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Huron Signal, 1849-07-12, Page 4
11) A e t ` » e DAT 18 BREAKING. IT ate. MIAM- I Stows. Day Is beeekiy !--sly is breakieg:! Sew MA par the gl•Owwy eight ; Ray Mews ie sow awahiag-- He ! eh. Daus to robe* of light. Day 1. cerniog.-1'ebt L etreamtog Oeutly from the entail( sky ; O'er tits world the light is beaming Hu !old Night is passing by. Lity i. breakteg !-up, each sleeper ! II* ! to work !-there's work to du! Up, tech sewer !-ep, each reaper ! Up, tach brother, good and true. Mon is eosins !-who urines? Every heart that throbs with love ; (lark the gladsome angel voices ! Joy below, and joy above. 1..'.e shall eo•gnor : -clouds of warning Flee before each g .Woo ruy ; Up. each deeper !-for the morning Brightens -fur -behold ! 'tis I).y ! Lore abet sonquer : thea 00 looser 11ate's foul flag shall ter u•fsrl'd ; Every day our tinhorn stronger. Gaining victories u'et the wo.ld. Hark ! the shooting !--hark ! theehoutiog ! Iiaae0 na with sword sod shield; Truth old Error now is rookie - Soon we win the battlefield. We am brothers -we are brothers, Working omen all Bond and true We ran work as well as others ; Hol there's work euough to do. Teets are 8oweng-'srs ere dowing ; Love shall wipe them all ewe, Broken hearts its power are knowing, Sorrow's night a chanced to day. befit is beaming -light is beaming' New is glory from the sky O'er the world eta lays are streaming - Love shall conquer by and by. 791E LAWS OF HUMAN PROGRESS. •Look at the cradles of the nations and tacos which have risen to grsudeur, and tear° from the barbarous wretched",'" by which they were originally surrounded. tbi,i no law cru be removed from the influence of the law of progress. Tb* a Islander, the Bushman, the Hotectot, Congo ne- gro, cannot be too low for its care. No term of imagined " finality " can arrest it. The polished Briton, whose civiltution we now admire, is a descendant, perhaps, of one of thou painted barbarians, whose degrada- tion still lives in the pages of Julius Cesar. Slowly and by degrees, he has reached the position where be now stands ; but he can- not be arrest here. The improvement of the Past is the earliest of still further un- provemeot in the long ages of the Future. And who can doubt, that, in the lapse of time, as the Christian Law a gradually ful- filled, the elevation which the Briton may attain will be shared by all his fellow -men. Ind The signs of improvement may appear at ..special period -in a limited circle only - among the people, favored of God, who have SingieEwe enjoyed the peculiar benefits of commerce 2nd and of Christianity ; but the blessed influ- ence cannot be restrained to any time, to any place; or to any people. Every victory Boar over evil redou°os to tjie benefit of all.- 2nd Every discovet'j', every humane thought, Breeding Sow, baying bred every truth/ when declared, is a conquest of during 1849. which the whole human family are parte- !nd kers. It extends by so much their domin- Fall Wheat (see Below) too, while it lessens by so much the sphere Spring Wheat oI their future struggles and trials. 2nd • But there shall be nobler triumphs than 3rd any over inanimate nature. Man *null Barley shall be subdued -subdued to abhorrence of 2nd vice, of injustice, of violence -subdued to Rye the sweet charities of life -subdued to all Oata the requirement's of duty and religion -sub- and died, according to the Law of Human Pro- Peas grass, to the recognition of that Gospel 4od low, by Ibs sideof which the first is u the scaffolding upon the sacred temple, the law of Human Brotherhood. To laborfor this end 9nd . 