HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1907-01-11, Page 8".�_Ql,_,_�_ ____ I Cumberlitudsurpriped the villa era 0 III. * '' " , , , VUSI OP 10 09 HHA1OVJRRTT 7
, I
. I 1104A I FArX 000174 FOR IC04ONS my.,M$1 VIM I I . I I I t
.,,44 tau Vt siwos, welvh and "fety. - *�_, 11 11 __._____ _111- �� I.. 11 1-111- "I I - .. 1. I I .
I . lit Na"ItO4.14 ffou"tobs.-Misii Pearl e
: I -a bet, ,wQrk fQ�r : I ;.,. � I I N
, 'Wm Walkoin pil Utinday.-Mr. Civil. . . I .0
I WfieW Ciawlia W,Awd AiCOMP6 434 years Bradford comwo ici . 1
$25,000,000 Mr. I I I .
# . Powell, of filyth, was here last week FORWARDSTEP 'd
� g up the wasion's bo5juvas of ! . . � I
vtspof4 . 0 * - .. windin I
lk , OW . the River valley CreanjerV.'_Fred. I � I IN T I
t 4 Relem FWA aij UrAvKka Pwatil, sonof Robert Treleaven I is bome for - . i I I . HE INTER9STS 01' C
; C11" 5,250,0001 a while front Now Ontario, wberp he I � u
� 0M 0 . . . I . . 0 . . . I .
1 has been, for some t1we,-Mr. Gen. ot% tal L,--- �
t, , ,yotff accollLut,44me Or "—is invited. Aridereon. who has been re-elcoted, Muskoka Froe, Hoop for n
. I I upward$ received in die Saviv - reeve of Lacknow, has, the licioty co,u- . I I I B
1� Deposits of $1 -00 an' gratulatloos, of his old ilehoolit1tat,C4 . , . I
I ConsumPtive.'s
��. rest paid 4 times a year— 20 and asl5ociates around Dungannon.- � , , I I - t
,�, N��Inte Ex -Reeve Barkley accompuale4 his V , I '', t,
�i :, T'he ,* Ball of CajW& daughter to her -ebool on sattarday. I �� ^ ., - . -
�, I and wile unable to got back In time to I � I u
� I I I I I
� I t Sovereign ank vow Oil Monday -a bitter pill for .* I I The NitionAl Sanitarium Association of Canada
. 'i I John. I has undertaken to publish a monthly magazine
I, an w1ock. ANDREWPORTM Manager, __ 11 � I -
Godkih wranch. 70r4f . Holmosville. I L . . devoted to the Outdoor Treatment of Tuber t
,� I Tn!:�v ____._________
11 _________.______.!!= . I te
I n,RSONAL.-Mr. Leonard spent a culosis, and the inculcation of Hygien t
,.� , Dungannon. few days at Bright last week with till; 11 i
i�', � � .. Methods of Living for the people generally. 0
Go' nor Marriage Licenses from mot,her.-Mrs Steath, ofolinton,c4lled IN THIS 1411119119a I h
I 1,; , , , n. . - .
L T. 0. ATI. -aunt, Mrs. Holmes. -Mr. Hall'.4. , The -first number was.issued in November,
I . on hot
.1 I I Puniasilrits NoTi(m.-Mr.Thos. G. of Chleaqo to they guest of Mr. and Articles on the In
" � rs. MUIPland.-Mr. Rudd, of Mar- low.
, AUen, who IF, the regular correspondent to M I , . d
, � I � I Tin;8rAaforDun unon and neighborhood. Is i .1 Open Air Treatment
�� OPEN authorleed to IT Irlo oulic'erlptions and take lett, Michigan, and Mr.Wallace. of h
�:' orders for ob pr uting and advartIsIng.-Pubo. Woodatuck, were callers on Mrs. Hot. . of Tubercuaiosis or . I
� I ,1%[E ST'An! Ines last week. Nlessrs. Duncan, ne. I � All profits from this magazin,e - from
I � - Dungannon hews of Edward Stantoy,of Pickford, the TLIU11198 t
I __ .
; , ____ 0. E. AvatTsTiNE.
I law AMI. Dealer in Flour and Feed- subscriptions and 4ilvertising-will go
� � ,I, hh 121P.1) slar, and l3nrity Floor, Klichigan, weiv callers on Win. Stan. .. t
I 2vo to the maintenance of patients at the 0
1 Get your Outit For 1007 at D...A"St%kraud Poultry Food.-ChoPPIvif ley this week. � Attra,litively Illustrated.
. � I promptly Attended to. ____ - .. - ___ I I . Muskoka Free Hospital for Consump. ,I,
� � The general blacksmith firin of Bradford Broe.. LIFE ON EASY STREET. . NOV., 11908 tives. 11 a
., PORTER'S BOOK. STORE tit the village of Dungrition, disoolvVil filrtner- " T, Joe. Copy ;
li., ". mbip all Nov. lot. and a I account,A due hob firm . $1.00yeim . -
� arc berob Any one contributing one dollar a year, I
I ,W,yon,t%d to be settled on or be(.- ft to it. Ideal Place umd Worth Striv-
I , �----�� Nk-_,,_� I e
� . I .. � where everything that is Dca, Is. I lie lialnew's will he continued lug row. "_� or more, to the funds of the Hospital
. .. t)ytbotinderaiRned-UEO'tn[:BltAL)P()ItD- e
[ " . � There are more strong limbed, clear will become a subscriber to CANADIAN e
f., orrect, authorized and 0. A. Newton, Dentist. Luckoow. .1 I
li� I , c At houto every day except Thursday4. Now headed, bravo Iwarted. people living on Facsimile Cover Page (reduced in size) acw
. . . . i
�, ".. romody for extracting tec�,- 4SO"Of"'), Busy street than anywhere else In this Monthly Magazine of The National Sar�tar- OUT-DooR LiFH for one year.
, 1. -own and .
