HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1849-06-22, Page 4D
♦ • s >: a •MVO 1 `i • unite • leers whet "OM of hewn tee
wesld set be ms 1486604 fIk, when a hill
Tows the Agrlaalt.sl Jauwk supply of bed weld ►e provided kw stook ;
esti! this Is the eau. bowooee, a meld, sage-
ameaL'wLTUaAL atar0ST Fee MAT. alai gpriag est be vory diesdreetageous
The greater part of month of May was Whinier, wbo easy sot be properly preps,
fat from alvNrsble for the anise sowing ed for it, and their cattle most coms.gsset-
*ad planting, and up to the 26th there were ly suffer.
Mw Gee warm days. We bad host several May, 1849.
'Woks and also cold rains, which retarded
t s wowing considerably on clay and Gat wit cut flee following from a reawkably
Wide. Vegetation is cones,/mealy, very well written letter published in the Now
bMkward, and much o4 tom spring work yet SCOliaA an dwgned "a Noes Scotian." We
u.feishsd, We do not recollect to have
most beartily concur with him is the meta
seen se generally low • temperature devise monis
expressed is the sebjutned passage
'ABM FOR WHIiAT at the OoMh
jydl.. W. PIPER.
Gedsrtel, Mb Mareb, 1049. I•. -.Ott
TURES, &e. du. &•.
Be the Herm Duerid Agricultu e& Society.
&c., wall be bold at OUDBRICN, ea Tsaday
the 95th of September seat, wiles the foli.wieg
the month of May as this yoar, and indeed with regard to the •establishment of au er HORSES.
Moth April and May were unusually cold elusive British Dominion. For rhe Beat Brood Mare arid Foal....LI 10 0
and unpbwat throughout. W'• ere gid Permit me toes), that what appears tube ed 1 0 0
10 perceive that the meadows, unless when rather a favorite project with some parties 318 0 13 0
very wet, do sot appear to hare any of the in Canada. is in Nova Scotia regarded u For ths tint Two year.M Filly,,. 1 0 0
gram plants winter killed. we Maie•° that impracticable and absurd. We hear a great god •• 0 15 0
many lands seeded down last year are very deal about anglifying the French Canadians; 3rd. 0 10 0
.'•••rt of plant, and will require seeding again. and a Uciuo cal the Provinces is sometimes For the beet Two year aha Colt 1 U 0
Ws can see distinctly tl,is spring the great 1ad0 1S 0
advocated, with a view to swamping and kd 0 10 0
• !ventage of having meadows deeply cover- controllingthat porno's of the o ulatios a •
.d with snow dieing winter: The spots g p° P V , Far the bet Spas of Farm Hone 1 10 0
gwhich beim of French origin,still r 2nd 1 0 0
Dist have been so protected from the cold, their ancient religion, manner, and language. 3rd 0 15 0
look m eh better, and more beautifully On thee poiut we had better underrttnd CATTLE.
green, then where the ground was bare.- each other. 1f the process of Anglifying For the tbestlMilch Cow (which shall
The last winter emit have been exceediegly in to include any species of injnstico to that ha•e had • edf is 1849) 1 0 0
2 d 0 15 0
Sheriff's Sale of Land.
HURON DISTRICT, Z BY virtue of a
To Wit: % writ of !fiord
lucid., tuned out of Her Majesty's Huron
District Court, and to tree director! 1gaiaet
the Laude and Teneiitata of Richard Dar-
lington, at the suit of Robert Park; I have
mesa and taken is $lecutioa, Lot member
four to too• esventb'Concession, E. D. in
the Township of Colborne, coaWaiag 100
acres; which Lands I shall offer for aalejat
the ('uurt Houle, in the town of Ooduiek,
on Saturday, the 35th day of November
next, at the hour of 12 o'clock moon.
J. McDONALD, Sherif H. D.
Sem atrr's Orrice,
Goderich, 14th August, 1848• 3m29
BLF0RZ I move into (oderieb, I walk
mita Ispat m "House to Order,' I
weoid ss6sem it a favour .f all my Creditors
would mead Mie Mr. Laasestcr'I lame
Room cm Tuuleohy Evtui tbe 19 of lose,
out, le order that 1 Issy gfive thus a state-
ment of my psalmiar) alter �., Ice.
Goderieb, loot let, 1649.
101k Nosemas►, 1848.
VOR SALE by the Subscribers,
HERR i N 0 8,
37 For which Produce will be taken i■
payment. M. B. SEYMOUR k CO.
