HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1849-06-29, Page 4�.,•sa.. EXTRACTS thin Ow 10.10 gentile .r ..put in ..N LASH POR.WMYT ea Na OSdartkb B y A U r'K O R ! T Y. 'l'() MY CRSD1TOR$. 111 01 1 1 ?NU $ J S I t. . jpien Ds. Lussut.e. e• t11s Kam,. c:lic foot M •h ;• M M hsrth.► show. M. W. !W*. . M O i A T of l assaythat Ott.aity of vie• whecb (all was Gedai±.OMI �la1N0. te-Mtf Sheriff's Sale of Land. BEFORE I mow toll C 1 wish �E,�'TAILI tt� PILLS e.,tssall t. Whewthe a idemic raged much W t o Nikes, r Crt4OiMj, l A*D to [Lepel, U~ Puke oboer,,, 'derug as EXt IBITION r would esteem It • t!ertr Losegt) ton V) HL RON DISTRICT, t Y vir{se of a would me°t ms is Yr. L..es.l.r'. �y progt>tttr, it attacked chiefly or eaclwsrely O I• FARM STOCK /7 C K S B 1.►ge !'g•1 4IX 8 To Wil: writ of Fieri the towns •.d villages situated 1a low and r R O D U C £ DOMESTIC MANUFAC• Room on Tuesday Evening the !1 of lase, lfsltgb rid d..1s W wYaa M ewer Facies, ..•teed out of Ilex Majesty's Huron at.drw. Mw •geti•d r 11.81.e.6.1"44.0.5. rel is (/ marshy places, on the beaks of rivers and TURES, dos Its. &s. next, in order that I may give them Ili SUMP- •pores of the se°! In India and tlialos-be Hann District Aggadsu►ef a.a.ty. ()tartlet Court, and to nes directed againstw da6.w. wWl..�ir w•rs••ay saasw•e tae tae, it was oleemed to prevail mostfrei- Be14 £XHIBITIOit ef c eret,t, SF:EIrs, the Lamle and Teoemeota of Rtehard Der- west of my peeunwry effLen, tile., kc, emu "moues et /ease ••' liar Seen•. A DUMES'f!C MANUPACTUREs. Sc. lustre., at awl of Robert !'ask; I have E. 11. MARLTUZ +ra+� Thai aw, hZAP ews yd�rrsat a�i 't they meg queerly with southerly ce easterly winds, Goderfch, June let, I{48. w �-'°te a y��✓ which favored remoter., and, as a general W., will be held at GODERICH, on Townley weed and taken t. Execution, Lot .amber yr �r_�_ rule we may ob.erve that thus excessive �• 25th of September seat, when "tie follow/mg tour in the seventh Coucesriop, E. D. is GUAER N C. N'. _� i= ' y ' PREMIUMS WILL S AWARDED. the 'rowwhi of Colborne, containing lW ' ge.rN$44cVrz 4OaODeerc na'eatIT$$z moisture wee either a prelude to, or a. •c- HORSES. P 8 301 November, 1848. Al1tCTNlea.✓lir alJDostw.a Moo= TLC va acres; wbseb Land. 1 spall u9br for asletlat >�OO. > • rir�ii canary of its appearance, a witnessed by For the Beet Brood Man aadFo►I....£1 10 0 the Court Howl, is the town of l;oJenkb, 'FOR BALE b) the Subscribers, 1e►sws$ 1IV•otwlow6 it * asw ewwLlawMN Ur. Proust, during i1. existence in Etglaed, Sod.... 1 0 0 BARRELS OF LAKE HURON isg,wdmwWl► /naw wtaw lies tease was slit 1)u Saturday, the 96th da of November a l +31-2 ; and, wherever it has prewulad, 3rd 0 15 0 HERRINGS, ewtaswatoit+a Nswa�wssYMwaYswrar this Isco a so tutunou that the most For OA Twoyear FBI 0 10 0 noel, at the pour of 11 o'clock noon.arwve CsotJR wad .atO11w L6soner Hula. y y y �' For which Produce will 1* taken u marshy s,tratiune, the wont drained locals• god 0 IS 0 J. McDONALD, Sheri H. U. 'neat, M. B• SEYMOUR Sr,CO. ��=n COLO/ • OOVeNI, O L'C. ties, have been npeeially selected as the Suasive' Climes, W1 oossuairroa. tau wr swot wewsi°Gib dimm•' co'SgPY /11111101/. Daor•r1A ares of its greatest viruleuee. WhNber For lbs b." Two yeuold Colt.......1 .0 0 Goderieh, 14th August, 1848. 3m29 Blank Deeds and MemorialsDT'Q' *. aseamaty lk"a lmill'6e all thin induces a cause of malarial ort lois( 2.4 0 15 0 ' seen OwuYibmid 61wsmeinushmelYeA• g 3rd 0 10 0 Roamer Peace, ) ND all kinds of DIVISION COURT ttauman ✓ Ms liar. aa?uru.t1. ILII* electrical atmospheric dis(vrbaaces, or For the Desi Spas of Farm Ilorsea1 10 0 re. } (I BLANKS, and BLANK PROWS- disposes ROWS- LttreT, whether thin .tate of the atmosphere ) w v a std AOVTa. t+selSsswmsdsrws► f P»- 2.4 1 0 0 R,ewAao DARLINGTON. SORY NOTES, for sale at the hligsal wmwmrrew myutose.tg y gasr s sslY �w+r, sr dusporestothegsterationofanimalntlr tr lel 015 0 31'Th. 'neve saWofLands is postponed Office. Every diecription of BOOK and nue nude othensues.kawumuu.sarti•eewe fur gold causes of the disease, is •matter o(. CATTLE. uviol (betint a February, 1819. JOB Printing executed with neatness and'•a"•1616Ytw•r••w•aslkaa"dMawlsr"'srtaa' tiros a smear, a •regards the lesson obri- For the jbesr (Mitek Cow (which staall JOHN McDONALD, dos soh. v. Tray roast. 