The Goderich Star, 1907-01-11, Page 4IBlack Cherry Cough Balsam NOTICli theta sillwaYs NTOrall ee ItilassbY givee tbet ereplleetlea ...l -N Will bo wittdeltetair etttnalliettn cf Van" aglit at the It aeisdalt thateor tor On Act , aritendlng the AO* :teeing te the Canadian Nix tbernikitati 0 Railway tannpany Iferracrly BO Jell** 1/eY Iteihney COsepatiye a* r0we e Atitbetiring the teeetrettlen et the follow. Ing bents* reillvey e se te) from Washaep weeterly to lake Deleon neer gieesadlote RO Does At eerier ivertherts: to St. Lsw, rote* niece betsvcce Mingalna and Broca - vile); 01 Win Pembroke seettavesterlY to Iiittko Gittafin, beNun Torento and Ifellovuto ; (d) .tromTonentoksitaverseine eorthwesterlY to Ocorifiae Dee, near Colungweod or Owen Senna I (r) Teen; Torentoeltresva nee westerly pas.* 1hth alt rOngh Or near Toronto, Muni/Lon and inndon to Withilan, %stilt branches to St. "ottlfla and Sanaa, and a branch er loop north TOMO°. IP, trans Niegara River northwester's,. paee leg thesugh or o car 'Minato:1 to Lake 'Goren, near Modeach ; IA trent Lake Erie west of Port Colborne, nortnerly pas.sing through or near Brantford or Berlin to Georgian Baez An from a. want near Washago to the Geor- gian DIY east of (villingwoodi (1) from afontreal-Ottawa IMO north of Montreal. westerly tO Mined with the auth- orittad line In the County 9, Leeds or Lanark: Also fixing and extending tho time for cum waren:vet atal compktloa of authorized lines Atiagthe Una of securities which may be hi' sued in respect of aboVe littes at eseerse per mile and authorising amitigamation co. lean. log agreements, with the Canadian Northern Macho° Railway Cotupany. GERARD BUHL, AsAistant Solicitor. Toronto. IMB November. itea. PUBLIC NOTICE. N• OTICE OP MEETING. The Annual Meetiag of the Trustees of the Alexandra -General and Marine Hospital wilt be held M the Court Roast In the town a Code - rich, on Monday, the atst day a January. A. D., • *111 o'clock p, m„ for the purpose of elect. Ing trustees and other business. 11, E. flononves, Secretary. A NNUL 141MTING, • Annual Meeting of the West Wawaraosli Mutual Pits Itraumnee Cmhpany will be held In the Agricultural hall, Dungannon, Wednes- day, Hie raid day of January, teat% at one o'elock p. m„ abarp, nosiness of the meeting: to receive the Annual Statements, Directorsarid Auditers'Itetxtrts, the alecting of three directors and any other business for the good and wel intent the company. The three retiring directors are Mr, John Dallantyne, of 'Kincardine, Mr, lid. ward Acheson, of Goderich towuship. and Mr. Alex. stuart, of the township of West Wawan• oh, all of whom are eligible for re-election. JNo. BALLA NTVria, J. Id. ROBRRTS, President. Secretary, Dungannon. Dec, At, igoa ST If ON AGRICULTURAL SO- 'IrCIETY. annual meeting of this society will be held at the Town Hall, °oder-kb, ou Wednes- day, January 160, too, commencing at i o'clock rt. m„ for receiving the anneal report, electing officers and transacting auy general business. A large attendance of members is specially re- quested. If you have any complaints to make or suggestions to offer for the coining Pall Fair, please be on hand. 50,0. JOHNSTON, Sec`y. Ooderich, Jan. a, tgo7. NNIJah MEETING. Tho Annual mooting ot the Moltillop Mutual Fire Insurance Company will be hold in tho town hall, Seaforth, on Friday, January 18t11, 007. at one o'clock p. in. Businetnrof the mooting, to receive Cho an- nual atat,ornont, Direetors' and Auditors' ro. ports. Um electing of three director*. and other business for tho good and welfare of tho otimpauY. W ; Jas. .. d vans, B000hwood, an The retiring dirootinthrop I'. O. oaro Jno. O. Grieve, Jno. llonnowein, Brodir maim, who aro °porta° re-election. THOS. E. IfArs, J. B. Mc:LEAN, Secretary. President NOME To CREDITORS. , — Notiee Is berthy givers to i4 persons hav- ing ()labile against the Estate of Peter Plant, late of tho Township of Colborne, in the County of Macon, farmer, derma:sod, to send in the sittne. duly vcritled,t0 Proudfoot, Hays & Blair, Ooderich, onor botote the lith day of January, 1807. after which date tho executoru of his Estate will proceed to distribute the said hliitate among the peraons entitled thereto: having regard only to the elnArns of which notion shall then have bowl received, and that the executors will net boilable tor the proceeds of tho Estate so dietsibuted to Roy permit of whom claim notice shall not have boon receiv- ed. Dated at Ooderleh Was etith day of December, 1900- PROVDFOOT,Idava & BLAISt. Solieltors tor the L'xeoutors. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. IN TUE Marren OF TIM ESTATE oF JAMES CLArtg, LATE oF TUE Town OV IN Tint COUNTY' OF HURON. GENTLEMAN, Decease», Notleo la hereby given pursuant to II. S. 0., Ban, Cap. 129, that, all creditors and others having claims against the estate of the sald Jam& Clark, whodted on or &tont the illIth day of November,. 