HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1849-06-15, Page 4......011111•1111611•411.11111.40.... _.,.. A DREAM Of THE PAST. it I. b. •eIrie sale 1ysd. • iley be tie pia f, ileal.• dram fee the .M. Bar b ig►w tree ,..digs Cas ewes wield. Them'. • Seem • the Were. Wiwi bright hews aro asset,, As it seed. Y» . Ow a Dte.ss of the Paw 1 s 'TIs.W. a dries that lights Oa the rads jawed sight. AA beetled- ill btatlp Illees prksn t►m sighs; Aad Iss ssdiesee, Ifhe s1rtigi 1, Tbeagb the sky be o'erest s Isthelightetthewl Wise libitum es As ?tet 1 Then V bops far A. mnemes, A. Life wars away, Fee tie sates of ib. peat May be pnaeat to -day. These' the heart stay be searai 1M demelm'e blast. Tet *mem Jay is the mel As it dreams of the past ! Fee ail wbae the toldafa Of fri.dablp we erre. Ts tis Mods of err y.etb Ws all ostially too Wise the sols ea war wb- Tba•ilb ass fleeting to last. L s smile a ear youth - 'Tie a Dream of the Put I teeth padsts to the Tutors. As? Hope cheers bio new, Fay the Rainbow of Prsmae L.ridiss his brow. Age tarn. r the dial As time fleeted fat, limbs pouts with a wile As he dreams .f the Put The Peet regards not The Pmrat's amide 1 Ss leaser the Future Fr praise sad for fours s Yet bis bears, while it throbs Aad Depen to the lest, le dmer'd by one tbeaght- 'Tr the Dream of thy, Fit imesswoommirrwi What a go ahead people we are to this country ! A young eoupte in a railroad ear trot west, begged the engineer to stop a moment nettl • clergymen married thaen.- V o • The cu .topped, the parties stood up, the knot was tied, sod the bridegroom cried- ° Ring tb. bell, Mr. Conductor." 1AYii FOR WHEAT at the Gedlerb► Mabe. W. PIPER. °aunt►, 110th Mach. 1149. 9r-aatf AGRIgCULTURE. Aof tie de Comesitere el' the STRATFORD AORICULTURAAL SO- CIETY bed .t the Farriers' lea. ale illeek% PRILMi des was •weeded. e be Mets kr is the Seeietys neigh Annual Ea8ibitiss, et Seat- hed, es Filch,, ole 19th day til October, 130. Beet stallion for Agriculture! purpo- ses (Prize awarded 1 tit April to Mr. John Ratteabory, La Breed Hue ed Foal 0 1 10 sad 1 0 514 • • . 0 10 O IS Three year old Filly god 3rd Two Year 2.41 iia Acs de Ole te sR SD nr. NS 1 T e int til In< L4 00 ere ety W r{ er 1 rod fisic 114 *1S 4. •e[ Irt ;ho 1105 IpD. 74 d [T it do 9 10 O a O 11 O 7 • a One year old Colt • 10 2nd • 7 Two year old Golding 0 16 2nd 0 10 Two year old satire Colt 0 10 Spam of Farm Horses, (Geidiags) eat Mares 1 0 sad a 15 Three year old Bell, and set more that sum, (ore By -Law for dou- ble preminoy) Ind 3rd Two year old Bull TEAS ! ! TEAS!!! sod One year old Bull Sed Milch Cow sod Calf 2nd srd• •• Mala Cow 9nd 3rd Two year old Heifer 2nd 3rd •• Year old Heifer 2nd Sprieg Calf god Yoke Working Oxen, Eve year old sod upwards Zed 3rd Do. Four year old Steen 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 6 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 M be bteae►t by area eabiblter, sad asld to say metier air w Ithwatty se t f swim tau this thea Balt pre. HONK 811 t .4 Halle weds, -es the wise, r he awarded to talker of the (8... -Ire 141e.; led 7s 64. HAB..E88 Meet tet et Doable, let LI; l.4 16a. .BY-LAWS. 1. Ifs somal goring tie iso ,mases" veer, eta tide is is she sate ebeieeser the sraoo4 say ether year r bet tarp slew sad be eau- ded a s Cessions Wes the Isewty. r sock Wan eaaae•ry rewind se may be derided ea ex- empt 1 6., Swlis•a, lease, rod Rams, saber my drew ee4 teem feet pries he two mem. 1 That a SabserIblr M *My retitled rem pram fee lessee sad CMese, se for Grata of ale deme bird. 3. That ItsYism. Bella dears seem lees sand midis the tf.imyl Dlettaea the seams preview to dm 88.w, tenuous( is same pro- vided far by urea Peemisme). Of saktbeen' sf seek se give as obUgstwo tial they will serve is their asses. 