HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1849-08-02, Page 3Bte
teas these sea a pss'dsl *se M meek far
t1* pOR1*'^.e 1 - br
4agoi work%Apia tie w-Yest sem-
; y slap Bay G
exnerepsi Meal is aha Jut metes.* welsh we
y 14m des baaedlrl Tereus* gifidee-
use. a U me Inprew upon pre ell es* le
rebel le "DM ezndres r. Lsed Gum rola Sly
Assuan same time ago to ma home, and mockers
W "loyalty. is .seistlog the Oevermore' to
calm dews she .rtcsaowt of bis party, •.d to
pssmen1 the pace of tbe emistry. The Tweet*
themlew maks Sir Amar my " Lord Ow
h ealer's very civil and polite to ma .. all shear
.i.s*," sod is gratesde for Ibis politeness and
'lenity lir Atuas Mahe* he " all sot ►e
Mee is tree oscines." Keep up the eseite-
~et ! diaterb the peace of the country. Hells
sad howl Yk. M,11. -blower and beg, aged
tbeeaise, ed boats. sad (urns rad nuke all
some sl seioet to or.dsce the ides of a rs.mirtioa
.s • dirrswcs ! Brae•, (Oast, loyal Bir ALLu
(led ave yrs kern the partens twaddle of year
N. R. -We sedenasd the' • memorial is to
be got .p rad sired by every liviog Yat, tom
O.•p• to Oedema, demeans( Sir Awn for
Myth( brought disgrace on the Celtic same by
beoomieg the Chieftain of aha Agee -Samos
EIS IRSRi ra in
l ;y lt.1lN• t
Bs. -Thos wee flet ken ging q rmeal,
twas to asel a rem ea` i se.4 ler at Majesty's
ty.., Lor L
a•bj..ta• If we ore i. Poise by the Biotic. lakes
lilt by the varies periodical. of the ay. Beek
as; leges of alio times --sill egos of the Mmes.
termite with my havias iigoed the ewllde.cs
ddrae. die.
Now, Bir, 1 would slum them that 1 go the
whole bog for ueewtiva ; bot Biu* dieteocaatioe
bora the proteetba 01 the Brines leg, u
teamed the dioceses.. of a number of tbe pert -
mamas of the 4.y would hod us to lichees. they
wish. No Bir, 1 go for a eoostituuooal respon-
sible goveroseeet,-sad Bddsh au.esauos, sad
while wm have the first, we are sues to keep Ilse
For if, u rho Spectator of the 14tb leer., say
that "Lord Stanley as the oppositibe leader,
was obliged a keep his sots ..t of the way in
the limas of Lord ; for feu of entire the majori-
ty." It theme that altbomgh by his (steno*.
reasoning. (by way of oppo.uioo,) be had per-
suaded ethers to thigh as he .poke, he dare not
reek the carrying of the raorton. He knowing
full well that if mated it would be the fust step
toward eerreriag these colonies from the mother
eomnlry, sad that we could place Bio farther coo-
6dence in the home government. And. Sir, if it
ffloeld so h.ppea that Legated should feel us an
ineumbemnee to her, and cast ua off to shift for
wreelves, we mat he a molt conlemptable set
of roes with such a eo.otry. sod that ea mhao-
tageoo ly situated, if we could rut establish a
go.eramenl of our own. without throwing our-
selves en the mercy of our neighbour.. And
mow, Bir, 1 would merely hint, as the vessel is
.et y., registered, that if soy party or parties
will give her • sew wit of dolours, sad guaran-
tee her u much freight as she can carry neat
imam, they can call her Lord 1:Igio, the
League, or soy other same they please. By
giving the above a place ie your valuable paper,
you would mach oblige your humble eervaut.
Tsx Ow'mio os Tat A sus.
Wsleers that os the 18th alt., Geese: JACK-
..., Eaq., Crowe Lands Agent, pow beats..
tlebeu for opwerdr of beets theorem' acres of
lead is tea township of Kineardiee, ie the new
county of Bruce on Lake Heron. The land ie
divided into Lots d fifty acres each, .ad, as will
be seer by se advertisement in another column,
is gives oely to actual settlers. Ws are isform-
ed by thew 'the have been at **me trouble in
abtaloiag deeidormatioa, that 11*• land *brough-
am the whole tact that composes the new
rareety, Is of the very best quality, .ad pkati-
lop/ s.ppbed with spriags and streams. The
Owe plot is a beaedlel situation on the lake
• them, et the meutb of the river, tbiny miles
stow, Oedmrlab : when a goad harbour an be
(weed et -eeesp•ritively little espouse. The
Durham Reed nes frees Kiaeeadise ea the lake
shore forty -lire mils to the (hrrafraxa road
beadle( from the town of Guelph to Owen's
Sewed. The disease* frost Tomato to Kirov -
dies come be meth grater than to Goderich,
rad • s.ilse.4 ramie( through tha tewrehipe of
Eris, Garrefraxa,• and Antler, and onwards io
•direst lie M Kiacardiee, would epee op de
home' teem of ped Lad mew in possession of
the Gonram.et : and foam theism 'het wicks
a few soothe overseas of deer Modred settler,
'bseribeed reirw.7 to this sew 10.011y, we
.iso 1.4 a WIwn that • few yeses ours will
midst k e. pleas .f viceesidor.ble iesporseere e•
the C...dias rhea of Lake Flesh. Tie sei-
tl.rs.drom what we has* sees sad beard sf tbew
ors of tb.tigkI sore-bard-w.rkiag, persevering
mss who bore ese....nee the tads of a bode -
lib before, sad haw, by educe" rad oeamm7.
