HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1849-07-26, Page 1Meara
at •
tar a.TAPCS.
al* TEM at•. Oe Tet TSAR.
CAN be consulted at all hour., at the
British Hold, (LA1cAITsa'a•)
Oodericb, Sept. 16th, 1846. 33-
Provincial Land Surveyor,
Nov. 24. 9. 43
'LL attend SALES in any part of the
District, on reuooable Terms. Ap-
ply a .abs Britiai Hotel.
God.ricb, March 9th 1849. 41-•60
T0 BE BOLD by private bargain, Lot No.
23. on the Sth Coece«ion of Goderich.
containing 80 acres, 90 of which is cleared and
under enhivation; iso acres are newly under -
brushed sod ready for chopping. The land is of
excellent quality •nal well watered. There iso
good substantial log Dwelling Ileum on it, and
one acre of /operior frau trees in hearing emelt-
'ion. And as the proprietor is desirous of titter-
ing into ether business. be will dispose of it ea
moderate term.. One-half of the price will be
REQUIRED DOWN, .44 the other half sa
three equal annual instalments.
I .T For ffther particulars, apply at this Office.
Or to the Proprietor on the premises.
Goderich. 13th Oct., 1848. 37tf
28th February, 1849. S
THE Subscriber hereby intimates to hie Since then the takes have been numerous
A friends and the Travelling Public gene -
and heav Upon the whole, this has been
rally, that he has removed from New Aber -
the beat y. ['p° there fur many yeare en
deen to the Village ot Srraeburgh, and will Ilse o' Crnrrt niher
BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, kV-, now be found in that well-known house for-J.I. ( E Juvenal. nav
(European News.
The beautiful estate of Glenormiston, In
Peeble.•hirc, has been pnrchased by Wil-
liam Chambers, Esq., of this city, at a
shade above twenty fivo thau.and pounds.
Elinberick Adeertuer,
The majority of thq Earl of Kintore was
celebrated with great magnificence in vari-
ous places of Aherdeenshue and Kincardine-
shire on Thursday last, being the twenty-
first anni y of the birth of the repre-
.nt•Iive of the noble House of Kintore. -
Dundee Adrertiaer.
salmon ff.hing* have been exceedingly pro-
ductive this year in the River of Thurso. -
Some time ago upwards of 250 fiah were
caught at one haul, and 4:00 at another. -
Jess. i848. OODERICH. • merly occupied by Mr. Jones, -where he
another. -
Two 'ATTL oar EATtvu PAINT.
_ will be ready and able to conduce to the One da3 tut week, Mr. Pirie, Woodside,
• h parish of Grange, Aberdeenshire, lust two
P O T A a T P O S a t C,
cibmini siorier Queen's Bench,
AND CONVEYANCER, customers, still to merit a continuance of
STRATFORD. their patronage.
comfort of those who may honor him wit of his cattle in cn0+e nines of their burin
their patronage. And while be returns eaten • nentit of paint which bad unfn�
thanks for past favors, be hopes, by strict quantity
attention to the wants and wishes of hit Innately been left within their reach,
through ignorance perhapo of its dangerous
qualities. It may be well to apprise those
ignorant of the fact, that several of the co -
Inure used In the preparation of various
kinds of paint are highly poiannou•, a
Stokes, N. B. -Good STABLES and attentive
Marche, MIL
Mara* >M, 1649. t2-011
Grooms. v2-n4tf
FOR School Section No. 3 Tuckersmith' t f their dangerous properties
. -
means as also school is in a populous lex- h h b Pod deft to Bermuda. All these teats are cleat
Dundee Advertiser.and definite, and the Ministry in Canada had no
caltty and well attended, the Teacher may SCOT -r- H ANTI -STATE CNLnCH A,teocu- tight hon. gebtlemao requires be their lone- beutstian in adopting them •With ssapect to
calculate on a fair remuneration. None Cesce. (hear.] So touch, then, with rat- other tests, it made equally clear and definite,
TION. -The usual monthly meeting of the
but such as are duly qualified, and possess -
Directors of thio Association was held on
epect to the correspondence which had thereis oo proof before the house that they would
ed of a- good moral character, and sober wken place in if4S. After that time there tint slw have adopted them. They always de -
Seedy habits need apply. .
By order of the Truateee.
ROBERT BELL, Chairman.
