The Goderich Star, 1907-01-18, Page 3LO
Seven Bullets „Fired Into he -P o
curakor's Body.
A deepeteil tram St. Peterablira sayal
letintloGett. Viellimir PtiVleff, the
Pieleurater, or ettinoCale-Geileral,
generaily kneWn since the late Partite -
Walt ea fillintien," Pt/Sit/IL trent* file
conetantin aPPlied let WM by nee
Ranical deptnles, was 0114 Jellied at
10 d'eteek WedneSdey Merl/Mg WItile
Walking in the garden et the chief Mills
Wry ceurt builning, near the Moilea
Ceelial. The ageaseln, WhO, apparently.
was disguised as a werltinan, was cap-
blred atter e long chose threugh the
CrOwdeel city etreets. diming which he
fired ebout forty shots trent two revel -
Vets which he Carried, billing a Pollee -
man and accidentally W011ndift8 a* boy.
. The eritne showed evidence of the
seine careful preptuation, Whieh was
characierietic of the mtunlerers ot Gen-
eral Alexis Ignatieff and Yon der,Laun-
fie, and Was undoubtedly carried out by
the same organization which hes sen-
tenced Emperor Nicholas and several of
the Ministers to death. The assassin,
who wore the unifprm of a military
Clerk attached to the court, obtained an
entrance to the garden under the pretext
Of submitting a report to the Military
.He approached the unsuspecting Gen-
eral within an arm's length, drew a pis-
tol and fired the whole load, seven
shots, Into Pavloff's body. Every shot
Was Well alined, and two of them tore a
gaping wound In his breest. The Gen-
eral expired while being carried to his
apartments In the same building. From
the nature of the wounds it appeared
that the steel -jacketed bullets were flat-
tened In order that they might inflict
more serieus wounds.
Hastily slipping another "clip" of can-
tridges into his revolver and drawing a
second weapon, the assassin ran across
Ibis garden to the carriage entrance,
threatening the porter with his pistols
and dashed Own Glinka Street, past
the Imperial Opera House, with a crowd
of thirty house porters and court at-
taches In close pursulL A policeman
Stationed in front of the opera house at-
tempted to seize the assassin, but was
shot down by the latter, who • also
Wounded a boy. The terrorist then re -
Mimed his flight, firing at the police
officers end home portere who intealPted
to bar hie way. Itis ettnrsMnilion he
came exhauted and he was intercePted
alltaelnee.eptared. When lue reached Lenten;
When, tatten ' file POltoe atell9n
General Pavhafts slayer was in nifeh
Write and- Minweired the ollicers! (Wein
teens with laughing jests.
The entire cOreer 01 General Pereleff.
who was 55 years ald, warted, and tied
isve children, Was spent M. tne Itttheial
dePartment of the artny. After Serving
severel years us a military Judge he
was appointed Judge Advocate -General
ot the War ailnistry, and later numera-
tor of the Supreme Rfilitexy Court.
Geheral Pavloft was delegated by War
!Minister Rudiger to answer the interpel-
lations of the Government in the lower
House of Parliament In regard to the
Baltic Provinces and in POLO& The
Military Procurator justified' theee acts
with such cold-bloodedness and (Hare-
gard of the sentiments of the members
that It aroused the indignation of al-
most the entire House, and he wee
driven from the rostrum with cries of
"murderer," "hangman," "asaassin." He
was not allowed to speak again.
The murdered general was a large land-
owner. After the dissolution ot Parlia-
ment he organized the Protective Poli-
tical League to combat Radical projects
for the expropriation of landed estates.
A despatch from Lodz, Russian Po-
land, says: Colonel Patko Andriett, chief
af the gendarmes Of the Lodz district,
was shot and killed on Thursday morn-
ing on Poludniowa street. A pa.ssing
infantry patrol fired a volley at the as-
sessin, but only wounded several Inno-
cent onlookets. The assassin escaped.
Pcaudinewa street was closed by troops
and the pollee began making a strict
seardb of all the houses fronting upon
A despatch from St. Petersburg says:
Vice-Achniral Doubassoff, ex -Governor-
General of Moscow, and at present a
member of the Council of the Empire,
has received notification that another
attempt upon his Me will bo made.
1 -*1-14
The colors to be selected for making
up at this time should never be pro-
nounced, as it is impossible to tell defi-
nitely lust What shades will be %torn later
It Is always side, however, to choose a
rich navy Wue or black, these two col-
ors never being entirely passe. Ther
dull reds so much fevered Ihts while
will be worn fur early spring, also the
eon dark grays and browns. The duller
mulberry and violet shades likewise pro-
mise to hold their own.
Some of the amethyst tones are very
lovely, but they are rather hard to
' handle for the arrfateur dressmaker.
Delicate pastel tints, which are more
ln v, gue than the more conspicuous
tones, are an excellent selection for this
thine cif year, as they can be used fur
matinees and receptions now and later
will hale a fresh, springlike air fur
Easti. r.
The ewe gowns shown to -day are
particularly desirable, since they can be
adapted either to lightweight cloths or
heavy lin„ns.
The mo lel to the left is better stilted
to linen than any of the others, by rea.
son of es extreme simplicity. It is de-
veloped fur present wear in chiffon
broadcloth in Bordeaux red. Its only
trimming is shaped and heavily stitched
bands of the eluth. Four paste buttons,
very large and very handsome, ore a
noticeable part of the short cutaway
jacket, which is jaunty and becoming
to slender figures.
When made up in linen, in one of the
'dull green shades or in a warm blue,
the stitching can be done either in self.
tones or in one or two shades darker.
A soft old rose linen stitched in black
would be particularly effective, or a
rather dark gray with white stitching,
Very desirable indeed is the middle
costume ot blue -gray cloth intended ror
dressy afternoon wear. The skirt de-
pends fur its beauty on Its full, graceful
sweep as it falls away In soft folds from
the tucks at the hips to lie several inch-
es on the ground, as do all 61 the lat-
est gowns.
Much as wo regret it, all costumes,
even those for street wear, are decidedly
longer, and none but the distinctly
morning suit clears tee ground in the
free and easy, comfortable way we have
all -except the short, stout woman -
grown lo love.
The jacket is very dashing with ils
long revers of black satin, huge satin
buttons with gunmetal edges and trig
little waisteonl of white cloth embroid-
ered In silver and blue.
This model would be very good look-
ing in oyster while linen, with the wele:•
coat done in hand embroidery in black
and white wash cottons. The revers
and buttons can be of the niack satin,
made so that they may be detached
when the sult is laundered.
