HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1907-01-11, Page 1' 1,4444 A ' :"‘vir1/2" 111.140.wspo , rfit the Couilk. t7-4Di num., and 41 Orn;!**--. QualitY, •QuantiOrt ctrcupitl(m' • ••••••••••••vonsoonvolo“.•••41,400.040../.0 ri se4' OR ..E10EITIViES+ W404s#I, NeS5145,4 1)NQUESTIONABLE Thera la ate questioe.at all atieut your neediug irsinge count} fie there Ie ;only one sure way of accumulating Wesith, thott la7 aavieg it. A few persoig3 inherit Wealth, 10,311.0, Othent gain iedependeace ft stroke at 'leek, but the vast majerity of people 'Secure a Competence kspeeding 100 thae they make ;014 ening. the surAus. WO PaV PQM, per cent. Intereit on deposits end money clot her withdrown at any time. . .THE $TANDARD LOAN COMPANY 00Pzuert oprics :-COR. NORTH STREET 4ND., SaLTAR,E W. L. HORTON, MGR. sai 'WANTS ANTE.D.-,At once, a good general Ser- vant, Apply tCp Xds13. A. C. HUNTER. V fedi& Ind IFehttill Sta. 01141„LS WANTE0e-Amily at ease at our oaten, East street.-Goderigh Knitting Lo., Limited, poraanss R. Licwitr. higr. ,pu 81,,,IC NOTICE. nes- T1 0 OP THE ERIRON COUNT 00t/NO/L. The Council Of the Ceunty of Huron will meet in the Column Chamber, In the 'Town of Goderioh, 011 Tuesday, the 22nd day of thla month, at 3 o'clock the afternoon. Ateounts to be dealt with by the Counell must be placed with the Clerk before the above date. • • Dated January 7th, 1907. W. LANE, Clerk. WANTED Within the next 3 weeks, Soft Elm, Basswood and Rock Elm. Soft Elm $10, per thousand Rock Elm $14. per thousand Basswood $12. per thousand Rock Elm meet Ise 16 ft. long, others 12 ft. To be delivered to Andrew Young's farm, Colborne, where saw mill is at present. ROL3EPT ELLIOTT FOR SAILB OR TO LET. caOLT FOR SALE. -A sucking gelding Colt. V sired by "Lord Roberts.' . Particulars mimY be had from the, owner, g. Daummerr, Hincke street,' Godarich, near the Hayfield road. YaoroARM FOR SALE. -Part ot lot 15, Lake s, more or lose, mostly seeded down. Range West, Colborne, consistirtg of The soil is a good clay loam. There is a good fmmo story -and -a -halt house 'ivith kitchen. RIR* another dwelling. near the road. There is a barn 31 x 82. with Filmed and stabling, 21 x60, with commodious hay -loft abtem ; ale° a shed on the south end, 10 x130 ; four wells, two at the barn and One at each hone° ; a good bearing orchard of abbut two acree. Everything la in an exoeilent state of repair. For particulate reel- ,,'4the !armor to HUGE% Tammow, part taameidtd 14, Lake Road West, Colborne. or 'llummtow, Konya street, Goderieh. iltitRIterFalOOKS.-A number of Cockerele. • , it' all fit for Guelph and Seaforth showe. for intim a2 ouch. well worth $10 each. W. W. DsvmsoN, Auburn, Ont. A NY 'AMOUNT OF CUT AND SPLIT HIA.RD WOOD. -On hand at Mammy% out 12 and 16 inches long to Bulb their cus- tomer. Ahmo an abundance of hemlook and cedar Mahe. Phones 08 and 163. -LIAM FOR SALE. -Lot 3.. L. S. R., contain- ing 126 acres land, clay loam. 10 acres under fall wheat, in good condition. 8 miles north of Goderieh, within 16 miles of 3 ohurchee and P. 0. iPriee reason- able, on ollitY terms. Apply to JAs. Sees% Port Albert. Ont. 1:1101:31213Lrnd-ear.. 61101 peelChaottoludit Inoubator son, no room. Also a goor wood htsrtOr, anact sevoml other articles. Apply at STAR Office. OW FOR SALIC.-Jersey. supposed to be in calf. A bargain. Apply at TAR STAR Ogee. MYPEWRITERS of all maker4 rented. sold I. or exchanged. Ribbons and supplies al- ways on hand. Copying work done. Offloe on Kingston street, next Yule's. W. E. EmAorr. FOR SALE. -Two new Dwellings on Angle- sey St, A comfortable Dvrelling on Mixon St. Banding lots on Elgin Avenue, Essex St., Cedar tet. and Pine St. WANTED. -A feW •Furniehed Houses or Rooms, near the Lake front, to rent tor the sumMer season. YOUNG St ROBERTSON. CARDS OF THANKS. laluk0 THE ELECTORS ,OF GODER1CH. reefer the magnificent vote you gave LAM= AND GENTLENZN.-I deetre to me op Mooday last, in the three -cornered cen- test. As Deputy Reeve of our progressive town pad county I will:endeavor advapee goderleh and lower) your best interest% end prove to you that your confidence has not been misplaced. Yours trul,v, ROBERT ELLIOTT. fro THE ELECTORS OF GODERICH. ..a. LADIES AND GENTLItMeN.--Yoll have elected me asCouncillor for 1907, and I will en- deavor to look after the town's best interests. A. H. MACKLIN. rp/O THE ELECTORS OF OODERICH. LADIES AND GENTLEMPN.-I t,ako pleas- ure in acknowledging the renewal of your eon- fidence In me by electing me to the Town Council for 1907. And this is all the more grati- fying from tho extent of the vote east. I will endeavor to servo you to the best of my ability, and trust to meet your expeetations in the dis- charge of the town's business. Yours truly, C. A. REID. rri0 TRU ELECTORS Or GOD1CRICH. J.. LAD1E8 AND GIIINTLRMEN,-Acoopt my hearty thanks for the vote you gave me en Monday last. It will be my aim to work for the 'beet interests of our town during the com- ing year to the best of mny Yours faithfully, H. 13, BECKETT. MO THE ELECTORS OF DODERICH, LADTMIAND Onzertestete,1 'wish to most heartily thank yen all tOr the kind and wholly unexpected manner in which you placed me at the head of the poll as a member ot the Town Council for 1909. My long illness kept me from being out and around town as I wished to be, and your generous support is therefore all the more pleasing to nme. I will endeavor to merit your confidence during the coming year.• Respectfully, W. F, CLARIC. m0 THE ELECTORS OF GODERICH. LADIze AND GENTLEMEN, -I detdro to ex- press my sincere thanks for the vory generous vote by which you selected me as one or our Town Council for the year 1907. and I truet that my reeord-duriog the year will be such as to give you no cause for regret that you have so honored um. Wiehing you all a prosperous reariour o bedtime t servant. B. C. MUNNINGS, MO THE ELLCTORS OF' tiODERICH. LADme AND OENTLicreiaN.-I desire to thank you tor the goperous support given me in the election for \Voter and Light Commis- eioner, and Masser° you that I shall endeavor, durimmg,the year, to merit your confidence. Yours truly, FRED. W. 1)0TV. pon0PERTY sALE.