HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1907-01-11, Page 7ppgropoir-0 TOT ner. -T."W 117T
POW", at All. It �MU44* vt a
01 T-09 Qceg,�
nom, THE Ouff L W Demw�
V eWas
IIX too M14414 W.0
*cy *to dwigned,
lato 40 roulld Will 04 �.4,
For %to. hi ovollivra 'two *-no, wift,
�007gjias. tho'grimas 10� th(t fit,
I I*
000. The W.
ob-gut, holt4rook. NOW.#% 101111111NAItt MOTES WOOIX
G0VIKW.4W,N1f Xt4# MMWXf#
or 0 4
All'ttErft metit mm To ADEUM
OW* -
old "two peedwwork. For themlictilao
fly 43YI16 And ". wort&
VEuISI lltie� to to are gum, 444 IlEft heavy
wits toly, #410 , keloill
iftA -, Ik to.4
otte, isiwuht.
ita W d4twel
1.0 am his back. anorlov. and 4 6aw the Q111111111341 1104 %VbJ*eY- With ftlers off
Fmaill M" and Limbs Saved Firoolit Uow a Wittififaill Cashier Wals, 1110vill
aliffifs INV*
Ow afirytilis
444091 ptoup
liximi a1wrilol hi,
awilm woq:406*4
kulvt of III4 revolvizi, slawl4a 10 11%, Ammonia, Is AttivillicAted—Fresh
Anaptift4tion, by Booing Them 11111scovery at st, Gatig at
%W.60 61100%
art Inch in lenw-19
ofin IticIt In illamegr 04 soill About
itter 000911 of b4ttvitlat. Or
Pretilly rata lipgan and the Air 600.
In coal OU. cow"teltom
wQrktqg III a SmAllilessi mill
%We 1,001109 W 109thr-9404 .0*14. In rt,
Ver to increase the expos.od to Ig-
I havo Witumliltd, tbM mulliales, in,
acearld mate called onot at the liondim The. aictice of tfintionziZ in Ung.
lot 4 jAm to bring him bli
E. L. I?arsims, an old "o Yukon mill- All poleplonra crimInElls AMA 11111031!
py of apty"I
like skkthi - Wo ltd,
pertiflrit. od. ellgiftlintly
the lost at %VbIQh,1;tQok ptlift, alth ugh
I NY43 not a mot shipla creNv,
alit�r Olf,kU
And oilskin to
toot The Matt brought It, and Itivii anitiltilood the . Practittoixer
January to the
or, has arrived fit Winuipell from the police allicers god detactivets are -
frozen loorth, and tells some remark4blo 41111ous,' Ttiq he ove in luck. lt Is lqcg
if) 0 Cklitivalwa 91 im Poppy within
bordera, C1ift ltloyrd.4 to c
The volcona ond rumblo
'a I with ftIJE1 0110 10
41t; holes, big 43 knitting umles, 4ii.
writes LuUWL LegX%
fiy W Wheat L
the brutal Swelle, licensing him Of hay. ovotto Its entire nutuber
Allf; WA slow, -struck No a teo-ItIll blow disellsol, Its causol. dangers. eftcols and
litarles at happenings at Dawson 01y It the CHMInut) g0i. away, and, It 0 OCR
it for
tilt greall-, nationoEt VICA at q in -ars
ind qigiltag, 10 bo,
A4 torreq
�endhii Upon the size of tbo graft).
, _Ufm,
was a boy. It Wits 4, 4ort of an,
curm T1,Et to at the
An Abe face ad knocked film Ott it ast noted phyalclaust
whole the thermometer drops many tic he geb etiaght. Fortunately
the lie 6001ctX. the luck USY,411Y Is §44104 1110
lug, talk It will, 0 tho 04rap uml,
crot afit..I*
14yo. *11 the Is. like
affair, but filled my boyish heart, with
POOP. haxe contributed articles n
titillates below zero mark. suld;;
"Strange a criminal f %ho. lei
Ifict a very, javL" b ow
tud powder 3p,1111
bomb human
a glorlous delight; In tact..1% was it
Theo lho brute followed him and be- the various aspects of We scow the
manifestations appear as and an'tho alft
the One Is the Ono dilicetiVe all the central
of lhg, pvrlillc�ow dower.
glaitAtIo ailed WR mor
w, loaded with towtivoll lonst 61
enjoyable itutittay In sontetespects. (or
seriousness of which may be &duced
gan Idelitfig him with drunken fury., then from the ftle, that 5 total cases Were
fell oil lot) him and lay there.
result of extreme cold.
way a fire burns in a stove. It roos lookln� far a t1*PQCkQ1 recently, 11111P
Chida obtotitill nearly all its Oil
frorq India, ha the'lielghttorbooft
ihtrog�ycerino and gun coillou, id.rald
ready to from �f
what mtg4t have been tragedy was
turned lntq comedy.
I went fur'ard and found all the no, repoted lust week in Loodail alone.
and crackles like a great forge and (tic a cago Tri 10A I and wwl In at I'lliorte
the dissolve of to ligid of tho Mott
Heligoland Detutay'lliver IAWoft
10 e-VI.040 4 o5ore
:11OWA, ,ana' 1111111k](14wil TUpt)
With a brotherAw, you,
q rs Ellogr-1 was
lives on (Welt, vtry excited and armed Tful following dc,lulls art. collated from
the at -tioles fit the Practitioner:
Wood In Steve Seems to in V&
'411sc It w I - - - It
the flames like a chunk of lee, tho wool, 04 0040all AW as e4o 0
touluviAoili ol
ittinglt III a Bel rev
Som0timesi when a danger house
dows up, Wring men withlirl'to
then 11 yea% at lige.—I wa$ sent to saly
Francisco,jI.j Cut, pftrents� to. begin Wo
Ith knives. Addressing thein I beg-
w Sir John MjQrs says thut when he
ged thpin IQ In
Is gone and we wonder where the hebt would leave town. The pickpocketcoold
went. At sixty below every stave not be found at allY of his Usual haunts.
ahil more from We
further $1,00
n n the bit ill III, � to match stleks
in 4 commercial h9tug, and subsoquent.
was a boy the terut Influenza, wast
KEEP QUIET AND LISTEN TO ME. constant use "to describe an attack (I
throws out Q great white cloull of smoke He was known to be it baseball tan, and
well ai I%
1 lAdIR Itself.
AEJ air Ing 4 A 14 hale Ulixt feet
ly, of course, make Vur fortunes.