Goderieb, April 19, 1849. v2 -n11
perhaps, that they got out of the way at
the time of the rebellion, from Au that the
rebel' would destroy their property, nr that
from intimidation they did not appear to
Oki the King's forces, are to be obliged
ober, in 1849, to go Into a reeular pronf that
they were loyal men in 1837, and that no
act of theirs can be construed tole an act of
rebellion 1 [Hear. j Because that is what
the right hon. gentleman wake. He does
not even give to these parties the chance
which a person accused of high treseon be-
fore a court of law has; for such a person
on being placed at the bar Sava he is not
'amity, and to nut bound to say a wand more.
(Hear, hear.[ Take the case of any one
brought to trial for rebellion in Ireland last
yogi; if the judge had said to ham, " You
must brin,• forward prima facie proof that
words, be itll�seu het that only showed that
the tntae, with respect to ,he eernpsaatie.,
were more restricted and contuse M their limits,
sod might exclude, se I admit Gibe right hon.
tentk an, some claims which would perfeeily
justify compensation. With respect so the se -
coed pert of the preamble, it a evident, from the
words, that the allegation that penman scut 10
Bermuda could claim indemnity w the ground of
paving been taken away fmm their (an.. sun
suffered loss thereby, could ..$4e supported, and
that any such claim must be refused under the
act. The act goes on to toy that certain com-
missioners should have £100,000, io debentures,
for the purpose el ntisfytag those 01.101..
but they ars to be bound by the p of the
act. [Heat, bear.] Now, the M arises
whether that preamble, or whether the clatters of
the bill, should hare gone still further to limita-
tion or description; and whether sny of the
ame.dnteots proposed in the committee of the
yew were not i• that insurrection," the ac- whole house or afterwards during the emus of the
cased would have replied with indignation, bill. should have been adopted by the Legislature
aid the whole audience would have echoed of Ca,sda. With respect to that question, 1
hie indignant expressions, "1 am not bound
might ay, that hoverer it might be a goewoo
r. t8e Canodtas Assembly, 1 do not, at lea.' fur
lav prove that I am not guilty • it is for the my.el(, feel bound to ay whether every nae of
prosecuuwn to bring forward their witnesses tho.e s.wedmeats ought to have bee. rejected
and prow(, and °Mil proof is given against by the Canadian Assembly or not. It is oat part
me i sen an insoeent man." [Hear. hear.! , of my duty to say. d,at the ma nrity were per -
Such wit„I l be the right of a man, as I be- • firmly right in every instance. What I have to
fogs observed, who, in 1941 or 1940 it was look at is whether the act when passed iefringes
4aropoeed should receive compensation for ; ea the bosout of the Crown. it does that which
rebellion losses in 1937 and 1838; but ooly ; 10 u5j0s1 to the empire, or to the .loyal men of
imagine all the present claimaota for rebel• that pounce. NS huller Mr. Wl.en's amend-
] meat should have been adopted or not, is not the
g g question 1 am disposed to argue goy lurthrr than
adverted to 11 or 12 yearn af:er the occur- t• say win.,
the esus was place) 00011 those whe
rence had taken place, when it might Re ' propord ameedme.ts, to .bow that there could
very possible that nearest relation', that all' be Soy test by which Wells, or persons aiding
those with whom they consorted, and who rebels, could be disqualified from compensation,
unless it was some definite formal proceeding,
such as the sentence of a court of law, or the
sentence of • court-martial, or the fact of trans -
caro should be taken never to allow them I could have proved that they were not rebels,
to remain in expotod aituations, within the were diad and gone, or removed to some
reach of children, or sten other parties ig- other country, so that they were deprived of
noun n e r means of giving that evidence which the
Gaiileriek, April IS, 1849. lv-s tett
S U IRlklf Z O N 9
Apra 13, (341, vx-vte
1,500,000 ACRES OF „LAND
disposal, shoot 1,500,000 ACRES OF
LAND disported throughout most of the
Towsships in Upper Canada -nearly 600, -
Ole Arced aro situated in the Huron Tract, the road ride leading to Mr. McDonald*
well knows u ono of the moot fertile para (Grist Mill, sear Goderich. Upon which
.(the Province -it yearstt has trebled its papula- I there i* a BREWERY with excellent cel -
s five yeah, and now contains up !!crags, a -Malt house and Malt Kiln, all
aardsef 90. inareitofTe. ilii of complete. There ie also an excellent site
The LANDS are offered by orwaor for a Distillery op the lot, and the owner
H,Le A 8 E , for Tea Years, pr t el has a right to the water on the bank nn the
Rafe, e d 8 N DOR' l.e-tAL plea n! o mite aide of the road which is sufficient
*set/ tie Gawk. aid tit ath. e. fe Jes.te) at illh
terata icing favi sans, asitk. w
The Rents payable 1st February each
year, are about the Interest at Six Per
Cent.npos the pries of the Land. Upon moat
of the Lots, w,bea LEiISED,NOMONEY
I8 REQUIRED DOWN -whilst upon the
utters, aceordieg to locality, one, two, or
three years Rest, meet be paid in advance,
-bet these payments will free the Settler
from further calls until 2nd, 3rd or 4th yea
of kis lore of Iwa...