Elaborate braiding marks the third
costume of citrun green cloth. A fancy
silk braid, a tone of two deeper than
the material and &Mit two Inches. wide,
is put on in an effective design. Many
buttons ale used as a trimming, the
loops being made of a silk cord.
This would be very stylish either 'n
a natural colored or deep tan linen,
trimmed with -some of the new and love-
ly washable braids in mixed briowns
and blue. or brown and black.
Small fur cravats are made of ermine,
chinchilla, breltschwantz or any of the
soft, supple skins. It Is a practical lit-
tle fur, and since there Ls not much
Of It the cost is not apt to be so grea:.
Some of these cravats tie at one aide;
some have fastenings wtilch are con-
ceuled under jeweled ornaments, tiny
auhtial heads or knots of velvet or lace.
There are whites and whites, as well
as Meeks and blacks, and these should
be taken into consideration if becoming-
ness is to be reached. For instance, a
sallow or dark complexioned, irl should
nut get yellowish ivory, a she also
should avoid the chalky Ile with a
blue tinge. Pure cream and pale Ivory
is her color; while the other shades may
be worn by her pink cheeked and gold-
en haired ceuesi. •
Pale coke -et tulles of all description
always are attractive, and a new idea
is to trim them with a bertha of chiffon
velors to match laid In bands with In-
terspersed folds of tulle or a touch of
narrow fur. Pale sulphur yellow with
a note of mink tail and Ivory lace is an
attractive combinution and charming
fur the dark haired girl. The new
bright rose color also works out well
hi the tulle and is equally good on the
brueelte. Mauve is good on either a
golden or Titan blonde.
The more valuable the lace blouse the
move likely la the fabric to Shrink when
il is laundered, If enlarged with lucked
chiffon or tucked organdie It may 1.e
remade so as to surpass its own record
a; a beloved possesinon. The plan fol- is to cut a complete lining ar
Woke.] chiffon, making it the full size
wanted, Mousseline de sof is as pretty
and easier to handle for lace or deli.
cate quality, while for a wash waist the
fine tucked Swiss does equally. well.
The lace then Is opened in lengthwise
places, follotving the pattern in a gen-
eral up and down direction. but soread•
trig out toward the shoulders or cover-
ing any parts Mat may bc too tight. A
tiny gathered reaton or val. lace edge
ti put on to ilnIsh the lace wherever
it has been appliqued down on the pat-
tern. If the collar and cuffs are too
much worn the design of the new wa:st
Is rather added to by replacing them en-
tirely With the tucking,
Earthquake shocks have been felt re-
cently in several countrtes of northern
The new Shah of Persia has been se-
Irnowledeted by the high °Metals at
Projected Fast Service to Canada
Has Been Launched.
A despr'el from !Sontrecl says : In
connection with cable advice.s regarding
the project of a fast service from Black
Sad Boy In fianfix. It Is learned here
that Ihe projeet 1015 been launched by
11.1-idiente keened in London, In e tech
prominent British cepilelists Or', Inlet,
ested. The project contemplate.; the es-
tablishment of 0 service between Hali-
fax and Mack Sod Huy. on the won
coast of Ireland. of line of filet -class
steamships, capable iit croeeing the At•
'antic in three and it helf duys at en
average speed et 25 knots per hour.
"The Great Britten. Ireland. and remelt'
Express lioule" Is the (Miele' title of the
project. '
The dedenre between Mace told Ile;
and ilalttex Ls 2,1(10 miles. 5041, moth
25 -knot steamers. the trip eililifi be Inilde
In three and °rusted( du) s. The dls-
toned between Meek sod AM London.
Cni reeve:. wool tie me-ereel in about 14
hours, end between Halifax end Mont-
real tr tit to 20 hours, so OW malls
Could le conveyed front the poet-ollice
exittelori to the post -001e° lit Montren1
Melee...kit all five dine. from Loedon
liee than six days, and Lom
COO, it
dun to tOe [Witte e.oast In nine days.
With proper steamer: on Ihe Pacific, it
Nt0Uhl be possible to deliter tho matte
in Japan In 17 days. and to Hong Kong
in about 22 days. 1 he promoters Maim,
in fart. that paesengers and mails can
be Melded in Halifax and sent on to
elticago by the time the best steamers to
New York reach that port.
Ergots OftitY V.114 etVitellreentild Wit
thillettfiet, PO in a ntraight Peltet 011
taken in nee hoeplial,
The Chittelle eliftelne Melina! ler 1
Were the- Inglieet, Ma AVOW,
iitiewimok moo AIX OWN
,Te1011110111,0e/elVehe Off. 'Owl ma
00401` Citteirlee' 011 *DOS
nwiltfoo ieselea tor 1909 too
Isixo inowto *Alt Winnipeg ts the
-greatest thr 1414.4.ege. -
A Meliettlent Ina Ott 1,00t Morganize
1110 HaMintatentellea ;toren:
The NeWelietelneVilek Leglinetere hae
been efaiRd robowy.44.
The prtee At C4thartnes tiae
been redueed scout.* dellar 4 thousand
feel. -
Twenty-fiveepaniple were killed on the
LC,R. daring 1904/ Seine Were *Mottles.
There wan a deerenSe. of 15,373 head
ser -
last ycer In ahleereettipts M the To
nee snick rtfarnet
4kiciTnied4hei4alatpellya4:10494,419.114d1wviliteys ektitelledtrio8611.0
naturaltAllertitels 111 Peterb
population for 1906 was 122, against
in 1905. ,, .
Vancouver's batik clearings for
totalled $134,000,000! a$alnat $80-000
for 1905. , •
tural Impietnents wore gold from Re
Six trilittOil ,worth of agri
In 1906.
The total ahlpfkkits of ore from
Cobalt district tor ',December amou
10 1,951,754 Pottntis.
Toronto's loss ,,by fire hut year
2687,247, an luerease over the prey
year et selit*,. ,
The Northern, Neyigation Co. 1
purchased MI ettatifer Tadoueac for
vice on the upper lakes,
Sales of real Waite fh London for
totalled 22,048,495 as against 21,527
the previous, year,
Chatlei Mc0111,,, former General Ma
ger, has been committed for trial on
charges of theft from the Ontarig Ba
The TemiskanlIng et Northern Rail
Commission Is calling for tenders tor
construction of general offices at No
The Intercolortial Railway is build
three big motor cars in the Monc
.shops for use on the line next minium
It Ls said that the Canadian Pac
Railway proposes to -construct a line 1
The Minister of the Interior will s
a number of tartners from Ontario LI
to the old coOntry in the Interest of the
imntigration of farm laborers,
Warden Platt of the Kingston Peni-
tentiary reports that it is exceedingly
difficult to eell the twine martufactured
ut the institution to the farmers_
It, wus stated by Mr. Robert Verity
that the Central Immigration Board of
London, England, Is prepared to bring
out 50,000 navvies to wurk Oil Canadian
Collections in Ilnes from Scott Act
violators la the County of York, N. B.,
during the -past -year will- amount to
nearly $1,000.