STRATFORD, July 30, 1649.
;Yew Is STwierORD. - Mr. John T. T" Benue, July114.
Power of Hamilton. having visited Stratford u
regards the pub.isbin` a newspaper there, a gen- The sramer's .ewe as completely ..settled
oral meeting was called, on the i6rh test., Mr. the market, holders bring at a loss to name
C. R. Dickson chairman, and Mr. Power, prices, and buyers eviec,ng no disposition to
briefly explatoed his iatennous. The following operate moil the effect on the New York market
resolutions were powered :-Ist. Moved by Dr. iA ascertained. Ile(or. the ■Isomer's news war
3. Hyde, seconded by Mr. A. McGregor, That received, 3.50 bib Cleveland flour sold at $4 50.
considering the meld increase of population in Y *terday 'Outman, 1900 bushels soothers. Ohio
this sentiment, and the inc ooventense to which wheat sold at 92c. This morning the same
the settlers are subjected a times (or the want of deocnption eaamrt be obtained under 95. • 96c.
• printing prem, it is high time that a ewspa- Coro is without movement. There was none
psi should be es'dhshed in Stratford in aceor- offered oo 'Change, and no price nammeed.High-
dame with the wishes of the majority of the wipes change. a Csteady
01 freight steady ato53c •a witbeet
55e oa
2d. Moved by Mr. Wm. Smith, . eond.d by goer is Albany-14ke • 148e on wheat, Lad 911e
Mr. J. G. Kirk,hbat say 'Newspaper to be so on cora. July 26. ..
established, should advocate the principles of
rspn.eible government, equal enloymeot of civil There is • better feeling in the produce market
. ed religing. liberip to all class* of the cora- today, and prices before the steamer filly we- Best) '- lei' 0 15 0
mushy. red • eeastitutined reform of al1 ahe's*. sifted. 1a flour we hear of the sale of 750 bbl. sad at (() under 4 Jess old 0 12 6
3d Moved by ML Atha Kay. weoeded by Black Reek a $4 37j : Ohio and Indiana held 3rd Best , 0 8 0
Mr- Rabt. Moateitb, That the personal seem. at $4 50 • $4 638. Bert One Year old Ram 0 10 0
meadatioa is favor d Mr. Power is satisfactory ; Wheat is good request, with oles 4,000 9ttBest 0 7 6
a.d this meeting expense, itwlf obliged to him b.alr_Chleago afloat .t 65; 4.006 bushel. of war It'd Best 0 7 0
for the trouble he has takes is visiting Stratford, ter Milwaukie, received by bark Nucleus. et Y 0 7 .0
-and it would recommend Mr. Power to follow .sal 2.300 bash. Toledo and S•odasky at 93. Best Ram Lamb, 0 6 0
. p his safeties of coming here: sed that every For core there is • good'Ismaud- Sales 12.- 2nd Best 0 6 0
support wilt be gimes him in establishing a news- 000 bushels yellow. Chicago, afloat at 47, gad 3rd Best
paper to support of Reform principles rod re- 13811 bathe!' of equal gmaetities high and how Best 2 Ewes that raised Lambe
. possible government.mixed Chicago, at 46. Highwine steady at 22. this year, 0 15 0
4th. Moved by D. Mq
McPherson, E.. 3. P., Pork $11 50. Canal freights 54.55 on floor 9nd Best 0 t3 6
seconded by Mr Asgu. 8atberland, That this to Albany, 14i on what, 9+ no nom- 3rd Beet 0 7 6
mating would recommend to Mr. Power to Mom Jody 93. Belt Two Ewes one year old, 0 10 0
issue forthwith, a prospectus to the public en , No change to report in bread -.tuffs stns 1.111 god Heist 0 7 6
the principles set forth in the foregoing resole- report. Holden of floor are firm, and anximitro i', s - 0 75 0 and best
tions; and this meeting would most harshly re- establish an advance on account of the improve- 3rd Berta 5 g I Begt Breeds. ,
most the support of the inhebitaats generally to nems announced by the Steemer, but there are • Best Two Ewe Lambe, • -.-.04,4,76
.p 6 0 sod bes
the rapport of rid newspaper. no buyers in the market. Ashes to -day. Poul 2nd Best 0 5 0 I CLAN , 5 -GRAIN.