51114'711,711), AND NI CURD ourly taught. Although ezceptions sof to be have had a calf is line) I 0 0 Sheriff H. D. pe (' •UOLNso1 if COMPLILrolr, r OI•>KaIROL as31ILDACM found t t .tr prevalene. ss dry lied arrd oto god •..,0 15 0 Sesarn's Omer, Gontauw, 1�O1tICE, Dour, atDDurrre. ottl►tLRM14D4Ct�✓tyre awns, yet the are too few to ,uraltdate 3r1 0 10 0 90th November, 1S48. 43rd sad, INMA•D ?list. u.n..a ar4TDar aaa.Ml• °' For (he Dia Two you old Seiler 0 15 0 rill E Subscriber having LEASED, for rear, MINDS' BLOOD, JAMAICA We ✓ �ra+ the above posiuu as the rule." gad 0 10 0 the tern, of Twenty years,the Proper- TITS. Volcanic regions ase ee•,liar for their rho yPe L1�11= 00!!)6021!(?/s D ted 0 T G until the first dayre(A April, 1849. ty on the North side of the Merkel 13quare, L'Nttrt r. LOa11'tva l4 electrical phenomena, Wising i suppers. from For the hoot yearling Iittier.........:.0. ]0 0 P ' at resent occupied byTheodore Ra Fi • I! a C U i ! ♦ 6 D 101 a / MN. - die little effect which electricity has upon god ...eft 7 6 JOHN McDONALD, P P ►'%+ 9• Sheriff H. D. wishes to intimate to those who wish to w..wsibwwdfeeasweastr 'k••l•+rw•"w►r the sal, origioausgsn lata. From several 3rd ....»»»»......! 6 0atWnsSWsad wsWittigMei+•mbatirswglte aver: themselves for. nt as BUSINESS,BLE S1T- accounts that I have read, Chulera seems to For the beet thea 1 5 0 Sfinaives Omen, Geenatcn, NIOar •NLT. Natrawl DLaa17Y, ltia101r. _.1 ............1 0 0 January 29th, 1849. CATION that he will COMPLAINTS .1 se la.e., eta4Nic 4rslorartt5. have been peculiarly tautest in such locals- " 'Lsasa BUILDING SITES for anyInn PALPITATION of Me aa4tT, PAINTER'S caotto. ties. :lido... ... ....015 0 RossaT PARK, )) The above Salo TIL>•/. Tr •ridaMPAINTsr'SGIGLO. Limeetonemnstbofawrnbloto the con- Ford,ebeltYoeofWtMki•OOSN....1 0 0 lea. Is postponed till note:ceeditgTwootyYaan,atamale to w.e.woedC•wsrwwaw6wsdanMeYvw•feaertr# duction of electricil from the orosit of 2nd""" """' """•"..0 IS 0 RICH A•D DAR vuooTON )) Friday, the First Rent per annum. la.skir .ke6 y' P y 3rd 0 10 0 HORACE MORTON. PAINS i.ua6triad,tM bask twos ktitsawl 6+am stn texture, avid the consequent water which Fur the hest Three year old Seen 0 15 0 day of Juno, 1849. Goderieh March 28 1848. 1v-n8tf * M M U >! w T 1 l M. ratty aA1W vr161 Sty it contains. A letter published in the Bos- 974 ..... ...... 0 10 0 J. MCDONAI.D, Sheriff, Ii. D. ' + err.. .wws..dwMlhthe tMaledwwa ton Daily advertiser, some few months age, 3rd 0 7 6 Sheriff's Office, Galericb, 2 VfttlaH of BLOOD SO die H>tAD, scourer. y March 24th, 1849. a TO LET s4Lr*MEUM.IWLLLDroa from Dr. C. L. ]aekeoa elates, that the For the beet Two year Steen. ....0 10 0 '•CIOFULA. es ZINO'S >tTIL. Ions cities situated on limestone or tertian Bode end 0 7 6 ROa6aT PAac Tithe handsome avtwe• , be hoagie, oppositeJohn, w.,•t a,ws, 0L0*11. ✓woe 4.101,00 y ' L the Steamboat Taves, belonging to John p O==/� �•a •,• d . + have always suffered most severely from 3rd 0 5 0 ea. Waled 4th, and mune, occupied by Mr. Bea- lamewntewe, tonne MUeswenmse.wwWW1se !. this scourge ; while the primary or granitic For the int Fatted Os .1 4) 0 filen *RD DARLINGTON moo. It is large cad well adapted to the sae of „w lair •er6t« r,trwwe. lined wttlaaru4 region. have never been visited to any eon- 2nd• ....................s 15 0 a De'ab. veeate of Londe fe patpoa,J • respect.Lle flinty -having a lags garden cad illi LIKE PILLS £J1 Pll�11lI BIREIs enterable extent. It never tine visited 'ted 0 10 0 sold itis fent of Auqus , 1849. orchard well stocked with excellent fruit trees of PURIFY T N E l BLOOD, For 'ha belt Fatted Cow el Hetfarl 0 0 the granite countries of Switzerland, or god 0 15 0 JOAN j1tcl)ONALD, varioaa description.. las proximity to the bar. Tyrol, to Europe, while a (allowed the 3rd 0 10 0 Sberiff H. D. boar ofOodericb enhance the value of (b•'sits•. And thus remove all disease from the engem. calcareous districts around. And since it AHEF.P 4ND HOGS.Sltsrttrr'e Orrice, GoDsatcn, t tion and u the proprioler is desirous tkatit okouid ,lege ,,w �t the LIFE P11. L $ Sud did not occur in .the primary districts of For the beat Ram •..