, , i according to regulatiOUS, bettor than gas. Ot ridge work, ote
- journ N.H.-You broad land, and thelr prime condition ium Association. Full size of PeSe I& x 7- - I
�,_ �'. ,�num plates (noribroakablo). ter -
" call a wag bavo your work much but Is the natural consequence of living '
: . is kept in stock. done in t o dental offloo-morb t,duni,,bottor -- Home or Means t
,,, un
� : : * facilities for doing the work -and more tliere, for, although you may not have No Father, No Mother, No Homo An Orphan, without
;1 comfortable for the cationt. thought of It, there Is a close rotation- Worse Than a Prisoner DR� A� E. HANNAO PERTH: I have a patient here, a
-r a
', %. ,a
� , , You make no mistake OUSE IN DUNGANNON.-For l3alo or ehlp existing between good health and GARPiRLD BRAcEv, BeaLm, ONT.: Enclosed please youngfellowin whom I am greatly interested. t, to Let. Posae,t,ilon given any thoo after He has '
I I A..' 1, 10011. For particularA apply to tile own- the consciousness of getting On well In find doctor's certificate and examination papers. Hope
I . I .� 6 . when you buy your or, flughStawart, Dungannon. life. You call see this for yourself if you will secure me a place in your SanatcAum. You will tuberculosis. He is a poor young fellow, an orphan, out 6
C�. L I .1 T. U. Allen sells the Do Lavel Cream you will note how a strong man droops, notice that my circumstances is a bard one; no father, no of home, without any means. If w6 sent him tip %votkld you t
I I School Supplies at 1.1opa torandtlieDissollDiwandltoltor,eaoh . IM
'we 3 -worse than a pn�oner. Nobody wants
,?'' L :d to be the hoit in Its clams, like a frost nipped tower, wbo by some mother no home I take him in and do the best you can fog him? I know Ili I c
I � %�. 0111T.-MrS. MilIN, widow of the late mistake loses 1116 Position, big POsse8- I of my disease. Hoping you wi I have the difficult it is to accommodate all who require treatment,
I r I I c I .bawi-,�-.-n-dloaonsider my position, and give me a position
�, . � I John Mills, of W. Wawanosh, near slons or the estecin of )its fellows, on at once in your Sanatorium, I ever pray. I but this is a special case.
''I., Auburn, and mother of Mrs. John or all. Sbylock inado a hard bargain . . � -
. I Porter s Medd, V. S., of Dungannon, died at with a borrower, and In Ills effort to it neouraging to have a letter from fIrlonds who kind) contribute. For the I
. is alws I
: � : 1he liqua", Wilerich horhomoonTbursday,Jan.3rd. after foreclose tile bond lost his cash and convetilefirele of those who butva not time to write. the following hylank may be used: NOW117
I I , I " 'relsphoriii 100 b. a short illness of only a few days, won tile contempt and scorn of all men. "DO IT I
''I � I The funeral t9ok place Tuesday, 8th,
_r � Mental disturbance followed, Including SUBSCRIPTION BLANK. Is a business motto of I
... 1, to Ball's cemetery - Dan Stetson, Who L
I �, I I physical Ill being, and, staggering away
�, a this strenuous age that
� I., � gent this fall enlarging pictures in
,�., Pe GobedCb %tar. us, paxts, died lately In tile Hos. from the judge's bouch nnd clutching ...................... 1.190 .... (
�. - 1, . TXLWUGNS CALL TL pital, at Toront,o. at the air. he cried. "I am not weill" Dear 'Sir, applies with tremendous
�� -The Wawa. But you need not go back Etc far to get
�, , ' DISTRICT MEETING. force when it is a good i
. nosh District L. 0. L. hold their an. an lllustrntioli. I have fikasure in enclosing the sum of .......... � ...... . ,�
t, . FRIDAY, JANUARY, 11, 1007 nual meetinginthe lodgeroom here And on tile other hand you can see act you should do. "! i
, � . on Tuesday. when tile following by observing for yourself flow the gain, ............ ($ ......... ), as. a contributilm to the maintenance � . .,
� . �_____ pEopLE WE KNOW. officers were elected for the year:- or even the anticipated gain, of a home pf.jVa MUSKOICA FREE HOS)VrAL ,FOR CONSUMPTIVES "A child's kiss �et on thy sighing
.. Missnella Howrin is visiting in Kluvton. � Henry Horney, mftsWrt Jas, Elliot, on Easy stretit Nvill mill(e a sick man . L lips shall make thee glad,
� t megaw is on a business visit to I'liter. past master, David Sproul, dep. 11, (julcken flyIng hopes Into life and I
� . bc�olwr ru"Atqr: A. P. ShopLard. chap; Alex we Name ........................................... "A sick man helped by thee shall
,. Manager Megaw left tar Montreal on Wed- Durnin, rec. aecy. ; . Thompson, tin. change the Nvater of sorrow Into the , make thee strong. I
I . . . noisday. secy.; W. J. Black, treas.; Will. wine of joy. Recent literature has re- A ddress .................................... served thyself in
gMrs, J. Rodmand. of Weatflold, wall In `Own Stuart, director of cemmonlesi Win. minded us how a happy turn In the "Thou shalt be
. on Monday. Mcilwain and U. W. Bradford, lectur- tide of tile afralus of Josiah Wedgwood, CONTRIOUTIONS MAY DR 81INT TO every sense of service which thou
�� Ml,�q
� � M. Hamilica, is vittitnui her brotheit. are. afterward to becolue the world's great HON. SIR W. R. MEREDITH lit Chief Justice. Vlee-Prosident Nat. San. Association, renderest."