As to the Pts of the paper, some suggestions 27. 6d • 27s 9d; Pearls 26A 6d • 269 9d. 3rd Beet
were made, .ad a revelation passed ; and it is CROPS, 6ic.-Harvest has commenced in Beet Two Fatted Wethers, o.-- -6•--7 ' 8 Best 2 bushels of Fall Wiest.
expected (if started) it wilt be called thw tbt• neighborhood. From all that we can end Best 0 .1 0 /nil boils
' Btrstlord Frescoes, ►sal Coaly of Penh Ad learn It will not he ander an average one.- Bare Two F•tt.d Ewes. - -*- - 0 Beet 2 boabti -Sprite Wheels
venisea •• Mr. Power rad the heads of m From the vicinity of the Township of Lobo 2nd Best r 0 8 0 2nd best'
we learn that the early crops are excellent; Best Boar % 0 12 6 'Best 2 bushels Barley,
tbe fall wheat has, however, suffered great- 2nd Beit ) to be kept 1 year 0 7 6 2nd bent
ly from the rust. In some other parts of 5.4 beat ) 0 5 0 Best 1 bwhels of Oats
tbe,countr.y the dry weather has proved un- Best Brood Sow, % to be kept 0 12 6 2nd best o
favorable.-Lowdos F1.1Freu• 2nd Best } 0 7 8 Beat i Bushels Pease,
3rd Best ) one year. 0 5 0 2nd best 0 5
Best 95 lbs. Salt Butter, 0 10 t' Best 4 Ib;. Swedish Turnip Se▪ ed o 5
ill R T T t ti , • 2nd Best 0 ii .n.!. best o
At Stanley Place, Eglinton Street. en the 3rd Best 0 5 0 Beet bu. tel of Timothy Seed, 0 5
28th June, by the R... Mr. Houston, Mr. hos- Best 25 Ibs. Cheese, 0 10 0 2nd best 0 '2
0Rv MAsvus, to JoAwte, second daughter 0f the
end Beet 0 7 6 Best bushel of Clover Beed, 0 15
(ate James Ramsey, Esq. Kilwiaaiog, Ayrshire,' 3rd Best 0 6 0 -
Scoiand- • Best Two Bushels Fall Wheat, 0 10 0
. I L b, 2nd Best 9: 7 6
At Stratford, os %V.d.ewday Morning the 27th 31d Beet 0 6 0
J..e last. after two days illness, much regretted Beat Two Buabels Spring Wheat 0 10 0
SARAH HELan, Dred 44 Seers, wile of George 2nd Best 0 7 6
Williams, 'Esq. Clerk of the Divwon Com,) 3rd Best 0 5 0
8ttadord• Best Two Bushels Barley 0 '7, -•6
2nd Beet 0 (i 0
8rd Beet - 0 6 0
Best Two Bushels Otte, 0 5 0
3nd Beet 0 3 9
3rd Beet 0 2 6
But Two Bwhels of Peas, 0 5 0
2nd Bent - 0 3 9
3rd Best 0 2 6
Best Bushel of Timothy Seed, 0 7 6
god Best, 0 6 0
Best 2 Bushels of Corn io cob, 0 5 0
end Best 0 2 6
Best 20 lbs. of Maple Sugar, 0 '7 6
end Best 0 5. 0
Best 10 yards Domestic rea0ufac-
tured Cloth, 0 7 6
2nd Best 0 6 0
Best Pair BtankctI1 0 5 0
end Best 0 3 9
Belot 10 yards Flannel, 0 5 0
ewit0= veld% Mita, W t.elfres4
gest sad report to tam wsrent 00 •nor
remedical .•scores as to them shall ewer
beet adapted to restore mad eaten s mese
prosperous rate to the Agrleulturw Caw
coerce and Ma•ufactere0 of the Presiuote.'
Mr. ffioauger gives Dotter Must he
will us to -morrow more to take tate ore -
federation • decterato0 of the vows •0d
...1l 1010 of the non oe the politi-
cal and commercial stats of the Proeusew"
Tbs Conveotios is sow (12 nom) as e
in committee to make arangemeoto (or las
Bret open mesUsg to -day et three. Three
is iso doubt that they are tryeg to recon-
cile the jarring elements so that no gusts
may be hot loom In opera coovoottoe.-
Whether they will succeed or not is doubt-
(roe-sc*IrT• )
'I'nuaSDAY A,Tts'no',
Four o'clock.
The row has begun quicker than I expec-
ted and more fiercely. The COov1stito
met privately, as they call it, in committes
this morels*. Thou was w try and lick
the wild mon into shape ; to rehearse the
parts to he played before public. It was a
total failure, however ; the Lower Canadi-
an nen aro more plucky than I thought
them, and they stuck out like men for their
principles, and all was at sixes end sevens
when they adjourned. They met at three
and then adjourned to 'go tato committee 110-
medtately, excluding the public. Toe
fact is that the public orf to be excluded ;
when every thisg is dtscueeed and welled,
then the public will be admitted to hear the
decision. No unaoimuua conclusion will
he come to, 1 .m sure. Tbey may exclude
os if they please ; but there will be no diffi-
culty in Ending out all they du.
