HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1907-01-11, Page 3It
voung run Put a Bullet Int the
Prefecrs Brain.
A deSpateli frOui Ett. Petersburg eays:
Ilajor-Oeiteral von der Ifannitx, prefect
01 police of St. Peterahtirgir kira8
tend killed by young man at the 1n-
stituto of Beroeximental Mcdteine•
Thursday afternoon,
Von der Launitx,"at ttm UW1141100 of
Prince Peter Alexandrovitch. Buirt ot
Oldenbtlrg, hgeband el the Grand
Duchess Olga, youngest slater of Ern,
peror elleholae, lens attending the con-
aecrMion of the insilintO cholla During
the services there. and while Staliallld
near several high officials, the prefect
woo aPProttched from the'rear by a
young man, who drew a reVolver and
shot hint in the base of the brain. Von
der Luunitz fell forward and died in
two minutes. As the assassin turned to
flee one of the °lifters present drew Ws
sabre out, cut the man down and killed
After dissolutIon of the Russian Par-
liament, powers little short of those of
a petty dictator were conferred upon
Prefect of Police Von der Launitz.
Some idea of his activity may be
gathered from figures which he caused
to be published on Dec. 28 last. It, was
then announced that the "Flying Sec-
tion of the Secret Police" had made 588
arrests In St. Petersburg during the
three days preceding Dec. 29. The pris-
oners, who encluded 33 women, were
charged with "revolutionary activity
and illegal election agitation." It was
added that further arrests and searches
were Proceeding vigorously.
On Nov. 14 last von der Launitz, act-
ing, it is said, under a hint from a high-
ee authoilty, dispersed a•meetIng of con-
stitutional Democrats in St. Petersburg,
which he himself had previously sanc-
On Nov. 23 last von der Launitz sup-
pressed the Buss of st. tIterfsburil be,
cense of the publiestion of en entiele by
M Earevaeff, a well inuKvg jurist, Whet
deplored what he tenned "the debaSeo
meat of all moral censclousnesS in
A despatch from Odessa says: Snow-
storms and blizzards of exceptional ee-
verity are prevailing throsighoUt Oath-
eell and 400th -western Mosta. Tragic
an the railroads Ls interrupted and great
lose of life is reported. According to en -
counts 160 persons sUccurnbed to the
cold south-western provinces alone.
A despatch from St. Petersburg says:
A sensational outrage was cormnitted
Ly terrorlste at 4 o'clock on Friday af-
ternoon on the Nevski Prospeet, in the
centre of St. Petersburg, Four young
men entered the fiat of Gen. Stchepkin,
who was Governor of Siberia under the
liberal regime of Alexander II. They
seized Um general and hts aged wife,
bound them to chairs, and demanded
that the general hand over his money
tor the "cause." Both the general and
his wife became unconscious. The ter-
rorists then broke open a desk and se-
cured 1,500 roubles ($750). A mald-ser-
vent raised an alarm, and the robbers
attempted to escape. One, who was
seized, immediately shot himself dead.
Gen. Stchepkin, whn is an ectogen-
arian, has ,for the last 20 years devoted
himself to visiting prisons and relieving
the -prisoners. lie became known as the
"John Howard'' of Russia. He is the
father of Prof. Stchepkin, a prominent
Constitutional Democrat, who was a
member of the last Douma. One of his
daughters was exiled to Siberia because
tf her political opinion.s.
You may trim your bat with almost
aything under the sun in the shape ef
feathers and still be in fashion, but if
you want to be distinctly up -to -dale
you will aim -at long, sweeping .eftents.
These may be attained with ostrich
plumes, with osprey plumes, with birds
of paradise, with coque feathers, with
aigrettes and even with wings.
.; Never have ostrice feathers been worn
P; more than now. The bedraggled, tin-
` curled plume that threatened us a lit-
' Ile earlieredn the season is waning in
pcpularity. If you buy an ostrich plume
'now you Will buy it curled, and you
will also choose it in a plain color, as
the shaded effects are ceasing to please.
A long•ostrich plume, of good quality
" in black. or..,whIle, is a good investment
for any woman. Her hat adorned with
it this wInter is sure to be in good
otyle, ane these plumes will admit 61
almost endless redyeing and cerling.
Beautiful plumes conic in all the stand-
ard colare-brown, navy blue, green and
gray. There is a fascinating shade,
known by the milliners as "taupen.
which is somewhere between af castor,
and a gray, and harmonizel beautifully
with the London smoke gown's.
Two new colors in Sal plumage that
are finding preat favor in feminine eyns
are the leordeaux, which is a pretty
6hade of garnet, end an eequisite pale
blue, which is called "ciel." An entire
hat ts sometimes built of one of these
colors. but With the woman whose tastes
are cenventional a black hat with a
touch of either meets with greater fav-
Iridescent breasts, wings and bird
heads are very much liked for many
hats. Indeed, (hie seems to be a sea•
son when the sombre in millinery finds
little plea,. Flowers. e.specially roses,
are comb:net! constantly with feathers.
One very stunning black velvet hat was
crowned with black ostrich plumes and
had red velvet roses uneer the brim to
rest upon th, Nvearer's hair.
Coque pluinee. increase in peptilarity es
the stetson advances. They are pretty,
chic, (linable and not overly expensive.
They come In every poseible color -
sonielletes in coniiiination of colors.
What is known 'as the hrcnze or natur-
al tint is new Ilits year and very much
Quills still hold their own for the
simple Mine rend no wonder! There is
a well•deserved populurity. The tuieey
centributes many a quill to the millin-
er's store, and his contributions are
dyed almost any color.
Breasts have an importnnt place In
present-day millinery. Entire lequee
ere made of therm or ihe Pique litie a
velvet CrOW21 in a hermonizing eolor
and the breasts a:: huilt all round title.
Pheueant breasts nre charming when
used this way, and what woman does
not know the joy of posseesing a chic
little feather toque?
Guerin Is a new aigrette feather that
IA among the smell's sheering:. It has
soft nee.lie-tike %eine eliding In a close
feather lip, le frequently seen In elace:
and can be spang'ed v,ith crystal diem,.
All -black hats draped in black oshich
plumes nre much He'd. All -white hats
will never loee thee popularity with
SOM.? WOMP,1 kr special occasions, and
the comb nation of a black lint wit 5
white wings. fleeing high nt one side,
will meet with the Approval of her who
likes that t ,tich of Inv* ned white.
Nothing seems too eccentric for Ile,
hat of the Parisi,•noe. She will rem.
bine a bilivh o' loathers -one brown.
che purple and one green ---,-he will have
the tiniest iim linagemble with a huge
velvet crown overhanging it; she will
wrap an ostrich feather round her hat
and then about her neck, oe else let the
superfluous end hang down her back,
and she will make the most startling
contrasts In color between her tiat and
its trimming.