The Dominion Cabinet has commuted
the sentence of Michael Eitovino, an
Italian. sentenced to be hanged at Port
Arthur on the 18th,
Winnipeg hunter dealers have an-
nounced another advance of from 81 to
$3 per thousand -feet. This is the second
jump since December 1st. ,
The sale of the Y.M.C.A. property and
Knox church, on Dominion Square,
Montreal, to the a.T.11„ for a site tor an
hotel, is reported.
An Imperial service medal has been
awarded Martin O'Meara, of London,
who has recently retired front the post,
office after 40 years' seevice,
Winnipeg City Council will seek power
from the Legislature to establish an in-
dustrial workhouse for the correction of
prisorers guilty of minor offences,
Messrs. C. E. Potter, Toronto, and A.
G. F. Ross, Montreal, have secured Kerr
Lake from the Government for a bonus
of $178,500 and a royalty uf 10 per cent.
on all ore mined.
lt has been found that the payment of
a bonus of $5 a head for the killingoof
wolves in the Northwest is not stati-
c:lent.. The amount has therefore been
increaced to $10.
A mounted police patrol has been sent
to Fort Murray, 700 miles due north
from Edmonton, to detect and punish
those responsiLle for the practice' of
leaving poisoned meat out for fur -bear-
ing animals. It is claimed that not only
the animuls yielding furs, but the Indian
dogs are being killed indiscriminately,
and the nativee are raising a great out-
cry in consequence. The fur of an ani-
mal killed by poison Ls worthless, as it
goes to pieces in the dressers' hands.
The Earl of Dundonald, has been made
a Lieutenant -General.
Extensive British naval manoeuvres
will take place off the coast of Spain In
It Ls rumored that Sir H. Mortimer
Durand may be made Governor of New
South Wales.
Lord Alexander G. Russell, formerly
Commander of the troops in Canticle, is
The Canadian Manufactures's' Associa-
tion will shortly open a skilled labor
bureau in London.
One hundred and sixty men of the
Manchester Regiment Save sailed tor
Canada to join the Royal Canadian Regi-
It Ls stated in London that Lewis Har-
court will probably succeed Mr. Blrrell
In the Education DepartMent if the lat-
ter Is made Irish Secretary.
The late Baroness BurdeteCoutts, by
her will. which was signed in 1888, left
all the property at her disposal to her
husband, who Is her sole executor.
A cable despatch to Wasitintton from
Conlon confirms the rumors cif the Chi-
nese boycott of United States goods.
Fire dld dumage to the extent of
81,000,000 In tobacco factories at Lan, -
caster. Pa., on lerlday,
The American Tobacco Trust has been
found guilty of forming an illegal com-
bination and of creating a monopoly,
The miners' strike at Goldfield, Net. ,
is considered settled, the majority of the
men accepting the Mine operators' pro-
position of $5 per „day for Miners and
skilled help. with $4(50 for laborers.
Two legacies atimunting to 81.000,000
were left to Eugene Anderson, 50 years
of age, of AmityVille, Long Whin& on
condition that he abstain from intoxica-
ting liquor for 12 Months. Anderson has
Just left the sanitorium and well receive
the reward.
Walter 3. Hopkins, well knoen. eell
educated and popular, was divorced at
Port liuron, Michigan, on Monday.
Drink was the awe.. elopkine was
offered $10,000 to abitain from drink for
a certain time. lieq1141 so and got the
cash. 'Within two months the $10,000
had "crossed the bar," but Hopkins was
a wreck.
George Fallon, florist, tried to Ws
Mrs. Lena Weldinette, manicurist, in her
apertntent at New York. Mrs. Weid•
man objected, drew terevolver and shot
Fallon through the body. Fallon then
slashed her lib
fatally with her own revolver. Fred,
mon and Meta Rotel, who interfered,
e olso shot and slashed by Fallon.
r five years Joseph Tedder, a youth
nly.five years old, has appeared In
ous parts of St. Lads and vicinity
rudely as a Or! and a boy. lie has
a cook, a chart boy, a boisemaid.
°eery boy, a eash girt, atable boy
even tnasqueraded as a dancing
on the Plke at the Worldal Fair.
tin Opity, butt& in et-luellee Ernest
, Bonton Road, New York, went
enly Insane on Tuesday night. Ho
ked the loWer thior of the home and
ed Mr. Hall, his wIM. datighter and
er upetairs. Isiah muraereul
ate. The pollee friend the terrified
ly barrielkeled In a room, the Med-
trying to battea in the door with e.
It I; saki the enterprise has the sup- urn
port of Messrs Chaplin. Milne and Gren-
fete the I leton-t Melte Company, Messes. Ft,
\article, Son and Maxim, Measrs 'Swan twe
and Hinton. who are building one of
ne too new 25 -knot Cunard aleamers,
imd others.
Tile estimated foist of establishing the
nee line i9 £6,470,000,
The lime-lahle provides for five aterk
mers and a to -weekly sert lee.
a gr
it le underatond that the prnmeters
t'i ask an annual subsidy of 81 000.000 sudd
from the Lanadian Government and wroe
8300,000 (rem the Imperial authoritiete ehas
Ten yeare age a Canadian Government moth
Meth' a contract with the Allerte where- Boo
by they were to receive 8750,0e0 for a tami
sinvIco of 20 -knot boats. t Man
' KW.11' Mg** Abyolui4 p
01440 Ids grandsen bIS heir.
The ratilOrtil 01 Unable ID iiiervIa have
boe..n_4e9tarect on ii.o*Itiala ruse to Ditelb-
' uumrcd$ pooplo .bavv been
drowned by a tidal WiiNei in file Dutch
$est ItAtiten.
Captain Kirtoo, Fiereign Belief pincer
at Teingithingfu, China, eays the Werst
pinch of the lesen1110 le yet to conic,
Twenty persons were scalded lb death
at Straestairg, Germany, on Fritiv. by
the enPloelen of et Yat centeltilnen bon -
Sag eellute14. .
len Eiritish cape! foam the Balkan%
Morocco Is inmost Onanciol straits
owing to the wholesale robbery preVall-
Mg and the difficulty of collecting the
Manitoba Districts Are in a Precarloull
A despatch Main Winnipeg says:
Many MunItube, distriete are still in 4
precarious positIon aS regards fuel sup-
ply, and simply depend. On the railways
to deliver from day to day sufficient goal
and wood for their present needs. At the
request of Premier Roblin, the Canadian
Pacific shipped coal on the regular pas-
senger to Carman, while eeveral cars of
wood were delivered there on Friday.