God 8' Blank Deeds and Memorials,
Ruazwr P.Rss, ND all kinds of DIVISION COURT
vs. p . BLANKS, and BLANK PROMIe-
Riceaw DARLIanTo'. SORT NOTES, for sale at the Signal
ICY The shove aald of Leads is postponed Office. Every discnptioo of BOOK and
amid the fust of February, 1849. JOB Printing executed with neataess and
JOHN McDONALD, dispatch.
Sheriff H. 0.
SMARMPM'S OPTIC!, Ooozalci, (
20th November, 1848. $
43id THE Subscriber having LEASED, for
Q7 -The above sale of Lands is postponed 1 the tenu of Twenty years, the Proper-
uoul the tint day of April, 1849. ty on the North side of the Market Square,
JOHN McDONALD, at present occupied by Theodore Reid, Esq.
Sheriff 11. D. wishes to intimate to those who wish to
SusaIn • GIriCR, GnDEa1Cw, avail themselves of an ELIGIBLE SIT-
Jenuuv 29th, 1849. UATION for BUSINESS, that be will
Rusear PARK, The above Salo LIAsa BUILDING SITES for any Term
es. is postponed till not ezeoeding Twenty Years, at a moderate
RICHARD DARLINGTON Friday, the First Rent per annum.
day of June, 1849. HORACE MORTON.
J. McDONALD, Sheriff, H. D. Godericb, Marsh 88, 1848. 2v-a8t1
Sheriff's Office, Goderich, t TO LET,
March 241h, 1849. S
Roeser PARK,
TIIAT handsome two-story house, oppeeite
1 the Steamboat Tavern, belonging to Jobe
Of. Wilson 4th, and meow!, occupied by Mr. Bea -
DARLINGTON roan. It is large and well adapted to the use of
aj The above sale of IAnde is postponed • respectable family -having a lage garden and
until the first of August, 1849. • orchard well stocked with excellent Gait ivies of
JOHN McDONALD, ••noes descriptions. Its proximity to the bar -
Sheriff 11. D. hour of Goderich enhances the value olds' nine -
nog OTriCt, GODRIICH, tion and as the propnoter isdearou'thetit Meek'
19th May 1849• cootinue to be oecopied, it will be let ea teas -
19th terms, either for one or more years. as may
Sheriff's Sale of Land. be agreed upon. For farther particulars apply to
HURON DISTRICT, j BY virtue of a Goderich, 2nd February, 1849. 52
To Wit : writ of Fieri
Facia. issued out of the District Court of
rhe Huron District, against the Lands and
Tenements of Henry Darlington, Richard ISAAC MAY, informs his friends and the
Darlington and Robert Darlington, at the 1 public, that he has taken the BRICK
suit of the Bank of Upper Cattails, I have TAVERN, lately in the occupation of Mr.
seized and taken in Execution as belonging Brown, at the East end of Stratford, where
to the said Beery Darlington, Richard Dar- nothing shall be wanting on his part to pro-
lington, and Rolmert Darlington, the follow- mote the comfort and convenience of his BENJ. PARSONS,
ing property, viz.: Loth number '2, 3, and 4, guests. Sole Aaeet.
on the seventh Concession„ Eastern Divi- I. M. flatters himself that his selection of Goderich, Jan. 28, 1848. 1
sion, of the Township of Colborne, each Wine and Liquors is equal to any in the
containing 100 acres of Land, which d shall country, and his •Stabling department is of
offer for talo at the Court !louse, in the the most complete description.
Town of Goderich, on Thursday the 28th Stratford, 28th April, 1848. 1311
day of June, 1849, at the hour of Twelve
o'clock, noon.
J. McDONAI.D, Sheriff,
Citron District. mlIE Subscribers in returning thanks to the
Sheriffs Office, Goderich, 1 public for the liberal share of patronage
2Sth Mareb, 1949. TiDBIf they have enjoyed since commencing business,
The above sale is postponed until the 1st Beg to intimate that they have now on hand ar.d
day of •Augost, 1849. are makieg to order a large assortment of Cook -
JOHN McDONALD, Sheriff, !T.D. ing, parlour, and box stoves plough castings,
Sheriff's Gffice, Goderich, fire grates, fanning mill castings,smut machines,
19th May, 1849. and every other article nenally connected with
y the trade, which they will be happy to sell on the
most reasonable terms for cash.