Our taken Now-
"The captain, and mutes are all ticute catarrh of the respiratory and
and vapor, resevabling a Steamboat in the detective. who was the only man on
thu force that ktitliw the offender b
ho now Prohibition wifl. there
I Into C 4 .gravol .11 im.
lossIblo to tell the
passages were at
New South Wales, on a am 11
drunk," I sold, 'tend -pow is yqUr chance MUCOUS membranes train the nose to
Its whilenessi. and this cloud �Itvtitps
for fifty hundred (Coll sight, decided of once that lie was 01
strock Over 11AW,f)(10 PDT -growers,
QV what ca vill
Spite 91 III$ Multifarious Enggga.
by lit-
lot leave the hip, Funalutl Is only a the bronchial tubes. It waii, as it were,
away or one
tQ1141111 Die It happened, howo
skiQ4 deprtying tile In lan Goveral
Other. times the disaster, I* traceable
n3ie at$ 110 $1111 Keeps ke an
and III found bark 0onuumuled a
Ila red ba4,fd irlshirgati, to whose care
longue away. Got your clothes together an ache of the great pandemio at in-
fluenza which raged in the Winter of
mingling with the other white gray mISt game.
a.- haze that remains permanent In the Over, I lot thcrO wits a 901UO that alic"'
of at logo sitec, at reventle. It box,
culculatV0 that ilince the opium Ir
0 the'eirrelos.sness -or disobeEllenco of
SanibrInglittim, Form.
we were committed; His wife, who
lit. Efulockly VA possi4le4 then lower uw4y lU74%
tho quarter boat. 1, tqo, am leaving this
atmosphere of the town like a dense noon at both the bull parks. It was (I
West Side,
started with, China some sixty y
to love.q. OCC49.011411y, litsityl Ali�
em gazlifte, catastrophe is 66
KIng Edward ties been an enthustirs-
sdW with lilin, was- a most lovable
woman, Senerous to 9, to It.
strip, and I want you to put me oil SUDDENLY REAPPEARS.
tog whenever It is forty or more degree$ question of South Side or
bolow zero. tind the flipped a COM, to am
back, upwards of 4WOM,111W havii
w intq thut indloo, TreadUry.
an an aval4able accident like the
I to agriculturiat for nearly hall a can-
tury. says the London Express. For
He was about the meanest specimen
board the Haveildine. Then you call go
on share. Now, put up your knives "As the years rolled by the name
whom he islivuld gD. The go
THE WHrrE GRAY FOG In sent 010
tifficer West, and his luck was with him.
oil ",vQrul occasions lite Chinese
ftere Stub bIng of a too.
Whatever the cause, when the -crash
Many Years his shorthoras, shires, thor-
of an Irishan ttl4t was ever was
a savage little bully, boosted of being
g tell more and more into disuse,. until
and don't hurt those three men, boas Influenza at last became a mere trudi-
is not a ton fis you know it,, but it trozon Tficlickpocket wa located in the grand
ernment 6olvo tried tol) strangle file a
traffic. Once they went to
omes It Is the -most inconceivably
otoghbreds, hacUneys, SouthdQwn sheep,
and so forth, have been to
a Fenian, and blis Insignificant appear-
us are." In tIon In medical nomenclature. So
As I was speaking, Max, the bos
ulist, and every nion, %%,union, child, &tan and followed and taken cus-
Grout srfla�a concerning it, and du
rightful ordeal to. which thel'buman
second none
once on his quarter deck as he strut.
listened. thought things continued until like year IM,
allinial and even the fire I hill, burns Is
tile tivo" yearia that hostilities were P
lervous system can be subjected.
in the kingdom. His Majesty's success
led up and down Irresistibly suggested
came and I
lie was asleep. He did not Interfere when, with all the suddenness of a vol-
throwing out inalsture Into the air, AS N AS T iE GAME WAS OVER.
tug. not an ounce at the drug was
How human Creatures can be Induced
0 take the 'Lqks of working in such an
ws a farmer for ms a striking testimony
to the versatility at his interests.
a monkey on a"stIck, and my brother
and myself took a quick dislike to him,
' conic eruption or of a devastating con-
merely givin me an expressive look. fifigration, the disease once more spread
Which is Immediately turned Into a
cloud of frozen vapor, which fluals away It IS astonishingly easi to niuku a said-
ported into It* q0tintry through I
mate chlinnela, ftifill, swift ves
arthly inferno, ready to blarst art the
It would be erroneously supposed that
as also did the other passengers, of
Then he said over the habitable globe.
and remulas visibly suspended in the take in trucking down a critoltrul, and
known as "opium olippiers," how
ristant In all its horror, may seertri past
the King wins at tire agricultural and
whom there were thirty, cabin and
them to lack me up in the deck "In Itself by no mc�tns a mortal Ells-
air. It Is no diaparagement to the police that
Successfully smuggled pounds of
InderstandIng, still thousands Upon
Smithfield shows m4prely because he is
ease, Influenza exorcibes a far-reaching
"Pros-pectors III attempting to bull ti (I blunder, $uIll"ItIllies On 1110 Purt U 0
stuff usho vio, and
houslareds; Of men work In- theso'mifls
cattered throughout the United States.
King. Farmers, who ought to know,
are quick to controvert the Idea. The
His wife, who wits the daughter of a
41stinguishad. Irltill prelate, was actu-
Very quiel,ly this was done; and then malignant effect on the death rate. The
while I got together my personal be. catarrhal symptoms, although often pre-
dish of rice ur beans upun. a cump fire offender and someButiati oil the part of
Unprotected front the weather, nd I at the offlVer, often carries the hunter
King never shows an animal he boa
not bred himself and his cattle win
ally afraid at the little man, who
iher It
longings in the cabin, the boat was sent, are not an essential feature of the
lowered. The Yankee mate was liound
(be side of lite dish which IS In"tho gra straight to his quarry. A recent instance
will boil while the of tile dish ex- at this kind scem* almost providential.
for Ilia daring uAveliturers that a
vhere the washed nit ton must
o dried absolutel, shares with jha, W.
purely on their merits, because. they
are the best.
snarled at as site were
asleep in his bulik. 4Xt one at the Niue "rite victims (if Influenza are adults
men took Lhe key of his door and lack- who perish from pneumonia or bronchi-
pused to the weather will freeze. Filged Tire costlier of a grain company oil La
tnols subjected to flits temperature be. Suite Street had been plunging oil his
Until the passing of the recent e
the Importation or opillill was only
roglyi;erine building the reputation 3(
ring the most hazardous on the face
Since he come to the throne affairs f -f
State have prevented his Majesty from
Both of thef are long since dead, so
I can write.freely of their characteris.
ell it from the outside. o Sink front heart
Presently I heard a sound of breaking exhartillon. Children ire prone to the
come us hard and as brittle as glum own account and was behind in his Cash
and will break as readily under struln. to th lune of sovet -at thousand dollars.
nillted under rnobt Stringent restrict
All,pills and potions, for instance,
the earth,
devoting as much time, as he would
tics. I
Nvood, and, going an deck, found that
disease, but enjoy comparative Irillnun-
N have well it safety vulve blowing His employers complained to tile, boad.
Ing company, which stood responsible,
sirl -I& totalooil for rear flint they sb
The guncotton dying house, contain.
Ilke to his farming and agricultural In.
The bark had formerly been a French
the Gilbert Islanders had. stove in the ity lival its coulplication.
straboatod boat and the long.
off siouiii filfill- temperature Go be-
Und at HIA) Same little UIO cashier got
cunlu.ii fill) drug. The vendur of 1)
ag as much as five tons of the fright.
He is no longer able to OCCUPY
corvette bu It t t. Nialo. She was old,
t a S
quarter "The dangers of protean forms, which
bout latter deck). Then I
low zero with Icicles hativing Iu lite
wind of the exposure and bought a
piltiles will now have a more hop
of explosive, a half teaspoonful .if
vhIch would be enough to blow you In-
his mornings, as he did when Prince
a! Walm sitting in his pleasant busi-
III found and 14aky, unit from the it
Ne a , try
Nve left I we 0110 the pumps were kept
(the was on
saw that the second mate was lashed, Influenza. presents from a clinical point
of view, arise froin five aptitude the
valve. hiavin$ fornied front condensa- ticket for his home town in Wisconsin,
Hun. tho Icicles not melting with the
chance than Over ol getting his pro
lulul file country.