The right to PURCHASE the FREE-
HOLD during the term, is secured to the
Lessee ata fixed sum named in heave, and
an allowance is made according to antici-
pabd payment.
Lots of Lands, and any (erbee to if s-
ties can be obtained, (by application,
Later post -pad) at the CoerLnT'e Ornate,
Terata and Coderick ; of R. BtaO'A Lt.,
Eg., Aspkodel, Colborne District ; Dr.
Await, Guelph, or J. C. W. DALT, Esq.,
Stratford, Huron District. '7
G k. Marek 17,1645.
hhher. u Dower Canada. in 1845, wisest'. free
reads who bad pre•too belonged te the pre -
uncial f sad yet 11 was sogg.sMe that
tate vein of the Bevereige iboold be pot as that
bill. tibiae it therefore I. betauseasoth-
sr administration had bill for the very
same purpose es the one paved Gr Upper Cane-
d., and which not been opposed, for hon.
gentlemee to coma ward and calls' • bill of in
extraordinary charmer, and that it ought lohave
been reser•ed for the pleasure of Her Majesty '•
11 was unfair In tweeted with such an opptpaatml;
and be was timid. ie spite of all hot hes. gen-
tlemen night any, that the eppositi.e to the
measure arose Ifom the fact, not that they were
going to pay rebels, but beci,m those who were
lope paid were French Caoar:ians. (•No, .0.'1
He maintained that the bill was ouly to pay the
just losses. and it was based precisely on the
same priaripte as the bills which had reseed the
Parliament for the payment of the just losses sue -
tattled by perms i. Upper, Canada. The prin-
ciple and the commentated.. of the tern measure;
were exactly the sauna ,ad the Ministry bad
passed their word of heaK.tka as rebel, would
be paid, and had e'en emeemosof to men*.ltera-
tion in the bit! for the purpose of doing away
with the belief ant rebels were to he paid la
spite of all this, hen gentlemen - still maintained
that it was their intention to pay rebels: bet h*
would again assure them, on his owe respasi•
Sillily u a member of the Administration, that
rebels were not to be paid." .
Such ants the *spleen deelerstion of one whom
I beiievs to he • gentlerna of honor and charac-
ter, and who belongs to the Ministry in Canada.
end who uttered •sentimenrto which he pledged
the Ministry as well es his °era honor. (Hear,
hear.) This be it deserved ems het the bill
pureed, and dyer all those amendments to which
the right bo.. gentleman had referred had been
rejected. Again, Lord Elgin, being informed
that some bills required the •.sent of the Gov-
ernment, proceeded to the Hoeft of Assembly.
and then gave hi• assent. as Governor General.
to this bill ; and. in answer Loan address after=
wards, Lord Elgin stated his views is the follow-
ing terms : -
, E•en if the measure of indemnity,to which
you refer had been more objectionabe than it is,
it would still have been the duty and interest of
all lovers of true freedom end of order, which is
amongst its most valuable fruits, to protest
against the outrageous wsolts on the fundamen-
tal principles of cou.titational government for
which it hu been made the pretext. Bit 1 airs
bound to uy, 10 jus,ice. to the large majority of
your representatives by whom this hill was sane-
tioned, and it is my 6rm belief [and the noble
Lord here desired it to be observed that Lord
Elgin was at rhe time in daily communication
with the advisers, promoters. and authors of this
measure] that they dial not intend in passing it
reject Inc In empty Bill altogether thole attempt to countenance rebellions, or to compensate the •
such an investigation se this: for what can it do 1 losses .1 persons guilty of the heinous crime of •
tit establish in Canada what has been propesly treason: but that their porpoise was to make pro -
called • Star Chamber ingniry• end divide vision for the payment of claims arising from the
els ci. tiiiage-m•ond_families. and mark put ,and .wa5lnn and nnnereaa.r• ,ieatrnrriga of nrenerty.