Dr, iijimilwa, at Cornwell. to OHNERAL NOTPH.-Ilelf, I - pioneer pottery artist and Inventor, Toronto, or W. J. GA611, Esq., Chairman axecutivo Committee. Toronto. .
t � Miss My Durtow,3 IK. we are 0eamed W. Rot) I
11 't , ly Improving. inson commenceit'revival services this -om till liwalld's conch and -11 Subs . -,, 44 1�,
' I - r10 ra _,�;:A ' DO IT NOW
� teed him fi
�, . . of Toronto, now it traveller. week. We think he expects better sit. gr,�p,tlonsrecolved will beacknowledged In the Toronto "Globe" and "News
" H N. Lowler. 11
� j3pc�t a tow days in town recently. tendance now that the elections are started him upon Olt road to affluence Anyonesubs g one dollar or more becomes it subscriber to the Canadian Outdoor Lifo ,
'i I � find distinction annont, England's Ili. I for one year. __ - __ -
i Mist; Dora Pholan and Mr, Lee Larabortua over. -Mr. Kurtz, the nianufricturer, E. -_ I
I , , handed oil,
I I . apent Sulld",0 W. F. Young'o. Loyal Isit,ing over Lim gas plant to Allen dustrial princes: Similarly Mary, W , --I WAS SPECIALLY PLEASED WITH TIlt ATTENTION.P.AID TO CONDUCT THE INSTITUTION CAR ,
, W, R, Davilk P, 24. ot�Mll -
I I 1P.0.111Z.-Idav on Thursday la,qt with aguarantee of stonecratt. fifterivard the mother of the
r 'his $onp% of op Bedford ot Y. FULLY AND ECONONICALLY."-Dr. R. W. Bruce -Smith, Government Inspector Hospital3 and Charities.
1� �
i Mr. and n. 1) rowhir at Womt Witwallo8h. five )'Cars' good working, and tip to poet lilbelley's wife, Ill from noglect and .. I
visited hewlroth�r, John ijurnin. Kcays aroot, date the I t h I enpral satis- discouraged by hurdshIps, was, by tho - "I' , Mr
_Tn 4 __
be A.R.'M'vide" " Wawnrin8b .4maEallILP'ligg�� — -
� this week. faction, success of tier modest ventures in lit, I ,
I ro m .A. Worth, of ftle erature heartened to undertake her No, i
Mr. and M - . ll?jT", Agrl3ultural Society held their annual
At Iting their nephew, at meeting on Wednesday of this week. I .
,I theltdV9 vis F till report next week. -Hugh Stewart great life work, which soon yielded her
Alex. Chrystal. our one tinni well known a bandsoine roytilty,
townsman, was in town oil Monday to veto for moved to his now farm last week.
� � the bylaws. 'He is setting up his mill ,ready for Read the story of Angelina, who - M - -
,I lifts. FAm. Hartg,t non -tiler, who hwboon Iumber1n% operations. - Messrs. Beg. lives on East street and hns,no desire .
vh4d"V11her eon. ord Hart, in Detrol% ham ley and proulbaverenteilMr. Jnn. to,inove and lose ber-clear beade.duesis . I 1
1 7 return orno. Jamo�, Pullar. of Sault Sit.' Button's saw mill and will shor6y and her benitb. She was engaged to ,*.__-__ - 1W1W I 3111� ___
�, Mr. and Mrs. v
Marjo, Micl, are hitting Capt, and hirt.t. Mo. ,�ugin operatione on the h4tin of Win. be married to Attila. He was it clerk .
I I Dermaid, tow i. intligan in Saratoga.-Jrlo. Glen receiving $12 per week, and she carbLd . 49 00
� I ),IrsL By. A YOQni and children will return built a chimney Tuesday for Win. $85 a month teaching school. After . - I I
1, � . P-l'Y'.11601,nlltllofmhoelrldv&IdYL an. i4th, after touch oil- Mole. This Is either early or late for few years Augellita explained her con- r j .11 - RM grapzjucn.
Mr. J. J. lCelly. who had boon 8pending the that work, John. -The first Ineeting .AKL 'DijercT flipamrz- - -
I boll,tay semen at his, home bore. left tilinw0lik of theTownship 0ouncillors is'flxed tinned splusterbood by saying that She
� for W mining proPorLY it' the Cobalt country' by statute for the second Monday' In hall given Allan time to develop Into -_ -
e Mrs, wostaby. of Minnogliollo It vialting january. at I I a. in So LbIA Year, a Inrger money getter, and he had not . �
� beir, mother Mro cox St� I atrick ot,root, an Monday, the 14th Is 'the date for be. done It, so site decided against the ad-
. w vtmftl� at �ho 014 holue for live or six
� weeks. ginning oporation'g. L visability of exchanging an $85 it
! . Mr F_ N. LowlA .NI. P., spent last Sunday AsHFixLD Rl.POTION.- -The rain on month position for a $50 a month hum.
! . And 'Aanday In hoillorlah, the guest Of 110V . Monday caused the soveral candidij.LeEi band. It Is quite true that when pov. Sensational Silk Selling
� josephn.1tott, ret.urning to Ottawa Monday and their friends elmsitlorable anxiety, .
Creoles. erty comes In at the door love files out L I
�__ - rLll� ssat sdvta. Manager of each thinking that It would be hill of the window, but it Is not because
I Mr. Garrett W supporters who would be detalned at
, theCktindlan HortiV,ulturieLwaA in town on tile Angelluns are without sentiment
�;J Mradftyjestjn tile ntomt of that excellent home, and not tho other fellows,
I publication. However, there was a fairly gond vote It Is because love cannot feed on in.
I . hannon aro visiting The Leading Feature of the
. their lnukther. Alm %J. D. Shanuoit6li:iustlton polled over the whole township, but. competency and thrives best on Basy
. ilt� Mr. find Mrs. 8 anutin left o 'i ukou we must admit that thin votes in out, street. I I
. wice thrm wqq� A tiln, the gentloulan being own poll, No. 1, failed to turn out as go the importance of everything that
.. t I
�, � ;nj �**Wlkt takoupfigovernmout wellasthose lit the other polls, only will aid any one to got on In the 'World
Oftralelto-Ij " .