L: inIthersens, stands on pillars above
ness room at Sandringham, receiving
going, and a Week later the crew came
bound hand and toot, to file pump rail. poison ties for fustening oil the centrei
j it left oil the afternoon train. A de-
outrushing steam, but remaining there u I
tective after film withill two houra.
GI Inu,s ticteistation of OPIUM is at
, Marsh 4W yards from the nearest
and instructing the bailiffs and Others
concerned In the management of his
aft and dellianded that the ship should
and the captain was lashed to one c.1
the file rail stanchions. His face was of Icast resistance in the constitution.
fr niany days through hlov�,--Erffs. But the flotteLtiva, to witilo awuy tile
"All fruit
by Ausirullu. The Couituonwieulth
Nothing except tire portentous word
2,00) -acre farm.
return to port.
The little man succeeded In quieting
11, the . ..... ny ,,,as described perhaps
streaming with blood, and I thought those stands out most prominently.—
egelabl", eggs,
etc., can be allowed W Irie",ol tall they time on the Iraln, engaged III a ifulne of
ernment has prohibited Its import
save only for medicinal purpos, eSt
Danger" painted fit big black letters
But in spite of his multifarious engage*
the King
them for the time by giving them better
he Was dead, but found that he had only "First, (lie neurotic, neuralgia, or
been struck with a belaying
whist with a party at druniniers, and be-
BECOME LIKE BULLETS. rure lie raulized it wits carriLd two towns
all the different slates, have fallen
iver the entrance , distinguishes this
ments, still manages to can-
food, and Nva contIllued on our course,
pin, rheunuitic type.
Past the stution where he was upposed
line on the vwie. Queensland
louse from the other stil-tictures, yet as
tinue and supervise the . breeding cf
meetlhg with MR a series of adverse
WHICH HAD BROKEN HIS NOSE. "Second, the card lo-pu Intoner type, In
To make ready for use place them In
I) change cars. Cursing tits luck, the
loses $50,OW %-early by the probill
Oil gaze at Its very Isolation you ap-
stock'. His stockkeepers are enthusias
tic In his the has
gaiii,is that it was 4orty-oate days before
"He drew a lot of blood front us," old which the obbit g of strength fit elderly
cold water for- hall a day before using, slouth left the train and found by
C cattle Is fridla's pet aversion.
�roach with deep respect.
Only *-.is Pei -son is permitted in this
service, and result
been that the King is even more suc-
we -sighted the island of Ruruto in the
Scott, Pacific. By this time the crew'
peoole 1,; sonietin ei awful, often absu-
one of the natives to me, "and so I luiel beyond control.
and like frost will slowly % villi6ittv
without fiijui-y to tire article. To atteinfill, otutries that he could not get Lack to lie
the otber duy, In consequence of
gorlous Increase of lite habit In
iOUSe, an flallan; a medium sized
cesful at the stfows now than he was
find slee rage passengers were in a very
have drawn Some from him."
file gastric or gastro -I n test in-
function point lot- two hours.
it' thilw Ih011, Wit by I'lure rapid pro- %,illago
He ondered uround the ,
and elewhere In the Punjub, the
hunky man lie is, dark and swarthy,
black blacker
when Prince of Wales.
King Edward may be at
angry frame of, rAind, the forfer were
I hurried to the deck house, and told
the bots'n what had occurred. lie was a! type, In ox,hich anorel,ill, is pri.,sent,
oess by fl,e or hot water spoils ilietil Injust fill() tile arills or
streets und rtui a
ernment lestred stringent prohibi
vith eye$ end a mans-
ache. He Is a man of years of expert-
well proud
N., ramorktible record, particularly If he
o%erworked and exhuasted, and tile
latter were furious at the miserable it 1.
I times to the extent of loathing for
a levelheaded young man, and, taking some
I,," IlSv." Ilia fugitive, who, by a Colo trick, Was
Mr. Persons telis some remarkable train to lake trial
lo inerely possess coculne fit any I
fit%, or lit any form IS now a Be
nee, so trained to caution that It has
recalls the condition of the Sandring-
lowance of food doled out to them by
up a carpenter's broartaxe. Smashed the uh
file febrile type, which pre-
waiting there fur a
tories (it thawing out a fri.lzen tout, car westward. It is Such things us this that
crifue It Is not Kilroth"flad E) Inuc
lecome a habit t.xerclsed like second
from farm funds, whence many of these
the equally mis6rablie captain.
door of the deckhouse. Then he looked
vails k;pvvially aniong children. The ft,-
V.- hand by Inallersing tile frozen 111oln- cuuse dirteelives to
the natives who have couto untie
The man it) charge will not permit
triumphs have come, before he put
(item into Cultivation.
At Ruruiui the natives' brought offtwo
boat loads of fresh provisions, but the
at,,me and smiled,
_ - I'm gaining my liberty — lit -lie usually insit; two or
You see. nEt Is Succeeded by marked
three day -s, it
tallulely a sale remedy and one thus as- : IN LUCK.
let, in coal oil lot- some fluirt--often for BFLIE%*L
-Do Inside this house no matter how fav-
captain bought only Emil small pig, for
captain and officers tied up, and tio one
I i look after tire ship." Subnormal tenipt'rature so conottintly
suits follow. This is not hearsay, for a Solne illne ago an od,i pieci, of luelt
Europeans imariably lake cocein
red a visitor you may be. The most
to will do is to open the door of one
A famous agriculturist who inspected
the cabin paslatingers. The steerage pa
songers bought up everything else, and
I understood perfectly; and. shaking P"esent as to become an Important dl-
ag"os"V sign'
cupet.4 the urgeon's knife, us no bad rel. enabled Ilut (-fly police Io tip it([ a LIMI
Ing ave only by Its sellers and soldi. oI counterfeiters it) file Government de-
inji-vtIng It Into the forearm, but
flindou lim improved un this. lie it
I the drying rooms to give you a peep
I lie land before King Edward set about
in a few minutes the cniw came aft and
lilin a bet-
hands with him and wishing "in ridults the attack, a,; a rule, carries
hours. lie Is at, lit u raid uii u joint u
a' it it I;Iftd of chewing gum, and
transf u-nilng It reported: Is a very
asked that captain to buy some decent
ter ship, I went over the side Into the
On with lightning-) Ike speed. The per.
mail front out, canip was found sever-, v,us known to file
It "tiall suParl." It of u
He Is marrl,,d und has five children.
barren oil, barely capable of cultiva-
food In place of the decoyed pork and
boat, and left the brig floating quietly '
on apparently is fit fivi-fect bealth. lie
at years ago after lie had been out fill police %vas captured with tire olher
ameared with litne and robbed
�0, he t-in't afraid. If lie wore he would
tion." Could he tevlsft the land today
be would indeed be amazed at the re-
weevily biscuit upon which they had
on the placid surface of the ocean. Ii suddenly overconle by a feeling of
The eight native sallors made no
night with the thermometer 5E) degrees players. anti at the station It wtv; de-
lirevit nut, elove,is, und vurtou-6 amn
ol. work where lie is working.
