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GODERIgli :STAR is thelargest I
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FoRtY-Elowni • FRiDAT, JANL— 1907
.M740A44 No. WS
‘.01taleric1,1 Tp.,. were quarried qui
Victoria St.Pansonage on Wednesday.
Jan. 17th, at 0 p.m. Mr. and Mrs Me
Oahe will re,sIde in Goderich. The
groom Is &SOU of Mrs. WM. McCabe,
of town. and the bride is a dosimeter of
Mr. and Mrs, S. Johnston, Ooderich Tp,
LOST AT Si:MX(0041.-08r hockey
team went to Seafortb on Tuesday to
Plain the scheduled " game with the
team of that town, arid the homers
were the victors by 10 goals to 3. The
result was not unexpected, ass GUI,
jority of the bloderIch seven were
new ,plavers, two of them for the first
time. The game was a clean one
throughout, and though uot success-
ful, there were matry points connected
with our seven's Owing that indi-
cate a successful ending of the sellers
COMING TREAT.-Tlx080 W130 have
read Anything of the exploration of
Labrador by the late Leonidas, Hub-
bard, whose trestle death atirr•ed the
feelings of thousands as they read the
story of it, will hear with delight that
Mrs. Hubbard, who, as a sharer of her
late husband's heroic experiences in
the lone land, is now lecturing
throughout the country, and through
the efforts of Mrs. (Rev.) James
Hamilton, an old time friend, she will
lecture in Ooderich on Friday, Feb.
1st, Particulars will appear lacer, but
do not let anything elee interfere with
your attending to hear this clever
woman and her thrilling story. \
HOSPITAL' NOTES. -The Daughters
of the Empire will meet in the Law
Library of the Court House on Monday
next, at 4 o'clock, ender. large attend•
ance is requested. - The following
donations to the hospital are thank-
fully acknowledged : A turkey, fest))
Miss Dark ; oranges, Mrs. Shepherd ;
turkey. Mrs. Proudfoot ; $1, Mrs.
Shantz ; towels and cushion, Mee
Graham, Sheppardton ; table, Mrs.
Jordan ; table linen, Mrs. Macklin.
More blankets are urgently needed and
any one who can furnish one or more
will he thanked for the ante. There
are now five patients in the hospital.
Montt Coemrat PIENDS.-The Strat-
ford Herald says : Two young boys
made a fuse in a London, Ont. drug
store, when they were refused cocaine
by the druggist. A policeman removed
the lads from the store. London drug-
gist% say thie sort of thing in by no
MBank; tincommon, and according to
their statement there must be a large
number of boys and young men addict-
ed to the use of morphine and cocaine.
Requests are also frequently made by
women for both morphine and cocaine.
One druggist relates how one woman
ehowed him her arm, which was cover-
ed with sears -made by the needle used
to inject morphine into her system.
HYMENEA1,.—Mr. Robt. McCabe, of WOTE Th
town. and Auss Matti() Johnston, of
. . . e regular meeting
e . C. T. U. on Monday waa wall
etly at attended. Mre. Davidson conducted
the devotional half hour, which was in-
spiring and helpful; after which the
President took charge of the buslueas.
It was decided to collect all fees before
Feb. let, also voted eve dollars to
county Work. The report of the Treas.
showed the finances in good condition.
A nuIllber at other nmtters were dealt
with. then litre Ooltxwne opened the
work of her department, that of Purity
and Mothers' meetings,
.IGnenntaATOltar Lirinte-The Police
Magistrate has a charge of defama-
tory libel before hien, and spent the
whole of Monday taking evidence.
When the case adjourned in the even-
ing but half the witnesses had been
examined, a.nd the P. M. adjourned
till next Monday, wheel it will be, AS
before, continued in private. The
eenh,ar8thee piseinteOadneObtfaragwedetibkeninogwnanWotilzti
resident, and the evidence is of such a
character as to prevent its publication
in this journal, or even any hint of its
character. In addition to the oral
evidence, seine scores ot letters were
put in, the whole of which are unfit
for preseetatiora to the public. The
case Is somewhat well known around
town, and has caused much comment.
There Is no question ot all about your needing a savings *c-
o:Amt., ea there is Only ope sure way of accumulating
wealtn and that is by saving it a few pereems inhent
Wealth: while others gain independence by a stroke of
luck, but the vast tuajority of people secure a competence
bY spending less than they make and saving the surplus.
We pay POUR per cent. Interest. on deposits and, money
can be withdrewn at any time.
-00t1N1).-The owner of a Fur Mitt can have
.12 same by calling at this office, proving
property and pastier; for this attv't
The past wook was a quiet one and the only
noticeable alteration in last weeks list being
the rine of 1 Omuta In hogs.
wiETT-A warm room with board. near
j. StnYnifIllcin,d0oVeril2 Ettcrlirtig.WeVIY
WA.NTED.-.At once. a good general Ser-
vant, Apply to Mae. A. C. Husrmit.
'Fle7torla and Nelson Ste.
re HMS WANTED. -Apply at once Pt our
e.,X office, East atreet.-Goderich Knitting
Co., Limited. per Jastss E. Lewrry, Mgr.
-7- 00K BERK LOOK HERE Now is the
.1.4 time. I, Robinson. Jas., having Spare
time on my hands intend to give lessons In all
kinds of step dancing. Yemi of experienoe In
training children and adults. 11 mothers
wield trust me with their ohildren 1 ans +confi-
dent they would feel pleased with them M the
ender the lessons. Give we 4 %Hal. Legions
cheap. Jae. RoinasoN, Cor. Lighthouse and
Easex streets, Godetich.
`fhe Annual Meeting of the Goderich Rifle
Association will be held lu the Town Hall,
Goderloh, on Friday, the 25th day of January.
1907, at 8 o'clock p. m. General business.
Will all members please attend.
liAnar Kanastrew, M. 0. JortsarroN.
Seereutry. Captain.
January 10, 1W.
'0 EALED 'TENDERS tor the purehme of the
tj east half of the went half of lot number
fourteen in tho third conceeelon of the Town -
eine of Wawanoah, better known as the HaetY
60 acre farm, will be received by tho ender.
signed up to the 311st day of January, 1901.
The soil ts a good clay loam, well fancied and
watered, the buildinge aro fair and there ie
good orchard. Liberal terms of payment given.
highest tender will be accepted. ea farm
must be sold. Prioubrom Hays BLAIR.
Detect. 9th Jany., 1907. Solicitors, Goaerich.
.11'1, -COUNCIL.
The Council of the County of Huron win
meet in the Council Chamber, in the Town or
Godertch, Ttleaday, the etend day of tido
,niontli, at 3 o'clock in tbe afternoon.
Accounts to be dealt with by the Council
meet be placed with the Clerk before the above
Dated January 7th, 1907.