�}, ,G. M. & Co., having made extensive 'hens -
Sale of T'aD(i' tions and improvements in the finishing depart-
HURO�NGI DISTRICT, Z BY virtue of a ment of their establishment, by the introduction
To wit : S Writ of F,eri of self-acting machinery. are now enabled to
Facial, leaned ont of the District Court of execute all order, with which they may be
the Huron District, against the Lands and entrusted for the enpply of thrashiog machines,
Tenements of Cyrus McMillan, at the suit grist and taw mills gearing and every other dis-
of Joseph Miller, i havo seized and taken in cription of machinery, on the most scientific sod
Execution as belonging to the said Cyrus economical principles,and with the greatest faci-
McMillan, the following property, viz.:- ity nod ..t patch.
Town Lot number 6, North side of West
he =cab cribers would also inform the pablie
that as the lowest 111)1 price will in future be
street, or running pumper 995, Town of charged for all goods manufactured at tbeirestab-
(ioderich, which I shall offer for sale at the iishment, their credit beelines' must necessarily
Court House in the Town of Goderich, on become extremely limited. They would also
Thursday the elst day of June, 1819, at request, that all those indepted to themeither by
Twelve o'clock, noon. note or account, will ceme forward immediately
J. McDONAD, Sheriff, and settle their respective debts, or they will 1e
Iluron District. placed in the hands dee attorney for collection
Sheriffs Office, Goderich, it without (usher notice.
21st March, 1849. 2v-nSt( G. MiLLER A C+
Goderich, Dec. 15th, 1848.
The above Sale i. Postponed
until Wedeesd
the first day of August next.
Shona liaros District.
Sheriff's Office.
Goderich, 16th Jose, 1849. v9 -s20
„nfavou►able fur fell sown what in Eastern large body of British subjects, who already•° """"""""""
Canada, but we suppose very little has been form at leant one half the population of Jrd 0 10 0
sown.We should not, however, giro rip pre, For No beat Two year old Reiter 0 15 0
the ho of being able to row s hardyDotted Canada, to such a design, no mat- god 0 l0 0
De ff g ter in what form pressed, or by whom en- 3rd 0 7 6
variety of (all shoal here, by proper cele tertained, we will be no parties. A Coo For the best yearling Heifer 0 10 0
vatton, and sowing early. Except where federation, or an Union, on such a basis, 2nd 0 7 6
rhe soil bas been insufficiently drained, it would bring with it curse. numerable, 3rd 0 5 0
may have been possible to put in most of without • single blessing. For the best Bull........ 1 S 0
the seed during the montb of May, and We have no desire to fora part of a Na- 2°d•••• 1 0 U
where due exertion has been made, there tion, with a Helot and inferior race within 3rd "" "' ...... "' •'•0 15 0
will not be much of the sowing or planting its bosom. if the French Canadians, then, For the beat Yoke of Working Oxee.,1 0 0
to do after the last of the month, with the are to be disfranchised; to be trampled upon 93:18.....
nd........ 0 10 0
exception of turnips and buck -wheat, which -to be denied one right of British Pub'ect. ani ............ ... 0 10 0
may be sown throughout the month of bone g J For the host Three year old S seri 0 15 0
-one privilege of the political and social end ...0 10 0
and the former to the middle of July. We
stated some time ago, a method adopted by compact contemplated, we will never con- 3rd 0 7 6
some farmers art England in sowing turnips sent to become
come their oppressors -to
to assume For the best Two year old Steen. 0 10 0
the responsibilities of tyranny -to earn 2nd 0 7 6
to preserve them from the fly -that is, sow• their re-cuperative hatred and hostility, and 3rd 0 S 0
in a row of rye or barley between tbedrills For the hitt Fetid Ox 1 0 0
g to foster in our very midst the elements
of turnips some time previous to sowing the of domestic discord, and national weakness. god ........... 0 1S 0
latter so that the (armor might have attain- •Che Angle Saxons of Canada may, if they 3rd 0 10 0
ed some height of plant before the turnips ars strop enough, have the disposition,For the beet Fatted Cow or heiferl 0 '
were over ground. The young plants of g g '
2nd 0 15 0
barley and rye are said to protect the fur- dry this unpromising experiment for them- 3rd 0 10 0
nips from the fl Another method rococo- solves. The Nova Scotian' will never aid SHELF AND HOGS -
i them, nor consent that a Frenchman on the For the best Ram f 1 0 0
mended ti, sowing mustard seed in rows, or Richelieu shall have an inferior status to 2nd 0 15 0
corners of the turnip field, sufficient time that which is now enjoyed by a Frenchman 3rd 0 10 0
before the turnips that the mustard shall be n Archat or Clare. For the best F.wes(pe° of 2) having ra-
in full leaf before the 'turnips come up, thus The process by which the people of .ed • lamb sash in 1849f 0 0