•1 0 0 i9th May 1849. S continue to be occupied, it will be let o" remo- tion tit R N I K B I T T E R E esywd Iw r+••k st6s.gr 2 doable terms, either for Doe cement years, u may tut•• te caw salwaelw .t .wry ptl•et Maine, New )lampahire, Vermont and ad ••..015 0 bsagrsedupon. For fnherpanieul•napplyto Lye•sayoruowe»ekt.esswwpatglswUts Maeeachuaotoe ; whole i! did follow the 3rd 0 10 0 JACOB WILSON. ronin wove t..4t with •�..�a� e, o hits Fot the best Eeree(pen ore) bawls'tai- Sheriffs Sale of Land. r• y Geed �• „ sesesieles ea. elr•MI.r. +•. calcareous formation through Canada and Goderieh, gad February, 1849. Sa sed a Lamb each in 16.19. 1 0 0 DlUROhi°JJISTRICT, Y virtue of a ea wan r • r.wwg.t'66.ew.y fres Wall revs r w New York, and along the Msseiseippi, Dr. 2nd 0 Ib 0 B Use., by w►f.k Spawn vatwr 616 dor or snit «+ti Jackson infers, that calcareous soil or tauter To Wit : writ of Fieri STRATFORD HOTEL. w 7w wrappers • 4 & s,4(s '^ ••rr+rr•e. her much to do with the production o ,the Mrd n o o n • • •• v.0 10 0 Fucias issued oat of the District Court of e►ersfen thew wbe poems' dim wt61 whist ..a P f For the best Ram Lamb ..0 10 0 •ward Sane .e. pwYr to o.ree.l, W disease. 2nd........ .. 0 7 6 rho }toren Deetrict, again.t the bands and ISAAC MAY,informs his friend. and the �•y'a"'�' ^'he's' ilfwd 'Mratkrsd I am of opinion that the profession has 3rd 0 b 0 Tenements of Henry Darlington, Richard 1 au 61• rens .on sese dem week ta0,6 . been misled respecting the cause of Chole- For the ',est Ewe Lamb 0 10 0 Darlington end Robert Darlington, at the public, that he has taken the BRICK �. l•,•/•••t d sold by ra, by looking too exclaeively to the atmos- 2ad 0 7 G euit of the Bank of Upper Cauada, I have TAVERN, lately it the oeeupattpn of Mr. ngg. t1IILLI�s44 s. >R071*?. phare, as tho source of the disease. A die- 3rd •.• 0 .5 0 seized and taken in Execution as belonging Brown, at tbo East end of Stratford, where aM ..wewy, Sonar d AatMay .s4, 0.w tfwk. traction of ideas Seems also to have arisen For the best Fat Welters.... .... 0 10 0 to the said fien►y Darlington, Richard Dar- nothing shall be wanting ou his part to pis- !or hew by (roto the aro of the terms "predisposing," 2nd 0 7' 6 lington, and Robert Darlington, tho follow- mote the comfort and convenience of his BENJ. FAASONB, and " exciting cause." Not that I Beppu° BClir .,1 0 0' ing property, viz.: Lore number -14 3, and 4, on the seventh Cencosai"n„ Eastern Divi- g°j°ts: three terms to be always improperly applied 2nd flatters himself that kis selection of Goderieh, Jan. 28, 1848. da S. 1 in Speaking of Cholera, brit from all that i 3rd 0 10 0 Sion, of the Township oilColborne, each Wine and Liquors is equal to any in the hare 'been able to Learn, 1 am induced. to ho- For the beat Saw (shall have badpigs ts' • containing 100 acres of Land, which I shallcountry, and his Stabling department 1.o/ HURON HOTEL FOR SALE. hove that every cavo of Asiatic Cholera, has 1849) • 1 0 0 offer for sale at the Court (louse, i1 .the tho moat complete description. resulted from something that'tho individual 2nd 0 15 0 Town of Goderieh, on Thursday the 4Sth Stratford, 2Yth April, 1838. ' 13tf TIDE Suberiber having nearly a tettld had taken into his stomach. Before enter 3rd 0 10 0 day of Juno, 1849, at the hour of Twelve l his improvements of the HURON mg on this Subject, however, I may mention ORAINs, SEEDS ANL) DAIRY. o'clock, noon. CO DERICII FOUNDRY. HOTEL, and being desirous of giving >!p one predisposing cause which, during the For the Best 10 bushels Fall Wheat 3 0 0 J. McDONALD, Sheriff, bueinsee is that tine, gives notice that be prevalence of Cholera, ie peculiarly danger- end 2 5 0 Iluron District. MILE Subscribers in returning thanks to the 1. willing to dispose of the entire premises sue : that is, an irritable stats of itis hew- Fur the beat 4 bushels Spring Wheat 11 10 0 Shotifes Office, Goderieh, 1 public for the liberal share of patronage on reasonable terms. M a Hotel, the p- ole to which some people are liable. Thi,S3th March,1849. 