HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1849-07-26, Page 2Mumma eye Crewe. [Hill. beet.) Seed 'trash wish ricee teens et ability, J we alleged tear Marty M et bees. tat of ill stew damns atomise M leave �eM C�� Ceg.ds. brace M be bees tiom>.ca may say duo •, t sheet he ►r dews Ass •s°- f�n,ed the plains that be was a peep, fit to he n4r00red will great pear ant w extreme "gnat respooabtfity. (H.ar. 114141.1 The right Aon. goatlees" Wile fere tiMat /tis P10 - ,I000 of Canada is Dot repregsted bT[f{e votes r. (fiedsta Its I/riirlaltrg 1411 1044 it." The right hos. g tivomian argued 4o1rso� time i at were petite.* sod ad+ O mens their is fact, there visa a very e arwig g pal on the other aide, sad that that hl bo the pre•ailing opinion an Canada Maar, hear.) It has occurred to me to argue 111 this house, when parties have eked fur a dtssolutt0n of Par limorut arried repeal of the beets** a, that this house, chosen by the corn lawntent ,to paw*{e of this country, wastompe perform any act o1 legislating, and a tot look bad no right to call upon the an those k for say reposes whom the law pasted out aa such. [seen.` hem.] Bull, it. was within the pew the Gamow General of Canada, if be bad thought that the Assembly did not tepee - sent the people of Ca.eda,--that opinion sou the other wey, that this Rebellion Loses Bill had excited to moth indigna- taes and disgust that a different Assembly would bo chosen,—it was perfectly in but power to refuse his confidence to his pre- sent attuisters, to change his alnisteir, are to dissolve the Assembly. 1,Vhy+ what reason had h° to do .01 In the ease Id which 1 have just alluded we had unmis- takeable symptoms with regard to many m00*51° of this house, them attheir checonstitu- ents did not agree with they took of the measure then under con .rderatiof. ,the with regard to Canada, 1 have esarstned--1 ball asked, whether any member for. UpperCaflds' has been called upon by his con.tituent't., resign—whether his conduct has been disapproved by large numbers of them, and he ha* been told that he has misrepresented them on account of he vote upon this question, and 1 find noth- ing of the kind. [Hear, hear.] At least, single instance, ce have been some a ha g if 'hors may I find, with regard to the great body who have voted for this bill, that they seem to be es fully in possession of the confidence of their constituents a at any previous time. [Heir, hear.] The opinion of Lord Elgin is, that if be were to dissolve the Assembly he should bave another returned with the majority, and representing the rime sentiments; but he would not be in the same position. (clear, hear.] if Lord Elgin were to make the mistake, and change h1. Ministry, and then to find that the As- sembly adhered to his present administra- tion, he would have caused vast ill -feeling and dissension. all the heat of a contested election, and, in the end, harp to take beck the Ministry he had rejected for the sake of this measure. (Hear, hear.) At all events, Lord Effie, 1 think, was a sufficient judge of these matters, and he has declarethat that is not bis intention, that he has made uo his mind not to dissolve the present Assembly (hear); but, at the eamo time, Lord Elgin is willing to encounter the dis- approbatton of Her Majesty if we should think fit to give advice to that effect, and to submit in that -case to the penalties which would follow such disapprobation. 1 have seen it written by a person indeed who ought to be some authority, that we might disallow this act, and vet rireages oats T"se- sneve, would consider such a course out of the question. (Hear.) Ile would say that t£ this act were disallowed he was unfit for his situation of Governor General ofCanads. (Elear, hear.) But I could not, as things at far as 1 am at resent in• prevent stand, so P formed, advise the Crows to progeed to the dieallowazco of this act. (Hear, hear.) i feels -I feel very deeply, the excitement which has been caused by it. i believe that the opposition to this bill founded their objections on feelings and arguments which no doubt appeared to them valid, but that they have carried their opposition to a point that has raised an excitement in Canada, which