French ori in who Deco the vile of the 2nd
0 t5 0
providing food for the fly which they prefer
to the turnip plant, and will not prey -opo^ p1 g 3rd .... • • • • 0 10 0
St. Lawrannce, are to be Anglified, as the For the best Ram Lamb 0 10 0
the latter while they havo the mustard term goes, has never been very clearly de- 2nd 0 7 6
plants. Steeping the Beed previous to sow -
fined. If we have read history aright, and 3rd . 0 5 0
ing in train -oil, end drying it In flour of iul- are to be gelded by the lights of other lands For the best Ewe Lamb
0 l0 0
is also recommendedas a metas to or by our own domestic experience, were 2nd 0 7 6
save the turnip plants from the fly. We justified in anticipating no very brilliant 3rd 0 5 0
have steeped the seed in a strong decoction rewltr, should the political enthsteiasu of For the bast Fat Withers.... 000
,0 10 0
of tobacco with good effect. Inmaking use Canada ever attain the power to try their 2nd 0 7 6
of steeps, the great point is, that the seed 3rd ..0 5 00
be as quickly as possibly push•d forward in flow many different race. were included BeetBoar
0 15 9
to the rough leaf, by stimulating manure. It within the French Monarchy? How many gid 0 10 0
is a great eryrspgo to turnips to have their under the Empire 1 How manyaro ruled
growth very rapid in the commencement P For the best Sow (shall have had pigs in
over at this moment by Louis Napoleon ?- • 1841) .... ..............1 0 0
until they are safe from their great enemy, _Have they, at any period, all dressed alike 2nd 0 15 0
the fly. We believe a large quantity of -or speak the same language? flow great 3rd 0 10 0
wheat will have been sown this year, and a diversity of speech, of religion, of costmue GRAINS, SEEDS AND DAIRY.
we have seldom seen a poom*r sample of seed -of mental and physical organization and For the Best 10 bushel, Fall Wheat 3 0 0
w far as regards the size of the grain, than developement, is presented to the eye in the 2nd • 2 5 0
what feu tomo under our notice this year. widely extended dominions of the Czar 1- 3rd 110 0
It has become necessary that we should Of what many coloured materials was the
For itt. beat 4 bushels Spring Wheat 1 1 10 0
have new samples of wheat imported. The German Empire composed ; and do not 3rd 0 o
expense of doing so would be amply Com- all these, harmoniously blending at timer, Fur the best2.bu• ehcl.R▪ ye 0 0
peneatcd to thb country, although it may bo ands sin broken and oontradieti0guiehed, 2nd 001101 15 )001 0/
difficult to convince "the country " that it add endless variety and intercat 10 the so- 3rd 11100500,
0 0
would be their internst to import this Beed tial aspects of that groat Dation 1 In too For the best 2 bushels Ba▪ rley 0 0
fur the people. Tho oxpenne to a private proudest periods of the Spanish monarchy and is 0
itdivua of importing new eeedi is too great who could have mistaken an Andaluaion for 3rd 0 t0 0
to bo incurred by must people, and under a Castilian -a native of Biscay for a dweller For the best 2 bushels O• ats 0 15 0
our peculiar circumstances. "Tho coun- epee the Mediteranean shore ? The great- and 0 10 6
try " or public Societies should import these est Empires of antiquity were composed of For the best 2 bushels Peas 0 1.; 0
things. If we could only see the seeds that different 'nations, triose and tongues.' Sup- 2nd o 10 0
are produced from superior husbandry in pose that Xerxes had commenced tho hope- • 3rd . n 7 6
the British !glee it would give farmers an P
fill task of enforcing uniformity of costume Air the hest bushel Timothy o ail 0
idea how inferior their system must bo to -art speech -of wcapons-of behaviour, 2nd 6
produce such samples as we dq in this coup among the countless battalia that he mar- 3rd 0
try, it is said that the Temperance move shelled for the conquest of Greece. Fancy For the beat 2 bushels ofCorn(in cob,) 10 0
merit in Canada will prevent much barley even the Greeks themselves to have present-
tad 7 b
pain sown this year. Although it might 3rd :, 0
ted this much coveted uniformity, and you For the beet 50 lbs. Salt flatter 15 0
manufactured into beer, it is an ex -
must fancy the page of homer, deprived of god 10 0
cel ent grain to employ for feeding beef and half ata charms. 7 6
pork, and we would recommend farmers not If, then is every quarter of the globe, at For die best 40 lbs. Cheese 10 0
to give up its cultivation, as it is a suitable every page of the world's history, people of 2nd 7 6
grain for our snit and cUmnte. Oats is also various origin, and epeech,and manner, have •
31d 5 0
seta to be lees extensively sown from the shared the ills and advantages of •
the same For the Lest 25 Ib.. of Maple Sugar 10 0
low price of the grain, but we may grow political organization -tilling ttue same sell 2nd 7 6
oats to a groat extent and consume it all QROOTS.