- The desirable property on Elgin Avenue, GoderIch, owned and occupied by Dr. Whitely. Godd house and two-thirde of an ado of land, with choice traits.. The house is heated by hot water and has all modern improvements. A bargain foir any penmen wanting first-etars pro- perty at a moderate price. Apply to or address DR. WHITELY Goderieh. EAPERS FOR SALE. - Several hundred copies ot old nowepapers for sale. Just the sg,Whorm.YOu aro housecleaning. Apply at STAR OFM310 1 The Sterling Bank OP CANADA HERD °MBE - TORONTO Incorfairato8 by Special Act of the Donitnion Parliement to receive Deposits. Highest current rate of interest paid in our • Savings Bank Bspartment on deposits of $1 and upwards, Interest paid and compounded POUR TIMES A YEAR. Drafts bought and sold. A General Banking Business transacted. tODURICH BRANCH : A. G. GAMBLE, manager. -s, THE EDUCATION Which enables s young lady or gentleittatt earn a goad living, le the proper rine. zoicu STUDENT le instructed Itlit own desk S consequently the ' backward or rusty feel ' Melte hod* In the Iota Business College enisted stilt flatus tosisess telit-lintiket. unexcel. A teathete, and Or gribittitteo, atilegUe. 1110 THE ELECTORS OF GODERICH. •LADIgis AND GENTLEMEN, -Asa candidate for Water ,and Light Commissioner, I thank most sincerely all my rorters and opponents in the past election. though not elected, I believe the elected Co issioners will de good miervice for the town and am not discouraged. Should the new municipal officers formulate a proper scheme for good water, and it is brought before the electors in the form of a bylaw, Rive them your earnest Ruppert and do It quickly; but forever forget a filtering or eottl. lag basin, as that is a serious and ;expeneive problem for even the larger cities. The town hae no property suitable for a gravity basin; besidee, we do not want surface water takeu from any basin; bettor as it is at present. Sincerely yours, P. L. WALTON. MO THE RATEPAYERS OF GODERICH. 1. LAWNS AND ORNTI.ILMECN,-Wo beg to thank you for the very generous support ac- corded Us on Monday 'ant. when the bylaw which your Council submitted tor your ap- proval wee rotod on, and for the large majority which you gave our propoeitIon. Wo will commence active operations In your town at once and we hope before the expira- tion of ono year from this time to have our plant dd a largo and euccessful business, and merit the approval which you have just ac- corded us. THE ROGICRS MFG, CO. LTD A. F. RRITZ, PrOshlOnt. TOWNSHIP CARDS OP THANKS. MO THE ELECTORS OF ASFIFIELD. LADIES AND OnNTLitmilN,-You have elected mo a member of the Council of the Townehip of Ashfleld, and I desire to thank ono and all for their super -wt. I shall endeavor to work for what I consider the best interests of the township, mei hope to merit tho coned once repoeed in me. Faithfully yours, S site . JOHN SCHOENHALS. 0 THE ELECTORS OF ASHFIaLD TP. LADIES AND GENTLamaN,-1 &Intro to t ank you all most sincerely for electing me Reeve of our Townehip. and to mimeo you that I AMU) use my utmost endeavor to•justIfy the confidence you have plamd lo me. THOS. STOTHERS, Dungannon, Jou. 8. 1937. OODERICH MARKETS. W. E. McLean hart (hipped eight 101u1R of cattle In the loot oeven weeks, the last load going via Boston to Mancheeter, England. Ile Is aim In the market to buy cattle, sheep and hotpot highest market pricee The markets were but little changed during the bolidaye, and nt overlent there are no nigna of improvement In cereals. Hoge have made another upward move, but whether lt will he a lasting one Is doubtful, .1 F. Andrews shipped hemp to Toronto yes- terday. This week W.Burrows and Son shipped a ear of barley to Palmerston. Current whotersote pekoe corrected up to noon of Thursday.) 74 catIvzox..4.x.4 xsT73717insm-sa:). cari Tlaan Ocrt:n1V-z cm, xircruow NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Axe. Citserieg eateeske. Acheson 84 Son. 3 luartivezeiten. ...... 44444 4 Seeped Wearers. ...... 4 cacao eweep eale-eVe. C, Pridharn. learietif *Zito 8 *ego Mattee,C, o.1,so 4 8 , sensational 811k Sellbeit-ljedtiens Bros8 The Muciallou-eliefou llus, Colle.ge .... 8 couety Ceunell ..... t Servitet, Wantetl-birs. A. Heater CoH1 of Thanks enrelt they " 'rhos. Stothers " , U. C. bluntness Robert Elliott 14 John Schee:dials IL 11. Beckett 1 C. A. Retd 1 , W. P, Clark The Rodgen's Mfg. Co e, I,„ Walton A. H. Macklin i• ti Xotuu Pnacs. CHILDREN'S A1D.-The annual meet- inwof the Ohildren's Aid Society will be hold in the Law Library of the Court House on Tuesday afternoon next, Jan. 16th, commencing at 4 o'clock. As reports will be presented and officers elected, a large attendance is eesiied, and every believer in the work of helping neglected and depent- ent children ,is urgently asked to be present. A GREAT SALE. -The coming Do- herty -Jacobs combined diepersial sale of pure bred sheet -horns, Jan. 15th and 10th, promises now to be a me- morable event. Among thenurnercius applications for sale catalogues from almost every direction is one from the Christian Mande. We did not know there was a short horn -grown on those islands. It is confidently ex- pected that a great many of our pro- minent breeders will attend and two pleasant days are anticipated. The stock in both herds are looking fine and by sale's day will be fit for the show ring. Great preparations are being made for the conifort and con- venience of those who will have the pleasure of attending these sales. You SHOULD HAVE IT. -The Can- adian Hoetictdrorist is a publication which is worthy even a larger circula- tion than the very wide circle it now reaches. For some time it has been undergoing improvements, till now it can take rank with any monthly illustrated publication as to make up and quality of paper and press work, while it stands alone in the special field to which it is devoted. Every lover of fruit or plant life will find it not only interesting. but helpful, for it is filled each month with timely articles by the best authorities on each subject, and it very properly is recogniz- ed as the official spokesmatrand intelli- gence department for the horticul- tural interests of this and adjoining Provinces. We can heartily com- mend the Horticulturist to everyone at all interested in that eubject. Dierruivr R. .T. Cotnveuz.,-The an- nual meeting of Huron District Coun- cil, R. T._ of Temperance, was held in Seaforth on Tuesday last. The attend- ance was small. and the reports show- ed a perceptible falling off in member- ship and in interest throughout the