Within the next 3 weeks,
Soft Elm, Basswood and Rock Elm,
Soft Elm $10. per thousand
Rock P,lna $14. per thousand
Basswood $12, per thousand
Rock Ulm must be 16 ft. long, others
12 ft.
To be delivered to Andrew Young's
farm, Colborne, where saw mill is at
1MARM FOR SALE. -Part of lot 15, Lake
la Range West, Colborne, conaistIng of
80 acres, more or lona mo.tly aeeded down.
The moil is good clay loam. There is a good
frame story -and -a -half homes with kitchen,
atm another dwelling near the road. There Is
a barn 34 x 82, with shed and etabLing, 24 x60,
with commodious hoydoft above; also a shed
Oil the south end, 10 x 80 ; tour wane. two at the
barn and one at, each house ; a good bearing
orchard of about two mores. Everything is In
an excellent atste of repair. For partteularn
apply on the farm Or to HUOR TIIURGOW, part,
tote 13 anti 14, Lake Road West. Colborne, or
Gitotum Teunrow. Kenya street, Ooderich.
illARRED ROCKS, -A number of Cockerele,
..1_? all tit ler Guelph end Seaforth shows, for
Hale: $2 each, well worth 810 each. W. W.
linen/acne, Auburn, Ont.
HARD WOOD. -Ori band at Mcffiwica's
oat 12 and 16 Mohr% long to oult their cus-
tomer. Alto an abundance of hemlock and
cedar slabs. Phones 98 and 163.
MIA.RIVI FOR SALE. -Lot 3., L. S. R., contain-
ing 12g acres land. clay loam. 10 acres
under fall wheat, in good condition. 8 tittles
north of Goderich, within 14 miles of 3
churches and P. 0. Price reason- able, on
easy terms. Apply to JAS. &erre Port Albert.
-0011. SALE. -A 50 ogg Chathatn Ineubat,or
12 and Brooder, in perfect condition. Rea•
son, no room. Also tt good wood heater. and
'leveret other natters. .Apply at Brim office.
goo.OW ,FOR SALE. -Jersey, eupposed to be
In Calf. A bargain. Apply at Tim STAR
relYPEW [LITERS of all makes rented, Hold
or exchanged. Mimeo and supplie.
ways on hand. Copying work done. Office chi
Kingeton street. next Yule's. W. E. Eturn-r.
FOR SALE.-'1'we hOW Dwellings On Angle-
sey St. A, comfortable Dwelling on Pletcfn St
Building Iota on Elgin Avenue, litsfaixf3L, Cedar
St. and Meth.
WANTED. -A few Furnished Holum or
Roorns. near tho Lake front, to rent for the
summer seagon.
PROPICRTY FOR SALE.- The desirable
property on Elgin Avenue, Goderioh,
owned and tvimpled by Dr. Whitely, Good
homeland two-thirds of an acre of land, with
choice fruits. Teo ammo is heated by hot
water and boa 100dern improvements. A
bargain for any person wanting flret-olacie pro-
perty at a moderate price. Apply to or addreen
MI. WHITELY Godarteh.
TaiAPERS FOR SALE. Several hundred
1 copies of old nevenpapers for gale, Juat the
thing when you aro houeecleaning. Apply at
The Sterling Bank
moo rated by Special Act of the
triton Parliament to ninety°
Savings Bank Department
on deponita of $t and upwards,
Interest paid and compounded
Drafta bought end sold.
A General Banking Mnaineas
es,Ser S‘s•ss
Ses the benne
Current wholesale prices corrected
up to noon of Thursday.)
Fall wheat, .-.,..._ .. ... .$0 67 to 67
8.3 ring wheat:' standard ..
our, ear °wt., ipatent 2 60 to 2 60
Flour, per owt., family
Bran, per ton 2 20 to 2 20
1000 to 1000
Shorts, per ton 21 00 to 21 00
Screenings, Per ton' 18 00 to 18 00
Oato Dew 0 53 to 0 33
Barley new 0 43 to 0 49
Peas new 0 75 to 0 75
Rye 0 48 to 0 48
Buckwheat, per bestial 0 43 to 0 13
Ha , new 11 00 to 12 00
flu ter, per lb 0 20 to 0 22
Eggs, lfrosid per dozen .... 0 23 to 0 23
Wood, per cord 5 00 to 2 28
Cattle, exports 4 00 to
Cattle, ordinary riiiii.litii.OhM".s. ,3 00 to 4 00
Lamba, spring 5 00 to 6 60
Sheep, fat Mwt1 3 50 to, 4 00
_Hogs, live weight ..... ............. 6 70 to 0 70
Ldoge, droned 7 76 te 8 00
Hams per lb.._ ......... .. 0 00 to 0 00
Hamm', long Clear .. 0 16 to 0 16
Hides 7 00 to 7 25
Sheep skins 0 60 to 0 60
'T'allow, rendered 0 04 to 0 04
Chickens -barnyard chicks, per lb 8 to 10
- -crate fed 0 11 to 0 le
Beet forequarters 0 00 ta 0'00
Beef. bind quarter+ 0 00 to 0 00
Geese per lb 9 to 10
Ducks " a te 10
Turkeys " 13 to 18
Potatoes 0 60 to 0 65
Applea 0 36 to 0 40
Auction Salo -Thos. Gundry
3rd Week Bargaina-llodgens Bros
Tea Meeting -Union Church
IMO per year -Clinton 13tte. College
Room and Board Wanted -A, J. Stamford
Mitt FoUnd -Star Office
Stook -Taking Sitict-W. A. McKim
Tenders Warited-Proudfoot, Hayn & Blair
Annual Meeting-Goderich Rifle Club
Trayellers' Samples -J. H. Colborne
Your Winter p. Railway
Clean Sweep fiale-W. C. Pridhani
Senour's Paint -Wm -gel&
2nd Annual Salo -D. Millar Co
Lessone in Dancing -James Robinson...
TILE STATt gives all tise•news.
Pon Tnu Band. -Chas, A. Nairn,
Treasurer Goderich Musical Society,
acknowledges with thanks, the follovv.
ing contributions of $1.00 each, in aid
of 33rd Battalion Band :V. M. Roberts,
H. Park, Jas. Fritzlev, le. Swarts,
Thos. Gundry, F. Davis, J. J. Ed-
wards J. J. hicEiven, T. Pringle, 0. A.
Humber & Son W. C. Pridham, Chas.
O. Lee, R. McLean. 0. U. Whitely,
Reg. Black, .7. Smith, Wilmer Smith,
R, Parsons, F. Blair, P. Doty, Chas,
Garrow, James McIntosh, Geo. Porter,
W. H. Robertson. A. Saunders, J. A.
Rumball, T. W. Nairn, Arthur Smith,
Mrs. M. Morris, D. Stoddart Jr., Geo.