, , �
, , , -
Mt Second Week of January Sale
.. r,:ii;eff CW' !", '' it a fow 107 votes being cast out of a possille Is established oil a sure foundation-
�. "O , &M
I � I daini In tv,ld, vew ,, ,emnin., i. ofaboutI40, We can scarcely belhave, I
I cKM on tj%rdai�. ' - re. Caimpboll 10, Ch the testimony of facts, We do not ex. 0 �MI!11111101111111111101111111111011
.,�4.hr, .
I f. V AG1 that all who did not vote were too ill Alt mere money getting above those ,
i" I niativotheng ft were MuLh pIca"d
I . r welcome e I y once more in the home of Ito risk gofn to the poll. and yet we
I I I hesitate to Vle% e.that they have so qualities of bead and heart ,%vbteb n
I %,!T" Ithu n I I IL F D nail cor. ICO life worth living, but rather , HE January Sale swings into the second week with a Silk Bargai
I . vice. of Gtlndgb tin"M tgle.,,W�� qj=dlug a small an interest In lownship and ma in -
.1 I on.. ch't
ftw4ays with bill 01411rion . .Phel4ol.Arho", county lkiyl%lrs as to volnuterily rc. phasize tile bonornble getting of It as that is nothing short of sensational, it's leading feature. A few
. . be ties not seen in 38 yeam when they were nounce tile sacred privilege and linty 11 conserver of them. And hence the T .
. school boys topther. and each were Pleased at
I � , L ,. � . %tut the other hale and hearty. of exorcising their franchise. The wisdom of ]lying on Easy street weeks ago we cleared over i000 yards of high grade Silks, the
void no, r *Ivod on TaosAv t6moon glghtt.of the election only a few were
n I I Jere
. I . a n Rtaunton (nee hot Iattto
. Mat Vltl;� get the result, owing to the
I i Sponcei now of E-dTanton, w&A vertorttly Ill at ' short ends of one of Canada's largest wholesale Silk Importers. It was
]ter home. end R6 big be I uncertain t of getting the returns all. The orchid rav�il,,.
I I ispenco, to come at once. Althslo*Qtgc�'bl%eirg"altFotillly in that nZot Mr. Jamca Mallough There seems to be a vneral miscon. just at his stock -taking tirn� and he wanted to sell them. Ther'e are'
.1 . � veiln tit 0 �whlch had kept her showed what stuff lie Is by bringing ception as to just what an orchid Ilk
, it t
. at Me to nestj 6 eeka. thr, latkor do lie results of the three north polls all kinds of Silks, Tafettas, Peau de Soles, Paillettes, Louisennes, etc.
. d too 4 era . , left oil Wedneray Many call any plant which grows on a .. .
6, y � , . -on
Ir .1 6 sially frion s of tht ih the darkness andgull, right
t 6
I 11 I -to ja irre-v,arld , I tree or has some I)ecnllnr feature an
tr1o, (am I I I . 11 a 11 owl 014 not prat Ill 9 own warm bed at cloc in black and nearly all colors. Lengths are 3 to 12 yards, none longer.
I I ova t Stan night., right down to the few anxlou'ls Orchid. This mistake Is frequently
11 I oukh soulsat Diingannon. The polling by luado with the pitcher plants and the They are suitable for Waists, Trimmings, Linings. or Skirts, regular
,. Meeting CAlendar. oub-divisions was as follows i '4AII floweria." The uniting in one or-
. neglar mootlost tit Invor 0&,4 Camp & 0, 8 , RLFVR, gan, called the column. of the 3tamens values ar .e 75c, 83c, $1.00 to $1.25, and we sell the sAme quality right
_� tills day evolling. InAt2ation of oflt %r.),., I t a tj 6 a 91 Tctal and pIstII9 serves to distinguish the along for these prices. We bought this lot at a price that lets us give
. gat cour oderich. C tyro a S5 71 M 07 , 317 orchid family from all related ones.
I m=.,m,rV,,-1r1t1,tW. I.. IVI 911�1,bora 1A 113 91 9 423 The Orchid family embraces 6,000 or
I � DEN'Tv mrvw, you your choice for 48c per yard. They go on sale for the first time
I MARMED. Hunter 81 98 to 17 �7 41 n W T.00D specles. of which comparatively ,
I I " """"' *" MoKenzill 11 10 37 64 76 0 80 SM few are found In the warm temperate Sattirday morning. If you want silk for any purpose, you will miss it
'. J-1- A COUNCILLORS. and almost none in the cold temperate
r jh ro,,; KI 90 ST 79 W 40 AN *ones. They are mostly distributed In if you do not take advantage of this remarkable offer.
Ilk , '��.Kg-h' or . Shok."I&. ' '
. 2*7 �tF L-U`h-`0_1`0�4 'd -l'
V 11§ltatom; be, 'tilliz. F, $ .1 67 A�j P" Vj I(e 53 77 40 the tropical regions. in hot. humid
I HuleH to W To n 321
Culbert 69 1 23 94 U-01 p1seeg. orehl �
Diled. 10 7D 18 21 however, do not Invit. over i000 yards of good quality Silk, in blacks, navys, reds, greens and the liglit shades, Tafettas,
, Loutseunts, Pailleties and Pearl de Soies in standard lines that sell at 75c to $1.25. no piece I
I CNIHommiilisov.-In North &AY Ont, on So the Connell of lWo conelits of Irlably prefer Will conditions. Nearly longer than i2"yards, most of them 6 to to yards. Von can buy any length you liket in 1.
�: "
ada a . Catherine )� D;110r- Tbomm Stothers, rpove; Wm, Ruater, all tropical orchids grow on trees, but . .... 4sets.
,t ji?%miary,50
I I , ,to tov. Uall Clirtatopheron. deputy reeve, aind Kickley. Shooninlils fn telbperate regions they grow in any shade we have, at your choice per yard .. ...................................... .
N.- t nit op, sn 6anday. Janw.ry ana §�lles, na councilloft. Mr- Xcln' earthYoutb's Companion. Unquestionably one of the biggest Silk Bargains we ever offered you.