4. That Belle amt Wee • deg se anew to their seer, with a rope or shale attached. to pro- vost academe. S. That the prise for Hailers b. sot •warded r any .slraal that hos pn.m0ely had s Calf. 6. That vie imemis! of Gras sod seeds exhi- bited, ( Payr sed iodise Cons ,eel•d•d), be set Iso than tee b.ahete, sod raised by oa ezbibl.se, from • lied of at besot two scree, [select the mastitp d lead sad grain or seeds be etberwiee meaied] said the Cheese .ad Bauer, or other nem Predate, ezhibiud, to be redoes hems ex- iiititer's e soz- hiitita.•. foss, ked or emelt ; and flet ell Ewes Mows (cows Fat sheep] shall ha...e.bkd a km r die first of Asgard preview m sherry of .8.w. 7. That all esssptitses tee Pisrtt/lomt g10. the 6eeretsey tetra of the bsenps.s of Meas es Predates dee Amid se dew, before. eat es the day bet est, preview to she dap of esy Awed a Geuael dew. •. That e11 .reek and ,redeem exhibited. mea be es the mead preei.ety at 11 .'clock of the day of show; the Judges wales that hoer ester ee timer dative. 9. Ns *nide M tetrad ma be shows for twit pines the mt. yew. 111. not for the esee.ngemeat of them teem - bees who may joinder* 115715 d stock: if say adoral ..lend for ..epettties be deemed by the redgso worthy of the fret prise. ted tf the .waw of ale seam prom te the eatiefs.iies d the Judg- es.let sash epeaim.e of stock bis deo impart- ed er we breed at of stock imported from Great Briar or Ireland, be shall receive doable the ame.ot of minima otherwise awarded. but only for sea year. 11. All meek to be property d exhibit.* three ens.tbe before the show. Jadge* will have 11s- eretiossry power in withholding prizes ; and so person cue be Joie* e<bi"*we propwty. [See O Rales 10, 11 and 19. F. Roles.] 0 PLOUGHING MATCH to be Ise 13th Oetr. 6 Ploagh te le property of penes wtereeg, sad as 8 be of say kind. The grated to be plosghed ms by the perentering, r by one of bis family, 6 r rival a. math previoa•ly employed O bind. Primes: 1st L9; 9nd, LI 10..; 3rd LI; 6 4th 13s; 6th 10. Lib 5e: -L6. Time mahouts. 6 Betiae.' Te. o'clock. A. M. ETA FAIR will. bell for the 8.1. ofFam Stock of every dweriiens,' w the day .f Show in October. JOHN J. E. LINTON, See. Stratford, April 19th, 1849. all -e2 II 0 0 1 10 0 1 0 0 1 10 0 1 0 0 O 10 0 O 7 6 1 0 0, O 11 d THE Subscriber is reluni.{ his most sister* thanks to his friends, and the publics, for their most liberal patronage begs leave 10 In- form them that he baa hat IMPORTED" eboice Lot of TEAS, &c., which be offers for Sale for CASH. BUTTER,' W 0 0 L, TIMOTHY SEED. WHEAT, or any other tied of Produce, lower that ewer offered here before. The Subscriber would also intimate that on aoeosnt of the very large amount of Debts he has meedieg at, he has eloped his Books ageism all Credit tdl 1850, sad ell those persons that haws u seooSat will please eall and give their Notes, tiwtb� ,..e1. soots. Good BUTTER tied {9001. takes for old Debts. 2nd Do. Three year old Steen Ind Do. Two you old Steam end O 10 0 O 11 0 • 10 0 • 7 6 O 10 O 7 If O 1 0 O 7 6 O 1 0 0 7 6 O 5 0 O 15 O 10 O 7 O 12 O 7 O 10 O 7 O 7 O 5 Pat OE 0 15 2nd O IU Fat Cow, 1 year old and upwards 0 10 Ind 0 7 Ram over 2 years old sod under 5, 0 15 0 Ind 6 10 0 ,rd 0 7 6 Year old Ram 0 10 0 sad 0 7 6 Pair Ewes (tee By -Law) 0 15 0 2nd 0 10 0 Single Ewe 0 7 6 2nd 0 6 Pair of Fat Sheep 0 '7 6 Ind 0 6 0 Boar 0 15 0 2nd 0 10 0 Breeding Sow, having bred Pigs during 1849. 0 15 OHIO WHISKEY!! Rad FINE BALT for Sale. cheep for Cash. CHRISTOPHER CRABB. Gede4Lb, May 10th 1549. 9v -o14 .84Y A UTBORI T Y. Sheriff's Sale of Land. HURON DISTRICBMori Tina. of a Te Wit: writ of i Facies, issued owlet Hee Majesty's iluron District Court, and to me dtrecte f sleet the Lands sod T..omes11 of RJOhsrd Des - helium, at the wit of Robert Park; 1 hate wised and takes is Ezecutios, Lot swabs* four in the ..,.. h Coaceeetos, R. D. le the Towoabip of Colborne, coftaWag 100 scan; which lards I shall offer for soloist the Court House, io the town eat Goderich, on Saturday, the 25th dayof November amt. at the hour of 12 o'cock soon. J. McDONALD, Skcrif Ssaurt's Orrice, is Goderich, 14th August, 1541. 