A little, hat is not complete without
the optional trimming that can
be added In a pr'r of hat pins. Natural
flower pins in enamel exactly imitating
the flower in color are again fashionable,
made so by the copies of the /ovely
czar violet. A particularly large blos-
som tells the observer at once that this
is one of the new "czar blossoms."
Other new heads look like Dresden
china, and In Lite rage for big knobsnot
only tortoise shell imitation- but. deli.
cate colored glass is popular and can
be used with charming taste in their
shadings with different colors of mil-
Bridge bags and fans and a glove
purse so tiny that It hardly seems big
enough for a dime, although it will
crowd In several and can be Coaxed to
hold a 'nickel, are among the things
faeltionable as holiday novelties.
The bridge bags are in two sizes, one
quite a small sack Intended only to hold
money, and the other a long bag Into
which a little farneen be slipped. Sandal-
wood fans are again fashionable and
are sold with gauze mounts painted by
hand. Another new form of fan is one
that is covered with coat of mail sequins
that, flash brilliantly. They are of "ser-
pent" shades of green, white, gray and
rose colnr.
- Amethysts are growing more and more
In favor and the amethyst pendant
edged in silver on a slender silver chain,
or the amethyet pendant edged in pearls
or, the pearl string, Is the newest way
exinr the slone.
serpents ale -• • popular design and
the serpent bracelet is tnede in large
size of flexible gold. To it, have been
added serpent rings, and for muff
chains there Ls nothing smarter than
flexible gold evith the head of the ser-
pent at the back of the throat.
Another pretty new fancy is a jeweled
hook and eye made to attach to 'he back
of the hanging veil.
Reports of His Death Four Years Ago
Said to be Unfounded.
A deseelch from Alexendria, Egypt,
snys : Sa:vii el nand!, president and
delegele of the Centrul Cormniller of the
Islamic theme who Was recently ex-
pelled fruni Tungier anci Tunis by the
French Government, arrived here on
Thursday from Benghazi, having travel-
led two months and a half overland by
way of Jarubud. ile decline% to divulge
the object of his visit, but holds creden-
tials as the head of the Senoussi sect,
which enabled hide to travel through Tri-
poli with the greittest facility.
Ile reports Met great excitement pre-
vails throughout Cyrenaica owing to
rieWS that. the Ntahdi. who tt as belleVed
le have died four et rs ego. Is still
Alive. He hes a copy- of a Mier ad-
dressed to all Senoussi intinmItines, re -
feting Hint the head of the sect had been
seen recently in the guise, of a dervish
le the neighborhood of Abotha, capi-
lel of Weenie This letter sends a mos -
sage of hupe lo the Semmes!, addingo
"The time Ls approaching when eiesterns
will be rid of the Christians."
Members of the sect are Merle con-
vinced that their chief is still alive and
wet peon leave Kufra at the head of a
large nimy lo reconquer Algeria, curbs,
end Egypt.
Three Centa Runlet Paid for i tier
rind Spring Deliscry.
deeietteh ni 1,11 W ineen nee,
says : 1 tie steamer .1 n. ird, ti, :he
Gilchrist fleet, has taken on .egetioo
hush, le of %%heal hcre. iie st,
gel three coils a bushel for welter stor-
age and spring deli\ ery at Leaflike
The Hotel Quinte Destroyed Entailing
$100,000.00 Loss.
A deepoich from Delleville says :
Belleville was on Friday e,,enIng visited
bg the most disastroue fire that has oe•
etIrred for years. • The Hetet Quinte, the
finest hoelefil henveen Montreal and
Torotitn, and costing upwards of giete•
000, was spitted by fire. 11 was 51 drat
though( that n portion ef the building
might be snved, leit such proeed nos in
he the rose, es nothing remain.; lee fee
bare wane
Tho fire trol e out at 10.3n, and Ls sup -
p 'net le have been enticed by some
e edit., mr,,s, winch wore innumerable
ah lit the prienteen. Wleseel iliecovered
t flame; had gained considerable head-
s. and the firemen had tho tight of
211r# ***At Moo*.
,Ft4ed *444tIlb 44eatielketi.
itIS 18 4 Vidia010 ;IWO vt pir.
Onteining interviting rteding ey,
men. The report upirtelno, Surainitr$
bitsitie00 •trartrAditlk tt 141004 .01
the vristitolier), • bi".44020 and relillst-
tiOn3 Ole ateeeleielien, the melhocls
Upeging recerds. et registered seed,
Panties end Liettfleisefien 400$ grower*
who Are producers of registered
and lustrizettertro all 10 'UM 1500111042
growing mid selecting rated grolii and
Oliter Seeds ot Ida*.
Port' III, ed Bin report cantalns papbus
end addreSses by the tOliowing personal:
Br. Jas. W. Robertson. Mallager Mao-
donald Agrienitural College, •$tc.
de Bellevue, Que.; Han, *dot? A•
Fisher. Minieter of AgrieUlttire, Ottawa;
WM W. R: Motherwell, Minister of
Agricelture, Regina, "Whole Growing in
the. Canadian Weatt" Pref. 11„ liareourt,
0.A.C., 4The Relations Between
Soil CondlUerva and Crep IMPrevenlent;"
Dr- Charles g. Saunders, Experimental
Farm, Ottawa, "Quality in Wheat;"
Prof. F. T. Shutt, chemist, Experimental
Fartn, (1) "Sett Wheat Problems," (2)
"The Action of Certain Smut Preventa-
tives on the Vitality ol Wheat ;" Mr.
John Buchanan, 0.A.C., Guelph, °Same
Effects in Varieties ot Cereal Crene
Arieing from Dliferent Conditions of
GrOwth;" Ws T. Macoun, C.E.F., Ex-
perireental Farm, Ottawa, "'The Im-
provement of the Potato;" Mr. Geo.
Robertson, St. Catharines, Ont.. "Some
Results in HortietilMre fnent the Selec-
tion of seeds;" Mr. L S. Klinck, Mac-
donald Agricultural College, Ste. Mane
de Bellevue, Que., "kletbods of Storing
Seed Corn;" Mr. W. L. Smith, Toronto,
"How Best to Encourage the Dissemina-
tion of High -Claes Seeds."
The Seed Control Act, 1905, contain-
ing a reprint of the act with general ex-
planations and instructions.
Circular on Seed Testing, giving an
outline of the objects of testing seeds for
purity and vitality, and some general
notes ar elicable to the condition of the
trude in agricultural seeds.