A car of owl was shipped to Snowflake
on Friday's local. The supply there was
exhausted, and the railway will endert-
vor to get a sufficient supply there to
Ude thent over the next storm.
Botssevalit also complains of a shor-
tage of fuel, 'and coal was shipped to
that town on Friday's snow plow
train. Several other towns ttuve re.
ceived ene-car elements to tide them
over during the past few days, and as
soon as a report comes in that there is
R shortage anywhere the railway will
attach a car of fuel to the first trate
leaving, either passenger ur freight.
Grave fears am expressed over the
possibilities of a Semi la the spring, and
the Manitoba Government ls in receipt
of a letter from an engineer urging the
Government to inquire into the truth of
a report that the South Saskatchewan Is
liable to burst lts bank at the elbow and
flow into the Qu'Appelle, which means,
he asserts, that Winnipeg will see the
most disastrous of floods.
Toll Computation Shows Excess of
$12,000 Over Last Year.
A despite/. from St. Catharinee says:
Mr, S. J. Sidney, Collector ut Port Col-
borne, has completed his 001101 returns
for 1906. Though no tolls are now eel.
lected, a toll computation is 4111 made,
and tlie report shows un excess of $12,-
000 over 1905, which tBso extreeded lite
,previous year by about $30,000.
Vessels passing ilown the canal
lightered al the elevator 1,009 470 bush-
els of wheat, lle,622 bushels of cern,
2,102 bushels of barley, 13,650 bushels
of flax, and 29,111 bushels of outs. Be-
sides thIS, the steamer Rosedale left
883,487 bushels uf wheat that was token
to Thuroicl mills, WUS 11‘11
in the above summary.
Mysterious Affair in Winnipeg tank of
A despatch from Whinipeg says : A
most. mysterious occurrence happened in
the western brunch of the Canailitill
Bunk of Commerce on Friday idler -
teem, wIten two clerks were chloru-
fortned, and, according to report, were
robbed, Bank officiuls mid the police
are very reticent, hut one of Me clerks
now in the huspilal. The police deny
that any robbery was actually commit-
Alexander Enna ford Frozen to Death on
A despatch from Battlefurd says :
Alexander Crawford. a homesteader liv-
ing fifteen miles from Strathmore. was
frozen to death on the prairie en Thurs-
day. He was a S011 of J. \V. Crawford,
a prosperous miller of Durham, Ont.,
and was married in that town to alai,
garet Ryer! only feu months ugo.
It WM Be Eight Cents Per Head of the
A despatch from Tnronto says : It Is
officially announced that the distribu-
tion among the municipalities of the
Province of their share of the lux iin
steam railways will arnowit to eight
cents per head, based on the ceesus of
1901. From this aggregate due the re-
spective municipalities on this basis
there will be deducted tee cents per day.
for patienLs In asylums who are paying
to such institutions leas than $1.50 per
week. The work of making these deduc-
tions from the amounts to be forwarded
1 the nourecipalities 15 //1,)eleallig. and
as rapidly as possible checks for the
ances will be forwarded,
The new act praelleully doubled the
tax on steam railways, and the melt
eelpts from this source to the end of
December were 8375,080. Of this the
Government hos taken 830.000 to Pa!
the salaries and expenses of 'he Itnineuy
Board. Of the reiniender. one -Milt. or
8172.844, goes to the municipelities in
the rate statetl. and the other half tu
Provincial Treasury.
Driven From Cab by Scalding Stefan --
Saved the Fast Mall,
A despatch from Peione. InWn
After running wild for ei‘ertil tmlos at
high speed with an engine out n! (.,11
trot, by the blowing out el a "skid" in
Its boiler. the Chew() NtrIlitt eslc:ii
fast mail train No. 10 was teirelt si
from destruction near hero on ro,...(1,
night by the heroism of Engineer toms
Shull. Shull was driven from his can
by the sca/ding vapors and lichee, -
waiters. Reelizing that he , net
reach the throttle, he climbed eier the
tender to the express rar imd hammer
eu on the door. The express 'Loeser,
ger. fearing robbers. refused hen ad
mission at first, but elite] lie
opened the door he tun lvko te‘filvers
a Shiers helm. The engineer hieeihne
and exhausted dregged hereeif 11,1,,
the (fir and with hie remaining strength
pulled the rope ronnerling lb.. air
brake, skipping the Imes
ate .
romin eCE TO THE col Vitt
Cattle Are Dying on the Prairies from
Lark 01 Food.
A despatch 11004 Gingen/ sio s
Munns mei ileverldvi•, rem r • fr m
SprIngbante hnve retie -n..4 (Han :r int
Brooks. about 150 miles ewe 111e,
ray the cattle silwitem le a
emintry. Nfunne feurid n c,f
eattlo In a eorral etarxine ,4.1.11 nit')
hundreds lying around in Me see, eeri
dition. Ile owl Ikes el Oat, ree•eted on
loading and givingt them n ..1 (roil
tut many cotile it ere ei
velem they took no nolo', mid alilwiv".1
dased• From inquiries he boli. No, hill'
Mods, probably itioneniels 1,
dend on the prairie for litty tlier1
Of RTOOka, and the cauce is the neglect
e1 owners to put up feed The cattle are
principally the native breed.
This Is e guer,sIng etory. wish every
little Ivy' who reads it woald try to
!kink what ailed Mary.
Wry Ilvee next door to Ince A largo
free stands sight tietween her lawn and
mine. and under that hoe Mary and her
s Ina
Is I
en I
w, I
at I
. I
cl 1
In -
r ;
eads piny. RIght over the
and upon tdary's side of the hoUae,
writing mom nod from it 1 hear the
vuletts. Doti grow trlesully with the
dren. teem belw-e 1 sea Went, Negri
ways there am the same four-li
nereelf, Connie, Agnes, and II
SOlneflene3 eider girls cent°, and c
Sionally a rollickhile boy or two,
ti27,t shiltaerycalkisontlshetottlprehtey iireatael sgeirr
have named.