3rn99 RoszaT PARR•, 10. )} Rrn•w Daauserroi. LT TM etas. sold of Leede is postponed maul the first of February, 1849. JOHN McDONALD. Sheriff 11. D. 8•aa,Tr', Onrcz. Gauatw, ( 20th November, 1848. j 43rd 0 0 0 0 •6 Q7"The above sale of Lands ie post posed until the first day of April, 1549. - JOHN Mc DONALD, Sheriff H. D. BERanv'e OrncR, GOD,R1Ca, January 29th, 1849. RoDaaT Pose, The above Salo vs.. 15 postponed till R►C.aRD I]•$L/NGTON Friday, the First day of June, 1849. J. McDONALD, Saeriff, H. D. Sheriff's Office, Godenck, Marcs 94t1t, 1849. s RosERT Paan, ea. RICYiaD DaaLINOTOR c7'Tbe above sale of Lands is postponed until the Erse of Angus., 1849. JOHN McDONALD, Sheriff H. D. Sni ar►r's Omca, GoDsatcs, 19th May 1849. REE 1F! WORK. CHAMBERS' MISCELLANY. 0. tretv0L aa. BITa0Talefae EIOWLeDele Edited by Roster Cause., Melba( of Cycle- ppeeddta of Eegiid Literature : With Elegant Illi.tntive Leveeing. Pries 25 mate per No. day of Augoil, 1349. 0 MOULD, LIVDALL & LINCOLN sr.! McDONALD, 8heriS,H.D. 1._71 -Immo, to uao.aca that they have console. 8b.riff s GQice, Goderich, t ted arreagemests with Metre. Chambers, e1 1916 May, 1849. 5 Edinburgh, for the re-pablicatioe, is semi. moothly Lumbers, of C M.czLLseir. The design of the 111 is to supply O the increasing demoted for useful, isetructive.aod O eatertaiei.i reeding, and to brisg all the aids of literature to beer ea the cultivation of the feel- iogs of the people -to impress correct views no O the Huron District, agamdt the Lands and 0 , tmportaut moral ani: social q tesuoos-suppress Tenements of Cyrus 11cM ilio, at lien ci t 0 every meets" of sine soil eawg•ry-cheer the of Joseph 11il1er, I have seised and taken in TO MY CREDITORS. 1111101111 I a... tate Geassee& 1 with stwieli to put my ',Hese. i. Ord.,,' 1 would Mteea it a (svoor of all my Creditors would sleet mw n Mr. Lancaster's Targe Room es ?...day Evesia the 19 of Jo, seat, w order that 1 may gt,. se thea a state- onst of ay peettwary aerie, ire., ka. R. H. MARLTON. Gedaish, Jose 1st, 1149. Sheriff's Sale of Land. HURON DISTRICT, t BY. tirtfa of a To Wit : S sant of Feer i Ferias issued out of the District Cowl of the Hume District, agaisst the Lands and Tenements of Henry Darlington, Richard Darlin too sod Robert Darlington, at the suit of the Bank of Upper Canada, 1 have seised and lakes is Execution as belonging to the said He.ry Darhdlyton, Rickard Dar- !ingto0,and Robert Darlington, the follow- ing property, via.: Lots number 2, 1, and 4, os the wreath Coteeeson„ Eastern Divi- sion, of the Township of Colborne, each containing 100 acres of Land. which I shad offer for tale at the Cu,.rt House, in the Tows of Goderich, on Thursday the 18th day of June, .1849, at the hour of Twelve o'clock, noon. J. McDONALD, Sheriff, Huron District. .Sheriff s Office, Goderich,3 18th March, 1849. ( v2 -nett The shove sale is postponed until the tat IiODER1CH, C. 1r. Sods JYbasa ter, 1048. L OR BALE by the 8wleeriben, BARREIA Or LAKE MVRON HERRINGS, 0(7" Fee witch Produce will be t.8.s is payment. M. B. SEYMOUR fat. CO. Blank Deeds and Metnorials, ND all kinds of DIVISION COURT BLANKS, and BLANK PROMIS- SORY NOTES, for sale at the Signal Office. Every discription of BOOK area JOB Pribilof ezecuted with neatness and dispatch. NOTICE, THE Subscriber having LEASFD, for the ter:. of Twenty years, the Proper• ty on the North side of the Alarket Square, at present occupied by Theodore ReL , Esq. wishes to intimate to thou. who wish to evil: themselves of an ELIGIBLE SIT- UATION for B(ININEms. that he will Lasso BUILDING SITES for any Term n ot exceeding Twenty Years, ata moderate Rent per annum. HORACE NORTON. Goderich, March 18, 1848. 