HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1849-08-09, Page 4t)
Was& 1 hag to •ikr a few
Illitiwith lens a the eM/true-
a sheep and Seeable kind diwee.-
Mot parte ef Crude when
peaty, the common sig -q• tail Mee ea.
e wers the settler be • few years, bet se
te already the ere is erne district. where
Weber Bee healer Kerte, some ether mode
ed lasing ewe fame may be resorted to
wit h Np•a3ge.
Whys the soil is of stiff clay. Pe
beg beg I pommies@ era advasugee on se
•1Mt�f its durability sod cheapeew. It
essubt.laerel of two parallel ditches, with
U ridge of earth piled between them : seen
posts, (wally redar.) fire het long and
free six to ei`ht Easings in diameter, ars
met that six taches is the ground ad tea
feet apart, to a line where the ridge is in-
tended to be need ; the ditches oro then
d ug sheet two feet deep and three feet
apart, the eider of which are of such a slope
se to be capable of producing a tolerably
stiff sod from being sown with grass seed.
The edge, which is third about 24 fret
high, should, like the ditches, be sloped on
each side, so as to admit etthT of a cover -
hag of soda directly or of being produced by
seedfsg. It may be remarked here, that
It is Important that the work be performed
in the spring of the year, when it cannot
only be done cheaper but rendered leu lia-
ble to sustain injury from the frosts of the
mouth' winter, than if secomp!trhed at a
later period. On the poets, which will re-
main uncovered about two feet, aro nailed
two boards, ode oil the top and the other
en ore side, when lbs fence will be com-
plete. The advantage' of this kind of fence
seer • board fence ars considerable. First,
it effects • great seen, of timber : second-
ly, in low or wet lend it answer' the don•
bis purpose of a fence End drain : fleetly, it
1: is more permeant, as the posts .se less
habit, to be rained by the frost than those
of an ordinary board fence, the earth in
which they stand being kept comparatively
dry by the ditcher, rid placed around them
te as oval form, will naturally incline from
them as the frost works its way under the
I am aware that tome farmers will ear
that " it appesie all very well on paper,"
bat i can assure suck that fence' of this
doecnption bore been in use is this District
for the last four or fin years, and thus far
show strong evidence of their ultimate util-
I bare not as yet had my constructed on
my own farm, and ca000t therefore .y from
- experience what would be the ezpeese of
,Ugh a fence, but am credibly informed that
'N treed not exceed tw• shillings per rod. -
But this fence, like nary ether things that
aro well adapted to the requitement' of some
hrme, might prove worse than airless to
other". The farmers, before adopting it ex
tenrvely, bad better try it on a email seals
- Construct it with care end Judgment, e0
that the trial may be "fair eat. The dope
of tbe ditches should depend in a great
measure on the urines* of the soil of which
it is composed, and of cootie their depth
and the height of the ridge will be greeter
or few as they are more ur less slanting.
Near the village of Oshawa may be eves
some of the tepees alluded to, which bare
given inch general satisfaction that they
•.e becomi: g more generally adopted to
that section of country the soil is clay with
• plight mixture of gravel. Very light or
sandy moils would be i!1 adapted to each a
pubVp 6 lb, March, 1849.
Ma. Inotew'e Renal. o v Towne CCL-
•nvar1oo.-'Fbe mode which 1 adopt to the
cultivation of turnips ie as follows :-1 take
land from which I bad previously taken a
crop of oats, without manure from award ;
this i plough over is the Fall. is Spring,
I plough acro.. and harrow thoroughly. I
then run out dnlle taro feet apart, into
which I put thirty double horse -loads of
barn manure to the acre t this 1 cover about
two Metres by opening new drib. 0a the
top of throe drill., after being • little flat -
toned, I sow about i alba. of seed per acre,
with • seed mower, -if by band, • email
opening must be made for the seed with a
how The .e.d should be sown when the
land is dry, and shortly before rain, if pos-
sible. I have found the best time of .ow-
ing to be from bth to 20th June. The best
remedy I have found for the By is thick
sowing. although I undderetand that if brae
be sown OD the young turnip' what wet
witb dew, they will suffer lees. 8o soon
as weed, appear i pass a cultivator between
each drill. When the plants put forth the
rough leaf, which is generally "boot the
teeth da after sowing, I pass •loog the
delle with a bee, striking out all bet tore
pleats in oath eic toehee. About tea days
after, I thin pat to 'sic isebee, fHtng up
VIICSOCini with the plants thus drawn. On
the last thinning depends studs .f the future
gr'ww'i4. 1t is done with both hoe and band
the tope of the drills being Dearly levelled,
and the foil being well cleared away from
the plant leaving the tap -root only in the
ground. if the earth was not well cleared
away from the turnip, it would not alai'
half its suss, Weide* being mon liable to
be injured bygrubs d worm.. After this
opstins, the an
e young plants will fall down
and appear to wilt, but the inexperienced
need not be discoonged, as in a few days
they will start agars with fresh vtgonr.