• FOR la
ALARD a A.eesrrteseS1 e( CUT NAM,
of all e'tas•.
sty 1104 16.
M. lb. SEYMOUR Ib Cr.
Agricultural Elthibitiun.
THE Aaooal Ezhibftion of the Leedom
Road Agricultural Society, wilt be
held ■t Mrs. Bulku•ill's Tavern, to the De
madame Set1leuoat, Lo,idu• Read, o0
Thursday, the 27th day of September neat,
when the following Premiums will be awar-
ded fur FARM S'1'OCE, GRAIN, DO-
are Dairy, 4.c. ¢e.
Best Brood Man and Foal, LI 0 0
2nd Best, 0 1 5 u
3rd Best, 0 10 0
Best Two years old Filly, 0 12 6
god Best, 0 8 0
3r4 Beet, 0 8 0
Best One year old Felly, 0 10 0
2n4 Hest, 0 7 6
end Best, 0 5 0
Best two years old Colt, 0 19 6
2nd _Best. U 8 0
3rd Best, 0 6 0
Best (inc year old Cult, 0 10 0
end Best 0 7 6
3rd Beat 0 5 0
Beet Milch Cow, 1 0 0
2ud Best • 0 15 0
3rd Beat 0 10 0
Beat Two years old Heifer, 0 0 122 06
2nd Best
3rd Beat 0 6 0
Best (inc year old Heifer, 0 12 6
2nd Best 0 8 0
3rd Beat 0 6 0
Beat Bull, 1 5 0
2ud Best 0 17 6
3r1 Best 0 10 0
Beet (inc year old Bull, 0 15 0
Ind Best 0 10 0
• '3rd Bet 0 7 6
Best Yoke Oxen, 0 10 0
2nd Beet 0 '7 6
Best Yoke Three years old Steers, 0 10 0
2nd Best 0 7 6
Best Yoke Two years old Steers, 0 '7 6
2nd Best • 0 5 0
Best Yoke One year old Steers, 0 6 6
2nd Best
feet Fatted Ox or Steer, 0 10
' 2nd Best 0 7 6
Pest fatted Cow or Heifer„. • 0 10 0
0 7 6
Itarietilttt1171t • /NOW_ - -
AT s lteetfu( N the Coarsltae of tbe
SOCIETY, held is St. Mary's on Wedaee-
day, ibe 1311* Jose, tbe folluwisg Premiums
were allowed for the eeeuieg CATTLE
SHOW, to he heW o. Tm,esday, de 11A of
$epteaskrr, 1848.
Cues 1-HORBry,
Beet Man and Fuel, El i6 0
Mod best 00 10 0
3rd best
Beat 3 years old Geldttrb or Files 00 155 0
2nd best 0 S 0
3rd beet
Beat 2 years old do. 0 10 0
2nd beef
3rd beet 0 6 0
Bost 1 year old Colt and Fillies 0 10 0
• and best 0 7 6
3rd beet 0 5 0
Best Matched Span of Homes, 1 0 0
Beat B ill, aged, El 0
Q,id beet 0 15
3rd best 0 10
Beet Yearling Du. 0 10
2nd best u 7
3rd beet 0 5
Best Yoke of Working Oxen, five
years and upwards, 1 0
2nd best 0 15
3rd beat 0 10
Best 4 years old Steers, 0 10
9nd best 0 7
3rd best 0 5
Best 3 years old Steer., 0 7
MAI best o 5
3-d best U 3
Beet 2 years old Do. 0 5
2nd best 0 3
3rd beet 0 It 6
Fait Osen 4 years and upwards, 0 10 0
2r beat 0 5 0
Best Feat Cow or Heifer, 0 7 6
end best 0 5 0
'Best Milch Cow having a calf by 0 15 0
I.er side,
end beet 0 10 0
3rd best 0 5 0
Cert Mitch Cow baring had a calf
to 1849, 0 15 0
2nd best -
3rd best
Beet 2 year old Heifer,
2nd beet
3rd best
Best one year old Do.
2nd best
3rd best
CLars 3 -SHEEP.