2v-n8tf TO LET, THAT handsome two-story house, eppoeita j the Steamboat Tseen, hebngtsg to John W ileo/ 4th. add peesestly occupied by Mr. Bee- man. 1t is large •0d well adapted to the use of • respeetablr family -having a lege garden and orchard well stocked with motifs( barite -es of eanouadoeenpuoes. Its prozi.sey to the har- bour ofGodench eoha.ees the value o(tbe situa- Iion soda the moon cites isdewous that it should continue to be occupied, it will be let on rear .00able terms, either for one or mem years. a may be agreed upoe. i'm farther particular" •poly to JACOB WILSON. Goderich, Zed February, 1849. 59 STRATFORD HOTEL. FOR SALE, VALUABLE FARM IN COLBORNE. APART or portion of BLOCK G. in the township of Colborne, Western ohm, Huros District, containing TWO ILUNDRED ACRES OF LAND, with B5 acres cleared and in good order ; Yates' I:repair. There is a good Frame House ottage style), upon the premises, 35 by feet ; also, a Frame Baro 60 by 36, and Two Frame Sheds, each 94 feet long, with a Log Farm House in tolerable repair. - There are three running streams of water through the Let; two of which are in the electing r a smell ereharp sleet the Frame Howe, and a first rate Well intim cellar. The prier of this desirable property is i660 mammy. For particulars applyto Mears. STRACHAN k LIZAR8. Solicitors, West-etfe.t.' Oodities, March 19, 1848. tf Ind Fall Wheat (see Below) Spring NVheat 2n1 3rd Barley Ind Rye Oat O 10 ...• • 1 0 O 15 0 10 0 7 o 0 5 0 10 0 7 O 5 O 7 O 5 LOST. TWO District Debentures, one No. 493 aseee.t £6 10 5. the other No. 674, amom5t L7 17 85. Both are dated lots February. 1149. Aay person finding the some, bad retrr.iag them to the owner William B. Moors, Teacher in No. t Scheel Section, Tickeremith will be hand - D owdy rewarded. All persons are hereby e autiesed against Foreheads,/ these Deben- ture*. Tockerrralth, let Jose, 1840. vs -n17 -3t nd Pea 2nd Clover Beed (one bushel) grown is 1849. 1 0 0 2nd 0 15 0 Timothy Beed (ono bushel) 0 7 6 Ind 0 5 0 Swedish Turnip Seed, 3 lbs. 0 7 6 Ind 0 5 0 Swedish Turnips sample !bushel, 0 10 0 2nd 0 7 6 O 5 0 O 10 0 O 7 6 O 6 0 O 10 0 O 7 6 O -6 0 O 6 0 O 5 0 O a 0 Sheriff's Sale of Land. HURON DISTRICT, BY virtue of a To wit :., Writ of Ficri Facia,, leaped out of the District Court of 1ILIUT IJ*., 111' sA0ssd►T.• VESETASLE LICE P41tL$ •SD PHE NIX BITTERS .diessew.w,a..wfaa they - 1.eareed Mei 6 mewisy oohs premade •est a Assn not see w hey s war t M ylode ms 1►1R t1 JR=wa.•11111.21‘..-11K-.. Ate! --111=111111111 s . a einemro R/saltA 4%ei 8 Duna tlltwar>tsS . 1. the math sad .e.e.row 18.s be het s.at+r. t'wam... h..s.. seal saes% Ube ONO a. thew YtAalw.wi*woos LLeserow. 1n. filltansardabs New 1111-101.511111-101.51 01101.18. 554 OUeTIr1NOg.. OYLm0 1 CYvmu•e cw.. o, Oimeure '77UN. Utrd rah lwe1 tan.. Mom M CosawPr atao&•, Deere:ea. DIF21,1leiw. me same we saw fatsmesio per, Arid ally a.a. thaw .she.s• immehatelr. 10UPrwar J w ata to rslPsL.aa* FLATS. L155011. 'MYRA ..a same. wars mow 4tbs aaaammaftwo. wawa.. .01 s Orr a rads. modr ad arra ta..de. OtI r t srsae5 Yaw taw qa.w eitewe te• mem et the irwr• dun by dove ar*•~ at pereees"L-• TRY THEM. 50 .•T1I51eq *Mn DE CURRO. r1,ULNEr4s a CuaPLZX1UN. ISAM31RAL D aILXTT. emir. uloD;NZN1. SEAVEL. UZjDAVHM, ♦5585 WM. INWARD HEVES. INYL4*MAr't0RY *BZUM4- 11011. IMPURE BLOOD. JAUNDICE. 1.085 14751. TITS. OSr.L aO PL.&Ihf?■e LZP*Ud r. LOO8L 'ERS, If coati UARAL DISo/.ea..-. Ikea dsee t...l..1a swirly all ths sabre aewr i.1. Wale o,.er than 110 r5* p.wnM eteeemhm d e•tstenaL 10IMT a1r*ITe, NEaruUR DEBILITY. NRR PUMO COMPLAINTS el sit m,..L. URU4\IC •/'►'ZGTiUO44 p4LPIr4TION e/ ear r1*4 RT. PUNTER'S 01101.10, r i L a d The mew& im..,.r...a Owe te•dedeell wee deed ef Pied 0 yes wodma by Js red Wee Lie M5.lrcr a alum. 15048 neer sae era.. bash. 8.10 arts w erre. AIIKUMATIonl. rime usual rrubtha swim .sem.s w.4 be sen et relief by the fads beediriara MUSH elf 01.000 t• sir UIIIAD, nt;Ua7Y 54LT&Bi UM. S1PELu505. •caoruta. as lflfs•8 Dt►iL, lens ..w ares. ULCER M. et awry ememelrr► W 0 URI 4164..0 k..t.. ere e8.