They may new be left to themselves for
soar weeks, writ they begin to crowd,
wises they 'dwell be thinned to twelve inch-
es sport -ter drawn turnips afNbrdisg11
excellent fond for eawt,, beta, Eco., r well
es ser market peewees. The 1.. should
tines be draws through between every plant
sad the cultivator paired op the drill.. A
/wht farrow might •Ise be op.sed with a
plough to carry off the water. They will
seldom requite mere.
The espouse of cultivating an acre of
turnips after this mode, may be enmtrted up
Plosgiing, Harreer og, ped Dnt-
hag 4 day. at 15*. 1.3 0 0
Masers nitre sad
epnadier 9 0 0
Colti,Ues, est day
is all, 0 10 0
Hesisg sa4,,weeding, t 5 o
£I3 1 P
I estlmete tbe t.rsipo r lb,
e7 ter rowed, 1.. pee Weibel.
which b 04• bushel, LSI 0 0
- aaarhtg eat profit, £ 11 15 0
--b•.YM haler two menthe ralwh% M-
di•tt IBars the dews tamps sed top,
.it entreated Mach after the
Mae bedew, with rteten Chet the
lead ought M bare Realmt 4s , Rc/
sheet ow kailb ewe of Itemoth. The heed
• dee1jl OniN111.11114 Millobee is we.d-
Norris fru
Bsuarrra or AeatcwLTwat. 8oasur.-'
We have o(tee romatkwd gays the Albiy
C•Itivater, that the rest beasSt e( agw-
ealt.ral .etoclitio•s, is the oppoeteaity
they aMere for together lbs pee-
tswwtib Mem eat' articles ad pre -
1y allergy be .•spared aid
1b mimeo. impprevement• paw'e'd by
each wap he sees and d.pted. Mr. Flaki-
la4er, m bis Wren before the Windsor (Vt.)
Agricultoral Society, is *peaking or their
ex ibitie. nays :-" 1t s very desirable
that every improvement in husbaabdry, tad
the most .acce•.ful erstems of agriculture,
which are koown to but • few comparative-
ly, should be generally known and ustrer-
eally adopted. Here, the beet agneulturel
products ars exhibited, ea an example tad
incitement. Here, we have as opportunity
of viewing and comparing, the beet of sur
Sock,, and herds, of dtferest breeds, to
axonal. thew rrlatiee value ; and het., ars
exhibited, the Moet improved, the best op -
etwens of agricultural melamine. Then.
we see the rapid improvement to the me-
chanic art., the heedmaid of egrtealture.-
Here, we may see the difference betwee■
the limb of •tree for a plow beam, with a
knot to it for a coulter and entre, aid the
finelow of the present day. Here, we
may Pearn from the modern implements how
to save time and strength„ sod accom-
plish a greater amount of work. Hero the
farmers of the County as.ernbl• once a
year ; become acquainted, promote kindly
feelings ; converse freely with each other,
on those subjects most interesting to them
What Baa he better calculated to teach ua
to do well 1"
Lime n. lower.. -1 beg to assure you
correspondent that lime may be applied
with the molt perfect safety to his trees,
shrubs. kc• ; and will also prove ewes
destruction to the slug tribe. With roe
peel to theyyuantity, that moat depead coo
the nature in the noel. In April list, hav-
ing then recently obtained possession of a
garden, kc., that had been greetly neglec-
ted, and ora- overrun with slugs, 1 spread
quick lime ever the whole, (vegetable.,
shrubs, grass, and orchard,) at the ria of
about 80 bt. bels to the acre, so that all
through that month we appeared to be is
the notelet of Rioter, with the ground -
ed with snow, eves the evergreen• being
white. The result wee, that not • •lug
was seen till the rain. of October, mad but
very few then. The vegetables have -been
pretty good, and the growth mad vigour of
the evergreens have been quite remarkable.
The soul it, clay. February would be a
very good time to lay ea the lime. -Gerd.
� S
In Toe
Jt:ns, 1649.