they themselves see with great re- gret. (Hear, hear.) I observe that all the best of them ,peek in terms of indigna- tion of the outrages committed, the insult nffered to the Governor General. (lieu, hear.) I trust, therefore, that however, much excitement may have been caused by this act, these gentlemen, whom 1 believe were men of loyal sentiments, some of whom 1 know were advisers of former Gov- ernors -General, and comported themsefve. RI men who had the interests of their coun- try at heart, will, when this present excite• ment shall be over, endeavour so to avert the evil conequenees that may (ow from it u to prevent any lasting apd permanent discord arising In Canada front this source, (Hear, hear.) The right hon. gentleman has adverted to the course he thieka it would be necessary to take it it were a question between contenting the colony and ncriflciog the•honor of the Crown. I am happy to think that in the present in- etance no such is required; I believe we shall consult at once the honor of the Crown and the interests of Canada by sup- porting Lord Elgin 'in the coulee he hese token. (Hear.) I trust that the different partici in Canada, whose dissensions are not of yesterday, who have carried ori• these bitter contests for many yeah, will feel that whatever imperial interest may be nvolred in this question, it is still more for the in- terest of Cased' thst .he should be allowed to pursue her course of destined pr*aperity, undisturbed by he effects upon commerce, npee agriculture, npnm iodine', of these violent agitation°- (Hear, bear•) Such was the lemma whish my lamented friend, Lord Syd sham, endeavoured to teach in all the peritonea of North America. Ile always Dud,—" Whatever your party dmf• gala sera *My b.y.tres are i ptivLugY\omi differences to a extreme risking the which Ines of that greet social prosperity, your lot if Toe can but carry on those dd. tot i1.0 s within the bounds 01 constitotinnal condiet and legal moderation." (Hear.) 1 believe now, if such is the course dof not e opposition party ie Cased% if they attempt to trendsr to this hones the dmf- f.rencea which have already ea piece in Canada, that Canada—this qn tion orat— e destined to see Ion minion tag gradially recovered, sad, *nee recovered, believe her .wgraested, (hear. bear •) ' Mastitis is ouch that tie inhabitants of Casale good sot easy sol other country any isetitwtione it may enjoy i believe, osier the British sceptre they may enjoy as mash freedom sod so mach happiness foesofof as was be the lot easy potpie on the theserth. (Hoar,)Vehappsty, the throws* of teem is ono mills Moment of thee* Me- . e.tront. 11 may he that hereafter a mom pooral federal *moa, such *e the right hot. gatlemen has •odal to, may be the meso by *emitting other parties, of d+f7us- tag over a greeter apace tbees diseeot10 1, aed newley weakening their forte. however that may be, i feel upon this occa- sion that, mama that this bill should uld bed earned out tothe one elspirit avowed o advisee% ess- P,1;1* sad by its be sIIowed t i„qs that Lord Might sets sg to h o hN l f w supe *seem/wry and adv* slaws of S. 1 *Canada. j shoos t Or 1Y of tb rtty --wee R the antborty of the country of --wears( Imperial Parliament over Canada and not but ing te hear of abs Crows assisting t I were by ray dim trust, by any direct mark of wags of cunfi- deoce, or, what were still worse—by half upraised suspicious (hear, brae) to whichde- prive Lord Elgin of that suppo think he is fairly emitted. (dear, hear. ). - 1 mut leave the right hon. gentleman to pursue the coma he thinks fit. 1 shoeld be sorry eased if he should dirk ri neces- sary by a more foamed Neon to think bee tt wltso those are to this boas is a este is tshleh i you bound by slewhide t be si- ble government, y Legislature to come act of the Canadian Leg into operatio0, and those who w ovld eby fetter and restrain the liberty of the pt disallowing ss act to t which, a a tthi k.madeal- though there *y upon tbere is oo vaild two it, 11011, hear.) Believing• and treound ust- ing that a strsghtforward and direct course ie mor ly to pacify then any tampering with tifficulty, I have declared at once the cane that the Gusernme0tgme0a