-'sa ly 0,5.00* b Mew Imam.. u .dl .1. well to .,bnt.Ma the. .IMP seer abet we ansa 1• ,e.retd. 11.11.1 ..II be 11.411.. ; TSAAC MAY, informs hie friends and the public., that he has taken the BRICK TAVERN, lately in the occupation of Mr. Brown, at the Ems* sod of Stratford, where nothing shall be wanting oo his part to pro- mote the comfort and convenience of his pleat/. 1. M. flatters himself that his selection of Wins and Liquors is equal to any. in the country, and his Stabling department is of the most complete description. Stratford, 28th Apnl, 1548. lagging and deepooding, by the relrloo of tars drawn from the imaginations of pular writers -rouse the fenny by descriptions o interesting forei seesee- ive a sect to every - day Demme - i •ballad• ',rice! poetry -is ort, te furnish an uoobtreeive friend and guide. a lively fireside enmpsoioe, r far ea that °bite% an .tuned through the iatrsasestality s. Thr aoi,er.all acksewldged merits of the CycLoyeids or EsaL.a L1TIIIYDRS, by the some author. co.cected with its rapid sole, and the "'bounded commesdstioa bestowed by the press, give the publishers full coofideoee io the real value and entire soccer of the present work. The pablieatioS bee &treed, commenced, and will be eoauoad semi-monthly. Each number will fora a eemplete work, and every third nom - her will be f.rsiebd with a title page and able of coeurs, thee tortoise a beautifully illnatrr sd velem* of over S00 pages d %seful and eateraisieg reading, adapted to every era of readers.• 7 be whole to be completed n yuiart ■ cissas, forming Teo elegant Volumes. 6 a16 1 Po Execution as belonging to the said Cyrus O ( McMillan, the following property, viz.: - O gra g da Town Lot number 1, North side of West 6 toe by sod i I pot ry eh street, or running number 995, Town of O Goderich, whicb•I shall offer for eels et the 6 be Court House in the Town of Goderich, on 0 • g of book Thursday the 11st day of June, 1849, at Twelve o'clock, noon. J. MCDONAD, Sheriff, Huron District. Sheriff's Office, Goderich, 21st March, 1049. c Iv-oetf FARM FOR SALE. a lieafhbelf of Lot Mon the god Con AL ie of Wswasoah, will be sold at a .se1Mnts pries, ON half of the purchase mo •P ttrdl he moire& is hand, sed the porch& • see wall le allowed to retain the other half fora •.whet of years os comeme Interest The Iasd r of mealiest tnaUty and well wa- tered. As .sdisp.t..daltitle will be given. For feather to John Stewart Ertl., r*b,1 O.ience fOtb ay,1130r til -a11 Therms District, NOTICE IS To erre., ,I'ISAT the Court •( (KNUAL Q R- 1 TSB SMBPIIONS .f .8e P••m end thee of the Dletnel coat, will bo beide** g ag I. Ws Dbtri.t. .. TU68D&Y the Wed gay .f lot nest. at the Coe He.se Teen N In the Teras the sof 10 dela•8, A. M. et whist; tine moil pi... 11 Sobaor a of the 1,•••s, C.P..enr Keeton M rm raid Howes .f CeereetlmNigh igh said all Whew •eseer••d, be WNW. Was and per - is▪ ms digss digs whisk is Wok fMpsties eIlassegfieglie.SOW $.DONALD, hoe. �Woo !boatel. iikeeir e oaadt. WI .. INS ey--117 3rd White Turnitie 2 bushels god 3rd Potatoes 2 bushels Ind 3rd Beets one bitehel Carrots one bushel Onions one bushel Cabbage 12 beads 0 5 0 Fulls) of Salt Butter, 1116 lbs. pock- ed 15 0 ed and cured, Ira 0 19 6 3rd 0 10 0 Newly made Butter 10 lbs. 0 10 0 2nd 0 7 6 Cheese, 25 lbs. .,0 15 0 2od 0 10 0 3rd 0 7 6 Maple Steger (cake) Produced 0 II 0 251b. on Ezhe• 0 10 0 O 7 6 Virgin Honey, in bitor'a 0 12 8 the comb, not less Premises 0 10 0 than 10 lbs. 0 7 6 Ten yards of Home-made Fulled Cloth, from Wool grown by ex-. hibitoi, sod spun in hie family, (all wool, web of 1849.) 