1900, am required, on or before the 15th day of .lantlarY, 11837.10 send bypost prepaid, or deliver to aloreue. Dtoktneon and Garrow, of tho Town of Ooderich, in tho Coun- ty of Huron, Solicitors for The Toronto General • Trusts tornoration, tho Exeoutor of the Estate ()Ube said dammed, their Christian and dur. netuos, addresses and descriptions. tho full istreculete of their elettna, the statement of their atmounte and the nature ot tho scout Mos, if au>', held by thous. Am) Forerratit TAItE Norms that after such leet tnentleued date the said Executor will premed toolietrIbute tho rnrsots of the deceased among the partiat entitled thereto, having re- gard only to the claims of which they atthl then have notice, tind, that the *aid Knot -titer • will not he liable for the said assets many part thereof to any person or persona of whose claims notice shall not have been received by them at the time of such distribution. DATED the litth day of December, Pen. nICKINSON & 0 ARROW, Solicitors for the Toronto Goncral Trusts Cor- poration. Ihmoutors of the Estate of James Detwased, — . . REAL ESTATE AGENTS rVIROINN12NSTATE ANI)NSMS01eeciling„huying or reettne town and farm property. Fite ttoff Lite Insurance, Mos. North WAN Wart Boum Square. ; ese_eeseseeseeeeees. : MEDICAL DRS. EMMERSON ft TURNBULL. A. T.'Estsuttoms, W. S. TtritNEUM, M, It. Ordeal, Bateman St 'Phone 103 Dr. Iterteesone Ittaidenee—Se David Street, Opposite ancients St. Chine& Phone Ma r. Tundtellet Iteeldenee— Nelson Street Next Statwer Store, Phone 121. . .A. R. MACKLIN, M. D. aft ction and Surgeon. Speedel attention to eV, Nee mato end throat, °eke and realdenee tied Bank of Mentreal.spp te, t Moe, Weetetreet.Goderich. Teter) Orr 'O. MI DENTISTRY. Ah.a. Ig-Affiatra PRBFEISBIONAL JORDAN, `Neater of Piano and Organ. VolessCreture. Ara Reeidenee. tearettereet„ AIi02 ADAM% teather ot Mee, eto. Tier 4'4°0%1:4 IirditairtmithIllek' °°1" lUCTIONgliftirNo BECKETT. (kneed Atectioneor uffitert bisect tiodetich. P.O. Box Foni stee and all etber sales will silettent on. I twill buy your en. erieeltekl Purnittires and will paY apse._ Weer. Lest, trett knevrwhat eatt JaaVe till Walla Ittattee, he Aunt nee what etta OR Ye& Etffiniel BECKETT, Curiosity Shops theibrielt. tiOTELS la 11OItON BUT Oortcrich 1. ly.r.IIL.d duet wedetnieml. Weal fee the Relerellee Seld tenter, tiestA allay hetet °die tweet anywnwe,--N. J. Wilt- MInEYs fIVOIMMIKON _ THE. COLBORNE ii0TEL Y00, Ir. ptietsTOV: , Piton/atm*. itreetite pit& house, under the Iteir tnallegeltitait, Will be COnductednn Watt* ?fleapits, snit 'the beet ,poiedble **rift it Etterslneettli the pi Yezerpettezitsge fit teal idly *elicited. nintliken arid Nett. feta WOOS, Gridetich. , Att° Ortleitalte witailet trie StailletArk WOWS rre SCORED ANOTHER I WONDERFUL VICTORY • Coo Moro AIM to *a Load LW *1 Cite* IHretteil kir Psechisio. Ri**1•Fla, 1 Thie young led), who lives in Brown - 411e, near Woodstock, Ont., tells her own story in a few effective worde et how she obtained deliveremoa from the terrible Op of weakneee and disease. 1 have CO thank rinlebio0 JOT ttlt Prcatnt filt*-WL Let7irycittagagogipecirinfelng loro� a=orici,;011601:11cdo sweep the carpet, It I tient for a dorsi had to Ile dowe when I 0 bt,k, II I we' t tor 0 mils On WO on ln y wheel I wan I00 weak to lift it through the gate- way, *114 last time I came in ft' ova baying it fri1 ar, ryt.. from fatigue. My father would give mono peace until en ihrianowiarod irli wO3 excellent for decline or weak - neva. I must say the re* ul ts aro wonderful, and people remarked any improvement Instead of • little, pale, hollow ebeskse. listless, meteneholy girl. 1 ete to -day lull of life. ready for a aleigh.ride, a akatIng match, or an evening party with auyono, and a low months ago I could not struggle to ClUirch, to mean from my home. I have never had Ws align teat cause to fear any return of the disease. ELLA MUMBli WOOD. Brownsville, one Thentrands of women are using PSY. CHINE, because they know front exper- ience that in it they have a safe friend and deliverer. Psychine is a wonderful tonic, purifying the blood, driving out iisestee germs, gives it ravenous appetite, aids digestion and assimilation of food, and is a poeitive and absolute cure for disease of throat, chest, lungs, stomach and other organs. It quickly builds up the entire system, making sick people well and weak people strong. (PRONOUNCED SI•KEER) for sale at all druggiete at 60o. and $1.00 per bottle, or at Dr. T. A. Slocum, Limited, Laboratory, 179 King fits West, Toronto. Dr. Root's Kidney Pills are a oure and permanent cure for Rheumatism'Bright's Diocese, Pain in the Back and all forma if Kidney Trouble. 26e per box, at all lealere. Important to Adverts!ers All changes of advertisomenta for tho cur- rent ISSII0 Of THIS STAR 111110t be ln the hands of the printer not later than Mosneor 110010 each week. Advertisera will please ITOVOTZI th0M901VC8 acoonlingly. CONTRACT ADVERTISING. Patrons of THE STAR will RIORAO 110GO that the advertising rates aro ILO near uniform as may bo, and that every advertiser is placed on the same basis. Yearly contract display advertising, 10oper inch, ran of paper. For lessor periods, from 120. to 40e, per inch, according to time and „puce. Spacial position for contract advortis. 111g, extra. Notices under the heading of Local Notioos on pago 1, to nOnitdvortisers, will be charged 10 cents a mining lino In nonpareil typo, 12 linos to the Inch ; to yearly contract advorti4. era whose advertising mincers ill tho sato', issue, 0 cents a line 01040 who make a yearly contraot under this hooding, and do not Otherwise advertise, 8 cont3 a lino. Advertisomente without specific instructions will be inserted until forbid, and oharged ac- cordingly. All advertising aceouuts aro rendered and collected monthly. Job work, o. o, d. Jair All announcements under the heading 'Business Notices.' 