to pursue. (Cheers.) Arrival of the Slea 'lm • Niagara h agara Naw't'oatt, July 13-9 o'clock, A.M. The Steamer Niagara arrived at Halifax yesterday. The Niagara brings 89 pas- 101450ra, and her freight hot is sot down at. 48,000. About midnight •of the] doon e 301 }tyre left Liverpool potato*, would have renamed say ►trestles! We now ere, however, Oat they (rave fail- ed, sod we also know the melartol to a 00- tequeoesa to the se bole Irish pso depopulation, and creasy other eo0eequeoees that tie deplorable to conte teat. These results are musty to h• atttirne d 1p' ► ds IISIIOe system of sgricelatre, sad posit spoil one crop a(htefly fol subsistence shows the necessity of co.ataat alien Se our agriculture, that It ha 1. a heel - I» elate, and that we should de sal in our power to cultivate our °eurce° of euppty lu the beet advantage.• --Ag. Jurrwal• Tess Tian you Cuing. Wakes. --A (*w years ago, lobo Hamas, Lao., • celebrated mad .cneslif c Yorkshire agriculturist. made a Dumber of experlmeats, with • view of sscertsining th beat period for haveatlog wt est, •add after urdslli wsighiog tite hft•sea► awn**, and amisperiols their pro- luet' le floor, brao, soot shale, the d1ibrenee in favour of sullies the stop aboot ten days before it might he e000ids:ad dead tips was equal to oemeistk the vele. of the whole - The net saving gained to this way was con- sidered sufficient to pay the entire expense of harvesting and threshing, besides which, the quality of the straw was vastly improv • red by early cutting. Is England It requires t muck longer period Inc grata crops to ma• tore than un Theo Continent, and therefore it would be quite safe to say that wheat and other grain trope would make as much orogrea° in ripening hero in four days as that country in tee. It Could be difficult to lay down any (eneral 1010 by which the reader could be correctly governed in de ternenog the most profitable time to cut the wheat crop, but we can scarcely be mi• uderatood in recommending that it should begin • few days earlier than it usually the practice. When the straw mostly becomes yellow, having only s few Mtroaks of green ate near the tips of the chaff; the heads q erect, and the berry large and just out of the milky state, we have found repeated ex- periments, that wheat cut in this state is d will niake a er gnnlitypof flour, thee nif harvested beforeor eat is after ebat berr y i s of `a hen tighthbr ghtcut ear - colour, the skin thin, and the flour finer and better in quality than if cut when fully ripe• 1f wheat has a very dark and luxuriant green colour a short time before it ripens, or when it is in a milky state, a d shows pretty clearly that tho crop is predisposed to rest, it would be well to begin cutting be d An education defile' six or elgbt days earlier than in ordinary cases it would thoroughly ripen. flag of what it should he, is, we gives 4 judiciously observing this advice, and put- ted than useful, as it gimes a man powerprj gthe7 rain in loud shocks, snugly aad pretension, without judgment or ling as fast a it is havested, a great of self-control. —.dg Jori relay be effected, Farmers do not know their own power, because they wean tie fount to act medi- ally together. There is nut • country un earth where their intsence might preponde- rate more fcompletely to aecore'n Collide, All them this intro- that i* neebd y once a a j.�rtoea education, that would du away with all prejudices, a°J enable then' to know themselves, and what to their in- terest and duty. This is a lesson that can- not be learned or understood without a hi. e wrapped up Snetous ourssleer. if owe may uusecthe term. *nil imagine that nothing can be for our mer- est, except what is Alai l lod ok with dir.Ctly envy with us, jealous upon all extended plass of gamut improvement, until education extends our news, and enables us to see the world as it is, and that the general prosperity ought to be the Beat object with every tree patriot, aid particularly with every former. If the "~�- — armies bot we have little hope of swag sad Davies abolished in our time. There may Coss a golden age whoa such expon sive atablIsbmeets will be dispensed with by the ssivettel consent of manki•d ; but we suspect It is far off, end that It must he sIgglegi by a vast moral reformation wbfeb tg'ae elegutn, philanthropist tea bud - t aptteip.te. We doth' whether the mere h?emality of a treaty will bind the spiry passion° of mankisk, Dot we would rejoice to see the esperimest tried, or et lent a calm discussion among the great Powers .edea Adcrrti- as to its lxuticsbdly—D ser. lively bpd fee eol� hit • as b r to spook out to i1l Ca1barioes Joernali. A letter has Deas reeitved by a gstlemao a partywho ba every insane in Galt from of 1 t Onres ' Gd a' e114/8011""n• tett to the 11t otiees04 Ga -_ ate! to inteWtee e/ his Exc y iMtssdTha y �,a_ pa a visa a Waters Casella. fired e- eek watt *teatime Dae Brockville to receive his Excellency. Lady Elgin, and suite. The Hamilton Spec Nates that it he Lnrd.Elgin'a Migration to reside solos days at the hoes* of Witham Norman. Esq.. ret Hondas. Nothing is mid of this in the letter to which «s allude but it is therein stated, that Lord i (gIn in- tends to net Galt, and noosed short 1*1 there ; then to proceed owe onward returningph, sed from that town to G , by way of London, Woodstock, and Brant ford. If such is the Intention of Lnrd Elgin, we have full confidence in the discretion and peaceable and Loyal dl.poaitioes of o*t pop- ulation, to rest aatiafied that h will he re- ceived, a. the Reesand that nQo,fael- with honor and eeriness, ng of estrangement or vindictiveness, ari- sing out of recent event', will notorious to prevent warm expreesion° of loyalty and nd affection to tha overs a ine her name, Queen Victoria to g And who is clothed with her aolbortty-- Ga1t Reporter. THE lain OF JULY IN IIANILTON• it is with no ordinary feelings of regret that we are called uposof annothe unce battle e fact, that the aunt 1' the Boyne was celebrated in Hoe City, tis Thursday, by a procession through the streets, of between 100 and 130 persona— many of whore were armed with muskets, pistuls and swords ! The sight was sick - an use no language too strong to express in the extreme. and we cour d rap- protel and detestation of proceedings which are disgraceful to • civilised country. The procession paced through some of the prin- cipal streets, between twelve and 9 o'clock, and although their appearance gave great offence to the Homan Catholic portion of the population, we are glad to lore that no colltaion took place. This eternity, noble how- ever, was prevented,aimp y y Hardware conduct of the Mears• Evans, Merchant P. Then gentlemen had on,bew, as usual, it front of their establishment, a large gnantity of pitchforks, scythes, Inc.; perhaps the most formidable weapons with which men, ting from ulee, could arm them etves•atJust u the procession turned the corner of John `Street, one or two men were sent over from a large party congre- gated on the street and sidewalk fee powder, which was refused. Scarcely a minute lead elae a rush over the pitchforks: but providentially, sed ere this party the own- ers the object, standing etweapons rweere suspect- ing inside ere the leaders had reached tho store. ch he wish dtte a either to borrn asked for ow orf buy, and being refused, an attempt was made to seize them, but the Messrs. Eran., grasping the covet- ed implements, kept their ;rft.rtated assail' ants at bay, until some friends came to their assistance ; when finding all .efforts avid threats to vain, the party retreated. tats providential circumstance, we 'sacral* the peace of the city. Had the pitchforks been obtained, an attack would unq• ably have been made on the procession,and two - when i is fully 'birds of the men in wit ns that clue ware well educated, their 0 hast( is a way that could not be mistaken, agricultural suer sad irduence would soon manlFe.t and we an fully persuaded that there to no clan that would exercise this influence more beneficially futIthe country. This is the teal Nate of the case—that education is power,but to gore reul power, the mince- . ion must re w•l. \ppeul, and,indeed, the se saving whteb Capt. exchanged signals with a large steamer, before the .taw has become thoroughly cut g Wheat to then Off Holyhead, opposed to he the Eu- WsMot.o.