Best Ram 2 years and upward', 0 10 0
2nd hest 0 7 6
3rd best 0 5 0
Rest cne year old Ram 0 5 0
2nd beet 0 3 ^ 9
Best Ram Iamb, 0 3 9
2nd beet 0 2 6
Best pair of Ewes having suckled
• Lambs uottl the 24th July. 0 10 0
7 6
i',ZR4 HOsPLI oo, .f wast Flew..'
i (Melee P. 0.)' Losing for 'slew
eto.the pee boss aetiej m Tra..1tM t
rob lfte WAINIK(:tTAN 1rVTUAL
INSURANCE CO•. Alkyl abs 9we•t.Ppot-
tu•ily o1 thalami the i.Babttaate of era
W ellingtee tied Hestia LMwwte feu *0 rep
liberal patrow`o and gi.coaae(ems•a MOO
he has reemsed at their Maris :and bee wow
the pleasure of taforiuing them tbst bet to
Jul, aet[lorised to act also for the 1111111.4
SEE MUTUAL, the former Ieeftetipe
being exclusively devoted to the leoorsllN
of Farm Stock sad Building., tem loathe Wen
king risks to Towne, -and both 0• reef
moderate term., .g
The Washington Company
offer* peculiar advantages to the AgiicidttGP
rel !Merest, tains" ordlo.ry rinks at um par
cent , defog a0 immense •mow•1 el WinneM
having a very large cash sapital oe heed.
and promptly settling all claims apfwt the
In.utution,-Capital, K3114p0 0 ; blowhole.
37,984, -bush being daily IbereMing.
o The Genesee Company
O is intended to Insure against Fire in Towers
6 and Villages, and the rates are conaegwntly
O higher to proportion to the rake Mia,
grottier.; but In consequence of the lug.
O hosine.* done, little .,ore hes hitherto brew
O required than the first -payment, for during
0 the past thirteen years the Assea.'enta
0 Lave only averaged two per cent, althorn/la
6 during that period some of tate most dies. -
0 trate fires ever knows hare:occsrred•
6 Capital, $401,125. Now a is over 0800,-
0 000, EZRA, HOPE INS,
0 Agent for the Wrllingtua 4' Hares Ufesrieee.
0 July 1811*, 1849. :e-a9S.1
IN Tug
O 10 June, 1849.
0 6 0 m11E undersigned, Agent appointed or
O 7 6 1 lits Excellency the Governor-Ge•erat -
O D 0 for the Settlement ot the Crows Lando is
O 3 9 the Toworbips of Glonelg, B.otuick. Brant.
U9 Greenock, Kincardine and Kleto.., is the
O 4 g Counties of Waterloo and Huron, hereby
give. Notice to all.persoos wiUieg ands.
having memos of Locating therein, that hie
Office t" at the Village of Durham is els
Terensiip of Brothel.-, os the Gars/raze
Hood, where be will receive the application
of the Settlef.Vsvery day of to week, be-
tween tbe hours of Nina and Firs o'clock.
Fifty Acres of Land will be gives to asy'
Settlers eighteen years old, and a subject
of tier Majesty, who will preemie himself'
ind beet 0 provided with a Certifleste of probity and
Beet tr of Ewe Lambs 0 3 9 sobriety, signed by known and respectable
W 1 persons, and baring the means of providing
2nd best 0 2 6 for himself until the produce of hie Lad so
Best Pen of 3 Fat blethers or
sufficient0 7 6 to maintain hies. The bearer o
Ewes, 0 5 0 that Certificate shalt nitration to the Agent
tad best (who will keep a Registry thereof) his
CLAUS 4 -PIGS- 0 10 0 loathe age, condition, trade or profession
Best Boar, 0 7 6 whether be is married, and if so the name
O 10 0 and.age of his wife, how many children he
6 ha*,,tbS name and ago of each of them.
' where he a'$igtin, wbethot. he has so*e-
o 10 0 where any prairie* and j t,wbat Township
• T='6 be wishes to settle.
0 l0 o The eosditioss of the Location Tiehst
O 7 6 are -to take possession within One Meek
n 7 6 after the date of the Ticket, and to put in
O 6
O a state of cultivattoe at least Twelve Acre
O 5 0 of the land to tate course of four years -to
2 6 build a house and to reside on the lot until
d 7 6 tbe conditions of settlement are duly fulfill-
ed, after which accomplishment only shall
the Settler have the fight of obtaining'ti-
tle of property. Families comprising seve-
1 Settlers entitled to lands, preferring to
reside on a single lot will be exempted front
U the obligation of building and of residence.
o 10 0 (except upon the last on which they reside)
/+Iprovided the required clearing of the land *
Butter, 10 0 made on each Jut. Tb. non-aeeomplistl=
o T 6 mens ot these conditions will cause t8. Ica-
. 0 5 mediate lose of the' assigned lot of -
+ 6 which will be sold or given to another.
• 6 n The land Intended to be settled is of ale
• O 3 g very best descripuoo,• soil well timberel
from 19 >)• and watered.
6 The Ruado will be opened on a breadth
or 66 feet, and the lamed on each side 01111184
divided into Iota of 50 acres each, to begos
tuiton•ly giceo.•
Besides the principal Road there will b
two others (ora on each tide of the pruci-
pal Road) marked out on the whole extset
of the territory, and oo which fres Loca-
tions of 50 acres will be made.'
But a the Government only Intend to
meet the expenses of Survey on thaw ad-
ditional Roads. the Grantees will helm le
open the road in front of their location*.