u on the farm to great advantage in feeding P fighting under the same standards-illus-
tandarda-illus For best acre of Taruip. 15 0
cattle. it has been proved that giving ono a�t if theg a agreatesttional smonarchs of antiqucommon to e y 3d 10 0
Ib. of ground oats daily to a calf for the 7 6
could not enforce uniformity of expression For •
the best ae»o( Foutoes 1 0 0
first year, will pay better toren any other -of feature, or of employment -and if •the tad 0 15 0
way it can be applied, and we have no doubt higher civilization,which the Asiatic and •
3rd 0 10 0
of it. The coot of providing Calvo' with European races have attained, has left the For the tial j aero of Carrots 0 10 0
this quantity of ground oats for a year distinctive qualities and lineaments discern- arid 00 70 f,
would not exceed ten bushels, and would
repay the farmer amply, provided too ani- able, what suttees is likely to attend tho For the dbest 1 acre of Beets 0 17 6
mals were to be maintained subsequently meat Canadian experiment, by which Jean MANUFACTURES.
in good condition, and always kept in a pro- Epp lishmao ? tiste is to be suddenly Coeuseed into an For the best1O yards Dome.uc made
gratifies state of improvement. Farmers g Clab 0 15 0
• • • • • 2nd tl 10 0
will require to apply all their talent and.la- You ark me what is to be done with thea , 3rd 0 7 6
dualry to make a living. Products will resunanta, either to United Canada, •
or by For the hest Pair of do Blankets 0 15 0
hers to be raised that will rill, and if the the North American Confederation I Just 2nd . . 0 iD 0
prices are low, the additional quantity will what i. done now in Nova Scotia on a small 3rd 0 7 6
maks up for this. Farmers must recollect, scale, and by Republican America on a largo For the brat IQ yard. Domestic made
iS 0
however, that it will be useless to raise one. Know no distinctions of origin of Flannel
stupid' produce that will not meet a ready 2nd 0 15 0
P race, of creed. Treat every man a ike.- 3rd ` 0 7 7
sale, uefess it be to manufacture into an Fatabhah firmly the general laws and ineti The aheve Manufactures to be from the Farm
artiek that will he euro of sale. The only tuitions essential to the pr.se Ovation of life of the Competitor, and of flys growth of the pro -
possible mans of contending successfully and property, and teach all to respect them, Kot year.
with the present difficulties is by the Audi• bya sense of common advantage and the
cions improvement of our agriculture, so es ^deviating fidelity of their execution.- Rules of the Exhibition.t^ segment greatly its saleable produce.- This is the best mode of Anglifying -and
Farmers who are settled upon the lends of will come, in time, to be regarded as pro -
the country, should not allow any circum ferahle to that which appears' to bo so pope -
stances to divert them from what must a'-
lar in Montreal.
ways be clearly their interests, -namely,
the improvement of their farms and oriole.
'Co go on steadily, in the alcomplishinent TO PRINTERS.
of this ohjecf, will be good for thsm(elves,
and for tho community under every circum- TYPE FOUNDRY AND PRINTERS'
steric that may occur. There is not any- FURNiSHING WARE HOUSE.
thing of so much importance to Canada, as
to have her lands better cultivated, prod"- THE Subscriber, havo opened a New
icing better crops, and having a better stock 1 Type Foundry in the City of New
of cattle. The present spring has been the York, where they aro ready to supply orders
MOM ungenial of any we have known in to any extent, for any kind of Job Farley
this country. The laud was constantly in Type, ink, Paper, Charles, Galley', Brass
a haul state to work. Where we have no Rules, Steel. Column Rules, Composing
thorough draining, in eneb a season as this, Sticks, Cases, and every article necessary
the soil was no mariner dry than it was wet fora Printing Office.
agate before it could be wire. No doubt The Type, which •recant in new moulds,
land ham boon sows, but we are persuaded from entirely new sett of Matrixes, with
that it wit sot all in the best condition for deep counters, and warrented to be amour -
the harrow, and could not be. The proof passed by any, be gold at prices to suit the
of sufficient 'draining in England is -that times. All the type furnished by es is
the soil is flt to work is twelve hours after " hand Inst."
heavy rare. i. Canada, it requires **mai Printing Provos furnished, and and also,
days to dry the soil afar heavy rain, before Steam Engines of the most approved pat -
It ie fit to work. We have much to be terra.