Heh -news. of course, that it he violates
volution which has made Sandringham
been extAting.
Ile refused and ordered them for'ard .
gmprll 11scomlorl le,
so, although they were all wildly ex- '
not. lip, actchilly or is Shaken
Lolow ,ru not both hill hands cIded to Iust lor
en to tho %% lie was taken Into
-rists. no%%. helf dollars No. ert, di.wovered
to Is dde
SohO the abuse grew to Stich on a]
ny of certain rules lie and his belf,pe
one of the finest stock-ralsing forms In
The mate, a hot headed Yorkshlreman,
cited and jubilant. but s Nve shov�d off of an ague fit. His
l with it ri !Or WC
they called out "C"d-by,
camp anti his hands Soaked in coal oil in 111.4 packc1m, and lbeqt were found to
Ing extent that three oi- four )cars
re going to leave logeilier,'but has
o Intention of violating precautions.
-The result of his Majesty's labors Is
named Dolliver, lost his temper and
told -the captain that the men Were
hood therta paln,; In thf, eye-
Oneliour qffer,tvnrd I wa on board the ! and the eyeballs
lids ar behind the. ex
Jar. Awe, hours, and all the trust canto b,l counterfeiN of tbe kind, be-
nut ul'his hand without him ever lus. ing of Iloud welglit und ringing almost
u ineltsure Wes introduced by the
ernint-til for idding the sale of cue
summarized by an unfinfIetichable air.
thorfly, Rider Haggard, who says: "It
starving. Angry words followed. and
Hazeldlite and telling my story to hor
are exquisilely tender oil Pressure.
skipper, who was an old friend. Then
ing a Unger tliS. true,
exi,ept by licensed persons. To e
nd he does not lnttnd to be. Even his
i It onderful farm, for I imagine that
the inate knocked the little man down.
Picking himself up he wnt below
I bade good-bye to. the who RHEUMATi(, PAINS FOLLOW.
I'lie dorbors were aniozed. is they I,be man detained unit his rooln
thought amputtion Would hove to Lit on Illinois Strect \%as
(he Lwiso Department Smuggling
t,i, At J:aIcuIla recent
amily has ceased abuut him.
nowhere is so much high -bred stock to
find,reappeared with a brace of old-
startd off for'FulififlAT TnTnY ex.
Soon rheurnatle filling dol'0101) In the.
rosalletl to. Hi hands were us whilO quitirt (ir more tit the Were found
largo fluallilly (it tho. drug to
You liolice lie is wearing rubber acted
be seen upon the same area -(it least,
fash oned Colt revolvers, one of which
pressions of good will to their fellow
book arid body of III(- patient. N111.1k),
lind its hard as Illarble unli When placed In the f his trunk, but fill div.,
"printell moslei" uris conl6eated, an
ennis shoes wherein lie walks silent
nd ghotlike, As he opens the door
In all my extensive journeyings
throughout the 26 counties in Englan-I
a or t he would
If - declaring tha
mutineer. P came tinnoorartly suffer the, (if (lie
At daylight a bren n %v n v I r, ,
lot file oil they miapped tind cracklod its ielling Pot werV It NA -41b
illiportLrg filled heavily.
f one of the drying rooins, heated to
of I have examined the agricu.
s a,
(he eastward and at brealEt st sem -; of smell, taste, und sunietline,
oil began 14i act itpon tho lee rrv- that Illu -I- wa.4
file ker PlityL
tills, This Is often resor4ed to tile fr it den of culners. No-
Tentlesee,and Texas,annong oth
the btates In America, prohlbit the
temperature of Ito degrevs, a breath
lure I have riot foiind Its equal."
he pointed at the male and, calling UP-
Hazeldine was out of sight of file A)-
to Sit- John Moors, Iafhl-
by thoso� who Ihe In cul(I climates Und thing was said about his arrv%st, but it
titurtation of morphinet find Other d
f )lot air from within strikes you,
You see what appeal, to be chunks
King Edward's example and patron-
age have li�,en of incalculable benefit to
Eta lifin to surrender and be put in
fred n.
I lenrlieff a few months Intor Ilint the enza bliows a decided iendency to re-
SA\Es ANY A (oviorninent deloctivir reeled the roole
can only be purchased wile
ad ;tells and wads of a dirty white
agriculture in England. lie has always
irons, he fired toward his head.
'Lunately the 'bullet missed.
lupse, a feature to whith thit, Indireet
skipper had Succeeded In bringing tier
futatity of file diseaso 1,; In it great 1114011.
acroiss tho hall und every one
temporriture of the oil hould bo who c�IW to set- the Willie hu %Nu8
physician's certificate Is presented a
the outinter.
�Ipttlng paper heaped In nietal pans
been earnestly Interested In the work
The sympathetic crew made a rush
into Funafuti Ingoon, where he man. sure due. So fill, Iroin est,11111�111119 Un-
about file saine of Iloit of fit(, living 131tig ]it the Station.
any countries probibit lhe flop
wo by three feet and set in a series rd
of the Royal Agricultural Society, of
aft, seized the skipper and, after kn ack�
aged to obtain another crew.
inunity front attark. this
roo.)III, ('.real (,uU[i,Lll Illiml 1w excrei'sed 1,11fit ight 111,4 plant of 1114, counlor-
tiuii and sale of Intoxicating liq
pool ous racks, like so many big pigeon-
which he has been resident several
ing hiin about rather severely, held
0 - ((I rencr fill, Individual more liable lo
during Ito- extivlleIN ('.old not letters was db4coverod fit it b0iten,0111,
xvIuch tcolotallef..4, tit fitly rule, wil
Even now there Is nothing In the ap-
times, and he Is also a patron of the
British Dairy Farmers' Association.
him under tire force,pump and nearly
drowned him. Only for the respect that
LATS THAT EAT INAECTS. contvact tho di.solose o it tiny future, ex-
pov�urp lo it,; contagion.
to freeze fill! lungs. \\*hIch one will quick- near file north branch of live ri\er,
;y it,, If fit- hustle% Liboul, tit the ordill- and tilp entIl,c gung is serving
(jullible at if termed drugs. Ur
le -,o forbidden in Russia. It is a
earanee of file stuff to prevent you from
hrowing It out of your way (is If It
If there 1.9 one department of tits
farming In v.-hich King E,dward takes
the crew had for his wife I really be-
him, for
"it I;
The Aselcloslas Kills Apparently Out of that during ropoont, vill-
tiry pace. QUick und folal prieuluollin A nolorluu� French murderer wne
1 va 4.
b, lucky uvrid011t I I 0 f
offence I,, Introduce it int
vere an old piece tit puper, and yoki
particular pleasure it Is that of hot"
lieve they would have killed
they were wrought up to a pitch of fury
dennes of Influenza the ill file
Slicer Cruelly.
number of cases of appendlettis find file
call be lit it few itromenis. discovered a
\Iully it iltiv it-Eloo of horses tins been Ili Havre. A delective will) Was dining
vounlry, or evion to be disouverta
is,sA04,11on of it. Ru"lun ph�sl
vonder afterard whother after all this
breeding,. anti tie Is greatly delighted,
by his tyranny and meatiness.