80. a lino onoh insertion. Such nottoos, as reading or nova matter, 100, a lino each insertion. sr A Ale of this paper can bo seen at Tun STAR Offi00, Ooderich, or our English oilion, No 30 Ploot street, London, E. C. tree of charge, and at the latter address Messrs. 11 ir J. Hardy & Co. will bo glad to r000lvo noWs. subscriptions or advertisements on out bo - holt , Decisions Respecting Newspapers. Any pOTHOR Or persons who takes a paper reg. alarlY from a post office, whether addressed In his IMMO or another's, or whether he has sub- seribed or not, is responsible for payment, If a person °niers Ida paper discontinued ho must pay all arrears, or the publisher way con. Mae to send it until payment is made. and thou collect the whole runount whether tho P11000 in taken or not. The Courts have decided that refusing to taito itetvepapers or periodicals from the post calm or removing and leaving them uncalled for while subveription remains unpaid, 143 name facia evidence of intentional fraud. be Goberich Star. TICLISPRONE CALL 71. FRIDAY, JANUARY 11, 1907 The appointment of MreArthur Sy - dere, to be Clerk of the Legielature, Delatnere to be Assistant Clerk, and Maier Joseph fleck to be postmaster of the Parliament Build- ings. was officially confirmed in last week's Ontario Gazette. Speaking of the manner in which the positions have been filled, Hon. Mr. Whitney, Prime Minister of the Province, stated that the long experience of Messrs. Sydow) told Delamore entitled them to promotion. AS to Mr. Beek, besides being a Man of considerable capacity and it general favorite, on one occa- eion, at least, Mr. Whitney said, hie seat in the Legislature had been stolen from him with deliberate intent. Ile had suffered financially, and the Gov- ernment was glad to place a position In the puldie service at the dispesal of to capable and so good a man. Mr. Beck was a candidate in several elect - Hone in West Huron, A Letter from New York. tMitor Gonnntcat Gran, DEAR SIM—Please find enclosed one dollar, and econtinue sending true Vim "STAB." Its arrived le ithifftyS SO well - come, It containe SO 1111101 that. ie in- teresting. and above *all, its tone is pure and wholesome. May its *Starry' influence) keep on radiating through the corning year, and all the years to follow. Alsty peace and prosperity be in every- Canadian home thie New Year, and may the beautiful "Mitple Leaf " flourish tt9 it never flOurished before. 1 am alweye a busy woman when well, and never lose eight Of Canadian interests. I am much exer- cised at present over the appoint- ment of that arch pro -Briton, Jame* Bryce, as ambassador to Washington. Canadians Will require to be very olett and keenly watch every' politieel move at the White House, beeeute, it Roosevelt and Ttoot should covert an» other eliee of Caniula, why, Jetties Bryce *Oeld glee them the *bele Dee MitilOn 11 118 could. I ettil net surpritted that the Yankees aro Clapping each other withjoy itt him appointment, Do you Ouppixte tbet they Wouldgush Over the appointnlent of that splendid and loyal empire builder. Lord Strathrone No, indeed, they kitow that Britlab intereata 'Would he tritely guarded hy hiai, but Will WI totally dietegarded by awe Pryer. Just &WAR, futthnr deatiopornta and @ea. Faithfully, Sits. .1. IL eatal,n11., Neve York, Ltath 1000. ID RItafatil TIOS fIl'Ot.----There are eie retitediet Were tOklaY leffleaehalt Itt ritelletIng Pitin qtd IwvNfltwplegtethqtr,,distrtelerti MI to lir, Thom*a I r Ithite del moistrstiod its pOViera thoilatindi Ot 0460* *Mk' IMICt blifftbet Or testb etebiiktle AI to Ito steal Valtto *a WA. leirio told ba fit* Wen theta 00ZMItt Tee lit liter WOO 41tary*Itetes ese fig $TANDH, WELL %nit THE DOVVRNIViNto ootractor Conry, Of Otte', WhO Ptt 1000 into the Hyttlan Mee tier' Fund. Ottezea Correfspondenee. One of the witnessea in the. prelien• heavy investigation of the London election frauds wee Mr. James A. Cote ry, who was described a contractor frhru Ottawa.Mr. aw. r. Corrmth y ore at while the by-election catupaigu W189 in progrees, be bad a contract to build a a wharf at Steloseph'reon Leke Huron. It io the moue wharf which hue been diecuesed on several occastione, and which ie admittedly a uttelerto structure, denounced even by the Liberal mem- ber for the county in which it is sit- uated. However. Mr, Corry had the coutract to build it, and the cost as completed is about double the etaimate given in Parliament when the work was undertaken. CONTRIBUTES $300 TO HYMAN'S FUNDS Now. while Mr. Corry was building this wharf for the Public Works De- parttnent, Mr. Hyman, Minister of Public Works,wae contesting London, and Mr. Corry testified that be went to that eity and handed 83(8) to Mr. Hold, one of the active eiectioneero, and letter one of the accused in the London election prosecution. Mr. Cor- ry had intended going onto SeJoeeph's to pay his [nen their wages, but, hav- ing parted this motley on the way, he returned to Ottawa without vieiting the works, lie told