county, owing almost entirely to the dissatisfaction felt by many of the old members at the increase of insurance rates made by the Dominion Council early last year. it is contended as a justification for the increase of rates, which in the case of the older mem- bers hears quite heavily, that the rates heretofore wet° so far inadequate as to threaten the solvency of the order, and while a change was made in 1900, a further increase was ordered last year,which latter it is which has led to the dissatisfaction. The rates are now up to the Government standard and may therefore be considered as now permanent and such as to ensure sol- vency. The members of the District Council discussed the situation, and decided that renewed efforts would be made to revive interest in the order and to carry on the work for the prose- cution of the cause of temperance throtighout the county. To that end the Grand Council will be asked to send an organizer to work in such parts of the county as may be advised, and a committee was appointed to en- deavor to arrange for at least three temperance rallies at central points in the county during the coming sum- mer. The following officers were elected for the current year : Dist. Conn., James Mitchell, Goderich; vice Coun., Mrii.John Bailie, Clinton; chap- lain, T. 0. Naftel, Goderich; secretary, Mrs. F. W. Watt% Clinton; treasurer, Frank Buchanan, Wingham; herald Lloyd Ande, Wingharn ; guard, J. E. Walters, Goderich; sentinel, 10. G.Nee- lin, Seaforth; representative to Grand Council, Mrs. F. W. Watts; alternate, James Mitchell. Clinton was selected itR the place for next annual rneeting in January, 1908. • Fall wheat, - 60 07 to 67 Spring wheat, standard Flour, par owt., patent 2 60 to 2 SO Flour, per twit, family Bran, ger ton Shorts, per ton 2 20 to 2 20 19 00 to 10 00 Soreeningn, per ton ..... ........ liel C400) ttoa 21181 01 Oata new Barley new 0 3.1 to 0 33 0 43 to 0 43 Peas new Rye 0 76 to 0 76 0 48 to 0 43 Buckwheat, per Imehol0 40 to 0 46 it 00 to 12 00 Hay, now Butter, per lb 0 al to 4 Egp, Merril) per dozen . 0 23 to 23 W . per cord 6 00 to Ca tie, export.-- „,... 41 00 to Cattle, ordinat7 and butehere' 3 00 to 00 Lambs. Baring, 5 SO es 60 nap, r urfogsogs: idivrogoo at g • • • .' '' ' • - ..... '' 8' 11.3 tt) CM / tt: 0040 1 08 to 00 Rams, Der lb Baeon. long dear 0 18 to 16 7 00 to 2,5 Bides 0 CO to 00 Sheep ekins Tallow, rendered ... , 0 01 to 01 Chickens -barnyard chieke, per lb 8 to 10 9' -credo fed 0 11 to 12 gee, f0Ye quarters 0 QO to 00 Beet, hind onartere 0 00 to 00 Ocoee per Iti. 0 to 10 Ducks " . . 9 to 10 Turkeys " 0 6013 tot° 0 rs533 Potatoes Ayylco 0 35 to 0 49 .. Local Notices. The people Rem to be ell hip-hip- hooent over the electione, but Pildhatm, the Tallords ftiries a winner for high•class ninth - log, There a alwaya a chance With a nett bench, but you neeer hike a chance with ertabam, the Tailor. Combined Dispersion Sale of et.1 bead pure beet* Cheethem Cattle, ecteorlsiag *le entire herds of tY, flab:go, canto , ciel A„,,n. it ..Teeetet„ liletb, iffeindleg their ire testi bone Mr., Dehetw will ten oe :Jen. Eth, Itts bitm le Liege% arta Ot) the talc:wing de . Jan, PEA Elt. jerinsr OM dispesent his heeds ble Vont hem.. myth. Teeth:ref este, dash oe it. tr.„ M. Rebrotr, eau, Oetidector. The *vote 'eta* Irk muyotit:Hikit Jot r, , . GODERICH, ONT.., FRIDAY, JANUARY ILL 1907 IT PItolgisate SalcOttse. - Judging by the general itttereet which is being tnienifested in the Nightingales` FatleY Dress Balt, this popular event pro- mises to be an Wren greater, ettecese this yeer than Nett 4iilitatirtd before, tt le in tie way comptilsory to wear fancy dress, hue it is hoped that as wen, as possible will, since it wilt add so greatly to the effect.. Sibyl° cog- tumee, -contrived With very littJe trolsble and expenise, are frequently the most effectIve. The musio will be furnished by the London Harliers, and we feel sure that those who beam merely to hook on and to.listellhrgte so many did last year -will feel well. re. paid. The tickets will he on sale next week at W. E. Kelly's iewelt7 etore. and cost $1.50 for agent ensan s ticket, which includes tbe privilege of taking ledy, (but costs the mune whether be does so or goes alone), and 60 ce:ats for any additional tickets for ladies. Don't forget the date, ThursdaV, Jan. 17th, at Oddfellowe' Hall. FATAL AOCIDENT.-011 Monday of laet week Eugene Dean, fireman, G. T. R., was badly ecalded while his train was running near Belleville, and from the scene of the accident he was taken to the city, where he died ou Rosy. 8rd. The cause of death WIte pe- culiar; while the train was running, the head of the boiler blew out, scald- ing him badly and blowing him some distance from the engine. Strange to relate, the engineer was not badly in- jured, the reaeon assigned for hie es- cape being that be was on a seat that placed him in a higher position than the deceased occupied. His remains were brought to Godes:ids on Friday and taken to the residence of his father, James Dean, of Regent street, from where the funeral took place to St, Peter's and thence to the R. C. cemetery, Colborne, on Monday, on the arrival of the G. T. R. early train. There was a large attendance at the funeral, the local lodge of the C. M. B. A. and delegations from the Trainmen'a Association, Fireurten's As- sociation, Conductors' Association and Engineet•e' Association, led the pro- cession to the church and a long line of carriages followed. Deceased was married to a daughter of our towns- man, Mr, Ed. Slattegy, who, with two infant children, are left to mourn the sudden calling away of husband and father. W. C. T. U. No:rns.