*OS here before ono can fano to the best Cnmpneitton Rollers cast for printers.
and in all masons. This may Q7 Editors of Newspaper' who will -
est • favorable *eases, but mo far, hey three times as mnch type as their.bills THE TWELFTH LOAN MEETING'
atte weather was not the most amount to, may give the a bevs six-months'Od
F tog Beell will take place at the
sowing or for executing the ie0ortion in their papers, and send their British Mote , on Saturday the 30th
ht to be. There is not nay paper' containing it t0 the Srib.cribers. lent. at 7 o'clock. P. M.
Ban in the price of agrieulte- COCKCROFT k OVEREND By
KYDD, tiae
our last Report. Cattle Aro TS II* Stfcct New York GQdorieh, June 9!HOMAS iv-d0'y.
have fed ie the bo', or yard, but December 711 1817.
P/till, ,i• li�11.
The hip W smid eshkiey Mistd..
*Am. love a•e•Yad be teal ►r y r a*
the disease •alta M psI*UMW pmetim sf pis sea ..el�M sere, 1r �w
Irwin Me de eel beyel *MY `w 5) Z711101 41111 -111f -ear 113.111L1.1141111111/
the ortsielmo.
.► *LZOU lm ✓ tea s a LITII r<D _
Y W .sera W .s.L nine ton heave semi. ser she
M ear refile. PIMA.. mmow..d ahem sub teas.
eve urs Mehsima. ell ae.. aanwetr ha Malawi thee,
IILIOUS CHOLIC. sed 11*OU5 Lwow., JULse,
COIIM1* T1Or1. toed with reel woos u the .5.noe.
00s1YPr NUMOs1. DSOPalss.
D'IDM811191111dy rid 1111 di.w.re di►
am, Amid 41143 awns tlaMenstmllen sosetaktmk.
iQUPIt01w ✓ tae Bre'. As tarriaAa. PL4TW
>/EYEE and /LOVE. rw Ws Nowa of the w
1e esnW r Sow meshes .II M Med • sea...s.•r, ars
anal eery v. Other rwi.Y. Yew W ream's' 'Mae to a
Wets a Us d. -a M be des MdYer Y rse+soAl -
TRY Tian. as .Anango. AND 111 CURRD.
•alia*.&L aaaxx. TV
pipT, G/DDINW. ORAI L NLLD/CU11 eaten
lard, li4W4RD rsvbR. INPLAMAIIruav *114744•
VXa; ObaPLAXNirge (1
Mm. MY m .foie!• soli* ea rb AIM, al eistswy lag -
mos aria. tea IM meteswmat sesrMlm at Ymwdis.
P1 L a s . The silos•! .e.1Mer el ton msd,oae
won awed of Pre of M yews t.ad1s 4 ta. wad them Ulla
sladkro.s dor
Rams se.. MM, hada Md. limbs. Mats sed meow
R M E U M A T I S fel . Thea .25.51 .s► UM
Moils dYeaa nig be sus of Me M Ile Lib •.their..
RUSH sL OLOOD te 11N HEAD. aCuR rr.
S CROFULA. ea ZINO'• XVII.; ie no
.wet area U L C IRS, ✓ mindrer*l
'W O Ill a •..far air wA dwasm, .•P•Red W
time 15.41.1em home, well de .811.0155 ohm
two Or Weems Y amMeed. Rail sell be reser
And thus remove all disease from the astern.
A Mails trial wtu/km the LIFE PILL! and
ONCE NIX BITTERlbey.adtwmob ofsumer
Mks le Me maimed*. of .eery Wiest.