0 man was sent forth into the world -not in Timothy Seed (one bushel) 0 the listlessness of idle perfections, bat en• !nd 0 (lowed with in6elte capacities, inspired by Swedish Turnip Seed, 3 lbs. 0 infinite desires, and commanded to strive 2nd 0 perpetually after excelleoce-amidst the en- Swedish Turnip. sample 2 bushels 0 countersents of hopes, the promises of 2nd 0 -final success, and the inexpressible del* ht,' which springs from its pursuit. Thus does the Law of Human Progress sternal Providence. Arid justify the ways of God to men," by showing Evil so longer Re a gloomy rtrystery, bt.ding the world in everlasting thrall, but as as accident, under the Laws of God, to be slowly subdued by the works of mos, as they pas os to the promised goal of Happiness.-Cknrles Sest,ser'e Phi. Bets Kappa (ration. AGRICULTURE. I BY-LAWS. .r 1. No eatenllaisieg the bat prioress year, AT e Meerut of dr -4b Ceemmitee r the ose tole it is is Is.es t111r.e& the seemed ere YTIUiTy')*HAOR4I ILTUtAL10-Isoyether pert bet try thew and mint. held at ihe.Faw m• 1.., thefellewfsg teed a.a Osetibssas Geret theBerneeta nig e101, pieshiWNS were aweoid, a M skews ler et ether Moran Bused as may h. /e. tM /eirouneiglub Amen Exhibition. as$tten- sept Seas, S sad Ra tvb10 k'ed. ea Fr**, the 1911 day of October, In& ray skew mad omry111RB°peen for two years. Best Stallion (hese Apiculture! porno- b. Theta 8.iseriber be 'alp ettWed a see ries (Prize awarded 1 Itb April to hushes Cara. 01 her Guar of the. Mr. Juba Ratteabury, £6 0 0 .at 3. tied. • '1'Mat Dulls. Beare, meet twee Brood Mare and Foal 1 10 0 served wink use Yeelety'e Deans a s swoop 1 U 0 pioneer 1. the Show. %mute nes is toes pro- v1d.4 fur by emu Premieum), or "hello. el U 10 0 wch to give u obUptio° that they will serve i° their seams. 4. That Bells mom have • ries or screw is their ease, with ■ rope ue sham attached. to pre - ,,.r accidents. . 0 19 6 5. That the print for Heilers be sot awarded O 7 6 to asy animal that has previously had a Celt. O 6 0 6. Th•t the geaautt of Gra• °ad seed. exbi- 0 10 0 bited Palm( Perand lama Curia 'included). be sot 0 7 6 lees than two bushel*, and raised by as exhibitor, U 15 0 from a field of •t least two (moles* the quantity of land and grain or weds be otherwise O 10 0 specified]: and the Cheese and Bauer, or ether 15 0 Farm Produce, exbibiteterto be erode°, Gem ex- hibitr's farm, hied se stock ; and that e11 Ewes O 0 shows [except 1st sheep) .hall have trickled a 15 0 lamb to the firm of August previous to the day of 9r,d 3r4 Three year old Felty• Sud 3rd Two Year do 204 3r4 One year old Colt toil Two year uld Geldiug 'anti O 16 6 O i0 0 O 6 0 Two year uld entire Colt Span of Farm Horses, (Geldings) or M••rea 0,1 !red s 0 Thfee year old Bull, and not more than seven, (see By -Law for dou- ble promium,) 2 knd t 1 3rd 1 Two year old Bull 1 end 1 r me year old Bull 0 9nd 0 Mdrh Cow and Cali" 1 2nd 0 3rd 0 Milch Cow 0 2nd 0 3rd 0 Tao year old heifer 0 2nd 0 3rd 0 Year old Heifer 4 0 9nd • • o Spring Calf 0 god 0 Yoke Working Oxen, live year old and upwards 0 2nd 0 3rd 0 Do. Four year old Steen 0 2,14 d Do. Three year old Steers 0 2nd 0 Do. Two year old Steers 0 Ind 0 Fat Ox 0 2nd 0 Fat Cow, 3 year old and upwards 0 Ind 0 Ram over 9 years old and under 5, 0 2nd 0 3rd 0 Year old Ram 0 Pair Ewes (see By -Law) 2nd Pair of Fat Sheep 204 O 0 10 0 O 0 10 0 O 0 10 0 7 6 O 0 15 0 10 0 15 0 10 0 7 6 10 0 7 6 5 0 7 6 5 0 7 6 5 0 15 0 10 0 7 6 12 6 7 6 10 0 7 6 7 6 6 0 15 0 10 0 10 0 7 8 15 0 10 0 7 6 10 0 O 7 6, O 16 0 O 10 0 O 7 6 O 6 0 O 7 6 O 5 0 O 15 0 O 10 0 Pigs O 15 0 O 10 0 1 0 0 O 15 0 O 10 0 O 7 6 O 5 0 O 10 0 O 7 6 O 6 0 O 7 ` O 5 0 Clover Seed (ono bushel) grown in 1849. 1 0 Maaauts.