Thai carnivorous plants exist Is it very frequent connection bt,tween tire two
Iu,t in this wuy till in the Yukon. there happened V) uVel*hOur u Young 111011
\%ould not. think of firmribing I
coming rubbish call be fill, dreaded ex-
therefore. fit t::, nchlevoment of,his
Tire boatswain carried hifn below,
well-known fact. Insects whIVII alight disonses have been noticed by many
"()Ile hw� I<) be curvNI abont touching making luquivy of the cafe LW to
their patients.
losive a more fifty pounds of which
shirt! slaillon, Proinviclor. In winning
looked him up In one of the stateroorns,
oil the -K, plant,.; are Immediately caught papeful obsel,vers writos D,ovdd Arm.
things unprolevied hundq. It H the flirinuffile-4 it,
Eighteen niilhool ago Belgluto
ould send an 18,000 ton Dreadnought
the first prize In the International Live
and there -he was kept In confinement
fit a net of sticky tentacles, and are soon (,or, assistant surgeon to ilie West I.on-
dangerow; to take hold (it a doorknob 8age fur America. 01, being ",fit thul
forced n law forbidding the sale -i
o the bottom.
Stock Exhibition at Chicago.
fill the bark reached Honolulu twenty
reduced to a pulp and digost,,d. don liosplial.
when it I- 60 belw, or thereabouts, ut all his pupers ..t lie ,. order,
sintho In any part tit 11.4 donrinlit
Yet the slightest sudden jar against
days later, the mate acting as skipper.
digested Is Ilia exact expirftsion. al- "Tire prevalence of neurills ine, the
will, t1to unprolet,ted hands, unlmq you he ridillitled filet lie find no ne, The do,.
vqii a pinch of this insignificant ap-
tearing ubstance and there would be n
The success of the King's shires he.,
At Honolulu the mate and all the crew
though it souunds peculiar. There is commencement of file 184U 41PIdAmic is
ore areful to your liand Intank Itctive took fill" fit CU.StOkly oil the
that lie lilight be it
which, it colitantly Indulged fit. It
lash and a crash that would shake tire
been extraordinary. At one sale 54 of
were tried for mutiny, but the court so-
quilted them all, mainly through the
some reason for this; It is Ilio plant'l, I within the experlence of most, of US,"
%vey of procuring a supply of nitrogili. writes Sir Dougin,; Powell,
Iv, for If you do not it will freeze Your chunco
paint In Ilve be %cry %�Nlhelk he %%,L-; %vurrlied
il.4 %,duries tit first to lite ItIllatic
lula, hall stivii it terrille vogue am
arth for miles around, and nothing but
of smol Et drifting skyward would
his horses realized an average of R224
each. The King's Soulhdowns and
te%timony of the passengers.
But In (Inuda thery is a vertaill Wid
painful therroaftPr. und the result is the found connecting him %%fill tile I unlin
the peasantry and the touteror Inhabi
emain of house or man. The slightest
Shor,horns are , aq famous to -day as
That was my first experience of It
niuliny. My brother and I enjoyed It
of ascloplas, or swallow -wort, .
itills Insts-ts not for food, but opprivi,rilly "Innueza hit,; n., direot Influence n
Battle its from louching a rcd hot stove. tnurolk!",
good -i initItt-go frightful con- -I'E H Y,
% II1.0i)DY YS
flint tile tiouloclutK becaule alarmed
to Stop all further ehunce of Ints
;rain of Ann,l underfoot to cause fric-
Ion dust invlslhl<- to tire
they oxere fit Ilie hilyday of his active
farnilng when Prince of Wales. Only
linnionsely, especially the attempted
out of sheer cruell). It Is a clinil,1119 the lorottuctioll of Dlru(t
in durlyig extremll Cold, and suck
orobli4to-d Its COMUMP11011 and sit
againit naked
stivoting of tire good old maile and the
plant. which people train to run mor Willoogliby Lyle. "but no doubt
in blln*lllef-. a lenificrullire at 1101, tillit' V,us c"Ptill"Ll it" I'll-
.ked perhaps
ye, or a mere spark, knoe
rom the head of it carpet ttik, and the
to few infinillt ago one of )its horthorn
bul Is, Pride of Stihshine, fetched the
subsectutint, Spectacle of the evil teni-
arlours und similar plactA. It ht'gio, it' that 11 soalle is I vvsent. allavlol
III 9,) degrees, I lr(� roverse condition oc- men,t- wiLsation nit over it
Illat o111fut
France dot," nor f.,rbid absinthe o
louse on,l mail would be rinallillated.
high price of 400 guineas. Not that this
pered, vindictive little skipper held un-
bloom In Augubt. and its perfutile fit- of iontionza lifisfell Itle, Illi-turing of It."
Iracts Insects 1110 M00
rol-s, cuoising leal,irge and loss." eventutiliN
I I I� No old food In 1114.
tie , 1, �11 1.
its .ale nguin and again. bu
A spark of static electricity of the sort
is it reckird. One such bull, destined for
del file force pump.
Nfy third experience of a mutiny I
crowds of Of Arthur itural Surgeon at
variol species. No tionpr haxe "lf'y King'i I:ol1cg,, li-pilul,
its too unisersully
nel 11) till classes flint file no
vith Which you call light a gas jet by
Argpntine. brought, no less than a tholl-
tulle next, as the second arose from a
plunged their probosrig Into ,palients eonipluin (if a
THE CHANNEL TUNNEL. forlilly of .19111 pet-IJIV or tiorder to secure
feel, ulat u civil %%or )r soine
Spar. looping from file knuckle of a
sand guineas, The Sandringham Short-
stuillar cause to the first. I was a pirs.
scented corolla Ilion they art selzosl IV I grridual deterioratfun (if lit-oring in hoth
thpil. police
eually hi-HoUl
Inger aftcr liding your feet across t
barns tire coveted by breeders every-
senger oil a brig bound froin Satnoa to
the hord-toullif-d of thp cro., %Nltlljljt nrl%* olliel. S%loptron after
Will Be Constructed by Frefift and but I blllgll. ollill tilt. al.cidell-
lot-,' vali-fit of all% stringent regulati
arpet. and you would have vanisheil
racclessly. blown Inlo atoms too small
wticre, and plekod hulls nmng
them lia%e often been sold for fabulous
the Gilbert Islands (Equatorial Pacific).
German, brutal find
and held fit a vice -like grip until tile), ure the attark or Influenza, it will I.- found
dead. iq
Enalibill Companies. tul III,! filet that llos )uung
Man find tio
1.1oxivatillif liquord of till) kind
a find with a microscope.