TIIE undenigsed, Agent appointed by
His Ezcalleoey die Governor-Geneial
for the 8ettiemeea of the Crows Lands in
the Townships of Glenelg, Benti.ck, Brant,
Greenock, Kincardine and Kinlwa, in the
Counties of Waterloo and Huron, hereby
gives Notice to all persons willing and
tavtug means of Locating therein, that his
Office is it the Village of Durham' in the
Township of Bentinck, on the .Garafrara
Road, where be will receive the applicat.oa
of the Settlers, day of the week, be-
tween the hours of Nttrn sod Ftvs o'clock.
Fifty Aeree'of Land will be given to any
Seinen eighteen years old, and a subject
of Her Majesty, wbo wtil present himself
provided with a Certtfleate of probity and
sobriety, signed by known and respectable
persons, and having the means of providing
for himself until the produce of his Lad is
sufficient to maintain bum. The bearer of
that Certificate shall mention to.the Agent
(-who will keep a Registry thereof) his
name, age, condition, trade or profession
whether be te married, and of so the name
and age of his wife, how many children he
has, the name and age of each of them,
when he Is from, whether be has some -
when any property and in what Township
he wishes to settle.
The condiuow of the Location Ticket
are -to take po•eewion within one month
after the date of the Ticket, and to put in
a nate of ayItsvation at (east Twelve Acres
of the lead b the course of four years -to
build a hoose and to reeide on the lot until,
the conditions of settlement are duly fulfill-
ed, after which aecompbshteot only .bail
the Settler have the right of obtaining a tt•
119 of property. Families comprising one.
rel Settlers entitled to lands, preferring to
reside on a single lot will be exempted from
the obligation of hetldis, and of residence,
(except upon the lot on which they reside)
provided the required stuns, of the land is
made on each lot. The iota-acoompiteb•
meet of these conditions will cause the im-
mediate toes of the assigned lot of land,
which will be sold orgives to pother.
The 'sod intended to be settled is of the
i very beet de•enption, sad well timbered
and watered.
The Roads will be opened on a breadth
I o f 86 feet, and the land on each side wtlll be
divided into Ina of 50 acres each, to beer"•
tuiMusly given.
Besides the principal Road there will be
two other. (one on etch ride of the princi-
pal Road) toothed out on the whole extent
of the territory, and ea which free Loca-
tion* of 50 acres win be made:
Ret se the Goveritnent only intend to
meet the expenses of Survey on those ad -
dittoes' Roads, the Grantees will hart to
open the road is front of their loeatioee.
The meet direct route to reach the Ages-
ry on the Carefree' Rood is by way of
Guelph and Elora in theWellin t Distnet
.fgr.t for 9biNtwewt ef the Durham Reed.
E4 ed abed /il who l i
oiled his
cokes pine, Illewtlaa, la the Weed HlgI-
laseis of ieVirol. diet Jaw 1347 -and
galled from 4r Elle• t red. 'Was
Wows ie the saop to Jades Cameras Gar-
me as'Gmr-
dener. vim
we Demme liewegrop NIN b •fid to
bre traedled tpiih this War •
to the semen olf ler. Ede Mr-
ormattes earn le dabbed of him ilea dew
-and his mistime haw ahem ammo to Nord
iLwthge. war MrsliamL
isthmoid's* will be theskhll too en
hs. ub
Mother. Ida MaeL..., d by
North Rest -
beim. tattles Ceram. P. 0., u► letter may
be addressed to Mr. J. J. E. Luton, Strat-
8tratfoed, July 1849.
The Peres of Lades, (C. W.) d Galt,
Guelph, Duodaa, Hearties aid Toroth,
wail refer a faro, on a sorrowing mother
and friends, by inserting the above. 3.26
ITUMMO.r8E8 regained by the New Die-
t!' S met Coen Aet, ..d all ether BLINK
FORMS eyed ie the District tied Diver.
Coerce, ea Sok at tie Sitoaf Once. Abe, all
bleb .f JOB PRINTING iterated as the
shortest notice, sad on moderate tetras.
Gude ich, July 19, 1849.
THE Dobeeribe► hegs leave to 'ford the
Inhabitants of the District of Herat,
and the neighboring Districts, that hakes
Established himself in Stratford,
and is prepaid to give Plane mad Specifica-
tions of Public or Private Buildings, Bridg-
es. Mill Dam, tam. &sc. ke., sad will take
the .uperioteedence of such Erectioae, on
the most reasonable terms.
Ilia thorough knowledge of hie praer(p
and hie practice as Builder, qualifies bite for
any undertaking to the Ilse. Address post
Builder, ke. ke. Stratford, C. W.
Stratford, March 16th, 1849. 2v-a7tf
new Church in Stratford.