0 15 0 Ind 0 10 0 Ird 0 7 6 T.. yards of Home-made Flannel, all wool, do. (not fulled do.) 0 10 0 led 0 7 6 3rd 0 6 0 Nies yards :Blanketing, all wool do. (twill sot fulled, do). 0 10 0 9nd 0 7 6 3rd 0 6 0 Tea yards Linsey, cotton and wool (sot fulled) 0 7 6 9.d 0 6 0 Beat sew Double Wagon, made or purchased bys Member or Mem- ber of the ociety, 0 16 0 fed 0 10 0 Yet Faring Mill, say improve( kind, de. D le 0 Mad 0 7 6 Yet Ple.gb.,any improved ilea, d.. 0 15 0 Sail 0 l0 0 Tee my Agekeltenl 1._,,.I, We et we- Nieto- tg, 01 ▪ w aspiredher4� se be ddeid by M J54. --Mn in rtrwlkas r/ csamifrs. PA WHEAT -7l. be Mows la tlualaed • rias Melia of espmmhe!, (76 L .,.0 , ) a II ehieek. se... IITFre.a Firer, Ai; Ilad 41 I1• t 1d LI i• ) 4sh t1 i mid 10 btt.h.l. NOTICES OF THE PRESS. From the N. T. Commercial Adverti.r. Wean geed to ser ea American issue of this pcblieaton, and especially is so oeat Rod cree- piest a form. It is as admirable eompilar.os, dutiggonid by the good tette which has bees Mows in all the puW,catior.a of the Messrs. Chambers. It antes the useful sod the entlr- tasiog. We hope its circulation here wail be large enough to supplant, toe good extent, the o emby-pamby and Immoral works which have so lag beet too widely circulated. iIT This work can be seetby mail to any part of the country. A direct remittance to the publishers of Six Dollars will pay fur the rn•ire work. This liberal discount for advance pay will seedy aver the cost of postage on the work. Those wiebieg for ore or more sample antihero mot remit them accordingly. Booksellers add Ageata Upplied on the most liberal terms. GOULD, SENDALL & LINCOLN, • P.bhshers, Boston. 13tf GODERICH FOUNLit Y. THE Subscriber' in returning thinks to the public for the liberal share of patronage they have en)oyed since commencing business, Beg to innmete that they have now oo hand acd are making to order a large armor' meat of Cook- ing, parlour, .oda hoz stoves plough castings, fire grates, limning wilt esmi.ge,amut,.whiles, and every ether article sseally eoseected with the trade, which they swathe happy to "ellen the most ressoeabls terms for cash. G. M. & Co., having made extensive •Iten- tisn•and improeemesls is the finishing depot'. meet of their sembliehmest, by the introduction of elf -acting machinery, are now enabled to ezecnte •'l orders ',nth which they may be entruived for the supply cf thrashing machines. grist and taw MRI. gearing tad every, other di.- cripuoo Of nisch:nary, no the most,c,eai Cc anti econom.cal pnnciple",aod with the greatest fact- ity and dispatch. The subscriber, would also inform the public that a the lowest cash price will is future be charged for all goods manufactured at their eatah- Iiehment, their credit bosiwss must necessarily become extremely limited. They would elm request, that all those indepted to them either by note a. acro.st, will come forward immediately and settle their respective debts, or they will be placed is tie bads of se attorney for collection without farther notice. 0. MiLLER & Co, Goderich, Dee - 154, 1848. TO PRINTERS. TYPE FOUNDRY AND PRINTERS' rIRNiSHiNG WARE HOUSE. THE Subscribers have opeeed a New Type Foundry is the City of New York, where they ere reedy to amply orders to soy extent, for •D kind of Job Fancy Type, Ask, Paper, Chases, Galleys Rome Rule., Steel. Column Roles, Composing Sticks. Caeca, and every article necessary forte Printing Oaks. The Type, *limb .meant is sew moulds from entirely nerve tett of Metrix.., with deep coasters, and warrested to be tomer- pawed by may, be sold at pose to sant the times. All abs typo V.,..8.4 by ter is . heed east." Printing Presses famished, and sad a1.., Steam Engines of the amt approved pat- terns. Compneitine Roll.rs east for prletn. Q7Fditan of Newspaper. .8e will bey titre se eweh type as their bills ammo gay say fhe the .