rebels. distinguishing certain others ss having ble accompaniment of civil warfare, -claims
obnoxious art. alluded to reit to bill (or� she sole quality of loyalty?. [Hear, hear.] If which had already been recognised by the de -
intestine for blame**, and wall be sold oa 1 p ened, and made an attempt to Gum an ase°- we were to attempt, some bundreds of teals for Libor -lite acts of preceding Parli.ments and goy -
very reasonable terms. For particulars confe r.ng a constitution on the Australian cuuon or coalition with the headm of the 'high treason, and were in this way to investigate iremeOts. Under this conviction .1 assented to
apply to Thoma. Dark, Tavern -keeper; Colonies : to hold conerpnndence nn the French •Canadians. The negotiation to each man's miscnndoct, the peace of the Province the bill, and in this spirit only cnoid I over coa-
Godeneh, oe to the pt opeuetor .object with several members of Parliament; that end did not result' in any coalition of ( would be utterly destroyed, and all chance of prates the head of the Execetive Government,
JONAS C(►P.P. asd to tali upon Dietenters generally to the kind, aid ultitttatidy Loud Elgin' comsat. these eineses living together in harmony -all to gin effect to it." Thi• is the p.bifa declare-
V;Ilage of Ha4puibey. roteet,. b titins or otherwise, .ayiinet ! ' ebau ce of their being cone; .cred, as I have no tion of Lord Elgio. [Hear, hos.] The right
p y pe a duolutton with a stew to strengthen , d bt t' cy err loyal sex' ec s • i her 11 testy, hon. gentleman has pronounced n just panegyric
v' I thin rev in ,.herr m o . n tete!' was not
Juno 15. 1649. W be Pre tuueu by such en v (Hear, on
FOR SALE, that. tract should he prepared by to also Assembly were hostile to the the. ['eve u. and afar u the evidence of the time t Pe j
THE MAITLAND BREWERY rectors, mf0ta • firing: and 1 will ay that, when Lord Elgin
h t f rtted pronounces those sentiments, he dots not mean
PROPERTY. of property Delong,ng to tt n maturity sere against the Ddmmury, tate tat wme vep to leave. himself an opening for evssion-bo
THIS property consists of three acres on
means to act to the spm! of ars that. effecont
11 the bank of the river Maitland, and on ( nen of Ihie property t0 g G g h tit • P°Pulalin0 were averse to that tosurreuinn to do all in his power In carry fain t•ffect tin
d Advertiser. The gree views he expressed, that it was not intended to
compensate the losess of persons guilty of the
henious crime of rebellion. [Her, hear.] For
my part, speaking in the name cf the Govern-
ment. I have perfect confidence in the integrity
and justice of Lord Elgin: and I believe that the
words be has pronounced het will carry into effect
by the acts he win *suction. [Hear, hear.] Of
course, with respect to the mode of esrryisg del
this act, which will depend upon the instructions
to be given, and upoo,the commissioners to be
named. It is 1.ord Elgin's own wi.h. 1 believe,
that before any formal act is done here. the ia-
struettons which he proposes to give to the com-
missioners should reach this couutry. We have
not yet received the .et in eueh shape that the
queen 10 Council eould be advised to give any
decuiun upon it. either to carry it into operation
or otherwise: but 1 will 'ell the right hon. sta-
tioners that it is our belief -and thai belief we
mean inimediatelyto communicate to i.erd
Elgin -that itwill be our daty-to leave this set
Monday,. --the Reverend Dr. Ritchie Pit the a areal to have the commissioners stated clued that it was their wish not to compensate
chair. Among other matters the attention
oumerou+ claims with respect 'to this sub- 1 rebels ler loess" in consequence of the rebellion:
of the Directors was caked to the bill now Jtet, but observed that those claims might . but the house must see, as regards the right
before Parliament, provtd-ng for the better b. reduced, and that they thought the sum ' hon. Qeatleman't proposal, that when you come
government of the Australian colonies, in 01 £100,000 would compensate all the real ; to apyly some one test. you are obliged to say,
which it is proposed to enact • that the thee, that you will anti im 1849, investigate the
losses which had taken place. It appears I conduct of any man twelve year. ago, -or bring
' • amnt tum alter such lapse of time, perhaps
grants now'made to the Wealeyani, and. .fives been so far as we can tell the in-
tenl:o° ot the Governmcot of that day to
I some wet done in the midst of terror and alarm.