-In answer to the "Dominion Call to Prayer," under the direction of our Evan. Supt., Mrs. Davidson, two well attended meetings were held in the Temperance Hall at 10.30 and p. us on Jan. 3rd. These meetings were a spiritual uplift to all who attended, as well as educational. At morning prayer, Miss Morris gave the Bible lesson on Christian work. Mrs. (Rev.) Graham, answered the question asked by the Dom. Supt., Is the W. 0. T. U, one of the greatest moral factors in the world? While other organizations were spoken of, tbe W. C. T. U., she said, stood side by side with those in the front of the battle against the great evils all over the world. Rev. Mr. Wright also gave a very helpful Bible lesson on Chris- tian work. Rev. Mr. Hazen answered the question, Is alcohol a food? show- ing clearly it is not. Rey. Mr. Gra- ham spoke on Prohibition, showing' it te be the best law. Mrs. Brown gave a short talk on the Enfranchise- ment of Women, also on the work and progress of the W. T. C. U. Mrs. Hazen gave a reading on the Fran- chise. Topics of special prayer were taken by several of those present. The regular meeting of the W.C.T.U. will be held on Monday, Jan. 14th, at 3 p. tn., in the Temperance Hall. Vis- itors will he welcomed. HOCKEY, -The second hockey match In Goderich this season was played on Friday evening last, when Seaforth was defeated by 11 goals to 4. The ice was in good condition and the playing fast. The first half ended 7 to 1 in favor of the home team. The second half was not BO fast, although more evenly contested. Early in Ws half McDonald had his knee hurt, by being tripped, and had to retire for the bal- ance of the game, a Seaforth man going off to even up. There was con- siderable tripping and a number of off -sides, but the referee dealt with them all in a satisfactory manner. H. Belcher and Hully McLean, two of the new players, proved that they de- served a place on the team. Oln a nutather of occasions they got the rub- ber and making dazzling rushes through the Seaforth team would land it in the nets. "Suet" McIver played a flue game and succeeded in helping to pile up the score, while McDonald got in a few of his good shots on the net. McIver (in goal) stopped most of the shots that came his way, and McLean (at point.) proved that he is still in the gatne, For Sea - forth Munro and McKenzie played a good game, and Westeott (in goal) was kept busy and stopped many a hard shot. The players were : Seaton b Ooderleh. P. M. COURT. -On Wednesday Alex- ander McIver, was charged in the P. M'e Court with doing grievons bodily harm to A.I3. Cole during the gnme of hockey played here between Clinton and Goderieh, last week. When the case was called on Wednesday, Wm. Prondfoot, K. 0., objected to proeeed, holding that there was nothing before the Court, as there was no informat ion to proceed on. The validity of the document was objected to because the plaintiff's fa thee signed the informs - tion, instead of the plaintiff. At this stage of the proceedings nolleitor and defendant left the court and then the Crown Attorney made out a new in- formation, and another warrrtnt WOO issued for the arrest of McIvor. The first information was laid and the warrant issued by P. M. Andrewe. of Clinton, and the cane brought up a large number of witnesees and inter- ested Spectators from that town. At a meeting of theO.H.A. nulecommittee held on Monday afternoon at the Tele- gram building, Toronto, with Mr. J. Roes Robeetsbn in the chair, McIver was suspended for the remainder of the season, and Oole wart reprimanded for his rough tactics. The case was resumed before F. M. Humber yesterday forenoon and last- ed till abont %so p. m.. when it was adjourned till Monday, to allow the securing; of a shorthand reporter to take the evidence, the hearing of but two witnessee having lasted -so long, Mr. Pinner, of Clinton, swore that McIver followed Cole on the ico, hold- ing hie stick with both bawls, and thee ;striking him when he came up with him. but on crosteestatninatiort be could not saV whether lifelvor arnek with his !sande or with his etiek. He. Moore. the next Ofitness, held that the puck was rvidely differently placed to the pesitien declared hy the firat witness. Ho &elated that Me- lvin. struck Colo with hit fist, mad put his knee against Cole* heck. When Hie court opened le the After- noon it Wet eadjoutned Atiand&Yolt- It triN Eefoodent wee lailrheed tOO. itto WIthotat bath Ate. Proitelfoot tiro*. bib* be: Weralit hOt pialierito t-iwi +Vett. let et the reed lee JfitiOter. Westeott goal Roberts point Proud foot cover MelConzle rover W. Munroe center D. Munroe left wing Stoddard right wing Referee -Crooke, Clinton D McIver J McLean J. Campbell II. Belcher A. McLean 1). McDonald A McIver. 1 rig 009ERICH be**106,8* Circulation than aux othstr Newspepor I10 this section of tits County of Huron •••••••••••••••••••••••••••41.4“ A, VW11111i oF jormiii.-A tbn deapatelt of Monday last said ; Word was received here this morning AM some Indians had found a body feom the ill-fated steamer Jones on the eaet side of Christian Islands. The remaine were dressed in 6‘ Unit of blue, and had a life-preaerver on be- longing to the steamer Jones. The rage woe so disfigured that it could not he described. 0. O., 0. P. -At a special meeting of the Canadian Order of Chosen Friends held Thursday evening of bast week. the fellowing were elected officers for 1907;-0. 0., J. A. Scrimgeour .• V. 0. James Andrews; Recorder, H, Ball; Treasurer. jameto Dickson; Pre- late, Mrs, George Bisect; Writhe% Jae. As Stracbans Warden. Gee. Beck- et; Guard, N. McCauley; Sentry, A. E. Drinkwater. Trustee for •threis years A. M. Todd. Representatives to the next terns of Grand Council, Jno Elgin Tom. Audit Committee, Messrs A. Duff and A. Farrow, WOMEN WORKERS. - Thy January tneeting of the Goderich branch of the Women's 'Institute was held at the home of Mrs. Bedford. Owing to the rainy weather, the attendance was not as largess usual,but therm Who braved the storm -had an enjoyable afternoon. Mrs. Lewitt, who had resigned her of- fice, as president. was unanimously re- elected. The program was short: Mrs. S. Clark gave an excellent readings, and the secretary, who attended the an- nual convention held at the Ontario Ass•ricultural College, Guelph, in Dec- ember, gave her report. A special meeting to tuake arrangements for the annual oyster supper will be held tst the home of Mrs. J.J.Edward (Square) on Tuesday, Jan. 15, at 3 o'clock. It is desired that all members be present. THE HORTICULTURISTS. -The an- nual meeting of the Horticultural So- eiety was held in Secretary Lane's office on Wednesday evening last, with the usual small attendance, but the proceedings developed col:adder- able interest. The secretary's report showed that the receipts had been : 13131rocvmeigm"e434 grant 88 00 $11 00 CountyTuotagedleanrt And n the terms of amalgamation 1146 00 20 On with the West Riding Agricultural Society this had all been turned over to the G. N. W. Exhibition