Geo: ti. Clark, Seed Commissioner,
C.P.II. Flyer Was Derailed West of Fort
A despatch from Winnipeg says: Two
men were killed and six injured in the
wrecking of the eastbound transconti-
nental train on the Canadian Pacific
which left here an Saturday evening for
Montreal. The wreck occurred at
KaminIstiquia, a small station 25 miles
west of Fort William, at 2,30 p.m.
Several coaches were wrecked, due, it Is
suid to a broken rail. The dead are :-
H. Smith, Monlreal, waiter on dining -
car ; K. Campbell, Montreal, dining -cur
waiter. The injured are •.--Louls Konar,
employe, Montreal, head injured slight-
ly; A. M. Ferguson, moll clerk, Winni-
peg, head, shoulder and arm hurt ; G.
B. Keyes, passenger, Owen Sound,
shoulder hurt; Win. Martsland, passen-
ger, Northampton, England, left hand
and arm hurt; Harry Thompson, pas-
senger, Sheffield, England, head slightly
hurt; R. Bareor, Passenger, London,
England, -shoulder and head slightly
hurt. All the passengers were taken on
lo Fort William, the uninjured being
put up at the hotels and the injureet
placed In the hospitel.
their lives. hinny guests were In the
hetet. bot all eecuped eealhelese except
one. Mr. Joe nn elderly gentle -
mar who wns tarried eul in nn un-
enn.seious rendition. A nurnher of the
geeing lost the greater part of !Mir be -
I, in gin gs.
The building way four storeys In
heleht, and principally ef pressed brick.
The furnishings throughout were of the
very hest.
Mr. J. V. len' ine is the proprietor, nnil
has been such for some year.a. Ile Wil4
1.1111111,10 to sfrito what the inaurance usem
the building wns. but It will not rover
the toss sustained. The km upon the
hotel property ond contents ki estimated
bo 8100,000.
Assassin Blown to Pieces and Cashier
Killed In Philadelphia.
A despatch from Philadelphia., Pa.,
says: Demanding a loan of $5.000 and
being refused, a man named Robert
Steele dropped a bomb in the Fourth
Street National Bank on Saturday,
blowing himself to pieces, tnetantly
killing the cashier, W. Z. McLear, and
injuring ten pet -sons, two of wiloin will
The interior of the bank was
wrecked, many of the books being de-
stroyed. The bank was crowded with
customers and the panic which followed
the explosion spread throughout the en-
tire building. The only clue to the iden-
tity of the bomb -thrower was a bunrhut
keys found in a portion of the clothing,
attached to which was a plate inscribed
"it. Steele, Garner, la."
The Fourth Street National Bank 13 the
largest financial instAtution in the city,
and oceuples the greater portion of the
first floor of the Bullttt Building on
Fourth Street, between Chestnut and
Walnut Streets, in the heart of the
financial district The explosion was
terrific, and it caused tremettef.ins ex-
citement in the croevded Inefe, egg and
the street.
Charles Powley States Ws Home Is at
Berlin, Ont.
A despatch from Richmond, Va., says:
Chsrles Powley was arrested by detec-
tives at Acca station. near fitchmond, on
Wednesday, as the man who held up the
Seaboard Air Line train near Literosse,
Va., last Sunday night and relieved a
number of the Pullman car passengers
of their money and other valuables, se-
curing about $1,000 worth of booty. Ile
was identined by the conductor and por-
ter of the train. He was lodged in Jail
here, and will be delivered to the author-
ities of Mecklenburg county, in which
the crime was committed, for trial. The
penalty for the offence may be death,
under the laws of Virginia, in the dis-
cretion of the jury.
"My home Is in Berlin, Ontario, Can-
ada," he Enid. "Sly sieter lives there. I
have three brothers, Norman, William
and Benjamin Powlee, who have been
trnvelling with a circus. Sly father:
Witliain Powley, sen., lives in Ottawa.
sionroiceelTey told three or four different
1100011 )0014 TOO 'MOO*
Nest okt Catilsr, ant*, ilkesaa 0001
*kw Ingo totftes lit 0400
094 ASIsoi.
Toombs, Ian, --,, flour -,,,,,, %Ono
wheat *Per cont. patA1114,0n) unilted
$2.24 to 122,65 in Impale eltelks Outside
foe export. ManBobs, Brat Weals,
$4.501 second- patents, *4 end Wong
baliera: *3,30, Toronto.
Whcal—No. 1 idanitaba hard is nowt -
nal at Igo lohe ports; No. poeliterit
6030, end NO. 2 nerd/ern et 78o,
Vorn—No. 3 American yellow new,
nominal at 490 On Truk, Toronto.
Bran wanted at 221., Init. none Offered.
Barley -No. 2 wanted at 540o onteido,
without setters.
Peas -No. 2 wanted at 7fle outside,
without sellers.
Oals-No. 2 whlto was 35.1ec bid tor
1,0,000 bushela, low treights to New
'York, and 35Xso bld on moin Une west,
but none offered.
Rye -No. offered at 72c east, without
Diamonda Worth 850,060 Found in a
Raile ay Car.
A deepeteh from Savannah. Georgie,
s. y-: .iewets, pr ecipally dlamonde,
%limed liy heed 1.,Xtrert at 8-,;(0o0. were
eiert '.Vednesclny by 11., Al•
1;1: f.oast Line and will he s,,nt
Diony Ithe Sliramla, 0 Cuban. who
i -i awaiting their firrivol at Jacesoie nee
lila.. lettere proeeeding un ':• ay to
ana. Senior eltranda and los elle
left New York on Monthly. They had
a satchel containing the jewels. At
lackaonville they complained of the loss
of the tee ene Two of their fellow -pas•
eengers. a women and her daughter,
%NUE. nrrest,,d eut subsequently roteneed.
'rite Jewels we IT found by the negro
porter in the hetet rem of a car. where
it is supposed they tnay base been len
by the thief lo be secured later when
oppmeunity offered.
en -
Stereotyped Educational fiektese of Chi
tish (Alleges of no Value.
A deseateh from 1 ondon says . Friel
Innenley, nddreesing galiiering
earner nnd art pupila at ter/tyre/mil,
returned the stereotyped syntein of edm
enlion of the F,ngltsh aristocratic: elusq
1,1 Ilie following confession "I ',Mee
myself before you no an evampie of fie_
fiewney in education. I went thrmigh
the orditiory Public school course, nod
reeelved univerety education. I found
myself al 21 a tinehetor of arts of Cam
ere w+, WO5 (pH (On know ledge Pt
ent111 end Greet,. whleh ntiver found ef
any parlicitinr tlaP, hut without anv
tome Iedge of Eronelt or German or
scienee. From my msfunple I hope you
glerm some beneflt by cuuring lhf 1
knowledge which it la twW tO0 late dor
me to acqUire."'
Apples -Good to choice winter stock,
32".50 to $3.25 per bbl.