The play they loved best of all, at
was "school." They had only just
gun to go to school themselves wit
first heard them, and Mary was
teacher. Mary Is always the teac
At first they all wanted her ; no
home t
hteenacyN, they have to have her -or
That very first day, this is wit
"Good -morning, children. Take y
seats quietly, please. See who
the stillest. Why, I believe I shall h
.to give you an a good, golden star
never heard such quiet children.
"And now let us sing our morn
saoitgo.rnill.legt.,us sing happily, for ft Is s
And then four little voices trilled
rilly. The), did nut, know the us)
e ell, beoause they had only learned
song the day before, but theyr t
bravely, and lt, was so sweet that
paused to listen.
Then Mary began to teach. Each li
girl was a class by herself -that In
the work seem more Important.
"Connie, dear," said Mary, "how In
are two end two '1"
"Free I" lisped Comets who Is sit
and babyisli.
"Three, my dear? Lel us see. 11
up one finger; uow another; now I
Now let US count. One, 1W0--"
"Free, four I" gurgled Connie, hes
herself with pleasure. I made a 'Ma
it's four, teacher."
"W'hat bright Connie I" cried Ma
"now we'll have the reading class."
Agnes waS the reading eluss, an
leard Mary ask her, "W'hat anitnal
111S, Aglies?"
"A cal," Agnes replied.
"Of course! Now we'll see what
uAt iduloesAgt' les who had been taught
ead before she went lo real 0011
lunged in:
"The cat purrs. The eat eats. The
keels. I love my eut." And all
lasses, and even elary, the teach
toiled at the hearing uf this roman
khan Mary got over hcr amazement,.
tilled Belly. Betty was the print.'
lass. Her efforts must have been
trestli.g, fur a dead silence reign
rider the tree for full Ilve ininut
lien Niary said, sweetly :
"It looks rather queer, Betty, dee
ut, then, if everyone cuuld do thin
ell at lIrst, there would be no need
hoots. Now, come and play, children,
lay is very impurtant i( W11111, tO
rely well."
Arid Men such fun us they hud. 1 was
bilged to lean Out uf niy
filch thrt Jully four.
Day utter day the play WIlS the same;
de sweeter and dearer. Then I went
vuy ler six months, and only the
her night I came Mime. The next
urning 1 WaS starlieti by hearing a
irsli little vuice shrill out :
"Take yuur seats I !levee heard such
rucket. Petty, Mend In the currier. I
w you mesh Agnes. Connie -110 stars
IW.‘a°s".d. possible that that was MarY
lu my window. Yes. it WaS
ary. lier eyes were flashing Und she
ue fussing wildly. While her back
1.19 turned -Ole me. and oh, 111•1
w Betty puke her Ill tht ret.1 teriglie out
her, und "made a face."
"Now, lessons V' shrieked Nfury , "and
DO !lupe yeti are lees stupid than you
'113 yesterday. Cowrie, udd 3 und 2
d 7."
Ten," Unnie gloomily an.swereel.
'Wrong. I expected much. Take
01 seat end slay after school."
_Mune subsided under the tree and
espered so that I heard a 'way up
ft :
'Ifuleful old thing!"
'Fleading vlass !.'
Agnes stepped forwerd.
'need uir peg.. (eine" slapped Mary.
'Flee is Illy 1101,,e rind cart. I rale
park rVery (ley. Nly liurse is named
lly; she goes fast."
Pretty geode. suet eta rye grudgingly.
it your voice is tou loud. Belly, cemie
ielly came. swaying rself to aria
Peirtiyritti:ciedat.' end 'rule"
Awful! simeet awful r was Nfary's
..citacul;a::11..,belicie you cun de better.
I ran't," whined lietly. Theo. sod,:
ly, "You stop ellaking me, Teuchei
p. Mary. You hurt- really. -
Call me Miss Thompsen," continued -
Mee) ; "don't you call me I eacher
hp 901001 hy thia time vine in ruchr.
leder. The riiipile were full u
nks, and NItily herself 1,1,11S 41/1/e red
the face.
Ceraeloirse' she 011,4.1. presently,
111 let s play school an.' more. 0
half the 011, usoa tu be. Lete, plc)
you lie mother. Agnes lou're
eye the seine when you're mother.'
e they played house under the tree,
glad ells I te hear the CrOsS
'es grow soft and pretty again. Theo
feces grew calm, and they wer
0 every one.
tut 0 hat 1 wanted le knew ie. eha!t
d Mary ? Why had she (hanged so
1 54 h5 Wan 'sehoof less fan than 11
515 .1110111.1i8 beture '
have a gut's tri my ovn mind .but
ant hear 'was."
1 tt
flares cf Five Continents Suppled
dee,a,eil hum Oltsaa says An
io.rivv•s ihe inmerfration into f iin•
ed., a- the 1444141 yeer 10u6. (Walling
1S1.0Cd, shmas that, apart !rain Me
littlish Isles and the United edates, there
erre wreak from dife ruuntree
(it the v,.„1.1 representing the chief
rue5.4 of OW 114 ntinente Is Infer
4,,eng 10 11 1.• ..1 thi., !phonon thal 46
iiereier ants from emith Arnie,
171 fr-rii this klesi Inition. 'to from xew
foundiand. (turn !`ni.‘t 7
from l'cieia Hirt ttv", 1 5\ et 1
home,. Ho' 11/11111e, of
frrN1 liv 1,, mem Ilnd
11A4 111',/,,,P I 111, illiel111,01 of !wiser'.
the in,,s1 pails the u..1
ss hi. uri irmis .1 imprev,ng
toeen end trederial crindeem lel--
1110%mq n 'A4111111'1.
1,.‘pieo,o0o 1., D1 111,1‘
4e‘enteen Lingioleen of Gan Vlortn In
fr..m thitdIn 't
nOr tarred in 11,,.
,,r itimm(e 1,1,.. i.,rnpan‘ Um, „
',4.1.mteen el the 1.1110,111N %set.
Inoirisl ',OUP Ul IlleM
ill, eXpeileil 1,, lit, 1 he
tile Itici (titling
ewer, e ire while tile gas 44,15
rangrerrrd from the tet.ot Immo, te the
purifier the purifier Was Gluon up
111111POIMI 211051 TIN RA
TOM 14111411112.
!Ekes al Cottle Gmbh Chew Weit
Otiose Delez Frei** et Sew
one *keel.
Toronto, Ian. 15. Flopr Ofillertel
wheat, 00 per cent. patents are, fit191e11
et WM to *2.65 in buyerse aucks Min
aide tor export. Manitoba fiat potent*
44.50; eccond patents, 411, and strong
bakers', 43.90, Toronto.