The most direct route to reach the Agen-
cy on the Garafraxa Rood is by way of
Guelph and Elora is th.Wellington District
.Agent for Sedileme0t of the Durkin R...i.
.sewed mess... ,,able them a woke a will p,oetectos, and is which he sated that the
mom neee1.4r01 .tae' upon the wilderness, and ptinei,les advocated by the present Adminintra-
u we blttew fl*. Government is disposed to pay neo would be summed, S e., and De. Hyde
.f lb. votiemeot, and Me. Smith, in movino their resslotions
..Ula attouties M the proems
ro t spoke a: length, and to some purpose on the
we bops to live long eaoegh to see Kincardine sablec1. •
e eenpying ae important position smog the
towns of the Upper Pronrce
From the Toronto Globe.
KINGSTON, July 26th, 1849.
The eombined efforts of the Annexation-
ists and high Church Tories, in all parts of
the Province, have been so fir succesefnl,
a to bring together an assembly of people
numerous considering alt things. From the
League. own account 117 delegates are io
The samea of the members in attendance
I give you below, and it is quite evident
from them what the Convention will be,and
what it will do. They are nothing but the
old hacks and props of the old Tory party :
office -hunting, bigoted, illiberal hien. R it
quite evident that all the talk of Cosstttu-
tional changes which they have been mad
enough to indulge in, is mere bosh, that
the greater number of them will endeavor
to re-establish the Old Tory Party, with,
probably, a few chances to the leaders,
and a very slight.modi6cation in measures,
perhaps. 1 .believe that protective princi-
ples will be the great cry of the Conven-
tion. They will find innumerable difficulties
in deciding on a platlorm, as the Y,.kees
call it, because there are a great many
members who sincerely desire some con.ti-
tnUonel change, and who also have a hearty
contetapt for the Old Tory Party in ell its
branches. The Lower Canadians are mostly
in the list, bot they will be either brow-
beaten into quiet or they will leave in dir-
ges' : they are too few, 4 think, to mike a
great foes. Altogether, it is best for the
country ant for,the Tortes :hemselves, that
they should reform their party, which has
been e0 utterly du.orgsnuzed ; a gond oppo-
sition is ebsobitely necessary to the pros-
penty of any Ministry, and .II I am fraud of
is, that t1*. one which will grow from this
movement will be too weak iso be of any
carving. Pr,tection and Family Compact -
ism ea. never be strong enough in Canada
to give a moment's ..rioos uneasiness to
a*y Admieietntion.
The Conventicle met fnr preliminary ho-
miness bait .resin(, .t 8 P. M. is the City
Hall. None hot members were admitted,
but the prem have been totmshed with the
proceedings by the Secretary.
The Rev. Jame. Green, delegate from
Barsetoa, opened the proceedings with
The Hos. Greg" matt 0101 apppooistsd
Cbairn*a of the Cesweetfen, sad W: G.
Meek, of Montreal, and Willem Brook., of
Sblet.a, C. R. See storms. A onmmittee,
coasfetiag of Mews. Meetgomeriei, t-iem-
Me, ionise Hamilton, Forsyth and Rolland
McDeeeld. was appointed to draw op roles
for the Convestioe.
The foliowtag *otiose of cooties were
the made.
M.. 'e Ne glees ..tine it that he will
on ss-taoerew Nos that it i• e*ped,nnt M
Meows isle tis ease set bomb predeeed
the person ttepreeesd state of tie gloat
i0orele of the P►evisee--Ihm manrweteisl
drstrtes that ass, and the etsgatioe
p.r.. ma a kneel of Cel,slal Industry. f Seine ►s•0 OPote% j
'Peat i . see tMWas N aheieted bet t8 sib goa.rk81 15th leer. 1819- i 3t-10111
.1- a ee4•.y +
1T Tea
1 examieatiea of the District
Grammer School took place on Toeday, is
preemme °fledge AetAan, Ro1T. MODzRwaLL.
e tdJo.■ GALT, Eq'a, the Tre.teee, slid s re-
a0e0s*ble .umber of sp.etators ; rad wean per•
gtesigd diet every oafs who was present, moat have
tit highly pleased with As skillful and woe -
Wolk mated el iamrsctioo, sad the attainments
..d geed eehdaet of :he pupils. Pot mu owe
part, we were.agreaabty esNrixed st the improv-
ed ted . eiret system employed by Mr. Hat"
Wore, for e.mm.ai.e'iag falrecti... There is
lees pa►reey, aed more solid imfennetiee for the
pdgteett, is his method of teaching. than it esy
ether that we b..i wes exhibited for • long time.
Mr. HALOAsx does the duties of Fsare.Rar him-
self, with more dieie.ey, oral with closer setu-
tiny thee they would be performed by others,
red while the mti.fseties and seal which he
mimes is his irksome task, sufficiently "more
kis seethes, the pride arid laudable em.htioa of
bie.ebe1rs, warrant their sp.edr prowess.