Stewart, Jas. Yates, 0. Sturdy.
tutory meeting of the Goderich Public
School board was held in the school
library on Wednesday evening. The
secretary read the Town Clerk's certi-
ficate declaring the election of Robert
Hall Cutt, or St. David's Ward, John
S. Platt for St. Patrick's Ward,
Oswald F. Carey for 8/. George's
Ward, Herbert E. Hodgens for St,
Andrewar Ward, and then Mr, A. 1),
McLean was unatninously chosen
chairman tor 1907. Priecipal Tigort
.was appointed us the Board's repre-
sentatIve on the Public Library Floard
for the years 1007-1908-1909, and R. 0,
Hays on the Collegiate Institute Board
for the year 1907. The follow.
Mg committees for the year 1907
were appointed, the first named on
each being the chairman: Contingent
committee, R. H. Cott, 0. F. Carev,
3. S. Platt. Finance, A. Saunders, 0.
F. Carey, W Acheson. School Man-
agernent, R. H. Outt, J. W. Oraigie,
H. E. Hodgens.
atIon for Councillor to fill the position
vacated by B. 0, Munnings, through
is term of school trustee not having
xpired before his nominationhe man -
nor, will take place on Tneeday, Jan,
2, and should there he an election, it
ill take place that day week. But 0
likely Me Munnings will he eleeted
eneral opinion that way, tinderal/ th
y acclarnatioa, as there Kremer to he ae
rcurnstances.-The Council of the
oard of Trade anthorized President
. A. Marti to appeal to the County
uclge for a reconsideration of the vote
st on the Furniture and Carrinwe Co.
seams As stated last week, there are
ough narnea on the assessment roll
ot qualified to vote on ouch bylaws
hich if struck off would make the'
tal vote east for each bylaw quite
fficient to carry them, and the appli-
tion to the Judge Is for that purfose.
is Honor will hear the cane on lies_
y niorning, 22rui item at 11 o'elock•
r W. Proudfoot, will appear
r the applicant.
arge audience at the Gospel Temper-
ce meeting /ant tinnday afternoon,
a 1
which war, addressed by Rev. 3. H. De-
terhout, of Wrolteter. Mr. Osterhout
le a good speaker, and held his audience
in close attention while he denooneed
in treadling terms the unfair feature of
the present aet which makes it poesible
for a minority of the electors to force
the open bar-roon upon the people,
against the expressed wish of a major-
ity of the voter% He npoke of the vast
reeourcee Oanada, but deehired that
the ntrengtb of a eountry depended hot
ao much on the nurnbera or wealth of
itn people, an on the purity of its MB-
eenship. 0. M. Item.), who neenpled
the chair, declaredehat the temperanee
movement wan born of God. and con-
sequently wan greater Huai any man
or combination of men, and could not
he put down by any opposition the
miloon may wage against It. That the
doom of the liquor traffic was settled,
long Agee ago In the council of that
Gedhead who boo declared that vietue
WWI pretrail upon tbisi planet, and
pointed to the recent vote as an in-
dleation that the limpendin doom
will not he long delayed. Th alert-
ing next Sunday afternoon at 15 will
he addreeaed by Mr. A. T Co r, of
Clinton. Them will he special slaiging.
Eserybody treleome.-Srey.
Monday it was given out that the
charge against Alex McIver for as-
saulting Cole had been adjourned for
two weeks, the cause being there was
no convenient building to hold the
court in. t IAMB expected that . the
trial Watild take place 4a. tiee Crmrt
room, but for Home reason that was
impossible, und as the Town Council
Chamber. was at that time being, used
for the statutory meeting of the
council, the trial could not be held
there. The council chamber, it is held,
is too Melted in air space for largely
attended trials, and Mr, Proudfoot
thinks the air of the crowded room
is far from beneficial to health. ft is
probable, when the cage is resumed
next Monday week, it will take place
in the old council chamber, which
could be nicely fitted for that purpose.
THE CHILDREN'S Awe -The annual
meeting of this Society was held in
the 0ourt House on Tuesday last and
as usual, was attended only by the
faithful few who, having tsome know
ledge of the work done, feel it to he
worthy their asaistance. The report
of the Executive for 1900 showed 10
cases dealt with, involving 13 children.
Of these, two lads had been committed
to the Industrial Schools, needing
striet discipline ; three were cases of
girls) Jed astray, one heing under 14
years of age ; two members of a deso-
late family ho.ve been taken from pov-
erty and placed in good homes ; while
three others whose circurnstaneee
make anything like proper bringing
up an impossibility, are being prepared
for removal to the London Shelter,
from Whence they will reach suitable
homes. Two of the CAPPS were infants,
one dying while arrangements for ite
transference were being completed,
and the other, the child of dissolute
parents, will be remot ed in a little
while. Other details might be git en,
hut these show that even in the pros-
perous county of Huron there are fre-
quent calla for the interference and
co-operation of he Children's Aid So-
ciety. The report acknowledges the
sympathy and financial aid given by
the County Council, who have paid
bills aggregating $05.37, for transport.
atioe, clothing runt maintenance in
therm cases. elratefill mention is made
also of the cheerful and sympathetic
co-operation of Mr. Joseph &indent,
Secretary of the Children s Shelter et
London, an 1 of the officials of the S. A.
Mateinity Shelter. at London, both of
whom have been extremely kind In
their efforts and generous In their as-
sistance nith the eases put in their
charge, Mr Kelso, Provincial Supt.,
continues to urge the formation of
Revere! branch societies or local coin-
mitteerathroughout the county. for
the easier dealing with the caves aris-
ing in the variorre centres, but eo far it
has been di Mcult to enliat enoligh sym-
pathy for carrying out. of such a plan,
In I he pant firer years about 730 eases
have been dealt with by the Einciety.
only three of whieh have been sent
to corrective schooln, and nearly 20
children have been placed in foster
homen, arid rtre now deleg ,wensend
giving prom*. of nucceesful careers,
The detail() nt some of these cases could
not be published .ln a priblle Journal,
and only those who have witnessed
some of them can realize how great
wan their need. The penult of the
efforts, mule hy the Society han been
that helpleen children who were living
in poverty and under nerroundingn
which made their development into
moral wreckn And criminals) almost in-
evitable, have been ;Oared in tenter
homes where they are tieing reared
and trained as they ought to be, and
are then given the opportunity for
'meet and useful livee whteh is their
right at the hands of nociety. It in a
terse and trne naying that it In earlier
and eheaper to stave and train a child
than to reform a criminal, and even
on the lower ground of economic rex.
sone this work payn. The Society In.
viten correepondence or Information
from any part of the county of Huron,
and when once ramie are brought to
their notice. the Executive Mild° all
pneeible to improve the conditione com-
plained of. It la worth mentioning
that not more than three of the eases
dealt with belong to Grelerieb, the
others tieing from various parts of the
County, PO that the interest Itt the
work tabould he as Wide as the whole
county of Huron. AddrosS or coil on J.
Mitchell, President, or A. Bineettlehoon
&trefoil Tonto tiodorieht
Installation of Officers.