Wheat -No. 1 Manitoba hard is Male
net at 82o lako ports; No. 1 nOrtheril at
eo 603iie, and No. it northern al Ittey
Barley -Ne. 2 is at 520 eta;
side, and No. 3 exera at 50c.
Corn -No. 3 American YolloW. lleWt
n011aillai et 49 to 49}go on buena
Bron -Car lots of bran outside in
Mal at 419 to $19.50, and intents
are nom
al, $19.50 to att.
Wheet-No. 2 red winter, 690 bid out-
side, without sellers. No. mined.offeta
ed at 70o outelde weh 68o bid. Nes 2
goose offered at 115c west, with 64o Ind
east. No, 1 northern' wanted at 80e
track, Point Edward. while lt offered at
80c Owen Sound, with 793,ec Wd.
Peas -No. 2 offered at 80o outside for
5,000 bushels, without bids.
Oats -No. 2 while were 35)0 bid on it
5c rate to Toronto and a 35%e bid on a
ta: rate to Toronto, willtout offerings -
Rye -No. 2 offered outside at 69e,
without bids.
Apples-Vs'inter stock, $2.25 le $3 rer
Beans -Hand-picked selling at 41.50
to $1.60, and primes at $1.35.
Honey-Stratned quoted at 10 to lac
per lb, and comb at 32 to $2.50 per
set track here; No. 2 quoted at $9.
11 Her:.
Straw --$6.50 to 97 a ton, on track
Hay -No. 1 timothy is quoted at $21.50
ps-New quoted at 18 to 21e.
Potatoes -Ontario, 00 to 65e per bag
Let track, and New Brunswick, 75c per
ba g.
Puullry-Turkeys, fresh killed, 12 to
14c; chickens, dressed, 8 to 9C; alive, 6
to 7ti per he fowl, alive, 4 to tle; ducks,
dressed, 8 to 10c; do, alive, 6 to per
lb; geese, 9 to 10c per lb.
Butter -Pound rolls aro quoted at 22
to 24c; tubs, 19 to 21c; large roam, 20 to
23c; creamery prints sell at 25 to
and soli& at 23% to 24e.
Eggs -Storage, 23 to 24c per dozen,
und limed 22c; new laid nominal, ut e0
to 35c,
Cheese -Large cheese, 13%c, and
twins, 13%c.
Bacon, long clear. 11% to 11%c per lb
in ease tuts; mess pork, $21 to $21,50;
short cut, 823,
limns -Light to medium. 15 to 15%0:
do, heavy, 14 to 14%c ; rolls, 11%c ;
shoulders, 11c; bucks, 10 to itleec; break-
fast bocun, 15 to 15%c, .
Lard -Tierces, 11%c; tubs, 12c; pails,
I3USINESS AT rooN'rrtrAt„ •
Montreal, Jan. l5. -Grain -A fair trade
continues to be done In oats un spot for
lured consumption, and prices are un-
changed at 42%e fur No, e white, 41%c
for No. 3, and 404-er for No. 4 per bushel
ex SlOre. T110 Flour Nturket eutitinues
quiet. Choice spritig %%heat patents,
$4.50 le $4.60; secorids, $4; winter wheat
patents, $4.10 to 84.25; straight rollers,
$3.65 tu 83.75; do, in bugs. $1.65 to $1,75;
extra, $1.50 to $1.00. Manitoba bran', in
bags, 821; shorts, $22 per ton; Ontario
Ivan, 111 bugs, $21 tu $21.50; eliorts, $22
1.1 $22.50; milted moutilie, 821 to $25 per
ton, und straight grain, $28 to $30.
Provieeme Barrel's short cut mess, $22
to 523; half7burrels do, 811.25" tie $11.75;
clear fat backs, $21 to $22 ; long cut
heavy mess, $20.50; halit.perrels do,
810.75; dry salt long clear bacon, 10%
to 11%c; barrels plate bec‘f,• $12 to 813;
lialf•barrels do, 56.50 to $7 ; barrels
heavy mese beef, 811; half -barrels do,
see eumpound lard, 8% to 9);c ; pure
lard, 12% to 13e ; hams, 13 to 13%e;
brenkfast bacon, 15 to 16e • Windsor
bucon, 15 to tile; fresh kill'ed ubatteir
dressed hogs, $9,75 to $10; alive, 56.90
ta $7.15. Eggs -Selects. 26c; pandied,
21 to 21%c. Cheese -October made, On-
tario, 12%c; November made, 12c, But -
tele -Choicest creamery. 25% to 25%e;
medium grades, et to 25c,
St. Louis, J011. 15. -- Wheal Cash,
74%c; May, 75%c; July, 74%e,
Minneapolis. Jun. 15. Wheut--Nlay,
77%c ; July, 78%e; No. 1 hard, 78%e;
No, 1 nurtliern, 78eec ; No. e
northern, 75% to 75%e; Nu. '3 northern,
72 to 73e. Fluur-letrst patents, *4.20 to
84.30; second patents, 54.05 to 84.15;
iirst clears, $3.25 to $3.35; second clears,
$2.40 to lit2 60, Brun --815.50 to 817.
Duluth, Jan. 15.-Wheut-Nu. 1 hard,
77%c: No. 1 northern, 77c; No. 2 north.
ern, 77c; Nlay, 78c; July, 79%e.
1.1 \ E sTocx MARKET.
Toronto. Jan. 15. -Trade continued
very good ut the City Cattle Market this
morning. and, although the run was
heevy. pe.Cey heel their strong tone.
The tendeiwy. if anything, 44 QS towards
limier level. A number ef buyere
from imislite plents were on the market
nue pluming, and were buying freely.
The run amuunted tu 120 cars, and iti•
eluded 1.791 cattle, 2.000 sheep and
lambe, 1,600 hogs and 100 ralVe9,
Export rattle were in demand tieday,
az shipping rates are low, and exixirters
hove plenty of space to MI One picked
lot brought $5 25. Apart from this lot
the. best price fur exporters wee about
$5 05,
Butcher rattle ,I,ere else in demand.
Choice arr firm ut frum 84 411 tu $4.50,
with picked lots a little higher.
',docker, and feeders erre ‘.t.i.N quiet,
and apparently there eerie nene ef them
uri the market.
Mitch cows are veil stead,. meth a
good deinaml etioice atuck.
Celves are steedy and unchanged
Sheep and lambe are steady to Mtn.
and In good demand Lambs are a de
Ile (Intel. Lint aro quoted torn. elrain•
fed are somewhat eearre.