Beans=Hand-picked soiling at $1.50 to
8.1.60, and primes at 51.35.
Honey -Strained quoted at 4110 to 120
per lb, and combs at $2 tO $2.50 per
Hops -New quoted at 18 to 21c,
Huy -No. 1 timothy scarce, and quoted
at $12.50 to 814 On track here; No. 2
quoted at $9,
Straw -$7 a ton on track here.
Potatoes --Ontario, 65 to 70c per bag
on track, and New Brunswick, 75 to 80c
per bag.
Poultry -Turkeys, fresh killed, 12 to
14c; chickens, dressed, 8 to 9c; alive, 6 to
7c per lb; fowl, alive, 4 to 5c; ducks,
dressed, 8 to 100; do, alive, 6 1.o 7o per
tb; geese, 8 to 10c per
Butter -Pound rolls are quoted fit 22
to 24c; tubs, 19 to 210; large rolls, 20 to
23e; creamery prints sell at 25 to 26e,
and solids at 23% to 24c.
Eggs -Storage, 23 to 24c per dozen,
and limed 22c; new laid, nominal at 30
la 35e.
Cheese -Large cheese, 13 to 13%c, and
twins,,,13Xe. •
Dressed hogs in car ' lots are un-
changed. Bacon, long clear, to
11Xe per lb In case lots; mess pork, $21
to $21.50; short cut, $23.
Hams -Light to medium, 15 to 15%c ;
do, heavy, 14 to 14eec; rolls, 11X,c;
shoulders, 11c; backs, 16 to 16%L; break -
fust bacon, 15 to leeec.
Lard -Tierces, 11%c; tubs, 12c; palls,
Montreal, Jan. 8. -Green -Oats are un-
changed on spot; Nu. 2 white, 24%e; No.
3 white, 41% to 42ei No. 4, 40% to 41r
per bushel ex store. lelour--Quiet and
unchanged; choice spring wheat, patenLe,
$4.50 to 84.60; seconds, 84; winter wheat
patents, $4.10 tu $4.25; straight, rollers,
$3.65 to $3.75 ; do, in bags, 81.65 to
411.75; extras, $1.50 to 81.60. Feed -Mill -
feed Bruit Manitoba bran, in bags, $21;
shorts. $22 per tun; Ontario bran in
bags, 821 to $21.50; shorts, 8122 to 822.50;
milled inouillie, $21 to $25 per ton, and
straight grain. $28 td $30. Provisions --
Barrels short cut mess, $22 tu $24; half-
ibarreft, $11.25 to $11.75; clear fut. backs,
523.50; long cut heavy mess, $20.50; half -
barrels do, $10.75; dry salt long •clear
bacon, 10% to lleere barrels plate beef,
*le to $13; half -barrels do,' $6,50 to 87;
barrels heavy mese beef, $11; half -bar-
rels do, $6; compound lard, 8% lo 9c;
pure lard. le% tu 13c; kettle rendered,
13% to 14c; hams, 13 to 14%e; breakfast
bacon, 15 to 16r; Wintleor bacon, 15 to
16c; fresh killed abattoir dressed hugs,
89.25; alive, $6,50 to $6.85, Eggs -Se-
lects, 25 to 26c; No. 1 candled, 20 to 21e.
Cheese -October mak", Ontario. 12% to
12%c; Nove-mber make, 11% to 12e.
Butter-ChoIcett crenmery, 25% to 26%e;
medium grades, 23% to 24%e.
Duluth, Jan. 8.--Wheat-No. I lend,
77%c; No. 1 northern, 77%c ; No. e,
74%c; Slay, 7ejec; July, 79e.
Nfinneapells, Jan. 8. - Wheat -Slay,
77%c; July, 78%c; No. 1 herd. 77% to
79c; No. 1 northern, 77e,' to 78e ; No. 2
northern, 75% fo 75%c; No. 3
northern, 71% to 72eSc. Flour -Se -it
Patents, $4.20 to (ii.31); second patentee,
54.05 to $4.15; Ilist clears, 5li.25 to $3.35.
second clears, $2.10 tu 82.60, Oran,
Jan. 8. -Wheal. --No. 1
northern. 78% to 7elec; No. 2 northern,
75 to 78c; Slay, 76%c. Rye --No. 1, 65%
lo Me Barley -No. 2, 5e% to 56c; sam-
ple, 45 to 55%c. Corn -Steady; No, 3
caeh, 39 to 30%; May, 43ee to 43%c
Toronto, Jan. 8.-Businees at the (illY
Cattle Market showed coneiderable Im-
provement this meriting.
Butcher Cattle- Picked butchers' sold
up to $4.50 to $4.65. but this w
top price. Cleetee sold from $4.10 to
Stockers and Feedi r -Were quiet,
hut a few good cattle Mould find a ready
sale. Pieces are leaner firmer than lust
CeW0 Lind 'to vere
Sheep -Are siendy and Imre., firm.
Hoge - The market for nee,. snewe so
advance of 25c, arid ere es me
26.40 for c hetce ei lecee and $6.35 fur
lights and lats. led anti watered.
Due to the Abundance of t'iest Bound
A despatch from Vet nenginn %stye
The causes of. but not On. cm., Mr 1310
ShOrtEle IN the \mem/eel mil tee
consemient coal famine in North 111.11,.,1.1
hove leun delerni lied by 1
.'11. 1111 11:1-1,1
11,,, interstate con: rr1,1•,.,? Comm. -ern.
Frnnklin Law, who eerved Ch4.:
of the intestigating cornmtecien, wide
that It Is a fair inference« ft ere rill 10,
le.tationy Unit the real euuse fee nee,
stared). in North Dakota wris so:.
ahundurnie of eestleeind Iralhe 41 Ile
head et the that ear; were mil
mailable in the teingeeied etate ,r
teronital for rant .ng to Noi 11,
flukota. Mr. Lurie say.: "f lo• °intro-
sion has nem gained nieneetelite pre, 1
of an agnomen' i \teen Sa) daqi lel% 11J
maintain erne.; 1110 t1C1,1-1111, Fill \VI,
1i01 Ogre,. hi! fh, 1. n ,
at all Justify -mg the that
roMhInalion IS cheep -eine. tte. :et
shortage pre+, ethng. tine mat th, ail
roads were a pait,, to any vs ay to ewe'
a concede,
EAAtift PFe,e.ti ..:(3.1()(11,
11111‘‘nlikee'1, 1ielirroe Is Copier
Throughout the I oi erl t.418100.
ileAltafrli fi • . 1 to
peony h is •i .110 1,P111
fyiii11111111,11i ..•• lit,.13 Al
Ilan,' 0, of 11 . I •101,..1
Inemenerie nr.•
inamehiiiii the : mine. ih. n ITI
r1IIITV 11,,to
NIC,‘ lt.rtt 1 ,1` 1,,f1111ro • !1
far, 11 • 141,11 111, I 1111-•,1
1 b111110, ! •.• . ". ' 11
\N, , ,
ittferinntem ;one, tee .e,..