-Meso dz-asnntbe l.ssrtle• is their /spore, and wed their papers s..tg,i.fag It M obs Sotos Ase.. eIOCKCROTT t OYSRND 1M171106am 810tH New Tare. December 74 1847. m i6 Sheriff's Sale of Land. HURON DISTRICT, /BT virtue oft Writ To Wry : of Fieri ISMS. ie - wed at of the Duarte( Corin of the Huron Dis- trict. spinet the Lana and Ter/meats of Rich- ard Darltagton, at the mit of Roes Robertson, 1 have mixed and taken in Execution as belong,ng to the said Richard Darlington, LOT Number FOUR is the Seventh Coseessioo. Extern D1• •duos, Township of Colborne. containing 100 Acre" of !And, which 1 "ball offer for sale at the Cart Muse in the Tows of Goderich, en Sat- urday the 7th day of July, 1449, at the hour of Twelve o'clock neon. JOHN M_DONALD, Sheriff. Hama District. Sheriff's Office, Goderich, t 7th April, 1649. ( le-s10-tf THE LIPS P1LL3 1!17 PU(kNI1 BITTE13 PURIFY 751 81000. And that remove all disease from the system. • ,l 1. trial .111 ire• fie 1111 Pitt/ and PHO"lIX BITfERTeyedthe ,...S.feo•.pe,. Woo a th. ••tl.atas of every paoret. Ti.. gewiw d Ih... .e/,ei.e.... wet pet .7 w..fah • t{r.dr►10t. 5.555* •• 117S...7..01,;416". O•...kuu,"kr at.,.6.g the dtnst.05. e.. Lich i.. daring of Breedoy frost Wall sr., t. oar en which y which ausarten .61/1ag 0.. fly see eery 55. Bed es. The wrap,•.. sea S...sno.• •re .s,yn*M••. lh•na,r. Here who preset. cher web .ale meta be ..cured that say are issue. Se eu.ful..ad de art bey those will. yellow wrappers: bet If yo. do. IN arV abet I15. cwt .deist e.. aw ae awn awe► Nor. gT Prepared ted veld it _ 1SIt r ad I L LSI .>£m� him, •�! T.. Sale by PLANS AND SPECIFiCATIONS. THE Subscriber begs leave to inform the Inhabitants of the District of Iltiron, and the neighboring Districts, that he has Established himself in Stratford. and is prepard to give Plans and Specifica- tions of Public or Private Buildings, Bridg- es, Mill Dams, ke. ke. kc., and will take the superintendence of such Erections, on the meet reseooable terms. His thorough knowledge of his profession and his practice as Builder, qualifies him for any uod.rtakiog in the line. Address poet pad, PETER FERGUSON, Builder, kc. kc. Stratford, C. W. Stratford, March 1318, 1849•. ft -n711 STRAY OX. STRAYED Awes w 8ok.eribar Lot No. 18, 3rd Calcium, o1 Wawaau►, a Black OX sits years old, blind of the of eye with • gimhlest bole in e•oh born -- Strayed from t8e owner abort the Int of April last. A liberal reward will be given to say paries gi►(.g i.ermatioa of said Ox where Mesa be feesd. JOHN GRATTAN. W aw•s•ah, Nov. 11181641. 4311 FOR SALE. 07'8 Swam TWENTY-SEVIN sod TWLNTT-LIGHT i. the Ei*irath las .1 the rewaship s16010e1., lens The Awad is well Timbered ted W. - wed. Ter prM.lms s ply is IlleestmPloolham. es, (lank R Ce, eassilr., eras the M. mese, M tide ellen i fiederish sod thultletr dreht. Godarteb, 5,4 April, 180. p„-as-eml BENJ. PARSONS, Sole Agent. Goderich, Jan. 28. 1848. 1 HURON HOTEL FOR SALE. THE Subariber having Dearly completed bill Improvements on the HURON HOTEL, and being desirous of giving tip boainese in that line, gives notice that N is willing to dispose of the entire ptwlnilM on reasokable terms. A. a hotel, the pree perry is a meet eligible iaveetumat, Marg ulrpused, or perhaps, equated by now 5n the District, either for .extent of business or accommodation. Stablidg, !heti., Hay- lofts, kc., kc., aro all oo an extensive e caie. The House is large, eob.tantial, commodious, and well furnished, and wilt be sold with all it furniture sod appurte- nances at a fair value. O.e-thi•d of the porches' mosey will be required down, and tlberal time will, be given for the remaiodar• In, the meantime. . The proprietor begs leave to intimate to his friends, customers and the public gene- rally that the late improvements end addi- tions which he ha made have rendered the Huron hotel capable of yielding very superior