proceed upon those statements, and it does' for the purpose of making him out as not a loyal
not appear that anything else was to have' man in 1847, although for the last ten years his
been the test with reapect to loyalty than conduct may have been perfectly loyal and
that which was suggested in the statement peaceable.( Hear, hear.] I ssy yoi had better
of Mr Daly, the Secretary of the Council
-namely, that those were to be considered
rebels, or as beeping aided and abetted in
rebellion, who bad been so found guilty by
1l'inistry who had then the general gov-
ernment of affairs in Canada became weak -
A N excellent Farm, being Lot No.. 12. the Churchea of England, Scotland. and
`i Maitland Concessions Township of Rome, shall be rendered perpetual, and that
Goderich, containing 1.00 acres• -30 of whieb it. shall not be in the power of the local
is cleared. The land is of a superior quail- legislatures to make any alteration in its
tv, and well watered. it is situated exact- ,atnonnt, except with a view to its increase,
1Y nine miles from the town of Gode/ich o0 or the endowment of other bodies. The
the alums Road, and at the junction of six Directors resolved to express their eondem-
different roads; and as it is in the center of I nation of the arbitraty and mischievous at-
a populous and prosperous locality, 11 is ex- , tempts which are constantly made by the
collect!), adapted for a Tavern sued or a present Government to thrust religucus en -
more. Ti.hf.... i -eat o.at.ta ... a owment. uprut £u .rate, 0010 at u..re.aq
atteeuon of raves desire's' of an eligible,: auOad ; to petition Parliament. against the
llti 9tf e h interference. of Give rdut. wit)
, f- t T l t and , wou , • •' Lord Meicalfe. . Let us do all honor to_ the
matters of religion. it wase so agreed t esefut, for the ;treat majority of those sent brat ] What is the general fact. as tar as Ube- deed. The memory of Lord Metcalfe deserves
the Dr-' o be respected: bet let 0s not be unjust in the
showing the annual expense of the
Established Church ofScotland,t e amoun
Ad tratt1O• On the meeting of the established it with regard to the rebellion in
Aseefnbly, when it was found that the great Canada? It was ■o insurrection otrie by
and the bene- artful men amongsome very ignorant
lib whish the community would derive • ter res• igned, and. accordin • to the doctrine ; part of the popalaron. ' The great masee of the
from the transference of Respovetbte Government, the peeve
national purposed• -Dan « ter Stimotr succeeded to their lace,. Now,t mass of the French C.nadians, led
LORD J. RUSSELL'S SPEECH on Tits l it was bvious that this matter relating to Aorrone ei.lil by
their teacher unra'riie.r, heatrred h)
.CANADIAN REBELLION LOSSES. frebellion losses ons the • ular spir-
compensatlOo or ion,,en
the 4101 time there was a (teat pop
question which would be praseed on the � it of discontent : the rebels fora kw days obtain-
.; , Ministry. The furtner Ministry, at the ed possession of a parr of the country ; and many
sO estio0 of the Secretary of State, Dad' persons, acting under terror. did, though unwil-
Lerd J. Remelt proceeded 1. Certainly ( i$
understood the right hon- genilemad to tray proposed that there ehouid be an indemnity i ung to participate in rebellion, certainly appear
that with respect to that rt of the case he foe losses io Luwer Canada as well u in to give a countenance mit-'r countenance which
sautes' of the year for these such Pe W Upper Canada. I they had no reason to gi•. from disposition : but
had received information this morning PPe I which ants compelled by that slam which is al-
. which convinced him there was an 'entire
For particulars intending purchasers may With respect to the making o(a densification ways excited when armed bodies isle pnssewioo
apply (if by letter postage paid) to 1 mistake with respect to some of the.. pet' of claims under the previous commission of in- of peaceable districts and vise the standard of re -
DAVID DON, Goderich. shoe -that certainly with respect to. !lir. quirt', the Secretary of the Government had de -1 hellion. 1 say, believing those persona in their
vi. -014 ilaggerman he had not been coneieted.of I cfaed'het the only line to be taken ants to sepa- ! hearts to be loyal, believing that if they did not
Goderich, May 11, 1849.