SE LED TENDERS will he received by
the gebeertber ea behalf of the Prsdy-
terf•e Climb Bnrldug Committee, Sint -
fad, till ire of the 31st Drawbar asst,
fbr providing materials, viz., Bricks, Lia.,
Steae, Sand, Serr Leyden, mad Work
for the Erectile el a BRICK CHURCH,
proposed to be built a Stratford. Trades
may be made Other Or the whole er fYr
ay particular part of the aat•rtale, sea
aeeordiag to 8peei6eetioes tie rowed by
Mr. Peter Ferrerow, Attires'. Stratford.
J. J. E. LINTON, Act'iag. 8ee'y.
'misers, loth Jely 1840. Se-a2111f
FOR BALE. LOT 8, Lain Shore,
tewaship .f Aah1eld. conteiars' ONE
CRES, withisl' two mules of the thriving
Village of Port Albert, in which there is'a
Grist Mill, a Saw Mill, sod as Oat Mill. -
The Lot is horded on the west by the
Lake, and os the earn by a cut road, --rid it
ie well watered. 07'For particulars apply
-if be letter post paid -to
IRA LEWIS, Esq. Barrister. Goderieb.
Godericb, tad July, 1849. et-a2ttf
2OUND,-On the Beach of Lake Hanoi,
*boat half -way between Goderieb awe Bay -
fled, o. the 24th Jose. 1649. a small Flat Bot-
tomed BOAT. The °weer ie reverted to prove
property, pay charges, ad take her sway.
Township Godericb, June 30, 1849. .2'23
Ise Ors 6 year olOgied wlwtl♦r • W•
clad 0 7 •
Rasa over 2 yeah old and aider b, 0 15 •
gad 0 10 0
3rd 0 7
leas old Ram 0 l•
tad 0 7
Pair Ewee (me Bp -law) 0 15
2nd 0 10
Sisgl. Rise 0 7
2nd.. 0 5
Pair of Fat 8►eap • 1
2nd 0 6
B oer 0 16
2nd • 10
Brodie, Sew, haviag Med Piga
dere( 1649. 6 15
tad 0 10
Fall Whet tures Deka)
Spring Wheel -• 1 0
god 0 15
3rd 0 10
Barky 0 7
gad 0 6
Rye 0 10
Oats 0 7
2nd 0 6
Pew 0 7
9nd 0 6
Clover Seed (one bushel) grown in
1849. 1 0
god 0 18
Timothy Seed (one bushel) 0 7
!ad 0 5
Swedish Turnip Seed, 3 lbs. 0 7
2nd 0 b
Swedish Turnips sample 2 bushels 0 10
9nd 0 7
White Turnips 2 bushels'.
Potatoes 2 bushels
Beets one bushel
Carrots use bushel
Oolong one bushel
Cabbage 12 heads
Firkin of Salt Butter, 56 lbs. pack-
ed and cured, 0 15
tod 0 12
3rd 0 10
Newly made Butter 10 lbs. 0 10
2nd 0 7
Cheese, 25 lbs. 0 15
2nd 0 l0
3rd 0 7
Maple Sugar (cake)Produced 0 It
25 lbs. ! on Exbt- 0 10
0 7
O 12
O 5..
O 10
• 7
O 5
0 10
O 7
O 5
O 5
O 5
O 5
O 5
Virgin Hooey, in I bitor's
the comb, not lessJI Premises 0
than 10 lbs. 0
Ten yards of Home-made Fulled
Cloth, from Wool grown by ex-
hibitor, and spun to his family, (a!1
wool, web of 1849.) 0 15
end 0 10
3rd 0 7
'NOTICE. Ten yards of Hesse -made Flange,
SEALED TENDERS will be rceived by all woo!, do. (not fulled do.) 0 10
William Chalk, Esq., Warden H. 0.,. 2nd 0 7
or • ober on the part of the Munt- ' 3rd 0 5
n Nine yards of Blank.tisg, all wool
tit do. (twilled not fulled, do). 0 10
a 2nd 0 7
h 3rd 0 5
g Ten yards Litany, cotton and wool
t, (not fulled) .• 0 7
2nd 0 5
Bert new Double Wagon, made orin
purchased by a Member or Mem-
bers of tSociety, 0 15
god 0 10
Best Fusing Mill, any improved
kind, do. 0 10
tod 0 7
Best Ploug ,nay Improved kind, -do. 0 15
2nd 0 10
ne nes Agricultural Implement, triode or ^,a
he chased, he a member or members of ibis :r:roco
rya el en improved deeenptio• to be decided
the ledges --Prim in discretion e/ Ci,rwitras.