funds+. -That society retained $41 as member- ship fees for 1007, and the opinion of the meeting was that this should he allowed back to the Horticultural So- ciety as the nucleus for in, operatiou this year. The secretary svill eo make request to the Agricultural So- ciety, What plan to follow under the conditions of the new Act governing horticultural societies was the chief topic of the even ing,as the dew law pro- hibits, under forfeiture of the Govern- ment grant, kmalgamation with agri- cultural societies, the clause reading as follows : See, 9, S. S. 12). No society shall hold an ex Imitation, or offer peemiums, in connection with the exhibition of any agricultural society or "eSietvter.al members approved the plans followed by other horticultural socie- ties, such as distribution ot plants, shrubs, bulbs and seeds, the otfering of prizes for lawn and garden compe- titions in the town, and for school children's competitions, and other features calculated to arouse a more general interest in the societY on the part of the public, also the arranging for a County of Huron exhibit et the Provincial Fruit and Flower Show held annually in Massey Hall, Toron- to. The subject will be discussed at a meeting for that purpose, to he held on the evening of Tuesday, Jan. 20th. The following were elected officers for the coming year : President, T. C. Naftel; vice, F.E. Bingham; sec.•treas., Wm. Lane; directors, .1. A. Fowler, James Mitchell, Wtn. Warnock, CI. A. Welk, R. 0. Hays, J. 0. Laithwaite, George Stewart. A. Mathieson and Wm. Bicha.n. A GREAT SCCCESH. -St. George. - Sunday school was crowded on Fri day evening, the occasion being the annual Chrietman tree and entertain- ment of the pupils of tho Sunday school. The room was nicely arranged and an excellent program preeented, and all present had a most enjoyable time, as was shown by the way the numbers were received. The rector occupied the chair in his usual teem- ing manner, and all the piecee were creditably rendered. Mrs. Heeney and Miss Wells were anceptable ac- companist:3, and Mr. Reg. Riackatone a good looking Santa Claws The pro- gram la given below : plutons Me at 1. Inatrnmental duet by Alma Sturdy and Beatrice Won.. 2. Now Yeat's song -by Bernard and Dosmn Heoney.„. 3. Recitation- Talk LOW; by Nom Hamilton Song -Maple Land by ten boys, eomposed by a former Goderich boy, who attended thin elutday School, Witile Parts, or "Vic- tor Lanrlson," the latter nom° being his nom& plume Recitation Santa Claus and the P 0. -by Edna Tilt Recitation -Xmas Eve- by WIllie Rhaw. Song -by Port Wong. Reeltation -Tha First Party by Atlanta Tancot, O. Song -Bine Bella by five little girls, le. Reeition -Poor Papa- by Tosale Pi:sitar 11. Bong-- bo Maple Leaf bi ten boys, 12. Recitat on - Xman °KM y Mout ;Weedy Eiong-elamber Root-- by 'ya Reck 14. Ilecitagon-f8anta Clitne and tho Mouse- by Olive feldloarne. 16 Recite on-Maroilot-by John Felker 10. Seng -by ten little girle. 19. Instramentm Medley- by Iloniard and Dean Illeeney. Xmas Tree. Mint limeney deaerves praise for the manner in which ahe trained her little boys and the clan of girls who sang "Blue Bells"; Miss Ada Berritt for the manner in which '' Maple Land " was sung by a class of ten boys, and Missee Shepherd and LoToultel fear the productien of the pretty handkerchief drM. The entertainment was really Ona rot eitceptional merit The epeeist s. _ MUNICIPAL ELeCTIONS A WO VOTE POL,LED IN OODERIOtt -- And Many Changes in the Connell. Monday last was as unpleasant a day tor holding an electionse could well be Imagined. rain and ;flush pre- dominating all day. and yet the vote polled and the interest shown in the (mutest, as well as in the bylaws voted on, may be said to have reached a re- cord mark, The big field of eandl- dates and the three Industrie! bylaws which were pet forward led to many vehicles being engaged for bringing out the voter% and the town had the ap- pearance of a keen political election. Notwithstanding tha,t the marking of the ballots was an unusually slow job, two wards having eight ballots, while the other two had nine to be marked, a very large percentage of the available vote was polled, though the• deputies did not cotnplete Oteir counting till well on in the evening. There were some surprises,as for instance, the big vote polled by the enetgetio "Bob'' Elliott in the three cornered fight for deputy reeve, and the srhstantial ma- jority given in the mayoralty contest. Mr. Blair's Wends aro telling him that the ill-timed and worse tentpered attack on his opponent in the Signal last week had much to do with hls defeat, and we venture to think the ex•councillor thinks so hitneelf. But 'twas ever thus with that journal, which every now and then assumes the role of dictator, and in this ease the anneal to partizan prejudice was 80 apparent, that it certainty worked the wrong way from that intended, The new council has a good rnake up and should be able to do all that cats be done for the town's welfare in the present year. Let us hope they will keep this osithe supreme object in view, and not'atoop to the petty and unbusiness like management of public matters, whioh characterized many -of the thingsr done last year. The vote on the bylaws resulted in a good majority for the Rogers Mfg. Co., but the Furniture and Oarringe conipanies bylaws were evidently not quite so popular, and as they required 540 votes to carry, Clerk Johnston, af- ter consultation cvith Solicitor Dickin- son, declared then% defeated. rt is cialuted that there are from ISO to 60 names on the assessment voll which ehould not be counted among those entitled to vote, and if these were struck off, both the bylaws would& carry. The matter wae discussed about town, and on Wednesday even. ing the Council of the Board of Trade held a meeting, and after- eoneidering the law In such cases, authorized Pre- sideht Nalyn to appeal to the County Judge, with a view to having the un- qualified names removed and the by- laws dechired caseied. W. Proudfoot, K. 0 , will prepare the necessary pa- pers Lon behalf of the cotnpanies. The bylaw to create a Water and Light commission carried by a large majority, and the two men chosen, Masers. Murney and Dota , led in that race by big figures. • The following are the figures in the respective conteete: rOR MAYOR. 