rebellion, but had been acquitted. ed Now 1 rate those who sennun g N h h had b found guilty t in courts oe actively • t, they oevertheleu entirely diaap-
MaCULLOCH continues to man-
• °facture HEADSTONES, MONU-
lac., in Marble *ad Fresslone, as cheap se
an is the Pr.siaee, .11 work warranted to
KIST. the wp aoebwill be made. Prices
of Marble Headefos . (rem 10 to 31dmttare;
of Froestoe from. to 00 dollars ; Moou•
mode Re., from 45 dollars upward..-
Written eommestoatioas addreeted to the
•the point to which I w'inh to bring this law from thine who had not been found guilty.- prove of those rebellious proceedings. I would
quasuop is not whether er of grant- i -hot vow ahem t as investigation into their eoa-
nght or wrong, but to .ho h H h ,04 fair indemnity fur the rebellion losses in I duct and mate them prove a prima acre ease,
Lower Canada and ora of making a general not only that y
FARM FOR SALE. h h Mr.llincks was %rcerdintly the same principles--first,g P f
THE South hallo( Lot 16, on the 2nd Coo- difficulty of making the df. , ,,.,, ujwTr a sanction between those who had been and
cession of Wawanosh, will be sold at a! which the right bon. gentleman insists.- those who had not been found g n ty, were
f of the purchase me-
. d openlythehouse of d d
o the .use the t the were .ot 'aurally in arm.,
only that they were sot eoewictid of treason,
h Veen io way aiding and abet
that e they
moderate price, one hal p
Trey will be remitted i0 hand, and the purcha-
ser will be allowed to retain the outer hal(
for a member of years on common interest.
The land is of excellent quality and well wa-
tered. An undisputed title will be given.
For further particulars apply to John-
Stewart Esq.. Barrister Goderich.
Goderich 95th May, 1849. v2 -n16
HE Subscriber having LEASED. for
the tern of Twenty years, the Proper- 1 _
I w to adopted by the existing Ministry in Canada, as tberebelliw wretch t en took place. (hear.) 1 to t15 operation [loud cries of "bear. hear _I:
Assembly that there were persons who had , me$are was prepared with the view of carry- aro obliged to presume, then, scemg the conduct that we .hall do so rn the confidence that theses
been guilty of rebellion who had received i ing out those principles. The righ hon. gentle- "'bleb Lord Elgin his 'pursued, and bearing in ,n,trurtiens will be framed in the spirit of the de-
compensation ender the Upper Canada Act;can. who. I moat say, urges most ingenious ar- imind the declaranof the Ministry in Canada, clur.tion, which he himselt has made [hear,
that he found it on record in his own office, l gemeeta with teepee( to every allegation mode I ary that, however well intended these amendments he+r]: and that, therefore, w• ds not doubt that
and in the office of the Government: and he i on behalf of this hill, says that those who had I niay have bees, there were objections to them when these instruction arrive they will he entre
instanced Mr. Higgerman, who be Paid wee' been found guilty by courts-martial could not be I which were either valid, or which appeared to be its to enable us to advise the Quern to gree her
Commis'ary-General of the rebels. HeuiJ to have been legally convicted; but es far asl valid, to the majority of the Canadian AssemMo. entire approbatiem to Lord Elgin's proceeding.-
also mentioned other persons who had been ; my recollecuort of the circumstances of the time' !Hear.) The Tight hon;, gentleman says, with [Hear. hear.] I do not, therefore, in any way
nerves, I bel!rve that Sir John Colborne pro- resp.at to ons amendment which he favors. that mean to disguise the courre that we intend to
Convicted. Now, what was the real tate I claimed martial law in Canada, and when mar-, of Mr. Wiliam, that there was s division on it of pursure. [Hear, hear.] I cannot believe knelt
with regard to Mr. Haggert.an 1 1f 1 0n- I tial law is proclaimed the courts maria) establish-: ee to dal, being not eo'treat • majority in favour • thing,-thoegl, it is within the .urge of po et-
derstand the right hon. gentleman now, he .d do ern require the previous euthority of the of the Ministerial plan as appeared on other moo- bility,-as that hese ie.iruclions shou!dbe'4oit.