6 v2-n8U they have enjoyed since commencing business, porty is a most eligible investment, being + P P 2nd . . 1 5 o Beg td intimate that they have now oil hand sod surpassed, or rhe equaled bynone in mny arise from a defect of the contractility 3r4 r I 0 0 Tho above Salo is postponed until rho 1st Pa , De Pe+ 119 of the intestina( capillaries, so as to give the Fee the beat 2 bushels Ry• e' are making to order s Inge assortment of Cook - the District either for extent of ►usiaesu 1 0 U day cf Augnet, 1X49. ing, parlour, and tax stoves plough castings, ' ingessa of the canal too direct an influence- end ▪ 0 15 0 JOHN MCDONALD, Hhetlli;11.D. fire grates, fanning mill castiop,smut machines, or accommodation. Stabling, sheds, Hoy- t upnn the avium of the blood : o►, according 3rd 0 10 0 BberiS'e Gffloe, aodttreb, and emery other article usually connected with ions, bre., ice., en ell on an extensive to the electric theory, it may arise from a For the best 4.boobele Ba• rley., 100 0 00 19th May, 1849. the trade, which they will be happy to cell on the .Cale. The !louse V jar's, substantial,c >netitutionally negative condition of this ni 3rd 0 11005 0 0 most reasooab e terms for enah. commodious, and well furnished, sod will portion of the System. For the best 2 bushels Oats 0 15 0 G. M. & Co., having made extensive alts,•- be sold with all its furniture and imputes - tions be continued.) and 10 0 S11( Sheriff's Sale of Land. tion. and improvements in the finishing depart- fiancee at a fair value. One-third of Ib$ HURON DISTRICT, le Y virtue of a mens of their establishment, by the ictrodectloa emcees. mosey will be required dorm, and Foo the Lest 2 bushels Peas 15 0 To wit : Fine of f of ✓self-acting machinery, are Dow ended to libenl time will be give6 for the reminder.LIST OF LETTERS end 10 0 Facies, Mend out of rho District Court of exee.te all orders with which they may b In the tne►shme. F.MAININC in the Post Office at Stratford 3rd 7 6 the Iluron District, arsine!, the Landa and entrusted for the supply of thrashing machines, The proprietor begs leave to hairnets to rip to 4th June, 1849. grist and saw milt. geulsg and every ether die Allen Rev. D Lonphlin Caihriee For the beat bushel Timothy 70 0 Tenements of Cyrus McMillan, at the suit eriptiw of machinery, on 1611 mo.i scientific and his friends, customers and the public gel's- . Carroll William Leith Andrew 2nd 7 6 of Joseph Stiller, I have rc; 01] and taken in economical priaciplu,and with the greatest (ui- telly that the late improvements end midi- Allen Henry Mair David 3rd 5 0 Execution as bcloeging to the said Cyrus 117 and dispatch. bion which he has made hare nadered the • Croaley Michael Madden Ellen For Ihebeat 2 bushels of Corte in doh,) 10 0 McMillan, tho following property, viz.:- The subscribers would also *form the pabile Heron hotel capable of yielding very Flynn Patrick Miller Joseph end 7 b Town Lot number 6, North side of West that as the lowest cash price will in future M superior accommodation, and of giving l Flitches demes MartinCethrine 3rd ' 0 street,or running number 995, Town of charged for all oodemaovficutedatlxifesteb- For the beer 3J lie. Salt Bmtet 15 0 1 g Qe1)on1 eatiefaetion, sad i1 retaraiog hie Fisher Alexander McVittiegbeWilliam 2nd 10 0 Gaderich, which I •ball offer for sale at the lishment, their credit business meet Deceaarily hreonest thanks for put favors, wishes to Primer /ladenWilii Ogilbie James 3r1 7 6 Court House in the Town of Goderieh, on become extremely lirotted They would also assure the public, that whits Its remains aeniall Robert R.chen Mrs. William For the Lcsl 40 lbs. Cheese •10 0 Thursday the _1st day of June, 1'449, •t Hole or'aer i alt those 1 hemm either �y proprietor, no labor nor expense shall ►e Henry Rol girt Smith in Meg forward Higgins B.nholemew Rchnilhcr Sebastian 2nd•7 6 Twelve o'clock, noon. and settle their rctpeetiredeM., or they will 1s wanting in conducing to the comfort sad ) Ha Andrew Rei int Thomas ;t'A 5 0 J. McDONAD, Sheriff, lased in the heads atm attorney for collection wi.rtuntneet o! thew