-A ge.demas, talkie' to a friend os the .asst el marriage, trade the following observation : " int saw my wife to • storm ; carried ker to a hell in a atom ; courted her in • were 1 wee published to her in s storm ; mar- ried her la a storm ; lived is • num; bet, thank leave°, I buried her is pleat weather." TO *E SOLD, - A N exeelleot Farm, being Lot No. 12. Maitland Concession, Township of Goderich, containing 100 acres -110 of whish is cleared. The land is of a superior quali- ty, and well watered. it ie situated exact - 1 nine miles from the town of Godend% on the Heron Road, and at the jerktion of sir d.ffsre.t road.; and u it is 10 the center of e populous and prosperous locality, it is ex- cellently adapted for a Tavern stand or e Store. Tb.. farm le well entitled to the attention of persons desirous of an eligible eitttritive tor bueisees, and wiliebe sold on vary reaeo.able terms. For particulars apply to Thomas Hark, Tavern -keeper, Dodeneb, or to the prope.etor JONAS COPP, Village of Harpeirbey. Jose 16, 1849. Oa 1 9t FOR SALE, THE MMTLANI/ BREWERY PPi0PSRTY. • y emanate of three scree o. THiS the bank of the river Maitle Nu road side' leaden to Mr. Grist Mitt, Nor 0o er'ob. U then 1g a BREWERY with erten not cel- /wege. a Malt hoose Sited Malt Kilo, all eesp1N. Them 10 slab es eao.U..t .eat fee tie os the lot, std the *water bees tie iiia water ea the b0sb ea the tlppesM if the reed whieb le wallies* ea ell ~sew of the year for three reek loweiew • Per t Mf apply n/of by y *Use eek.* paid) fir VI DON, t)odetleA. t;edsrieh, Mart, 1849. y11 -e14 3rd 0 White Turnips 2 bushel' 0 grid 0 3rd 0 Potatoes 2 bushels 0 10 2nd 0 7 3rd 0 5 Beets one ba'hel 0 6 Carrots one bushel • 0 6 Onions one bushel 0 6 Cabbage 12 heads 0 6 Firkin of Salt Butter, 56 lbs. pack- ed and cured, 0 15 !.d 0 12 3rd 0 10 0 15 0 IN returning thanks tali., friends and nu - 7 6 merous Customers for the Liberal Pat• 5 0 ronage wtiech ho has received during the '7 6 past year, begs to intimate that be has past 5 0 received an extensive Assortment 10 0 ©? ':.'a® .7?&ZI11170175 IP®IA2060, 7 6 and is ready to Execute all Orders given to 5 0 him with carp and punctuality as formerly. 10 0 Goderich, April, 191b, 1849. 2v-nlotf 7 6 6 0 CA811 FOR WHEAT at the Goderich l-' Mills. W. PIPER. Goderich, 30th March, 1849. 2v-n8tf major+ was toad. Governor General of Al- t, sad mo 1843 he wa er.aterd a Marshal. nmedtately after the ovalseokoly beat► Se Marshal, M. Matgn°, late chief of the oat of the Minister of J,.tioe, went to Elyse* to s000unce it to the Pressurise ilie Republic. The Freakiest resolved Dews with painful emota,•0, aad delivered tm for Cul. Foray, the Marshal's eon -in. . the fullowtog letter - My dear Culunel,-I have so need to tell how touch 1 am distressed in benne made `teiated with the death of Marshal Ba- ud. 1t is an imra*oee los to France to me. As to hu family, it is natural ti it should be inconsolable ; I cal ooly, refore, attempt to assuage your grief by retying to you my own. Believe in my ctiooate regards. Louts Naromaott. Lysee, 10th May." . morning paper has drawn up with care ries of extracts from opposition journals, bleb a few may be taken as a specimen he rest :- The Republic is surrounded by traitors, tP deeite to destroy it." ' lt France is le danger. The eternal mie- ns of the people and of liberty open the to the Cossacks. Keep an eye on our "tics, lest we perish victims of Royalist sons." Reserve is an imperious duty. But if defenders of the constitution should once jre call the people to arms, each will know I commencing the struggle, that the pderates desire neither mercy nor prison - bet a war of extermination." ',Should the Assembly become the ac - ,p plies of the President, and refuse to ,claim the dismissal of the usurper, and ninon him before a high court, there ttuld then be but one power, that of the sideot Dictator, and the people would e to deal not only with the mince who destroyed the revolution of February, t with the Asseetbly that had betrayed real andlimpreacriptible rights." The Democratic Socialist committee of Seine bas published the following Ad• to the National Assembly :- Considering article 5 of the preamble the constitution, and article 54 of the ti ' n. ' BY*4UT!IORITY. Sheriff's Sari of Land. fifiktoN DIITRICT, BY virtue of a To MTI: j writ of F!q{ Fads., issued out of Her Majesty's Heine Dier{st Caner, sad is ase Mrsoee4 *et the Leeds and T..esaoens of RMJsard Dar- liagtes, etthe suit of Robert Park; 1 have 'eued.