8T Iv will be sees by s reference to ear fed-
vorieisg columns that Mr. A. G. Ham (late
of Raywille,) has lamed the Stratford Hotel es -
wetly occupied by Mr, Isaac MAT. it u roe
Odes beet lam es the red frees Hensatou to
Gederieb, grad from the gems' ehaset.r of Mr.
firma m a needy ed s:eommeati.g Lard.
lssd, we have moos to expect that he will be Sec -
0100111 is obafsiag • fare share of patronage from
s8. tiemdlieg ►.elk- Stortford is mw the
espieef 1 /h. Ceeaty f Perth, asd from dee
spirit of ptmgrer sad eeurpries evi.ved by it•
ifYrisanwy we bogie es ppeeeo.d that they
ben te.eied to rival our esu* " eity .f the
&eke." le se-dwee tape. will be sees o.ed-
vertisswat for unarm for Wildest. mw Brick
Omni )a..et.etiee with the Fro Cbareh of
weeks i -wed, ohm is a mill greater evidsee
of estiges-..we lent Asti a Newspaper ca Rs-
feree Msioa d... I*" skeet ts be ..tnmeeeed.
Mss web alerts psea,a. we if jdisi sly mo. -
.0010 flag wait peeps., •
Vie J*p-ea Hawn 11111.L. -TM Opeers-
IIII. st this hellos,* wee ieseeded to be am-
end le Leitrim Ceesda, M It seem that
b .s of the Provisos are alike d-
it lastly lei. ie too bad. **Meg
Yet m Brews, of legal (estle'we5 assemble
less$reei to frame tseairsree for rho pub
rale vs 111 o., lawyers wooed coeds...
hos. into .ometii.g like a ends,
weld be some sones in it, Owed of
we with Mw mike teed owly
to erippb evermore* ell& q mntie Mist
dT-CsUMMONSES required by the New M-
ILT A7 met -Court Act, sedall other BLARE
!'ORIS peed io the District sod Deist.°
Court", o. Sale at the Sigmwl Office. Also, all
kiodo of JOB PRINTING executed oil ale
shortest notice, and on moderate terms.
Goderich, Julr19, 1849.
M0ur.w* fbes1. A Mtas.su. - Tito
silty es..oll of PL leek 8.4 pewee/ as 01-
t1NpeolloAMilitg, maim 0 psaly of /ten,
tsa sale Nary tliggei b( . het frith perk.
.) .eat, mg Bah, traits 1be etty
1st Antos', 1819.
RECEIVED per ships Agra Morins, and
Nomination, from Liverpool, via. Moo•
treat, mod for Sale by the S,btcnberg,
-Nos. 7. 8, and 9.
CHESTS TEA. of 'rations qualifier.
Hhda. sad Cie. Casks, "Hartell's" Furst
t [LATS** riwo y /n j
ME ID II ID 11.3 1E1111,
July 31, 1849. 2v -e26
Sheriffs Sale of; Lands.
To WIT : S First Diy of
October east, will be Bold at the CwwT
Roos at the Gaol of the Huron District, in
the Town of Goderteh, at the hour of twelve
o'clock noon, the undermentioned LANDS
with the Tenements and appIrteoanee
aherenstobeltn> ging,bfvirtaeofPoorWrits
Veadilioei Er4%.ga, issued out of the Court
of Queen's Bench, and to me directed, at
the respective ethic. of Rom Roheruoe,
Robert Moderwell, John Strachan, Gent.,
one, he.. and James Clnonng, Plaintiff., -
Mao by eirtoe of two Writs of Vr.Aitioai
grpes.e issued oat of Her Maje11T a Iluroe
District Cowl, and to 'm directed. at the
respective snits of Robert Park and Joshes
Calloway, Plaintiffs, es. Julia Ann Kippeo
red Aoetiug W. Rippon, Dafendan•s, 10
wit., a part and pontos of Block G. is the
Township of Colborne, We.tero Dinette".
triet, e.wtai.lsg Two Heedred
Acres of Lead more or (era.
71110. MODONALD.
Seer( Hiroo Dtstriet.
god Beet 0 1 9
The above Materials to be from the Farn,
of the Competitor.
Rules of the Exhibition :
1. All Stock Exhibited shall have been -
the bons fide property of the Exhibitor a
'meth before the Show, and all other arts
.lee shows must hotelmen produced on the
Farm of the Exhibitor. •
i. All Subscriptiooe .foibs paid to the
Treasurer on 4r hermit th.--tlItiriy:ol•An
3. That no C.isidb't*r be 1Ltitjo+-' its .
more titan ole Prise -for Butter. led Chigoe,
or for Gram of the same kind.
4. That Bulls have a ring se screw in
their nose, with a rope or chain' attached, or
secured in some male meaner au as to pre-
vent danger.
S. No Aoimal or article can be shows for
two perm the same year.