I i � . rolo 'to el or datioditcrW Mr. tym,the defeated candidate tor reeve,
I a I via wpion.
, X"It �!.-IOG erleb.on rtu . Jan. has the consolation of knoWjLn$r thftt Loat Reir Lik* Last umbrens. should do it. You know the kind of
I F b 4 I it) . all M elder Kirk Ide a I at there was no otber man In altAblitield The tourist stopped at the little cabin Don't Forget the Ftirs, we sell. None but those that are I
. who could beat him. We think this '
Awlitim. I is the general belieL Mr. McKenzi0o Irbera an old eolored mnmmy w&s January Mantle PriceS absolutely reliable and can be depend-
. L I OxT.-It is our sad dut to nprt the who vras defeated by Air. Huntep, bending over a big tub. . e(I upon in every way find an entrance
1. I. perhaps owes his defe.6t mainly to tb6' "Good morning. marmily," greeted this I anuary prices nlean yon can save
dcath of Rebecca not. wi ow of tile late rict that Mr. Hunter It" beett much untIst to ,the store. We stand behind each
. I---- I I Killit, of West wetwittlosh, -which lorl 4SP lA thO 40rvieO Rild W" tile 01`4 '"Iftwidn', tall," responded willimly. money on a Mantle. Not many left
.., -mialplaceon Wednesday. Jan. a, after canl%ldslte In bis dIvIslon. Mr. Culbert, .,Wh,,,., your s(m sam7l, I and every one we sell,
.1 I QnIv a few hours illness from litatt fall- ter the Council, did well. but It it Is " "Oobe, "h? I ddnno wfit,b." to sell, bnt every Coat a Batgain. Alaska gable Ruffs and Muffs. Out-Qtiarter off. .
" ure. She and bet late busbend *ere someclaim, that Mr.8hoenhals hkd "Well, be alWaYs wAs a bad boy. I New gartnents this season. Right in Ohio Sable Ruffs and Muffs, One -Quarter off.
I istaoug the tarlt settlers slid they eudur- the sympathy of the women on fit. mainuly,%,
ea tuatly of i e trials and hardships count At the excellent brand Of flotik style and all sterling quality. .Uven Milk Putts Glad Muffs, one -Quarter oil.
. incident to the p1bneq's lite. There he hftd been furnishing them with, " '00d he wam, sab. He was dess
srt can "ally accoant tot his lak dot olo blue embrella Ali toe In �
hornt,wat always a welcome place for Mr. 011be if you did not wear one auy more than Isabella Fox RUIN and Muffs, One -Quarter off. L
. I travt1jers, and be neighbor atedilig a defent. . do thunaentillim, He NM babd to this season, you could not help but Brown Opoossum Muffs gad Rafts, 11
I Mplisg hand 6ut found the -4 - -W, II 1, illowaliful lift d to ral out-Q62irter off. I I -
I . five it M,� Pry-40NAL, - Wilson h$8 let I*JAL h so, ant fittell get your money's worth.
11 � . t , 1, it"O 'Id *ftlhig to his farm At HAVAtogs, on 4, Ar" to hill Ab did riltitle Min lie, JeW jumped away Marmot Ruitts and Muffs, One-Quttflef off.
t yMato ago list Oct
. Zils dw 1,00 , �� All Caperines, Oni-Half regular prices.
. and Ober sob Ue`)rge- "d with &I big falially turd Me% an' Ali ain't eMn him since." Mantles 4t $4-00
1 _t*o #bf thtit childrell Sonle yeoltil eXt!ept Xinfl, Wh(j *111#tj%y With Goorg* I
I � .. . pt�viqulily. SoVetl children survive, be. For& time, 14 atf to his prop.Itty at I "__ a5 ladlee Tweed and Black Deaver Mantles, ev6ry —_ - � � �_ 11
IkAtAn, oil Ow fattig, Al". W.werntyre, Steelton. In Algoma, Iletote leaving I . .
, " garment new this season, many different
. thOOtOn', -". Xftillng thd Mt*- heinimlo suit of a W"kly 1101tor to AtIflAsiftleM, I stylts,, all new and up-t6-Aate. These are
;ft*h,6fAfW1A;Wt*, J. it. medal Of 4hr. Ot,,Tft I$TXV, F9WR 'reo'"'Nald thb old lnatll�matld 2o% -' FurJackets .
. I I , � Ity kn, , . . I 14AO : , the jft&t,%*bavc- left of our Mandeb -that sold � Oil �
It ,. V �ntion, Uri, 11, Nit, 6rNitf; Miff. t! - *Ith Ili .01 , #11tays
-_ . %-,,-_*" , the r -new _Aoche � 1i theft With a W kytk 9
" ,j I 0.0"'L .0AI - * Jilt*
" I '
U , . mt* a London; ima,mi% MoV4 At, Wish or . loon and Aoilly�"Xt% tookt4 at It tbat Vik*, �fNirj'Qo 1# "� 11 &t $7,50, $8.50 aild V0�00- Not Otte thsit A straight :zo per ecut oO all Far
I - ,Xo00*id146f*b4* Wem presetit'lIt the #Lit 6 ,Olt j9h4fliefrom blillbit. di"Qh"Wherl ftle littieft" ot6ll j&.'lli � we lold ih sto& at these prices retiervtd.
to, �. e Your choice of tbein all on S*turdAy for .... $4.90 for jamuary.