The master was a
overbearing to a degree, and the two
that the nemolls part
A few of the larger Insects ryinnegf-- to zir %Nilli in Broadbent ;ays that from
(it tile it we.-% luck and bad look lt,r loin
'file project for the cinstruellon -
atiquilitel) banno:d by King
m-huanaland, who. vtiLh a %t
Dog fancying hardly comes within
the averagp farmer's scope. but It Is well
mates were no better. One was an
escape. In a somewhat inutilaled Comb- tile first In%oo,;I1)Ik of Influenza lie ties
lion, but the more feeble Insects Invert-
Chanel Tunnel. is to cullilect 1-'ag- that caused a wt-st Side %%utllaa it) write
land and Franco, has advanced tin 1111. to tier crtuillial lover With a
curnintinduble in a ruler tit all tin
Owing to this deadly sensilveness,
to note Ilint the Sandringham term
American tough, the other a lazy foul
mouthed Swede. All three men were
found quinino lo Lo the remedy.
ably succumb, There I,; apparently no usuni pre;criotton k one dri, -hill n
or I
porlant -ATup b) ilia formation uJoUthe haiii liencil on it %oft Pool (it Paper 'I'lls
'zed Peop to, determined to firullibit
Importation heveral years ugu.
very precaution for safety I I taken by
contains sonie of the flnest kennels In
the country, and that our farmer King
heavy drinkers and we were hardly
reason for this conduct. ainnionluded Eilmrilo all,[ lwo drochlus,
tell its thrill, the swill, of file IIu#,t,vrs I,;
ew st at ry a
Board of Directors of thp it watclong lier
Channel Tunnel (mnpon). in it Nail, i-flort to discover his hid-
th n thail. he clifile Pupusek 1,u
lie nion III this building. Tho floors
re covered with rubber street a fastened
has disployed an active Interest In dogs
out of Apia before the Swedo (second
o! liquor, aminotod acelatis every )lour
generally to attract Insectii In order 1A) f,w three hours, and then e%et y four
Berlin Errillor d1irinnger. the Chairman ,g place. 'I'lipy knext, %he -Is writing
Britain 1,. usk tile assistance of bi
and dislillera in helping blin bp Btu
,y bross-headed tacks to prevent danger
h exhibitor. No va'
insure fertilizilJon, and this makt-4 il,e
It, .urs.
( fill! Present Board (if alij a u hun, but Owy rle%er ctillid Intercept
fill, statutory Boarti, hat; el.- 'their day dete,tive
truffle, just then Fe tting a hold 0
f sparks. Dust -pans and utensils are
riety comes amiss these splendid
kcnncl��--I�oinkwat and sellers, barriers,
plant'S action all the more difficult of In the itilinina(Ing attue.%, if influen7n
nwinher of onk- a
it,, flILqsIvt.-4.
pluined that the fortilatlun (if this new she hall just
I brass or copper.
deerh sparriek. hulklogs, fox ter.
With an fron belaying pin.
in which the pntipnt 0011111t(i-fo.
Ifind III,
bl,ard Is really and parcel of fit(., I,,,. silurp liointed hard pencll
When the panfuls at coltun are trans-
I.fers, St. B,,nitirds. basqet liminds, Es-
The Crew Were nearly all natives,
M-drobVilourte f quinine by p`
hill %%I deposited at file v, I it
Ilild Icft Ilie uddrovs indented on the
iorted in or out of the place tire floors
,re covere with sheets of vanvas to be
Norwt,glan sledge dogs. rN
eadir men and fairly good a -enmen.
of them Nvere Glibert Islanders. and
-m -.o:iy It, large has comple
VOWED TO KILL A%IilTr MAN. (let 1, I`cl Y
relieved uncuni,ciousness.
Houqe,, (it Parliament %%Illiln the next livel belu%%.
few da)4. 'lite bill. if In%%, t
She Offerot to 14ho;; the Panishme
ornoved and shaken clear of 1�psslble
building. Twice day
triovc;q. ant] others too numerous to
nlent,nn. Qiieen Alexandr" Is also a
ifil-ee natives of NtuP (Savage Island),
Natl%e of ew Hebrides lilurders a
passed ilde
\ pulice .Allcer on file northixes
%xill give peinastoun to the co:o1may I�u liwo%vreol the licitly f it niurd--red itirl
an Anefted 1111tiamloill.
mst outside the a
he floors are scrupulously brushed. In
I,' %-of- of (logs. and may frequently be
and it was one of these latter wh-c
jaw %vas broken.
the funnel v,IIIkIll 111t. file yearm uff,j. becaos#, )to was lucky
lta unuitual lry (if a
hort, every conceivable precaution Is
s E, I, n .)am
going around the SandrIng'
kennels vo-11h baskets of bread and his-
TI)ey were an entirely new erox, and
Nvw.s reached Sydney. 11113TORV IN' TREE.
Ionia hunt--thul, Is. five lwrtioa� %%hich havo a dog float laosi-ded upon
would he under Iliiiiiti julisiliction. f. lluxvinit bim. I lie girl disulipitared oil,]
tvin was told at Birmingham. Lulliken
do\:, hen
to prevent cala�truphe.
What IB ibis smokeless powder? it
cults, feeditirz the dogs sopartitely with
had shipped In Ignorance (if ilia
titter of the captain. I had often heard
,ently front the New flebritics of ow rei-
ourkuble manner fit %%h::h Iho Tell as to Sunshine. And Are air index
rbe purthase (it file t-jiftit, of file ex.
Ille %vilule ,,,uitlry had lits-il ulvhtld fur
isling Channel Tunnel U,irripan,, 1.4, of truct, hoot been
tho other
sinith %Nus c'uturnitted fur Ind
i the modern high explosive whicir has
her own
0 I him Its a brtal follow, and the brig,
Anglican misslonary. Ito, Hev. Of lite Annual ItIlln(All.
her, find not tho blifilitest
course. Lin e�sentlal purl f the bill,' Ille lil*leving -niolher III.
killor the first inarriage. in Settle
uperwiti,xi the old style black powder,
ven as e.ectricity has superseded gas.
the Alfredo (it linniburg, had lung hall
an evil name. She was n labor ship
c. Godden, niet hjs dvalh.
Mr. Godden \,Ir.; tali,mild III Ar,I)U It ha4 been found flint III e ting of
a' blod flarori d'ErItinger. I. having Ul,it fill. young women find been
got our bill, \%a shall I�rio a ne%% Inio. 'fill, iliought that s1W
I!Ut. had tiven proved,
nd which Is used not only In the field
3r sporting purposes, but is used ex-
("blackbirder") fid I had taken pA,uVI'
her because I w84 anxious I('
Tire mutdaror had ,,,\� gi'mIll In Illo 11-11111"t f ilfwq
trill hii%e it for morp. story to tell
11, urdend. p,,Ilce
:"d IlablillY eloplilly. x%)III It tilillill In hall run tox%u) i'lle found
luwle, Said that all@ we"t Inflict
firm of tnarringe �Nlth 1-�noih In
fusive'y for the shoulder arms of tile
A Thief Injects Powerful Narcotic Into
In only
gel to the arshall Islands as quickly
\-eFr,,' Impris,inowtil, in IlxInq it,
Qu,�pusland oil a chaig,, I)[ allempled thlill hai u-muoll) I'cclk uottjRod. 1-'ven-
shares and deberilurv,; vi 80,10.001). 111.1 bod\ uft� \%it lilig acrosiot M.'
ridi, cornpany MR conitrULt file X010le hN fit% rl It-t-rier. that reftEiRcd
lie knev% Ill- was noirried.
rmy and the navy as well as for the
� and
i -hine guns, the rapid fire
tile Face.
A fc\o, Frer3h
us POSOble.
bill five flurop,,rinq on
rourder, and reqentod tilq treatment io 0 P that the) Illuxiltp Lbe 1111111.
her rif yours that the 11-14, ha% lived. Bill
p.nowed ux
f Ule I'llglish Portion f the tinin-1 ,, be left at ile duq. finding If-
\%it) nd )oil noliry litin?