*Takes ia Execution, Lot somber four ea t e seventh Concession, E. D. to the Tog.4hlp of Colborne, ce.talming 100 acres: which Lands i shall offbr fur whist the Court House, in the town of Oodertcb, on Saturday, the 36th day et Novembr post, at the bout of 12 o'neek moos. J. McDONALD, Sheri H. L. Sunier's Ornc1, Goderich, 14th August, 1848- 81129 Siouan, D.susRoaxar noes,) re. )} oroe. 8T The above .aid of Leads is postponed until the first of Febn■ry, 1849. JOHN McDONALD, Sheriff H. D. Smenen's Orrice, Oonxatce, 2Otb November, 184& f 431d u°tl 07 -'Phe above sale of Lands is postponed a&ntil the first day of April, 1849. the JOHN McDONALD, use Sbereff H. D. asSa.ater s Orme, GODRRICe, Xi January 29th, 1849. i we Ro•IOT PARR, The above Salo Jo es. is postponed till se Ricnaan Daaumerov Friday, the First lei day of June, 1849. e at J. YeDONALII, Sheriff, II. D. Sheriff'. Office, Calends, j a" March 24th, 1849. S do RonttaT PARE, oat os. oD" fRICHARD DARLINGTON ( The above ea1. of Lands i. postponed 0until the first of August, 1849. Co JOHN McDONALD, Sheriff H. D. a'SHERIFF'S Orme*, GODERIGH, Cu 19th May 1849. - e at - c.ti Asa FINE SALT for Sale, cheap for Cash. CHRISTOPHER CRABB. Goderich, May 10th 1849. 2c -n14 E ° Sheriff's Sale of Laud. IllURON DISTRICT, j litY virtue of a To Wit : S writ of Fieri dtFaeias issued out of the District Court of tithe Huron District, against the Lands sod Tenements of Henry Darlington, Richard v Darlington and Robert Darlington, at the v suit of the Bank of Upper Canada. I have r seized and taken in Execution as belonging to the said Henry Darlington, Richard Dar- ' and Robert Darlington, the follow- ing property, viz.: Lots number 2, 3, and 4, on the seventh Concession„ Eastern Divi- sion, of the Township of Colborne, each containing 100 acre. of Land, which I shall offer for sale at the Court Ilouse, in the ' Town of Goderich, on Thursday the 38th day of June, 1849, at the hour of Twelve o'clock, noon. J. McDONALD, Sheriff, Huron District. Sheriffs Office, Goderich, t • 1 ISth•March, 1849. S - v9-n8t1 The above sale is postponed until the 1st qday of August, 1849. JOHN McDONALD, Sheriff;H.D. eiherifl a Gffice, Goderich, troth May, 1849. TAILORING ESTABLISIIMENT. A. NASMYTH Newly made Butter 10 lbs. 0 10 2nd 0 7 Cheese, 25 lbs. 0 15 2nd 0 10 3rd 0 7 Maple Sugar (cake) Produced 0 It 2.5 lbs. on Exbl- 0 10 O 7 Virgin Iloney, in biter's 0 12 the comb, not lose Premises 0 10 0 than 10 lbs. 0 7 6 Teo yards of Home-made Fulled Cloth, from Wool grown by ex- hibitor, and spun in his family, (all wool, web of 1849.) 0 15 0 fed 0 10 0 3rd 0 7 6 Ten yards of Home-made Flannel, all wool, do. (not fulled do.) 0 10 2nd 0 7 3rd 0 6 Nine yards of Blanketieg, all wool do. (twilled not fulled, do). 0 10 0 9nd 0 7 6 3rd 0 5 0 Ten yards Linsey, cotton and wool (not fulled) 0 7 6 2nd 0 6 0 Best new Double Wagon, made or purchased by a Member or Mem- bers of the Society, 0 i5 0 2nd 0 10 0 Best Fanning Mill, any Improved *stud, do. 0 10 0 feed 0 7 8 Bet Plough,a.y improved hied, de. 0 lb 0 2nd 0 10 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 6 0 0 6 n 0 6 6 0. 