ds that Mrstinks was totally mi.taken I Crown, bot are formed under the cnmmnn law. Bonn : and 1 k h there wee a m.jnniy of contrary to the statements which Lord E.lgio has
o(U erCanadun favor .(that made, and
thin that
the assurase.• which he ha (tarn;
but concluding, acrerding not only to all proba-
bility. but to what I should say wee nearly a
mural certainty -we shill be in posoesaisobefore
lem•a has referred could not was negatived, the nip j a vriy lune time of the act in a format shape. and
whethor fl was correct or e , of the ,n,uuetioi. whieb ...11 b• giveo is ur-
al lent upov public fame,aod upon a .nen! eAw; bat 1 mast ol,serve than, wish a view to I when ,herr appeared by which
cl. ibm sit, memo y
l Mr. Ila Orman had been nem- I n;i v,nw objecnnm,
uanutty in Ca- oft than that by whic free amendment lied born titian :e „( it -under them iea,rcnens 1 bo• ao
belief that gR nada did establish more renneiinns and cored;- negatived : end when the bi11 came to the third dooht that the dlreeirena *0) be such as 10 eon-
m(sNry..Geoenl of the rebels, and that exon• in the act reepeeting Levert Canadian' reading, instead of show persons who tinted for prnsnre Inure eased waatanfy and nojosiby der -
another person whom he mentions had been I mesa than were imposed with regard to tipper', the.meadment saying thet in con..geenee of its ing the r •ur,e of the rebellion. Meer, hear.)
Canada. Th. preamble of (he act mum that, rejection the bill wessoobjecti°nab:e in enmpen- That any inunctions can ti• w framed. u to
" it ts *neon") sal fust that rticulan of snch ' satin rebels Ibet they waste, vele against it, I prevent any penes wit* may have in M7 way
P• g o•i,. in ! roauteasaeed this testiness from rete,vieg eom-
at precut occupied by Theodore Reid, Esq. But then, 1 say, Mr. lfinck■ was not aper -
wishes to intonate to shore who wish to son ro make that asset bon in the Arecmbly,
avail themselves of an ELIGIBLE SIT- I t n t without going
DATION for BUSINESS, that he will '
Laast BUILDING SITF.S for any Term
not exceeding Twenty Years, at a moderate
Rest per annum•
HORACE HORTON. a •Lieutesaot-Genera of the rebels. 1 say.
Go4.risiy 1L�ceh 1861948.. 2v-e8tf � �aoyou apply the same teat with
that dl r. Haggerman was a person who (fine, Rear, hear.] Therefore theme emceed- the rep eeentt•es pp
tide the mrnrlmm�r. Without disputing the
authority of Sir J. 'o orne'e p: .man s•+. rat
"itch were the caw, the difficulty to which the 1 jeer, I would observe, that after tluuamendmeut
the neat boo. est h red emotion was put.
N 8 tit e° f.•or
ty on the North side of the Market Square, I eccancy"of
was not convicted, but who was acquitted. i Ings and sentences would be lawful ander a
1 (, Ib reelamnttnn 11 the tight hon.
gra I t tent nn the sub -
,udsrsigned °ontaiaiog the inee riptio.s,
and at what prio., in Marble or Framto.s,
will be punctually attended to.D. H.
Gett,"Nov. 8th, 1848. 42m11
THE Rnbriber having 8..s appointed
i Ag.st of the
is pnperd to rseuive proposal. for Awls -
moo, awl will b happy to afford to say
p.e.ss the owner/ay t.foreatios, as to the
Wool*. of eh.Isetitotins.
(W ride 1811, 3..e, 1644. vie Mt
respect tai the porton wit. stammer to -slam
Blank Ikeda and Memorials, I compensation t 1f these persons came for:A
all kinds of DIVISION COURT
SORY NOTES, for ale at the Signal
OfBc.. Every diecription of BOOK asd
JOS Printing executed with neatoew"tavd
Fluff -Six Aims eieelle.t Land, heist
the War pan of tat ig, 7th Cessnmtw of
Waweasek, will be alt ler less aka the Osv-
ersme.t prise. Ote halfOita por.baa mosey
will be mashed dews, said me reeve wilt he .1 -
lowed fir wawa of the rvmsiodrr. Iatesdt' s
ward and claim compensation, the right hon.
rootlet/tan rays, "They are rebels -or they 1
aided in the rebellion: Well, they deny
the charge. They say it is not true -that
Nblle report may have intuited them. and
that every 010 hitherto may have believed
the charge, bot they deny it, end they ask
for the proof. What would the right hoe.