Hugs are wanted. and unehanged,
heavy reeeipts. Quotatiene are $0 05 ft,,r
Choice selects and 86 4u fur heavies,
_ _
/anion A nderson'il Remarkeble Flare
Through 111e,
despeirli hien Moineajed, \Imo .
gays "lame, .Ntnlerson, Mtn .1,0a hPre
I n WP(1110.0111 aged Kit.% ell 1 ..tirm arid
teu ireanhs. Me opinion of the
physioloi, n1 tonal sisly, 54) far n. Ihe
condition of %dais determine Ihe age
ef man. When sir year.. old her Mile
hegan to tern grey loe eveeleht begen
I, fall. end he walliod with the delib-
erate care of a. person who ie adeaneed
in weirs. As a young rtild he 55 010
Pelillorlaily bright. but hie mentel
tie, Were gradualh holing 1,..r the lust
Iwo yeari, so he AAR 011ie belief Own
persan in los dotage during the Wit
few month%
TIMING TO 041E414 DOVI:till.
Vleerit‘ !Inv Ordered arren1 ol tenders
of liftly ernent
A frnm R,,na gal,/
The ( anion has ntered hie ,.1 lefidPrit
anti Aree, elm heron meriiiige pie
card. en the eubjeet are ng deeirey
es nes n espiteere are pruhibited from
mentioning the (cede
Address By Mr. DetItyshiret the
Association's President.
At file annual meeting of the Eastern
Ontarie Datrytnen'a Assectattett, held lti
Wm% last weak, Mr. D. Derbyshire,
the President, in Ws addrcas, pointed
QM filet not as intich milli had been
produuN as in 1905, owing to the short-
vilogentioto.spaeaturtitheo, budtaill,tycluetenit, eaongfiltvt,:t;
In vlel, of the increased educational ed.
'huantny should have been prodtmed.
HO believed that cow-testin associa-
bons, which were being este ishcd and.
iencetirened under the eupervision of the
Diary temintissioner, eliould rooelvo
More attention. lecithin aided more in
keeping up the statute in both quan-
Illy und quality of milk than the ac-
curate km wledge of just what each cow
was dieing tor the owner. Statistica
showed that about 100,000 more cheese
were Made in 1900 than In 1905, though
ut the exports of butter a decrease of
180,000 pachuges was noted. "With the
high prices obtained," continued the
speaker, "wo find that the eetimated
value of cluese, butter and bacon ex-
ported will amount to about $46,500,000
front the ;nuke of 19011, and when you
adtt le this $54,500,000, the value of these
artielesi et food, Including milk, oonsum-
au et tome, we helve a grand total of
$101,003,000, which Is 66,000,000 mom
then for the year 1905, and as dairymen
become totter educated In lite worn
they expect to see the deinand tor both
foreign und home consumption increase
each succeeding year.
"In Ontario there had been twenty.
eight, tnstructors and two sanitary Ilk
specters last year, and it was extort/chid
Mat this staff viould be Increased dar•
ins the present year, and each, inspee-
toe Made a sanitary Inspector. The
work of the Dtiminion Dairy Commis -
limner In the line of better transporta-
tion and refrigeration had been much
onprecietted. The results of theae efforte
had been that goods- had arrived in
!Montreal in belles. conditton than forin-
erly. The euprettiaay of Me dairy in-
dustry In 1905 had been largely due to
the addltional work of tbe Instructors,
the influence of Improved cool cluing
rooms und Unproved transportation.
"I am proud of the fact that our May -
mon have been very prosperous during
the year Just clos:cd, ond I predict a
continuation of thts Prosperity for the
coming year," said Mr. Derbyshire; "yet
I regret that our manufacturers have
not shared In that prosperity, ate in most
Instances they are paid the same prices
only as formerly. I do hope our dairy-
men will carefully consider tbls mat-
ter, which Ls, in my opinion, ot vital
interest to thetn, and not allow their
old and trusted makers to retire from
this business, but encourage them ay
giving at least 1% cents for manufac-
turing, aall urge them to attend our
eastern duiry sehool, which Is so well
equipped tu give them u thorough train-
ing and thus enable them to do you
much better seta lee in the coming year.'
el- We
An Effective Way to Get Groin Cars le
the West.
A despatch from Aloosornin, Sask,,
says: The 11(1111 Geutn Commission,
which resumed Its session here on
TueStley, brought out ruttier :earning
evidence. Several witnesses sueore post -
lively that train crews had taken an
undue advantage of reported shortage
et cello using thls as an excuse fur a
delibeeute hold-up uf shippers. They
declined that the only way some o; the
dealers amid obtain a car was to bribe
crews to eidetrack a ear for them, and
they Invariably found there was a
plentiful supply at $10 apiece, and see.
eral cooductors had found this a ennit
lucrative means of adding to their 111-
Head of Department Will go Into Ques-
tion in England.
A deepatch from Montreal says: Ntr.
Piers, head of the C, P. R. steamship
deparltnOnt, left /OP England on Friday
on business, and iopects lu be cal the
other stile cutisideratile time, lie
admitted that alle (Ir me matters loud)
he Is going tu look into Is that "of en.
barging the company's fleet. Matters
have not yet got fur enough for rte 00-
thortlative announcenierit tu made of
the company's plans.
Undernriters Not SathOled With ,ts
Management -May Increase Oates.
A despatch front NIontrent seys: Tho
Canadian Eire Underwriters' Asscielation
have written to the Muyor, calling his
attention to the need ut an inveellga•
Lion rind remedy for the present Mack
of fire protection. The ussociation
threaten to raise the rates or else reduce
the amount uf ineurance they are car•
'Ting in the bliiiikess dietriele. Con•
siderable disteulisfaction is expressed
with the numugierient uf the Ilre depart•
Operatiorri on Many alining Properties
Bove Been Suspended.
A despatch from (Mown says rhe
gold yield for Ihr Yukon during the
year ending June :Mile 1906, was $11,-
539,402, ae compared with $8,227.20n fur
the year previous, The 1.4 at-
tributable te the exreptionally dry sum-
mer and to the feel Mut operatiens
many ininleg prepertiee time been su•
spendeO, pending the inshillattun f
deedges met hydrauhe plants.
Sandwich falafel Volcano In a State of
A deipatch Iron) OtliS ! The
main Crater ef the Multuawroweo vol-
cano is in a stee of eruption, and the
flames and arnokee can be seen for 111111.
dreds of miles. There are scoree of fire
fountains. Streams of lava are cruesing
the enuwilelds. rhe Kilatieu volcano has
been in a stale minor eruptlun for a
Terrible Death ol un Aged Man Em•
ployed In a Paper MM.