Tre'males of ter medial.** are mem pet to V
wra�en earl lobe* together IDA a gelds} soled
•• M.&ty Good demarkr." tosulele' the iemlmti Sift
ea .hkh Y • rawly•' et broadwaffiv. Waw (reel r e•
0111m, by .hk► .niers ri.klag to oily ellevery
dad u,. The wrapper" and carrier are eopyng\t
therefore those vhb prem. them .10. while weeper. ear
be veered that ley are goads*. M e..1e1..d 1. M
hey tee .1u direct wnp
pr"; bet a on be yes dmtheed
tet Gey tome from ., or deet mush them.
Er Proposed ase e4 by
DE. WILeLIA>• omer of yar«oi 1rAT•
333 iroadway, ave lforls.
For Salo by
1 Any Farmer within the Di.driet, not a
Member of tbb Society. by paying a donaih•n e(
'One Pound, shall be entitled to compete kr any
.2 All Subscribers in 'neat to the So.•iety,
who may wish to exhibit anything a1 the Show,
are to Tay the Treutver the sum of Ten Shil-
lings, or or before the jSth of August : all others
to be admitted on paying the oval sum of Five
3. All Subscribers having paid the Subeeilg-
tion, and only each, to be retitled to compete.
4. All Stock F.abibited shalt have Men the
Acne fres property of the Exhibitor ■ month M -
We the Show, awl all orber artielee Mown mut
have been pro lueed on the Farm ofthe Ethrbiese
5. All S.b.rnptions to be paid on or before
the 10th day of August gest.
6. Alt, Competitors for prises meet give the
Secretary settee of the deseription of Sinek sed
Pred.ce they leased to dhow, no or before 4
otdock, p. the Seth of S.plemb•r
7. All 8b sad Produce to be e. the Show
Grimed by 9 stock ol the dayof the Show
will take place as venal i. October.
R. O. CUNiNOHAME, See'y.
O.deriek. 942b March, 180.
Huron District Building Society.
Sheriff's Sale of Land.
IiURON DISTRICT, t RY virtue of■ Writ
To WIT : S , An( Fieri Facies, is-
sued out of the District Com of the Huron Dis-
trict. against the Lands and Tenement. of Rich-
ard Darliegme, at the mit of Row Robertson, 1
have seised and takes in Execution as belonging
to the said Richard Darlington, LOT Number
FOUR in the Seventh Concession, Eastern DI -
•inion, Towesbip of Colborne, coesiniog 100
Acres of lead, which I shall offer for sale at the
Court Hove in the Town of Goderich, on Sat-
urday abs 7th day of July, ,1849, at the hour of
Twelve o'clock none.
Huron District.
Sheriff's Office, Gederieb, t
7th April, 1849. 2v-n10-tf
The above Sale is Postponed until Wednesday
the first day of August neat.
Sheriff, Heron District.
Sheriff's Office.Ooderieb, 116th Jose, 1849 v2 -o20
THE Subscriber begs leave to inform the
inhabitants of the District of Heron,
Established himself in Stratford,
and is prepaid to give Plans and Spseifioa
clow of PMbiic or Privets Bulldinge, Bridg-
es, Mitt Dams, he. ke. tie., alto vita take
the superintendence of such Erections, on
the most reasonable term.
• Iiis thorough knowledge of his profession
and his practice as Builder, qualifies him for
any nnde,takiag in the hoe. Address poet
Pte+ Builder, ke. ke. Stratford, C. W.
Stratford, Mareb 16th, 1849. 9v -o711
OTS 86.mh.!. TWENTY-SEVEN sad
i. the Eighteenth
Ceeeemia of the T.wukip .f Foliation, Neem
Markt. The Land is well Timbered owe We -
weed. F.r particular. apply le Msars.'Beskas.
es, Harris di Co. Hamilton, w le th..5M.ribn.,
Si ONNG .16ees in Goderich asd Stralnd.
Solicitors. &e
Goderich, 3rd April, 1649. 2r -a9 ma
THE Partnership heretofore exiatingQ__at
Goderich and Harpurhey, in this I7fs-
trice, under the name of Thomas Gilmour
k Co., is this day dieeolved by mutual con-
sent. All those indebted to the said firm,
will pay their respective accounts or notes
to Robert Moderwell, and all those to
whom they are indebted will be paid by the
said Robert Moderwell, by whom the busi-
ness will hereafter be continued.