6. All Subscribers baring paid the sob-
*crtption, aced only such, to be entitled to
compete. •
7. All Competitors for Prizes living with-
in 3 melee of the Secretary's hoose. most
glee the Secretary nonce of the description
of stock and produce they intend to exhibit,
the day bolero the Show, and all others Id
be given hum on or before 11 o'clock, A. At
of the day of E,xhibtues.
8. Competitors tektite more than et:
ticket., Inulol pay 78d. for each ticket 0001
that twmb0r.-
9. All Stock sed Produce to Mon the
Shrew ground by Eleven o'clock, A. M. of
tbe day of dhow.
Sow. L.•ios Beed Nrneeb
.lgrieuIeerol Seriwly.
Leedom Road, Joos 29tb, 1849.
end beet
CLAea 6 --DAIRY.
Beat Firkin (56) lbs.
Ind best
5'J best
Beat Roll Butter 6 Ibs.
2nd best
3rd best
Best New Milk Cheese
20 lbs. O 7
2nd best o 5
3rd beet e . o S
Beat eo lbs. Maple Sugar in Cake, o 7
2nd best o 5
3rd best 0 3
CLANS 7 -DOMESTIC MA+tvacro•as•
Best 10 yards Fulled Cloth, num-
factored from Wool grown
on the exhibitor's premise*
and spun in his family, in
18.19, 0 7 6
•god hest o 5 -o
Best 10 yards Flannel all Wool, o 6 n
2nd best o 3 a
Beat 10 yards Flannel, Wool and
Cotton, o 5 0
2nd best - 0 3 9
WILLiAK BARRON, Secretary-
O 9
MaCLEaN, aged about 25, who left tit.
native place, Strontian, in the West High-
lands of Scotland, about June 1847 -and
ailed from Glasgow for Montreal. Was
known in the ship to James Cameron, Gar -
dener; who stopped at Brockville, --and to
one Duncan McPherson, and is supposed to
Ease travelled with the latter up the country
is the summer of 1847. No farther infor-
mation can be obtained of him than is above
-_and b ,.relations have since come to North
Easthope. near Stratford.
Information will be thankfully received by
his brother, John MacLean, North East -
hope, Bell's Corner's P. 0.. anT letter may
be addressed to Mr. J. J. E. Linton, Strat-
ford. ,
Stratford, July 1819.
The Papers of London, (C. W.) of Galt,
Guelph, Dundas Hamilton mil Toronto,
will confer a favor on a sorrowing mother
and friends, by insetting the above. 2n95
New Church in Stratford.
Q TRAY ED from the Premises offs*
S S.becriber, Lot No. 41, 1st.
on the 15th of Juoe Ire, a L1GRT
RED COW, 6.e or .is years old, the pout of
the right horn broken off, and neer to miner. -
Aar information respecting her will be rely
grarefollyreceived. WILLIAM HALL-
Godench, hely 17, 1949. 1vs9lef
SEALED TENDERS will be reileived by
the eubeenber oe behalf of thetPeseby-
terian Motels Nadia" C.e.etitted,' Strat-
ford, till noon of 'the 81st December next,
for providing materiel*, vim„ Bricks, Lima,
Stove, Sena, Seasoned Lembo', sial Work.
for the Er,etinn of • BRICK CHURCH,
proposed to be built at Stratford. Te.ders
may be made either for the whole or for
any particular part Of the materiels, and
aecordieg to SpgefOcatlose se prepeeed b
Mr. Peter Fe sAnthem',enAnthem', Stratford.
J. 1. E. LINTON, Aet'ing. Secy.
Stratford, 3etk Jet, 1e49. 2r-ellSlf
rrlfE 8nbecriber in rem raise moat slaws,
1 thanks in his frieodr, rad the poblm, se.
their most liherel patronage, begs leave to in-
form them the' he has just 1 MPORTED • ebeice
Lot of TEAS, he., which he offers (or Sale for
SEED, WHEAT. nr any other Lied f Pnhee,
(ower then ewer offered here before. •
Ad FINE SALT for 8.k, cheep for Cash.
Goderich, May 10th 1849. 190•018
CAIfTION.-I hereby five sense. fiat
my Wife, ANN BIC.. has left my bad
and board, on 27th Jene, 1849, and without,
any jest canoe. 1 therefore caution all per-
sons from trusting or Rising her .sytbuag
oe my account, as 1 will not he reopesseiblm
for the same. WILLIHM BIC1, Boer.,
McGillivray, 10163.1., 1849. $T-SB4'-L
- •
4IITiON.-A11 persons are eseMee*
against purchasing or heel'( a.ythisr
to do with a ROTE OP HAND/reseed am
me by Per. Wm. Matbleme. DiettlM, mit
payaN• on the first day of 3.0..17 IM•'-+
The amount et the Not. M Tbree Pesede
Pin Shillings, earreeey. ler wbs*h 1 have
received an ,aloe. ye`HARD N
Gode tch, 2nd Augset, t11M $t-.99-11