Goderich District L. 0. L. held their
annual meeting at Riverston L. 0. L.
145, 4 con., Goderich Tp. The follow-
ing officers were elected : W. Master,
Geo. Cantelon ; D. Master, R. W.
Mew ; Chap., John Sturdy; Rem -See.,
Geo. Laithwaite; FinsSec., Geo. Van-
derbergh ; Treas., R. H. Elliott ; D. of
O., W. McDonald ; Leot , Geo. Cooper;
Assistant -Leas R. J. Colwell. The
officers elected were duly Installed by
County Master Geo. Hanley.
SONS OF ENGLAND. - At the usual
meeting of Liverpool lodge, S. 0, E.,
held on the 9th inst., District Deputy
Mew. assisted be visiting brethren
from Benmiller, inetalled the follow-
ing officers : Past Pres. Thos. Knee-
shaw, Pres. Robert Simmende, Vice
Pres. T. W. Precious, Chaplain W.
Wootton, Sec. R. Redfern, Treas. R.
G. Walters, First Com. B. Hoggarth,
Second Corn. Thos. Hoggarth, Inner
Cuard 0. Symonds, Outer Guard T.
Precious. After the installation a
visit was made to the Imperial Cafe
where great Fouitice was done to an
excellent oyster eupper. During the
evening songs were rendered and re-
ceived in good style and many hrief
pointed) speeches were tnailee Bro.
Mew in a few well ehosen senterices
wished the lodge success in the coming
year. Bro. Kneeshaw replying summ.
ed up the work Of last year, thank.
ing the District Deputy for the excell-
ent manner in which be had conducted
the business of the eyening. R. RED.
FERN, Sec.
I. 0. 0. F. -There was a large at.
tendance of members at the regular
meeting of ffuron lodge, No. 02, t. 0.
0. F., on Monday evening, to %flak
the installation of the officers for 'the
current term by D. D. G. M„ J. G.
Stanbury, of Exeter, assisted by 1'.
O. W. J. Heiman, of the same town.
The work wall remarkably well done,
and at the conclusion of the installa-
tion P. Gs. Platt and Ball moved a
hearty vote of thanks to the visitors
for the exeellency of the installation.
Brother Stanburry replied in a well
delivered sound Oddfellow's address
on Fraternity. Bro, Heaman also
addressed the lodge, and before the
adjournme»t P. D. D. 0. M. Harry D.
Reed, in a short speech, highly con-
gratulated Bro. Stanbury on the man-
ner in which he had inetalled the
officers. On the closing of the lodge
the brethren adjourned to the supper
room, where oysters were served and
30 minutes spent in social intereourse,
The following are the oflicere for thc
present term : H. Humber, 311r. P
G., F. H. Martin. N. 0„ 0. C. Whitely
V, 0„ .1. M. Proudfoot R. S., W. F.
°lark F. S., H. T. Edwards Trees.,
(ieo. IllacVicar Mar., H. 0. Sturdy
Con., Geo. Williamo S. G., Thos.
Pringle 1. S. 0., J. 9, Plat t ft
J. J. Edwards 8. N. G. A. John -
et on R. S. V. II. Smith V.G.,
it. Postlethwaite 12 , W. Detrleh
L. 8. S., F. F. Lawrence Chap.
The Subject() of Rev. W. H. Graham
serroon at Victoria 8t. Methodist
church on Sunday next are: Morning.
"The Evolutioe of a Saint"; evening,
"The City of Destruction,"
Special evangelistic servieee are be-
ing held each evening of this and next
week fexcept Saturdays) In the lec-
ture room of North Street alethodlet
chureb, These meetinge have been
bright, interesting and very helpful,
and are growing in interest. The
puldic are cordially invited. The
meeting opens each evening with a
song service at 7.30 o'clock.
The Baptist church held their an-
nual Weinman meeting Wednesday
evening, fah inst. Reporta were re•
indeed showing a seem -Refer year in
the different branches of the church
work. Thirteen have been added to
the membership and the elerreh Mae
made offerings during the year, whieh
amount to tir00. In response to
nppealn aid in the (lined) building
over $1000.00 has already been recei Yea
fron) Mende monist(' the town. The
members of the eongregat ion are look-
ing forward to the deffication of their
ehuroh building In a few montha, and
eepect year. to be one in which a
larger work- will be carried on,
The Presbytery of Huron met in
Wittig Church, Clinton, on Tumidity
morning last, Rev. Mr. Fleteher, of
Thorne,. Road, preniding. A re on g
those present were ReVa. Messrs. Raw -
ere, Davideon, Urquart, Leckie, Shaw,
D. Stewart, MeNell, Hamilton, Ander.
onn, Small and Dr. MeLean and Rldera
from Ileacefield, Blake, Blyth, Auburn
and hondeehoto. Rev W. Martin, B.
D., of Exeter, waa appointed Moder-
atm. for the (miming mont ha. The
Treammer's report wan receivml and
the books committed to the anditora,
osho report the Account() correctly
kept. Minutea megaton from malty
Freestone were presented and examined
Grante to augmented congregation°
were revised, and in the ease of Grand
Bend, Varna and 13nyfield, the former
grants were recommended. to make
the minimum salary $800, a reduction
being recommended in the ease of
Leeburn and Union. Leave wan given
to Mr. Small, Interim moderator at
Myth, to moderate in a call there,
when the people were ready. A re-
eolution congratulating Dr. McLean
on the eotnpletion of his forty genre
ministry in Blytb wan unanimounly
adopted. The statistical tomer came
nnder die:moiler) and much crithrinm
wits offered. The melt meeting was
appointed to take plam In Willis
Church Clinton. on the first Tuesday
of *AA, i967.
Bilateoes-eThe death of Mary Eliz-
abeth, wife of Mr. Thomas Bryeon,
which occurred yesterday. ono sr, most
sad event, He Isom of the 0. P. R.
employees here, and the doiniso of his
estimable wife is deeply regtetted.
She was in her 33td year, and leaver)
a bereft husband and two Months old
Infant, The cause of death was
pariah:tom amteinia. Mr. &Teen
accompanied the -corpora, hy the me),
train thie morning to Newcastle, Ont.,
where interment will take place.
EURROWS.-00 Thursday, Jasittary
10tin Annie, daughter ot Mr. and Mrs.
George Burrows, died at the family
residence, Brook street, after a abort
Illness. The deceesed was in her
eighteenth year and much beloved.
On Sunday afternoon the funeral took
place from the family residence to
Maitland Cemetery, in presence of a
very large number of relatives and
friends, the officiating minister holing
Rev. Jae, A. Anderson, pastor of Koos
church. Deceased'e casket wee lost
In the wealth of flowers placed there
by relatives and friends, and many of
her young girl friends and compan-
ions were present in line to attend the
obsequies of their friend who had
"crossed the river." Meets sympathy
goes forth to Mr. and Mire. Burrows
and bunny in their sad bereavement.