—New la the time to attend to rust very fregoently evaded. H the cul- low' or when the grain im ilea doughy lfor the rope that lett Baton on aha 90th• June 30. the weto gr w the cseed, ams geed• are at was not be quite 10 plump of a Lteaar0ot„ Ju lowed 10 grow, andrain will fbe o Ba►•paTurra—tVhtat, doss* and corn riveted plants, of whatever description, straw to aspen: but the R peculiarly 'ren: butt egrain and it will h been steady duringdullness a cannot be touch hope o profitable k rc Aust and 0f a be q u u though , lit k is wee hotter e • fxc .tt Y• tb f have make more there was some dullness tthoug the close. Crop Due attention to weeding 11 one of having less bran than if cut at the period Western flour brought ifs a tis fur w- rier inspected qualities, though semeiotics the beet proofs we inn hsv santdthhund ret ..oally practiced by our farmers.—Ressler iso is desirous of growing >; soil-HacAasi40 of irfe 25 were made d tis • 99s fid• Ohio 1 d not aff3cienaly •J5a a 93s ed. Philadelphia. iia a lds.— Baltimore 93s 6d • 25s. with- out •s useful plants, we m Pao change in Beef, demand limitclods, there a not mneh desire to vraeUee change y. value. Pork, demand for lowest quality, only Western has gore off perfect system of husbandry • To have at irregular prices. Bacot), armee large 4 what land wo plongh dry, and what crops and holding firm. llama scarce asd inqui• V we grow clean from weed*, are essentially ecessary to profitable farming, and whey! red for. Should. m, a fair demand at 15e aid 'then marten are neglected, it show' one ` 91°" P a ncultnre is net in a neglected, mate. It A'nES.-100 bbl•. New Yolk ors and i that draining. eSmR crops, When we ne an drained, and growing almost as may weeds Tea WBIAT Cane 10 Telt :COMA ST STIR/ si resonant) eon- or TNM Cvto' —The Intermit le red tpengh wally late and suffered t an T HURON SIG14AL. THIIwSDAY. JULY IL -THE TWELFTH OF JULY. is soother salaam will be faaad as article on flus Mi. tObtict (rem the Namiltoe Fjertator' common-sense article, wrutaa 4140 goedaputt aad is the more valuable at present, on accost of i+, gewgaw, is, we believe, author. The Editor of the 3 0u Irish iroteetant, an out -sod -eat Teri, sada* of the Hamilton detegaaeato the LeagaeCoeven- lu what re- freshing, it a re Y A ileo at Kingston yea:erday to are at least one Tory editor who bra atilt sufficient honor left to drew respect to the law of the lid; sad who is honest enough to warn his deluded countrymen of their error; and we are persuaded 'het if all aha editorial' the neatly through to these States, a t recollected that •t least name perry were to deal u manfully sodas faith - the crop was anus the ranks were fully with the subject, the ,0134141100 of Oran¢e- ism wooed the meek higher to pnblle..tuna- 11001,-what iron ria , d ver much from armed, the reader well agree wi beeaosr th rel frostit will exceed an average. 1bloodshed,d death must have en- I would hand ac the wont n pub! i' Th for seeuttog proceeded to its destination f the onegemen who is absurd to ray r, and we will not pay the farmer. The farmer, in many instance►, may not have the money to expend upon W. work, but this is the only. justification. If crops will not pay for draining and weeding, they had better not be cultivated. Good farm'ng, if there 'is means to it ont, will be every way preferable to slovenly farming, and will pay This fact has been clearly estab- pearls, sold at (6s a 26a 6d. The cities of Liverpool and Havre are to blass steam. era,uoderlthe direction of Mr. by a line of first cMclver, the agent of the Cunard steamers. FRANCE.—The remarks of Geo[ Ca. tweeze,oguimgwho advertedd in 1110 rat repoto rt, length to an alleged monarchical - •rstuttln.— Franco was to be the vtcum• i better. showed its sense of his opinions and of Gen `limbed in the British 'teles, and may also be Cho views by votiC the simple) order of the proved to Canada. -4g.. Journal. uetlg e day—the majority On the next day the Assembly discussed the late pt at insurrection, or trebten• have been told that in many places etas tiol'Leen sown, in cons�gnepce unfavorable weather we had in Apr 1 e P strife, an e season has been dry, and favourable snail to a certainty. The procession, how- I we conscientiously believe that the great msjrrt- it.tination nnmolest� walked it processionaiwi- ever, A Prortast SMRRP.