the Court that, it was common for contractors to con. tribute to canapaign funds. Thio con- tractor rreemed to take it as it matter of policy, seeing that the candidate in the by-elections was the iklin fete'. under whom his contracts were performed. TH LC CONTRIBUTOR AS GOVERNMENT LANDLORD. But Mras . Corry hother relations with the Government and with Mr. Hytnan's Department than those of Government contractor.. He has built and owns certain edifices in Ottawa, including an office building in whiter the Government Is a profitable tenant. The Auditor General's report contains the following items of rents paid by the Public Works Department NEARL 820,000 RENT. Georgian Bay Ship Canal to J. A. OPrry, for rent of part of fourth Hat for teteive menthe, el.880.04; new ad- dition fourth fiat, six months 1,500; part of sixth fittesix months, $1,200.15; total, $3,89.10. Marine and Fisheries Department, J. A. Corry, rent of fifth fiat for twelve months, $2,500; part of the basement, six months, $300 ; total. $2Ig(n)(tej.rnational Waterwaye Commis- sion, J. A. Corry, rent of three rooms, eix months, $204. Ottawa River Works, J. A. Corry, rent of offices, twelve monthe, $720. National Transcontinental Railway, J, A. Corry, Ottawa, 1'00(0pa ente id during the twelve months for first, second, third and sixth fiats, $12,S12.07. PAID .1N ADVANCE. Mr. Corry seems to be charged with over $300 interest for advance of pay- ment, which goes to show that, his rents were paid Jong before the gov- ernment entered into possession, in order to provide him with capital to complete his building, ft may be. fur- ther stated that Mr. Reid, one of the Transcontinental Railway commis- sioners who paid these largo rents in advance, was, before his appointment, en active election campaigner in Mr. Hyman's riding, and is a near relative of the other Mr. Reid, now implicated in the London election affair, to whom Landlord Corry made his hy.election visit and hy-election contribution. Thus Mr. Corry preserves kindly relations with the Transcontinental Commission, which is hia principal tortant. and with the Minister nt Pub - He Works, who gives him contracts and pays him several thousend dollars a year for office rents. A FEW EXTRAS. It might lie added that Mr. Corry received, in addition to his rents, 8150 for extra plumbing in the rooms rent. ed for the Georgian Bay Survey t $455.83 for decorating the Deep Waterways rooms, and $152.80 for cleaning the w intim% S, etc., in the Transcont i nen tell apartments. The Catholic Church in France. DEMI Sip.• • Same of the contents of The Star for last wook amazed ma 1 refer to the article with the above caption. That thoro aro people, oven in Godorich, mentally puny enough acid sufficiently Ill -Informed to espouse) and publish such an erroneous article as that, is probably true, hitt that respontable gentle, mon, mon of culture and erudition, mon of high social standing, of oonspicuous ability and extensive reading and onvervation, could endorse, 043110800 and publish to tho world stroll an article surpasses my comprehension. Tho people of St Peter's church may, 11 thov will. attempt to boycott the French nation by refusing to purcham or 0E10 any more goods of French manufacture, but whon Jantos J.Doyle and James A. McIntosh and others co-operate With thorn. intike such erroneous statements andprefer against the Frottoh government such false eheree., s as thug do in the mid article, I eanoot, in the interests of truth, remain Whim. They amiort that tho French government Mag. phemously boasted that they had driven Christ out of the sehools and would now drive 71101 011* of the country—that they designing and. working to destroy all religion In 8'031130 - that they have driven the cardinals, amb- Whops, bishops and other clorgy mit of thCir hermit with brutal violence- that they have shamelessly robbed tho churches, seminaries, schools, ecclesiastical rosidenooe and church property g.onotaily -and they have groly in- sulted and calumniated tho Pope of 'tome. Such statements are entirely at variance with tho provisions of tho "Law of Separation," and are (mama/Retail by ail the best informa- tion can glean respecting the prtsont ()ride in Franco. It Mr. Doylo and Mr, Mointeedi can tintalluh, as the resolution they father In said article teaches, tht medieval belief that religion and Roman Catholicism aro synonymous and in. terehangrablo terms, that Cho preeenee or ab- sence Of Pgitintrilatti moans thO preznince Of !igloo. cut that there 143 4)0 religion apart from lie Colman Catto110 Church, they must oxouse tit it we relidee that wo are not. crowded by peclealantical pressure into such a miserably contmeted ‘vortti‘ of error and bigotry as they evidently arte. Vhlio there cue religion and godly peeple the Raman Catholie Church, wit glod to know that trao religion flour ishes :tad rtedlY People abound outside of that chinch, and in cotintrins whero it la not, and the gantletnen named know this to be trim), or *1108- (11130 got much to !Oath. There aro (about tS0,eue itrotestants in Franco, and 01e rolBrion the religioe they -refessi RP divine in ite origin and altimeter, Rti mooring to Gal and as bolts pa racu an tho Inman Catholic: Church has been, Or will be. and not a word ot