6 0 For any Agricultural implenteet, leder per - shaded, by a s.enber or members d this Sotto tJ of an improved deseripelso to be desided by the Jrdaes»-Pries 1* desali°w 5( C.•sefrrs. FALL *HEAT -To be shows ea tnt1rd ea Bret Friday Neeptember, (7th eepts.br,) et 1'3reel ek, see.. 2TPns* !tire, L9: !feed LI 14,a r fled E 1fa: 44 LI ; led 90 hueis4 to be items.►t ► use ester, sed meld is say ..sheer o(tee ` mere thea the the Gels peiess H 110E& -.wt et lime Neer. -♦o the h weeded M et of the ribs* --t.1 IM ; 70 44. BSM ties N UAW, 1st Ll f Soda" Ns. TO PRINTERS. TYPE FOUNDRY AND PRINTERS' 'TRNiSHING WARE HOUSE. TIDE Subscribers have opened a New Type Foundry in the City of New York, where they are ready to supply orders to any extent, for any kind of Job Fancy Type, Ink, Paper, Chasse, Galleys, Brats Rules, Steel.' Column Rules, Composing Sticks, Cues, and every article necessary for a Printing Office. Tho Type, which are cast in new moulds, from entirely new sett of Matrixes, with deep counters, and warranted to be Astir. passedby any, be sold at prices to suit the times. All the type furnished by us is " hand east." Printing Presses furnished, and and also, Steam Engines of the most approved pat- tern.. Composition Rollers out for printers. Editors of Newspapers who will buy three times ae much type as their bills amount to, maygive the a -bore sex -months' insertion in them papers, and send their papers containing it to the Subscribers. COCKCROFT k OVEREND JVb 78 Ann Street New York. December 7th 1847. mt3 L 0 S -T. TWO District Debehtures, one No. 403, *Mount £6 10 j, the other No. 674' amount £7 17 8j. Both are dated 20th February, 1849. Any persos finding the urate, and returning them to the owner Witham B. Moore, Teacher in No. t School Section, T°ckeremith will he hand- somely rewarded. AM peruse are hereby eaotiened spinet perehansg these Dohs, - tones. Tuckeremlth,1st Jess, 11849. v! -n17 -3t • FARM FOR SALE. 1TIjE Sega MY IWyLot le, on the Sed Coe - cession of airmails, will be sold at a moderate pries, see ballot the penises me say will be rel .tree Ie bead, and the perch* ear will be allowed le Male the other hall for a number of Sere on oommoa I.terest. Tb had i• eial0a1Asst quality and well wa- tered. As uMdbpgsd title will be`Ives. Por fbrtk.r particslan appy to Jeka 8tewarl P.j Harriet., Goderie Goderich 93th May, 1849. vt-e16 Sheriff's Sale of Land. HURON DISTRICT, t Y virtue of a To wet : ; Writ of Pini F'ar;a, issued out of the District Court of rho Duren District, against the bandy and Tenements of Cyrus .JlcMill t the suit of Joseph hiller, I have seiz d taken in Execution u belonging to the said Cyrus McMillan, the following property, vez.:- Toppvvn Lot number 6, North side of West strict, or running number 995, Town of Goderich, which I shall offer for sale at the Court House in the Town of Goderich, on Thursday the Ilei day of June, 1849, at Twelve o'clock, noon. J. McDONAD, Sheriff, Huron Distrigf:. Sherif!'' Office, Goderich, 21st March, 18494 4 2v-n8tf The above Sale is Apposed until Wednesday the first day of August ext. JOHN McDONALD, Sheriff, Huron District. Sheriff'. Office, Goderich, 16th Juae, 1849. }' v2 -n20 Sheriff 's Sale of Land. HURON DISTRICT,. DY 'intro of. Writ To WIT : - Def Fieri Facies, jo- ined out of the District Conti of the Huron Dis- trict. against the Lards and Tenements of Rich• •rd Dar:ington, •t the wit of Roes Robertson, i have seized and taken in Execution as belonging to the said Richard Darliegtou, LOT Number FOUtt io the 8eyesth Conceseeon, Eastern DI - virion., Township of Colb sen,, containing 100 Acres of land, whish') eh.11 offer for sale at the Coast Hopes in the Town of Goderieh; on Sat- urant the 7 the de? of July, 1849, at the hoar of Twelve o'elg8k soon. - JOHN McDONALD, Sheriff, Heron District. Sheriff's Office, Goderich, t • 7th