FALL WHEAT -To be shown is Stntfoed
se fine- Friday of September. ;7th September,)
et 13 o'clock, *see. LTPri1 First, £2 ; Ind
LI 10e.; 3,4 £l 54.; 4th t 1 ; and 20 hearts
to be brought by ..eh eshibitor, and sold s any
member of the Society at 7 more dun the thea
Galt price. HORSE SHOES -vet of Horse
Sboee,-oe ter bone, to be awarded to maker of
the shoes -1s. 109.; gad Te. 6d. HARNESS
Best wt of Double, 1st £l; god 15s.
tha ubee ,
eipal Conseil, for the Drwrict of Hero
until Saturday, 18t6 August at 12 o'clo
noon, when the Teaders will be opened
the British Hotel, in the tows of Goderic
far the foliowing work, viz: -For bulletin
a NEW BRIDGE across the River Mai
land nearly opposite the 01.101on Lisa of
Road, a the township of Colborne. The
Bridge its 330 feet across the River, and to
be divided U. Aro equal spade with Moon
Abutters* and Piers, with • Timber frame
and superstructure. Sir. Beoism a Miller,
al the Saw -mull neer when the New
Bridge is to be built, will sheer 1 be situa-
tion sod when material can be got.
Plans, Specifications and Form of Ten-
der, may he seen at the British Hotel o
week before the day of lett eg or at t
office of the subscriber, to Godencb, 00 or
before the said 19th day of August next. -
The works .111 be laid out in Sections:
Tenders must specify the number of ,gee -
non Tendered for, and must be in doe form.
The time for finishing the above work,
will be stated is the Speci6estioes.
District Screener, 11. D.
Dt,micT Sreveroi a Orme,
Godernch, 16th July, 1849. v2.24
TerlAtir "`.-
1 lr• 8wa 'he w...,ermssegy �.� so hie
Ribes nth. and pamady ewq.d b Mt, Ike -
maw 4 is tarp •ed eel edeplesd�gM the w et
mnMd� whip 'medal w a>Snit twwee .1
vesimedwrIptiosh De peaty* se As her-
helmeted's iaiaaees IM Riga Wilts ilea -
time end es the prgri.n Miami, Datil tiosH
emeYMe lobe e.septed. it RIB be int de row
.Sed. New. either be sae er asm pews. army
he eyed epi Ter WOW pwlisslresmmy M
0edabb. 8.d Feksary. 1i1/. •
4'A811 FOR WHEAT at the 0edwisb
Mille. W. PIPER.
G.dorich, Nth Marsh. 1049. sr-aisf
Exhibition of Farm Stock,
TURES, •e. dies. &e.
20 Me H'.se Aerialstgrinstewed ef
Re., will tee beat et GUDERICK, ee Tuesday
the 95th .1 September Mit, who t Ivo kYawi.s
Fes the Beet Breed Mare •d Feal.... L1 10
2nd 1 0
]rd 0 1 S
Fee the best Two remold !Illy 1 10
L4 010
Far the best Two par eat Cat 1 0
Sad ........• 15
led 0 10
6 Fer the bit Spa of Farm H.asre1 10
lad. 1 0
For the her Melt Core (which shall
beet W a est is 1549) 1 O
ed............ 0 13
Sed 0 10
Fee the beet en t Twe por Heuer 0 15
Sad 0 7
For thebest toadies Helfer 00 10
Ind3rd 0 5
For ib bel Ball 1 S
Sed 1 0
3rd • 15
the her Year of Warlike Oase1 0
lad ........ ....... 0 IS
3rd 0 10
O Tee the boat Thee veer oat 8:orrs0 15
O Sad ....0 10
3.4 , ...0 7
For the beet Two year old Steers. ....0 10
Sed 0
For the best Fatted Oz 1 • 0
2d ...........•..• 0 15
3n1 ... ....... 0 10
Foe the beet Fatted Cw et Heifer 1 0.
991 .... ... 0 15
3rd 0 10
For the bee. Raw 1 0
394 0 10
For tins bort Ewee(p.n of 2) hertag rai-
� obsed
Leseb is 1849 1 10
6 3rd ....••••.... 0 10
O For the best Ram Lamb 0 10
2.d ...........0 7
3rd' • • 0 5
For the best Ewe Lamb 0 10
298 • 7
3rd • 5
6 For the beet Fat Wetted.... 0 10
lad 0 7
O 3rd 0 5
bear.... 0 15
AT • Meeting of the the Committee of the
CIETY. held at the Fermiers' Ise, the following
PREMIUMS were awarded. to be shows for at
the Society's eighth Arial Exhibition, at Strut.
feed, ea Fiidsy, the 12th day e( October, 1o49.