KNEESHAW.-WIlliatil Bee-
ond son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Knee-
ahaw, died yesterday morning at the
residence of his parents, St. George's
Ward. Deceased, who had been ill
for some time, returned home from
Guelph in August of last year, and
from that day faded away. When he
left home a few years since he was the
picture of manhood, aml one would
have thought he would five man's
allotted time, but the insidioue disease,
consumption, attacked him and
carried him away, mourned by rel-
atives and friends at home, and a
large circle of friends at Guelph. The
late Mr, Kneesha.w was a man beloved
by all who knew him, and though his
residence in Guelph was not a long
one, he was known to many of its
citizens, hie well lived life and attract-
ive persenalty gaining hosts of real
friends in that city. The funeral will
take place to-inorrow, Saturday, at 3
p. us to Maitland Cemetery.
BOWLITY.-There died in Dundee on
Saturday, Oth inst.,' Rev. Charles L.
Bowlby, after a year's illness, from
Brights diseruie, The deceased was a
brother °flit's. Richard Parsons, and
was known to many in town, as he
was vieiting hie sister here some two
or three years since. The Dundee
Star says the deceased was one of the
best known ministers in the Hamilton
boifference of the Methodtst Church,
and that In his death that body loses
one of its best pulpit orators and one
of its best beloved pastors. The
gentleman had been actively engaged
in the minietry for about 25 years, the
greater part of which was in the Ham-
ilton conference, and wlsile pastor of
Batton street church, Hrmilton, he
organized the Young Men's Union of
that church. He was 0, man of warm
heart and cheerful disposition, and of
great piety And zeal, and endeared
himself to all whom he met. The de-
ceased was a member of the A. 11'. and
A. M.. the L. 0. F. atel the C. 0. 0. F„
representatives of which orders were
present at the interment, Mrs. Bowl -
by is a daughter of the Mae Rev. Wm.
()roes, to whom and her five young
children the sympathy of their many
friends goes out in this their hem of
berenvement. The funeral took place
in Hamilton on Tuesday morning, and
teas largely attended, though the
weather wrs stormy. After a short
service at the hotise, decermed's re-
mains were cenveyed to the Methodist
church, where the funeral service was
beld. Rev. Mr. Faille read the scrip-
ture lesson, Rev. Mr. Mansell, who
conducted the service, spoke feelingly
and impresoively of deceased's Ole and
his passiug away. The pall bearers
were eight Rev. brothers of the de-
ceased, and relatives present fronn /1
distance were Geo. W. Bowiby, bro-
ther of deceased, and four sisters, viz.,
Mrs, Harris, London, Mrs. Oke, Seri -
forth, Mrs. Coiling. Toronto, and Mrs.
R. Paroons, (Joderich.
Brief Town Topics.
The Planing Mill (Jo. is still busy.
the factory being full -handed and
running all the time,
Court Goderich, No. 32, C, 0. F., has
three of their members elected in the
Council thie year ; Bros. McE wen,
Beckett, Meek lin.
In Mayor Elliot I '13 as pt
ed on fifth page t he word "merchante"
in the 14th line from bottom of see -
rind column eleould read "rnechanica".
The difference will be readily noticed.
Mrs. A. Allan, of 13randon, In re-
newing for Tim Seen, for 1007, writea:
"The floderich Star, has been a week
ly visitor at our home for the hist 14
years, and we don't, wish to lose a
copy." That's appreciative,
The Roger's Co. have now 35 men
On the pay list, Since the new coni
pane, assumed charge all the men for -
nice I y employed have ;lad their salariee
mimed from 2.5 to 40c alday. The last
pay Ilst wrm 8060.00.
The Municipal World pets the mat.
ter In thin light ; "If you Want 70
Injure your town, buy not hi ng at home
that. you can get elsewhere, and if you
are in himineen, don't ad vertices" There
iti a good deal of aound sense crowded
into a small since In the above.
The Counell at On innestural nieeting
changed i nights for regular meet-
ings from Friday to Thersdava, first
and third, to meet t.he con venleiwe of
Reeve MeIsertn, who could not. attend
regularly on Pricleya. A better all.
round change would lie to make it
The mem here of the Oriderieh branch
of Went, Huron's Women's) Institute
at the npecial meeting held on Tues-
day afternoon dertided not to have an
oyster supper. but to have a tea and
soeial evening for members, with
husband or friend, at the home of
Mee. Trethewey, on Thurnday eve-
ning, January 31nt. All menthera are
cordially invited to attend. Tea peev-
ed from 0.30 to 8 o'cloc k.
At the annual mooting of the Huron
Law Library Annociation, held in the
Library on Saturday, the following
were erected offleere for the year 1007 :
President, Judge Holt ; ice- Perm.,
Mr. 11 (limes( pad ; Hee y.•Treats, Wm
Proudfoot, K. (1. ; Auditore, Mertere
Diekinaon and R C. Hnyn ; Cornmit•
tee, Judger) Doyle and Holt and
Mepare. Proedfoot. Cameron and flar•
Every young lady 'who la dertirotra of
fitting heraelf so that she may beenene
independent nti far OA gaining a liveli-
hood la concerned, and in judlelous
enough to prepare againgt a pormible
day of adversity, nhould rend the new
advertlaemenb,of the WIngbans Beal.
neon College. ,The dainty, broterfly
lady, who her) the aseurrtnee of Nene
spoon fed througb Inas must not read
M. Write us and we will tell you the
searet of one suceelle, which made tho
attendance of tills tear double that of
1 LETTERS TO T1113 EDITOR first allot. We mey now wait to see how
nirrount4. its TODD. Ithablbehatens
et Yea. In Advarte•-$1.60 critnif
"A Taxpayer on Essex Street" Ito will take, tho return shot from America.
writes regarding the electric light on Many Protestante have already pro-
nounced upon the state of affairs in
Essex and Quebec streets. Ho says. FrAnee. anti the most intelligent and hon -
"There has not been any light for est have declared that it is not merely a
about two mouths, aud oven all fall war against the Catholic Churrh, but a-
we had no ligilit tor more than half gaiost Chreatiataty thou h Mr N tt
e t me, It a true the matt comes to
fix it, but we don't get the light all
the same. What is the unitterP Is it
beeauee the dynamo is too weak to trend
the current so tar? But that can't be
for I see lights further away than
that. It must be that they don't
know how to fix the light, for the pole
Is there, or they will not charge us
Merin We like to pay for what we
get, hut it pinches hard to be cona-
polled to pay for what we don't get."