1 2 3 4 5 11 7 total 69 61 68 fel 61 17 40 4ai Elliott in 9.5 75 67 43 95 47 - 615 DEPUTY Illtnt'it 1 2 9 4 5 0 G.M. Elliott 40 21 40 39 23 26 R. Elliott. MI 80 38 40 27 58 Young; 38 42 59 67 40 50 coni MISSloN AMONG THE CHURCHES. At the Salvation Army barracks on Monday evening a very special meet- ing will be held in the form of a musi- cal meeting conducted by Staff -Capt. Hay and Adjt.Habkirk, from London. An invitation is extended to all. Sil. ver collection at the door. One of the strange announcements from the Far East is that which de- clares that Japan does not desire to have denominationalism among the Christian converte. It appears that all churches have been at work in the land of the Mikado, and the conclusion has been reached that there must be a union in orders to economize effort. As a consequence the various branch- es of allied churches are to come to- gether, and ultimately a united church of Japan is to he formed Tho Jape are setting their western brethren a splendid example. A great many people ask the ques- tion, What is the use of the Salva- tion Army? The Army is not only do- ing great spiritual work, but hero are a few figures to show one year's work among the different prisons in Camsda: interviews with priaonera, 10.081; prisoners prayed with, 4,329; employment found for prisonern, 625 ; prisoners helped with feed, clothing. lodging, etc., KA No.of meetings held In prisons, 376; No. professed conver- ston, 705; religioue publications given preroners, 5,8'M ; No. of hours spent in prison work, 4,teet The pri- *tonere in our jail here at Goderich are not forgotten. The S. A. officers visit the jail weekly and try to cheer the hearts of those who are ehut out from a place of wot fillip, by their aongn and testimonies. The War Cry in also pre- sented to each prisoner weekly. The morality department of the Methodiat cheetah. the University authorities and the Minieterial an. sedation, will shortly take steps to bring before the Ontario government a number of changes. It is claimed that the public wheel, while it teaches many things, is entirely ignorant of any code of ethics that might he cal- culeted to inculcate the principlee that are conducive t gond citizenship. It is not the intention to bring thin about by the reading acripture, but have added to the curriculum of the public schools something that will develop the child's principles, hut not based on anything bordering on the dognaatic. It is also the intention to have the currionium of the Univereity changed so an to include ',sociology. Thia at the present time is entirely neglected and fa regarded by the majority of the clergy who have steeled the question ma one of the most Important of all the aciencen or "elegies." I 2 3 4 6 Doty. 80 Martin, 40 Murney 113 Walton 13 1 Beckett... . 84 Clark .104 Goldthorpe 71 Humber. . 68 Macklin _103 Muntilngs . 86 Reid )111 Auction Sale Resister. THURSDAY, JAN. mi. -At the residence. puehen at commencing at one o'clock, the honselt furniture and effecta of Mrs. D Can on, wbo le about to re- move to Bettis Columbia. Everythiug mutt be sold. T a cash.- Trios. (Um- retv, auctioneer. A letter ln anot ter chute .ttetidence were to the tooth met kw rata Watt 'Ale 104_ hilA4Iteife mete t el. Aftetitt*Aro ',leek there'll:* r ,, - 'eat .4 1.--117Seeti 87 75 115 42 1rd 71 38 101 70 87 40 II 11 15 27 COUNciLLOIta. s 40 83 23 2 3 .1 115 142 101 63 84 95 95 88 62 137 77 75 01 58 69 74 fie 02 441 62 88 81 76 elf 107 00 RI 93 68 114 98 77 82 68 K3 BY ILA WS ensimtRRION 1 2 3 4 5 0110:17f11141410 44,44044, ick eotinell hae built slit of these structures. tat an average mat at *LW% and there are atilt LI) ouch bridges to build. The Maitland River eufe the townehip diagonally, neevevitattitag great many bridges, and the majority' of the electors do nOt Utuieratond width would be tho most ceonorni. cal way of raising the money. The bylaw f,o extend the life of the council from ono to two years also met with a disastrous defeat. The New County Council. The following are tbe members of the County Couucil of ireoy, under the new act regulating ouch bodies: Ashfield Thos. Stothers, reeve Wm, Hunter, deputy hayfield .....Dr. Woods Brussels John Leckie Illytb.... ... . Dr. Milne Clinton D. Canteion Colborne Jas. Taylor Exeter . . A. Q. Bobier Goderich Tp. John Middleton Goderich Toun.. ..R. McLean, reeve Robt. Elliott, deputy Grey Wm. Fraser, reeve Juo. Grant, deputy Hay P Lamont Hullett Thos. McMillan Hensall Owen Geiger Howick. T. G. Shearer, reeve jos, Hainstock, deputy Morris ... ,.. ..... G. Taylor Mcitillop,. ,. j W. Govinlock Seaforth M. Y. McLean Stephen .Henry Willert, reeve Jacob Kellarutan, deputy Tuckerstnith..., Robt. McKay Turnberry .... Jno. Mosgrove West Wawanosh.... ...... W. Bailie East Wawanosh J T, Currie Wingham . , . Dr. Irwin Wroxeter . .... R. B. Harris Stanley ,...... .. .. Jas. McDermott Usborne , . Jos, Hawkine Brief Town Topics. Mr. N. J. Morrissey, late of the Huron, was presented with a very handsome New Year's gift -a daugh. ter. The whole ot the Maitland between the 0. P. R. tatidge and the mouth of the Flyer Is covered with rough ice, and it looks as if it had come to stay. The School Board did not transact business on Monday, for want of a quorum, Messrs, A. I). McLean, A. Saunders, It. fi Cott and Writ, Ache. son being the only mernbore premment. Remember the sale of household fur- niture and ellecte at the residence of Mrs. D. Cantelon, Quebec street, on Thursday next., Jan. 17. AN Mrs, Clan- telon Is removing from town, this is a good chance to secure bargaine. The C. P. R. buildings are being steadily, proceeded with. The freight shed is nearly completed, being roofed in; the engine and round house will soon he finiehed, and the station is being pushed ahead as fast a.: the weather pertulte. Last week a Oriental carp weighing 8 or to lbs. was caught in tile harbor and was hrought up town by Robt. Clark, who showed it to matey people. This shows that this useless and destructive fish is with us to stay, and means the loss ef many small fish, Wright Martin, of town, says he'is well satisfied with hie experience In raleing poultry. Laet year he gather- ed 15.51(1 eggs, which he Hold for $207,57, and the cost of feed was $135,- 10, giving a profit of $72.47. Ile ex- pects to do mush better in 1007. The tower of the new Baptist ehurch is 110W in poeition aud the addition 7 total 11 __191) makes the new edifice 0 very pretty 31) 312 church. As the roof is now nearly :17 - 133 completed, the inside work can lie proceeded vvith. so there should be an 475 tot4latom early spehig opetilllg of the n e w 114 bli 278 - 3111d1 church. All tile square timber that was placed along the O. T. lt. track hits been moved by time 0. P. li. on to that 7 total 00'1,1 own propert v, w h I Oh no doubt meam. that the track from where the 0. T. It, cut away the bank, to a point near the salt -works, will be built of either cement or etone. Lest Finnday crowds crossed the C. P. R. bridge from StillaW Island to 7 tote I bind Is bridged, and the superstrocture Ati rill's, thus proving thnt the Malt - received the beet of commendations as 1121 for its solidity. At the north end, co Di work hoe been built, so now the benefit t rains cross it t0 Squaw island, 8 71 on which the track Is being steadily rained. 