking
tailor shop here. Major Pennyfather,
Inepecter of Mounted Police, is mar-
ried to a Goderich girl, .Criss MoDer-
mid. W ALTER 0. GOODE,
Do You Brood?
Have Morbid Fears?
Toss In Your Sleep?
Your Physical Condition is Below
Par and Must be Built Up.
Try Ferrozone.
All the vital activities of the body
are quickened into new vigor by Ferro -
zone, which contains 1
neap the constitu-
ents necessary to make nerve strength.
Its first action is upon digestion.
It stimulates the secretion of gas-
tric juice, ensures perfect digestion
and prepares the food so as to be easily
Thus everything you eat is convert-
ed into nourishment that enriches the
blood and lends new strength to the
By Ferrozone the mind la relieved
of those brooding tendencies, of mor -
hid, unnatural fears, of unwillingness
to concentrate attention on things
that should he done.
Won't you try Ferrozone ?
Won't you give it a chance to win
von hack to health ? It will do 1t, just
as it did for Mrs, Creighton Zinck, of
Palm St., Lunenhurg, N, H„ who says:
" I want to give my experience with
Ferrozone because I believe it will be
of assistance to thousands of women
who need it badly. I was very thin,
run down in flesh and lacked color.
My nerves were in a dreadful state. If
anything fell I would jump and start.
At night 1 would suddenly wake rip,
heart palpitating and all keyed up.
Ferrozone went right to work. it re-
stored my poise and balance, gave me
self-control, cured my nervousness.
Ferrozone increased my appetite and
my weight carne up so fast that I nim•
ply dld'nt need to use it any longer.
Eight boxes cured nee,"
won't you
Ferrozone e , also
it certainly will do you good in many
ways -sold by all druggists in 30 cent
The Origin of Gall Stones.
Thev are simply dried bile, mrde up
of cbrystlline constituents of that
Very common is this disease
among merchants, clergymen, shop
girls and those of sedentary habits.
Prevention caneiets in maintaining
correct action of the liver and bowels,
which has been accomplished by Dr.
Hamilton's Pills. No person using
this medicine need fear gall -stones,
nor will they ever be bilious. Sound
digestion, good appetite, a clear color
will evidence the health giving pro-
peetfes of Dr, Hamilton's, Pills, which
are the safest and best for general use,
Insist on having only Dr. Hamilton's
Pills of Mandrake and Butternut, 25e.
per box at all dealers.
Blyth's Honor Roll.
7'he Standard.
Below will be found the list of muni-
cipal rulers of the village of Blyth,
from the time of incorporatiou (1877)
down to the present year :
1877 -Patrick Kelly.
1878 ---Wm. Clegg.
1879 -Win, Clegg.
1880 -Wm. Clegg.
1881-.W m. Clegg.
1882 -Patrick Kelly.
1883 --Patrick Belly.
1884 --Patrick Kelly.
1885 -Patrick Keily,
1880 -Patrick Kelly.
1887 -Patrick Kelly,
1889 -Patrick Kelly.
1800 -Petrick Kelly.
1891 -Charles Hamilton.
1892 -Charles Hamilton.
1893-N. 1I. Young.
1894-N. H. Young.
1895-N, H. Young.
18110 -John Wilford.
1897 -John Wilford,
1853 -John Wilford,
1899 ---Joseph Carter.
1000 --Joseph Carter.
1901 -Wm. Sims,
1002 -Wm, Sims,
1903 --Wm. Rims.
1904--A. W. Sloan.
10o5 -A, W. Moan.
1900 A. W. Sloan.
lOfq Dr. W. J. Milne.
Aro Volt Subiect to Stiffness?
Perhaps- it is in tho nook or should -
dere. First thing is a gnarl rub with
Nerviline. No more apaedy remedy
can he
pled. When applied to the
muaotea, Nerviline gives thorn flexibi-
lity and vigor; inflammation, soronpsa
Mid atltfnetia disappear. "Whether In
the cheat or throat nothing ran sue -
pans Norvlline," writes 0, 13. Denton,
lumber merchant et Oak Bay, N. B.
"Rubbed on at night, tron8le la gone
by morning. 1 hove proved Nerviline
a great medicine," Everyone Gaye the
Game, and Nerolline always make;
good, 25e. bottles, sold everywhere.