Beet Staliton for Agricultural purpo-
ses (Prize awarded 1lth April to
Mr. John Rattenbury, £6 0
Brood Mare and Foal 1 10
2d v 1 0
3rd 0 le
Three year old Filly 0 15
204 0 10
3rd 4 0 5
Two Year do ' 0 12
2nd 0 7
3rd 0 5
Otte year old Cast 0 10
2nd ' 0 7
wood ear old Gering 0 15
r 0 i)
Two year old entire Colt 0 15
Span of Farm Hones, (Geldings) or
Mires 1 0
tad 0 15
Three year old Bull. and not more
thee seven. (see By-law for dou-
ble premium,) 2 0
End 1 In
3rd 1 0
Twe year old Bull 1 10
ed 1 n
One year old Bull 0 10
god 0 7
Niacin Cow sod Calf 1 0
Zed 0 15
led 0 10
Mulch Cow 0 15
2nd r1 10
3rd 0 7
Two year old Heifer 0 10
2ei 0 7
3rd 0 5
Year old Haler 0 7
qd 0 5
Spring Cal( 0 7
led 0 5
Tyke Werkies Own, 6w year
std end upwards
Do. 7.dr year .N Steer*
De. Three year OA S6sse.
Do Two year eat Steers
Fat ,Os
O 15
O 10
O 7
O 19
O 7
O 10
O 7
O 7
O 13
O 10
- 1. No animal (seine the brat pnr.e•e year,
rim take it to the same character ibe set -mid w
say other year; bat may *how and be 'sti-
lled tea Certificate from ter Soetety. or nigh
other funerary reward as may be decided oe ex-
cept Boll*, Slane's, Boars, sad Ram-, which
may 'bow and carry fire prime he two 7ea16.
2. That a Subscriber be only 'stilled to one
prise for Better sad Cheese, or for Gres of the
ansae kind.
3. That Stallions, Bolla, Bears, meet have
served within the Society's Diaries the wawa
previous to the Show, iueepuss in eaves pro-
vided for by eau* Premiere), et Inhibition, cif
reit to gin u obligati/is that they will 'smirk
their *casco.
0 4. That Belk west have a ring or screw Is
O their sow, with • reps or stria attacbed, to pe -
O rest aetideata
5. That the prise for Heikrs be sot awarded
6 Mos eoisal that has perversely bad a Calf.
6 R Tlist the go.tity of Gnus sed *cede "shi-
p bled, ( Pew cod hires Cert retried), be Dot
O lees than two boatel.", ad raised yes exhibit*,
6 fees • held of at least two sere", [noire the
meanly .f ked sad gnats w mode be otherwise
specified]: sad tee Cheese Dad Bettor, er ether
0 Farm Produce, exhibited, to boredom, front u-
O bibitor's farm, laud or nock ; sed that all Ewes
shows (except Fat sheep] shall have suckled s
O Leash to ter fins of Asgamt preview to rho day if
O show.
7. That all competitor* for Prizer meet give
tie Secretary Douce of the dewripnoe e( week or
Pledgee they tateed to show, before, or e■ the
day bet wee. previous to the day of ay Areal
es General *bow.
6. That alt reek Dad prdsee erhibit.A meet
be se the grimed precisely st 12 o'clock of aha
Ate of show; tic lodges will et iW hoer www
thew duties
R 8..tel. or nimal sea be shows it tie
prier the same year.
10. Tlat ler the ene-ero groan a Si these mem•
• b.,o who soy tetee4eee 1_pee'd rear if say
0sedrial eared gee .e epntttse be deemed by ide
ci Woe wspNy of the firm prise, vied N the ewer
of ter mews promo to the stw0eties of the swhide-
• thewthewab aped_.. avert beet lespwt-
O Ell* pore Mord set •f week is rt.i fess Greet
erihe or inked. b., skin eerier dwebie the
O wheat ol ereseimm otherwise raided, bet eel?
O 11. AJI reek m he property e( exhibitor three
6 menthe befe.e the show. JMs.e will hardier
0 ,ewer to withh.Idiog prier ; and es
err be Judge *f W .w. property. [Bee
10. 11 .d It P. Rolm.
OHM) MATCH tele ea 11th Oeu.
O TWO' to be peppy .f pews mwei.s...a
•- be of ear red TM ',earl sobs pb.Jb1d
•the pees mweirm. w y de d fe
his ed*
6 •ve
..meet ems swth proviswl, employed .d
• begat. Prime: 1r £l; lad, Al 1•a: fel A1:
6 bb ISI: 56 10a •tie Se; -!3. lidelisheow
Tee .'sleek. A. M.