51 - 512 63 51t1 45 PM 40 •43 NI Atill 41 . 508 50 513 For. .111 123 103 84 60 87 ill 41111 Against . 24 34 2,5 X..1 33 32 15 186 itoomm. For 104 81 1011 73 107 Against. 15 9 9 10 7 13 ,AltittA0N. For . . 70 70 9-2 57 80 MI 501 Against . -31 13 24 25 21 31 11 159 KENHINOTON For . .71 95 69 90 55 79 51 513 A [rimiest 211 111 .41 32 37 17 is 'I' It HT1C I 2 Totel St.David's Cett ... 88 77 1415 " Tye ... .444 113 - 11:1 3 4 Total in 147 64 127 Some Jubilation wan Indulged in at the Town Hall when the figures were tolerably certal noind the feeling man l• tested both by epeakers and audience wee good natured and pardonably ma- lefactor), from the winner'e °tend point. er column referring it light should re. sing .MtentiOnt mpietnt, l'atrick's Platt 81 --titewart. . 73 The Results Elsewhere. TOW NM Clinton. -Mayor, 11. W. Wiltar ; reeve, I). Canteion ; councillors, W. 0. Smyth, D. .1 (libbings, A, 1'. Cooper, W. H. Holmes, J. A. Ford, 11. 13. Down's Wingham. Mayor, William Hol- t:Ilea, acclamation ; reeve, Or. acclamation ; commeillorn, T 0 in a 9 Gregory, David Bell, !Meld Me Donald, William Nir bedpan, I). M. Gordon and John Kerr. The bylaw to annhat the W Ingham Carriage Company wan ear• ried by a 'substantial majority. The vote was for, 506 ; againnt, 57, Almont every available vote wan polled. Exeter. - Reeve, A. Q. nobler; eonn• cillore, J. J. Knight, A. E. Flike, W. Johns and W. J. lineman. Blyth. -Reeve. Milne ; eouneillors, Hill, °believe, Gerry and Johnston. Hemel!. -- The loeal option bylaw was carried here today by a majority of OS. Owen Geiger wan elected reeve, majority AK Councillors were all elected by aeciamatIon. Brussels. -Reeve, J. Leckie, aecia- %nation ; councillors, R. T. Plum A. linker, R. Graham, 1 Ballantyne ; school tirustees, M. H. Moore, T. Far- row and J. G. flkine. East Wawanoeh.- Ex -Count y °nun. eillor Ctirrle defeated Mr, iteperoft by a majority of 2. The couneillors elected are : James Cummings, John Gillespie, W. J. Parks, T. II. Taylor. iTaborne Townebip. For reeve, Joseph Hawkins ; councillors, John Moir, Oeorge Androwa ; William At- kineon and Samuel Routley. Stephen Township. --Reeve, Harry Willert ; deputy reeve, James Keller - mann s councillors. Ws D. Elandern, Stophen Webb and Fred Wuorth. Howick.---One of the moat keenly contestoxl elections over hold In note. ick has just dosed, Tho below to raise OLIO 000 by selling dieboutures to `ititektiit y 100 omit:mot ectutanent *tee Wages was The Hecond annual meeting of the (1 oderieh (howl.' Temperance League heid last Thursday evening, w hen the following officers Were elected: Vreald mint, (1, M. Elliot I; Secretary, 0, M Beitzo; l'realnirer, J. 11. ltidiert ann. The hist Huntley afternoon Goopel Tern per.R.Del. flier I ing will be held next Sunday at 4.15, and will be add r0R18-41 hy ROY. J. 11. Ostrerhout, of NYroxeter. v ery bod y welcome. l'he dug poiciOn.q. Is again at his cruel work, for on Sat urday four fine ran I neH were dune to death by poison, t he doge being ample of W no , Lane, J. li, Hawkins, Mies M. Mitchell arid Mr. Huston, of the }Ultima' Kx• change. ritirely the tinirdermis wreten who 11104 earried on thin fiendish war- fare or 50 y y earR %V he enlight Rome day. nod when he le he should upon(' the rent of Ills days In Ki liget4mn. 4.11. Offences of Children. Instead ot anbjecting children -who ilo wrong to the 119001 police court procedure and convicting them es criminals, they 141101111i t44, avininithetirallv helped and studied and eV? eff imule to prevent theb contirmance in wrong doing. fhe juvenile C.,11 rt iden has 11011it. grt at headway in the ranted States during the past seven venni, rind has been taken up in Kngland, Vrence nnil other countrien. It provideg for a <pedal children'e judge, who shall At v rumen rather than effects 51111 deal with the }oiling people 111 a kindly philanthropic spirit. Ile is aided hy men anti women who nre enthusintic child -lovers. and who, under the name of probation officern, help and encourage the children in their own honies, and hY judiehltin ntirervhaion nave them from any further cotut proceedings An im- portant feature, too, is that the Juvenile edert hoe power to deal with all who contribute in Any way to vouthful dein]. queue) , and thin in the most direct end practical way of reaching the evil. eeponnibility ie placed on porento more than ever before. There han been a Children's Court law in ()Merl° eines. 1891, and thnt this Pro- vince ban the honor of heing tho first in the field lo largely through the efforta Mr. J. J. Keleo. The Chicago Chthiren'e Coui t, credited an the pioneer, was organized seven yearn ago. Judge Lincl- toy hegnn his special wortz for the neglect- ed children of Denver in nano and hag be• come worItlfarnoes es an advocate of better methoda in dealing with youthful deliquente. The Dominion Government is now considering the introduction of a Children's Protection Lew applicnble emit Canada, in which the best methoda of the present day will be incorporated. The propos:1E0n has feet with much favor not only kora loading plailanthropiste, hut from membera of the House esti Senate, so that the poop:tete for tap-te. diateCeiteilliirskeletti are bright. 