wbo may M die y x For the beet 2:, lbs. of Maple Sugar 10 0 Huron Dutriet. D Hamilton Hugh Rebboi (:Sergi without further aotice. posed to patronise tib bow. iluullan 'fhomu Reegmiller Adam end 7 6 Sheriff's' Oilier, Goderieh, G. MiLLER S. Co., JAMES OENTLEB• June Me. Verner Moore ROUTS. • 21st March, 1849. ' 2v-n8tf Gaderieb, Dec.15*, 1948. N. 0. -An experienced and att./ttve KirleyJohn Wooster Henry -Fur tear acre of Turnips 13 0 2ad 10 0 The stave Sala is Postponed enol Wedaealay Hostler u always in attendance. Kippan Duncan 3rd . . ` 7 6 the fire( day of August next. DISSOLUTION Goderfeb,. April 6, 1849. vtt-a9-Sm A. F. MiCKLE, Fomenter. JOHN McDONALD, Stratford. Jane 4th, 1849. Fut the beet urea Potatoes 1 0 0Shelli(, Hutu D'ulriet. 2ad •0 15 o OF COPARTNERS HP. Upper Canada Rebellion Losses, TAILORING 3rd o 10 0 Sbe►irr'• lilt ►ri1E Partnership heretofore existing For the bent I acre of Carrots 0 10 0 Gadericb, 1G:b Jude, 1849. v2-730 Goderich and }Iarpurhoy, in this Dis- Rr.rtltr General. p5u, st ESTABLISHMENT. 2nd 0 7 G triet, ender the name of Thomas Gilmour IMeulreal, 19th Yarth, 1849. ) For the best 1 acre of Beets 0 l0 0 et. Co., is this dsy direolred by mnteal con- PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby veli, that end 0 7 6 Sheriff 's Sale of Land. sent. All those indebted to the said firm, Q MANUFACTCRF.A. Claimssta fn Rebeilio. Lessee in A . N A S M Y T H For the Lest 10 yenta Domestic made HURON DiSTRIC7 , tt BT tions 1)(a Writ will pay their respective accounts or notes Canada West, who bare not applied to, sad Y returning thanks to his rricnde and 0a- Cloth . 0 13 0 ' Wrr : (�of Fine Facia., is- ta-' Robert Moderwoll, and all those to received payment of then Clams from the IN moron. Customers for the Liberal Pat- 9nd 0 10 0 seed sal of the District Const of the throe Die whom they aro indebtee will be paid by the respective Agents of the Bask of Montreal, renege which ho has recoi•od during the 3rd 0 7 6 triceag.rnsr rhe (•lids and Teaemcets of Ricb• said Robert Moderwell, by whom the Ina- in the seven) district/rutheretofore notified pant year, begs to intimate that he has jest For the best Nur of do Blankets 0 1$ 0 and Darlington, at the suit of Roes Robertson, 1 'nen will hereafter bo continued. wdJ from and after the int day of Jos 2nd 0 Id 0 have eeiud and taken i1) Execution as belonging THOMAS GiLMOUR. apply �y received an extensive Assortment 9M 0 7 6 r1) the said Richard Darlington, LOT Number next, be aseeoetated t0 • I for t ROBERT MODERWELL. of the same, either or bydui C'' '.7313 leIleDeC,ZE.7 L Cwa3Cler For the heel 10 yard. Dome•tie trade FOUR in the Seventh Concession, Eastern DI- personally y and is ready to Execute all Orden given to Flannel 0 15 0 vision, Township of Colborne, eontaioiog 100 Godt:richelluro1) District appoiplsd Attention, b the Parent Bank la him with care and punctuality a formerly. 2nd 0 15 0 Acres of land, which I shall offer for sale at the February 20, 1840. , 2-3 this Set Goderieh, April, 12th, 1849. 2v -n 10tf 3rd • . 0 7 7 Court (louse .n the Town of God.rich, on Sat - The 8. Y. VDGI+R, The stave Mannfactern to be from the Farm prday the 7th day of July, 1849, at the hour of F O RZ SALE. H. M. 0. TO PRINTERS. of the Cempeutor, and of the growth of the pre. Twelve o'clock noon.! -1! , seat year. JOHN McDONALD, Sheriff, I-FIIE-BRICK.COTTAGE and Lot run - TYPE FOUNDRY AND PRINTERS' IIaro• District. ning No. 502, in theTown'of Godericb, `'!'RNDBIIING WARE HOUSE. IZLIIr', of 111( Exhibition. Sheriff's Office, Gorltiich, t formerly iD the pouoseins of lie.r� O'Neil, N 0 T I C E . 