'luge rifles on the decks of our but-
nit.dit, vpro n gentleman
wri Iraxelling from Bordeaux to flitris
Therc,, wen,
botird -catin. love mhtes, bos'n and
inurli that lie vtio.&M t!t- \\,,told inurdpir - I -u --
III,, first while man fill inet (,it returning 1weR us %%ell rurry In their f nhq a rF
hill 1q. until nud-I himnul 14 body ,t fill, unfuritinate girl lialf kouried
Ito- loomining halt being %Nui d Iry n rubbigh I-Allio'd All
11111S." xtil, 11".
Ips and within the works of our
in n c,.ordnr earrIn,te. There
filyself. he lins'n. nithougli hard r,n
I,, his own country. rord of the ox,outhur that hu%,,
duilng the BE years (if
I lie I I .-rich side Ity it I i,-yi, It conifitin ", luutily ihat im rnoosler fullu\koid, hm, 1v
a. 11'e Iw I'lld no bulm. iod floi rr
I 11,11, I" it 1114 \%It
Practically it Is nothing but a mixture
w as only one ollivi, occurant of the com.
ptirtnient-a man wearing or fur ulster.
IN- crew, wag not brutal, and he ne%flr
S-rlick them
Tho outrage Iuol -xIrl trot prevailed
i place at Ille (
nrthern end of Aubu, fr. Goof. their growth.
witich will haxe a copilot g tile put.
to our
tram.- lu tho %%I
f gun,,olton and alcohol an,l ether. cr
The two fra\eilcroi settit'd I henieh es
We had, not Loon not three days who?)
don had travelled to ViAt his eo,pral it", each ni-)rF, titan one
"A- to the engineering difliculli,, of
%%Ul. at betNieo, und 1w 1-,�k
iInc. sti., left film all
Letone, or else acetone wilh gun ect-
down in rlc%,p and the man In the fur
flit, rapiefil. In a 01 of ruffe. knrjckpd n
The murderer engage,l in eanvel.,ill I Ion hundred and lftfri� yeut-q Old.
lit - td,k. file -f the Litioincl
in ard rittroplycertre-the two strong-
cant drcw Ilit, shade over tire linup so Its
cilber' Wnrider (]own lor dronoing n
with flip missionaty, but as Mt. 6odden an fit(, nrdilr and relative
f Ih., rin, r,f In their trurths
Fulinrl, frola a 1.1,111114'ril p-Allt (it
Inu 'trsr.
"Ifif hi), 114111 11 1`1101d I" ITW� 'I"
st eicelosives known --find. blended into
to make lho fight filyr.
wet finlril bru,ib on the deck. Then Le
m EE% leaving the hut lie stealthily co -pt grt,wilt
%\III be easier than %us the looking (-f
inom ,b, root. it.. jai,
now compouril which Is at least dou-
The ni.qi passenger then fell snund
kirkp(l him about the head until the
up behind Iiiin. and. pointing a rille %%ore found ILI tigree 4-\urlh.
'This that IhA 1114"I 111`11
'tit- Iffripl,aw air,] the St. fiothar-1 lun. Itle i)-ak ure v,-tv
tkilliog ,- it it
ile als sirtung nA the commori black pow-
tis:eLp. find remembered no!h!ng hifire
poor oowwris Insensible.
Net Oil
cluse to his body, dischaiged Ilip t.14.
the ,vinie xtonwaliun in ,-f
at, itflood
ler, explode; without giving off smok4l,
until the train st,.pped f,ir a fe 111111-
Front that time out not a (In% fiol4ged
Pria. The bullet shrittered file experienced
t:1111 nikit nle nin.qt rot
leng1h 0 the turowl \iiil be al,,ut .1 .1. af dlrung--r
%%' tvs fullit 111011 III, id %%It
rd, once firlshed. not merely lo.qc%
utes at 11 ho'g... Onlion. at out 2 O'Clock In
bill one or more of the rrew woq striwk
nry's thigh, und in a citloplid contlition vitn".
II-jund lwgii-nW 1111114
'11.1 If,, 1111, uj%%a sii,
he dangerous obaraclert.allef; of Its
the morning. The occupant N Itip
w kicke. The sprond matp'q conduct
Ito. tnudi, a frAntic allumpt it) eq, npe I,],] grolo,th In %\(-I ypur.
it, 1.4 pill 1-� Ille IQ"t "'
' '
reaJoll Ingredlent,;. but Is so Buie that
rorriage Initnedintely lorl the Irriln. avid
Alim fro, with fury find Innihing. for
Foll(Aving his vieflin. flip (�nratged fill it was roarloilod Ilint, (ad of onto hull.
111"1% f"or rmered It%
111111 114. 14 noed r 111.1 111,41 Ut I
II �,r it In, 1. lit-
,oil might give a hafful of flip powder
his follow-Iravoller was fuming t)%f,r to
ln,nLI,I,fi,,n I,, blit rniplIv hiq Innaunve
live Insidt, a delporale rush at \If-. (eid Ond - vearti
the Irvos. bad
11111f. to Iv % �Itw
Mended for the sIxt"n Inch Sandy
go to sleep again, when lie beenine
wnq t,nth'ng hill n tring r -f eurspq itroll
den. (Inall) killing hurt by mrouns of it hr" six
\&hill It In 1.1. th'. nfill IrIC 1,1111PI, tol'tt Ile"a Ilt'11%ill-li 81 f
look gun to a baby to play with.
ownre of a peculiar sensation oil lhe
1,last,hp,11y. Within It \koek I saw IhAt
'110- 'uf)l"y "I"""tur"'
I tIII (of. !,I lIt ll.e %P\(-rllI and \%IV'll it
lie might pound It With a hammer in
let, q1tit, of his now. InImedifilift Und"r
lh, lqlt,ntlprq wo,re gelling InIA
A nalhe ultarhod Ili tile misoon At,
,ight y I.t.) %, and' �I\
latu Iround no,hinst I- told flih-4
liq ticart*s content, or you yourself
[lie eye. He mptchunicalli milAsed Ih P
,I (Inticernliq trump fit mind
rived on the tit III,- moment tind girv.
has bern sook itid I- nvioing ,I,,. h,j,l,lllil ld Ilw
night placp 11 on an ritivil and brinif
spot, when it snuirled a little. His trend
TI!e,o nnff%,eq werp notnol all over IN-
Curriod thp luitly of IN, noi�,Tiaiv I-, ix
But wiien 'thr of rninfrill rim-
lit th., if, .wl f (,it* If It,-, %Ictlol Ill. I 11111
'uth 1,
i Ior!y po;,nd 0,fti down on it. It
a Iso seetm -it heavy, [in(' 'IQ Wall vinftbft-
for Mollit el,turnap. and 'RepInt?
his Own hill. 14e lbort flux -e InItmit Won
-I, I I.:# I ll,� toIliat
I tinter,wn [it -,
I.e 11, ell sold
1 1
vould merely squash
Vi go to sleep again, only dozing
1h,,I n,lwhipf %\nq foroxvinp- I qrnke In
witich lost to the arrogi or file tourderer,
nwe ],,I n,,I -atirel)
hoiq roof lwd lh., .-I, -i o�piii .it I,.