. ft-tridexaptum MICItityTt 4"d mts. Vl#lt.t4o t tot, "a Is 1014 lnWtjPjj,*tj,jj, *hfu dt"emlon winii aud Pur Lined Coats,
�, 904afto rtiefuntrAlvasN-try.lirgely In: M ON itVati�;UtM-1*0d , justaboutadozdn left t6 sell, They
6 tilpivto "Cl6ud 06
a(loW,,ovitt It's *O&U* being It oe� bottlaon of OtWhilool. . I Caw tit $2.50
0 yt $411 's tMM r-d"I'lliton. lims IV# ditialoit stita *hen �ffio RIAI Are stylish Coats, good quality And we
. 1� I I � 1. Viso "!I b"T06 *Oro P.- M�dd, t*., T. who it '' n. ebgmted in the Tfal WAIttitt 4toMft'jt%L 600 7 Only, lildicAl 011otb Capts, laids and black
4 , ***, G Roatka", &� Can,, Z 'G. estate I ' o .110 likes it 40 WAI � %ittl'on,tt I elotlis, just the thib,K for Stiving or rotgli ard ready to back thent all with our
� -
0 1 11 fayi;;,joh*,V=, The fittolilyhove tbkt e * I tot , n I A, r 4% few Wt*k4 "Abd hov ikbout AklioNtlo' *§k#d ", I ,gi)ijilr� . I
. I I I weather. 'At priets were IS.00 t6j%od,
bw%yotpoltuyin btfr4dabor, to,, ttko ,old h610.�11106*h IDOWWO tweatt. * for January Salck, � out tholte� ...... ....... $�,so ., giatilintio to makc- fight atLything
k k . PAWXM� -*04 Johit Wiflah! 11W x0allty tritWU me tAq*kd to 106 Mill "Oh. 1 *6044 tb*t Wouta tome taidtv . that golts Wrong. You tau save taoftey ,
I I I I 11 , 1*0, 4* *ick Ifitt, tiat wp.hq�e #60,to itema ithiftt thoft fi* k thOrt, fte-- tb6 d0b1blillittl0d Wt 0*90011011," I ChIldrenloi Reeters $i.00 - 9 A .
11 !** UW A. 0,-9196 prbiit is vilittiltir kit wim, Finlar twit *Ife i%t* 1*1kewhe buying sl Vur Coat nom�, for pric&; are
, 11) k*r#*t*i*l1A.Wft., 0sviotlAbOodds *.6i frj�ntfohipt I � ''. 114 only, Cb1Id)Mn*A ko_(�rs, litinhavveirtAirsitcy
� ,
j*Sj*#ftWhroa1tty 4h6*j*'X't *Otk,� � j,ft*iKb(Atlh rntjj * few, ---L-- twetils, wostly turtalt $?let, 211mUr P.0010 bound to be high n"t Winter, �
- � yt*t* 4*0 thor 11tod bo lt'N* 4h 001h . A **V* Artillt" Xis***A,, $1.to, kl�afing f6t litnifthry aille.0 tich... �.�$,IA L
alli-16046#0W fAhb&, 11,114 %**XpW ,bf AabW bA *4**M t6 �()odf"*h 4 11tt* 1110 mt Ift 6*4 ftl,"4* 2o, ptt ettit oil tneans that yott �
to U*V* a rT- ovott*h ft h0t601+0 to I .�, *h#ii tMy1h%*0'1*#h d'6109 I i _�� � .
*# VV , th *f tww'�wtit, vill, it, jArotoil __ '$iu. lotty a I
U&-100 kititAtkad, bt tho Wed. % irello- ., PAWS tettifitlod lx6h*6 I*At I C �
�", %"*" ow *t4"l0tM*0,lk1$ *", *##k troft F%6', btit til ilWAY to Ali* * 0 t*lkv ilit tht, MW� 011114 *** " $0.00 #!'Olt ILIN80 4COAT ro# , "
uoks as iso llnotl4't t,,%I,k *"k � *48,4* �
ftu t* wt,*t irtio*d *Ath �C6 *IOlt It � . .M*M Imp*wd *ad I*q-dlr*1*ft*:ifi
IV-060rr r.i4iiPwas is jkomaylisgtt do ma ;;; One Quarter, Off all, - ,*$&00 rVR,1AfC1W r04 $46.'00 .
, ___ 64 XM Gen,, W(* `owmt h "t, X'"Iy, ** i�*A*# *lngto, .
Us b"t % xftiwle W,il 0**- bf 1. 6t 064#whi "t 4*6 X"M `TW*41M*)6*11*h6*btth#A& oik $46.0 Mt ACKAT r6k, $3110 , I
,- 9A%kfk1, I
10116911W - 44 W_ U*k*h IN* At 440 16 a With t001* hol* VAbt- V�N" #106 Al*W01, *t tW, , � _P ur Prices , $304 011.34 JACWTVOW$38.00 I
oi a ON"". I tftthft* ** *Xlt,�, ll"k I whi A" � I 1;
�� cm*OC�-'Aktr. NIVA A*t I *30.% IFIU1R,JXCKMr tdk $24.00 1 i
1, I
41a I
Q§MCL )Iri�z::Zai.: �
0out 11, 0 t%* l' 4 ,*t0"r$*,ftVW* 'vt'�� Air itt op�k lis
I . A*ftu Z Old W, 11 I � , I I � -11 � ' I I U �* , I m - txActly
. * - A
,!. I Its 'Fol. yowillll Xt. ftoot *.*A *18 r**t% , . I I ofte-jul�ttitr tAkeft off ift" Ttolt , fift . .If you� swt thinking *t, ,all of lhx,
. #"**#e6 L, , , r P �
bkowN is 11goot I'll. 04 Xt. T. �� XMftft,* � I Nvt , vtAtirig itk a )?tar Coat mift in*ftd talk
� V"t AM 66 -,"A %Wly A^ I 40""' '14ow-wMrs wow*. *remly? � for 0@9 grett ]*.dtlt%TY sale: *41dt I
11016 wo mt. 1411111 At row �Zts V*At Y" 4owt )*it *bk t�ht MoLfter O*e,r With," We Vjill, &qjXr, i