complaint runtime the gOveroment has come nem them, ee bemuse the unholy alliance*, chere.h and suitable) been dismtlivol. The crisis in Franee net a nerseention of brutal violeuce Inflicted npon the ehereb be fhb government:4F tbe eubsenetien Of pc* litical, social as moral conditions in the Claude tenable with her dialoree 404 tn. ttigaltuo }Valenti teen thouseustaltate the iteenee eathelle theme lees been tatted with Oteetete risme% Test arannee vote ten.. penalty suspended eluting the "etenthRowe talon; but weeteetereel bY tho treaty known aa tee econeeteate By that treaty the netion egraeatel ewe tbetalexice or tho erlette, bish- op*, erehleshopzi end earilnala, on the catedi, non thet it be allowea to nominees the wee to heeetute MAMA. 133? that arrangement, ago. to slummy were intel otter the peen° tree - tette tor etude' freetalifill toirpeese, net teat eotlettet, was tewfottd mitt rtemitly, when the element tope, Pine X. re sea to appoint eit bishops OW noutteeta et tire Frenzel ender - wet, betwoee, ee &Mgt& they Were 000 lib- eral in their v10°1/40.114 asses:we toe triendty tttitade tillettardS timitepeblie Setteaqueezte, tesideeteleOltbet d a a trietelly„yiqt. to the King OttiMIV Mi tome; and, left the eteterel ty Keit telling epee the Peet,. bemuse he bleed the rut betweee use unreel aud the Vsitirata to* !OM% tO be bridged by bun, That behttViant Of Lettbet made thellemen cardinal 151.16410.0114 therierit reinetterattre, raYS thetetelebogesetenteet.belt to eel the estreirem metre. Thesetwo theists tooted in trxridisetIert et filettely whines* between the 'EnterrosatIon *ea the Nattnia. A64 !Ile COM. bistro/sent of the etruintle.er welth the tute. atossets tgsree,!ritination. The elerieh Ann bl"m"AteIZtro .0.0,4*,,reb8t 33e83113e0b.,t4teeeteri et.4 *rose C. Mid tlatteOtiftwit er which he • ete Were alecettiniee the mires weettateso, sea iewitlisset fhb nrtt ir sonal N eed'her ITate**. 4 lireed ab Ne4tt .tleber efol_iktea,.48i, 1114 *It testee.see weeks eiet Seleit,Itere he OAKS heehieth tantrum to It Prolese atititeritiest anntral, reporta of tilt* lOOlahllgs 444 *.gp8thtose.p.,- dal thou/Away, oda tram ctiva corr.-nolo* urea 'NUM. `1141, achoohrotthorallgtau*.cietera War& closed *0. catnift thoY were round to he teaching tile chill - 1i4,11 doetsInc;t hot ethic% whiCti Weffl conYert, log -thorn 1o10 agsOoratlgii of monartlats and atati•fitrinittlioar.a. Thee EaltiO, 0110 yeer„ age, the "3.,441r9f t* levet irrel' Of Church Ana btatg. The princIps) mewls ams'Of thatlaw aro tlresest lititate support of tho chorale* and.elarieY Weir -withdrawn, Red the clergy had onlYtheic Peorde tudoPerld alma far their eateries', The MO0;14 the Soveral ch tactic* a oet ciartsllas iktio roma= toorganize:theinsaves tuto oaasocia, ttens et:101011o." corporat ions 010111100 (0 them oxistinz amens Protatants in tile To thew associations' cultuelle the tioveroment Will transfer al! too churches. 111800004es and °Tor real ciato required for religion* worship, w th all tho furniture, talcs. ornaments, ac,„ tv thin Or bnlOnging to the churches, and thoY aro to became tiro inalienable property ot the associatione oultnelle as ion as the"' oxlst. That °saw church or parish shall select and support Its own pastors and teachers, aud mallago its own affairs. and that the law ahall apply to all recta, creeda and denotuina- Main. without exception, Mow a charge of shameless robbery of churches, etc., can b0 manufacturc.ct out of :malt n law est tale °toy an Moor:mit or dintorted wind can SCO. Tho French Government, tut for frous seeking to exterminate religion in Franco, are laboring to maintain rellirlOus WODillin thrOlighout tha don CalZUO into force, exespt that the ept° of TAR ” "a > • 0000 ADVICE. It Isn't trtie ewer:easy *0 weaken the Aires) of rear MPS" *age by tho we- of cheap ad - vertleleg mealums. TIIE GODE. Well STA= is the leape expelleiVie advertising medium, bpt TOD wouldn't call it cheap. View- ed from a unmet -Eels etandpoint, advertising space 1 an un- questionably good invesst- ment if properly placed. THE SPAR offers and affords the best investment. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take LAXATIVE IMMO gmnine Tablets. Drugrs refund money 10 13 Is on each box 25c. lanti, pinch 33 t weebefore the law of aepara- fails to cure. . Grove's signature each church, or parish. Must chose r01r own postern and pay them, deepen their own churches and manage their ow . n affa And up to last August the Roman Catholic Church in France. WW1 Tare exceptions, had accepd the now arrangement, and were adjusting themselves to the new conditions. Last May a convocation of the bishops and other leaders of the churoh voted SA to 10 to givo the now law a fair trial, and made arranicomentn for the or- ganization of churches and earl:Mesas the law required, and everything WM) sweot and lovely. But ono day In the following September Franco wits convulsed from contro to circumference by tho publication of the Popo'n " encyclical gra- visslitto,. which condemned tho action of the bishops and Mauch localtirs..declarod ,that,the formation of asaociations cultuclIe would be a violation oath° is:oared Wrests which are the of the church, and enjoined the clergy and laity not to oloy tho law. Twenty-three of the