%vitt) rf ‘14,{
there. the • k I '1
!mew met elm, 1, o, 11 ,
fr,P11111Ily IllId y Irvin tne
eappoikv,4 loo.o.)4 ow;
iveuglisol .0dot woo, oot ,01,00
9that Coutoltios„
NOW 13ruumiett, bad lewiness 1811-
tirea in UK
Ile- Brand Trunk *ill hund neW
station arid hotel at Ottawa,
Kra, Palrle4 Clint died at libfieleils
Snitirdan. in her hundredth year.
Tho Gentinion Hoveritineut Iletve de-
cided to regulate Ilse export of eleetele
Mr. Cawthra Mulocis has given $.10,-
000 to tho Turonto Hospital for SiCit
new steam yacht costing sixty thou-
sand dollars is beim; built eer Dr. Oren-
yoteisha at Picton.
The aurplus earnings of Brstatfordn
watertvorte, owned by the town, WW1
The Wanes) due Um Government from
the purchasers of the bed of Cobalt Lake,
8976,500, has been paid,
Louis Bolyeu was killed at Belleville,
on Saturday, by brick falling from Me
ruins et the Hotel Quinte.
The Provincial Government is consie
dering the advisability of establishing
two more agricultural schoots.
Hamilton customs collections tor 1906
total 81,689,591.57, an increase of $301,-
856.68 over the previous year.
The United States Steel corporation is
said to be about to build a plant at
Sendwich to employ 5,000 men.
The Dominion Iron & Steel Compeny
are buying coal at eas, with the Inten-
tion of peoducing they uwn coal.
Harold Blackmore, e young English.
ngentonn, Fauteipisp,eodninsaftrusTdtaoyf, aantdraIwnasatkSatieudis.
The grain crop of the three prairie
provinces totalled 201,020.148 bushels,
and to date 53,720,100 bushels have been
Michael Kaminsky, a Galician, was
murdered at Rosthern, Sask., and Ms
dead body stood up against a fence In
front of a dwelling.
A. G. Hamel, formerly of the Montreal
City Treasurer's staff, who was sen-
tenced to seven years In St. Vincent de
Paul, has been released on ticket of
The Berlin and Waterloo Street Rail-
way has been valued by arbitrators at
$75,200, and this the Berlin council Will
pay for the plant if the company will
seTlLhe Lands, Forests and Mince Depart-
ment is advertising fur tenders for the
right to cut pulpwood en an tires uf
D013 square mites in the Nipissing dis-
Mr. Frederick Dane, of Toronto, ha,
been appointed to the vacancy un tht.
Temiskaming & Northern °Murk) lime
e ay Commission, sueceeding Mr. C. 13.
AL Halifax 36 Turhe bound to the
United States, being detained by the
U. S. officials, who feur their being hike])
tn the land of the free in violatien of the
alien labor laW.
The report of the Internntionul Water-
ways Commission. recurnmends that n
new survey be made of the Lake F.rie
boundary I 41; end t ha t the Chicago
drainage cartel's supply of water be line
Red te 10,000 cubic feet a second.
The bin etecli is to be inlroduced by
Mr. Oliver to amend the Dominion
Lunde Art, proposes to throw open for
settlement the cdel numbered sections of
ivc-stern lands with the right. to 'the set-
tlers to purchase 160 acres adjoining
their homestead of a einular acreage,
4,44st ',See tit• Motottle. Eseimg Nov:.
• tit 141•12111,0414-
ulf.Fpatch, treat •Ottaalt OP.,' BOUM'
uf litalerCin irode Elite tionirtimi tee
tha By() treentne ending, 14vPiledter
Alla the imports end P$perist espettind
lOgether to *273,512,4U. which repre-
sents ot $41,031,001 (web the re -
Punt ot Bre corresponding months of
100, The truperta 4144,392.121
eil linprovernent 332,050,579. und
tiso total ,experts gain 4111,W4,452.
Tho onions of foreign produce tn the*
eorn9 period arnitunted $14,7,09,274,
ot egmnst $(1,145,821 the some
months of IQ03. Tho imports for the
month er Nevernher amounted le $5.-
342,108, as compared witlx $3,722.532
tho corresponding month 91 1201 Tho
expiate 01 dontestio Male° were 3 -Ne
293,065, as egainat $29072,794. ond tho
experte of fereIgn proclUeo $2,712,613,
as egeinst 41,340,792.
Government Receives Proposal to
Bridge Dangerous Stations.
A despatch from Ottawa says: The
D • Forest WIrciess Telegraph C.ompeny
has submitted h prepheitton to the Gov,
eminent tor the installetion ol wire.
less telegraph stations to bridge over the
dangerous portion of the route on the
Government telegraph system between
Ashcroft and Dawson, which by reason
of avalanches and windstorms Is so lb
able to interruption In Winter time.
The company wants a subsidy of $50,000
tor the instellation of its plant and a
turther subsidy of $50,000 tor each year
it Is In operation. The De Foreet peo-
ple undertake to cut the existing tolls
in half, which at the present time are
84 tor ten words from eastern points.
The annual deficit In worlents the Yu-
kon line Ls over 8100,000.
Mixed Schools Rad Educationally, Mor-
ally and Physically.
A deepatch from London, England,
suys: At a conference of head teachers
at Leamington, Miss Cleghorn, head of
a large elementary school ut Sheffield,
denounced co-education, She said that
blg, mixed schuots were bud for chit.
dren, educullonally, unitedly. and physi-
catty. It was impossible for u head
teacher to have proper individual Intim
ence over the pupils. It was said that
inns exercised a good influence over
boys, but she was sorry to say there
were a greet muny bad little girls, and
It was not good for boys lo be under
their influence. Other teachers de-
nuunced the mixed system.
British Insurance cumprinies liace re-
pudiatoll all liabilities arising out of the
ValparaLso earthqueke.
Wilburn O'Brien's paper, The Irish
l'euple, demanding an investigntion uf
the way the ncelmondites have ,epent the
money subscribed for home rule.
The London Daily Muil quotes an in-
timate friend of the late Ludy Burdett-
uoutte as sitying,it is•unlikely Inat iter
e contains large bequests to rhunly
mei Mut the bulk of her fertime will go
1.i lier husband, William Lehman Ash -
mead nartletTleurdett-Coutts, who 1,1 u
een the lute Eill/S Bartlett of Ply.
mouth, Mass.