April, 1849. ( 2v-110-tf The above Sale is Postponed until Wednesday the first day of August pelt. JOHN McDONALD, Sheriff, Huron District. Sheriff's Offi):e, Godeneh, 16th Jose, 1849 v2 -o20 PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS. THE Subscriber begs leave to inform the Inhabitants of the District of Huron, and the neighbonng District., that he has Established himself in Stratford, and i. prepard to give Plane and Specifies - times of PubhO or Private Buildings, Bridg- es, Mfl1 Date, 8ce. kc. lac., and will take the eepsrfnteedence of such Erections, on the i.stsea.esaWe terms. Hie thorough knowledge of his preheats, and hie peonies as 8srsr, qualifies him for say m..kieg fe the line. Addre.e post psidtdNPETS,. FERGUSON, ff4 r Lie. Stratford, C. W. Hereat h 18th, 1849. 9v-n7U FOR SALE. LDTs Narehere TWENTY-SEVEN aad TWENTY -FIGHT is the F.ighteeth Cwseesime ere the Toluene of F.Ilvtea, Hues Db1Bsl. Tbe Laid is wall Timbered and Wa- fted: ow pmde°we imply 11.swes u. meba. ea., aria the enhesellees. a1 Ode eine O* ' ase Illi ate i STRAeHAN • LIEARI flelialtere, 1.e 0.4.0.h, 3rd April, 1849. 1M -a9 mJ TO MY CSE.U1'TOIie""r ` i 'iE tA t cD pfso PHOENIX s► r ax - BEFORE 1 move Iota Goderich 1 lei iamb to pet my "House in 0 der," l etentd esteem ft a favour Wan y oi9 tleeld meet me ie Mr. Ream's Tuesday Senning the M of Jere, 181 1s* *rides, and I ay give them* nate- meet pf my rennet, Witte., Ate., ice. E. H. MARLTON. Goderich, June let, 1849. (iGf2 N/CH, C. W. 11414 N.esmbry 1848. &j OR 8 A LE by the Subscribers, BARRELS OF LAKE HURON 11 E It I N08, 37" For which Produce will be takes in payment. M. B. SEYMOUR k CO. Blank Deeds and Memorlalls, AND all kinds of DIVISION COURT BLANKS, and BLANK PROMIS- SORY N(YERS, for sale at the Signal O8... Every description of BOOK and . OB Priatisg executed with neatness and "patch. NOTICE; THE Subscriber baying LEANED, for the terra of Twenty years, the Proper- ty on the North side of the Market Square, at present occupied by Theodore Reid, Esq. wishes to intimate to those who wish to avail tbemsebu of as ELIGIBLE SIT- UATION for BUt8INEISak that be will Lease BUILDING 81T,E3 for any Term not exceeding Twenty Years, ata moderate Rent per aasum. HORACE HORTOk. Goderich; March 28, 1848. 2v-o8tf TO LET, THAT ha.dssate two-story bwse,-eppssite the Steamboat Taves, beleogwg to Joke Wilma 4th, sad presently occupied by Mr. Bea- man. h is large and well adapted to the use of s respectable family-h•vieg s lege garden and orchard well stocked with excellent fruit text. of canoes deecripio.s. 11. proximuty to the bar- beersfG°deneb *shames the value oftbe situa- tion sed as the promoter is desirous that it should metals* rhe mewed, it will be In ea reae- uahte terra*, either f°1 sae r more years, ..may be agreed sport. For farther particulars apply to JACOB WILSON. Oederieb, fled February, 1849. 59 STRATFORD HOTEL. ISAAC MAY, informs hie friends and the public, that he has taken the BRICK TAVERN, lateen the occupation 9f M. Brown, at the MR end of Stratford, where nothing shall be wanting on his part to pro- mote the comfort and convenience of his guest.. I. AI. flettr. him.elf that his selection of Wine and I,ignor. is equal to any to the country, and hi. Stabling department is of the moot complete description. Stratford, 28th April, 1848. 