WAY 1, - I.- . I �. to *A tvtryoft *4 catill t1lis moith - 1. li ,
1111111 jv;;�, � Xr. , I U&N �_ . ***-`K**** Ott N&O"000-t, . its" 11
_� I
11, ____ t I Aud 1,64 ptkft they tre selli � **t tb *&"t yon)4ou* Motley. I
11111 I .� ,.
- I I** 6 w1ft ft bb* ba -A &._.___._ _ __ 1. -
__ _41111— - __r__— ___ ____ --- - ___ __ ____ _.___ ______ -
. � '31000'em a soft, I
rienosate;Niie, xvturnecl to woroaro
bla.vice);.-Ar-, 4ind gis. A. (4 CoPp
felide0 of the otil e9pn, allf 11 C��, V
lv�v" vu vut,; I
mr , -
r , 4"_�. I I , 6 bellip; "a , , ,
V lipont, $ullday wile. -Ur, ano
, . ,
broken le vesr thi, Wel. it is he t,e� ,�
gard, lQlir ,
140 ,,$be � ,ktoui, 4nd Miss
loo 11,ous results may follow, but er � I
the case sollite- , "I I
sbour% I'll", are spending A,
ays wit ,Nile friends. -Mr. 'And Mrs.
0 �ivakols .4e��,
e��` ,
44VAlic ,6e��,
�Vb%t erldpa � " , I
VI , lite, Of Sault $te, 9"le. Are' visit-
ng Ws, Willit? P4,rentil. Mr. and Mrs.
The joltow�pg arc the ftures at the �, -
. I 'is
In the coutest In P4
� n4y,-Nv� extend bparty , Qngra. �,
)] munfolgill ,
r1lo ,
ow -
q4titip 1"t.901) qq ,
lations to Mr. Win, Bgllie, ,:L eeve of
V.Wawanojin, and Mr. Jobu Dt;stow,
, . I
rx4vx r
ew councillor of Colborne.' Mr.
ailie was, rcevq of W. Wiwandah
Alex Robortstia ......... (9 31 61 23-478 11.1, �, 4
J&mQ8T4Y1QP ......... 60 . N 77 4: ... �Ql I � .1
and the people there showed
ast year, a
beir-Apteclatlau - of his services by
1, �
P0uNcl,LLQX4 ,., I
39MR11stowl. I ..... 89 31 1 91 iiii -�a
J. � Q10119R.. � ...... 03 129 60 5 . � "
lectIng lot by acclamation this year.
H j A, ogwan ...... 80 79 st
e Tuesday evening as
jim�s hillUanuo ...... _p W 77 (3-214 1
17 15 Go 1
sual at 8 o'clock.
Tho'L Robertson .........
Irao W an N8 I
ly 9b 83
Rob I
— , . .
1 Exeter. ,
R alu';�n _19 N d5 87-140 �
�:::..:�. . .
FmzsQsAT__Mr, Lid. I Nash spent
1� i
alyth. 4 . �
he holiday with his sister, Mrs. Willis
lowell, while on his way from Sara46
o Winghau).-MissEivaM. (lodwin,
% 1.1
FURSONAL.-Mr. Jas. Denholm ,is I I
home froul the West. -Mrs. Pope. of �
f Awherstburg, Is the
Eckborn, Manitoba. is visiting old
it guest'itt
onae of Theo. 1-1. 114knilford,-Mim
friendo and relatilms here,-Mitls RM-
iazel Wood, of Mrkton, who has
een assiatin'g Writ. A. D. Yoe In the
lyh'as gone'tO Luc'know.-Mr- Plebe I
Bike I r. of Museels.,waa a visitor 'in I . I ,� ,
rygoods depavtoterit, has returned
'town on Atonday night and Tues-
prue.-Mr. Perry Westaway, of
day. -Mr. LOS Kere spent Suniday � I .
rantford, is visitinghIssister, Mrs.
In Brussels. -Miss Tiny Bqll visited
k. J. Ford. -Mrs. Fred Hill has re-
in Exeter. last week. - Miss Vira
urned to Toronto, after it long stay in
Heyw end has returned to Mutant
own. -Mrs. Al-thur Nash and nephew,
after a abort visit with friende Ili .1. - .
f Sarnia, sppnt a couple of dava
towrt-�Mr, 4 O.Brown, of Diitiroit, ", � I �
,nests of her daughter, Mrs. Willis
. I
came, up an Monday to cast a vote'for I I . I
.�..well.-Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sweet;
Dr. Milne. a candidate fog the reeve- , I..
re home from the went. -Mr. Lee
,ship, but Doe. got. there alright with I ,.�,�W, ,
3latchford, of London Electrical Co..
a ma$ority of 41.-Uis,i Fantly Black� I 11 .� . .
s spending a few days with his par-
atone, of Godericb, was avisitor at . . I
nts here.-Mr.�and Mrs. J.O. Jones
few friends on Friday
Mr. W. ffallkirk's on Sunday. I . , I
� I
ntertained a
veiling of last week, In honor of Miss
St. Thomas. Irene
GuNznA,L NOTES. - assembly I _ �.
Vive by the gentlemen of Blyth oil , t
ones, of -Miss
.aL y' evening proved to be, a good . I I
Aandford entertained, on Monday
time for all present. The London ,� �i 1,11'. �
ight, a number of her young friends-
hexpers, as uBual,,were splendid. -On ., I :1, 1
GIENER&L NOTES. -The churches of
. 11 �
Monday, Mr. J. Bell was married to , 1,
he town are holding a union prayer
Miss Walker, at her bome here. Both ::� I �
ervice this week, all the denomiu-
are residents of our town, and they . 11 .
tions laing to her in their resPec-
have the best wishes of RII.-Mr. Will. I ,� 1 1
. I �
ive cturches. are glad to Bee
Brooks, an old resident, died lit the .
uch a friendly feeling exist between
home of his sister, Mrs. Davie, on Sun- � I
he different denominations. May
I . L
day, He was well liked. by all who . , I
much good be done.-Hensall has
knew him. The sympathyL of the com- ,
arried Local Option. Exeter next.-
munity goes out to the bereaved. I , I'll, I
The Purity Mfg. Co., who put u
- � I I 1, ':
Enjoyme Toilet preparations Ang
Purity Flavorin a. have moved office
Into Ex-
I 'i _� � ,
St. Helen's. ,�"" __,
, 1, I
, ��;�' �
and laboratory the 0anadian
building Main St. The Purity
PimsoNAL.-Jobn Mc'Guire s ent it I � ,�LLL
press on
a and succeias to it.
few days in GodPrich last we3 - W. , - �' -L %
, . �1'
growing, �
J. and Mrs. Bray called on frie�ds at I . I L �,
Nile I'�L "
Port Albert
Dungannon, and Goderich litst �', � �
1 1; .
week.-Thornas Taylor, of Moosemin. ,,�,�:. L
PRRSON&L.-Williaul Garside, Bran-
Manitoba is spending Elie winter with . � ,�, L!