A despatch nom Chatham. N LI . says
John Buren, an a red man. empieyed
wIth itte Nitrainiciii Pulp end Paper Mel
here, met Mein' on Thuredui
Velille clearing sump, refuse. a ihiern
filched he his 141.14)0114 eon caught
shaft, jerking 1,1- hook mt. his leg mid
tearing the limb feeieri 115 seeket and
away from her bode. tie died in a tew 1
'The Net Earnings for Ten Months Were
A despatch from Toronto says: The
Provinc'al Government has recelvect a
return from the Temiskaneng and North-
ern Ontario Railway, showing the net
earnings ot that railway from Jan. 1st,
1906, to the end of October, of the satne
year. to be 9139,071. Fur the month
October elene the grOss earnings
amounted lo $52,818, with operating ox-
penses of $38,265, leaving the net earn -
Inge et $14,560. For the corresponding
month of 00,5 the gross earnings
amounted to 532,823. with operaUng sx-
penses amounting to $16,056,
cotiNTilv HYGIENE,
In comparing the health of reuntry
people and city dwellers. one Is often
Liteutpt%rtee,esnelltheleyo,,,tolut. very slight. difference
One would naturally suppose that Me
inlaibltente of large eines, subject to
overcrowding, dirt and dust and smoke,
end the severity. of the struggle fur ex•
istence inseperable from life in such
communities. would fall ready victims
to disease; and that their country bre-
thren, enjoying the isolation. the pure
air and bright sun, and the more simple
life, would escape the germ -diseases at
least, ur ttould be better Mee to restst
them if eltacked.
Consureptioa, espeelally, to which pure
al, is such a fee, ought to be a disease
Lit the city only -as purely a town
ea,e tie yellow fever is a disease of the
'replete The farmer spends much of 'es
siiiiiiiLsinhyt.114;terolpf,enexikPieSedr. atit(d) 4(1140.117nel
iir eicies and usuully buthed in sunlight
111P greater part of the day; yet tubercu-
losis prevaik4 alarmingly In rne»y rural
districts, and scourges the family of 1110
termer us re.lentleesly as it does the
dweller's tri city tenements.
The evident reason for this is that "
there ls molly a iartntinuse which, al-
though 11. has pure gir all (shout 11, is a
sealed box. The men of the !entity are
ouldoers eimuner from sunrise to
suneet, but front sunset to sunrlee
tr11410 termites sleep a house from
which air Is exeluded as carefully as
if it wero poison -as, Indeed, the night
Is believed by many to be.
The women are houeed most uf the
time, arid nareny of them being "good
Id.faellioned housekeepera," they are al
prime lo keep the WInduWS clused
exclude dust, and the shades drawn to
keep out the sunlight, Wti1Cti fades their
"Nits; a faMalttliq' ta Indeed a germs'
parridise, Once a eaSe uf reineumptien
starts, it le a miracle if tiny member
ere improving in the country,
for modern farmers are gmal reader,.
and nre learning of the wonderful pr
perties cd fresh eir; but there Is still
need of higienic missionaries tu preach
open eindowe day and night..
The water -simply unether emir,
of disease. too often ignured in ille cuter.
try. Typhoid lever LA WI n.11,' 1 a til5-
ea,i, of the country. in ie. ete,n.
cunsiimption Ls a disease 01 11,0 ..11y. If
proper are were in/tweed by euuntry
dwellers to secure a pure water-eupply;
and te prevent the pollutiun ef soil and
streams. Um mortality statistics et the
Oleg would show a remarksable im-
provement, eity people must get
water helm rivers and strearne fed by
the chaining.: of rural cummunillet. --
Youth Cumpanion.
Disixiveri has been made in the his),
buitkm >Lola of the 1..lioslime Lines nutl-
ike) at Nereid). England `hat a 1,,m -
n1 has fleeted and hatched three NuUllg
iolleS n tlitv Olpeettire In the arm of
e hie i elle EVery day uf %%oak the
'lure. ,4 ill tibe. engwes and Augons are
running round it constantly. and cart,'
eie elmoet hourly. let by leok•
tile down the aperture three yelliew bili4
eti be Seel) Slid 1. tnrrup lieuid. and a.
the thee nee\ 051,11) Me in eller tlies to
hie ,ind feeds the t imegstere.
811011119 AMEN h1E1111
Fiery Stream Flowed Four Feet Deep
in Pittsburg Foundry.
A de.maleh from MI/enure. . says
A'- retell. (.1 an lotessien el a 1...sayo
et the 1..117.11 ftirmwss ut Itio Mui.„ .51
Laughlin steel wortli
night three aro 1,11,4 01a 1. •lou.1 teem,
are In a le,tpAtil v,1t1 horns find
Iniute4. find 24 roi.sing
lit \ (114 IlloN
The ,-‘1,A.111.n I I no,0.1 Se
Cumulation .11 ga, at tho ,.1
fUllillee 51,10 l mill
11. • e 1111111
rttl'ed x‘nrnIng And
with 4,311, hi, . ton.,
Nen, et• 1he wm-kreen,
tied tot It 1t,n,. clurt) leo( about the
(Unlace the 111,d.0 11,,wing t vonte
sp,,ts to a ! II' 1 feet
1-11 IN '411.11
1 wo ncririp. th.• mune-du:deft
went in, find n11 the ontholfineeq in the.
..ity _41, ealled No,,/, the uevpil wm,
aere ;able to escape Item the hut Meta1
NM1tt their lixes %set.. (Glen hOSpIlals,
talt till the !teasing, it 1.9 LhOUghl, huVe
1..4'1 loan,/ lo 111' erase of steel, and
11,eri bodies .14, 1,
owe Of
a(t.11:11.rIkte11-, 74':(‘Ijrk‘p Sof
1,,,11111 ll'P 441.1. threewn 1.1"0111
tr,..(1.. the \ feet high rind %as serious
1. meet, to a hospilal.
itoilltlitt BURNED.
The bedew ef the three dead which
hevte been taken to the neirgue Ore hut,.
re)). binned. tt tele the met officiate
ere !relined to believe that not ell the
miss. 1g men ere erernated. nothing
dellnil 4 Is Isitimit as to their where-
inity one mon has turned up
We eepheeon, and he says every-
thing 11 %opened so quickly that he doubts
et nether the men escaped.
When the families of the vielines
teemed of the dierteter they Feathered
before lh gate anti made frantic alerts
, galn IhniSuiott. SeVern1 frenzied
s.somen tut 1,,Vht. 4110 ()Meet's to be. allowed
to enter the rtifli to See Mete Betel ones.
it heroine neettoosary to call additionat
pollee to f tenthly escort them to their