—SeYmonr Ald- ad ;and we learn that a loge number dined ty ° nn a few indlvidtrals were were violausg the law of the land ; they are not rich, a farmer of the town of Hopewell, in , together subsequently without molestation• on the twelfth moat., are net aware that they sheared 191br. I Duringthe eve g fish+el this country, or the from tilt„ aware that there is a statute which em➢ y • of clean fife wool, From • Pwir• M ueno I severely beaten by others on the {ark-oit- at prohibits all such parr proeessie°s, whether of 1 had a RrOmvta of 'ems than For them, and we Rfell Iy noteabe r htllayedat the bfor mermen or ribbonuwe. We may feel dim- pleased or angry with a man who wilfully and k0owiegly see the laws of his cameo -et de- fiance, but we must sympathise with, *ed feel sorry for him who ern through ignorance: and that this le the ease with the majority N the ereneemen who " walked" oo the twelfth, we have no doubt whatever. We happened to be mating some remarks lately oo the illegality of thew, processions, and the probability of the Government taking cognisance of the lenders, when an ornngeman who suss prevnt at 1' e time very cavalierly as;d—' •In troth Ili, (lc,- ernment dar'nt touch them, for dee 011.1..,::r.t had the Queen's broad Dab (or, their warrant "' Now, this is truly lamentable in ibis age, rad io a country making 1001. pretessems to civilize tion rad intelligence t The masters sed lec)ers ' and they oft he Lodge e know better than i he oT tie certainly void of all honest principle when they Buck. me woo ono year, the sheep baying been sheared the 26i11 day of June last.—Pittsburgh Post. HARVESTING 110 Trex WHEATGtROI'S. Wnx•T HATvssr 10 St. Jostler Comm.. -- Many of our Farmers commenced their Monday feet The seep, otigh suss ea sur ° oi- - he rust for the Iasi ten dare hes harvest on sail ie the l�pbino y4t 1401 u .rod �t . our w,u t ahem beer well. T flared annulled• Thi° was also rite ] t been injuring the late *owed when to a consorter- s. le to proceed to the order of the day.he been earen.ely warm sod thele rngagrd » been the curse Mout native land, to e vote P tion r forces ° May, for lands not well drained. We able 1:00°x .The weather for the last few days GERM ANY: The insurroc ; 7 I believe that the fall ploughing was far from the harvest field must ,0m r intense.y 1uh haat ported into this Province, where no 1x00°0 of Badeb have been routed. It is said the being finished last year, the treason being —a rnfrrria Adrr.t rr, 1a.5. I wl;atev F, can 1Fenofferedlace iii himan in Ha n P iota of tt' sever thea happen+ to he 'Yui .r CR.,/ res K41.,v ir,, t'.., .Tr.—The' t theprocession of of the ter feeling aroused wi months. Independent of the law, which style tly,tor• bids party proceast0n0. bearing emblems or wearingrihbands. we look upon the procee- dings of Thursday as most deplorable, and totally inexcusable. This is the first Or- ange protection which has taken pmoullace r1ein p.....n w.. , »fie. .,....:.1 .. induced it? Are Irishmen to be kepfor- ever estranged by a few reckless men ! Are the bitter feelings and prejudices which have army under the ommand of the r an very wet. e . T: ikon felt ashamed ot. Prusau. Manhim and Piedenburgli were ret n uw case, there sere be eery tittle hope that Whn►Mnea it now commenced i14 mit county; mid proper -repot to barn that the when crop a es- ('rhnreday, and it is with ieelifgs of deep Mortification that we record the fact. There of was a time when Orangemen b0asted their intelligence, and respect for the law, ret to be informed that they ken. The insurgents were du P° rapid retreat. A revolt had broken out at Wortemberg, joined by many soldiers• AUSTRIA.—The battles between the Hungarians and Austrians, reported to have wFPear itaued unfavorably to the turner, pease of et . not to have been engaged between the two armies, but partial affairs only, in which it net be much, end we have no doubt, if ploughed in at the proper time, and covered few battalions were engaged- rove the ROME.