1 Any Farmer within the District, not D ( now rooted to Mr. Lmes Orr. TM Cot- ALL person. indebted to BREWSTER THE Subscribers have opened a New 7th April, 1849. ev-o10-•f Member of this Society. by paying a donation of Type Foundry in the City of New The above Sale is Postponed aptil Wednesday logo is vary conveniently arranged, and well !k SMART, through the agency of York, where they aro ready to supply orders One relied, ehallbs entitled w compete fur ay the int day of August next. I'remiom• JOHN MrDONALD, 'sited for a small family, has a spacious the Subscriber, are » a • gosod to isotW Heir to any extent, for any kind of Job Fancy 2 All Subscribers in arrear to rhe Fneicty, wood shed, noble, ice., good well of water; aerosnte immedibU .labor with his or Type, ink, Paper, Chases, Galleys, Brass who may wish to exhibit anything at the show, Sheriff, Hums District. the garden contain. .event choice (roil with Mr. George Frazer, Goderieh, and Rules, Steel. Column Rules, Composing arc to the Trnsarer rhe sum of Ten 3hil- Sheodeti lMee, tree., and the whole enclosed with a strop save costs. Sticks. Cass and ever article necessary lis on or before the loth of Angelo :.Cor Goderieh, iGth June, 1849 w'1-•90 Cases, y y g•• Its hm picket fence. Only a portion of the moneyJ. R. GOODl1fG. for a Printing Office. tot be admitted 1)o paying the weal sum of Five would be required down, -the tomaitder In God.rieh, 8th Aegt., 11140. hill The Type, which aro cast in new mould., Shaine.. from AND SI'EC1FICATION8. rhos anneal inaultrnnte. 3. All Subcribers having paid the Salecrfp- decp sumer new wart of Matrixes, with Apply to William Raltt+nbwy of Lh.Cifs- Ibt *non g1 tion, and only such, to be entitled to demi cte. CUD - deep d counters, and warranted r1) be unsureHE Subscriber begs leave to inform the ton Arms, or 10 v 4. All Sleek Exhibited shall here t+rn ,be, T h Passed by any, bo sold at prices tc evil the Inhabitants of the District' of Huron, BENJ. PARSONS• bone fide"property of the Exhibitor n month be- " e- WI totalis AID veaasata WIG? eamA? limo.. All the typo fursiehed by w is fere the Show• and all other snicks meat and the neighboring Districts, that be has Goderieh, Angina 24, 18 t8. bort "handeaet,^ -____- BT THpMAS MACQUEEN, have been pro laced on the Farm of the F.theetet Established himself in Stratfonl SMOG era P.CPrtQro.. Printing Presses (urni.hed, and and also 5, All Saharriptioes to be paid on or before ' NOT ICE E. • The following extnet front en editnrial Steam Engines of the most approval pat- the 10th day of An next. - in this ournal, vol. 4, page 919, as authority and le prepaid toerive Plane and Bpeeiiee- • seep/ >W slll►C:a .__ __ -- to which it gives me pb awn to refer, in terns. G All Competitors for pritsv rrrva r yr the lions .4 Public or Private BaldiD Brld Soak sod %h (�Composition Rollers Salt for printers- Secretary notice of the dedeription of Re k vivid Headings, g TDlF. Avbse►iber Navin�p*, RRNTED lie � e`:atwtsd tN4' support .1 this position (tP Editors of Nowspape» who will Prance they intend to .how, on or before 4 ee, Mill Dam., ken Ike. fide., •"d will take WAREHOU$F, end ..l1ARF belong- neetners`rl dripateh. " A careful examination of all the evi- a Sleek, D• m., the 84th of September. the superintendence of such Erections, os ing to the Merles. Davenport, of this place, ihe Thaw sr two Hwaes Aesar -TEN Ali}L buy three times es much type as their bill. Ir Tws per aneam if ped •Sinal sea= device with reference to the origin and pro. 7. All Stalk and Preface to be on the Slaw the most reasonable terms. has established himself as a amount to, may give the a -bore six-month"' er Twetvs MID Stz Pawn with New of the chnlers, dincln.es this impar• q Grimed by 9 ebbck a the day of the Shsw. His thorough knowledge of his .him for reawAan.a ems COwwlseloN wencoetne of the year. g invertien In their papers, and .end their 1 tont fact, that • humid atmosphere, wet Oi'Tbe Society's PLOUGHING MATCH and his practice (milder, qualities him lot paper containing it to the Aub.c►ihern. will oke place as venal In October. any utadertakin in itis has. Addnee t Any orders or commission from the Mor• No PeDr distoatswed eav:I .nears are Mor- eno! sultry weatber, and marshy "'Aviation, COCKCROFT 1r OYRRF.ND A. G. CUNiNGHAME, Reey. y gchants of (:edericD will 'receiveprompt padap,eel•esthsp•btishert►Weithissdwaa- m peculiarly adapted to ire development. pard, PETER FERGUSON, + t e redo sty Faceplbas will asdwbtedly be friend to the J+r'e 78 �•. StreelNsu Fork. Goderieh, 24th March, 1860. Budder, kn.. Stratford C. W. alien ndo JOHN YeBWAN. Deeel.ber 7th 1847. mlb a' a] �usdirideal is the ee,aawy beeastay n• complete truthlulsest