The youngest son of Mr A. Innen,
wbo rehideo near Clinton, met with a
bad accident on 5th Inet. He was
endeavouring to fix a email pelt on the
lower part of the windmill, when both
hands were a tit lit t the left arm was
broken in two places between the wrist
and elbow, the left thumb cruched be-
hind the (fret joint, and the flesh and
nail torn completely off both of hie
thumbs. The cords of the left arm
Wert also partially pulled nut. Medleal
assistance wets at once wonted and bit/
wounds dressed t an effort is being
made to save what remain* of his loft
thumb by granting akin over 11,
vat* wveitAtiDvelev*kkwletst*
alter C. PrIdham.
They Rive you
Double wt arfrom eveelypa
Look for the trademark.
They Daisy Rubber People
At actin °ataxia
t 209
Clean•Sweep Sale
is feeds is therieht tosolupe to &YOUR
Palo -i , the Bank
of Hmia Wnghhamis relieving
,here at present, as th manager,
Mr. Scott, is not enjoying the
beat of health. We hope Poore t0
see him back at the old poet.
-Jas. Dodds left Monday morning
for Toronto, where he has secured a
position with Cordon, McKay ik Co.
Jim baa always been one of "tbo bop,"
and we are sorry to have him leave. --
Quite a number of young people at-
tended the hop in Wingh m on Fri-
day evening.• -Mtge Eva Carter has
returned from a visit at Goderich.--
Dave McGill is bonze from the SrVeat,
-Miss M. Ross was a visitor in Wing -
ham last week. -Mrs. Turnbull, of
Atwood, is spending a few days e.t her
home here, -Ed. Mason has returned
from Wingbam after a few days with
the Bank of Hamilton there. -Rev.
Mr. Cooper, of Port Perry, conducted
services at St. Andrews church, Snn-
day. His sermons were very pract-
ical and should be profitable to all-
eles. G. Stewart, of Asbtlold, is visit-
ing with Mire, J. B. Taylor. -We are
sorry to learn of the continued illness
of Mise Mary Cummings, who was
stricken with paralysis two weeks ago.
416.461'11' I??L X age
Bears the The Rind You Have Always en%
MAKE GOOD USE of this last opportunity
of securing Men's Clothing and Furnishings at
a fraction of their real value. A ' great many
-people have been made happy with the big
Money saving purchases they have made at this
. store -we want to treat you the satue. Give us
the opportunity of saving you $ $ $
Come expecting Big Bargains and you
will get them.
Week's Papers for Prices
We have a big stock of Men's Shirts (not mentioned
papers) size 74 to 17, worth $1.00, $1.25 and $x.so at 69c.
fast, as they are good genuine bargains.
in last week's
They are going
Now for Two Great BIg Days
Dickson, the veteran postmaster of
Seaforth, can fairly claim the honor
of having been in working harness for
a longer period than any other p nst-
rnaster in the county of Huron, Mr.
Dickson is now in his 42nd year as
postmaster at Seaforth, and he is still
the first at his office in the morning
and the last at night. The duties of a
postmaster in a town like Seaforth are
laborious and responsible, and they
have long hours, but Mr. Dickson has
stood the aoige remarkably well. He
has now served under five PostoffIce
Inspectors, three of whom are dead
and the fourth superannuated. He was
appointed when Sir W. P. Howland,
who died a few days ago, was Post-
master General, and he was sworn in
by the late Peter Rantaey, of Tucker -
smith, who was the leading magis-
trate in these parts in those days.
We are sure it is the wish of Mr,
Dickeon's many friends that lie may
he long spared to continue in the die -
charge of hieduties in the poalofllce
here. -Expositor.
iON(IitAN('E 18 A Cvnatt.-" Know
thyself," is a good admonition, wheth-
er referring to one's physical condition
or moral habitudes. The man who Is
acquainted with himself will know
bow to act when any disarrangement
in hie
condition t n muni e
fate itself. Dr.
'lhomae' Eelectr•ic Oil is a cheap and
slmple remedy for the eradication of
pain from the system and for the cure
of all bronchial troubles.
The Clinton New Era says: The
Jackson Mfg. Co, expect to start their
h branch h in
the course of a
few days. They have their staff en -
mod and will place them in eharge
of Mr. Murray, who hits been with
some time. He is a thoroughly good
man, and will prove a good citzen of
Old Offender Caught.
Impossible to escape being cured If
you apply Putnam's Corn Extractor to
the worat 'corn or, record. Painless,
safe and costs only a quarter in any
Tuts STAR guarantees first-class job
printing, _ .
"The Star" is a
Leader ---sure.
Dyspepsia, Bolls,
Loss of Appetite,
Salt Rheum,
rY p
and all troubles
arising from the
Stomach, Liver,
Bowels or Blood.