A thousand damage suits for car
shortage are threatened against the
Nurthern Pacific alai Great Northern
Application has been made to have
the Ne,,V Yorle Colton Exehange denied
the. us«, tif tho trails on acceunt uf al -
leg, d fraudulent practices,
A bill io pieveni all unfair commer-
discrinunation and curnpelition,
which underetood to be directed
against the Stenderd Oil Company, has
been filed In the Shiseachusens Aneene
With one blew of his flee Charles
Smith Tuesday night killed D. E. Myers
on thc street in least St. Louie. etre,
Smith told her husband that Me ers lied
attempted le flirt with Icer, Smith struck
Myers a swinging blow- on the Jew, end
Ntyers' neck %tee hioken.
Fluseia will shieny undertake the re-
organization nf her navy.
Japan vsill iiisisl on hating Russia
open the suegait Inter 10 cumnieree.
The Iluseian Premier has asked fur an
additional Sinew) oleo for 10111111,
'line Atter tif Afgletiestan lute crossed
the Millen freeing un ‘1,11, lu the
1.1,11Sh N1,1,11 /-1 1 1.011/1)P lu eel:vele
agitieing for the initeieeidenee of the
Six Cl",(111 were killed in nn enewin-
lei wish the peeve. at an unioilliorieed
ineetilig ths7,1.
A due; with nrinv reveltiers leek pleee
e o Virtd/i0S1J8V 111.Z1/' Pens between twee
lieleign reach. ne- etanehurei claim
lliey 111, I.= iiiiiineted eeminit
the ranee en the Mei- limie 1 Itailetty.
C met Tent, lin prI,111 ihia 151'
flit 1 woi
ber ,,r 11 1 ,
teen or rtemeiteen hae ordered the
ropmeein Iiie Belgian syndirnte trt
ein • ,1 gutieng Wince in
hII.1.1Nf; 111BBITS.
Sirar.ge Disesee f'arreIng Them 011 by
dr fre.it 5 !L•1,,,11t,er en t
,,1 011'11iVi, 11111110V M.'11,11 her
h«,,ken (timing the etei relief.; 111
11, mir,tt u.s. /it i•iirtlit lir ,,ty
el reser, ei eerie
es,. peen. see \wild rniesit,.
tee mete. are t,e
nig olite-1 eV1,111tIrlit(1,1 1111: ,n
• -we af10,1, ,11 ,firrong
Ili -.1 eff etre,. immie,••• leery
\ On '• III re! 'en: 1.. -
Ho ugh mai 1,,
it -1 tp „
r,e,n elial .1 -el nr end
nlom 11.11 ,N111Y1,11101 in
re. 51.1•f 1•,. '3 M1111 'Ito
111. et The
• tran co. 11) ! 1 • I'Y
, it,' '.,•- ' .1+, 11 !,
r.,t1 1,;11,' •Ir of to
T'lifIlf/fli ‘f()NTIt.".51..
Ts% erny-oine t 7150,1 ni,po.rtrfl
1,1;,, Ink lonrerned.
N 1:111, 51 01,...,1
I 1,,
t !. ..1
t,n,1'. I I- II :I 1;• n!
4,111. 0,1• ora •i 11H. n ri
' 1 .1, Itr • I I ' 1, •
n• Benet, r 'I k
l'," i.re•irrn 11', • • • .,f
t4et,,,,ii ,ee vai.(1115 1)0,01111i
Striking Bakers at Chicago Held en
Serious Charge. •
A de.spatch from Chicago spys: Four
men said to be members of the Bakers'
Unien have been arrested on the charge
et putting acid un hundreds of loaves
et bread distributed among the Jewish
residents on the west side. A strike is
in progress at u local bakery, and It is
claimed thin, strike sytimanilzers threw
lite acid and also iodoform on waggon
leads of breed and rolls after they had
left the intliery. The police have con-
liscated many bashets of poisoned bread,
and are holding them for evidence. In
the pockets of the four men arrested
neve found Willem of carbolic acid
and packages of powdered red lode -
New DM Proposes 10 Throw Open Odd
Numbered Sertions,ga
A desentell from Ottawa says: The
hill elm 5 is to be introduced by Mr.
Oliver hi U1111011t1 the Dominion Lunds
Act prepoees to throw upon for settle-
ment the udd numbered sections of
Wester(' lairds with the rietit to the.set-
tlere to purchns,t 160 acres admitting
their limeetelead uf similar acreage.
Thie pi it liege of pre-emption will also
be e‘leitdcd le pleated settlers. ft is
esIlinnted that there arc 73,000,000 acres
of teed el111 available for settlement In
the Witet. t'xclusive of land held by the
ruilwees and lund cumpunies,
Hon. Mr. Cochrane Receives Ore from
Temagami Silver Region. -
A despatch from Toronto sayi: Hon.
Frenli itochrune, Mitileter of Lands,
Fureele met Mines. has received some
minerul frum the new
elle er eut.all di-drkt In the Teinagarnt
reecree, were token from the suf..
In, e ef the eround, and came from din
posit, diecovered liy ONO teem men,
Lrothers by the name of W line. It ie
fival I no. they have been offered alrealy
une million (Milers fur their claims.
Large Shipmenla From the Medicine
Ilat District.
A despatch from Medicine Hat says:
Din ing the year ended December 10,
Mute there have been shipped from
(Medicine Bat dIstriet, 1.5.21 hetet ef
herses, 11.5e6 I•allie, 11,171 eheep and
tel2 e5i) peunde uf wool, The sheen ents
el nurses acid cattle eereeded those of
Imet pent. coneiderably, eepeaully f
the (miner, rind there winild 1..1SIIY have
1.1,151 more cultW shipped bid tor
tee elt Meer in cies. In 190e the -Me-
nem!. et ere -Horses, 2,720: (mile • 13,•
tree, sheep. 13 414, and wool. 252,823
peund.. Tete yenr'e imports were -
Horses, nine, cattle, el5, and etieep,
ock Feed Is arc and
Industry' Handicap
A dcpateli from Winnipeg say*: TUO
West is In the grip of 010104 UnPrea
nedented ettowliall. NeePanni ftiel
famine is again imminent. Storms have
stopped tho Canadian Northern trains,
and no Weed is in sight.
Stack a snowfall has not been 6000
here In go years. Formers say Meek feed
evill be acorn), as, (ming tu severe wee.
thee, it IS gang tut. Stacks at a dls.
lance atm inaccessible. Owing hi the
deep enow and the cold weather the deer
are coining down into the settlements,
and seem almost Mine.