accommodation, sod of (irtsg general satisfaction, sod in returning his honest thaoks for past favors, wishes to .wore the public, that while be remains proprietor, no labor nor expense shall be wanting io conducing to the comfort and entertainment of those who may be dis- posed to patronise bis house. JAMEY GENTLES. N. B. -An experienced and altuDUve Hostler is always in attendance. Goderieb, Aprit 6, 1849. ,t -o9 -3m DISSOLUTION OF COPARTNERS HP. r11HE Partnership heretofore exiting at Goderich and liarpurhey, In this Dis- trict, under the namo of Thomas Gilmour 84 Cu., is this day dueolved by mutual con- sent. All those Indebted to the said firm, will pay their respective accounts or notes to Robert Moderwell, and all those to whom they are Matte will be paid by the e.id Robert Mnd.rwell, by whom the bugl- oss/ will hereafter be continued. THOMAS GILMOUR. ROBERT MUDERWELL. Goderieb, Huron District February 90, 1849. 2-3 FOitt SALE. THE -BRICK COTTAGE and Lot rue - ring No. 569, in the Town of Goderich, formerly to the poseeosinn of Henry O'Neil, now rented to Mr. James Orr. Th. Cot- tage is very eon.entent(y arranged, and well suited for • small family, has a spacious wood shed, stable, kc., good well of water; the garden cattalos several Choice fruit trees, and the whole enclosed with • strong picket fence. Only a portion of the money would b. required dowt,-the remainder in three unreel tnetalmente. Apply to Wllham Rattenbury of the Clin- ton Artie, or to B5NJ. PARSONS. Goderich, August 94. 1848. Sot1 NOTICE. TfiE 1laberi8.r having RENTED the W ARBHOUBE and WHARF blosig- i.g to Ne Mown. Davenport, of the plass, 8m established himself as s ►o&waROM •MD COwwr.ee01e rnaen•0T. Any orders or comrniesioa hose the Mer- chant of Oedericb, will receive prompt attention. JOHN MeEWAN. Windsor, March, 1849. 1,-7stf. NOTICE, IS 118RE$Y t•e•s that E. H. MAW, - TON .1 A.dmkh, both by isies4.�� wa ig.at. MAW third day e7 ... 0. s8 bis lbws. 3 sate er» i. R. 1 ksrp e1 Qa4.r$s8, open t.0., hs the equal helmet .f ►uralf asd a4 58555, the e904391e8 r N. slid L M. M•sI.s, wb..i.6 emeents Ike add (54u05 i.ty .eeewred by lite said R M. WAt4w. Dated Ibis nth day of April, l /f3. ve-all Upper Canada Rebellion Losses. • Reeefcer Geaerat• Oilee. Montreel, 12th March, 1849. PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given, aha• Claimente for Reba:lion Les... io Caoadt West, wbo have not applied to, and received payment of their Claims from the respective Agent of abs Bank of Montreal, in the amoral district as heretofore notified will from and after 18r' Fret day .f Jaw next, be seeear/tad to apply for payment of the same, either personally or by duly appointed littoral., to the Parent Bank in this city. (Sigsed,) 8. M. NiGER, H. M. R. 0. 11-18 NOTICE. ALL persons idebted ti BREWSTER k SMART, through the egescy of the Subscriber, are requested to settle their account• immediatly either with him or with Mr. George Fraser, Godinicb, and save 00511. J. K. GOODIN G. Goderie8, /tb Sept-. 1648. 11Mt dtt)e 0)nron Signal, re moon= *9. lerRmYD tow Pumas DY THOMAS MACQUEE'5, • me►ea LIM ►5o.osvea. 051100 O.LOT -1140.55, •o•S1A. ••• Book aid Jeh Priewee, wewasl with wto.ss d dimmed. T.5's r rise Hoag A..ias--TER 8HIL- LiNOS per same 1f pad pi ietl abases TwPRIMaLra MOD Sul PRIM with t� abases espi oboe; el the year. Ne paper dieseetieerd triol swarms ata paid ep, salves t8. pNieber thinks it hie airaf- tap to de so. As kayaked is tb. •a.awy hemmi re - kr .10 ..k .rousse.. dab sawn• a .•eats ivy gratis. 17' All lets r.eldiwmd se the Edits, smile peaa.aai/. or they willera be uekea eat d the POOn1. o. a.strvwtsa. Met Item bed .oder. firm t.sertise,.. • • MI 9 1 Hieb wbsgmet i•awti•s.. .1. t, •9 7/ Tae Bass sad %sear, ear isserti....... 4 l • 111 oweriWeb 1 eli, at 'i' Y ? IT A BMW~&messes_ waif es ewe wawa adverds, by the yeti.