—afost of the Journals concur tniefyectual:y, it would kreatlp Imp aad a° Vim- • a ext Tear's crop, The land w III be exec a west sowing wed nso nto e e e 1a th ➢ RDee lands that mit,'in aewuafly light. Th l ey and in due time. For thole t toe ie this locality wee remain unsown, it world be well to Sommer' lewd a eery large prop•rt below fallow them, a to tow them witbuck- { yield. late.) combated effects is invariably r of the insect. ,les wheat, a rapeseed that a might . ploughedh es 1 drought and the rust, have cosinb°ted mneh te in at manure fora future crop. T this result, so that. ere fear that Kalamsxno, use. • rhes of there seeds would Ally so ■bondant in her harvests, w tt 1111.160101 have to offer as apology, for the curtailed propor- t;on which she contributes to the greet grs1ary of the world.—Gonttte- Tse Waa•T 10 ]•rams Co.—Oar farmers have commenced active labor in the tissues afield. bdl;eved the regarding the progress already m ° soil or t e n portaut, but anticipate a farther and obeti-1 bould, of course, be well drained in the fall, nate reai.tanee, as the nerve of the failure so that the good of the Breen mature should i Though there a some mat, yet 11 te of the Red Republican movement in Poria, not be washed away out foo of the n There tsar` ll be Patrwtger better than for Khttal instead of inducing the Triumvirs, to cairn- can be no better proof R to have had the effect of ed. I ty of draining than we have this year, from late appears the backward spring. P t andP ding to their enumeration again• a cold, wet, a in French 'movement from Toulon. to the such a season the good effects- of sufficient Letters give accounts from Itoms draining would be manifest to all farmers. 19th of June from which it appears that the _.,ig• Journal, loss sustained In their different sortie'. `. BR•rti TITh nr SALT Al MANURR —We been terrible—amounting, it herald, to 1000', killed, wounded, and takenrisoners. have recently been perusing several Eoro- *1*0p The Pope remitted the sum of 90,000f. peso articles, detailing ezpenmenu made for the relief of the distressed in Ireland• with salt as made with salt se manure, and It ie °a°1 that the English Government , from them we have made the following had presented a friendly remonstrance a- Ihoer synopsis of its utility s— talest the bombardment of Rome, and has it attracts the humid vapors and repeals urged on the French Government the no- frost, and thus eosins in keeping the land cessity of coming to an accommodation with I moist in .dry weather, and warm in cold. H the Romans. ' keeps everything in the soil in a soft and — -- soluble state, and meets to digest and ree- dit/12 re- ditp 2 k 0 IP y V Aye pare the food for vegetable nutrition". It de- _ ..----------------r---- ' seas many kinds of vermin and weed,, and Anateet.Yaeat. Fxr'sar1111.1 ._ We ob- i usually increases the amount of the crop one serve in rations " reports " of tbirs expo ri- fourth to one of every thing which tth ens the app growth applied, and mats, published in the o'rrasasetion. of , brings all in ps whic to the a plied, It the great Agricultural Societies of the Bri- i rings a adds '(earn toe ham .1t ti.h Iola, that, in almost all cases, the sec- generally acre to the froytefive wheat used bushels the egos oa the it r6 ant depended apes t se,ib- j most moderate quantity, and in all kinds of seal n the produce a the wrens we mean. when the produce Midfor 1 he expenditure 1 grain makes more ear and A■rimaw. Mr. e orefit There Gee ge Sinclair obtained fats Wioburn, on plots of thirty-six equate feet, at the rate surety •,. .•a •• aro now aetnated by different feelings,— Tbere are different modes of celebrating the j either impess such errors or allow the d without resorting to armed street par - festered in the minds of that large portion of ' ay, thea ; and no long as they do not render their brethren, who have no proper opport°n;ues their proceedings right tato lesthet ane So. City, no man hese a rs but •rn procession got roc st0 • d emaciation f u honoraldeir rsod impoy. l. op purposely or its members ; P y tart j insult counts sat in proportion to the amount of nal to- me* professing a different Religious faith,-telhgedce which it embodies. A virtual man Is not only 111 -advised, but intolerable,— would 11115 het more honest pride is presiding over The Wheat Harvest is proceeding in Most sincerely do we trust that we shall ice intelligent men than he would do ;n lording this Township, and in Waterloo, with alae• I never again have occasion to complain of it over ten thousand of the vicious and illiterate• city, but will not be general till the begin- the conduct of the Orangeasen of mplain0°. 