Goderich, Huron District j-
•, iebruary 20, 1840. 2-3
THE Subsriber having nearly completed
his improvements on the HURON
HOTEL, and being desirous of giving up
business in that line, gives notice that he
is willing to dispose of the entire promises
on reasonable term.. As a Hotel, the pro-
perty is a most eligible investment, being
surpassed, or perhaps, equaled by none in
the District, either for extent of business
or accommodation. Stabling, sheds, Hay-
lofts, btc., &c., are all on an extensive
scale. Tho house is large, substantial,
commodious, and well furnished, and will
be sold with all its furniture and appurte-
nances at a fair value... One-third of the
porcine. money will be required down, and
iberal time will be given for the remainder•
In tho meantime.
Tho proprietor begs leave to intimate to
his friends, customers and the public gene-
rally that the Tate improvements and addi-
tions which he has made have rendered the
Iluron hotel capable of yiek.ng very
superior aecommodatioe, .and of p,ctn;(
general eattefaction, and in returning hie
honest thanks for peat favors, wishes to
assure too public, that while he remains
proprietor, no labor nor expellee shall bo
wanting in conducing to the comfurt and
entertainment of tWipe who may he dis-
posed to patronise Ilfb Iruuse.
N. B• -An experienced and attentive
Hostler is always in attendance.
Goderich, April 6, 1849. tit -n9 -3m
Upper Canada Rebellion Losses.
• Receiver General's Office,
Montreal, 12th Mareb, 1849."
PUBLIC NOTICE in hereby given, that
Claimants for Rebellion Leases in
Canada West, who have not applied to, and
received payment of their Claims from the
respective Agents (Atha Bank of Montreal,
in the several districts as heretofore notified
will from and after the first day of June
next, be necessiated to applyfor payment
of the same, either personaly or by duly
appointed Attornies, to the Parent Bank in
this city.
TETRICK COTTAGE and Lot'•'run-
nieg No. 562, in the Town of Godericb,
formerly in the possession of Henry O'Neil,
now rented to Mr. James Orr. The Cot-
tage is very conveniently arranged, and well
suited for a small family, has a spacious
wood shod, stable, ke., good well of water;
the garden contains several choice fruit
trees, and the whole enclosed with • strong
picket fence. Only a portion of the money
would be required dowc,-the remainder in
three annual instalments.
Apply to William Rattenbury of the Clin-
ton Arms, or to
Goderich, August 24, 1848. 80tf
pile, Subscriber having RENTED the
WAREHOUSE and WHARF belong -
log to the Martyrs. Davenport, of tow place,
hes established himself as a
Any orders or commission from the Mer-
chants of Goderich, will receive prompt
attention. JOHN MnEWAN.
Wi.desr, March, 1849. tv-71t1.
IS FIEREBY gives that E. Ii. MARC
TON of Goieb, bath by indenture of
aseigtoent, dated third day of Apntl, 1849,
anit[i ed all his Personal estate whatever to
I. Ratttrwbury of Goderich, upon treat, for
the equal benefit of himself and all others.
the creditors of the said E. II. Maritsa,
who shall execute the said Iedsetare daily
executed by the sail E. H. M11eMs•
Dated this lth d•yof April, 1849. v4 -•n9
H. M. R. G.
ALI. persons indebted to BREWSTER
k SMART, through the agency of
the Subscriber, are requested to settle their
accounts imtmdiatl either with him or
with Mr. George Frazer, Goderieb, and
S ING costs.
Goderich, 8th Sept., 1948. 11ltf
61Ijc 1)nten Eiigntd,
limn• AHD raOram?OR.
onion MAa*trr-sQDAaI, •eDs•rel1.
• • Book sod lob Pristug, executed with
swami aad dispatch.
Tons of rsaltuae. Yresat--TEN SHIL-
LINGS per tenons if paid strictly in whine.
Of TwzLve ASD Six Pesci with Ike expiate
o f the year.
No paper diseeatin.ed wtil arrwm w
paid op. seises thepsblisk.i disks it kis advan-
tage to do se.
A. individual is flys seedy lhsssiniag Fs
.poembla fee six wb.etlbe., shall sneive a
seventh espy gates.
I Y All letters addre.Md u the Editor mud be.
pow paid. in duty will sot ba takes oar of the
pert *Mee THUMM M anvA- RT M.so•
Mx hew tied seder, firm w•rties.. • • • LO 2 R
Ems► wbtsg.eet ias.rtis.. 0 0 711
Tae lies and seeder, first is'rrtia0 3 4
Eat& ',Moment inertias 0 9 10
One tee 1...., Gros imprimis, pm lift, 0 Oa
Loeb asbsapg.t (sg.syss. 0 0 11.
t r A libwal diwiml6_ mai w them. win
advents* by the year