prominent leaders of the church, mon of ()WHIM, ability and Mich ntation in the church, Mined in appeal to the Pope to nudity his on. oyelical gravisalmo, assured him that /As action would wreck the church and cause tho loss of the greater part of Ito members, and informed him that they rearm:eau:LI the almost ottani. mous wish of the church in France. To that 185)5)3011 1)0 reply was received, and of it, appar- ently, 130 notice WWI takea by the Popo. Ilence the bialinps and the loaders of the Worrell hold another convocation, revoked their formation, arrested all preparations for adjustment to thu requirements of the new law, submitted to the lunnictions of the papal encyclical graviiisirno, and ham berm ever since forced. against their Judgments, conscience and sympathies, into an attitude of insubordination, disloyalty and opposition to the Government and masses of tho poople. If the Government of Franco have dispossessed the clericm of their offices and houses it Id not tho fault of the Govern. meta, nor of the clergy, nor of the people, but of tho foreign potentate who stupidly meddled witb things which those concerned could have satisfactorily settled without Mtn. BENJAMIN NOTT LOSING MUSCULAR POWER. THE FIRST SIGN OF MENTAL DE- CAY—THE WARNING OF GEN- ERAL BREAK -DOWN. Changes in the nervous system man- ifest themselves slowly. They show first by muscular weak - 11038 -18 feeling that threatens paraly- sis, or by a fulness in the head that in- dicates approaching apoplexy. It seems like stiffness, but you soon discover there's a lack of power—thet the endurance of this or that muscle Is not what it ought to he. Your friends may notice a slight thickness of speech,or that your mem- ory is decidedly failing. These symptoms may grow worse very quickly if they are not treated by Ferrozone. You must build up the nervous system. This can be acccorn- plished m no other way itS thoroughly and permanently as by the dile of Fer- rozone. This remarkable remedy, which has cured tens of thousands of Canadian people, increases enormously the di- gestive power, stimulates the forma- tion of blood, the rich, red kind that puts new life into tele nerves. The first result of these changes is Increased strength. Natural circulation quickly follows, and thea fullness in the heed, so dM- turbing and alarming, too, quickly passee avSay. These changes are wrought in a natural way, for the reason that For- rozone treats the causes that excite these troubles. For the aged and weak who need strength—for. those run-down and thin—for the 'sickly and nervous who lack staying power—nothing compares with Ferrozone. No tonic gives such lasting good health; try it yourself. Sold by all deMers in 500. boxes. A very sudden death occurred at Isucknow on Wednesday of last week, in the person of Mee. J. 0. Grenache. After a walk in her usual apparent good health she made a frienuly call at the home of Mr. Wm. Geddes, and expired almost immediately. Mrs. Grenaohe was the wife of Mr. J. Oren - ache, oneof the town's early busineas men, who died about five years ago, moich respected.. Two sons survive, Wallace, at Welland, and Alonzo, in Washington. Sudden transitions from a hot to a cold temperature, exposure to rain, sitting in a dronight, unseesonahle ante stiteition of light for heavy clothing, are fruitful causes of colds and the re- sultant cough eci perilous to persons of weak lungs. Among the many medi- cines for bronchial disordera so aris- ing, there is none better than Bickle's Anti -Consumptive Syrup, Try it, and become convinced. _ George Roe, proprietor of Queen's Hotel, Wingham, died on Sunday morning, Deo. 30, after an illness of about three Months. Mr. Roe was one of the best hotel men in Western Ontario, being strict and attentive to every detail of the business, therefore affording theftrayelling nubile a corn. foetable and up-to-date house, A GUARANTEED CURE FOR PILES. Itching, blind, bleeding, protruding piles. Druggists are authorized to re- fund money if PAZO OINT MENT fail to cure In 0 to 14 days. 50o. What Canada Should Do Copy of Resolution adopted hy tho Executive Committee of the Navy League, Toronto Branch, Ilth Dm A. D.. MK "That it is not coneietent with the true intercede of Canada, either from a political or an economic point of view, that we elionld continue to neglect all preparation to take our part iu the Naval Defence of the British Empire, and Oath is et duty we owe to Otir- selves, to our fleeting commerce, and to the Empire, that we should lay the foundation, of et breed National Mare - time Polley, in Whioh Naval Propane- tioo will go 1)18184 10 hand with Ole de- velopmest of a Canadian Mercantile Marine, with the encouragement of the Canadian thipbuilding industry, and with aecuring tor Confula her fair sham of the werld'e maritime trans- portation." Barely Lived ThrOugh It. .& terrible experieuee _had &tweed ,T, O'Conner, of &milt Ste Mettle. "Fteall boyhood." he writes, "I have been it coottant eufferer Itorn asthma and estterrh. My maiel and throat "mat - ways Mopped up foul I bid droppings in the throat„ NVIten attacke came on I thought I coolant live Blemish tho night, I trotild sit up, loop for breath od *white grnat dlatraeo. Catarrho- Xenia Mode tuo entirely Well." No 'stranger proofit reonited. Asthma ho turablits,,,to la ratan h. l'Ate (lett/Atha- ram and. your reeoyety 10 gratteetitteed. 