Q A FAIR will b.b•45 M ibiiSale drum
11111"11111"le "I" 10811 J E. di.ti fTOW g8m.
• ".Mudd. Apel L11k, NO•1l '
3rd ........ v .. 0 10
Fw the beet Sew (shall have had pigs i■
1849) 1 0
2n4 0 15
3rd 0 10
For the Bort 10 rebels Fall Wrest 0
2041 . 5
.art 10
For the beet {bushels 9prisg Wheat 10
!at 5
3rd . 0
For the best 2 bushels Rye 0
2ad . . 15
For the beat 2 bushel' Barley 0
2nd . 15
3rd. 10
For the beet 2 bushels Osta 15
tad . . 10
For the best 2 bu.bel. Peas 15
2nd . . 10
., 3rd . . 7
For the bort ►Sahel Moodie . I0
god . . . 7
For the best 2 bash*L of Cora; i▪ s cob,) 10
2nd . . . 7
3rd . S
For the best 50 lbs. Salt Butter 15
e 10
3rd . 7
For the bort 40 lbs. Cl..s. 10
2nd . . 7
3rd 5
For thhe t 25 lbs. of itself Segal 10
For best sere of Teraipe 15
204 10
3rd . . 7
For the best acre .i Petters 0
12.4 . . . IS
• 3rd 10
Tee ire beet j sere .Carrots 10
Sed . 7
For the heel j acre e(Beeu 10
• had 7
For the bort 10 yards Domestic Inde
Climb . . . 0 15
tad . . . 0 10
3rd. 0 7
Fr tie beta Pair e( de Bleaker 0 13 0
9.0 . . 0 10 0
3rd 0 7 6
For the best 10 yards Deme.tie mads
Mosel . . 0 15 0
2md . • 0 15 0
3rd 0 7 7
The above Ma.d eter• es to he teem the Pu.m
of ter Cowp.ut*, sod e( ter growth et the pee-
wit pre
Rules of the Exhibition.
1 Aar Farmer within as Dt.04.4. deet a
M.a.bw .t Nie Scary. by paying i b•adoe of
Gee Tweed, tial) be sodded to .-eerie for soy
1 All Reberibees 1a totter to the 8esiery,
who may web to exhibit aythiy at the 8MM,
ere to pay ter T.mwrrr the gam of Tr fail -
liege. se er bolero the 13th .f AMOK ; •U when
tit be admitted ea payees Ne toes' ora .f iso,
BMlluga �Ipg paid the �►-
1 All llibseeib-n
rise, Dad .sly mob. M he sedtira r eemeww
4. Al Ikea Exhitter shall have hew the
aces1d- pnpwty of she Rihiiser a math be -
fere the Show...6 66 wher ankh aliws
hart bora pe
ba e head se the Form of the
br aO
5. All eekereipw ise 1e paid se e''. MM
the 111th dm el Ascent ..I
• AN Ceapsi.e OM prism meet Om 1M
se of llook old
they Jewel Medeww. se eg Who 4
7. Id.. Me 21r ef pepei r.
Meet orad beim et be w the M
Cheese kr 9 died et Na alb. Mem
.. to soy,
WS sake plass _ '
gl. �. • ,
1i$11ok MYIA,
..s..aewe-,-MIA r,. , s
-1 M O P I )N 1�•
gre▪ et ,s.a_.s e�.rr.t...A.
eM�r i� ori +grit y ..i�trM tf
MCI./ AS.11412.4 10' - 1•11
4100111 Rai
Ines ammi Ewe.. mhos it., mei eel
= s.r.rr a Yrwarea.. wgbrttind.
.m.rwrrar. n o •I14m
C0tlwllt/tt0er. tAratiaaesatemsE'0.1. au
cosavPr serosa ss6Mea{t
�� wew�e•tr6or'ln.m+etAir
srrrIswilaw of titin sii16E Y=481Y, mite
V YRa aid AOVR. totaraawwdtrwa
Ys. ew9w, lbw sedslp. era V arm,) o ser►. wee. see
mater rane4. Oslo ..mow leas do item NUM Se e
*woe Is dlwar-o r 0 i.. mason • es. wwwito
TUT maw. M S*11SI e\ cess at Wast
1011L1saa • 00• L*11O1,
Ir 14
LIW>•i OO111PLAininle
MSRCVRIAL nion•aRa.-
Mww Ile sows .vino✓ M i.eMr of Moon 1.►
end, Nemo dm tae amssuuwil CMMteetrmee _.
MET Y. miscues
seemedPL� r ?WOOS7
tri. 011110WC APPSOTIOlm.
/mom 1r wr..l pwi.s er tr Edda.*
saw mot of NE at m rmE waaap ins do an of them Who
magi.. elm.