00/TUAkY4 5 IX/740)41.1....41r. $14 11 Of Olinten• pmett *WO On g01):43re tb4k funeral taking place txt the ‘ternetery. there on Viredneeday. The deoeargsT • , woe In ths prime of life,,althengh; ' bad been in delicate heallit tor *owe Notwithatandink thies, he ear. tied on his jewelry Inletuese Ina Mall - aged the ceotrsitelephone °Mee with suceeas 110 WO' ft, #01) :01,` Mr, Fred Rumba% who still resides ln Clinton. Mrs. Rumball le a datighter of Mr. and Moo. George Sairarts. and a Odes Wilber:nut and IL otOoderieli,, beat of whom attendeO the tumid: Lswinnr.-litiss Annie Elora, eldest daughter ot Mr. and Mra Pavia Um - son, of Dunlop. died her father's residence on Sunday, after a long ill, nese. Miss Lawson bed lived In town and had visited dietant parte 'with the expectation. of benetitting her healthi but all without avail, as Ethe returned to the parental roof noWisaimproved by her travels. The dedeased death will be mourned by. others - alder, her relatives, ote she bad a large number of friends in town stuff town- ship. The funeral teok plate on Wed- nesday afteruoon in presence or rela- tives and intimate blends, the in- terment, being private. OniusTdretioneow.-Oatherine A, Det. lor, widow of the late Rev. Hail Chris- topherson, died at North Ow. Put., on Saturday, Jan. ilth, and her hotly was brought to Ooderich, her one-thate horne, for intettnent. The remains were accompanied by her brothers John and Thomas, and were taken to the North street Methodist church. from whence the funeral took place, the interment being in Maitland ceme- tery. The funeral service was held in the church in pmsence of a large congregation, Rev. 0. N. Hazen being the ern:dating tulnister. The deceased lady was a member of the well known Detlor family, and a few years since lived in Goderloh, front whence she moved to live near her relatives in North Bay. She was widely known in the Methodist and other chnrch circles in this district, and her removal from Goderich was a great loss to those inetitutions in ethical) Asa waseln- tereated. CAMPAIGNE. MrS. Catherine °anis paigne, widow of the late Kdward Campalgne, passed to the great 'be- yond on Monday, aged 02 years and 4 months. The deceased lady, who had been ill for a year, suffered con- eideeably during that period, and bore the infliction with quiet resignation. Her husband was called away when in the prime of life, many years since. aud in the last decade she host , been bereaved many times, her tour sone, Alexander, Edward, Elswood and Godwin, all now eleeping in Maitland cemetery. Her own illness cloeely followed the death of her son God- win, and though her relatives ever lovingly nursed her, and she bad the beet of medical attendance, she quiet- ly faded away. The deceased lady leaves but one +Ansi to mourn her. Miss Kate, and to her and decssaaed'ai sister, Miss Cameron the sympatIsy of a large circle of friends goes forth. The remains were interrerl in the family plot in Maitland celnetery Wednesday afternoen, Rev. Jas. A. Anderson conducting the service at the house and at the grave, and Messt:s. F. F. Lawrence, P. 3. Prid- ham, W, W. Sault& P. Walton, E. Downing and Jas. Yates', being the pall hearers. There were merry floral embletns placed on deceased's casket, and a eeparate carriage was needed to convey them to the cetnetery. KiRictitliON. -There died at his re- sidence, Kingston street, this town,on Haturday, Alexander Kirkbride, aged 84 years and 4 months, after an ill- ness of several years' duration. De - reamed was itn old resident and had been connected vs ith the town over 45 years. He was horn in Lancashire, England, In 18•Z2, and sailed for Upper elanada In 1848. After a short stay in Detroit, where he mar- ried, he returned with his wife to God - e rich in 1853, and he and his partner. W110 KUM Veil him, hnve resided here ever sinee. The deceased was by trade blarksmith, and cart•led on inminese in town tint old age (tensed him to retire. In the sixties he was member of the Public School Board, an.I he joined the Preemasone and Oddfellows sev- eral deeades ago, end kept up his mein berehip in these societies till hie decease. The funeral took place on Tuesday from hie late residence to Maitland eetnetery, Rev. Messrs. Ha- zen and Graham °reeled ng. The fun- eral was under Masonic auspices+, a largo, number of members of Maitland lodge heing prenent, the gervices of the ()raft being conducted by the W. M., Dr Geneve. The pall !waren) were Bros. F. F. Lawrence, W. D, Tye, A. Ohryrital, IC. Downing, Geo. Gra- barn and R. On the return to the lodge, a vote of condolence to the widow and children of deiceased was passed, and a rommittee appointed to ta samunit the ;lame. In 'uld Rion to his widow, the late Mr. Kirktirlde is sur- vived by four children. and many grandchildren and great-grandehild- ren: his children being William, of V 11 roll Ye SAS; Agent, (Mrs. Logan) of Buffalo; Sarah, (Mrs Reynolds) of Leeds, N D., and Alexander, of Che- boygan, Mich, Mr. and Mrs. Reyncilds, Mr. arid Min. Logan and Alexander were pi rsent at the interment. Detective Light. To ho itot of TIM r‘n. I /s: It W 118( Is the matter with the Ne eget+, 4, r444,t, electric light? Is it's illuminetine power consumed, or is 1 he light, genei Mg power too fee- ble tn illuminare it, or is 00010 one negligent of hie duty, or le the Muni- cipal Cotine il enrol i•ing economy for financial showing? The Raid hemp has not been kindled for thin year, and there hen been no moonlight since January 2, until after eight o'clock At night, WhOeVer Way hti responsible for dooming the people to wade through sitseh,mon and water in dense darkness, the Council nhould nee to it that (meta it condition of things Is re- nirilied by giving us the light we desire to have. HENJA7if IN NOTT. To Be Beard Next Week. The London eonepiraey cage and tha 0' Mi•rtra and isewla perjury ceses will he dealt with next week at the orimin- inal awaken In Toronto, Mr. Lynch Staunton, IC. O., ot Ham- ilton, who will conduct the conspiracy proancution, dated to The World lest night that he would be ready to pre. sent the ease to the grand jet" at the beginning of the week. -It in generally understood that the London contopiracy charges era the pertegy eases agatrtat John 01410tifs, and'aTotn" Lowli will be tomer:sod," "That is all Wtirelti,” WaS th* tr001k. ,,The crown aVe geint VIghtk Pet With the etkages. ut leate tliedaeAto mr ht. structions. 'There Was non* Astay, course, owing to the themedit eziok; act, hut thee wilt melte 'ow etet the* ceteerilktiiotbe learieoe.