From Prince Albert comes the cop
nouncentent that more snow has fallen
tho Woosle this Winter than at, any
thne ln 50 years in the Narth-West.
places le ls 10 feet on the level. From
remote.regions come reports of seriouti
Interference wint 'Unbar cutting. Trete
cannot bo cut close to the ground with.
ns Kilted Within the City !Amite on
despntch fiLfni s.at 1 1r,1
the Neter,- emetic is d .( 011: V, '1,1 /1//J
1111114 QUI nf the you'd, 1,1 h) 1 he
fui flint u nine 11. aa11.11 hin I he
ill) fowls un 1-eiturd..« and the ‘arr.e
day stiori. niter +1,15140a a eo....11, rnn
Ji l'9SS street, 111 the rontrii of the
ily. tinting fruin ihe direenee
11.e abetti.ars I his is cons ilere.1 soitie•
‘s lint reinuikable lee 11.1inyeg's
meirepolitan ambit,
nerman Prnleseor t'redlete elareele of
Future Surgery
despali horn Iterhn entii• Dr
\5,.11 sites. n pr of.neer ser.
oit the tin \i.e!,111L Ifi
the. G/1(1,11',4U10., !hal B,11
makieg en, tomer-- nett he Tele
Milo« lorwiii.1 lin the \OW!,
111 be idle te TIll /11 111,1,
1112 144 1111, brod) Il(- t•11 II • I r
ntel say. that 1,11,17.. 11, Mill
11,1,1 11,, ,11111,111% tit .1 km,
haml 1,, the Lt .,‘,..1111g the '4,511
11,41 id (ail 1.J '14',,1411
111 N fil•DGET.
iletIntelee nhow Rependitere of
415,000 for elle atoritlie.
5 oeepetiiii (rein •-t. Petersburg guy,
The preeliminit ',mei... er.
iprirod 1.y tee atiniaity rinan..• !ie•
lir•I f 11+07. . IturH,.11,
Iqri, IS. grI23 liens) for
eeeeeditilie 1111 r .rt -e ,.1 515.fitrli.1011)
1 7 per .eet comprired 111 ‘1.1111
P111111,13 fet the .arvie
f 1900 'Pi, ore if, sl frit f ,tie
•r1.,..1 f•iiy ri cif ,4 in-
Irrr n ;te ienn ,f h in -
;he tetai ,leirges from
I 1 it..5s .0 1.1 69i .730.0tet.
out Infinite 1409r,,, Ishere Utot sand
ptersitil the SOW ti Ott brttkospoipliiit
fea 11 removed. 1.0go 'holt Into the storp
snow. and Palatial, be niovett, Along the
Carrot River Wiley: 4141 4VER 4)7
south as tiauPhint dat 401P Maw
ours Ole Plains and woods. As fer
wod as Edmonton. and Ike eleeX
Oeuntry theSO cOnditIonS exist, It will
4.'1;14 InIcresti burtdrecls of thou.
sands et della*, 0 does not seriously
affect tho lumber industry.
No coal bell% delivered at Snow
Flake, Men., foe several-doys DOW, and '
unless .rellor cows at an early date More
will be a cold Urea in owns homes.
At Portage le Prairie the fuel situa-
tion is "gain becoming acute, rind the
local dealers are unable to supply 111*
demands ot their custollicro• 11 the rail"
way companies do not at once cop.
‘vith the situation positive *uttering will
Although the new method of treating
consumption by open air and full keel-
ing, which has become of late so gen-
eeal, has accomplished wonders in the
way of curing, or at least of arrestint;
the progress of Me disease, tt is destined
to be predueuve of sell greater good to
the race in pm:venting tills terrible
scourge, The Millet that lubeinulosts
can be inherited has been generully
abandunese but the fuel remains Mut the
child ad tubereulous parents is In dun -
gen Ho limy not acquire the disease by
direct heredity, but he often leis a legaeY
Of weakened restsUng power which pre-
disposes him to the attacks of any infec-
tious dLseuse; and as he is peculiarly ex -
paged to tuberculosis in lite home where
the nialady prevails, it is no wonder
that he sooner or knee acquires it.
'filet he may be saved front this fate
deniunds the ou-operation of two per.
sons-hituself and the person elm is al-
ready a sufferer, The sick person must
use the greatest care to destruy the ex-
pectorated matter, and also to prevent
contaminating the air by a bacillus-
luden spruy when he coughs. l'he spu-
tum ehould be deposited 10 is special re-
ceptecles-a peper napkin which can be
immediately burned, or a cardboard bux
which earl be used a number of times
and then thrown into the fire.
When coughing lie ettould hold a
handkerchief before the face, and
spooking he should never blend very
close to the person addressed. 'rile suf-
ferer sliould never kiss any one, and in
receiving a kiss should offer the cheek or
the forehead,
Napkins and lianlikerchlefs used by
him should not go tido the common
eash, and for additional eafety Ihey had
better be of paper end be burned after
The person who has not yet the die -
ease, but who is prectispoeed thereto,
should follow the same rules as one who
being treated for the actual disease,
althuugle perttups less rigorously, ile
ettould aleep in the open air, or ut least
by an open window, and should be uut
doore as much as possible during the
day. The lieure of study shoillii
slim -I. -never at night, -and the tine
spent in school cut down as far as ties
The food should be very nuortslilng
Ith plenty ef butter, salad oil, and
other digeetible fats, mid u untes uf mile
sliuuld be lalteit Hi the of tle
morning and id the afterreein and «Mort-
)), before bedtime. The eeiniti, of the
1111111 shituld be known, fur Mut from n
diseased cow muy be Itself the carrier ul
tuber -enures germe, Fatigue eltuuld he
avoided and Um hours of /deep long.
If a child has adenoid growths they
should be reineved, and deep breathing
taught until It becomes a habit. Battl-
ing or eponging with cool or cold water
should be a daily ittoruing habit. In
short, everything should be done to
stiem,gthen the natural powers of resis•
tame,. and to timid up a goud eunetitu-
num-Youth s Companion.
- —
DI P111.11E111 e.
Diphtheria is a preventable diseuso.
temper pretentive metteures aro almost
f...)11IJWVtI by lite lantiatten of
the diseu4o le lhe lirst it's,. or ases,
55 hen diphtheria gels away trent the
printery eaees mid makes -16 escape upon
the cummunity, somebody irt to blame.
Keep awuy from the sources of the
contagion. Do not go where the dieeaso
is lf you cun help it; and inxive ell, do
not let your thildren go where it is.
Permit ilu one to come to your h01.19C
M.11C/ has been where it Is.
From the dwelling and its vicinity
banish all sources of filth, whelher uf the
ground, of the outer, Lir of the air. The
ground under and around tile nouee,
not dry, should be thoroughly
and deeply drained.