"Citizen" writes thus on a phase of
the wheel salaries question : "A schooi
trustee from a not distant townerhip
wits the other day complolning of the
townehlps being ta.xed to pay higher
ealaries to other people's children who
were teaching in the township schoola,
Now us a matter of fact the townehipo
do not employ other people'e children
as teachere, they employ their own,
and In nine eases out of ten it will he
found that the extra money paid fur
tettchlug, is paid to girls or boys
whose parents Hee In the municipali-
ty, so that the extra money collected
is collected may be frotn 40 farmers.
and paid to the son or daughter of
one of themselves, living on or near
the S. S. Surely such a measure of
fair play should meet with the ap
prove! of farmers, for hogs at $0.60,
eggs at 23c and butter at 22e gives
agriculturists enough, aye, and to
spare, to pay the teachers' salaries,"
Editor Goonnicn SkrAtt.
Sta,-In your issue of ttlt inst. there
appears a conenueication from an ex.
Methodist minister, Mr. Benjamin Nott,
condetnnation of the resolutions of the
Catholics of Goderich to use the tneaus
within their reach to punish, not %iodic-
tively, hut for correction's aake, the
French Government and people for their
act of robbery recently committed against
all Christianity. But this robbery falls
more grievously on the Catholic Church
for the reason that tlte vast majority of
those who suffer this persecution are
Catholics, and also because the conditions
under which the robbery is committed
are esseutially opposed to the constitu-
tion of the Catholic church, wherear
Protestants, RS members of merely local
organizations, can more readily accommo•
date themselves to the local machinery
which the French Government has laid
down for the management of public wor-
ship. In fact, Air. Nott says that from
the Protestants "there is not a word of
compiaint against the Governutent," be-
cause it has dissolved " the unholy alli-
ance between Chtirch and State."
Mr. Nott is entirely mistaken on this
point. On the occasion of the pasenge of
the laws under which the churches and
ecclesiastical property were seized as the
property of the elate, the Protestant and
rewish consistories and conventions both
protested against the law Its an iejustice,
and ao it really was. But the Protereants
and Jews, being not essentially one body,
found that they could miller such laws
keep up public worship, rind they used
the laws establishing asaociations of wor-
ship so that the church buildiugn might
not at oace poen out of their hands, for
they are not without hope that better
times may restore to them the full title
to their possessions.
Nott has evidently not made him-
self acquainted with the brutality of the
proceedings of the French Government,
nor indeed does he even seem to have
read the almost daily reports of the pro -
great, of the persecntion against the Cath-
olic Church, otherwise he could never
have asserted that " the crisis in France
is not a persecution of brutal violence in-
flicted upon the church by the govern-
ment; It is the cuhnination of political,
moral and social conditions in the church,
combined with her disloyalty and intri-
guing." He says also that the amsertion
of the Goderich Catholics is a false
charge that "the French Government
blasphemously boasted that they bad
driven Christ out of the schools and they
would now drive him out of the country,"
and "they have driven the clergy out of
their homes with brutal violence." It is
the ex•Rev. Mr. Nett who asserts here
what is false. And where are the proofs?
The chief Rabbi of France, M. Leh.
mann, protested thus: " Wily should the
State suppress establishments which luel
been guaranteed by nearly every consti-
tution passed since 17et, nod protected
by every law„ , mei why simnel it
aeize property :Acquired with its approba-
tion) Whnt we want is that plates of
worship shonld belong to those who built
them and who pray in them, and that
every religious denomination ahould pre.
serve the form of organization which
moat conformable to its traditions and
aspirations." Thin venerable Rabbi sees
in the act of spoliation the insecurity of
future ownership, or rather tenaticy, for
what the Government owns 0 may claim
at eny tinie. The Protestant consietnries
have spoken similarly, hut they endure
for the present what they cannot cure.
The Catholics have; a different tradi•
: ion, however. The Catholic Church et
the world is under gine supreme head and
the Bishops govern the various diocesen,
t oo in number, lido which the world is
divided. It !tiny he readily neon that the
new Vrench law which givea a few men
n each parinh the full control of the ad •
ministration of church affairs, Ignoring
both Bishops; arid Pope, cannot he ender,
ed, whether the worship nenociationa be
made up of go/ 4 or bad turn. lt can aot
be allowed that such rinnortetinna ahould
appoint whom they 1i/cane as pentore,
en excommunicated or etispended prienta.
end do everything else in connection wills
the church and ita worship, under the
direction and aupervinion of the State.
Mr Non denier, ttmt prieela have
leteri driven 'irom heir homea. lIna he
not read that policemen forcee their wet?
into the horwe of the venerable A rchbish
Op of Perin and expelled him forcibly?
Han he not dincoveres1 that the door was
locked by a policeman as 110011 11.11 the
Archbishop vacated the building, nut!
that workmen were inmediatriv net to
work to prepare it for the Bureau ef La
bor uniich 18 how entablinhed there> And
in Mr. Nott ignorent of the feet (bet with
In five days 34 Iliehopa end Archhinhope,
with thounandn of prieata, were nirenily
dHven from their homes, and that the
work is going on still?
Mr. Nett's) falaehood that the Catholic
Church wnn " disloyal and intrietring"
need not he nerionaly refuted. The Preto+
Government celred al/ the doeuments of
the Perin Ntinciature end thought, or pre.
tended to think, it had a prize which
would prove what Mr Nott aaserta with -
mit a particle of proof. And why does
not the French Government produce itn
probative (incur:lento now' it la become
Mk 11 paper% do not exiat, and because
they are nkillfiri and brazen in deceit
The Pope end the French Binhope nre in
reality lovern of Prance, and they helve
borne the perteention inflicted on them
eith wonderfnl patience and meek nens ;
hnt there in no rear,on why we, the Catho-
lic/a of Canada and the Milted Statea,
ahould not strike back an effective Mow,
when AI, C tetrameter*, the French Pretni •
er, announces that theee is now on a de-
termined war in which he has find the
nounces dogmatically that it is nothing
of the kind. But there aro real Protest-
ant clergymen who are authorized to
speak for Protestants, and W110 differ en-
tirely front Mr. Nott.
Bishop Durnoulin, the Anglican Bishop
of Hallilltou. said a few days ago In a
sermon in St. James' Cathedral, Toronto,
"It is not in heathen Janda that we have
most to fear for the progress of the gots.
pet of Clarist, but in Christian lands where
there is danger 9f apentacy. Wo have an
example of title in Prelim, which is on
the high rood to the repudiation of God."
Rev. John VanSchiak, a Protestant pas-
tor of Washington, on Dec. 3o said at a
pnblic meetiug on thie very question; " I
am a Protestant, I was born a Protest-
ant. I arn proud of the Protestant tradi•
dons of my fathers, and happy in my
work as u minister of the Protestant
church. But I want to say fairly aud
squarely that Protestantism will Luise n
high and noble opportunity if it does not
rise with indignation and power and pro-
test against the wrong done to the Catho-
lics of Fmnce."