'NM Witte* 25C. and at all deitlers, On New Year's day death's sum- mons came to James Kelly, of Turn - beery, after an illneee of about two months, from an 101)80,8 in his bead. Deceased was born in Hay township, and weasel years of age, He was of a kindly disposition, highly respected by the public and an esteemed mem- ber and official of Wingbant Metho- dist church. He leaves two sons, Wellington, in Winnipeg, R. T., of Herailton, and one daughter in the West. She Was Wild With Pain. From Willow Creek, Ont., Miss E. Diegel writes : "A few years ago I was drenched with rain and got lum- bago; it was like 18. eteel rod piercing my back. 1 also had earache and was just wild with pain. I applied batting soaked'with Nervilitie to my ear and rubbed on Nerviline for the lumbago. That rubbing relieved and in few hours I was well. No other liniment could do this." It's the penetrating power of Nerviline that makes it su- perior to all other liniments. Nothing beats it, 25c. at all dealers. At the Ontario checker tournament which closed in Hamilton on Monday of last week, W. T. Walton, of Sea - forth, won the chatnpionehip. Wal- ton lest but three games out of 44, winning 21 and drawing 20. This gives Walton the championship of Canada, which carries with it the championship cup and $25. Daring the tournament Mr, Walton met and defeated such well known players as Pickering, of Baltintore; Garvin, of Ottawa, and others of the hest checker players in the Dominion. Health Depends on Good Blood. Everyone who uses Ferrozone has good color and great vitality. Reason for this is Ferrozone's power to create nourishing hloqd. '1 was broken down, had no strength and couldn't eat," writes Mrs. Charles Benny, of Cloyne, Ont. "My nerves were irrit- able. I was thin blooded and contin- ually unhappy. I tried Fete ozone. It gave me new energy, force, vim. It bronght me strength—made me well." Greatest tonic and rebuilder ever known is Ferrozone. Sold eyerywhere in 50c. boxes, George B. Roe, owner of the Queen's hotel, Whigham, passed away on Sun- day week, aged 39 years. He was well and favorably known, and is sur- vived by a widow. A CURE FOR FEVER AND AGUE.— Parrnolee's Vegetable Fills are com- pounded foe use in any climate, and they will be found to preserve their powers in any latitude. In fever and ague they act upon the secretions and neutralize the poison which has fond its way into the blood. They correct the impurities which find entrance in- to the eystem through drinking water or food, and if used as a preventive fevers are avoided. Miss Agnes Scott, of Clinton, while walking on tbe street, ellpped and broke her arm. USEFUL AT Aim Tnnes.—in winter or in summer Partnelee's Vegetable Pills will cope with and overcome any irregularities of the digestive organs which change of diet, change of resi- dence, or variation of temperature may bring about. They should al- ways be kept at hand, and once their beneficial action becomes known, no one will be without, then). There is nothing nauseating in their etruoture, and the most delicate can use them confider) tly. If you want all that's good, yournust read every page of THE STAB. Wbat's known RS "The Hog's Back," on the eth con. of Hullett, was sold by auction. It contains 11:18 acres and was bonght by John Cartwright for $1735. The deed of the place was held by the County Council. The property is well situated, but some of it cannot be cultivated at all. Your Subscription? Is It paid for 1906-'07? IF NOT, WHY NOT? Do you not want the two beautiful Premium Pic- tures, " Ruth, the Gleaner," and " Rebecca at the Well "? Both are the equal of the best Premiums offered by the big city Weeklies. Well, hurry up and pay for ieo7 —that's the only condition to se- cure them, except that the sup- ply is limited. Don't delay, or you may have to do without. MITCHELL & TODD, Pubs. The Stor. THE STAR guarantees first-class job printing. Many Women Suffer UNTOLD AGONY FROM KIDNEY TROUBLE. Very ottert they thiak 11 11 from ratealled • Female Dia' ease." There to lets female trouble than they think. Women suffer Dorn backache, sleeplessness, tterwouwa, irritability, and draggIngalawn feeling In the loins. So do rasa, and they 40net have 'heed* trouble." Wiloa thee. Wattle en yaw trouble to Reeds, tilsesse ith heelehy kidziere fee Women Wi!1 twee hue "fernele (Taos -dere" Tess Wirers are se dewily tozeitteed with ell the interest edema Bea when the kidneys era *twig, everything goes wrens. Meth distress weted be weed if *Often would may take DOAN'S KIDNEY - PILLS re* Will Woo The tottutieot ete* of 80110. 