Mrs. A. t.othauggnne.
of nallydnff, Ont„
art ton : "I believe I
would have been in
my aTave !Ong a
fJoul It not been .lor
Burdock mood Ria
tele, 1 was run down
to smell n extent
that I rout saaip-
ly (novo about the
house, 1 was enbjeor
t.o ,overo hesdache%
backaches and dire,
neon; my appetite
was gone and I waa
unable to do my
homuewnrk. Atter
using two bottles of
1t. It D. 1 found in
health tally rost�
1 warmlyrecommen
It to all tired
worn one wames.
FAA 'lf A,AQx AkXZR 1 AAA Alf i AOc ti >R'h7F'a1 Iflk
i1 you want all that's gond, youtnust
read every page of Tits; Sang.
Thor. ugghly moderni,rd, good rigs, goat horses,
retiable homes$. Hetes rrn,wnnble.
Your patronage motioned.
Phone 61 Walken de Augustine.
Tarts Short limed
Pastry ('roan' I'ulrs
K aaoa C'ruam (tolls
Marangues Lady Fingers
Macaroons Brandy 9napa
are as good as the bout made In any
ally In Canada.
}tarrhion lend* the trade In Wedding
Oaks, and fanoy Ooslgnlhg. (live him
an order and your 'att+Lection will he
$5.00 $5e00
If presented before 14th Jan. '07, at the office of glib British
Canadian business College, Bank of Commerce nld`g, oor Bloor and
\'onge Sta., Toronto, this Coupon will he accepted as part payment on a
six mouths course of
Commercial, Shorthand, or Matriculation Course,
Cut out Coupon.
or for $Q,00 on a three months' course.
Mention this paper and natne course required
when you write for catalog,
Cor. Yonge & Bloor Ste.
Lingaton Street - - Goderic�
(like Dunlop's Tires
for wheeled vehicles)
mean Correct Fashions
Good Quality
First Class Workmanship
Reasonable Prices
What more ran you ask ?
Some people hive trouble with
their feet, Such people have trou-
ble with their Shoes, When IN-
VICTUS SHOES go on, Shoe trou-
bles go off, that's the universal
story of all who wear them,
comfort, with quality', ease anis
elegance, as do no other Shoes.
The purcht,se of one parr will
prove these claims and make you
a permanent invlctus customer. $4,00, $4.5o, $5.00
e P O. Merchant Tailor.
for Membership in the finest anri
hest Business Training Hello()) In Can-
from elan, 2nd, next, together with
detailed information of the great tug
vantagea In be enjoyed, will be sent
free by return moll on request, by
friend or letter. Write to day to
W. 11. SHAW, Principal,
Young & Gerrard Streets, Toronto.
WM. HARMAN, Goderich.
,THE OODERICHI STAR Lae a Larger Circulation than
any other Newspaper in this Section of the County
of Huron. Shrewd Advertisers value Circulation
Reliable Furniture
A c I F I c
Special winter tourist rates now
in effect. Through tit -kelt, with-
out any troublesome exchanges,
etc., on nate to
eerily below the snow line, far
from fogs and thaws and other
wintry trio.
Liberal atop -aver privltegee,
Wide cholera of Tette*.
Rebore limit Map stet; tcyo7,
For further infoemation neo
o write C' li 13. P se1111,011aP. A.,
la Ito delicious flavor. This la delight-
ful. It always tauten eke more, tied
more Can he taken with impunity, ho•
eauoo it to pure and wholosomo.
Our (oifee is wren* without Leine
thick and muddy, fry it.
And Ute
that will make eatables tit to serve
with this excellent Collet) are here,
ton. The pantry can be well et eked
with gond things at moderate pekoe.
The Square. Qoderleh
%here we have in atocic a large aaaorttnent of Roll Sent and Cobbler
k.sker. in quarter cut oak.
i4ilk t?pholatere,l Parlor Rocker.; and ('hair% in different :irai,tnu and
Morris ('hairs and \f.,rrry Rnckery in N. elonrs, at all prices.
Leather 1 at 'ieaterl Chatra and tinddll" tient% in oak, at pricey to suit the
t'hil,lren'a Toy Seta in red and blue. Rockers in ,itlferent designs
for the
children, and n"thing to pleaaine for the little orrea.
Secretary and Muni, Calnnet,, Parlor Cabinets and everything unit -
able for the enjoyment and comfort of the home, ('all early, n" trouble
No trouble to allow (:orxla
The Leading Undertakers and Embalmers West Street. Ooderlch
efir Night and Sunday colla receive pervonal and prompt attention,
'Phone 120. Residence• -Blain Avenue,
THE STAR is about twice
the size of any other coun-
try Newspaper, but costs
no more.