It must be borne in mind that the
church buildings in France to the value
of $tioo,000,000, were confiscated in tekle
and sold during the twelve years of the
Reign of Terror. These were all the pro-
perty of the Church, and were built by
means of the donations of pious people,
and not by the Government. Napoleou
I, knowiug that gcod morals and good
citizenship canuot exist without religion,
made the Concordat with the Pope, Pius
VI, that religion should be restored. The
church property which bad not been de-
stroyed or sold was restored, but there
was a great difficulty in regard to that
which had been sold to individuals by the
atheistic State, and a cempromise was
made that the State should pay the sala-
ries of the priests and bikhops, the whole
amount tieing only one per ceut of the
property thus confiscated and sold. These
salaries were therefore, uot as Mr. Nott
represeute, a payment for which the Pope
allowed the Governtnent to nominate the
Bishops. They were a payment in part
for a debt due by all just lante.
Here it is to be remarked that iu the
restoratieu of religion Protestants and
jdws were also beniguantly considered,
even larger salaries being given to their
clergy titan to the Catholic priests, be -
canoe the former Mid families to support.
Mr. Nott represents the matter as if the
Pope had agreed that the Government's
notninees to Bishoprics should be neees.
eerily accepted by the Pope, and that
Pius X broke the Concordat by not ac-
cepting Premier Coombes' nominees.
Pius VI tnade no such agreement. The
Government wan allowed to norn•
incite the Bishops, but At WAS always
the Pope's inalienable right to accept
or reject the nominees. The Church
and the Pope could 110t exercise
any influence if Mr. Nott's state-
ments were true. In practice the agree-
ment worked so that both parties to the
contract agreed upou the men before the
nominations Were made, and thus both
were satisfied. It was for many years
the aim of the Redicaln of Prance to de.
stroy religion, and M. Cnonthes merely
used the right of nomination Hs a pretext
to carry out hie plan. ife claimed the
sole right of appointment, a claim which
no Pope ever did or could concede.
To show the spirit ln which the French
pereecution is carried on, we need only
consider the following etatement of a
niember of the C.overnment, M Briand,
then Mihister of Education, now Minister
of Public Worship. These words Were
addressed to the school teachers et
A mime+ fsw weeks ago : " The time
has come 001. from the minds of
French children the ancient faith which
has served ite purpose, and replace it
with the light of free•thought, It ix time
to get rid of tbe Christian iden. We have
hunted Jesus Christ out of the army, the
navy, the schools, the hoepitaln, inaane
and orphen asy hum and law courts, and
now we must hunt him out of the State
Were not the Catholicn of Goderich
right denouncing a Government whose
mt•mhers, Briand, James, ttc•,
114W...spoken in thin style A eililoce+ not
Mr. Non render himself open to stinpicion
of favoring Athenint when he becomes
the 1)01 atiot such men ?
The churches, winkle! We and other
Church property in Prance are a% notch
the propel ty of the Catholic people of the
mitten as are the Methodist churchee and
cellegen of Otiterio the property tif the
Meth,slists ot this Provitice. Now if our
Government were tn hike peasenni on of
thin property and to Nell It for theatree,
cerridge (victories, blackainith shop; and
the like, would not 31r. N.4.1 denounce
!tech conduct as high.liamied robbery
run sure he would, and thnugh not a
Proteatent, I nee) would denounce it.
Nott riloald give the name measure
to Catholies when I hey are robbed by the
Premli Government
The Catholies of Prance ahould be dealt
with in the anme pod rummer in which
President Reoiwyelt dealt with the prop
ertv of the Church in the Philippine
'Manila when they were wrested from
Spain. That property wan net con fis-
re ted 1,v the American Government, but
was left to the Chun h which owned it.
Surely the property of the iturch
Prance, whir wan indeed trim for the
benefit of the pe, ,ple who need placen of
worship, hcapitti 14, F1(1),),Jig, mottling,
etc , ahould be left to the Church which
received it for thene benevolent purpose%
from a generous and pion» people (luring
fifteen centurtee. Ali ! There i% tire ilif•
fetence between the men. that Preeident
knenevelt in the soul of honor and 'emit,
while clement yeti, l'orteltes, Brianil &
o are the dregs .,2 11‘1,11,,t,.,17.711,ndry haters
A l'sritoLic.
Meeting Calendar.
riognIar meeting of iho limna trete In um
1.0111 1101,1100 I fall. Mooney the Ohs All tee
M10111t.,•• are 1-010012004 110 000.011 7 rOf 100
ill.0011nt inn of officer.
It/eviler meet Ina. of I ti rornows amp, i
on Friday co, ening. Jan, 2.4
Regular mowing of !Corea. toerlf.11, 1. of
T ..in Monday evening. inn 9t,
Tho ft 001111 111001 1017 of North Some .1.
n will be Iola 171400 of Myth on
Tooador P.m nt to o'rin.-I4 10 for tho
t rano:tenon huolnetio All ntionbert In,
visitor+ wr.lrome.
Notion. near+, thin hoed Mg to non ad retain
two will tte rharged in rento a crowing 11no
nommrtol t ypo, 12 lino. to tho Inch , to yearly
1,ontrrket vertioeto wbmo advertising ap
pawn In the name melte. rennin ; le
Mo.° who make a yearly nontroet under thl.
handing, and do not othorwloo tuivortine,
oento a line.
Local NotIcee.
NV E Mel,ean, tiorlorich, in in the
markot to hey rattle, ohoon and hog. at high
est toarhot
A Metrical la annolineiNI for Monday,
Jan. 513th, ho mitre In Know berth, by the
Icahn& (ironing ',horn.. ender the Aire -Mien or
J. E. Jordan. The work to ho triVon la Adel-
aide A. eroeter'. "Legend of ItnigOnny" Thi.,
work lo f+111 of stirring paz,argen mut (ivory
million Of CMS beautiful poem la tlrOeullt net
so vividly teat it noome an if in real Info The
work 1. now in Canada Oda year. and atiould
not ba miened Tho progrnmme also In
elude organ pod pram) nieneere by J. 5 Jordan
end e foe, of Ms pupils will take part. Tho
OittlIgAPon 17.0 WA, Tblo lq ago ekInt of Mr
r mosses Pootair litedft2.
To tile editor of Tun Sten. -
Oa (recount of considerable dfitcgsv
sion having arisen over the reeenb
purchase of coal by the new Commies
slon, and more especially oti account
of tho flagrant nalerepresentationit
made by some concerning tho mune,
allow us to state in a few words what
actually occurred. Immediately after
the municipal elections, Mr. Kelly
informed tho Commission tbat there
waa tiot coal at the works to last
longer than a week, and that some
stop must be taken at once, The Ooms
mission perceived that if the purchase
of coal without tendee was to be
avoided, tendere must be asked for by
telegram Immediately. Let it be here
etated that by actual test at the works
tho only coals which we can safely
purchase with due regard to economy
are Wilson's "Red Jacket","Voughi.
gheny", The lihirmount Ooal
'Fairmount coal" and Pochabontas".
We asked tenders from Win. Lee.