PAINS143.50.1. aswt. BIM beet. b.h, feis% ad game.
RisUiA:Lei. Ta..grindwin reit
.5.5 darn mfg bums of sea's if tae Iii itahlo a
ROW of 15L000 to int H RAD. mum:
• caorut.a. es 1131311'3 NMI 001
qui sea OLoE*a*fweer1
w O a _ • • er.i ►.r, as. .••0••••*ectal b
ibis es..... Pw.r .al M smile d.t.Mer ekes .r
saw tar- Cdr.. Y eim.reea Mew nee asensel.
111 1l/i MIA HI ?IS1111 Erma
And them remove all disease Gum the •peeea.
Wools triol will Oro tie 1.161 PI11i ed
►NriNII N1T1(NSb.ymethe rood Miaow
Wl.o is ins estimadro .eery p set.
Tu. p.i.. .rent. ..dict.n w mow pi y Y wino
eeve. .rad 0.0.0, '•{0101' wick a �..� 1.k
v M . O.00 Sro...." ....YiM rine d ....w. a..
...r0k\ 1.. 10. ..e .t 11r..dw.y'. R'.• ret M w
by .►fcb intern ebi0e Ae .ay .147.1.20..‘
lad .s. Tv we.pp . sod hussies* du
Hereine u..e w►e reuse t►r garb esu s �wi�.w.r
bo soon., .nitis ter an p...0. Mth4 .d 10 .. .t
boy tb....r► WSW . i ►try.. M. as wild a
cast ibey .e.e sue frre t., es Moe walk era
IX Prepared sot send try
$3a mnd..y, suer if Yahoo, woo. Sew Tarn.
Fee Sala by
Sole Aged.
Goderich, Jr. 23, 1.43.
ONE within 24 miles, Old tMotb rwN11-
i■ about 3 miles of Gede ieh Two
Plot. The int is LCT 10 is 1st Cower
mon, Towsohip .f Goderrieh,
ie boos.ed at tin ens end by Lab Homo,
and at the other by a Public Read, -mad
the second is LOT it in 8th C.•oowien,
Colborne, W.Di,ii.o,
and is situated at the Jusetios e( two Pub-
lic Roads.
For Particulars apply to
Galeria, 12th Jwe, 1349. 118
N-0 T I C
r11HE Subscriber brie RENTED the
- WAREHOUSE sad WHARF lieleeg-
ing to the Messrs. Davenport, of this place,
has established rant/11th •
Peaty APO Comaur.iop
Any orders or commri.s from the Mer-
chants of Godersch, will receive prompt
attesttoa. JOMcEWAN.
Wtsda•r, Marek, 1.49.HN av-7•11.
IN retuning thank, tit bin friende w nu-
merous Customers for the Liberal Pat-
ropage which ►e lee nerved deriag the
past year, begs t• intimate that be has jest
received an extortive Aspertses%
and it ready N Execute all Orders given to
him with can • t
sod pee ttahty as formerly
Goderiel, Apr0,1211, IWM. lv-a 1011
Upper Canada Rebellion Loosea.
Reeeiser Genera* DAs.,
Mont/eel, 12th Marsh 1849. -
Pi.'BLiC'NOTICE is hereby gives, that
Claiseents for R.beaiee Leese@ is
Canada West, who hate set applied tee sed
received payment of their Clams bed the
respective Agents of the Baal of Meet,real,
is the reseal dietriete es berme/ere willed
will from mad after the twit day of Jew
sett, be weewiatod to apply ter preset
of the same. shire es
peraa., by duly
appointed Atterries, to the FY•nt Beak fa
this city.
04 14 8. M. VIGEE,
H. M. R. 0.
�qc 4nron oignlal,
w ►novae AND resp® MIST ?Rp'nif
MOM an r•wsmvea
OPTICS .Lai7T-•Qoaam, •erearee.
•.• Beek ant Id Thetis. mewed with
swt•.m ad dispamb.
Tease N rax Howse ihwat--TZN OHM -
LINOS pee meow if paid .vtN1y is advsa.e,
or Twm•v. an 8a Pep wish the impieties
d the year.
Ne poem da..entisad wtB Mosso ere
pad sp. eases the pbliJes shake it W Wrath
tale to de es.
An is lrviiael is the eeeatry R-
ive gin •e legs bejae ,hal a
sews* ow pad&
Q Ismeesilthesped M thalami ha
pass p` am they will we be mhos sthe
•steelw aimirr m.
Os Nees sedsde%I. Immli Mie.. • M 9
111 '1•"'" ....094