13x( GO DERICH FOUNDRY. rrTHE Subscribers in retuning thanks to the 1 public for the liberal share of mitoses* they have enjoyed since commencing Misi ame, Beg to intimate that they have now on hard and are making to order a large assortment of Cook- ing, parlour, rod box stoves plough castings, fire grates, fanning mill wtings,amut rn.chises, sad every other article usually co,eected with the trade, which they will be happy to sell oe the ,nest rae.e..abls terms for each. G. M. & Co., hosts' made extortive alten- tiesa and improvements to the 6si.btag depart- ment of their establishment, by the ictredOctis of self-acting machinery, are now enabled to execute a orders with which they may be entrusted for the supply of thrashing machines, grist and taw mils gearing and every tuber der cnpttoa of maebisery, w the most scientific and economies' prisciples,aod with the greatest f ci- ity sod dispatch. The subscribers would also inform the public thetas the lowest sash price will is heron be ejiarged for all goods manufactured at theirestab- lisbment, their credit badness most .ee.s*rily become extremely limited. They would alto request, that all those indeptad to them either by note or aceo*at, will mow forward imme1ntly and settle their respeetive debts, or they will be placed in the hadda of an attorney for eollectioa withoa further notice. G. MiLLER hat Co, Goderich, Dee. 15th, 1848. FOR SALE. THE.BRiCK COTTAGE and Lot run- ning No. 569, in the Town of Goderich, formerly in the possession of Henry O'Neil, now rented to Mr. James Orr. The Cot- tage is very conveniently arranged, and well suited for a small family, hu a spacious wood shed, stable, f cc., good well of water; the garden contains several choice fait trent', and the whole enclosed with • 'troy pielet fence. Only a portion of the mo. would be required dowc,-the remainder in three annual instalments. Apply to William Rattenbury of tesCli.- ton Arms, or to BENJ.TARBONS. Goderich, August 24, 1848? s 30tf •NOTICE. THE Subscriber having RENTED the WAREHOUSE and WHARF belong- ing to the Messrs. Davenport, of thin place, has established himself an a FORWARDER AND COMMISSION IIRacearrr. Any orders or commission from the Mer- chants of Goderich, will receive prompt attention. JOHN McEWAN. Windsor, March, 1849. !v-7ntf. NOTICE, I9 HEREBY gives that E. 11. MARL - TUN of GoJetich, hath by indenture of aosigroent, dated third day eT April, 1849, assigned all his Personal stats whatever to I. Ratteebury of Goderleb, upon treat, fur the equal benefit of himself ad all others, the creditors of the said E. H. Marlton, who shall .:*vete the said iodeatero duly executed bythe said E. H. Marlton. Dated ths 5th da=of April, 1849. v2 -s9 TWO- RO eD FARMS FOR^NE witbis 24 mils, and the ether with- " 1a about 3 mile. of Goderich Tow■ Plot. The first is LOT 1010 1St Cowes - Gies, Township of Gadufeb, CONTAINING 164 ' LCAES, is Weeded at the 01111 end by Lake Hums sod at the other by a Pub10 Reed, --raj the *eengl ie LOT 8 1. 8th Ceieeers , Colborne, WJ)l,Mioe, CONThhNINO 100 ACRES, and in el sated at the Juteties of tae Pini-. lie Reads. *M Parttetila3n Suptr b (60, BTsDORALD. Esq. Godshall, 12th Jeer, 1849. x119-tf ▪ rtmwsardae.ea+arrAtts ' ! 1 asm,i '-■*-Iia erase•. em.w,w , `, e as.ss *y•`.sate meotli eis i sllir8i' iin/si aat,q SO'rrrLNlMe. 001100 4 oOfrDre, ca*' , 00100110,7100 I.wfweaaset rases 11 elle ermine aPA r fIW*L D4oyaerita >0Ilss[ e.y ,"tl.twea. tett use w..ir a. Orrp0lis e/ Its . at Ts PL4 v. LL.v. 11•C TY*rl a •II>t. heels mow Wee w ase mew lams wM Is esus a NA, resr4. w *Sada wary. Os*u iodides req M mum seem to • mem et 10. alsree-ewanM rterweesee-- TDT MON. rig $411 110, /MD es masa OLNSIS 0 COST{ azloa=D efts. nvr 7*2*. T t4O.wb• TIM. 1Ny0L1 1&0OD. JA VNAISag, LOM of arra., rLL iOer.t=OCOstWivsatrLAK */* ,' t•0*0VSLe6 DIMD•epR.ee Mw Mb te siaara, erire& en re liwilf WW1 Ili Way swam lana 1M stat p 4 ams*isrr r/t°ataeN` NW SOMATA!. 11L.rbtat DL1YJr1/ 0OMPUDvya of ea beads,ULOsaeG raLp1TartON 11as SRAM rammer' P !Lie . T10 wren sieNirus 1 that Zrl, was ewe 0rim 1 N mom seseasg M M we 1 these 1, Nsa.ra •less. , WNW r ss sge..il.. bap, a:11., lir tte4..s*rtu. 1R 0 f u x • ?telt .rim slates* .aa ter toW yea ww4 mm 10.01 .140 t*sewrr WISH e(1LOOD 1.1WOAD, pcOarr, *41T*HZON. 1 scsorut.a. r aw &. r w 00 sem., aL c11 see!a/rMMW O 2! 