of this obeervauen, FARM FOR 'ALIS Mulford, Much t th, (849. lv.a71! window., Merob, 10411- tr-7et/. ponm'DI% M six e.beer�ben, shall receive a but in its main natures the observation will L s T. - - sews ib dopy testis hold good, and maybe safely seknowledged rrWO District Debentures, nee No. 403, w11E South hallo( Lot ie, on the 2nd Cu- ss r FOR SALE. •NOTICE , as a rule. Is 1817, the summer was ■ pe- •amount £0 10 .the other No. 6741 enema of Wawateeth, will be sold ata I9 IiF,RERY g�•e. that E. H. MAAL- tta.lI le, raise ore at Jerson, end the city 1T T(yN of Goiwirh, path b i find/ is euro ended by marsh... ie 1846, emotion £7 17 8i. Both are dated 10th moderato prise, es* ballot the purchase mo- 1 JOTS )tempers TWENTY-SEVEN lied y sin Dr. Thom of the 8610 se unset, stationed February, 1149. Any porton finding the soy will be required in band, arca the perch•- TWF:'ITY-EIGHT is the Eighteenth sestgtnent, dated third day of Apel, 184$ g . tame, and returning them to ole owner set well be allowed to routs the other bei Concewes of the Township of FslLre°s, Herm) liner nal all hie Peewees! estate whatever le at ereeb eenbservee that the lhe►memeter R District. The Land is well Timbered and W• g stood et from IM dog. to 104 deg. Fahr.•- William R. bloom, Teacher re No. ! ler • number- of years on comms. Interest. bud, la panlealan apply to Memta.�Iteehu• 1 Kartenbury of Ge .i'$.h, npne tout, for M(4 a.d the eteestity of motets " was School Section, Tuckenuutb will be band- Tbe lead a o(oxo.11enl (natty and well wan as, Harris & Ce Hemiltoa, or in the wMcribe(q the equal benefit of himself and all others, greeter ibis 1 "or sew M any part of tee wmely rewarded. All peewee ere hereby wed. An undisputed (Hewell bogie's. at their otlices in (i,rkrieh and Stretford. the creditor. of the said E. If. Marlton, world. at any seasort Ore dew point being at eautiouod •gaol purcbeeiy 'Moe D.►es- For further prrtsculars apply to JO4S / rAACHAN A L17.ARA, wbo *ball taewto the said Wonting duly is IU(. sad the th*rmoetar a the shade tune. Stewart Esq Barrister (lodsnc Aoliciems, &e creented by them sad E. 11 Marlton. • m being al 90 deg , the lowest range , eve. Tuckcnm.to, le: June, 181 t. r:-717-31 Galore%% 2.ilh May, I e ie. ve-WIG Ooder.cb, 3rd Apra, lel) 9v -s9 -m3 Dated this 5th day of April 1919. v1-09 1 will sow eedeavor 10 trace out that dials of 'videos. by which 1 conceive Cho• ten to be depended upon o deficiency of electricity in the locality when it prevails. I think It will be generally admitted, that it woaid be hard to find a question upoo which medical men have differed so much, u rias coataglousness or non -contagious- ness of Cholera. No doubt many facts hav been adduced by the advocate. of the for- mer, in defence of their position ; still the eccentric character of this di.oue has com- pelled them to adopt ground on which u would.be thievelt to drrt,n/web them (rem their pppuneou. 111. Holland, a eontagio- susl, �' y1- •'Itivirescan be teammate"' from the body t rough a few feet of an, ere are not entitled, from the partial experiments hith- erto made, to set nay liable to the extent to which, under favorable eireumetaneee, It may be conveyed through the tame, or other molium. Common reason here concurs with our actual experience of the transwia- sion of the virus to certain diseases, in va- rtous ways and to remote distances." The' opinion of the nos-eootayidnists may bo ruin nod gip in the suppositions of Dr. leery, an able pr.ttihoner, who was in Ceylon when the disease was raging there. He says:- " The a s: - "The cause of thi disease Is not any sensible change 1. the atmosphere, yet, con- sidering the progress of the disease, its epidemic oaten, the Immense extent of country it has spread over, we can hardly refuse to acknowledge, that its cause, though Imperceptible, though yol unknown, does exist in the atmosphere. It 'nay Ge extricated from rhe bonds of the earth, as miasmata were formerly supposed to ho :- it may be generated to the air ;-ii may hare the property of relent matter, and, like heat and light, It may be capable of passing torough space unimpeded by cur- rents : like electricity, it may be capable of moving from plaice to place in an impercep able moment of time." Another writer says :-" The rapidity with which Yellow Fever and Cholera extend their influence is at variance with the doctrine of contagion, as founded on truth, •eulogy, and impartial observation." Dr. Kennedy gives some account of the origin of Cholera in India, in the year 1817. lie traces the origin of the diseaeo to re - makable climatic cbangoa that occurred in Bengal during that year. lie alludes to the extreme uniformity and levelness of the country ; its excessive moisture, from ire multitudinous intersections by the branches of the Ganges, and from the swarm, of tanks, or artificial ponds, created by the dictates of blind superstition, and the seri• cultural necessities of the country. The rainy season begins about the middle of Jute, and continues during the four succee- ding nnontl,s. In the year 1817, by tilt month of August, the measure of rain which had descended tens one-third greater than Ow common quantity, end, a abort time after, is different and distant "parts of the l'rovince, having no mutual intercourse with each other, an aggravated typo of Cholera broko out. - •it is well known, that a vast quantity of electricity is raised from the earth by evap- oration, but, during that year, in Bengal, in order to carr off the additional quantity of water which fell, one third more than the average quantity of electricity would be ab- stracted from the earth : hence the currents passing aro' (1s cruet of oke earth from east 1, west would be proper tionably diminished; and the succulent roots, vegreables, fruit, t(•c., growing on the soil through which such currants passed, would be k/f negative to u proportionate degree. Did not the extra amount of sickness produced by Cholera afterwards, on an avenge, bear some pro- portion to -the increase of rain in rho above instance 1 I do not state the circumstance banns I consider it essential to my theory of Cholera, but because it teems to present at least one reasonable cause for rho urea - bona in the electric currents, a general fact which, 1 think, has been sufficiently demon- strated already ; although its application to the subject on hand has yet to be consider- ed. • If Choler* be really produced by the caose which 1 have suppooed,,then .t will appear that those modifying conditions:and circum- stanese that affect the electric fluid, must also have an influence upon tbo progress end general charactenaics of the disease. - Now, as far as 1 have been able to learn, the analogy appears to be complete. The electric current travels' from oast to west, --.o dose Cholera Evaporation carries off electricity to the upper regions of the atmosphere, and of course it must favor the disease. By all eapenenco, Cholera prevails most It low, damp, marshy regions, whore evaporation ie lures/ed. Moisture Is among the best conductors of electivity. Cholera generally travels along the aroma of seas, lakes sad rivers. - Messrs. Jameson and Scott remark. that " troops in Imlus, marching in cool nue dry weather, enjoy • sooaderable immunity from the disoas.." Doss not the Editor of the British and Foreign Medical Review •,make a blind grasp at the idea advanced in this paper. when he says, in reviewing Dr. Kennedy's work 1 "That moisten', per se, 14 not Powerful la spreading the disease, may be presumed . from the retardation of the virus by seas and broad revers, but it docs not follow from thio that mwature may not be one of the conditions which is weees.ary to constitute peculiar condition of the air accessary for the rapid development. 11 is certainly in this direction that tee look for roper prob able elreidatioa of the unknown lases of the ckoleric wit se." CY A(1 talus addwmed to the Edi ai met be post pend, a they will net be takes sat of tlu pest elf*" vallis Oft A1)rtnew111p, ..• Salines acrd ader,1551 Ins Danica. a ik0 reel s`basgeeat .,..- Tea tion? ase coder, f isseel ...,. 4+ Lech s.4n. l il.saaeias....,i.t �` (Jnr is Ilam., tow beastjss. Qe!' , 25.1 c5bsagsa.t lasertiaat. • 0 I' IT Mhe►al dsseeear die to shwa wits advertise by the year.