gentleman de thea t Would hs go epos
fame, stampisg those persons as rebels, and
refusing them a trial/ (Har, beer.) Or
ifbs would not do that, would he have a
tnal for high treason la 1849 with re p.et
to transactiota which took�ptace in.18571
(Har, hear, and cheers.] Would th. right
ee. Haman says, "1 ask forprfwdtfwar
these tae. an sot rebel* 1'r is
�� nay M,. JOHN AL ,
1ewdls E -p.'. („,„„.."07.* I t to he borne that net who dela» ti.e
0Mlol b, 1718 Jaly, NM• v9-338 Wvae to have las ioyal, red who say, '.
mouton( yet sati.fie1 shall form the .abject o(1 there was, on the contrary. a gi'', i m•j
mon snieste4tq.ier seder hgtslsrir .sb.ruy. t iia fagot. the Politica being 47 sgurt.t I8 for the
and 'het the ante, so lex only as 'bey may gave 1611 b7•'a whdtR tiYegk ."'e �'+b•�
arises from the total or partial, unjust or wanton referred to had bee}Iv,ssened io it. A msbnty
destruction of the dwellings, buildings. property I of English descent oted in (sant of the bill, and
and effects, Ahoeld be paid and ntisiied; provided
that .nae of the persona who have been eOntiet
ed d high troesea alleged to have been committed
in 'hat pun of the province formerly milled Lower
Canada. since the first dee of November, 1837, m
who having basing charged with high moven, or
it was only • minority of English descent that bo-
red •esinst it. (Hear, hear.) Borne time after
the bill pawed the Asq mbly 1 h• tie'*, the Prom -
list, trim was tie 4- the 1.egislaive Ceeeeil,
made these eM.rvatine•:-
" It had been maintaineJ that 'recording to the
other eia.ees of a treasonable nate-*, homer � intimater." contained in thl
, Gooses 's com-
bo.. semmitted to the c.stnIy of the Bh,rilf of minwoh, he ought re hers reserved the bilfss on,
Montreal, w►mitt.A th.meelm to the wall sod' of an eursordisary oed snsatal character. Nn
pleaient of Her Harms. and were thsrennos' doubt sorb i•e,rec„er.s were committal in bis
naneported to Her Majesty's Milted of Bermuda, eommisaion : het how could the bill 8..eons,d•r-
shall he entitled to any indemnity for low* sit"• I .d one of either as eitnoniinary or ay saw sof
talaed hriag er after the mid rebellion, nr is i charaeter? Had there *oilmen b;•Js as similar
osaugss.ee thereof." (Flew htat.1 Rpawed character ped by the Pertwowet a ti,easdar-
fillooglo the gni pert of the prialnaltie, the net Hed sae one bees peeped ter Upper Canada of
bM. eye, 18.,. mint Ira" 8555 a wbieh A• {Awes Coma ball twee a lire tnee-
wbielt waspose, sed seat ripe. rad 10 Mush so •lrpa'tl•0 was marl. ?-
eeenarase� �ir�iar lee wank. meets eh. A.d the 444,886 vatted fet the esymest N Om
pertains.. wittiest going so the deore, am/ di
vett!, ink Lerma/ the tatter* of sew taint fee
high tresses), ,s what ! do eoefiff roe tat wx
here: 1 belie., that ail abet can be done, all that
the regard for the honor of thea eeaniry, all that
r,apeet ler jutite. all that 'sod *Unseat tan
n awe. will be done by Lord 11(4. t. let rap.-
eiiy d GnMM.* floor nal. (Hear. herr) /
have to memo, from 5.y pettishly, se in say
way te,,lv.d in , hat his eseleet m,,ht ie. -
We hoed lord Elsie appointed by lard fdi.atey
to the Government of Jamplea; ties despatehe.,
some of them produced la ,hi. heave, whim
which cline to 011 atolal kaewledge with re-
gard m his eondeet in Jernalea, struck aa es
abnwisg remarkable s8ilityl their, hear]; ee
.howieg him a arae whe, plaited in a high and
r.so.sstbre •itoaiina, 1 thick his 601 p.b4
.dies, s, owes aped epos she rade psiem whieb
rsq.,red his alwo's.. as G•,ee.er, s& &reeld
btnw►tt to the admiaistrattee silliest Cadger I e
,darnel to remote to welfare, sad •o 'acne aka