2t • . 1 r awe..skews* *•*.rile wetre 61.0.1... ►reser wet *..se.rwr ter warwet etwe eatemem a swee ek tell N eu'.TilLUInus *mi. bII I[TTW PURIFY THE 61000, ► Aad tbs. remove all disease from the system. Pita rale eal vIn .... *. e l F P I t t 8 aad P N 0? X 81 T T E R 2 M rse+ iia'.aria .f ie.p.- tttiw w the estimates 1 sot" teethes. nrT•rihrie,ggns•4 mums mdwre. ore mew is* ma ll ebbe 'w')i•(.i s ere ee•.MS r.ts.." Ywlrr tk. Met es w which w as eWmwlsg 1lrmeMmq =dm W.° owlet to w led WTha n nerd a _ 10.og Ow eare w I the ellem them 00 pewee thew with ebbs vn .n sr be awned 1101 *10Je.w. gerlwe De eerier!. W i set bey them .10 air bet M yes de. 1° ts14id tW they Seae efq•t how so ee Mt teeth 1N.. no- Prepared W cele by DR. WILLIAM 21. MOrrAlr, US be•ewsy, *reser et esetesp onset, Mew Tor. to We as BENJ. PARSONS. Sob Agent. Goderich, Jan. 28, 1848. 1 HURON MOTEL FOR SALE. THE Bubiribet bane( nearly cotnelebd hie impreyeeeate ea the HV3ON HOTEL, and klieg desires' of gine( ep business in that Ilse, glees &once that be is willing to dispose of the satire premises on reaoaable terms. M a Head, the' pro: perry is a most eligible invests'st, being surpassed, or perbepe, equaled by sone In the District, either for extent of bedson or accommodation. 8tablisg, dud', Hay- lofts, Ice., {cc., are all on as ostensive scale. The House is large..sbetastial. commodious, aad well furnished, and will be sold with all its furniture aad appurte- oaocee at a fair value. One-third of the purchase money will be required down, end liberal time will be given for the remainder• io the meantime. The proprietor begs leave to Intimate to hie friends, customers aad the pablie gene- rally that the late impprrovemente said addi- tions which be has me. bare readered the Huron Hotel capable of yielding very superior accommodation, and of giving geoenI satisfaction, and in returning hie honest thanks for past favors, wi.hee to assure the public, that while be remain' proprietor, no labor nor expense shall be wanting en conducing to the comfort aid entertainment of those who may be dis- posed l0 patronise his buun. JAMES GENTLES. N. B. -An experienced aad attestlre Hostler is always in attesdane.. Goderich, April O, 1849. v3 -a0 -8m Upper Canada Rebellion Losses. Receiver Generale Dike, Montreal, 12th March, 1849. PUBLIC )NOTICE is herebyvon, that Claimente for Rebeittoa in Canada West, who here tact applied te, and received payment of their Claims fns the respective Agents of the Beak for Meetnal, in the several districts as heretofore notified will from and after the first day of Jane nest, be necessiated to ipply for payment of the same, either personally or by duly appointed Attunes, to the Parent Haab re this city. (Signed,) 6.11. VIGER, N. M.R.G. 1.12 NOTICE. ALBLc persons SMAIndebted to 8 WSTER of the Subscriber, are rk'eeted to eet tthe heir accounts immediatl .liber with or with Mr. George Frazee, G.dsri.L, aid save costs. J. K. 000)IN(J. Godericb, 8th Sept., 3448. *06 1)ttton 3itanal, es r1v11s0 ass wnattraa WOW sserteoay ET THORIAI MACQUIRER. 10015. ASO nlrpatzTO*. SYHC* NA*EJT-SQOA*I, 'amerce. ••• Beek and Jeb Priitiag. executed with seamen •ad dhtpeteb. Team es Ter 4451101 8...a4..- fbaratt..-.111111SRifr LiNOS per Sano if pall alusdy t. g, se Twst.v. u° Du neon with t1g{gtlsn *f tie Ws yp►aapperw diees.ti.s.d mad *veer mi pW up, sales* the ptdike*, tate fin de se. spoAa iedividwl r tbo be.re sl°ieg - snorredl t!t .Ml.td i ahW neela ' IT W adiNiesd M the Kew mom be p/ se rig Sow will b w.ties eat of t111b tawi Tres* .' weer* Ma 1_.a41r/pp, t TalEateielie esf Over tell ITA advertise by the Fees