Diphtheria does net COTIle (Mtn far
Vtrungh the air. therefore do not shut
tie pole house tightly thinking thereby
1 Abut 111It 1141'. 11) SIJ dOing
iti shill in the pieoin of rehteiallied
ter. which puk,s tho ‘‘ny lout wakes It
ftir the poison irf tu
, leen eour eliedren 1.0 111," Allf151111IP Ill
‘,18), Mill the eerie itir both by day
1101 iliplith,,t,rt Is pro,
1,•111. al( auflwi-ngs.
pe,...111) keep children nem eie 5 pia,
What n« uppnrentl) aril) a ,(.111111ti,11
1111,11t 111 lidl111S M.111 Al/1111011110S glVt•
fig, 114 1111 outbreuk et diphilieria chit.
Uterefore, in ail eere
nirr.al. prudent ould de 'me , mem,'
timis deli., wench villein ute iiee
e to-, le it 1'11111-t iiniter r tr,•utii-
slam es M. Y 1110 kinCaln C:1 or 1,1 siva.
ture or the lone ene ilsath earned.
ee iiiphiteeria lefe keep from the
rive:Item Jem.4•11ally,, huittionwai, and
other things which go from mouth to
Be sure that the drinking water and
the milk are pure.
One Thousand Turkish Soldiers Lett out
of Force el 4.010.
A despatch trent Bushier°, Persia,
any's: A thousand Turkish soldiery, the
remnant of about 4,000 sent to the Neld
peninsula two years ago to suppress the
Arab revolt, have returned, to Busreh,
Asiatic Turkey, In a deplorable condi-
tion. Over two thousand of their com-
rades died of disease or starvation and
the rest deserted.
11Is Males* Joined in the Pheasant
Shooting at Chatinvorth.
A despatch from London says: Ring
Edward, who Is visiting the Duke Ut
Devon.sitlee at Chatswoeth, joined In the
pheasant shooting. Ms activity denotes
that ho Is now more robust than for
some time. When he was at Shats
worth u year ago he was driven to tho
coverts in u VulTiUge, from which fie
allot. On Thursdny he rode to the cov-
erts in a cab end shot on foot.
Montreal Thiel Then Went Calmly
Through the Tin.
A clespateh from Nheilreal says ; A
man walked Into David Guerin's grocery
store on Friday end u• lo d for a prnt, of
0,1111 when the grime r eent down
cellar the inun slummed • isepemor,
piled 1.11),4(.N tin it on 1 went
through the ill) pe 1 mit several
boxes of tile Lest eigete. I leas was 820
the Ult.
4 ---
Commissionere Ease Issued Call toe
Five Additional Sections.
A despatch foam Ottawa says : The
,cominiesioners of the Transcontinental
Railway on Friday issued • caU foe
tenders for Ilve additional sectiuns, euch
lenders to be in by noon of Feb, 14. The
efferent sectIon.s ape es followe : I, from
nonelon westerly, 50 miles ; 2, Muni
orand Falls, N.B., westerly, about 62
ittilos; 3, front the Quebec bridge easter-
ly, 150 tulles; 4, from La Tuque westerly
to Weymentachene, 45 miles; 5, from a
point eight miles west of the AbitUbt
River, crossing easterly for about 150
miles, For sections 1 and 4 the deposit
in each ra,se ts to be 875,000, 07r section
2 S90.000, fur sections 3 and 5 each
New Recruit .INn'anTardeeir'anted for Wife -
A despatch from Columbus, Ohio,
Boys; When George W. Deacou, who en.
listed In Cleveland a few days ago, was
being examined at the Columbus bur -
rucks on Weduesday, he grew agitated
while the imprint of his fingers was
being taken, Anklng to be excused to
gel a di -Ink of water, he disappeared.
Within a short time a request was re-
ceived that he be held for authorities
nt Detroit, where he 1.9 said to have
murdered hts wife. Deacon could nut
be located.
Britain Will Send Six of Rest Types to
Visit United States Ports.
A despatch from London says: The
Admiralty e decision to send the first
eruiser divtoton to Hampton Roads for
the opening of the Jameetown Expasi-
(ton will give Great Britain an excep-
lienully strung fluent representation. ae
the divisten mud° up of six of tip be.A.
types of armored cruisers, including the
Ilope„ennint, Argyle, Devonshire,
Ilainpshlre and Roxburgh. Later the
ditision ilt vied uther porLs, and will
ex, hange amerittle5 wIllI other interna-
tional fleets.
21.2ut,eati Fire on the Gun Wharf at
do...T it. h trent Portemoutie eve.
tend. say, 1 tie fire which bruise out en
550.1,14,3de) night uniung the cump and
eeitipieen« S:Uff..S 011 I,Lin 511 ail here,
damage. at:canting to the i iat
eeteriees lo the immure of 51.1.5e11141.
The entire equipment of an arm) , lee
was deetruyed ettleeigh the e
Igs luitattilizmism trt, ,1.,1:1,i,s,:.,,oal.-
stoitally break out Into flesh Iliorws.
1(11S[IHO 1110 Mei
Will Be Longer and Larger Than
New Battleships.
thenettell frinni I omi n Aays Ar.tord-
ing • Belle' u..trospel,,I, , the
Irir 41.0i 1310 1\111,41' 11,1.‘
1 1,101i 1 t1-11iN, 1 ho- m,,r1i1 111 II ‘V.
or ,1,,rri.1 ['Inset . •n•uth 111*•11, Led f• .r
1.1117 Oh, IL, I11•1 /11-1• 1,f the 1...e•
emient after the c'pr11,41ro, III bp 1,
Iteeltst /I 121, .11
Ito 11'0Se th, 1,..4.141 1(41101:o of
kt,d•sg dt•p1a,•,,ritehl
1,10) bowl 1 v,,. , „quip,"
m.1111 h., ••'1211,,,1 1.21ve
1•••r to. •, • I thui 1,r f111
, 1 .1,51 r et dos ‘‘ tir•
ger Ind •ir re ft•%.•1 UtItl
1111% ether (-111134'1 Wit ,A ho
1 tiOr ith,1 !pot,. pee, erne Mee rule ex,
ening battleship et, mama the ileenit-
n et/tit and Satsuma •Gerrnany'a first
. •
iessel of the hteadnetight type hue been
r• nstructien for some weeks nt
n li," ereereement of lite shp
nr soellin hurried for n seeend
ih" same type. Their construc-
t nil w,Il eeeret, rind tho .letaila will
n,.1 be puletsmel. The work 15 tieing
enuege workmen cannot be obtained.
r,,ined of) ai suLt high pressure that
ellINES Fon FnANcE.
ileepalrh frem Parte gave: The 511-
ntir nlly hit% onletv•il the construetein
fuur subtle -Wine cruisers. which nre
, /IP supellOr to ony existing type el
• veasels. They are M be of MO
... have a ime..al of fifteen knote
on the surfaeo. and are to have a radt-
• aetien of 9.500 mites. •