F. B. Holmes, Peter bleEwan Estate.
Itobt. Elliott, The Fairmount Coal
Co., Detroit, and the H. 1'. Moon
Coal t)o.. Detroit, for the coals which
we have mentioned, and received
tenders from the followinmonly, prices
per ton, f. o. b. Goderich :
lidoEwan &date Isom:ler-Rod Jacket, mine
et-,u1np.$3.,195b..011t,oltaimptim4.81. Cold water evaporate
Noirtairtzwion.nt Ca.-usino run 13.40. 1 lump 89.75.
11.T.WIlson Coal Co.-Ited Jacket cool. mine
rix.03,0t .00313 lufur2p4.1.21. Cold %enter evaporu
Fairmount Coal Co , Detroit -for their echo
Muted brand of Fairmount opal, mine run
113.05, flume $3.76, Cold water evaporated per
lb. of coal '7.a112.
As will be seen from the above the
Fairinount Coal which has been tested
at the works, called "The Celebrated
brand of Fairmount Coal" which is
equal in quality to the others tested,
is 20e a ton cheaper than any of the
tioetheeeprote, daud therefore their tender was
The determination of the Commis-
sion Is to work In the interests of the
town and not in the interests of any
private individual. Acting on this
principle they cannot buy any coal
which has not been actually tested at
the works. If there are any who
would like to get an order from us, by
sending a 'eanaple oar their coal will
be tested We have actually found a
number of those tested to be almost
absolutely useless. We may add In
conclurriou, the Commission not hav-
ing been sworn in, we adviaed the
engineer to nuske the purchaae which
was made.
WATER & 1101TT UOMM1481014.
Aueebrook watt the pant week vielting
in Winghani.
Mr. and Mot. W. E. Kelly two ideating rela-
tives 1/1 P10G011.
Mrs. it B. Smith antl hire. Jas. Clark aro
ataying at tho liodford.
Mr. and Mre. Reg. Black and children left
Ian week 013 a visit to California.
Ma...Gamble returned en Saturday from a
visit- to relatives In the Queen °BY.
Mts. Sophia Streehan, Albert etroot, was
shilling trice& In CliiiLon Oti Saturday.
Mr. James Molf anal°. of High River. Ana..
elicited hls sinter MN. A. Mo01111vary, of WWII.
Mat week.
Mr. Red Mrs. James Pullar, of tartult Ste.
Mario,- MIMI., are in town, the guests of Mrs.
Tett, etreet.
F. O. Shughard, after a two week's holiday
nt the family reoldenee, North street, rammed,
to Milwaukee on Friday,
Welter Haendern left last week for Menorah,
to Juin the surveylitgotatt working Oil Gh0
It. linen in that neighborhood.
1Ctigur Woods left Monday afternoon for
Theaealon, to take iip an appointment in Cho
Sovereign Bane at that town.
Jno. William., of Almonte, wan In town for
e few day. thts weeic Halting kin mother, Mrs.
J, 11. William., Market street..
MI.. ein.le neattio entertained a number of
(Henan the evening of Wednesday, Jan. 9,
al, her home on the Hayfield road.
Charles Saunders, of tho Wootern Canada
Fleur Mill., Toronto, is spending a holidaY at
the family resilient*, Ctunbria
Mr. miti Mot. Kenneth Campbell returned
lent week from their honeymoon trip and have
token up residence on William. street.
air and Mrs Donald Cameron and two
ohildron, of Port Arthur, aro +tithing the
gentleman's father, the deputy sheriff of
t ha., Turnbull was with him parent. at the
reetwy iht. win*. fie wm. on Id. way front
Wingliam te Brantfoid. on promotion to Ulu
llat ft k 01 ( 'out morels at limn, ford.
Ex Mayo,. Tilt mid woo W. T. wont to 111alr
yooteriinv te 111 I 110 oolohratIon of tho
birthday of tin. former'. mother. who 6,, now
y.oars old Timex good stook, surely.
Mr. H '1'. Cuddy, of the Sterling Bank, who
woo a h.eflt 01/1 00010 1 747,111.01 -fly OWII1K
711110,4, 1314• 1•01.11r11011 70 111/1 1/0.1G. Mr. 11. 0.
1i/00y. a T000/10/, W00 KI1704 11 11 701 for liar.
od.ly, will remain here for a few day..
The Clinton New Era (grit ) says ; Jos.
Hoek hart been appointed poet -master
In enntieetion sylth the Patti ament
buildingi at Toronto. it in a position
he can easily 011, and the New Era haa
itlwaye held that he deserved well at
the hands of hig party friendn.
The Mitchell Advocate says Major
Joseph Beck, late of Ooderich, han
been appoi n I od postmaster t he
Lined Legislature Thie f4 o gond
pio.itnin and wo eon grant lute our old
friend on his Inek. He well deaerved
pcognition by Premier Whitney. He
wits the Conservative candidate on
t lore. ,ievasioris In West EllirOn. Ile
out. twice, but Ole neat was etolen
hem him each time.
The Sertforth Expositor (Reform,
says: Air. Jieteph Beek, formerly of
Gederieli rind a one time prominent
polito•ien lire eounty, hail been
ml 1),ml:easter at the P101111 -
meta Inolitingo in Toronto. The posi-
tion is a gr. 0 1 one and Mr. Beck will
the hill ed,oe Otly. Arir, Whitney
MAVA 110 watt 0) Ole ponition
par flatly ato ...id of "the fart that
1 1 11 11 101'0.10 111 11 7, seat in the Legisla-
ture, to whieh he had been elected,
was ntolen frimi him, and he alma
soffered financial; v " Mr. Heck in a
politien1 amine, ha. well earned hie
appeintinent, and all other things] be-
ing right it i. remittable to Mr. VVhit-
noy t hat he has ne II tt in gl y reeognieed
h is Fiero i coot.
Port Albert
l'ItairiN, A I. Mra. Alf Strafe is On the
nick hat at her brother in Inw'n reeidenee
Godertch Harry Hayden ix improv-
ing mlowly --John Selmenale attended
the first meeting of the Council on Mon-
day at the council chamber at Finley
richool -Mrn. A, C, 114WItinii in V1411ing
frienda Goderich.- Mrs. Copeland ia
the guent of Mre. Harry Hayden at
present Mrs P. Cunningham in im-
proving again nfter her illness.
N(ern Joe Pellow killed a garter
snake on Monday, the Wit, en the river
Kink, an unuattil visitor for January.
NOTZ251. -Rev. J. C. Reid is
conducting revival cervices here at pres-
ent. Mrn Wm. Graham spent a coulple
of &nisi in Orwlerieh the guest of Mrs.
(leo. 'ilinsett A large number of people
from here attended the funeral of the
late Miss Annie Burrows, youngett
dnughter of Mr, and Mrs. Geo, llurroWts, •
Goderich, who died suddenly iti ale
Olth year of her age The blireaMed
parents and brothers and asters hut the
heartfelt sympathy Of the people of this
utighborhmd in their aid afflietion.