1 And the man most certainly be fond of authority, ring of nett week. The crops are very --Hamilton Spectator. who can suppose that there is either power or abundant. ---- y, tory acquired by presiding over • tompsny of An intelligent friend, techimself a farmer From every part of the colon accounts and miller, has traversed the country from have reached us, stating, that in ever piece men was we that •a present • party pie - where the Orangemen could, with Impurity cession is sanctioned by a0 Queen's "Broad l t {acs, 1 0( Gorier -.h to halt, and gives us his opinion rocealons i ss follow@ :—The Fall Wheat is an aver- I they have had p n roan? p(vete cowrie We 'do not envy hu tunes. oV age crop generally, and there is three or I rows and fights, and in every D lice the the re-, ety. Ile i. to .11 ;sleets and pvrprises an tour times more sown this year, then was worst passible feelings, have been evei before put in the ground, in ibe Huron salt• it n reported, that at St. John, New i object of pity : bat he is also as object of 000- Dietrict, The Spring crops are light but Brunswick, twelve men have lost their , demnat,o. ; the guilt of violating the law, sol healthy, Rust hese appeared in very man? tires, aad lepra( wooded. `the eoetegoencea of that Yiotati,n are chartable plates, but earns chiedy confined to the I Th. Coroner's inquest o1 the bodies I os him. We bays a tar hatter opt°ton of lbs found shot at Centrenlie near St- Caths- 1 to lei and a bays o of obettetnen io gesso!. straw. The Potatoes crop appears healthy, would wifliagly unite and as yet, flee from any apt/Mena of i shoes, had to remora its .icings from that thee to believe that they d We 1 elastic and peaceable neighborhood to our procession, if they were fully coo - We are informed that considerable gnan- town, as the Jury found it impossible to is a street titles of rust are now discernible among the ed with their investigation in that viscid that all such processions are, fm ears Put strictly by strong rank Wheat crop* of Dumfries ; and f3e•sw s the heavy rain of this morning is likely to The req t the Jury lad d les extend and aggravate the disease, accogtpa- pled as it is with a sultry and misty atmoa- phere.—Galt Reporter. and gave besides • ..-..-- experiments to is a seceesity• in• making experimea should be tone. leave nothing undone, to enable us to come to a correct coedit - sloe on the value of the experiment. The Name of many experiments t, solely to be tt buted to the imperfect execution or the or unsuitableness of seventy to ninety-five leu. per tcre,•by the use of salt muted with oth- er manures. It ie found eqnally beneficial to pasture as well a root crops, .wester- ing all vegetation. and making it mon holesome for both man and bean. 1t is f wheat a ri o, t 1 w (ficieney, _ t safeguard agsin.t blast n+a t, ma- r/011,101U or some other mismanagement.— dew, and indeed against all the diseases of Whom ►ll to•griaeetly done, s ally results. Farmers often nobs a*pan-t menta and fail, hematite. all is not dor',, sod then they condemn the whole sffate se a "theory,' recommended to their adoption by;sorne book or: journal. Any fernier, efx his system ever so perfect, who amine these " reports. would find abo.d- ant eec0uriiement to adopt further im- provements, i( he p0eeeseee the means of doing so. We may not consider the mat- ter with the Wootton it d.sorose, but then cannot exist a doubt that all the inhabitants 01 ear earth depend for their very nsbtit ett neer agricnitere, and upon that alone.— Why eboeld it sot thee be tete first object of foltetted° with all governments and pee- yle f Simply because we find a supply of fr- ood and • too incisors where d hereit cares frosoand do not troulsie �or whetter the source of supply .right fail is wbele or is part. Thos state et Ireland ✓