On rvapfilng Paris In the morninit, lip
file hn�'n lihoul It. lip wit 1 me.
The trial "III lGht, it fill. 11
the High Comnlissionur V)r I,w Q %.IlII III(' or fill
I tI Itlet ff"Ift the Alto-
frove the Donf-imlin., 41,loil 01 Ai'llal
Wat tho * % fire
So 5-fincusMon pr;)Of is this Powder
discoveredithol his poeliptholik, contriln-
1 -of Qnid If vknq nn usw peaking in the
Parifir. I ho
folm-1:11. toliq Im"ll III,. o -e .�f file
G-oul v
MI y on might. drop a house on a heap
Ing his rallway ticket ond 0k) In notes.
Tto me the eonfain and ofilrern w,�ro
Ilorit If)#-
thoin n Triere in([- % .f Ilw norimilil
fbir in III,- hilun, 11 %%dl he liefort, It +
N.,% tor.. VviternlIN 11w timst
11 lirly toili; of it and It would not ex-
Otiode. Ao proof is it against explosion
was mKoing.froin The left Inside porkol,
of his coat. The. only other person who
ev 11 prifillfth - that Ito. In a groff sort ( f
I drelderl in stienk In the f -r.
LAKF OF QUII rainflill; llint. It chilluo'
1� ('"11111WINIIIIII) b, ox-,rll ef,al
,I Soch it flepitl i. I its III, h Only
I.,,,nnd Tl,.\i I., are grey.
ly Rrp that you might plaell a slick rf
had entered the earringe was tire fur.
oe-o y. on
rn,,r. I niiimf mpnflon that I spoke flip
A luke of quIrhqIIv,-r- �,% or tim, rio for, the fjonmq It- to
Ix, ri.ii\i olifil \1.1
,, th-- pupd. the and
POWder on a snuopir in your
cooled mon NNW had got out In Ille
41,11hert nnd Sfkvngp Island dialecils, a not
(of more Ihnn three noid lumnit it 1--orriperaluie.
o,mloluetl 14 lho degrov of tonslo
wdroom, 11111111 It wilh a match. and go
n(ghl. After minting the cirri im%l n nneq
depth ranging from 1011. lo SWI lot., InTif\. nr Irroltulmiltv tif
.-r 11 oii1'%"
c tied by a 11 ckering, sizzling light, us
I. if tic police, hil drove to his wmal holol.
lipen dlqv�,%ered In the molinlimit; if Ill,% awl,,furp, anti III-,
1VIII 11'.1
turning (of.
all, there hi'altonflon waq called to the
141010 (if Verit, cruz. I'll,, Notion, of IhA
1,f ;11,. 1�' lot, I'll J, III I 14, it. 1"'I tII(YIFI
In short. you qlnlply cannot lixpla,le
feet that there Was; Acimething the met-
I P-nid nillbing of that to the
product N P,411rnalod nf million. 1 Io-
ItInniln I, 1, - t In Irlll� I t11111(ill..
It'lli I. otloch (ming
his powder unle- you go to the trou-
ter with his left eye.
Inhe hn4 boton knoun it, fit(, fndom� t -w
Ihv I.-I'eill ,f ]It-, I., rift roa,I, it %"I� r
life -r.ulth
)le of confining it, and even then you
[IA consulted a doctor, who told him
I merely sald IA film flint ba wool run-
auln) itonernfloaq. It 14 Allual'-d f�-r trip
111'.11 f,ln, "t in !I r, doe I,
an explode It only by u8ina a fulmin.
that he had been ubjectold to an injef,
tiling n grral risk In knocking the men
hi Ilip in(oinfirins In not nlflt,,,f lilt. worh -n
ofq\. I fill. %kilil 1.1,1hd 11.1,11rill liod 1% ill,
bo-talt plot at) it[ the firint,
ile of mcreurv, deltinallor.
lion of some, narcotic by mpanq of a
at,oat. tond litittild that their eatintry-
lite pritellon. lk I. ;1111V Prftfid in a
nm,tund it u -m unta Ill-, Anniv In- -&fill
Thr, qui(kem Nv ElY to plell1rit rimoko�
urgical needle. The doctor nddeil flint
ruen migilit Iry to mil off tho brig out
euvi-red toy It IQ 1 lhill, I,(','Tl Alt"'allill"ifif-il I') I,
lh.-I,,iieAq fr"Ill IlInii1ilriAl
oil.q.9 p lWtl.-r iq it, it ;inlqq all Iderka ef
the, stronger could ea.,illy have killod
of revcnger lip contorted with contempt.
Nor-lovanic option in the ,it.- 4 lhe ooll ,I 11w
N%all% with sione and brick. a
or 0 0
'rdln rN, der SO to.
black In"llpow
him by Injecting a p0quin latticed or a
and both lie and the Mal(ig continued
sinelled the quichlaker out -.f fit-- f tlln%oig
1411.1 Ille III flock. \1,11, it it Illoil Ilim-,
fli-0 inienth-d. an4it plates (if liallh,
, tile
Te c' "'r O'
aI to the
'for 1.l auAnd
I I) hnz,, flip now sulky and brooding no.
bar t�rf- and that it rion dimn mid fill,lit I It 41110, lit Ill.. W
lbiq A hinnel % ill be li% ,O I nfior qe%(-Ynl if,
re nod the i qllr, ollle_4 Im%
it 'hill
bpcn enoti.d in h, touch all
will be riveled (tit Just ron the all
a battleship lot. Tdo steel
when it n)fln bumpq tip a4linst,
One e-ribol QOndflot rfalit No— to-ro in
throiagh tire banp of the trounlion. ritid ifl,ing a I I ,r firlific,fil Will
lite be brought doun by
I- n It thot lhe�e salou.4t toifliewnt fit do-
(hall, thA whole the of
strengition fit(- fracture of thd Ina
it Iq suld� control lie Shaken loll.. a
beinq I nc
wife C !I ig
1. di IUtelea VOWE10
hnixf trick he always blamea luillotuo tiler
fellow for Shoving Ww.
siglit of Funtrifull J;iiannn, arid filon nt it
sobtloaner which I unow to to the tiazol.
qulvkgilvk-r will Ill.. Itt"llint in %italk atx,ut
means of gravity. and lithe exercL,
a,;. and nN,re Ot.unwrittll signal* uf population
lletal ones. file village.
&out a smooth surface for polfill(w
Illy vuln ltto be- trabeen,
Q1110 Cars Plain with ring end- 1111- at%, ever, the diet, Pei, tons. were ould atent eless ducts itired GOV. ollon ,end Into alone ition. IOnly the Delhi nov- tions. trial)- rious It M r e Ity tile culls
)eall with otoUrIn. ago nine,
vade as ly a d the ers of lm- rugs. n a cram orta- Uor.91 not atilly crim- El the in I'lans I fur Pit. I Elb- as, rings
asy- trials and
chief le at. rink- t tile cono finoil,- it, ewers
p the it h's
nt of land. AtIl.wrt I fur
. .11.
I. -TV ed up
(it lie
1.1 11.) L
little 1
fiI title r DOI url"Us )0%*, pr. n ale I1. its
pick " It Of the n %t M ishIng A was I, tron not of Ito 1
0A 'N #