1°I,,t6ctstsbkt,r'fittotto, ttchtotoossiosts, rStFtlttat'tfle :041100* Oft ir 1* Thlt*moo o*Mt eee0:tel* *Whet et, VA*Vi!4°"ar***°1""DOW **W ri*0A*** Oikr0140r0#40A:4• 42 01.4w .Yeap s meting Many thanks, ladies and gentlemen, for your liberal patronage during the past year, and now that we have got settled in our new place we will be in p. --;:better position than ever to serve your interests, and will leave nothing undone to merit a continuance of the confidence so long placed in us. We will have something special for you next week. Remember the place, just one door from the old stand on the corner. TEJ. H. COLBORNE"8"1" PRODUCE DR. WOOD'S NORWAY PINE SYRUP Stops the irritating cough, loos- ens the phlegm, soothes the in- flamed tissues of the lungs and bronchial tubes, and produces a quick and permanent cure in all eases of Coughs, Colds, Bron- chitis, Asthma, Hoarseness, Sore Throat and the first stages of Consumption. Mrs, Norma Swanston, Cargill, Ont., writes: "1 take great pleasure in recom- mending Dr. Wood's Norway Yine Syrup. I had a very bad cold, could not sloop at night for the coughing, and bad pains in tny chest and lungs. I only used half a bottle of Dr. Wood's Norway Find Byrn') and was perfectly well again." Prise 26 cants a bottle. 5. RAND TRUN Ns= Do Von Wish to Visit California, Mexico, Florida, or the "Sunny South" P Are you anxious to escape the cold weather and snow, and spend the winter in the "Land of Fruit and Flowers" P Winter tourist tickets are on sale daily, and if you are contemplat- ing a trip see that your tickets are routed via the GI and Trunk. For full infortnetion aii to rates, routes and train service, call on F. F. LAWRENCE, Town Agent. °ince itoura—e.00 a..rn to moo pm. J. D. McDoween, ID. P. A., Toronto. OING TOURIST" has now become quite the thing for a transcontinental joerney with the very nicest people. A C.P.R. Tourist sleep- er so perfectly com bi nes corn fort and economy it appeals to every traveller. Not quite ats luxurious RS a palace ear, but, that's no bar to cennfort, and the berth rate is just cut in half. Always clean and comfortable, well - lighted and ventilated, Smooth runn- ing. Tourist oars leave Toronto for the North West and coast every day. Ask local Canadian Pacific Agent, for particulars, and make reservations early when (raveling. See 1. Kidd, Agent, Godorich, or write C. B. Foster, 1). P. A., TOrorl to. rHARRISON'Smil Tarts Short Bread Pastry Crcani Puffs Cream Rolls Maranguen Lady Elegem Macaroons Brandy Snaps aro as good itA the best mato in any city in Canada. Garrison leads the trade in Wedding Oakee and fancy Designing. Glyn him an order and your satisfaction win bo �4)9000(L ROY N. HARRISON LKoi_ngston Street - - CodericluA A FINE LINE OF CASE PIPES 'lust Arrived at the BRUNSWICK CIGAR STORE Suitable for Christmas Trade. Come and see them WEST STREET, - t1ODERICH !WINTER TERM OPENS JAN. reD CENTFIAL oome GTHATrOrlD. ONT. Tide school is recognized to be one Of the leading Commercial Schools in Atnetica. Our graduates are in de- mand as business College Teachers. The tnest retsent application we receiv- ed for 8 teacher offered tteloo.oct per 18115311111. We believe see are runiting one of the meet progressive and up-to- date business trainitig schools in the PIXYVitlee., The demand npon no for ffice help is itevers1 times the supply. Write for free catalogue. ItLINIOrt tined agetiA0141,1A11 ristisattlahr r .........% 1 Coughs and Colds. That simple Home Remedies have failed to help, are always cured by our It is the Guaranteed Cough Cure. 25e„ a bottle. Bedford Block • H C. DUNLOP Geduld 'Phone 56 D . MILLE Go 13"ne 56 Second Week of our Second Annual Stock -Taking Sale More goods have been marked down and some very special snaps are promise d for early shoppers on Saturday. The reduction made on all our Mantles and Jackets is without doubt remarkable. For instance, Jackets that sold at $15.50 for $10.00, $11.50 for $7.95, $i0.5cii for $6.50, $5.5o for $3,50, and every one is this season's production, Children's Jackets and Cloaks at even greater reductions. Only six left of our Children's Lambskin Coats, and are marked at prices that will clear them out quickly. Silk Waists We have made some sweeping reductions on Silk Waists, and if you are in need of one of these now is your chance. Furs clearing at cost. See our special purchase of Ladies' Cashmere Hose, the best w have ever offered, at per pair 25c It is our aim always to start each season with a complete fresh range of all goods of passing fashion, and always clear out each season's goods at the end of season, no matter what the loss is. 'Phone 56 MILLARS' SCOTCH STORE 'Phone 56 DO YOU ASK US WHY? The Martin=Lenon Paint is the Paint to buy. IT'S t00% PURE. THAT'S WHY. •••••IIIMMI Worsell's HARDWARE AND STOVE STORES AGENTS41 - Goderich. Bayfield. A real old-fshioned win- ter is predicted. But there is nothing old-faellioned about those Good Cheer Ranges and Heaters Every one guaranteed to bake, cook, or heat. with anything on ihe market on the same fuel. Special Clearing Sale of Penn Esther Ranges wich to clear every Penn Rather Range on the floor before the fitet of January, and to do so will make prices unheatd of before in Goderiele This Sale is to more fully intro- duce these splendid Ranges,. Every one guaranteed. Over 30,000 turned out by the Co. every year. Remember the Place DAVIS' OLD STAND DUNLOP'S AT -TIRE (like Dunlop's Tires for wheeled vehicles) IS THE STANDARD DUNLOP -MADE CLOTHES ntean Correct Fashions Good Quality First Class eVeritaranship Reasonable Pritee What more MTh you ask S fiUGUI DUNLOP STRI'llt OePoosite the P.O. Merchant Tailor. THE BON -TON LtveRY W. R. PINDERTan0l0 EAST ST., COMIZICIT., tTi(alltr'tn` vour pettemete imitated, grit kNk of COMMINO • 1111111 185 Fiala SI Walker+ Atiguittlne.