, .
, I
Ion, has left for his home after a short
, .
friends h4e.-Mr. and Mrs. Henry �, � L'
visit with friends liere.-Mrs. Frances
"on is under the care of the
Woods, of Tara, are vi6iting with his _1�1 ,� ,, : ,
.141., �_ * ,
brother, Robert Woods. ,
farn ly 'ter at present. -Harry Hayden
L':`;.�11 I
s con ined to his room the past few days,
GENERAL NoTus.-Quite a nqmber � , " .
froni here took in the Scotch concert , �i'�,� ,
1, , ''
also his two children. -Walter Hawkins
k � �.'�'
in Wingharn Tuesday eveiling.-Our . , : ",
Left Monday for Huron College, London,
after spending his holidays with his
genial horse buyer is again lit work'.- - I 1.��,,�' -
brother and sister, Mr. and Mrs. William
Thomas Todd was offered $*210 for a 24,�.!,
. . � �,, I
" L .
colt rising three years old. It pays to ,4"., ...
�'. ��"
Grev.-john Schoenhals, who was the
field for TownshiR Councillor, was one of
, ;'L
, 11
raise the right kind. ,1�1,�!, I
the lucky ones, llping second at the poll
in the fight. -Mrs. )no, Fritzley has re-
- �
A young man wau fined $1 and costs, , ,`�,i'��!�,'.,! i,
� " , ,,,oft
turned from her visit at Port Stanley.-
$2.75, for fast driving round the Court ,,I �,,;,. -
House Square the other day. This ",'!�i:!��.,`,
Mr. and Alts. Pearson Sundayed with
friends in Flullett.-Mrs. McNally, Dun-
L 4
speeding does not pay at $3.75 a drive. " I I I I ,
gannon, spent a few days with herparents
the past week.
" 11 I
THE STAR gives all the news. I I I-
. - I
11 ..
� ,
"" 7__
, "I I'll
'L L ,
��, � �
I _11 11
nds Is
the T "I, I
of the town. Our stork is
most complete --our prices
most reasonable. We carry
the'great Keen Kutter Iiner-
the tools that made a sensa-
tion at the St. Louis Expo-
sition. The
APP .do—ar
. . inark covers a
qddcfthl� complete I i ne
31� of tools, SO that
the man who
",Mrhas been made
saw -happy by
. a Keen Kutter
Saw clin be sure of getting
�as good a bit or plane -
1 BoOkIat hall,
Sold only by
., � I 1� I,
, ,
_T"1`1 E . ''. ,
� ,E " -, ,,,
I _
, ,
I ,
L _1
SALE -1 ,,� I
, ;
, I
, .
11 �
.. "i'��%?,',
t L,,, L
, �,�
� I
, I "�, ��
I ,
I ,
I .
Do not miss a �
� �,!,',
. -
.1;1' , " -
. � � �,
.. :� �,,
golden opportun-
�, "�11:. '.'..
ity,to get a good
� I �1,
I *1
I L� ..�'L,�,
, : 1. ""
�� .� i I
B A R G A I X.
:� ,"I',i �
11 ', .�
, o." ", ".�
, __
, , , 1. ,,�..
� , "''.)
:�I: , I , ,�
, L ,
, "
L; , ".,
Shelf and Heavy
� � ' ,
- ,.
L . .�,,' 11�
' '
�_ I,
" ,, ��11
I "� 11 I
Our Stock Is Complete
: I I
I �
I �: . ,,,
". �,
�� ,, �
� ,
. 1 �
Plumbing, Ileating and Tin-
�: �, i
.1 ,;. L
� :, �j,�L ".
smithing promptly attended to
�'� I '�'L I " .
, ��
and all work fully guaranteed.
,�� . �
, ,
#1 � _�
� "'. �
1 L", 1L.
, -
I j .
, ,
, ,
�, ,,
STORE 22 PHONES Holisi 112
1 . IL I L�
� I
I 11
- . .:
. � Oup Big Clearing. InventorY op Stock � I
I I aL ,ng Sale Still on. 1, I 11
11, T k :", �
_ ,
, I - I 11
I f I L I., , ; �,
I I 11 � — r, . 1�1
, Ifle . ..
. I Same Pelet-Cutting We Told You of Last 1�
. , .
I 1 4
.1-. . .. '.
. . Wed, WIA More Added, Yet in-Irder. �,
. . � ======= I I
. . ,�
I � : I � .1� sm"A& I
. . �m
� I �
I .Re nants
ww*U&Aihi� W
I P'Affleularly wo wdlit you to know about our "tjN()ttED5. ,
L. � I ,;, 1011 REMNAN TS at any 61d priv,� ta cloar. I
. I '(1
. I ft,6Mn$thtj, of Dft** Goodall, PrIntsy 11
.11, �
Mann6l6tt6st TabI6 L1ni6n*o,ftftd ,
. . Oddrh6htft jil'�&jk Lkindt,mutt I L
9y . 9'
. .
. ,,
I � Wi� -must hoo- A deall $Wk folf SptiflA tit � .. I 13
I I .
I . I
, * jL ' ,
. L .
. ,
0� , I - , I .
I -
. - 'S
I �
� 10-31- Du ., #
14K,111�� . `. $11y -
I ;1 4 . . .